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SentinelOne White Paper

MITRE Engenuity™
ATT&CK® Evaluation
SentinelOne Participates for the
Fourth Year with Record Performance

April 2022
Table of Contents

Introduction 3

2022 Enterprise ATT&CK Evaluation 4

Results 5

What the Results Mean for You 10

Ready for a Demo? 10


01 Introduction
MITRE has become the common language of EDR and is the de facto way to evaluate a
product’s ability to provide actionable information to the SOC. For three years now, MITRE
Engenuity has conducted independent evaluations of cybersecurity products to help the
industry and government institutions make better decisions to combat security threats and
improve their threat detection capabilities. Leveraging the ATT&CK framework, evaluations
assess various vendors on their ability to automatically detect and respond to real-life cy-
berattacks within the context of the ATT&CK framework. The results indicate a solution’s
ability to provide security analysts a quick, clear picture of how an attack unfolded. Par-
ticipating vendors are measured on their ability to detect and address real-world threats
through the language and structure of the ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and
Common Knowledge) Framework.

SentinelOne remains a steadfast supporter of MITRE Engenuity’s objective approach. They

are indeed a catalyst for cybersecurity innovation not only in the vendor community but
also within 1000’s of organizations that now use ATT&CK as a common lexicon for under-
standing who the adversaries are and their typical game plans. ATT&CK helps the industry
clearly communicate the exact nature of threats and makes it clear how to enhance defens-
es to blunt the impact. Overall, ATT&CK serves as a flexible model and invaluable tool for
applying intelligence to cybersecurity operations.

SentinelOne’s stellar performance delivers maximum

cybersecurity value for the fourth year running

100% Protection 100% Detection 100% Real-Time

9 of 9 MITRE ATT&CK Tests 19 of 19 Attack Steps Protection
0 Delays

99% Visibility 99% Highest

108 of 109 Attack Sub-Steps Analytic Coverage
108 of 109 Detections


02 2022 Enterprise ATT&CK Evaluation
The 2022 Enterprise ATT&CK Evaluation emulates the real attack methods of Wizard
Spider and Sandworm, two APT threat groups that conduct ransomware campaigns for
financial gain and data destruction. According to MITRE, these two threat actors were cho-
sen based on their complexity, relevancy to the market, and how well MITRE Engenuity’s
staff can fittingly emulate the adversary.

• Wizard Spider is a financially motivated criminal group that has been conducting
ransomware campaigns since August 2018 against a variety of organizations,
ranging from major corporations to hospitals.

• Sandworm is a destructive Russian threat group that is known for carrying out
notable attacks such as the 2015 and 2016 targeting of Ukrainian electrical
companies and 2017’s NotPetya attacks.

The Evals team chose to emulate two threat groups that abuse the Data Encrypted For
Impact (T1486) technique. In Wizard Spider’s case, they have leveraged data encryption
for ransomware, including the widely known Ryuk malware (S0446). Sandworm, on the
other hand, leveraged encryption for the destruction of data, perhaps most notably with
their NotPetya malware (S0368) that disguised itself as ransomware. While the common
thread to this year’s evaluations is “Data Encrypted for Impact,” both groups have substan-
tial reporting on a broad range of post-exploitation tradecraft.

Though the ATT&CK evaluation is not a competition, the results do help organizations un-
derstand relative product performance under emulated adversary conditions. The 2022
test takes place over two days and involves 19 distinct steps comprising 109 sub-steps.
This year MITRE Engenuity emulates the Wizard Spider adversary group on Day 1 and the
Sandworm adversary group on Day 2.

Arm yourself against exaggerated competing vendor claims by taking time to understand
the differences among ATT&CK’s detection categories. In summary, not all detections have
the same level of quality. On one end of the quality, spectrum is “Telemetry” which is sim-
ple “minimally processed data.” On the other end of quality are “Techniques” that, accord-
ing to the ATT&CK website, “gives the analyst information on how the action was performed
or helps answer the question ‘what was done’.” The evaluation describes “Analytic Detec-
tions” as the sum total of all three higher quality, enriched detection types labeled as Gen-
eral, Tactic, and Technique. Lastly, ATT&CK defines two modifiers, configuration change
and delayed. During testing, if the vendor modifies how their product operates to adjust
for whatever reason, the evaluation proctors note these as “configuration changes.” During
testing, if a “detection is not immediately available to the analyst due to additional process-
ing unavailable due to some factor that slows or defers its presentation,” this detection is
labeled as “delayed.”


03 Results
SentinelOne had exceptional results in the 2022 ATT&CK evaluation and excelled in every
category. SentinelOne’s performance in the evaluation demonstrates how we’re uniquely
positioned to drive business value and help customers excel across major KPIs:

• SentinelOne delivered 100% Protection: (9 of 9 MITRE ATT&CK tests)

• SentinelOne delivered 100% Detection: (19 of 19 attack steps)
• SentinelOne delivered 100% Real-time (0 Delays)
• SentinelOne delivered 99% Visibility: (108 of 109 attack sub-steps)
• SentinelOne delivered 99% - Highest Analytic Coverage: (108 of 109 detections)
• SentinelOne consolidated all the data points over 2 days into only 9 campaign level alerts

SentinelOne’s superior visibility, actionable context, the ability to defeat adversaries in

real-time, and out-of-the-box efficacy Singularity XDR provides sets us apart from every
other vendor on the market.


Other highlights of the evaluation detection results follow.

1. SentinelOne Singularity XDR delivered the highest analytic coverage

three years in a row. And we do this across all tested operating
systems – Windows & Linux.
Analytic detections are contextual detections that are built from a broader data set and
are a combination of technique plus tactic detections. This produces a detailed view of
what took place, why, and how. Having access to high-fidelity, high-quality detections saves
operator time, maximizes response speed, and minimizes dwell time risk.

SOC teams often find themselves with too many alerts and not enough time to investigate,
research, and respond. Alerts for the sake of alerts become meaningless: unused and un-
noticed. Pinpointed alerts that are actionable with pre-assembled context maximize EDR
effectiveness and use.

SentinelOne’s patented Storyline technology percolates every event happening in real-

time, providing a fulling indexed, prefabricated map for each alert. All this work happens
on the agent side, resulting in a massive advantage compared to technology or teams that
try to figure out what happened after everything happened – when it’s too late. The power
of autonomous cybersecurity is that it happens in real-time, where and when the action is
taking place, on the attack surface itself.

Analytic detections create

context and actionable alerts.
SentinelOne Singularity XDR
delivered the highest analytic
coverage three years in a row.

According to MITRE Engenuity’s published results, SentinelOne recorded the highest num-
ber of analytic detections for this year’s evaluation as well as the last three years.

SentinelOne is unique among vendors in that it achieved the highest

high-quality “analytic detections” in the last three ATT&CK evaluations.


2. Visibility Ensures That No Threats Go Undetected. SentinelOne
delivered 100% detection and flawlessly detected EVERY attack step
in the 2022 Enterprise Evaluation.
Visibility is the building block of EDR and is a core metric across MITRE Engenuity results.
In order to understand what’s going on in the enterprise as well as accurately threat hunt,
cybersecurity technology needs to create a visibility aperture. The data needs to be accu-
rate and provide an end-to-end view of what happened, where it happened, and who did
the happening regardless of device connectivity or type.

During the ATT&CK Evaluation, the TTPs used by Wizard Spider and Sandworm were
grouped into 19 attack steps, and SentinelOne Singularity detected all of them. This
allows a comprehensive view of the entire enterprise, minimizing incident dwell time and
reducing risk.

SentinelOne Singularity
XDR detects malicious file
execution and automatically
correlates it with other data
to provide context.

SentinelOne had zero telemetry detections, meaning ALL of the

detections were high-quality analytic coverage providing security
analysts with automated context.


3. SentinelOne experienced zero delayed detections,
making EDR real-time.
Time is a critical factor whether you’re detecting an attack or neutralizing it. A delayed de-
tection during the evaluation often means that an EDR solution requires a human analyst to
manually confirm suspicious activity due to the inability of the solution to do so on its own.
The solution typically needs to send data to the analyst team or third-party services such as
sandboxes, which in turn analyzes the data and alerts the customer, if required. However,
many critical parts of this process are done manually, resulting in a window of opportunity
for the adversary to do real damage.

All SentinelOne detections are real-time, with zero delays, reducing

incident dwell time through automation. Vendors that have delays
are often far more human/linear/slower behind the scenes and
lack automation.

As the ATT&CK evaluation

data shows, SentinelOne had
zero delayed detections.


4. SentinelOne Singularity delivered 100% Protection Across Operating
Systems With the Fastest Threat Containment.
Security teams demand technology that matches the rapid pace at which adversaries op-
erate. MITRE Protection determines the vendor’s ability to rapidly analyze detections and
execute automated remediation to protect systems.

SentinelOne delivered the fastest protection. With its real-time protection, Singularity XDR
provided the MITRE ATT&CK Evaluation with the least amount of permitted actions in the
kill-chain for attackers to do damage. The ATT&CK results reveal our commitment to pre-
venting and protecting against every possible threat and keeping our customers safe from
most adversaries.

SentinelOne delivered the fastest and earliest protection with the

least amount of permitted actions in the kill-chain for attackers to
do damage, dramatically reducing incident dwell time.

5. SentinelOne excels at the analyst user experience, reducing the

amount of manual effort required to understand what’s happening.
It automatically grouped two days of testing into only nine campaign-
level console alerts.
Consolidating hundreds of data points across a 48-hour advanced campaign, SentinelOne
correlated and crystallized the attack into one complete story. SentinelOne provides instant
insights within seconds rather than having analysts spend hours, days, or weeks correlating
logs and linking events manually. SentinelOne reduces the amount of manual effort needed,
helps with alert fatigue, and significantly lowers the skillset barrier to benefiting from EDR.


04 What the Results Mean for You
As a security leader, it’s essential that you look at how you can improve your security posture
and reduce risk while reducing the burden on your security team. SentinelOne’s exceptional
performance in 2022 ATT&CK evaluations once again proves that purpose-built, future-
thinking solutions deliver the in-depth visibility, automation, and speed that the modern
SOC needs to combat adversaries. As evidenced by the results data, SentinelOne excels
at visibility and detection and, even more importantly, in the autonomous mapping and
correlating of data into fully indexed and correlated stories through Storyline™ technology.
This technology advantage sets us apart from every other vendor on the market.

Ready for a Demo?

Visit the SentinelOne website for more details,
or give us a call at +1-855-868-3733


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A Leader in the 2021 Magic Quadrant for

Endpoint Protection Platforms 98% of Gartner Peer InsightsTM
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About SentinelOne
More Capability. Less Complexity. SentinelOne is pioneering the
future of cybersecurity with autonomous, distributed endpoint
intelligence aimed at simplifying the security stack without
forgoing enterprise capabilities. Our technology is designed to
scale people with automation and frictionless threat resolution.
Are you ready?



© SentinelOne 2022

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