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Meenakshi Shiksha Samiti and Bharat Tibet Sahyog Manch

A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Submitted To

From 01/June/2021 to 01/07/2021

Submitted By:
Registration Number: 12011426
Signature :
Student Declaration

To whom so ever it may concern

I,KUSHANT GARG , 12011426 hereby declare that the work
done by me .

On “Content Formulation, Video Making, Data and Report Making Of Social Event”

From 01/June/2020 to 01/July/2020, is record of original work

for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the awards of

Signature of student

Dated : 25/10/2021

I cannot express enough thanks to my committee for their

continued support and encouragement. I offer my sincere
appreciation for the learning opportunities provided by my
My completion of this certification course could not have been
accomplished without the support of my friend, senior and my
Thank you for allowing me to take part to experience
something from you to research and write. You deserve a trip
to destination visit plan! Thanks to my parent and all my close
friends who I did it complete by all the precious means. The
timeless count that you gave to do it possible will not be
forgotten. Ultimately, to my loving, caring and all the
supportive friends and classmates who resourcefully supported
My Deepest gratitude and love to all the ones who gave the
countless time with the kind attention. It was a great comfort
and relief to know that what you were willing to provide while I
completed my work. My warm-hearted thanks to all the ones.
Introduction of our NGO’s:

1st Meenakshi Shiksha Samiti:

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit group that functions

independently of any government NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are
organized on community, national and international levels to serve a social or
political goal such as humanitarian causes or the environment.
Meenakshi shiksha samiti is a committee of men ,women and young children
and students who come from all walks of life with the motto of being the change
they want to see in the society in terms of education and all. The biggest problem
our country faces is the presence of too many people discussing issues but few
trying to find solutions. Where we understand that finding loopholes are
important, we believe every small action gets counted and it is important that we
give away the complaints and try to do things for a brighter tomorrow.
If we want our democracy to work, it becomes extremely important that civil
society is responsible and actively involved because when we get to choose the
government, we become a part of it and as has been rightly said, with great
power comes great responsibilities.
Our committee has moto to help every person and society. Work for only society
development. Like food distribution, copies pencil pen or study material
distribution for children, or many mor things help for society development and
encouragement of youth to do something for their nation.
NGO activities include, but are not limited to, environmental, social, advocacy and
human rights works. They can work to promote social or political change on a
broad scale or very locally. NGO play a critical part in developing society,
improving communities, and promoting citizen participation.
2nd Bharat Tibet Sahyog Manch

Bharat Tibet sahyog manch is a group of men, women, young

children, and students and is a nongovernmental organization
but funded by various government resources.
Most of its members are politically connected and it is under
leadership of MR. Dalai Lama sir who has the main moto of
making Tibet independent from the Chinese control.
They organized various camps in northern part of India and
hundreds of events in a year. They have also operating various
healthcare operation in northern part of India where they are
treating the patient free of cost with the natural and non -
harmful herbs collected from Tibet and various bud ministries.
They currently have their head office in Dharamshala, Himachal
Pradesh and in every state they have a team of local leaders and
other member who are working day and night to achieve aim
one day.

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a group of people from different countries acting
together, but not connected with the government of any country. Usually non-governmental
organizations are nonprofit - that is, they are trying to do something other than make money
for the people who run them.
Aims and Objectives of our Society are:
• To provide Social, Educational and Economic Empowerment to Women and Children.
• To safeguard the rights of the Child and provide for the well-being of Children in need,
more particularly,
a. Children exposed to any form of abuse,
b. Children deprived of education
c. Children suffering from ill health, physical and mental.
• To identify the beggars and impress upon them the significance of dignified living and
persuade them to take up an alternative livelihood and to take such measures so as to
equip them in attaining such means of living.
• To provide medical and legal aid and assistance to the old aged and to take such other
Measure to ensure their social wellbeing.
•To help each and every needy at time of covid-19 and to discuss facts among them.
Objective Of Our NGO:

The objective of the true NGO, the non-governmental organisation should be the
social as well as economic welfare. The objective of the NGO should be to provide
education to the children so that their society should develop with modern
thinking and also help the economy of the country with good GDP. The Kalighat
Trust is the great NGO of India who objects at providing educational facilities to
all. They mainly work to bring the rural and the urban people together for a better
society. The helps the rural people by the Akal Academies which is providing
lowcost education to them. The Meenakshi shiksha samitiis child sponsoring
organisation who have helped many poor and unprivileged children to come
ahead. They are educating 70000 students per year in the Akal Academies out of
which 28052 are free/aided. They donate for the provision of education to all and
also to provide facilities to them. The Akal Academies renders value-based
education to the students which makes them more capable to br in society with a
good name. They are taught all the spiritual values which are needed to be a
respected person. Knowing the importance of values, they always maintained the
balance between the modern scientific education and the spiritual values. When
the person gets proper education, awareness is created among them, they started
thinking and also the sense of questioning arose in them. This had led to the
development of the economy as well. With education, employment increased in
the society with which the income of the society also showed remarkable changes.
With the improvement in the income, people started spending more on them, they
started spending on their lifestyle, particularly on their health.
Scope of the our Meenakshi Shiksha Samiti:

The scope of is to develop the society, to help every people more and more and more. and for
poor people distribute food .and children are also developed in every society. All children are
educated. On-Government Organizations are the non-profit voluntary groups established at
local, national or international level. They perform different tasks for solving problems and
development of society. NGOs are connected with government or private sector firms. They
deal with some social issues like women empowerment, girl child, gender issues, education,
pollution, street children, slum dwellers, health, urban development, human rights, concerns of
less privileged etc. NGOs bring up people's concerns and issues to the government and policy
makers non-profit making, voluntary, service oriented/development oriented organization,
either for the benefit of members or of other members of the population. It is an organization
of private individuals who believe in definite basic social principles and who structure their
activities to bring about development to communities that they are servicing. An independent,
democratic, non-sectarian people’s organizations working for the empowerment of. As a result,
development of courses in the nonprofit stream had also taken a back seat. However, now the
scene is entirely different. Government policies, work of the existing NGOs and the media have
a lot to do with bringing Nonprofit management . nto a normal career option.
1. Education, research and training

• To promote education, especially education for girl child and women.

• To conduct educational, environmental and sociological studies
. • To promote use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for
socioeconomic development of the community.
• To organize training and refresher programs for the volunteers and officials of
different Non-government Organizations to strengthen the development skills of
trainees through IEC (information, education and communication) which they can
use in the development sector.
• To disseminate information and knowledge, to edit, publish, and print literature
and documents and to organize seminars/ conference/meetings etc.

Health care units and blood donation unit under leadership of Meenakshi shiksha
samiti and BTSM
• To spread awareness about STD and HIV/AIDS and work for the welfare of
people living with HIV/AIDS. • To work in the field of reproductive and child
health services with emphasis on vaccination
. • To create awareness about communicable and vector-borne disease control
measures through better hygiene and sanitation.
• To narrow the difference between the health status of people on the basis of
gender and create awareness against female feticide.
• To create awareness against drug menace.
• To encourage organ donation.
3.Social welfare

Rajasthan Leader of BTSM and a active political member of Meenakshi Shiksha

Samiti Being interviewed for his works in the difficult time.
•To promote social welfare activities with special emphasis on women empowerment.
• To work for the betterment of women, children, senior citizens, and disabled and to fight
against social wrongs like discrimination and harassment based on gender etc. with a vision of
social justice.
•To eliminate child labour, child trafficking, and child abuse and focus on the education and
resettlement of these deprived children.
•To fight against corruption and make people aware about their legal and consumer rights.
• Environment: •To work for environmental awareness, sustainable development and
participative management of local natural resources for village level development.
•Forestation. •To create awareness about disaster management.
Current Problem In Society:
After doing so much work in welfare of our society we are still lacking
to find out solution of some major proble that arises at this particular
time of covid-19.
These problems include:

1. Lacking complete knowledge among people

regarding the disease
2. People of lower class being panicked and lots of
anxiety is there
3. Increase Unemployment among youth and less
availability of food for poor people
4. People being unaware about the risk and importance
of mask
5. People unable to find beds and other resources to
help others and themselves get helped.
6. Black hording in Indian markets
Now, there two situation arises one of thinking what to do and
other is to find the solution of these problem and we and our
organization start following second step
and start identifying the problem and working in the p[positive
Main Target—Objective to be achieved:::
We have categorized our objective in that way so that our goals
can be achieve in a easy way.
We start with spreading awareness among all class of
people so that they at least know about the situation and
prevent themselves from taking any step that can be
hazardous to their life.
Secondly to fulfill the needs of needy we start donating
foods on daily basis with all precaution and safety
measure door to door so that everyone can be safe.
We will start a campaign of distributing masks among
people and all so that they should understand the need
for the mask and talk to local authority to make use of
masks compulsory
At last we will try to encourage the people or corona
warrior as sanitary worker and cleaner , doctors, and
many because of whom we are safe today.
Steps taken to achieve target:
Our first objective is to spread knowledge in order to do so we used all possible
technique as:

As we know that now a days people are more adhered to social media, so we try
to spread awareness with the means of the website names:

Which provide various features other than
spreading awareness
We choose the theme to be patriotic so that more and more people can be

Our website feature include :

Info regarding disease

Directs to cowin website in order to book slot

Prevents black hording , Provide leads so that people can be helped

In parallel with the creation of the website we start spreading awareness in
offline manner also by going door to door.

Second step is to help the needy who are unable to get food for this we
start arranging funds so that we can arrange food for them.
We on the daily basis started providing foods to them with a moto

”No One Will Sleep Hungry, God Is There”

We make food ourself at a particular place and then start distributing in
a vehicle and this task thrives us crazy. We are very thankful to the
sponsors wo come in front to help others.
One of our sponsor and active member of Bhartiya janta Party Comes daily to
help us.

We also collaborated with other Ngo in order to help more people.

We met the very known personality Owner of “Muskan ki Rasoi”
Miss Shruti Shringi mam and provided free meal for 10 days in kota

Unless of our event she is distributing high quality meal in just rupee 5.
Some Glimpse of her food

Hence, We fought with this situation also and was very successful and
was very thankfull to all our sponsors.

Our Next step is to educate the poor youth and make

them free of anxiety they are feeling in order to do so
After the situation get improved a litle bit so we organise a
event in which we welcome various student to tell them about
each and everything and they can iterate that to their parents
aat their homes.
And to prevent anxiety and spread positivity we march upon road and
start distributing the sharbats and started various workshop to educate
the lower young children in Gov schools.
We also provide gifts and all this is to spread positivity
We start conducting various session after 1st wave:

First meet in Governent school telling students about cleanliness

Little active participation can result in great way

Distributing the milkrose to increase sweetness in relation among

Our volunteer herself started cleaning the huge field to spread
message of cleanliness.
Next step is encouraging peoples regarding health and helping
in order to do so we again started the search of sponsors and
thanks to LIONS GROUP jaipur for holding our hand .

We organised various health drives and many blood donation

as well as vaccination camp and our volunteer including me
take stab of vaccine to show others that it is safe.

Blood donation help in various ways first it will help the needy
also it will fulfil the needs of greedy.

Some glimpse of it are:

Blood Donation cap organised under the banner of lions club
Our Chief Guest
MR. Devendra Jhajhadiya para Olympic Winner
Enlighten our event with his hands we are very
thank full to him also

The very last step that we have to follow is to honor our corona
warrior in order to motivate them and make them full of energy and
To do so we visited various government hospital and organize a medal
ceremony for them and also provide them certificates.
Also we have invited the local cleaners of our area and
welcomed them and honor them with a medal, turban
and a small sum of money to encourage them.
Giving Envelop to all workers.
We invited both ladies as well as men in order to show gender
equality more over to present equality at that moment the president
of committee address us.
Day1: Introduction of Meenakshi shiksha samiti and discuss on work

Day 2: understanding the work of website to spread awareness. Making report

and video editing.

Day 3: Started working on website as tech student with my tech team. making
report and video

Day 4: Continued the work on website along with spreading the awareness of
line and making and editing report and video

Day 5: distribution book copies and food in continued the work of website and
started the search of sponsors and making report and video

Day 6: Website completed hosted the website and now working online to help
people. I making report and video

Day 7:Collected the money from sponsors and started to work on distribution of
food by NGO. I making report and video

Day 8:Attend all queries on website and distributed food in local area . I making
report and video
Day 9: Along with distribution of food suggested new ideas for new work. I
making report and video

Day 10: attended Meeting for new tasks. I making report and video

Day 11:distributed in different teams and working in the team for educating
poor And content writing.

Day 12: first meet in gov school to provide appropriate knowledge to students

Day 13: making report and content writing

Day 14:second meet in another school distributed gifts to motivate students

Day 15: Joined health team and worked in organize various health events in my

Day 16: making report and content writing

Day 17: Attended blood donation camp

Day 18: making report on women empowerment and food distribution.

Day 19: started spreading the positivity among people after 1st wave
Day 20: making report on Animal welfare trust and food distribution and
making videos.

Day 21: Visited different hospitals to encourage the corona warriors

Day 22: Visited different hospitals to encourage the corona warriors

Day 23: making review of all videos and making report of food and copies

Day 24: Visited different hospitals to encourage the corona warriors

Day 25: distribution book copies and food in local area by NGO. I making report
and video

Day 26: report making of education system and content writing and video

Day 27: Convocation for good performing students

Day 28: making report and content writing

Day 29: making reports of all days and videos.

Day 30: giving lots of reviews and quizzes and they give form of volunteer of
NGO and all reports summitted and certificate distributed.

COVID-19 has created unique challenges for different segments
of the population and struck at the very heart of the machinery
designed to protect people from such calamities.
The case in point is of social sector- the NGOs and volunteers
who are working at the ground level, often even without the
basic facilities. Here are some practical issues being faced by
* main challenge was to reach the neediest people.... to find
out who need it the most, as it was all locked down, travelling,
doing survey was not possible. So as to reach the right people
was all a challenge.
* Social workers work unarmed in the line of fire: Health
workers in India aren’t fully equipped to deal with calamities
such as COVID-19.
* Coronavirus has triggered a funding crisis for NGOs when they
are needed most
. * The economic downturn means future aid budgets and
donations are likely to decline
In this period o 30 days we have enjoyed a lot and learn a lot about
each and everything and loves to help others our project was very
effective in order to achieve goals that we have decided.

Our project seems to be very effective in improving the life style of people in the
time of need when each and every people want to help but unable due to some

Our each and every decision help to safe million of life’s as the website we make
is used to tell people about the availability of beds, ventilators ,vaccines and many
more and it will be very useful for the one that need a ventilator urgently .
We have get 1000nd of leads and we try to help all of them more over our NGO
has done a great deal to avoid black hoarding they provide each and everyone the
oximeters at just rupees 249.One can order it just by sitting at their homes.

Secondly our food distributing mission help needy people because they are not
able to get work at that time and was unable to arrange food for their food so our
mission aims that no one should sleep hungry and we proved it by distributing the
food to more than 5000 people in one month.

Our positivity spreading step was a great step toward eliminating

anxiety and setting up a peaceful environment every where .people
have appreciated us to do such a kind work.
Although this section on gender and NGOs in the management and
sustainable use of the environment has been only exploratory, it is
hoped that it will serve as a basis for further research into the gender
and NGO issue, with special reference to women's access to critical
resources such as training in farming systems, extension services, land,
technology, credit, farming inputs and strategies for wood-fuel
management to stem the environmental degradation NGOs and
people's organizations, unburdened with large bureaucracies and noted
for their flexibility and innovativeness, are often able to implement
programmes and activities more effectively.

NGOs are able to respond more quickly to grassroots needs,

implement projects at a faster pace and gather feedback sooner than
other types of development agencies. In most cases, NGOs are able to
muster the necessary skills and expertise needed to carry out pilot
programmes and projects and to implement government programmes
for social service delivery.

In certain cases, such as in Bangladesh, the scale of operations of some

NGOs has gone beyond pilot projects. With small or even non-existent
bureaucratic structures, NGOs typically have far lower operating costs
than government service delivery mechanisms. The Meenakshi shiksha
samiti must be at the forefront of responding to the rapidly escalating
humanitarian needs around the Jharkhand – saving lives and so much
more, through this pandemic and beyond. And, as with any crisis,
there’s opportunity. Opportunity here to design and develop new
financing solutions, which could help to find new and better ways to
tackle global challenges together.
This has never been more needed than now
The effectiveness of NGO interventions in the development process
hinges, to a large extent, on whether or not the policy environment is
conducive. Governments which actively welcome NGO involvement and
participation in the development process provide a policy environment
where NGOs are viewed as partners and not as competitors. NGO
activities include, but are not limited to, environmental, social,
advocacy and human rights work. They can work to promote social or
political change on a broad scale or very locally. NGOs play a critical
part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting
citizen participation..

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