SPPM Course File (22-23)
SPPM Course File (22-23)
SPPM Course File (22-23)
Course File
A.Y 2023-2024
D. Chaithanya
Asst Prof., IT Department
4 Program Outcomes
6 Academic Calender
7 Time Table
8 Roll List
12 Lecture Plan
To evolve into a Center of excellence in Science & Technology through creative and innovative
internationally accepted competitive and world class professionals who are psychologically strong
and emotionally balanced imbued with social consciousness and ethical values.
To provide high quality academic programmes, training activities, research facilities and
entrepreneurship, leadership and research aptitude among students and contribute to the economic
2. To train students to be industry ready and to have multidisciplinary skills as an individual and as a
3. To impart skills beyond university prescribed to transform students into a well- rounded IT
4. To continuously engage in research and projects development, use of emerging technologies to attain
PEO1: To create and sustain a community of learning in which students acquire knowledge and
apply in their concerned fields with due consideration for ethical, ecological, and economic issues.
PEO2: To provide knowledge based services so as to meet the needs of the society and industry.
PEO3: To make the students understand, design and implement the concepts in multiple arenas.
PEO4: Graduates with leadership skills, Lifelong learning ability for a successful professional
Career. To educate the students in disseminating the research findings with good soft skills so as to
become successful entrepreneurs.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PSO-1 Students were enabled to apply the core engineering subjects related to Digital signal
processing, Signal and Systems also Electrical circuits, Manufacturing knowledge in analysis and to
conduct experimental investigation of complex mechanical products / systems.
PSO-2 Graduates were enabled to use the modern modeling and finite element analysis software’s
in developing the new mechanical products and also demonstrates the social responsibility,
professional ethics and environmental safety in their professional and personal life.
PSO-3 Co-curricular activities in collaboration with industries, R&D centers and professional
bodies and also extra-curricular activities enable the students to acquire organizing abilities, team &
competitive spirit, communication & management skills and knowledge of emerging technologies.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Software Process Maturity
Software maturity Framework, Principles of Software Process Change, Software Process Assessment, The
Initial Process, The Repeatable Process, The Defined Process, The Managed Process, The Optimizing
Process Reference Models
Capability Maturity Model (CMM), CMMI, PCMM, PSP, TSP).
Software Project Management Renaissance
Conventional Software Management, Evolution of Software Economics, Improving Software
Economics, The old way and the new way. Life-Cycle Phases and Process artifacts
Engineering and Production stages, inception phase, elaboration phase, construction phase, transition
phase, artifact sets, management artifacts, engineering artifacts and pragmatic artifacts, model-based
software architectures.
Workflows and Checkpoints of process
Software process workflows, Iteration workflows, Major milestones, minor milestones, periodic status
Process Planning
Work breakdown structures, Planning guidelines, cost and schedule estimating process, iteration planning
process, Pragmatic planning.
Project Organizations
Line-of- business organizations, project organizations, evolution of organizations, process automation.
Project Control and process instrumentation
The seven-core metrics, management indicators, quality indicators, life-cycle expectations, Pragmatic
software metrics, metrics automation.
CCPDS-R Case Study and Future Software Project Management Practices
Modern Project Profiles, Next-Generation software Economics, Modern Process Transitions.
1. Managing the Software Process, Watts S. Humphrey, Pearson Education
2. Software Project Management, Walker Royce, Pearson Education
1. An Introduction to the Team Software Process, Watts S. Humphrey, Pearson Education, 2000
2. Process Improvement essentials, James R. Persse, O’Reilly, 2006
3. Software Project Management, Bob Hughes & Mike Cotterell, fourth edition, TMH, 2006
4. Applied Software Project Management, Andrew Stellman & Jennifer Greene, O’Reilly, 2006.
5. Head First PMP, Jennifer Greene & Andrew Stellman, O’Reilly, 2007
6. Software Engineering Project Management, Richard H. Thayer & Edward Yourdon,
2nd edition, Wiley India, 2004.
• Gain knowledge of software economics, phases in the life cycle of software development, project
organization, project control and process instrumentation
• Analyze the major and minor milestones, artifacts and metrics from management and technical
• Design and develop software product using conventional and modern principles of software
project management
C404.1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
C404.2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2
C404.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
No. of
S.No. TOPIC Teaching Methodologies Resources
12 Conventional Software 1
Management BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
13 Evolution of Software 2
14 Improving Software Economics 1 BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
Life-Cycle Phases and Process
15 2
artifacts BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
Engineering and Production
16 1
inception phase, elaboration
17 2
construction phase, transition
18 1
phase, artifact sets BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
19 1
management artifacts BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
20 engineering artifacts and 1
pragmatic artifacts BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
model-based software
21 1
architectures BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
33 evolution of organizations, 1
process automation BLACK BOARD, PPT T2
1. Managing the Software Process, Watts S. Humphrey, Pearson Education
2. Software Project Management, Walker Royce, Pearson Education
13. Question Bank:
1c. What are the key practices that improve overall 10M 2 1,5,6 2
software quality?
Choose The Correct Answers
1. Capability level in which process area is either not performed or doesn't achieve all goals
and objectives defined by CMMI respective level
a.) Level 0: Incomplete b.) Level 0: Complete c.) Level 1: Performed d.) Level2:
a.) postmortem b.) planning c.) high level design d.) Development
6. Which of the following risks are derived from the organizational environment where
the software is being developed?
a.) People Risks b.) Organizational risks c.) Estimation risks d.)
Technology risks
8. Project has uncertainties on some functionalities at the beginning which will improve
over time. Which software development model is suitable?
Select one:
a. None of the above b. Waterfall c. Iterative d. Incremental
17. Framework that encompasses a process, set of methods and an array of tools is
termed as
and Identified.
a software system?
3. An independent relationship must exist between the attribute that can be measured by
a)True b) False
4. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change?
a) Build & Fix Model b) Prototyping Model c) RAD Model d) Waterfall Model
5. Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?
10. Which of the following is not generally considered a stakeholder in the software process?
a. end users b. project team c. sales team d. customer
Fill in The Blanks:
15. A is the sequence of processing steps that completely handles one business transaction
or customer request
1. Which of the following are parameters involved in computing the total cost of a
software development project?
a)Hardware and software costs b) Effort costs c) Travel and training costs d) All of the
2. Which of the following costs is not part of the total effort cost?
a)Costs of networking and communications b) Costs of providing lighting office space
c) Costs of lunch time food d) Costs of support staff
a)True b) False
10. Which of the following is not a commonly used technique for schedule compression
a.) quality reduction b.) use of overtime c.) scope reduction d.) resource
Fill in the Blanks:
13. Quality planning is the process of developing a quality plan for A: Project
15. The project usually provides the direction and funding for the project. A: Sponsor
17. The limitations of scope, time, and cost goals are sometimes referred to
as the .A: Triple Constraint
18. Function-related metrics related to the overall functionality of the delivered software?
19. Estimation by analogy technique is applicable when other projects in the same
20. Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available
Choose The Correct Answers
1.Which of the following is not considered as a risk in project management?
a) True b) False
6. In the example of the project of building a house, the would normally be the
general contractor responsible for building the house.
a.) project sponsors b.) project team c.) project manager d.) support staff
7. Project management ensures that the project will satisfy the stated or
implied needs for which it was undertaken.
a.) cost b.) time c.) scope d.) quality
9. Most people agree that the modern concept of project management began with the ?.
a.) Great Wall of China b.) first space shuttle c.) Egyptian pyramids d.) Manhattan Project
10. In which year Henry Gantt developed the famous Gantt chart as a tool for scheduling work
in factories.
a.) 1897 b.) 1917 c.) 1927 d.) 1957
Fill in the Blanks:
13. Detailed specifications, schematics, and schedules are all developed during the
14. Creativity is at its zenith during the stage of the project life cycle.
15. The degree of risk associated with the project is at its highest during the stage.
1. Standard Enforcer is a
2. Which testing tool does a simple job of enforcing standards in a uniform way of
many programs?
a) Static Analyzer b) Code Inspector
c) Standard Enforcer d) Both Code Inspector & Standard Enforcer
3. Which metric gives the idea about the contents on a web page ?
a) Word Token b) Word Count c) Word Size d) Word Length
4. Which of the following is not a classification of the web engineering metric, Web Page
Similarity ?
a) Content based b) Link based c) Usage based d) Traffic based
6. Just as passing the CPA exam is a standard for accountants, passing the exam is
becoming a standard for project managers.
a.) PMI b.) PM c.) PMP d.) PMO
7. The Project Management , a Web site for people involved in project management,
provides an alphabetical directory of more than 300 project management software
solutions. a.) Center b.) Alliance c.) Consortium d.) Facility
10. Which management involves defining and managing all the work required to complete
the project successfully?
a.) scope b.) quality c.) time d.) cost
Fill in the Blanks:
12. The goals of a project are sometimes called . 13.Projects are -focused.
15. In general, product life cycles are becoming and product launch
windows are becoming
16. Link based measures rely on _ of a web graph to obtain related pages
19. Extracting data items and objects, to get information on data flow, and to understand
the existing data structures that have been implemented is sometimes called _
1. Prescribe the conventional and evolution of software.
2. Analyze the importance of improving software economics.
3. Evaluate budget for any small scale projects.
4. Describe the evolution of software economics.
5. Formulate various cost estimation models.
1. Comprehend the process of managing software from conventional to modern.
2. Catagorize different life cycle phases.
3. Analyse engineering and production stages.
4. Describe various artifact sets.
5. Apply, design & develop the software system process.
1. Analyse the architecture of a model based software and the process flow
2. Describe various workflows.
3. Summerize the check points of the process.
4. Develop the WBS structure of any project.
5. Illustrate different process planning strategies.
1. Analyse the process automation, process management, and its discrminants.
2. Identify seven core metrics.
3. Formulate metric automation.
4. Describe the evolution of organization
1. Establish modern project profile.
2. Plan and manage projects at each stage of the SDLC.
3. Estimate future technologies of managing software projects.
4. Analyse next generation software economics.
15. Assignment Test Question papers
16.MID-I and MID-II Question papers
17. MID-I ,MID-II Scheme of Evolution
Levels of CMM
• Level One :Initial - The software process is characterized as inconsistent, and occasionally
even chaotic. Defined processes and standard practices that exist are abandoned during a crisis.
Success of the organization majorly depends on an individual effort, talent, and heroics. The
heroes eventually move on to other organizations taking their wealth of knowledge or lessons
learnt with them.
• Level Two: Repeatable - This level of Software Development Organization has a basic
and consistent project management processes to track cost, schedule, and functionality. The
process is in place to repeat the earlier successes on projects with similar applications. Program
management is a key characteristic of a level two organization.
• Level Three: Defined - The software process for both management and engineering
activities are documented, standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for the
entire organization and all projects across the organization use an approved, tailored version of the
organization's standard software process for developing,testing and maintaining the application.
• Level Four: Managed - Management can effectively control the software development
effort using precise measurements. At this level, organization set a quantitative quality goal for
both software process and software maintenance. At this
maturity level, the performance of processes is controlled using statistical and other quantitative
techniques, and is quantitatively predictable.
• Level Five: Optimizing - The Key characteristic of this level is focusing on continually
improving process performance through both incremental and innovative technological
improvements. At this level, changes to the process are to improve the process performance and at
the same time maintaining statistical probability to achieve the established quantitative process-
improvement objectives.
2. A)Explain about elaboration phase?
It is a pre-development stage of the project's creation. It involves numerous investigations and
helps to define the project's scope and clarify all the requirements
B)Describe the Life cycle phases of a software development?
Software Development Life Cycle is the application of standard business practices to building
software applications. It's typically divided into six to eight steps: Planning, Requirements,
Design, Build, Document, Test, Deploy, Maintain.
C) Explain with a neat diagram how various artifacts evolved over the life Understand
Artifact is generally used to represent cohesive information that is created and reviewed as a
single entity.
In an artifact, some amount of precision in description of the final system description is
represented at each stage of development. The precision is very low and representation is also
high early in the life cycle process.
Eventually, precision of representation is high and everything is explained even specifies in a
full detailed manner. Each state of development generally focuses on a specific artifact set. The
overall state of a system will also have progressed on all sets at the end of every state or phase.
It is shown in the below diagram.
• Inception Phase: This phase mainly focuses on requirements that are critical usually
with a secondary focus on an initial view of deployment. To achieve concurrence among all
stakeholders on the objectives of lifecycle for project is the overriding target or goal of this
phase. It also focuses on estimating potential risks, estimating the cost and schedule for the
overall project.
• Elaboration Phase: There is a very larger depth in requirements or needs, even more
breadth in the design set, and further focus on the issues of implementation and deployment
during this phase. The activities of elaboration phase must be able to ensure and confirm that
architecture, requirements or needs, and plans are stable enough, and sufficiently mitigation of
the risks, that cost and schedule for completeness of the establishment and development can be
predicted within a range that can be acceptable.
• Construction Phase: Design and implementation are the main and primary goal of this
phase. At this phase, software that is developed newly is integrated and inserted where and
whenever required. The primary goal and objectives of this phase are to minimize or reduce
costs of development by optimizing resources and even avoiding unnecessary scrap, achieve
high quality fastly, and even to achieve versions that are useful as fast as possible.
• With the help of the engineering team that is nominal or are not expert, a project that is
well and carefully managed can succeed in achieving their purpose.
• Even if the team of engineers is highly expert, a project that is not carefully managed
can never succeed in achieving its purpose.
• With the help of a team of software builders or developers that are not experts or are
nominal, a system that is well-architected can be developed or built.
• Even with the help of a team of software builders or developers that are experts, a
system that is poorly architected will experience many difficulties.
Boehm (1981) have suggested and offered five staffing principles generally to examine how to
staff a software project. These principles are given below:
1. The principle of Top Talent –This principle simply suggests using fewer or fewer
people that are better. The quality of people is very essential and important. So, it is highly
suggested to use a smaller number of peoples with more skills and talent.
2. The Principle of Job Matching –This principle simply suggests to fit and adjust and
task to the skills and the motivation of the people that are available. The skillset of the pe ople
usually varies from one to another. The best programmer might not be suitable as an architect or
a manager. In the same way, an architect or manager is not suitable as a programmer. So, it is
highly suggested to motive them to do their jobs.
3. The Principle of Career Progression – This principle states that an organization does
best and better in the long run just be providing help to its people to self-actualize. All the
training programs of the organization that are having educational value and project training
programs are very helpful and essential for all of the individuals to develop their careers.
4. The Principle of Team Balance – This principle simply suggests to use and select the
people who will complement and harmonize with one other. The psychology of all the team
members will help in balancing the team. All of them should be friendly and should be quickly
mingle with their co-member of the team.
5. The Principle of Phaseout – This principle suggests that keeping a misfit on the team
won’t be going to benefit anyone.