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PRESENT WORTH 19-Jan-2023 09-26-48

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PRESENT WORTH ComPaRisone epeneiepannes Eee > An EniGprarsur ov Sng a Larall Gente Industry Wowk, lo buy @ milus Moachfna- He has S maching A Uted ftom Rijgrtont monufpetiaers: The Lartthat Rustranrt , Anna Romane LatuageVatinn ge Una of tae machines Ate glvar KR Ke tree Caleulati Wie pritent North af al Re maabfrat f Caspase thom Rote af Cludik bacng \4y/. Avereert Annwal Saliroge Nong Like Srusstrant PRemarnge (Rs) Cyenre) (Ray (Rs mle 2] 25,000 10,000 Aooo + Mie 2 45,000 'S,000 6500 t . og 000 Mle s 40,000 20,000 Jooo A ] Sok {0000 10000 10000 19600 wos0to000 10000 Jo fPad Plas af Sale 4: - pe Re “2S000]— op. iz? aw A = Rs: lovoo/- Ke Lyre 2800 te lay- Comeporndad Arewelly Fase Re-s}00/- > Pru(mfe aye Pas (A deflno) —Prs (Al aurglns > {hm (Sabrage)+Pr (Annual Penenne) | -?u (Sriteat Cast men» oe (Pabanga Value) = “Rs.a5a8 s4/— iC t4t)® Pia (Annual Revanra) = A oe | eee ou 4 Tou teounyt [eons] @ ce Pas (Annnal ‘Pewanne >) =Re fares = Sr Antetat Cast te Constant at tao, Pes (Snttal Cort)=Ps-2S000 = Pui(rale a= (sse-544 42023 ) — 26000 Pus (mIe 1)= Re: aater-sy/— feat GS00 Plat of | <2! 15000 1$800 1Se00 1sve0 15000 Isve0 S004 - Pata: P= Re. +8000 /— Ol aos ae 6 of Az Re 48000 /— FAS. Re. 6S00/ — n= tye 45d Cs lay Componndied Annnaly ; Pea (mez) = Pov (Al dnfles) — Pri(All antflon > : -[P (Gatuage)+ fu (Arnal Renan] — Fh Gncttat. Catt) Pru (Salvage Vale’) = Re eat. 64 [- Pin (Arsesot Renerna) = Rs 64z24-26/ — Ps (Jututat Cott) = ‘Re. Aso00 | — . Pu (Mle 2) = (289% 64 + 64324-86 ) —ASe00 Pla (|e 2)e Re. 21922 Siaa Fa § mle Si- 3000 Vata:- 20000 24009 P0000 28000 20000 20000 20000 Pe “Ra. 0,000] — 2 i” 2 2 oof 6 4 A= Ra 20,500] — Sale R-Foo0/ — 0,600 ne tye te See oly Pra (mle 5)« Pr (Singles — Pw (outglas > 5 = [Px (Sabroge\Wabie )4 Pw (Ananos Rennes Po (Cettrot cn Pu (Saluage Walva) = Re Sea6-49/— Pry (Annnat Rananne’)= Pe-esteeae/- Pus (Sothet Cast) = Ra: ooo / — o oP (me 3) = (S904 4estee.42) — Fos00 Pru (te z) « Re taz6s.21 /— B are, Pa ep tele 2, Mfc > eres, Ps of Male 2 G eer tee ape Bugger +o by fem 2. A Ruatoreman doa hoo Auarternt proposals Peg K fart f © Lin to datp Lin Wxpand A operations. The rot Cosh plese % Ka Propofals Ota aa 4fotleos - ate the retent Kata OF Proposal p With that of G at e157, whSch prepeset hota he Vatectid? Proposal Erd Af yoore PCRs) 20,000 | 4000 | 3000 ooo | #000 , Q (Re) =20,000 | 10000 Gooo 000 6000 Pus ( Prepasal p): Bolas: P= Ra 20,00] — A= Rs. Fo00/ — An= Rs S000/ — ) Ag= Re. Foo0/- Age Re 8000] - (= 137. Companndac Arenelly Present bose (proparat p)r Pus (4 nples)) Pru ( a-Gle0) : [Pes (Ar) +Pis (Az) Pes (hsp +P(As9]- Prabec 0,500 Prevent seer (Arnal Remante Ar?) = A aad » om For] 0 P(r) = Re c1ay.69/- md Pin (A>) = Re foug-%o | fw (As) Re Geet a Par (Ay Jo “Re 9906 Se GRON nee 90654) is el Pu (Popes p »[E10% 694 Tong noes (o.anv > Rk > * Pls ( Prperat r) = Re Boov 3/- 0000 Pin ( Poetesat a): motas fs Ry Sosv0/- Are Te !9000/— Aa: 6000/— @ As: Fe Fo00/— ee 4u ka Gov0/— » Pos (propesat a) « fe (s1>4 Pes (napa (as d4 Py (49] ere (G-cas Pus( Ay) = Re 2249 .6¢/— Pri (Aa)s Ra 4699-28 /— Pri( Az) = Re Ges) 35/— Pos (Ay) = Be =649.91/ — Pua (Prpesal {)s Fe: 2049-69/— Poepesal ‘P’ Must be Dusit 3) A Kerox No ee Gu bith an ULtRal Sutla Ra-100000 gfetds Re-eron0 Luring hat year af ite Operaninis i : hd, from Ug hisad And tno ne Yow pte er a At Ua wead op the Ope of buscrent, Ke mautne becomes Bosey ord os X30 doluoge alta: id CAL Prewent PSUR of the busrate Obtesaating a rae ah RUXGat IZy ew onnuall T3e000: ee? fienee J Comp ¥ oo t0000 tovoe0 Qa. 20000 Pe Re- 10.0000] — D Al Ree $0000) — oe Ra: to00/— : ee Sot F=o loo000 sy. Camporndrd Anewalld n= &yr- = Pus (Srplas) — Pro (outglas> = Pos (Income) — Pin (SnESe Innas trant Pus (dangles) o& Pru (Snesme): 2 Plu (drcame ) = A (140). 2] Cat) But Asa Al+6 Gels Eye a Cree t “Pot (Arcane) = aise [CON faa fra Gti)" 4 | TORT =i “tao RInceare) = Re- S21F4H.06/— «Fin (Bustrese)= S21441.06- 100000 Pus (Rustnerg? = Re F21441-06 /— yA Brnott Lom £ an Entgatian Dyslan, ae axpectes te Cost Re-B Crote. Aranal maintaronte & Operate, Coste Ose wxpectad to be Raf Cache por the Free Joon g vl Rereace ata rat of 10 paktant pes yarn: oOaturnute he Eqatuotant punt Pottn of bettdus. Jom f spatating ta yal, AA A laRsat af 10 poses Bran a So year Ube - Aoatar- ° A 2 z ¢ 0 ae 7 Pe Re SCrvte At Rat Gakhs 4 r lov. tes v0 C= tor. Comparnndad fen ally xt) . n= Soys : xChn® Epw (Bam) = Pac dnglagd —Pa (tflnr) Lan3 = 0 —[P- (dntetot Casta Pn (Madtuenu. Cort)] Pra (Masrloninte Cort) = af ar] (.q=t) © Pi (Masalensn, Cost) = Ameo | =. | Ito we Pas (Tranilnrone Cast) = Re. 10909090. 9090/ - . EP (Aan)= 0 — [ Sesevo0e + egos na0.s0.26 EPs ( Mam) = — 40909090-9090 ‘Re. ce nn A Seas na Ml eal es. @ Le : dos 5) A patton Wontia to b Cs Ns Paymont the rastoebtke ould. Or ne ie doo [4m - [. 10 Lchame , fe dod to an Ema of Re- Goo . sastalerent Cobeme, : CO macthly Coggest re At a rate of usost f i; er en | Persan WAEch Lebame & Mote Ecorombeal- ps Xero A= ‘Re G00/- pe malic N= loyears > Ae lOxIZ= I20 pacecs YD fe tap Canmparndad — = Me = 0-0116 6 = = Bo goo 900 300 300 4 Pla (dastathmant Cedame = Phi (Anplasy Pas Contzlan =; O— Pu( Ems) Pu (Arnmat Poymert) a Pa (Ema)! - : * [eons] : eo fous ; wees o-011G(I+0-0116) Pu (Em2) = Pe Salat /— =p Pn (Srstollmant Shao )a- Sate Derta Pru af Benn paymant te bese, Don Payment Lehome a Logos Agcere with UNEQUAL Xives:- Ose Unde Cansideranies Compete se Pa » Tiso hetfday Co dashes ata Wiarast Sote of 57. bhow x Ue Cost 6 Bu yeoss atta Cottnpar hos a Leatizabla Waluage Value - College 4 Cottage 2 Aest Cost Rs. 4500 Rs. 10000 Excirataa oct he Iryears Ou yeas Annual Martincre Cost | Re-lo00 Re. F20 ° “Take Frs(Remenina a1 yg’) = Ay (14i9" i Bin CPaplaaing P by Ay A FHP) nes a = 1,40,o00(I+0-092¢) Frs(.R Kat yr) = Re- (@S042-Sa/ - mt Fas (Remerne 24 yx) = ‘Re. 1324 95-68{— Pas (Revrsane vw ord ye) = Re B84] - Fas (Remora AGM Yr) = Re: 100000/— re (Sneurer Cast) = PCat ne + D = %00000 (I+0-094e)= Re po 220 85), Ew (Altianokna Y) «(lee ote se 11324-95064 Serttct+ 100000) = qZS250-59 +. Pes (AUG An one y)* Ra 81092 44/— By Comparing Ft of beth allirnakines , Fri of AURArahve * ts Wagher ve AUGarattnn te Puggeelad ” &) Tico Motarcycles Of brad AGB ore awotloble caine fallostng tekms « 0 Meotatcycte A’. drake Riv Poagmere of Rs S000/- Phin Ra. Co00/- at Ue cand of Cac Yoon bet F yeas - Ty dastercycle RB.» Deane o dan Poyrrent of Re 15000 E-rspaymante pot Ke noxt B yeas: From wad of x F% poor, i + Paymant of Re-Ie200 Lon Ue Nextt yous - Compars Fru af bath Sartincyels. Fuuine ternud (Motarcyete A): Boy: Pe Re Soo0/- A= Ts: 6000/- n= Fy fe lo /- (Artrmecy Fiat (Meoteeeyole AD = Pw (atlas) - Fr ( sutgios) =o [Fe (Asuncforymant) +Fir (Annual Jaymart)] a Fur (Ran Poymant> = PCI) 2 Sovo (1+ 0:1) oF (Aan paymsnt ) aR S44. 68/ a Fy (Bannot Payment) = al cor ll @ i 3 = roof (tet) - 4 = éov0f ae ve Fw (Aranot Poumant ) = Fe. 2. . Fw (Metercyete A)e om [ Ot4¢s.se 4+ $6922] Fry (Motircycle A) ==> Ri- 6660s Sa] — Fin (Mastereyete B)- Row Pa Re 'S000/- A> Ra - 12000/_ n= Fy Cstoy (Aeruma.) ° 19800 es t2eso awe t “Bis (Motareyete 2) = Fin (dnples )- Fes Contgioa> ey pegment| = on [Fn (Beas fayrnant) + Fis bons Fn (Bow paymart ) = PClav)” = 18600 (tto- oe “Fis (Bonn Payment) Ra .L9az0 Ae/- 4 a Fin (Ananal Payment fort years’) = 4 = i a : towel Coed -14 ea o-t —_ ~ B (Ananot Poynsrt beet years ) 5 Re $8692] — ve Pn (Moteacyets 8) = : (. y 2) = 0- | aease te S ssea2] os Fi (Pa atincyete B) = Re. — 84922-40) — . By 4 Fu x botk dartitcpeles, Partereyele A’ hax Greater Value, Usrefote Mastingycl A & Poggrstid | Pay-Rack Compa RIZON: | ay Fete Ora Ae watlmalig of rte alianatfre Utrortmante made | On SZ ditpatont machCrog ch an Excusitey Fd uk bshteh me hos the foul Payback erfod . Pantioulars Srachthe & Machine R Machine c 4A | desttal Inuectrect 50,000 58,000 42,000 err | 0,000 eee 2 | Annual Recetpu 20,000 Y=ES00 26,000 = | Annu Crapord Rides SSoo0 6500 i Foo} — 4 Ceonromnke fe. Jyears years types . 7 rocking Ave Wrachine Be . Date | Aaa: — 7 Pp Rs-3o,o00] - P: Re. Se er0/- Re Re: 20,600] - Re Re» 25S00/- Ce Re + Ss00/ - Ce Re. Gs00 n= Gy n= GNox. ~ ‘ods Pf = Bosmo + Pay Sods PL Pargbacie Per ee Payy ate Pew = . Paye oer Perot Galea) = P06yae . => faye . Macwre ec: oe ee Se pe Re-42,500/ — Re Re. = ac Payboue fenod= Ce Re. Faxo) — Rae N= GYy. eS «By Conporton, Sle A Jos the foatict Paybaee Period:

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