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External Market Assessment and Internal Analysis Guideline

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External Market Assessment &

Internal Analysis Guideline

Chief Banking Service Office

July, 2020

BIB-Bank of the Visionaries

Table of Content

Vision, Mission & Values of BIB......................................................................................

Cause and Effect Relationship-Resource Mobilization................................................
Definition of Terms........................................................................................................iv
Executive Summary..........................................................................................................
Part One: Marketing & Sales Plan.................................................................................1
1.Why do we need Marketing Plan?..........................................................................1
2.External Market Assessment...................................................................................1
2.1. The list of business sectors..............................................................................1
2.2. Population by demographic variables...........................................................3
2.3. Agricultural Growth Trend & Projection......................................................4
2.4. Industry Growth Trends and Projections.....................................................5
2.5. Main Customers and Suppliers, Farmers and Growers..............................7
2.6. Supporting stakeholder/ Development Partners........................................8
2.7. New Companies’ Developing in the Target Market....................................9
2.8. Technology Parks/Industry parks, Business or Commercial Centers....10
2.9. Import and Export..........................................................................................11
2.10.Distributors and Distribution Channels......................................................11
2.11.Competitors’ Analysis....................................................................................13
3. Internal Assessment/Analysis...........................................................................14
4. SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................16
5. Assumptions.........................................................................................................18
6. Deposit & Customer Base Annual Plan............................................................19
7. Promotion Methods/Product Selling Techniques...........................................19
7.1. Identify and use of Companies Promotion Method..................................19
7.2. Develop Own Promotion Method................................................................20
8. Marketing and Sales Budget...............................................................................20
Part Two: Monitoring & Evaluation of Plan Performance.......................................25
1. Resource Mobilization Teams............................................................................25
2. Integration between Concerned Work Units...................................................35

1. Market Assessment data collection different templates
2. Product/service sales plan preparation template
3. Branch/ District plan performance reporting template
4. Customer identification & Maintenance database form
5. Action Plan form
6. Related memos communicated to districts earlier
Whereas, it is found important to conduct external market assessment and
internalanalysis to prepare proper marketing objectives &sales plan based on the
right information regarding the market;

Whereas, it is important to strengthen the districts and branches support and

enhance the integration among different work units of the bank, to address
missing and overlapping responsibilities and to create efficient product and
channels ownership;

Whereas, it is important to properly recognize and exploit potentials of the

surrounding target market as well as establish firm relationship with high value
customer to enhance the bank’s performance;

Whereas, it is important to assess internal weaknesses in areas of branches

productivity and strengthen account base analysis effortsto improve per account
balance of zero & low balance accounts, attracting shareholders as bank
customers and using them for referral marketing so as to enhance the bank’s
financial and non-financial performances;

Whereas, it is found important to standardized branches& districts

environmental scanning activities which can enhance deposit mobilization
efforts and facilitate effective coordination and closely follow up their day to day
marketing activities;

Now, therefore, the bank has prepared standard templates to undertake external
market assessment and internal analysis and guideline to clarify and show
branches how to conduct external market assessment and internal analysis, how
to develop marketing and sales plan using the templates.
1. Definition of Terms
The terms indicated in this document have the following meaning;

1. Business Customers: Shall mean customers who are involving in doing

businesses and mobilizing large amount of fund.
2. Business/Commercial Center: Shall mean large buildings with various
types of businesses or offices, having many lessees in those commercial
3. Capital: Shall mean finance of the business customers registered in the
trade license.
4. Competitors: Shall mean to other banks and micro finance institutions
which closely compete with branches/ BIB,
5. Competitors’ Analysis:the process of identifying key competitors of the
branch/the Bank; assessing their objectives, strategies, strengths and
weaknesses; reaction patterns and selecting which competitors to
compete with or not.
6. Customer Relationship Management: Shall mean approach to manage
a company interaction with existing and potential customers so as to
increase sales, customer service and profit.
7. Development Partners: shall mean institutions or individuals that may
or may not be the Bank’s customers but who work with the Bank
cooperatively on national development activities, security, outreach,
expansion, financial literacy and inclusion.
8. Distribution Channel/Marketing Channel: shall mean a set of
interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a
product or service available for use or consumption by the user.
9. Employed: Shall mean economically active people (between the ages of
14 to 60) who have any type of job to lead their life.
10. External Market assessment: shall mean the extensive survey
conducted on potential and existing customers of the branch.
11. Industry or Sector: shall refer to a group of firms and/ or
companies which are providing/producing similar and/or complimenta
ry service or products.
12. Internal analysis: shall mean analysis of information or data obtained
from the branch about products with their respective number of
customers and/or amount.
13. International Donor Organizations: Shall mean agencies which are
founded and supported by economically developed countries through
contributions made by their own citizens to assist low income countries
projects by allocating finance togovernments or NGOs working in low
income countries. E.g. USAID, DFID, JICA, SIDA etc.
14. Market Intelligence: shall mean continuous search for information on
developments in the market environment that helps branches to prepare
and adjust marketing plan.
15. Market: shall refer tothe set of actual and potential buyers of a product or
16. Marketing Budget: shall mean the allocation of resources for activities
predetermined in the marketing plan to achieve marketing objectives.
17. Marketing Mix: shall mean the set of marketing tools (product, price,
place, promotion, physical evidences, people and process) that the Bank
blends to produce the response the Bank wants in the target market.
18. Marketing Objectives: shall mean what the branch wants to achieve.
19. Marketing Plan:shall mean setting objectives, designing and
implementing strategies and programs to achieve the branch’s
20. Marketing Strategies: shall mean the marketing logic/method by which
the branch hopes/implements to achieve its marketing objectives and
sales targets.
21. Marketing: shall mean the process of identifying customers’ needs and
wants, designing customer focus strategy; build profitable relationship
with customers and delighting customers.
22. Population: shall mean people residing and/or working which can be
included in the market where the external market research is conducted.
Thus, it includes the registered residents as well as those who are not
registered but actually live or work in the area.
23. Projection: Shall mean the process of forecasting the growth trend of
population and businesses based on the current data available/ based
on the baseline/
24. Promotion: shall mean activities which help to inform, persuade and
remind the market about the product/service.
25. Retention Techniques:Shall mean techniques implemented by branches
to retain high value customers.
26. Sales Plan: Shall meana detail description of the marketing plan and it
is a tool to achieve the selling and marketing objectives/ targets/ of the
branch/ district/bank.
27. Sales Target: Shall mean the amount and/or number of products that
shall be sold by each branch within a given period of time such as daily,
weekly monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
28. Sales Turnover: Shall mean the total annual sale of potential and
existing business customers.
29. Selling Techniques:Shall mean various methods used by branches to
convince and sale the Bank’s products to the potential and existing
30. Selling: shall mean part of marketing that focuses more on aggressive
sales and promotion activities of a business to sale what a business has
on its stoke.
31. Suppliers: Shall mean businesses or individuals providing raw
materials, semi-finished or finished products to other business
32. Target Market: shall mean a set of buyers sharing common needs or
characteristics that the Bank decides to serve.
33. IT Park/Industry Park: shall a large and separated place where various
manufacturing organizations and manufacturing products are located.
34. Unemployed: Shall mean economically active people (between the ages
of 14 to 60) who do not have any type of job to lead their life.
2. Scope
This guideline shall serve to enhance the resource mobilization objectives of the
bank and designed to implement the deposit mobilization strategy; it is part and
parcel of the deposit mobilization strategy;

3. Objectives
The general objective of this guideline is to support the resource
mobilization efforts of districts/branches and the bank as a whole in a more
organized, focused and integrated manner.

The specific objectives are;

I. To create uniformity among branches/districts in dealing with planning

of their day-to-day activities, implementation of planned activities and
evaluation of resource mobilization activities;
II. To support districts/branches in developing various techniques(product
selling, customer management, promotion & planning) specific to a target
III. To assist branches to up-lift their deposit and customer base in general
and deposit per account in particular; and also enhance digital banking
and IFB services;
IV. To identify areas that requires head office intervention and following it to
provide necessary support to district/branches.

Part One
Chapter 01
I. Marketing objectives& Sales Plan
While reviewing the existing marketing objectivesand sales plan of BIB, it is
observed that it is not structured, lacks uniformity and not effective. Lot of gaps
has been witnessed which lead to lower performance in deposit mobilization and
customer base expansion. The improvement areas include but not limited to the

1. External Market Assessment

 Districts and branches shall identify targetmarket;examine the

surrounding target market business potentialsand competitors in the
area, through collecting relevant data & analyzing & organizing it for
immediate use.
 Branches shall use the market assessment findings as input to identify
opportunities that could benefit their branch/the bank and the threats
upon it.
 The data shall include but not limited to population by demographic
characteristics, government/private organizations. and businesses by
type of activity etc. the data can be collected from
government/company offices, interviews, market intelligence etc.

1.1. The list of business sectors

The list of business sectors in the branch locality possibly not out of the

a. Manufacturing sector/ factories and related economic sectors

b. Hotel, restaurant and related service sectors
c. Schools and universities
d. Pharmacies and clinics
e. Supermarkets and minimarkets

f. Import &Export business (coffee, sesame exporters, coffee & sesame
g. Suppliers
h. Commercial Complexes
i. Edirs and other self- help organizations
j. Equbs
k. Religious Organizations
l. Transport association
m. Wood and Metal works
n. Garage services
o. Wholesalers
p. Retailer shops
q. Grinding Mills
r. Contractors
s. Cement distributing and Building Material Shops
t. Market areas “Including Gulit” where petty traders are found.
u. Cereal traders shop
v. Small scale Hotels , restaurants and cafes
w. Traditional coffee traders
x. Fuel stations
y. Bottled water and Beverage distributors shop
z. Butcheries
aa. Shops used for multipurpose trading etc.

1.2. Population by demographic variables
Demographic variables include but not limited to age, gender, and employment
status and business sector. The populations’ data will help branches to offer,
forecast and suggest the right product to the population variables.

The following activities shall be undertaken in this regard;

I. Branches\Districts\Marketing shall gather relevant and up-to-date

population data of the target market from appropriate organ, i.e. Woreda,
Zonal Administration, Central Statistics Agency (CSA), Health Centers
and other Government Offices etc.
II. The data shall be verified against the actual branch’s observation. Thus,
any change or development in the target market shall be considered for
example for relocation.
III. The data gathered shall be aligned with the external market assessment
template. However, branches may adjust or customize the age data they
obtain if it is not consistent with the template age category. The age and
sex categories in the template are classified based on the products BIBis
offering to the market.
IV. The data on employment status shall be used to determine the actual
capacity of the population that could purchase products.
V. Identifying area specific business entities andtracking ofthose companies
involved in the trade channel should be taken in to account for branches to
know company sales turnover, employees per sector, and trace part of the
finance not in the bank’s control so as to enhance the branch’s deposit and
customer base from existing level.

Temple 1: Population by Age, Gender & Employment Status Category -for Branch

1.1. Population by Age & Gender Category

Total Age Category Male Female
B-Population by Employment/Unemployment, Sex and Age Category

Employed Male Female Unemployed Female Male

1.3. Agricultural Growth Trend & Projection

 Agriculture shall comprise of crop production, animal husbandry, forestry
and fishing.
 The information regarding the type of agricultural crop production
produced in areas with estimated values shall be applicable only to
branches operating in agrarian localities.
 Cattle rearing and production of livestock products shall include (e.g. milk
and milk products) is also practical in most areas including pastoralists.
 The information collected shall serve branches to exploit the target market
both in enhancing the customer base and amount of deposit.

 The information shall be gathered from the respective woreda or zonal
agricultural offices or CSA regional offices (outlying branches). Districts
/branches shall incorporate individual/household farmers’ production
capacity in total.
 Agricultural cooperatives/Associations should be considered as business
customers & they shall be incorporated in under agriculture sector.

Temple 2: Type of agricultural products produced in agrarian areas with estimated

Type of No of Annual Annual Estimated Who are the frequent
agricultural farmers Estimated production in birr and major buyers of the
product volume product?
(Mention as, (Quantiy) (Cooperatives,
Sesame, Coffee, Retailers,
chat, teff…) Wholesalers…)

1.4. Industry Growth Trends and Projections

 Industry sector shall comprise of those engaged in manufacturing(large,
medium & small scale) and micro enterprises etc.
 The information shall include the number of businessentities operating in
the target market and the possible growth helps to determine the branch’s
potential to mobilize resources out of the sector.
 The base year data shall be gathered from the respective woredas or sub-
cities/zonal Trade and Industry offices.
 The growth rate of each sector shall be obtained from the respective
regions/sub-cities/zones/woredas finance & Economic Development
Bureaus. However, if growth rate is not readily available, the previous
year/s data could be utilized.

 Similarly, districts/branches should note that special attention to give to
foreign owned companies operating in the target market of the Branch; as
it greatly help to assess foreign currency potentials and identify cross sell’s
 Data shall be gathered from concerned Trade and Industry offices.
 Personal observation shall be employed to verify the data on foreign
owned companies.

Temple 3: What are the growth projections and trends in industry/sector and
Population for year 1; year2, year 3, year 4 and year5?

A. Industry/Sector Growth Projections and Trends




Hotel and Tourism



Domestic Trade( Whole

sale and Retail)
Others (Mention them)


 Please indicate the growth rate of the sectors and the source.

B. Population Growth Projections and Trends

Base year
1 Year 2 Years 3 Year 4 Year
Population 2020/2021 2021/22 2022/23 2023/2024
In Number
Total Figure

 Please indicate the growth rate and the source

1.5. Main Customers and Suppliers, Farmers and Growers
 Shall assist districts & branches to identify suppliers, farmers, growers
and other customers which have trade linkage with the major businesses
operating in the target market.
 The information shall be used to proactively tracking of various
payments, selling bank’s products directly and applying referral
marketing which would help branches to effectively exploit the whole
business channels.
 Information regarding main suppliers shall include; from whom they buy,
farmers and growers who are major sources of raw material and
customers, to whom they sellcould be obtained from the businesses
operating in the target market through questionnaires, interview or
account analysis, i.e. looking frequent payments and deposits from and to
the business customer’s account.

Temple 4: Who are the main customers and suppliers of the companies in the target
market of the branch – To whom do they sell / buy from?
Industr Main Suppliers and Main Customers
No. y/ Companies Name Trading Markets
Sector Local Foreign Local Foreign
1 1

1 Agriculture 2 2

N n

1 1
2 2 2
N n

1 1

3 Construction 2 2

N n

1 1
Hotels and
4 2 2
N n

Domestic 1 1
Trade 2 2
( Whole sale
N n
and Retail)
Others 1 1
N (Mention 2 2
them) N n
 Additional raw can be inserted for if the business has more customers and suppliers

1.6. Supporting stakeholder/ Development Partners

The purpose of identifying and working with development partners in the target
market shall be:

I. To use various forums and meetings conducted by the partners as an

opportunity to create public awareness on bank’s products and
II. To track payments made to their beneficiaries;
III. To recruit development partners staff members as users of various
products and services; and

IV. To obtain various supports while delivering their services &
safeguard the bank through creating close Relationship with local
administrators & security offices etc.

Temple 5: List of Development Partners found in the Target Market

Activity Bank Account Relationship Write No of

(Government (Please state Bank and their Employees
NO. Name of Institutions, Branch , Where the annual
Development Religious development partners budget,
Partner Institutions, maintain bank Account )
NGOs, BIB Other None
International Bank
Health Centres,

1.7. New Business Opportunities in the Target Market

 Information about market development in particular area should be used
to understand and track new businesses developed in each sector.
 Branches/Districts should collect information about new businesses
developed to establish and maintain relationship with these big or
flourishing businesses.
 Branches should know the products and services companies are offering
enhance branches ability to sell and align its marketing activities to the
customers’ needs.
 The information shall be identified and obtained through contacting the
woreda administration and branch’s own observations.
 Branches/ Districts should use customers and development partners as
important sources of knowledge of emerging businesses.

Temple 6: Are there new companies, projects or industry areas/zones developing in

the target market?

No. Company/Business name Products/Services developed




1.8. Technology Parks/Industry parks, Business or Commercial Centers

 Branches should identify technology parks and commercial centers to have
exhaustive lists of businesses that help the branch to concentrate and
employ effective marketing efforts to attract customers.
 Information in the case of business/commercial centers should be obtained
from the building management through environmental scanning whereas
the information for technology parks /industry zone; investors and list of
traders should be obtained from Trade and Industry Development offices.
 Investment bureau and Industrial ParksCorporation should be also
contacted to get updated data;
 Branches shall verify the completeness of the information obtained
through personal observation.
 Districts/ Branches shall check whether the customers are working with
the bank or not.

Temple 7: How many technology parks, business centers or commercial centers

found in the target market of the branch – please list if any?

Name of List of Sector of the Bank Account Relationship

Business / Businesses business (Please state Bank and Branch ,
Where the Business maintain
Commercial (Manufacturing, bank Account )
No. Center or BIB Other None
Technology Bank
Agriculture, etc.)
1 1

1.9. Import and Export

 Branches shall identify the level of import and export is to know the
foreign currency earnings and demands of the companies;
 Branches should observe the gap between the actual and the potential level
of export and import made by the target market.
 Branches/ districts should gather the information through observation,
business visit and interviewing as well as other feasible approaches.

Temple 8: What levels of Exportation and Importation are conducted in the target
market – in what sectors and show volume, value, key products and
trading markets?
 If there is no export or import of goods made by businesses in the target
market, the branch must state this.

Industry / Name of the Key Products Value/amount Trading

Sector company Markets(country
Export 1
Import 1

1.10. Distributors and Distribution Channels

 Branches should identify the list of main distributors of the source
companies’ products and services (both in the country and abroad) may
help branches to capture the whole product routes along with key players

in the distribution chain (from production to end user), proactively track
payments including foreign payments, and apply referral marketing.
 Information shall be gathered from the source companies operating in the
target market through interview or observation;
 Districts and branches should write the place (city/town) of the
distributors, where they are doing their business, in case of Ethiopia; the
names of the country will be indicated for overseas channels.
 The information shall be collected, organized& used to coordinate money
tracking efforts among branches and districts.

Temple 9:What are the main channels used by the companies to sell / distribute their
products both in Ethiopia and overseas? List the name of whole seller,
retailer etc who is distributing the company’ product and services

Industry/Sector Companies Name in the sector (List Channels Overseas

the name of whole seller, retailer within Channels
etc.) Ethiopia
Manufacturing 1

Hotel and Tourism 2
Construction 1
Transport 1
Domestic 1
Trade( Whole sale 2
and Retail)
Others(Mention) 1

1.11. Competitors’ Analysis

 Branches/Districts should identify key competitors of the branch and
assessing their objectives, strategies, strengths and weaknesses as well as
their reaction patterns.
 Competitor analysis findings shall be used by the branch to draw
assumptions and develop appropriate strategies to be used as input in the
marketing plan.

 Information about the competing banks shall be obtained through mystery

shopping/market intelligence, visiting the competitors’ website and
annual report, etc.

The analysis will be done on the following areas:

a. Product type- products offered by competing banks’ branches;

b. Customer service differentiation;

c. Marketing and sales tactics;
d. Promotion creativity;
e. Price (interest rate, service charges, etc.);
f. Salesmanship (how do the competing banks sale their product);
g. Technical service (ATM, POS etc);
h. Agency banking services;
i. Mobile money services
j. Card banking services;
k. Branch location; and
l. Employees’ attitude & skill.

2. Internal Assessment/Analysis
The commonly used definition of internal analysis is an exploration of a given
organization's competency, cost position and competitive viability in the

i. Branches\Districts should Conduct an internal analysis often

incorporates measures that provide useful information about the
organization's strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats – a SWOT

ii. Internal analysis shall refer to assessing the company’s/branches

internal situation related to the businessfor instance facility, staff
competency/knowledge, resource mobilization and account
performance and following it identifying the strength and weak areas
in this regard for further improvement.
iii. The findings and relevant comments on earlier management visits,
forwarded via various memos &mystery shopping should be taken in
to account improve weaknesses in areas of product knowledge, poor
customer service, gaps on customer retention& attraction new-
including shareholders with no account in BIB), lower effort on
account base analysis which is manifested by lot of inactive & zero
balance accounts; low balance accounts; undistributed& inactive
cards; inactive mobile banking; digital channels with no/low
transactions etc
iv. Branches should also make analysis on these gaps and additionally on
branch’s performance with regard to product type (customer base,
amount of deposit and agency banking services), foreign remittances,
digital banking products & interest free banking services.
v. The above mentioned should be used as a base for branches and the
respective district to make the needed projection and to set sales
target for each product and services.

The branch shall make account base analysis and make improvements in other
areas to;
a. Branches\Districts identify the contribution of top depositors (saving &
current) to overall branch deposit; and to know the extent to which large
portion of the branch deposit is concentrated in the hands of few
customers (concentration risk);
b. improve per branches’ balance /Districts objectives/
c. identify with zero, low balance deposit accounts as well as inactive
accounts and improving their productivity /Per account balance/
d. Expand cards, Mobile, merchant pay & internet banking through properly
recruitment and enhance activation status and utilization rates. And all
digital banking channels
e. Branches \Districts enhance transactions made via ATM and POS
f. Expand Agent and merchant banking services
g. Exploit the large shareholder base of the bank

The account base analysis will help the branches;

 To create appropriate relationship management technique for customer

retention & loyalty.
 Customer relation will be enhanced due to the fact that relationship is
made based on fact and win-win mechanisms.
 Besides, account base analysis helps the branch to work on minimizing
zero balance accounts, re-instating low balance- inactive accounts and
enhancing low deposit accounts to a better level.
 Districts/ branches are expected to conduct thorough internal assessment
and pinpoint their strength & weak areas to be used as an input for SWOT

3. SWOT Analysis
I. SWOT is a strategic planning technique and should beused identify
Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat related to business competition.
II. SWOT shall assistbranches\districts to develop a full awareness of all the
factors involved internally and in their surroundings which have
direct/indirect impact before making a planning decision.
III. In SWOT, branches should categorize Strength and Weakness are
internal-i.e. the existing situation inside the company while Opportunity
& Threat are external- i.e. situations outside the company.
IV. SWOT analysis should be district /branch centric, need to be analyzed
using the templates annexed in this document;

Determining factors in SWOT analysis are summarized below.

Strengths: Weaknesses:
Strength is a resource, skill, or other Is a limitation or deficiency in
advantage relative to competitors? it is a resource and capabilities that
distinctive competence that gives the seriously impedes Effective

firm a comparative advantage in the Performance?
market place. Lack of facilities, financial resources
management capabilities,
- What is done well? marketing skills and brand image
- What are the advantages? can be source of weakness.
- What could be improved?
deposit per account, branch
- What is it done poorly?

- What should be avoided?

Opportunities: Threats:
List the external opportunities available List the external threats facing the
in the current and future environment bank now and in the future.
- What are the market trends? - Competitive advantages in

- How can they be exploited? other regions?

- What chances are there for - What obstacles do the

deposits and retail banking companies face?

products and sectoral - What effect would new

development? entrants have on the

During COVID-19 pandemic: Referral marketing, video conference /video
calling/, tele-conference; selective face to face discussion and use of telephone-
(high value company/org/schools etc.) to work with us; use of
comp/org/schools as referral to convince salaried employees/ students refer
parents to be customers. Approaching parent/ company employees while
coming to our branches to open account for their children and also use our
digital banking services etc.

POST COVID: sales-Campaign, door to door & personal selling; organizing

events, participate in bazars, company annual meetings & staff day, conferences
etc; could be employed to sale our products.

4. Assumptions
i. Are issues commonly agreed as accepted as true or as certain to
happen in future.As much as possible, assumptions should be
ii. Districts and branches shall draw assumptions on factors that will
serve as input for the development of achievable sales targets and
workable strategies.
iii. Assumptions should be drawn considering the internal, external
market assessment and competitors’ analysis.

5. Deposit & Customer Base Annual Plan

I. Bank deposit plan by type, customer base and digital banking service
users plan should be decomposed to each district by head office; and
subsequently communicated to districts so as to cascade it to each
branches under their supervision (if the case not handled as earlier years
by HO-Corporate Planning & Change Management Directorate).
II. Each branch should further disaggregate the total deposit and customer
account plan to different deposit types (saving & demand, IFB, taxi, bajaj,

muday, minor, teen youth, youth, student etc) depending on inputs from
internal/external market assessment and competitor findings and basic
assumptionswith respect to the target market.
III. Besides, branches should have a plan for execution of digital banking
services like mobile, internet banking, card banking focus on active cards,
POS and merchant banking users taking into account the market
IV. After finalizing of the annual plan, branches shall prorate it to weekly
and even to daily basis.

6. Promotion Methods/Product Selling Techniques

6.1. Identify and use of Companies Promotion Method

 Branches\Districts should identify promotion methods of the
companies is to promote the Bank’s products and services on their
promotion activities and mobilize resources from their customers.
 Also it helps to closely work with the companies for mutual benefits.

 The information stated above shall be gathered through interview or

by referring to their website, brochure, fliers, billboard, visit etc.
Moreover, use of the companies to help in lobbying their customers
to work with us is also another alternative to be used.

6.2. Develop Own Promotion Method

 Branches should identify appropriate selling and customer retention
 Branches/Districts should undertake discussion with staff members
to create common understanding among staff members about selling
the products/ services of the Bank and maintaining profitable &high
value customers.
 In order to facilitate the inter-branch /district experience sharing
and enhance bank wide selling and customer retention , branches\
districts should develop their own marketing & promotion
 Branches/Districts/ the bank should identify appropriate product
selling techniques, it is crucial for the branch to gather relevant
information on specific target market sectors/ business companies
(existing or new ones) potential to grow/ expand, ability of the
company to finance whole or part of its business, prevailing finance
gap that needs bank’s intervention and its implication on deposit

Accordingly, branches shall use their own judgment and rank the company
potential as high, medium and low considering the following points;

a. The customer’s account status;

b. The company’s Products Marketability;
c. The company’s sales turnover;
d. Company’s expansion plan;
e. Use of new technology or process;
f. Other information the branch believes it necessary.

Finally, based on ranking, branches determine their priority area and design
convenient selling techniques to snatch the market as much as possible.

Chapter Two

I. Duties & Responsibilities of Relevant Work Units involved in Market

1. Chief Banking Service Office
a. Support districts on external market assessment, internal analysis and
marketing plan;
b. Develop and provide different templates that help branches to gather
relevant data/information emanate from the external market assessment
and internal analysis;
c. Based on the marketing and sales plan, give direction and take
corrective actions;

d. Facilitate the development of database in relation to market assessment
findings in collaboration with CIO/directorates;
e. Facilitate trainings and workshops to districts and selected branches on
how to prepare a marketing plan following steps in market assessment
and other related issues;
f. Creates integration with chief strategy office for smooth conduct of
market assessment and market plan preparation;
g. Share best practices of top performing districts and branches to other
districts and branches.

2. Chief Strategy Office

a. Support and follow up districts in the preparation of external market
assessment and preparation of sales and marketing plan;
b. Collect and compile the external market assessment and the
marketing plan documents from districts and conduct analysis so as
to bring performance improvement on resource mobilization, digital
banking and interest free banking services;
c. Support districts / branches that the external market assessment and
the marketing plan documents are prepared as per the designed
d. Using the districts’ external market assessment and marketing plan,
develop the Bank wide sales strategy;
e. Forward sales and marketing plan to districts; branches and deposit
mobilization director after approved by the EMC;
f. Revise districts and branches plan based on the identified potentials
and the progress; set districts and branches plan based on the

3. Districts:
a. Support branches on external market assessment , internal analysis and
marketing plan preparation and make branches onboard on sales plan
b. Facilitate in collection of common types of information regarding
population, sector growth rate projections and the like in collaboration
with Marketing Directorate;
c. Make sure that the branches external market and the marketing plan
documents are prepared as per the designed templates;
d. Review, comment and approve the respective branches product plan
before communicated to CSO;
e. Collect and compile the external market and the marketing plan
documents from branches under their domain;
f. Using the branches’ external market assessment and marketing plan,
develop their own external market and marketing plan;
g. Maintain district wide database in relation to external market
assessment and marketing plans;
h. Share the district level compiled document to the CBSO/Director
deposit mobilization;

4. Branches
a. Engage in identification of target markets, conducting of external market
assessment and internal analysis of their locality;
b. Collect relevant data/information on their respective target market (by
use of designed template) to be used as input for the preparation of
marketing and sales plan;
c. Maintain database of their own regarding all market assessment
findings of the target market; and forward to respective districts;

d. Analyze the collected data/information and based on it prepare
branches sales plan regarding deposit mobilization (by product type),
account, digital banking and interest free banking service users;
e. Forward the annual/monthly product plan to districts for review and
then to CSO for further review, discussion at EMC, revision and

Part Two
I. Monitoring & Evaluation of Plan Performance
 Close monitoring and supporting of the district and branches effort in
areas related to their deposit mobilization process and subsequently,
evaluating their performance against plan is very important for the
successful implementation of the strategy.
 The monitoring, supporting & evaluation effort, however, have to be
executed in a holistic and integrated manner with active involvement of
concerned bank organs.
 Integration helps to address missing and overlapping responsibilities and
to create efficient product and channel ownership. To this end, it is highly
required to define duties & responsibilities of the integrating concerned
organs in overall resource mobilization effort and also to establish
resource mobilization team at branches, district and head office.

1. Resource Mobilization Teams
The establishment of resource mobilization team at different levels is expected to
create a smooth work flow relationship and integration between branches,
districts and head office resource mobilization team and improve the overall
support efforts which in turn enhances the business performance of the bank.
The establishment of the team specifically:

I. Helps to clearly set uniform duties and responsibilities for the team
expected at all districts/ branches;
II. Clearly shows the workflow/work relationship between branches and
districts, between districts, chief banking service offices and all chief offices
in close monitoring and exchange of feedbacks on plan performance
progress of resource mobilization activities.

2. Scope of the Team

The scope emanates from its objective and is limited to activities which directly
support resource mobilization activities of the bank in general and districts/
branches in particular. As a result, it covers only resource mobilization activities
at the branch level, district level and corporate level.

3. Team Composition
As stated in the scope, the team establishment is expected at branches, districts,
and Head office level.

Accordingly, the proposed composition of the team at each level is expected to

incorporate performers who directly involve in supporting resource mobilization
activities as described below. However, branches can flexibly form their own
team as appropriate considering the foundation and application of specialization
principle considered in the new organizational structure. Finally, regarding the
number of team members at the branch level, we recommend the number to be
greater or equals to five. On the other hand, at the district level the team should
contain 8 members as enumerated under it and they can additionally incorporate
other resource persons as the case may be.

A. Branch Level Resource Mobilization Team (BRMT)

Composition:the team is composed of the following:
1. Branch Manager (chairperson)
2. Assistant Branch Manager (if available-member),
3. CSOIIs (secretary), and
4. CSOI member.

Please note: in the case of main branch:

1. Branch Manager (chairperson)

2. Assistant Branch Manager (member)
3. Customer Relation Manager (secretary)
4. Senior Credit Follow-up Officer (member)
5. Credit Analyst (member)
6. CSOIIs (member) and
7. CSOI (member)

Frequency of Meeting: on daily basis before closing of daily operation/ morning

before starting the daily operation through meeting on weekly basis to evaluate
over all the branch performance against target.
Reporting: branch to district reporting is weekly basis every Thursday as per
format from head office.

I. Duties & Responsibilities of BRMT:

The resource mobilization team at the branch level is entrusted to carry-out the
following major activities:

1. Conducts and regularly updates branch specific environmental

scanning/market assessment which will be used as an input in drawing
branch specific action plan;
2. Is responsible to conduct internal analysis to identify branch’s strengths
and weaknesses;
3. Shall draw branch specific action plan (annual, quarterly, monthly &
daily) derived from external market assessment and internal analysis for
subsequent implementation and evaluation of the plan;
4. Carry out selling and marketing activities as per the branch specific
action plan;
5. Shall evaluate the branch’s performance against plan in a daily basis;
identifyreasons for lower performance areas, and take corrective actions
immediately as deemed necessary. The focus areas include:
 Deposit performance;
 FCY earning performance;
 IFB service deposit performance;
 Customer base expansion performance;
 Performance of new deposit products;
 Performance of digital banking services (card banking, Mobile
banking, internet banking, Agency banking, POS and merchant
banking) both expansion, activation and usage of all-digital
 Other the branch believes necessary.

6. Shall take minutes on the discussion points and have documentation on

the related discussion points /decisions passed for future reference and
7. Shall send the action plan implementation report (using the head office
designed reporting template) and challenges which need the concern of
the district to the District Resource Mobilization team in a weekly

8. Shall arrange and facilitates visits to premium customers to be made by

district resource mobilization team;

9. Shall evaluate the actual customer service provision at the branch for its
contribution to operational excellence and propose resolution
mechanisms if there is any gap.
10. Branch managers are also responsible to identify best performing
branches and benchmark from their best practices/ critical success areas/

B.District Level Resource Mobilization Team (DRMT)

Composition: The team is composed of the following:

1. District Manager (chairperson)
2. Manager, branch support division (secretary)
3. Manager, digital banking division (member/alternate secretary)
4. Senior Credit Officers (member)
5. Credit Analysts(member), and
6. CSOII (member).
Frequency of Meeting: on weekly basis every Saturday on compiled branches
Reporting: district to head office review committee reporting is every Tuesday as
per format from head office.

II. Duties & Responsibilities of DRMT:

Considering the fact that the performance of a district is the sum of the
performance of branches under its domain, activities performed by the resource
mobilization team should be aligned with the activities carried-out by district
resource mobilization team so that continuous feedback and related supports
will be provided in a timely manner.

Hence, the resource mobilization team at the district levels entrusted to carry-out
the following major activities:

1. Shall assist and provide support while branches are conducting

branch specific environmental scanning/market assessment by providing
high level socio-economic data/others as well which will be used as an
input in crafting their branch’s specific action plan;
2. Shall assist and provide support while branches are conducting internal
analysis by providing the necessary data to identify strengths and
weaknesses for the preparation of branch’s plan;
3. Shall draw district level resource mobilization action plan; review and
give feedback to branches’ on their prepared specific action plan so as to
achieve branches goals and targets which are derived from external
market assessment and internal assessment plan;
4. Shall evaluate the branch’s performance against plan in a weekly basis;
challenges encountered and reported by branches, and give
comment/feedback as required. The focus areas include:
 Deposit performance;
 FCY earning performance;
 IFB service deposit performance;
 Customer base expansion performance;
 Performance of new deposit products;
 Performance of digital banking services (card banking, Mobile
banking, internet banking, Agency banking, POS and merchant
banking) both expansion, activation and usage of all-digital
 Others

5. Shall share best practices of branches under their domain to other

branches with lower performance;

6. Shall take minutes and documentation of related discussion points for

future reference and follow-up;
7. Shall conduct scheduled visits to be made with premium customers in
collaboration with branches and deposit mobilization team;
8. Shall perform district level account base analysis;
9. Shall perform district level socio economic assessments and marketing
10. Shall Arrange district level deposit sales campaign and marketing
11. Shall arrange district level discussion sessions with developmental
12. Shall prepare the action plan implementation report of the district;
compile the branches performance report and send them to the head
office deposit mobilization review committee/team (using the designed
format) in a weekly basis.
13. Districts shall select best performing branches/branch managers/ use
them as a model for others and make them to share their best practices

Branches should be considerate and refrain from snatching of other BIB

branches customers as it adds no value to the bank (it is a zero sum game) rather
to exert utmost effort to benefit out of the untapped market. Districts should
closely follow up and take corrective measures to alleviate the problem once and
for all.

B. Head Office Deposit Mobilization Review Team (HDMRT)
Composition:The team is composed of the following:
1. Chief Banking Service Officer (chairperson)
2. Director, Deposit Mobilization Directorate (secretary)
3. Director, Digital Banking Directorate (member)
4. Director, Interest Free Banking Directorate (member)

Frequency of Meeting: every ten days on Saturday on compiled district report (by
Deposit Mob. Directorate) and additional system generated report (by Digital
Applications Directorate).
Reporting: to head office Steering Committee reporting is every Tuesday as per
format from head office. After discussion report of the committee is going to be
compiled by DMD.

III. Duties & Responsibilities of HDMRT

1. Shall assist and provide support to districts in providing high level
information/socio-economic data that will be summarized, interpreted
and incorporated in to the resource mobilization action plan of
2. Shall review district level resource mobilization action plan (particularly
focusing on deposit mobilization) and provide feedback to ensure its
alignment with the revised resource mobilization strategy action plan
and district resource mobilization team procedure;
3. Shall evaluate the actual implementation of the districts’ resource
mobilization action plan every ten days and provide feedback for future
improvements. The evaluation areas include:
 Deposit performance;
 FCY earning performance;
 IFB service deposit performance;
 Customer base expansion performance;
 Performance of new deposit products;
 Performance of digital banking services (card banking, Mobile
banking, internet banking, Agency banking, POS and merchant
banking) both expansion, activation and usage of all-digital
 Issues beyond the district capacity and require head office
 Corrective actions taken by the district for lower performing
 Others
4. Shall review actual performances (various parameters) of districts and
share best practices among others;
5. Provide feedback for future improvement on the weakness and
challenges identified while evaluating district’s performance in areas of
6. Shall take minutes and documentation of related discussion points for
future reference and follow-up;
7. Shall facilitate stakeholder management meetings in collaboration with
districts for Executive Management Committee engagement;
8. Shall support and provide input/summarized report to the head office
resource mobilization steering committee for further discussion, decision
and action during its regular meeting.
9. Shall perform corporate level sales deposit campaign
10. Shall initiate and develop new deposit products,
11. Shall continuously identify best performing districts and branches and
share their best practices to others.

D. Head Office Resource Mobilization Review Steering Team (HRMRST)

Composition:The team is composed of the following:

1. Chief Executive Officer (chairperson)
2. All Chief Officers (member)
3. Director, Corporate Planning & Change Management Directorate
4. Director, Digital Applications Directorate (Resource person).
Frequency of Meeting: Fortnightly every Saturday on compiled review committee
report and additional system generated report. Steering committee decision i.e.
feedbacks and direction on the performance evaluation will be communicated to
districts/ branches by an official memo issued from Chief Banking Service

IV. Duties & Responsibilities of HRMRST:

The Resource Mobilization Steering Committee has the responsibility of

performing the following activities:

1. Shall evaluate the resource mobilization performance of districts in

alignment with the initiatives put on revised deposit mobilization
strategy document;
2. Shall provide clear directions /decisions based on the actual performance
of districts in their resource mobilization activities;
3. Evaluate the proper implementation of strategies and action plans of
resource mobilization on regular basis.
4. Shall participate in stakeholder management to address outstanding
issues, especially, with the regional governments;
5. Assist to create synergy and enhance cross process integration
especially among International banking, credit business, banking service,

and Districts/branches so as to exploit all available opportunities in
the areas of resource mobilization;
6. Facilitate to bring corporate thinking, and service quality
of international business and banking service throughout the bank;
7. Ensure timely identification, selection and dissemination of best
practices and promote experience sharing among performers of
international business, and branches/districts;
8. Design and propose solutions to problems that have negatively affecting
resource mobilization efforts of International business, and
9. Support advise and give proper directions to international business, and
Districts/Branches to identify their strengths and weaknesses, to
capitalize on their strength and to scale up and utilize their potential
utmost, and to improve their weaknesses;
10. Review the performance of resource mobilization initiatives;

11. Evaluate deposit and foreign currency earning performances of the Bank
in general, and international business, and Districts and/or branches in
particular in a periodic manner and identify causes/factors that results to
their positive/negative variations.

2. Integration between Concerned Work Units

Bank creditors and foreign currency beneficiaries are expected to be among the
major contributors of overall bank deposit if their sales, business sectors involved
in the production - distribution chain (either through supply of raw materials or
distribution/use of their finished products) should be traced and well managed
by the bank in a coordinated manner. To this end, integration between relevant
work units of the bank is highly required to:
a. Make these customers deposit their sale in the bank;

b. Identify the borrowers’ raw material suppliers and users of their
finished goods to open account in our bank and transact account to
account basis; and
c. Facilitate to use our digital banking services and IFB services etc

Duties & Responsibilities of Concerned Work Units in the Integration

1. Directorates Under Chief Banking Service Officer

I. Coordinate and guide the overall activities of districts and branches in
the integration processes
II. Assist and follow the smooth implementation of the relationship and
integration framework.
III. Follow up the recruitment of credit customers for BIB digital banking
products and IFB products
IV. Provides data/information/ collected from external and internal
organs to assist the districts and branches effort in account opening,
V. Plays liaison role in the integration process, creates awareness to
districts and branches.

2. Credit Directorate Director

I. Coordinate and guides overall integration of the credit business with

that of the Deposit mobilization, which means; the team works on
sales tracking of existing credit customers to enhance the BIB benefit.
II. Review the credit customers’ performance; deposit contribution, uses
the established relationship to attract other new customers, propose
them to use BIB Digital banking services products & IFB products.
Credit customers Bank statements should be critically examined to
ascertain whether they are regularly depositing their cash sales or not
and discussions should be made on how to improve their account
III. Identify the Borrowers’ raw material suppliers and customers of their
finished goods so as to track proceeds of checks issued and facilitate
account to account transactions.
IV. Track and measures performance- from deposit mobilization, account
opening and Digital banking services& IFB sales perspective.
V. Discuss with credit customers to deposit their sales to BIB branches,
evaluate the net contribution and takes action on low performances
(deposit , account opening and Digital banking services service & IFB
VI. Review Guarantee beneficiary customers deposit contribution and
manage relationship accordingly.
VII. Integrate credit with resource mobilization initiatives

2. District Managers
I. Guide and coordinate the overall integration of credit with deposit
mobilization, digital banking services& IFB services provision within
their discretion.
II. Communicate credit customers who are not working with BIB, if they
couldn’t improve their deposit, reports to Chief Banking Business
Officer or Chief Business Officer
III. Monitor the performance of branches and district credit officers based
on the deposit, account opening, Digital banking services service &
IFB service customers.
IV. Measure branches and credit officers performance in connection with
credit customers vs. deposit

3. District Senior Credit Follow-up Officers

i. Update and report yearly sales volume of credit customers on quarterly


ii. Identify and establish database of credit customers, regular deposit
account, digital banking services and IFB account maintained at BIB and
communicate to the branch managers.
iii. Identify credit customers bank statement who have scored less than 90%
of their total sales volume to credit account turn over and discuss with
customers to deposit their sales BIB branch/branches
iv. Critically examine to ascertain whether they are regularly depositing
their cash sales or not and discussions should be made on how to
improve their account performances.
v. Identify the Borrowers’ raw material suppliers and customers of their
finished goods so as to track proceeds of checks issued and facilitate
account to account transactions.
vi. Update and report to respective branches and credit approving team on
monthly/ quarterly basis those customers who are not working with
vii. Communicate loan approval to the branches
viii. Check the deposit account of the customer immediately after
disbursement of the loan to check whether there is big withdrawal,
communicate the customer to know the destination of the fund and
track, here; integration with credit customers’ suppliers, workers could
be made.
ix. Assess the deposit, digital banking services& IFB status of the customers
and attach with loan processing which will be sent for analysis during
credit request. In the due diligence report, the applicant deposit
contribution should be included.

4. Branch Managers

i. Update the list of credit customers of the branch and do close follow up

ii. Review the deposit account, digital banking services& IFB performances
and report customers who are not working with BIB to the district
manager/credit Director
iii. Critically examine bank statement of credit customers to ascertain
whether they are regularly depositing their cash sales or not and
discussions should be made on how to improve their account
iv. Identify the Borrowers’ raw material suppliers and customers of their
finished goods so as to track proceeds of checks issued and facilitate
account to account transactions.
v. Track any transfer of other banks and report to the district manager
vi. Arrange visit with district manager to be done by the bank
management team
vii. Monitor big withdrawals of credit customers, traces the fund
destination, track and attract those customers who have business
relationship with our bank via referral marketing.

5. Chief Banking Service & Chief Business Officers

i. The two Chief Officers shall closely monitor whether the integration
framework is working smoothly and take/recommend appropriate
actions when necessary.
ii. In addition, the Chief Officers shall report the progress every month to
the CEO in writing including but not limited to the results obtained,
challenges faced and actions taken.

6. Credit Approving Committee

The committee is mainly responsible to assess the credit worthiness of customers.

Apart from it, the major duty of the committee may include;

i. Reviewing the deposit &digital banking service performance status of

the credit customers; and
ii. Discussing with low performing customers to improve their status. If
there is no improvement then the concerned bank organ shall decline
the loan.

Vision, Mission & Values of BIB

“To become one of the top three commercial banks in Ethiopia by the Year

Mission Statement

“To Provide Commercial Banking Services to enhance values of key stakeholders

and win public trust using professional employees and State-of-the-art


We have a strong conviction to outperform the banking competition in an ethical
manner; by striving for excellence and exercising highest level of

We respect each other's value, differences and contributions to our customers,
our shareholders, ourselves, our vendors, and our community. We also recognize
that everyone is important and has a role to play. We focus on support,
collaboration and care while we treat our customers, shareholders, regulatory
body and the society.


We act responsibly to balance the interest of our stakeholders.

Cause and Effect Relationship-


Compiled Branches Deposit Performance Reporting Template

Name of District:…………………………….

Reporting Period:…………………………….

Amount of Dep. Amount of Dep.

No Product Type from New from Existing Total deposit
. Customers Customers
Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
I. Normal saving
1.1. Minor trust
1.2. Teen youth
1.3. Youth
1.4. Muday
1.5. Taxi & Bajaj
1.6. Student
1.7. Other (specify)
2. Special saving
3. Demand
4. Total deposit
II. IFB deposit

Justifications for under target performance:…………………………………………………...


Problems that need district intervention:………………………………………………………



Compiled Branches Account Performance Reporting Template

Name of District:…………………………….

Reporting Period:…………………………….

Number of Account

Product Type Actual Target

I. Ordinary saving account
1.1. Minor trust
1.2. Teen youth
1.3. Youth
1.4. Muday
1.5. Taxi & Bajaj
1.6. Student
1.7. Other (specify)
2. Special saving
3. Demand deposit
4. Total Account (I+2+3)
II. IFB account

Justifications for under target performance:…………………………………………………...


Problems that need district intervention:………………………………………………………



Compiled Branches Digital Banking Service Performance

Reporting Template

Name of District:…………………………….

Reporting Period:…………………………….

No Product Type Number of Account

. Actual Target
1. Number of debit card issued
1.1 Number of active cards
2. Number of mobile banking users
3. Number of internet banking users
4. Number of POS users
5. Number of merchants

Justifications for under target performance:…………………………………………………...


Problems that need district intervention:………………………………………………………


Annex 4:

Compiled Branches Foreign Currency Mob. Performance
Reporting Template

Name of District:…………………………….

Reporting Period:…………………………….

No Source Amount in USD

. Actual Target
1. Remittance
2. Direct purchase
3. Export
4. Other (specify)
5. Total FX mobilized (1+2+3+4)

Justifications for under target performance:…………………………………………………...


Problems that need district intervention:………………………………………………………


Monthly Sales Targets for Deposit 2020/2021

Ju Au Se O No D Ja Fe Ma Ma Ju
Products Measure /KPI l g p ct v ec n b r Apr y n

No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
Amount to be
Normal Mobilized
saving (Existing)                        
No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
Amount to be
Special Mobilized
saving (Existing)                        
No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
Amount to be
Youth Mobilized
accounts (Existing)                        
No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
Amount to be
Teen youth Mobilized
Acc. (Existing)                        
No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
Amount to be
Muday Bank (Existing)                        
No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)
Amount to be
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
demand Amount to be
deposit Mobilized
accounts (Existing)                        
No. of new                        
Amount to be                        
Mobilized (New)
Amount to be
Minor trust (Existing)                        

No. of new
Amount to be
Mobilized (New)                        
Amount to be
IFB (Existing)                        

Total No. of new

incremental accounts
Deposit plan                        
Table ---- Annual Sales Targets for Deposit 2020/2021

Annual Annual
Incremental Incremental
sales targets sales targets Total Incremental
Actual sales from new from Existing Sales Targets for the
(As at June 30, customers customers Year 2020/2021
2020) (A) (B) (C=A+B)
In percent
D-C /in
Products Numb Amou Numb Amou Numb Amou D-C*B Amoun
No. er (A) nt er (A) nt er (A) nt t
Ordinary I N/A
1 Saving
Special I N/A
2 Saving N/A
Account B
Teen Youth N/A
3 Saving I
Youth N/A
4 Saving I
Muday N/A
5 I
6 Minor trust I N/A
7 Taxi &bajaj

Demand I N/A
Deposit B N/A

Other Annex’s

Annex 1.1. Foreign owned businesses operating in the target market of the branch –
wholly owned or partially owned, and what business sector are they in?

Owner of the Company Contact Address

Name of the Wholly Partially
Industry /Sector
companies Foreign Foreign Owned
Owned * **

Agriculture 2


Hotels and 2


Construction 2

Domestic Trade 1

(Whole sale and
Retail) N

Others (Mention 2

Annex1.2. How is the market structured? List the major businesses that operate in the
target market by industry/sector.

Total Market Value in

List the business
Financial Terms for No of employees in the
within each
Sector/industry Each Sector business
Sales Female Male
/Sector Capital
Agriculture 2

Manufacturing 2

Hotels and
Tourism 2

Construction 2

Transport 2

Domestic Trade 1
(Whole sale and
Retail) 2


Others (Mention 2

Annex1.3.How is the branch’s business customers’ ability to expand and grow their
business and their financial capacity to fund their growth (within the
business or through bank finance?)

Financial capacity to fund

Ability to their Business (put √ mark)
List major
Industry /Sector grow(Indicate as Own and Bank
High ,medium or low) Own Source source


Hotels and Tourism


Domestic Trade

( Whole sale and



6. Other

Any other information the branch believes that it will be beneficial in developing the marketing
plan of the branch?

Annex1.4. List the business Customers in your target market by Industry Sector,
Turnover etc.

BIB deposit Exposure

List Companies Turnover The sum of credits to
No. Industry /Sector
within the sector ( Annual sales) the customer’s a/c

Annex1.5.What is the highly growing Sector/industry and how is your branch


Top 5 Growth Sectors/Industry BIB Plans (Link to your Marketing Plans)


Annex1.6.What methods of promotion do the companies in your target market use to
advertise and promote their goods – (Brochures, Newspaper, billboard,
flyers, TV, Radio, Direct Mail, Email, online, gifts, samples, discounts,
cash back etc.)?

Industry/Sector List of Companies Methods Most Often Used

Agriculture 1

Hotel and Tourism 2
Construction 1
Transport 1
Domestic Trade (Whole sale
and Retail) 2
Others(Mention) 1

 Format for list of business sectors has been attached separately. The
format serves to amalgamate all business sectors in one and use as
data base for potential and existing customers. Customers demand,

their current bank, employees list and other important items are


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