SPM Mind Maps
SPM Mind Maps
SPM Mind Maps
1 Strategic position
Environmental analysis Positioning of Product &
i. PESTEL (on single entity & i. Product life cycles
identify factors only)
ii. SWOT ( identify factors + how do ii. BCG Matrix
they create opportunities & iii. Mendelow's Stakeholder Power /interest
Threats for competitive matrix (For managing stakeholders)
iii. Potters Diamond Model (on Benchmarking (4 types)
national level)
iv. 5 Force model (Strength of iv. Value chain
competition in the market)
v. Compatibility profile (Reources and
vi. SWOT analysis (Requires resource audit)
2 Strategic Choices
Business Strategy is the combination of Product-market to achieve competitive advantage and to set its direction
5 Strategies to develop business/product 6 Business forecasting
1 Identify Strategies - Ways: i. Scenario planning
i. Strategic groups and space i. Organic ii. Statistical forecast
ii. Strategic clock (Price & perceived benefit) ii. Acquisition/merger iii. High-low method
iii. Potter's generic strategies (Cost leadership; iii. Collaboration iv Intuitive (Qualitative) forecasting ( Think tanks;
differentiation; Focus strategy) Delphi; sales force opinion; marketing
iv Mendelow's Stakeholder Power /interest matrix (For response)
managing stakeholders)
- Model: v. Linear regression analysis
2 Time to entre into the market i. Greiner's growth model
i. Product life cycles 7 Assessment of strategy
5.1 Collaboration i. SFA Method
3 Suitable competitive advantage i. Strategic alliance
i. Potters 6 principals of strategic positions ii. JV
iii. Franchising
4: Setting the direction iv Licensing
i. Ansoff matrix
ii. Differentiation
iii. Gap analysis
iv. Withdrawal strategy
1 Organization structure (including organization processes and 2 Strategic change 3 Managing change
1 Structure i. Planned change or Unplanned change i. Levers of change
Types: ii. Incremental (minor) or transformational (major) ii. Skills for managing change by
i. entrepreneurial organization structure iii. One - off event or continuing Rosabeth Moss Kanter
ii. functional structure
iii. divisional stricture 2.1 Triggers for change 3.1 Models
iv. matrix structure i. External trigger (PESTEL) i. Lewin force field analysis
v. project-based and team based structure ii. Internal trigger (change of senior mgt; acquisition & ii. Lewin unfreeze, change, refreeze
vi. Span of control (tall-narrow; flat wide) merger; Demerger & disinvestment; Reorganization, Gemini 4 Rs
Models downsizing & rationalization)
i. Burns & Stalker: mechanistic & organic structures 4 Business Processes
ii. Minzberg's five building blocks 2.2 Why org is more change adaptive than others Value chain analysis
iii. Minzberg's organizational configurations i. Change adaptive attributes by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
2 Relationships
Internal - Centralized vs decentralized
External - outsourcing; virtual organization; strategic alliances;
value network
Profitability depends on "Industry structure & competition" & "Sustainable competitive advantage"
1 Industry stricture & competition
i. 5 Force model