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Qualitative and Quantitative Chemometry As Stablity-Indicating Methods For Determination of Dantrolene Sodium and Paracetamol

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Qualitative and Quantitative Chemometry as Stablity-Indicating Methods for

Determination of Dantrolene Sodium and Paracetamol

Article  in  Current Pharmaceutical Analysis · December 2017

DOI: 10.2174/1573412913666170109155812


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4 authors, including:

Ali M Yehia Iman Sami

Cairo University Cairo University


Safaa Riad
Cairo University


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Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, 14, 60-67

ISSN: 1573-4129
eISSN: 1875-676X

Qualitative and Quantitative Chemometry as Stability-Indicating Methods

for Determination of Dantrolene Sodium and Paracetamol Impact


Ali M. Yehiaa*, Iman Samia*, Safa'a M. Riada,b and Yasser S. El-Sahartya

Cairo University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Kasr El-Aini Street, ET 11562, Cairo,
Egypt; bOctober University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
Department, 11787 6 October City, Egypt

Abstract: Background: Simultaneous determination of binary mixtures with simple and cost effective
analysis is always of interest. Progressive advancement in chemometrics enables spectral resolution of
drugs in the presence of their degradation products or impurities.
Methods and Result: Three stability indicating chemometric methods are applied for the simultaneous
determination of Dantrolene sodium (DNT) and Paracetamol (PAR). Partial Least Squares (PLS), Con-
ARTICLE HISTORY centration Residuals Augmented Classical Least Squares (CRACLS) and Multivariate Curve Resolu-
Received: August 22, 2016 tion-Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) were selected for that purpose. DNT and PAR were deter-
Revised: December 22, 2016 mined in the linearity range of (2 – 10 g mL-1) and (12 – 28 g mL-1), respectively, in the presence of
Accepted: January 4, 2017
their degradation products. The presented methods were compared for their qualitative and quantitative
DOI: analyses and validated according to the ICH guidelines. Furthermore, statistical comparison between the
results obtained by the proposed methods and the reported chromatographic method showed no signifi-
cant differences.
Crrent harmacetical nalysis

Conclusion: The proposed multivariate calibrations were accurate and specific for quantitative analysis
of the studied components. Furthermore, CRACLS and MCR-ALS methods succeeded in both quantita-
tive and qualitative of the studied components and their degradation products.
Keywords: Dantrolene sodium, paracetamol, stability indicating methods, PLS, CRACLS, MCR-ALS.

1. INTRODUCTION [23, 24] and electrochemical methods [25, 26]. Reviewing

the methods used for the analysis of DNT and PAR in their
Combination of skeletal muscle relaxant and NSAIDS mixture, revealed spectrophotometric methods [27-29] and
showed more efficiency for the treatment of musculoskeletal
HPLC methods [27, 30, 31], while there was only two re-
disorders rather than single agent [1]. Dantrolene sodium
ported RP-HPLC method for the determination of the studied
(DNT); 1-(5-p-nitrophenylfurfurylideneamino) hydantoin
drugs in the presence of their degradation products [30, 31].
sodium [2] (Fig. 1) is a muscle relaxant used for the treat-
ment of muscle spasm [3]. Paracetamol (PAR); N-(4- This study aimed to develop simple and accurate stability
Hydroxyphenyl) acetamide [2] (Fig. 1) acts as analgesic and indicating methods for the analysis of quaternary mixtures of
antipyretic with mild anti-inflammatory activity [3]. DNT and PAR in the presence of their degradation products,
DNT-DEG and PAP. They were applied without the need of
Literature review revealed several HPLC methods [4-11]
sophisticated instruments, expensive solvents or large num-
and electrochemical methods [12, 13] for the determination
ber of samples as needed for the reported stability indicating
of DNT alone or in the presence of its metabolites. Also, a
chromatographic methods [30, 31]. Chemometric methods,
kinetic study was reported for DNT degradation in the alka- namely, Partial Least Squares (PLS), Concentration Residu-
line solution to form (DNT-DEG) [14], (Fig. 1). Some ana-
als Augmented Classical Least Squares (CRACLS) and Mul-
lytical methods were reported for the determination of PAR
tivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares (MCR-
either in combination with Para-Aminophenol (PAP), a pri-
ALS) were developed and validated for that purpose
mary hydrolytic degradation product of PAR [15], or with
other drugs including UV spectrophotometric [16-22], HPLC 2. EXPERIMENTAL
2.1. Materials and Reagents
*Address correspondence to this author at the Cairo University, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Kasr El-Aini Street, ET - Dantrolene sodium authentic sample was kindly sup-
11562, Cairo, Egypt; Tel: +20-2-25353400; Fax: +20-2-23628246; plied by Chemipharm Pharmaceutical Industries, at 6th
E-mails: ali.yehia@pharma.cu.edu.eg, eman.samy@pharma.cu.edu.eg

1875-676X/18 $58.00+.00 © 2018 Bentham Science Publishers

Qualitative and Quantitative Chemometry as Stability-Indicating Methods Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1 61

(a) (b)

N Na

(c) (d)


NH 2

Fig. (1). Chemical structures of (a) Dantrolene sodium, (b) Paracetamol (c) Dantrolene degradation product and (d) p-aminophenol.

October, Egypt. Its purity was found to be 99.67 ± 0.913 - MCR-ALS Toolbox (free software available at
according to the reported RP-HPLC method [30]. http://www.mcrals.info).
- Paracetamol authentic sample was obtained from El-
2.3. Preparation of the Degradation product (DNT-DEG)
Nile pharmaceutical Company, Cairo, Egypt. Its purity
was found to be 100.04 ± 0.641 according to the re- Based on the reported kinetic study [14], DNT-DEG was
ported RP-HPLC method [30]. prepared by refluxing 50 mg of DNT powder with 50 mL of
- Para-Aminophenol Pure sample, labeled with purity  2 M aqueous NaOH for 2 h followed by neutralization using
2 M aqueous HCl. The formed precipitate was filtered,
99%, was purchased from Sigma Aldrich, Darmstadt,
washed with distilled water and dried. The residue was char-
acterized by IR spectrometry as DNT-DEG.
- Dantrelax Compound® capsules (Chemipharm Pharma-
ceutical Industries, 6th October, Giza, Egypt, batch No. 2.4. Stock Standard Solutions (250 g mL-1)
130859A and 131186A) were labeled to contain 25 mg
Stock standard solutions of DNT, DNT-DEG, PAR and
Dantrolene sodium salt and 300 mg Paracetamol per
PAP were prepared by accurately weighing 25 mg of bulk
powder, separately into 100-mL volumetric flasks; 50 mL
- All chemicals and reagents were of pure spectroscopic methanol was added to each, sonicated for few minutes and
analytical grade including methanol (E. Merck, Darm- diluted to the volume with methanol.
stadt, Germany), hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide
(El-Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Co., Cairo, Egypt) 2.5. Procedures
and distilled water.
2.5.1. Spectral Characteristics of DNT, DNT-DEG, PAR
2.2. Instrument and Software and PAP

- SHIMADZU UV- 1605 PC (Japan), dual beam UV- The zero order absorption spectra of different concentra-
visible spectrophotometer with two matched 1-cm quartz tions of DNT, DNT-DEG, PAR and PAP were scanned from
cells, connected to an IBM compatible (PC) and bundled 200 to 500 nm, against methanol as a blank.
UV-PC personal spectroscopy software version (3.7), were 2.5.2. Construction of Calibration Models
used to process the absorption spectra. The spectral band
width was 0.2 nm with the wavelength scanning speed of The calibration (training) set was designed with 17 syn-
2800 nm min1. thetic mixtures containing different concentration ratios from
the four components. The mixtures contained DNT and
- Matlab® ( R2014a (The Mathworks, Natick, DNT-DEG in the range of 2 - 10 g mL-1 while PAR and
MA, USA) was used in the calculation of multivariate PAP concentration ranges were 12 - 28 g mL-1 and 6 - 14
calibrations. g mL-1, respectively. The solutions were prepared by mix-
- PLS Toolbox 2.1 Eigenvector Research, Inc.2005 cre- ing different aliquots from their respective stock standard
ated by B.M. Wise and N.B. Gallagher for use with Mat- solutions (250 g mL-1) in 25-mLvolumetric flasks and then
lab®. the volumes were completed with methanol. The spectra of
the prepared solutions were recorded over the range 260 -
- CRACLS function with previously designed codes [32]. 435 nm. The data points of spectra were transferred to Mat-
62 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1 Yehiaet al.

lab® and multivariate calibration models were constructed. 1.000

All the spectral data were mean centered before calibration

to construct PLS, CRACLS and MCRALS models.
In PLS model calibration, the number of latent variables 0.800

(LVs) was optimized using leave-one-out cross validation

and the optimum number of LVs was 6 corresponding to the
lowest RMSECV value (Root Mean Square Error of Cross- 0.600


In CRACLS calibration model, optimization of the model
was achieved through repetitive approximation of absorptiv- 0.400

ity matrix continued for several iterations. The number of

iterations required in order to improve our model prediction
was 17 iterations.

Applied constrains were the critical optimization parame-

ter in MCR-ALS calibration; non-negativity constrains (non-
negative least squares (fnnl)) were applied for both concen-
tration and spectral profiles in order to obtain satisfactory 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00

parameters with the least number of iterations 50. Wavelength (nm)

2.5.3. Validation of Calibration Models Fig. (2). The zero order absorbtion spectra of DNT 10 g mL-1
( ), DNT-DEG 10 g mL-1 ( ) PAR 10 g mL-1
The validation set was designed with eight samples of so- ( -1
) and PAP 5 g mL ( ) separately, in methanol.
lution mixtures. Different aliquots from stock standard solu-
tions (250 g mL-1) of the four components were mixed in samples were used as validation set (Table 1). Upon optimi-
25-mL volumetric flasks and then the volumes were com- zation of data handling, it was found that the best results
pleted with methanol. The developed parameters for PLS, were obtained when the spectra were digitized each at 1 nm
CRACLS and MCR-ALS models were used for determina- in the range 260 - 435 nm, where 176 experimental points
tion of the drugs along with their degradation products in the were used in the calculations.
external validation set.
2.5.4. Assay of Pharmaceutical Formulation 3.1. Partial Least Squares (PLS)

The contents of twenty Dantrelax Compound® capsules Partial Least Squares is a well-established technique to
were evacuated and mixed carefully. Accurate amount of the build multivariate calibration models [39]. The PLS algo-
powder equivalent to 2.5 mg of DNT and 30 mg of PAR was rithm takes into account the information of responses and
weighed, transferred into 250-mL beaker; 50 mL methanol concentrations simultaneously. In the first step the matrix of
spectral data X is decomposed into a matrix of latent vari-
was added, sonicated for 30 min then filtered into 100-mL
ables scores (T) and a matrix of loadings (P).
volumetric flasks. The residue was washed 3 times each us-
ing 10 mL methanol and the solutions were completed to the X = TP + Ex (1)
mark with the same solvent. The prepared dosage form solu- Where Ex was matrix of spectral residuals
tion, containing 25 g mL-1 of DNT and 300 g mL-1 of
PAR, then 0.8 mL was accurately transferred into 10-mL In the next regression step, the scores of the latent vari-
volumetric flask and diluted to the volume with methanol. ables are used in the regression equation as a substitute of the
The descried procedures under each method were followed original variables.
for the determination of DNT and PAR concentrations. C= Tq + E (2)
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Where C was the calculated concentrations matrix, while
q and E were the regression coefficients and concentration
Chemometric methods for simultaneous determination of residuals matrices, respectively.
binary mixture or quaternary mixture having overlapped
spectra, without previous chemical separation, are always of In this study the cross validation method, leaving out one
interest [33–37]. There is no need of sophisticated instru- sample at a time, was used to select the optimum number of
ments, expensive solvents or large number of samples as factors where 6 LVs provided the least significant prediction
needed for the reported chromatographic methods [30, 31]. error (Fig. 3).

In this work, multivariate data analysis was applied for 3.2. Concentration Residuals Augmented Classical Least
resolving the severely overlapped spectra of the studied Squares (CRACLS)
drugs and their degradation products (Fig. 2). Three multi-
variate calibrations were applied for the analysis of DNT, CRACLS is an alternative method that uses both (A) and
DNT-DEG, PAR and PAP. 25 mixtures of 4 factors 5 levels concentration (C) data matrices by a process of repetitive
were prepared using Brereton Design [38], where 17 quater- approximation to estimate absorptivity () [32]. The initially
nary samples were used as a training set and the other 8 calculated S is used to predict the concentration matrix (C')
Qualitative and Quantitative Chemometry as Stability-Indicating Methods Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1 63

Table 1. Concentration of DNT, PAR and their degradation products in the training and validation sets for the multivariate cali-

Concentrations (g mL-1 )

Mixture number

1 6 6 20 10
2 6 4 16 14
3 4 4 28 6
4 4 10 12 14
5 10 2 28 10
6 2 10 20 6
7a 10 6 12 6
8 6 2 12 12
9 2 2 24 14
10 2 8 28 12
11 8 10 24 10
12 10 8 20 14
13a 8 6 28 14
14a 6 10 28 8
15 10 10 16 12
16 10 4 24 8
17a 4 8 16 10
18 8 4 20 12
19a 4 6 24 12
20a 6 8 24 6
21 8 8 12 8
22 8 2 16 6
23 2 4 12 10
24 4 2 20 8
25 2 6 16 8
samples used in the validation set

RMSECV vs. LV then Error (E) is calculated. One vector at a time of E is

augmented to the original concentration matrix as (E) is
DNT-DEG considered a new component then calculation of absorptiv-
5 PAR ity matrix is repeated using the augmented C matrix as
PAP follows:
4  = (C'C)-1 C'A (3)
C' = A' (') (4)

3 E = C' – C (5)
This iterative approach is continued until no further im-
2 provement in prediction. In this study 17 iterations were re-
quired in order to improve model prediction.
3.3. Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least
Squares (MCR-ALS)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Multivariate curve resolution is a factor analysis derived
Latent Variable
method which assumes a bilinear model [40]. In the MCR,
Fig. (3). RMSECV plot of the cross validation results of the train- data matrix (D) decomposition is carried out as follows:
ing set as a function of the number of latent variables (LV's) used to
construct the PLS calibration. D=CST +E (6)
64 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1 Yehiaet al.

Where D is the data matrix of the measured spectra, C Moreover, both CRACLS and MCR-ALS models could
and S are the concentration and spectral profiles matrices of estimate the spectral profiles of DNT, DNT-DEG, PAR and
the pure components in the samples and E is a matrix of the PAP. The resemblance was observed with the pure spectra
experimental error. and correlation coefficients were calculated that indicated the
Repetitive estimations of C from ST and vice versa by well correlation between the estimated and pure spectra for
each component (Fig. 4).
MCR were optimized by the ALS procedure. Since data ma-
trix decomposition has no unique solution, the number of Validation of the proposed methods was performed ac-
possible solutions can be minimized by applying constraints cording to the ICH guidelines [42]. Mean and RSD% values
like; unimodality, closure or non-negativity. In order to start of the analysis of DNT and PAR in their lab prepared mix-
the optimization of the method, simple interactive self- tures in the validation set by the proposed methods were sat-
modelling analysis (SIMPLISMA) [41] is applied to obtain a isfactory to evaluate their selectivity (Table 3). Also, Linear-
preliminary estimation of spectral profiles matrix which is ity parameters along with LOD and LOQ were calculated
used to calculate unconstrained least squares solution for the (Table 3). The same table showed accuracy results which
concentration profile as follow assessed the high accuracy of the proposed methods.
C = D S (STS)1 (7) The presented chemometric methods were applied for the
determination of DNT and PAR in the Dantrelax Com-
In this work, a non-negativity constraint was applied for
pound® capsules. The good percentage recoveries confirmed
both concentration and spectral profiles, which obliged the
the suitability of the proposed methods for the routine deter-
spectra and concentration to be equal or greater than zero.
mination of these drugs in their combined formulation
The ALS optimization process ended up when reaching a (Table 3).
definite convergence criterion (0.1%). The convergence was
stopped at 50 iterations. Finally, statistical comparison between the results ob-
tained by the proposed methods for the determination of
The calculated lack of fit (%lof) and variance percentages DNT and PAR in bulk powder and those obtained by the
(R2) were 0.16934 and 99.9997 which were satisfactory reported RP-HPLC method [30] showed no significant dif-
enough to assist the quality of the proposed MCR-ALS ferences, where the calculated t-values and F-values were
model. less than the theoretical ones (Table 4).
3.4. Method Validation CONCLUSION
The developed models were challenged with the spectra The present work emphasized the role of chemometry
of the validation set in order to test their predictive ability. and suggested that it could be used for simultaneous deter-
The predicted concentrations of the validation set were plot- mination of DNT and PAR binary mixtures with simple pro-
ted against the true concentrations and the RMSEP (Root- cedures and minimum manipulation. Moreover, the proposed
Mean-Square Error of Prediction) was calculated for each methods could be used as stability indicating methods for the
component. The RMSEP was used as a diagnostic tool for determination of the studied drugs and their degradation
examining the prediction errors and it indicated both accuracy products. The studied methods were accurate and specific for
and precision of the proposed models as shown in (Table 2). quantitative analysis of the studied components. Also,

Table 2. Prediction of validation samples using the proposed chemometric methods.



1 101.40 98.01 100.28 99.95 100.93 97.66 100.15 99.90 101.40 98.01 100.28 99.95
2 99.66 102.75 99.53 100.46 100.72 100.19 100.93 100.50 99.66 102.75 99.53 100.46
3 100.76 97.69 100.28 100.46 99.81 97.49 100.06 100.62 100.76 97.69 100.28 100.46
4 100.41 98.30 100.98 98.74 99.21 97.78 100.70 98.59 100.41 98.30 100.98 98.74
5 100.70 99.89 101.17 99.70 101.57 101.87 101.38 99.60 100.70 99.89 101.17 99.70
6 101.69 98.33 101.45 100.64 101.79 99.99 101.38 100.40 101.69 98.33 101.45 100.64
7 98.63 103.79 100.98 101.92 99.39 103.28 100.92 101.08 98.63 103.79 100.98 101.92
8 99.44 102.17 98.98 101.23 99.95 100.63 98.68 101.29 99.44 102.17 98.98 101.23

Mean 100.32 100.11 100.45 100.38 100.42 99.86 100.52 100.25 100.32 100.11 100.45 100.38
±RSD% 1.027 2.430 0.852 0.959 0.971 2.115 0.889 0.868 1.027 2.430 0.852 0.959

RMSEP 0.057 0.163 0.197 0.074 0.051 0.147 0.189 0.071 0.081 0.219 0.214 0.081
Qualitative and Quantitative Chemometry as Stability-Indicating Methods Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1 65

(a) RCRACLS = 0.9998; R MCR-ALS = 0.9998 0.020
(b) RCRACLS = 0.9810; RMCR-ALS = 0.9809

Peak Amplitude


Peak Amplitude




250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 435.00 0.000
nm. 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 435.00

(c) RCRACLS = 0.9996; RMCR-ALS = 0.9996 (d) RCRACLS = 0.9994; RMCR-ALS = 0.9994

Peak Amplitude
Peak Amplitude



250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 435.00
250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 435.00

Fig. (4). Pure spectra ( ) and estimated spectra by CRACLS ( ) and MCR-ALS ( ) for the four components with the corre-
sponding correlation coefficients (R) of (a) DNT (b) DNT-DEG (c) PAR and (d) PAP.

Table 3. Validation parameters for the proposed chemometric methods and results of application analysis.


Parameter DNT- DNT- DNT-

Selectivity 100.35 101.37 99.89 100.07 101.78 101.90

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
(Mean ±RSD%) ±1.311 ±0.960 ±1.883 ±1.176 ±1.888 ±1.202

Range (g mL-1) 2-10 2-10 12-28 6-14 2-10 2-10 12-28 6-14 2-10 2-10 12-28 6-14
Slope 0.98844 1.0112 1.0176 0.9983 0.9967 1.0090 1.0103 1.0008 0.9539 0.9539 1.0067 0.9964
SE of Slope 0.01084 0.03800 0.00685 0.00906 0.00990 0.03462 0.00837 0.00900 0.04078 0.04078 0.00956 0.01056
Intercept 0.08822 -0.0605 -0.2298 0.0464 0.0416 -0.0624 -0.0862 0.0125 0.2124 0.21240 0.0153 0.04715
SE of intercept 0.07356 0.27408 0.14370 0.09262 0.06715 0.24971 0.17567 0.09201 0.29413 0.29413 0.20067 0.10799
Correlation 0.9993 0.9916 0.9997 0.9995 0.9994 0.9930 0.9996 0.9995 0.9994 0.9892 0.9995 0.9993
coefficient (r)

LOD (g mL-1) 0.18 0.56 0.37 0.24 0.16 0.51 0.45 0.24 0.64 0.64 0.52 0.28
LOQ (g mL-1) 0.55 1.70 1.11 0.73 0.50 1.55 1.37 0.72 1.93 1.93 1.57 0.85

Accuracy 100.32 100.11 100.45 100.38 100.42 99.86 100.52 100.25 100.32 100.11 100.45 100.38
(Mean ± RSD%) ±1.027 ±2.430 ±0.852 ±0.959 ±0.971 ±2.115. ±0.889 ±0.868 ±1.027 ±2.430 ±0.852 ±0.959

102.96 101.38 103.31 102.65 101.27 103.78
± 0.586 ± 0.202 ± 1.169 ± 0.201 ± 0.784 ± 0.100
(Mean ± RSD%)
66 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1 Yehiaet al.

Table 4. Statistical comparison between the proposed methods and a reported HPLC method for the determination of DNT and
PAR in their bulk powder.

Chemometric Methods Reported Method



Mean 100.32 100.45 100.42 100.52 100.33 100.45 99.67 100.04

SD 1.030 0.855 0.975 0.893 1.030 0.855 0.910 0.641
RSD% 1.027 0.852 0.971 0.889 1.027 0.852 0.913 0.641
n 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5
Variance 1.062 0.732 0.952 0.798 1.062 0.732 0.828 0.411
Student's t Test 1.190 0.984 1.406 1.125 1.190 0. 984 ------- -------
F 1.52 1.87 1.14 1.94 1.52 1.78 ------- ------
(6.09) c
Hadad et al; RP-HPLC using HS C18 column (250mm4.6mmi.d., 5m particle size), with gradient mobile phase; consisting of (A) 50 mmol L1 sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 5
mmol L1 heptane sulfonic acid sodium salt, pH 4.2 and (B) acetonitrile. The flow rate was 1.5 mL/min, UV detection at 214 nm.
The corresponding theoretical values of t at (P = 0.05)
The corresponding theoretical values of F at (P = 0.05)

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