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Ecology 2

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Learning outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
a) state that the Sun is the principal source of energy input to biological systems
b) describe the non-cyclical nature of energy flow
c) define the following terms and establish the relationship of each in food webs:
 producer – an organism that makes its own organic nutrients, usually using energy from
sunlight through photosynthesis
 consumer – an organism that gets its energy by feeding on other organisms
 herbivore – an animal that obtains its energy by eating plants
 carnivore – an animal that obtains its energy by eating other animals
 decomposer – an organism that obtains its energy from dead or waste organic matter
 food chain – a chart showing the flow of energy (food) from one organism to the next,
beginning with the producer (e.g. mahogany tree → caterpillar → songbird → hawk)
d) describe energy losses between trophic levels and infer the advantages of short food chains
e) describe and interpret pyramids of numbers and of biomass
f) describe and state the importance of the carbon cycle
g) describe the nitrogen cycle in making available nitrogen for plant and animal protein, including
the role of bacteria in nitrogen fixation, decomposition and nitrification (details of denitrification
and the names of individual bacteria are not required)

The source of energy for all biological systems on the planet is the Sun. living organisms use that
energy for their activities and, so long as the Sun continues to shine, so long can life continue.

Not only is the heat energy from the Sun used by organisms such as ‘cold blooded’ animals to
keep their bodies warm, the Sun supplies the light energy which is locked away by plants during
the manufacture of carbohydrates by photosynthesis. This energy is then passed on to animals
that eat (ingest) the plants (or to animals, which eat animals that have eaten plants). In this ways,
the Sun’s energy enters, then flows through biological systems. Note energy flows through
biological systems. It is used up by the organisms involved or released into the environment. It is
never recycled.


Starting with the plant (the producer) that locks the light energy away as it photosynthesises, the
energy then passes through successive organisms that make up a particular food chain as each
organism ingests the one that comes before it in the chain.

Thus, a food chain shows the transfer of energy from one organism to the next beginning
with a producer.

A food chain

We need to consider what happens to energy as it flows through a food chain.

 It enters the producer as light energy
 It is locked away within the producer as chemical energy
 It passes from organism to organism in the food chain as chemical energy. Each
successive organism is said to be at a different trophic level.
 A trophic level is the position of an organism in a food chain, food web, pyramid of
numbers on pyramid of biomass.
 Each organism unlocks some of this energy to use for various processes within its body, for
example, making new cells and the large organic molecules within them (during growth),
 contraction (and movement), generating electrical impulses in the nervous system and
raising body
 temperature. The chemical reaction that unlocks the chemical energy tor conversion into
other forms is respiration.
 Energy is used up in most of these processes. Only in the form of heat from an organism's
body is it released to the environment outside the food chain. This includes energy from the
respiration of bacteria and fungi that eventually decay dead organisms.

Much of the energy is still present in the faeces and some in the nitrogenous waste of animals.
This energy is available to decomposers. Not all herbivores are eaten, thus the amount of
energy left within herbivores to be passed on to carnivores is small 20% (only 2% of the original
amount in the producer)

For this reason, food chains are limited in length, as there is insufficient energy remaining to
sustain a succession of carnivores. Five trophic levels are usually the limit for a food chain.

The longer the food chain, the less the energy available to the top carnivore at the end of
the chain. Short food chains are therefore much more energy efficient than long ones. In
order to supply enough energy in food to maintain an ever-increasing world population, it must be
realised that far less energy is lost when man eats green plants than when crop plants are fed to
animals, which are then eaten by a human.

In any one habitat, such as a pond or mangrove swamp, there will be many organisms living
together. In some way they will all be interconnected by way of different food chains.

A network of interconnected food chains is known as a food web.

A food web

While all food chains (and thus all food webs) begin with a producer, food webs may begin with
several different species of producer:
 A producer is an organism that makes its own organic nutrients, usually using energy from
sunlight, through photosynthesis.
 In a food chain or food web, producers are eaten by consumers.
 A consumer in a food chain is an organism that gets its energy by feeding on other
 An animal that gets its energy by eating plants is an herbivore (or primary consumer).
 An animal that gets its energy by eating other animals is a carnivore (or secondary
consumer - the consumer that feeds on the secondary consumer is a tertiary consumer
and so on). Thus, all consumers above the level of herbivore, that is, all meat eaters, are
 When all organisms in a food chain or web die they are decomposed largely by bacteria
and fungi.
 Decomposers are organisms that get their energy from dead or waste organic material.
They release enzymes to break down large molecules in dead organic matter into smaller
ones that can be recycled.

Energy losses along food chain and importance of short food chain
Some of the energy locked away by producers (plants) is released by the producer itself through
the process of respiration. Some of the energy is used by the producer, for example, in the
processes of cell division, growth and reproduction. A lot of energy is still present when a plant
dies, and is then available to decomposers. Only about 10% of a plant’s available energy is
passed on to the herbivores which eat it.

Herbivores then release the energy by respiration, and use it for growth, movement and, as heat,
to maintain body temperature. Much of the energy is still present in the faeces of herbivores, and
some in the nitrogenous waste. This is available to decomposers. Not all herbivores are eaten, so
the amount of energy available to be passed on to carnivores is small, at around 10 %. This is only
1 % of the amount that originated in the producer.

Energy losses in a food chain

The longer the food chain, the less energy available to the carnivore at the end of the chain. Short
food chains are therefore much more energy-efficient than long ones. In order to supply enough
energy in food to maintain an ever-increasing world population, it must be realised that far less
energy is lost when humans eat green plants than when crop plants are fed to animals
which are then eaten by humans.


Producers (plants) need to produce enough food — and therefore enough energy — for their own
metabolic processes. They must also provide enough food for the herbivores that eat them, and
leave enough surviving individuals to reproduce the next generation. Therefore, we would expect
there to be a larger number of producers than primary consumers (herbivores). For the same
reasons, we would expect there to be more primary consumers than secondary consumers, and
so on. These decreasing numbers along a food web can be represented in the form of a pyramid
of numbers, as shown below.

A pyramid of numbers

Note: Each level in the pyramid is called a trophic level. The size of each level represents the numbers of
organisms feeding at that level.

The pyramid is this shape because one tree may provide food for hundreds of caterpillars.

However, this representation of feeding relationships can be misleading: one large tree may
sustain a large number of caterpillars which in turn can sustain a small number of birds. If this is
the case, we see a ‘top heavy’ pyramid.

If you make the areas of the blocks represent the mass of the organisms, instead of their numbers,
then the pyramid becomes the right shape again. It is called a pyramid of biomass, and gives a
much better idea of the actual quantity of animal or plant material at each trophic level.

In this pyramid, the size of each box represents the mass of each kind of organism.

A pyramid of biomass is a pyramid constructed using the dry mass of organisms at each trophic
level in a food chain (or food web). It produces pyramids of a more standard shape and can be
constructed by collecting data from population estimates in any particular habitat. Biomass is the
total dry mass of a population, i.e. the theoretical mass of chemicals other than water in the
organisms under consideration (water can vary considerably).

One very important group of organisms which it is easy to overlook when you are studying an ecosystem, is
the decomposers. They feed on waste material from animals and plants, and on their dead bodies. Many
fungi and bacteria are decomposers. Decomposers are extremely important, because they help to release
substances from dead organisms, so that they can be used again by living ones. Two of these substances are
carbon and nitrogen.


Carbon is a very important component of living things, because it is an essential part of

carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The figure below shows how carbon circulates through an ecosystem. The air contains about
0.04% carbon dioxide. When plants photosynthesise, carbon atoms from carbon dioxide become
part of glucose or starch molecules in the plant.

Some of the glucose is then broken down by the plant in respiration. The carbon in the glucose
becomes part of a carbon dioxide molecule again, and is released back into the air.

Some of the carbon in the plant will be eaten by animals. The animals respire, releasing some of it
back into the air as carbon dioxide.

When the plant or animal dies, decomposers will feed on them. The carbon becomes part of the
decomposers’ bodies. When they respire, they release carbon dioxide into the air again.

Living things need nitrogen to make proteins. There is plenty of nitrogen around. The air is about
78% nitrogen gas. Molecules of nitrogen gas, N 2, are made of two nitrogen atoms joined together.

These molecules are very inert, which means that they will not readily react with other substances.
So, although the air is full of nitrogen, it is in such an unreactive form that plants and animals
cannot use it at all. It must first be changed into a more reactive form, such as ammonia (NH 3) or

nitrate (NO3-).

Changing nitrogen gas into a more reactive form is called nitrogen fixation. There are several
ways that it can happen.

Lightning makes some of the nitrogen gas in the air combine with oxygen, forming nitrogen
oxides. They dissolve in rain, and are washed into the soil, where they form nitrates.

Artificial fertilisers: Nitrogen and hydrogen can be made to react in an industrial chemical
process, forming ammonia. The ammonia is used to make ammonium compounds and nitrates,
which are sold as fertilisers.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: These bacteria live in the soil, or in root nodules (small swellings) on
plants like peas, beans and clover. One kind is called Rhizobium (‘rhizo’ means root, ‘bium’ means
living). They use nitrogen gas from the air spaces in the soil, and combine it with other substances
to make ammonium ions and other compounds.

Fixed nitrogen moves round the nitrogen cycle.

Once the nitrogen has been fixed, it can be absorbed by the roots of plants, and used to make
proteins. Animals eat the plants, so animals get their nitrogen in the form of proteins.

When an animal or plant dies, bacteria and fungi decompose the body. The protein, containing
nitrogen, is broken down to ammonia and this is released. Another group of bacteria, called
nitrifying bacteria, turn the ammonia into nitrates, which plants can use again.

Nitrogen is also returned to the soil when animals excrete nitrogenous waste material. It may be in
the form of ammonia or urea. Again, nitrifying bacteria will convert it to nitrates.

Denitrifying bacteria make nitrogen gas.

A third group of bacteria complete the nitrogen cycle. They are called denitrifying bacteria,
because they undo the work done by nitrifying bacteria. They turn nitrates and ammonia in the soil
into nitrogen gas, which goes into the atmosphere.

Carnivorous plants get nitrogen from insects.

If the soil is waterlogged, nitrogen-fixing bacteria cannot live there, but denitrifying ones can. So
boggy soil is usually very short of nitrates. Plants living in these places either have to manage with
very little nitrogen, or get it from somewhere else. Some of them have become carnivorous. Plants
like the Venus fly trap, or the sundews, supplement their diet with insects. They digest them with
enzymes, and get

a) understand the role of the mosquito as a vector of disease
b) describe the malarial pathogen as an example of a parasite and describe the transmission and
control of the malarial pathogen (details of the life cycle of the pathogen are not required)

A parasite can be defined as an organism which obtains its food from another, usually larger living
organism ('host’); the host always suffering in the relationship.

Pathogens are therefore parasites. One such pathogen is the unicellular organism Plasmodium
which causes malaria.

Malaria is a disease caused by a single-celled microorganism called Plasmodium which lives in
red blood cells. It is carried from person to person (host to host) by the female Anopheles
mosquito. The mosquito is described as the vector, or carrier, of the microorganism. Usually at
night, while the host is asleep, she injects her saliva into a (healthy) person before she starts to
suck the blood which she needs for her developing eggs. The saliva contains a chemical to stop
the blood from clotting. lf the mosquito has previously taken blood from a person infected with
malaria, it may also contain the parasite Plasmodium. The parasite is transferred from the blood of
one host, where it lives and develops, to the blood of a second host.

Control of malaria
Malaria can be controlled in three ways:
A. By controlling the mosquito vector.
B. By avoiding mosquito bites.
C. By treating the parasite in the blood.

A Controlling the mosquito

i. Cover water tanks with netting to stop mosquitoes laying their eggs in the water.
ii. Drain swamps where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
iii. Introduce fish such as Tilapia into the swamps to feed on mosquito larvae.
iv. Cover the surface of the water with light oil. Larvae cannot then use the water film from
which they hang as they breathe air from the atmosphere. The larvae therefore suffocate.
v. Use insecticides or mosquito coils to kill or repel adult mosquitoes inside buildings.

B Avoiding mosquito bites
i. Place nets over doors and windows.
ii. Wear clothes which cover wrists and ankles, especially in the evenings, when mosquitoes
are most active.
iii. Use insect repellent sprays.
iv. Sleep under mosquito nets.

C Protection against the parasite Plasmodium

i. Take drugs regularly to kill the parasite if it enters the bloodstream. The correct drug (e.g.
Paludrin) must be taken for the particular type of Plasmodium.
ii. Treat patients suffering from malaria with a higher dosage of anti-malaria drug, and isolate
them to prevent spreading of the disease.

The Effects of Human Activity on the Ecosystem
a) describe the effects of humans on the ecosystem with emphasis on examples of international
importance (tropical rainforests, oceans and important rivers)
b) describe the consequences of deforestation in terms of its effects on soil stability, climate and local
human populations
c) evaluate the effects of:
 water pollution by sewage, by inorganic waste and by nitrogen-containing fertilisers
 air pollution by greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), contributing to global
 air pollution by acidic gases (sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen), contributing to acid
 pollution due to insecticides
d) discuss reasons for conservation of species with reference to maintenance of biodiversity,
management of fisheries and management of timber production
e) discuss reasons for recycling materials, with reference to named examples

The human animal is as much part of the ecosystem in which it lives as any other organism in that
ecosystem. But humans can be far more destructive than any other organism.

A great deal of natural woodland has been (and is being) destroyed for the following reasons:
(i) to harvest timber for building houses and making furniture
(ii) to make way for roads and industrial development
(iii) to create agricultural land for the growth of crops and the rearing of livestock.

The dangers of deforestation

A The loss of soil stability
(i) The loss of humus in the soil.
Leaves fall to the ground where they decompose, forming humus in the soil. Humus provides a
steady supply of ions. It acts as a sponge, soaking up and holding water in the soil, and helps to
bind the soil together, preventing soil erosion.

(ii) The loss of protection from excessive sun, wind and rain.
Trees form a canopy which keeps the powerful sun’s rays off more delicate organisms. The
canopy also protects the soil from the force of tropical rainfall, and protects the soil, smaller plants
and animals from the full force of high winds. Tree roots also help to bind the soil. Removal of the

trees therefore leads to soil erosion caused by wind and water, and soil carried into rivers may
lead to flooding further downstream as it is deposited on the bed of the river as silt.

B The effect on climate

Trees supply enormous quantities of water vapour to the atmosphere through transpiration.
Transpiration leads to the formation of clouds. Clouds are carried by the prevailing winds and
eventually produce rain, usually in an area some distance away from where the vapour was
released. Deforestation can therefore lead to distant regions receiving reduced rainfall. In the most
extreme cases, relatively fertile areas can become deserts.

On a global scale, deforestation can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide taken in for
photosynthesis. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, acting as a ‘thermal blanket’
over the planet, preventing the natural escape of heat from our atmosphere. This is known as the
greenhouse effect. It is believed to lead to global warming, which may affect the distribution of
plants and animals (and eventually melt the ice caps).

C The effect on local human populations

Deforestation is usually motivated by financial gain. Those who benefit may live outside the
country where the deforestation is occurring. Many local residents lose their homes and see their
culture destroyed along with the trees. Many people find it difficult to adapt to lifestyles which are
geared to commercial success. The people living in the Amazon rainforest of South America are
one example. The forest, their home, is one of the largest areas of deforestation in the world.

Apart from the effects of deforestation, humans are also responsible for polluting the environment
in a number of ways.

A The pollution of water by sewage

Large human settlements create a considerable amount of sewage. Tipping sewage directly into
streams and rivers can have these harmful effects:
(i) Sewage contains pathogenic organisms. If the water is used for human
consumption, then diseases, such as cholera, spread.

(ii) Very high levels of sewage contain very large numbers of bacteria which use up
the oxygen in the water for their own respiration. This does not leave enough
oxygen for any other water life, so many organisms die.
(iii) Smaller quantities of sewage release ions as it decomposes. The ions encourage
rapid growth of water plants (eutrophication), which eventually die and
decompose. The bacteria of decomposition again use up so much oxygen in the
water that no other life can exist.
B The pollution of water by inorganic waste
(i) Household detergents, discharged into rivers along with sewage, often contain
phosphates. These encourage the growth of small water organisms (algae), leading to
possible eutrophication.
(ii) Industrial wastes such as those which contain mercury (e.g. from paper mills) and
copper (‘heavy metals’) are highly toxic to all organisms. It is expensive to remove
these wastes in a completely safe way, so they, too, are often discharged into rivers.

Polluted rivers discharge into seas. Polluted seas lead to contamination of producers in the sea’s
food chains. One small fish consumes many smaller contaminated food organisms. One large fish
eats many smaller fish. In this way, the amount of poison gradually increases in the organisms
along the food chain. When contaminated fish is used as food and if human eats contaminated
fish, they may consume harmful levels of poison.

C Pollution of water by nitrogen-containing fertilisers

The removal of trees and the loss to the soil of decaying organic yields encourage the use of
artificial fertilisers to obtain the maximum crop yields. However, we have also seen that
deforestation leads to flooding and water washed from the loose soil into rivers. This water takes
with it the dissolved fertilisers (nitrates and ammonium salts) and these encourage the growth of
green algae and water plants in the rivers (eutrophication). The algae and water plants can block
rivers and prevent light from penetrating to lower depths. Eventually, the algae and plants die, and
bacteria begin to decompose them. The bacteria respire aerobically, extracting large quantities of
oxygen from the river water. A lack of oxygen prevents aquatic animals such as fish and insect
larvae from respiring, so they, too, die.

D Air pollution by greenhouse gases [carbon dioxide and methane]

This is caused by release into the air of gases in larger quantities than would be the case from
natural cycles. They are often released from factory chimneys. The two most significant are:

1. Carbon dioxide: Apart from being released by respiration, carbon dioxide is also released
during burning of fossil fuels, thus factories and motor vehicles add to the problem of global
2. Methane: Methane is also a greenhouse gas. It is released from bogs and from the
alimentary canals of animals. Thus, the intensive farming of livestock produces a high level
of methane. A cow releases between 60 kg and 120 kg methane per year, and a sheep, 8
kg per year from their digestive systems. A human makes the modest contribution of 0.12kg
per year! Methane is also produced in large quantities by decomposing organic matter –
particular in landfill wastes sites.
E Air pollution by acidic gases [sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen]
Sulphur dioxide is a gas which is released whenever fossil fuels are burnt. In industrial areas, the
amounts of sulphur dioxide released into the air can be high. It is a gas linked with bronchitis and
heart disease in humans.

In the air, sulphur dioxide dissolves in rain and falls to earth as a dilute solution of sulphuric acid.
This is known as ACID RAIN, and has these effects:
(i) It kills the leaves of some species of plant (e.g. wheat).
(ii) It makes the water of lakes acidic. This acidic water dissolves toxic chemicals
(such as aluminium salts) present in the mud of the lake, which are insoluble in
neutral or alkaline solutions. Fish, for example, are killed by aluminium.

As well as sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen are released during the combustion of fossil fuels
and, they too, dissolve in rain water to form nitrous and nitric acid, adding to the sulfur dioxide in

acid rain. In some areas, large areas of woodland have been destroyed by acid rain and in some
lakes, the high pH levels have left them devoid of almost all life. It is important, therefore to look for
ways to reduce the emissions of these toxic gases.

F Pollution due to insecticides

Insects can cause considerable harm to the economy, either as pests on crops or as vectors of
disease. They can be killed very effectively by insecticides, but insecticides may pollute the
environment, with the following harmful effects:
(i) Useful insects, such as those needed for pollination, may be killed as well.
(ii) If the livers of animals are unable to break down the insecticide, it may be passed from
animal to animal along food chains. Animals at trophic level A eat many animals from
trophic level B, and animals at trophic level B eat many animals from trophic level C
(which may have been insects affected by insecticide). Therefore, animal A receives a
very high, and perhaps very harmful, level of insecticide. For example, some birds are
known to have been made sterile.


(iii) Agricultural pesticides can be washed into rivers, entering food chains in the water as
well as on land.

The Need for Conservation

The threat of extinction
The removal of organisms from an environment at a faster rate than the organism can reproduce
itself leads to EXTINCTION of the species. Widespread deforestation can lead to the extinction of
plant species; uncontrolled fishing
can lead to the extinction of species of fish.

Destruction of habitats, however it may occur, may also lead to the extinction of animal species
which live among the plants. Animals are protected by plants and are linked to them through food
chains. Plants are the source of many valuable products, such as the insecticide pyrethrum extract
(from a species of daisy) and drugs. Aspirin (for pain relief
and treatment of circulatory disorders), quinine (for the treatment of malaria) and many other drugs
were first obtained from plants. Deforestation could rob humans of the plant which might bring a
cure for diseases such as AIDS.

Maintaining a continuous supply of commodities from trees

Timber, rubber and oils are commodities, or useful products, supplied by trees.
Most trees that supply commodities grow very slowly: the product they supply may not be ready
for harvest until many years after planting. A system of sustainable management must therefore
be used. This means harvesting only the number of trees that can be replaced by planting.

Maintaining fish supplies

The oceans supply many communities with a large part of their food requirements. Overfishing can
reduce fish populations to a point where they are not able to maintain their numbers. Fishing

quotas (a legally enforced limit on the amount of fish which can be caught) make sure that stocks
remain at sustainable levels, but must be adhered to.

Conservation of other species -

To maintain the wide variety (biodiversity) of living species on the planet, it is important to identify
threatened species so that their needs can be addressed before it is too late. This work is carried
out by organisations such as the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Countries throughout the world must also
support these organisations with legislation.

Pressure is taken off endangered species if countries encourage a policy of recycling.
Many commodities we use every day can be recycled. For example:
(i) Aluminium cans, tin cans and many car parts can be made of recycled metal.
This reduces the need for mining activity and, consequently, the effect that
mining has on the environment. The burning of fossil fuels, used to produce heat
to extract metals from their ores, is also reduced.
(ii) Bottles are made from recycled glass.
(iii) Paper can be recycled so fewer trees need to be cut down for their fibres which
are used to make paper products.
(iv) Litter is also reduced by recycling, making our environment a more pleasant
place in which to live. There is less need to bury garbage in landfills, or incinerate
(v) When sewage is properly treated, it can be recycled to provide an effective
fertiliser. The large amounts of water used to carry away the sewage, which
would otherwise be wasted, can be purified even to the extent that it can be
returned to drinking water supplies!


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