Macroeconomics 9th Edition Abel Solutions Manual 1
Macroeconomics 9th Edition Abel Solutions Manual 1
Macroeconomics 9th Edition Abel Solutions Manual 1
Chapter 6
Long-Run Economic Growth
◼ Learning Objectives
I. Goals of Chapter 6
A. Discuss the sources of economic growth and the fundamentals of growth accounting (Sec. 6.1)
B. Explain the factors affecting long-run living standards in the Solow model (Sec. 6.2)
C. Summarize endogenous growth theory (Sec. 6.3)
D. Discuss government policies for raising long-run living standards (Sec. 6.4)
◼ Teaching Notes
I. The Sources of Economic Growth (Sec. 6.1)
A. Production function
Y = AF(K, N) (6.1)
1. Decompose into growth rate form: the growth accounting equation
Y/Y = A/A + aK K/K + aN N/N (6.2)
2. The a terms are the elasticities of output with respect to the inputs (capital and labor)
3. Interpretation
a. A rise of 10% in A raises output by 10%
b. A rise of 10% in K raises output by aK times 10%
c. A rise of 10% in N raises output by aN times 10%
4. Both aK and aN are less than 1 due to diminishing marginal productivity
B. Growth accounting
1. Four steps in breaking output growth into its causes (productivity growth, capital input
growth, labor input growth)
a. Get data on Y/Y, K/K, and N/N, adjusting for quality changes
b. Estimate aK and aN from historical data
c. Calculate the contributions of K and N as aK K/K and aN N/N, respectively
d. Calculate productivity growth as the residual: A/A = Y/Y – aK K/K – aN N/N
Theoretical Application
Growth accounting provides the basis for the real business cycle (RBC) model of the economy,
which we will discuss in greater detail in Chapter 10. The RBC model takes movements in total
factor productivity to be the primary source of business cycle fluctuations.
Data Application
Mark Wynne’s article, “The Comparative Growth Performance of the U.S. Economy in the
Postwar Period,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Review, First Quarter 1992,
pp. 1–16, argues that the postwar period up to the mid-1970s showed extraordinary productivity
growth. After the mid-1970s, productivity returned to more normal levels.
b. Oil prices—huge increase in oil prices reduced productivity of capital and labor,
especially in basic industries
c. New industrial revolution—learning process for information technology from 1973 to
1990 meant slower growth
4. Application: the rebound in U.S. productivity growth
a. Labor productivity growth increased sharply in the second half of the 1990s
b. Labor productivity and TFP grew steadily from 1982 to 2008 (text Fig. 6.1)
c. Labor productivity growth has generally exceeded TFP growth since 1995 (Fig. 6.2)
d. The gap between labor productivity growth and TFP growth can be seen in the equation
− = + aK − (6.3)
(1) Equation (6.3) suggests that labor productivity growth (the left-side term) exceeds
TFP growth (the first right-side term) when capital growth exceeds labor growth
e. The increase in labor productivity can be traced to the ICT (information and
communications technologies) revolution
(1) But other countries also had an ICT revolution, and their labor productivity did not
rise as much as in the United States
(2) European labor productivity did not rise as much as in the United States because of
government regulations
f. Why is there such a lag between ICT investment and increases in productivity?
(1) Because productivity improvements require not just technological advances, but also
investment in intangible capital—research and development, reorganization of firms,
and worker training
g. Is the recent episode unique in U.S. history?
(1) Not really: 1873–1890—steam power, trains, telegraph; 1917–1927—electrification
in factories; 1948–1973—transistor
Numerical Problem 3 and Analytical Problem 6 work with the per-worker production function.
3. Steady states
a. Steady state: yt, ct, and kt are constant over time
b. Gross investment must
(1) Replace worn out capital, dKt
(2) Expand so the capital stock grows as the economy grows, nKt
c. It = (n + d)Kt (6.6)
d. From Eq. (6.4),
Ct = Yt − It = Yt − (n + d)Kt (6.7)
e. In per-worker terms, in steady state
c = f(k) − (n + d)k (6.8)
f. Plot of c, f(k), and (n + d)k (Figure 6.1; identical to text Figure 6.4)
Figure 6.1
Figure 6.2
h. To summarize, with no productivity growth, the economy reaches a steady state, with
constant capital-labor ratio, output per worker, and consumption per worker
C. The fundamental determinants of long-run living standards
1. The saving rate
a. Higher saving rate means higher capital-labor ratio, higher output per worker, and higher
consumption per worker (shown in text Figure 6.6)
b. Should a policy goal be to raise the saving rate?
(1) Not necessarily, since the cost is lower consumption in the short run
(2) There is a trade-off between present and future consumption
2. Population growth
a. Higher population growth means a lower capital-labor ratio, lower output per worker,
and lower consumption per worker (shown in text Figure 6.7)
b. Should a policy goal be to reduce population growth?
(1) Doing so will raise consumption per worker
(2) But it will reduce total output and consumption, affecting a nation’s ability to defend
itself or influence world events
c. The Solow model also assumes that the proportion of the population of working age is
(1) But when population growth changes dramatically this may not be true
(2) Changes in cohort sizes may cause problems for social security systems and areas
like health care
3. Productivity growth
a. The key factor in economic growth is productivity improvement
b. Productivity improvement raises output per worker for a given level of the capital-labor
ratio (text Fig. 6.8)
c. In equilibrium, productivity improvement increases the capital-labor ratio, output per
worker, and consumption per worker
(1) Productivity improvement directly improves the amount that can be produced at
any capital-labor ratio
(2) The increase in output per worker increases the supply of saving, causing the
long-run capital-labor ratio to rise
d. Can consumption per worker grow indefinitely?
(1) The saving rate can’t rise forever (it peaks at 100%) and the population growth rate
can’t fall forever
(2) But productivity and innovation can always occur, so living standards can rise
e. Summary: The rate of productivity improvement is the dominant factor determining how
quickly living standards rise
Analytical Problems 1, 2, 3, and 4 look at how changes in the fundamentals affect an economy’s
economic growth.
III. Endogenous Growth Theory—Explaining the Sources of Productivity Growth (Sec. 6.3)
A. Aggregate production function
Y = AK (6.12)
1. Constant MPK
a. Human capital
(1) Knowledge, skills, and training of individuals
(2) Human capital tends to increase in same proportion as physical capital
Data Application
For more information and a look at the data on the returns to human capital, see Ellis W. Tallman
and Ping Wang, “Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth: New Routes in Theory
Address Old Questions,” Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, September/October
1992, pp. 1–12. For an excellent and more detailed overview of endogenous growth theory, see
the symposium in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1994.
Theoretical Application
The Wall Street Journal discussed the theory of endogenous growth and the contributions of
Stanford economist Paul Romer, in the article “Wealth of Notions,” January 21, 1997.
C. Summary
1. Endogenous growth theory attempts to explain, rather than assume, the economy’s growth
2. The growth rate depends on many things, such as the saving rate, that can be affected by
government policies
Policy Application
For a good review of how government policy can contribute to economic growth, see Satyajit
Chatterjee, “Making More Out of Less: The Recipe for Long-Term Economic Growth,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review, May/June 1994.
Data Application
Is the Solow model or the model of endogenous growth a better representation of how economic
growth is determined? To find out, Ben S. Bernanke and Refet S. Gürkaynak of Princeton
University examined data from many different countries from 1960 to 1998 (“Is Growth
Exogenous? Taking Mankiw, Romer, and Weil Seriously,” NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2001,
in Ben S. Bernanke and Kenneth Rogoff, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002). They tested
whether the Solow model or several alternative models of endogenous growth were more
consistent with the data.
Bernanke and Gürkaynak tested a key implication of the Solow model: that the steady-state
growth rate of a country does not depend on variables such as the rate of human capital
accumulation and the saving rate. They found that, in fact, countries’ growth rates are closely
correlated with both the saving rate and the rate of human capital accumulation, which suggests
either that the Solow model does not work well or that the economies are not in steady state.
However, the Solow model implies that even if an economy is not in a steady state, the growth
rate of total factor productivity (TFP) is exogenous: it does not depend on the saving rate or on
any other behavioral variable, such as the level of education in a country or the growth rate of the
labor force. After constructing measures of long-run TFP growth for about 50 countries,
Bernanke and Gürkaynak examined the relationship between it and other variables. They found
that there is, in fact, a strong relationship between TFP growth and the saving rate, some
relationship between TFP growth and the growth rate of the labor force, and a weaker
relationship between TFP growth and the level of education. Thus, the data do not support the
Solow model.
Models of endogenous growth imply that human capital formation and physical capital
accumulation should be related to the long-run growth rate of output. Bernanke and Gürkaynak
found that there is indeed such a relationship in the data across many countries. However, the
models they test are not perfect, as they cannot explain why savings rates and rates of human
capital accumulation differ so much across countries.
Overall, the research of Bernanke and Gürkaynak suggests that models of endogenous growth
hold more promise than the Solow model in explaining economic growth.
Policy Application
Many issues relating to government policy and its effects on growth are discussed in a special issue
of the Journal of Monetary Economics, December 1993. The articles were presented at a World
Bank Conference on the research project, “How Do National Policies Affect Long-Run Growth?”
3. Is Growth Good?
Students like to discuss the benefits versus the costs of growth. While it’s easy for the government to
calculate output (GDP), it’s much harder to account for the quality of life. And everyone is aware of the
trade-offs between growth and quality of life, as seen in such side effects of growth as pollution, traffic,
and suburban sprawl.
Ask your students whether they think our economy’s current growth rate is about right, or should it be
slower to prevent some of the problems growth causes? Should we allow strip mines to rip giant holes in
the earth, just to provide coal and minerals at lower prices? Should we allow the production of radioactive
waste, just to have cheaper electricity? Should we allow species to become extinct, just to allow new
housing developments? Should we destroy the rainforests, just to reduce the cost of doing business in
South America?
2. A decline in productivity growth is the primary reason for the slowdown in output growth in the
United States since 1973. Productivity growth may have declined because of deterioration in the legal
and human environment, reduced rates of technological innovation, and the effects of high oil prices.
To some extent the apparent decline in productivity may be due to measurement difficulties.
3. The rise in productivity growth in the 1990s occurred because of the revolution in information and
communications technologies (ICT). Not only were there improvements in ICT, but also government
regulations did not rein in the growth of productivity in the United States, as they did in other
countries, such as those in Europe. In addition, intangible investment (research and development,
reorganization of firms, and worker training) allowed the ICT improvements to boost productivity.
4. A steady state is a situation in which the economy’s output per worker, consumption per worker,
and capital stock per worker are constant.
5. If there is no productivity growth, then output per worker, consumption per worker, and capital per
worker will all be constant in the long run. This represents a steady state for the economy.
6. The statement is false. Increases in the capital-labor ratio increase consumption per worker in the
steady state only up to a point. If the capital-labor ratio is too high, then consumption per worker may
decline due to diminishing marginal returns to capital, and the need to divert much of output to
maintaining the capital-labor ratio.
7. (a) An increase in the saving rate increases long-run living standards, as higher saving allows for
more investment and a larger capital stock.
(b) An increase in the population growth rate reduces long-run living standards, as more output must
be used to equip the larger number of new workers with capital, leaving less output available to
increase consumption or capital per worker.
(c) A one-time increase in productivity increases living standards directly, by increasing output, and
indirectly, since by raising incomes it also raises saving and the capital stock.
8. Endogenous growth theory suggests that the main sources of productivity growth are accumulation
of human capital (the knowledge, skills, and training of individuals) and technological innovation
(research and development, as well as learning by doing). The production function in an endogenous
growth model does not exhibit diminishing marginal productivity of capital. This differs from the
production function in the Solow model, which has diminishing marginal productivity of capital.
9. Government policies to promote economic growth include policies to raise the saving rate and
policies to increase productivity. One way to increase the saving rate is to increase the real return
to saving by providing a tax break, as Individual Retirement Accounts did in the United States.
Unfortunately, the response of saving to increases in the real rate of return is small. Another way to
increase the saving rate is to reduce the government budget deficit. However, the theory of Ricardian
equivalence suggests that this will not do much to increase national saving. Note that an increase in
the saving rate will increase the steady-state capital-labor ratio, but will not increase the long-run rate
of economic growth.
One way that government policy can increase productivity is by spending more on the economy’s
infrastructure, which has been neglected over the past two decades in the United States. Another
possibility is to support the creation of human capital by spending more on education and training
programs, and reducing barriers to entrepreneurial activity. The issue is whether the government
should intervene in the market to do these things, or whether the free market by itself provides an
efficient outcome.
A one-time increase in productivity will increase the steady-state capital-labor ratio but will not
increase the long-run rate of economic growth. To increase the long-run rate of economic growth,
the growth rate of productivity must be permanently increased.
Endogenous growth theory modifies these conclusions to some extent. A rise in the saving rate leads
to a higher long-run rate of economic growth in endogenous growth models.
Numerical Problems
1. Hare: $5000 (1.03)70 = $39,589
Tortoise: $5000 (1.01)70 = $10,034
20 Years Ago Today Percent Change
Y 1000 1300 30%
K 2500 3250 30%
N 500 575 15%
3. (a)
Year K N Y K/N Y/N
1 200 1000 617 0.20 0.617
2 250 1000 660 0.25 0.660
3 250 1250 771 0.20 0.617
4 300 1200 792 0.25 0.660
This production function can be written in per-worker form since Y/N = K.3N.7/N = K.3/N.3 =
(K/N).3. Note that K/N is the same in years 1 and 3, and so is Y/N. Also, K/N is the same in years
2 and 4, and so is Y/N.
Year K N Y K/N Y/N
1 200 1000 1231 0.20 1.231
2 250 1000 1316 0.25 1.316
3 250 1250 1574 0.20 1.259
4 300 1200 1609 0.25 1.341
This production function can’t be written in per-worker form since Y/N = K.3N.8/N = K.3/N.2. Note
that K/N is the same in years 1 and 3, but Y/N is not the same in these years. The same is true for
years 2 and 4.
4. To answer this problem, an approximate solution can be found by finding the ratio GDP (2010)/GDP
(1950), taking the natural logarithm of that ratio and dividing by 60. This is the answer given in the
table below.
Germany and Japan had the highest growth rates because damage from World War II caused capital
per worker to be lower than its steady-state level, and thus output per worker was temporarily low.
k = 52 = 25
y = 3k.5 = 3 5 = 15
c = y – (n + d)k = 15 − (0.18 25) = 10.5
(d) sf(k) = (n + d)k
0.3 4k.5 = (0.05 + 0.1)k
1.2k.5 = 0.15k
1.2/0.15 = k/k.5
8 = k.5
k = 82 = 64
y = 4k.5 = 4 8 = 32
c = y – (n + d)k = 32 − (0.15 64) = 22.4
Analytical Problems
1. (a) The destruction of some of a country’s capital stock in a war would have no effect on the steady
state, because there has been no change in s, f, n, or d. Instead, k is reduced temporarily, but
equilibrium forces eventually drive k to the same steady-state value as before.
(b) Immigration raises n from n1 to n2 in Figure 6.3. The rise in n lowers steady-state k, leading to a
lower steady-state consumption per worker.
Figure 6.3
(c) The rise in energy prices reduces the productivity of capital per worker. This causes sf(k) to shift
down from sf 1(k) to sf 2(k) in Figure 6.4. The result is a decline in steady-state k. Steady-state
consumption per worker falls for two reasons: (1) Each unit of capital has a lower productivity,
and (2) steady-state k is reduced.
Figure 6.4
The rise in capital depreciation shifts up the (n + d)k line from (n + d1)k to (n + d2)k, as shown in
Figure 6.5. The equilibrium steady-state capital-labor ratio declines. With a lower capital-labor
ratio, output per worker is lower, so consumption per worker is lower (using the assumption that
the capital-labor ratio is not so high that an increase in k will reduce consumption per worker).
There is no effect on the long-run growth rate of the total capital stock, because in the long run
the capital stock must grow at the same rate (n) as the labor force grows, so that the capital-labor
ratio is constant.
Figure 6.5
3. (a) With a balanced budget T/N = g. National saving is S = s(Y – T) = sN[(Y/N) − (T/N)] =
sN( y – g). Setting saving equal to investment gives
S = I,
sN(y – g) = (n + d)K,
s(y – g) = (n + d)k,
s[f(k) – g] = (n + d)k.
This equilibrium point k is shown in Figure 6.6.
Figure 6.6
(b) If the government permanently increases purchases per worker, the s[ f(k) – g] curve shifts down
from s[ f(k) – g1] to s[ f(k) – g2] in Figure 6.7. In steady-state equilibrium, the capital-labor ratio
is lower. Output per worker, capital per worker, and consumption per worker are lower in the
steady state. The optimal level of government purchases is not zero—it depends on the benefits
of the government purchases as well as on the costs of these purchases.
Figure 6.7
4. St = sYt – hKt = Nt(syt – hkt). Setting St = It yields Nt(syt – hkt) = (n + d)Kt. Dividing through by Nt and
eliminating time subscripts for steady-state variables gives sy – hk = (n + d)k. Rearranging and using
the expression y = f(k) gives sf(k) = (n + d + h)k.
The steady-state value of capital per worker, k*, is given by the intersection of the (n + d + h)k line
with the sf(k) curve, as shown in Figure 6.8. Output per worker is f(k*). Since Ct = Yt – St, c = y –
(sy – hk) = (1 – s)f(k*) + hk*. This expression gives consumption per worker.
Figure 6.8
A change in the steady-state value of h increases the slope of the (n + d + h)k line, as shown in
Figure 6.9. This reduces the steady-state value of per-worker capital (k*), per-worker output
[since y* = f(k*)], and per-worker consumption [since c* = (1 − s)y* + hk* and both y* and k* decline].
Figure 6.9
5. The initial level of the capital-labor ratio is irrelevant for the steady state. Two economies that are
identical except for their initial capital-labor ratios will have exactly the same steady state.
Since the two economies must have the same growth rate at the steady state, and since the economy
with the higher current capital-labor ratio has higher current output per worker, then the country with
the lower current capital-labor ratio must grow faster.
The answer holds true regardless of which country is in a steady state. If the country with a higher
initial capital-labor ratio is in a steady state at capital-labor ratio k*, then the other country’s capital-
labor ratio will rise until it too equals k*. So the country with the lower capital-labor ratio grows
faster than the one with the higher capital-labor ratio.
If the country with the lower initial capital-labor ratio is in a steady state at capital-labor ratio k*, then
the other country’s capital-labor ratio is too high and it will decline until it equals k*. So the country
with the higher capital-labor ratio must grow more slowly than the country with the lower capital-
labor ratio. If the two countries are allowed to trade with each other, then their convergence to the
same capital-labor ratio and output per worker will occur even faster.
7. Assume there are a constant number of workers, N, so that Ny = Y and Nk = K. Since y = Akah1–a and
h = Bk, then y = Ak a(Bk)1–a = (AB1–a)k. Then Y = Ny = (AB1–a)K = XK, where X equals AB1–a. This puts
the production function in notation used in the chapter.
Investment is K + dK = sY = national saving. Dividing through both sides of that expression by K
and using the production function gives K/K + d = sXK/K = sX, so K/K = sX − d, which is the long-
run growth rate of physical capital. Since output and human capital are proportional to physical
capital, they will all grow at that same rate.