Unit 10 Web Design and Development Reworded 2021 Bhanuka Perera
Unit 10 Web Design and Development Reworded 2021 Bhanuka Perera
Unit 10 Web Design and Development Reworded 2021 Bhanuka Perera
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID Jayasuriya Kuranage Bhanuka Perera NEG – E-118432
LO1. Explain server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites.
LO3. Utilise website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles to create a multipage
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D2
LO4. Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 M5 D3
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11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A
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Unit Number and Title Unit 10- Web Design and Development
Issue Date
Submission Date
Submission Format:
Part 1.
Report- Submit a professional report with appropriate report formatting and guidelines followed. All the research
data should be referenced along with in-text citations using Harvard referencing system.
Part 2
A fully functional web solution
LO1 Explain server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites.
LO2 Categorize website technologies, tools and software used to develop websites.
LO3 Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles to create a multipage website.
LO4 Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website.
Develop a web-based solution for the above scenario and produce a report covering the following tasks.
Task 1 - Server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites (LO1)
1.1 Explain and differentiate the different web technologies such as communication protocols, server hardware,
operating systems and web server software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing the Hospital
Management System (HMS).
1.2 Identify and define the types of DNS and the uses of it, with clarifications on how domain names are
structured. Review the effect of search engines on website performance. Provide evidence-based support for
improving a site’s index value and rank of the Hospital Management System (HMS) through search engine
1.3 Identify and explain the common web development technologies and frameworks. Explain the tools and
techniques chosen to develop the above web application and justify your choice by providing valid evidence.
Task 2 - Categories website technologies, tools and software used to develop websites (LO2)
2.1 Considering the requirements given in the above scenario define the relationships between front-end and
back-end website technologies and discuss how the front-end and the back end relate to presentation and
application layers.
2.2 Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and custom-built web sites by considering the
design flexibility, performance, functionality, User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). Evaluate the tools
and techniques available to design the web application given in the scenario.
Task 3 - Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles to create a multipage
website (LO3)
3.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using PHP, JS and MySQL (Screenshots of
important code lines with proper comments and user interfaces filled with sample data must be attached to
the documentation). Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well normalized
database design of the proposed system. Provide evidence of the design, multipage website supported with
fidelity wireframes and a full set of client and user requirements.
3.2 Compare and contrast the multipage website created to the design document. Use your design document
with appropriate principles, standards and guidelines to produce a branded, multipage website supported
with realistic content and critically evaluate the web design, development process against your design
document analyzing any technical challenges you faced during the development.
Note - Synthesize client and the server-side functionalities in the proposed design.
Task 4 - Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website (LO4)
4.1 QA process is expected to discover design issues and development errors while testing a product’s user
interface (UI) and gauging the user experience (UX). Evaluate the Quality Assurance (QA) process and
review how it was implemented during your design and development stages.
4.2 Create a suitable test plan for the developed system and critically evaluate the results of your Test Plan.
Include a review of the overall success of your multipage website; use this evaluation to explain any areas
of success and provide justified recommendations for areas that require improvements.
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback
Primarily, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the lecturer of this unit,
Mr. Tuan Wazeem and Mr. Nadheera Senasinghe , for the delivery of valuable
lectures, assignment guidance and review sessions conducted to examine our progress
from time to time.
Aside from him, I would also like to extend my gratitude to the management of
ESoft Metro Campus for conducting extra guidance sessions and for providing the
necessary facilities to join online learning due to the prevailing pandemic situation.
Finally, I would also like to thank my family and my dear batch mates for their
support and encouraging me during this challenging time.
Bhanuka Perera
Activity 01 ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Identify types of DNS and it purposes, include an explanation about how domain
names are organized and managed. ........................................................................................ 8
1.2 Explain the purpose and relationships between communication protocols, server
hardware, operating systems and web server software with regards to designing, publishing
and accessing a website ........................................................................................................ 13
1.2.5 Evidence for improving a site’s index value and rank through search engine
optimization....................................................................................................................... 18
1.3 Identify and explain the common web development technologies and frameworks.
Explain the tools and techniques chosen to develop the above web application and justify
your choice by providing valid evidence. ............................................................................. 19
1.3.2 Explain the tools and techniques chosen to develop the above web application ..... 24
2.1 Considering the requirements given in the above scenario define the relationships
between front-end and back-end website technologies and discuss how the front-end and
the back end relate to presentation and application layers. .................................................. 28
2.1.3 How front and the back end relate to presentation and application layers .............. 31
2.2 Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and custom-built web
sites by considering the design flexibility, performance, functionality, User Experience
(UX) and User Interface (UI). Evaluate the tools and techniques available to design the
web application given in the scenario................................................................................... 32
2.2.1 differences between online website creation tools and custom-built web sites
Online website creation tools. ........................................................................................... 32
2.2.2 Evaluate the tools and techniques available to design the web application given in
the scenario........................................................................................................................ 34
Activity 03 ............................................................................................................................... 37
3.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using PHP, JS and
My SQL. Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well
normalized database design of the proposed system. Provide evidence of the design,
multipage website supported with fidelity wireframes and a full set of client and user
requirements. ........................................................................................................................ 37
3.1.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using PHP, JS
and My SQL ...................................................................................................................... 39
3.1.2 Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well normalized
database design of the proposed system. .......................................................................... 64
3.1.3 Provide evidence of the design, multipage website supported with fidelity
wireframes ......................................................................................................................... 67
3.2 Compare and contrast the multipage website created to the design document. ............. 72
Activity 04 ............................................................................................................................... 81
4.1 QA process is expected to discover design issues and development errors while testing
a product’s user interface (UI) and gauging the user experience (UX). Evaluate the Quality
Assurance (QA) process and review how it was implemented during your design and
development stages. .............................................................................................................. 81
4.1.4 Evaluate the Quality Assurance process during your design and development. ..... 83
4.2 Create a suitable test plan for the developed system and critically evaluate the results of
your Test Plan. Include a review of the overall success of your multipage website; use this
evaluation to explain any areas of success and provide justified recommendations for areas
that require improvements. ................................................................................................... 84
4.2.1 Create a suitable test plan for the developed system ............................................... 84
4.2.2 Critically evaluate the results of your Test Plan and explain any areas of success
and provide justified recommendations for areas that require improvements. ................. 88
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 4
List of tables
Table 1. Differences between online tools and custom built | Source (Author's work) ..........33
Table 2. Comparison and contrast of multipage website to the design document | Source
(Author's data) ..........................................................................................................................78
Table 3. Test case for the system | Source (Author's data)……………………………….….87
DNS serves as a fully functional way of figuring out which IP address resolves to which domain
name, allowing it to respond quickly and authoritatively, allowing web browsers to load websites and
their resources without interruption.
1. DNS Resolver - A DNS resolver, also known as a recursive resolver, is set up to respond
to DNS requests with human-readable host names and is in charge of looking up the IP
address associated with those host names. During this procedure, the recopied data is stored
so that it can be used later when the client requests the same IP address.
2. Root server - The root server is where a hostname is translated into an IP address. The
Top-level Domain (TLD) obtained from the user's query by the DNS Root Server; For
example, the.com TLD name server information can be found at www.esoft.lk. In exchange,
the client will provide details for domains such as "esoft.lk" located in the .com DNS zone.
Thirteen root servers identified globally by the letters A through M, operated by
organizations including the Internet Systems Consortium, Verisign, ICANN, the University
of Maryland and the United States Army Research Lab
3. Authoritative DNS server - When a DNS server is designated as the "authoritative" name
server for a specific hostname, it indicates that it has the most recent information available for
that hostname. This decision is made by the top-level DNS servers. The Authoritative Name
Server is the final node in the DNS hierarchy and uses the hostname to provide the correct IP
address to the DNS resolver.
Each level of the hierarchical structure used to organize domain names is indicated by a dot. As an
example, the top-level domain com, the subdomains www and example, and the domain name
www.example.com all exist. A database called the Domain Name System (DNS) converts domain
names into IP addresses. DNS translates human-readable domain names (such as
www.example.com) into IP addresses that computers can use to connect to each other (such as A global network of servers oversees DNS management. Your computer contacts a
DNS server and requests the IP address associated with the domain name you enter your web
browser. Your computer connects to the website after the DNS server returns the IP address.
The quality of a website's content, including its mobile friendliness, keyword density, backlinks,
crawlability, page speed and other variables, is the foundation of SEO. These elements may vary
from search engine to search engine as different SEO techniques are used. SEO has a direct impact
on how well a website performs because without proper SEO techniques, a website will not be able
to reach a wide audience or rank well in search results. Also, the engine will not drive any organic
traffic your way.
How can we improve site index value and ranking through SEO,
• Improvement of the loading speed
• Provide up-to-date content
• Image optimization
• Use relevant keywords strategically
• Optimizing website for mobile devices
Before successful transmission can take place, networked communications devices must agree on
many physical aspects of the data that is to be exchanged. Rules defining data transmissions are
called "protocols." (Techopedia, 2019)
A website is a complex information system that facilitates interactions among users and data sources.
Users can access websites using several types of web browser software. Computers connected to the
internet can run web server software, which stores, organizes and updates data. Web server software
allows websites to function efficiently and accurately. A web server is a powerful program that
works together with web browser software to create dynamic websites. A web server is a computer
program that supports internet connectivity, storage, and data transfer for website creation,
management and maintenance. It is also used to direct internet users to websites on a particular
server. Designing a website requires setting up a web server and uploading the necessary files to
create the website. A web server can be physical or virtual- it can also be installed on a mobile
device connected to the internet. Since web browsers are constantly updated, the programs
themselves are also updated regularly. Files needed to create a website include HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and images to name a few. HTML is the code language used in creating websites. CSS is
the style sheet language used for formatting web pages. Images are used on web pages to add visual
appeal and are also necessary for page accessibility. JavaScript is used as an interactive language that
enables customizations with real-time results. It is also used for online games and applications.
To be able to host a website, you will need an internet service provider (ISP). An ISP connects
computers, networks and telecommunication services between individuals, companies and
governments. Each ISP has different limits on the amount of data transferred through its network
each day. To host a website, you must contact an ISP with sufficient internet access capacity and
security measures for your project. A web server running your project will host all your project's files
and create your website online. Designing, publishing and accessing a website requires setting up a
web server, uploading website files and securing an ISP for internet connectivity. Since hosting is
required for any public access to the internet, it is best to contact your state government regarding
this requirement.
For example, a web browser uses these cycles to retrieve data from a web server and display them as
text and images on the browser's display. The protocol determines how closely clients can interact
with that data. Either hardware or software can be used to create a web server. They are dedicated to
creating frameworks that can satisfy the demands of clients on the world wide web. The web server
has at least one website. The web server uses HTTP and several other related protocols to measure
incoming network requests. The main function of a web server is to store web pages and transmit
them to the appropriate clients. Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used for communication between
client and server (HTTP). Therefore, HTTP is the primary protocol that nodes use to communicate
with each other over the Internet. HTML text that is sent with pages includes graphics, movies, and
other text material. If a specific source is not specified by the server operator, usually a web browser
or web page, the server responds with the contents of that source or outputs an error.
Accessible web servers are installed on devices such as printers, switches, and webcams and run only
on the local network wherever practical. The web server may include a feature to view or control the
device in question. This suggests that only a web browser, which is already included with most
functional frameworks, should be installed on the server framework, and no additional software
should be installed. A functional framework server, often called a server operating system, is an
operating system designed specifically to attack servers, which are specialized computers that
implement a server/server architecture to deliver client PC applications over the network.
As mentioned in the previous section, search engines rank and index websites based on various
factors. Search engines like Google have the ability to identify unique websites based on design and
functionality. When such websites are detected, Google promotes them to higher ranks than websites
created using templates.
Therefore, search engines like Google constantly strive to create a fair and accurate environment for
search purposes. For this reason, it is essential to have a proper understanding of the website you are
working on as well as SEO. On the part of a developer, the only action he/she can take during the
design and development process of a website to ensure a high ranking in any search engine is the use
of meta tags within the source code of that website.
The below figure illustrates evidence for the use of meta tags in the header section of the HMS, in
order to get s higher rank in the results page of a search engine.
Libraries are collections of pieces of code that support a wide range of functionality without the need
to build them all from scratch. Libraries usually go to great lengths to ensure that code is functional
and performs well across browsers and devices.
• jQuery
• Underscore
All your data is contained in databases. It is like a filing cabinet with folders full of documents. SQL
and NoSQL databases are the most popular databases. SQL offers further structure, which helps
ensure that all data is correct and checked. NoSQL offers great versatility when it comes to
developing and managing applications.
• MongoDB - An open-source NoSQL database.
• Redis - Most widely used key-value store. It is lightning quick for data retrieval but does not
allow for much depth in data storage.
Front End
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript make up the front end. This is how and where users can see the website.
Back End
Your server and database make up the backend. It is the location of functions, procedures, and data
manipulation that you do not want your clients to see.
HTML is a markup language which defines the content structure. HTML consists of a collection of
elements that wrap or enclose various sections of the material to make it seem or to behave in some
way. The enclosed tags can hyperlink a word or an image to another place, can make words cursive,
render font bigger or smaller, etc.
JavaScript is a robust server-side scripting language. JavaScript is primarily used to introduce
complex web page functionality.
Web Applications
A web application is a computer program based on a web browser and web technology that performs
tasks over the internet. (“Web app presentation - SlideShare”)
In web applications, servers are used to store and retrieve information and server-side scripts
(JavaScript and HTML) to present information to users using server-side scripts (PHP and ASP). It
enables users to use online forms, content management systems, shopping carts and more to interact
with the app. Applications allow employees to create documents, share information, collaborate on
projects, and work on public documents regardless of their location or device.(Stackpath, 2021)
Taking the previous sections of the report into a summarized view, a custom-made website is a
unique creation developed from the combined efforts of a front-end developer and a back-end
developer to create a portal for businesses and consumers. to interact with each other.
It is not always necessary to have two separate developers for front end and back end, sometimes a
single developer manages to develop the entire website. Those developers are called "Full-stack
developers". In the previous sections of the report, the author has been able to explain the differences
between online website creation tools and custom-made websites in terms of their design,
functionality, etc. and management. According to the detailed investigation of the information
related to both these types and the requirements presented by the management of Arogya Healthcare,
the author has decided to develop a custom-made website for the hospital. A hospital management
system that uses a web-based application makes it very affordable and simple to operate and update
information and data. It will be easier to keep the information and data safe while developing the
Justification for tools and techniques used to develop a website for Arogya Healthcare system
Taking the previous sections of the report into a summarized view, a custom-made website is a
unique creation developed from the combined efforts of a front-end developer and a back-end
developer to create a portal for businesses and consumers. to interact with each other. It is not always
necessary to have two separate developers for front end and back end, sometimes a single developer
manages to develop the entire website. Those developers are called "Full-stack developers". In the
previous sections of the report, the author has been able to explain the differences between online
website creation tools and custom-made websites in terms of their design, functionality, etc. and
management, the author has decided to develop a custom-made website for the hospital, according to
the detailed investigation of the information related to both these types and the requirements
presented by the healthcare management. Application based makes it more affordable and simpler to
operate and update information and data. It is easy to keep the information safe while developing the
system and it is also easy to improve the data.
The back end of a website includes all the activities that are done to ensure the effective functioning
of the client. It is also called server side. Apart from ensuring the efficient operation of the server
side, the back end performs functions such as Data storage and processing. Unlike the front end, this
part of a website does not involve direct interaction with the end users of that particular website. It is
the part of a website that is not visible to users of a website, but whose functionality is used
indirectly by people interacting with front-end software and/or applications. Other tasks such as
creating APIs, using libraries and system components (without interfaces) are also performed in the
back end of a website.
In this way, the above back-end technologies are utilized in the application layer to develop actual
functionalities of websites, in order to deliver dynamic content to users.
The front end is the presentation layer and the back end is the application layer. The front end is
responsible for displaying information to the user and the back end is responsible for storing and
retrieving data.
Presentation layer
The presentation layer is called the front-end layer and the user interface is called front e and it is
accessible through the web browser and web application and it displays the information and content
for the target audience. Accordingly, this layer is created through web technologies such as HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript, and it is built using frameworks and can interact with other layers through
APIs. The presentation layer is mainly used through internet browser or web-based software on
computer or mobile devices. Application layer This is called business logic, domain logic or business
layer. The process of receiving a user request from a browser and determining the ways in which the
data is processed. This layer encodes the data and the protocol followed as the request passes through
the backend. The application layer includes the practical business logic that drives the core
functionality of an application and is typically coded in Java, .NET, C#, Python, C++, and other
programming languages.
Application layer
The application layer contains the functional business logic that drives the basic capabilities of an
application, mostly written in Java, .NET, C#, Python, C++, etc.
Database Layer
Database / data storage system and data access layer. The database layer and examples of these
systems include MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. and the
application layer accesses data through API calls. The presentation layer is mostly deployed to
desktops, tablets, and phones via a web browser or web-based application using a web server, while
the application layer is mostly hosted in the cloud or on a dedicated workstation, depending on the
complexity and processing power required. Application. There are diverse benefits of using the
three-tier architecture, such as speed of development, scalability, performance, and availability,
which help improve development efficiency by allowing the team to focus on their core
2.2.1 differences between online website creation tools and custom-built web sites
Online website creation tools
A platform or program that allows you to create a website quickly and easily is called an online
website development tool. All you need is an internet connection and a web browser. This helps you
work on your website from anywhere and on any device. Another advantage is that web hosting
services are available for these tools, so you do not need to buy and/or set it up. Most online site
builders are built for people with no coding knowledge.
Some examples for online web creation tools are,
• Weebly
• Squarespace.com
• Wix.com
• Wordpress.com
Online website builders use pre-made templates to create websites. Therefore, online website
builders are built to be highly user-friendly, allowing anyone – beginners or expert designers – to
build an entire website in minutes using a drag-and-drop editor. Users create a website by dragging
and dropping items into designated locations; No coding expertise or skill required.
Advantages of using Web creation tools,
• Design flexibility - Significantly less expensive than building a custom-made website, using
a website builder ensures that the majority of website coding is done without the developer
having to lift a finger. As a result, template sites are significantly less expensive than custom
sites, but the developer will still need to spend time customizing the template and integrating
• The sophistication of templates is increasing - The best templates are well-designed, stable,
and allow for a fair amount of customization.
• Performance - Templets are SEO optimized right away, so there is no need to worry about
rankings like Wix, Weebly and Squarespace. However, the main issue is the quality of the
site which can have an impact on the rankings and UI.
Table 1. Differences between online tools and custom built | Source (Author's work)
2.2.2 Evaluate the tools and techniques available to design the web application
given in the scenario.
There are many web application development tools and techniques available to developers. Some of
the most popular include,
• Code editors
• IDEs
• Markup language (HTML)
• Programming languages (PHP)
• Designing languages (CSS)
• Meta tags
• Photo editors
• Frameworks
• Sublime Text
Code editors
Code editors allow web developers to write software programs and applications. This tool is
available in two forms. It can be used as a stand-alone program or as part of an IDE. A code editor
allows web developers to edit source code and handle large code files easily, saving the developer
time and energy.
Popular code editors include Sublime Text, Notepad++ and Visual Studio code.
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is called AJAX. With the help of XML, HTML, CSS, and Java
Script, a new method called AJAX allows developers to build more effective, faster, and interactive
web applications. Currently the most practical Rich Internet Application (RIA) technology is AJAX.
The industry is gaining a ton of momentum and a number of toolkits and frameworks are emerging.
However, AJAX is not supported by all browsers and JavaScript is, making it challenging to
maintain and debug.
Programming languages
The use of programming languages is another tool for website development. Developers rely on
many programming languages to develop a website. Popular programming languages include PHP,
JS, Java and Python. While JavaScript can also be used in front-end development of a website, the
others mentioned above are used in back-end development. Functions are coded and actualized using
these languages that enable the user to access data and interact with the website.
Designing languages
Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is the most widely used design language. CSS allows developers to
design the website as desired. Apart from CSS, JavaScript also works as a design technique. JS
allows developers to incorporate interactive elements into a website's design. So, both CSS and JS
can be used to give a developer a unique and creative design.
Photo editors
When designing and developing a custom-made website, it is essential to use quality content. The
reason behind this is that by doing so, the website can attract the attention of the customers which in
turn attracts more customers to the website. Moreover, it builds trust in consumers that the quality of
a particular business is high. Photo editors are used as a tool to ensure that high-quality images,
logos, and other elements are included on a particular website.
Some popular photo editors include - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator and CorelDraw.
Frame works
Using frames to insert elements into a website is a good choice. Frameworks are great tools that
make work easier for developers by providing ready-made resources to decorate their websites. For
designing, frameworks like Bootstrap are extremely helpful in building an attractive website.
Bootstrap is a CSS framework. It contributes to the front-end development of a website. Having an
attractive design on the client side ensures that customers are attracted to the website.
Popular frameworks include Django, Ruby of Rails, and Bootstrap.
The bottom line is that all the tools and techniques evaluated above greatly aid in the design and
development process of a custom-made website.
Sublime texts
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor popular among developers. It has many features that make
working with code easy, such as syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, file type detection,
sidebar, macros, plug-ins and packages.
3.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using PHP,
JS and My SQL. Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide
the well normalized database design of the proposed system. Provide evidence of
the design, multipage website supported with fidelity wireframes and a full set of
client and user requirements.
Client requirements
• Should be able to store and fetch data in a manner that eliminates or reduces the occurrences
of data inconsistencies.
• Should be able to store, update and fetch personal data of patients, medical histories,
information of relevant staff, room/ward scheduling, staff scheduling and appointment details
whenever needed.
• Should be able to manage inquiries on information related to admission & discharge of
• Should be able to control information related to invoices of patients.
• Should be able to check for availability or rooms and/or wards
User requirements
• Should be able to login.
• Should be able to view profile.
• Should be able to make appointments.
• Should be able to get payment reports.
• Should be able to view services, departments, medicines.
The primary web page of a website is called the home page. The word can also refer to the start page
that appears in a web browser when an application is first launched. The website of Arogya Medicare
has this on its home page. You can login using an email and the password and after logging in, using
this page, we can see system data and information.
The second primary web page of a website is called the dashboard. In here you can access websites
data and information and you can edit them as well, with the help of navigation bar you can go to
different pages to edit and maintain data and information. We can access this page after lining n from
the homepage. The website of Arogya Medicare has this for its dashboard.
While in this page you can view patients details and also, we can add new patients as well, by
entering patient’s name we can search for his/her details.
In this page you can view doctors’ details and also, we can add or delete doctors as well, by entering
doctor’s ID we can search for his/her details.
In this page people can contact us and leave their feedback and suggestions through an email, user
must enter his/her name and phone number.
While in this page viewers can take thorough idea about our services and packages also about contact
details and location.
Navigating through this page receptionist can book an appointment for patient, name. contact NO,
doctor and service type should be entered and after that we can add payment information in cost
calculation, we can enter services and take total at the end. Example is shown below,
To obtain the cost calculator we have used AJAX in the appointment creating page.
In this page we can view information about appointments, it includes details of the patient, doctor
and service as well as date time and price information
To create wire frames for the above system I have used Balsamiq wireframe
Figure 32. Doctor / Patient / Prescription / Appointment Data view | Source (Author's data)
Contact us
Design document
Multipage website
Design document
Multipage website
Design document
Multipage website
Design document
Multipage website
Design document
Multipage website
Table 2. Comparison and contrast of multipage website to the design document | Source (Author's data)
When faced with a technical challenge, it is critical for leaders to clearly describe it, find the
resources (such as employees) best equipped to solve it quickly, and implement the solution in
practice for the benefit of the entire team. A badly made piece of software is clearly a problem.
Finding staff members who have dealt with this problem before or have the knowledge to handle it
quickly, like those in tech support, and have them work on a solution.
Technical Challengers that I faced during developing the Arogya Medicare System,
• Lack of knowledge : This was a significant issue for web development since I lacked the
skills to translate the needed functionality into framework coding. And I may benefit from
your ignorance of the new features.
• Time Management : As previously explained, I had to practically learn by trial and error
until I had a portion of the interface that I wanted, and the little amount of time I had to finish
the system made it more difficult.
• Security : Making the exact design that was outlined in the design document a secured site
that could shield internal assets from outside intruders posed a challenge to the author when
creating it.
• Balancing simplicity : A excellent website should be simple, as was discussed in a previous
part of this study. Matching colours, headers, titles, icons, and other elements was difficult
for the author to do in order to suggest a pleasing design that would be able to live up to or
beyond user expectations.
• Errors in the codes : A big problem is minor errors like syntax errors and functional errors.
Determining the exact locations of errors was difficult, making it difficult to debug the
problems and get them working correctly.
Arogya A multi-page hospital management system for Medicare. As a preliminary step, the author
has gathered the necessary information from the hospital management organizations, then the author
has decided what tools and techniques are appropriate to use to create the website, and finally the
author has taken steps to maintain it. To ensure that the website, system is current and up to date.
First, the author has added client and user requirements.
After conducting several discussion sessions with the management, the author has been able to
understand the main intention of health Medicare management. Their main intention was to have a
fully functional, online system to handle their day-to-day tasks quickly and easily, without wasting
time and energy working with a manual system (the current system).
The design and development process of a specific website is especially important and should be done
carefully by the appropriate development and design parties. This method may involve various stages
depending on the developer. As a preliminary step, communication with the customer before starting
the design and development process, research, wireframe design process, determining the design
development process, preparing resources for post-launch and final product after the design and
development stages are done. To ensure that the system was current and up to date, the author first
obtained the information needed from hospital authorities. and then I decided which tools and
approaches would be best to use in the design of the website.
Finally, the author worked to maintain the website. During the comparison process done in previous
works, the author identified several differences. But those changes did not cause much trouble during
the design and development process of this system. The design document for this particular site
included wireframes with a simple, yet unique design. Simplicity is considered a principle of a
reliable website. The design document consisted of the hospital management system homepage logo,
navigation bar, content section. Next, the login page was developed similar to the design suggested
by the design document. The only changes here were the addition of a background image and some
icons. All other pages were designed and developed as suggested by the design document
Quality Assurance (QA) is the process of ensuring that a software application meets all the necessary
requirements and works as expected. User experience is affected by quality assurance because when
things do not work, users start to doubt their understanding and come up with irrational solutions.
Usability, by definition, includes quantifiable attributes including user happiness, ease of learning,
and usability. Usability, by definition, includes quantifiable attributes including user happiness, ease
of learning, and usability.
Whether for manufacturing, aviation, or hospital cleanliness, proactive QA that treats quality as an
integral part of the core process achieves the best results. This is the same conclusion found in other
qualitative subjects.
4.1.4 Evaluate the Quality Assurance process during your design and
Process was implemented during the design and development stages by conducting usability testing
to ensure that the UI and UX were effective and efficient.
Under the QA process, the author undertook to analyse the requirements presented by the
management of Arogya Medicine. The author then created a test plan to test key performance areas
of the system.
This test plan was created to test each part of the system during the system design and development
process. Test cases are then designed to test each part of the system, incorporating data, conditions,
and actions. Next, once the test cases are executed, they are planned to be recorded separately as a
report. This makes dealing with defects easier as the actions taken to correct any errors are recorded.
Expected outcome Actual outcome Result
Entering credentials
(username and password)
should enable login and
1 login should fail if Pass
username or password is
incorrect by giving the
message “password is
After navigating to
(patient list , doctor list)
3 specific page, user should Pass
be able to manage patients
and doctors.
To book an appointment
with the patient, the user
should open the “Make an
appointment” page after
opening the page where
the user can fill the
required fields, and after
entering the data, the user
4 should click the “Book” Pass
button after clicking the
record button. Must be
added, also in the cost
calculator, after entering
the prices and processes
the total should be
calculated and shown in
the "Fees" field and below
the calculators. And if we
view thew appointment
details it should be shown
The author, developer and designer of Arogya Medicare System managed to design and develop an
attractive and fully functional online hospital management system for Arogya Medicare Hospital. To
ensure the quality of the product, the author has created a test plan and then conducted test cases to
ensure that the desired result is achieved. The results of the test plan conducted by the author to test
the various functionalities of the Arogya Medicare Management System have been successful. The
author has conducted the testing procedure targeting the key performance areas of the website.
All fields are working fine. The reason for such a conclusion is the result obtained by the
implementation of the relevant test cases. Proper functioning of this interface ensures that only
authorized users can access information belonging to a particular business or organization. As this
project needed to be completed within a two-week period, the author had to work on designs and
features in a short period of time.
Therefore, although the system is ready to be handed over to Arogya Medicare management, the
author thinks that some more features can be added using a software update in the future.
The site is overall successful. The pages are well designed and easy to navigate. The content is
professionally written and informative. The only problem is that the website is not mobile-friendly,
making it inaccessible to users on mobile devices. The developer and designer of Arogya Medicare
System managed to design and develop an attractive and fully functional online hospital
management system for Arogya Medicare Hospital. To ensure the quality of the product, the author
has created a test plan and then conducted test cases to ensure that the desired result is achieved. The
results of the test plan conducted by the author to evaluate the various functionalities of the Arogya
Medicare Management System have been successful.
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