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Short Chronological Description of The Entire Education

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Short chronological description of the entire education

Candidate: Marijana Dujović

- 1996−2004. Primary School “Sveti Sava”, Belgrade, Serbia.
- 1996−2004. Primary Music Schools “Josip Slavesnki” and “Josif Marinković”, major subjects: violin and
- 2004−2008. Music High School „Mokranjac“, Department of Music Theory, Belgrade.
- 2008−2012. Bachelor studies, University of Art in Belgrade, Faculty of Music, Department of
- 2012−2014. Master studies, University of Art in Belgrade, Faculty of Music, Department of Musicology.

Courses and master classes:

- 12−13. April 2010, Faculty of Music in Belgrade: „Introduction to Critical Musicology“, „ Introduction
to Popular Musicology“, by Adam Krims, University of Nottingham.
- 25−29. March 2013, Faculty of Music in Belgrade: „Popular Music, Politics and Ideology“, by prof. Dario
Martinelli, PhD, University of Lapland.
- 7−10. May 2013, Faculty of Music in Belgrade: "Intensive course - music and technology", by Prof. Aleš
Nagode, PhD, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
- November−December 2013, online course: „The Future of Storytelling“ by Prof. Winfried Gerling, Prof.
Constanze Langer, Christina Maria Schollerer, and Julian van Dieken, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Iversity
- 20−21th of June 2014, Children Cultural Centre in Belgrade, „ Psychosocial support development in
children and adolescents“, by Prof. Bojana Škorc, PhD; organized by the Association „Zdravo da ste“.


Marijana Dujović

Both my bachelor's and master's degrees were issued after a few years. Both were issued in 2018, because the
faculty did not issue diplomas before, which can be checked in the student service of the faculty, at this email
address: Mrs Aleksandra Džmerković, associate for studies and student affairs, departments of: Composition,
Conducting, Musicology, Jazz department, e mail address: and@fmu.bg.ac.rs web page:

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