Ankit O9 Rule 13 Application Revised
Ankit O9 Rule 13 Application Revised
Ankit O9 Rule 13 Application Revised
S.No. Description Ann. No. Pg. No.
1 Application by defendant / respondent - 1-30
under Order IX Rule 13 read with section
195, 340 of Code of Criminal Procedure
1973 read with section 2 of the Contempt
of Courts Act 1971 for initiating perjury
proceedings against the plaintiff by
holding appropriate inquiry for filling
false affidavit while launching instant suit
and for setting aside Ex Party Decree
obtained fraudulently.
2 Certified copy of impugned Judgement & A-1
Decree dated 26-08-2019 passed in Civil
Suit No. RCS712A/2017 titled “M. G.
Parate Vs. Ankit Chansauriya”
3 Certified copy of order sheet of the A-2
impugned Civil Suit.
Place: Bhopal
Date: 14-08-2023 Dr. Prashant Pathak
(Counsel for Defendant)
M. G. Parate ....Plaintiff
S/o Shri Ganpat Rao Parte,
R/o A1604, Jasmeen Tower, Basant Vihar, Thane,
West Maharastra
2. That, the plaintiff on being fake and fictitious facts & grounds on
date 01-11-2017 instituted a Civil Suit before the Civil Court Bhopal
against the present defendant with a false prayer of obtaining / getting
possession of flat No. B-03, Minal Enclave, Near Gulmohar Coloney,
3. That, upon the above mentioned Civil Suit of plaintiff, the concerning
Civil Court has taken cognizance and thus on date 06-11-2017
ordered to issue summons to the present defendant by simultaneously
ordering to file Written Statement (WS) against the Civil Suit of
4. That, the certified copy of order sheet of the impugned Civil Suit
which is being filled herewith as Annexure A-2, reflects that on date
15-01-2018, 27-02-2018, 05-04-2018 & 20-06-2018 the concerning
Civil Court has ordered to issue summons to the present defendant
but all the times the so issued summons could not be served to the
present defendant as at the relevant time, the present defendant was
Pleadings generally
1. Pleading.—“Pleading” shall mean plaint
or written statement.
2. Pleading to state material facts and not
11.That, the present defendant only came to know about when last
month the present defendant was served with a summon by the Court
of III Civil Judge Class 1 Presiding Officer Shri Tathagat Yagnik
which has been issued to present defendant in a execution petition
preferred by present plaintiff against the present defendant for
execution of impugned Ex Party Decree dated 26-08-2019 as now
onwards 2020, the present defendant has shifted from Indore and
residing in my owned flat No. D-03, Minal Enclave, Bhopal where
the summons for execution case has been duly served to the present
defendant then only the present defendant applied the certified copies
of all relevant record and documents and thus on date 10-08-2023
received the relevant Ex Party Decree and other relevant record /
order sheet and without making any delay, now is present before this
Hon’ble Court for setting aside impugned Ex Party Decree and for
initiating appropriate perjury proceedings against the fraudulent
plaintiff. In this connection, the certified copy of relevant summoning
order and other relevant documents are annexed and filled herewith
as Annexure A-6.
12.That, on the pretext of all above regarding the falsification made by
plaintiff, the present defendant would like to submit that the plaintiff
has, upon affidavit, intentionally and willfully made false
assertions before this Hon’ble Court and the plaintiff is taking
this Hon’ble Court just for a ride to initiate the instant false &
frivolous suit upon the foundation of false affidavit.
13.That, in view of the submission made herein above, now the question
arises that whether or not, the plaintiff has committed any offence by
filing false affidavit during the Couse of Civil Proceedings. This
question has been properly answered by the Hon’ble Allahabad High
Court in the AFR case of Mahesh Tiwari vs State Of U.P. And
offence may also fall within Section 192 which, inter alia,
lays down that a person is said to fabricate false evidence
if he makes a document containing a false statement
intending that such false statement may appear in
evidence in a judicial proceeding and so appearing in
evidence may cause any person who, in such proceedings
is to form an opinion upon the evidence to entertain an
erroneous opinion touching any point material to the
result of such proceedings. Therefore, where declarations
in affidavits which were tendered in the Court to be taken
into consideration, the authors of the affidavit clearly
intended the statement to appear in evidence in a judicial
proceedings and so appearing, to cause the Court to
entertain an erroneous opinion regarding the
compromise, therefore, the offence would fall within
Section 191, 192 which is punishable under Section 193
IPC, therefore, it was held that the authors of the
affidavits were guilty of offence of giving false evidence or
fabricating false evidence for the purpose of being used in
judicial proceedings. (Refer: Baban Singh and another vs.
Jagdish Singh and others (AIR 1967 68).
Where a verification is specific and deliberately false,
there is nothing in law to prevent a person from being
proceeded for contempt. But it must be remembered that
the very essence of crimes of this kind is not how such
statements may injure this or that party to litigation but
how they may deceive and mislead the courts and thus
produce mischievous consequences to the administration
of justice. A person is under a legal obligation to verify the
15.That, as held by various High Courts & Hon’ble Supreme Court that
the offence of perjury stands committed and completed by the filing
of false affidavit & fabricated documents. Hence, initiation of perjury
proceedings now becomes inevitable as the present plaintiff is
causing mental stress and destroying the peace of life of the present
defendant by committing offences as described under the provisions
of section 191,192 & 193 of Indian Penal Code 1860 read with
section 2 of the Contempt of Courts Act 1971.
16. That, the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay on date 26-04-2018 in Writ
Petition No.14039 OF 2017, “Union of India Vs. Mr. Haresh V.
Milani and Anr.” by referring various Hon’ble Supreme Court
judgments held that the perjury application is to be decided first
before entering into the merits of the case. For the sake of simplicity,
the exact contents of the said judgment is being reproduced reading
as under,
1] Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and respondent,
Procedure, has to be decided and enquired into first before the Writ
decided as per law, only on the basis of result of the enquiry under
that any false averments are made in the writ petition and submitted
that the writ petition needs to be heard first as the proceeding before
knows that the hearing of the application filed under Section 340
this Court.
Family Court and anr in Writ Petition No.(M/S) of 2002, wherein also
in which the said application was filed. By it’s order, Allahabad High
Court has directed the trial Court to dispose of the application moved
order dated 15th December, 2017, passed by this Court [Coram : A.S.
Nirmala Devi [(2011) 8 SCC 249, and iii] Kishore Samrite -vs- State of
Uttar Pradesh[(2013) 2 SCC 398], holding that, “It is very well settled
I Ankit Chansauriya, S/o Shri Ramesh Chandra Chansauriya, R/o Sr.
HIG Flat No.3, Milan Enclave –II, Bhopal (M.P.) do hereby make oath
and state as under:-
1. That, I am fully conversant with the facts of the instant petition along
with condonation of delay application. The instant petition has been
drafted under my instructions. The contents of attached petition are
true to my knowledge as based on my personal information and
information's received from records of the case and believed to be
2. That, I am producing the documents along with this petition for
perusal of Hon’ble Arbitrator. I fully rely on the same. Copy of such
documents is duly attested by me as true / certified or correct copy.
I, the above named deponent, do hereby verify that the contents of
paras 1 and 2 of the above affidavit are true to my personal
knowledge and belief.
Case No.- Civil Suit No. RCS712A/2017
M. G. Parate ....Plaintiff
In witness whereof I do hereunto set my/ our hand to these presents, the
contents of which have been duly understood by me, on this 13th day of August
2023, at Bhopal.
Particulars (in block letters) of each party executing vakalatnama
4 Uday Raj