Protein Impedance
Protein Impedance
Protein Impedance
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National Symposium on Biophysics &
Golden Jubilee Meeting of Indian Biophysical Society
tendency to acquire helical conformation in helix inducing Study of dynamics of Protein Nanoparticle
solvent 2,2,2- trifluoroethanol. Overall the increase in complex in aqueous medium using Impedance
cationic charge of o.-MSH improved Staphylocidal spectroscopy OP 22
activity and membrane damaging efficacy of the pep tides
without compromising their cell selectivity. It also
Mahesh Samant, Bipin Khade, H Muthurajan* P M
indicated that electrostatic interactions and ability to
acquire ordered conformation may be crucial for o.-MSH
and its analogues to selectively disrupt microbial Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai, Santacruz (E),
membrane leading to bacterial cell death without Mumbai 400098
harming host cell membrane. *Natiollal Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, University
of Mumbai, Mumbai 400098
Structure based Function Prediction of
Hypothetical Proteins from Neisseria gonorrhoeae A rapid development of nanosciences and
OP 21 nanotechnology offers nanoparticles great applications in
Kundan Kumar, Amresh Prakash, Asimul Islam, Faizan various fields, like drug development, materials for drug
Ahmad, and Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan' delivery and biosensors etc. Nanoparticles possesses a
unique physicho-chemical properties such as optical,
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, lamia Millia magnetic, large surface to volume ratio etc. Nanoparticles
Islamia, New Delhi-ll 0025, India also confer properties of enhanced bioavailability and
improved solubility. When nanoaprticles enters in
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a Gram-negative bacteria biological fluids, it leads undesired effects. The effects
predominantly causes a sexually transmitted infection mayor may not favour to the systems. Hence it is prime
known as gonorrhoea. The frequent emergence of new important to understand interaction between
multiple drug resistant strain need the extensive study nanoaprticles and biological materials like proteins,
of its genome and development of new drug/vaccine enzymes and nucleic acids etc.
against these pathogen. After analysis of the proteome
In the present investigation we studied the nanoparticle-
data of N. gonorrhoeae we found that a large fraction
protein complex using dielectric spectroscopy. Dielectric
proteome are listed as conserved hypothetical protein
spectroscopy reveals typical signature of relaxation
(HP) for which function are still not known. Study of these
process of aqueous media namely dielectric constant,
HPs offers presentation of new structures and novel
dielectric loss which commonly known as a., p, y and 8
functions of HPs and also new cascade of biochemical
pathways. Furthermore, new HPs may be serving as
markers and pharmacological targets. We have identiued The Chemical route synthesized Silver Nanoparticles
10 HPs showing lyases activity from N. gonorrhoeae from were characterized using Dynamic Light Scattering (DIS),
sequence analysis and performed homology modeling to Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and UV visible
reveal the structural basis of the function, structural spectroscopy. The protein nanoparticles complex was
motifs and amino acids involved in catalytic sites. Along confirmed by fluorescence and UV visible spectroscopy.
with this, function may be inferred on the basis of The Frequency dependent Dielectric dispersion of Silver
properties that are associated with a speciuc functional NP's and Silver NP-protein complex was investigated in
class and family of the proteins. We also studied the sub- the temperature range of 263K - 373K and in a frequency
cellular localization and presence of signal peptide in the range of 20Hz - 2MHz by impedance spectroscopy
HPs. Moreover, sequence analysis was also performed (Agilent LCR component analyzer). Variation in dielectric
to find out the physicochemical properties including constant (s') and dielectric loss (s") was observed
amino acid composition, aliphatic index and instability nanopartilce and protein and Protein-nanoaparticle
index of HPs. Finally, function annotation and complex. Bode plot (impedance vs frequency) showed
identiucation of functionally important regions in HPs increased in impedance (Z) of protein-npts complex.
from N. gonorrhoeae may leads to better understanding Average relaxation time ('r) for a-region (20HZ-100KHZ)
of its virulence mechanism, adaptability in host system, and p-region ( > 200 KHZ) was tabulate in control and
tolerance for host immune system and emergence of test condition as a function of reciprocal temperature. In
drugs resistance strain and finally drug/ vaccine addition, the electrical conductivity was monitored. The
discovery. several relaxation processes were attributed to motions
that range from side groups of the proteins in the aqueous