MPT Project
MPT Project
MPT Project
younger age group people suffer from various musculoskeletal disorders due to poor posture.
rounded shoulder is the commonest reason for poor posture which constitutes various abnormal
structural anomalies of shoulder complex. it may be due to prolong study hours, repetitive work,
sedentary lifestyle, long term use of smart phone exposes the individual to disorders caused by
maintaining the same posture for long period of time. poor posture may aggravate the pain and
soft tissue damage .so, it is necessary to treat the rounded shoulder in younger people. till the
date, no study has been done to find out the effectiveness of myofascial release-elastic band
exercise and pnf stretch –elastic band exercise. therefore, our purpose of the study is to compare
the effectiveness of myofascial release with elastic band exercise and pnf stretching with elastic
band exercise in rounded shoulder.
poor posture is common during adolescence which involves your body to stand, sit, walk in an
improper way and lie in a position where the greater strain is placed on the supporting muscle
and ligament. because of poor posture concomitant shortening and lengthening occurs which
leads to muscular imbalance and thus, increases strain on muscle and ligament. rounded shoulder
is the commonest reason for poor posture.
out of all musculoskeletal injuries, rounded shoulder constitutes 73% of all musculoskeletal
problems. rounded shoulder is the protrusion of acromion of shoulder joint along with elevation,
protraction and downward rotation of the scapula. many of us are sitting at a desk so many hours
a day, uses a smart phone which reveal the individual to cumulative trauma disorder caused by
maintaining a bad posture for prolong period of time.
due to improper posture, individuals with rounded shoulder leads to stooped posture which
ultimately leads to muscular imbalance. rounded shoulder causes tightness of anterior muscular
such a pectoralis minor muscle and weakness and elongation of back muscle such as serratus
anterior and lower trapezius muscle.
to confirm rounded shoulder, the forward shoulder angle is measure as well as length of
pectoralis minor muscle is measured as it is the main muscle which is shortened due to muscular
imbalance. the forward shoulder angle is the angle measured between the vertical line that
crosses c7 process and the line that passes through c7 and acromion .angle greater than 52
degrees is considered as rounded shoulder posture.
different treatment approaches can be used for rounded shoulder like strengthening of
lengthening muscles such as scapular stabilizer and stretching of shortened muscle such as
pectoral muscles. varieties of stretching and strengthening can be used for therapeutic purpose.
stretching enhances elasticity of soft tissues, thereby increases the flexibility of the structures
which have been shortened due to decreased mobility.
there are various types of techniques which includes flexibility of the tissues like mfr,soft tissue
mobilization, different types of stretching techniques such as passive stretching, self-stretches,pnf
stretching which can be applied to lengthen the shortened muscles.whereas,the strengthening
techniques are scapular stabilization exercises, elastic band exercises, manual therapy ,structured
exercise programme etc.
in this study, effectiveness of mfr with elastic band exercises and effectiveness of pnf stretch
with elastic bad exercises is used to correct the rounded shoulder. a myofascial release is hands
on soft tissue technique in which sustained pressure is applied into restricted barrier which result
in decrease muscle stiffness and increases range of motion.
the advance form of stretching protocol is pnf stretching which can be applied to any tightened
muscles to lengthen. there are different types of pnf stretches such as hold relax, contract relax,
agonist contract techniques. however, there is no consensus on whether one pnf is better than
other type of pnf. the other technique used in this study is, an elastic band exercise which is
applied to strengthen the elongated muscles. elastic band exercises consists of 1)lateral pull down
2)shoulder external rotation 3) shoulder horizontal abduction exercises 4)seated bend row
exercise 5) shoulder abduction exercise 6)shoulder flexion exercise 7)shoulder external rotation .
to our knowledge, there is no study which compared the effectiveness of mfr with elastic band
exercise and pnf stretch with elastic band exercises on individual having rounded shoulder
posture. thus, the authors of the study stated that although, many researches were done on
different treatment approaches .but till the date, no study was yet done on comparing the
effectiveness of this approaches.
There will be significant difference in effectiveness of myofascial release(mfr) with elastic band
exercise and pnf stretching with elastic band exercise in rounded shoulder
To compare the effectiveness of Myofascial release (MFR) with elastic band exercise and
PNF stretching with elastic band exercise in rounded shoulder.
N = Size of sample
n= size of sample
P0=Expected rate of rounded shoulder in MFR with elastic band exercise
population.(write value)
P1=Expected rate of rounded shoulder in PNF with elastic band exercise population.
Z1-𝛼=standard normal variation at 90% IC= 1.64
Z1-𝛽=power of test value at 80% power =0.84
1. Consent form.
3. Elastic band
4. Pen or pencil.
5. Plain paper
i) Both Male and female subjects were taken.
ii) Subjects having age group between 18-25 years with rounded shoulder posture.
i) subjects with any history of cervical spine and shoulder injuries.
ii)Shoulder instability
iii) Presence of impingement syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome.
iv) Recent Fractures related to shoulder.
v) Recent surgeries in upper limb.
An approval for the study will be obtained from the protocol committee and the institutional
ethical committee of KIMSDU
Individuals will be selected .The procedure will be explained and written informed consent will
be taken from those willing to participate.
Demographic information of the subjects will be taken. Individuals will be explained about the
purpose of the study. Also, they will be informing about the procedure.
The participants were divided into two groups (Group A and Group B) Forward shoulder angle
and pectoralis minor length assessment will be taken before and after treatment respectively with
the help of outcome measures.
• GROUP A : MFR (3 repetitions in set with 30 sec hold,5 sessions per week)
• :PNF STRETCH(5 times stretch bilaterally,5 session s per week)
The effect of exercises of the group was noted with the help of outcome measures. The
experimental results were statistically analysed. The significant difference between the two
groups was investigated with the unpaired t test and within the group with paired t test.
Group A Group B
Myofascial release with elastic band for 2 weeks PNF stretch with elastic band
for 2 weeks
Post assessment
Statiscal analysis
Approximately 1year.
Using the forward shoulder angle, we can measure the Rounded shoulder.
Forward shoulder angle is measured between the vertical line that crosses C7 spinous
process and the line that passes through C7 spinous process and acromion .Before
measuring the angle; first the markers were placed over the acromion process and C7
spinous process. Then, the subjects were asked to stand at 40 cm distance in front of
backdrop, bent forward three times, reached overhead three times and then stood to look
straight ahead in their resting position. A camera will be placed 3.5 m from the wall. Angle
was measured using image processing software (i.e. Adope Photoshop) by respective angles
between the centers of markers.
The angle equal or greater than 52 degrees is considered as ROUNDED
The participant was instructed to stand in normal, relax posture. We have to
palpate the medial-inferior angle of coracoid process of scapulae and just lateral to sterno
costal junction of the inferior aspect of the fourth rib. After palpating, measure the distance
between these measurements with a tape. Three measurements were taken, and then the
average is divided by the participant’s height and multiplied by 100 to calculate pectoralis
minor length.
The participant was instructed to lie prone, head turned to non-test-side. Test
side arm should be at 90-degree abduction and elbow in 90-degree flexion. Therapist should
stand at test side and palpate the shoulder adductor muscles. Ask the participant to
perform the scapular adduction “lift tip of elbow towards ceiling’’. the examiner will apply
resistance over distal humerus in the direction opposite to scapular adduction.
7.4 Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institutions in case of
List of References:
Kaur P,jayaraman G.To compare the effectiveness of Myofascial release (MFR) with
strengthening and stretching with strengthening to improve the rounded shoulder
posture .Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2019 Apr 1:13(2)
Laudner KG, Wenig M, Selkow, N.M, Williams, j and post E,, 2015.Forward shoulder
posture in collegiate swimmers: a comparative analysis of muscle energy techniques.
Journal of athletic training, 2015 NOV; 50(11):1133-1139.