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War Room Solo Rules Draft1

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Point of interest markers: these markers are used to identify those territories or sea
regions liable to be occupied or attacked (offensive ones) or to be reinforced (defensive
ones) by AI nation.
For this purpose, players may use any type of marker like a wooden cube, mini dice or
cardboard markers in 6 different colors. It could be desirable to provide in pdf format
cardboard markers in these 6 different colors.
Auxiliary die: one d10 die is used to provide some uncertainly at AI nations decisions. In
such way dice is used to take some decisions and impede to player to know what AI nation
decision shall be.


To play the game solitaire, player should choose a scenario and a side to play. This set of
rules helps player to manage nations of the opposite alliance called from this point as AI
Nations, avoiding in some cases switching sides and providing a better solo game
experience. All nations belonging to the player’s alliance shall be managed by player
separately following standard rules. They shall be called Player’s nations.
Therefore, game set-up should be done following scenarios 2 players rules. Player shall
manage all nations belonging to one alliance and the enemy nations are managed
following rules and criteria included in this document. They are used to take decisions
about AI nations actions. These criteria should be considered as a guide. Therefore,
despite this guide, player has to use his common sense in AI nations management,
and he has to avoid risky actions that may harm itself.
When the term “random selection” is used in this set of rules, player may use any
method he desires to make the selection between available options. The best way is use
the d10 die by means of a die roll or even common sense to take that decision.
Some rules are designed to be used with the complete AI alliance and other rules should
be applied to each AI nation separately. This shall be clearly specified for each rule.
It is desirable to try these rules first at “The Eastern Front” scenario where there are only
2 nations in play: player nation and AI nation. As the number of nations in play is reduced
to minimum it can be easier to understand and apply this set of rules.
Finally, it is important to consider that this set of rules increase game difficulty and game
length. Player doesn’t need to apply all set of rules. If he desires, he may use only some of
them to decrease game difficulty or make it more dynamic (not using all tables). For
example, he may use POIs definition rules, but decide about assign stances at combat table
or production of new units switching sides avoiding the use of several tables and rules.

When does a counterattack may occur?
AI may counterattack when a region where player commands are located may be selected
as short-term POI, after player moves one or more units out of that region.
Player may counterattack when a region where AI commands are located may be attacked
by player with an expected ratio in number of units of 2:1 or higher (advantage of
attacker), after AI has moved one or more units out of that region.


When does a territory or sea region need to be reinforced?
This occurs when:

• An empty territory under AI control or sea region with friendly troops transports
without escorts may be attacked.
• An occupied territory or sea region with friendly units may be attacked by player
(expected ratio in number of units of 1:1 or lower).


Points of interest are defined as territories or sea regions liable to be occupied or attacked
or to be reinforced by AI nation. So, points of interest shall identify the AI Nations
objectives of movements and attacks and the preferred territories where build and deploy
new units.
There are 2 types of POI (Points of Interest):
• Offensive POI: for an AI Nation, an offensive POI is a territory or sea region where
AI units and commands may move to gain its control or to attack enemy units with
acceptable combat ratio. Therefore, offensive POIs are placed in neutral or enemy
controlled territories and sea regions. Offensive POIs are identified by means of
markers in three colors:
o Green: offensive POI at the short-term (for current game round) located
▪ Any under Player side control empty territory or sea region with
enemy troops transports without escorts that may be attacked by
AI forces the current round.
▪ Any under Player side control region with an expected ratio in
number of units of 2:1 or higher (advantage for AI) if AI side
moves to that region and the POI becomes an active region.
o Yellow: offensive POI at the short-term (for current game round) located
in an under Player side control region with an expected ratio in number
of units between 1:1 and 2:1 (advantage for AI) if AI side moves to that
region and the POI becomes an active region.
o Blue: offensive POI at the mid-term (not for current game round). May be
selected as mid-term offensive POIs, Green POIs that may be occupied or
attacked by AI side in the next game round. For this POIs definition
purposes, only regions that may be reached without a previous attack to
enemy commands in other regions shall be considered. So, for example
empty territories below player defensive lines aren’t considered as Blue
POI unless the territory may be reached only occupying an empty land or
sea region.
Note that Neutrals may be selected as Offensive POI taken into consideration its
Defense Force. Furthermore, for Global War scenario when Axis side is managed
by AI, sea regions required for intimidation shall be considered as a POI if trade
requirements included at 3.7.1 are met.
• Defensive POI: for an AI Nation, a defensive POI is a territory or sea region where
AI units and commands may move to keep under friendly control or to reinforce
friendly units that are under attack at an embattled region. Therefore, defensive
POIs are placed in friendly controlled territories and embattled land/sea regions.
Defensive POIs are identified by means of markers in three colors:
o Red: defensive POI at the short-term (for current game round) located in:
▪ Any embattled or under AI side control region with an expected
ratio in number of units of 1:2 (advantage for Player) that may be
reinforced to reach a better ratio.
▪ Any under AI side control empty territory or sea region with
friendly troops transports without escorts that may be attacked
by player forces the current round.
▪ An embattled region with an expected ratio in number of units
between 1:2 and 2:1 that may be reinforced to reach a better ratio.
o Orange: defensive POI at the short-term (for current game round) located
in no embattled region under AI side control with an expected ratio in
number of units between 1:2 and 2:1 if the POI becomes an active region
that may be reinforced to reach a better ratio.
o Purple: defensive POI at the mid-term (for next game round). May be
selected as mid-term defensive red POIs, territories or sea regions that
needs to be reinforced in future rounds, this means that they need to be
reinforced (as it has been defined above) but an attack in the current round
is not probable or possible. For this POIs definition purposes, only regions
that may be reached without a previous attack to enemy commands in other
regions shall be considered.
According to above description, short-term POIs are retired from map at the end of the
round, but mid-term ones are kept in play until next round.

At this chapter, all rules to be observed for AI nations management are included. They are
arranged according to the moment in the round sequence in which they have effect.


This phase doesn’t change at solo game. Steps 1 & 2 are executed by player following
standard rules. In this case, the only difference is he must check card facing and resource
incomes for all nations in play (both AI and player ones). He can do this in any order he
This phase needs to be modified for solo game. The standard game sequence steps are
used with some changes and new steps are added to determine AI nation planned
movements and bids. The new round sequence for this phase shall be:

• Step 1. Write orders and turn order bids for player nations.
• Step 2. POIs definition.
• Step 3. AI attitude definition.
• Step 4. Calculate AI bids and establish turn order.
• Step 5. Pay oil for bids.


At this step player write down movement orders for all nations under his control. He
proceeds to split or merge player commands according to standard rules.


For each AI nation separately, player has to define up to 9 POIs. However, the number of
POIs defined usually per AI nation is lower than that figure except for major nations
fighting in several fronts like Germany, Japan or USA. Please, note that the game starts
without any defined POI, however during the game, mid-term POIs can be defined before
this step. In these cases, these POIs (Blue, Purple) may be converted to short-term POI (it
may be reached this round), or may keep its status as mid-term POI (if it is an offensive-
defensive POI that may be reached next round) or even may lose its status as POI (the
territory/sea region is not interesting now for AI nation). Please, note that number of POIs
depends on both AI side and Player forces. It has no sense to define 4 offensive POIs if AI
side has available only 2 commands to advance towards Player regions and forces. For
example, in “The eastern front” scenario the usual number of POIs to be defined is about 3-
Definition of POIs replace write orders for AI nations. However, each POI doesn’t
symbolize a planned movement, because one POI may be associated to several AI
commands. In any case, when number of orders is limited due to stress penalty or any
other reason, the number of POIs shall be limited in a different way: associated to the
number of commands associated to the POIs.
The first action in this step 3 shall be to look for Red and Green POIs. Player should
look for Red POIs first, and repeats this action looking for Green POIs. First, check mid-
term POIs (Blue-Purple) that may be converted in Green or Red ones (mid-term POIs
that this round has been converted in Red or Green POI) this round. After that player
looks for new territories or sea regions that may be selected as Red or Green POIs.
The second action shall be to look for Orange POIs. First, check mid-term POIs (Blue-
Purple) that may be converted in Orange ones this round. After that, player looks for
new territories or sea regions that may be selected as Orange POIs.
The third action shall be to look for Blue or Purple POIs. Player should look for Blue
POIs first, and repeats this action looking for Purple POIs. First, check mid-term POIs
that may keep its status. After that, player looks for new territories or sea regions
that may be selected as Blue or Purple POIs.
The final action shall be to look for Yellow POIs. First, check mid-term POIs that may
be converted in Yellow ones. After that, player looks for new territories or sea
regions that may be selected as Yellow POIs.
Once these four actions have been performed, any remaining Blue or Purple POIs are
discarded. After that each AI nation may have up to 9 POIs. Some of the POIs may be
shared between several AI nations (when a coordinated attack or defense is required).
For POI definition purposes, some considerations about number of units ratio should be

• The number of units should be the ones that reasonably it may move to join a
combat. Movements of commands to join a combat that may cause a
Counterattacks (as per 2.1) should be avoided, and therefore the commands and
units that could cause it moving are not considered in these calculations. So, for
example if there are 3 land commands and 1 air command available to attack an
enemy controlled territory, only the units belonging to commands that reasonably
may join the attack shall be considered at calculation. In this example if 1 land
command is placed in a friendly controlled territory and the movement may cause an
counterattack (region where it is located may now be attacked because it is empty),
it shall not join the attack and therefore 2 land and 1 air commands shall be
considered for POI calculations.
• AI commands may be assigned to only one short-term POI and/or one mid-term
POI. Use the common sense to determine which is the best POI for that command.
However, one command may be split in case it may be used to cover two Red or
Green POIs. Use common sense to determine this situation. In this case player must
switching side to take into consideration the best option for AI nations.
• Carrier fighter movements shall not be considered for POI definition purposes.
• Using all these rules, player shall consider to reorganize AI commands to optimize
AI planned movements: commands in the same region with the same POI shall be
merged, and one command that may be splitted to be assigned to several POIs may
be split.
During game round this procedure may need to be repeated completely or partially in
different phases of the round. It shall be specified in the following chapters when POI
definition procedure needs to be repeated.


AI nation attitude is used during the game round to determine their priorities. The
attitude is easily determined in this way:
• AI attitude shall be OFENSIVE in case that number of offensive POIs is higher or
equal than defensive ones and homeland status track for the nation is in white
stress zone, or number of offensive POIs is higher than defensive ones and
homeland status track for the nation is in blue, or yellow stress zones.
• AI attitude shall be DEFENSIVE in case that number of defensive POIs is higher
than offensive ones and homeland status track for the nation is in white stress
zone, or defensive POIs is higher or equal than offensive ones and homeland status
track for the nation is in blue, or yellow stress zones.
• AI attitude shall be DEFENSIVE despite the number of defensive and offensive
POIs if homeland status track for the nation is in orange, red or gray stress zones.
Write down at pads of O&P charts or use any type of marker to remember the assigned
attitude for each AI nation.


In order to establish turn order, at this moment we are going to calculate AI nations bids.
This calculation is made by means of several parameters as oil reserves, attitude and by
means of a die roll using the auxiliar die. We can’t use the player bid because during the
standard game this value is kept hidden.
AI nation bids is determined using table PH2.ST4.1 (Phase 2, Step 4, table 1). Player needs
to use this table once for each AI nation in play.
Oil Reserves Oil Reserves Oil Reserves
AI > Player AI = Player AI < Player
Off. Def. Off. Def. Off. Def.
1-2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3-4 DR - 3 1 DR - 3 1 1 0
5-6 AIR - MD DR - 5 AIR - MD DR - 5 AIR - MD AIR - MD
7-8 PN + 1 AIR - MD PN AIR - MD AIR AIR - MD
9 - 10 PN + 1 PN + 1 PN PN AIR AIR
Table PH2.ST4.1 – AI bids calculation
• DR = Auxiliar Die Roll Result.
• AIR = AI Nation Oil Reserves
• MD = Constant modifier get from this table that depends on AI nation oil reserves.
AI Nation AI Nation
MD Value MD Value
Oil Reserves Oil Reserves
1 0 8 5
2 1 9 - 10 6
3 1 11 - 13 7
4 2 14 - 16 8
5 3 17 - 19 9
6 3 20 - 25 10
7 4 + 25 12
• PN = Player Nation Oil Reserves.
How to use this table?
As this table is based in a comparison between 2 nations, the first action shall be to define
for the AI nation which is its main enemy, checking the numbers of POIs associated to each
player nation. The player nation with more POIs associated shall be the nation selected to
compare oil reserves and therefore its oil reserves shall be used to calculate AI nation bid.
In case of several nations with the same number of POIs associated chose one, using
common sense or randomly. The number calculated by table shall be the bid for the AI
Once AI nation bids has been calculated, proceed as usual establishing turn order
according to standard rules.
Example: In the Eastern Front scenario (2 nations: AI Vs Player) AI oil reserves are 8 oil, and
player ones are 6 oil. AI is in defensive attitude. Player bids 4 oil. To determine AI bid, player
rolls an 8. So, using Table PH2.ST4.1 we get a “AIR – MD”. MD for AI oil reserves (8) is 5. So
AI nation bid is AI oil Reserves (8) – 5 = 3. Players choose position at Turn Order Ranking.
There is only one exception to the use of this table: when AI nation has not Green POIs
and at least 2 Red POIs, player rolls d10 die. If he gets 7 – 10, AI shall bid 0 oil.


This step is executed by player following standard rules without major changes. In this
case he must pay oil for bids of each nation in play (both AI and player ones). He can do
this in any order he wants.


This phase doesn’t change for solo game. However, there are special rules to be applied in
steps 2 & 3.


This step is executed by player following standard rules without major changes. In this
case he must flip cards belonging to all nation in play (both AI and player ones). He can do
this in any order he wants.


This step doesn’t change for player nations. For AI nations the following rule should be
observed at this step:

• If player moves first, once all player movements has been made, repeat POIs
definition procedure. In this case, procedure is quicker because player units moved
so analysis to determine the best AI options is easier.
• As the number of commands foreseen to be moved towards POIs (up to 9 POIs)
may be more than the number of available orders, Player shall resolve
movements with this priority order:
1. Move any land command towards empty enemy territory, or naval
commands to un-protected troop transports. In general, these movement
orders should be towards Green POIs.
2. Move any land/naval command to other Green POIs not specified above up
to reach a combat ratio of at less 2:1 (advantage for AI). Embattled regions
should be selected first. After land/naval commands have been designated,
move any available air command to the same Green POI if they are needed
to reach the minimum ratio of 2:1 (advantage for AI). This movement shall
be executed in case than AI nation has available enough movement orders
for all land/naval/air commands required to resolve combat with 2:1 ratio.
Any remaining command shall be moved according to the next criteria.
Once movement to Green POIs has been solved, and previous to next step,
check if there are new Red POIs due to the movement of commands toward
enemy position. Mark these regions as Red POI.
3. Move any land/naval commands to Red POIs up to reach a minimum
combat ratio of 1:1 and a maximum of 2:1. Embattled regions should be
selected first. After land/naval commands have been designated, move any
available air command to the same Red POI up to reach a minimum combat
ratio of 1:1 and a maximum of 2:1. This movement shall be executed in case
than AI nation has available enough movement orders for all land/naval/air
commands required to resolve combat with a ratio close to 1:1. Any
remaining command shall be moved according to the next criteria.
4. Move any land/naval commands to Orange POIs up to reach a minimum
combat ratio of 1:1 and a maximum of 2:1. After land/naval commands have
been designated, move any available air command to the same Orange POI
up to reach a minimum combat ratio of 1:1 and a maximum of 2:1. This
movement shall be executed in case than AI nation has available enough
movement orders for all land/naval/air commands required to resolve
combat with a ratio close to 1:1. Any remaining command shall be moved
according to the next criteria.
5. Move any land/naval commands to Blue POIs if resolve a combat is not
required for this movement. Any remaining command shall be moved
according to the next criteria.
6. Move any land/naval commands to Purple POIs.
7. Move any land/naval commands to Yellow POIs if this movement doesn’t
cause that AI side empty territories or sea transport are now converted in
Red POIs.
8. Move any remaining naval/air command shall be assigned to convoy raids
or strategic bombing raids missions.
• Some changes in above priority are allowed in case that AI may reach more POIs.
Player has to use common sense to determine when change priorities, but in
general only 1-2 levels of priority change is allowed. For example, a movement
towards the last Green POI requires 3 orders (affect to 3 commands to reach the
desired combat ratio), but only 2 orders are available up to the 9 planned movements.
In that case, player shall resolve a Red or Orange POIs that requires to move only 2
• Player may move up to 9 AI commands. If the number of planned movements are
limited due to scenario rules or stress zone penalties for the AI nation, the number
of movements executed shall be limited accordingly.
• AI Land commands located at its nation capital with enemy command in an
adjacent region shall not move towards adjacent regions to protect other regions
or attack enemy units following above criteria selection. The exception at this rule
is after that movement at the capital territory remains land commands to fight with
a ratio higher than 1:1 (AI advantage).
This step doesn’t change for player nations. For AI nations carrier fighters shall be moved
following these rules:
• Assign one mission to each carrier fighter available according to these criteria:
Die Carrier Fighter Mission
Roll Offensive Attitude Defensive Attitude
1 Protect its parent carrier
2 Move to Red POI in hotspot Protect its parent carrier
3 region
4 Move to Green POI in hotspot Move to Red POI in hotspot
5 region region
Move to Orange POI in hotspot
6 Move to Green POI in hotspot
Protect troop transports Move to Orange POI in hotspot
9 Protect troop transports
Convoy raid
10 Convoy raid

In case that die roll provides a mission that can’t be performed because there aren’t
regions available for that mission at fighter range, goes downwards in the table up
to find a mission that can be accomplished. If there aren’t any mission available to
be assigned in that part of the table, goes upwards to find it. As last option, carrier
fighter shall be deployed at its parent carrier region.
• Once carrier fighter movement is resolved, short-term POIs markers in hotspot
regions are retired from map.


At this phase special rules are needed for these actions:
• Selection of battle to be resolved.
• Assign AI commander during battle setup.
• Assign combat stances to AI units during battle setup.
• Assign damage to player units during battle resolution.
• Decide about option to repair for AI units during battle debrief.
Basically, any other action during this phase is resolved following standard rules. In this
case, player must to execute some of the actions for both player nations and AI nations, so
for solitaire game these actions are resolved slowly than for standard game: place units
on battle status board, count dice to be rolled, roll dice, remove eliminated units, check
for lost troop transports, return command stacks to world map.


When an AI nation needs to select an active hotspot, a Green POI shall be selected first.
In case there are more than one hotspot that complies with this select one randomly. If
there aren’t any Green POI a Red, Yellow or Orange POI shall be selected (in this order).
Finally, if there aren’t POIs of those colors, select one hotspot randomly.
When some AI nations are involved in the same combat, AI side commander shall be
selected randomly.


This assignation may be critical in combat results and therefore it is so important to
provide to AI nations a guide about this issue but at the same time an unpredictable result
to avoid player advantages. First of all, despite the Commanders assigned for each side,
stances to player units shall be assigned first. Once all player units have been placed at
combat table at their associated stance, it’s AI side turn.
For assignation, we are going to use a table (Table PH4.1) that uses some parameters
together a luck factor: a d10 die roll. To assign stances AI nation shall start this assignation
with surface units (naval or land units) from lower part of combat table to upper ones.
Accordingly, in naval combats stances shall be defined in this order: Cruisers, Carriers,
Battleships, Fighters. In land combats, stances shall be defined in this order: Infantry,
Artillery, Armor, Fighter, Bomber. If combat involves only air units, all fighters shall be
assigned to air stance and bombers may follow rules described below if they may be used
for strategic bombing raid.
Die Roll Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
1 0% 0% 0% 0%
2 25% 0% 0% 0%
3 50% 0% 0% 25%
4 50% 25% 25% 25%
5 75% 25% 25% 50%
6 75% 50% 25% 50%
7 75% 50% 50% 75%
8 100% 50% 50% 75%
9 100% 75% 50% 100%
10 100% 100% 75% 100%
Table PH4.1 – Combat stances assignation.
How to use this table?
This table provides the number of units rounding down to a given stance. First of all,
player rolls d10 die and uses the same result for all units, with an exception.
Using the die roll, player determines for each unit type the case applicable (column to be
used). The case is determined according to these criteria:
• Infantry: table provides the number of units in offensive stance rounding down
in percentage. Case 3 is not applicable.
o Case 1: AI force advantage in combat. Number of AI units in surface combat
stage is equal or higher than player ones.
o Case 2: number of AI units in surface combat stage is lower than player ones.
o Case 4: any other situation.
• Artillery: table provides the number of units in ground stance rounding down
in percentage. If there aren’t enemy air units, all artillery units shall be assigned to
ground stance. Case 2 is not applicable.
o Case 1: number of AI air units is higher than player ones. Number of AI units in
surface combat stage is lower than player ones.
o Case 3: number of AI air units is lower than player ones.
o Case 4: any other situation.
• Armors: table provides the number of units in offensive stance rounding down
in percentage. Case 2 is not applicable.
o Case 1: AI force advantage in combat. Number of AI units in surface combat
stage is equal or higher than player ones.
o Case 3: number of AI units in surface combat stage is lower than player ones.
o Case 4: any other situation.
• Fighters: table provides the number of units in ground (land combats) or
surface (naval combats) stance rounding down in percentage. If there aren’t
enemy air units, all fighter units shall be assigned to ground stance. Case 2 is not
o Case 1: number of AI air units is higher than player ones. Number of AI units in
surface combat stage is lower than player ones.
o Case 3: number of AI air units is lower than player ones.
o Case 4: any other situation.
• Bombers: table provides the number of units in air/ground stance rounding
down in percentage. If combat takes place in a friendly territory/region, all
bombers shall be assigned to air/ground stance. Case 2 is not applicable.
o Case 1: there aren’t units under construction, and only one type of resources is
produced in the region.
o Case 3: AI force advantage in combat. Number of AI units in surface combat
stage is higher than player ones.
o Case 4: any other situation.
• Cruisers, Carriers and Battleships: table provides the number of units in
offensive stance rounding down in percentage. If there aren’t enemy air units
(and friendly battleships and carriers for cruisers assignation purposes) all units
shall be assigned to offensive stance. Case 3 is not applicable.
o Case 1: number of AI air units is higher than player ones. Number of AI units in
surface combat stage is lower than player ones.
o Case 2: AI force advantage in combat. Number of AI air units is lower than
player ones.
o Case 4: any other situation.
For case definition purposes, the comparison between number of AI units and player units
in surface combat is calculated at first of procedure having in consideration the player
fighters and bombers in ground/surface stances. In a similar way, the comparison
between number of air units is calculated at first of procedure having in consideration the
player artillery units in anti-air stance and not taking in consideration player fighters in
ground/surface stance.
Example: a combat between Germans (player nation) and Soviets (AI nation) takes place at
Volga. Germans forces are: 3 infantry, 3 artillery, 2 armor, 3 fighters and 1 bomber. Soviets
forces are: 3 infantry, 2 artillery, 1 armor, and 3 fighters. Player assigns stances to all his
units. He uses all its infantry at offensive stance, 2 artillery in ground and 1 in anti-air stance,
all armor in offensive stance, 1 fighter in ground and 2 in air stance, and bomber in
air/ground stance. After that he uses table PH4.1 to define AI nation combat stances.
AI/Player sides haven’t force advantage. Forces relationships are AI air units < Player air
units (3 fighters < 1 artillery + 2 fighters + 1 bomber) and AI surface units < Player surface
units (all 6 land units < all player land units except artillery at anti-air stance i.e. 7 units + 1
fighter + 1 bomber). Player rolls auxiliar die and he gets a 7. He starts with AI stance
• Soviet infantry: case 2 column is used (AI surface < Player surface) so 50% of 3
infantry rounded down shall be assigned to offensive stance: 1 infantry is assigned
to offensive stance and 2 infantry are assigned to defensive stance.
• Soviet artillery: case 3 column is applicable (AI air < Player air) so 50% of 2
artillery rounded down shall be assigned to ground stance: 1 artillery is assigned
to ground stance and 1 artillery is assigned to anti-air stance.
• Soviet armor: case 3 column is applicable (AI surface < Player surface) so 50% of
1 armor rounded down shall be assigned to ground stance: 1 armor is assigned to
defensive stance.
• Soviet fighters: case 3 column is applicable (AI air < Player air) so 50% of 2
fighters rounded down shall be assigned to ground stance: 1 fighter is assigned to
ground stance and 2 fighters are assigned to air stance.


There aren’t changes in damage assignation to AI units: player may choose freely the units
to be damaged/eliminated according to its own criteria. In general, damage assignation
to player units during combat follows standard rules too but the following criteria should
be observed when several options are available:
• Yellow results: damage should be assigned to infantry at offensive stance first.
• Blue results: damage should be assigned to cruisers at escort stance first. For
artillery damage assignation may be done randomly.
• Green results: for air combat stage, fighters at ground stance shall be selected first.
Otherwise, damage should be assigned to armor at offensive stance first. After that
damage should be assigned to fighters and finally armor in defensive stance.
Exception: in case the number of armor in defensive stance is low (relationship of
1 unit for each 3 dice to roll), armor in defensive stance shall be selected first and
finally fighters. This is made to give preference to gain control of the territory
instead of cause more loss. For carrier and fighters damage assignation may be
done randomly.
• Red results: damage should be assigned to battleships and bombers randomly.
• Black results: damage should be assigned to a unit following this order: battleships,
carriers, cruisers, bombers, fighters, armor, submarine, artillery, infantry. This
order may be altered to get a combination of black and white results that destroy
more units. Common sense should be used accordingly.
• White results: damage should be assigned to a damaged following the same
priority order than black results: battleships, carriers, cruisers, bombers, fighters,
armor, submarine, artillery, infantry.
• For strategic bombing raids select destroy a unit in construction first. Otherwise
deplete resources.
For this task is too difficult to apply general rules as we have included above. There are a
lot of variables so other issued should be considered and therefore, common sense should
be applied. In this way, player has to evaluate the number of the color damage, black
damage and white damage and take the best decision to eliminate a greater number
of player units using black and white results.
Example: Player forces include 2 infantry at defensive stance, 1 artillery at ground stance, 1
armor at offensive stance and 1 armor at defensive ones. AI roll gets 4 yellow, 2 blue, 1 green,
1 red, 1 black and 1 white results in his first roll batch. He has a last roll batch of 6 dice.
Yellow and blue results are solved with all infantry and artillery eliminated. Green result
should be solved assigning 1 damage to armor at offensive stance. In such way we have 1
armor without damage, and 1 damaged armor available to receive 1 black result and 1
white ones. Following the assignation order, the black result should be assigned to damaged
armor, and the last die (white ones) is not used. In this case, using common sense, we apply
green result to armor in defensive stance, because we can use black ones to move it to
damaged status, and the white ones to eliminate that unit. It looks like the same, but AI has
available a last roll batch of 6 dice where only needs 2 results (green/black +
green/black/white) to defeat the last player armor. Without common sense, AI would need
3 dice (green/black + green/black + green/black/white) to defeat the last unit.


When AI nation must decide about damaged units to be repaired the following criteria
shall be used:

• The units to be repaired shall be selected according to this order: battleships,

carriers, cruisers, bombers, armor, fighters, artillery, and infantry.
• In order to determine how many AI damaged units shall be repaired player must
use this table:
Available resources Available resources Available resources
≥ > ≤
2 x Damaged Units Damaged Units Damaged Units
1-4 All units repaired
Repair units but
reserve at least 3 All units repaired up
5-7 resources for each to exhaust resources
remaining combat to
All units repaired* be resolved.
Repair units but Repair units but
reserve at least 6 reserve at least 2
8 - 10 resources for each resources for each
remaining combat to remaining combat to
be resolved. be resolved.
In all cases except the ones marked with *, infantry shall not be repaired unless
there aren’t active hotspots for the AI nation. So, for last combat to be resolved
infantry shall be repaired if there are available resources.
• Resources to be spent in repairs shall follow this rule: player must select first
resources with the highest reserve. With more than one resource type in this
condition iron or OSR (randomly) should be selected first. Oil is reserved for turn
order ranking bids.
Example: The following AI nation units has been damaged in a combat: 1 bomber, 2 fighters,
1 armor, 1 artillery, 2 infantry. AI resources available are: 4 oil, 6 iron, 6 OSR. Player roll d10
die and gets a 4. As number of damaged units (7) is lower than half available resources (16),
we use the first column and therefore all units shall be repaired including infantry. First unit
to be repaired is bomber. We use 1 iron or OSR. Randomly we select OSR. The next unit is 1
armor unit. As now the highest reserves are iron (6), we use 1 iron to repair it. At this moment
we have 4 oil, 5 iron and 5 OSR. We proceed to repair 2 fighters. We use 1 OSR and 1 iron to
do it. We try to repair 1 artillery. As oil should be selected last we may use iron or OSR to
repair that unit. Finally, we repair 2 infantry. With the first one we use the resource not used
for artillery (iron or artillery), and with the second one the highest reserves are oil ones, so
we use 1oil. After all repairs has been made, AI resources are 3 oil, 3 iron, 3 OSR.


When AI side is awarded with medals, they shall be assigned to the AI nation that taking
part in the combat, has a highest stress level between all AI nations in the combat.
Therefore, the AI nation that has advanced more zones at homeland status track (between
the ones that may be awarded with the medal) shall be awarded. If several nations may
be chosen, the ones with more stress points shall be awarded. Otherwise select the AI
nation randomly.


This phase is executed by player following standard rules. For AI nations management,
player has to follow rules described in this chapter for each step.


At this step, player should move back AI nation air commands located in an enemy
territory. AI air commands located in a friendly territory shall not be moved. For air
commands to be moved, player should select a friendly territory with friendly land units
randomly. Select that territory with a smaller number of land and air units if several
options are available. Otherwise select randomly an empty friendly territory.


AI new units shall be deployed if it is possible shall be merged into existing commands
For naval units, player should select a sea region with friendly units first, if it is possible
or empty sea regions. If there isn’t any friendly occupied or empty sea region available,
player should select the sea region with a lower number of enemy naval units.


At this step player shall merge as AI nations commands as possible in order to optimize
the number of movement orders.
At this phase special rules are needed for these actions:
• Submit medals to cancel stress points.
• Relieve stress.
• Apply stress zone penalties.
Basically, any other action during this phase is resolved following standard rules. In this
case, player must to execute some of the actions for both player nations and AI nations, so
for solitaire game these actions are resolved slowly than for standard game: convert
casualties into stress, evaluate stress levels.


For each AI nation, if the number of stress points is equal or higher than stress threshold,
as many as required medals or civilian goods shall be submitted to cancel stress points up
to the remaining stress points is below stress threshold. Medals shall be used first.


For each AI nation, if the number of available medals and civilian goods is equal or higher
than its stress threshold, as many as required medals or civilian goods shall be submitted
to slide back 1 zone on the Homeland Status Track.


These penalties are applied for AI nations following these criteria:

• Blue zone: to pay resources player should use the same criteria used at 3.4.5 for
option to repair.
• Orange zone: remember that the loss of planned movement orders is applied at
step 2 of phase 3 when AI nation movements towards POIs is executed.
• Gray zone: the type of units to be transferred to the casualty list due to mass
desertion follows these priority criteria:
1. Infantry units in territories not adjacent to enemy land units or reachable
by enemy troop transports.
2. Artillery units in territories not adjacent to enemy land units or reachable
by enemy troop transports.
3. Infantry units in the same territories or adjacent to enemy land units or
reachable by enemy troop transports where AI has advantage in the
number of units in case of combat.
4. Artillery units in the same territories or adjacent to enemy land units or
reachable by enemy troop transports where AI has advantage in the
number of units in case of combat.
5. Submarines in sea regions not reachable by enemy naval commands.
6. Submarines in the same sea regions or reachable by enemy naval
commands where AI has advantage in the number of units in case of
7. Armor units in territories not adjacent to enemy land units or reachable by
enemy troop transports.
8. Any naval unit (cruiser, carrier or battleship in this order) in the same sea
regions or reachable by enemy naval commands where AI has advantage in
the number of units in case of combat.
9. Infantry units in the same territories or adjacent to enemy land units or
reachable by enemy troop transports without AI side advantage in number
of units.
10. Artillery units in the same territories or adjacent to enemy land units or
reachable by enemy troop transports without AI side advantage in number
of units.
11. Any naval unit (submarines, cruiser, carrier or battleship in this order).
12. Any air unit (fighters first) if there aren’t land units to be transferred.
13. Any armor unit.
For all cases when several units are available select one randomly.


This phase is executed by player following standard rules. For AI nations management,
player has to follow rules described in this chapter for steps 2 & 4.


This task is critical for AI nation during the game. A bad decision about the units to be
purchased or region where they are transferred may be the difference between the win
or lose.
First of all, player purchases units for all his alliance nations. Once player has written
down the units that have been purchased, it’s AI side turn.
For this purpose, the following general rules should be observed:
1. If there is not any Green or Red POIs at the map, resources reserve is at least 35
resources and AI nation is in Orange, Red or Grey stress zone of the homeland
status track, AI nation shall spend 5 resources to purchase Civilian Goods. To
select resources player must select first resources with the highest reserve. Repeat
this operation up to the conditions to purchase civilian goods are not meet.
2. AI nation shall purchase units to try to reach a balanced composition of land
commands in this proportion of units: 1 Armor – 1 Artillery – 2 Infantry. So, at
first player shall purchase units to reach this proportion in all embattled territories
purchasing units that may be transferred to that region (in case than current forces
ratio is 2:1 or higher) or to adjacent non embattled regions. After that, repeat the
same operation for commands that may be assigned in next round to any current
Green or Red POI. Use common sense to determine how many units purchase for
each land command to be reinforced.
3. AI nation shall purchase units to try to reach a balanced composition of naval
commands in this proportion of units: 1 Battleship or 1 Carrier – 2 Cruiser – 1
Submarine. So, at first player shall purchase units to reach this proportion in all
embattled sea region purchasing units that may be transferred to that region (in
case than current forces ratio is 2:1 or higher) or to adjacent non embattled
regions. After that, repeat the same operation for commands that may be assigned
in next round to any current Green or Red POI. Use common sense to determine
how many units purchase for each naval command to be reinforced.
4. Once covered above cases, if AI nation has remaining resources to purchase new
units, player rolls a d10 die for each new unit to be purchased and look for result
at Table PH7.1. Check the lacking resource for AI nation and use the suitable
column for that resource.
≤1 Fighter Artillery Infantry
2 Fighter Fighter Artillery
3 Armor Fighter Armor/Fighter
4 Armor Armor Infantry
5 Bomber Armor Infantry
6 Submarine/Cruiser Bomber Infantry
7 Submarine/Cruiser Bomber Infantry
8 Bomber Submarine/Cruiser Infantry
9 Bomber Submarine/Cruiser Infantry
≥ 10 Carrier/Battleship Carrier/Battleship Infantry
Table PH7.1 – Purchase of units
Die roll shall be modified according to this:
• Resource reserves 0 – 5: -4 modifier.
• Resource reserves 6 – 10: -2 modifier.
• Resource reserves 15 – 20: +2 modifier.
• Resource reserves +21: +4 modifier.
Note that some results include 2 type of units. Select the unit type according to the
criteria of win force advantage in any combat. Otherwise select one randomly.
In general, AI nation exhaust first oil and iron. If die roll result for columns Oil or
Iron is a unit that can’t be purchased due to lack of any resource use the same result
but checking other column: oil or iron. In case the unit can’t be purchased, then
purchase an infantry unit, and continue purchase checking OSR column until he
gets a unit that can’t be purchased again. If die roll result for column OSR is a unit
that can’t be purchased due to lack of oil or iron, then purchase an infantry unit. AI
nation continue purchasing up to OSR reserves is 1. In case of lack of OSR but there
is available Oil or Iron, player should check column iron.
For Eastern Front, AI side shall not produce naval units. At table PH7.1 replace
“Submarine/Cruiser” by fighters, and “Carrier/Battleships” by armor in this
For Global War scenario, AI nation may trade with neutrals. This commerce shall
be possible if the following conditions are met:
• Resource offered by neutral is the same than AI nation lacking resource.
• Difference between the lacking resource and the many ones is at least 7.
• Alliance restrictions of the standard rules are observed.
• Trade access requirements are met.
At this step AI nation units are transferred according to these rules:
• Units purchased according to criteria 2 & 3 shall be transferred to the suitable
region or an adjacent region to the ones where they are required to balance
land/naval commands. In any case they shall not be transferred to regions marked
with Red POIs, but adjacent to that regions.
• Units purchased according to criteria 4 shall be transferred to AI nation capital if
there are adjacent enemy units. Otherwise they shall be transferred to any
defensive POI or close to these regions in order to new units may move towards
these regions in which they may be required. Select the POI randomly. Finally, if
there aren’t available defensive POIs transfer units to any region in a friendly
occupied region or adjacent to it. If there are some options, select one randomly.
Once AI units are transferred to industries, short-term POIs markers in hotspot regions
are retired from map.


As it has been noted at chapter 2.3, neutrals may be selected as Offensive POIs. Defense
force of that neutral should be considered for units ratio purposes. Neutrals without
Defense Force shall be considered as empty territory.
During phase movement, AI nation may invade a neutral if its region is considered as a
Green POI and it is on white or blue stress zone of the homeland status track. In case, its
stress level is set on yellow or orange zone, player rolls d10 die. With an even result
invasion takes place. For an AI nation at red or grey stress zone an invasion of neutral is
not allowed even it may be selected as green POI.
As it has been described on chapter 3.7.1, AI nation may trade with neutrals.
For Global War scenario, Soviet-Japanese pact may be broken by AI nation if any of the
following conditions are met:
• AI nation stress level is in white, blue stress zone and at least 1 Green POI may be
assigned to the other part of the alliance territory.
• AI nation stress level is in yellow zone and at least 3 Green POI may be assigned to
the other part of the alliance territory.

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