Final Survey
Final Survey
Final Survey
Directions: Please fill in the following questions and check the boxes
4 Status:
Single Married
Widowed Separated
Others specify_________
5. Position:
Manager Personnel
Owner Others specify____________
Others specify__________
9. Location of business:__________
Directions: Please check the box and indicate your level of perceptions for
each statements below.1-Strongly Agree, 2- Agree and 3- Disagree
A. Business Operations 5. The implementation of Road Clearing
followed a due process.
1 2 3
1. Road clearing is beneficial to the business.
2. Road clearing is beneficial to the community. Directions: Please check the box and indicate your level of perceptions for
3. Road clearing has been affecting everyday each statements below.1-A Problem, 2- Somewhat a Problem and 3- Not a
business operations Problem
4. Road clearing resulted to increase in customer
turnover. III. Problems Encountered
5. Road clearing resulted to more convenience in
operating business. 1 2 3
1. Duration of the Road Clearing
B. Traffic Management 2.Stoppage of business operation
3. Less parking space available for business
1 2 3 operation
1.Road clearing minimize/lessen traffic congestion 4. Resources to comply with restructuring of
along Sinsuat Ave. building
2. Road clearing lessens the delay on the 5. Availability of relocation site for business
transportation of goods and supplies used in the
3. Road clearing provides more access to business Directions: Please check the box and indicate your level of perceptions for
establishments. each statement below.1-Highly Suggested, 2- Suggested and 3- Not
4. Road clearing affects parking spaces of business
IV. Suggestions
5. Road Clearing smoothened business transaction
1 2 3
in general.
1. To prolong implementation period for another
3 months.
C. Policy Implementation 2. Sanctions to non-compliant business
1 2 3 3. The government should provide for a
1. Time-period of implementation of Road relocation for those who are greatly affected by
Clearing is enough. Road Clearing
2. The 15-meters policy of Road Clearing is fair 4. The local government should issue a city
to all concerned. ordinance requiring business establishments to
3. Compliance to Road Clearing is observed. allocate enough parking spaces
4. There is a fair implementation of Road 5. The government should offer financing
Clearing. programs to ease the capitalization of
restructuring of business establishments
-end of questionnaire-