Sitopladi 1
Sitopladi 1
Sitopladi 1
Batch started on. Batch completed on. Manufacturing Date. Expiry Date.
2/1/19 7/1/19 JAN/19 DEC/21
Sr. Equipment Batch no. Cleaning Follow SOP Cleaning checked By.
No. no.
Done on Done by Pro.che. Q.A.che.
1. Weigh Balance ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 8 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
2. Pulveriser ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 1 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
3. Sifter/Sieves ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 2 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
4. Mass Mixer ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 5 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
5. Dryer ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 3 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
6. Granulator ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 4 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
7. Tablet punching ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 6 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
8. Packing ST/0001 Daya lal Tulsi kaka SOP NO. 11 Chetan Dr.mansukh bhai
Step-1: Dispensing
Dispensing started on (Date):________________
Check the balance at the zero position,
weigh all the ingredients accurately,
recheck the weights and raw materials control no. Of dispensed material as per raw material requisition.
Reference SOP No.:
For room temperature, relative humidity, equipment clearance and area clearance refer : area log Book
(Dispensing) for the corresponding day.
Verification of batch assembly Assemble dispensed RM with lubricants in batch assembly room
1. Start to unload the materials into mixer as per sequence noted in MFR
run the mixer as per time stipulated in MFR for that particular product.
2. When mixing is over, clean the mixer using filtered water, teepol followed by rinse of R.O. water
1. Start to unload the materials into Granulator as per sequence noted in MFR
run the Granulator as per time stipulated in MFR for that particular product.
2. When Granulator is over, clean the Granulator using filtered water, teepol followed by rinse of R.O.
3. Collect the Granulator materials in a plastic container having cleaned status label.
1. Start to unload the materials into Tablet punching as per sequence noted in MFR
run the Tablet punching as per time stipulated in MFR for that particular product.
2. When Tablet punching is over, clean the Tablet punching using vacuum,
3. Collect the Tablet materials in a plastic container having cleaned status label.
Random sampling of packed goods by _____of Q.A department was found O.K/defective.
Total Qty. Transfer to finished goods store ___OK______
Total retain sample transfer to Q.A dept. With transfer slip ___OK_____
Total no. Of analytical sample given ___ 5_____
In process sample given ___ 5_____
Leak test sample given ____5____
Format Prepared By. Format Approved By.
Head-Manufacturing Head-Quality Assurance
After release from QC department, transfer the checked tablet to packing department as per SOP for
transfer of tablet to packing Area (SOP No. :001)
Transferred by:-_______________ received by:-_________________
Sing and Date Sing and Date