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1. A 2 week old girl is brought to the pediatrician for her fist doctors appointment.
Physical examination reveals a tuft of hair on her lower back; ultrasound shows no
herniation of any kind. Which of the following conditions does this baby have?
- Spina bifida occulta
2. A 5 YO girl is bought to her pediatrician because her mother says she is
frequently bumping into stationary objects while playing. Visual filed examination
shows bilateral peripheral vision defects.
- CT scan of the head reveals calcification in the pituitary fossa
3. Which of the following is the most likely structure that derives pituitary gland?
- Rathke’s pouch
4. A boy dies 2 days after birth. He was born with wrinkled skin, deformed limbs,
and abnormal facies. The mother’s pregnancy was complicated by
oligohydramnios, condition where amniotic fluid is loss. Which of the following
structure line the amniotic fluid when the embryo is bilaminar germ disc?
- Amniotic membrane and epiblast
5. A girl presents with cyanosis 4h after birth. A physician diagnoses her with a
condition that develops due to failure of neural crest cell migration that results in a
nonspiraling aorticopulmonary septum. A careful interview of the mother reveals
that she has a disease that predisposed her child to this congenital condition.
Which of the following structure gives the neural crest cells?
- Neuroectoderm
6. A 20 YO woman presents at the emergency department with severe abdo pain on
the right side with signs of internal bleeding. She indicated that she has been
sexually active without contraception and missed her last menstrual period. Based
on this information, which of the following disorders must be included as an
option in the diagnosis?
- Ectopic tubal pregnancy
7. A newborn infant was born with a light gray shiny mass measuring the size of an
orange that protruded from the umbilical region. The mass was covered by a thin
transparent membrane. Which of the following is the clinical condition?
- Omphalocele
8. You are asked to give a lecture on the development of the urinary system as part
of a first-year anatomy course. The collecting ducts and major/minor calyces in the
adult kidney are derived from which of the following structures during embryonic
and fetal development?
- Ureteric bud
9. A 20 YO woman is trying to become pregnant. If she does, a blastocyst will form
early in her pregnancy. Which of the following describes the formation of
- BlastomereàmorulaàBlastocyst
10. A 25 YO man is admitted to the hospital with testicular pain. Physical
examination reveals a swollen and inflamed right testis. A computed tomography
(CT) scan examination reveals abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cavity f the
tunica vaginalis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
- Hydrocele
11. A 26 YO pregnant woman visit her gynecologist for a routine checkup. Ultrasound
exam reveals that the patient has a normal pregnancy but that she also has 2 uteri.
What is the most likely embryo explanation of this condition?
- An incomplete fusion of the paramesonephric ducts
12. A 40 YO alcoholic man visits his physician’s office for the 4th time complaining
of abdo and back pain. Abdo CT scan shows a pancreas containing two separate
duct systems emptying into the duodenum. The main pancreatic duct is very shot
and drains only a small portion of the head of the pancreas, while the remainder of
the pancreas is drained via the other duct. The GI specialist diagnosed the patient
with pancreas divisum. Which of the following accurately describes the
embryologic abnormality?
- Failure of the dorsal and ventral buds to fuse
13. During your lecture, a student asks about the significance of urine production
during intrauterine development. Which of the following most important function
of the kidneys during embryonic and fetal life?
- Generation of amniotic fluid
14. Which of the following structures must degenerate for blastocyst implantation to
- Zona pellucida
15. A 4 day-old-baby boy has not defecated since coming home from the hospital even
though feeding has been normal without any excessive vomiting. Rectal
examination reveals a normal anus, anal canal, and rectum. However, a large fecal
mass is found in the colon, and a large release of flatus and feces follows the rectal
examination. Which of the following conditions would be suspected?
- Hirschsprung disease
16. Which of the following is in direct contact with maternal blood in the lacunae of
the placenta?
- Cells of the syncytiotrophoblast
17. A 26 YO woman learns she is pregnant shortly after discontinuing isotretinoin.
During which period of development should this woman be most concerned about
fetal teratogen exposure if that is in organogenic period?
- Weeks 3-8 of gestation
18. A 13 YO girl presents to a medical office for the evaluation of a lump on the front
of her neck. The patient denies pain, but states that the mass bothers her because it
moves when I swallow. Midline neck mass is above the hyoid bone but below the
level of the mandible. The mass is minimally mobile and feels fluctuant without
erythema. The patient is afebrile, and all vital sign are stable. A complete blood
count and thyroid function tests are within normal limits. What is the most likely
cause of this patient’s presentation?
- Cyst formation in a persistent thyroglossal duct
19. A 17 YO woman presents to an OBGYN clinic for evaluation of primary
amenorrhea. She is well-derived woman who looks as he stated age. She has
reached tanner stage 4 breast and pubic hair development. The external genitalia is
normal in appearance. Se has an older sister who underwent menarche at 12 years
of age. A speculum exam reveals a shortened vaginal canal with no cervix. No
uterus is visualized during an ultrasound exam, but both ovaries are noted. What is
the likely pathophysiology underlying this condition?
- Failure of the paramesonephric duct to form
20. A 2 day old boy fails to pass meconium. On examination he is fussy and appears
mildly dehydrated. The bowel sounds are active on auscultation. His abdomen is
mildly distended, and no masses can be identified on palpation. The barium
solution retention persists beyond 24-hours after administration. Which of the
following best describes the cause of the patient’s symptoms?
- Failure of the neural crest cells to migrate caudally to the intestinal wall
during embryogenesis
21. A 21 YO woman presents to the office after a health screening, during which she
is found to have high BP. At the office the blood pressure is 168/114 mm Hg. You
have seen the patient in the past for amenorrhea and infertility issues, but she
denies taking meds at this time. On exam, the patient is short and at normal
weight, but has webbed neck, indicating turner syndrome. Which of the following
is the most likely cause of elevated blood pressure?
- Central fusion of the inferior poles of the kidneys

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