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Test - 07 (Answer Key)

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1. Who among the following was not a member of I.

Gopal Nayakkar
the justice party? II. Manaparai Lakshmi Nayakkar
a) Theagaraya Chettiyar b) Raja of Panagal III. Theni Yadul Nakkayar
c) T.M. Nair d) Rajaji IV. Singam Chetty
e) Answer not known    
  

a)   b)   I.  

II.   
c)  d) 
III.   
e)  
IV. 
2. Which one of the following was not written by
V.O.Chidambaram? a) I b) II c) II & III d) IV

a) Meyarivu b) Meyiaram e) Answer not known 

c) Padal thirattu d) Suryodhayam 5. Who is the Gnanaguru of Bharathiyar?
e) Answer not known a) Thillagar b) Nivethitha
   c) Shelly d) Gandhi
  e) Answer not known
a)  b)  c)     
d)  e)   a)  b)  c) 
3. Name the chief minister of TamilNadu, during d)  e)  
Anti-Hindi agitation in 1965?
6. Who calls the vellore revolt of 1806 as the pre-
a) Kamaraj b) Rajaji lude to the “First war of the Indian Indepen-
dence” ?
c) Bhaktavatsalam d) Sathiyamoorthy
a) V.O.C b) S.Subramaniyanar
e) Answer not known
c) V.D. Savarkar d) Bharathi
   e) Answer not known

a)  b)       

c)  d) 
a)  b) S.
e)  
c)  d) 
4. Which one of the following leader not related to
e)  
Dindugal League?
 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 1
7. Which of the following statement’s about a) Gokale congress b) Mehta congress
V.O.Chidambaram is/are true?
c) Forward block party d) Swaraj Party
i. He was disciple of Tilak and the extremists
e) Answer not known
under his leadership took the lead in madras
presidency      
 
ii. He was honest and he never appeared in the
court for false cases. a)   b)  

iii. He bought ships from France and England c)   d) 

    e)  

   10. Who among the following governors ordered the
i.      Release of sivasubramanyam and the suspension
    of the collector Jackson?
  a) William Brown b) William oram
ii.     c) John casa major d) Edward clive
   
e) Answer not known
iii.     
   
 
a) i b) ii & iii c) ii d) iii   
e) Answer not known/  a)   b)  
8. On 2nd November 1927, the manimegalai Sangam, c)    d)  
the Devadasi women’s association organised a
e)  
meeting at coimbatore under whose
presidentship 11. Which of the following place was annexed at the
end of Anglo Mysore war in 1799?
a) Choudri V.Konambol
a) Madurai b) Krishnagiri
b) Dr. Muthulakshmi reddy
c) Tiruchirappalli d) Coimbatore
c) Mrs. Annamma raja
e) Answer not known
d) Mrs. Annie Besant
      
e) Answer not known
 
     
a)  b) 
    
     c)  d) 
 e)  
a)    12. Who was the commander-in-chief responsible
b)   for the new military regulations in vellore fort?

c)   a) Col. Fancourt b) Major Armstrong

d)   c) Sir John Cradock d) Colonel Agnew

e)   e) Answer not known

9. The new congress party without militants came     
to be known as   

2  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
a)  b)   d) Mr.T.Prakasam
c)  d)   e) Answer not known
e)       
    
13. He championed the cause of the “Criminal tribes”
 
of TamilNadu. He was fondly called “Rosappu
Durai” by the people of Madurai a)  b)  
a) Nehru b) Georage Joseph c) E.V.R c)  d) 
d) Rajaji e) Answer not known e)  
   17. The administration of the kingdom must be seen
   “ strategicaly and humbly, anger and its conse-
” quences does not bring success in politics”.
Whose quote is this?
a)  b)  c) 
a) Velu Nachiyar b) Rani Mangammal
d)  e)  
c) Annie Beasant d) Muthulakshmi Reddy
14. In which year the battle of wandwash took place?
 e) Answer not known

a) 1757 b) 1759 “

c) 1760 d) 1763 ” 
e) Answer not known /  a)  b)  
15. They decided to celebrate which of the follow- c)  d)  
ing day as “Swadeshi day” in Tirunelveli?
e)  
a) 1907 March 9 Bipin chandrapal’s Release
18. Choose the correct pair
b) 1909 May 8 Bipin chandrapal’s death
anniversary 1. Bharatmatha youth Association - Dr.Shenbaga
c) 1907 March 9 VOC released day from prison
2. Bharatmatha society - Nilakanta Brahmachari
d) None of these
3. Swadeshi Dharma Sanga weaving Association
e) Answer not known - V.O.C
   “ ”  4. Bharatmatha Co-Operative Society - V.O.C
   
 
a)  
1.      
b) 
2.   
c) 
3. 
d)  
4.   
e)  
a) 2, 4 b) 1, 2, 3 c) 1, 2 d) 2, 3, 4
16. Who among the following leaders of TamilNadu
was first imprisoned and also known as “Hero of e) Answer not known/ 
Salem”? 19. Why did khilafat movement was started:
a) Vijayaragavachariyar a) The British Government suppressed Indian
b) A.Arangasamy Iyangar muslims

c) Sir.C.V.Ramasamy b) There is no reservation for muslims

 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 3
c) The caliph of Turkey was humiliated and a)  b)  c) 
deprived of all powers
d)  e)  
d) Due to partition of Bengal
22. A Tamil monthly devoted to the cause of Indian
e) Answer not known women, which was edited by Bharati was ____
 a) Chakravarthini b) Bala Bharatham
a)    c) India d) Viduthalai
b)    e) Answer not known
c)       
   ____
d)   a)       b)  
e)   c)  d) 
20. The book “My experience as a legislator” was e)  
written by _____ 23. Which women patriot of TamilNadu established
a) Rukkumani Lakshmipathi an association called mahathma seva sangam and
also was a subeditor of swadesa mithran?
b) Dr.Muthu Lakshmi Reddy
a) Godhainayagi Ammal
c) Durgabai Deshmukh
b) Padmavathi Asher
d) Moovalur Ramamirtham
c) Durgabhai Deshmuk
e) Answer not known
d) Manjubhashini
“ ” 
 e) Answer not known
a)   b) Dr.  
    
c)   d)  
 
e)  
a)   b)  
21. Consider the following statements and Choose
c)   d) 
the incorrect statements
e)  
1. Dr.Senbagaraman married Lakshmibai who
belonged to Indian National Army in 1931. 24. The only women satyagrahis who was arrested
by police in India was _____
2. In 1918, he attacked the Chennai High Court
building by the submarine emden. a) Neelavathi Rama Subramaniyam
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both b) Govindhammal Ayyamuthu
d) None e) Answer not Known c) Asalambigai
      d) Rukkumani Lakshmipathi
 
e) Answer not known
        
   
 
a)   
 
     b)  
 c) 
4  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
d)   28. During TamilNadu farmers conference at
Tirunelveli who got the award ‘Sardar’?
e)  
a) Vedaratnam b) Vaidyanatha Iyer
25. Which of the following was the earliest
organisation in south India with clear national- c) Rajaji d) N.M.R Subarayan
ists objectives? e) Answer not known
a) Madras Native Association    
  “” 
b) Madras Mahajana Sabha
 
c) Swadeshi Movement
a)     b)  
d) Harijana Sabha
c)  d) 
e) Answer not known e)  
    29. Match the battles of Theeran Chinnamalai /
  
  
a)   
A. 1801 1. Odanilai / 
b) 
B. 1802 2. Cauvery Bank / 
c)  
C. 1804 3. Arachalur / 
d)  
e)   a) 2 3 1 b) 2 1 3
26. Who started the service organisation called c) 1 2 3 d) 1 3 2
srinivasa Gandhi Nilayam?
e) Answer not known/ 
a) Ambujathammal b) Anjalaiammal
30. Collector issued an order to Bharat Gana Sabha
c) Dharmambal d) Muthulakshmi Reddy for Banning the singing of Political songs who was
e) Answer not known sentenced to two years in jail for defying the
Decree and singing the Anthem “Kokku
     parakuthadi Pappa”?
a) N.K.R.Rajkumar Vaithya
a)     b) 
b) T.K.V. Viswanatha Brothers
c)  d)   c) N.S.Viswanatha Das
e)   d) N.M.R.Subbaraman
27. “How India wrought for freedom?” A book writ- e) Answer not known
ten by which of the following patriot?
    
a) Arvind Gosh b) Annie Besant    
c) Sarojini Naidu d) Aruna Asaf Ali  “  ”
e) Answer not known 
“  ”  a) N.K.R. 
 
b) T.K.V.  
a)  b) 
c) N.S. 
c)   d)  d) N.M.R.
e)   e)  
 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 5
31. Assertion (A) : EVR raised the issue of represen- 33. Choose the correct statement (Anti-Hindi Agitation)
tation for non-Brahmins in legislature. 1. Hindi was introduced as a compulsory sub-
Reason (R) :During the first Congress Ministry, ject in schools
Rajaji abolished sales tax. 2. It was introduced by T.Prakasham
a) Both A and R are correct but R is not the cor- 3. E.V.R. Conducted a Hindi agitation in Erode
rect explanation
4. Chennai governor removed Hindi as compul-
b) A is correct but R is wrong sory Subject
c) Both A and R are wrong   
d) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct      
explanation 

e) Answer not known   T.  

 (A)     
      
    
 
     
 (R)   
 
   
a) 1, 2 b) 1, 3 c) 1, 4 d) 1, 3, 4
a) 
   e) Answer not known/ 
34. Consider the following statement and select the
b) 
correct one:
c) 
1. At the end of South Indian Rebellion,
d)       Sivagangai was annexed in 1802.
  2. The Marudhu Brothers were executed in the
e)   Fort of Tirupathur near Ramanathapuram on
24 October 1802.
32. Who among the following was crowned as
“Veeratamizhannai” 3. Oomathurai and Sevathaiah were captured
and beheaded at Panchalamkurichi on 16
a) Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy November 1802
b) Dr.S.Dharmambal    
c) Moovalur. Ramamirtham 

d) Velunatchiyar       

e) Answer not known
    
  “”        
  
a)      
    
b)  
c)  
a) 1 b) 2
d) 
c) 1 & 2 d) None / 
e)  
e) Answer not known/ 
6  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
35. Statement 1 : V.V.S.Iyer went France to learn 37. Which British Viceroy refused the Welcome Ad-
Bomb Technology and then he had come Puduvai dress of Madras Mahajana Sabha during his visit
in 1910. to Madras in the year 1895 ?
Statement 2 : He trained many extremist revo- a) Lord Lawrence b) Lord Connemara
lutionaries by establishing an association called
c) Lord Elgin d) Lord Minto
Dharmalayam at Puduvai.
e) Answer not known
a) Statement 1 true, Statement 2 false
    
b) Both statements are true
c) Statement 1 false, Statement 2 true 
d) Both Statements are false a)  b)  
e) Answer not Known c)   d) 
      e)  
38. The Palayakkarar system was originally practised
in which of the following kingdoms ?
      
    a) Vijayanagar b) Bamini
 c) Kakatiya d) Hoysala
a)  e) Answer not known
b)     
c)    

d)   a)  b) 

e)   c)  d) 

36. Who joined the Congress party and convened the e)  
Isaivellalar Conference at Mayiladuthurai in 39. When was the fort of Kalayar Kovil recaptured by
1925? Velunachiyar with the influence of Hyder Ali?
a) Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy    
b) Dr.S.Dharmambal    

c) Moovalur Ramamirtham a) 1772 b) 1775 c) 1776 d) 1780

d) Velunatchiyar e) Answer not Known / 

e) Answer not known 40. Choose the incorrect statement (Thillaiyadi

 
     1. Thillaiyadi Valliammai passed away at the age
 of 15
a)   2. Gandhiji in his book “South Africa’s
b) S. Satyagraha” had said that “Trust was the Only
weapon she had”
c)  
3. “Valliammai’s name will always be remem-
d)  bered in South African History”. Gandhi had
e)   mentioned in his journal “Indian Opinion”
 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 7
4. TamilNadu weaver co-operative society (co- a)  b) 
optex) has named its 600 th sales center in c)    d) 
Chennai as Thillayadi Valliammai palace to
honour her. e)  

    43. Who was the first Tamilnadu Patriot to be sent to
Andaman , the infernal hell of Patriots ?
    
  a) K.S. Krishnasamy b) Mr.Singaravelar

      c) Mr.Perumal d) Mr.Bhaktavatchalam

   e) Answer not known
   
 
  
   a) K.S.  b) Mr.

     c) Mr. d) Mr.

 e)  
a) 2, 3, 4 b) 1, 3, 4 c) 1, 2, 4 d) 1, 2, 3 44. Choose the correct statement (Yusufkhan)
e) Answer not known/  1. He belonged to Sivagangai
41. A woman who encouraged people towards Inde-
2. He accepted Islam when he was in Puducherry
pendent movement by her books named
‘Sothanayin Kodumai & Uthama Seelan’ 3. He defeated Hyder ali and captured
a) Govindammal Ayyamuthu
4. They revolted that the British has ordered him
b) Neelavathi Rama Subramanian
to serve as nawab of Karnataka
c) Padmasani Ammal
 
d) Vai.Mu.KothaiNayagi
  
e) Answer not known
   
‘‘  
  
 
a)   
b)      
c)     
d)  a) 1, 2, 3 b) 1, 2 c) 2, 3 d) 1, 2, 3, 4
e)   e) Answer not known/ 
42. When was the collector of Tirunelveli Robert 45. Who mentions in his autobiography that
W.D.E. Ashe shot dead in maniyachi Junction? “Kanyakumari as a place of peace” ?
a) June 25, 1911 b) July 23, 1910 a) Mahatma Gandhi
c) June 17, 1911 d) July 17, 1910 b) Jawaharlal Nehru
e) Answer not known c) Marshall Nesamani
     d) Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose
W.D.E.    
 e) Answer not known

8  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
   “ c)  
”  d)   
a)   b)  e)  
c)   d)   49. Assertion : Following the withdrawal of the Non-
e)   cooperation movement, the congress was di-
vided between “no changers and Pro changers”
46. Where Subramaniya Shiva established “Dharma
Paripaalana Samajam” in 1907 ? Reason : No changers wanted to contest the elec-
tion for the council, prochangers wanted to con-
a) Vathalakundu b) Salem
tinue the boycott of the councils.
c) Paaparapatti d) Thiruvananthapuram
a) Statement and reason are true; and reason
e) Answer not Known explains the statement
      b) Statement and reason are true but reason did
“ ”  not explain the statement
a)  b)  c) Statement is true and reason is false
c)  d)  d) Statement is false but reason is true
e)   e) Answer not known
47. Who conducted Temple Entry Movement in     
Madurai Meenakshi Temple in the year 1939 ?    “
a) Raja Gopalachari b) Vaithyanathar  ” 

c) Satyamoorthi d) Rukmini Lakshmipati 

    
e) Answer not known    
     
 a)      
a)  b)    

c)  d)   b)      

 
e)  
c)   
48. What was the decisive Turning Point in the life of
Kamaraj, so that he decided to fight for National d)   
Freedom and to bring an end to foreign rule ? e)  
a) Swadeshi Movement 50. Who was the leader of the protest to remove the
b) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre statue of Neil in 1927 ?

c) Vaikam Satyagraha a) Sardar Vedarathinam

d) Quit India Movement b) Somayajalu c) T.S.S.Rajan

e) Answer not Known d) V.Ramalingam e) Answer not Known

         
      
    a)   b) 
a)   c)  d) 
b)    e)  
 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 9
51. Consider the following statement and select the      
incorrect one:   
1. Kattabomman of Panchalangurichi formed a) T. b) 
the south Indian confederacy with the c) S.N. d)   
neighbouring Palayakaras like Gopala Nayak
of Dindigul and Yadul Nayak of Aanamalai. e)  
54. Who ran the Tamil Daily “Tamilnadu” ?
2. Kattabomman acted as its leader and he made
Tiruchirappalli proclamation. a) Ma.po. Sivagnanam b) M.N.R. Subbaraman
3. Collector Lushington prevented c) Dr.P.Varatharasalu d) Mr.T. Prakasam
Kattabomman from meeting the Marudhu e) Answer not known
“” 
   
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
  
    e)  
   55. ‘Thillayadi Valliyammai’ was prisioned after her
 participation in Satyagraha Agitation at which
     place in South Africa ?
  a) Walcrust b) Johannesberg
     c) Pitsberg d) Durban
e) Answer not known
a) 1 & 2 b) 2
   
c) 1 & 3 d) All /      
e) Answer not known/  

52. ‘Khilafat Day’ celebrated in Tamilnadu under the a)  b) 

chairmanship of Moulana Chaukat Ali c)  d) 
a) April 17, 1920 b) April 13, 1919 e)  
c) October 17, 1919 d) October 13, 1919 56. Choose the incorrect statement (Kamaraj)
e) Answer not known 1. He was arrested and imprisoned in Vellore
prison for Civil disobedience movements.
    
‘’   2. Because of his participations in Quit India
Movement he was imprisoned in Alipur Jail
a)  b)  
3. When he was travelling to Wardha, he was
c)    d)  
arrested and sent to Amaravathi Prison
e)  
4. He made Lal Bahadur Sashtri as the Prime Min-
53. Anti Simon Agitation campaign in Chennai was ister of India in 1966
formed under the leadership of ? 5. He died on October 2, 1975
a) T.Prakasam b) Rajaji   
c) S.N.Somayajulu d) Satyamoorthy     
e) Answer not known 
10  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
      
   
  
     
   
 
      
a)  b)  
c)  d)  
 
e)  
a) 1, 3, 5 b) 1, 2, 4 c) 1, 2, 5 d) 1, 2, 3, 4
60. The war which played a crucial role in the earli-
e) Answer not known/ 
est uprising against British by Theeran
57. Which of the following is / are the factors respon- Chinnamalai in 1802 is known as ?
sible for the South Indian Rebellion ?
a) War at Kaveri bank b) War of Oadanilai
1. Famine in 1790
c) War of Arachallur d) War of Sangagiri
2. Frequent wars of the company
e) Answer not Known
3. Heavy Taxation and exploitation of the com-
     
   
      
  
a)   b) 
 
c)   d)  
 
e)  
    
61. The following day Gandhiji addressed a meeting
at the Marina Beach in Tamilnadu ?
a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 1, 3 d) 1, 2, 3
a) March 21, 1920 b) March 18, 1919
e) Answer not Known / 
c) January 9, 1919 d) January 18, 1920
58. When was Arya hoisted the National Flag atop
e) Answer not known
fort St.George?
a) 26 February, 1934 b) 25 April, 1933
c) 26 January, 1932 d) 6 January , 1934
a)   b)   
e) Answer not known
c)  d)  
     
e)  
62. When was N.M.R.Suburaman elected as a Presi-
a)   b) 
dent of congress party at Madurai District ?
c)  d) 
e)   N.M.R. 
59. G.Subramaniam was one of the first leaders to a) 1928 b) 1929 c) 1930 d)1931
use newspapers to spread the nationalist mes-
e) Answer not Known / 
sage across a larger audience. Which was the En-
glish newpaper founded by him ? 63. Who among the following were Swarajists?
a) The Mail b) The Indian Express a) S. Satyamurti b) Kasturirangar
c) The Hindu d) The Madras Courier c) P. Subbarayan d) Periyar EVR
e) Answer not Known e) Answer not known
 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 11
    D. Subedar Sheik Adam 4. Vellore Fort
a) S.  b)  E. Col. Fancourt 5. Odanilai
c) P. d)  
e)   A.   
64. The title “Kodumudi kokilam” was conferred on B.    
K.P.Sundarambal by
C.   
a) Arignar anna b) Periyar c) Karunanidhi
D.   
d) M.G.R e) Answer not known
E.   5. 
“ ”  
 
a) 5 3 2 1 4 b) 5 4 2 1 3
a)  b)  c) 
c) 4 3 5 2 1 d) 3 5 1 4 2
d)  e)  
e) Answer not known/ 
65. Who was the collector of the Tanjore District
when the salt satyagraha movement started in 68. When the “Madras Mahajana Sabha” started to
Vedaranyam ? work along with Indian National Congress ?

a) Mr. K.Wellington b) George Cameron “  ”    
c) Mr.J.A. Thorne d) Mr.T.P. Philip
a) 1905 b) 1910 c) 1915 d) 1920
e) Answer not known
e) Answer not Known / 
   
     69. Match the Following
 A. Subramanya Siva 1. Velli Naku Venthar
a) Mr. K. b)   B. Satya Moorthi 2. Desapimana Sanyasi
c) Mr.J.A. d) Mr.T.P.  C. V.O.Chidambaram 3. Madurai Gandhi
e) Answer not known/  D. NMR Subbaraman 4. Chekkizutha Semmal
66. Who was appointed as a first Indian Judge in High 
Court of Madras in 1877 ?
A.     
a) P.Ramaswamy b) T.Muthusamy
B.     
c) K.Balaji Rao d) M.Veera Ragavachari
C.    
e) Answer not known
D. NMR   
    
  
a) 2 3 4 1 b) 2 3 1 4
a) B. b) T. 
c) 1 2 4 3 d) 2 1 4 3
c) K  d) M.
e) Answer not known/ 
e)  
70. Choose the correct statement
67. Match the following
i) Madras Native Association was founded in
A. Theerthagiri 1. Vellore Revolt
B. Gopala Nayak 2. Ramalinganar
ii) Tamil nationalist periodical Swadesamitran
C. Bannerman 3. Dindigul was started in 1891.
12  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
iii) The Madras Mahajana Sabha demanded con-   
duct of civil services examinations only in In-    
dia    
iv) V.S. Srinivasanar was an extremist. a) India / 
a) (i) and (ii) are correct b) (iii) is correct b) Vijaya / 

c) (iv) is correct d) All are correct c) New India /  

e) Answer not known d) Suryodayam / 

   e) Answer not known/ 

i)  73. In the British Records which of the following is

refered to as the second Palayakar war?
ii)     
   a) Kattabomman’s revolt in 1799

iii)     b) Rebellion of Panchalamkurichi

    c) Puli Thevar’s revolt
d) Rebellion of Marudhu Brothers
iv) V.S.  
e) Answer not known
a) (i)  (ii)  
    
b) (iii)   
c) (iv)  a) 
d)   b)  
e)   c)  
71. Who was the seretary of New National Party of d)   
Madras presidency after the split of congress in e)  
74. Which among the following statement is wrong
a) C.Rajagopala chari about the social reformist Dr. Muthulakshmi
b) C.Subrahmanya Bharathi Reddy ?

c) S. Subrahmaya Siva a) She started Avvai Illam at santhome in the

year 1930
d) V.O.Chidamparanar
b) She was presented with Padmasri in the year
e) Answer not known
      
c) She organised All India Women Conference
  
at Poona in the year 1930
a) C. d) She was selected as the First Women mem-
b) C.  ber of to the Legislature in the year 1926
c) S.  e) Answer not known
d) V.O. 
  
e)  
a) 
72. Which among the following journals related to
the revolutionary movement had not released
from Pondicherry? b) 

 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 13
c)  
   
d)       a) 2000 b) 2100 c) 2400 d) 2200
e) Answer not known 
e)  
79. A solid sphere of radius 9 cm is melted and cast
75. Where did the congress volunteers clash with the into a shape of a solid cone of same radius, find
military during Quit India Movement? the height of the cone

a) Erode b) Madras c) Salem       

d) Madurai e) Answer not known
   
a) 9 cm/ b) 81 cm/
   
 c) 27 cm/ d) 36 cm/

a)  b)  c)  e) Answer not known/ 

d)    e)   80. The radius of a cart wheel is 35 cm. How many
revolution does it make in travelling a distance
76. The semi perimeter of a triangle having sides 15
of 154m.
cm, 20 cm and 25 cm is
        
            
   
a) 15 cm/ b) 45 cm/ a) 70 b) 189 c) 119 d) 86
c) 30 cm/ d) 60cm/ e) Answer not known 
e) Answer not known/  81. The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the
77. A sector containing an angle of 140o is cut off from length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the
a circle of radius 9 cm and folded into a cone. other diagonal is (cm)

 22  
Find the curved surface area of the cone     
 7
     140 o
a) 2 b) 6 c) 4 d) 8
    
e) Answer not known 
    
    82. The area of the largest triangle that can be in-
scribed in a semi-circle of radius 4cm is
 22 
     
 7
  
a) 99 sq.cm/ b) 254.57 sq.cm/ a) 16 cm2/ 2 b) 32 cm2/2
c) 22 sq.cm/ d) 126 sq.cm/ c) 64 cm2/2 d) 128 cm2/2

e) Answer not known/  e) Answer not known 

78. Find the area of a circular pathway whose outer 83. If two cylinders of equal volumes have their
heights in the ratio 2 : 3, then the ratio of their
radius is 32 cm and inner radius is 18 cm. (cm2)
radii is
14  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003
      a) 65o, 60o & 55o b) 85o, 50o & 45o
  
c) 75o, 70o & 35o d) 75o, 60o & 45o
e) Answer not known 
a) 6: 3 b) 5: 3 c) 2 :3 d) 3 : 2
88. Ratio of surface area of a full sphere to the total
e) Answer not known/  surface area of a hemisphere having same radius
84. In a triangle with area 48 sq.cm, its base is 4 cm is
greater than its altitude. Then the base of the      
triangle is   
        
   4 2
a) 4 : 3 b) : c) 1 : 2 d) 2 : 1
3 3
a) 8 cm/ b) 12 cm/
c) 16 cm/ d) 10 cm/ e) Answer not known/ 

e) Answer not known/  89. The circumference of a circular park is 352 m. Find
the area of the park. (m2)
85. A man riding a bicycle, completes one lap of a
circular field along its circumference at the speed        
of 14.4 km/hr in 1min 28 sec. What is the area of    
the field? a) 9756 b) 9856 c) 9766 d) 9846
 e) Answer not known 
 90. Find the area of rhombus as shown in the follow-
    ing figure.  (cm2)
a) 7958 sq.m/2     
b) 9856 sq.m/2 (2)

c) 8842 sq.m/2
d) None of the above/ 
e) Answer not known 
86. A play ground 60m x 40m is extended on all sides
by 8m. What is the extended area
a) 156 b) 165 c) 145 d) 158
       
     e) Answer not known/ 
   91. The formula used to find the area of the rectan-
gular path is
a) 366 m2/2 b) 666 m2/2
  
c) 636 m2/2 d) 638 m2/2
a)  (R2 - r2) sq.units/
e) Answer not known/ 
b) (L x B) - (l x b) sq.units/
87. The measures of the angles of a triangle are in
the ratio 5 : 4 : 3. Find the angles of the triangle c) LB sq.units/

     d) lb sq.units/

 e) Answer not known/ 
 - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003 15
92. One of the sides and the corresponding height of a) 41, 122 b) 122, 41 c) 24, 141 d) 141, 22
the parallelogram are 12 m and 8 m respectively.
e) Answer not known/ 
Find the area of the parallelogram.(cm2)
97. Find the area of a sector whose perimeter is 64
       cm and length of the arc is 44 cm. (cm2)
 (2)
     
a) 84 b) 96 c) 98 d) 94       
e) Answer not known/  (2)

93. Area of a square is 169 cm 2. If the area of the a) 220 b) 210 c) 240 d) 230
square increases by 69% by what percentage e) Answer not known 
does the side of the square increase?
98. Which one of the following cannot be lengths of
  sides of a triangle
   
a) 4cm, 11cm, 16 cm b) 5cm, 9cm, 13 cm
 
c) 6cm, 8cm, 12 cm d) 7cm, 10cm, 11 cm
a) 1.3% b) 33.3% c) 30% d) 26%
e) Answer not known
e) Answer not known/ 
   
94. The radius of a circular flower garden is 21 m. A  
circular path of 14 m wide is laid around the gar-
a) 4, 11, 16
den. Find the area of the circular path. (m 2)
b) 5, 9, 13 
       
      c) 6, 8, 12
 d) 7, 10, 11
a) 2464 b) 2644 c) 2446 d) 2444 e)  
e)   99. A cubical tank can hold 27,000 litres of water. Find
95. A horse is tethered to one corner of a rectangular the dimension of its side.
field of dimensions 60m x 42 m by a rope 14 m 
long for grazing. How much area can the horse   
left ungrazed?
a) 9 cm/ b) 9 m/
       
c) 3 m/ d) 3 cm/
      
     e) Answer not known/ 
   100.Find the area of the semicircle ACB and the quad-
a) 2366 m2/2 b) 1366 m2/2 rant BOC in the given figure.(cm2, cm2)
    ACB  
c) 1827 m2/2 d) 2212 m2/2
BOC 2
e) Answer not known/ 
96. The area of a rectangular shaped photo is 820 sq.
cm. and its width is 20 cm. What is its length?
Also find its perimeter.(cm)
     
         a) 46, 28.5 b) 40, 32 c) 77, 38.5 d) 78.5, 33.3
   
e) Answer not known/ 
16  - 99445 11344| - 98942 41422| - 75503 52916|  - 98431 10566| - 97555 52003

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