Koffi E14-1
Koffi E14-1
Koffi E14-1
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of the thermal performance of a solar water
Received 24 February 2013 heater prototype with an internal exchanger using thermosiphon system. The results focus mainly on the
Received in revised form levels of the heat fluxes temperatures recorded, mass flow rate and efficiency of collector. These tests are
10 August 2013
performed for a sunny day and a cloudy day. The daily solar intensities range from 300 to 1233 W/m2,
Accepted 26 September 2013
Available online 21 November 2013
with the daily ambient temperature ranging between 27 C and 33 C. Maximum temperatures at the flat
solar collector output are 88 C and 58 C for the sunny day and cloudy day, respectively. Maximum
instantaneous efficiencies are 68.33% and 50% for the sunny day and the cloudy day, respectively. The
Solar water heater
values of the thermal performances parameters FR (sa) and FRUL are 0.780 and 4.252 W/m2 C respec-
Thermal performance tively for the cloudy day and 0.777 and 4.689 W/m2 C respectively for the sunny day. The coefficient of
Efficiency exchange thermal of heat exchanger Ue found is 149.15 W/(m2 K) when, the average heat exchanger
Heat exchanger effectiveness obtained is 70%. The experimental results show that mean daily efficiency is near 50%. This
Temperature reveals a good compatibility of the system to convert solar energy to heat which can be used for heating
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction related to the performance of the collectors which convert it. For
the collectors whose caloporting fluid is water; thermal transfer is
Solar energy can be used in the industrial, commercial and do- made suitably because water is a good conductor of heat [2].
mestic sectors. In the domestic applications, households consume Many studies have been conducted on the SWHS with or
energy in air conditioning, heating, water heating, lighting and without a heat exchanger. Zerrouki et al. [3], Belessiotis and
other applications. An economic and efficient system is required to Mathioulakis [4] conducted their work on thermosiphon solar
encourage households to use solar water heating. Solar water water heaters without heat exchanger and took, as parameters of
heating technologies are well-known and contributing significantly their study, the storage tank average temperature and the water
to hot water production in several countries, lowering energy bills, mass flow rate in the system. Nahar [5] conducted their work on
and reducing the environmental pollution. SWHS (Solar water thermosiphon SWHS without heat exchanger. The particularity of
heating systems) are also attracting increasing interest as a solution this study is that the storage tank is filled beforehand with water.
to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of The collector is made of a selective surface absorber in MAXORB
residential buildings [1]. A SWHS saves energy and reduces designed with galvanized iron tubes interdependent with an
greenhouse emissions relative to conventional fossil fuel WHS aluminum foil. Roberts and Forbes [6] conducted their work on
(water heating system) in the use phase. The other important gain thermosiphon SWHS without heat exchanger and studied the in-
owing to the use of solar water heaters is the reduction of CO2 fluence of absorber plate absorptance and thermal emittance on
footprint. In SWHS, the solar collectors are devices which capture the efficiency. They also show that the impact on the efficiency of
the solar energy and transfer it into thermal energy that increases making changes on parameters, such as reducing heat loss co-
the internal energy in the fluids, and hence increases their tem- efficients, could be quickly evaluated. In particular, the role of the
perature. The success of the solar energy applications is closely absorptance and emittance of the absorber plate was studied to see
the influence of solar absorber selectivity on the overall efficiency.
Tang et al. [7] investigate the effects of water temperature in the
storage tank and height difference between collector loop con-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ225 (0)7 98 32 97. nections at the tank on freeze protection of flat-plate collectors at
E-mail address: paumagloirel@yahoo.fr (P.M.E. Koffi).
0360-5442/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
188 P.M.E. Koffi et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 187e199
clear nights in terms of outlet water temperature of the thermo- heat exchanger, but higher than that of all-glass evacuated tubular
siphonic reverse flow from the collector. Sakhrieh and Al-Ghandoor solar water heater.
[8] studied the experimental investigation of the performance of The effect on the performance of the collector using a heat
five types of solar collectors on SWHS. The systems involved in this exchanger between the collector and the tank was analyzed. Wong
study are blue and black coating-selective copper, copper, and et al. [13] investigate the potential for shower water heat recovery
aluminum collectors in addition to evacuated tubes collectors. from bathrooms equipped with instantaneous water heaters in
Their results show that evacuated tube solar collector has the high-rise residential buildings of Hong Kong. In their works, there is
highest efficiency, followed by black and blue coated solar collec- no allusion is, however, made to the inlet and outlet water tem-
tors. Pierson and Javelas [9], Hussein [10] and Soo Too et al. [11] peratures from the collector and also the inlet and outlet temper-
conducted their studies on a SWHS with an external exchanger. atures of the storage tank. A simple single-pass counter-flow heat
They particularly studied the role of stratification of the tempera- exchanger installed horizontally beneath the shower drain is
tures in the storage tank. They developed a theoretical model that employed as a localized heat recovery measure for preheating cold
allowed study of the influence of the essential parameters of the water going to a water heater. Zbyslaw and Wlodzimierz [14]
operation on the installation. Hussein [10] conducted a theoretical conducted their studies on a SWHS with an internal exchanger
and experimental study of a conventional solar water heater plan and undertook an experimental and theoretical study of a solar
with biphasic natural circulation. The experimental results show a water heater using an internal vertical heat exchanger. The authors
satisfactory agreement in the theoretical and experimental results. use R22 in a liquidevapor mixture as primary fluid. They specify
Soo Too et al. [11] studied the characteristics of a SWHS incorpo- that the heat transfer coefficients are, for phase changes (boiling
rating a vertical mantle heat exchanger with a narrow annular and condensation), on average, two times higher than those in the
spacing of 3 mm and a two-pass arrangement. Their comparison case of free convection in the traditional thermosiphon system.
between predictions of the annual solar contribution for mantle- Ayompe and Duffy [15] conducted their studies on a SWHS with an
tank systems and direct-coupled systems shows that the direct- internal exchanger and studied the thermal performance of a solar
coupled systems are found to provide slightly higher annual en- water heating system with heat pipe evacuated tube collector using
ergy saving than mantle-tank systems for standard domestic hot data obtained from a field trial installation over a year in Dublin,
water demand in Australia. Huang et al. [12] studied the thermal Ireland. An automated sub-system was developed and incorporated
performance of thermosiphon flat-plate SWHS with a mantle heat to control the hot water draw-offs and electric immersion heater to
exchanger. They investigated to show its applicability in China. mimic the operation of solar water heating systems in domestic
Their experimental results show that mean daily efficiency of the dwellings. Haltiwanger and Davidson [2] conducted their studies
thermosiphon flat plate solar water heater with a mantle heat on a SWHS with an internal exchanger and studied a discharge of a
exchanger with 10 mm gap can reach up to 50%, which is lower thermal storage tank using an immersed heat exchanger with an
than that of a thermosiphon flat-plate solar water heater without annular baffle. They studied and measured the temperatures at the
P.M.E. Koffi et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 187e199 189
Fig. 2. Various points of measure of the temperatures and protocol of acquisition of data.
f ¼ 1 0:04hw þ 5 104 h2w ð1 þ 0:058NÞ (2) The experimental mass flow rate is obtained by calculation from
the establishment of the heat and mass transfer balance between
the inlet and outlet collector hot fluid according to the relation:
hw is the heat-transfer coefficient due to convection at the top of
cover due to wind. hw is calculated by the following relation sug-
gested by McAdams as given in Duffie and Beckman [23]:
IT ðsaÞhAC ¼ mc
_ p Tf2 Tf 1 (13)
hw ¼ 5:7 þ 3:8v (3) Substituting h, by its expression in Eq. (12), into Eq. (13), we
The bottom loss coefficient Ub, which accounts for the conduc-
tion heat loss through the back of the solar collector, is calculated I ðsaÞAc T Ta
_ ¼
m T FR ðsaÞ FR UL f 1 (14)
by: IT
cp Tf2 Tf 1
Ub ¼ (4) The use of a heat exchanger between the storage tank and the
collector raises the collector fluid temperature, hence lowering the
The overall loss coefficient UL is given by: collector efficiency. The study of the performance of a system of
solar water heater thermosiphon and including a heat exchanger
UL ¼ Ut þ Ub (5) also passes by the study of the performance of this heat exchanger.
Most of those studies are done are made clear sky conditions
The collector heat removal factor FR, which relates the actual
[2,4,11,12,29,30] in order to know the heat exchanger characteris-
useful energy gain of a collector to the useful gain if the whole
tics. The model used is based on a heat exchanger consisting of
collector surface was at the fluid inlet temperature, is estimated by
copper tubes immersed diagonally in a storage tank. The equation
Ref. [24]:
of thermal exchange taking place at the level of the heat exchanger
_ ph
mc 0 _ p
i is expressed by Refs. [9,31]:
FR ¼ 1 eðUL AC F Þ=mc (6)
_ f , Tf3 Tf4 ¼ Ue ,Ae ,½DTm
m,C (15)
where F0 is the collector efficiency factor and given by:
1=U Tf3 Tw Tf4 Te
F ¼ h L i (7) With DTm ¼ Tf3 Tw
w UL ½DþðwDÞF þ c1b þ pD1h ln
Tf 4 Te
The total heat transfer rate (Q_ ) in an internal heat exchanger can
where hFI is taken as 300 W/m2 K for natural circulation [25] and F
be evaluated from measurements of flow rate and temperature
is the fin efficiency and given by:
change across the heat exchanger, and is expressed as [2]:
tanh mðw DÞ=2
F ¼ (8) Q_ ¼ mC
_ P Tf3 Tf4 (17)
mðw DÞ=2
with m ¼ (UL/kt)0.5 The heat transfer fluid is here transported naturally (passive
The useful energy gain is given by Ref. [26]: systems). But, generally, the heat transfer fluid which passes
through a heat exchanger is transported by forced circulation
Qu ¼ Ac S UL Tpm Ta ¼ Ac ðsaÞIT UL Tpm Ta (9) (active systems).
The heat transfer under full tank recovery operation mode is
where (sa) represents the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed reported in order to characterize the overall heat transfer of the
by the collector and depends mainly on the transmittance of the heat exchanger performance of the heat exchanger. The overall heat
transparent covers and on the absorbance of the absorber transfer of the heat exchanger (UA)hx associated with individual
(sa ¼ 0.836) [27]. thermal resistances can be conventionally defined as in Eq. (18)
The useful heat gain can also be expressed from the fluid flow based on the log-mean temperature difference between the hot
_ through the collector and the inlet (Tf1) and outlet (Tf2)
rate (m) and cold fluids (DTm) in the heat exchanger. The (UA)hx correction
fluid temperatures as: factors for the heat-up tests can be determined from the heat
exchanger inlet (Tf3) and outlet (Tf4) temperatures and the highest
_ p Tf 2 Tf1
Qu ¼ mc (10) (Tt2) and lowest (Te) tank core temperatures [11]:
The collector instantaneous efficiency (h) is influenced by where F is the correction factor for cross-flow heat exchanger
several factors such as the material used, the design of the absorber, In a conventional heat exchanger, heat is transferred from one
the properties of glass, weather and operating conditions [5]. It is fluid to another. The concept of the heat exchanger effectiveness,
defined as the ratio of the useful heat gain (QU) to the solar radia- εhx, has been introduced by Nusselt to compute directly the rate of
tion intensity (IT (sa)) [28]: heat transfer from the inlet temperatures of the fluids [32]. This
effectiveness is defined as the ratio of the actual rate of heat
Qu T Ta
h¼ ¼ FR ðsaÞ FR UL f1 (12) transfer in a certain heat exchanger to the maximum possible rate
Ac IT IT of heat transfer in an “ideal” heat exchanger and is, therefore, also a
192 P.M.E. Koffi et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 187e199
measure of the thermodynamical quality of the design [33]. The 5.2. Uncertainties on calculated parameters
heat exchanger effectiveness was given by the following relation
[2,31]: The error of the experimental results on the basis of the un-
certainties in the primary measurements is performed using the
Tf3 Tf4 Kline and Mc Clintock relationship [35] as reported by Jia et al. [36]:
εhx ¼ (20)
Tf 3 Tw
2 2 2 1=2
vf vf vf
The mean daily efficiency (hd) of a solar water heater is an Dy¼ ðDx1 Þ2 þ ðDx2 Þ2 þ:::::::::::þ ðDx1 Þ2
important parameter which describes the thermal performance of
vx1 vx2 vxn
the system, and a value with comparative constancy. The mean (23)
daily efficiency (hd) can be calculated as follows [12]:
where f is the given function of the independent variables, x is one
MCp Ti Tf of the variables of the function and Dx is the absolute error asso-
hd ¼ (21) ciated with the variable. The relative error is shown as
Ac ,H
Dy vf 2 Dx1 2 vf 2 Dx2 2
¼ þ þ :::::::::::
y vx1 y vx2 y
vf 2 Dx1 2 1=2
5. Uncertainties analysis þ (24)
vxn y
Uncertainty analysis is needed to prove the accuracy of the ex- The calculated parameters are the mass flow rate and efficiency
periments. In this study uncertainty analysis focuses on the calculated from the measured parameters. The analysis of the re-
measured and calculated parameters. sults indicates an overall accuracy of the mass flow rate as 6.5%,
5% for the efficiency, 5% for the coefficient of thermal exchange
of the heat exchanger, 2% for the total heat transfer rate, 6% for
5.1. Uncertainties on measured parameters
the overall heat transfer of the heat exchanger and 4% for the heat
exchanger effectiveness.
The measured parameters are temperatures. To determine the
uncertainties and errors in the temperature measurements, one
uses a digital thermometer as described in the previous section. 6. Results and discussions
One then proceeds to a series of several measurements using each
of the 16 probes and the digital thermometer under the same 6.1. Heat fluxesetemperaturesefluid flow rateeeffectiveness
experimental conditions to determine statistically representative
uncertainties that can be calculated. One determines then the Performance and testing of a thermosiphon SWHS was carried
relative uncertainty by taking the differences between the mea- out in Yamoussoukro and throughout a sunny (29/01/2011) and
surement obtained by the digital thermometer and that of the cloudy (05/10/2012) day. The daily irradiations of sunny and cloudy
probe. day chosen are 5575 Wh/m2/day and 1858 Wh/m2/day, respec-
This difference is then reported to the digital one. An average of tively. The experiments were performed at different meteorological
the relative uncertainties is finally made according to the formula conditions in two periods:
- 1st period: from September 2010 to February 2011;
DT 1X Tei Tmi - 2nd period: from March 2012 to October 2012.
¼ (22)
Tet n i¼1 Tei
During the experimental period, the following measurements
n is the number of measures were carried out on daily basis: total irradiation received by the
This average gives a relative uncertainty of 4% for the tem- collector, total daily irradiation, the ambient air temperature,
peratures measured by the probes. temperatures in various points of the system as shown in Fig. 2.
Measurements relating to the collector characteristic variables and
to those of the storage tank are regularly recorded an interval of
Fig. 3. Instantaneous thermal heat flux versus time of day. Fig. 4. Ambient temperature versus time of day.
P.M.E. Koffi et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 187e199 193
Table 1
Maximum values of incident heat flux, efficiency, mass flow rate and different
and particularly the total thermal loss coefficient (UL) for both days. - First day (30/09/2010): partly sunny, partly cloudy, rainy and
The two curves obtained are a straight line. By identification of the cloudy weather condition;
equation of these curves, with Eq. (12), from its slope and its y - Second day (04/09/2012): partly cloudy, sunny, rainy and cloudy
intercept, one can, in addition to the total thermal loss coefficient, weather condition.
deduce the system effectiveness factor. These values, presented in
Table 2, are in good agreement with those of Pierson and Javelas [9], Figs. 13 and 14 present the heat fluxes, the ambient temperature
Karaghouli and Alnasser [28] and of Benallou and Bougard [17]. (Ta), the collector outlet fluid temperature (Tf2), the exchanger inlet
Actually, according to Duffie and Beckman [51] and Tiwari et al. fluid temperature (Tf3), the outlet tank temperature of water in the
[52], the quality of a solar thermal collector is determined accord- storage tank (Tw), the mass flow rate (m) _ versus time, for the two
ing to the pair of values of the intercept FR(sa) and the slope FRUL. type of day previously defines. Table 3 presents the maximum
So, for a good collector, this pair of values is 0.8 and 4.5 W/m2 C values obtained. It is observed that the system behavior is mainly
respectively. These parameters are 0.6 and 8.5 W/m2 C, respec- dependent up on the state of sky. The collector outlet fluid tem-
tively for a poor collector. The calculated average values of FR(sa) perature and the exchanger inlet fluid temperature follow the ra-
and FRUL are 0.780 and 4.252 W/m2 C respectively for the cloudy diation pattern. These results are interesting compared to some
day and 0.777 and 4.689 W/m2 C respectively for the sunny day. values in the literature because for the same type of day, the
This result shows the undeniable qualities of the solar collector maximum value of the outlet collector temperature is 35 C in Abd-
realized. Al Zahra and Joudi’s [39] study and the maximum value of the inlet
Variation of collector efficiency with operating parameter for heat exchanger temperature is 50 C in Pierson and Javelas’s [9]
different mass flow rates is illustrated in Fig. 11. This figure shows one.
the strong dependence of the system effectiveness on the hot fluid For both days, the outlet tank temperature of water in the
mass flow rate, which increases with this effectiveness. The storage tank increases steadily, irrespective of the fluctuating
Fig. 12. Temperature variation along the length of the solar collector.
196 P.M.E. Koffi et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 187e199
Fig. 13. Incident heat flux, mass flow and temperatures with time of day.
Fig. 14. Incident heat flux, mass flow and temperatures with time of day.
radiation pattern. The maximum water temperature occurs Those Figs. 13 and 14 show a large variation in the thermosiphon
respectively around 1:30 pm and 12:20 am for the first day and for flow rate because of variation in incoming solar radiation. This
the second day after which it may drop by 1 or 2 C due to heat loss result in a large variation in the useful energy received from solar
from the storage tank only. We have recorded, then, a variation of radiation and transferred to the water during this period as shown.
8 C and 12.3 C (for the first day and the second day respectively) One of the most important features of thermosiphon solar water
for the water temperature in the storage tank and environment heater according to Abd-Al Zahra and Joudi [39] is that the flow rate
with an absorber made of rolled copper tubes painted in black mat, is automatically regulated according to the incoming solar radia-
not selective. For the same type of day, this variation at these same tion, and that the flow stops when the sky is overcast with a heavy
points are 7 C and 13 C in the study of Abd-Al Zahra and Joudi cloud cover. This condition is clearly observed in Figs. 13 and 14
[39], 10 C in the study of Hawas and Muneer [43], and 3 C, 12 C respectively in which the flow rate dropped to zero during the in-
and 21 C respectively in Enaburekhan and Yakasai’s [46] works terval between 3:00 pm and the sunset for the first day and be-
when R12, ethanol and R-134a respectively are using as fluid. tween 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm for the second day. It was raining
Table 3
Maximum values of incident heat flux, efficiency, mass flow rate and different Table 4
temperatures. Efficiency equation and collector principal physical characteristics.
First day 1063 36.9 76.9 68.9 49.2 0.0091 60.65 First day h ¼ 0.4941.023(Tf1Ta)/IT 0.494 0.591 1.023 1.731
Second day 1137 38.2 73.8 63.4 46.2 0.009833 57.67 Second day h ¼ 0.5811.606(Tf1Ta)/IT 0.581 0.694 1.606 2.31
P.M.E. Koffi et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 187e199 197
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