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I, the undersigned, declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted to any other
college, institution or university other than North Eastern National Polytechnic for the academic

Signed: Date:

This project has been presented for examination with my approval as the appointed

Signed: Date:


This research project is dedicated to my family; my for their encouragement, immense
support, understanding and patience throughout my study.

I wish to acknowledge the almighty God for giving me the gift of life. My
appreciation to the North Eastern National Polytechnic for having the opportunity to
be one of their students, I am truly grateful. Special thanks goes to my supervisor for
his guidance and great support while undertaking thisproject. May God bless you.


STUDENT’S DECLARATION...................................................................................................ii

SUPERVISOR DECLARATION...............................................................................................ii



TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................v


CHAPTER ONE...........................................................................................................................1

1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study............................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................6

1.3 Purpose of the study....................................................................................................8

1.4 Research questions......................................................................................................8

1.5 General Objective........................................................................................................8

1.6 Specific Objectives......................................................................................................8

1.7 Scope of the Study.......................................................................................................8

1.8 Significance of the Study............................................................................................8

1.8.1 Garissa County Referral Hospital.............................................................................9

1.8.2 Healthcare Industry....................................................................................................9

1.8.3 Policy Makers..............................................................................................................9

1.8.4 Academicians and Researchers..................................................................................9

1.9 Limitation of the study................................................................................................9

1.10 Definition of Key Terms...........................................................................................10

1.10.2 Training and Development.......................................................................................10

1.10.3 Compensation............................................................................................................10

1.10.4 Work Environment...................................................................................................10

1.11 Chapter Summary.....................................................................................................11

CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................12

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................12

2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................12

2.2 The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction........................12

2.3 The Effect of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction..........................13

2.3.1 Leave Allowance and Overtime Pay........................................................................17

2.3.2 Pension and Retirement Benefits.............................................................................18

2.4 The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Induction.................19

2.5 Chapter Summary.....................................................................................................24

CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................25

3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................25

3.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................25

3.2 Research Design.........................................................................................................25

3.3 Population and Sampling Design.............................................................................25

Table 3.1: Population Distribution...........................................................................................26

3.3.2 Sampling Design........................................................................................................26 Sampling Technique..................................................................................................26 Sample Size................................................................................................................26

Table 3.2: Sample Size Distribution.........................................................................................27

3.4 Data Collection Methods..........................................................................................27

3.5 Research Procedures.................................................................................................27

3.6 Data Analysis Methods.............................................................................................28

3.7 Chapter Summary.....................................................................................................28

CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................29

4.0 RESULTS AND FINDINGS....................................................................................29

4.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................29

4.2 Response Rate and Respondents General Information.........................................29 Gender of the Respondents......................................................................................29

4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics for Working Environment and Employee Induction........33

4.4 The Effect of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction..........................35

4.4.1 Descriptive Statistics for Employee Compensation and Employee Induction.....35

4.5.1 Descriptive Statistics for Training and Development and Employee Induction. 36

4.7 Regression..................................................................................................................40

4.7.1 Regression Analysis for Working Environment and Employee Induction..........40

4.8 Chapter Summary.....................................................................................................44

CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................45

5.0 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................45

5.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................45

5.2 Summary of the Study..............................................................................................45

5.3 Discussion...................................................................................................................46

5.3.2 The Influence of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction....................48

5.3.3 The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Induction.......................50

5.4 Conclusion..................................................................................................................52

5.4.2 The Influence of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction....................53

5.4.3 The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Induction.................53

5.5 Recommendations.....................................................................................................53 The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction........................53 The Influence of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction....................54 The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Induction.................54

5.5.2 Recommendation for Future Studies......................................................................54



APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRE...........................................................................................58

Section I: General Information.................................................................................................58

Section II: Working Environment............................................................................................59

Section III: Employee Compensation.......................................................................................60

Section IV: Training and Development....................................................................................61

Section V: Employee Induction.................................................................................................62

The purpose of this study was to determine factors affecting employee Induction inthe
health sector, a case study of Garissa County Referral Hospital. The objectives of the
study included; to determine the influence of working environment, employee
compensation and to determine the effect of training on employee Induction in
Garissa County Referral Hospital. The study descriptive research design since it is an
appropriate choice when the study aims to identify attributes, trends, frequencies and
categories. The target population of this study consisted of 80 employees with
stratified random sampling as ideal sampling technique since it accurately reflects the
population being studied. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze frequencies and
percentages. Inferential statistics analyzed correlation and regression analysis. A
Statistical Package for SocialSciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to analyze data.
The findings were presented in figures and tables. This study therefore, concludes that
there is a significant relationship between working environment and employee
Induction. Work environment has a great impact on the Induction of employee in
terms of fulfilling their intrinsic, extrinsic and social needs which basically gives a
logical reason for them to stay and work inan organization and providing the drive
for the employees to produce good Induction and quality work. This study also
concludes that working environment plays a crucial role in enhancing employee
productivity since it makes them feel valuable and appreciated at the work place. This
study recommends that Garissa County Referral Hospital should develop its working
environment in line with the needs and wants of its employees to ensure that they
work effectively towards organizational goals and objectives. The study recommends
that physical elements of the workplace should also be taken into consideration in
creating a favorable workspace that attracts potential employees and influence
employee retention in the organization as they feel comfortable and safe to work in
the organization. This study recommends that Garissa County Referral Hospital
should make use of both financial and non-financial incentives to enhance employee
productivity and most importantly retention. The study established a significant and
positive relationship between training and development and employee Induction.
Therefore, this study recommends that Garissa County Referral Hospital should invest
heavily in training and development activities to ensure that its workforce is well
equipped in performing organizational activities as well as procedures efficiently.
Orientation programs should be established for both new employees as well as new
processes being introduced in the hospital. This will help the organization to create the
right match between its intended objectives and the right skills from its employees.



1.1 Background of the Study

Human resources are regarded to be one of the most crucial and valuable resources
used to achieve organizational objectives. Human resource is the most important
resource to affect Induction in organizations (Tso, Liu, & Li , 2015). Effectiveness
and efficiency of a firm cannot be attained without effective management of human
resource. The main focus of human resource management is the firm‟s interest in
employees‟ Induction. This function is carried out by all managers to deploy human
skills, knowledge, experience and maximizing their Induction to attain organizational
objectives (Gong, Huang , & Farh, 2009).

According to Fernandez and Moldogaziev (2013) human resource is the most critical
resource to affect employee‟s Induction in corporations. It is a crucial factor of the
production process regardless the firm‟s industry. Having a well-trained, motivated
workforce makes it possible to attain the firm‟s success. For this argument
management has the responsibility to deploy not only raw materials, equipment and
facilities but it also has to motivate its employees. Productivity, customer relations
and quality are key areas of success and these depend on Induction of the employees
(Liao & Chuang , 2014). The workforce will perform well if it well motivated.
Employees are the most valuable assets of any firm without whom no production will
be made possible. The success of any organization largely depends onthe quality of its
employees which is measured against their Induction (Yang, Wan
, & Wu, 2015).

Employee Induction is a significant part for the success of the organization. Caillier
(2010) argue that a job with high motivation and hygiene factors leads to
highInduction and few complaints among employees. Employees‟ Induction justlike
all other systems, they do not function when their elements do not work together
smoothly and efficiently. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the
organization and its employees is the key to enhance the organization‟s capability to
move through effectively. Firms need to understand and acknowledge the factors that
affect employee‟s Induction since such insight will help the firm make decisions

that will inculcate improved Induction form the employees and to an extension the
overall Induction of the organization. Employee Induction has been shown to have a
significant effect on organizational Induction. This is due to the reason that individual
Induction is the foundation of organizational Induction. Identifying factors that affect
employees‟ Induction can help improve human resource activities including the
recruitment process, retention and most importantly organizational results (Vest, Scott
, & Markham , 2011).

Employee Induction in most organizations and institutions is highly dependent on the

welfare services provided by the individual organization (Tso, Liu, & Li, 2015).
Welfare services generally include the provision of certain services, benefits or
facilities by the organization to its employees in order to promote employee
satisfaction by ensuring some of their basic needs are catered for. The welfare services
together with employees‟ health and safety promote the efficiency and effectiveness
of the staff. A satisfied employee leads to a satisfied organization since efficiency,
productivity and effectiveness leads to the accomplishment of the organization‟s
overall goals and objectives. Gong, Huang and Farh (2009) state that employee
welfare facilities mainly rest on the ground of social responsibility on companies and
organizations for the employees, for any organizations to competitively deliver o
quality products and services that they specialize in and meet their goals, they need to
have qualified and highly performing employees.

In the United States, the whole process of bringing in new workers into the company
is mainly to familiarize the workers with the organization of tasks within the company,
getting used to the organizational culture, procedures and systems as well as the
values of the company (Luo, 2016). Getting started in a new place can be very
stressful for a worker joining the organization as it comes along with confrontationsof
the unfamiliar surroundings and individuals. In the process of employee
implementation not only the employer should take charge, but the whole team in
highlighting the concern and willingness to help and support is important in the initial
stage of employee implementation. A good implementation of this process will allow
adaptation, of the employee in two major dimensions the social and professional. The
adaptation in the social dimension means accepting of the norms and the rules of the
team and management styles. Professional adaptation on the other hand, involves
adapting to the content and conditions of the job (Karanja, 2015).

The working environment tends to mean all factors that surround employees.
Therefore, for the better adaptation of the professionals in their new environments,
this factor plays a significant role (Holma, 2013). Additionally, more attention should
be on how to improve the working environment since when the working environment
is not favorable for the new employees, this may often lead to stress and thus poor
Induction which in turn leads to less adaptation of the employees to the new
environment (Luo, 2016). According to Agbozo, Owusu and Atakorah (2017), they
indicate that the employee work environment can be divided into three distinct forms
that is the psychological environment, the physical work environment and the social
work environment. They further describe the physical work environment as the kindof
environment with the physical tangibles at the setting where the job is being done and
these include things like office layout, machinery, proper lighting and ventilation.

In Sydney, many companies today are increasingly focused in provision of quality

work to their workers. It is not a technique but rather a philosophy that is being
adopted by many companies in today‟s business environment in balancing the
business, human and social needs (Ouppara & Victoria, 2012). It focuses on
developing the employee joining the organization while at same time increasing
productivity in order for all sectors of the society to benefit. Coca Cola Amatil in
Sydney for instance, supports the core value of developing new employees coming
onto the organization through rewarding their Induction as they gradually internalize
with the working environment. Coca cola as a leading multicompany, takes pride in
the fact that it undertakes its operations on the basis of developing and nurturing its
workforce anchored on the fundamental principles of quality work environment
(Seddon, Calvert, & Yang , 2010).

In South Africa, employee engagement through the workplace environment is crucial

for businesses to succeed. The South African business environment has been
criticized by its negative perception of being uncompetitive and under Induction from
the intercommunity over the past years as well as over reliance on the mining sector
(Cawe, 2016). The perception has progressively improved since 1994 and going
forward and researchers argue that more urgency is required for the companies in the
country to correct the negative perceptions. As much as employee engagement, may
represent only a single factor among others, it is still the central to

the country‟s economy, business productivity and sustainability. The elements of work
such as the noise, lighting and heat have indicated to affect a significant number of
employee psychological processes in both direct and indirect ways (Karanja, 2015).

In Ethiopia, Birhane (2016) notes that employee Induction is function of both ability
and motivation, it makes sense to have practices aimed at enhancing both. Therefore
there are several ways in which workers can acquire necessary skills such as training
and careful selection and multiple incentives to enhance motivation. In addition, job
Induction is viewed as a function of three factors and is expressed with an equation.
With this equation, motivation, ability and environment are the major influences over
employee Induction. Induction standards are made in linewith information from job
analysis which is a systematic process determining the attributes of job, skills, and
knowledge required to doing jobs and evaluate employee‟s Induction based on the
standard (Blystad, 2014).

Tanzania represents religious diversity making it common and generally accepted in

some African societies. The government has sought to create a community as well as
the workplace that is inclusive of all the religions since independence (Klarsfeld,
2016). Management of religious diversity in the workplace environment provides a
welcomed outlook on not just how to manage and accommodate religion in the
workplace but also on the key role of spirituality religion in the work environment
across different communities around the globe. According to Kileo (2018), in
Tanzania the concept of workforce diversity is still crucial in the management of
human resources for any organization. Workforce diversity is believed to play a
significant role in meeting and properly addressing challenges of leadership in the
country and workforce management is the most important instrument in addressing
leadership challenges to enhance organizational Induction. With over 45 commercial
banks offering financial services to Tanzanians and the efforts of offeringbanking and
financial services highly depends on human resource that are diverse. Despite
workforce diversity being considered as having significant impact in promoting
business Induction of commercial banks in Tanzania, implementing workforce
diversity is still a challenge for most of them (Mwinami, 2014).

Kenya just like any other country has the same concerns which is to ensure that there
is a well-functioning labor-force among its companies so that will ensure timely and
efficient service delivery all the time (Ngahu, 2011). It is widely accepted that
workers working in the Kenyan financial sector are not producing the desired output
and many have echoed their low esteem concerns via social media due to their
working environment being poor, lack of recognition, unrealistic delivery timeframe
being the major constraint in achieving organizational objectives (Irefin & Mechanic,
2014). Nyakwara et al (2014), they evaluated Mumias Company, Kenya and
concluded that the welfare services and programs provided to the employees served
asa strategy of industrial unrest on organization Induction. The study indicated that
the several forms of industrial unrest experienced by the company were strikes andthe
root cause was inflexibility of the terms and conditions of employment. The study
concluded that an industrial unrest intervention strategy not only addresses the issue
of unrest but the latter also improved the overall organization Induction.

The trade unions play an important role in enhancing and improving the employee
welfare services and the Induction of the employees themselves as well as the
organizations. By ensuring the organizations provide services such as maternity,
housing and medical schemes, pension among other benefits the productivity and job
satisfaction of employees have increased tremendously (Cawe, 2016).

Garissa County Referral Hospital was established in the year 1901 and it is the largest
hospital in Kenya and East Africa. It is a teaching and referral hospital providing
specialized medical care, training and research at the University of Nairobi and for the
Kenya Medical Teaching College (Merab, 2016). Its mission is to provide specialized
quality prevention interventions, facilitate training and research in HIV/AIDS care.
The hospital is located in the Upper hill area in Nairobi and its‟ complex measure
approximately 45.7 acres. Employees‟ job satisfaction continues to be one of the key
factors that determine the survival of the health sector in Kenya. Jobsatisfaction has
been discussed widely and still continues to draw more attention. Likethe most other
African nations, Kenya is facing a human resources crisis in the public health sector;
many of its health professionals such as nurses, doctors are migrating to developed
nations to seek better employment prospects. Within the nation itself, they are leaving
rural areas to work in urban areas for the same reason. The crisis

originated in the structural adjustment programs that the government signed with the
World Bank and IMF in the 1990s (Anderson, 2016).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The health sector is currently grappling with several challenges that is affecting
service delivery to the people, these challenges include strikes and go slows, lack of
equipment and proper infrastructure, lack of enough human resource among others
(Agbozo, Owusu, & Atakorah , 2017). The health systems cannot be able to function
effectively and efficiently without motivated human resource, and for any
organization to achieve this, they have to incur extra costs of ensure the employee‟s
welfare is well taken care of to ensure that they are provided with conducive
environment to carry out their duties (Caillier, 2010).

Employees are usually attracted and always striving to join certain organizations not
just because of the extrinsic benefits such as the pay packages they will be providing
by the organization but also the intrinsic benefits as well (Cawe, 2016). These benefits
include housing, risk and transport allowances, medical cover, and leave and off days,
pension and retirement benefits among others. These benefits play a crucial part in
maintaining or even increasing the morale and motivation of the employees, which in
part will ensure increased job satisfaction and job Induction among the employees and
will in turn have a positive effect on the organization‟s productivity (Tso, Liu, & Li,

However, research conducted on the modern concept of employee welfare indicate

that there have been arguments against the provision of welfare programs and
facilities, the Human Resource section have over the years tried to dissociate
themselves with these redundant welfare activities to no avail (Liao & Chuang ,
2014). Others have argued out that welfare services are provided by the state services
thus the question why should the industrial, commercial and the public sector
organizations provide what is already in existence. According to Herzberg (2009)
welfare services are hygiene factors and hence they do not motivate the workers to
perform in any way.

Employee Induction basically involves their emotions, feelings and them realizing
that their needs are being addressed by the organization (Birhane, 2016). Employee
Induction is central task of organizational management, and managers on the other

hand feel that it is their moral responsibility to maintain high levels of employee job
satisfaction, because of its impact on productivity. However, managers fail to
understand the needs of their employees or rather choose to ignore them either way
this contributes or results to demotivated employees whose job Induction level
decrease and this in turn no longer is a problem to the department managers alone but
to the entire organization since it creates a cause and reaction effect which circulatesin
the entire organization affecting the entire system (Ouppara & Victoria, 2012).

Locally, studies have been done on employee Induction and factors affecting it,
Nyakwaraet.al (2014) conducted a study on the evaluation of employee welfare
facilities as an intervention strategy of industrial unrest on organizational
Inductionand revealed that major forms of industrial unrest experienced by Mumias
Sugar Company were strikes and the main cause was inflexibility of terms and
conditions of employment. Kimeu (2015) carried out a study on perceived factors
affecting employee Induction at Machakos county government and findings revealed
that theperceived factors affecting employee Induction in Machakos county
government tobe training, motivation, teamwork and Induction appraisals with
majority of the respondents agreeing that the above factors affects their Induction.
Gikonyo (2017)conducted a study on factors affecting employees‟ productivity in
county governments in Kenya that there is a strong correlation between motivation
and productivity whereby, the more motivated employees are, the higher the likelihood
of more productivity. But none of these studies have researched on factors affecting
employee Induction in health sector. Therefore, this study will bridge the gap by
investigating factors affecting employee‟s Induction in health sector with a case study
of Garissa County Referral Hospital.

Employee‟s Induction has an important role in helping an organization to achieve its

organizational goals. Job satisfaction influences the quality of health care services. It
thus unlikely that optimal medical care can be delivered by unhappy and maladapted
healthcare providers (Wamunyu, 2016). The Kenyan government has attempted to
develop new standards to enhance human resource conditions in the health sector and
retain staff by offering salary increase, providing them with opportunities to engage in
private practice and giving them training

1.3 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study was to motivate employees to participate in planning and
decision making in institutions.

1.4 Research questions.

1. What is the effect of strategic recruitment and selection practices on employee
2. What is the effect of strategic training and development on employee performance?

3. What is the effect of strategic compensation and benefit policies on employee


1.5 General Objective

The general objective of this study was to determine factors affecting employees‟
Induction in the health sector with a case study of Garissa County Referral Hospital.

1.6 Specific Objectives

1.6.1 To determine the influence of working environment on employee Inductionin
Garissa County Referral Hospital.

1.6.2 To determine the influence of employee compensation on employee

Induction in Garissa County Referral Hospital.

1.4.2 To determine the effect of training and development on employee Inductionin

Garissa County Referral Hospital.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study focused on factors affecting employee Induction in the health sector. The
study targeted the following study variables; working environment, employee
compensation and training. The study targeted employees working in Garissa County
Referral Hospital. It was carried out in Nairobi County.

1.8 Significance of the Study

The study will provide insight to organizations on the effect the various HRM practices have
on employee performance, hence enabling them to take the necessary action in order to
improve overall organizational performance.

1.8.1 Garissa County Referral Hospital

Garissa County Referral hospital is expected to be the primary beneficiary of this

study. Thehospital is expected to benefit from the findings of this study by
acknowledging factors affecting employee Induction. This should enable the hospital
to make key decisions in line with human resources activities to ensure that its
employees are working in harmony to attain the intended Induction.

1.8.2 Healthcare Industry

All players in the health care industry are expected to benefit from the findings of the
study as it highlights factors affecting employee Induction in the health careindustry.
The findings should enable the players in the healthcare industry to make informed
decisions when it comes to human resources to ensure that they have the right
workforce to achieve their vision.

1.8.3 Policy Makers

Both the government and other policy making partners are expected to benefit from
the findings of this study by acknowledging factors affecting employee Inductionin
the healthcare sector.

1.8.4 Academicians and Researchers

The study help academicians in acquiring specific information concerning the area of
study. They should be able to use the study for reference and also in gathering
information and data at the same time should help them in their research and studies.
In addition, the academicians can use the study to critique the issue at hand and
maybe conduct further research expounding further on the area of study. The findings
of this study can also be used for future reference.

1.9 Limitation of the study.

The researcher faced the following challenges: Primary data collection was the main
source of obtaining the relevant information. However, not all respondents were
comfortable with providing information as they were unsure on the use of the
information that they provided. However, the researcher assured the respondents
that the information sought would be used for academic purposes and that
confidentiality would be assured to them. Other re- spondents found it difficult to
take time off their busy work schedules as they viewed the re- searcher taking up
too much of their valuable time. The researcher addressed this challengeby taking
minimum time administering questionnaires.

1.10 Definition of Key Terms.

1.10.1 Motivation

Motivation as an employee‟s intrinsic drive and eagerness to accomplish certain tasks

or activities relating to his or her work (Chapman, 2014). It is an intrinsic factor that
causes an employee to have the will power to start to act, he further explains that
motivation is a complex force that can be influenced by external factors, and one‟s
motivation is greatly influenced by social, intellectual, biological and also emotional

1.10.2 Training and Development

This is the systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a

result of education, instruction, development and planned experience. It aims to help
an organization achieve its purpose by adding value to its key resources, that is the
people, it emphasizes on the overall improvements of the employees‟ skills and
abilities hence increase the effectiveness and efficiency in the manner they perform
their tasks(Birhane, 2016).

1.10.3 Compensation

This consists of a variety of both financial and non-financial rewards to employees for
their service to the organization, it is usually paid in form of salaries, wages,
allowances and employee benefits which include medical cover, pension and
retirement benefits among others (Caillier, 2010). Monetary payments are a direct
form of compensating the employees and contribute greatly in motivating the

1.10.4 Work Environment

According to Foldspang (2014), the word work environment can be described as the
total surrounding conditions in which a worker operates in, and these conditions can
be composed of social conditions, physical conditions and psychological conditions.

1.11 Chapter Summary

The first chapter of the paper has provided an elaborate outline of the study explaining in
depth the background of the study, statement of the study, clearly outlined the objective of the
study, scope of the study and the purpose of conducting the research as a need to establish
factors affecting employee Induction. The significance of the study has been provided as the
need to understand the link or the relationship to benefit the professionals in the health sector.
Definitions of key terms have also been defined. Chapter two of this study is expected to
present the literature review. Chapterthree presents the research methodology. Chapter four
presents findings and results and chapter five covers the discussion, conclusion and



2.1 Introduction
This chapter summarizes and mainly focuses on identifying and analyzing the
findings of several studies and researches that have previously been done in this same
field of study to determine factors affecting employees‟ Induction. The first part
ofthis chapter covers the influence of working environment on employee Induction.
The second part presents the literature on the influence of employee compensation on
employee Induction and finally the literature on the effect of training on employee

2.2 The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction

Employee morale which is essential for his or her productivity can be impacted in
both positive and negative ways by the workplace environment (Ashkanasy, Ayoko,
& Jehn , 2014). The workplace environment plays a major role in the Inductionand
productivity of an employee. Most sectors have an unsafe workplace environmentand
are most time unhealthy too. An unsafe health facility environment such as
unsuitable furniture, poorly designed workstations, lack of ventilation, excessivenoise,
inappropriate lighting, poor supervisor support, poor work space, poor
communication, poor fire safety measures for emergencies, and lack of personal
protective equipment, can adversely affect the productivity of the employee (Martin &
Akpan, 2017). Health workers in such environment are exposed to occupational
diseases such as heat stress, deafness, ergonomic disorders and suffocation. Health
worker’s productivity and Induction can decrease due to poorly planned workplace
environment as this adversely affects their morale and may give rise to poor
motivation and no job satisfaction as a result, it becomes a challenge for the
management to provide a safe work environment for the workers to ensure health,
efficiency, productivity and good Induction. The relationship between the health
worker, work and the workplace environment is very crucial and hence it becomes an
integral part of work itself (Liao & Chuang, 2014). Management effort in ensuring an
active workforce should be focused on employee personal motivation and the
infrastructure of the work environment.

In the process of enhancing healthcare system, Tanzania faces challenges including
shortage of health workers, increased caseloads for health workers due to the
migration of skilled health personnel, double burden of disease and the HIV/AIDS
scourge that affect both the general population and health personnel hence it is vital
tohave a well function health system with well-motivated staff perform their work
inline with the standards set by the system (Mokram, 2012). The importance of
physical work environment has now been realized and modern healthcare sectors are
making all possible efforts to make the work environment more comfortable, safe and
healthy.The author further indicates that, in Tanzania, the government through its
ministry of Health and Social Welfare has the same concern as other African nations
which is to ensure health and social welfare services are of high quality, effective,
accessible and affordable delivered by a well performing and sustainable health and
welfare system that encourages responsiveness to the needs of the people. One of the
strategy deployed to enforce this is a Result Based Management framework which is
an integrated approach to Induction management. The approach requires all public
service institutions to plan, implement, monitors and report on Induction andfinally
carry out Induction reviews (Markey, 2013).

2.3 The Effect of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction

Employee compensation is the package of quantifiable rewards that the employer
gives to the employees for services rendered to the organization or company.
Itincludes three components; salary, pay incentives and indirect benefits (Fisher
&Maines, 2015). Abbas and Yaqoob (2009) indicates that compensation can be in
form of salary, remuneration. Pay and rewards at times provided to employees in lieu of
thework or services done. Compensation is therefore a pay or salary, monetary payment for
the services. Organizations and companies compensate their employees in order toreward and
motivate them thus improving their job satisfaction, boosting their morale and commitment
which lead to improved Induction of the employees on an individual level.

Kassahun (2017) define employee compensation as all forms of pay given to

employees for their services which involves all direct and indirect financial
compensations. Compensation can be divided into financial and non-financial
rewardsto employees for their services rendered to the organization, and it is usually
paid in form of salary, wages and employee benefits which include; maternity leave,
travel allowance, paid vacations, retirement benefits among others (Babenko, 2013).
Employee rewards are concerned with both the financial and non- financial rewards
and also abides by the policies, plans, strategies and processes applied by
organizations to develop and maintain reward systems (Spencer, 2016). It is important
for any organization to have a good compensation package for it to motivate its
employees and increase the organizational productivity, for unless compensation is
provided no employee will come and work for the organization. Today, humans are
regarded as the most important asset to any organization hence they need and have to
be managed efficiently and effectively for the business to achieve its long term goals.
Companies therefore are constantly competing and strategizing against each other to
attract, retain and motivate its‟ employees through compensation management
(Kraizberg, Tziner, & Weisberg, 2012).

The point of Management is to meet individual and organizational objectives. This

requires fortifying health specialists' self-viability by offering proper remuneration
and guaranteeing training and supervision, guaranteeing the accessibility of basic
means, materials and supplies and in addition hardware and the arrangement
ofsatisfactory working conditions (Martin & Akpan, 2017). Poor risky working
conditions, low compensation and poor improvement techniques do not just diminish
execution of the health frameworks yet additionally comprise a genuine push factorfor
relocation of health laborers, both from country zones to the urban areas, and to
different Counties (Anderson, 2016).

It is in this manner an imperative objective of HR administration in the health

segment to reinforce the inspiration of health laborers, from heads of health offices to
assistant staff. Exceptionally energetic staff will not just perform better yet
additionally give a higher nature of health administrations (Mokram, 2012). Medical
specialists or nurses who are persuaded in their present place of employment may
likewise be as less slanted to leave their activity or even their nation behind looking
for choices, for example, higher pay and additionally better working conditions
(Wamunyu, 2016).

Notwithstanding enthusiasm for the issues of human asset for health laborers in
developing nations has so far not gotten as much consideration as the subject benefits
(Karanja, 2015). Compensation is especially basic for open medicinal services
organizational prosperity. This is because of numerous reasons. To start with, general
health workers fill open needs and persuaded employees are basic to satisfy the

legislatures' obligations to their natives and networks. Second, people look for

fulfillment from legislative administrations and to the degree that legislature can react
to their requirements auspicious and successfully, their certainty on government
development (Milia, 2010). Government's capacity to react opportune and adequately
to some degree relies upon how much open employees will apply exertion in their
occupations. Third, government faces expanding open requests and monetary
limitations to meet those requests. Workers‟ pay is a focal piece of the work
relationship. From the workers' perspective, to do with wages, pay rates and different
profit majorly affecting their general salary and their way of life. Employees join
extraordinary significance to pay choices when they assess their organization with
others. In this manner, pay choice must be deliberately overseen and imparted
(Bhatnagar & Biswas , 2010).

Organizations are known to provide a high quality health care when its human
resources are compensated properly. When a health care institution compensates its
clinical and non-clinical staff efficiently, it results into improved quality of
healthcare.However, recent strikes globally, and in Kenya specifically, suggests
inappropriate compensation management practices of the healthcare workers in the
Country. Due to their obvious and critical differences it is imperative that human
capital is handled andmanaged very differently from physical capital. Unfortunately,
in many nations healthcare workers are unsatisfied with payments and healthcare
security, policy, safety, working conditions and physical and administrative
infrastructure. In Kenya, the pursuit of higher pay as well as working conditions,
manpower and shortage of equipment prevent health care institutions from offering
quality health care. It appearsthat most of these institutions lack established HRM
functions with the capability to address human resource challenges in offering quality
health care (Sewe, Bula, & Oringo, 2018).

Chen and Sandino (2012) further explain that organizations motivate the high
performers such as authority and rank by providing financial and non- financial reward
systems, for people with more money which they use to motivate employees hence
enhancing job Induction are believed to be more powerful in society compared to the
ones who satisfy. The financial and the non-financial rewards both have a strong
influence on employees‟ motivation and are directly related to Induction, their
significance also does vary with age (Ortega, 2009).

According to Herzberg‟s theory there are two types of factors that strongly impacts
employee motivation these are the hygiene factors and the motivators (Babenko,

The hygiene factors include; pay, policies, the working environment, company
policies, fringe benefits, status, job security and interpersonal relations while the
motivators include; recognition, appreciation, growth and promotion opportunities,
sense of achievement, responsibility and meaningfulness of work. An effective
rewardplan and provide the organization with great success and this success will be
based on how the firm keeps its employees‟ motivated and in the method they use to
evaluate Induction for compensation (Schiemann, 2017).

The financial incentive is ranked top in motivating employees, this is because money
enables the employees to fulfill both their basic needs and their need of belonging and
power, and though money is a key factor the intrinsic factors are equally important
since money is not the only factor that enhances morale and motivation (Westerman
& Sundali, 2015). According to Bol (2011) salary increment and monetary rewards
positively influences employee satisfaction. Long term incentives, team-based rewards
and security benefits also have a positive effect on employee creativity.

Several research conducted show that the non- financial rewards and job Induction
show a positive relationship. Gikuya (2014) quoted Hayatiet al., (2012) study that
investigated the relationship between the non-financial rewards and job motivation
which resulted to a positive relationship, meaning that the employees who are
intrinsically motivated are more motivated compared to the employees who are
extrinsically motivated. Rast (2012) studied the job characteristics that have a
significant impact on job motivation among three private airline employees. The
finding show that nature of the job, relationship, supervision pay, and promotion
opportunities relate to job motivation and the overall Induction of the employees.

An organization that fully invests and focuses on the welfare and the needs of its
employees always has a competitive advantage over it competitors. The concept of
compensating the employees is based on motivating the employees of the organization
to improve their Induction or better their Induction (Wang & Lim , 2018). Several
studies conducted have proven that compensating the employees has a positive impact
on the employee‟s health, work place safety and their overall Induction, it has also
greatly contributed to an increase in employee engagement inthe work place (Choi &
Chen , 2017).
The main idea behind using various strategies of compensation to employees is because

motivated employees become satisfied in terms of fulfilling both their financial and
non-financial wants which leads to improved Induction (Bapna & Langer , 2013). If
organizations fail to consider this, the employees will increasingly be tempted to exit
the organization and move to other better organizations that consider their needs and
well-being. However, organizations also have to put into considerations that not all
employees prefer the similar componentsor types off compensation packages. There
are employees who prefer to receive the intrinsic rewards like praise and recognition
for their work accomplishments while on the other hand we have employees who
prefer extrinsic rewards like bonuses, salaries and incentives in order to enhance their
work Inductions (Blystad, 2014).
2.3.1 Leave Allowance and Overtime Pay

According to Yanadori and Marler (2016) the length of the leave period may vary
among employers from different organizations and companies as well as the different
levels or job groups that the employees hold in those organizations or companies. The
leave period may be between four working and seven working weeks, and employees
are entitled to full compensation during the leave period. Depending on the
organization one is working in one, an individual may be provided with a leave
allowance which serves as an added benefit for the employees that may meet certain
needs during the vacation period (Harley & Sargent, 2010). The employees are also
entitled to leave days with pay on public holidays such as the days. The employers are
required by law to pay their employees for unused leave days, since it is their right
and has also been enshrined in the constitution. The employee views the leaves as a
way of relaxing their minds, and gives them a satisfiedfeeling that their employers
appreciate and value them. (Colvin, 2014). This kind of allowance usually varies from
different employers given that the employee are in different job designation as well as
the difference in the shifts. The employees are entitled to this allowance when they
work past the stipulated working hours (Abbas &Yaqoob, 2009). Overtime can be
defined as working beyond the contractually fixed working time, and in most cases it
usually has a negative connotation to it implying that the employees are working
involuntarily for long hours (Birhane, 2016). Liao andChuang (2014) distinguishes
that there are two types of employees overtime pay. The first type being the conscripts
who do not prefer working long hours, and the second type are the volunteers who
autonomously choose to work for longer hours to get the work done.

2.3.2 Pension and Retirement Benefits
Retirement programs give employees regular flow of income after they leave the
organization foe a certain period of time if they organize themselves, for most people
a good retirement plan is enough to make them stay at the organization even though
the job is not that thrilling and exciting (Otoo & Mishra, 2018). There are two type of
retirement plan. The pensions and the contribution plans.

Presley and Blum (2018) argue that pension provision has undergone considerable
changes and the traditional benefit scheme, which provides pension based on final
salary is slowly disappearing rapidly and is also too costly at the same time, and is
being replaced by defined contribution schemes where the retirement pension
iswhatever annual payment can be purchased with the money accumulated in the fund
for the member which relatively cheaper.

Pensions normally offer regular guaranteed income to the retired employees for their
entire lives, retirement benefits also may be offered to surviving spouses.
Althoughpensions were popular for many years, most of the employers no longer
offer them these days (Markey, 2013). Contribution plans invest funds provided by
both the employee and the employer. Funds are invested and they may grow or shrink
depending on the market. Currently, the contribution plans are much more common
than the pension plans (Bapna & Langer , 2013).

Paid holidays is where an employee is able to go for a holiday and still receive their
monthly salary, not all organizations have this kind of benefit but for those who have
majorly aim at increasing an employee‟s loyalty and commitment to the
organization(Lerner, 2013). Outside of holidays, corporations are under no obligation
to offer paid vacation or sick days. Some offer very minimal vacation and hourly or
part time workers may get no vacation at all. To compete for highly qualified workers,
however, the majority of companies do offer at least some paid vacation. Usually the
number of vacation days‟ increases over time one reason for employees to stay loyal
to their employer (Ouppara & Victoria, 2012).

2.4 The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Induction
According to Sattar, Ahmad and Hassan (2015) conceived training as an ordered
process to amend the proficiencies of employees to enable them to achieve the
objectives of the organization. In general training implies providing and according the
employees with knowledge, skills and competencies that is necessary for them to
perform their tasks more efficiently (Ouppara & Victoria , 2012).

Human resources plays a very critical role in any organization activities, both in
government and private organizations, where humans as planners, modifiers, and
other resource control in an organization. The high labor productivity of employees
are basically the achievements of the employees at a certain level. According to
Anderson (2016), labor productivity is an important part of the whole process of
wealth related employees. Employee Induction is not a matter of chance, but a lot of
factors that influence it. Because the Induction will be achieved when the various
work plans are made in accordance with the executed tasks assigned to each employee
in the organization. Therefore, a qualified employee is an employee who is able to do
the job and provide a good work or have a high Induction organization isneeded, both
private and government to achieve the goal. Because, basically the success of the
organization as a whole the contribution of the work of its employees. The labor
productivity of an employee in an organization is influenced by many factors, such as
proposed namely job satisfaction, stress level, physical condition of the employee,
compensation systems, job design, and economical aspects, technical aswell as other
behaviors, including training and employment promotion (Foldspang, 2014).

In healthcare services, human resources management has been regarded as the

different kinds of clinical and non-clinical staff responsible for public and individual
health intervention. In a more broader term, human resources management is dynamic
management task in the field of healthcare services it plays an active and crucial role
in the success of the restructuring of the health sector (Oduwusi, 2018). Human
Resources Management not only involved in securing and developing the talents of
individual workers but also in implementing programs that enhance communication
and cooperation between those individual workers in order to support organizational
development. Numerous documented literatures have disclosed the roles of human
resources management in developing the quality of healthcare services and found that
incentives and providing motivation to work and follow the system of bonuses by
competencies improve the Induction of individuals working in hospitals (Dieleman&
Harnmeijer , 2016).

According to Nassazi (2013), organizations are facing increased competition due to

globalization, changes in technology, political and economic environments and
therefore prompting these organizations to train their employees as one of the ways to
prepare them to adjust to the increases above and thus enhance their Induction. It is
important to not ignore the prevailing evidence on growth of knowledge in the
business corporate world in the last decade. This growth has not only been brought
about by improvements in technology nor a combination of factors of production but
increased efforts towards development of organizational human resources. It is,
therefore, in every organizations responsibility to enhance the job Induction of the
employees and certainly implementation of training and development is one of the
major steps that most companies need to achieve this (Birhane, 2016). As is evident
that employees are a crucial resource, it is important to optimize the contribution of
employees to the company aims and goals as a means of sustaining effective
Induction. This therefore calls for managers to ensure an adequate supply of staff that
is technically and socially competent and capable of career development into
specialist departments or management positions (Gollan & Xu, 2015).

Training is the planned effort to facilitate employee of the job-related behavior in

order to improve employee Induction. Jones and Siag (2016) conceptualize training as
the systematic process which seeks to assist employees enhance their skillsand
knowledge, and develop positive behavior through experiential learning, which is
expected to help employees realize greater Induction. Training provides various
advantages to employees in relation to broadening their knowledge, abilities and
skillsbecoming more efficient in their jobs, teamwork, and enhance career
development opportunities (Spencer, 2016).

Weber (2015) add to these definitions by defining training as the planned intervention,
which is designed to enhance the elements that influence an individual‟s job
Induction. In this way, training reduces job related stress and enhances employees‟
positive perception of their job as satisfying. According to Kassahun (2017) the
purpose of training is to improve knowledge, skills and to change attitude. This can
lead to many potential benefits for both individuals and the organization. It istherefore
a key element to improve organizational Induction.

Training increases the level of individuals‟ organizational competence. It helps to

reconcile the gaps between what should happen and what is happening between
desired targets as standards and actual level of work Induction. He also stated that
training ensures an adequate supply of staff that is technically and socially competent
(Bapna & Langer , 2013). Davar and Parti (2013), viewed training as an integral part
of the process of total quality management. Training is considered as one of the most
significant processes in the Human Resources Management functions in the
organizations as trained workers are capable of supporting the organization‟s goals
and objectives and facilitating organizational efficiency.

Training thus can be seen as playing a critical role in maintaining and developing the
capabilities of both individual employees and the organization and in contributing to
the vital process of organizational change as well (Timpone & Sussman, 2018). At
present the business world is characterized, among other things, by an increasing
competitiveness, market globalization, continual technological advances and changes
in work organization; therefore, the survival of a company implies the prosecution of
sustainable competitive advantages and theories placing the origin of these advantages
outside the company are now losing validity in the interest of those centered on
internal elements, especially the theory of resources and capacities (Leblebici, 2012).
Trained employees have a significantly greater ability to produce high quality
products or services and to deliver better customer service experience (Bapna &
Langer , 2013). According to Bhatnagar and Biswas (2010), the value of a company
automatically rises when an employee can successfully put into practice the skills he
or she has acquired from training. The underpinning reason for incorporating
trainingin workplace is to provide the necessary skills for the employees to enhance
the efficiency of the business.

Any business with the willingness to invest in employee development and training,
enjoy great results and satisfactions both in the short and long terms (Yang, Wan , &
Wu, 2015). According to Presley and Blaum (2018) the important areas of training
include orientation training, diversified training, sexual harassment training and team
training. Training therefore imparts on the employee the ability, skills, creativity
potential and knowledge that not only improves efficiency in the employees‟

Induction of his or her assigned duties, but also reduces the employees stress level
associated with the executing his or her responsibilities within the organization.
Research shows more willingness of employees who attended orientation programs
and they adopted the organizational goals and values more effectively than those who
did not attended the orientation program (Bapna & Langer , 2013). Gong et al. (2009)
mentioned that the concept of training through courses is becoming a sign of a non-
flexible approach and hence it limits effectiveness. Learning is being considered as an
individual need to be approached on an individual basis. The purpose of training is to
enable the employee to get acquitted with their present or prospective jobs
andincreases their knowledge and skills.

Training makes new employees more productive and efficient. It makes the old
employees familiar with new machines and techniques of refreshing their knowledge.
Training job is never finished so long as an organization remains in business
(Anderson, 2016). Thus, training is not a „one stop process‟, but it is an ongoing or
continues process. It’s effective only when it is properly planned and effectively
executed (Cawe, 2016).Gollan and Xu (2013) analyzed training as an experimental
phenomenon aimed at transforming the behavior of individuals. Training is mainly
concerned with intentionally, produced learning occurring to cause people to have
differently by applying skills and techniques acquired during training in their jobs.

Training effects employee's job Induction positively. Training is a motivational factor

which enhances the knowledge of the employee towards the job by which employees
become proficient in their jobs and they become able to give better results (Bhatnagar
& Biswas, 2010). In addition, training is seen as a useful means of copingwith
changes fostered by technological innovation; market competition, organizational
structuring and most importantly it plays a key role to enhance employee Induction.
Several measures of Induction are analyzed including compensation, Induction
appraisal, and organizational commitment (Tso, Liu, & Li
, 2015).

Human capital is the differentiator between a good company and a great company.
Evaluation of training to a measure of how well training has met the need of its human
resource contribution of training to the organization success is known through
evaluation of training and therefore this strengthens training as key an organizational
activity (Schiemann, 2017). The author further define the models upon which
evaluation of training is based on according to need for assessment/ formative
assessment/summative assessment. Human resource is the very important and the
backbone of every organization and it is also the main Resource of the organization.
Training is a key element for improved Induction; it can increase the level of
individual and organizational competency (Abbas & Yaqoob, 2009).

Training holds the key to unlock the potential growth and development opportunities
to achieve a competitive edge (Coget, 2011). Training programs helps in making
acquaintance of employees with more advance technology and attaining robust
competencies and skills in order to handle the functions and basics of newly
introduced technical equipment. Training facilitates the updating of skills and lead to
increase commitment, well-being, and sense of belonging, thus directly strengthening
the organization's competitiveness (Bapna & Langer, 2013). Training has the distinct
role in the achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of
organization and the workforce. There is no doubt that training is important in all
aspect for an organization. Training has traditionally been defined as the process by
which individuals change their skills, knowledge, attitudes, and/or behavior (Yang,
Wan , & Wu, 2015).

The primary role of training is to improve the employees' skill for current and future
du-ties and responsibilities. Training helps them to change with aspects like
technology and competition (Salas, 2012) Nowadays training is the most important
factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the
effectiveness of both employees and the organization. Training is important to
enhance the capabilities of employees. Recent researches reveal that training enables
most organizations meet their goals and objectives. In doing so employees are able to
learn new work concepts, refresh their skills, improve their work attitude and boost
productivity (Markey, 2013). On the one hand, most of the employees need training to
per-form their job duties or at least to increase the quality and quantity of their work;
on the other hand, skilled and efficient manpower is the most important success factor
in achieving the goal of organizations.

Training facilitates the updating of skills and leads to increase commitment, well -
being, and sense of belonging, thus directly strengthening the organization‟s
competitiveness (Wang & Lim, 2018). Training has been an important variable in

increasing organizational productivity. Training is a fundamental and effectual
instrument in successful accomplishment of the firm's goals and objectives, resulting
in higher Induction and productivity of the organization. Training is a tool to fill the
gap and the firms should use it wisely to improve employee productivity (Bhatnagar
& Biswas, 2010).

Milia and Birdi (2010), contend that trained employees often work better as teams
because everyone is aware of the expectations and can achieve them together
smoothly. In addition, employees who receive regular training are more likely to
accept change and come up with new ideas. Training plays a vital role, improving
Induction as well as increasing productivity, and eventually putting companies in the
best position to face competition and stay at the top. Past researches provides the
evidence regarding the positive affect of training programs on both employee and
organizational Induction. Training has direct relationship with the employees'
Induction. A significant relationship was found between the employees training and
their resultant Induction in accomplishing different tasks. By the help of training
employees become proficient in their jobs and they become able to give better results
(Markey, 2013).

Kim (2010) argues that for training program to have an impact on employees and
hence the organization, they must be task-oriented programs. He sees training
programmed that focus on specific tasks as being more likely to affect the
efficiencyof the employee. Skunner a professor at the Harvard University is one of his
experiments found that reinforcement of behavior involves the strength of the
responses. It may be achieved by means of positive stimuli.

2.5 Chapter Summary

This chapter focuses on the literature and theoretical review of the study, it expounds
further and explains in detail on the study as well as capture the literature research
conducted in similar studies previous on the impact of welfare services on employee
Induction in the healthcare sector. Chapter three presents the research
methodologythat will be used in the study.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on presenting the methodology that was implemented to carry
out the study. This also includes the research design, the population being targeted,
data collections tools and techniques, the data analysis methodologies and
presentations. The research methodology is being implemented so as to enable the
researcher to collect data, process and interpret it for this particular study.

3.2 Research Design

Research design refers to the overall strategy or plan you choose to integrate the
different elements of the study in a coherent and logical way, therefore, ensuring that
will effectively address the research problem. Research design constitutes the
blueprint that aids collection, measurement and analysis of data (Cooper &
Schindler,2014). The study used descriptive research design to collect data.
Descriptive researchdesign is defined as a methodological process that entails
collecting data, describes a certain phenomenon, then organizes, depicts, describes
and analyzes the data collected for the study through use of graphs and charts in order
to present a clear picture to the readers and aid them in understanding the distribution
of data(Nelson, 2013). This design was suitable for this particular study since it
enabled the researcherto clearly present a clear picture and present an empirical
assessment, numerical data and statistical analysis of the collected data. In addition to
that descriptive survey design was appropriate since the study aimed to identify
characteristics, frequencies, categories and trends in line with factors affecting
employee Induction.

3.3 Population and Sampling Design

3.3.1 Population

According to Cooper and Schindler (2014) population refers to the group of

individuals or elements from which the sample will be drawn. In this particular study,
the population was employees of Garissa County Referral Hospital and the target
populationwas eighty employees (80) from all levels of management obtained
through census
from various departments, including administrative, pharmacy, diagnostic imaging,
cardiology, accident and emergency and critical care.

Table 3.1: Population Distribution

Categories Population % Distribution
Top level Management 15 19%
Middle level Management 25 31%
Subordinate Staff 40 50%
Total 80 100%

Source :( Garissa County Referral Hospital, 2023)

3.3.2 Sampling Design Sampling Frame
Sampling frame refers to the list or quasi list of elements from which a probability
sample is selected. In this particular study, the sampling frame consisted of a list of
employees who hold different designations and are currently working at Garissa
County Referral Hospital. Sampling Technique

Sampling technique refers to the name or other identification of the specific process
by which the entities of the sample have been selected (Sedgwick, 2015). In this
particular study stratified sampling technique was deployed. Stratified sampling
technique is a technique that restricts the possible samples from the less extreme by
ensuring all sections of the population are represented in the sample hence improving
the accuracy and efficiency at the same time (Lohr, 2014). This study used stratified
sampling technique since the population had various strata including top management,
middle level management and subordinate staff. This technique enabled the researcher
to highlight specific subgroup within the population easily. This technique was quite
useful since it ensured the presence of the key subgroup within the sample. Sample Size

Sample size refers to the number of elements selected from a given population to
represent the entire population by drawing inferences (Cooper & Schindler, 2014).
This study used census this implies that the entire population of this study was

studied. Cooper and Schindler (2014) define census technique as the study of every
element, everyone or everything in a population. The study used census since the
population of 80 is too small to determine a sample size using a statistical formula,
hence, study of the entire population.

Table 3.2: Sample Size Distribution

Categories Population Sample % Distribution

Top level Management 15 15 19%
Middle level Management 25 25 31%
Subordinate Staff 40 40 50%
Total 80 80 100%

3.4 Data Collection Methods

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of
interest in an established systematic way that enables one to answer stated research
questions, test hypothesis and evaluate outcomes (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). This
study used primary data as the major source of data. Primary data was gathered using
a closed-ended questionnaire. The questionnaire had five sections, the first section had
general details of the respondents, and the second section had questions on the
influence of working environment and employee Induction. Followed by the third
section with questions on the influence of employee compensation and employee
Induction. Fourth section had questions on the effect of training on employee
Induction while the last section had questions addressing the dependent variables
which was employee Induction.
3.5 Research Procedures
Research procedures are the step by step process one has to undergo when embarking
on their project. These procedures facilitate easy collection and documentation of data
that was used in the study (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). Upon completion of research
proposal an approval was sought from the supervisor. Once the approval was granted
an IRB letter was obtained from the graduate school to allow the researcher to make
the application for the research permit from Commission for Science, Technology and
Innovation (NACOSTI). Once the permit was granted a pilot test was

conducted using 10% of employees working at Garissa County Referral Hospital.
Once the pilot test was complete and the research instrument was deemed to be
reliable for the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the respondents
for data collection. Respondents were given a period of one week to fill the
questionnaires after which they were collected for data analysis.
3.6 Data Analysis Methods
Data analysis is a process of data coding, data entry and using data to make decisions.
Data analysis is the systematic organization and synthesis of the research data and the
testing of research hypothesis using those data (Sedgwick, 2015). Descriptive analysis
was used in analyzing the frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation
while inferential statistics such as the regression and correlation analysis were used to
test the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable of the study.
The Statistical Package for the Social Science version 24 (SPSS) was used as a data
management and statistical analysis tool which has a very versatile data processing
capability. Data was presented using tables and figures.
The hypothetical model given below was used in analysis and interpretation of the

𝑌 = 𝑎 + 𝛽1X1 + 𝛽2X2 + 𝛽3X3 + s


Y = Employee performance

X1 = working environment

X2 = employee


X3 = training and development

ԑ = Error term
3.7 Chapter Summary
In this chapter, the methods that were used to carry out the research is identified as
well as the research design, the population, sampling design, sampling frame and
sampling technique. The study was based entirely on primary data collected from the
respondents and this was made possible with the use of a questionnaire. The chapter
has also presented data analysis methods. Research procedures have also been

presented. The next chapter which is chapter four highlights results and findings of
the study.



4.1 Introduction
Chapter four highlights results and findings on factors affecting employee Induction
in the health sector. The first part presents the response rate and demographic details
of the study respondents followed by results on the influence of working environment
on employee Induction, results on the influence of employee compensation on
employee Induction and lastly findings on training and development on employee

4.2 Response Rate and Respondents General Information

4.2.1 Response Rate

This study obtained a response rate of 89% which was attributed to 71 questionnaires
that were dully filled. According to Cooper and Schindler (2015) a threshold of 60%
and above is adequate for data analysis. Therefore, this response rate was adequate
and sufficient to carry out data analysis.

Table 4. 1: Response Rate

Scale Frequency Percentage (%)

Responded 71 89%
Did Not Respond 9 11%
Total 80 100
4.2.2 General Information Gender of the Respondents

This study sought to establish gender of the respondents involved in the study. The
findings showed that 46% were female and 54% were male. This meant that the study
had a diverse gender representation. This is also meant that the organization provides
equal work opportunities to both men and women.

46% Male

Figure 4. 1: Gender of the Respondents Respondents Age

When the respondents were asked to indicate their age, 21% aged between 41-47
years, 6% above 48 and above, 45% aged between the age of 34-40 years, 21% aged
between 26-33 years and 7% aged between the age of 18-25 years as shown in Figure
4.2. This meant that the organization had diverse age representation among its
employees. This implied that the organization gets its diverse views on Induction from
different individuals on how they can enhance organization Induction.

48 and Above [VALUE]%

41-47 Years [VALUE]%

34-40 Years [VALUE]%

26-33 Years [VALUE]%

18-25 Years [VALUE]%

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0

Figure 4. 2: Respondents Age

33 Number of Years in the Organization
The respondents were also asked to indicate the number of years they had worked in
the organization, 4% had worked for more than 10 years, 9% less than a year, 39%
between 2-4 years, 32% between 5-7 years and 16% between 8-10 years as shown in
Figure 4.3. This meant that the respondents had sufficient knowledge on the

4% 9%
16% 0-1 Year
2-4 Years
5-7 Years
39% 8-10 Years
32% Above 10 Years

Figure 4. 3: Number of Years in the Organization Job Designation
Respondents were also approached to indicate their job designation, 12% were top
level managers, 57% were middle level managers and 31% were lower level managers
as shown in Figure 4.4. This meant that the respondents had adequate information
sought in this study.

60.0 [VALUE]%




Top Management Middle Level Management Lower Level Management

Figure 4. 4: Job Designation Respondents Education

The respondents were also asked to indicate their highest level of education attained,
2% had a doctorate degree, 16% had a master‟s degree, 9% had a diploma and 73%
had a bachelor‟s degree as shown in Figure 4.5. This meant that the respondents had
the ability to read and interpret information sought in this research.


Diploma Bachelor's
Degree Master's


Figure 4. 5: Respondents Education Level of Acquaintance

When the respondents were asked to reveal their level of acquaintance of working
environment on employee Induction, 20% somewhat acquainted, 27% very well
acquainted and 53% well acquainted as shown in Figure 4.6.


Somewhat acquainted
Well acquainted
Very Well acquainted

Figure 4. 6: Level of Acquaintance

4.3 The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction

The first objective of this study sought to investigate the influence of working
environment on employee Induction. The findings were presented as follows:

4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics for Working Environment and

Employee Induction

The findings in Table 4.2 presents the respondents‟ feedback on the influence of
working environment on employee Induction. The responses were tabulated in means
and standard deviation derived from a Likert Scale of 1-5, where; 1-strongly disagree,
2-disagree, 3-neutral, 4-agree and 5-strongly agree. The findings showed that the
respondents agreed that the physical working environment plays a role in your
motivation to work, mean = 4.27 and SD = 0.696. The findings revealed that the
respondents were in agreement that good working conditions enhances your
productivity, mean = 4.34 and SD = 0.716.

The findings of the study showed that the respondents agreed that flexible working
environment enhances your retention in the company, mean = 4.28 and SD = 0.814.
The findings showed that the respondents agreed that a good work environment
influences your commitment, mean = 4.34 and SD = 0.774. The findings revealed that
the respondents agreed that work environment plays a role in meeting your objectives
in the organization, mean = 4.08 and SD = 0.874.

The findings of this study revealed that the respondents were in agreement that a
diverse working environment enhances your morale to work for the organization,
mean = 4.34 and SD = 1.041. The findings showed that friendly working policies
influences your productivity in the organization, mean = 4.32 and SD = 0.807. The
findings of the study also showed that the respondents agreed that the work
environment influences your work Induction, mean = 4.35 and SD = 0.864.

Table 4. 2: Descriptive Statistics for Working Environment and

Employee Induction

Descriptive Statistics
Variable N Mean Std. Deviation
The physical working environment
plays a role in your motivation 71 4.27 .696
to work.
Good working conditions enhances
71 4.34 .716
your productivity.
Flexible working environment
enhances your retention in 71 4.28 .814
the company.
A good work environment influences
71 4.34 .774
your commitment
Work environment plays a role
in meeting your objectives in the 71 4.08 .874
A diverse working environment
enhances your morale to work for 71 4.34 1.041
Friendly working policies influences
71 4.32 .807
your productivity in the organization.
The work environment influences your
71 4.35 .864
work Induction.
Valid N (list wise) 71

4.4 The Effect of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction
This study sought to determine the effect of employee compensation on employee
Induction. The results of the study are presented as follows:

4.4.1 Descriptive Statistics for Employee Compensation and Employee Induction

The findings in Table 4.3 presents the respondents‟ feedback on the influence of
employee compensation on employee Induction. The responses were tabulated in
means and standard deviation derived from a Likert Scale of 1-5, where; 1-strongly
disagree, 2-disagree, 3-neutral, 4-agree and 5-strongly agree. The findings showed that
the respondents agreed that employee compensation is significant to the service they
provide in the organization, mean = 4.44 and SD = 0.982. The findings revealed that
the respondents agreed that having good employee benefits influences your
productivity, mean = 4.37 and SD = 0.485.

The findings also showed that the respondents were in agreement that retirement
benefits play a crucial role in your retention in the organization, mean = 4.04 and SD
= 0.764. The findings showed that the respondents agreed that overtime pay is
essential for your Induction in the organization, mean = 4.23 and SD = 0.882.

The findings revealed that the respondents agreed that annual leave is important for
your productivity in the organization, mean = 4.51 and SD = 0.892. The findings
showed that the respondents agreed that leave allowance enhances your motivation to
work, mean = 4.07 and SD = 0.724. The findings revealed that the respondents agreed
that retirement benefits motivate you to achieve the organizational targets, mean =
4.15 and SD = 0.905.

Table 4. 3: Descriptive Statistics for Employee Compensation and Employee

Descriptive Statistics
Variable N Mean Std. Deviation
Employee compensation is significant
to the service your provide in 71 4.44 .982
the organization.
Having good employee benefits
71 4.37 .485
influences your productivity.
Retirement benefits play a crucial role
71 4.04 .764
in your retention in the organization.
Overtime pay is essential for your
71 4.23 .882
Induction in the organization.
Annual leave is important for your
71 4.51 .892
productivity in the organization.
Leave allowance enhances your
71 4.07 .724
motivation to work.
Retirement benefits motivate you to
71 4.15 .905
achieve the organizational targets.
Valid N (list wise) 71

4.5 The Influence of Training and Development on Employee

Induction This study sought to determine the influence of training and
development on employee Induction. The findings are presented as follows:

4.5.1 Descriptive Statistics for Training and Development and

Employee Induction
The findings in Table 4.4 presents the respondents‟ feedback on the influence of
training and development on employee Induction. The responses were tabulated in
means and standard deviation derived from a Likert Scale of 1-5, where; 1-strongly
disagree, 2-disagree, 3-neutral, 4-agree and 5-strongly agree. The findings showed
that the respondents agreed that training is essential for employees to perform their
work well, mean = 4.39 and SD = 0.836. The findings showed that the respondents
agreed that training and development programs equips you with essential skills for

you to meet organizational goals, mean = 4.31 and SD = 0.689. The findings showed
that the respondents agreed that training gives you confidence in performing your
tasks in the organization, mean = 4.15 and SD = 0.690.

The findings also showed that the respondents were in agreement that training and
development is crucial for your overall productivity, mean = 4.08 and SD = 0.770.
The findings also revealed that the respondents agreed that training enables you to
work better as a team, mean = 4.31 and 0.821.

The findings revealed that the respondents agreed that orientation programs allows
you to understand organizational goals, mean = 4.08 and SD = 0.824. The findings
also showed that the respondents agreed that orientation programs are essential since
they allow you to value organizational values, mean = 4.11 and SD = 0.949. The
findings also showed that training enables you to develop core competencies for your
job, mean
= 4.11 and SD = 0.49. The findings revealed that the respondents agreed that training
and development is important since it provides you with knowledge and skills that are
key to your job description, mean = 4.24 and SD = 0.933.

Table 4. 4: Descriptive Statistics for Training and Development and Employee

Descriptive Statistics
Variable N Mean Std. Deviation
Training is essential for you to perform
71 4.39 .836
your work well.
Training and development programs
equips you with essential skills for 71 4.31 .689
you to meet organizational goals.
Training gives you confidence
in performing your tasks in the 71 4.15 .690
Training and development is crucial for
71 4.08 .770
your overall productivity.
Training enables you to work better as a
71 4.31 .821
Orientation programs allows you to
71 4.08 .824
understand organizational goals.
Orientation programs are essential since
they allow you to value 71 4.11 .949
organizational values.
Training enables you to develop core
71 4.25 .890
competencies for your job.
Training and development is
important since it provides you with
71 4.24 .933
knowledge and skills that are key to
your job
Valid N (list wise) 71

4.6 Correlation Analysis
In determining whether there exists a relationship between the study variables
involved in the study, a correlational analysis was carried out. The findings of the
study revealed that there is a significant relationship between working environment
(independent variable) and employee Induction (dependent variable), r (0.748); p-
value < 0.01. The findings revealed that there exists a significant relationship between
employee compensation (independent variable) and employee Induction (dependent
variable), r (0.581); p-value < 0.01. The findings also revealed that there exists a
significant relationship between training and development (independent variable) and
employee Induction (dependent variable), r (0.863); p-value < 0.01.

Table 4. 5: Correlation Analysis

Variable 1 2 3 4
Employee Pearson
Induction Correlation
Sig. (2-
N 71
Working Pearson
.748** 1
Environment Correlation
Sig. (2-
N 71 71
Employee Pearson
.581** .404** 1
Compensation Correlation
Sig. (2-
.000 .000
N 71 71 71
Training and Pearson
.863** .800** .727** 1
Development Correlation
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000
N 71 71 71 71
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.7 Regression
Regression analysis was conducted to determine the underlying relationship between
the variables involved in the study.

4.7.1 Regression Analysis for Working Environment and Employee Induction

Regression analysis was conducted to establish the underlying relationship between

working environment (independent variable) and employee Induction (dependent

Regression analysis was carried out in order to establish the underlying relationship
between working environment (independent variable) and employee Induction
(dependent variable). The findings in Table 4.6 shows the regression model summary
between working environment and employee Induction.

In Table 4.6 it is evident that the computations deuced an adjusted R square value of
(0.552). This implied that working environment accounts for 55.2% variability in
employee Induction and the remaining 44.8% is attributed to the factors outside the
regression model.

Table 4. 6: Regression Analysis for Working Environment and

Employee Induction

Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .748a .559 .552 .36324
a. Predictors: (Constant), Working Environment

The ANOVA test results presented in Table 4.7, indicate that the Fisher statistics
value of 87.378 with a p-value of 0.000. This indicates that; F (1, 69) = 87.378, p =
0.000 (p-value < 0.01). This implies that there exists a substantial variance between
the independent variable (working environment) and dependent variable (employee

Table 4. 7: Analysis of Variance for Working Environment and Employee

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 11.529 1 11.529 87.378 .000b
Residual 9.104 69 .132
Total 20.633 70
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Induction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Working Environment

The coefficients Table 4.8, indicates the beta coefficient values for the variables under
study are computed as, constant (β0) = 0.590 and beta for working environment (β1)
= 0.748. The p-value for working environment is recorded as 0.000 (p=0.000, p-value
< 0.01). The regression equation was established as follows:

Y (Employee Induction) = 0.590 + 0.748 X1

The findings implied that there exists a significant relationship between working
environment and employee Induction. The findings imply that for every unit change
in working environment, there will be a 0.748 unit change in employeeInduction.

Table 4. 8: Goodness Fit

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .590 .397 1.485 .142
.861 .092 .748 9.348 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Induction

4.7.2 Regression Test for Employee Compensation and Employee Induction

Regression analysis was carried out in order to establish the underlying relationship
between employee compensation (independent variable) and employee Induction
(Dependent variable). The findings in Table 4.9 shows the regression model summary
between employee compensation and employee Induction.

In Table 4.9 it is evident that the computations deuced an adjusted R square value of
(0.328). This implied that employee compensation accounts for 32.8% variability in
employee Induction and the remaining 67.2% is attributed to the factors outside the
regression model.

Table 4. 9: Regression Test for Employee Compensation and

Employee Induction

Adjusted R Std. Error of

Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .581 a
.337 .328 .44521
a. Predictors: (Constant), Employee Compensation

The ANOVA test results presented in Table 4.10, indicate that the Fisher statistics
value of 35.098 with a p-value of 0.000. This indicates that; F (1, 69) = 35.098, p =
0.000 (p-value < 0.01). This implies that there exists a substantial variance between
the independent variable (employee compensation) and dependent variable (employee

Table 4. 10: Analysis for Employee Compensation and Employee Induction

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 6.957 1 6.957 35.098 .000b
Residual 13.676 69 .198
Total 20.633 70
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Induction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Employee Compensation

The coefficients Table 4.11, indicates the beta coefficient values for the variables
under study are computed as, constant (β0) = 1.165 and beta for employee
compensation (β1)
= 0.581. The p-value for employee compensation is recorded as
0.000 (p=0.000, p-value < 0.01). The regression equation was established as follows:

Y (Employee Induction) = 1.165 + 0.581X1

The findings implied that there exists a significant relationship between employee
compensation and employee Induction. The findings imply that for every unit

change in employee compensation, there will be a 0.581 unit change in employee

Table 4. 11: Goodness Fit

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.165 .529 2.202 .031
.733 .124 .581 5.924 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Induction

4.7.3 Regression Test for Training and Development and Employee Induction
Regression analysis was carried out in order to establish the underlying relationship
between training and development (independent variable) and employee Induction
(dependent variable). The findings in Table 4.12 shows the regression model
summary between training and development and employee Induction.

In Table 4.12 it is evident that the computations deuced an adjusted R square value of
(0.740). This implied that training and development accounts for 74%% variability in
employee Induction and the remaining 26% is attributed to the factors outside the
regression model.

Table 4. 12: Regression Test for Training and Development and

Employee Induction

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .863 a
.744 .740 .27668
a. Predictors: (Constant), Training and t

The ANOVA test results presented in Table 4.13, indicate that the Fisher statistics
value of 200.521 with a p-value of 0.000. This indicates that; F (1, 69) = 200.521, p =
0.000 (p-value < 0.01). This implies that there exists a substantial variance between
the independent variable (training and development) and dependent
variable(employee Induction).

Table 4. 13: Analysis for Variance for Training and Development and
Employee Induction

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 15.351 1 15.351 200.521 .000b
Residual 5.282 69 .077
Total 20.633 70
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Induction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Training and Development
The coefficients Table 4.14, indicates the beta coefficient values for the variables
under study are computed as, constant (β0) = 0.678 and beta for training and
development (β1) = 0.863. The p-value for training and development is recorded as
0.000 (p=0.000, p-value < 0.01). The regression equation was established as

follows: Y (Employee Induction) = 0.678+ 0.863X1

The findings implied that there exists a significant relationship between training and
development and employee Induction. The findings imply that for every unitchange in
training and development, there will be a 0.863 unit change in employee Induction.

Table 4. 14: Goodness Fit

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .678 .257 2.639 .010
Training and
.856 .060 .863 14.161 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Induction

4.8 Chapter Summary

Chapter four has presented results and findings of the study from the respondents.
Results have a shown a significant relationship between working environment and
employee Induction. A positive relationship was also recorded between employee
compensation and employee Induction. Finally, a significant and strong relationship
was established between training and development and employee Induction. Chapter
five presents the summary of the study, discussion, conclusion and recommendations.



5.1 Introduction
Chapter five presents the summary of the study, the discussion, conclusion and
recommendations of the study. First, the chapter highlights the summary of the study,
followed by the discussion, conclusion and lastly recommendations of the study.

5.2 Summary of the Study

The purpose of this study was to determine factors affecting employee Induction inthe
health sector with a case study of Garissa County Referral Hospital. The objectives
used in carrying out this study include; to determine the influence of working
environment on employee Induction in Garissa County Referral Hospital, to determine
the influence of employee compensation on employee Induction in Garissa County
Referral Hospital and to determine the effect of training on employee Induction in
Garissa County Referral Hospital.

The study was carried out using descriptive research design. The target population of
this study consisted of 80 employees with stratified random sampling as ideal
sampling technique. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze frequencies and
percentages. Inferential statistics analyzed correlation and regression analysis. A
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to analyze data.
The findings were presented in figures and tables.

The study sought to determine the effect of working environment on employee

Induction. The results showed that there is a significant relationship betweenworking
environment (independent variable) and employee Induction (dependent variable), r
(0.748); p-value < 0.01.

The study also sought to determine the influence of employee compensation on

employee Induction. The findings revealed that there exists a significant relationship
between employee compensation (independent variable) and employee Induction
(dependent variable), r (0.581); p-value < 0.01.

The third objective of the study sought to determine the effect of training and
development on employee Induction. The findings also revealed that there exists a

significant relationship between training and development (independent variable) and
employee Induction (dependent variable), r (0.863); p-value < 0.01.

5.3 Discussion
5.3.1 The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction

This study sought to determine the influence of working environment on employee

Induction. Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between working
environment and employee Induction. This implies that working environment
influences Induction of employees. These findings confirm that of Chaurasia and
Shukla (2014) who indicate that working environment plays a crucial and critical role
in ensuring that the employees are comfortable, satisfied and are able to exploit their
full potential and at the same time while have the right working condition, ambiance
and support that they will need to carry out their duties. According to Kassahun
(2017), workplace comprises of three sub environments which includes the technical,
human and the organizational environment. In their studies, they explained that the
technical environment includes the tools, infrastructure and other physical elements of
the workplace, while the human environment includes the employees, the
management, work groups and other people; clients, suppliers that the staff interacts
with on a daily basis.

Results revealed that good working conditions influences productivity. These findings
are in line with the work of Gong et.al (2009) who argue that working conditions have
been considered extrinsic factors that entail work rules and concrete resources hence
resulting to an employee‟s psychological feeding. Working conditions or environment
are the main factors that influences the Induction of employees in the labor market
and also has a great impact on an employee‟s job satisfaction level, the more satisfied
an employee is with their job, the higher the engagement and level of commitment
(Dyne, Jehn, & Cummings, 2012). Ergonomics which is the study of how human
being are to interact with manmade objects, this study tries to create a conducive
environment that suits an employee‟s needs. According to Montreul and Bellamare
(2016) ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker rather than
draining the employees physically to fit the job. Work place ergonomics applications
basically include; government regulation compliance, productivity improvement,
occupational injury and illness reduction, work quality improvement, workers‟

compensation cost containment and also the reduction in employee turnover and
absenteeism. Olabode et.al (2017) state that ergonomics is a scientific discipline that
further explains the interaction between humans and other elements in a certain
environment, the profession and methods to design to optimize the overall Induction
and well-being of the employees.

Furthermore, findings revealed that the physical work environment plays a role in
employee motivation. According to Sehgal (2012), the physical space elements such
as the office furniture, the document drawers, and the filing system play a crucial role
in the efficiency and productivity of the employees and the functioning of any
organization. In addition, the organization needs to ensure that the workplace furniture
since this will ensure that the employees gel and feel comfortable with their
surrounding and other environmental factors. An organization‟s physical
environmentmore so the design and the layout can impact an employee‟s behavior at
the workplace, the environment in which an individual is placed will affect the way
they behave, think and act (Birhane, 2016).

In addition, Mwinami (2014) indicates that the physical factors of work environment
influence the behavior of the employees and the normal functionality of the workplace
include; security, lighting, cleanliness, water and even music among others. Several
work environment studies have indicated that the employees are satisfied and become
more motivated and driven to perform their task when specific work environment
features are present at the workplace thus leading to an improvement in their
Induction levels. Organizations need to understand that working conditions or
environment goes beyond just possessing the key skills. In a study carried out by
Weber et al (2014), they analyzed organizations from various industries to understand
how spatial configurations can be designed to produce specific outcomes like
Induction. However, they found out that face to face interactions were more important
in the workplace environment. The main thing that organization need to understand is
what exactly they seek to achieve with the space before making any attempts.

Leblebici (2012), goes further to explain that the quality of a work place environment
influences the people working in that company in several ways including their job
Induction. Several studies show the connection with employee satisfaction with

certain work space features i.e. supervisor support, goal setting. A good business
cannot thrive without a healthy work environment that provides support in employee
engagement and hence creating a high Induction culture that encourages innovation
and creativity. A positive workplace environment is likely to experience less
employee turnover or absenteeism, better safety practices, motivated employees and
improved employee well-being (Knudsen, Busck, & Lind, 2011).

5.3.2 The Influence of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction

This study sought to determine the influence of employee compensation on employee

Induction. The results revealed that there exists a statistically significant relationship
between employee compensation and employee Induction. According to Bol (2011),
pay and rewards at times provided to employees in lieu of the work or services done.
Compensation is therefore a pay or salary, monetary payment for the services.
Organizations and companies compensate their employees in order to reward and
motivate them thus improving their job satisfaction, boosting their morale and
commitment which lead to improved Induction of the employees on an individual
level. Kassahun (2017) regards employee compensation as all forms of pay given to
employees for their services which involves all direct and indirect financial
compensations. Compensation can be divided into financial and non-financial rewards
to employees for their services rendered to the organization, and it is usually paid in
form of salary, wages and employee benefits which include; maternity leave, travel
allowance, paid vacations, retirement benefits among others (Babenko, 2013).

According to Spencer (2016), it is important for any organization to have a good

compensation package for it to motivate its employees and increase the organizational
productivity, for unless compensation is provided no employee will come and work
for the organization. Today, humans are regarded as the most important asset to any
organization hence they need and have to be managed efficiently and effectively for
the business to achieve its long term goals. Companies therefore are constantly
competing and strategizing against each other to attract, retain and motivate its‟
employees through compensation management (Kraizberg, Tziner, & Weisberg,

The findings revealed that employee compensation enhances employee motivation.

Chen and Sandino (2012) explain that organizations motivate the high performers

such as authority and rank by providing financial and non- financial reward systems,
for people with more money which they use to motivate employees hence enhancing
job Induction are believed to be more powerful in society compared to the ones who
satisfy. The financial and the non-financial rewards both have a strong influence on
employees‟ motivation and are directly related to Induction, their significance also
does vary with age(Ortega, 2009).Babenko (2013) indicates that in Herzberg‟s theory
there are two types of factors that strongly impacts employee motivation these are the
hygiene factors and the motivators. The hygiene factors include; pay, policies, the
working environment, company policies, fringe benefits, status, job security and
interpersonal relations while the motivators include; recognition, appreciation,
growthand promotion opportunities, sense of achievement, responsibility and
meaningfulnessof work. An effective reward plan and provide the organization with
great success andthis success will be based on how the firm keeps its employees‟
motivated and in the method they use to evaluate Induction for compensation
(Schiemann, 2017).

According to Bapna and Langer (2013), the main idea behind the use of various
strategies of compensation to employees is because motivated employees become
satisfied in terms of fulfilling both their financial and non-financial wants which leads
to improved Induction. If organizations fail to consider this, the employees will
increasingly be tempted to exit the organization and move to other better
organizations that consider their needs and well-being. However, organizations also
have to put into considerations that not all employees prefer the similar componentsor
types off compensation packages. There are employees who prefer to receive the
intrinsic rewards like praise and recognition for their work accomplishments while on
the other hand we have employees who prefer extrinsic rewards like bonuses, salaries
and incentives in order to enhance their work Inductions (Blystad, 2014).

The findings revealed that leave of allowance enhances motivation. According to

Yanadori and Marler (2016) the length of the leave period may vary among employers
from different organizations and companies as well as the different levelsor job
groups that the employees hold in those organizations or companies. The leave period
may be between four working and seven working weeks, and employees are entitled
to full compensation during the leave period. According to Harley and Sargent (2010)
depending on the firm organization one is working in one, an individual may be

provided with a leave allowance which serves as an added benefit

for the employees that may meet certain needs during the vacation period. The
employees are also entitled to leave days with pay on public holidays such as the days.
The employers are required by law to pay their employees for unused leave days,
since it is their right and has also been enshrined in the constitution. The employee
views the leaves as a way of relaxing their minds, and gives them a satisfiedfeeling
that their employers appreciate and value them.(Colvin, 2014). This kind of allowance
usually varies from different employers given that the employee are in different job
designation as well as the difference in the shifts. The employees are entitled to this
allowance when they work past the stipulated working hours (Abbas &Yaqoob,
2009). Overtime can be defined as working beyond the contractually fixed working
time, and in most cases it usually has a negative connotation to it implying that the
employees are working involuntarily for long hours (Birhane, 2016).

The findings further revealed that retirement benefits motivates employees to achieve
organization goals. According to Otoo and Mishra (2018) retirement programs offers
employees regular flow of income after they leave the organization foe a certain
period of time if they organize themselves, for most people a good retirement plan is
enough to make them stay at the organization even though the job is not that thrilling
and exciting. Presley and Blum (2018) argue that pension provision has undergone
considerable changes and the traditional benefit scheme, which provides pension
based on final salary is slowly disappearing rapidly and is also too costly at the same
time, and is being replaced by defined contribution schemes where the retirement
pension is whatever annual payment can be purchased with the money accumulated
inthe fund for the member which relatively cheaper.

5.3.3 The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Induction

This study also sought to determine the effect of training and development on
employee Induction. The findings showed that there is a positive relationship between
training and development on employee Induction. Sattar et.al (2015)conceived
training as an ordered process to amend the proficiencies of employees to enable them
to achieve the objectives of the organization. In general training implies providing and
according the employees with knowledge, skills and competencies that is necessary
for them to perform their tasks more efficiently (Ouppara & Victoria, 2012). Jones and
Siag (2016) conceptualize training as the systematic process which

seeks to assist employees enhance their skills and knowledge, and develop positive
behavior through experiential learning, which is expected to help employees realize
greater Induction. Training provides various advantages to employees in relation to
broadening their knowledge, abilities and skills becoming more efficient in their jobs,
teamwork, and enhance career development opportunities (Spencer, 2016).

In addition, Weber (2015) add to these definitions by defining training as the planned
intervention, which is designed to enhance the elements that influence an individual‟s
job Induction. In this way, training reduces job related stress and enhances
employees‟ positive perception of their job as satisfying. According to Kassahun
(2017), the purpose of training is to improve knowledge, skills and to change attitude.
This can lead to many potential benefits for both individuals and the organization. It
istherefore a key element to improve organizational Induction.

The findings revealed that training and development programs equips employee with
essential skills to meet organizational goals. These findings are in line with Bapna and
Langer (2013) who indicate that training enhances the level of individuals‟
organizational competence. It helps to reconcile the gaps between what should happen
and what is happening between desired targets as standards and actual level of work
Induction. They also stated that training ensures an adequate supply of staff that is
technically and socially competent. Davar and Parti (2013) on the other handviewed
training as an integral part of the process of total quality management.

Training is considered as one of the most significant processes in the Human

Resources Management functions in the organizations as trained workers are capable
of supporting the organization‟s goals and objectives and facilitating organizational
efficiency. Training thus can be seen as playing a critical role in maintaining and
developing the capabilities of both individual employees and the organization and in
contributing to the vital process of organizational change as well (Timpone &
Sussman, 2018). At present the business world is characterized, among other things,
by an increasing competitiveness, market globalization, continual technological
advances and changes in work organization; therefore, the survival of a company
implies the prosecution of sustainable competitive advantages and theories placing
theorigin of these advantages outside the company are now losing validity in the

of those centered on internal elements, especially the theory of resources and
capacities (Leblebici, 2012).

Findings showed that training enables employee to work better as a team. According
to Milia and Birdi (2010) trained employees often work better as teams because
everyone is aware of the expectations and can achieve them together smoothly. In
addition, employees who receive regular training are more likely to accept change and
come up with new ideas. Training plays a vital role, improving Induction as well as
increasing productivity, and eventually putting companies in the best position to face
competition and stay at the top. Past researches provides the evidence regarding the
positive affect of training programs on both employee and organizational Induction.
Training has direct relationship with the employees' Induction. A significant
relationship was found between the employees training and their resultant Induction in
accomplishing different tasks. By the help of training employees become proficient in
their jobs and they become able to give better results (Markey, 2013).

Kim (2010) argues that for training program to have an impact on employees and
hence the organization, they must be task-oriented programs. He sees training
programmed that focus on specific tasks as being more likely to affect the
efficiencyof the employee. Skunner a professor at the Harvard University is one of his
experiments found that reinforcement of behavior involves the strength of the
responses. It may be achieved by means of positive stimuli.

5.4 Conclusion
5.4.1 The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction

This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between working

environment and employee Induction. Work environment has a great impact on the
Induction of the employee in terms of fulfilling their intrinsic, extrinsic and social
needs which basically gives a logical reason for them to stay and work in an
organization and providing the drive for the employees to produce good Induction and
quality work. This study also concludes that working environment plays a crucial role
in enhancing employee productivity since it makes them feel valuable and appreciated
at the work place.

This study concludes that working conditions influence employee motivation at the
workplace. Working conditions have been considered extrinsic factors that entail
work rules and concrete resources hence resulting to an employee‟s psychological

5.4.2 The Influence of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction

This study concludes that employee compensation influences employee Induction in

the organization. It is important for any organization to have a good compensation
package for it to motivate its employees and increase the organizational productivity,
for unless compensation is provided no employee will come and work for the
organization. This study concludes that an organization that fully invests and focuses
on the welfare and the needs of its employees always has a competitive advantage
over it competitors. The use of incentive aimed at enhancing employee productivity
inthe organization should consist of both financial and non-financial incentives
toproduce positive results among employees.

5.4.3 The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Induction

The study concluded that there is a positive relationship between training and
development and employee Induction. Training and development programs equips
employee with essential skills to meet organizational goals. This study concludes that
training and development enables employee to work better as a team since trained
employees often work better as teams because everyone is aware of the expectations
and can achieve them together smoothly.

This study also concludes that training is an important variable in increasing

organizational productivity. Training is a fundamental and effectual instrument in
successful accomplishment of the firm's goals and objectives, resulting in higher
Induction and productivity of the organization.

5.5 Recommendations
5.5.1 Recommendation for Improvement The Influence of Working Environment on Employee Induction

This study recommends that Garissa County Referral Hospital should develop its
working environment in line with the needs and wants of its employees to ensure
that they
work effectively towards organizational goals and objectives. The study recommends
that physical elements of the workplace should also be taken into consideration in
creating a favorable workspace that attracts potential employees and influence
employee retention in the organization as they feel comfortable and safe to work in
the organization. Working conditions should also be in line with government policies
as well best occupational standards and practices. This will ensure a peaceful work
environment which is essential for employees to perform at their full capacity. The Influence of Employee Compensation on Employee Induction

This study recommends that Garissa County Referral Hospital should make use of
both financial and non-financial incentives to enhance employee productivity and
most importantly retention. The financial and the non-financial rewards both have a
strong influence on employees‟ motivation and are directly related to Induction, their
significance also does vary with age , therefore it is important to have a balance
between the two.

This study recommends that Garissa County Referral Hospital should constantly
improve itsretirement benefit programs in order to attract potential employees while at
the same time retaining the current workforce. The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Induction

The study established a significant and positive relationship between training and
development and employee Induction. Therefore, this study recommends that Kenyata
Hospital should invest heavily in training and development activities to ensure that its
workforce is well equipped in performing organizational activities as well as
procedures efficiently. Orientation programs should be established for both new
employees as well as new processes being introduced in the hospital. This will help
the organization to create the right match between its intended objectives and the right
skills from its employees.

5.5.2 Recommendation for Future Studies

This study researched on factors affecting employee Induction in the health sector
with a case of Garissa County Referral Hospital. The study was limited to three
variables namely; employee compensation, working environment and training and
development both guided the study in addressing the research problem. Future

studies therefore,

should investigate other factors that hinder employee Induction in other sectors.
Variables such as the legal environment, technology, education, and mentorship
programs should be researched in line with employee Induction.

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Section I: General Information

This section contains general questions. Kindly answer to the best of your knowledge

1. Kindly indicate your

gender Male Female
2. Kindly indicate your age range
18- 25 Years
26- 33 Years
34- 40 Years
41-47 Years
48 and Above

3. Kindly indicate the number of years you have worked at Garissa County Referral
0-1 Years
2-4 Years
5-7 Years
Above 10 years

4. Kindly indicate your job designation

Top Management
Middle Level Management
Lower Level Management

5. Kindly indicate your highest level of education.

Bachelor‟s Degree
Master‟s Degree
Doctorate Degree

6. How would you rate your level of acquaintance of working environment on
employee Induction?

Not sure
Not well acquainted
Somewhat acquainted
Well acquainted
Very Well acquainted

Section II: Working Environment

Kindly answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge using the
following Likert scale. Strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, neutral = 3, Agree = 4,
strongly agree = 5

No Questions 1 2 3 4 5
6. The physical working environment plays a role in your
motivation to work.
7. Good working conditions enhances your productivity.
8. Flexible working environment enhances your retention
in the company.
9. A good work environment influences your
10. Work environment plays a role in meeting your
objectives in the organization.
11. A diverse working environment enhances your morale
to work for the organization.
12. Friendly working policies influences your productivity
in the organization.
13. The work environment influences your work

Section III: Employee Compensation

Kindly answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge using the
following Likert scale. Strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, neutral = 3, Agree = 4,
strongly agree = 5

No Questions 1 2 3 4 5
14. Employee compensation is significant to the service
your provide in the organization.
15. Having good employee benefits influences your
16. Retirement benefits play a crucial role in your retention
in the organization.
17. Overtime pay is essential for your Induction in the
18. Annual leave is important for your productivity in the
19. Leave allowance enhances your motivation to work.
20. Retirement benefits motivate you to achieve the
organizational targets.

Section IV: Training and Development

Kindly answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge using the
following Likert scale. Strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, neutral = 3, Agree = 4,
strongly agree = 5

No Questions 1 2 3 4 5
21. Training is essential for you to perform your work
22. Training and development programs equips you with
essential skills for you to meet organizational goals.
23. Training gives you confidence in performing your
tasks in the organization.
24. Training and development is crucial for your overall
25. Training enables you to work better as a team.
26. Orientation programs allows you to understand
organizational goals.
27. Orientation programs are essential since they allow you
to value organizational values.
28. Training enables you to develop core competencies for
your job.
29. Training and development is important since
it provides you with knowledge and skills
that are key to
your job description.

Section V: Employee Induction

Kindly answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge using the
following Likert scale. Strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, neutral = 3, Agree = 4,
strongly agree = 5.

No Questions 1 2 3 4 5
30. Training and development programs equips you with
essential skills for you to meet organizational goals.
31. Training and development is crucial for your overall
32. Employee compensation is essential for your
33. Annual leave is essential for your motivation towards
the work you do in the organization.
34. Overtime pay is crucial for your Induction in the
35. Training and development is important since it
provides you with knowledge and skills that are key to
your job description.


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