Chapter 3edited
Chapter 3edited
Chapter 3edited
In this chapter the results of the data analysis are presented. The information
procures from fifty (50) respondents are presented, analyzed, and interpreted. This
part includes the profile of the respondents, perception on the MC 2019-121 “Road
policy implementation. The main objective of this research study is to know the
City. As shown in the first part of the survey questionnaire, the profile characteristics
of the respondents such as their age, sex, civil status, position in the business and its
operating years.
Table 1 shows the age range of the respondents. Out of 50 respondents, Thirty
two percent (32%) of the respondents were 15-29 years old. Fifty percent (50%)
of the respondents were 30-44 years old. Twelve percent (12%) were 45-69 years
Table 2. Gender of Respondents
Sex Frequency Percentage
Male 26 52
Female 24 48
Total 50 100
Table 2 shows the gender of the respondents. The number of male respondents
were fifty two percent (52%) and the female respondents were forty eight
percent (48%). Based on the figure, the male has the highest dominated gender
Thirty percent (30%) of the respondents were single. Sixty eight percent
(68%) of the respondents were married. Two percent (2%) of the respondents
were separated.
Personnel 23 46
Total 50 100
respondents, Forty percent (40%) of the respondents were the business owner.
Fourteen percent (14%) of the respondents were managers. Forty six percent
Forty four percent (44%) of the respondents were operating their business for
1-5 years. Thirty four percent (34%) of the respondents were operating their
business for 6-10 years. Twelve percent (12%) of the respondents were
operating their business for 11-15 years. Six percent (6%) of the respondents
were operating their business for 16-20 years. Four percent (4%) of the
Table 6. Business Operations
Mean Standard Description
1. Road clearing is beneficial 2.16 .791795 Agree
to the business.
2. Road clearing is beneficial 1.7 .707107 Agree
to the community.
3. Road clearing has been 1.64 .69282 Agree
affecting everyday business
4. Road clearing resulted to 2.06 .793082 Agree
increase in customer
5. Road clearing resulted to 1.96 .781417 Agree
more convenience in
operating business.
Average Mean 1.904 Agree
Range of mean Interpretation
2.51-3.00 Strongly Agree
1.51-2.50 Agree
1.00-1.50 Disagree
business.” With a mean of 2.16 and with a standard deviation of .791795 and
been affecting everyday business operations” got the lowest mean of 1.6 and
respondents agree that road clearing in Cotabato City would also affect their
business operation.
Table 7. Traffic Management
highest mean is statement number 2 “Road clearing lessens the delay on the
transportation of goods and supplies used in the business.” With a mean of 1.9
and with a standard deviation of .68233 and was described as agree. However,
general.” got the lowest mean of 1.8 and with a standard deviation of .72831
and was described as Agree. Overall, respondents agree that road clearing
Table 8. Policy Implementation
“.Compliance to Road Clearing is observed” got the lowest mean of 1.8 and
Cotabato City.
Table 9. Problems Encountered
Range of mean Interpretation
2.51-3.00 Strongly Agree
1.51-2.50 Agree
1.00-1.50 Disagree
Cotabato City. The statement which has a highest mean is statement number 2
1 “Duration of the Road Clearing.” got the lowest mean of 1.9 and with a
Cotabato City.
Mea Standard Description
n Deviation
1. To prolong implementation 2.08 .778276 Suggested
period for another 3 months.
2. Sanctions to non-compliant 1.72 .70102 Suggested
business establishments.
3. The government should provide 1.52 .762381 Suggested
for a relocation for those who are
greatly affected by Road Clearing
4. The local government should 1.4 .606092 Not
issue a city ordinance requiring Suggested
business establishments to allocate
enough parking spaces
5. The government should offer 1.38 .602376 Not
financing programs to ease the Suggested
capitalization of restructuring of
business establishments
Average Mean 1.62 Suggested
Range of mean Interpretation
2.51-3.00 Highly Suggested
1.51-2.50 Suggested
1.00-1.50 Not Suggested
Table 10 presents the suggestions about the road clearing in Cotabato City.
The statement which has a highest mean is statement number 1 “To prolong
implementation period for another 3 months.” With a mean of 2.08 and with a
mean of 1.38 and with a standard deviation of .602376 and was described as