work suppose to be offered by employer [8]. an effect of conflict between work and life responsibili-
ties [19]. In their study on the support for the work-life
2.1. Benefits for Employers balance, researchers found that emotional and instrumen-
Employers have introduced flexible working packages tal support for employee during the work has a positive
(part of work-life policy) in order to attract, recruit, and relationship with the work-life balance satisfaction [20].
retain highly qualified staff to their organizations [9]. The positive relationship has been found between work-
With the ability to schedule the work himself/herself, life balance and work performance [21]. Thus, successful
employee feels that employer cares about wellbeing and accomplishment of life responsibilities (family and pa-
non-working life of employee [10]. That leads to in- rental roles) results in better work performance. While
creased satisfaction with the job and employer, resulting finding a balance in life and work responsibilities in-
in higher work commitment [11]. According to some crease general life satisfaction [22].
other previous findings, flexible working result in em-
ployee loyalty and engagement, increased organizational 3.1. Stress and Work-Life Balance
commitment, and higher job satisfaction, also flexible Each person defines stress in a different way. For some
working packages help to recruit and retain talented em- stress occurs from working overtime, from pressure to
ployees for the organization [12]. Furthermore, increased meet deadlines, or from fear of failure. In general, stress
productivity, reduced employee turnover and absentee- occurs when person has no control over when, where,
ism have been identified as advantages of flexible work- and how he/she does the work [23]. High level of stress
ing for the employers [13]. Thus, flexible working prac- might result in mental and physical health problems, such
tices are beneficial for employers, hence flexibility was as headaches, depression, heart attack, and cancer; stress
embedded to the work in order to give employees an op- is also an antecedent of unhappy and disharmonious rela-
tion to choose at what time, how much time, and from tionships that cause work-life conflict [24]. The evidence
which place to work. suggests that those employees who have work-life bal-
ance difficulties experience higher stress then those who
2.2. Benefits for Employees
found balance between work and life responsibilities
Despite apparent advantages of flexible working prac- [25].
tices (employee personal control over work scheduling),
some employees, mostly men, think that such practices 3.2. Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance
result in lower income and higher employment insecurity
The definition of wellbeing is associated with health and
[14]. According to the same findings, men see flexible
wellness [26]. It is employer’s responsibility to create
working practices as a way to develop their organiza-
working environment (workplace wellness culture) that
tional commitment, while women associate flexibility
promote employee wellbeing [27]. Furthermore, authors
with the work-life balance improvement. The evidence
suggest that physiological wellbeing leads to mental
suggests that flexible working practices fit women more
wellbeing, and both are helping to achieve work-life
then men and are more likely to be employed by women
balance. The other previous findings suggest that em-
due to the ideology beliefs of motherhood [15]. The
ployee wellbeing directly influence productivity and per-
findings from previous research also assert that women
formance; as well as organizational commitment, job
request and access the flexible working hours more fre-
satisfaction, and work-life balance are outcomes of em-
quently then men [16]. However, due to the changing
ployee wellbeing [28-30].
family patterns and gender norms, as well as rise of
women workforce, flexible employment is slowly started
utilizing by men these days [17]. Flexible working prac- 4. Flexible Working Hours and Work-Life
tices help to fulfil work-life responsibilities and might Balance
result in work-life balance. The literature suggests that Flexible working hours have been introduced as a benefit
there is a positive relationship between flexible working for parent/caring employees in order to help them fulfil-
practices and health issues-employees’ better mental ling work and life responsibilities and achieving work-
health and stress reduction [18]. life balance [31]. In the recent work-life balance survey,
researchers found that employees believe that flexible
3. Work-Life Balance working practices improve workplace morale, which
might positively influence work-life balance; in addition
Work-life balance concept recently gained attention due
employees believe that employer is able to help them
to its relevance and importance to all employees, despite
balance their work and life roles [32]. As an example,
of their relationship status, family size, and number of
flexible working hours is one of the best activities to in-
children. Some researchers believe that lack of balance is
crease employee wellbeing, as it helps employee to deal
with responsibilities outside the work [33]. the workplace gives employees time to perform outside
of the work roles and it helps balance employees’ work
5. Discussion and life.
Flexible working practices are beneficial for both em- Trust between employer and employee is an important
ployee and employer. Hence, in the first place flexibility issue when it comes to flexible working hours. If not
was introduced to the workplace in order to help em- monitored by manager, flexible working hours might
ployees with kids or employees who care after siblings to create some difficulties in the workplace. Further study
manage their time between work and life. As flexibility on flexible working hours need to be taken to understand
gives employee the ability to control when, where, and the drawbacks of such practices. Only after investigating
how much time do they work, flexibility definitely con- flexible working practices from both positive and nega-
tributes to improvement in allocation of work and life tive sides, organizations might consider applying flexi-
responsibilities. Thus, employee might end up fulfilling bility to the workplace.
his/her working as well as well non-working roles easily.
Finally, successful achievement of inside the work and REFERENCES
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