Application Ebook Nanomaterials
Application Ebook Nanomaterials
Application Ebook Nanomaterials
eye: Characterizing
with precision
Today’s demand for faster
and smaller electronics is
ever growing. Discover how
to meet this demand using
the latest nanomaterial
characterization techniques
As the demand for faster, smaller, and more
cost-effective electronics remains high, so
does the need for researchers to innovate and
develop novel solutions that deliver superior
• Exploring the microscopic world with
performance, speed, and reliability.
3D X-ray imaging
These innovations are driving the
development of new and exciting • Observation of mechanical testing at
technologies, and part of this change is the nanoscale
the ability for users to characterize • Unlocking the microscopic mysteries
materials with more precision than ever of 3D printed powders
before. By characterizing the properties • ZEISS Crossbeam 550: The future of
of a material at the micro and nanoscale, high-throughput imaging
researchers gain valuable insights into the
• The power of laser: Optimizing TEM
fundamental behavior of a material, leading
sample preparation
to new discoveries and breakthroughs.
Nevertheless, the research can only be as • Seeing beyond the surface: Exploring
good as the microscope and instrument crystallographic information with
used for the experiment. diffraction contrast tomography
It’s vital that scientists select the most • Advancing nanotomography with
appropriate instrument for their needs - to X-ray technology
ensure they can precisely and cost-effectively
• Next-generation electron optics:
characterize samples. The instrument
Taking imaging to new heights
selection process often involves choosing
an instrument that offers the sensitivity and • Unlocking perovskite catalysts with
resolution they require for sample analysis. sweet spot imaging
Plus, the instrument must be easy-to-operate • Featured products
and maintain, with minimal downtime. For
Characterizing nanomaterials
instance, material scientists need to be able instruments from ZEISS have proven to
to explore a material in as much detail as deliver the highest spatial resolution across
possible, locate and investigate regions of the widest range of working distances.
interest within a large sample, and effectively For more information on XRM, take a look
characterize large three-dimensional volumes. at this resource - which explores mechanical
This application eBook presents a guide testing at the nanoscale. This application
based on some of the most advanced material note introduces in situ mechanical testing
characterization technologies on the market. integrated with nanoscale XRM (which holds
This eBook will explain how to investigate the great promise for a range of applications, from
microscopic world using 3D X-ray imaging, metals and biomaterials to thin coatings).
explore how to fully characterize powders, Plus, be introduced to the Xradia Ultra Load
and highlight the future of high-throughput Stage, a new nanomechanical test stage that
imaging using focused ion beam-scanning is available for integration into the ZEISS
electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) systems. Xradia Ultra platform, the only nanoscale
Plus, we will show users how to optimize XRM available for the laboratory.
sample preparation, explore crystallographic
information using diffraction contrast Unlocking the microscopic mysteries of
tomography, and much more. This expert 3D printed powders
guide will also introduce the latest The bulk density and flow behavior are
cutting-edge technologies from ZEISS – one important parameters for characterizing
of the leading providers of microscopic and powders in powder technology - since they
characterization tools. These tools have can directly impact the efficiency and quality
been designed to support both academic of the final powered product.
researchers and industries in materials Bulk density refers to the mass of a powder
science by delivering the most advanced per unit volume, which can affect the packing
electron microscopy (SEM), FIB-SEM, and and flow behavior of a powder. In contrast,
X-ray microscopy (XRM) tools, among flow behavior refers to the way a powder
many others. moves and behaves when subjected to
external forces, such as mechanical pressure
Exploring the microscopic world with - which can affect their processing and
3D X-ray imaging handling. To explore this further, look at this
Micro- and nano-computer tomography application note to find out more about these
(micro and nano-CT) are powerful and vital parameters in detail. This resource will
non-destructive imaging techniques that use also explain how light and scanning electron
X-rays to generate high-resolution 3D images. microscopy combined with an image analysis
There have been many significant advances in tool makes it possible to fully characterize
both micro-CT and nano-CT technology, which powders. You’ll find out how this powerful
have resulted in improved resolution, faster tool allows for automatic segmentation
scan times, and greater sensitivity levels. and analysis of particles, pores, and phases
These technological advances have enabled through gray level thresholding to allow
researchers to capture high-resolution images users to obtain quick and reliable statistical
like never before, with increased throughput information about the quality of a powder.
and efficiency. Another key advancement is 3D
X-ray microscopy (XRM), which delivers even ZEISS Crossbeam 550: The future of
higher resolution levels. In this application high-throughput imaging
note, learn how to objectively evaluate the A FIB-SEM is an advanced microscopy
resolution performance of XRM and other instrument that combines two powerful
CT instruments relevant to a users research techniques together and delivers
and production goals. Plus, learn how spatial high-resolution imaging, along with precise
resolution delivers researchers with the material analysis. The FIB-SEM system
most meaningful method for evaluating an comprises of two key components: the
instrument’s performance, and how XRM focused ion beam (FIB) and the scanning
Characterizing nanomaterials
electron microscope (SEM). The FIB the ZEISS Crossbeam laser system and how
uses a beam of charged ions to etch a the instrument allows for 3D-site-specific
sample’s surface, while the SEM uses a preparation of deeply buried regions of
beam of electrons to scan the sample’s interest, and the preparation of multiple
surface to create high-resolution images TEM-suitable windows spread over a large
of its topography. sample area.
ZEISS is a leading manufacturer of
cutting-edge microscopy solutions, Seeing beyond the surface: Exploring
including the latest FIB-SEM systems. crystallographic information with diffraction
ZEISS and its team of experts have made contrast tomography
significant advancements to its product X-ray tomography is a powerful technique
portfolio by improving image resolution, that uses X-rays to generate detailed, 3D
contrast, ease-of-use, and throughput images of a sample. The X-ray source emits
offered by its instruments. As a result, a strong beam of X-rays that are either
the new ZEISS Crossbeam 550 has attenuated or absorbed to different degrees,
become the go to instrument of choice depending on the composition of a material.
for high-throughput FIB-SEM work. If The detector records the intensity of the
you’re interested in learning more about X-rays, which is used to non-destructively
the capabilities of this instrument, take generate a detailed 3D image of a sample.
a look at this application note. This In this resource, find out more about this
resource provides valuable insights into technique and the two popular contrast
the performance of the Crossbeam 550 mechanisms used with X-ray tomography,
in the lab and how it can deliver a high termed X-ray absorption and phase contrast.
imaging resolution for SEM beam currents This application note will also introduce the
up to several nA. Synchrotron-based XRM instrument, which
has been designed to deliver crystallographic/
The power of laser: Optimizing TEM diffraction information from poly-crystalline
sample preparation samples and demonstrate how the Versa
LaserFIB instruments have gained huge series of X-ray microscopes can help support
popularity over recent years, due to their such imaging goals.
powerful capabilities in the field of materials Plus, click here to find out more about
science. Their growing popularity is mostly X-ray microscopy and how this technique
because of their high precision, fast speed, can enable users to non-destructively
high versatility, and non-destructive nature. investigate a range of samples, and how
This technique uses a combination of laser the Xradia Ultra (the only available
and ion beam technology to either alter laboratory-based nanoscale X-ray
or analyze a given material at the micro microscope), achieved resolution down
or nanoscale. LaserFIB achieves this by to 50 nm using X-ray focusing.
combining a pulsed laser with a focused ion
beam, such as gallium ions, to deliver precise Next-generation electron optics: Taking
material removal or modification. imaging to new heights
In this resource, find out more about SEM has advanced significantly over recent
LaserFIB and the value of femtosecond years, with improvements in imaging
(fs) laser ablation for site-specific resolution, speed, and sample preparation
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Technological advances have
sample preparation. This resource will also enabled us to explore materials like never
introduce the ‘Cut-to-ROI’ workflow. This is before. Many new and advanced instruments
a specialized method developed to enable now come equipped with additional detectors
users to explore a region of interest that and automated imaging capabilities, which
is located deep within a given sample and enable users to rapidly image samples with
unable to be assessed using direct FIB high accuracy and reproducibility. Key to the
instruments. Plus, this resource will introduce performance of any SEM, conventional or
Characterizing nanomaterials
field emission SEM (FE-SEM), is its electron in automobile, chemical refining, and energy
optical column. In this resource, find out industries. To determine the catalytic ability of
how ZEISS contributed directly to the field platinum nanoparticles, it’s essential that we
by developing the Gemini electron optics, understand their structure. Undesirably, when
the Nano-twin lens, and their latest using conventional SEM methods they do not
innovation - the EO optical engine. Find reveal enough comprehensive morphological
out how the EO engine delivers increased information about these particles due to the
resolution at low kV by optimizing the lack of electron beam stability. Fortunately,
convergence angle of electrons travelling there are techniques available to accurately
through a column, and also increases determine particle size and morphology.
the available field of view using the In this application note, find out more about
high-performance Nano-twin lens. sweet spot imaging conditions and how they
can be determined using the advantages
Unlocking perovskite catalysts with sweet of the electron optics of the ZEISS FE-SEM
spot imaging range. Plus, learn how to find the optimal
Platinum (Pt) is one of the rarest, yet most conditions for imaging a range of samples
versatile metals to exist. Pt is used within and how the stability and stage of the
a whole range of industrial and commercial ZEISS GeminiSEM family were found to
applications, from jewellery and lab equipment increase image stabilization and brilliance,
to electronics and engineering. Pt is now resulting in high resolution imaging at low
widely used for catalytic chemical reactions kilo-electron-volt (keV).
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Technical Note
Although the definition of resolution may seem straightforward, several non-equivalent terms are used to
represent the resolution capabilities of 3D tomographic instruments. ZEISS specifies spatial resolution, the
most meaningful measurement of a microscope’s performance. This Tech Note explains how to objectively
evaluate the resolution performance of 3D X-ray microscopes (XRM) and other computed tomography (CT)
instruments relevant to the user’s research and production goals.
Micro-CT and nano-CT technology have made considerable Meaningful resolution measurements should reflect
strides in resolution during the past decade. The recent total system performance, be based on standards that
introduction of 3D X-ray microscopy (XRM) brings yet enable unbiased comparisons, and be considered at
another advancement at even higher resolution. multipleworking distances that reflect the range of
intended applications and sample sizes. In order to
When evaluating these high resolution systems it is helpful make an objective comparison of systems, a clear
to understand the numerous terms used in the industry to understanding of each term is required.
describe resolution that, if not clearly understood, can
confuse comparisons between systems. These terms include: Spatial Resolution: The Most Meaningful
• Spatial resolution • Spot size Measurement
• Voxel size • Detail detectability Spatial resolution refers to the minimum separation
• Nominal resolution at which a feature pair can be resolved by an imaging
system. It is typically measured by imaging a standardized
Each of these terms conveys vastly different representations resolution target (Figure 1) with progressively smaller
of a system’s performance. While spatial resolution provides line-space pairs. As the feature pairs become spaced
a direct measurement of the system’s complete imaging closer than a system’s resolution capability, they cannot
capability, metrics such as voxel, nominal resolution, and be distinguished (resolved) from one another and
spot size are isolated contributors to resolution that, increasingly appear as one single feature (Figure 2).
by themselves, do not describe the performance of the
system as a whole.
Figure 1 A standard spatial Figure 2 Spatial Resolution as a Function of Feature Separation. As the same pair of features becomes separated by
resolution taraget. spacing smaller than the resolution of a system, it becomes indistinguishable as a pair by the imaging system.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
race to the smallest spot size which has been badly plagued
by performance trade-offs. As a result, the smallest spot
sizes advertised on many micro-CT or nano-CT systems are
achievable only under very limited operating conditions;
typically at low voltage, low power, and often requiring
Spot size
physical reconfiguration of the source to a special filament.
Consequently these ‘high resolution modes’ apply to only
a narrow band of imaging applications and are a poor
indicator of overall system performance for the broad
spectrum of samples. Low Resolution High
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Resolution (µm)
to refer to minimum voxel, to half the source spot size, 6
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Cover Image: Sample courtesy of Kavan Hazeli, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The University of Alabama, Huntsville.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Technical Note
X-ray microscopy (XRM) enables nondestructive 3D investigation of a variety of samples across multiple length scales.
By adapting advanced X-ray optics from synchrotron developments, 3D X-ray tomography with resolution down to
50 nm is now available in the laboratory. As a nondestructive technique, X-ray tomography uniquely enables 4D studies
by observing 3D structure at multiple points in time and under varying realistic conditions. These conditions can
include a variety of external stimuli, including mechanical loads. In this Technical Note we introduce the concept of
in situ mechanical testing integrated in nanoscale XRM. This approach is complementary to established ex situ or
in situ testing methods in SEM or TEM, but covers a unique 3D length scale, offering new opportunities to connect
small scale evolution processes with those observed in micron scale XRM and bulk material testing. This connection
of micro and macro deformation behavior, with direct 3D visualization, has promising applications covering a variety
of materials from metals to biomaterials to thin coatings. Xradia Ultra Load Stage, a new nanomechanical test stage,
is now available for integration into ZEISS Xradia Ultra, the only nanoscale XRM available for the laboratory.
Nanomechanical testing seeks to answer the question: • In terms of engineering a material with desirable properties
How does a material yield, deform, and fail on small scales? (modulus, hardness, toughness, etc.) are some defects and
features acceptable and others not?
By combining with in situ 3D observation, we now seek to
answer the next question: how do these mechanisms vary locally Investigating Under Load
within the sample, and what role does the microstructure play To investigate the deformation and possible structural failure
in determining the bulk properties and behavior? under various loading conditions, a nanomechanical testing
rig has been designed that can be easily configured by the
This broad concept can be further refined with several more user to enable three different operating modes—compression,
targeted questions: tension,and nanoindentation. Xradia Ultra Load Stage operates
on samples of sizes typical of the nanoscale X-ray microscope,
• How is the behavior of individual micro- and nano-features on the order of a 10-100 micron diameter cross section.
such as struts, films, “walls”, particles, etc. different from
the collective bulk? How does this limit the interpretation This length scale simultaneously satisfies two experimental
of material properties from a purely geometric perspective constraints by:
based on simple morphological properties like porosity,
surface area, etc.? 1) providing optimal X-ray attenuation characteristics for a
wide variety of sample types, and
• What effects do these features have on the local deformation
of a material? For example, do some locations display brittle 2) effectively connecting the length scales of material
behavior and others ductile? Do these events occur with deformation spanning resolutions from tens of nanometers
sufficient frequency or prevalence that the effects cascade up to sample sizes approaching bulk material response.
up to larger length scales?
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
2D Surface SEM
This new capability satisfies a void in the current availability of
mechanical testing and imaging approaches. On the spectrum
of force and length scales, Xradia Ultra Load Stage is positioned 5 µm 500 nm 50 nm 5 nm
raphy testing1, and on the other, established nanomechanical Figure 1. Approximate imaging resolution for common in situ mechanical testing
testing such as in situ SEM, TEM2,3 (Figure 1), or standalone methods, categorized by sample thickness and transparency. The in situ Xradia
Ultra Load Stage uniquely fills a gap between single nanometer resolution
nanoindenters. Of the currently existing in situ techniques, SEM/TEM methods that are restricted to surface imaging or extremely thin
micron scale X-ray tomography provides spatial resolution down samples, and micron/submicron-scale tomography.
to the single-micron or submicron scale and can accommodate
samples on the millimeter or larger scale subjected to kilonewton
loads. On the small end of thespectrum, electron microscopy
enables in situ mechanical testing on the nanometer scale. Modes of Operation
Despite providing excellent spatial resolution, the electron Next, we focus on the following three modes: compression,
techniques suffer from some inherent limitations. SEM is capable tension and indentation. In the implementation of these three
of nondestructive surface imaging only, and TEM can provide modes in nanoscale XRM (ZEISS Xradia Ultra), the sample is
3D data but only on very thin samples, typically less than one mounted between two anvils, one of which is stationary and
micron, where surface effects dominate the deformation one of which can be moved in a controlled manner. A sensor
behavior and strongly influence the results. For both EM measures the force on the sample as a function of anvil
methods, there is a lack of understanding of internal micro displacement.
and nanoscale deformation within a sample which is sufficiently
large to minimize surface effects. Conversely, the larger sample • Compression: the sample is “pinched” between the two
sizes typical of the Xradia Ultra microscope (10-100 microns) anvils that move towards each other. In this mode, structural
approach, in many instances, bulk material behavior, providing deformation under uniaxial compressive load is studied.
a new length scale of investigation as well as complementary
information to connect length scales. • Tension: the two anvils move away from each other, pulling
on the sample. In this mode, structural deformation under
uniaxial tensile load is studied.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
In situ nanomechanical compression combined with X-ray to- Compression
mography can be used to observe the deformation of materials
under compressive load. This type of mechanical test has been
Top Anvil Top Anvil
commonly used in ex situ applications to study the behavior of
samples such as metal pillars and porous foams, but a direct 3D
image of the deformation process on this length scale has not X-ray X-ray
been previously available. This has left a number of unanswered Beam Path Beam Path
questions in terms of the relevant local mechanisms. Do micro
Sample Sample
and nanoscale features undergo uniaxial compression in a similar
manner to the bulk sample, or are there local buckling/yielding
events? Likely there is varying behavior especially for small, high
Bottom Anvil Bottom Anvil
aspect ratio features such as struts or pore walls. Pores of differ-
ent sizes may also yield at different rates. Furthermore, if there
are anisotropic structures what is the relationship between load-
Sample Rotation Sample Rotation
ing direction, deformation direction, and feature orientation? for Tomography for Tomography
Tensile testing can reveal an additional wealth of information
about a sample’s deformation and failure mechanisms, including
critical properties like elastic modulus and tensile yield strength.
Top Anvil Top Anvil
While these properties can be traced back to atomistic level
deformation events in the form of dislocations, at what level
do these processes combine in aX-ray
fashion that dictates bulk X-ray
Beam Pathcan uniquely help address Beam Path
behavior? Xradia Ultra Load Stage
this question by operating at an intermediate length between
Sample Sample
atomistic information and bulk properties; at this scale nano/
microstructural features can constitute critical locations where
isolated deformation events likely
Bottom begin to occur on a length
Anvil Bottom Anvil
scale capable of propagating up to macro-level response.
In a tensile scenario, these types of critical locations include
micro-voids, where increased loading can lead to growth and
Sample Rotation Sample Rotation
for Tomography
coalescence of neighboring voids, as well as possible crack for Tomography
initiation sites in high stress regions of surrounding material.
It can also include thin and anisotropic features such as struts
and fibers which can undergo local rupture and failure at differ-
ent rates and under different loading than larger domains. It is
also possible, particularly in the case of composite materials, to
consider regions of varying chemistry or grain structure, resulting
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
The concept of in situ nanomechanical testing in XRM is demon- In a second experiment, nanoindentation was performed on a
strated here on two types of materials intended to indicate the sample of dentin. Dentin is a natural microstructured composite
possible range of applications. A compression experiment was material found in teeth, serving functions of transport, cell
performed on a porous elastomer as shown in Figure 2. The communication, and structural reinforcement. The material
sample is mounted on the bottom anvil (not visible) and occupies displays excellent mechanical and fracture toughness, making
most of the field of view, while the stationary top anvil is also it a prime candidate for biomimetic engineering. In this work,
visible at the top of the field of view. The three panels display in situ X-ray microscopy was performed with Zernike phase
the results of three separate tomography scans conducted be- contrast to observe both the sample and the diamond indenter
fore, during, and after a compressive loading process. Panel tip. Evidence of the internal tubular dentin structure, which
(a) depicts the original, uncompressed sample. In panel (b), the is hypothesized to be responsible for many of the material’s
sample has been moved vertically upward, putting the sample impressive properties, is also visible from the surface renderings.
in contact with the top anvil causing compression. The loading Two data sets were collected, first at light load and second after
was maintained in this state during the collection of the tomog- partial fracture initiated by cracking around the indenter tip, as
raphy. After tomography, the sample was moved back down to shown in Figure 3 below. Investigation of the internal structure
the original position to remove the compressive force. A third can reveal where these cracks initiate and propagate relative
tomography, depicted in panel (c), reveals the final deformation to the tubules, helping to explain why bulk dentin displays
of the sample after removal of the applied load, suggesting such exceptional mechanical toughness.
permanent changes of the microstructure.
a b c
10 µm
Figure 2. Compressive loading of a porous elastomer. (a) Uncompressed, (b) Compressed, (c) Decompressed
a b
10 µm
Figure 3. Nanoindentation of dentin. (a) 3D rendering of dentin sample before cracking. The indenter tip is visible above the sample.
(b) 3D rendering of the same sample after the indenter tip has been driven into the sample and a piece of dentin has fractured off.
(c) Force-displacement curve. The fracture event is clearly visible. Courtesy The University of Manchester.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
In situ mechanical testing in a nanoscale X-ray microscope
applies to a wide range of interests, covering both engineered
and natural materials. Many such materials display hierarchical
structures, with the behavior at the bulk scale intimately linked
to the structure and properties of multiple smaller scales.
Nanoscale XRM, sitting in the unique nanometer to micron
nondestructive 3D imaging regime, has the potential to help link
observations across this vast range of scales, and complement
existing methods including in situ SEM, TEM, and micron scale
XRM. Specifically, Xradia Ultra Load Stage, capable of compres-
sion, tension, and indentation loading, offers new capabilities
to observe internal processes such as elastic and plastic deforma-
tion, crack initiation and propagation, and surface delamination
down to the 50 nm scale. While not an inclusive list, this is
envisioned to have strong applications in such fields as high
strength alloys, coatings, fiber composites, biomaterials,
building materials, and engineered foams.
[1] BM Patterson, et al., “Measure of Morphological and Performance Properties in Polymeric Silicone Foams by X-ray Tomography,” J Mater Sci 48 (2013):
1986-1996. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-012-6965-2
[2] W Kang, et al., “In-Situ Uniaxial Mechanical Testing of Small Scale Materials--A Review,” Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 2 (2010): 282-287.
DOI: 10.1166/nnl.2010.1107
[3] MA Haque and MTA Saif, “In-situ Tensile Testing of Nano-scale Specimens in SEM and TEM,” Experimental Mechanics 42 (2002): 123-128.
DOI: 10. 1007/BF02411059
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
50 µm
Application Note
The bulk density and flow behavior are important parameters for characterizing powders used in powder-
technology-based production processes such as the additive laser powder bed fusion process because these
parameters essentially determine the workability of the powder across a wide range of production processes.
[Fra16] Good flow behavior is of particular importance for powder-bed-based additive production processes for
handling the powder and applying the powder layers, while a high bulk density is extremely important for ma-
nufacturing non-porous components. [Kru15], [Tan17] Light and scanning electron microscopy combined with
the image analysis tool in the ZEISS ZEN 2 core software make it possible to efficiently characterize powders
and determine their quality.
Introduction Experiment
The bulk density and flow behavior of a powder are essenti- Two granulated tungsten carbide cobalt powders with iden-
ally determined by the powder morphology, topography, size tical composition but very different bulk densities are avail-
distribution and internal particle structure. While spherical able for testing. The bulk density of the two powders was
particles possess positive flow properties, irregularly or determined in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3923:2010 and
needle-shaped particles have a less favorable flow behavior the flowability in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13517:2013
due to possible interlocking processes between the particles. and shown in Table 1.
Nevertheless, closer inspection of a spherical particle may
reveal a rough surface structure, which causes high friction Bulk density [g/cm³] Flowability [50 g/s]
forces that greatly impact the movement of the powder Powder 1 – WC-Co (88-12) 4.51 29.0
Powder 2 – WC-Co (88-12) 5.89 28.5
when it flows or compacts. [Sch14] Dry powders with a high
proportion of fine particles also develop high adhesive forces Table 1 Result of the bulk density testing and the flowability testing
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
equal in area, to determine the particle size as well as the definitive measurement characteristics. Figure 1 shows
the Feret ratio, which corresponds to the ratio of the smal- a section of a powder in transmitted light, left before seg-
lest to the largest Feret diameter and thus provides informa- mentation, right after automatic segmentation using the
tion about the sphericity of the particle, were measured as image analysis tool provided in ZEISS ZEN 2 core.
Figure 1 Powders for characterization using the ZEISS ZEN 2 core image analysis tool; left: not segmented, LM, 80×; right: segmented, LM, 80×
Figure 2 Left: particle size distribution; right: Feret ratio distribution comparing WC-Co powders 1 and 2
Considering the particle size distribution and the Feret ratio The powders were scattered onto a sample holder
distribution, the difference in the bulk densities must be at- smeared with graphite paste and sputter-coated with a
tributed to the internal structure of the particles because the gold-palladium layer to ensure good electron conductivity.
curves differed only very slightly. For this reason, the particles Figure 3 shows an overview image, while Figure 4 shows
were examined further using the ZEISS Crossbeam 550 a detailed image with a comparison of the two WC-Co
focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB SEM). powders.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
Figure 3 Overview image of WC-Co particles; left: powder 1, SEM, BSE signal, 250×; right: overview image of powder 2, SEM, BSE signal, 250×
Figure 4 Detailed image of the WC-Co particle topography left: powder 1, SEM, BSE signal, 2,500×; right: powder 2, SEM, BSE signal, 2,500×
It can be clearly seen in both the overview images and the through the middle of a randomly selected particle with the
detailed images that powder 1 has an outwardly open poro- ZEISS Crossbeam 550 for each type of powder. The images
sity, while powder 2 has an outwardly closed granulate sur- are shown in Figure 5 for comparison. Examining the images
face. Powder 2 also has a visibly finer surface structure that suggests that powder 1 already has a considerably higher
can be attributed to a smaller WC particle size. To characteri- fraction of internal porosity than powder 2.
ze the internal particle structure, a FIB section was placed
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
Figure 5 FIB section through particle left: powder 1 with higher internal porosity, FIB, 2,500×; right: powder 2 with lower internal porosity, FIB, 2,500×
For the quantitative determination of the porosity fraction, The pixel size of the images is 50 nm in order to cover the
the samples were prepared by embedding a few grams of smallest pore to be detected with a minimum number of
the powder in epoxy resin and the samples were then prepa- 10 pixels. The additional analysis was also carried out using
red with various grinding and polishing steps using the the image analysis tool in the ZEISS ZEN 2 core software. A
Struers Tegramin-30 system. The particles were cut during hierarchical segmentation of the two gray level thresholds
the grinding and polishing steps, which provided a view of was used, which initially enables the particles (red) and then
their internal structure. To ensure the electrical conductivity the internal pores (blue) to be segmented using an additional
of the metallographic polished samples, a sputter-coating gray level threshold. Figure 6 shows the classes which were
process was carried out to deposit a gold-palladium layer applied for the image analysis.
and finally the samples were viewed using a ZEISS Sigma
300 VP field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM).
Figure 6 ZEISS ZEN 2 core image analysis tool; hierarchical arrangement of the classes
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
The measurement characteristics to be determined were the 20 particles of each powder examined could thus be
defined as the area of the individual particles and the area calculated. Figure 7 shows a section of the SEM image and
of the internal pores present. Following allocation of the the associated segmented image using the image analysis
pores to the particular particles, the fraction of internal tool of the ZEISS ZEN 2 core software. The higher porosity
porosity could be determined and the mean porosity of fraction of powder 1 is clearly apparent.
Powder 1 Powder 2
SEM image
Segmented using image analysis tool
Figure 7 Quantitative determination of the porosity fraction; top left: powder 1, SEM, BSE signal, pixel size 50 nm; top right: powder 2, SEM,BSE signal, pixel
size 50 nm; bottom left: powder 1 segmented, bottom right: powder 2 segmented
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
Mean porosity [%]
The option for characterizing powders described here reveals
Powder 1 – WC-Co (88-12) 34.7
that a powder can be almost fully characterized using light
Powder 2 – WC-Co (88-12) 4.8
and scanning electron microscopy. The image analysis tool of
Table 2 Result of the porosity analysis of the different WC-Co powders the ZEISS ZEN 2 core software also allows quantitative hier-
archical evaluation of images from light microscopy and
The fact that the bulk density of powder 1 is > 20 % lower scanning electron microscopy. Particles, pores and phases
can thus be explained by a mean porosity that is approxi- can be automatically segmented, corrected and then analy-
mately 30 % higher. The flowability of the two powders is zed using gray level thresholding. The automatic segmentati-
almost identical thanks to the spherical particle shape of the on function in particular enables simultaneous analysis of a
two powders. The somewhat better flowability of powder 2 number of particles and thus provides rapid and statistically
can be attributed to the finer surface topography and the reliable information about the quality of a powder.
resultant lower friction between the particles.
[Fra16] L. F. Francis, B. J. H. Stadler, C. C. Roberts: Materials processing, Elsevier (2016)
[Kru15] J.-P. Kruth, S. Dadbakhsh, B. Vrancken, K. Kempen, J. Vleugels, J. Van Humbeeck: Additive Manufacturing of Metals via Selective
Laser Melting, in Additive Manufacturing: Innovations, Advances, and Applications, Ed.: T. S. Sudarshan, et al., CRC Press (2015)
[Mol00] H. Mollet, A. Grubenmann: Formulation technology: Emulsions, suspensions, solid formats [Original in German: Formulierungstechnik:
Emulsionen, Suspensionen, Feste Formen], WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH (2000)
[Sch14] D. Schulze: Powders and bulk materials [Original in German: Pulver und Schüttgüter], Springer Vieweg (2014)
[Tan17] Y. Tan, J. Zheng, W. Gao, S. Jiang, Y. Feng: The Effect of Powder Flowability in the Selective Laser Sintering Process, in Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Ed.: X. Li, et al., Springer Singapore; Imprint; Springer (2017)
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
2 µm 210 pA
200 nm
500 pA 1 nA
Technology Note
Since more than 13 years ZEISS has been known as a
manufacturer of two-beam FIB-SEM systems – Crossbeam
instruments. During these years Crossbeam performance in
terms of image resolution and contrast, ease of use, work-
flow automation and throughput has improved continuously. Ni
The sample used for this experiment consists – from top to 500 pA 1 nA
bottom – of a silver layer on a 1.5 µm-thick nickel seed layer
on a copper substrate [1]. A standard FIB cross-section of
the sample was produced (see top left image in figure 1).
Prior to FIB milling of the cross-section the sample surface
was protected with a platinum deposition layer by ion beam
induced deposition (IBID) using standard trimethyl (methylcy-
clopentadienyl) platinum (IV) as a precursor gas.
2 nA 4 nA
The subject of study of this note is the cross-sectioned
platinum deposit. The platinum deposit was imaged with the Figure 1 Images of a platinum deposition for different SEM probe currents
SEM at high magnification at two different accelerating in the range of 210 pA to 4 nA at 3 kV. (top left) Overview image of the cross-
section used for the experiment.
voltages, 1.5 kV and 3 kV, to reveal its internal structure.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Figures 1 and 2 show the results for 3 kV and 1.5 kV,
respectively. For both imaging voltages, a granular structure
in the deposition is observed. This structure is well known
for FIB-SEM users. It consists of platinum nanoparticles
surrounded by a matrix of an amorphous carbon and gallium
mix. In the context of this note, it is used as a visual measure
210 pA 500 pA for the instrument’s SEM resolution. The platinum grains in
the images are well defined up to a SEM current of 2 nA.
With increasing current, they start to wash out at 4 nA, but
are still clearly resolved. For 1.5 kV and the highest current
200 nm of 8 nA the particles cannot be discerned.
Note that for 3 kV and 1.5 kV the SEM imaging current can
be increased from 210 pA to 4 nA roughly by a factor of 20
1 nA 2 nA
and – the platinum particles – the structure of interest – can
still be resolved.
The results summarized in figures 1 and 2 demonstrate
Crossbeam 550 ability to maintain a very high resolution even
4 nA 8 nA
when imaging at very high SEM currents. This allows to boost
Figure 2 Images of a platinum deposition for different SEM probe currents throughput of the FIB-SEM instrument, as will be explained in
in the range of 210 pA to 8 nA at 1.5 kV (current increases from top left to
bottom right image).
the following for two common FIB-SEM applications:
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Sample courtesy of D. Willer, MPA Stuttgart, Germany.
] All ZEISS FIB-SEM instruments have a non-immersion type objective lens. Therefore, live imaging is performed in normal imaging mode
as opposed to immersion type systems, where live imaging is only possible if the final lens is deactivated, which comes along with an
important loss in SEM resolution.
] E. Schröder-Reiter et al., Journal of Structural Biology 165 (2009), 97 – 106; M. Cantoni and L. Holzer, Mrs Bulletin, 39 (2014), 354 – 360
K. Narayan et al., Journal of Structural Biology 185 (2014), 278 – 284
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
This note explores the use of femtosecond (fs) laser ablation for site-specific TEM sample preparation in
a FIB-SEM. Different workflows are presented enabling TEM lamella preparation of regions of interest (ROI)
buried so deeply in the sample that they cannot be accessed directly by FIB. As a best-known method, the
so-called Cut-to-ROI workflow was developed and is explained in detail. General limitations when preparing
large TEM lamellas are discussed, as well as the new possibilities the LaserFIB opens for microstructural
Introduction Experimental
Recently, LaserFIB instruments have attracted substantial All experiments were conducted on a ZEISS Crossbeam laser.
attention in the microscopy community. The term LaserFIB
denotes the combination of a FIB-SEM with an ultra-short ZEISS Crossbeam laser is equipped with a diode pumped solid
pulsed laser, typically a fs laser, within a single instrument. state (DPSS) 515 nm (green) laser with laser pulses of less than
The laser adds additional capabilities to the FIB-SEM, 350 fs duration. Pulse repetition rates can be varied in the
expanding its already broad application space [1]. range of 0.1 kHz to 1 MHz. The maximum output power is
10 W when operated at 1 MHz. With this laser, material removal
By means of fs laser ablation large volumes of material can rates of more than 15 mio µm³/s in silicon can be reached,
be removed from a sample very rapidly with in most cases representing at least three orders of magnitude improvement in
negligible sample damage. Thus, access can be gained to speed compared to any focused ion beam [1]. When defining the
regions of interest deeply buried in the sample for their laser milling strategy for a given layout, important parameters
subsequent FIB-SEM analysis. Other applications of LaserFIBs are laser power (in percentage), writing speed (in mm/s), pulse
include the fabrication of micromechanical devices for materials repetition rate and number of passes (hatches). The user can
testing with dimensions of up to millimeters [2,3], the prepa- input these for individual shapes or groups of shapes in a CAD
ration of surfaces for EBSD analysis [4,5], and the production interface.
of pillar-shaped samples for the synchrotron or X-ray microscope
[6]. ZEISS Crossbeam laser features an Ion-sculptor gallium FIB
column with beam currents of 1 pA to 100 nA. For the lamella
In the LaserFIB setup implemented by ZEISS, with the product lift-outs, an OP400 (Oxford Instruments plc) micromanipulator
name ZEISS Crossbeam laser, the laser work is done in a and a gas injection system (GIS) were used.
dedicated chamber to prevent contamination of the main
FIB-SEM chamber by laser ablated debris [7]. The samples used were <100> silicon (for most of the
experiments) and a 99.9% pure copper foil (for the H-bar
In this paper we explore the possibilities ZEISS Crossbeam experiment). These materials were chosen to illustrate the
laser offers for TEM sample preparation. We present different different workflows because they are readily available,
preparation workflows and discuss possible modifications to homogeneous, and a good reference for comparison with
adapt to specific microstructural characterization challenges. standard FIB work.
The workflows are well suited for the TEM cross section
preparation of deeply buried features of interest or the
preparation of multiple thinned windows distributed over
a large specimen area.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Figure 1: SEM images of a laser-machined chunk. a) Top view with laser milling
shapes overlaid on one side of the chunk; blue for the rough milling and orange
for the polishing step. b) Magnified top view. c) Sample tilted 54° and rotated.
In order to explore several different ways to use the laser Figure 3 shows a first example. One of the laser-prepared
to assist TEM sample preparation, an array of 3 × 2 chunks chunks was thinned down to slightly less than 2 µm over an area
was prepared. This array is shown in Figure 2. The complete 58 µm wide and more than 75 µm deep by gallium FIB milling.
array spans an area of 1.6 × 1.3 mm² and was patterned in This area appears bright when imaged with the SEM at 15 keV
240 seconds. landing energy, Figure 3a). The thinning of this lamella was
done in three steps performed at FIB currents of 65 nA, 30 nA,
and 7 nA. The sample was over-tilted and under-tilted when
machining the front and back side, respectively. The over-
and under-tilt angles were reduced from 4°, to 3°, to 2° with
decreasing milling current to ensure a homogeneous thickness
over the entire thinned window. The FIB thinning including
all three steps took 3 h in total. This is a time we consider
acceptable in light of the sample size and the fact that the
FIB milling can be fully automated.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Despite their size, all three lamellas discussed in the previous
section could be easily lifted out of the bulk sample and
attached to a 3 mm copper grid compatible with standard TEM
sample holders following the standard in situ lift-out procedure
Figure 3: a) SEM images of a large FIB thinned lamella. a) Sample tilted 54° and
rotated. b) Top view of the thinned region.
For the next sample, the same amount of time was invested to
thin a 220 × 104 µm² area to 4.5 µm thickness including cut-
out, see Figures 4a) and b). This time all FIB milling operations
were conducted at 65 nA. The over/under-tilt angle was 3°.
Note that these settings would allow to produce a lamella of
the dimensions in Figure 3 in well below 1 h.
Figure 4: SEM images of two large lamellas after cut-out. a) and b) show
different SEM perspectives – 0° and 45° stage tilt – of a 220 µm × 104 µm × 4.5 µm
lamella. c) and d) show a bigger lamella with dimensions of 300 µm × 140 µm.
This one is 10.5 µm thick at the top with a side wall taper of 7°.
Characterizing nanomaterials
The next step after the in situ lift-out is to thin the lamella
towards electron transparency. TEM analyses require very thin
samples with a thickness of 100 nm or less. It is a challenge to
obtain a uniformly thinned window of this thickness covering a
large area.
Figure 6: Laser processed lamella after FIB shaping to access ROIs 45 µm, 65,
The XYZ coordinates of a ROI can result from the sample lay- and 25 µm below the surface (dotted circles). b) The top surfaces after FIB milling
out itself (e.g. the known CAD layout of an electronics or semi- are flat and smooth. c) SEM image at 5 kV of a different lamella after thinning of
two ROIs.
conductor sample), from a previous characterization by a non-
destructive imaging technique (e.g. by X-ray microscopy) [9], or
any combination of both (e.g. lock-in thermography combined After trimming, the grid was flipped back to the upright posi-
with CAD chip layout). Any feature of interest that has been tion. Figure 6b) shows the top surface of one of the steps.
located in the sample can be targeted by the laser with an The surface is flat and smooth, which facilitates the subsequent
accuracy of about 2 µm [10]. preparation of the TEM-thin areas by FIB. Figure 6c) shows
another exemplary chunk after final thinning of two ROIs 25 and
The chunk can be trimmed by FIB as shown in Figure 6a). 45 µm below the surface.
Here, the grid was flipped by 90° after the lift-out, so that
FIB incidence was perpendicular to the chunk side face for
trimming. Three ROIs were assumed at Z = 45, 65 and 25 µm,
from left to right. The FIB was used to remove the top of the
chunk to form 40, 60, and 20 µm deep steps. This process took
13 min for the three steps at a FIB current of 30 nA.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Figure 8: H-bar preparation in a piece of copper foil by laser. Two large H-bars
were prepared. The one in the inset was machined in 34 seconds.
In this work different workflows were discussed combining
laser and FIB machining for the preparation of TEM specimens.
Figure 7: a) Laser-processed chunk. After laser cutting, the top 75 µm were ZEISS Crossbeam laser systems allow the 3D-site-specific
removed by FIB milling and two standard FIB lamellas were prepared. b) Detail of
the right-most lamella corresponding to the area in the white frame in a).
preparation of deeply buried regions of interest, or the
preparation of multiple TEM-suitable windows spread over
H-Bar Preparation by Laser a large sample area.
Another option is to combine H-bar [11] and Cut-To-ROI prepa-
rations. This technique can be applied e.g. on small pieces of
metal foils or wafers. These pieces are mounted on edge for laser
and FIB machining. This is shown in Figure 8. Two chunks were
patterned into a 300 µm thick copper foil using the laser. The
laser processing time for the larger chunk of 400 µm × 215 µm
was 34 seconds.
[1] F. Pérez-Willard et al., Expanding the application space of ion microscopy, submitted.
[2] M. J. Pfeifenberger et al., The use of femtosecond laser ablation as a novel tool for rapid micro-mechanical sample preparation,
Materials and Design 121 (2017), pp 109-118.
[3] M. J. Pfeifenberger et al., Electron Irradiation Effects on Strength and Ductility of Polymer Foils Studied by Femtosecond Laser-
Processed Micro-Tensile Specimens, Materials 12 (2019), pp. 1468-1483.
[4] M.P. Echlin et al., The TriBeam system: Femtosecond laser ablation in situ SEM, Mater. Charact. 100 (2015), pp 1-12.
[5] T. Schubert et al., Rapid Sample Preparation for EBSD-Analysis Enabled by the LaserFIB, ZEISS Application Note (2020), available
[6] B. Tordoff et al., The LaserFIB: New Application Opportunities Combining a High-Performance FIB-SEM with Femtosecond Laser
Processing in a Second Integrated Chamber, Appl. Microsc. accepted.
[7] H. Doemer et al., Processing System, US8115180B2 (2012).
[8] L. A. Giannuzzi and F.A. Stevie, Introduction to Focused Ion Beams: Instrumentation, Theory, Techniques, and Practice,
New York, Springer (2005).
[9] M. Kaestner et al. Novel Workflow for High-Resolution Imaging of Structures in Advanced 3D and Fan-Out Packages, 2019
China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) (2019), pp. 1-3.
[10] ZEISS Crossbeam Product Specifications, available on request at
[11] J. Li, “Advanced Techniques in TEM Specimen Preparation”, in The Transmission Electron Microscope, Ed. Dr. K. Maaz,
IntechOpen (2012).
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Technical Note
X-ray tomography has operated under two primary contrast mechanisms for some time: X-ray absorption
and phase contrast, which both rely on material density differences within the sample. However, single-phase
polycrystalline materials (e.g. steels, alloys, etc.) do not exhibit any significant contrast using absorption or
phase mechanisms. Synchrotron-based XRM has demonstrated results in this area for about a decade with
diffraction contrast tomography (DCT), which provides crystallographic/diffraction information from poly-
crystalline samples, non- destructively, in 3D. Now, advancing laboratory X-ray microscopy (XRM) one step
further, we describe here the capabilities of laboratory- based DCT on the ZEISS Xradia 620 Versa 3D X-ray
microscope, and the new research and characterization capabilities this enables.
In the continued spirit of transferring synchrotron capabili- However, the destructive nature of 3D EBSD (via examination
ties to laboratory XRM systems, ZEISS in partnership with of sequential slices) prevents one from directly evaluating the
Xnovo Technology, has implemented the ability to obtain microstructure evolution when subject to either mechanical,
crystallographic (diffraction) contrast information on the thermal or other environmental conditions. Understanding
ZEISS Xradia 620 Versa [1,2]. this evolution process on the same sample volume is key
to unlocking a more robust understanding of materials
Crystallographic imaging is commonly known from several performance, along with improved modeling capabilities,
metallographic techniques, including light and electron and is a key driver of future materials research efforts.
microscopy (EM) methods. In recent years, the introduction
of 2D and 3D electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) In response to this constraint, synchrotron-based
techniques have made EM a routine tool for research and/ crystallographic imaging, known as diffraction contrast
or development related to metallurgy, functional ceramics, tomography (DCT) has emerged over the past decade [3,4].
semiconductors, geology, etc. The ability to image the grain Utilizing non-destructive X-rays, synchrotron users could
structure and quantify the crystallographic orientation relation- quantify grain orientation information in the native 3D
ships in such materials is instrumental for understanding and environment without physical sectioning. This has led
optimizing material properties (mechanical, electrical, etc.) to the logical desire to study the evolution of grain
and in situ processing conditions. crystallography in situ or during interrupted “4D”
evolution experiments. However, limited regular access
to such synchrotron techniques has constrained the
ability to perform thorough, longitudinal studies on
materials evolution.
Cover Image LabDCT 3D imaging of grain orientations in aluminum alloy – IPF (inverse pole figure) colored.
Image Courtesy of: TU Denmark
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Figure 2 Example 2D diffraction pattern from a Ti-alloy. The central area in the
With LabDCT a series of projections is taken from which projection is obscured by a beamstop. This missing data does not impact the
spatially resolved crystallographic information within the diffraction analysis and reconstruction.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technical Note
Conclusion B
[1] S. A. McDonald, et al., Non-destructive mapping of grain orientations in 3D by laboratory X-ray microscopy, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 14665.
[2] C. Holzner, et al., Diffraction Contrast Tomography in the Laboratory – Applications and Future Directions, Microscopy Today, July 2016, p. 34-42.
[3] H.F. Poulsen: Three-Dimensional X-ray Diffraction Microscopy (Springer, 2004)
[4] W. Ludwig, P. Reischig, A. King, M. Herbig, E.M. Lauridsen, G. Johnson, T.J. Marrow and J-Y. Buffiere, Rev. Sci. Inst., 80, 033905, (2009)
[5] S.A. McDonald et al., Scientific Reports 7:5151 (2017)
[6] D. Stojakovic. Processing and Applications of Ceramics, 6(1), 1-13, (2012)
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
2 µm
Technology Note
X-ray microscopy (XRM) enables non-destructive 3D investigation of a variety of samples across multiple length scales.
Nanoscale XRM with resolution down to tens of nanometers has long been developed at synchrotron radiation facilities,
driven by the development of advanced X-ray optics such as Fresnel zone plates. ZEISS Xradia Ultra is the first instrument
to bring this capability to the user’s own laboratory. In this paper, we discuss the technology behind Xradia Ultra and
resulting performance, including X-ray optics, contrast modes and X-ray energy. The paper concludes with application
areas and upcoming developments.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Capillary condensers
The purpose of the condenser lens in a microscope is to provide
even illumination of the sample across the entire field of view.
Xradia Ultra employs reflective, single bounce capillaries1 for this
purpose that image the X-ray source spot into the sample plane
(see Figure 1).
Figure 4: Schematic of the stacking concept,4 where two zone plates are bonded
together to increase the effective thickness of the zones. Zones need to be narrow
(laterally) to achieve high spatial resolution, but thick to achieve high efficiency
(which translates into imaging throughput of the X-ray microscope).
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
X-ray camera
The X-ray camera in Xradia Ultra is based on a scintillator
optically coupled to a CCD detector. This is the same concept
employed by the Xradia Versa family of submicron resolution
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Figure 7: X-ray computed tomography illustrated using the example of a shale rock sample. Left: Example projection through the specimen. While some interior features
are visible, the interior structure cannot be determined in detail from a single projection. Center: A projection series over an angular range of 180 degrees was reconstructed
into a virtual volume. The image shows an individual “slice” (virtual cross section) through the specimen. Right: Volume rendering of the reconstructed volume.
The number of projection images acquired is typically in the or elemental imaging, diffraction for crystallographic orientation,
hundreds or thousands. Computer algorithms10
9 are
used or spectroscopic contrast mechanism for elemental or chemical
to reconstruct a virtual, 3-dimensional volume of the specimen. imaging.
The most common algorithms are filtered backprojection (FBP)
or Feldkamp-Davis-Krees (FDK, for cone beam CT), although Absorption contrast
various advanced (e.g., iterative) algorithms exist and can Absorption contrast is essentially shadow contrast, similar to
yield better results under certain conditions. standard medical X-rays. Material that absorbs strongly shows
up dark in the image, material that absorbs less shows up bright –
The reconstructed volume can then be viewed “slice by slice” like bone vs. tissue in the hospital. Absorption is typically stron-
(looking at virtual cross-sections), or visualized in 3D using ger for materials with higher density and/or atomic number.
various volume rendering methods (see Figure 7). Commonly, The mechanism is explained in more detail in the section on
the reconstructed volume is segmented into different compo- X-ray source energy below.
nents based on grayscale or other characteristics. Segmented
volumes can be further analyzed quantitatively in terms of Absorption is most often used to image pore networks or other
porosity, tortuosity, particle size distribution or other properties, voids (empty space = low/no absorption) in medium to high
or be used as input for advanced modeling algorithms. density materials, such as rock, calcified tissue, ceramics or
metals. In a multi-phase or composite material, if the compo-
The key difference between Xradia Ultra and other micro- nents are of sufficiently different density, absorption contrast
or nano-CT instruments is the use of X-ray optics to achieve can also be used to separate the materials (e.g. ceramic-metallic
ultrahigh resolution projections as described above. composites, or cermets).
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Figure 9: Comparison of absorption and phase contrast for a shale rock sample.
In absorption contrast (left), the grayscales in the image directly represent different
materials or material phases in the sample, which makes it more suitable for
image segmentation. Phase contrast (right) visualizes fine cracks much more clearly.
Diffracted Light
Hollow Cone
Figure 10: Left: Illustration of Zernike phase contrast. The sample is illuminated by a hollow cone of X-rays. A phase ring is inserted in the back focal plane of the objective
zone plate. The “undiffracted light” (X-rays that have not interacted with the sample) passes through the phase ring and is phase shifted by a quarter wavelength.
“Diffracted light” (X-rays that have interacted with the sample and therefore have been scattered off the direct path) does not pass through the phase ring.
In the detector plane, the diffracted and undiffracted light combine (interfere), which turns phase shifts into intensity variations. Right: SEM image of a phase ring.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Relative Intensity
system. In this section, we will review how the two different
1/e = 37%
X-ray source options, 5.4 keV for Xradia 810 Ultra and 8 keV 0.6
for Xradia 800 Ultra, differ in terms of imaging properties and 0.4
Table 1: Approximate X-ray absorption length for select materials. Exact values
will depend on composition and density. Note that X-ray penetration will be larger
if material is porous.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Contrast is the difference in light intensity that makes different and/or throughput will be greatly improved at 5.4 keV X-ray
features in an image distinguishable from one another. To be energy compared to 8 keV. However, for materials of higher
able to detect a feature, it must both be resolved (see Optical density (such as most metals, but note the exception of iron
Performance and spatial resolution above) and have sufficiently explained above), or thick specimens, the higher X-ray energy of
strong contrast compared to its surroundings. 8 keV may be needed for sufficient transmission (see Figure 13).
The contrast difference is illustrated on a real world sample in
As described above, lower energy X-rays are generally absorbed Figure 14. 5.4 keV X-rays are absorbed more strongly than 8 keV,
more strongly and therefore will provide higher contrast. Thus, resulting in higher contrast and therefore better detectability.
as long as transmission remains sufficient, resulting image quality
X-ray Penetration: Medium Density Material X-ray Penetration: High Density Material
1.2 1.2
1 intensity 1
drop equals
Relative Intensity
Relative Intensity
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Penetration Distance (µm) Penetration Distance (µm)
Figure 13: Illustration of 5.4 vs. 8 keV X-ray energy. Left: The greater intensity drop of 5.4 keV X-rays leads to higher contrast (and therefore higher imaging throughput).
Right: If absorption becomes too strong (dense material or sample too thick), transmission at 5.4 keV may be too low to discern small variations, in which case 8 keV is preferred.
Image Contrast
5.4 keV
Image Intensity (a.u.)
8 keV
Figure 14: Contrast difference between 5.4 and 8 keV illustrated using virtual cross-sections of a dentin sample. The lower X-ray energy of 5.4 keV provides stronger
contrast between the bulk intertubular dentin (medium gray), peritubular dentin (light) and tubules (dark). Note that the images follow the convention of displaying
higher density materials in light colors and lower density (air) in dark. The plot on the right shows an intensity profile across the lines indicated in the images.
It is evident that the contrast (intensity difference) is stronger at 5.4 keV than at 8 keV.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Poisson Distribution for n = 50
Imaging, like any measurement process, introduces noise.
Noise is a random fluctuation of the measured value around the
expected, or “true” value. That means, even if we were to image
a perfectly uniform material, the measured intensity values of
0.03 —
different pixels (or, the same pixel in multiple measurements) FWHM = 2.35 √50 = 16.6
would not be exactly the same.
While multiple noise sources exist in an X-ray microscope, we
will concentrate here on shot noise, which is intrinsic to the 0 20 40 50 60 80 100
SNR = Signal/Noise = n/√n = √n
Figure 16. Here, both images were acquired using 5.4 keV
X-ray source energy, meaning the contrast between the
different features is the same. However, it can be seen
that the noise is much lower for the longer exposure.
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
However, if we can increase contrast by using a more suitable • Motion errors of the rotation stage are measured and
X-ray energy, we can achieve sufficient CNR with shorter corrected for by a novel run-out correction system15
exposure times, which is generally preferred. • The precision motion control system comprises 26 axes
of motion to position and align the X-ray optics, sample,
Looking back at Figure 16 again, note that contrast is the same optical alignment microscope and other components
in both images because they were both acquired at 5.4 keV
X-ray energy. However, CNR is clearly improved with the
12 hour exposure. Application areas
In the following, we list a number of applications where Xradia
Conclusions Ultra and its predecessor models (Xradia nanoXCT and UltraXRM)
We have seen that for most materials, 5.4 keV X-rays are have been used to provide 3D nanostructure data.
absorbed more strongly than 8 keV X-rays, leading to higher
contrast and therefore higher imaging throughput. In other Materials research
words, equivalent image quality can be achieved with shorter • Li-ion battery electrodes16-18
exposure times. If fact, it has been shown that for samples • Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) electrodes20-22
such as rock or calcified tissue, the same contrast to noise • Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrodes23
ratio (image quality) can be achieved about 10 times faster • 3D-ordered macroporous materials for CO2 capture24
• Alloys26
On the other hand, for samples made of higher-Z (“heavier”) • Superconducting materials27
than just a single one at higher CNR, as long as the results allow • Nanoparticle uptake in protozoa or soybean roots32,33
time frame. The following design features are implemented in 38,39 e.g. for carbonate rock, shale rock,
Xradia Ultra to achieve that: or tight sand
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
• Conventional micro CT systems typically use a small spot X-ray source and a flat panel detector
Sample with relatively large pixels (~100 µm).
Center of Rotatation
To achieve voxel sizes below one micron, a large geometric magnification (>100x) and therefore very small source-to-sample distance is required.
While both of these concepts keep pushing spatial resolution further below one micron (currently ~600-700 nm), it is ultimately limited by factors
such as achievable X-ray spot size at sufficient power, X-ray detector resolution and practical limitations of acceptable exposure times to achieve
41 that at resolution levels below about 500
sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. It can be shown42 Dss nm, a projection based architecture
Dds Geometricimpractical.
becomes Mag
To achieve spatial resolution higher than that and into the sub-100 nm regime, a lens-based architecture using X-ray focusing optics is required.
Scintillator Detector
Figure 17: (Left) Conventional micro CT architecture using a large pixel detector and high geometric magnification to achieve high resolution. This requires a small spot
X-ray source to avoid penumbral blurring, and small source to sample distance (working distance) to achieve small voxel sizes. Resolution degrades quickly as the sample
is moved away from the source. (Right) ZEISS XRM architecture using two-stage magnification. Moderate geometric magnification is followed by switchable optical
magnification. This relaxes the Opticaland allows for longer working distance, which is advantageous in the case of interior tomography
need for high geometric magnification
Mag Mag
(imaging a small interior subregion of a large sample at high resolution), and when using in situ sample environments.
Scintillator Detector
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Note that the relationship between photon energy E and wavelength λ is given by
E = hc/λ = 1239.842 eV ⋅ nm/λ
where hc = 1239.842 eV ⋅ nm is the product of Planck’s constant h and the speed of light c.
The spatial resolution achievable by a Fresnel zone plate is determined by the outer zone width ΔRn.
Specifically, for uniform plane-wave illumination the transverse resolution δt according to the Rayleigh criterion is given by Abbe’s law:
δt = 0.61λ/NA = 1.22 ΔRn
Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
Technology Note
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Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
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Characterizing nanomaterials
Technology Note
60 nm
Characterizing nanomaterials
In 1993 ZEISS developed the first commercial FE-SEM, called Examples of high-resolution images obtained at low beam
the DSM-982 with Gemini electron optics based on such a energy are shown in the following figures. The montmorillonite
principle. A distinct characteristic of this compound lens is that particles shown in Fig. 2 are non-conducting. To avoid
both chromatic and spherical aberrations (Cc and Cs) decrease charging, this specimen is imaged at 800 V using 15 pA current
with electron energy (Fig. 1), which is especially helpful to by selecting a corresponding aperture size. The new engine
achieve good resolution at very low beam energies, such as automatically optimizes the condenser excitation to achieve the
those lower than 1 keV. The DSM-982 was the first commercial best resolution at this specific condition. Since such a sample
SEM to demonstrate resolution better than 10 nm with less is not conductive, it is not feasible to apply a potential on the
than 1 keV electron energy [3]. Based on the same principle of specimen, as this would cause electrostatic charging effects
Characterizing nanomaterials
which could damage the system. Thankfully such a potential is While resolution is usually treated as the benchmark of any SEM,
not required to achieve an image of exceptional resolution with the importance of lower magnification performance is usually
the Gemini column design combined with Nano-twin lens and underappreciated. The new EO engine from ZEISS provides
the new engine. Similarly, the FeMn magnetic nanoparticles a novel scanning mode to achieve a large field of view (FoV)
shown in Fig. 3 cannot be immersed in a magnetic field for to help navigate across the specimen. This is achieved by a
imaging as this would attract these nanoparticles towards the different arrangement of the scanning system, while maintaining
lens, possibly causing damage to the SEM system. Again, the the beam energy and lens configuration unchanged.
Gemini column design with Nano-twin lens and new EO engine
circumvent this problem through the well know Gemini optical This assures fast transition between the normal imaging mode
design principle. and large field of view mode without changing the voltage of
any electron-optic components, and all detectors in the FE-SEM
system maintain a consistent contrast and performance. In the
example shown in Fig. 4, three Euro coins are imaged at 5 kV
beam energy. In normal imaging mode the maximum FoV is
about 4 mm, only enough to cover a small portion of a single
coin. The new EO engine drives the system to allow all three
coins to be imaged in the same frame.
200 nm
1 mm
60 nm
5 mm
Figure 4 Euro coins imaged at maximum FoV in normal imaging mode (upper)
and in high FoV mode (lower) using the new EO engine. The blue square shows
the position and size of maximum FoV in normal imaging mode.
Characterizing nanomaterials
10 µm
10 µm
[1] Imaging formation in Low-voltage scanning electron microcopy, L. Reimer, SPIE optical engineering press, 1993
[2] Handbook of Charged Particle Optics (2nd edition), J. Orloff, CRC Press, 2009
[3] H. Jaksch, J. P. Martin, Fresenius, Journal of Analytical Chemistry October 1995, Volume 353, Issue 3-4, pp 378-382
High-resolution, low-voltage SEM for true surface imaging and analysis
Characterizing nanomaterials
Application Note
Platinum (Pt), generally dispersed on a solid oxide support,
has been widely used for catalytic chemical reactions in
automobile, chemical refining, and energy industries.
During the reactions, Pt is exposed to severe conditions,
e.g., high temperature events and impurities, that cause
Pt agglomeration and poisoning, respectively, resulting
in activity/stability losses. Perovskite materials are designed
with Pt for significant catalytic properties through novel
doping and exsolution methods 1.
1 µm
Characterizing nanomaterials
Often in industrial testing for autocatalysis, a pelletized pole and detector choice were selected to facilitate the
and sieved sample is observed and tested. This can lead to best imaging practice (table 1). A range of detectors available
significant imaging issues due in part to debris, carbonaceous on ZEISS field emission scanning electron microsopes (FE-SEM)
deposits from catalytic testing, and fine static particulate was chosen, all using the ZEISS Gemini electron optical column.
matter that can significantly reduce the sharpness of a
micrograph. Typically, a solution to non-conductive materials For ceramic type materials and non-conductive materials
would be sputter coat with either Gold (Au), Platinum (Pt) or it is best practice to image either at low keV (<5 keV) or
Carbon (C) or a combination of coats ranging from 20 nm variable pressure with a low working distance in relation
to 5 µm thickness for ceramic type materials. This can be to the pole piece. This is often different for individual
counterproductive as often coating can lead to a masking of microscopes, especially if the detectors and beam stability
nanoparticles and false identification of both nanoparticles and are variable. To find the best practice imaging for a certain
carbonaceous deposits. Another factor in correctly identifying material, a sweet spot analysis is required where various
nanoparticles and distribution is the ability of substrate ceramic parameters are run through stepwise to find the best possible
to be coated and catalytically react with typical desorption/ imaging conditions. By running through the test matrix in
adsorption-based techniques to characterize active metal sites, Table 1 the ideal conditions for the ZEISS GeminiSEM family
rendering these methods ineffective. SEM image analysis of columns were found.
nanoparticles is therefore a major area of interest to determine
activity, stability, dispersion, and morphological features. It is clear that imaging ceramics at a higher keV (above 5 keV)
damages the surface and sub-surface, resulting in degradation
Electron beam sensitive materials often require additional of the material within the chamber. An area of non-interest is
expertise and knowledge of the SEM best practice imaging initially advised to be selected for use with higher keV (5-20 keV).
technique known as sweet spot 5 imaging. Here we demon- Once an optimal keV is chosen for the solution, tailoring the
strate analytical micrographs of nanoparticles emerging working distance for advanced resolution is advised to be under-
from reduced La 0.4 Ca 0.3925Ba 0.0075Pt 0.005Ti 0.995O3-δ 1 taken as the next step. Finally, an approximate aperture is required
noted as Pt+LCT. between 5 µm of the selected aperture, e.g., 10 µm-25 µm
should be experimented with to find the optimal conditions and
Results and Discussion increase the brilliance of imaging. Imaging snapshots can be
A-site deficient perovskite Pt+LCT was synthesized using solid taken with a rapid line scan initially to acquire the appropriate
state synthesis and then reduced under 5% H2 /Ar resulting in 0.5 imaging settings in combination with drift correction. Further
wt% Pt. Emerged nanoparticles on the surface were studied using image corrections can be made post scanning with the
ZEISS Sigma 300, ZEISS Sigma 500, ZEISS GeminiSEM 360 and softwares ZEISS SmartSEM and ZEISS SmartSEM Touch. Once
ZEISS GeminiSEM 560. For determining imaging conditions imaging conditions have been selected, it is possible to observe
of Pt+LCT a range of apertures, working distance from beam regions of interest without damaging the selected area.
Sigma 500 10,5,3,1 50, 20, 15,10 SE & Inlens SE VP-BSE, Inlens 3 keV, 20 µm aperture, Inlens SE Figure 4
Working distance: 3-5 mm
GeminiSEM 360 10,5,3,1 50, 20, 15,10 SE & Inlens SE VP-BSE 20-30 Pa 1-3 keV 10-20 µm aperture, Figure 5
Inlens SE and VP-BSE 20 Pa
Working distance: 4-7 mm
GeminiSEM 560 10,5,3,1-<1 50, 20, 15,10 SE & Inlens SE Inlens EsB 1-3 keV 10-20 µm aperture, Figure 6
Inlens SE and Inlens EsB
Working distance: 2-7 mm
Table 1 Range of conditions used to determine the sweet spot of the perovskite catalysts
Characterizing nanomaterials
1 µm 500 nm
Figure 2 Working distance (2.5 mm) needed for imaging nanoparticles on ceramic Figure 3 (L) Standard SE detector with no decoration visible;
(R) use of Inlens SE technology allows nanoparticle decoration to be observed
50 µm 400 nm
Figure 5 Non-anchored particles can be easily observed due to the stability provided by the GeminiSEM family magnetic clamp,
rendering stage movement minimal and improving image quality
Characterizing nanomaterials
2 µm 200 nm
2 µm 1 µm
Figure 6 Inlens BSD allows for greater contrast and sub surface morphology Figure 7 The use of variable pressure mode allows for delicate imaging in both
identification of LCCNT Inlens SE, SE and BSE modes with the Sigma series
[1] Kothari, M. et al. Platinum incorporation into titanate perovskites to deliver emergent active and stable platinum nanoparticles.
Nat. Chem. 13, 677–682 (2021).
[2] Cassidy, M., Gamble, S. & Irvine, J. Application of Exsolved Structures as a Route to More Robust Anodes for Improved Biogas Utilisation
in SOFCs. ECS Trans. (2015).
[3] Papargyriou, D., Irvine, J.T.S. Nanocatalyst exsolution from (La, Sr)(Cr, M, Ni) O 3 (M Mn, Fe) perovskites for the fuel oxidation layer
of Oxygen Transport Membranes. Solid State Ionics (2015).
[4] Neagu, D., Oh, T., Miller, D., Ménard, H. & Bukhari, S. Nano-socketed nickel particles with enhanced coking resistance grown in situ by
redox exsolution. Nat. Commun. (2015).
[5] Tandokoro, K., Nagoshi, M., Kawano, T., Sato, K. & Tsuno, K. Low-voltage SEM contrasts of steel surface studied by observations and
electron trajectory simulations for GEMINI lens system. Microscopy 67, 274–279 (2018).
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Characterizing nanomaterials
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Characterizing nanomaterials
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ZEISS Crossbeam ZEISS GeminiSEM
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