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(U2) LTTN Good Time, Good Feelings

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1. Choose the correct answer to the following question.

Which word has the CLOSET meaning to “amusing”?
A. Lovely B. Funny C. Boring D. Terrible
2. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
- They felt great ________ when they held their first grandchild.
- I’m sure they were really pleased.
A. happiness B. sadness C. hatred D. sorrow
3. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
- Social _____ such as parties sometimes make me nervous.
- Me too.
A. situations B. weddings C. celebration D. places
4. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
In which of the following situations is the rising intonation used?
A. In all kinds of questions B. In a Yes/No question
C. In a Wh-question D. In all kinds of statements
5. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
- Larry told a ______ but it wasn’t ________. Nobody even smiled.
- Poor Larry!
A.presentation - amusing B. comedy – recorded
C. story - sad D. joke – amusing
6. Watch the video about “Laughter Yoga” and choose the correct answer to the
following question.
According to the video, laughter has effects that are similar to _________.
A. singing B. swimming C. jogging D. running
7. Choose the correct answer to the following.
- Your car is making a really odd ___________.
- Really? Maybe I should take it to a mechanic.
A. shout B. scream C. sounds D. sound
8. Watch the video about “Laughter Yoga” and choose the correct answer to the
following question. When do babies first begin to laugh?
A.at 3-4 months of age B.at 3-4 years of age C.at 3-4 days of age D.at the birth
9. Watch the video about “Laughter Yoga” and choose the correct answer to the
following question. What health issues CAN’T laughter help with?
A. It helps prevent heart attacks or strokes. B. It keeps blood vessels healthy.
C. It helps ease pain and depression. D. It helps lose weight fast.
10. Listen to a lecture and choose the correct option to answer the following question.
What is the speaker’s main purpose?
A. To compare different animals B. To give us information about laughter
C. To make us laugh D. To teach us how to laugh in different ways
11. Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.
What does the word “laughter” mean?
A. A noise, something that can be heard C.A sound of happiness or amusement
B.A thing that someone says to make people laugh D.A person who usually smiles
12. Watch the video about “Laughter Yoga” and choose the correct answer to the
following question.
How many calories can you burn up if you laugh for 5 - 10 minutes?
A. up to 400 B. up to 100 C. up to 40 D. up to 4000
13. Choose the correct answer to the following questions.
- I missed the lecture.
- don’t worry. I ________ it on my computer. We can listen to it again later.
A.recording B. records C. record D. recorded
14. Choose the correct answer to the following questions.
Which of the following words has the most syllables?
A.International B.Biologist C.Adventurous D.Interesting
15. Watch the video about “Laughter Yoga” and choose the correct answer to the
following question. What do people do in laughter yoga?
A. They cry first and then laugh. B. They laugh without telling jokes.
C. They listen to jokes and then laugh. D. They make some yoga poses to laugh.
16. Choose the correct answer to the following questions.
- They must be having fun. I hear _______ coming from next door.
- Yeah, they’re watching their favourite _______ show.
A.laughter – comedy B.laugh – talk C. crying – comedy  D. happiness – TV
17. Listen to a lecture and choose the correct option to answer the following question.
According to the lecture, people usually laugh ___________.
A. when other people laugh B. at good jokes
C. when they are sad D. after they learn to talk
18. Listen to a lecture and choose the correct option to answer the following question.
What is the apes’ laughter like?
A.It is a sort of panting sound. B.It is a sort of screaming sound.
C.It is a kind of crying sound. D.It is the same as a human laughter.
19. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
- There is a new _____ on Professor Watson’s team?
- Interesting. What is she studying?
A. teacher B. research C. teach D. researcher
20. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
They exercise and they’re very fit, so they can do very _____ work.
A. soft B. strong C. weak D. physical
21. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
Which topic is NOT suitable for making small talk?
A. hobbies B. traffic C. weather D. monthly income
22. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
- So, who ____ the group discussion yesterday?
- Adriana did. She asked some really good question about the topic.
A. Lead B. Make C. Led D. Making
23. Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer.
According to the lecture, people will probably not laugh __________.
A. When they see something with their friends
B. When they’re alone
C. When they’re with friends
D. In a social situation
24. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
What does the word “laughter” mean?
A. A thing that someone says to make people laugh C. A person who usually smiles
B. A noise, something that can be heard D. A sound of happiness or amusement
25. Choose the correct answer to the following question.
What don’t you say when asking for repetition?
A. Sorry, I didn’t get that. B. Really?
C. What did you say? D. Could you say that again?
26. Watch the video about “Laughter Yoga” and choose the correct answer to the
following question. How do babies use laugher?
A. as an early way to draw attention
B. as an early means of communication with their mother
C. as an early means of communication with everyone
D. as an early way of their self-defense
1.Đáp án dúng là: Funny Vì: Past simple tense should be used to show
Vì: “Amusing” means “funny and enjoyable” that the speaker recorded the lecture, so they
2.Đáp án đúng là: happiness can watch it later.
Vì: Hatred, Sadness and Sorrow are negative  14.Đáp án đúng là: International (5 syllables)
feelings while Happiness is a positive one, Vì: Adventurous: 4 syllables; Biologist: 4
suitable in the context when somebody has syllables; Interesting: 3 syllables;
his/her first grandchild 15.Đáp án đúng là: They laugh without telling
3.Đáp án đúng là: situations jokes.
Vì: Parties are a kind of social situations. Vì: “Laughter yoga is a way for people to use
4.Đáp án đúng là: In a Yes/No question laughter without telling jokes and being able to
Vì: We raise our voice at the end of yes/no get the laughter to help them feel better.”
question to show the interrogation and lower 16.Đáp án đúng là: laughter – comedy
our voice at the end of Wh-question to ask for Vì: The answer is given based on the context.
facts or reasons, etc. Laughter: the act of laugh
5.Đáp án đúng là: joke – amusing Comedy: a funny film
It means that Larry gave a joke but nobody 17.Đáp án đúng là: when other people laugh
smiled because it was not funny at all. Vì: “Ah, now we’re all laughing. That’s
6.Đáp án đúng là: jogging because we usually laugh when we hear other
Vì: “But equally important is that the blood people laugh.”
vessel opening that we see is the same as going 18.Đáp án đúng là: It is a sort of panting
jogging…” sound.
7.Đáp án đúng là: sound Vì: “Apes also like to be tickled. Tickling
Vì: The car makes a really strange sound; there causes them to make a sort of panting sound.
fore it should be taken to a mechanic to be Researchers in the U.K. recorded a lot of apes
fixed. making this sound, and they think it’s a form
8.Đáp án đúng là: at 3-4 months of age of laughter.”
“But laughter is not present at birth. It appears 19.Đáp án đúng là: researcher
about three to four months of age...” The blank needs a noun showing a person
9.Đáp án đúng là: It helps lose weight fast. working with the Professor.
Vì: “Woman: The interesting thing is, is that it 20. Đáp án đúng là: physical
helps ease pain, it can ease depression, it’s a ‘physical work’ requires being fit and strong
way to move and get into your inner child. And 21. Đáp án đúng là: monthly income
it’s a lot of fun. And adults don’t remember ‘Monthly income’ is a personal issue, not
necessarily how to have fun. suitable to be mentioned when we talk to
Man: The bottom line of our research is that people we don’t know well.
laughter not only makes us feel good but it has 22. Đáp án đúng là: led
a direct effect on our blood vessels. And our Lead – led -led. Past simple tense should be
blood vessels control the likelihood of us used to express events happened “yesterday”
developing a heart attack or a stroke. And so if 23. Đáp án đúng là: when they’re alone
we keep the blood vessels healthy, then we’re Vì: “Provine says that human beings laugh in
going to be healthy…” social situations. They laugh at something their
10.Đáp án đúng là: To give us information friend says, or they laugh at something they
about laughter see, but again—something they see with their
Vì: “OK, well. Today we’re starting a new friends. People don’t usually laugh alone.”
topic. It’s a fun topic, but it’s also serious 24. Đáp án đúng là: A sound of happiness or
science. We’re looking at laughter—laughter amusement
in both human beings and in animals.” Vì: “Laughter” means the act of laughing. We
11.Đáp án đúng là: A sound of happiness or usually laugh when we are happy.
amusement 25. Đáp án đúng là: Really?
Vì: “Laughter” means the act of laughing. We Vì: “Really?” is used to show that you are
usually laugh when we are happy. surprised or interested in what is being said. It
12.Đáp án đúng là: up to 40 cannot be used to ask for repetition.
Vì: “You could burn up to 40 calories for five 26. Đáp án đúng là: as an early means of
to ten minutes of laughter…” communication with their mother
13.Đáp án đúng là: recorded Vì: “…and it’s one of the most important early
means of communication between babies and

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