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8 Self Esteem

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I don't love me

H E A L T H Y S E L F - E S T E E M

T: +27 51 401 2853 l E: scd@ufs.ac.za l www.ufs.ac.za\kovsiecounselling

I DON'T LOVE ME Lize van den Bergh

Most people have moments or days when

A person who does they don’t feel good about themselves. That
not set conditions for is pretty normal. But, it can become a
his/her self-
worth has a healthier
problem if it is more frequent than not.
relationship Naturally, a person might feel more negative
with him/herself. A about themselves at certain times in their
statement such as:
“Yes, my boyfriend lives, for example after failing a test or after a
broke up with me, but break-up. This is also normal. It is sometimes
this doesn’t mean I
am not worthy of a natural process of figuring things out. When
love. It just means we you fail a test, feeling bad about it often leads
did not work together
to doing something different for the next
and will probably be
better suited with test. You might be feeling bad about yourself,
another person” because you KNOW you didn’t study hard
means you have
unconditional self- enough. In this case, it is helpful, as it raises
acceptance and self-awareness. BUT, if this feeling is more
permanent than fleeting, it does a lot more
harm than good.
Events in the past are most
often to blame. Children are not
born with low self-esteem.
Some experiences that might
have a negative impact on your
self-esteem are:

• Having a critical parent

Being able to fully accept yourself, • Being abused (sexually,
warts and all, is an important aspect verbally, physically)
of living a fulfilling life. If you are • Experiencing academic
able to do this, you won’t need to difficulties
“conditionally” accept yourself. For • Romantic relationships (that
example, a person who has a low ended badly / are unhealthy)
self-esteem usually has conditions • Being bullied
for him/herself: “IF I succeed at my
test, THEN I am clever/worthy” or
“IF I have a boyfriend THEN I am

rather learn to accept

yourself Unconditionally
It is important to get to know yourself
and to know your strengths and
challenges without judging them.

You have weaknesses, but you ARE NOT your weaknesses.
Holding on to past events does more
harm than good. We often struggle
to let go due to the emotional impact
that this event had on us. It is also
easier sometimes to blame
someone/something for us not
succeeding in life. Refer to page 100:
“Something in my past continues to
haunt me” for more help with this.
It is important to become aware of your own sabotaging behaviours, so
that you can CHOOSE to live your ultimate life. The life you deserve!
Long after the event / person
is no longer in our lives, we
often sabotage our own
success / happiness because
we often do not believe we
deserve it. Some self-
sabotaging behaviours are:

• Procrastinating
• Addictions (substances,
shopping, relationships)
• Self-harm
• Negative self-talk
• People-pleasing
• Being submissive 49
COMMITMENT I choose to be kind,
Today, I commit myself to: gentle and patient
• Let go of my past with myself.
• Stop waiting for my life to get better
• Choose action I choose self-
• Focus on MY truth, values and beliefs, compassion.
not those of others
• Love myself unconditionally I choose self-love.
List 5 things that you appreciate about yourself.
These can be physical attributes or personal characteristics.

Another way to create more self-love is to nurture and take care
of yourself. By doing this, you are giving yourself the message
that you are worthy of receiving love and care, just like anyone
else. Here are some examples of self-nurturing activities.
Try to do one of these every day:

Spoil yourself with a Get a massage / pedicure / manicure / haircut

cappuccino / milkshake
Go to the movies
Take a walk in nature Watch
by yourself
Buy yourself Relax with a
something good book or
special that you soothing music
can afford
Have breakfast in bed
Write yourself a kind letter filled with compliments and
acknowledgment of your accomplishments

Keeping a daily self-esteem journal could help you focus your
attention on positive things within and around you.
You might realise that you do a lot of great things
without thinking about them.

I felt proud when

Today I really enjoyed
I was kind when
A positive thing I witnessed
Today I accomplished
A compliment I received
I had fun when

Repeating positive affirmations is

another way of boosting your self-
esteem. Here are some examples:
I am a valuable and important person
I deserve to be alive
I am kind to myself and others





Simply Being
Confidence Coach
Pay It Forward
Cognitive Diary
Build Confidence
Self Esteem Building Guide


"The Personal Workbook for Breaking the Chain of Low

Self-Esteem: A Proven Program for Recovery from LSE"
by Marilyn J. Sorensen, Ph.D.

"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by E.J Bourne

"The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed

to Be and Embrace Who You Are" by Brene Brown

"The Self-love Experiment: Fifteen principles for becoming more

kind, compassionate, and accepting of yourself" by Shannon Kaiser


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