Help File
Help File
Help File
1. Double click on the .ATN file then action will automatically install in Photoshop.
3. It will show Actions Panel. Open your photo. Select the action and play it.
1. After running the action, Layer Panel will have all the layers.
2. You can change the layer Opacity on top of the Layer Panel. Select the layer and change the
Opacity percentage as desired.
4. It is good to have good resolution image. You can get the best effect when your image width is
1000px – 2500px. If you have very high/low resolution image then:
Go to Image -> Image Size then set the width 1000px – 2500px. Be sure that the Constrain
Proportions is Checked.
5. Double click on the “Color Modes”. It will open all the color options. Turn on one of the folders to
add color tone. You can add more than one color variation by changing the opacity of the color
6. “Layer Effects” folder has some layer adjustment layer. You can add sharpness, softness and noise
to the image. If you want to increase/decrease the layer effect, click one of the layers and change the
opacity from above of the layer panel.
7. Some layers are smart objects. That means you can also change the effect properties. “Paint Base”
folder has main oil paint effect. If you want to increase/decrease the skin smoothness double click
on the “Surface Blur” under the “Paint layer”, then it will open the “Surface Blur” effect panel and
change the Threshold value as you want. Make sure preview is checked. Try changing the options,
you will get good result. Try out other options too.
Please rate this item if you like it. It really helps a lot. If you have any problem with the action
please contact me via email.
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