Jacksoncareconnect Member Handbook
Jacksoncareconnect Member Handbook
Jacksoncareconnect Member Handbook
Member Handbook
January 1, 2023
A quick guide
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Jackson Care Connect To report concerns, get help making a
complaint or to get more information, please
does not discriminate contact our Grievance Coordinator:
Mailing address:
Jackson Care Connect must follow Jackson Care Connect
state and federal civil rights laws. We Attn: Grievance Coordinator
cannot treat members or potential 315 SW Fifth Ave
members unfairly in any of our programs Portland, OR 97204
or activities because of a person’s: Call: 855-722-8208, TTY 711
• Age Fax: 503-416-1313
• Color
Email: customerservice@careoregon.org
Complaint form:
• Disability
• Gender identity
• Health status or need for services You can also file a complaint with:
• Marital status Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
• National origin Please call the OHP Client Services unit
(CSU) toll free at 800-273-0557 or OHA's
• Race
Ombudsman at 503-947-2346 or toll free at
• Religion 877-642-0450.
• Sex
Oregon Health Authority Civil Rights
• Sexual orientation
Mailing address:
Everyone has a right to enter, exit and use
Office of Equity and
buildings and services. They also have
Inclusion Division
the right to get information in a way they
421 SW Oak St., Suite 750
understand. This includes receiving written
Portland, OR 97204
material in other formats that work for you
(large print, audio, braille, etc.). Your use of Call: 844-882-7889, TTY 711
benefits, grievance, appeals or hearings Email: OHA.PublicCivilRights@
will not be denied or limited based on your odhsoha.oregon.gov
need for another language or format. Online:
If you don’t speak English, this also oregon.gov/OHA/OEI
includes free interpretation services oregon.gov/boli/civil-rights
and written information/material in the
language you speak. Jackson Care
Connect will make reasonable changes
to policies, practices and procedures by
talking with you about your needs.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
English: You can get this letter in other languages, large print, braille or a
format you prefer. You can also ask for an interpreter. This help is free.
Call 855-722-8208 or TTY 711. We accept relay calls. You can get help from
a certified and qualified health care interpreter.
Vietnamese: Quý vị có thể nhận tài liệu này bằng một ngôn ngữ khác, theo định
dạng chữ in lớn, chữ nổi Braille hoặc một định dạng khác theo ý muốn. Quý vị
cũng có thể yêu cầu được thông dịch viên hỗ trợ. Sự trợ giúp này là miễn phí. Gọi
855-722-8208 hoặc TTY (Đường dây Dành cho Người Khiếm thính hoặc Khuyết tật
về Phát âm) 711. Chúng tôi chấp nhận các cuộc gọi chuyển tiếp. Quý vị có thể
nhận được sự giúp đỡ từ một thông dịch viên có chứng nhật và đủ tiêu chuẩn
chuyên về chăm sóc sức khỏe.
Chinese: ������������������������
855-722-8208 ����� 711���������������
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Japanese: こ の 書 類 は 、 他 の 言 語 に 翻 訳 さ れ た も の 、 拡
スは無料でご利用いただけます。855-722-8208 また
は TTY 711までお電話ください。電話リレーサービス
/ أو ﻣﻄﺒﻮﻋﺔ ﻋ،EFﺨﻂ ﻛﺒ6 أو ﻣﻄﺒﻮﻋﺔ،ﻠﻐﺎت أﺧﺮى6 ﺬا اﻟﺨﻄﺎب0 /ﻢ اﻟﺤﺼﻮل ﻋ%!ﻤﻜﻨ
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.ﺎﻟﻤﺎت اﻟﻤﺤﻮﻟﺔ%اﻟﻤ
Romanian: Puteți obține această scrisoare în alte limbi, cu un font mărit, în
limbajul Braille sau într-un alt format preferat. De asemenea, puteți solicita un
interpret. Acest ajutor este gratuit. Apelați 855-722-8208 sau TTY 711. Acceptăm
apelurile prin releu. Puteți obține ajutor de la un interpret certificat și calificat în
domeniul sănătății.
អ" ក $ ច ទ ទ ួ ល ) ន ស ំ ប ុ / ត េ ន ះ 3 4 5 េ ផ 7 ង េ ទ 9 ត
; រ េ ) ះ ព ុ ម? 3 អ ក 7 រ ធ ំ ៗ
អ ក 7 រ ស ំ B ប ់ ម ន ុ ស 7 ព ិ ; រ ែ ភ" ក
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អ" ក ក ៏ $ ច េ ស" K ស ុ ំ រ ក អ" ក ប ក ែ / ប 4 5 ផ ង ែ ដ រ ។
ជ ំ នួ យ េ ន ះ គ ឺ ឥ ត គ ិ ត ៃ ថ S េ ទ ។ ចូ រ ទ ូ រ ស ័ ព V េ W េ ល ខ
855-722-8208 ឬ TTY េលខ 711។
េ យ K ង ទ ទ ួ ល យ ក ; រ េ b ប cd e ន ប នf ។
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ងែផ" កេពទo។.
Oromo: Xalayaa kana afaanota birootiin, barreeffama gurguddaan kan maxxanfame,
Bireeliin ykn bifa barbaaddaniin argachuu dandeessu. Turjumaanaafis gaafachuu
dandeessu. Deggersi kun bilisa. 855-722-8208 ykn TTY 711 irratti bilbilaa. Bilbila relay ni
fudhanna. Nama kunuunsa fayyaaf afaan hiiku kan ragaa Mirkanaawaa qabu (certified)
ta’e irraa gargaarsa argachuu dandeessu.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
ﺑرﯾل ﯾﺎ ﺑﮫ ﻓرﻣت دﻟﺧواه دﯾﮕری ﻧﯾ ز، ﺧط درﺷت،ﻣﯽﺗواﻧﯾد اﯾن ﻧﺎﻣﮫ را ﺑﮫ زﺑﺎنھﺎی دﯾﮕر
. اراﺋﮫ اﯾن ﮐﻣﮏ راﯾﮕﺎن اﺳت. ﻣﯽﺗواﻧﯾد ﻣﺗرﺟم ﺷﻔﺎھﯽ ﻧﯾ ز درﺧواﺳت ﮐﻧﯾد.درﯾﺎﻓت ﮐﻧﯾد
ﺑﺎ855-722-8208 ﯾﺎTTY 711 . ﻣﺎ ﺗﻣﺎس ھﺎی رﻟﯽ را ﻣﯽ ﭘذﯾرﯾم.ﺗﻣﺎس ﺑﮕﯾرﯾد
.ﻣﯽ ﺗواﻧﯾد ا ز ﯾﮏ ﻣﺗرﺟم ﺷﻔﺎھﯽ ﻣﻌﺗﺑر و واﺟد ﺷراﯾط ﻣراﻗﺑت ھﺎی ﺻﺣﯽ ﮐﻣﮏ ﺑﮕﯾرﯾد
French: Cette lettre peut être disponible dans d'autres langues, en gros
caractères, en braille ou dans un format de votre choix. Vous pouvez également
demander à être assisté d'un interprète. Cette assistance est gratuite. Appelez le
855-722-8208 ou le TTY 711. Nous acceptons les appels relais. Vous pouvez
obtenir l'aide d'un interprète agréé et qualifié en matière de soins de santé.
Thai: ท่านสามารถขอรับจดหมายฉบับนี ได้ในภาษาอื ä ๆ,
ä านต้องการ
ในรูปแบบตัวอักษรขนาดใหญ่, อักษรเบรลล ์ หรือในรูปแบบทีท่
นอกจากนี É ท่านยังสามารถขอรับบริการล่ามภาษาได้ด้วย บริการนี มี
É ให้ฟรี โทร.
855-722-8208 หรือ TTY 711 เรายอมรับสายโทรประเภทรีเลย ์
ท่านสามารถขอรับความช่วยเหลือได้จากล่ามเฉพาะทางด้านการดูแลสุขภาพทีมี ä
คุณสมบัตแิ ละผ่านการรับรอง
Welcome to Dental Health Services
Advantage Dental
Jackson Care Connect Toll-free: 866-268-9631
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Making sure you have all the local
and statewide resources you need
Offices closed on:
to stay healthy, safe, comfortable and
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day feeling cared for
Memorial Day Our goal is to help you receive the best
Juneteenth health care and services possible within
Independence Day
your community, when you need them. We
Labor Day
work closely with community and social
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas 1
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
If you don’t want to read this entire book If you also have coverage through Medicare,
check out your Easy Guide. Or visit our call Customer Service and let them know.
website at jacksoncareconnect.org/member- They’ll help you coordinate Medicaid and
resources and watch a short video, “The Medicare benefits, fill existing prescriptions,
Oregon Health Plan and You.” and more. See pages 10 and 61 for more info.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
For video appointments, you need a If your provider does not have one at your
smartphone, computer or tablet with a camera visit or if you need interpretation at the
and a secure internet connection. Ask your pharmacy or while making an appointment,
provider whether health-related services or call Customer Service at 855-722-8208 to get
items are available to support your health an interpreter on the line.
care needs. If you have questions or want to
know more about telehealth visits, call our You may have been provided with a Preferred
Customer Service at 855-722-8208, TTY 711. Language Card as part of your new member
packet. Carry this card with you to let health
care staff know you need interpretation.
Having an interpreter at appointments
If you do not speak English, have difficulty
understanding English, or need American Sign Plan information
Language interpretation for an in-person or Jackson Care Connect sends you
telehealth appointment, request information about:
an interpreter from your provider when you • Covered benefits and services.
make an appointment. In-person interpreters
can be available with at least 48 hours' notice. • How to find a provider.
You have a legal right to free interpretation. • How to get care for covered services
when you are outside our service area
(Jackson County).
• How Jackson Care Connect decides
if new medical equipment should be a
covered benefit.
• Any law changes that affect your plan,
at least 30 days before the changes
take place.
Your Oregon Health ID card OHA Coverage Letter
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) sends The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) sends
you one Oregon Health ID card that has your you a coverage letter that has your:
name, client number and the date the card • Benefit package.
was issued. All eligible members in your
• Coordinated care plan name.
household receive their own Oregon Health
ID cards. This letter shows information for everyone
in your household who has an Oregon Health
Keep your Oregon Health ID card in a safe
ID card. You do not need to take this letter to
place. OHA only sends a new card if you
your health care appointments or to pharmacies.
change your name or if you ask for a new card.
OHA will send you a new coverage letter if
If your Oregon Health ID card is not correct,
you ask for one or if your coverage changes.
or you get a new card with your name but a
different Client ID, call OHP Customer Service
right away at 800-699-9075, TTY 711. Copays
We do not charge copays.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Your Jackson Care Connect ID card Keep your card with you at all times
When you become a Jackson Care Connect You’ll need it for:
member, we will mail you a Member ID Card • Medical appointments
within 30 days. Your Member ID Card lists your
• Dental appointments
PCP. It also lists important contact information.
• Mental health appointments
If you or a family member changes PCPs, you
• Substance use disorder
will get a new Jackson Care Connect ID card.
treatment appointments
If you lose your ID card, please call Customer
Service and we will send you another one. • Picking up prescriptions
• Emergencies
If you need care before you receive your
Jackson Care Connect ID card, please call us.
We will help you get the services you need.
This card is for identification only and does not certify eligibility.
For admissions and out-of-network care, please call Customer Service.
For urgent care, call your clinic 24 hours a day.
In an emergency, go to the nearest hospital
or call 911. Call your clinic for follow-up care
the day after you get emergency care.
What is the Oregon Health OHP Customer Service
Plan (OHP)? Call OHP Customer Service if you:
• Need to change your address, telephone
number, name or family status.
OHP is a program that pays for the health care
• Have other health insurance coverage.
of low-income people in Oregon. The state of
• Become pregnant, give birth, or adopt
Oregon and the U.S. government's Medicaid
a child.
program pay for it. It covers things like doctor
• Need to replace a lost or stolen
visits, prescription drugs, hospital stays and
OHP ID Card.
dental care. It also covers mental health
• Move outside of our service area
services, help with smoking, substance use (Jackson County).
disorder services, and getting to health care
• Want an OHP Handbook sent to you.
appointments. OHP also can provide glasses,
hearing aids, medical equipment and home A phone call is the best way to reach OHP
health care if you qualify. Customer Service.
The OHP website has more details about Call toll-free, 800-699-9075, TTY 711.
what is covered. For more information, You also can reach OHP Customer Service by
go to: ohp.oregon.gov email at: oregon.benefits@dhsoha.state.or.us
You may also review the Oregon Health Plan Use the DHS/OHA secure email site at
Handbook. It has information on the Oregon secureemail.dhsoha.state.or.us/encrypt
Health Plan that may not be in this handbook. to send your email to OHP. Include your full
You can read it online at ohp.oregon.gov, or name, date of birth, Oregon Health ID number
you can call OHP Customer Service (see next and phone number.
section) and request a paper copy.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
health needs are met. You can ask at your • Personal Health Navigator (PHN): A person
clinic or provider’s office if it is a PCPCH. who can provide information, assistance,
tools, and support to help a patient to
At a PCPCH, a Primary Care Team will partner make the best health care decisions.
with you to manage your care and support • Peer Support Specialist (PSS): A person
your whole-person health. who provides support services to people
Some roles on a Primary Care Team may include: who currently use drugs or alcohol or
have a mental health condition. This is
• Medical Assistants someone who has life experiences with
• Nurses mental health, addiction and recovery.
• Traditional Health Workers Or they may have been a parent of a
• Panel Coordinators child with mental health or substance
• Co-located providers such as Behavioral use treatment. They also provide
Health Providers or Dietitians support to people who are in recovery or
receiving treatment for drug or alcohol
For help finding a PCPCH, please call
use or mental health conditions.
Customer Service at 855-722-8208, TTY 711.
• Peer Wellness Specialist (PWS): A
person who has experience living
Traditional Health Workers with a mental health condition that
provides support to those with mental
A Traditional Health Worker (THW) is a health and physical conditions.
person who has similar life experiences
• Community Health Worker (CHW): A
with the people they work with and provide trusted member of the community who
information, tools and support. They can assist serves as the link between the health
you in getting services and care that support system, social services network, and
your health and well-being by helping with community. They support, promote,
things like: and advocate for improved quality
• Navigating the health system and cultural competency of services
for all community members. They
• Understanding your benefits
help you form healthy behaviors.
• Connection to community resources
• Cross-cultural communication THWs can be found in community-based
• Connection to health care providers organizations and in clinics. They are a free
benefit. No referral is needed.
You can access five different types of THW:
• Doula: A birth companion who provides For more info or to get connected to a local
personal, nonmedical support to THW, contact our THW Liaison at 503-416-3906
pregnant people and families throughout or by email at jccthw@careoregon.org. If the
a person’s pregnancy, childbirth, name or contact info for your THW changes,
and post-partum experience. we will update the details on our website.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
To get connected to peer delivered services, touch with a staff member who is specially
ask your provider if they have peers that can trained in care coordination.
be added to your treatment team. You can
also visit traditionalhealthworkerregistry.
oregon.gov to find contact info for peer Intensive Care Coordination
support specialists. Services (ICCS)
ICCS is like Coordinated Care Services, but it
is for our highest-need and most vulnerable
Care Coordination Services (CCS) members. Some people who qualify for ICC
Our Care Coordination Services are available services may be:
to all Jackson Care Connect members.
• Older adults, those who are
When you request these services, a care
hard of hearing, deaf, blind or
coordinator will help you: have other disabilities.
• Work with the health care system • Those who have high health care needs,
• Navigate our CCO system multiple chronic conditions, or severe
• Find primary care and other types of and persistent mental illness (SPMI).
providers • Individuals receiving Medicaid-
• Access community and social services funded long-term care services
and supports (LTSS).
• Get services and medical equipment
• Those who are in medication-
• Coordinate your care among your
assisted treatment (MAT) for
providers if you have:
Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD).
- a disability
• People who have been diagnosed
- several chronic conditions with a high-risk pregnancy.
- special health care needs • IV drug users.
- and more • Those who have a SUD in need
CCS supports your whole-person health. That of withdrawal management.
means your physical health, but also your • Individual with HIV/AIDS or
mental and oral health, too. We will create a who has tuberculosis.
care plan that is based on your needs, so you • Veterans and their families.
can reach your health care goals. • Those at high risk of first
episode psychosis.
If you have both Medicaid and Medicare, we
• Those within the intellectual and
can also help coordinate your care between
development disability (IDD) population.
them. We want to make sure you get the care
and services you need. • And others.
Your ICCS team can include you, your PCP,
No referral is needed for Coordinated a care coordinator, and others involved in
Care Services. Call Customer Service at your health care. Your care coordinator will
855-722-8208, TTY 711. We will put you in make sure you know who they are and how
to reach them. They will work with you to
navigate the health system, connect you Jackson Care Connect
to appropriate providers, services, and
resources to meet your health needs. Your Community Programs
care coordinator will work with you and
your providers to make a care plan that As a nonprofit CCO, we put our
includes your wants and your goals related money back into our community
to your health. This may include assisting instead of shareholder profits.
with scheduling appointments, getting a
wheelchair or other equipment, understanding Each year, money from our budget is used
your medications, or connecting you to social to serve the residents of Jackson County
service resources like housing, SNAP benefits, who may need special services or more
and transportation. Your care coordinator will support. This includes special programs for
our Jackson Care Connect members. It also
work with you and your providers to create
includes additional programs that support
your plan within ten days of starting ICCS.
our entire community, not just Jackson Care
The plan will be updated every 90 days or
Connect members.
sooner. You will get a copy of your plan when
it is created, and any time there are changes Each year these programs change, depending
to it, and you can request a copy at any time. on our local needs. These needs are identified
by our Community Advisory Council (CAC)
Once they have your plan, your care members who live in Jackson County.
coordinator will make sure all your providers
talk to each other, answer your questions, Some of these programs are included here
and will work together to make sure your in this section. If you need more information
plan meets your needs. These include your on our programs, please visit our website at
medical, spiritual, financial, cultural, and jacksoncareconnect.org, or call Customer
educational needs, as well as others. Service during business hours.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
YMCA wellness programs How you need it: Nothing should get in
We want to make sure our members have the the way of getting care. Not your income.
best path to eating right and gaining healthy Not your language. Not your race. Not your
exercise habits. gender. Not any disabilities you may have. Not
where you live. Or anything else. We believe
This is why Jackson Care Connect partners getting care should be as easy as possible,
with the Ashland and Rogue Valley Family for all our members.
YMCAs to offer discounted memberships to
our adult and youth members. Our providers will make sure you will have
physical access, reasonable accommodations
At the YMCA, you can access health and and accessible equipment if you have
fitness programs that can help keep you well. physical and/or mental disabilities. Contact us
if you have special needs. Office hours for our
These include:
providers are the same for OHP members and
• Special weight loss programs everyone else.
• Cooking classes
• Workshops on healthy eating When you have access to the you need and
deserve, you and your family can live healthier
To see a schedule of events and
and more satisfying lives.
programs, please visit our website at
Culturally-sensitive health education
You also can find more information
by calling Customer Service. We respect the dignity and the diversity of
our members and the communities where
Access to care they live. We want to make sure our services
address the needs of people of all cultures,
OHP and Jackson Care Connect work hard
languages, races, ethnic backgrounds,
to make sure our members get the care they
abilities, religions, genders, sexual
need and deserve. That means getting care:
orientations, and other special needs of
When you need it: We work with many our members. We want everyone to feel
providers and clinics. This helps you get welcome and well-served in our plan.
appointments and services as quickly as
Our health education programs include
possible. And emergency care is always
self-care, prevention and disease self-
available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
management. Please call Customer Service
Where you need it: You should always be toll-free at 855-722-8208, TTY 711 for
able to find a provider you trust that's close to more information.
where you live. And if you can't leave home
or don't want to, you can meet with most
providers by phone or video.
Getting Involved To get involved, find out more about the CAC,
or share an idea, see the CAC section of our
as a Member website at jacksoncareconnect.org/CAC or
call Customer Service at 855-722-8208.
Community Advisory Council (CAC) TTY users can call 711. You also can send an
Because each CCO is special to its email to info@jacksoncareconnect.org
community with its own local leaders, the
voices of people who live in the community Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
are very important. Jackson Care Connect has
a CAC made up of members like you, as well Young people ages 14-20 are invited to apply
as providers and community members. The to be on the Youth Advisory Council. YAC
CAC is your voice in the health plan. members volunteer at local events, learn how
to interact with school board members and
Most CAC members are Jackson Care develop their leadership skills. YAC members
Connect members. This gives you the chance also meet local health care and community
to take an active role in improving your own leaders, to learn about community issues and
health and that of your family and others in health care advocacy.
your community.
Visit jacksoncareconnect.org/yac or call
Some of the CAC’s duties include: 541-206-7895 to learn more.
• Sharing expertise about how to improve
health in clinics and in the community
• Finding ways to improve existing
Jackson Care Connect programs, as
well as suggesting future programs
• Advising the board of directors on
how to help us respond to members’
needs and plan for community health
• Organizing activities and projects for
Jackson Care Connect members and
the community on health care issues
• Helping with a Community Health
Needs Assessment and Community
Health Improvement Plan for
everyone living in the Jackson County
area–even people not on OHP
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
or punish you. Staff may not restrain or Connect in a language you understand
isolate you for the staff’s convenience and in a way that respects your culture,
or retaliation against you. You have the to make sure community based care is
right to report violations to Jackson Care provided in as natural and integrated an
Connect and/or to the Oregon Health Plan. environment as possible, and in a way that
• Allowed to make complaints and keeps you out of the hospital if possible.
receive help filing complaints, and • Provided with necessary and reasonable
to get a response without a bad services to diagnose your condition.
reaction from your plan or provider. • Provided with integrated, person-
• Free to ask the Oregon Health centered care and services that provide
Authority Ombudsperson for help choice, independence, and dignity,
with problems at 503-947-2346 or and that meet accepted standards
toll-free 877-642-0450, TTY 711. of medically appropriate care.
• Be treated by your providers the • Able to have a consistent and stable
same as other people seeking health relationship with a care team that is
care benefits they are entitled to; and responsible for managing your care.
encouraged to work with the your care • Able to receive covered
team, including providers and community preventive services.
resources that are right for your needs.
• Provided with a referral to specialty
• Able to choose a primary care providers for medically appropriate
provider (PCP) or service site and to covered coordinated care services
change those choices as allowed following Jackson Care Connect’s
by Jackson Care Connect rules. referral policy.
• Given the right to agree to treatment • Provided with a clinical record that
or refuse services and be told the documents conditions, services
effects of that decision, except received and referrals made.
for court ordered services.
• Able to transfer a copy of your
• Given written materials describing rights, clinical record to another provider.
responsibilities, benefits, how to access
• Able to write a statement of your
services and what to do in an emergency.
wishes for treatment, including the
• Provided with services and support right to accept or refuse medical,
in a language you understand, and in surgical, or mental health treatment.
a way that respects your culture.
• Able to write directives and
• Provided with care coordination and powers of attorney for health care
transition planning from Jackson Care established under ORS 127.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
• Tell your provider that your health Working With Your Primary
care is covered under OHP before
you get services and, if requested, Care Provider (PCP)
show the provider your Jackson
Care Connect Member ID card. Your PCP clinic assignment
• Call OHP Customer Service to All Jackson Care Connect members have
tell them if you change your a PCP. When you become a Jackson Care
address or phone number. Connect member, we will assign you a primary
• Call OHP Customer Service if you become care clinic. If there is a different provider you
pregnant and when the baby is born. would prefer, you have the right to change
your assignment. This could be a doctor, a
• Call OHP Customer Service if you
nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant.
have any other insurance available.
Start with your PCP for all of your health
• Pay for non-covered services under care needs.
the provisions described in OAR
410-120-1200 and 410-120-1280 To find a provider you can change to,
visit our online provider directory at
• Let Jackson Care Connect know about
any issues or complaints or grievances
You can also contact Customer Service at
you have.
We can help you find a PCP whose office is else — like routine and preventive women’s
convenient for you and who accepts new health care, Pap tests, family planning, and
patients. You may also look in the Primary immunizations (shots). All of this and more can
Care Clinics section of our provider directory, usually be taken care of at your medical home.
available online at jacksoncareconnect.org/
In addition to your PCP, most primary care
offices have many health professionals to
To change your PCP, call Customer help with all your needs. These may include:
Service at 855-722-8208. After you • Medical Assistants
choose a new PCP, we will mail you a
• Nurses
new Jackson Care Connect ID card that
shows the name of the PCP you chose. • Behavioral Health Specialists
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
You can make your own appointment for the Getting approval, also called pre-
following services from a specialist who is a approval or prior authorization (PA)
Jackson Care Connect provider: Some services need approval before you
• Mammograms get the service. This is known as a “prior
• Renal (kidney) dialysis services authorization (PA)” or “pre-approval.” We
you get when you are temporarily review PA requests as quickly as your health
outside the plan’s service area condition requires. Most decisions are
made within 14 days. Sometimes a decision
• Outpatient mental or behavioral
may take up to 28 days. This only happens
health services
when we are waiting for more information.
• Outpatient substance use If you or your provider feel following the
disorder services standard time frame puts your life, health
• Family planning services and supplies or ability to function in danger, we can
• Sexual abuse exams make an “expedited service authorization”
decision. Expedited service decisions are
• Health risk screening for Intensive
typically made within 72 hours, but there
Care Coordination Services (ICCS)
may be a 14-day extension. You can appeal
• Appointments with a women’s this decision. See page 64 for details.
health specialist for routine and
preventive health care services
Planned care out of state
You can get a routine or follow-up
Jackson Care Connect will help you
appointment within four weeks of the request,
locate an out of state provider and
or within 72 hours for urgent issues, unless
pay for a covered service when:
the reason for a longer wait is documented
as part of an initial screening. If you have a • You need a service that is not
medical emergency, you’ll be immediately available in Oregon, or
assessed and either immediately seen or • The service is cost effective.
referred to an emergency department based
on that assessment. You are free to see any
network provider that is accepting patients. Out-of-network providers
A list of providers for these services is in For family planning services and supplies,
Jackson Care Connect’s online provider you can see an out-of-network provider. In
directory at jacksoncareconnect.org/ most other cases, you must see a Jackson
providerdirectory. For information about Care Connect specialist or other provider. If a
out-of-network providers, see below. Jackson Care Connect specialist or provider
is not available, your PCP will ask us if you
can see an out-of-network provider. We will When your PCP is out of town or on vacation,
work with your PCP in determining how soon they will arrange for another provider to be
you need to be seen and the specialist you available to give you care and advice.
need to see to address your medical needs.
There is no extra cost if this happens.
If you need care out of town
If you have already seen a specialist and
If you get sick when you are away from
have questions or concerns, make an
home, call your PCP. If you need urgent
appointment with your PCP to discuss any
care, find a local doctor who will see
issues. If you or your PCP want a second
you right away. Ask that doctor to call
opinion from another specialist, at no
your PCP to coordinate your care.
cost to you, your PCP will refer you.
Second opinions
You can get a second opinion at no cost
to you. If you want a second opinion about
your treatment options, ask your PCP to refer
you to another specialist. If you want to see
a provider outside our network, you or your
provider will need to get our approval first.
We will tell you if a referral, approval or signed
release is needed for a second opinion.
Contact Customer Service at 855-722-8208 if
you need help.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
contact your PCP on the next business day Mexico, Canada, or anywhere else outside
after your emergency treatment. Follow-up the United States.
care once you are stable is covered, but is not
If you need to go to an emergency room
considered an emergency.
when you are away from home, please follow
these steps:
Post-emergency care 1. Make sure you have your Jackson Care
Post-emergency care refers to covered Connect Member ID card with you.
services you get after an emergency and after 2. When you are at the emergency room,
your condition is stabilized. It is care to help make sure you show them your Member
maintain or improve your condition. Jackson ID card. Ask them if they will send
Care Connect will pay for post-emergency any bills to Jackson Care Connect.
care provided by a hospital (whether or not
3. Do not sign any paperwork until you
the hospital is in our provider network).
know the emergency provider will send
After you receive emergency treatment, the bill to Jackson Care Connect.
call your PCP as soon as possible. You can 4. Call our Customer Service at the number
arrange for more care if you need it. on your Member ID card as soon as
you can. Ask them to talk with the
emergency room staff about any bills.
Planned care out of state
Jackson Care Connect will help you It's ok if you don't remember to do all of this
locate an out of state provider and during an emergency. But if you follow these
pay for a covered service when: steps, you are less likely to get a bill.
• You need a service that is not If you do get a bill for your emergency room
available in Oregon, or visit, do not ignore it. As soon as you get a bill,
• The service is cost effective. this is what you should do:
1. Call our Customer Service right away.
Out-of-town emergencies We will help you get it taken care of.
If you have an emergency when you are 2. Check with us later to make
away from home, call 911 or go to the nearest sure the bill was paid.
emergency room. Your care will be covered 3. If you get court papers in the mail
until you are stable. For follow-up care after about the emergency room bill, call us
the emergency, call your PCP. right away. You can also call the Public
Benefits Hotline at 800-520-5292
OHP covers emergency and urgent care
for legal advice and help. There are
anywhere in the United States, but not in
laws that can help you if you receive
a bill when you shouldn't have.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
You can appeal a bill if you receive one. See Here are urgent care clinics that serve
“Complaints and Appeals” on page 64. Jackson Care Connect members:
Asante Urgent Care
Urgent care 555 Black Oak Dr, Medford
All providers in our network offer after-hours
help — you can reach them 24 hours a day, Asante Urgent Care
seven days a week. Urgent problems are 2841 Ave G, White City
things like severe infections, sprains and 541-789-2273
strong pain that need care within a few days
Providence Stewart Meadows Urgent Care
to prevent an emergency. If you don’t know
70 Bower Drive, #110, Medford
how urgent the problem is, call your PCP.
When you have an urgent problem, at home Valley Immediate Care
or away, you should: 1401 Siskiyou Blvd, Suite 1, Ashland
1. Call your clinic or provider’s office. 541-488-6848
You can call anytime — day or night,
Valley Immediate Care
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
1600 Delta Waters Rd, North Medford
2. If your PCP isn’t available, ask to speak 541-858-2515
to the clinic nurse or on-call provider.
Valley Immediate Care
3. A health care professional will tell you 1700 E. Barnett Rd, South Medford
what to do. You may be scheduled for 541-773-4029
an appointment with your PCP right
away. If your PCP is not available
within a reasonable time, they may
suggest going to an urgent care
facility. Urgent care is covered and
you do not need permission to get it.
Covered Benefits you can ask your PCP or call Customer Service.
You also can reference the OHP Handbook.
and Services It is available on the web at ohp.oregon.gov.
You can also call OHP Client Services and ask
This is a brief list of benefits and services that them to send you a copy. That phone number
are covered under your OHP benefits with is 800-273-0557, TTY 711.
Jackson Care Connect. There are no copays.
Authorization may be
required for some services,
Number of visits based
check with your PCP or
Mental health services on your health plan’s approval
outpatient behavior when authorization is required
health provider. See
detailed chart on page 51
Authorization may be
required for some services,
Number of visits based
Substance use check with your PCP or
on your health plan’s approval
disorder services outpatient behavior when authorization is required
health provider. See
detailed chart on page 51
Authorization may be
Dental services (including required. See page 47 See page 47 for details and
emergency dental) for details and check with check with your dental plan
your dental plan
Referral required
Number of visits based on
Specialty visits for some services,
your health plan’s approval
check with your PCP
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
No authorization/referral
Urgent care No limit
No authorization/referral
Emergency services No limit
No authorization/
Immunizations As recommended
referral required
No authorization/
Routine physicals As recommended
referral required
No authorization/
Well-women visits As recommended
referral required
No authorization/
Family planning No limit
referral required
No authorization/
Prostate exams No limit
referral required
No authorization/
Colon cancer screening No limit
referral required
Preventive Services Authorization/Referral? Limits to Care?
No authorization/
Diabetes prevention No limit
referral required
No authorization/
Nutritional counseling No limit
referral required
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Postpartum care
No authorization/
(care for the mother after No limit
referral required
the baby is born)
No authorization/
Labor and delivery Contact Customer Service
referral required
Hospital Stays Authorization/Referral? Limits to Care?
Referral required
Outpatient hospital services for some services, As recommended
check with your PCP
Referral required
Chemotherapy and
for some services, As recommended
check with your PCP
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
No authorization/referral
Emergency detox No limit
Approval based on
Hearing aids and exams Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
Contact Customer Service.
Approval based on
Home health Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
Contact Customer Service.
Approval based on
Skilled nursing facilities Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
Contact Customer Service.
Approval based on
Hospice Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
Contact Customer Service.
Other Specialty Services Authorization/Referral? Limits to Care?
No authorization/
Comfort care As recommended
referral required
Approval based on
Chiropractor Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
Contact Customer Service.
Approval based on
Acupuncture Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
Contact Customer Service.
Approval based on
Hormone therapy/sex
Yes, authorization required OHP guidelines.
reassignment surgery
Contact Customer Service.
No authorization/referral
No limit. Frequency
required. Contact Customer
Care coordination services and intensity based on
Service to get connected to
your team.
No authorization/referral
No limit. Frequency
Intensive care coordination required. Contact Customer
and intensity based on
services Service to get connected to
your team.
No authorization/referral
No limit. Frequency
required. Contact Customer
Case management services and intensity based on
Service to get connected to
your team.
Non-emergent medical
Yes, authorization required No limit
No authorization/referral
Emergency transportation No limit
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Services covered by OHP, but not Want more information on the services?
provided by Jackson Care Connect Call the KEPRO Care Coordination Team at
Some benefits are covered by the OHP, but 800-562-4620. Need a ride to a service not
provided by agencies other than Jackson provided by Jackson Care Connect? See
Care Connect. We do not make coverage “Getting to Health Care Appointments” on
decisions based on moral or religious beliefs. page 38.
Prioritized List of Health Services How does the Prioritized List work?
OHP does not cover everything. The Oregon The list contains hundreds of diseases and
law makers do not have enough money to conditions. Only some of them are covered by
provide services for every type of illness. So OHP due to funding. The cut-off line between
they use the money that is available to pay what is covered and what isn’t covered is
for the most effective services for selected called the Funding Line. All conditions “above
sicknesses and diseases. the line” are covered. Some conditions
and treatments above the line have certain
A list of these sicknesses and diseases is
rules. The conditions “below the line” usually
called the Prioritized List of Health Services.
are not covered by OHP, but there may be
This list was developed by a committee
exceptions. For example, something below
called the Oregon Health Evidence Review
the line could be covered if you have an
Commission (HERC). The HERC is a group of
above the line condition that could improve if
doctors, nurses and others concerned about
the below the line condition is treated.
health care issues in Oregon.
OHP covers reasonable services for finding
This Prioritized List of Health Services is
out what’s wrong. That includes diagnosing
available online at link.careoregon.org/ohp-
a condition that is not currently funded. If a
health care provider decides on a diagnosis
To create the first prioritized list of health or treatment that’s not funded, OHP will not
services, the HERC held public meetings pay for any more services for that condition.
around Oregon to find out which health issues
The OHP website has more details about the
were important to Oregonians. The HERC
list. Go to ohp.oregon.gov
used that information to rank all health care
procedures in order of effectiveness. HERC
members are appointed by the governor and
meet regularly to update the list.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
a PCP at least once per year for primary • Vaccines, as needed, according
care and dental care is still important for all to a child’s age:
individuals ages 3-21 for additional shots, - Child vaccine schedule:
physicals, health education and other needs. link.careoregon.org/CDC-child-vaccines
- Adult vaccine schedule:
Early and periodic screening, diagnosis
• Lead testing for children between 1-2
and treatment (EPSDT)
years old, or 2-6 years if they haven’t had
With a referral from a provider, the early and one yet. This includes follow-up services
periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment for children with high lead levels.
(EPSDT) program offers well-child exams for
• Other needed laboratory tests (such
the diagnosis and treatment of all children
as anemia test, sickle cell test, and
from ages 0-20. These services are covered,
others) based on age and client risk.
with no cost, to members under age 21 to treat
needed physical, dental, developmental and • Overall unclothed physical exam with
mental health conditions. Children and their an inspection of teeth and gums.
families can get transportation help to get • Health guidance and education
to appointments for these services (see the for parents and children.
“Getting to health care appointments” section • Dental services when needed. See
on page 38 of this booklet to learn more). the “Dental Health Care” section
OHP covers EPSDT screening visits at age- of this booklet to learn more.
appropriate times. OHP follows the American • Health care and treatment to
Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures correct or improve defects.
guidelines. Bright Futures can be found at • Services, as needed, for severe,
link.careoregon.org/bright-futures infrequent or chronic conditions.
• An agreement showing your
EPSDT services include:
responsibilities and how long
• Regular exams and screenings to check services will be given.
the health, growth and development of
• Help with referrals for other
infants, children and youth. This includes:
needed services. This includes:
- Physical exams - Social services
- Mental health exams - Education
- Substance use treatment - Nutrition help
- Nutrition checks
Your physical and dental providers can help
- Hearing and vision tests (and glasses
you get EPSDT services — contact them to
and hearing aids, if needed)
learn more and get a referral. If screenings
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
show that your child needs further care, your • Referrals for specialty care
provider can help you get more help. You can • Acute and urgent care such as sprains,
also call Customer Service with any questions difficulty breathing, and more
at 855-722-8208. Families who have not • Admission to the hospital, if needed
used EPSDT services will be notified about
them every year. More about EPSDT is on our
website at jacksoncareconnect.org/epsdt Family planning services
A number of family planning services and
supplies are covered by Jackson Care
Adult health
Connect and are usually provided by your PCP:
We never grow out of needing wellness
• Physical exams
visits. As adults, wellness visits are
important opportunities for health exams, • Birth control education and counseling
for family planning health issues
tests, getting shots, asking questions
and managing any health conditions • Birth control prescriptions like
with your primary care provider. pills, patches or rings
• Intrauterine devices (IUDs) and
Chronic illness or other conditions may other long-acting contraceptives
make it harder to manage your overall health
• Hormonal birth control you
and increase the chances of having health
inject, like Depo-Provera
complications if you get sick. Depending on
your specific health concerns, your PCP may • Supplies and devices like condoms,
diaphragms, foams and cervical caps
want you to have certain shots more often.
Talk to your PCP about which shots you • Emergency birth control (the
should have and when you should have them. “morning after” pill)
• Medical and surgical procedures, like
tubal ligations and vasectomies
Primary care
• Tests and counseling for sexually
Primary care is general medical care and transmitted infections (STIs),
treatment provided by your PCP. It includes: including AIDS and HIV
• Preventive health care services that • Abortions for medical reasons
catch a health problem early or prevent or elective (your choice)
it from happening (e.g., mammograms/ • Pregnancy tests
breast X-rays, Pap tests, shots)
• Care for ongoing, chronic conditions,
like diabetes or asthma
• Prescriptions
Lab tests, X-rays and other procedures PCP will tell you how often you should have a
Jackson Care Connect pays for these medical eye exam.
services when they are needed. With a
referral from your PCP (if required), we cover Benefits for members who are age 20
or younger:
diagnostic services. Diagnostic services
(e.g., MRI or CT scan) help determine the • Eye exams and new glasses are covered
cause or features of an illness or condition. with no limit only if they are medically
necessary (for example, if you experience
a change in your vision that requires new
Hospital care glasses). Medical necessity is decided by
If you need care at a hospital, your PCP or your PCP or other health care provider.
specialist will arrange for your care. • Oregon Health Plan covers contact
lenses only for a few conditions.
Hearing services
Benefits for pregnant members of any age:
If you need hearing services, your PCP will
• Eye exams and new glasses are
make a referral. Jackson Care Connect
covered every 24 months. Glasses are
pays for:
also covered within 120 days after
• Exams once every 12 months. cataract surgery or up to one year
• Up to 60 hearing aid batteries per year. after corneal transplant.
• Up to two hearing aids every five years • Oregon Health Plan covers contact
for adults over 21, and two hearing lenses only for a few conditions.
aids every three years for children.
Hearing aids require authorization. Benefits for members who are 21 or older
and not pregnant:
• Eye exams for prescribing glasses or
Vision care
contact lenses are ONLY covered when
For those who qualify for vision care, call VSP needed to treat medical conditions,
toll-free: 800-877-7195. You do not need a such as an absent natural eye lens,
PCP referral. synthetic eye lens replacement,
If you have an eye injury or infection, call your thinning or “coning” of the eye lens,
PCP. Your PCP may refer you to a specialist. cataracts, and congenital cataracts.
• Glasses are covered within 120 days
Eye exams for the purpose of checking on
after cataract surgery or up to one
your medical condition (for example, people
year after corneal transplant.
with diabetes) are covered. In this case, your
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
FlexTrip transportation to
• Community Advisory Council meetings
• WIC appointments
• Starting Strong store
• JCC-sponsored wellness events
• Your driver cannot drop you off more can help determine if you need emergency
than 15 minutes before your provider's services and an ambulance. TransLink does
office opens, unless you request it. not provide emergency transportation. If
• Your driver must pick you up within you need an emergency trip, call 911.
15 minutes after your provider's office
closes, unless you request it.
TransLink member rights
• You have a right to file complaints
TransLink members have the right to:
about your experience.
• Receive safe and reliable transportation
• You have a right to ask for an appeal
that meets your needs.
if a trip you asked for is denied.
• Receive interpretation services.
• Before any request is denied, a second
employee must look at your request. • Get materials in the language or
format that meets your needs.
• If your request for a trip is denied, we will
mail a notice to you and your network • Not be discriminated against by
provider within 72 hours. We will also mail transportation providers, call-
the notice to your network provider, if center representatives or other
that provider requested the trip for you. TransLink passengers.
• Bring a service animal or personal
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
care attendant (PCA) as needed.
Call: 541-842-2060
Please tell the call center about other
Toll-free: 888-518-8160
passengers who will ride with you.
TTY 711
Emotional support animals or pets
Or schedule your request online at rvtd.org must be in an enclosed carrier.
• Bring along a few items if needed, but
For more information about this program, visit
not too many. Items should not exceed
2’x2’x2’. For example, you might bring:
You can also learn more in the Jackson Care
Connect Rider’s Guide. - Three grocery bags, or
- One box of food, or
- Two carry-on items
Emergency medical transportation • Be transported in the mobility device
Jackson Care Connect pays of your choosing (like a scooter).
for ambulance transportation in The device should be classified by
emergencies for OHP members. the ADA as a mobility device.
If you are not sure if you need emergency • Request help with seatbelts or
services call your PCP, even after hours. They request a seatbelt extender.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
• Keep food or drinks in closed containers, Pharmacy and Prescription
and not consume them inside a TransLink
vehicle. Exceptions can be made for Drug Benefits
small snacks for members who need
to regulate their health conditions. If you take prescription drugs, you will want
• Plan ahead and bring along food to take a look at our preferred drug list
(for eating during stops) and (formulary) to find out which drugs we cover.
medication as needed for long Pharmacists and doctors decide which
trips or unexpected delays. drugs should be in the formulary.
• Provide accurate information to TransLink You can find the formulary and information
and our transportation providers. This on coverage limits and requirements on our
will improve the service you receive. website at jacksoncareconnect.org/druglist
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
• Drugs that are not approved by the Questions to ask your provider
U.S. Food and Drug Administration about prescriptions
(FDA) and drugs that have little or poor Jackson Care Connect providers are asked
scientific evidence to support their use to prescribe medications that are on our
• Drugs that are being studied and formulary. Drugs that are not on our drug list
are not approved for your disease or are called “non-formulary drugs” and are not
condition. A drug may be approved covered, unless we make an exception.
by the FDA for use with one or more
diseases or conditions, but not approved IMPORTANT: Each time you receive a
for other diseases or conditions. new prescription, ask your provider if it is
covered by Jackson Care Connect and if it
requires pre-approval or has limits.
How to team with your pharmacist
If we don’t cover the specific drug, ask your
Some drugs on the formulary have additional
provider if another drug on our formulary
requirements or limits on coverage that
would work for you.
may include:
• The use of generic drugs when available If your provider decides that our formulary
does not have an acceptable choice or if
• Prior authorization (pre-approval)
another drug requires pre-approval, ask your
• Step therapy (trying other drugs first) provider to contact us and fax a Formulary
• Age restrictions Exception or Prior Authorization Request form.
• Quantity limits Our decisions for prior approval and formulary
exception requests are based only on
We cover some over-the-counter (OTC)
appropriate care and coverage limitations.
drugs such as aspirin. They are listed on the
formulary. You must get a prescription from We approve up to a one-month supply of a
your provider and give it to a pharmacist non-formulary or restricted drug for members
before we can pay for an OTC drug. who were taking the drug before they
became a Jackson Care Connect member,
Drugs used to treat mental health needs
or after their discharge from a hospital or
such as depression, anxiety and psychosis
nursing facility.
are covered directly by the Oregon Health
Authority (OHA). They are not listed on You or your provider may call Customer
our formulary. Your pharmacist sends your Service to ask for a transition supply. Talk to
prescription claim directly to OHA. You may your provider as soon as possible about drugs
have a copay for these drugs. that we cover or ask us for an exception.
How to fill your prescriptions Mental Health Prescriptions
Fill your prescriptions at any Jackson Care We don’t cover all prescriptions. Most
Connect network pharmacy. Show your medications that people take for mental
Jackson Care Connect Member ID card and health needs are paid for by OHP “fee-
your photo ID when you fill a prescription. You for-service.” Please show your pharmacist
can find our network pharmacies in our online your Jackson Care Connect Member ID
provider directory at jacksoncareconnect.org/ card and your photo ID. The pharmacy
providerdirectory will know where to send the bill.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Advantage Dental Service Changing your primary dental provider
Provider Directory You may change your PDP two times every
providerportal.advantagedental.com/ year. To choose a new dentist, use the provider
provider/search directory for your assigned dental plan.
Customer Service
Toll-free: 866-268-9631
TTY 711 Emergency and urgent
dental care services
Capitol Dental
Provider Directory Emergency dental care is available any time
capitoldentalcare.com/members/find-a- of day or night. You will receive care within
dentist 24 hours. An emergency is a serious problem
Customer Service that needs immediate care. It could be an
Toll-free: 800-525-6800 injury or sudden severe condition. Some
TTY 711 examples of emergency situations are:
• Bad infection
Provider Directory • Bad abscesses (an abscess is a
odscommunitydental.com/members blister on your gum tissue)
Customer Service • Severe tooth pain (pain that does not stop
Toll-free: 800-342-0526 when you take over-the-counter pain killers)
TTY 711
• A tooth that is knocked out
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Dental benefits and services
IMPORTANT: Benefits may require prior approval and may have limits.
No authorization/referral
Basic restorative care (fillings) No limit
Authorization may be
required for wisdom teeth;
Extractions (removing teeth) No limit
may be required for
other extractions
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Mental Health and Substance We offer:
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
You can also call this number or 911 • Case Management services for adults
if you are in crisis. • Residential care
• Intensive live-in care for children
Behavioral health in primary care • Care and help for families who
need a break
Your PCP may refer you to a Behavioral Health
Clinician for a 15-30 minute visit. The clinician • Services to help at-risk and
will focus on a particular problem. After talking homeless youth
to you, the clinician will help you make any • Psychiatry
changes you want to make, help with stress or • Applied behavioral analysis: a
problems at home or school. treatment that helps people change
Your Behavioral Health Clinician can help you: their behavior, sometimes used for
people with brain injuries, dementia,
• Create a healthy lifestyle by changing
tics, fears or other conditions
eating and exercise habits, or learning
relaxation skills, ways to sleep better If you need a routine (that is, non-urgent)
and how to have good friends
behavioral health appointment, you’ll have a
• Reflect on harmful habits like using first assessment within seven days. A second
alcohol, tobacco and drugs, or getting
appointment will be scheduled as clinically
angry easily and hurting people’s feelings
— the clinician can help you make changes appropriate — that is, when your provider
for the better, even if they are small decides you need it.
• Cope with stress, including
loss and sadness
• Apply self-care techniques to manage pain,
diabetes, medications and other issues
Mental health & substance use disorder benefits
IMPORTANT: You do not need a referral to get most mental health services, substance use
disorder or recovery support services from a network Specialty mental health services may
require pre-approval.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
A mental health emergency is a situation You can also call 911 if you are in crisis.
where your health or safety, or the safety of
others, would be in serious danger if you did
Things to look for if you or someone you
not get help immediately.
know is having a mental health crisis:
If you already have a mental health provider, • You or a member of your family
your provider’s office will tell you how to are considering suicide
reach them during a mental health crisis. If
you are having a crisis, follow the plan made • You or a member of your family
with your mental health professional. If you are hearing voices to hurt
feel you need services immediately, call yourself or another person
your provider’s office and ask for an urgent • You or a member of your family hurts
appointment, contact the crisis line or call other people, animals or property
911. Members with urgent mental health or
substance use treatment needs will be seen • You or a member of your family has
within 24 hours. dangerous or highly disruptive behaviors
in school, work, or with friends or with
Other important information family, and the behaviors are new or not
being addressed by a mental
• Post-stabilization care is available 24 hours
a day, seven days a week. This is care you health provider
receive after a mental health crisis • You or a member of your family
or emergency. feels out of control
• Calling a crisis hotline or using a mobile
crisis service can help you become stable
during a crisis or emergency. This can
help you avoid:
- Going to an emergency department
- Being admitted to an acute care facility
- Getting arrested
Suicide prevention You can also call any of the following outside
One concern that may come with of Jackson Care Connect:
untreated mental health needs is a risk of • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
suicide. With appropriate treatment, 800-273-TALK (8255), online at
your life can improve dramatically. suicidepreventionlifeline.org
• The David Romprey Memorial Warmline
What are the most common warning signs? at: 800-698-2392
As many as 80 percent of those thinking about • Crisis Text Line (741741)
suicide want others to be aware of their
emotional pain and stop them from dying. For teen suicide prevention:
A warning sign does not mean a person is
YouthLine: call 877-968-8491 or
going to attempt suicide, but it should be
text teen2teen to 839863
taken seriously. Suicide warning signs include:
• Acting anxious or agitated;
Substance use disorder services
behaving recklessly
(also called alcohol and drug
• Displaying extreme mood swings treatment services)
• Giving away prized possessions
IMPORTANT: You do not need to call
• Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
Jackson Care Connect for a referral for
• Planning a way to kill oneself, such as most substance use disorder treatment or
buying a gun recovery support services from a network
• Preoccupation with death provider. You can talk to your PCP or
contact treatment services directly.
• Talking about wanting to die or
wanting to kill oneself If you are in need of substance use disorder
• Talking about feeling hopeless treatment services, you can get information
or having no reason to live by talking to your PCP, your mental health
treatment provider or your local community
• Talking about feeling trapped or in
mental health provider. You also can contact
unbearable pain
Customer Service to find out who can provide
• Talking about being a burden to others services. Available substance use disorder
• Withdrawing or feeling isolated treatment services include:
• Outpatient therapy
Never keep talk of suicide a secret!
• Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT),
also called Medication Supported
Recovery (no authorization required
for the first 30 days of treatment)
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
If You Are Pregnant As soon as possible after your baby is born,
• Call OHP Customer Service to
enroll your baby in the OHP.
It is very important for your health and your
This is not done automatically.
baby’s health to get maternity care while
you are pregnant. • If you received all your medical care from
an obstetrician or prenatal care provider
We cover: during your pregnancy, you need to
• Prenatal care (care for you choose a PCP now. Call Customer Service
before your baby is born) to help you find a PCP near you.
• Childbirth
• Postpartum care (care for you Information for birth parents
after your baby is born)
Oregon’s A Safe Place for Newborns
• Care for your newborn baby Law allows either birth parent to leave a
• Nursing support and breast pumps newborn infant at an authorized facility,
such as a hospital, doctor’s office during
• Dental care for you and your baby
business hours, birthing clinic, police
• Services to quit smoking or fire station or sheriff’s office.
As soon as you know you are pregnant: There are no legal penalties for making this
choice if the baby is 30 days old or younger,
1. Call OHP Customer Service. They
is given to a staff person and shows no signs
will make sure you don’t lose OHP
of abuse.
benefits while you are pregnant.
They can also help you get additional If you need support, want to talk to someone
services that you may need. about this decision, or need information on
adoption, counseling or other social services,
2. Call your PCP and make an appointment
call 800-SAFENET (800-723-3638).
for prenatal care. If you prefer, you can
pick your own obstetrician/prenatal If you decide to take your baby to “a safe
care provider. place for newborns” facility, you will not have
to answer questions. You will be offered
You can find a list of providers who can deliver
information and phone numbers for county
your baby in our online provider directory
child welfare offices. You will be asked to fill
on our website at jacksoncareconnect.org/
out a voluntary health questionnaire about the
infant. You may leave at any time.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Babies receive medical attention if they There are two types of health-related
need it. The staff person who accepts services: flexible services and community
the baby contacts DHS, and the baby benefit initiatives (CBI). Flexible services
is placed in a temporary home. include things like:
If you change your mind, you can seek • A cell phone for better access to providers
custody of the baby. A court hearing will • Food or farmers market vouchers
be held on the first business day after • Items that improve mobility
the day the baby is left. There will be
• Sleep aids
several court hearings after that date.
Your ability to seek custody of the baby CBI help improve community health and
will depend on how quickly the court improve the quality of health care. Examples
moves to end the parents’ rights. of CBI include:
• Starting a diabetes health program
Online resources: in a local community center
Parent resources: link.careoregon.org/oha- • Creating a farmers market in a
parenting-resources neighborhood with few grocery stores
How to Disenroll or • If you lose OHP eligibility for two months
or fewer, are re-enrolled, and therefore
Change CCOs missed your disenrollment window.
• For any other reason, one time each year.
The CCO you have depends on where you
• If you move to a place that your CCO
live. Some areas have more than one CCO. In
those areas, there are rules about when you doesn’t serve, you can change CCOs as
can change your CCO. soon as you call OHP Member Services
at 800-699-9075 and tell them about
When you have a problem getting the right
the move.
care, please let us try to help you before
changing plans. Just call Customer Service • If you are a Native American or Alaska
and ask for our Care Coordinator. If you still native with proof of Indian Heritage, or
want to leave or change your CCO, call OHP are also on Medicare, you can ask to
Customer Service at 800-273-0557. change or leave your CCO anytime.
Reasons why you might choose to leave
How to change CCOs Jackson Care Connect on your own include:
The CCO you have depends on where you • Jackson Care Connect does not restrict
live. Some areas have more than one CCO. services based on moral or religious
In those areas, there are rules about when objections; however, if you feel that we do
you can change your CCO.
not cover a service you seek because of
You can change CCOs once a year. If you such objections, you may choose to leave.
want to change call OHP Customer Service at • If you need related services (for example
800-699-9075. You can also make a request a cesarean section and a tubal ligation)
in writing. You can change CCOs: to be performed at the same time, not
• If you are not new to OHP, you all related services are available within
can change CCOs during the first the network, and your PCP determines
30 days after you re-enroll. that receiving the services separately
• If you are new to OHP, you can change would subject you to unnecessary risk.
CCOs during the first 90 days after • If you have other reasons, including poor
you enroll. quality of care, lack of access to services
• When you renew your OHP covered under the contract, or lack of
coverage (usually once a year). access to participating providers who
know how to deal with your health
• If you have been enrolled in
care needs.
your CCO for six months.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
We may ask the OHA to remove you from We will honor written documentation of prior
our plan if you: authorization for ongoing services. Items that
• Are abusive to our staff or providers. you are already getting, such as prescriptions
or medical supplies, will still be available to
• Commit fraud, such as letting someone
you during the transition. Please make an
else use your health care benefits.
appointment with your new physical health,
• Move out of our service area. oral health, mental health or substance use
• Lose your OHP eligibility. disorder treatment provider right away so you
can update your treatment plan and keep
We cannot ask that you be removed getting any ongoing care you need.
from our plan because:
• Your health has gotten worse. Some members who change OHP plans can
still get the same services and see the same
• You are using a lot of services. providers. That means care will not change
• Your behavior is disruptive or when you switch CCO plans or move from
abusive because of a mental health OHP fee-for-service to a CCO. If you have
condition or special needs. serious health needs, your new and old plans
• Your history suggests you may need must work together to make sure you get the
more services in the future. care and services you need.
• You filed an appeal or a grievance. This transition of care period lasts for:
• You make choices about your medical • 30 days for physical health and dental
care that we disagree with. health, and 60 days for mental health;
• You are in the custody of • OR, until your new providers review your
ODHS Child Welfare. treatment plan.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
These protections usually only apply if expect this bill, it’s sometimes called a
the medical provider knew or should “surprise bill.” This is not allowed.
have known you had OHP. Also, they only
apply to providers who participate in the
OHP program (but most providers do). If When you may have to pay for services
all of the above is true, a provider may Generally, you will not have to pay any medical
take legal steps to make you pay if your bills. However, there are a few exceptions:
bill is unpaid after more than 90 days.
You have to pay the provider if you:
Sometimes, your medical provider doesn’t • Receive services outside Jackson Care
do the paperwork correctly and won’t get Connect’s contracted network. Contracted
paid for that reason. That doesn’t mean you providers meet the provider enrollment
have to pay. If you already received the requirements from the OHA and the
service and we refuse to pay your medical Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services
provider, your provider still can’t bill you. (CMS). Non-participating providers may
You may receive a notice from us saying also meet these requirements, but you
that we will not pay for the service. That may not have this information when you
notice does not mean you have to pay. receive services from them. To make sure
The provider will write-off the charges. you will not receive medical bills from a
If we or your provider tell you that the service non-contracted provider, ask whether
isn’t covered by OHP, we will send you a your provider and any others that they
Notice of Adverse Benefit Determination work with (such as labs or imaging) are
(NOABD) letter. The notice will tell you how enrolled with the OHA to provide services
to appeal the decision, if you want to. to Jackson Care Connect members.
• Receive checks from a third-party
No provider or anyone working on behalf payer, like car insurance, for services
of your provider can bill you, send you to performed by your provider
collections or take you to court for amounts
Jackson Care Connect is supposed to pay. • Choose to have services that the provider
tells you are not covered by Jackson
Providers can’t bill you if they make an Care Connect. In this case, the provider
error, like an error in submitting a claim. must tell you the cost of each service,
“Balance” or “surprise” billing is also not and that you are responsible for paying
allowed. For example, if you see an out-of- for the service. The provider must also
network provider and we don’t cover the ask you to sign a written form stating that
whole cost, the out-of-network provider you were told this information, and that
may try to bill you for the difference. This you knowingly and voluntarily agreed
is called “balance billing.” When you don’t to pay for non-covered services.
Members with both Medicaid and true whether you are in a CCO, prepaid health
other insurance plan or OHP fee-for-service (open card).
Members enrolled in both Medicaid (OHP) No permission or referral is needed
and Medicare are referred to as “dual to see these providers. They can be
eligible” members. Dual eligible members found in our online provider directory at
are automatically enrolled in a local CCO jacksoncareconnect.org/providerdirectory
plan. These members don’t pay co-pays
or have any other costs or cost sharing. You can also see Native American providers
that are not in our network. However, Native
Members may also have other coverage American providers that are not part of
through an employer, retirement plan and/ our network must follow the same rules as
or an individual health plan. Members network providers. Only covered benefits
with dual eligibility may or may not have will be paid. If a service requires prior
both Medicaid and Medicare in addition authorization, the provider must request it
to their other coverage. If you have other before providing the service. A list of services
insurance, they are the primary payer over that need prior authorization is posted on
Medicaid or Medicare. In some cases, our website under the “Provider Forms and
Medicaid will cover benefits that the other Policies” section.
insurance doesn’t cover. This depends on
the plan. It is your responsibility to provide If you have questions about your benefits
all insurance coverage information to the under the American Recovery and Restoration
medical offices providing services to you Act, please contact OHP Customer Service.
and to the medical plans that you are If you need help understanding our pre-
covered under. If you do not, your claims authorization rules, please contact Columbia
could be delayed or not paid. Please call our Pacific CCO Customer Service for help.
Customer Service with questions or to report
any additional coverages you may have.
Outside the United States
Please call Customer Service before Jackson Care Connect will not cover any
you agree to pay a provider. health services you get outside the United
States, including Canada and Mexico.
Native rights
American Indians and Alaska Natives can New technology
receive their care from an Indian Health The OHP decides if new technologies
Service (IHS) clinic or tribal wellness center, and new uses of current technologies are
or the Native American Rehabilitation included in your benefit package. If you have
Association of the Northwest (NARA). This is questions about whether or not a service is
covered, please call Customer Service.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Changing your address or phone number need that kind of care. The form you use
If you move or change your phone number, is called an Advance Directive. If you have
let OHP Customer Service know. It is your written an Advance Directive, also called a
responsibility to let OHP know about these living will, your providers must follow your
changes within 30 days of the change. If instructions. If you don’t have an Advance
you don’t, you could lose your Jackson Care Directive, your providers may ask your family
Connect benefits. You can reach OHP: what to do. If your family can’t or won’t decide,
Online: ONE.oregon.gov your providers will take the usual steps in
By telephone (toll-free): 800-699-9075, treating your conditions.
TTY 711. This is the best way to reach OHP If you don’t want certain kinds of treatment,
Customer Service. like a breathing machine or feeding tube, you
By email: oregon.benefits@dhsoha.state. can write that down in an Advance Directive.
or.us. Use the DHS/OHA secure email site It lets you decide your care before you need
at secureemail.dhsoha.state.or.us/encrypt that kind of care - in case you are unable to
to send your email to OHP. Include your full direct it yourself, such as if you are in a coma.
name, date of birth, Oregon Health ID number If you are awake and alert your providers will
and phone number. always listen to what you want.
Also, you will need to tell your PCP clinic Jackson Care Connect follows all state and
your new information. If you need a new PCP federal laws about Advance Directives. We
clinic after you move, please let us know. Our will honor any choices you have listed in your
Customer Service staff can help you choose a completed and signed Advance Directive.
new PCP. You can get an Advance Directive form at
no cost by calling our Customer Service at
End of life decisions and Advance 855‑722‑8208, TTY 711. You can also get it
Directives (living wills) from Oregon Health Decisions by calling
Adults 18 years and older have the right toll-free 800-422-4805 or online at
to make decisions about their own care, link.careoregon.org/advance-directive-forms.
including refusing treatment. They can also If you write an Advance Directive, be sure to
appoint a health care representative to talk to your providers and your family about
make decisions for them if they can’t make it and give them copies. They can only
decisions for themselves. It’s possible that follow your instructions if they have them.
someday you could become so sick or injured Some providers and hospitals will not follow
that you can’t tell your providers whether you Advance Directives for religious or moral
want a certain treatment or not. Oregon law reasons. You should ask them about this.
says you have the right to state your wishes,
If you change your mind, you can cancel your
beliefs, and goals in advance, before you
Advance Directive anytime. To cancel your
Advance Directive, ask for the copies back This form allows you to make choices about
and tear them up, or write CANCELED in large the kinds of care you want and do not want.
letters, sign and date them. It can be used to name an adult to make
decisions about your care. The person you
You can view our full advance directive
name must agree to speak for you and follow
policies at link.careoregon.org/advance-
your wishes. If your wishes are not in writing,
this person will decide what you would want.
If you think Jackson Care Connect did not
A declaration form is only good for three (3)
follow Advance Directive requirements, or if
years. If you become unable to decide during
your provider does not follow your wishes
those three years, your declaration will remain
in your Advance Directive, you can complain.
good until you can make decisions again. You
A form for this is at healthoregon.org/hcrqi
may change or cancel your declaration when
Send your complaint to: you can understand and make choices about
Health Care Regulation and your care. You must give your form to your
Quality Improvement Primary Care Provider and the person you
Mail: 800 NE Oregon St, #305 name to make decisions for you.
Portland, OR 97232
For more information on the Declaration for
Mailbox.hcls@state.or.us Mental Health Treatment, go to the state of
Fax: 971-673-0556 Oregon’s website at: link.careoregon.org/
Phone: 971-673-0540 or-declaration-mental-health. You can talk
TTY: 971-673-0372 directly with your mental health provider, if
you have one.
For questions or more information contact
Oregon Health Decisions at 800-422-4805 or If your provider does not follow your wishes in
503-241-0744, TTY 711. your Declaration for Mental Health Treatment,
you can complain. A form for this is at
Declaration for Mental Health Treatment
Send your complaint to:
Oregon has a form called a Declaration
Health Care Regulation and
for Mental Health Treatment. This form
Quality Improvement
is a legal document. It allows you to
make decisions now about future mental Mail: 800 NE Oregon St, #305
Portland, OR 97232
health care in case you are unable to
make your own care decisions. Email:
Fax: 971-673-0556
Only a court and two doctors can decide that
Phone: 971-673-0540
you cannot make your own care decisions.
TTY: 971-673-0372
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
You can ask for a denial notice that shows a Who can ask for an appeal?
service is not covered if: You or someone with written permission to
• You did not receive a written speak for you. That could be your provider or
notice of denial, or; an authorized representative.
• Your provider tells you that you will need
to pay for a service that is not covered
How to get an administrative hearing
How to appeal a decision After an appeal, you can ask for a state fair
hearing with an Oregon Administrative Law
In an appeal, a different health care
Judge. You will have 120 days from the date
professional at Jackson Care Connect will
on your Notice of Appeal Resolution (NOAR)
review your case. Ask us for an appeal by:
to ask the state for a hearing. Your NOAR
• Calling Customer Service at letter will have a form that you can send in.
855-722-8208, TTY 711 or You can also ask us to send you an Appeal
• Writing us a letter or and Hearing Request form, or call OHP Client
• Filling out an Appeal and Hearing Services at 800-273-0557, TTY 711, and ask
Request, OHP form OHP 3302 for form OHP 3302 or MSC 443.
or MSC 443
If you want help with this, call and we can fill At the hearing, you can tell the judge why
out an appeal form for you to sign. You can you do not agree with our decision and why
ask someone like a friend or case manager to the services should be covered. You do
help you. You may also call the Public Benefits not need to hire a lawyer, but you can have
Hotline at 800-520-5292 for legal advice a lawyer with you, or have someone else
and help. You will get a Notice of Appeal help you at the hearing. You can fill out the
Resolution from us in 16 days letting you section in the hearing request form to name
know if the reviewer agrees or disagrees with a representative who will speak for you at the
our decision. If we need more time to do a hearing. The representative can be anyone
good review, we will send you a letter saying you choose, including your provider. If you
why we need up to 14 more days. If we fail to hire a lawyer you must pay their fees. You can
adhere to required time frames for processing ask the Public Benefits Hotline (a program
standard/extended appeals, it is your right to of Legal Aid Services of Oregon and the
request an administrative hearing. Oregon Law Center) at 800-520-5292, TTY
711, for advice and possible representation.
You can keep getting a service if you started Information on free Legal Aid can also be
getting it before our decision to deny, stop found at oregonlawhelp.org
or reduce it. You must ask us to continue the
service within 10 days of getting the NOABD A hearing takes more than 30 days to
letter that stopped it. prepare. While you wait for your hearing,
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
you can keep getting a service if you To request an expedited (fast) hearing from
started getting it before our original Notice OHA, fax your hearing request form to:
of Adverse Benefit Determination (NOABD) OHP Hearings Unit at 503-945-6035.
decision to stop it. You must ask the state
Include a statement on a form (OHP 3302 or
to continue the service within 10 days of
MSC 443) from your provider explaining why
getting our Notice of Appeal Resolution that
it is urgent. We will include this form when
confirmed our denial. If you choose to still get
we send you a Notice of Adverse Benefit
the denied benefit or service, you may have
Determination (NOABD) letter. You can get this
to pay for it. If we change our decision during
form in your preferred language by calling our
the appeal, or if the judge agrees with you at
Customer Service or OHP Client Services. You
the hearing, you will not have to pay.
can also find it online at link.careoregon.org/
oha-forms. If OHP agrees that it is urgent, the
Expedited hearings or appeals when you Hearings Unit will call you in three workdays.
have urgent medical problems If a fast appeal is denied or more time is
Do you and your provider believe that needed, we will call you and you will receive
you have an urgent medical problem written notice within two days. A denied
that cannot wait for a regular appeal? fast appeal request will become a standard
Tell us that you need a fast (expedited) appeal and needs to be resolved in 16 days
appeal. We suggest that you include a or possibly be extended 14 more days.
statement from your provider or ask them
to call us and explain why it is urgent. IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Appealing a
decision will not affect continuation of
If we agree that it is urgent, we will call
service with Jackson Care Connect.
you with a decision within 72 hours. However, you may have to pay for
For the quickest results, you may call services delivered during the appeal
process if the decision to deny or limit
Customer Service at 855-722-8208 or fax
the service is upheld.
your appeal form to: Jackson Care Connect
Appeals Coordinator at 503-416-8118.
Reporting suspected fraud, waste Report fraud, waste and abuse to Jackson
and abuse Care Connect. Contact our Customer
Jackson Care Connect is committed to Service department via a contact
preventing fraud, waste and abuse. We method shown below. If you wish, you
comply with all applicable laws, including can also make an anonymous report
the Oregon False Claims Act and the federal by calling Ethics Point at 888-331-6524
False Claims Act. or filing a report at ethicspoint.com
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
If you wish, you may also contact the following Notice of Privacy Practices
organization if you suspect fraud, waste or
abuse by a member:
Jackson Care Connect’s Notice of Privacy
DHS Fraud Investigation Unit Practices tells you what we can and cannot do
PO Box 14150 with your personal health information. It also
Salem, OR 97309 explains what laws we must follow to keep
Hotline: 1-888-FRAUD01 (888-372-8301) your information secure.
Fax: 503-373-1525 Attn: Hotline
link.careoregon.org/oha-report-fraud Your provider only shares your health
records with people who need to see them
The law protects people who report fraud and for treatment and payment reasons. You
abuse under applicable Whistleblower laws. If can limit who sees your health records. If
you report fraud or abuse, you cannot: there is someone you don’t want to see your
• Lose your job health records, please tell your provider in
writing. You can ask your provider for a list
• Lose your coverage
of everyone your provider has shared your
• Be threatened, harassed or health records with.
discriminated against
If you would like a copy of our Notice of
Privacy Practices, please call Customer
Service at 855-722-8208 and we will send
you one, or you can visit link.careoregon.org/
Frequently Asked Q. I want to see a mental health specialist.
What should I do?
A. You do not need a referral from your PCP.
Call Jackson Care Connect Customer Service
Q. How do I change my primary care and they can help you find a provider. You can
provider (PCP), dentist, mental health or find more information on page 50, “Making
substance use provider? appointments to see a mental health provider.”
A. To change your PCP or mental health
Q. Does my plan cover vision services?
provider, call Jackson Care Connect Customer
Service at 855-722-8208 and we will be A. OHP does cover some vision services.
happy to help you. You can also find a new Please see “Vision care,” on page 37.
provider using our online provider search at
jacksoncareconnect.org/providerdirectory. Q. I am pregnant and would like to begin
To change your dentist, you’ll need to call my prenatal care right away. How can I find
their customer service phone number(s) an OB/GYN that will deliver my baby at the
located on the back of your Jackson Care hospital I want?
Connect ID Card. A. Contracted providers can be found using
our online provider search on our website at
Q. Why was I assigned to a provider
jacksoncareconnect.org/providerdirectory. If
when I already have a doctor?
you do not have internet access, or just prefer
A. Our system matches new members with to call us for the information, we would be
PCPs in the area they live. If you already see glad to help you. Call Customer Service
a PCP in our network, just give us a call. We’re at 855-722-8208. If you already have an
more than happy to update our records. OB/GYN, you can ask which hospitals your
OB/GYN works with.
Q. I want to see a specialist.
What should I do? Q. I’m a new member. I need to refill a
A. If you and your PCP decide that you should prescription for medication from my last
see a specialist, your PCP will give you a insurance and get diabetes supplies. What
referral. See the section “referrals to other should I do?
providers and direct access to specialists,” A. Call Customer Service. You may be eligible
on page 19 for more information. for a transitional supply. Talk to your Jackson
Care Connect provider as soon as possible
about medical supplies and/or drugs that
we cover.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Q. I just moved, I have a new baby, or I Q. How can I be sure that I’ll be able to
changed my name. Who do I tell? see who I want under the OHP and
A. Please call OHP Customer Service at Jackson Care Connect?
800-699-9075 and let them know what has A. We have a large network of hospitals,
changed. If you have a DHS caseworker, providers and pharmacies in Jackson County.
please call them instead of calling OHP. You We work with you to build a team – your
can find more information in the section providers, behavioral health specialists,
“Changing your address or phone number,” dentists, pharmacists and everyone at
on page 62. Jackson Care Connect – and to get you
high quality care to meet your needs. If we
Q. I’m a new member and would like to cannot find the resources you need in our
know if my medications are covered. service area, our provider network covers
A. Jackson Care Connect maintains a the whole state.
list of covered drugs called a formulary.
You can find it on our website at Q. Where does the money come from
jacksoncareconnect.org/druglist. Please to pay for my OHP benefits?
talk with your doctor about the medications A. OHP is paid for by federal and state
you need. Your doctor may need to submit taxes with the amount decided by Oregon
a prior authorization or may need to make a law makers. In turn, funding is passed on to
change to a covered drug. (We do not cover Jackson Care Connect by the OHP, so that we
Mental Health drugs. Mental Health drugs may provide you with the care you need to
are covered by the OHP. Your pharmacy will stay healthy.
bill these medications to the OHP.) If you
are a new member and are unable to fill a Q. My doctor sent me a bill.
medication prescription, you may qualify for What should I do?
a transition supply. Please call us to find out if A. Don’t pay the bill. See the section “OHP
you qualify. members don’t pay bills for covered services,”
on page 59, for more information.
Q. If I, or someone I care about, is
considering suicide, who can help?
A. Talk to someone right away. See
“Mental health crisis/Suicide prevention” on
pages 52-53 of this handbook for the phone
numbers to call if you or someone you know
are in crisis or considering suicide.
Q. When will I have to pay for medical Member Handbook
services on OHP?
A. You may have to pay for services:
• If you see a provider that does not take
Appeal – Asking a plan to change a decision
OHP or is not part of our provider network
you disagree with about a service your doctor
• If you weren’t eligible for OHP when you ordered. You can write a letter or fill out a form
received the service explaining why the plan should change its
• If you sign a detailed Agreement to Pay for decision; this is called filing an appeal.
a specific service that OHP doesn’t cover
Copay – An amount of money that a person
before you receive it
must pay out-of-pocket for each health
For more information, see “OHP members service. Oregon Health Plan members do not
don’t pay bills for covered services,” page 59. have copays. Private health insurance and
Medicare sometimes have copays.
Q. I was in the hospital, and OHP paid for
Durable medical equipment (DME) –
that, but now I am getting bills from other
providers. What should I do? Medical equipment like wheelchairs, walkers
and hospital beds. They are durable because
A. When you go to the hospital or the they don’t get used up like medical supplies.
emergency room, you may be treated by a
provider who doesn’t work for the hospital. Emergency medical/dental condition –
For example, the emergency room doctors An illness or injury that needs care
may have their own practice and provide immediately, like bleeding that won’t stop,
services in the emergency room. They may severe pain and broken bones. It can be
send you a separate bill. If you have surgery in something that will cause some part of your
a hospital, there will be a separate bill for the body to stop working right. An emergency
hospital, the surgeon, and maybe even the mental health condition is feeling out of
lab, the radiologist, and the anesthesiologist. control, or feeling like hurting yourself or
Just because the hospital has been paid by someone else.
OHP, it doesn’t mean that the other providers
Emergency transportation – Using an
were paid by OHP. Do not ignore bills from
ambulance or Life Flight to get medical care.
people who treated you in the hospital. If
Emergency medical technicians (EMT) give
you get other bills, call each provider and
care during the ride or flight.
ask them to bill us. See the section “OHP
members don’t pay bills for covered services,” ER and ED – Emergency room and
on page 56 for more information. emergency department, the place in a
hospital where you can get care for a
medical or mental health emergency.
Jackson Care Connect
Member Handbook
Primary care provider or Primary
care physician – Also referred to as a “PCP,”
this is a medical professional who takes
care of your health. They are usually the first
person you call when you have health issues
or need care. Your PCP can be a doctor,
nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant,
osteopath, or sometimes a naturopath.
Jackson Care Connect
33 N Central Avenue, Suite 320
Medford, OR 97501
Phone: 541-500-0567
Toll-free: 855-722-8208
TTY 711
Secure message: jacksoncareconnect.org/portal