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Evaluation The Effect of Waste Low-Density Polythlene and Crumbrubber On PH Ysical Properties of Asphalt

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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable

Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020

ISSN 2520-0917


*Yassir Abo Almaali1 Dr. Shakir Al-Busaltan 2

1) PhD student, Mustansiriayah University, Baghdad, Iraq

2) Assistant Prof., College of Engineering, Kerabal University, Kerabal , Iraq

Received 25/8/2019 Accepted in revised form 20/11/2019 Published 1/7/2020

Keywords: asphalt physical properties; Low-density

Abstract: Nowadays, Polymer Modified Binder (PMB) Polyethylene; Ground Tire Rubber; Polymer modified
is necessary due to its valuable characteristics on asphalt.
asphalt pavement layers with increase in traffic
volume and loads. However, current trend in asphalt
modification is prefer the waste and by product 1. Introduction
materials for ensuring the sustainability and cost
effectiveness. Therefore, to analyze the effect of Modifications of asphalt aim to enhance both
waste Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) and waste Low- the life time and performance of pavements,
Density Polyethylene (LDPE) on the asphalt binders’ Thereby they provide advantage for both the
physical properties, CRM/LDPE modified asphalts with
different contents were prepared and investigated in
environment and economic sectors[1].
this study. Measured physical characteristics were Polymer modified bitumen's (PMBs) are
softening point, penetration, ductility and viscosity mixture of polymer with asphalt by means of
tests. Conversions of CRM and waste LDPE to
two main common approaches, the first one is
functional materials have been introduced in this
research study as a practical approach to improve the the mechanical mixing, the second one is
asphalt binder’s physical properties. CRM and LDPE in chemical reactions[2]. Comparing PMBs with
the form of fine having a particle size under 250 um virgin asphalt, PMBs increase toughness when
were used as additives to liquid asphalt, individually
and collectively by weight of virgin asphalt, i.e., (5.0%, temperature is high and boost the flexibility
15.0% and 25.0% of CRM) and (2.5. %, 5.0%, 7.5% and when it is low [2,3]. As a result, the new
10.0% of LDPE), after mixed with CRM and LDPE, the pavement mixture will keep its formation
asphalts showed decrease in penetration, increase in
softening point and rotational viscosity. This referring
against the heavy trucks at high temperature,
that both intermediate and high temperature and during the low temperature days it will
rheological characteristics of the asphalts have been have high resistance against cracking. For all
improved by the modification of waste CRM and LDPE,
the mentioned reasons, the PMBs have been
because that mean the stiffness of asphalt binder
increases when changing these characteristics and widely adopted for road pavements[3].
Thus, the asphalt mixture will become more stiff and Despite that asphalt cement extremely
resistant to possible failures, the Physical properties of influenced by temperature, it can be less gluy
the CRM or LDPE modified asphalts are largely
dependent on the waste CRM or LDPE content, and or viscous as well as softer when the
many other enhanced characteristics of the temperature is high. As a result asphalt cement
mechanical aspect can be targeted using the will cause a negative impact on the asphalt
composite of both CRM and LDPE. However, such
result confirms the validity of waste polymer in
mixture’s deformation[4][5].We need to
modifying the asphalt binder. perform asphalt cement modification to

*Corresponding Author: yassiraboalmaali@yahoo.com

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

enhance several properties of it. Using high that the use of waste polyethylene as modifier
temperature, the stiffness can be increased of for asphalt binder, the waste polyethylene
the hot mix asphalt, and that lead to scattered in asphalt shows relatively small
performance improvement of the asphalt particles with homogeneous allocation
mixture. One additional advantage of [15][16]. Ductility, softening point and
increasing the hot mix asphalt stiffness at high penetration were all remarkably improved
temperature is reducing the rutting. By compared with the ordinary polymer modified
choosing a proper asphalt modifier, the asphalt. The obtained modified asphalt has
service life of the pavement can be low temperature anti-cracking behavior,
increased[6]. Previous studies were concluded deformation resistance and magnificent high
that the behavior of modified asphalt cement temperature stability. Very limited studies
with Crumb Rubber Modifier(CRM) is used CMR and PE collectively as asphalt
enhanced [7][8]. Back in 1960, Charles binder modifiers, and almost they considered
McDonald used rubber as asphalt modifier in in roofing applications. Both rubber and
road constructions, he added crumb rubber to Waste PE (WPE) were mixed to change the
the asphalt mixtures to enhance the pavement oil asphalt to improve the asphalt’s
performance [9][7]. As indicated in many performance, the whole performance of
studies, the viscoelastic moduli and viscosity Asphalt-WPE-RU system was excellent
can be increased at high in-service compared with asphalt-WPE system
temperatures by adding ground tire rubber to [7][16][17]. In this research two types of
bitumen. The added rubber can reduce the polymers were used, waste Low density
storage and loss moduli at low temperatures. polyethylene (LDPE) and CRM as asphalt
Both behaviors will result in a more flexible modifier, to sustain the knowledge about such
binder in this temperature range [10][11]. This comprising in paving industry. Waste LDPE
bitumen shows developed mechanical proposed with different percentage (i.e. 2.5, 5,
characteristics which improve the resistance to 7.5, and 10) % by weight of the total asphalt
both fatigue cracking and rutting. After adding cement and CRM with (5, 15 and 25) % by
rubber, the asphalt shows increased elastic and weight of total asphalt cement to improve the
viscosity properties at high temperatures, thus properties of asphalt mixture.
allowing it to be more resistance to permanent
deformations. In addition to that, it was found
2. Materials
that low temperatures stiffness of asphalt was
decreased by adding rubber, that improved the Control asphalt cement Pen. (40-50) was
flexibility to resist low temperature fracture adopted for this study and its physical
[12][13]. On other side, Polyethylene is also characteristics are listed in Table 1, specimens
used as asphalt modifier. Appiah et al [14] were tested at the National Center for
reported that by using recycled plastic Construction Laboratories and research
contains predominantly of polypropylene and (NCCRL) in Baghdad. CRM was brought
low-density polyethylene into pure from tires factory in Al-Najaf / governorate
bituminous concrete mixture will increase its which is a black granule (size 250 micron or
durability and service life. The modified less), specific gravity (1.13), and this type is
asphalt concrete with low density polythene recycled from used tires. The waste LDPE in
shows resistance to deformation compared to this study was brought from (Al Tobji)
the unmodified mixes. Other authors stated factories in Baghdad City, which is a waste

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

green granule (the particle size is less than Figure1. Waste Low Density Polyethylene
half a centimeter), density (0.918)g/cm³ as
shown in Fig. 1 used for producing plastic
belts for recycling used. Crumb rubber as
shown in Fig. 2 is the recycled rubber
obtained by mechanical shearing or grinding
of tires into small coarse crumb rubber. CRM
can be defined as a sustainable product
resulted from scrap rubber that is pulverized
and crushed into different mesh sizes. The
process of modifying asphalt binders with Figure2.
CRM&LDPE through a wet process. Crumb Rubber Modifier

3. Sample Preparation
Three CRM concentrations (5%, 15%, and
25%) and four LDPE concentrations (2.5%,
Table 1: Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement 5%, 7.5%, and 10%), in relation to the weight
Property ASTM Test SCRB of neat asphalt cement, were selected. Using
Designation result specification
the mechanical shearing process, the modified
Penetration at 25
ᴼC,100 gm,5 sec. D-5 47 (40-50) asphalts were produced using different CRM
(0.1 mm) and LDPE concentrations. The modifier
Asphalt binders were prepared in the
Ductility at 25 ᴼC, laboratory with a wet process by blending the
D-113 >100 >100
5 cm/min. (cm)
(40-50 grade) virgin binder with the CRM as a
single pure modifier and with admixture of
Flash point
(Cleveland open D-92 245 Min.232
CRM/LDPE. Preparation method was
cup), (ᴼC) developed in the laboratory to maximize the
rheological properties and to minimize the
Softening point,
D-36 52 ----------- asphalt degradation. The asphalt was heated to
become a fluid in an iron container. One
%Solubility in
D-2042 99.2 Min. 99% important point is using the appropriate
temperature to maintain the mixing quality.
Specific gravity at
25 ᴼC
D-70 1.04 ------- Number of constraints need to be considered
when working with polymer-modified asphalt
and choosing the mixing temperature. These
vital factors are mentioned below:
1) The use of high temperature to ensure the
 the binder has suitable fluidity to
provide uniform aggregate coating
during mixing

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

 The result mix discharge does not cool

to below 85ºC during laying and
compaction as stated by [21]
4. Testing
2) The use of low temperature to ensure the
following Laboratory test results often give a picture that
reflects the performance of the asphalt
 Polymer in the modified binder does mixtures in an actual pavement. Bitumen
not degrade, holds complex physical properties, and in
 Accelerated hardening of the asphalt in order to explain these properties correctly, we
the modified binder does not take need to perform many tests to represent a vast
place due to exposure to heat and air. range of operating conditions like loading
rate, temperature, strain and stress. To prevent
A mechanical mixer was manufactured with
dealing with this situation, equations and
high shear mixing force, and used to mix both
empirical tests were formulated to describe the
the virgin binder and CRM/LDPE. In this
rheological properties and mechanical
work, the blending temperature was in the
behavior of bitumen. Four tests were used to
range of (170ºC) to (180ºC), the virgin binder
identify the significant of introducing
temperature was raised to (180°C) with an
CRM/LDPE on the neat asphalt binder,
independent temperature controller, This
including Penetration test at 25ºC, ductility
temperatures ( 170 to 180) were selected after
test at 25 ºC, softening point test and
several attempts to obtain a homogeneous
rotational viscosities, the asphalts’ physical
blend so that the reaction between the CRM
characteristics were identified according to
and the asphalt binder is reacted and the virgin
ASTM D5, ASTM D113, ASTM D36, and
asphalt binder is heated to a high temperature
ASTM D4402, respectively. In this research
of 180, due to the effect of the CRM when
work Temperature susceptibility (TS) is
added it will cause reduction of the asphalt
identified also. TS is defined as the change in
binder temperature when first added to the hot
stiffness, consistency and the viscosity as a
asphalt binder. When reaching the desired
function of temperature. Temperature
temperature, the mixing started with the shear
susceptibility which is the measure of asphalt
mixer at mixing speed up to 3500 rpm. The
behavior deviation from Newtonian to non-
certain amount of polymers (CRM and LDPE)
Newtonian. For road construction, asphalt
was then gradually added into asphalt binder
typically holds amount between +1 and -1,
to prevent any sudden drop in temperature,
while the asphalt with amount fewer than -2
which was monitored during the whole
shows Newtonian behavior and can be break
mixing process. The mixer and the heating
at lower value and those more than +2 are less
system are shown in Fig. 3.
fragile, showing high elastic characteristics
under higher stress[18]. The PI can be used to
characterize the rheological type and can be
determined from the following equation, it's
one of the best-known equations is that
describing the temperature susceptibility of a

Figure 3. Shear Mixer and Heating System

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

20 − 𝑃𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑔800 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

= 5×( ) (1)
10 + 𝑃𝐼 𝑇𝑅&𝐵 − 𝑇

where T is penetration temperature (normally

taken at 25 ºC), TR&B is ring-and-ball
6. Results and Discussion
softening point temperature (ºC) and the
penetration value of 800 dmm represents the 6.1 Penetration Test
penetration at softening point temperature for 50 45.513x + 1.7714 -2 x0.0453y =
bitumen. Assuming that the penetration 40 0.9294 =² R

Penetration,(0.1 mm)
temperature will be 25 ºC, so the equation 30
above can be rearranged to calculate the PI of 20
the asphalt binder as following: 10
1952 − 500 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑝𝑒𝑛 − 20𝑆𝑃 0 10 20 30
𝑃𝐼 (2) CRM Content, (%)
50 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑝𝑒𝑛 − 𝑆𝑃 − 120

Figure 4. Relationship between Penetration and CRM

5. Methodology
The following methods were used to identify
The results of penetration test are presented in
the significant of the comprising waste CMR
Fig. 4 indicate that the physical properties of
and LDPE on the physical properties of the
modified asphalt binder were changing
asphalt binder:
dramatically when added the CRM. This
indicates that the mixing process with the
 Identifying the physical properties of the CRM lead to an increase in hardness due to
neat asphalt binder for the purpose of stiffening of binder, as a result of absorption
comparison with modified asphalt binder of some bitumen oils by rubber which
which has been processed by waste increases the viscosity of asphalt binder. On
materials the other hand, when mixing both polymer
 Identifying the variation in physical and asphalt, it forms a multiphase system, and
properties of modified asphalt due to it has great amount of non-absorbed asphalt
incorporating of polymers (i.e. waste by the polymer and that mean when these two
CRM and LDPE) polymeric materials are simultaneously added
 Identifying the ideal percentages of CRM into bitumen interesting types of morphology
according to ASTM D 6114 and dispersion are happened. For example
 Identifying the effect of mixing time on rubber particles became larger in volume. This
viscosity modified asphalt binder clearly differentiates rubber particles from
those of LDPE. In spite of rubber swelling the
formed polymer network remains unchanged
in bitumen medium. As a result, the
consistency will increase of the modified
binder by the construction of a more
complicated form internally. By analyzing
Fig. 4, it shows that penetration in all cases
continued to decrease when increasing the

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

percentage of CRM, but in nonequivalent

rates. However, as the dose percentage of 50

Penetration,(0.1 mm)
additives was (5%), we can clearly see a semi- 40 29.914x + 2.6514 -2 x0.1371y =
30 0.9029 =² R
sharp decline in the rate of change in
penetration (penetration reduces by 26% as
compared to unmodified asphalt binder).
While a steady decrease in a slower rate of
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5
penetration was dominant with higher CRM LDPE Content (%)
(34% and 38% when increasing the
percentage of CRM to 15% and 25%,
respectively). CRM can have big impact on Figure 5. Relationship between Penetration and LDPE
Content for modified binder with 15%CRM
the blended asphalt due two characteristics,
namely, a good dispersion has been achieved
From Fig. 5 it can be observed that
through the small size of CRM particle, to add
penetration in all cases continued to decrease
on that, because of the small particles in size
when admixture of LDPE increases.
used CRM (250 micron or less), which
regardless the findings, considering the tiny
represent each unit mass of polymer has large
concentration of LDPE (2.5%) which
surface area. The asphalt’s penetration results
exceedingly achieved an early differentiation
confirm the swelling of the Crumb Rubber
in penetration by reduction the penetration
and rapid dissolution is completed, by
point by 29% as compared to modified asphalt
increase in hardness of the modified asphalt.
binder with 15% CRM. It worth mentioned
The penetration test is a means of
that the increase rate in penetration due to
classification of asphalt binder rather than a
LDPE comprising is increase slightly with
measure of quality[18]. Thus, the 15% was
higher LDPE dosages, they are 37%, 37% and
taken as a control percentage of CRM
48% for modified binder comprising 5%,7.5%
according previous recommendation that It
and 10% of LDPE, respectively, as compared
has been found that at least 15 % rubber by
to binder comprising 15% CMR. These results
weight of the total blend is usually necessary
indicate that the asphalt binder becomes hard.
to provide acceptable properties of asphalt-
Similarly, it seemed that the increasing value
rubber that the reason of using of 15% CRM
of LDPE provide stiffness effects on the
and that supported by ASTM D 6114 [22].The
mixture of SRM/LDPE, and that will lead to
effects of LDPE on penetration of modified
dropping in penetration comparing to the
binder comprising 15% CRM are shown in
flexibility effects of CRM.
Fig. 5. Used CRM/LDEP as admixture
additives are 15:2.5, 15:5, 15:7.5 and 15:10 of
6.2 Softening Point
the asphalt binder.
According to ASTM D-36/ 2014, the
softening point to all samples (or ring and bell
test) was followed as shown in Fig. 6.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

the physical and rheological linker on this

80 65
Softening Point, (ºC)
52 55 57 type of manner.
70 52.683x + 0.1382 +2 x0.0138y = 50
60 0.9687 =² R
20 52.683x + 0.1382 +2 x0.0138y =
0.9687 =² R
0 50

Penetration ,(0.1 mm)

Softening Point.(ºC)
0 10 20 30 30
CRM Content, (%)
30 45.513x + 1.7714 -2 x0.0453y =
0.9294 =² R
Figure 6. Relationship between Softening Point and 10
CRM Content Softening Point Penetration point
0 0
0 10 20 30
CRM Content,(%)
The results of softening point test in Fig. 6
Figure 7. Relationship between Softening Point Test &
depict the effect of CRM on softening point of
Penetration Test of Modified Binder comprising CRM
asphalt binder. It can be observed with 5.0%
concentration of CRM an increase in The analysis of tests results shows that the
softening point is recognized in comparison to polymerized asphalt mix had a higher
the virgin asphalt (0.0% additions). The softening point than the neat asphalt binder.
softening point of the modified asphalt was Based on previous studies, all percentages of
increased profoundly in proportion to the polymeric materials may improve the mixture,
increment percentage of the CRM over 5.0%. but to varying degrees, and sometimes the
As example, it is increased from the starting high increase in additives may increase the
softening point of virgin asphalt of 52°C to hardness of asphalt binder and give
57°C at 15.0%, and eventually hit 65°C at undesirable negative results, but generally it
25.0% of single CRM pure addition. This may be concluded that the polymerized
huge elevation in softening point with asphalt binder will enhance the performance
increment in CRM concentrations is due to the of mixture when used in combined with
instability in the thermodynamic properties of aggregate and other components of mixture
the internal structure, and as a result it will and would be less susceptible to plastic
effect on the softening point of the virgin deformation. Generally, by using rubber we
asphalt. That represents the relation between are increasing the elasticity of HMA[23], as a
the permanent deformation and the excellent
result the asphalt mixture will show
performance. Also, it should be noted that the improvement against cracking. However, as
increasing of CRM usually attended with the expected, better results in the softening point
decreasing in penetration, on the other hand were revealed when using CRM modified
softening point is usually increased that means asphalt. Many researchers [23, 24] stated that
an opposite relationship between two may relate to the similarities in the chemical
empirical tests as shown in Fig. 7. When the characteristics between the asphalt and CRM,
relationship is inverse as shown in the Figure as both are hydrocarbons materials.
below that supports the results presented Hydrocarbons materials provide strong
because it corresponds to the researches and bonding and high attraction among the
literatures of others in the concept of changing molecules of both asphalt binder and CRM
powder. Other factors that provide the strong

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

bonding is the softness and the tiny particle 58°C, 63 °C at (5%:15%), (7.5%:15%) and
sizes of the rubber particles (<0.25 mm), that finally reached 70°C at (10%:15%) of LDPE/
provides high surface area in the mixture of CRM additives. This large rise in softening
CRM and asphalt binder and that supported by point with the growth in LDPE amount is a
[25]. Three advantages can be received from consequence of the inner construction
this final modified product, these are generated from LDPE. However, the softness
resistance to permanent deformation (cracking and size of the small particle rubber powder
and rutting), resistance to fatigue and to (<0.25mm) are considerable factor to the
temperature. bonding between asphalt and CRM since
On the other side, the blending of LDPE with provides better results in concern to softening
asphalt comprising 15% CRM as additives point, as show in in Fig. 4 above. When the
with ratio of 2.5:15, 5:15, 7.5:15 and 10:15 softening point of admixture of LDPE: CRM
were characterized for softening point. It can is lower than the test results for single pure of
be seen a considerable variation was 15% CRM which is related to the similarities
obviously attained with increase in LDPE in the chemical characteristics between both
introduction. The four additions influence the asphalt binder and CRM. Fig. 9 show the
softening point of the modified asphalt binder relationships between softening point and
as shown in Fig. 8. contents of an admixture of LDPE: CRM, and
a single pure 15% of CRM.

80 70
70 63
Softening Point, (ºC)
Softening Point, (ºC)

70 52 57 54 58
60 60
50 40
40 20
51.971x + 0.5429 +2 x0.1257y = 10
30 0
0.9997 =² R
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5
Additives Content,%

Figure 9. Relationship between Softening Point and

Figure 8. Relationship between Softening Point and Additives Content
LDPE Content for modified binder with 15%CRM

The analysis of Fig. 8 shows that the softening Outstandingly, as observed in the modified
point was increased in the modified asphalt asphalt, a tight relation in terms of their effect
proportionally with the increment percentage on the softening point when adding LDPE and
of the additions. We can see clearly that the CRM in a ratio of 7.5:15 as a mixture additive
softening point of the modified asphalt was to the virgin asphalt as shown in Figure 9. On
grown remarkably with the increment the other hand, in the mixture of both
percentage of the additions more than 5.0% of LDPE/CRM, when increasing the amount of
LDPE. As example, it is increased from LDPE from 5:15 to 7.5:15, the modified
starting softening point of neat asphalt binder asphalt’s softening point was increased. That
equaled to 52°C to 54 °C at (2.5%:15%), then was also the same case happened with

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

increasing the LDPE: CRM mixture ratio percentage of composite single pure CRM that
from 7.5:15 to 10:15. The low amount of increase related to the additions in a higher
LDPE is reducing the softening point value as manner compared to the virgin asphalt binder.
compared to a single pure 15% CRM, exactly
for the ratio 2.5:15 of LDPE. which may be
attributed to high attraction and strong
bonding among the molecules of both LDPE
powder and asphalt binder also the presence
of CRM seemed to be the accountable for
increasing the softening point of the modified
asphalt due to small particle sizes of the
rubber powder that will participate to the
bonding between asphalt binder and CRM due
to its high surface area. In conclusion, the
final modified product will show more
resistance in terms of deformation (both Figure 10. The relationship between Viscosity & CRM
Content at different Temp. Test
cracking and rutting).
As shown in Figure 10, the variation in
6.3 Viscosity
viscosity was revealed in the single pure CRM
The asphalt samples’ viscosity characteristics modified asphalt. In addition to that, in the
were determined by a rotational viscometer same Figure it can be seen the effect on the
following ASTMD-4402. The viscosity final asphalt’s viscosity varied by 25%
properties for the virgin asphalt and modified regarding the effect of single pure CRM
one (CRM and a mixture of CRM/LDPE) was additions because the high percentage of
measured by equipment. The test results of CRM increases the absorption of materials
viscosity for modified asphalt binder show in with a small molecular weight and therefore
Table 2. will increase the density and it well known
from the above Figure we note that the higher
Table 2. Viscosity as a function of different quantities temperature the less viscosity and the greater
of CRM the proportion of additives the greater the
Viscosity, (Pa. Sec)
Asphalt % viscosity. It is noticed that the percentage of
Binder Type Additives increase in the viscosity is 35% when the
@ 135 ºC @ 165 ºC @ 175 ºC
CRM content is 5%, and then increase to 46%
Control 0 0.775 0.156 0.094
at CRM content 15% (as compared to control
CRM,5 5 1.190 0.240 0.155 asphalt binder for temp. test 135 ºC) .it should
be noted that the viscosity decreases when the
CRM,15 15 1.425 0.301 0.193
temperature of test increase and that
CRM,25 25 - 3.760 2.663 represents the fact related in the behavior of
asphalt binder. Similarly, the viscosity
increases 35%, 48% and 95% for CRM
The results are represented in Fig. 10, which content 5%, 15% and 25% respectively (as
shows the increment in viscosity of the compared to control asphalt binder for temp.
modified asphalt blend alongside the different test 165 ºC). As the observation, the final

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

modified asphalt’s viscosity was affected by

single pure CRM and it is apparent at 25% of 20
@ 135 ºC @ 165 ºC @ 175 ºC
additive. Asphalt change its behavior
according to the temperature and load applied 15

Viscosity, Pa . Sec
0.133x + 1.6567 +2 x0.0047y =
to it, that is why it is identified as thermo- 0.9331 =² R
0.1405x + 0.1521 -2 x0.1083y =
viscos-elastic material. In high temperature it 0.977 =² R
shows some viscous behavior, while when the
temperature is low it reveals some elastic
behavior. To determine the viscosity of
modified asphalt binder by different 0.2735x + 0.3643 -2 x0.1088y =
0.9899 =² R
percentage of LDPE in addition to the 0
0 2.5 5
Additives 7.5 %
Content, 10 12.5
presence of 15% CRM, Rotational Viscometer
used according to the ASTM D 4402–06, test
Figure 11. The relationship between Viscosity &
results represented in Table 3. For years,
LDPE Content at different Temp. Test
asphalt mix design procedures have used
equiviscous temperature ranges for selecting
laboratory mixing and compaction The analysis of Fig. 11 show that the mixture
temperatures. The purpose of using of CRM: LDPE in ratios of 15:2.5 and 15:5,
equiviscous mixing and compaction when virgin asphalt is blended with them
temperatures in laboratory mix design under the experimental conditions, the
procedures is to normalize the effect of viscosity was less varied by both, at 165 ºC
asphalt binder stiffness on mixture volumetric and 175 ºC which was apparent at the
properties, that represents the reason for admixture of CRM: LDPE in ratio 15: 7.5. As
selecting the two temperatures (135 and 165 an increment of 15:10 of the percentage of the
ºC). The readings show viscosity increment of mixture additions (of ratio). The following
the added mixtures with the modified asphalt increase in the percentage of the added
blend. Admixtures of 15% CRM: LDPE mixtures to the neat asphalt has led to make a
additives of ratios of 15: 2.5, 15: 5, 15: 7.5 clear contrast with a lower rate especially by
and 15:10 respectively, were increased as the CRM: LDPE in a proportion of 15:2.5.
shown in Fig. 11 than the neat asphalt binder. The viscosity of the composite single pure
Table 3. Viscosity as A function of Different CRM added to the modified asphalt blend,
Quantities of CRM: LDPE and the mixtures of CRM: LDPE additions in
Viscosity, (Pa. Sec)
all ratios were collected as in Fig. 12 and 13.
Asphalt % @ 135 @ 165 @ 175
Binder Additives ºC ºC ºC
Control 0 0.775 0.156 0.094
CRM: 15:2.5 3.545 0.669 0.523
CRM: 15:5 6.958 1.300 0.808
CRM: 15:7.5 15.680 5.913 3.665
CRM: 15:10 16.000 9.175 7.567

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

4 3.76 the polymer modified asphalt by increasing its

viscosity. By the time it cools a tougher
mixture is resulted, and that is important to get
harder material, so the viscosity was increased
Viscosity, Pa. Sec

2.5 for the modified asphalt binder.

1.425 1.5 6.3.1 Effect of Blending Time on Viscosity
1.5 1.19 2.663
1 0.775
CRM and LDPE modified binders were
0.5 0.156 0.24 0.301
produced in the laboratory using three
0.094 0.155 0.193
0 blending times (15, 30, and 45 minutes) for
Control CRM,5 CRM,15 CRM,25 each percent content of polymers, and after
@ 135 ºC @ 165 ºC @ 175 ºC each blending time, the modified asphalt
binder tested by Rotational Viscometer (RV)
Figure 12. Viscosity as a Function of Different
Quantities of Single Pure CRM to determine the viscosity to select the
optimum blending time. Fig. 14 show the
18 15.68 16
variation of viscosity for 15% CRM blended
16 with neat asphalt binder in different times. It
Viscosity, Pa. Sec

12 is noted from Fig. 14 that at 30 minute of
10 blending time, the viscosity of modified
8 6.958
5.913 asphalt binder reduces, and at 45 minute the
0.156 3.545
4 7.567 reduction of viscosity is lower reduction as
0.775 1.3
2 0.094 0.523 0.808 3.665 compared with the viscosity at 30 minute of
blending time. This was considered to be a 30-
minute blending time in this study and
represents the required time for completing
reaction between the rubber particles and the
asphalt binder.
@ 135 ºC @ 165 ºC @ 175 ºC

Figure 13. Viscosity as a Function of Different

Quantities of Admixture of CRM: LDPE

It seems that the increment in CRM value

with the added mixture is somehow
accountable for decreasing the viscosity of the
final modified asphalt result, suggesting that
the CRM is the main factor for having the
perfect acceptable viscosity results. Due to the
melting point of LDPE equal 122°C, and that
is less than the reaction temperature of the
asphalt which is 180 ± 2°C, LDPE soak up
some of the melted asphalt’s oil. That will
result in releasing some low molecular weight
fraction to the bitumen, and that will effect on

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

4.5 (for example every 20 minutes), then we can

identify the blending time for a specific
polymer type. Once the viscosity shows
3.105 3.08 stability and does not reveal a significant
Viscosity, Pa. Sec

change with time, the blending process can be
2.5 halted[20].

1.5 7. Ductility
1 0.637 0.618 The ductility of an asphalt cement provides
0.5 measure of homogeneity properties of
0.525 0.435 0.423
0 bituminous materials and may be used to
15 30 45 measure ductility for specification
Blending Time , Sec.
requirements. For neat asphalt, ductility is an
@ 135 ºC @ 165 ºC @ 175 ºC
indicator of how flexible the behavior of
bitumen under various temperatures. The
Figure 14.Viscosity and Blending Time results of ductility presented through Fig. 15,
it illustrates that decreases of ductility are
The art of good asphalt modification is in observed and affected deeply when CRM is
trying to make the overall binder behaves added into the neat asphalt binder.
more like the polymer while maintaining good
workability in the end-use application. When 100
the polymer is blended into the asphalt it is 100
Ductility / cm

dispersed either as discrete particles or as a 80

three-dimensional network in the asphalt. The 60
challenge is to form and maintain the 40
desirable network consistently in different 12.7 12.8 14
asphalt types and for prolonged periods in hot
storage. Some polymers form networks under 0% CRM 5% CRM 15% CRM 25% CRM
correct conditions due to their structure while CRM, Content
other polymers need chemical cross-linking to
form a network. The reaction process of Figure 15. Ductility of Asphalt Binder with Different
rubber particles in asphalt cement is time CRM Contents
dependent. Higher temperatures result in
quicker reaction and may result in greater
amounts of swelling, [19]. It has high
dependency on the blending temperature and However, though the ductility has a reverse
blending shear rate. It was found that blending relation with increasing CRM concentration,
for long time is uneconomical and detrimental its change over CRM contents does not follow
to rheological characteristics of the modified a single direction: when small part of CRM is
binder. By monitoring the decreasing in mixed with the asphalt binder, the ductility
consistency of the PMA, that can be done by decreased sharply, then with the increasing
measuring the viscosity at regular time ease of CRM content the ductility begins to
duration while it is in the blending process rise slowly. At higher CRM content (25%),
the ductility increases continuously as CRM

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

content increases. This could be a result of when LDPE content increases and the percent
swelling effect of the added CRM. At low of CRM is constant at 15%, the ductility
CRM, the amount of the free aromatics and continuous to reduce especially at high
some other low molecular composites become LDPE content, the LDPE may have
less, and that make the asphalt less ductile as already formed a network throughout the
well. However, when the CRM content asphalt, and the added 15% of CRM not effect
continues to increase, the rubber particles can on the elasticity of admixture , consequently
form interconnections, which makes the resulting in decreased ductility.
asphalt binder less stiff and yield increased
ductility or the presence of CRM introduces 8. Penetration Index
more elasticity, consequently resulting in
ductility increment. In general the ductility Fig. 17 and 18 demonstrates the temperature
decreases due to the absorption of lower susceptibility in term of PI. For sure, in the
molecular weight by CRM and that cause the countries with higher temperature, those type
increase in stiffness of asphalt cement thus of modified asphalts should be used in road
reduces the ductility and that support by constructions.
several researchers [23, 24, 26]. Similarly,
decrease of ductility is observed as shown in Penetration Index
Fig. 16 when CRM and LDPE are added into 1 0.7
Penetration Index

the neat asphalts. Nevertheless, there is a fixed

decreasing behavior of ductility with LDPE
concentration increment with or without the 0
Control CRM5 CRM15 CRM25
availability of CRM. -0.5
-1 -0.9
100 Figure 17. Penetration Index for different %CRM
Modified Asphalt Binder
Ductility . Cmm


20 13 0.5
Penetration Index

6 5 2.5 0
Control 2.5 5 LDPECRM15 7.5 10 LDPECRM15
Neat 15 CRM: 15 CRM :15 CRM : 15 CRM : -0.4
Binder 2.5 LDPE 5 LDPE 7.5 LDPE 10 LDPE -1
LDPE Content, % -1.5 -1.3
Figure 16. Ductility of Asphalt Binder with Different -2.5
LDPE Contents

Although, when increasing the content of Figure 18. Penetration Index for different %LDPE
Modified Asphalt Binder
CRM, interconnections are formed by the
rubber particles, which decrease the asphalt’s
stiffness and then increment in ductility; but

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

Table 4 depicted the values of softening point 1. The physical characteristics of asphalts are
and penetration point for different modified improved by the addition of CRM and
asphalt binder by LDPE and CRM and LDPE. After mixed with CRM and LDPE
demonstrated a penetration index that the asphalts reveal increased viscosity and
represents the most common way to measure softening points, as well as decreasing in
temperature susceptibility for asphalt binder. penetration, for instance as the dose
percentage of CRM was (5%), (penetration
Table 6.The PI values compared to the Softening point reduces by 26% as compared to unmodified
and Penetration Values asphalt binder). While a fixed and slower
Asphalt rate decreasing of penetration was obvious
% Softening Penetration Penetration
Additives Point Point Index with higher CRM (34% and 38% when
increasing the percentage of CRM to 15%
Control 0 52 47 -0.9
and 25%, respectively) and, it is increased
CRM 5 55 35 -0.81 from starting softening point of neat asphalt
CRM 15 57 31 -0.7
binder equaled to 52°C to 54 °C at
(2.5%:15%), then 58°C, 63 °C at (5%:15%),
CRM 25 65 29 0.7 (7.5%:15%) and finally reached 70°C at
CRM: (10%:15%) of LDPE/ CRM additives,
15:2.5 54 22 -1.9
LDPE suggesting that the CRM/LDPE modified
CRM: asphalts become more resistant to
15: 5 58 20 -1.3
LDPE deformation and harder in the normal and
high temperatures.
15:7.5 63 20 -0.4
LDPE 2. The three factors of polymers type, particle
size and content are affecting significantly
15:10 70 16 0.4 the characteristics of physical properties of
PMB. The content is foremost factor
affecting the performance of modified
PI values are located between both -1 and +1 asphalt binder, followed by polymer type,
for all the high percentage of additives. Any and particle size comes last. The basic
Modified asphalt with this range of PI values performances of asphalt modified by low
would prove that it has less sensitivity toward polymer content, for different type of
temperature compared to the virgin asphalt, as polymers (CRM & LDPE), have no
a result the cracking process will be less in significant difference, while the increasing in
low temperatures and fewer rutting during polymers content that improve the asphalt
summer time. On the other hand, it seemed binder properties significantly.
that by increasing the ratio of LDPE (as a
mixture of CRM), that will lead the PI to go 3. The addition of 15.0% Crumb Rubber
Modifier to asphalt binder, processed at 180
beyond the required value for applications of
ºC for 0.5 hr., results in a stunning
pavement constructions.
modification in the rheological response.
The viscosity of CRM asphalt binder, in a
9. Conclusions temperature range comprised between
135ºC–175 ºC, increases with Crumb Rubber
With reference to the test and analysis content and is clearly more viscous than the
program of this research work, the following
corresponding neat and processed binder. In
can be concluded
addition to that, due to the increase in

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917

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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (Vol. 24, No. 04, July 2020) ISSN 2520-0917


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