A transaction of €19,500,000 was successfully processed from CITISINO HOLDINGS LIMITED to DIGITAL BUTEETS LLC at 15:23:09 on 2022-12-20. The reference number for the payment is 543681024758912350452361754К53 according to the confirmation receipt from HSBC Bank.
A transaction of €19,500,000 was successfully processed from CITISINO HOLDINGS LIMITED to DIGITAL BUTEETS LLC at 15:23:09 on 2022-12-20. The reference number for the payment is 543681024758912350452361754К53 according to the confirmation receipt from HSBC Bank.
A transaction of €19,500,000 was successfully processed from CITISINO HOLDINGS LIMITED to DIGITAL BUTEETS LLC at 15:23:09 on 2022-12-20. The reference number for the payment is 543681024758912350452361754К53 according to the confirmation receipt from HSBC Bank.
A transaction of €19,500,000 was successfully processed from CITISINO HOLDINGS LIMITED to DIGITAL BUTEETS LLC at 15:23:09 on 2022-12-20. The reference number for the payment is 543681024758912350452361754К53 according to the confirmation receipt from HSBC Bank.
Your transaction has been successfully processed at 15:23:09 On
2022-12-20, (GMT+8)
Please note the reference number for your records.
Payment Summary
Account No With Iban 098-870074-095 Beneficiary DIGITAL BUTEETS LLC Account No With Iban MN530004000412070234 Amount € 19,500,000.00 Reference No 543681024758912350452361754К53 Charge Amount OUR
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