Assignment 2 PP
Assignment 2 PP
Assignment 2 PP
Submitted by:
Section: C
Session 2018-2022
Submitted to:
Sir Habibullah
Types of Solar Power Plant:
A solar power plant is used in an active manner when the energy from the sun is converted directly
into a useable form which can be used for powering all kinds of appliances that are present in the
house on a normal basis. Passive use of solar energy takes place when houses and buildings have been
created in such a manner that they get the maximum exposure to the rays of the sun.
There are many different kinds of solar power plants which are constructed all over the world. They
include the
Working Principle
The working principle is that we use the energy of photons to get the drift current flowing in the
circuit using reversed bias p-n junction diode (p-type and n-type silicon combination).
As sunlight falls over a solar cell, a large number of photons strike the p-type region of silicon.
Electron and hole pair will get separated after absorbing the energy of photon. The electron travels
from p-type region to n-type region due to the action of electric field at p-n junction. Further the diode
is reversed biased to increase this electric field. So, these current starts flowing in the circuit for
individual solar cell. We combine the current of all the solar cells of a solar panel, to get a significant
Solar power plant has a large number of solar panels connected to each other to get a large voltage
output. The electrical energy coming from the combined effort of solar panels is stored in the
Lithium-ion batteries to be supplied at night time, when there is no sunlight
Main Components
Solar cell
• semiconductor device
Solar panel (PV module)
• different than collector
Solar array
• solar panel
• battery
• inverters
• electrical components
• appliance
Operation Cycle & Process Flow
• PV Generation Output Analysis
Determining the total load current and operating time requirements in Ampere-hours
2. Wind
In the chosen area the wind flow is moderate and it will be same throughout the year
and the effect of wind is very less because the site where the 1Mw plant to be installed is come under
Deccan plateau only during monsoon the wind speed is more which ranges up to 6.30 Km per hour in
June Wind speed: 4.482 km/sec, Wind direction- south east & south east south
The region experiences hot and dry summer throughout the year except during the South West
Monsoon season. The year may broadly be divided into four seasons. It experiences cold season from
December to Mid-February, summer season from Mid-February to first week of June. South West
monsoon season from June to September and retreating monsoon or the past monsoon season during
October to November. Meteorological drought vulnerability 26% which is moderate according to
average Indian drought frequency.
4. Temperature:
Cold season extending from December to February is followed by summer when both day and night
temperatures increase sharply. May being the hottest month, the mean daily maximum temperature is
about 40*C (104.0*F) and the mean daily minimum is about 28*C (82.4*F) sometimes the day
temperature crosses 44*C during this period. On some days, afternoon thundershowers come as a
blessing and though temporarily they bring relief from the oppressive summer heat. By about the
beginning of October day temperature decreases steadily signaling the withdrawal of monsoon. Day
and night temperature decrease rapidly during November. December is the coldest month with the
mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures being 35*C and 20*C respectively. Sometimes
during the cold season, night temperature may drop down to about 10*C