Land of Hope Arendal
Land of Hope Arendal
Land of Hope Arendal
Land of Hope and Glo ry Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex tol thee,
Land of Hope and Glo ry Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex tol thee,
Land of Hope and Glo ry Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex tol thee,
Land of Hope and Glo ry Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex tol thee,
who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
who are born of thee? wi der shall thy bounds be set;
of thee?
who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
make thee might ier yet. Land of Hope and Glo ry, Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex
make thee might ier yet. Land of Hope and Glo ry, Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex
make thee might ier yet. Land of Hope and Glo ry, Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex
make thee might ier yet. Land of Hope and Glo ry, Mo ther of the Free, How shall we ex
tol thee, who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
tol thee, who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
tol thee, who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
tol thee, who are born of thee? Wi der still and wi der shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
God, who made thee might y, make thee might ier yet; God, who made thee might y,
make thee might ier yet.
make thee might ier yet.
make thee might ier yet.
make thee might ier yet.