Se 120112 Bul
Se 120112 Bul
Se 120112 Bul
Storage/Stability Results
Store the kit at 2–8 °C. Calculations
1. Check Calibrator Factor (CF) value on the
Procedure calibrator bottle. This value might vary from lot to
Notes: The components in this kit are intended for use lot. Make sure the value is checked on every kit.
as an integral unit. The components of different lots 2. Calculate the cut-off value: Calibrator OD ×
should not be mixed. Calibrator Factor (CF).
3. Calculate the Ab (Antibody) Index of each
Optimal results will be obtained by strict adherence to determination by dividing the O.D. value of each
the test protocol. Precise pipetting as well as following sample by cut-off value.
the exact time and temperature requirements is
essential. Example of typical results:
Calibrator mean OD = 0.8
The test run may be considered valid provided the Calibrator Factor (CF) = 0.5
following criteria are met: Cut-off Value = 0.8 x 0.5 = 0.400
Positive control O.D. = 1.2
1. If the O.D. of the Calibrator is >0.250. Ab Index = 1.2/0.4 = 3
2. The Ab index for Negative control should be <0.9. Patient sample O.D. = 1.6
3. The Ab index for Positive control should be >1.2. Ab Index = 1.6/0.4 = 4.0
Bring all specimens and kit reagents to room Notes: To enhance sensitivity and specificity of this IgM
temperature (18–26 °C) and gently mix. test, the provided sample diluent has been formulated
to block IgG and Rheumatoid Factor (RF) interferences.
1. Place the desired number of coated strips into the
holder. Turbidity could be seen after diluting serum with sample
2. Negative control, positive control, and calibrator are diluent. This turbidity is due to the blocking of serum
ready to use. Prepare 101-fold dilution of test IgG and has shown no interference with test results. It
samples by adding 5 µL of the sample to 0.5 mL of can be removed by centrifugation.
Sample Diluent. Mix well.
3. Dispense 100 µL of diluted sera, calibrator, and In specimens with high RF and high autoimmune
controls into the appropriate wells. For the reagent antibodies, the possibility of eliminating the
interferences cannot be ruled out entirely.
blank, dispense 100 µL of Sample Diluent in 1A well
position. Tap the holder to remove air bubbles from
Lipemic or hemolyzed samples may cause erroneous
the liquid and mix well. Incubate for 20 minutes at
room temperature (18–26 °C).
4. Remove liquid from all wells. Wash wells three
times with 300 µL of 1x Wash Buffer. Blot on The following is intended as a guide to interpretation of
absorbent paper or paper towel. Salmonella typhi IgM antibody index (Ab Index) test
5. Dispense 100 µL of Enzyme Conjugate to each well results; each laboratory is encouraged to establish its
and incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature own criteria for test interpretation based on sample
(18–26 °C). populations encountered.
6. Remove Enzyme Conjugate from all wells. Wash
wells three times with 300 µL of 1x Wash Buffer. <0.9 – No detectable antibody to S. typhi IgM by ELISA
Blot on absorbent paper or paper towel. 0.9–1.1 – Borderline positive. Follow-up testing is
7. Dispense 100 µL of TMB Substrate and incubate for recommend if clinically indicated.
10 minutes at room temperature (18–26 °C). >1.1 – Detectable antibody to S. typhi IgM by ELISA
8. Add 100 µL of Stop Solution.
9. Read O.D. at 450 nm using ELISA reader within
15 minutes. A dual wavelength is recommended
with reference filter of 600–650 nm.
1. Quiroga, T. et al., Diagnosis of typhoid fever by two 3. Mekara, Y. et al., Determination of antibody from
serologic methods. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent typhoid patients against lipopolysaccharide and
assay of antilipopolysaccharide of Salmonella typhi protein antigens of Salmonella typhi. Asian Pac. J.
antibodies and Widal test. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Allergy Immunol., 1990; 8(2):95-101.
Dis., 1992; 15(8):651-6. 4. Sippel, J.E. et al., Serodiagnosis of typhoid fever in
2. Jesudason, M.V. et al., Diagnosis of typhoid fever pediatric patients by anti-LPS ELISA. Trans. R.
by the detection of anti-LPS & anti-flagellin Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 1987; 81(6):1022-6.
antibodies by ELISA. Indian J. Med. Res., 5. Vitale, G. et al., An ELISA method in the diagnosis
1998;107:204-7. of typhoid fever. J. Clin. Lab. Immunol., 1990;
SG,CH,MAM 10/14-1
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