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a Fill in am not, isn’t, aren’t: 4. Answer about yourself:

b He____ a pilot. 1. Are you a student?
2. Are you eleven?
c You ____ a boy. 3. How old are you?
d She ____ a painter. 4. Are from Paris?
e It ____ a cat. 5. Are you from France?
f I ____ at the lesson. 6. What country are you from?
g She ____ ten. 7. Are you a sportsman?
h He ____ in the museum. 8. What is your home address?
i You ____ at school. 9. What is your phone number?
j I ____ lazy. 5. Correct the mistakes:
2. . Fill in am, is, are: 1. Liz are ill.
Hi! My name ____ John. 2. Ben am my best friend.
I ___ 10 years old. I ___ a student. 3. Liz and Kate is sisters.
I ___ a good boy. 4. Tim and Bob is at home.
I ___ a sportsman. 5. Dogs is animals.
My best friends ___ 6. Nick are from London.
Nick and Charlie. They 7. Bill am eleven now.
___students too. We 8. They is very lazy.
___ always together. 9. We am in the hall.
They ___ good friends. 6. Ask questions and give short form
3. Fill in the negative form of the answers:
verb to be: 1. ___ he a doctor? Yes, he ___ .
1. They ______ students. 2. ___ you in the classroom? No. we
2. Sam _____ in the gym. ____.
3. Kate ______ twelve years old. 3. ___ they friends? Yes, they ____ .
4. We ______ in London.
5. The dog _____ under the table. 4. ___ Liz at home? No, she _____ .
6. I _____ in the museum. 5. ___ you singers? Yes, we _____ .
7. You _____ twelve years old. 6. ___ that Nick? No, he _____ .
8. She _____ a dancer. 7. ___ Bob from London? Yes, he
9. We _____ friends. _____ .
8. ___ you ten? Yes, I _____ .
9. ___ it a cat? Yes, it _____ .
1. Complete the sentences in the simple present tense in affirmative
1) I always ____________ (listen) to music in the morning.
2) We ________________ (have) pink shirts at home.
3) Kate and Cinthia _______________ (like) that TV show!
4) I never _____________ (watch) TV at night.
5) We _________________ (want) something to eat now!
6) She _____________ (like) black T-shirts.
7) My sister ____________ (have) a new pair of jeans.
8) He _________________ (need) a new uniform.
9) My brother _____________ (like) to go shopping at the mall.
10) Ernesto ________________ (play) videogames every day!
11) The flight (start)……….at 6 a.m every Thursday.
12) I like Math and she (like)……….Literature.
13) I (bake)________ cookies twice a month.
14) My best friend (write)________ to me every week.
15) Jane always ________(take care) of her sister.
16) My family (have)……….a holiday in December every year.
17) Martha and Kevin ___________ (swim) twice a week.
18) She ____ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.
19) Mike (be)________humour. He always ___________ (tell) us funny
20) Tiffany and Uma (be) ______my friends.
2. Hoàn chỉnh các câu dưới đây với các từ gợi ý.
wake up – open – speak – take – do – cause – live – play – close – live – drink
1. Ann _____________ handball very well.
2. I never _____________ coffee.
3. The swimming pool _____________ at 7:00 in the morning. It _____________
at 9:00 in the evening.
4. Bad driving _____________ many accidents.
5. My parents _____________ in a very small flat.
6. The Olympic Games _____________ place every four years.
7. They are good students. They always _____________ their homework.
8. My students _____________ a little English.
9. I always _____________ early in the morning.
1. Complete the sentences in the simple present tense in negative form. Ex.
My mom _doesn’t sleep early every day.

a. I _______________ (not/watch) movies on Netflix.

b. We _____________ (not/like) to eat at restaurants in this city.
c. They ____________ (not/work) every day.
d. Paola and Luis _____________(not/listen) to rock music.
e. We ________________ (not/have) English classes on Saturday.
f. She ________________ (not/have) English classes on Sunday.
g. Emily _______________ (not/do) her homework at night.
h. He ________________ (not/go) to the supermarket on the weekend.
i. Manuel ____________ (not/like) to eat sushi here.
j. My sister _____________ (not/exercise) in the morning
a. I ………. ………….like tea. j. My sister…………… eat pasta.
b. He ………. play football in the k. You ………. buy apples.
afternoon. l. The dog …………… bark.
c. You ………. go to bed at midnight. m. My mum ……………. read comics.
d. They……….do the homework on n. Ann and l …………….. go to
weekends. school.
e. The bus ……….arrive at 8.30 a.m. o. Cows ……………. live in the sea.
f. My brother ……….finish work at 8 p. They. …………….. play football.
p.m. q. My cat …………….. chase mice
g. Our friends ………. live in a big r. Her friend …………… speak
house. English.
h. The cat ………. like me. s. This man ……………… smoke.
i. I………..like chicken. t. It……………... run very fast

1. …………cats play football? No, they don`t

2. …………….Pamela Anderson have blonde hair?___ No,………..
3. …………..your girl/lboyfriend like swimming? Yes,…………..
4. …………….. David Beckham play football for England? No,………………
5. . …………..you want to come with me? Yes,……………
6. ……….they like dogs? Yes,…………….
7. ............. yourfather speak German? No,…………………….
8. …………… your wife/husband come from Argentina? Yes,………………
9. ……………..Chileans like Tango? No,……………
10.…………….. he sing in the shower? Yes,…………..
11.…………………. your grandmother have a dog? No,………………..
12.…………………….. you want an ice cream? Yes,…………………
13.………………………yourfriends like you? No,………………….
14.……………………. you have a lot of money? Yes,………………


a) Diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại, thói quen ở hiện tại
Ex: I usually get up late in the morning.
b) Diễn tả thời gian biểu, lịch trình, thông báo
Ex: The train leaves at 6:00.
c) Diễn tả sự thật, chân lý
Ex: The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
d) Diễn tả nghề nghiệp, sở thích, nguồn gốc, bình phẩm
Ex: She is a student. She is Vietnamese. She likes dancing and cooking but she
doesn’t like cleaning the room.
e) Mệnh đề thời gian (time clauses): When, While, As soon as, Before, After…
Ex: As soon as he arrives, I will call you.
2. Từ nhận biết
- Always, constantly, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom,
rarely, hardly
- Ever, never
- Every day/month/year/…
- Once/ twice… a week/month/ year/…
3. Quy tắc thêm s/es:
a. Thêm ES: động từ tận cùng: o, s,ch,x,sh,
b. Các động từ tận cùng bằng Y, nếu trước Y là phụ âm thì ta đổi Y thành I rồi thêm ES, nếu
trước Y là nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i) thì chỉ cần thêm S:
study – studies // play – plays.
c. Các trường hợp còn lại chỉ cần thêm S sau động từ.
work – works
Bài 1. Bài tập chia động từ (thêm s/es)
1. My sister (work) ________ in a hospital.
2. Cat (like) ________ fish.
3. She (live)________ in California.
4. It (rain)________ almost every morning in London.
5. My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast everyday.
6. The museum (close)________ at six o'clock.
7. Peter (try)________ hard in class, but I (not think) ________ he'll pass.
8. Jessica is so smart that she (pass)________ every exam without even trying.
9. My life (be)_____ so boring. I just (watch)________ TV everyday.
10.My girlfriend (write)________ to me two times a week.
11.You (speak) ________ French?
12.He (not live) ________ in HoChiMinh city.
Bài 2. Dùng do/does hoặc do not/does not hoàn thành các câu sau
1. He ....... ride a car to his office.
2. Their friends ....... live in a big house.
3. The cat ………. like me.
4. They ....... do their homework on Sundays.
5. Mike ....... play baseball in the afternoons.
6. ……they take a bus to school every morning?
7. The train ....... arrive at 8 a.m.
8. We ....... go to bed at midnight.
9. My sister ....... finish work at 7 p.m.
10.……she often play the piano?
Bài 3. Điền has/have hoặc has not/ have not để hoàn thiện câu
1. She________ a new haircut today. 12. Ben _____ (have) a lot of money.
2. I usually________ breakfast at 6 13. I (be) ________ at school at the
a.m weekend.
3. We________a holiday in October 14. She (not study) ________ on
every year. Friday.
4. They don’t________breakfast every 15. My students (be not) ________
morning. hard working.
5.  Linh doesn’t usually________ 16. He (have) ________ a new haircut
lunch. today.
6. They________breakfast together 17. I usually (have) ________ breakfast
everyday. at 7.00.
7. We ______ some posters. 18. She (live) ________ in a house?
8. She ______ many foreign friends. 19. Where (be)____ your children?
9. Nicky always ______ lunch at a 20. My sister (work) ________ in a
Japan restaurant. bank.
10.He ______ some bananas. 21. Dog (like) ________ meat.
11.I _________ (go) to bed early on 22. She (live)________ in Florida.
23. It (rain)________ almost every day 28. Jo is so smart that she
in Manchester. (pass)________ every exam without
24. We (fly)________ to Spain every even trying.
summer. 29. My life (be)_____ so boring. I just
25. My mother (fry)________ eggs for (watch)________ TV every night.
breakfast every morning. 30. My best friend (write)________ to
26. The bank (close)________ at four me every week.19. You (speak)
o'clock. ________ English?
27. John (try)________ hard in class, 31. She (not live) ________ in
but I (not think) ________ he'll pass. HaiPhong city.
Bài 4. Bài tập chia động từ to be
1. My book……….on the table. 6. No, it……..
2. That school…………big. 7. ………..your room big?
3. Who………..that? 8. There…… a lamp in the desk
4. This………a ruler. 9. I………a student.
5. They……..from the USA. 10.This………. her yellow dres
Bài 5. Bài tập tìm và sửa lỗi sai
1. The bus don’t arrive at 8 a.m.
2. Our friends doesn’t live in a big house.
3. They aren’t do their homework on weekends.
4. The cat don’t like me.
5. He doesn’t plays football in the afternoon.
Bài 6. Bài tập hoàn thành đoạn văn
My cousin, Peter, 1.(have)……….. a dog. It 2.(be)……….. an intelligent pet with a
short tail and big black eyes. Its name 3.(be)……….. Kiki and it 4.(like)………..
eating pork. However, it 5.(never/ bite) ……….. anyone; sometimes it 6.(bark)………..
when strange guests visit. To be honest, it 7.(be)……. very friendly. It 8.(not/ like)
……….. eating fruits, but it 9.(often/ play)……….. with them. When the weather 10.
(become)……….. bad, it 11.(just/ sleep)……….. in his cage all day. Peter 12.(play)
……….. with Kiki every day after school. There 13.(be)……….. many people on the
road, so Peter 14.(not/ let)……….. the dog run into the road. He 15.(often/ take)
……….. Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace there. Kiki 16.(sometimes/ be)
……….. naughty, but Peter loves it very much.
Bài 7. Chuyển từ câu khẳng định thành câu phủ định
1. I usually go to church on the weekend.

2. I like explorations in the deep forest

3. I study medicine according to my father's wishes.

4. We clean the bedroom twice a day

5. My mother helps me with my homework every evening

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