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Strategies Employed by Grade 2 Teachers in the Development of

Reading Comprehension Skills of Learners

Name (Optional): ________________________________

Age: ________
Sex: ________
Highest Educational Attainment: _____________________________
Civil Status: ____________
Length of Service: _____________

Instructions: Please read each statement carefully and check (/) the
appropriate frequency level that best matches the challenges you

(5) Always
(4) Often
(3) Seldom
(2) Rarely
(1) Never

Section 1: Knowledge of the participants about prior knowledge or previewing

In my class, when teaching my learners 5 4 3 2 1

about prior knowledge or previewing, I (always) (often) (seldom) (rarely) (never)
as a teacher:

1. Can identify learners who are having

a hard time with previewing.

2. Can address the misconceptions of

my learners towards previewing.

3. Can effectively differentiate

instructions to support learners with
varying levels of understanding of
4. Can help in developing the
knowledge of my learners about
5. Have sufficient knowledge about the
strategies and process on teaching
6. Will collaborate with other teachers
on how to teach previewing.

7. I use a variety of strategies and

individual instruction in dealing with
8. I assist my learners in improving their
reading comprehension skills by
creating suitable exercises that
strengthen and foster their ability to

Section 2: Knowledge of the participants about predicting.

In my class, when teaching my 5 4 3 2 1

learners about predicting, I as a (always
(often) (seldom
(rarely) (never)
1. Knows how to properly
disseminate the instructions
towards teaching predicting as a
strategy in reading
comprehension to learners.
2. Have enough skills on teaching
predicting as a strategy in reading
3. Have no difficulties regarding the
basic principle of reading
comprehension which is
predicting that could lead to
effective instruction to my grade 1
4. Is able to select appropriate
activities on teaching predicting
as a part of reading
comprehension skills.

5. Have positive attitudes towards

teaching reading comprehension
strategies that can positively
impact my ability to teach.

6. Is familiar with different types of

activities that can help students
make accurate predictions.

7. Able to know how to differentiate

instruction for learners with
different learning needs when it
comes to teaching the strategy
8. Have a wide awareness of the
role of predicting as a strategy
and how to help students reflect
on their prediction-making
processes and adjust the
strategies as needed.

Section 3: Knowledge of the participants about inferencing

In my class, when teaching my 5 4 3 2 1

learners about (always) (often) (seldom) (rarely) (never)
inferencing, I as a teacher:
1. Know that inferencing is any clue that
the passage would give for the
learner to have deeper
2. Know the process on how to use
inferencing as a strategy on
developing reading comprehension

3. Know how to impart the true essence

of inferencing.

4. Know how to identify useful phrases

and clue that can be used to infer
5. Know how to organize related ideas
together, combine it with some existing
background knowledge to make a new
6. Discuss inferencing effectively as a
strategy on developing reading
comprehension skills.
7. Able to effectively teach and reinforce
inferencing to my learners, using
evidence-based practices and
individualized instruction to ensure
their understanding and mastery of
this fundamental reading
comprehension skill.
8. Able to facilitate the development of
the summarizing strategy among my
learners by providing a variety of
engaging appropriate activities.

Section 4: Knowledge of the participants about questioning

In my class, when teaching my 5 4 3 2 1
learners about (always) (often) (seldom) (rarely) (never)
summarizing, I as a
1. Know that questioning is an important
strategy in developing reading
comprehension skills of the learners.

2. Know the process on how to teach

questioning as a strategy on
developing reading comprehension

3. Know how to impart the true essence

of questioning.

4. Know how to motivate learners to

engage in class that will lead them to
develop questioning.
5. Can help learners to focus their
attention on key concepts and ideas
that will make them formulate
6. Discuss effectively questioning as a
strategy on developing reading
comprehension skills.
7. Able to effectively teach and reinforce
questioning to my learners, using
evidence-based practices and
individualized instruction to ensure
their understanding and mastery of
this fundamental reading
comprehension skill.
8. Able to facilitate the development of
the questioning strategy among my
learners by providing a variety of
engaging appropriate activities.

Section 5: Knowledge of the participants about visualizing

In my class, when teaching my 5 4 3 2 1

learners about visualizing, I as a (always) (often) (seldom) (rarely) (never)

1. Can identify learners who are having

a hard time with visualizing.

2. Can address the misconceptions of

my learners towards visualizing.
3. Can effectively differentiate
instructions to support learners with
varying levels of understanding of
4. Can help in developing the
knowledge of my learners about
5. Have sufficient knowledge about the
strategies and process on teaching
6. Will collaborate with other teachers
on how to model visualization.

7. I use a variety of strategies and

individual instruction in dealing with
8. I assist my learners in improving their
reading comprehension skills by
creating suitable exercises that
strengthen their ability to visualize
and comprehend the text.

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