Cosmo Fowler Sepsis and Adrenal Insufficiency 2023
Cosmo Fowler Sepsis and Adrenal Insufficiency 2023
Cosmo Fowler Sepsis and Adrenal Insufficiency 2023
In sepsis, dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, alterations in cortisol metabolism, and tissue resistance to
glucocorticoids can all result in relative adrenal insufficiency or critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI). The
symptoms and signs of CIRCI during sepsis are nonspecific, generally including decreased mental status, unexplained fever, or
hypotension refractory to fluids, and the requirement of vasopressor therapy to maintain adequate blood pressure. While we
have been aware of this syndrome for over a decade, it remains a poorly understood condition, challenging to diagnose, and asso-
ciated with significantly diverging practices among clinicians, particularly regarding the optimal dosing and duration of corticoste-
roid therapy. The existing literature on corticosteroid use in patients with sepsis and septic shock is vast with dozens of
randomized controlled trials conducted across the past 4 decades. These studies have universally demonstrated reduced duration
of shock, though the effects of corticosteroids on mortality have been inconsistent, and their use has been associated with
adverse effects including hyperglycemia, neuromuscular weakness, and an increased risk of infection. In this article, we aim to
provide a thorough, evidence-based, and practical review of the current recommendations for the diagnosis and management
of patients with sepsis who develop CIRCI, explore the controversies surrounding this topic, and highlight what lies on the hori-
zon as new evidence continues to shape our practice.
adrenal insufficiency, sepsis, septic shock, critical illness, corticosteroids, hydrocortisone
chronic steroid therapy is beyond the scope of this review The overall impact of these changes is modulated and amplified
article. by the hepatic GRs through a mechanism that is not fully under-
stood. This complex interplay of abnormal interactions favors a
model of hypercortisolemia in critical illness secondary to
Pathophysiology reduced clearance of cortisol, rather than what was presumed
The Normal HPA Axis to be upregulated production. Furthermore, critical illness is
associated with a shift in GR expression from GRα-dominant
When stressed, humans have developed a response to sustain to one in which GRβ transcription is increased, which has
life.9,10 The HPA axis is a central actor in this response, com- been associated with a blunted response to endogenous gluco-
prised of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the corticoids referred to as “tissue resistance.”
anterior pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands. In the hypothala- In both sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome
mus, the PVN is responsible for secreting corticotropin-releasing (ARDS), downregulated GRα activity has been hypothesized
hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), which synerg- and linked, both ex vivo and in vivo, to worsening glucocorticoid
istically incite the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone resistance, morbidity, and mortality. In some experimental
(ACTH) into the circulation.11 ACTH is secreted both in a models, the use of exogenous glucocorticoids has been associated
basal and pulsatile manner. In the physiologic state, this pulsatility with restored GRα expression, function, and resolution of inflam-
is determined primarily by the circadian rhythm with peak levels mation, which may potentially translate into an improved clinical
of cortisol in the morning that decline throughout the day.12,13 In trajectory in the appropriate setting. However, emerging evidence
the adrenal cortex, ACTH induces glucocorticoid synthesis. Most (largely from murine studies) indicates a disparity among different
cortisol remains attached to cortisol-binding globulin (CBG), tissues’ GR profiles and their response to glucocorticoids, which
although an unbound fraction will remain lipophilic, able to trav- clouds the interpretation of a generalized “tissue resistance” and
erse cellular membranes and bind to cytoplasmic glucocorticoid suggests that the above changes of GR expression observed in
receptors (GRs), of which GRα and GRβ are particularly the septic model may be adaptive and protective.2,28
crucial in mediating the stress response.14,15 Free cortisol achieves
varied and powerful immunological and cardiovascular effects
through the binding of GRα. In fact, the cortisol-GRα dimer Clinical Manifestations of CIRCI During
can induce expression or repression of up to 20% of the human Sepsis
genome.16 These effects are directly opposed by GRβ, and ulti-
mately free cortisol inhibits the secretion of both CRH and The symptoms and signs of CIRCI during sepsis are nonspecific
ACTH through negative feedback, framing the HPA axis in a and generally include decreased mental status, unexplained fever,
state of autoregulation.9,10 hypotension refractory to fluids, and the requirement of vasopres-
sor therapy to maintain adequate blood pressure. While hypona-
tremia, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, and eosinophilia may be
The HPA Axis During Critical Illness and Sepsis observed, these are generally uncommon, and their presence
may be masked by routine intensive care unit (ICU) care such
During critical illness such as sepsis, the usual organization of
as fluid administration and close electrolyte management.
the HPA axis is upset and replaced by a complex matrix of
axis-independent regulators (Figure 1).17-19 Firstly, it is charac-
terized by an excessive increase in circulating free cortisol Other Confounding States With Abnormal Activation of
which correlates with the severity of the insult.20 Secondly,
the degree of hypercortisolemia is disproportionate to any HPA Axis
increase in cortisol secretion and is completely dissociated Several known and emerging therapies have been associated with
from ACTH levels (ACTH-cortisol dissociation).21,22 Instead, disorders of the HPA axis. Perhaps the most well-known of these
both ACTH and CBG levels fall sharply and see their binding is the sedative etomidate, which inhibits 11β-hydroxylase and,
activity hampered by the hostile environment of critical therefore, the synthesis of cortisol. Though other sedatives can
illness, both mechanisms increasing the fraction of free have this effect, it is only etomidate which is now limited to
cortisol.23 use as a single preintubation induction dose instead of a continu-
Levels of proopiomelanocortin (POMC), the precursor mol- ous infusion for sedation.29 While the one-time use of this agent
ecule of ACTH, are elevated in sepsis through CRH/ has not been definitively linked to increased mortality, retrospec-
AVP-driven POMC expression and impaired processing into tive analyses have shown an excess risk of poor outcomes in the
ACTH, contributing to adrenocortical steroidogenesis and the critically ill. One possible reason for this is the variable effects of
ACTH-cortisol dissociation.24,25 Additionally, the enzymes this drug. The sedative effects of etomidate have an onset of
involved in the breakdown of cortisol in the liver (α-ring reduc- action within 15-20 s with a duration of action of approximately
tases) and kidney (11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2) are 2 to 3 min and a favorable hemodynamic profile in comparison to
suppressed in response to inflammation.26 Part of this suppres- other sedatives used in the ICU such as propofol or midazolam.
sion is driven by the accumulation of bile acids, which inhibit However, its effect on the adrenal cortex is much more potent,
the activity of these enzymes through negative feedback.27 with a single dose of etomidate leading to a suppression of cortisol
Fowler et al 3
Figure 1. A newly proposed conceptual framework for adrenocortical function and dysfunction during critical illness.17 Shown here are the
central and peripheral drivers of increased cortisol availability during the acute, subacute, and chronic phases of critical illness. The acute phase,
occurring within minutes to hours after the initial insult, is mostly characterized by a central, ACTH-driven rise in cortisol and a peripherally
driven (by decreases in cortisol binding to cortisol binding proteins, in addition to GR-driven effects) further rise in free cortisol. By contrast,
the subacute phase (occurring hours to days after the initial insult) is marked by a central suppression driven by feedback inhibition with
sustained peripherally driven elevated total cortisol and free cortisol. During the prolonged phase, extending beyond several weeks of critical
illness, the sustained central suppression of the HPA axis caused by feedback inhibition driven by sustained elevation of free cortisol and by
elevated bile acids and/or drugs could lead to central hypoadrenalism.
Abbreviations: ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; CBG, cortisol-binding globulin; CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone; HPA,
synthesis for up to 72 h. Additionally, it can interfere with other corticosteroid therapy in contrast to the rapidly tapering regimens
steroid-mediated processes.2 The mixed results of several meta- often used for CIRCI.32 Another novel cancer treatment associ-
analyses investigating this agent have left the debate over its ated with a sepsis-like presentation is chimeric antigen receptor
use in the critically ill ultimately unresolved.30 (CAR)-T cell therapy. CAR-T can induce a hyperinflammatory
Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) regimens and cellular ther- state known as cytokine release syndrome (CRS), which can be
apies, which modulate T-cell function to fight cancer cells, can difficult to distinguish from sepsis, with fever and hypotension
also ignite immune-related adverse events including hypophysitis being hallmarks of the condition. Current management of CRS
(inflammation of the pituitary gland), which can lead to a central relies on suppression of the powerful inflammatory response
(or “secondary”) inhibition of ACTH release, and primary adrenal this therapy engenders, usually with specific cytokine antagonists
insufficiency, in which the synthesis of glucocorticoids by the (eg, tocilizumab and interleukin-6 receptor antagonist) and often
adrenal glands is inhibited. Given the increased utilization of alongside high doses of glucocorticoids.33,34
ICIs worldwide, it is important for intensivists to be aware of
these possible mimics or confounding pathologies of CIRCI. A
recent study showed that particular ICI combinations may result Laboratory Testing
in relatively high rates of adrenal insufficiency (almost one-third Patients with CIRCI typically have normal or low plasma total
of patients with nivolumab/ipilimumab combination therapy).31 cortisol levels and normal to low plasma ACTH. However,
The use of ICIs may also result in a syndrome requiring long-term there is no single test that can reliably diagnose CIRCI in patients
4 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0(0)
with sepsis. The 2008 CIRCI guidelines suggested that the diag- For most of these landmark studies, IV hydrocortisone was
nosis of CIRCI is best made by an increase in total serum cortisol used (with or without fludrocortisone) at a dose of 200 mg
of <9 µg/dL after i.v. cosyntropin (synthetic ACTH) 250 µg daily in divided doses (50 mg IV every 6 h) or continuous infu-
administration or a random total cortisol of <10 µg/dL.7 ACTH sion for at least 7 days without a taper schedule. It is notable that
stimulation testing likely has limited applicability in critically ill only the RCTs that used a combination of hydrocortisone and
patients, and the 2017 task force could not reach a consensus fludrocortisone showed a mortality benefit.44,46
on whether the test was superior to random cortisol.19 It is impor- Though each of these RCTs differed in various ways, the
tant to note that ACTH stimulation testing only tests adrenal primary outcome under consideration was 28- or 90-day mor-
responsiveness to ACTH and is not a test of the HPA axis.35 tality, and a secondary outcome that they all investigated was
The 2017 task force was not in favor of using plasma-free cortisol time to shock reversal. Some studies also evaluated days on
or salivary gland cortisol level over plasma total cortisol level as mechanical ventilation (MV), the occurrence of superinfection,
the evidence for this was of poor quality (low-quality observa- recurrent shock, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, neuromuscular
tional studies with inconsistent findings). Similarly, assessing weakness, and ICU and hospital length of stay. While these
the hemodynamic response to hydrocortisone to diagnose landmark studies did not concur on the benefit of corticosteroids
CIRCI was not recommended. Although the low-dose (1 µg) regarding mortality benefit, they all found a shorter time to
ACTH stimulation test may have similar diagnostic accuracy shock reversal with corticosteroid therapy. In fact, the largest
and accuracy in predicting vasopressor dependency and clinical study (ADRENAL)47 also noted a shorter time to ICU dis-
outcomes in septic patients, it requires some preparation and charge. Considering the volume of patients admitted to the
offers no advantage over the high-dose ACTH test.36 ICU with sepsis, if this carries over into day-to-day ICU care,
it might have a beneficial impact on ICU staffing and workflow
in addition to patient-level outcomes.
One way to make sense of these studies at the bedside is to
Treatment With Corticosteroids:
compare and contrast them. The 2 studies conducted in France
Who, When, and How to Treat? (Annane’s original study in 2002 and APROCCHSS in 2018)
Over the past 4 decades, numerous randomized controlled trials both used a combination of hydrocortisone with fludrocortisone
(RCTs) have been conducted evaluating the role of corticoste- in contrast to CORTICUS45 and ADRENAL. Additionally,
roids in a wide variety of patients with sepsis and septic only the 2 French studies demonstrated a survival benefit
shock. These include adult, pregnant, and pediatric patients with the coadministration of hydrocortisone plus fludrocorti-
with and without ARDS who were treated with varying sone. This coincidence has led to the hypothesis of fludrocorti-
doses, dosing strategies, formulations, and durations of cortico- sone coadministration being instrumental in these 2 studies’
steroid therapy. In the 1980s, RCTs using high-dose corticoste- intervention arms securing a survival advantage, though this
roid regimens (>400 mg/day hydrocortisone or equivalent for seems unlikely, as the mineralocorticoid effect that might be
<3 days) in patients with septic shock demonstrated no benefi- anticipated from 50 μg of fludrocortisone is already readily
cial treatment effect and even suggested that treatment may achieved by 200 mg of hydrocortisone (regardless of the
increase mortality.37 Use of lower dose corticosteroids (referred enteral bioavailability of fludrocortisone in the vasopressor-
to as “stress dose” steroids) was revived in the late 1990s when dependent, critically ill patient).17 Another hypothesis to
2 small-sized RCTs showed faster reversal of shock and explain the outcome discrepancy between the 2 Annane
improved mortality.38,39 studies and the CORTICUS/ADRENAL trials notes the
While different glucocorticoid agents have been trialed in French trials had higher acuity patients (mortality among
sepsis and septic shock, a recent systematic review and meta- patients randomized in APROCCHSS was almost double that
analysis of glucocorticoid therapy in septic shock compared of ADRENAL). Importantly, all 4 studies showed a shorter
18 studies using hydrocortisone, 2 that used methylpredniso- time to reversal of shock. However, this alone (discontinuation
lone (n = 158 patients) and 1 with dexamethasone (n = 29 of vasopressor therapy) cannot be seen as a meaningful patient-
patients).40-43 As the greater part of the evidence examining centered outcome. We can contrast this with the decreased use
corticosteroid use in sepsis is derived from trials that utilized of blood transfusions and shorter time on the ventilator identi-
hydrocortisone, our recommendations and those of the profes- fied by the ADRENAL trial.
sional societies involve the use of this agent. The use of corticosteroids in sepsis and septic shock is not
Table 1 lists the 4 landmark RCTs addressing the efficacy without risk. The CORTICUS trial showed that patients
and safety of corticosteroids in patients with sepsis and septic treated with corticosteroids had an increased risk of superinfec-
shock over the past 20 years. Studies that included steroids as tion and recurrent septic shock. Both of these findings may have
part of combination therapy with nonsteroidal agents significant downstream effects on patients. Finally, all of the
(eg, vitamin C with hydrocortisone) were not included. In addi- landmark trials found that corticosteroid therapy increased the
tion to appreciating the nuances of each RCT, it is worth appre- risk of hyperglycemia, a known risk factor for increased mor-
ciating that this body of literature represents some of the most bidity and mortality in the critically ill.48 How, then, can we
robust data gathered in the critical care population across 3 interpret this data in the face of uncertain and at times conflict-
continents. ing findings? It seems most appropriate to consider these studies
Table 1. Four Landmark RCTs Addressing the Efficacy and Safety of Corticosteroids in Patients With Sepsis and Septic Shock Over the Past 20 Years.
Study (year) Country(s) Population Intervention Controls Primary outcome(s) outcome(s) Results Adverse effects
Annane et al France 299 adult septic Hydrocortisone 50 Placebo 28-day mortality in ICU and hospital Mortality (28-day, Similar risk of
(2002)44 shock patients on mg i.v. q.6 h + patients with mortality, 1-year ICU, and superinfection, GI
MV with fludrocortisone 50 relative adrenal mortality, between hospital) lower bleeding, and
documented/ μg p.o. q.24 h for 7 insufficiency patients with/ and shorter psychiatric
suspected days (cortisol level without response time to shock disturbance
infection and increase of ≤9 μg/ to corticotropin reversal in the between arms
signs of shock dL in tests and time to intervention
corticotropin shock reversal arm
CORTICUS Austria, Belgium, 499 adult patients, Hydrocortisone 50 Placebo 28-day mortality ICU and hospital No mortality Increased risk of
Sprung et al France, with evidence of mg i.v. q 6 h for 5 mortality, 1-year difference, a superinfection,
(2008)45 Germany, infection, 2/4 days, then tapered mortality, time to shorter time to hyperglycemia,
Israel, Italy, SIRS criteria, and over 6 days shock reversal shock reversal hypernatremia, and
Netherlands, shock within the in the weakness in the
Portugal, and previous 72 h intervention intervention arm
the United primarily with arm
Kingdom septic shock
APROCCHSS France 1241 adult patients Hydrocortisone 50 Placebo 90-day mortality Time to shock Mortality is lower Increased risk of
Annane with proven/ mg i.v. q 6 h + reversal, time to and shorter hyperglycemia in
et al probable septic fludrocortisone 50 weaning from MV time to shock the intervention
(2018)46 shock ≤ 24 h μg p.o. q. 24 h for 7 reversal in the arm, similar risk of
prior to days intervention GI bleeding, and
enrollment arm superinfection
ADRENAL Australia, New 3658 adult septic Hydrocortisone 200 Placebo 90-day mortality 28-day mortality, No mortality Increased risk of
Venkatesh Zealand, United shock patients on mg i.v. q 24 h time to shock difference, hyperglycemia,
et al Kingdom, MV with continuously reversal/ shorter time to hypernatremia,
(2018)47 Denmark, and documented/ infused for 7 days recurrence, time shock reversal, encephalopathy,
Saudi Arabia suspected (or to ICU to wean from MV, and ICU and myopathy,
infection, 2/4 discharge if hospital and ICU discharge in the similar risk of new
SIRS criteria, shorter) LOS, new intervention bacteremia
≥4 h of infection arm
Abbreviations: RCT, randomized controlled trial; MV, mechanical ventilation; ICU, intensive care unit; GI, gastrointestinal; MI, myocardial infarction; LOS, length of stay.
6 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0(0)
Table 2. Administration of Corticosteroids to Patients With Various Systemic Inflammatory Processes and Sepsis (Who, When, and How?).
Critically ill patients with Hydrocortisone 200 mg IV daily as a After >4 h of requiring norepinephrine or
septic shock continuous infusion or 50 mg q.6h epinephrine ≥0.25 mcg/kg/min50
Abbreviations: CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; MV, mechanical ventilation; ICU, intensive care unit.
higher risk of GI bleed and perforation, but the same meta- response to sepsis. Among these is the endotype A/B schema,
analysis found the subset receiving corticosteroids for sepsis which refers to differing patterns of genes expressed.68 Adults
or septic shock not to have an increased risk of GI bleeding.66 with endotype A1 had a 5-fold increased mortality between
More importantly, at the commonly prescribed dose of gluco- the ages of 18 and 40 years, although these differences dimin-
corticoids for septic shock, no major trials have established a ished by age 60. Other ways to characterize these patients have
direct link between steroid use and increased risk of GI been investigated, including stratification by proteomics and
bleeding. transcriptomics.69,70 One small study has suggested that there
may be a group of critically ill patients with sepsis who are
harmed by the administration of steroids. A post hoc analysis
Future Research Directions of the Vasopressin versus Norepinephrine as Initial Therapy
As regards ongoing investigation into how best to manage crit- in Septic Shock (VANISH) RCT,71 which enrolled patients in
ically ill patients with sepsis, a phase II, multicenter RCT67 is shock and randomized them to receive norepinephrine or vaso-
currently underway to address one of the least understood pressin followed by hydrocortisone or placebo was enlighten-
aspects of corticosteroid therapy—the use of mineralocorti- ing.72 It identified 2 transcriptomic sepsis response signatures
coids. In this study, the 200 mg IV daily dose of hydrocortisone (SRSs), one relatively immune-suppressed (SRS1) and the
will be compared to 3 different doses of fludrocortisone to iden- other, immuno-competent (SRS2) with different outcomes
tify the possible impact of this combination therapy on a variety after corticosteroid therapy. Patients with the immunocompe-
of primary and secondary outcomes including mortality, length tent SRS2 endotype who were treated with corticosteroids
of stay, shock recurrence, and ventilator-free days. had higher mortality than those who were given a placebo but
A way to reframe the adrenal insufficiency in the sepsis nar- not those with the SRS1 endotype. While these findings are
rative is to consider whether there may exist different pheno- promising, further validation studies are needed, and it is too
types of adrenal response to sepsis. Various strategies of early to consider them useful when managing patients at the
genome analysis have been proposed to categorize the human bedside.
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