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F1&2 Ex 1

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Compiled by: Nhanga T Cell: 0773654969


1.Increase $40.00 in the ratio 8:5. [2] time that two men working at the same rate
4004/2 J2020 Q1(c) would take to dig a similar trench, 5 m long.
2.Three girls aged 12 years, 13 years and 15 years 4030/2 J2018 Q5
share $100.00 in the ratio of their ages. Calculate the
amount of money that each girl receives. [3] Joseph cycles at a speed of 5 metres per second.
4004/1 J2019 Q3 Calculate the time, in hours, he takes to cycle a
distance of 18 km. [2]
3.(i) Increase $105 by 12%. [2] 4030/2 J2018 Q9(b)
(ii) Tendai and Chipo share $105.00 in the ratio
4 : 3 in that order. Find Tendai’s share and (a) Express the ratio in its
Chipo’s share. [3] simplest form. [1]
4004/2 J2019 Q1(c) (b) In 2016 a farmer harvested 4,5 tonnes of
maize. This was 20% more than what he had
4.Kin, Munashe and Chipo shared sweets in the harvested in 2015. Find the number of tonnes
ratio 5 : 3 : 7. Calculate the total number of sweets of maize the farmer harvested in 2015. [2]
if Chipo got 35 sweets. [2] 4004/1 N2018 Q13
4004/1 N2019 Q6(b)
A farmer has a plot which measures 150 m by 140
5.A hotel has Executive rooms and General rooms m. The farmer wants to use chemicals to destroy
in the ratio 3 : 5 respectively. A General room costs weeds in the plot. For every 5 litres of
$19.00 per day. On a certain day, all the 2 928 chemicals are used.
rooms were occupied by both Executive and General (a) Calculate the quantity of the chemicals in
customers and the total takings from the rooms litres, needed to destroy the weeds in the
amounted to $66 612.00. whole plot. [2]
(i) Find the number of General rooms in the (b) Five litres of the chemicals cost $8. Find the
hotel. [2] cost of the chemicals needed to destroy the
(ii) Calculate the cost per day of an Executive seeds in the whole plot. [2]
room. [3] 4030/1 J2017 Q23
4004/2 N2019 Q1(c)
(a) Express the ratio in the form,
The cost of 3 kg of apples and 7 kg of bananas is where and are integers. [1]
$16. (b) Shuvai mixed hot water and cold water in the
The cost of 4 kg of apples and 5 kg of bananas is ratio to get warm water. If she ended
$17. up with 45 litres of warm water, calculate the
Calculate the cost per kg of apples and the cost per amount of hot water she used. [2]
kg of bananas. [4] 4030/1 N2017 Q8
4030/2 J2018 Q3(a)
Three people can complete a certain task in 6 days.
(a) Peter, John and James share a certain amount Calculate the number of people, working at the same
of money. rate, who can complete the same task in 9 days.
Peter gets of the amount of money, [2]
4030/2 N2017 Q7(b)
John gets of the remainder and James gets
$3.00, Mary, Peter and John share a total amount of $500 in
Calculate the total amount of money shared. the ratio 3 : 2 : 5. Mary uses part of her share to buy
[4] a pair of shoes costing $30.
(b) Three men working at the same rate can dig a (i) Calculate Mary’s share. [2]
trench, 5 m long, in 4 hours. Calculate the (ii) Calculate the percentage of Mary’s share that
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