FOIA Justice Society Public Record Response
FOIA Justice Society Public Record Response
FOIA Justice Society Public Record Response
August 3, 2023
RE: Public record request seeking the following documents for the 2018, 2020, and 2022
elecƟons: EL45A, aka ElecƟon Summary with Group Detail; EL30A, aka The Precinct
Summary Report with Group Detail; EL52, aka Numbered Key Canvass; EL68, aka Results
CorrecƟons Log; EL68A, aka System Log; Machine Log Reports as a CSV file; ElecƟonware
Audit Log - Admin Audit Events Report & ElecƟon Audit Events Report
This document is in response to a recent public record request received by many jurisdic ons
throughout the United States from Christopher Gleason on behalf of the Jus ce Society
reques ng the above referenced documenta on.
Please be advised that when receiving a public record request a jurisdic on should contact its
local or state a orney to determine what, if any, informa on being requested is required to be
disclosed pursuant to applicable law. Elec on Systems & So ware, LLC (“ES&S”) is unable to
provide the jurisdic on with any legal advice or other guidance as to which records are required
to be provided under applicable law. The jurisdic on’s state or local a orney will have to make
this determina on for the jurisdic on.
Most public records laws only require the jurisdic on to produce those records which are
responsive to the public records request, and which are in the possession of the jurisdic on at
the me of the request. The public records laws also generally only require the release of those
documents which have been created by the jurisdic on. The log reports being requested are not
normally generated by jurisdic ons in the normal course of conduc ng elec ons.
The jurisdic on will need to determine what records it has in its possession that may be
responsive to the request and work with its a orney to determine what informa on must be
disclosed or if any such informa on is subject to an exemp on from disclosure as set forth under
applicable law. Once this determina on has been made, ES&S will review such informa on to
determine if it contains any ES&S proprietary and confiden al informa on which may be exempt
from disclosure under applicable law.
Results Reports
ES&S would not object to the release of the following reports: Elec on Summary with Group
Detail, the Precinct Summary Report with Group Detail, the Numbered Key Canvass Report, and
Results Correc ons Log. If the jurisdic on did not create these reports previously, and the
jurisdic on’s a orney advises the jurisdic on to create these reports following the receipt of
public record request, these reports could be accessed from Elec onware or ERM. To generate
these reports the jurisdic on would have had to have retained the elec on data for the par cular
elec on and have access to Elec onware or ERM so ware used during that elec on. For ERM
these reports are available under the reports menu, and in Elec onware these reports are
available under the results module repor ng in elec ons results workflow.
Log Reports
Notwithstanding the forgoing, ES&S would object to the release of the System Log Reports,
Machine Log Reports, Elec onware Audit Logs (hereina er “Logs”).
The Logs should be withheld as the logs contain informa on which, if disclosed, would give an
advantage to compe tors or bidders. ES&S’s Logs are proprietary informa on and if released
may give advantage to a compe tor or bidder.
Addi onally, the Logs should be withheld as the Logs contain trade secrets and proprietary
commercial and financial informa on. The Logs contain proprietary, confiden al and trade secret
informa on which derive poten al independent economic value. The Logs are not readily
ascertainable by proper means by compe tors who could obtain economic value from their
disclosure and are subject of reasonable efforts to maintain their secrecy. Thus, as your a orney
should confirm, the Logs should be exempt from disclosure under the state exemp on for
proprietary confiden al and trade secret informa on.
The Logs should addi onally be protected from disclosure as the Logs contain sensi ve
informa on that if publicized could provide a roadmap to bad actors to a empt to compromise
your ES&S vo ng system. The disclosure of the Logs could create a security risk to ES&S and to
the jurisdic on. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §5195c(e), the United States Department of Homeland
Security has designated elec on systems as part of the United States’ cri cal infrastructure, and
the disclosure of the informa on would create a security risk to the cri cal infrastructure. As such,
the Logs should be protected from disclosure as the Logs contain administra ve or technical
informa on regarding computer hardware, so ware and networks which, if disclosed, would
jeopardize the judica on’s security. The Logs also contain security measures and techniques
which, if disclosed, would create a risk to the electronic data or so ware. Thus, the Logs should
be exempt from disclosure under the state exemp on that protects so ware, informa on
security, network or computer hardware and/or cri cal infrastructure.
ES&S would addi onally refer the jurisdic on and its a orney to the jurisdic on’s current
contract with ES&S. Generally most contracts with ES&S state that a customer shall not cause
any ac on with respect to the ES&S Documenta on which would “cause or permit any use,
display, loan, publica on, transfer of possession, sublicensing or other dissemina on of the ES&S
So ware or Documenta on, in whole or in part, to any third party without ES&S’s prior wri en
consent.” The Logs are part of the Documenta on which is licensed to the Jurisdic on to which
ES&S would not consent to their disclosure.
ES&S would request that ES&S’s proprietary, confiden al and trade secret Logs be withheld from
disclosure not only to protect the proprietary, confiden al and trade secret nature of the
documents, but also to protect the security of the Jurisdic on’s cri cal infrastructure. In the
event the jurisdic on determines that the Logs should not be withheld, ES&S requests the
jurisdic on provide ES&S a sufficient opportunity to redact proprietary, confiden al and trade
secret informa on from any documents provided.
If you have any technical ques ons, please call Technical Support at the following:
Support representa ves are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central
Time. ES&S support services are subject to the prices, terms, and condi ons at the me of service.