CABG Conduit
CABG Conduit
CABG Conduit
Cite this article as: Gaudino M, Bakaeen FG, Sandner S, Aldea GS, Arai H, Chikwe J et al. Expert systematic review on the choice of conduits for coronary artery bypass
grafting: endorsed by the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2023;
* Corresponding author. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, 525 E 68th St, New York, NY 10065, USA.
Tel: +1-212-7469440; fax: +1-212-7468080; e-mail: (M. Gaudino).
Received 4 January 2023; received in revised form 10 March 2023; accepted 20 April 2023
Preamble: The finalized document was endorsed by the EACTS Council and STS Executive Committee before being simultaneously
published in the European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery (EJCTS) and The Annals of Thoracic Surgery (The Annals) and the Journal of
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (JTCVS).
This article has been co-published with permission in the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, and the Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery. All rights reserved. V C 2023 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and the American
Association for Thoracic Surgery. The articles are identical except for minor stylistic and spelling differences in keeping with each journal’s style. Any of the three
citations can be used when citing this article.
2 M. Gaudino et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
librarian in January 2021 to develop a strategy to identify relevant associated with a 26% relative risk reduction in mortality at 6.6-
articles published in English with no time restrictions. Reference lists year follow-up [9].
were manually scanned for additional relevant results. After dupli- The aforementioned analysis of 6 RCTs also reported superior-
cates were removed, this strategy resulted in 1009 potentially rele- ity for the RA in the composite outcome of death, myocardial in-
vant abstracts, which were screened by 2 authors (S.F. and K.K.). A farction (MI) and repeat revascularization at 5 years follow-up
total of 166 articles met the inclusion criteria. (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.49–0.90) [7]. When the follow-up of the same
The primary reasons for exclusion were invalid patient popula- database was extended to 10 years, use of the RA was associated
tions (e.g. those receiving percutaneous coronary intervention), a with a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of the
focus on non-clinical outcomes and inadequate study design (e.g. composite of death, MI or repeat revascularization (HR 0.73, 95%
lack of a comparison group or expert review). Two authors (S.F. CI 0.61–0.88) and of the composite of death or MI (HR 0.77, 95%
and K.K.) developed an evidence table of the relevant papers and CI 0.63–0.94); a post hoc survival benefit for patients receiving the
rated the studies for risk of bias. The Newcastle–Ottawa scale was RA was also found, although the absolute benefit was small (HR
used for observational studies, and a custom-made checklist was 0.73, 95% CI 0.57–0.93) [10].
used for randomized control trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses. A Veteran Administration trial of 757 patients found no differ-
used [17–19]. Most of the available evidence on the RA is based publication biases and no clear conclusion on RA patency and
on aorta-anastomosed grafts, while some studies have indicated outcomes using the endoscopic technique can be drawn.
higher radial graft patency with the aortic anastomosis approach
[20, 21], other data did not reveal a difference [22–25]. The aortic Transradial catheterization
anastomosed configuration is probably less at risk of failure due
to competitive flow [26]. Previous catheterization of the RA is a contraindication to RA use
From a technical point of view, concerns relating to high wall for CABG, as there is evidence that the patency rate of RA grafts
tension resulting from anastomosis of the RA directly onto the used for transradial procedures is significantly reduced compared
aorta have led some surgeons to craft a short interposition seg- to non-catheterized grafts [36] and it is known that transradial
ment of SV, to which the RA is connected in end-to-end fashion. catheterization (TRC) produces significant endothelial damage [37].
Whether this configuration negates some of the benefits of using After TRC complete radial artery occlusion (RAO) may occur in
the RA is not known. up to 38% [38]. Measures to reduce RAO include, smaller hydro-
Overall, data are currently insufficient to provide meaningful philic sheaths, nitroglycerine solution flushes and larger doses of
guidance on a preferred anastomotic technique.
established and include topical and intraluminal RA papaverine, with >_4 years of angiographic follow-up, the SVG (n = 377) was
nitroglycerine, nitroprusside, diltiazem, verapamil, milrinone and significantly associated with a 4-fold increased risk (OR 0.25,
phenoxybenzamine [53, 54]. 95% CI 0.05–0.78) of functional graft occlusion when compared
Some surgeons also use intravenous nitroglycerine or intraven- with the RITA (n = 145). In a rank probability analysis that also
ous calcium channel blockers (CCBs) during surgery and for the included the RA and the gastro-epiploic artery (GEA), the RITA
first 12–24 h [53, 54]. The optimum CCBs may be nifedipine and achieved the highest probability (74%) to be the best conduit.
amlodipine. Both are up to 30 times more efficacious than diltia- More recently, however, Gaudino et al. [6] conducted an
zem [55, 56] whereas verapamil depresses myocardial function updated NMA of 14 RCTs that included 3396 patients and
and conduction. There is less agreement regarding potential ben- 3651 grafts from 5 additional studies comparing the angio-
efits of longer-term use of nitrates and CCBs. graphic patency of the RITA, RA, GEA, conventional SVG (CON-
There is no study evaluating the subacute or chronic use of SVG) as well as the no-touch SVG (NT-SVG). The patency rates
oral or topical nitrates with respect to graft patency (including of the CON-SVG (n = 1362) and RITA (n = 399) after a mean
RA) and survival post CABG. Early small observational and angiographic follow-up of 5.1 years were 81.8% (95% CI 74.8–
randomized trials of postop CCBs (up to 12 months) reported in- 87.3) and 90.9% (95% CI 72.1–97.5), respectively. The RITA was
Long-term clinical outcomes. Deininger et al. [92] reported Skeletonized ITA harvesting
no adverse operative outcomes in either for both RITA-LAD
and LITA-LAD groups, although it was clearly underpowered to Evidence on skeletonized ITA harvesting has been mixed and
find any differences for these rarer endpoints. Observational generally highly dependent on retrospective and anecdotal ex-
data, both matched and unmatched, have yet to find a signifi- perience. Randomized control data has documented that careful-
cant difference in either operative or longer-term major ad- ly harvested skeletonized ITA grafts can maintain structural
verse cardiovascular events (MACE) outcomes, individually or as integrity [102, 103], physiological response to vasoactive stimula-
a composite endpoint [92]. Raja et al. [98] reported a significant tion [104, 105] and acute graft flow that is at least comparable if
increase in perioperative mortality for LITA to LAD patients, but not greater than that achieved with a pedicled approach [106–
this unusual finding has not been reproduced in subsequent 108]. Postanastomotic flow appears to be comparable or possibly
larger studies. increased [109, 110]. Moreover, even though acute sternal micro-
Ogawa et al. [95] reported a significant benefit to using the circulation is clearly impaired with either approach [111, 112],
RITA for the LAD during their 6 years of follow-up in the com- sternal perfusion has been demonstrated to be better preserved
posite outcome of death, MI, and revascularization (27.8% vs over time with skeletonization [113–115]. Although this provides
surgeons enrolling 51 patients or more, the difference disap- P < 0.00001), and a reduced need for outpatient wound manage-
peared [128]. ment resources.
As with any surgical procedure, ITA skeletonization is subject The Randomized Endovein Graft Prospective (REGROUP) trial
to tremendous variability in surgical technique and experience: [134] did not find a significant difference between OVH and EVH
use of unipolar versus bipolar cautery versus harmonic scalpel, in the risk of the primary outcome of a composite of MACE
mobilization of the isolated artery versus use of surrounding tis- including death from any cause, nonfatal MI, and repeat revascu-
sue, clips versus cautery for branches, speed and experience of larization (OVH 15.5% vs EVH 13.9%, HR 1.12, 95% CI 0.83–1.51;
harvest, use of sequential and Y-grafts, in situ versus free-graft, P = 0.47) over a median follow-up of 2.8 years that was confirmed
off-pump versus on-pump application, may all play a role in sur- over an extended median follow-up of 4.7 years (OVH 23.5% vs
gical results. To date, RCTs have been small and limited to assess- EVH 21.9%, HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.72–1.18; P = 0.52) [135]. However,
ment of graft flow and histology and not powered for clinical the trial did not include angiographic follow-up, and mandated
outcomes. Discrepancy in clinical results may reflect the fact that minimum harvester experience for both techniques which has
earlier studies arose from centres specializing in the technique been shown to affect quality of the conduit, particularly for EVH
which may not be uniformly translatable to a more recent broad- [136].
arterial grafts, there is a compelling rationale for improving out- Two studies have reported on leg wound healing using stand-
comes using SVGs. ardized questionnaires serially postoperatively. The PATENT SVG
The no touch saphenous vein graft (NT SVG) is a Class IIA, study (n = 17) used a within patient randomization [152]. Leg as-
LOE B recommendation in the 2018 European Revascularization sessment scores were worse in the NT legs at 3 months
Guidelines [141] based on 2 small graft patency RCTs [142, 143]. (P < 0.001) but similar and with minimal impairment at 1 year
The NT SVG harvesting method was designed to reduce vessel [153]. In the trial by Deb et al. [145], the cumulative incidence of
injury during surgical preparation. The key features are atrau- leg wound infection over 1 year was greater with NT SVG har-
matic harvesting with inclusion of a pedicle of adjacent fatty tis- vesting (25.4% vs 11.8%; P < 0.01), primarily because of differen-
sue to minimize graft spasm and avoid high-pressure dilation ces at 1 and 3 months. Adverse leg outcomes using the
during vein preparation. A longitudinal single-centre angio- standardized questionnaire were worse following NT SVG har-
graphic RCT of 104 patients by de Souza et al. comparing NT vesting at 1 and 3 months but similar and with minimal impair-
and conventional saphenous vein grafts (CON SVGs) revealed ment at 1 year. In the original trial by de Souza, leg wound
significantly better patency of the NT veins at 8.5 years (91% vs complications were 11.1% with NT harvesting versus 4.3% in the
77%; P = 0.01) which was maintained at 16 years (83% vs 64%; controls [153]. EVH compared to OVH is associated improved
A meta-analysis by Di Mauro et al. [163] compared 2548 was harvested in skeletonized or semi-skeletonized fashion and
patients from 6 studies receiving either in situ RGEA (n = 1023) or used as in situ graft, anastomosed to distal RCA with more than
SVG (n = 1525) to supplement BITA. Overall, long-term survival 90% stenosis or minimal lumen diameter (MLD) of <1 mm. These
was not different between the 2 conduits, albeit with a high de- results were better than previously reported patency of in situ
gree of heterogeneity. When only propensity-matched studies pedicled GEA, although direct comparisons are lacking [157].
were included, in situ GEA had a long-term survival advantage
over SVG (HR 0.47, 95% CI 0.31–0.71, n = 1051; P < 0.001) and the
Patient and target vessel selection
heterogeneity was reduced.
One propensity-matched study compared long-term clinical
Contraindications for in situ GEA conduits include obese or very
outcomes of RGEA composite grafts with those of RITA compos-
elderly patients, and those in whom future abdominal surgery
ite grafts and found no statistically significant survival difference
may be needed. Although rerouting of the patent GEA graft using
at 15 years (52.9% vs 49.4%; P = 0.470) [162].
SVG in case of abdominal surgery is possible, it requires meticu-
Suzuki et al. [164] reported better freedom from MACE at
lous surgical management [167].
7 years for in situ RGEA over SVG, although this has not been In situ RGEA flow can be compromised by native flow compe-
replicated by other matched cohort studies whether an in situ or tition when anastomosed to target coronary artery with moder-
composite graft is used [160, 162]. ate stenosis [160, 168]. MLD of native RCA seems a more reliable
indicator rather than angiographic stenosis, especially for the
Skeletonized/pedicle harvesting RCA. On the basis of systematic 3-year angiographic data,
Glineur et al. [169] recommend that in situ RGEA should be used
Although RGEA is contractile and prone to vasospasm, skeletoni- preferentially to graft the RCA system only when the MLD of tar-
zation using the harmonic scalpel can reduce spasm by removing get RCA is below 1.1 mm. Akita et al. [161] reported a 10-year pa-
the periarterial nerve plexus, as well as extend the graft length tency rate of only 39.3% for in situ RGEA when it was
and enable anastomosis with a larger diameter vessel [165, 166]. anastomosed to RCA with MLD >1 mm, but a satisfactory patency
Suzuki et al. [159] reported 8 years patency of 90.2% and Akita of 89.8% when MLD was <1 mm. A visual summary of all the key
et al. [161] reported 10 years patency of 89.8%, when in situ RGEA messages is displayed in Figure 1.
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