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Electroplating Anodizing Metal Treatment Hand Book

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Ano d iz,i ng
eta Tr-ea 1m ent Hand book

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CrJn:suJt:an~ & Engineen

Àsia Paci:lic Susiness Press, r~
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1OO· E . Kamla N"8-g a r, IO Eolh t-1 1O 0 07 { I NOIA.)
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Àsia Pacific Business Press 1'"'

ISO 9001 : 2000 COMPANY
www. apbp-tec h bo o-k;s. com

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ISBN 978-81-7833~138·6

Pnce R!'>. 1-l í':5 / -

us $ 150-

Pr.1..'lçed & PL.llii~ ~ ~,. i<_,. Gui:ita ter - Ãsiia Pai!'~ ti~·~ h~ '-· •.
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(i) (ii)

Stability 87
Materiais of Construction 94
Design Considera tion 95
Location of Vapour Degreaser 98
Shutdown Procedure 100
Choosing a Vapour Degreasing Solvent 106
Water Removal 107


1. Basic Metal Surface 3 Soils 111
Nature of the Surface 3 Machining and Forming Oils 113
Brightness 6 Alkaline Descalers 122
7. Oxide Removal 128
2. Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 8
Oxide Removal from Copper Alloys 137
Polishing 8
Equipment for Pickling and Bright Dipping 150
Adhesives 9
Lubrication 15
Deburring 28
8. Metais 153
Buffing and Polishing Equipment 29
Pretreatments 154
3. Mass Finishing Methods 31 Preliminary Treatment 155
Vibratory Finishing Equipment 33 Final Treatment 160
Centrifugai Barrel Finishing 38 Low-Carbon Steel 160
Parts to Media Ratios 46 High-carbon and Low-Alloy Steels 163
Mass Finishing Media and Compounds 48 Stainless Steels 167
Cast Irons 169
4. Electropolishing 58
Copper and Copper-Base Alloys 171
The Electropolished Surface 59
Zinc-Base Die Castings 173
Types of Metal Electropolished 62
Magnesium and Its Alloys 180
Electropolishing Equipment 69
Lead and Lead Alloys 184
5. Solvent Cleaning 77 Powder Metal Compacts 186
Solvent Cleaning 77 Less common Metals 188
Diphase Cold Cleaning 83 1 Intermediate Electrodeposited Coating as Basis Metal Surface 199
(ili) (iv)

9. Plastics 203 Weight Gain Method 307

Plating 203 X-Ray Methods 310
Electroless Plating 204 Beta Backscatter (BBS) 313
Microresistance Technique 317
10. Wastewater Control and Treatment 208
Water Supply 208 13. Corrosion Tests 321
Water and Chemical Conservation 210 Outdoor Exposure Tests 321
Chemical and Water Recovery 213 Electrolytic Corrosion (EC) Test 326
Evaporative Recovery 215
14. Inspection 328
Reverse Osmosis 216
Factors in Visual Inspection 329
Electrodialysis 217
Arriving at a Standard of Acceptability 330
Ion Exchange 218
Degree of Finish 331
Waste water Treatment-Segregation and Collection 220
Inspection of Coloured and Other than Bright Finishes 329
Hexavalent Chromium Reduction 225
Inspection Equipment 338
Pretreatment 226
Inspection Personnel 340
Neutralization 227
Flocculation 230
Solids Management 234
15. Phosphate Coating Processes 345
Maintenance 241
Amorphous Phosphate Coatings on Aluminum Surfaces 347
11. Plating Bath Compositions and Operating Conditions 242 Process Cycles 350
Effects of Hydrogen 250 Discussion of Process Steps in Practical Procedures 353
Stripping and Salvaging of Defective Plated Items 251 Immersion Processes 358
Spray Processes, with Solution Recirculation 366
Design Features 376
Simplified and Specialized Processes 380
12. Thickness Tests 289
16. Chromate Conversion Coatings 382
Microscopic-Optical Methods 294
Metals Commonly Chromated 384
Double-Beam Interference Microscope, Interferometry 295
Control of Electroplating Solutions 388
Magnetic Method 300
Coatings for Conversion Coatings 389
Eddy Current 304
Mass per Unit Area 306
(v) (vi)

17 Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 392 Techniques for Uniform Metal Distribution Chemicals
Sulfuric Acid Anodizing 393 will exceed the costs associated with purchasing 452
Colouring 397 Choice of Finish and Process 454
Power Supply 399 Plating From Low Concentrated Solutions at
Coating Properties 403 Roam Temperatur 457
Chromic Acid Anodizing 406 23 Black Chrome Plating for Solar Energy Conversion 460
Processing Steps 407 Hull Cell Studies 461
Electrolyte Maintenance 411 Effect of Plating Time on Optical Properties 463
Deisgnation System for Anodic Coatings 412
Anodizing and Surface Conversion Treatments 24 Pickling of Metais 465
for Magnesium 415 Chemical and Electrolytic Pickling Compared 470
Pickling 417 Tin and Lead Additions 471
Tank Equipment for Cleaning Acid Pickling 419 Regeneration of Pickling Solutions 472
Anodizing Processes 424
25 Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 475
18. Electroplating Formulae of Various 425 Pickling of Cast Iron 477
Electroplating and Allied Chemicals 425 Pickling in Salt Baths 481
Electroplating not alluminium 428 Pickling of Copper and Copper Alloys 483
Gold Electroplating 430 Pickling of Copper Alloys 486
Iron Electroplating 431 Pickling of Aluminium 488
19. Principies of Electroplating 434 Acid or Cold Pickling 489
Polarisation 435 Pickling of Magnesium 491
Pickling of Silver 493
20. Properties of Electroplating 428 Pickling of Titanium 494
Conducting Salts 439
Plating Quality 441 26 Cadmium Plating 495

21. Electroplating or Coatings on Silver, Copper and leads 442 27 Cobalt Plating 497
Coating of Silver 443 28 Copper Plating 499
Alkaline Bath 445 Coppering by Simple Immersion 501
Plant and Machineries Details for Electroplating Baths Salts 446 Ba th Prepara tion 504
22. Conservation of Materiais and Energy in 29. Iron Plating 505
Electroplating Industries with Effluent Treatment 447
Regeneration and Recovery Techniques Applications 30 Nickel Plating 507
for Waste Water Treatment 449 3 Nickel fluoborate bath 508
(vii) (viii)

Precautions 510 Analysis of Deposit 582

Semi-Bright Nickel Plating 511 Corrosion Resistance of Deposits 583
Stabilisers 512 Applications for Electroless Nickel 587
Barrel Nickel Plating 514 Boron Nickel Alloys 593
Heavy Nickel Plating 516
Nickel Electroforming & Electrotyping 519 36 Electroforming 595
Mandrel Types and Materiais 597
31 Silver Plating 521
Mandrel Design and Fabrication 600
Application of silver Plating 521 Preparation of Mandrel Surfaces 601
32 Gold Electroplating 522 Electroforming Solutions and Deposit Properties 604
Control of Electroforming Processes 607
Stripping Gold 525 Machining and Final Finishing of the Electroform 612
Current-Density, 0.15 Ampere 526
Gold Baths for Hot Gilding 528 37. Industrial Anodising of Aluminium and its Alloys 615
Tanks for Gold Baths 530 lmpurities and Bath Control 617
For Gold-Plating in the Cold Bath the Process Is As Follows 531
Gold Thread 534 38. Environmental-Regulatory Restrictions, Response
Methods of Plating Stainless Steel 536 of Paint Industry and Eco-Friendly Coating 622
Enactment of Rule 66 on the Use of Organic Solvents 623
33 Nonelectrolytic Metal Coating Processes 539
Strategy of Paint Industry 627
Non-Catalytic Chemical Methods 539 Powder Coatings 630
Maintainence of Immersion and Contact Baths 544
Sensitizing for Chemical Reduction 547 39 Plating of Precious Metais 635
Silver Plating 636
34 Vapour-Phase Methods 548
Operating Conditions 638
Vacuum Evaporation 549 Materiais of Construction 639
Coating Properties 551 Maintenance and Control of Solutions 643
Sputtering 553
Range of Applicability 555 40. Control of Electroplating Solutions Using Hull
Apparatus Configuration 556 Cell Studies 646
Ion Plating 557 Hull Cell 647
Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) 560 Case Studies using Hull Cell 652
Apparatus Configuration 562 Current Efficiency Test 656
35 Catalytic Methods 565 41 Corrosion and their Preventive Measures and
Catalytic Chromium Plating 566 Pollution Control Consideration 658
Electroless Copper Plating 567 The Mechanism of Basic Corrosion 659
Reducing Agents 570 Protection of Intergranular Corrosion 665
The Operation of Electroless Copper Baths 572
Electroless Copper Treatment Sequence 574
Solution Formulations 578 4



4 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

interatomic spacings are identical in the substrate and deposit, the initial
atomic layers of an epitaxial deposit will be in a state of stress, having been
stretched or compressed from the interatomic spacing they would other-
wise assume. Dislocations can form at the interface to relieve these misfit
stresses and may subsequently influence the mechanical properties of the
CHAPTER 1 deposit and its corrosion resistance.
Few practical electroplating systems exhibit epitaxial growth to great
thickness. Those that do, such a acid-copper on copper, doso only in the
absence of additional agents and impurities. Both low temperatures and
BASIC METAL SURFACE high current densities limit the ability of depositing atoms to diffuse to
epitaxial growth sites on the surface, such conditions therefore favouring
a non-epitaxial growth mode. There are many systems where the initial
N ature of the Surface deposit layers are epitaxial, but subsequent growth is influenced by the
Atomically the surface differs from the bulk of metal. ln that surface presence of growth inhibiting species which are adsorbed at the surface
atoms have fewer nearest neighbours and can therefore be considered as during plating, blocking epitaxial growth sites. These species may result
being more active (energetic) than bulk atoms. The need for dose neighbours from deliberate additives (e.g., leveling agents), impurities or chemicals
can to some extent be satisfied by either chemical reaction e.g., to form formed by the electrode-position process itself (e.g., nickel hydroxide in
oxides--or by adsorption of foreign substances, such as gas molecules or Watts nickel). The adsorption of inhibiting species leads to growth twin
greases and soils, which generally are organics. These surface films may be formation and the ensuant development of non-epitaxial growth, often
held tenaciously, often making their removal difficult. having a fiber texture which is a function ofbath composition and plating
Metal surfaces under normal circumstances are not atomically smooth. conditions. Plating from Watts nickel onto copper is an example, as is pure
Crystal defects such as dislocations, twins and grain boundaries, emerging acid gold onto copper.
at the surface can give rise to steps and ledges that can be many atoms ln the presence of large quantities of growth inhibitors, it becomes
high. Surface treatments prior to electroplating can lead to further impossible for even the initially depositing atoms to follow the basis metal
enhancement of this surface roughness. Atoms in ledges and steps are even crystal structure. Under these conditions, epitaxial growth does not occur,
more energetic than those in a smooth surface and are sites of strong growth being determined solely by plating conditions and bath composition,
adsorption. Different crystal phases within the surface of alloys as well as often resulting in a fine-grained, randomly oriented deposit structure.
impurities and nonmetallic inclusions such as entrapped slag, create If the basis metal surface has been subjected to abrasion during a
additional surface in homogeneities. preparation procedure such as grinding or mechanical polishing, epitaxial
Deposit Growth Mode growth is generally not observed in plating systems that otherwise produce
such growth. This is due to severe distortion of the crystal structure in the
Consider a basis metal surface free of oxides or adsorbed films and
basis metal surface layer. Such a distorted layer can be removed by a
one that is not mechanically damaged from the surface preparation
chemical or electrochemical polishing procedure prior to plating. Similarly,
procedure. The first atoms to deposit on this surface would prefer to take
epitaxial growth is not seen if the crystal structure of the deposit and an
up positions that continue the substrate crystal structure. It is easier for this
underformed basis metal have a large mismatch in interatomic spacings
to occur if the two metals comprising the deposit and substrate have the
(generally greater than 12%).
sarne crystal structure and similar interatomic spacings-e.g., gold on silver,
nickel on copper. Growth is then said to the epitaxial and the deposit Adhesion
reproduces the crystallographic orientation of the substrate. Epitaxy can Adhesion is one of the most important considerations in electroplating,
also occur for a deposit/ substrate combination of different crystal structures, as without adequate adhesion the coating will generally not perform the
but one in which the atomic arrangement in a certain crystallographic task for which it was intended, such as impart corrosion protection or wear
direction in the deposit structure matches one in the substrate. Unless the resistance to a component.
Basic Metal Surface 5 6 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

One might expect that the best conditions to promote adhesion are removed by chemical or electrochemical means prior to plating if good
those that favour epitaxial deposition, particularly where the deposit and adhesion is desired.
basis metal have the sarne crystal structure and small atomic misfit. Atone Adhesion of electrodeposits to nonmetallic substrates almost always
time epitaxy was thought to be a prerequisite for good adhesion. ln reality, requires some mechanical keying of the deposit to a rough or porous
strong adhesion can also be obtained with a non-epitaxial deposit. One of surface. Pores may be created for example in plastics by conditioning in
the major factors influencing adhesion is the presence of surface chromic acid. The rela tive importance of mechanical keying compared to
contamination due to oxides or soils. Adhesion is thus very much chemical bonding of electrodeposits to plastic surfaces remains unresolved.
determined by the surface preparation techniques used by the electroplater.
It is desirable to remove all surface films during the preplating treatment
to obtain maximum adhesion. There are, however, cases-e.g., Watts Many of the factors which cause poor adhesion also produce porosity
nickel-on a copper basis, where good adhesion can still be achieved even in the electrodeposit. Areas of the basis surface that have soils remaining
though a thin (less than 1000 Á) oxide film remains. It is believed that the or contain non-conducting phases such as slag particles are not plated and
plating bath dissolves this thin residual copper oxide layer on immersion. pores are formed as the deposit bridges over them. Likewise, low hydrogen
Thicker oxides are not fully dissolved and lead to reduced adhesion. overvoltage phases produce hydrogen bubbles which may be occluded by
Basis metals such as nickel that develop a passive oxide layer under the growing deposit or create channels through the deposit as the bubbles
open circuit in the plating bath must be introduced directly after cleaning evolve from the surface. Aggressive mechanical treatment of the surface
with a cathodic potential already applied to prevent passivation. may produce fine surface cracks that are not plated, again leading to
Adhesion can be affected by mechanical damage to the basis metal. porosity. Some of these causes of porosity may be removed by treatments
Severe plastic deformation due to grinding or polishing can produce a prior to plating such as adequate degreasing, chemical or electropolishing.
relatively brittle surface layer which may crack and break away under the However, there is little that can be dane about non-conducting and low
influence of high internai stress in the subsequently applied electrodeposit hydrogen overvoltage phases except to avoid them where possible.
or an externally applied load to the plated component. Embrittlement of
the surface by abrasion may also result from a change in structure due to
overheating when grinding or polishing has been too aggressive. It is The basis metal effect on brightness is essentially that dueto surface
possible, particularly at elevated temperature, for alloying to occur at the topography. This topography is very much dependent on surface treatments.
interface between the deposit and basis metal. If this alloy phase is brittle, Surface roughness greater than the wavelength of visible light-i.e., about
cracking at the interface may occur under stress. Examples are copper 0.15 micrometers (6 microinches) causes diffuse scattering of light and a
plated on zinc and tin deposit on copper or steel. dull appearance. If such a surface is plated with a deposit which is thin, has
Certain basis metals may contain non-conducting or poorly conducting good microthrowing power and follows the basis metal surface without
phases. Where such phases are exposed on the surface, plating will not producing significant leveling, the deposit will also appear dull. At greater
occur, although coverage may be produced by bridging of the deposit from thickness, such a deposit will tend to exhibit increased brightness due to
neighboring areas that are conducting. The sarne effect is produced by geometric leveling. ln many plating baths, leveling additives are used
abrasive particles such as silicon carbide that become embedded in the which promote preferential deposition in valleys rather than on the hills of
surface during a polishing or grinding operation and are not subsequently the growing surface. Consequently, the surface roughness due to the basis
removed by electropolishing or etching. If the basis metal contains a phase surface is reduced. Often the growth structure (i.e., grain size and crystal
that has a low hydrogen overvoltage-e.g., graphite in cast-iron-such morphology) of the deposit itself is the major determinant of brightness at
areas evolve hydrogen rather than deposit metal. Again, bridging over the microscopic level. Deposit structure is often controlled by the plating
may produce a continuous deposit, but one containing areas with no bath composition and plating conditions rather than the basis metal surface.
adhesion. Stress
Another effect is seen when a soft second phase exists-e.g., lead in It was earlier mentioned that stresses could result from the atomic
leaded brass. Abrasion can produce a poorly adherent smeared layer of the mismatch between an epitaxial deposit and the basis metal surface. If the
soft phase across the basis metal surface. This smeared layer must be 3
Basic Metal Surface 7

interatomic spacing of the deposit is smaller than that of the basis metal,
the crystal structure of the initially depositing atoms will be stretched and
consequently be in a state of tensile stress. Compressive stress arises when CHAPTER 2
the deposit has a larger spacing than the basis metal. These stresses can be
significant in thin deposits, often leading to the formation of dislocations POLISHING, BRUSHING AND
which influence the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the
Stresses already present in the basis metal surface due, for example, BUFFING
to grinding, may become superimposed upon those that develop in the
deposit during the plating process to an extent that cracking or peeling of
the deposit occurs. Stresses can also develop between deposit and basis Polishing
metal dueto a difference in thermal expansion coefficient upon cooling ln the metal finishing industry, the abrading operation which follows
after plating at elevated temperature. grinding and precedes buffing is called polishing. The purpose of polishing
Stresses may be produced in the deposit and/ or basis metal by gases, is to remove a considerable amount of metal and to effect a preliminary
particularly hydrogen. ln some plating processes-e.g., nickel-hydrogen smoothing of the surface preparatory to more refined finishing proced ures.
is co-deposited. Diffusion of this hydrogen into the basis metal can leave As there is considerable resiliency in the media used for buffing, neither of
the deposit in a state of tensile stress and the basis metal in compression. these operations can be considered precision processes, as are grinding
The ease with which hydrogen can enter the basis metal depends on its and lapping. Buffing, which usually follows polishing, smooths the metal
crystal structure and surface condition. Diffusion through an etched surface
surface to improve its appearance but removes very little metal in
is many times faster than through a polished one. Any oxide film on the
comparison to the preceding operations.
basis metal will further red uce hydrogen diffusion. The extent of disloca tions
and grain boundaries in the basis metal has an influence, these being Polishing Wheels
considered preferred pa ths for diffusion. Polishing wheels are generally made of muslin, canvas, felt or leather.
Apart from co-deposition during plating, atomic hydrogen may be Variations in construction make available wheels of varying flexibility that
introduced into the basis metal during preplating treatment processes best suit the shape and surface condition of the individual object to be
such as acid pickling or cathodic cleaning. This hydrogen can collect as finished. The polishing wheels in widest use are made of woven cotton
molecules in voids and produce considerable internai pressures, leading to fabrics. The hardest wheel of this type is made of individual discs of
brittle cracking of the basis metal under relatively low stresses. Heat canvas cemented together and the softest is composed of discs of muslin
treatment is the only way to remove the entrapped hydrogen, but this cure sewn together. Between these extremes the most popular wheels are formed
may itself cause problems if it reduces desired properties such as from sewed sections of muslin discs glued or cemented together by
hardness. adhesives. For reasons of economy these sewed sections are often made of
balanced pieces of muslin rather than full discs of cloth. Cotton fabric
wheels as a class are the most commonly used medium for general all-
around polishing beca use of their versatility and their relatively moderate
Pressed felt wheels, available in densities from rock hard to extra soft,
are indicated where the face of the wheel must be kept true and be
absolutely uniform in density over its entire surface. The face of a felt
wheel can be easily shaped to fit irregular contoured articles. Because of
the higher initial cost the use of felt wheels is generally restricted to the
finer abrasive grit sizes.
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 9 10 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Leather-faced wooden wheels are popular for use on flat surfaces Over-heating or prolonged heating even at low temperatures quickly
where a minimum of flexibility is desired. Solid leather wheels of Walrus reduces glue strength. It is advisable to have the glue pot thermostatically
or Bull Neck leather are tough but resilient, with a springy open grain, controlled and to determine accurately the amount of glue necessary for a
hence are widely used for the fine polishing required in the cutlery and day's production in arder to minimize the time that the glue is kept in the
gun field. Wheels made of sheepskin discs are used where the need for melted condition. At the end of the day the glue pot and brush should be
greater flexibility and less density is indicated. Varying the construction of cleaned and sterilized so that bacteria do not remain to contaminate the
the sheepskin wheel will determine the degree of hardness. When a harder next day's batch.
wheel is necessary the discs are cemented together. A softer wheel is The size of the abrasive to be used and the strength of the dry glue
produced by hand stitching the discs together. will determine the proportion of glue to water. When the type of hide glue
Nearly all the materiais described which are assembled in disc form has been selected, the exact proportion of glue and water should be
for polishing wheels can be used in a different manner in the production decided upon for the size of abrasive to be used and this proportion should
of the so-called "compress" wheel. ln this type small pieces of leather or be rigidly maintained. The glue and water are measured by weight rather
woven fabric are attached endwise as segments to a rigid center section of than by volume or guess work. Although the exact proportion of glue to
steel or plastic so that the cloth edges are perpendicular to the side of the water will depend upon the type of glue selected. Table 1 will give
wheel. Accordingly, there are no seams following the direction of rotation; approximate proportions which will serve as a guide in determining the
hence more precise polishing can be dane than with any other type ofbuilt- final figures.
up wheel. Various degrees of flexibility are available for each type of Table 1: Proportion of Dry Glue to Water for Various Grit Sizes
material used, and with the lower-density woven fabric compress wheel in
particular, a degree of fine polishing can be obtained that cannot be Grit size Dry glue Water
of abrasive (wt. %) (wt. %)
duplicated with wheels of different construction.
Although no hard-and-fast rules can be made for the selection of 30 50 50
polishing wheels for any particular job, in general the more rigid wheels 36 45 55
are more frequently used for the coarser polishing operations requiring 46 40 60
60 35 65
rapid metal removal or where the surface is relatively regular and this 80 33 67
regularity of surface is to be maintained. The more flexible wheels are used 100 30 70
on irregular surfaces and for fine polishing where rapid removal of metal 150 25 75
is less important. 220 20 80

Adhesives Before setting up the wheel, it and the abrasive should be heated to
The adhesives commonly used for fastening the abrasive grains to approximately 120ºF to prevent chilling when applying the melted glue.
the surface of the polishing wheel are hide glue and silicate-base cements. The first or sizing coat should be applied to the clean surface of the
Glue, when used, should be high-grade material selected for melting polishing wheel by means of a bristle brush and allowed to dry before
point, jelly strength, viscosity and flexibility. It should be as free as possible putting on the heading coat that is to hold the abrasive. New wheels
from bacteria which will spoil the glue and decrease its strength. should be sized on both the face and sides. After the coating for the first
head is brushed on, the wheel should be rolled in the proper abrasive.
Covered, sterilized containers should be used to soak a one-day
When wheels are headed by hand the equipment consists of an
supply of flake or ground glue. Melted glue should never be made up for
abrasive trough to hold the grain and a round stick or piece of pipe to slip
more than one day's production because bacteria will be picked up from
into the arbor hole of the wheel. After the wheel is coated with the adhesive
the air. Ground glue is usually preferred to flake glue, since one hour of
the operator puts the round stick or pipe into the arbor hole and rolls the
soaking is generally sufficient. Soaked glue should be melted in a water-
wheel in the abrasive trough. Moderate pressure is sufficient, since the
jacketed glue pot (of copper or aluminum preferably) at 140º to lSOºF.
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 11 12 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

weight of the wheel itself will press the abrasive into the adhesive and elaborate preparation required for the proper and efficient use of hide
provide a uniform coating. ln larger plants, a wheel heading machine is glue. Polishing wheels set up with cement can stand higher temperatures,
generally used instead of the hand method. Such a machine consists of a both in drying and in use. They can be dried more rapidly and also stand
motor-driven pan containing the abrasive, a scraper to keep the grain a higher frictional heat caused by higher speeds and greater pressures.
level, and a live spindle which carries the wheel. This spindle is raised or Cements are particularly favoured for fast, tough, and coarse polishing,
lowered by means of a lever bringing the wheel in contact with the although they have been used successfully for some fine polishing
abrasive grain when wanted. operations. However, for fine work, where flexibility of head is desired,
After the wheel is dried in air for 1to2 hr, a second coating is applied most operators still prefer hide glue. Most silicate-base cements used in
in the sarne manner, if required. Separate brushes and separate glue pots polishing are proprietary mixtures and it is therefore best to follow the
should be used for each grit size to avoid contamination of wheels with manufacturer's recommendations in each case rather than to attempt here
abrasive grains of other sizes. After the final coating, the wheels should be to give general directions to cover all of them.
dried in a well-ventilated roam at about 80ºF with a relative humidity of
about 50%. The drying time should be 24 hr for each abrasive head
applied. After drying, the surface is broken up to provide resilience and Both natural abrasives such as emery and corundum and artificial
free cutting by hitting it with a round bar at about 45º to the axis of the abrasives such as aluminum oxide and silicon carbide are widely used for
polishing metals. The artificial abrasives are harder and more uniform
arbor hole from each side of the wheel so that an "X" pattern is finally
than the natural, and are therefore of greater importance in polishing. The
produced on the face of the wheel.
most widely used abrasive in polishing metals is an artificial aluminum
The wheel must now be balanced before it will be ready for use. If
oxide grain possessing high capillarity and with an etched surface so that
balancing tubes have been installed in the wheel by the manufacturer, it will be properly bonded by the adhesive. This material is hard, sharp,
balancing is easily dane by the insertion of lead wire in these tubes. An tough and fast-cutting; it is recommended for tough metals such as carbon
alternate method is to attach plates to the side of the wheel. However, steels, alloy steels, high-speeds steels, anealed malleable iron, wrought
unless a polishing wheel has a metal bushing to support the arbor hole, it iron, and certain bronzes. Artificial silicon carbide is harder than aluminum
will be extremely difficult to balance the wheel so that it will run true on oxide, fractures more easily when dull, and presents new sharp cutting
the spindle of the polishing lathe. edges; for this reason it is selected for cutting materiais which are of low
Before recoating a used polishing wheel the old head is removed, tensile strength, such as brass, aluminium and copper, and for hard brittle
preferably by means of an abrasive stick. ln many plants this is dane while substances, such as hard alloys, chilled iron, gray iron and cemented
the polishing wheel is on the lathe on which it is used. ln larger plants a carbide tool stock. Silicon carbide grain, however, is more difficult to bond
modem wheel dressing machine designed for this purpose is used instead. to the wheel by adhesives and its scope is therefore limited.
Such a machine has a motor-driven arbor to hold the wheel, with infeed Of the natural abrasives, Turkish emery was once the standard
and cross-feed slides for proper movement of the abrasive tool to ensure polishing grain. Emery is a natural compound of aluminium and iron
that the face of the wheel is trued up properly for reheading. oxide containing between 57 and 75% aluminum oxide. Because of the iron
Rotating the wheel on a pair of wet rolls will remove the glue and oxide, and edges of Turkish emery wear smooth rapidly which decreases
abrasive, but this method should be restricted to those wheels that are not the degree of cutting but at the sarne time makes this abrasive highly
harmed by water soaking. If the polishing wheel is lubricated, the grease desirable for certain fine polishing operations, particularly in the high
must be removed before reheading; it is sometimes necessary to use an grade cutlery field.
The Abrasive Grain Association standard grain sizes for the artificial
organic solvent, particularly if the fabric of the polishing wheel has been
abrasives are as follows:
exposed and has become grease-impregnated during use.
Silicate-base polishing wheel cements offer an attractive alternative Aluminum Oxide Abrasive
to glue. One big advantage of these cold cements is that they can be
applied at ordinary roam temperatures as received from the manufacturer, Screened Sizes: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 46, 54, 60, 70, 80,
without the need for special equipment and the careful precautions and 6 90, 100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 240.
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 13 14 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 2 : Table of Grain Selection Table 3 : Table of Grain Selection

(Naxos emery and Turkish emery) (Aluminum oxide unless otherwise specified

Parts Polishing Operation Parts Polishing Operation

First Second Third Fourth Fifth First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
Axes 46-60 70-90 120 150-180° Axes 46-60 70-90 120 150-180*
Aluminum, sand-cast 36-46 Aluminum, sand-cast 36-46
(Inside-bottom) (Inside-bottom)
Aluminum, sand-cast Aluminum, sand-cast 60-80 120-180 Buff
(Outside) 60-80 120-180 Buff (Outside)
Aluminum, die-cast 150* Buff Aluminum, die-cast 150* Buff
Aluminum, sheet 120* 180* Buff Aluminum, sheet 120* 180* Buff
Auto bumpers 60-90 120 150-180* 220* Auto bumpers 60-90 120 150-180* 220*
Auto headlights 180-220* Buff Auto headlights 180-220* Buff
Band saw steel 60-80 120-150 Automobile fenders and 90 120-150
Brass, sand-cast 60-80* 150-180* sheet stock for enameling
Brass, sheet 180-220* Buff 36-54 220*
Automotive hardware 90 120
Electric irons 80 120* 150* 180-240*
Band saw steel 60-80 120-150
Glass beveling 70-90 120-150 220 Pumice Rouge
Brass, sand-cast 60-80* 150-180* 220-3F*
Granite polishing 60-90 120-150 F 3F Buff tin oxide
Brass, sheet 180-220* Buff
Gray iron, pickled 80 120-150
120-150 Cutlery 80 120 Pumice Buff with compound
Gray iron, not pickled 70
46-60 100-120* Electric irons 60-80 120* 150* 180-240*
Hammer heads
Knives, table and steel Forks, hay 60-70 100-120
biades 80-90 120-150* 220F Buff Forks, spade 24
(special machines) Glass beveling 220 Pumice Rouge
Knives, table backs 46-60 SiC

Knives, machete, edges 46-60 Granite polishing 60-80 { 120-150 3F { Buff tin
face 80 120* SiC SiC SiC oxide
Lenses Gray iron, pickled 80 120-150
Lenses, prescription 60-80 180-220 Gray iron, not pickled 70 120-150

Lenses, telescope 60-80 180-220

Hammer heads
Hoes, first quality
70 100-120
flour flour Hoes, second quality 36-46
Locomotive side rods 36 60-70 120 Knives, table and steel 80-90 120-150* 220-F Buff
Monel metal, deep-drawn 120 150 180* Buff blades (special machines)
Monel metal, cast 80 120 150 150* Buff 46-60
Knives, table backs
Monel metal, full-finish sheet 180 180* 220* Buff
Knives, machete, edges 46-60
Plows 24-36 80 120-150 180-220*
face 80 120*
Plow shares
Plow disks
Shears, tinsmith
60 120-150 180
Lenses 60-80 180-220

Shovels, biades 30-46 120 Lenses, prescription {60-80 180-220 Optical Rouge
Shovels, straps 36-70 120 SiC flour
Stainless steel: (belt) Lenses, telescope 60-80 180-220 320 Optical Optical Rouge
Mirror finish 60-80 100-120* 150* 220-3F* Buff flour flour
Commercial finish 80 100* 120* 150* 60-70
Locomotive side rods 36 120
Wrenches 30-60 80-90 120*
Monel metal, deep-drawn120 150 180* Buff
*Denotes grease or oil wheel. Monel metal, cast 80 120 150 150* Buff
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 15 16 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Parts Polishing Operation

between the limits of 5000 to 8000 surface ft/min when glue is the adhesive
used (Table 4). At higher speeds glue tends to break down because of
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth overheating, although polishing wheels set up with cement can safely
operate up to 9000 surface ft/min. The lowest speeds are used for the soft
Monel metal, full-finish
sheet 180 180* 220* Buff
metals and the highest speeds are used for the hard steels. With too low a
Plows 24-36 80 120-150 180-220* speed the abrasing operation is slowed down and, in addition, there is a
Plow shares 36-46 tendency for the abrasive to be ripped out of the wheel. On certain metals
Plow disks 30-46 70-90 susceptible to undesirable physical changes because of overheating the
Shears, tinsmith 46 60 120-150 180
limiting factor is heat tolerance of the metal rather than the ability of the
Shovels, biades 36-46 120
Shovels, straps 36-60 adhesive to withstand heat.
120 (belt)
Table 4: Surface Speed of Polishing Wheel For Various Diameters
Stainless steel:
Mirror finish 60-80 100-120* 150* 220-3F* Buff
(ft./min to nearest 10 ft)
Commercial finish 80 100* 120* 150*
Speed of Diameter of Wheel
Tools, small handt (See note.)
Wrenches 30-46 80 120* Arbor
(RPM) 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18"
* Denotes grease or oil wheel.
t Small tool polishing operations are too numerous to enumerate in detail. Apply to any 800 420 840 1260 1680 2100 2510 2930 3350 3770
abrasive grain manufacturer for recommendations. 1000 520 1050 1570 2100 2620 3140 3670 4190 4710
1200 630 1260 1880 2510 3140 3770 4400 5030 5650
Unclassified Flours: F, 2F, 3F, 4F, XF. 1400 730 1470 2200 2930 3670 4400 5130 5860 6600
Classified Flours: 280, 320, 400, 500, 600. 1600 840 1680 2510 3350 4190 5030 5860 6700 7540
Silicon Carbide Abrasive 1800 940 1890 2830 3770 4710 5650 6600 7540 8480
2000 1050 2100 3140 4190 5240 6280 7330 8380 9420
Screened Sizes: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 46, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100,
2200 1150 2300 3450 4600 5760 6910 8060 9220 10370
120, 150, 180, 220, 240.
2400 1260 2510 3770 5030 6280 7540 8800 10060 11310
Unclassified Flours: F, 2F, 3F, 4F, XF. Classified Flours: 280, 320, 400, 2600 1360 2720 4080 5450 6800 8170 9530 10890 12250
500, 600. 2800 1470 2930 4400 5860 7330 8790 10260 11730 13190
Although it is seldom that two polishers will agree on the polishing 3000 1570 3140 4710 6280 7850 9430 11000 12570 14140
method for any given article. 3200 1680 3350 5020 6700 8380 10050 11730 13410 15080
Lubrication 3400 1780 3560 5340 7120 8900 10680 12430 14250 16020
3600 1880 3770 5050 7540 9430 11310 13200 15080 16960
Lubrication of the cutting face of a polishing wheel with oil or grease
is desirable in many cases to prevent gouging or tearing when a fine Abrasive Belts
polished surface is required. It is also used to minimize frictional heat
Endless belts coated with adhesives and abrasive grain by the user or
when polishing some of the softer metals, particularly aluminum. Although
applying a tallow-grease mixture in bar form to the rotating surface is the the belt manufacturer are used for numerous polishing operations instead
popular method of lubricating polishing wheels on hand lathes, liquid of conventional polishing wheels. Abrasive belts of cloth or paper precoated
lubricants sprayed onto the polishing wheels are used almost exclusively by the manufacturer are available in a full range of grit sizes and ready for
on automatic equipment. immediate use in polishing metals without the necessity for the maintenance
of a set-up roam. Cloth-backed belts are favored for polishing on all types
Speeds of metals, whether manual or automatic, while paper-backed belts are
Speeds for the efficient operation of polishing wheels generally fall used mostly for sanding wood. Provided the backing is not tom, these
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 17 18 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

belts can be reheaded several times by the user, or by companies offering essential, wet belt polishing is employed using abrasive belts bonded with
this service. Factory-coated belts are offered with the sarne fast-cutting a waterproof synthetic adhesive, applied under controlled factory conditions
abrasives found popular for conventional set-up wheels. These belts have and run over a contact wheel unaffected by water such as one that is
the abrasive bonded to the cloth surface with glue, resin or resin over glue rubber-covered.
and then are recoated with the bonding material-thus the name coated
Paste Wheels and Flexible Polishing
abrasives. The glue has the most resiliency, while the waterproof resin has
the least. The unslit belt is drawn over a sharp edge or run between a large ln the polishing coatings described above, whether the abrasive is
diameter rubber drum and a small diameter steel bar to decrease the coated as in the instance of the belt or uncoated as in the case of the set-up
stiffness. If this flexing is perpendicular to its length, it is called single wheel, the abrasive particle protrudes from the bonding surface. This is
flexed. If this flexing is at 45º to each side, then it is double flexed. If the highly desirable in many instances, particularly when fast cutting is
single and double flexing are combined, it is triple flexed. When these required. However, in a number of fine-polishing operations, it is more
flexings and bonding materiais are combined with the choice of the softer desirable to have a closed surface, which is obtained by having intimate
jean cloth (J designation) backing or the harder drill cloth (X designation) mixtures of the abrasive grain and the adhesive. Paste wheels, in which the
backing, the selection becomes quite varied, and something should be melted glue is thoroughly mixed with abrasive and the mixture then is
found to suit most needs. They have the advantage of providing an even, troweled onto the face of the polishing wheel in multiple coatings, have
controlled coating which will consistently give uniform, polished surfaces. long been used in the cutlery industry, particularly for "double header"
Metal surfaces are polished on abrasive belts running over two or polishing on steel knife blades. Silicate cements have also been used with
more wheels or rolls, proper tension being maintained to prevent slippage. abrasives for similar purposes.
One of the wheels or rolls is the driving roll and the others run free. One A special technique has been developed so that wheels of this type
of the wheels or rolls is the cushioned contact wheel against which the can be built up by frictional transfer of greaseless compound applied to the
metal surface being polished is held. polishing wheel as it revolves on the spindle of the polishing lathe. These
The field open to abrasive belt polishing has been greatly increased flexible polishing wheels are headed up by the following procedure: A
by the development of contact wheels with a wide variation in resiliency. glue-base sizing material in bar form is brought to the revolving wheel,
Compressed leather, compressed canvas, felt, bias-type buffs, rubber- pressure is applied and the power is shut off. During deceleration the
covered fiber, rubber-covered steel and solid urethane are being used heavy sizing coat is melted and flowed onto the surface of the wheel. The
successfully as contact wheels for belt polishing. The contact wheel should lathe is then turned on and off to start drying at lêss than full speed and is
provide the resiliency necessary to permit one to polish contoured surfaces finally run at full speed for about 2 min or until th~ sizing coat is no longer
without sacrificing production speed. sticky to the touch. A bar of a glue-base greaseless compound is then
Abrasive belts operate to best advantage on relatively flat surfaces applied in the sarne manner after the power is shut off. During deceleration
when the partis held against the periphery of the contact wheel and on the heavy coating of greaseless compound is melted and transferred to the
irregular convex surfaces when the slack of the belt is used. With concave wheel with sufficient frictional heat so that the layer of greaseless compound
and irregularly contoured surfaces requiring the softest possible cushion is firmly bonded to the sizing coat. This coating is dried in the sarne
to the polishing medium, conventional polishing wheels work to better manner as mentioned for the sizing coat and for approximately the sarne
advantage. Abrasive belts offer an enormous abrasive-coated area at all time. A second coating of greaseless compound can then be applied without
times, with cooler operation and less danger ofburning the work, especially additional sizing and heads can be built up to 3 in. thickness.
when the pressure is increased in an effort to speed up production. Also, ln the formation of flexible polishing wheels of this type it is essential
beca use of the greater abrasive surface on a belt, the individual grains do that the stop-and-start technique be followed closely, beca use if the lathe
not lose their sharp edges as rapidly. With polishing wheels the abrasive- were allowed to run at full speed and the compound were applied at the
coated area is smaller but much thicker and more economical on jobs necessary pressure, centrifugai force would throw off much of the material.
requiring removal of considerable metal. When extremely cool polishing is 9 During deceleration, however, the greaseless compound is flowed evenly
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 19 20 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

onto the face of the wheel. With this procedure, true polishing wheels 80 contour of the part is such that maximum flexibility is required. Brushing
grit and finer can be produced ready for use in less than 10 min without the with emery paste on Tampico brushes was once the standard procedure
necessity of ever removing the wheel from the spindle. between the final polishing operation and subsequent cut-down buffing.
When a cloth polishing wheel of proper resiliency is selected, flexible ln many cases this method has been replaced by flexible polishing with
polishing wheels can be made up with greaseless compound that have greaseless compounds because of the increased cleanliness possible.
many advantages over broken-down conventional polishing wheels which For final scratch brush finishing for an extremely dull effect, fine-
have long been used for fine-polishing operations. Such a wheel can be wire brushes ofbrass or nickel-silver wire are still employed, even though
promptly produced with the proper surface condition, and consequently an additional cleaning operation is required. This application is particularly
the wheel inventory can be reduced significantly. The technique in adaptable to parts having a thin electroplate, since it minimizes the danger
producing a flexible polishing wheel with greaseless compound is such of cutting through on sharp edges. For such work, the wire brush is
that much softer cloth wheels can be employed than can be used by the generally run wet and for dull finishes pumice and water are used. ln such
conventional polishing wheel set-up procedure; hence such wheels utilize cases speeds are very low, averaging around 1500 surface ft/min. ln the
the resiliency of the cloth to cushion the cutting action of the abrasive jewellery industry bristle brushes are used with buffing compositions to
grain. With the conventional polishing wheel, on the other hand, this effect produce effects similar to those produced by true buffing. They have the
can only be obtained by the use of excessive lubrication. Two complete advantages here of more readily getting into crevices and delicate designs
cleaning cycles, each with alkali cleaning, rinses, and acid clips, are and, in addition, minimize the danger of cutting through on exposed
frequently used with greased wheels. One complete cleaning cycle is safely edges.
being eliminated in many plants when flexible polishing with greaseless String wheels are sometimes referred to as string brushes. They are
compound is substituted for the final grease conventional polishing wheel made of soft cotton yarn, fastened to a hub, and used with greaseless
procedure. Flexible polishing wheels operate most efficiently at 5000 to compounds to produce wiped finishes varying from dull satin to bright
6000 surface ft/min. butler.
Cord wheels or brushes are similar to string wheels in construction
and use. Special cords, natural and synthetic, are fastened to hubs, forming
ln metal finishing there are a number of operations accomplished by a more dense brush than string and are generally used to produce coarser
brushing which cannot be placed correctly under either polishing or buffing. finishes. Brushing or buffing compounds must be used with nonmetallic
While abrasive compounds of one type or another are often applied to a brushes to achieve the desired finish.
rotating brush, such abrasives do not adhere to the surface of the brush as Except for those cases requiring the special properties of the brushes,
well as they do to a polishing or buffing wheel. Brushing compounds, the final finishing is generally accomplished by buffing methods, to reduce
when used, are back-transferred to the work and subsequently moved the cleaning problem, which is always a factor after brush finishing.
along when bristles or wires come in contact with them, and a surface
finish of a somewhat different type is produced. Fine finishing usually Buffing
requires the use of nonmetallic brushes, while coarser finishing may be Buffing can be divided into four classifications: (1) satin finishing for
dane with wire brushes. producing satin, brushed or butler finishes, (2) cut-down buffing for
Brushes of steel wire approximately 0.01 in. thick are used without producing a preliminary smoothness, (3) cut and colour buffing for
compositions for removing rust, scale, paint and other incrustations from producing smoothness and some lustur, and (4) colour buffing for the
metallic surfaces. Speeds vary from 4200 to 6500 surface ft / min, depending production of a high-gloss or mirrar finish.
on the brush construction and the finish required. Similar wire wheels, as
Buffing Wheels
well as Tampico brushes, have been used successfully with a special
grease-base emery paste for removing burrs and rounding edges when the The wheels most extensively used in buffing are made of muslin. ln
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 21 22 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

arder of decreasing density or rigidity buff construction may be sewed, The bias buffs are probably the work-horse in the buffing field. These
pocketed or folded, full-disc or packed, the latter being made up of alterna te are made with cloth that has been cut on a 45º bias, wrapped around a split
discs of large and small diameters. A softer wheel is the string brush which drum and squeezed into a steel clinch ring with an íris type device. This
has no cross threads common to sheeting. Although there is some creates puckered buffs where the thread ends are in a weaving pattern,
overlapping in the case of sewed buffs, in general, buffing wheels are which helps to cool the buff and hold composition. The density of these
much more flexible than those used in polishing. buffs depends upon the diameter of the split drum and the final diameter
The grades of muslin sheeting commonly used for buffing wheels are of the buff.
48 x 48, 64 x 68, 80 x 92 and 86 x 82. ln general, lower count sheeting is If greater flexibility is needed, the biased cloth is shirred and sewed,
preferred for colouring operations and the higher count sheeting is used and then clinched into a steel ring the sarne as the bias type buffs. This
for heavy cut-down buffing and wherever a hard surface wheel is results in flexible buffs with the no streaking properties of the bias type
required. A cloth with medium count such as 80 x 92 is a popular all- buffs, referred to as open-face buffs.
around buffing material. Although buffs made with other than cotton or Loose buffs are employed where greater flexibility and less cutting
sisal have always failed, a muslin type fabric made with a blend of polyester are required, such as in final colouring operations. When greater flexibility
and cotton has proven to be effective in a bias-type buff for cut-down on is needed in special cases, such as in the production of fine satin finishes
non-ferrous metals. on sheet metal parts, discs of sheeting are packed or separated by smaller
For fast cut-down buffing sewed buffs are commonly used. Full-disc discs of cloth or cardboard, the ratio of large discs to small discs will
sections of cloth are sewed spirally, concentrically, radially, square stitched determine the degree of flexibility. The string brush is also used for this
or in a crescent pattern from the center to the edge. ln general, the closer type of work.
the rows of sewing the denser is the buff. Spiral sewing is the most ln addition to muslin, buffs made of canton and domet flannel, felt,
common type and is used almost exclusively on pieced buffs and on most wool cloth or sheepskin discs are used for the final coloring of precious
of the sewed full-disc buffs, although other types of sewing show distinct metals. For fast cut-down buffing, particularly on ferrous metals of regular
advantages in many cases. shape, buffing sections made of muslin and sisal, as well as all sisal, have
Pocketed or folded buffs are widely used where fast cutting is wanted high cutting properties when used with coarse, greasy compositions. The
with a greater degree of flexibility. These buffs are made by sewing folded scratches left by these sisal buffs are usually taken out with the sarne
pieces of cloth together with the pockets open at the periphery, or by taking compositions on all cotton muslin buffs.
long strips of cloth, which are shirred in on one end and sewed to a hard Flap polishing and buffing wheels, where hinged segments of
center causing folds to form radially toward the periphery. Quite often polishing belts, sisal, cloth or combinations of these are mounted around
these strips of cloth are cut on the bias which minimizes unravelling a hub with the ends of these segments perpendicular to the side of the
during use. ln some cases a perforated metal center is used, so designed wheel, combine flexibility and aggressiveness. Even the polishing belt
that in operation air will enter near the arbor and be thrown by centrifugai types can be used in conjunction with buffing compositions to increase
force through the folds of the buff, thus giving additional ventilation to the wheel life and change the cutting effect.
surface. The pockets on buffs of this type and those with radial or crescent A non-woven sponge like fabric, incorporating aluminum oxide,
sewing tend to collect and hold buffing compositions increasing the silicon carbide or garnet abrasives in it, is used to make bias, full disc, flap
efficiency of tough cutdown buffing operations. and solids type buffs. The effect is similar to greaseless compositions,
Finger buffs also are used where a great deal of flexing is necessary. although it does more scouring than surface removal. These buffs are used
These buffs are made from folded strips of cloth which are sewed along for deburring and for brushed finishes.
their length. Segments are cut, folded in half and secured in a steel
Compositions in Bar Form
clinch ring.
Satin finishing operations are performed by means of greaseless
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 23 24 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

compounds combining fast-cutting abrasives with a glue-base binder. Grease-base buffing bars for cut-down buffing are composed of fast-
Numerous grades are available, employing abrasives 80 and finer, for cutting buffing powders in a binder formulated to produce a great amount
varying degrees of dullness of finish on all base metals and electrodeposits. of "drag" between the buffing wheel and the work. The proportion of
ln the most popular all-around grades, artificial aluminum oxide and powder to bind will vary with the oil sorption of the buffing powder, the
sílicon carbide abrasives are used in grit sizes from 180 to 220. Sílicon type of work, and the particular conditions under which the work must be
carbide grades are widely used for finishing aluminum, cast brass, stainless dane. Final decision can be made only after an examination of the job in
steel and titanium, and the aluminum oxide grades are favoured for brass question.
and other nonferrous metals, as well as for carbon steel prior to plating. For The buffing powders to be used in cut-down buffing vary with the
the best effects on brass and electrodeposits, finer sizes of emery and hard metal being buffed. Once-ground rase Tripoli is the most popular buffing
sílica are employed. For butler finishes on silver plate and sterling, fine powder for compositions for cutting down non-ferrous metals. It is relatively
buffing powders of unfused aluminum oxide and soft sílica are used. inexpensive and performs very efficiently. Fused and unfused aluminum
Bright butler finishes on silver that approach the lustre produced by oxide powders are most widely used in compositions for cut-down buffing
grease-base colouring bars can be obtained with extremely fine greaseless of carbon and stainless steels and to a lesser degree are indicated for some
compositions made with a specially lubricated binder. of the aluminum alloys, particularly for cast, extruded, and rolled shapes.
Greaseless compounds are used at speeds of between 4000 and 6000 Cut-and-colour buffing is a step which is often passed over, but in
surface ft/min. Higher speeds waste the composition without a other cases is used alone in place of the faster cut-down and the higher
proportionate increase in production rate. Greaseless compositions do not colouring operations. ln general, a binder is selected of the sarne general
penetrate into the buff, as do grease-base compositions, but adhere to the type as above but with less drag, since fast cut is not the prime requisite.
surface, which favours buff life. The buff should be allowed to run for 20 Abrasive powders are selected which will give some brilliance with
to 30 sec after a greaseless compound has been applied before the work is modera te cut, sacrificing both cutting properties and coloring properties to
brought to a wheel, so that there will be no back-transfer of the compound. produce a general-purpose composition. For the nonferrous metals cut-
When the greaseless compound wheel is used correctly the work will leave and-colour compositions employ white sílica powders or a blend of these
the wheel clean, dry, and in proper condition for inspection and packing. powders with Tripoli. Similarly, for the ferrous metals, coarse unfused
Certain metals, such as aluminum, are susceptible to dragging by dry aluminum oxide powders are used for a combination of these with some
abrading, but a light top dressing of a low free-grease content buffing bar fused aluminum oxide powder. Crocus bars made of a coarse grade red
will sufficiently lubricate the surface and produce an even finish. ln this iron oxide powder are used in some cases for cut-and-colour buffing on
case care should be taken so that the lubricant does not penetrate the layer certain nonferrous articles, as well as on some steel cutlery.
of greaseless compound, saturate the cloth, and prevent the proper Compositions for producing a colour, lustre, or mirrar finish on
adherence of subsequent additions of greaseless compound. The necessary metals are composed of the finest abrasives selected with special attention
lubrication can also be obtained in certain cases by the use of a bar of to their cutting properties, so that a minimum of scratches will appear in
greaseless composition employing a special binder with sufficient the final finish. As fast cutting is not required in this operation, binders are
lubricating properties, so that top dressing becomes unnecessary. formulated mainly to hold the selected abrasive powder to the wheel
A great variety of fats and waxes of animal, vegetable, and mineral without building a buffing head so that removed particles are not embedded
origin are used in binders for grease-base buffing compositions. The more in the buff surface to cause unwanted scratches. The result enables the
wheel to calor or burnish out the scratch marks left by previous buffing.
commonly used include stearic acid, hydrogenated fatty acids, tallow,
Powdered lime is used in compositions for colouring nickel plate and to a
hydrogenated glycerides, and petrolatum. Under the conditions of
somewhat lesser degree for the colouring ofbrass. Fine unfused aluminum
buffing, the fatty acids appear to have a chemical effect in the formation of
oxide powders are used in colouring nickel, chromium plate, stainless steel
metallic stearates which is beneficial, in addition to their physical and, on occasion, aluminum and brass. Soft white sílica powders of finer
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 25 26 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

sizes are generally used in compositions for colouring brass and aluminum. Spray Buffing Compositions
Compositions containing fine chromium oxide powder are used for Liquid-spray compositions use the sarne type of abrasive powders
colouring chromium and stainless steel. Rouge, compounded of the finest used in the bars, but the big difference lies in the binder. Instead of using
red iron oxide powder; is widely used in colouring bars for silver and gold fats, greases, waxes, and such combinations that set up solid at roam
because it has the proper burnishing qualities to bring the soft, precious temperatures, similar materiais are used in oil solutions or water emulsions
metals to the required high lustre. so that the binder and the resulting spray compositions are fluid at ordinary
Although the speeds for buffing with grease-base bars will vary temperatures. These mixtures are fed either by gravity or pressure to a
greatly from job to job and operator to operator, the data in table 5 on spray gun similar to that used in organic spray finishing, and then sprayed
surface ft/min will serve as a guide for hand buffing operations are given by means of compressed air onto the revolving buffing wheel. Automatic
below. Automatic buffing speeds may be somewhat higher, as the contact spray guns are used in the majority of installations on rotary indexing,
pressure of the work to the wheel can be more definitely fixed without continuous, straight line, and other automatic buffing machines. Where
depending upon the physical ability of the hand buffer to maintain the buffing machines require hand application of buffing compounds, spray
proper position and pressure. buffing application may be performed with a manual spray gun.
The speeds shows in Table 5 for various metals are those suggested With automatic low-pressure spray gun installations, if narrow buffing
for manual buffing and those automatic buffing systems where the wheel wheels not exceeding 9 in. wide are used, one automatic spray gun will
follows the shape of the surface of the parts-sometimes called contour give sufficient coverage of the buff with proper fluid and fan spray control.
buffing. Much lower speeds are needed for automatic equipment designed Wider-faced buffs will require the use of multiple gun installations or use
for "mush buffing". ln this case, the buffing operation runs much slower of a spray gun moving mechanism.
to cut down centrifugai force so that the surface of the cloth can be pushed Spray guns are usually mounted in convenient positions near the
into the irregularities in the surface of the parts being buffed. Contact of buffing wheels so that they will not interfere with the operator or the work
the face of the buff with all sections of the surface of the metal part is of being buffed, and to permit efficient operation of the guns.
prime importance even at the expense of efficiency of the buffing operation. An important factor to consider in proper positioning and operation
With the diminished frictional heat, variations in the composition formula of the spray guns is the effect of the revolving "blanket" of air generated
can recover some of the lost efficiency caused by the subnormal speed. To by the rotating buff and its effect on efficient coating of the buff with the
repeat, speeds are set to insure contact of buff to all of the surface to be liquid buffing compounds. The counteracting force of air varies with
buffed with little or no regard for the most efficient speed for the metal different types of buffs and with their speed. This must be considered in
involved. determining the proper angle of spray, fluid and atomizing pressures,
Table 5 : Approximate Surface Speeds for Hand-Buffing to penetrate this "blanket" of revolving air with the liquid buffing
Various Materiais composition.
The low-pressure liquid buffing compositions range from 20,000 to
Material Surface speeds (jt./min)
50,000 centipoises and tend to seek their own level. Liquid compositions
Cutting Colour
down buffing
thicker than these are used in airless, high-pressure systems. The pump for
these thick compositions sucks the composition from the top of the drum.
Carbon and stainless steel 8000-9000 7000-9000
This makes it necessary for the plate containing the pump and the hose
Brass 6000-9000 6000-9000
gaskets around the plate to fit tight inside the drum. A small pressure on
Nickel 6000-9000 6000-8000
Aluminum 6000-9000 6000-7000
the plate ensures that the pump sucks up the composition instead of air.
Zinc and other soft metals 5000-8000 6000-7000 The composition is pushed around the system at pressures ranging from
Chromium 7000-8000 600 to 3000 psi.
Plastics 3000-5500 3000-5500 The airless eliptical spray gun orifice fans the composition out so that
it can cover quite uniformly a buffing wheel 24 to 30 in. wide. The
13 composition is propelled at the revolving buffing wheel at high speeds,
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 27 28 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

enabling it to go through the revolving air barrier and penetrate the top 4. Production is increased due to less down time than would be
inch ofbuff surface with little orno loss. This means more of the composition required for changing of used or broken bars.
is put to work with less buff wear and more reproducible buffing results. 5. There are savings in compound consumption. All the spray buffing
Only the softer abrasives, such as Tripoli, can be used in this system since composition brought to the lathe can be used; there are no
the harsh abrasives quickly reduce the eliptical shape of the spray gun unusable nubbins left over.
orifice and the width of the fan pattern. Operators should not clean or 6. ln the conventional buffing procedures using high pressures of
adjust guns when there is a possibility that the spray gun can discharge the work to the wheel, a deficiency of composition on the buff
composition which can penetrate the skin and cause complications. has often resulted in such frictional heat that the muslin buff
Compressed air, controlled by a pressure regulator, is supplied to catches fire. The spray method eliminates this hazard by keeping
actuate the spray guns. Automatic machines employ cam-operated or the buff properly coated at all times. However, a spray buffing
electrically operated timer air valves. ln some cases knee or foot valves composition must be selected which does not constitute a fire
control the supply of air. The airless system, because it requires small hazard, as is the case when it is composed of volatile, combustible
increments of time, necessitates fast, electronic timers. fluids.
The principal advantages of the liquid spray buffing method are as Recognizing the numerous advantages of this method, the finishing
follows: industry has accepted the spray finishing method as a standard procedure
1. Optimum quantity of composition is always maintained on the for high production buffing.
buff, the composition being supplied regularly rather than
intermittently. For practical purposes, automatic bar compound Deburring
application or manual bar application invariably results in an Deburring, unlike some of the other terms listed herein, does not
excess of compound being applied to the buffing wheel. Where refer to an individual procedure, but rather to any finishing method which
very wide buffs are used, bar compound application becomes can remove burrs and break sharp edges. Hand filing, polishing, flexible
cumbersome and uneconomical in some cases. ln bar compound polishing, satin finishing, brushing, and tumbling, properly used, become
application insufficient amounts of compound are present for the deburring operations.
last piece buffed before another application of the bar. Using the For decorative products, such smoothing of edges is usually a
spray buffing method the desired amount of composition is consequence of the polishing and buffing operations necessary to achieve
administered for each piece buffed. an attractive, saleable finish. When functional parts are deburred, this is
2. With a deficiency of composition and the natural abrasion of the usually the final mechanical finish.
bar against the wheel the cloth is worn excessively. Spray buffing Although burrs can be removed by hand-methods, such as filing, the
compositions, eliminating this deficiency of bar compound labour cost is usually so high that mechanical means are preferred in most
application, eliminate unnecessary buff wear. Buffs have been cases. Where only restricted areas can be touched, set-up polishing wheels
made to last four or five times longer. and muslin buffs coated with a greaseless compound are the ideal mediums.
3. Solid buffing dirt is packed into the crevices of the work when an These methods are described in some detail above under the headings
excess of buffing composition is present. The serious cleaning Polishing Wheels and Flexible Polishing and la ter under Satin Finishing in
problem presented by this dirt is well known. The use of spray the section on Compositions in Bar Form. The method for any one job will
buffing method helps cleaning in two ways. First, there need be be determined by the regularity of the edge and the amount of metal that
no excess of composition since spraying the compounds allows must be removed. Where edges are straight and the burrs heavy, rigid set-
better control of application, i.e., normally one applies less up wheels are indicated. Where the contours are irregular and the burrs
compound per application but applications are more frequent. not excessive, sewed, loose, or packed muslin buffs coated with a fast-
Secondly, by their very nature liquid compounds are easier to cutting grade of greaseless compound work more efficiently. Where
clean. This is particularly true of water emulsions. ln many cases maximum flexibility is required, a string brush with greaseless compound
costly cleaning equipment and compounds have been eliminated. or a Tampico brush with emery paste is used.
Polishing, Brushing and Buffing 29 30 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Buffing and Polishing Equipment Other objects lend themselves to finishing on a table passing back
Basic equipment for buffing and polishing must include a spindle to and forth under wide-faced buffing or polishing rolls. With certain parts,
which the buffing or polishing wheel can be fastened securely in such a such as knife blades, flatware and metal sheets, the work, properly fastened
position that it can make contact with the surface of the metal being at one edge, can be passed between two rolls so that both sides can be
finished. A source of power must be available which will rotate the wheel finished at one time. ln common with the semiautomatic attachments
at the proper speed for the operation in question in spite of the friction previously mentioned, only one finishing operation can be performed ata
between the wheel and the work. time.
Manually operated buffing lathes generally consist of a double-ended Regular round stock such as bar and tubing can be finished
spindle running between suitable bearings and belt-driven by means of an automatically on machines employing the centerless grinding principie. At
electric motor usually mounted in the base of the pedestal holding the each station from the coarse to the fine, rods or tubes are passed between
spindle. The advantage of the belt-driven lathe is that by the use of pulleys a driving roll and a cutting wheel, the angles of which are so set that the
of the proper size any arbor speed can be selected, either higher or lower work progresses from one station to the next propelled by the forces of the
than the speed of the driving motor. Variable-speed drives can also be used revolving wheel. Set-up polishing wheels or abrasive belts running over
between the motor and the spindle which allow the arbor speeds to be contact wheels are used for the coarse work and buffing wheels with
changed quickly when shifting from one job to another. There are also considerable rigidity are found at the buffing or colouring end of the series
manual buffing lathes with a direct-driven spindle, but these are restricted of operations.
to the single speed of the motor. The decision to install automatic polishing and buffing equipment
For abrasive belt operations, a backstand with an idler pulley is used depends upon a number of factors, the most important of which is whether
with the manual buffing lathe on which is mounted the contact wheel the shape of the article is such that it can be handled on an automatic
which drives the belt. Backstand equipment is designed so that the operator machine. If the part is round, hexagonal or square, it can generally be
can readily regulate belt tension and control the tracking of the belt. handled satisfactorily. An automatic machine can produce uniform surface
Semiautomatic attachments are available for use with manual buffing finishes consistently and such uniformity is difficult, if not impossible, to
lathes. Such devices provide fixtures or work-holders which carry the maintain manually. If this uniformity of finish is of sufficient importance
parts to the buffing or polishing wheel in a uniform manner eliminating the automatic machine may well be installed for this reasons alone. The
the natural variation inherent in the manual holding of the work. Such obvious factor to the considered next is the volume of work to be polished
semiautomatic devices carry the parts through only one step of the finishing or buffed. If it is great enough, even though the required quality can be
operations and not progressively from one wheel to another. produced manually, it then becomes economically sound to make the
Automatic buffing or polishing machines consist of chucks or work- capital investment necessary for automatic machines. When the uniformity
holders fastened to a rotary table ora straight-line conveyor which carries of finish is paramount the quality to be produced is secondary.
the parts to each of a series of polishing or buffing wheels arranged in the
proper arder and mounted in the proper position so that all required
surfaces of the article to be finished are abraded. With round objects the
spindles rotate as they pass under or in front of the wheels; in some cases
they progress continuously and in others of the indexing type, they halt for
a predetermined period in contact with each wheel. With other objects of
more angular design the work-holders can be made to give a partial turn
as they are brought to each new station so that a different surface can be
abraded as each step on the automatic machine. Such mechanisms can be
extremely complex and, of course, are designed especially for the particular
article to be finished. Another approach to finishing these difficult to buff
parts is to mush buff them with long buffs at slow speeds. 15
32 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The mass finishing processes are used for both decorative and
functional finishing applications and have the following capabilities:
CHAPTER 3 1. Deburring
2. Edge and comer rdiusing
MASS FINISHING METHODS 3. Surface improvement
4. Cleaning
5. Derusting and descaling
The processes available for deburring and surface conditioning are: 6. Surface texturing.
1. Manual
The basic advantages of the mass finishing processes are:
2. Mass finishing
3. Buff, brush and polish 1. Low cost
4. Thermal energy 2. Absolute consistency from part to part
5. Abrasive flow 3. Basic consistency from batch to batch
6. Abrasive blast and non-abrasive blasting 4. The capability of handling all metals and many nonmetals
7. Chemical 5. The capability of handling most sizes and shapes of parts
8. Electrochemical. 6. Broad process capability.
The mass finishing processes comprise a group of deburring, edge The limitations of mass finishing processes are that :
and surface finishing techniques. When considering the best means of 1. During normal processing, action will be effective on all surfaces,
improving the mechanical edge and surface condition of any product, the edges and corners of parts exposed to media. It is not normally
mass finishing processes should normally be the first to be considered, possible to give preferential treatment to one area compared with
being intrinsically low cost, versatile and mechanized. another.
By definition, the mass finishing processes are those where 2. Action will be greater on corners than on similarly exposed
components to be finished are placed into a container with some form of edges, and will be more on edges than similarly exposed surfaces.
medium, and motion of the container is provided to cause the medium to 3. Action in holes and recesses is significantly less than on exposed
rub against components (and perhaps for parts to rub against one another), areas.
hence producing the edge and surface refinement. Most generally parts are 4. Some of the mass finishing processes are very slow, resulting in
loaded loosely into the container, but fixturing or individual substantial work-in-progress and inventory.
compartmenting of parts can be used. 5. Process techniques have to be finalized on a trial and errar basis.
The mass finishing processes include: This limitation, of course, applies to other mechanical finishing
1. Tumbling barreis methods.
2. Vibratory finishing machines This article outlines the advantages and limitations of the principal
A. Tub vibrators mass finishing processes available today, discusses the media and
B. Bowl vibrators compounds used in those processes and offers some guidelines for selection
3. Spindle finishing machines (not always considered mass finishing and use of the equipment and materiais.
equipment) Tumbling Barreis
4. Centrifugai barrel machines
The original mass finishing process was barrel tumbling. Barrel
5. Centrifugai disc machines
tumbling, which is one of the earliest mechanized manufacturing
6. Reciprocai finishing machines.
16 techniques, was used many centuries ago to achieve smooth finishes on
Mass Finishing Methods 33 34 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

jewellery and weapons. cycle, and then reverses for parts and media to be fed out through the scroll
The barrel tumbling process comprises a container, the barrel, which onto a screener. With the oblique barrel, abrasive compound may be rinsed
is loaded with components to be deburred and finished together with out and finishing compound added during the process cycle. Perforated
media and most generally water and some form of compound. The container horizontal barreis may be used to achieve this sarne capability by immersing
is rotated to cause parts and media to rub against one another as they the barreis into tanks of suitable mixtures of abrasives and cleaning
tumble down the slope so formed by the action. compounds.
Barrel tumbling equipment is low cost, quite versatile and easy to Barrel tumbling equipment is low in initial investment and low in
use, and it still has many applications within industry. Because the more maintenance cost. Results of this fairly versatile process are consistent and
modem mass finishing processes are faster and frequently better, tumbling operation is simple. However, barrel tumbling is time consuming and
should no longer be the first mass finishing process to consider. space consuming, requiring high levels of inventory and work-in-progress.
There are two types of conventional barreis, the horizontal and the More modem mass finishing processes offer faster and better means of
oblique. ln the oblique barrel, parts can be inspected during the process; achieving the results desired.
water and compound additions can be made while the machine is in
operation. For reloading, the barrel can be titled to allow the work to flow Vibratory Finishing Equipment
out from the open end. The horizontal barrel is faster and more versatile; Vibratory deburring and surface finishing is the standard mechanical
there is less possibility of parts and media migrating away from one finishing technique used by the metal working industry. The first vibratory
another during the process. finishing machines were introduced in 1957, and there are more than
13,000 machines in operation in the U.S.A. today.
Process Two basic benefits of vibratory finishing are simplicity and low cost.
The typical operation is to load barreis approximately 60% full with The process is readily automated, and is suited for handling virtually any
a mixture of parts and media (30 to 40% full for oblique barreis). Higher size component. Once optimum process parameters are established, quality
loading slows down the action; lower loading wastes space and energy. and cost control are easily maintained.
For most applications, water is added to cover the load. lncreasing water Vibratory finishing machines are almost invariably open-topped so
level provides gentler action, but slows down the process. Reduced water that the parts are readily accessible for easy checking and inspection.
level increases action, but reduces cleanliness and consistency of result. Addition of compound can be made during the process.
The compound is normally added as a means of increasing the abrading or
Vibratory Machines
the polishing action while keeping the load clean, and inhibiting corrosion.
The finishing action within the tumbling barrel results from parts Vibratory finishing machines consist of a container mounted on springs
and media sliding down the slope formed by barrel rotation (hence rubbing which is vibrated. The entire load of parts an media within the container
is in motion, resulting in much faster action than that achieved in tumbling
against each other). Useful work is being dane only during the time the
barreis. There are two basic types of vibratory equipment, the tub type and
components are sliding down the surface of that slope; hence the action is
the bowl type.
very slow. Speed of rotation of the barrel depends upon quality of surface
and edge finish required; fifty surface feet per minute is considered very Tub Type Vibrators
gentle, suitable for delicate parts, while 250 surface feet per minute is A tub type machine has a rectangular tub with either a "U" shaped
about maximum. Anything above this results in heavy water falling and or "inverted keyhole" shape cross-section. The vibratory motion is created
impingement. either by a vibratory motor attached to the tub bottom with its shaft
There are a number of modifications to the basic tumbling barreis for running along the tub, or by one or two shafts mounted eccentrically and
special applications, and to somewhat automate the process. Fitting a driven by a motor. Tub type equipment can handle parts of over 100-ft
scroll into one end of a horizontal tumbling barrel enables it to be length, and up to 5-ft cross-section. Long tub vibrators are readily automated
automatically reloaded. The drum rotates in one direction for the processing by loading at one end and unloading at the other. ln general, tub type
Mass Finishing Methods 35 36 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

vibrators are considered the more versatile design with faster process action, but on some styles there is a tendency for parts and media to
capa bili ty. migrate away from one another. This increases the likelihood of part on
part impingement. With the donut style machine, this separation of parts
Round Bowl Machines
from media does not happen.
Round style or "donut" vibrators have toroidal shaped containers The basic action of vibratory machines is a fast rubbing and tapping
positioned horizontally with the vibratory motor or vibratory shaft action of short amplitude. This precludes the ability of such equipment to
positioned vertically at the center of the bowl. Parts and media move handle very fragile parts or parts requiring very fine surface finishes. As
around the container as they are vibrated against one another. There are a with all mass finishing equipment, action is greater on edges and protrusions
number of configurations of such machines where the base of the toroid than on basic surfaces and recesses. Vibratory equipment is now the most
might be stepped and it is possible to insert a dam into the bowl enabling common and general purpose mass finishing technique in use within
the parts and media to be lifted out across a screen. With such an ind ustry today. When considering mechanized mechanical finishing
arrangement, the bowl type vibrator is lower cost and simpler for requirements, vibratory machines should be considered first.
applications where such separation is effective. Bowl vibrators cannot
handle parts as large as those that can be processed in tub machines, and Vibratory Process Methods
they are somewhat slower in action. However, for applications where they As with conventional tumbling barreis, the standard means of
are suited, they are of lower cost, more convenient and require less space. deburring and finishing components is to load them into the vibratory
For these reasons, the bowl vibrator should be the first style of machine to container together with media, compound and water. There are some
be considered for any application. If frequent changes of media are required, occasions when it is possible to finish components without the use of
it is important to maintain dose size classification of media; if the integral media. There are some components where it is necessary to place the parts
separation unit is not fully effective, then tub type machines may be in individual containers within the machine, or to fixture them.
required. For normal processing, the ratio of parts to media for typical
applications can be along the following basis:
Vibratory Operation
The process conditions for vibratory equipment are similar to those Ratio by Volume Typical Application
for conventional tumbling barreis. Media are selected to be sufficiently
0:1 No media. Part on part action. Used for
aggressive to remove burrs and radius corners and edges while leaving a
beating off burrs. Only suitable for small
sufficiently smooth surface finish. Ultimately, selection of the type of
regular shaped parts.
media, their size and shape are on a trial and errar basis. Water level can
1:1 Equal volumes of media and parts. Crude
have a radical effect: too much water dampens the action; too little will
operation for forgings and sand castings,
result in a dirty finish, or perhaps glazing of the media, and hence give
applications where no precision needed
inconsistent results. With vibratory equipment, it is desirable to have
and rough surfaces are acceptable.
continuous flow-through of water and compound to maintain complete
2:1 Still severe impingement as a result of
consistency. Compounds are used in the sarne way as for tumbling barreis;
part on part action, but able to achieve
to enhance the abrasive action, improve surface colour, inhibit corrosion
adequate results on fairly hard metals.
and, of course, maintain cleanliness of the load during processing. Other
3:1 Minimum ratio for any reasonable
basic process variables may be amplitude of vibration and frequency of
application on nonferrous parts, but
vibration, the shape and size of container and, of course, parts and media
significant part on part impingement.
Fairly good surface finishes can be
Vibratory equipment offers a convenient and faster means of deburring
achieved at this ratio on hard parts.
and surface finishing components than does tumbling barreis. Larger
4:1 Average ratio for deburring nonferrous
components can be effectively handled and more action can be achieved in
parts, good for ferrous.
recesses. The tub type vibratory machine generally has more vigorous 18
Mass Finishing Methods 37 38 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

5:1 Good results on nonferrous mid-sized and deburred in vibratory equipment. Large die castings such as
components with little part on part tractor engine components are deburred with 15-min process
impingement action. cycles in automated continuous flow tub type vibratory
6:1 Good preplate finishes can be obtained machinery.
on zinc based die castings. 5. Gears and sprockets of most materiais and types are suited to
8:1 High quality preplate finishes. deburring in vibratory equipment. For batch production of a
10:1 or more Larger, irregularly shaped parts where limited variety of gears, bowl vibrators may be best. For large
fine finishes are needed. quantities of a multiplicity of different types of gears, automated
tub equipment with ability to select from a number of different
types of media offers considerable versatility.
Some Typical Applications for Various Types of Vibratory
Machines The Future for Vibratory Equipment
1. Hand tool forgings. The finishing requirement for wrenches, Vibratory deburring and surface finishing will remain the standard
sockets, plier halves, etc. is to deflash and radius edges while method of deburring fairly regular shaped parts, and improving surfaces
improving surface finish; usually prior to plating. A two-step where extremely high standards are not required. As production becomes
process cycle is normal, typically about four hours for a grinding more sophisticated and labour costs increase, demands for automation
operation followed by about one hour to refine surfaces. For the will increase. There are a number of CNC vibratory machines now a
preliminary operation, parts to media ratio of 1 : 3 is acceptable, operation as well as many continuous feed units. To meet requirements for
for the finishing operation about 1 : 6. If the variety of parts improved quality of parts, improved media selection and reclassification
during a given day is small and no frequent change of media is will become more readily available. Precise control of compounds will be
needed, then two bowl type vibrators might be considered ideal, more generally used.
perhaps coupled with a bowl cob dryer. While vibratory machines will remain the standard process, the share
2. Small plumbers brassware components where a wide variety of of the total mass finishing market will decrease somewhat as the high
components is to be finished during a single shift. Tub vibratory speed and high precision mass finishing processes take over. As consumer
equipment is more convenient as quick media changes can be demand becomes more sophisticated, the average product becomes more
made. These parts may require single or double operations, complex. This may result in mass finishing having a somewhat smaller
typically one to two hours to smooth and 15 to 20 minutes for fine proportion of the total deburring and finishing market, ultimately, vibratory
surface finishing. Parts to media ratio for the first operation 1 : 4, finishing will become a less important part of the technology.
for the second operation 1 : 8. The tub type machine coupled with Centrifugai Barrei Finishing
a parts/media separator is well suited for comparatively small
Like all other forms of mass finishing, centrifugai barreis normally
batches, say 1 to 2 ft 3 of parts per load.
use abrasive media, compound and water to deburr and surface finish
3. Golf clubs, both forged and cat, are finished in vibratory
components. The differences between the centrifugai process and those
equipment. Bowl type and tub type vibrators are used depending
considered so far is that CBF is a very high speed, high precision technique
on individual companies requirements. Parts are deflashed before
achieving more controllable and better finishes and having the capability
vibratory finishing. Early operations are carried out with parts
to impart very high compressive stresses to the surface of components.
run loose, ratios may be as high as 1 : 3. There may be some
intermediate polishing or buffing stages, but the final, very high Principie of Operation
quality smoothing for plating can be achieved in vibratory The centrifugai barrel machine comprises a number of drums mounted
equipment, generally by fixturing parts within the container. on the periphery of a turret. The turret rotates at a high speed in one
4. Die castings both zinc and aluminum, of all sizes are deflashed 19 direction while the drums rotate ata slower speed in the direction opposite
Mass Finishing Methods 39 40 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

to that of the turret. Drums are loaded in a manner similar to that for
normal tumbling equipment; that is with the parts, media, water and some
form of compound. Rotation of the turret generates high centrifuga! force
which compacts the load of parts and media into a tight mass, the load
having effective weight of as much as 50 times normal gravitational weight.
Rotation of the drums in opposite direction to turret rotation causes an
activity of the abrasive media sliding against the parts removing burrs and
refining the surfaces
The abrading action under high centrifuga! force, results in very
short process cycles. A product that is lightly rubbed by an abrasive is not
much effected, but the sarne abrasive when rubbed against components
with pressure increased by 50 times will have far greater effect. Further, the
increase of pressure permits finer abrasives to be used to get far more
uniform action over all corners, edges and surfaces as well as achieving
finer finishes. Fig. 2: Action within a centrifugai barrei machine

possibility of parts banging against one another. ln tumbling barrels, the

.--;,. action is, of course, one of tumbling; in vibratory equipment, there is a
/ :;./·' DRUM . - -- short stroke rub combined with a short stroke impingement action. Because
;·;'. '\

, 1 \ centrifuga! barrels have a completely smooth sliding action, very high
! i )

tolerances can be maintained on components and even the most fragile
parts can be processed achieving very fine surface finishes.
Centrifu,gal Barrei Equipment
.--- .,.: R2 Modem centrifuga! barrel equipment together with its material
\ / / \ handling system is customized to meet the individual company's
\ ' , / \
\ \ V2 i
~ . ~/
i requirements, although there are many small standard model units. CBF
machines may have turret and drums rotating in a horizontal plane or in
a vertical plane. Only on rare occasions does the different configuration
have any effect on process results. Rotation in a horizontal plane is used
where the work containers are removable from the machine for reloading.
Fig. 1 : Principie of centrifugai barrei process. Machines with turrets and drums rotating in a vertical plane need less
Substantially reduced process cycles are achieved in centrifuga! floor space and are normally better suited for handling of large parts, mid-
barrels, typically between five and ten minutes compared with one to four sized equipment of this type is more versatile.
hours in vibratory machines. This results in easier justification of capital Fully automated centrifuga! barrel equipment is available with
equipment, reduced floor space in the finishing department, reduced capacities of up to 3000 lb weight of components per load. Between four
inventaries, and improved work flow. The main value of centrifuga! barrel and six loads per hour from this type of equipment is quite normal.
finishing extends beyond just accelerating the process cycles. The effect of Systems are available to handle a multiplicity of parts. Equipment which
rotating drums in the opposite direction to turret rotation is to create a will automatically switch from substantial stock removal to fine finishing
completely smooth sliding action of media against components with no is normal. Loading, unloading, separation of parts from media, media
Mass Finishing Methods 41 42 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

reclassification and storage and the subsequent drying and passivating of CBF is a versatile process. Where a variety of components must be
parts can all be incorporated into a pushbutton or numerically controlled processed in a fairly short time and where conventional mass finishing
system. techniques do not meet the requirement for precision control or surface
Most centrifugai barrel equipment is built to generate forces of up to finish quality, CBF may well prove uniquely suited. A unique asset of CBF
50 times gravitational weight for very high-speed processing and total is its capability to generate high compressive stresses uniformly in the
smoothness of action. For the less sophisticated deburring and surface surface of parts which results in improved performance of many highly
conditioning tasks, such as edge and surface finishing of stampings, castings stressed components. Metal fatigue is the most common cause of fracture
and die castings; optimum results can be achieved with process cycles of in metal parts. Numerous repeated applications of low stress cause metal
10 to 15 min with centrifugai force of only about 5G. For this reason, there fatigue failure. This stress is much lower than that needed for fracture in
is a range of centrifugai barrel machines of large capacity arranged to run a single application. The higher the stress, however, the fewer applications
at comparatively slow speeds. Choice between such equipment and are needed to cause failure. It follows that fatigue failure is most common
vibratory machines depends on size of component, batch quantity and in components that are highly stressed and subjected to repeated
throughput. applications of stress while functioning. A fatigue crack usually starts
Special purpose CBF machines are built to meet individual deburring beca use the tensile stress component at the surface of the material is too
and finishing applications, unusual production control needs, and high. It is thus beneficial to impart compressive stress of components to
component size and shape. Machines have been built to finish parts oppose any tensile stress to which the component may be subjected in
weighing up to 750 lb each and as long as 4 ft. For very large parts, CBF service. The CBF process imparts the high compressive stress uniformly in
equipment is practical only when very complex shapes or very high the surface of the components while improving edge and surface condition.
standards of finish and tolerance are needed; otherwise vibratory machines CBF is then able to improve performance of parts such as springs, spring
are more economical. clips, flapper valves, aircraft blades, bearing and instrument components
Economic considerations frequently dictate the choice between CBF to a degree that cannot be reached by other means.
and other types of mass finishing. Of course, if CBF is the only means to Some Typical Applications for CBF
achieve satisfactory results beca use of the precision of the part, its delicacy
or the finish needed; then the choice is easy. If process cycles in other mass 1. Precision Bearing Races. Centrifugai barrel equipment is capable
finishing machines are lengthy or a variety of parts must be handled in a of generating surfaces of better than two microinches AA on
single machine, then these are applications where CBF will be more efficient bearing raceways maintaining tolerances, smoothing edges and
and more economical. imparting multi-directional scratch pattern for longer life and
smoother running. (Typical process cycles 5 to 15 min, 3 to 6
Capabilities of CBF loads/hr, which in the machine shown here is 6 to 12 batches
The main functions are similar to those for other mass finishing each of 1A ft 3 of parts, per hour.)
processes: 2. Bearing Balls and Rollers. Centrifugai barrel machines are used
for both heavy grinding and superfinishing. On bearing balls,
Deburring prior to hardening, stock removal of 0.001 in. within 7 to 15 min
Edge radiusing is normal, and 50% of this after hardening. On cylindrical rollers,
Comer rdiusing and smoothing of edges edge radii of 0.020 in. can be achieved in 20 min. 0.030 in. in 50
Smoothing of surfaces to 60 min, depending on size. Needle rollers are processed in this
Brightening of surfaces and edges equipment to generate the special knob-shape on the end and to
Stock removal grind excess metal. Superfinishing operations achieve a surface
Cleaning of better than four microinches AA while at the sarne time,
Changing stress in the surface of parts generating very high compressive stress on the surface of parts
Rust inhibiting, passivating or activating of surfaces. 21
Mass Finishing Methods 43 44 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

and multidirectional scratch pattern for optimum performance. continuous flow machines is unlikely in the forseeable future. Fully
Equipment shown here handles 3000 lb of parts per load for the automatic CBF equipment is expensive in comparison to vibratory machines,
grinding operations and usually in excess of 1000 lb/load for the and automated fast batch equipment is generally more expensive than
finishing. centrifugai disc.
3. CBF machinery processes precision machined castings, complex
shaped castings of iron and steel; aluminum and magnesium. Centrifugai Disc Mass Finishing Process
Shown here is an aircraft fuel pump body, four parts being The centrifugai disc (CD) process is a high-energy mass finishing
processed at a time process cycle of 15 min. CBF achieves better method. It is the newest significant type of mass finishing process.
finish, more uniform edge and comer radii, better results in Equipment comprises a bowl shaped container, similar to a bowl
recesses than in other mass finishing equipment. This type of type vibratory unit but without the center column. The base of the machine
CBF machine is well-suited for short production runs. is separate from the sides and forms a disc which is driven to rotate ata
4. Jewelry CBF replaces many manual polishing and buffing high speed while the side walls of the machine are stationary. The side
operations of fine jewellry and offers very fast processing for walls of CD machines are lined with urethane; the disc may be urethane or
costume jewellry. Typical process cycles run 5 to 20 min. Capable very hard wearing steel.
of maintaining intricate patterns and detail, smoother finishes The gap between the disc and the sides of the machine is kept small
and more versatile than conventional mass finishing; equipment and water (with compound) is pumped through the gap and into the
shown handles six batches of parts per load. machine itself; this gap must be clean and lubricated; contents of the
5. Instrument Parts. CBF is an ideal means of finishing small machine must not enter into this gap.
precision machined components such as those in watches and Parts and media are loaded into the machine in similar fashion to the
instruments, precision deburring and fine finishing. lmparting method of loading vibratory equipment. Rotation of the disc at high speed
high compressive stresses results in better components than can forces the load out against the walls of the container. The wall acts as a
be obtained when finishing in conventional barreis and vibrators. brake to create a sliding action between different layers of the load while
Typical process cycles run 5 to 15 min, 4 to 10 loads/hr with two high centrifugai force is exerted. Thus compared to barrel and vibrators,
batches of work being processed simultaneously in equipment CD machines achieve fast processing and smoother action for most
such as that shown. applications.
6. Other important applications for finishing by CBF include aircraft Process cycles are short, about one-tenth those in vibratory machines
turbine and compressor blades; surgical and medical components (generally double those of CBF). This results in the equipment being highly
including instruments, implants, ear molds; dental and cost-effective and versatile.
orthodontal parts, ceramic capacitors; watch components; Centrifagal Disc Equipment
precision stampings, castings and forgings; springs; spring clips;
reed and flapper valves and carbide tooling. Centrifugai disc machines are available with capacities of up to 20 ft 3,
this being total media and parts capacity of the equipment. A major
The Future of CBF advantage of CD processing is that the bowl may be open topped so that
inspection may be made while the machine is running. Of greater
As industry increases requirements for closer tolerance, finer finishes
importance, simple, economical and highly effective automation is available.
and more highly stressed components; the capabilities of CBF become For reloading, a doar in the wall of the container may be opened,
increasingly important. High-energy mass finishing will have an increasing manually or automatically. With the disc rotating ata fairly slow speed; the
share of the equipment market. Developments of machines include smaller total load is fed smoothly and quickly out of the machine where parts may
units, very large units, and more automated equipment including CNC. be separated and media returned to storage or back into the equipment for
While CBF machinery is available with advanced automation including the next load. The machine shown has the total load raised to a separating
precise control and handling of media and compounds, development of 22 unit placed above the bowl so that media drops straight back into the work
Mass Finishing Methods 45 46 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

container while parts are fed out for drying or further processing. domestic cooking stoves are CD processed for 45 min to achieve uniform
0.040 in. radius.
Applications for Centrifagal Disc Equipment
CD equipment can be used for a wide variety of processes, but Metal Removal
primarily for the following: The removal of metal from the surface of a part is not a common use
1. Descaling of CD machines; however, it can be achieved. The tool industry frequently
2. Deflashing requires removal of metal from oversized, hardened drills; 0.005 in. can be
3. Deburring removed from the diameter of the drills in a 2-hr cycle.
4. Rdiusing Surface Improvement
5. Metal removal Surface improvement includes both preplate finishing and microinch
6. Surface improvement. improvement. Zinc based die cast bathroom fittings are made ready for
plating with a 15-min process cycle. A turbine blade has surface improved
Descaling from 45 microinch AA to 10 to 12 microinch AA with a 40-min cycle.
Heat treatment and forging scale can be removed from parts in
Parts to Media Ratios
process cycles of 3 to 5 min duration. With the machine set to give an
aggressive cut, all component parts are scale-free in this short process time. Ratio by Volume
A big advantage is that it is not necessary to use an acid based compound Standard ratio for good results without any
to achieve this result. impingement.
For heavy burr removal and radiusing of small
Deflashing nonferrous parts.
The machine can easily remove flash (and sprue) from zinc based For heavy burr removal and radiusing of small
and aluminum die cast parts. A typical application is for die cast toy ferrous parts.
automobiles. The body of the automobile had the sprue and some of the The Future
heavier flash removed by hand, then run in a vibrator to remove the
The centrifugai disc process is new to the U .S. metalworking industry.
remainder of the flash. This operation involved the use of eight operators
It is versatile and can prove highly economical compared with both
and a 10 ft 3 capacity bowl vibratory machine. Today, one operator and a 6
centrifugai barrel and vibratory machinery. ln Europe and Japan, it has
ft 3 centrifugai disc machine will do the job with production capacity to
spare. found acceptance for a broad range of applications and, thus, deserves
greater attention than it is currently receiving.
Spin Finish or Spindle Finishing Process
The CD machine will remove tough burrs in faster time cycles than
Spin finishing is frequently not included as one of the mass finishing
vibratory finishing machines, and in some cases, will remove burrs that
cannot be removed by those machines. For example, deburring of the processes as components are always fixtured to deburr and finish. However,
milled out area between the prongs on universal joints-a 45-min process; it is proper to consider the spindle method of deburring with vibratory,
a further 15 min produces a pre-plate finish. CBF and CD techniques, for they all rely on parts to be immersed in mass
Radiusing Spin finishing is a high-speed pressure type process characterized by
A measurable, controlled radius can be easily produced from CD the workpiece being fixtured and held within a high-speed flow of abrasive
machines. On hardened steel parts, it is possible to produce a 0.007 in. media. Work cycles are short and the possibility of part-on-part
radius in a 15-min cycle time. On aircraft brake parts, a radius of 0.030 in. impingement damage is nil.
is achieved in a process time cycle of 25 min. Burner ring fingers used in Equipment comprises a bowl containing the abrasive media, and one
Mass Finishing Methods 47 48 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

or more heads with spindles at the end of them. Components are mounted and established. Compared with other mass finishing processes, the basic
on fixtures at the ends of the spindles. disadvantage is that parts must be fixtured. Further, fixtures are subject to
The most standard type of machine has the bowl rotating at high wear by the abrasive media.
speed to compact the media mass around its periphery. Fast processing It seems reasonable to expect then that spindle finishing equipment
results. Other equipment is available with stationary bowls, some with will maintain its share of the mass finishing business, but is unlikely to
vibratory ones. The head may be stationary, rotating or oscillating, as may become one of the standard and versatile deburring and finishing methods.
the spindle. The spin finishing machine may have one or more heads, and Other Mass Finishing Processes
each head may have one or more spindles to hold work pieces.
Processes not yet discussed include reciprocai finishing, chemically
Spindle Finishing Equipment accelerated vibratory and CBF processing, combination action equipment
Standard equipment is built with bowl diameters ranging up to 6 ft. such as vibratory tumbling barreis, and electro-chemically accelerated
Heads and spindles are built to handle work loads up to 100 lb. mass finishing. These methods are highly specialized and unlikely to be of
Bowls should rotate to create as much as 1800 surface ft/min for any general significance in the short term.
heavy deburring operations, although ft/min for heavy deburring Mass Finishing Media and Compounds
operations, although speeds as low as 200 surface ft/min are used for fine
The choice of consumable materiais used in any mass finishing process
edge break and finish applications. For large work pieces, vibratory motion is criticai for optimum results. The choice of media ranges from natural
of the bowl may help avoid excess resistance to work piece movement and stones, manufactured abrasives which may by bonded into either plastic
strong directional action. or ceramic matrices, and randomly shaped manufactured abrasive products,
Manipulation of the work piece within the mass of media depends to metallic shapes and agricultural products. Unfortunately, the choice of
upon shape and size of parts being finished and, of course, the finish media must ultimately be determined on a trial and errar basis. Some basic
requirement. Action with more than one component on a spindle or more guidelines should be followed before starting trials, but no exact criteria
than one spindle on a head effects action, so some degree of trial and errar exist to select best type, size or shape of media. To complica te the situation,
testing is required. Equipment with variable speed rotation and capability few standards exist for any type of medium, so that selection of similar
to oscillate and present work at different angles within the bowl are all types from different manufacturers requires extensive testing, followed by
beneficial. checks on the quality control of the media during its manufacture.
Process cycles ranges from as little as 15 sec to several minutes. Manufacturing variations of those media account for vast differences in
Applications performance.
While a simple reference chart is not feasible to guide the user of
Spindle finishing equipment is only suited to processing parts that mass finishing equipment to the best materiais for his purpose, an outline
can be readily fixtured to expose all significant surfaces and edges to the of the different available media with a description of their properties can
finishing media. Parts generally have to be regularly shaped. Production
offer some direction. Fortunately, during the past three years, not only
quantities must be sufficient to justify the cost of fixturing.
have significant improvements in performance and consistency of
Ideal applications are for gears and sprockets. Equipment is capable
manufactured media been developed; but efforts to establish universal
of handling high-precision parts and will improve the surface condition of
standards have been made. Many quantitative evaluations of media have
gear teeth at the sarne time as removing burrs. Carbide tool tips can have been carried out and results have been published. Several major suppliers
edges radiused in a spindle machine; aircraft turbine blades can have offer more precise and comprehensive data to assist in choice of the ideal
edges radiused and surfaces finished.
media. A brief description of the more important types of media is as
The Future follows.
Spindle finishing machines in several sizes and types have been
available for many years, and applications have been carefully studied 24
Mass Finishing Methods 49 50 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Natural Abrasives When components have to be brazed or welded, aluminum oxide cannot
Most natural stones have been used for tumbling media, but are of be used because it may leave residual particles in the surface of the
significantly reduced importance as mass finishing techniques become components which can have a detrimental effect on the final component.
increasingly sophisticated. Natural media are less consistent than their Silicon carbide media are mandatory for such applications.
manufactured counterparts and, or course, occur only in random shapes. Preform Media
Natural stones, such as limestone and granite, are usually softer and,
therefore, faster wearing than the manufactured materiais. Many are liable The synthetic preformed shaped media have wider cutting range
to fracture and create expensive lodging problems. As quarrying costs than natural media and fused aluminum oxide. The bonds may be ceramic
increase and use of manufactured materiais increase, much less economic or plastic with various types of abrasive added and may be formed into a
incentive exists to find the suitable natural stone. wide range of shapes and sizes for fast or slow cutting. The versatility of
Nevertheless, natural materiais still have valuable applications. synthetic media together with the development of equipment has resulted
Corundum, a natural aluminum oxide, is available at prices comparable to in mass finishing processes becoming precision tools for metal removal.
standard manufactured fused aluminum oxide nuggets and offers an Ceramic Bonded Media
alternative where slightly improved surface finish are desired and less
Ceramic bonded media is manufactured by vitreous or fusion bonding.
abrasion is acceptable. As it wears down, novaculite maintains a sharp and
Procelain or other vitreous material is used by itself or as a matrix into
flaky particle shape which can be valuable for removing burrs from fine
which the abrasive grains are bonded. The abrasives are quartz, aluminum
holes and grooves. Limes tone and granite may still have use in conventional
oxide or silicon carbide, abrasive content in the media is up to 50% and the
tumbling barreis. Natural abrasive grain still has economic value for use in
the manufacture of bonded preforms. size of abrasive grains is between 600 and 60 mesh.

Agricultural Products Resin Bonded or Plastic Bonded

Products such as ground corncobs, ground walnut shells and sawdust Resin and plastic bonded media contains up to 70% by weight of
are used in heated tumbling barreis for drying purposes. The wiping abrasive bonded with either polyester or urea formaldehyde resin. Plastic
action can apply final maximum luster to some parts. When mixed with media are formed by casting-sometimes by extrusion-and are available
fine abrasive, such as rouge and alumina, these materiais are capable of in similar shapes to those of the ceramic media.
smoothing surfaces and polishing intricately detailed components with The major difference between ceramic and plastic bonded media is
little comer radiusing. Extremely high lustre on parts such as jewellry can that the plastics are softer and have lower bulk density. Because of the
be achieved. softness, plastic media give grea ter uniformity of metal removal on corners
compared with edges and surfaces. The low density results in a good
Manufactured Abrasive Media cushioning effect, resilience and a milder abrasive action. Plastic media are
Fused aluminum oxide is the most standard random-shaped tumbling used for deburring soft alloys, such as zinc based die castings and aluminum,
medium used today by industry for mass finishing. Most of these media and for precision finishing of intricate and complicated delicate parts.
have substantially greater abrasion properties than any natural stone, Plastic media have bulk density between 50 and 65 lb/ft3 compared with
while having good wear characteristics. Consistent quality, uniformity and ceramic bonded media at 85 to 95 lb/ft3• Ceramic media, being harder, will
size can be obtained. This enables consistent quality finishing more have greater abrasion and are more economical because the ratio of metal
economically and, generally, faster than can be achieved with natural removal to rate of wear of media is better.
stones. Some harder forms of these media are available and capable of
producing smooth finishes and high colour. Shape and Size Considerations
Fused silicon carbide abrasive media in small nugget size are also The first consideration for proper media selection is to choose material
available, but are too fragile to be used in sizes above about 1A in. diameter. which reaches into all areas of components to be finished without wedging
25 into the work pieces. The second rule is that the larger the media, the faster
Mass Finishing Methods 51 52 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the abrasive action, but the greater variation between metal removal at 3. Short process cycle.
edges, corners and surfaces. The smaller the media, the greater uniformity 4. Size, type and shape that will not jam in holes and recesses.
of metal removal over all surfaces and edges. 5. Non-fracturing.
When selecting a specified sized medium; the user should remember 6. Minimum wearing rate for lowest cost and minimum amount of
that different manufacturers have different nomenclature,not only for the reclassification to avoid lodging.
type and shape of the media they produce, but also size. One-half inch 7. Ready availability of consistent quality.
triangles from one manufacturer may be significantly different in size from 8. Capability of handling the range of products to be used within a
another's one-half inch triangles. given machine.
The shape of preformed media is of great importance. Shapes available 9. Correct density to avoid parts migration, minimum part on part
include triangles, cones, cylinders, diamonds, arrow heads, stars, spheres, impingement and maximum economy. Capability, with
some with edges cut square and some with edges cut at angels to the faces. appropriate compound changes, of combining an abrasive
Cylinders, cones and spheres roll over surfaces and, therefore, should have operation followed by a surface refinement operation.
more effect on edges and corners than would triangles. These shapes are 10. Requiring minimum break-in requirements, that is, achieving
chosen to deburr parts with a variety of holes. Triangular shapes give desired degree of abrasion and surface refinement when new
greater action on the surfaces of parts relative to edges and corners and and when somewhat worn.
will deburr slots better than other shapes. An important variable which is 11. Shape and size to reach into all areas needing to be processed.
shape dependent is the effective pack density. Media are purchased by the 12. Available from a supplier who is able to advise on capabilities of
pound, and denser media are liable to be expensive to use. Sometimes the material to avoid minimum trial-and-error testing.
when media are of different density from the parts, parts will migrate 13. Economical price per pound.
together, causing part on part impingement.
Triangles are the most standard preformed media beca use they keep Testing of Media
their shape during the useful life and reach into corners well. The angle cut
When testing media to establish the best type for a specific purpose,
triangle produces deeper penetration into remate areas and allows the
the following variables should be understood and perhaps measured:
media to retain a sharp edge throughout their life.
1. Initial condition of media. Some media are likely to have very
Metallic Media sharp edges and a number of fragments. Tested media should
Hardened steel balls and steel shapes are widely used for burnishing always have a preliminary run and then be screened to establish
operations helping achieve maximum luster for primarily decorative the amount of waste and amount of inconvenience this initial
finishing purposes. Steel media are of considerable value having uniform trash can be.
size and shape without fracturing in use and, therefore, without lodging in 2. Quality control of media. Excessive porosity or bub bles, cracks or
recesses. Tacks and nails have a unique ability to pick out burrs from small sharp edges detract from the quality of media. Plastic media may
holes and recesses when used as media with a loose abrasive compound. be undercured resulting in poor cut, or overcured resulting in
Zinc shapes are used for burnishing applications as an alternative to steel. irregular results. Variations of ceramic media vitrification creates
variable results of those media. For these reasons, testing samples
Considerations When Choosing Media should be taken from a number of batches. It is worth checking
1. Capability to remove burrs, achieve required radius, achieve specific gravity of each batch and making visual inspection for
required surface finish and produce desired action on edges, cracks, pores or other defects.
corners and surfaces relative to one another. 3. Equipment in which media are to be used is important. Media
2. Optimum parts to media ratio. This is likely to be a function of that perform well in high-energy equipment might have no action
media density and particle size as well as type. in a bowl vibrator, while that which is excellent in a bowl vibrator
Mass Finishing Methods 53 54 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

might fracture and break down in some high energy machines. 1. Conditioning of water. Compounds should contain water softening
4. Rate of cut of media. ingredients. Most commercially available compounds are suited
5. Rate of wear of media. to any standard water supply in the U.S. For hard water, it may
The combination of the above is the measure of media efficiency. be worth considering modifying standard compounds to increase
When comparing media efficiency, compare the sarne shape, size and stage the level of water softening agents. If this is not dane, overdose
of wear. A number of excellent articles describing how media basic efficiency the solution with compound to get sufficient water softening.
measurements should be made to obtain proper comparisons are available. 2. Cushioning parts. Some compounds create high foaming action
which forms a cushion. High foaming compounds must not be
These basic guidelines might need modification for specific applications.
used in vibratory equipment, but in conventional tumbling barreis
6. Speed of deburr and edge radius. Generally, the rate of cut and and occasionally in centrifugai barrel equipment. The cushioning
the speed of deburring are similar, although it depends upon effect improves fine finishing capabilities.
type of burr. Sane parts may be deburred by knocking off the 3. Corrosion inhibition. Some compounds offer temporary rust
burr rather than grinding off. inhibition after processing, sufficient for temporary storage or
7. Capability to improve surface finish. Each type of media will movement to a subsequent operation. More important,
have some specific surface finish improvement capability, compounds must protect parts from corrosion during the process
depending upon the type of equipment, speed of equipment, size cycle.
of media and compound used. When deciding the surface finish 4. Improving lustre or colour. This is largely a function of cleanliness,
improvement needed, it is normally not sufficient to consider ability to remove oil from parts. Some compounds have chemical
only in terms of micro inches, RMS or AA; usually consideration colouring and brightening action.
of the particular application will be relevant. Brightness, 5. Increasing abrasion. Compounds may have added free abrasive
smoothing of defect and the type of scratch all have to be (powder compound only). Some non-abrasive compounds can
considered. enhance the cut of media, action being primarily one of cleaning
Mass Finishing Compounds to keep the abrasive bonded in the media open.
6. Descaling. Both strong acid and strong alkaline compounds can
For mass finishing operations where parts are deburred and finished
be used, the alkaline for ferrous metals only. Acid compounds
with media or by part-on-part action, the process is carried out in an
should not be used in the closed containers, beca use a chemical
aqueous solution, and a suitable compound with the water allows for
action could lead to an explosion. Modem equipment relies on
better control of the process and can enhance the action. Compounds may
mechanical action to descale ra ther than chemical.
be powder or liquid. They may be abrasive or non-abrasive. The most
7. Burnishing. Compounds for burnishing are mildly alkaline
important function of the compound is to keep both parts and abrasive
mixtures with good lubricating action. Different compounds may
media clean, to prevent the media from becoming loaded with contaminant
be used for different metals.
or glazing, and to insure consistency of action throughout the whole
8. Defoaming in compounds. These are desirable for processing in
process as well as uniformity of result from one load to the next.
vibratory equipment where heavy foaming is both messy and
Compounds are needed to maintain cleanliness for deburring and
reduces or stops the action.
surface finishing. With the development of improved equipment and these
Choice of compounds should be made considering OSHA and EPA
compounds, use of mass finishing has become attractive for many cleaning
requirements. Changing of compound from an abrasive cutting type to
operations. A good cleaning compound coupled with extremely efficient
fine finishing can permit two operations to combine without need for
scrubbing action, no requirement to heat solution and parts makes most
unloading parts nor changing media.
mass finishing more effective than other forms of scrubbing and cleaning.
Other purposes for compounds are:
Mass Finishing Methods 55 56 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Some Operating Considerations effects the process time and smoothness of action. For
1. Equipment. The finishing department in every metalworking consistent results, it is necessary to specify the proportion of
plant will be used as the general rectification shop. Therefore, parts to media. For maximum economy and efficiency, the
versatility of equipment should be considered as for most other more parts the better. Too many parts cause damage to the
fabrication equipment. Most mass finishing machines are components. Other than cost considerations, rarely is there
inherently versatile. any disadvantage in having too few components in a load. It
2. Material Handling. Equipment should separa te parts from media. is preferable to mix parts and media before loading into
The most economical means of doing this is with screening units. some equipment, or to load abrasive and components in
Media will need reclassifying as it wears down, and the screening layers. lnitial mixing by running the equipment slowly may
equipment used for media reclassification may also be suitable be accomplished.
for parts separa tion. 6. Control of lncoming Quality. Few manufacturers control the size
3. Washing and Drying. After unloading from the mass finishing of burrs produced by their cutting machinery. Therefore,
equipment, it may, on occasion, be necessary to rinse parts, then inspection of parts before loading into mass finishing equipment
dip in a rust preventative or oil. Parts may be dried in centrifugai is recommended. Control of the amount of foreign matter, such
dryers, hot air blowers, corncobs or sawdust; but it is unlikely as oil and swarf, is also important.
that air drying will be acceptable. 7. Cycle Time. This is self-explanatory. For some operations, adding
4. Media and Compound Storage. Clean storage facilities must be water or compound during the process cycle is desirable and this
available for the consumable materiais. Accidental mixup should too should be specified.
be impossible. 8. Compound Quantity. For many mass finishing machines,
5. Process lnstructions. ln most organizations, the operator no longer continuous flow of compound through the load is practical. If
decides proper process technique nor judges quality. Proper there is a flow system, maintaining a careful check of the
process instructions governing all variables can and should be compound quantity in the reservoir is important. For batch
issued. This is still not normal practice, even in some high- addition of compound, quantity must be specified to avoid
technology corporations. Having established the type of variation in quality of components processed and to control
equipment to be used, the media and the compounds and the costs. ln continuous flow, the flow rate must be specified.
other operating variables are not difficult to list. These are as 9. Masking and Fixturing. It is sometimes advisable to plug holes in
follows: components with rubber or plastic to avoid media being jammed
a. Speed. Most modem equipment offers variable speed, into those holes during processing. Edges and corners that must
amplitude, frequency, stroke or centrifugai force. Equipment be left sharp may be masked. Some components are best processed
manufacturers list reasons for speed change and, for most on fixtures in mass finishing equipment and, of course, fixturing
equipment, precise determination of this variable is essential is an essential part of spindle finishing equipment. Design of
for optimum process efficiency. fixture and position of the component within the machine are
b. Water level. This is important in mass finishing equipment variables which must be considered.
beca use too little water causes dirty work, glazing of media 10. Cleanliness. Most processes tolerate some oil, scale and dirt on
and incorrect action within the machine. Two much water components; mass finishing is used to clean parts. Some
slows down the action. ln general terms, the more water, the operations, particularly fine finishing applications demand utmost
more gentle the action. cleanliness and, on occasion, even the hardness of local water
c. Load in the Machine. ln conventional tumbling barreis and creates problems in achieving the brightest surfaces. It is necessary
centrifugai equipment, the level of the total load in the drums to know what type of dirt settles on components coming into the
28 finishing department as proper compounds and process methods
Mass Finishing Methods 57

can be selected. The finishing department must be notified of any

changes in prior operations (for example, changes of heat
treatment method) which effect the amount and type of soil that CHAPTER 4
must be handled.
11. Maintenance of Records. Because standards and specifications ELECTROPOLISHING
are not clear, many mass finishing operations frequently have
poorly maintained standard operating procedures compared to
those for metal-forming operations. Process sheets are, of course, Electropolishing, an electrochemical process, is the reverse of
important. Because of the variety of variables, it is not wise to electroplating. Therefore, metal is removed than deposited. The article to
leave this task to the equipment operator or his immediate be electropolished is made the anode in an electrolyte which, when low
supervision. voltage is applied, forms a polarized film over the entire surface. This film
is thickest over the microdepressions and thinnest over the microprojections.
Where the polarized film is the thinnest, electrical resistance is the least
and therefore the rate of metallic dissolution is the greatest. Electropolishing
selectively removes the microscopic high points much faster than the rate
of attack on the "valleys" or microdepressions. Stock is removed as a
metallic salt. Stock removal is controllable and can be held to 0.0001 to
0.0025 in. However, stock removal can be much higher if desired, and
under stringent conditions can be held to a lesser amount. It is believed
that the polarized film is responsible, under proper operating conditions,
for brightening and smoothing the metal surface. It must be pointed out,
however, that brightness and smoothness do not always go together. For
instance, a welded or rough ground piece may be bright but not smooth.
Conversely, a lapped surface may be smooth but not particularly bright.
When a metal surface is polished, the light rays are reflected in
parallel lines, thus the surface acts like a mirrar. On a rough or unpolished
surface, the light rays are reflected in a random pattern; therefore, no
image can be seen.
To obtain a smooth, highly reflective surface on various metals,
several factors come into play. The degree of successful electropolishing is
determined, to a large extent, on the surface conditions of the base metal.
Poor conditions for electropolishing include nonmetallic inclusions,
overpickling, heat scale, large grain size, directional roll marks, insufficient
cold reduction or excessive cold working. Several of these conditions may
be inherent in the metal as it comes from the mill. During electropolishing,
metal is removed, revealing these flaws. When metal is removed, smoothing
can take place. Other factors contributing to a smooth, highly reflective
surface are change in bath chemistry and precipitation of metal salts.
When bath chemistry is out of balance, poor polishing orno polishing can
29 result or an extended time may be necessary to obtain a satisfactory finish.
Electropolishing 59 60 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

When salts build up in the bath, higher voltages are required to maintain Burnishing by lapping, buffing, or colouring decreases the microinch
the desired current density. This can result in burned contact points. roughness and improves the image-defining quality of a surface, but never
completely removes the debris and damaged metal. The minimum of
The Electropolished Surface
coldwork and mechanical damage is dane in metallographic polishing, yet
Comparison with Mechanically Finished Surface. The absence of the effects are there. The fine abnormal structure of nickel plate reveals the
scratches, strains, metal debris, and embedded abrassive characterizes the presence of the cold-worked surface. The nickel plate clearly reveals the
electropolished surface. It has the "true" crystal structure of the metal true, undisturbed metal in the electropolished surface.
undistorted by the cold working that accompanies mechanical finishing The mechanical strength of the surface metal is lowered by cold work
methods. accompanying simple cutting operations. Machining of steel having 100,000
The finishing by abrasives or other cutting or burnishing action, psi tensile strength can leave a surface skin of worked metal having only
regardless of how small the amount of work, always distorts the surface. 35,000 psi tensile strength.
The important fact is the unavoidable presence of those rough ridges and
loose clods of metal. Those defects are absent after electropolishing. The Advantages and Limitations
cold-work damage penetrates into the metal and the abrasive is embedded The preceding discussion shows some of the positive technical advantages
in the surface. It reveals in cross-section what are probably the rough of electropolishing. It shows why electropolishing produces a surface with
ridges. The depth of damage is also revealed, which shows the surface good properties for: receiving electroplates having better smoothness, better
without enough electropolishing to remove all the scratches and rough- appearance, and because of fewer voids, better corrosion protection; resisting
ridge metal. corrosion when there is no plate or other coating; more uniform anodizing,
Much is known about heat treating metals to relieve them of cold- phosphating, black oxidizing, and other conversion coatings; greater
work effects. The superficial damage dane to a metal surface by mechanical reflectivity oflight and heat; better emissivity in electronic tubes; and wear
finishing does not necessarily disappear as a result of heat treatments against other metal surfaces without loose metal fragments to cause fretting.
known to restore gross properties. Nor will heat treatment (or any other The surface damage and cold-work effects are overlooked if only
method) remove embedded and smeared-over abrasive particles. smoothness is specified as a criterion of quality in a metal finish. As the
preceding figures show, smoothness is not an independent variable in
surface definition. It is only a part of an important subject that can be called
Table 6: Light Reflection from Polished Stainless Steel (Type 302) "surface metallurgy." Smoothness specification, according to gages, can be
met by electropolishing (with or without plating as an adjunct) justas well
Finishfor Reflection
Smoothness Diffuse Specular as by abrasive polishing.
Trans- Longi- Trans- Longi- The principal limitations of electropolishing are: the process cannot
verse tudinal verse tudinal smear over and cover up defects such as seams and nonmetallic inclusions
in metals; multiphase alloys in which one phase is relatively resistant to
No. 8 Mill finish 0.164 0.068 103 104
No. 7 Mill finish 0.241 0.020 117 118
anodic dissolution are usually not amenable to electropolishing; heavy
No. 2 Mill finish 0.072 0.042 120 121 orange peel, mold-surface texture, and rough scratches are not removed by
after eletro- a practical amount of electropolishing and require "cutting down" first,
polishingª just as needed before buffing and colouring. This last situation can be
No. 2 Mill finish 0.043 0.023 124 123 reversed, and electropolishing is used as a "roughing operation" before
after electro- colour buffing on wheels.
polishedh Seams and nonmetallic inclusions impose a limitation. ln showing up
ªAverages of five readings. such conditions, electropolishing is a good inspection tool. Although
hTwo different electropolishing methods. 30 unpassable by established inspection habits, an electropolished and plated
Electropolishing 61 62 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 7, 8 and 9 smoothness versus polishing, smoothnass of steel and surface can be superior in performance. Chromium plate has filled a hole
smoothness of brass and aluminium respectively. left by electropolishing out a nonmetallic inclusion. The depression in the
Table 7: Smoothness Versus Polishing Method and Kind of Steel chromium plate at the site of the filled-in hole would be termed a "pit" and
the part would be rejected. Yet, the inclusion would remain in an abrasively
Kind of Steel Polishing Method Profilometer Readingb (RMS)
polished surface and be "bridged over" by the chromium plate. A point of
Mechanical, Electro As mech- As electro-
abrasive beltsª (time, min) anical polished polished
weakness would exist, since the chromium would not adhere to the
nonmetallic. The plated product would be passed by inspection.
High-carbon 15oc 3 16.5 21.0
Clearly, an informed approach to the use of electropolishing can give
SAE 1080 15oc 5 16.5 13.0
15oc 10 19.0 5.7 improved products, and processing costs can be reduced in many
15oc 10 13.5 4.0 applications. By electropolishing, surface appearance and quality can be as
Sandblast 20 140.0 16.5 easily reproduced as can an electroplate. Electropolishing baths are not so
Low-carbon 180d 3 23.5 19.0
SAE 1020 180d 4 27.0 21.5 criticai as plating baths to control and are less subject to contamination.
180d 10 29.5 12.5
180c 3 14.5 12.0 Types of Metal Electropolished
ªNumber shown is screen size of grit on the belt. Most metals can be electropolished successfully but best results are
hSame locations as accurately as possible before and after mechanical and obtained with those having fine grain boundaries and free of nonmenttallic
electropolishing. Average of several readings. All RMS units, where stated in
this paper, are microinches. inclusions and seams. Also, those comprising a high content of silicon, lead
cttand polishing. or sulfur are usually troublesome.
dAutomatic-machine polishing. Stainless steels are the most frequently electropolished alloys and all
Table 8 : Smoothness of Steel (SAE 1010) Surface by Mechanical can be electropolished. Castings will polish to a bright finish but not to the
Polishing, Electropolishing and Electroplating sarne brightness or smoothness as wrought alloys.
Mechanical Polishing Method Profilometer reading (RMS)
Besides stainless steel, other commercially electropolished metals
abrasive set Nonmechanical (mills metal) include high and low carbon steel, copper, brass, beryllium copper, phosphor
Electro- Nickel Electrobuff As belt After After After bronze and many grades of aluminum. Other metals which can be
polish plate polished electro- nickel electro-
polish plate buff
electropolished are columbium, gold, silver, tantalum, titanium, tungsten
120 0.3 2.0b 0.5 48 37 33 27
and vanadium.
120 0.6 2.0 0.5 52 34 26 21 Table 10 lists various metals and solutions which are suitable for
120 0.9 1.8 0.3 48 25 24 22 electro polishing.
150 0.3 2.0 0.5 38 27 22 20 There are numerous suppliers of proprietary solutions on the market
150 0.6 2.0 0.5 43 28 25 21
150 0.9 1.8 0.3 47 19 17 16
180 0.3 2.0 0.5 33 23 19 15 Table 9 : Smoothing of Brass and Aluminum
180 0.6 2.0 0.5 37 25 20 16
180 0.9 1.8 0.3 36 20 18 17 Metal Profilometer reading (RMS), after
240 None 1.8 0.3 20 None 19 17
120 0.6 2.0c 0.5 45 28 28 22 Mechanical polish Electropolishing (mills removed)
150 0.6 2.0c 0.5 37 23 27 22 180 grit belt 0.2 0.35 0.5
180 0.6 2.0c 0.5 26 17 19 16
240 None 2.0c 0.5 19 None 25 20 Brass 31 26 24 21
Brass 27 20 17 16
ªElectrobuff is a term used to designate the electoploshing of an electroplate as
Aluminum 48 37 37 35
distinct from the electroplishing of the basis metal. Both electrobuffing and
electropolishing remove metal. The nickel-plating operation adds metal. Aluminum 90* 80 75 65
hThe group of plates was bright nickel; a mirror-like smooth electrodeposit. 31 * The belt "loaded" during polishing of previous sample.
<The group of plates was dull nickel, appearing smooth, but lacking luster.
Electropolishing 63 64 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 10 : Commerical Electropolishing Methods today. Some are complete solutions while others are concentrates which
are mixed with acids purchased locally. Before purchasing a solution, each
Metal Type of Bath U.S. Patent No. Assignee
should be evaluated to obtain the best operating conditions for a particular
Aluminum Sodium phosphate-carbonate 2,096,309 Aluminum Co. of America application. Type of solution, operating temperature, ventilation
Fluoboric acid 2,108,603 ACA
Phosphoric-sulfuric-chromic acid 2,550,544 Battele Development Co. BDC
requirements and pollution problems are some of the things to be
Phosphoric acid-carbitol ACA considered.
Brass Phosphoric-chromic acid 2,407,543 BDC
Copper Phosphoric-chromic acid 2,347,039 BDC Applications
Phosphoric acid-modified 2,366,714 BDC Stampings, spinnings, weldments, castings, drawings, forgings and
Phosphoric acid
wire goods are all suitable candidates for electropolishing. Typical items
Monel Phosphoric-sulfuric-hydrochloric 2,440,715 BDC
acid fabricated from stainless steel and electropolished include hospital, medical
Nickel Sulfuric acid 2,145,518 Electro Kemiska and surgical equipment; dairy, food and beverage processing and handling
Actiebolaget equipment; bane and joint implants; vacuum equipment; paper mill
Phosphoric-sulfuric-chromic 2,334,699 BDC
equipment; automotive and truck parts; electronic and communication
Phosphoric-sulfuric acid 2,429,676 BDC parts; tubing, pipe, valves and fittings; fasteners and all types, sizes and
Phosphoric-sulfuric-hydrochloric 2,440,715 BDC shapes of wire goods. These parts can range in size from a small nut to
acid tanks with thousands of gallons capacity.
Nickel-Silver Phosphoric-chromic acid 2,407,543 BDC
Steel items are electropolished for microinch improvement, burr
Silver Potassium cyanide 2,416,294 Arthur D. Little, lnc.
Potassium cyanide 2,610,143 Oneida, Ltd. removal and to obtain a better surface for electroplating. For instance, the
Stainless Phosphoric acid 1,658,222 Westem Electric Co., lnc. l.D. of gun barreis are electropolished prior to hard chrome plating.
steel 300 Electropolishing is used on brass costume jewellry items, electronic parts
andas a finish prior to electroplating.
Phosphoric-sulfuric acid 2,334,698 BDC
Phosphoric-sulfuric-chromic acid 2,334,699 BDC Electropolishing, by removing a small amount of metal from the
Sulfuric-citric acid 2,335,354 Arme o surfaces, also removes any contamination on or just under the surface. This
Phosphoric-chromic acid 2,366,712 Battelle Development Corpo- enables a much stronger subsequent weld or braze to be achieved, many
times with less heat or brazing material being used.
Phosphoric acid-butanol 2,424,674 Arme o
Sulfuric-glycolic acid 2,607,722 Arme o Many times electropolishing has been used as an inspection tool. For
Sulfuric-phosphoric+aniline 2,594,124 Electropol, Ltd. example, during the fabrication of heavy walled stainless steel elbows,
Sulfuric-phosphoric+morpholine 2,820,750 Electropol, Ltd. tees, crosses, etc., which are used in nuclear applications, it has been found
Stainless Phosphoric-sulfuric acid 2,334,698 BDC
that electropolishing was a superior method of crack detection than was
steel 400
series Phosphoric-sulfuric-chronic acid 2,334,699 BDC the standard dye check. Cracks can develop in the surface which are not
Sulfuric-citric acid 2,335,354 Arme o detectable by visual inspection and are even suspect for xyglo inspection.
Phosphoric-chromic acid 2,366,712 BDC Electropolishing, by removing the top surface, reveals material flaws such
Phosphoric butanol 2,424,674 Arme o
as cold shots, cracks and inclusions. This is not only valuable for nuclear
Sulfuric-glycolic acid 2,607,722 Arme o
Steels Phosphoric-sulfuric acid 2,334,698 BDC applications but also for high-pressure systems. Electropolishing is currently
Phosphoric-sulfuric-chromic acid 2,338,321 BDC being used to decontaminate equipment used in nuclear power plants.
Phosphoric-chromic acid 2,347,040 BDC Reactor vessels, pipes, fittings, valves, heat exchangers, tanks, etc. for
Phosphoric-sulfuric acid-sodium 2,493,579 Standard Steel Spring Co.
the food chemical and pharmaceutical and polymer industries are currently
Zinc Caustic soda+additive Pending Diamond Alkali Company being electropolished to provide a smooth, clean surface which provides
a ACA - Aluminium company of Aurerica. 32 greater anti-stick qualities coupled with easier cleanability. ln many cases
b BDC - Battelle Development corporation.
Electropolishing 65 66 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

an electropolished stainless steel fabrication provided anti-stick qualities o

o o o o o o
~ o o o o
z zo
~zz z
equal to glass lining. Other applications for electropolishing include
decorative purposes and removing heat tint from spot welds, heli-arc
welds and other types of welding. This is of great value for wire fabrications
which have been spot welded.
Solution Operation
Over 90% of electropolishing is performed on stainless steel. All
electropolishing is dane in the sarne manner, therefore, our comments will
be based primarily on stainless steel.
Various solutions are used for electropolishing, both acid and alkaline.
The preponderance of solutions used commercially are acid and are based
on one of the grades of phosphoric acid and one or more additional acids.
Basically there are two types of electropolishing solutions-infinite and
finite. When a part is being electropolished, a small amount of metal is
removed. This metal in combination with components of the bath form a
metallic salt which drops to the bottom of the tank and forms a sludge. This
bath has an infinite life. A finite solution is one in which metallic salts
remain dissolved in the solution and do not settle to the bottom of the tank.
To obtain optimum results these metallic salts must be held within limits.
When the upper limit is reached, the solution must be decanted and ~ ~ ~

§ § §
replaced with new solution to keep the metallic salt concentration within z z z
satisfactory operating limits. This can be expensive beca use of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act regulations for disposing of this used acid.
Infinite life solution requires that periodically the solution be removed
from the tank and stored. The sludge in the bottom of the tank is then §

removed and disposed of according to RCRA regulations. The solution is z

then pumped back into the tank and fresh solution added to proper ~ ~

operating level. ~

§ ãããã
QI ftl
t t

§ §

ln electropolishing, the parts are made the anode in the appropriate z z z z z 1l 1l zz

::E ::E
solution which will dissolve the oxides of the metal. As these metal ians are
removed from the metal surface more metal atoms are exposed, thus ~ ~

§ 1 1 1 §
polishing occurs. As in plating, a DC rectifier is used for the power source. z z
As work is being electropolished oxygen is liberated at the anode and
hydrogen is liberated at the cathode. Thus no hydrogen can be imparted to
the part. There can be times when an imbalance of solution occurs and the
oxygen liberated at the anode and present in air can cause an explosion of 8M 8M 8M
the hydrogen. Such explosions will be loud but not dangerous. This
condition is preceded by a larger than normal foam blanket on the solution
surface and is ignited by a spark from a work holder.
Electropolishing is usually dane in concentrated acid solutions.
Electropolishing 67 68 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 11 : Electrolytic Polishing of Metallographic Samples Metal Solution C.D.Y, Voltage Temp. {C) Time (Min) Remarks
Metal Solution C.D.Y, Voltage Temp. {C) Time (Min) Remarks Zinct Potassium hydrox- 16 6 Room 15 0000 paper. Solution
ide agitated by air or
Ali carbon steels, Acetic anhydride, 4 to 6 50+ <30 4 to 5 Prepare solution 24 25% solution nitrogen. Copper
martensitic, 765 cc hr before using cathode. Elec-
pearlitic, and Perchloric acid·, Use moderate
!rodes 2.5 to 15
sorbitic; 185 cc agitation. AI in- mmapart.
Armco and sp gr 1.61 (65%) creases viscosity
Lead Acetic acid, lto2 3 to 5 0000 paper, horizon-
white cast iron; Distilled water which permits 650 to 750 cc tal anode. Use
3% silicon steel 50 cc more vigorous Perchloric acid*, current density
0.5%Al agitation and cur-
350 to 250 cc of 20 to 25 for 1 to
rent density of 3 2 min to remove
Can use at cur-
flowed layer.
rent density of 10
Copper cathode.
for austenitic
Pb.Sn alloy Sarne as above 2
steels. Prepare Sarne as for tin, Sarne as for tin,
Tin+3% Sb 9 to 15 25 to 15 to 22 8 to
samples to 000 pa- above 40+ 10 above.
per. Fe or AI
Copper+3.2% Co Orthophosphoric 0.07 2 5 to 10 Polish to 000 paper.
acid Copper cathode.
Steels (except low Perchloric acid*, 2 to 6 70+ Room y, Preliminary
Copper+2.4% Fe sp gr 1.35 Electrodes hori-
carbon) 54 cc of 70% smoothing on 60- zontal and Y, in.
concentration grit alundum apart.
Water, 146 cc wheel; stirring
Brass, 70-30+ Orthosphosphoric 13 to 15 1 to 2 Room 10 to 15 File, swirl in 40%
Alcohol with 3% paddle set dose
(1 constituent) acid HN03 45 sec.
ether, 800 cc to specimen oper-
430 g/l Large size copper
ates at ali times. anode horizon-
Austenitic steelst Acetic anhydride, 6 50+ <30 4 to 5 Sarne as items at tal ; electrodes
Perchloric acid top of column. Y, to2 in. apart.
(65%) 66.7-33.3 Brasst Orthophosphoric 2.5 to 3
2 paris to 1 part• acid
lron and silicon- Orthophosphoric 0.6 0.75 to lron cathode.
990 g/l
iron acid 2.0 Two-constituent Pyrophosphoric 9 to 11 1.9
sp gr 1.316 60-40 brasst acid
Tin Perchloric acid* 9 to 15 25 to 15 to 8 to 10 Stir solution if
530 g/l
(sp gr 1.61), 40+ 22 length of electrol- Aluminum bronze; Orthophosphoric lto2
194 cc ysis is over 10
Leaded bronze (85 acid
Acetic anhydride min. Polish to 000 Cu, 10 Sn, 3 Zn, 990 g/l
806 cc paper. Tin cath-
ode. Electrodes
Phosphor bronze, Methyl aclohol 40 to 20 to Seconds Cathode of stainless
2 cm apart. silicon bronze (abs.), 50+ 30 steel cloth in bot-
Coppert Orthophosphoric O. 65 to 2 Room ±5 Polish to 0000. Cop- monel, ni- Nitric acid tom of dish. Ois-
acid 0.75 per cathode chrome, nickel, (cone.) lance between
sp gr 1.3 to 1.4 Electrodes 2.2 andt metais 2 paris to 1 par! electrodes Y, to 1 in.
cm apart.
Copper± Pyrophosphoric 8 to 10 1.6 to 15 to 22 10 to 15 Polish to 00000 pa-
acid 2.0 per. Copper cath- • Explosive mixture! § Current density in amperes per square decimeter. +Externai applied voltage. :j:See
530 g ode.
last item in table.
Cobalt Orthophosphoric 1.2 Rough metallo-
acid graphic polish
sp gr 1.35 Cobalt cathode
Therefore, protective clothing, gloves and glasses should be worn to prevent
Aluminumt Perchloric acid* 3.0 to 50 to <50 15 Allow 4 to 5 g/l to injury from splashes. When parts are hung in the solution and current is
(sp gr 1.48) 5.0 100+ enter solution applied, polishing will occur only when the current density is in the proper
Acetic anhydride, Polish to 000 pa-
2 paris to 7 paris per. Aluminum range. As the voltage is increased the current will increase along the
cathode. straight line on the left and etching will take place. When polarization
34 occurs, the current will drop slightly and the voltage will increase.
Electropolishing 69 70 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The curved line on the center portion of the graph represents the conforming to the piece are satisfactory. The composition of the electrolyte
range in which electropolishing takes place. Voltage is the variable that is is a determining factor of the cathode material. Sides of a metal tank
adjusted so the proper current flows through the bath to enable the desired should not be used as the cathode. Cathodes can become encrusted with
polish to be obtained. Current, time, electrode efficiency and bath metallic salts and must be kept clean by periodic cleaning and scrubbing
temperature are the factors which determine the amount of metal removed in water. Cathodes which are not clean can cause an increase in polishing
from the part. As voltage and current are increased further, large volumes time for a satisfactory finish. Conductivity is seriously decreased; voltage
of gas are liberated which can cause gas streaks from holes and edges on may need to be increased or no polishing will take place.
the piece. This high current density, right side of graph, is used for deburring Whenever possible, cathode to part ratio should be about 2:1.
and, at times, for microinch improvement. Obviously this ratio cannot be maintained when doing internai work.
Cathodes placed too dose to one area during internai work, can cause
Electropolishing Equipment
extreme high current densities and excessive material removal at that
Since electropolishing is a reverse procedure of plating, similar types location.
of equipment may be used. Tanks may be constructed of steel which are
lined with rubber, Koroseal, acid brick, plastics or lead. Type oflining to be Agitation
used is dictated by the kind of solution used. During electropolishing oxygen is liberated at the anode. When parts
Stainless steel tanks are not generally used beca use stray currents can are being electropolished at high current densities or long time cycles, this
cause pitting of the tank and shorting out of the tank dueto poor insulation liberated oxygen can cause gas streaks at holes, edges or protrusions on the
and can cause a hole and perhaps loss of the bath. The sarne holds true for parts. Agitation tends to relieve this condition. Agitation continually replaces
a lead lined tank. If lead or stainless is used it is advisable to insert wire the polarized film at the part surface. Thus, high current density burns
reinforced glass or plastic panels along the sides and bottom of the tank to from rack tips tend to be eliminated and generally a better finish is obtained.
protect them from these stray currents. Agitation can be accomplished by work rod agitation, such as used in
Electropolishing baths are very heavy, weighing about 12 to 15 lb/ plating; solution agitation by air or mechanical stirring, or solution pumping.
gal. Steel tanks should be fabricated from 3 /16 in. plate using heavier To prevent the destruction of the electropolishing film, all of these methods
gauges for larger tanks. Tank linings of Koro-seal or rubber should be at must be controlled so uniform results are achieved.
least 3 /22 in. on sides and 3 /16 in. on bottom. Linings should extend over,
around and under the top flange. The outside of the tank should be coated
with the best corrosion resistant paint available. Rack tips may be made of copper, brass or phosphor bronze. However,
Tank dimensions should be such that there is roam for either one rack tips should be compatible with the electrolyte being used. If racks are
work bar and two cathode bars or two work bars and three cathode bars; used to electropolish steel or copper alloy parts which are then to be nickel
and cooling and/or heating coils. Size of tank is determined by size of or chrome plated, the sarne racks may be used. Titanium tips may also be
objects to be electropolished and production requirements. Depth of tank used and although they have a higher initial cost they may be justified for
should be 6 to 12 in. deeper than that required for parts to leave space for production runs beca use they will not be attacked by the electrolyte. Racks
collecting sludge, should an infinite type solution be used. This will enable should be plastisol coated and only that portion of the tips touching the
the sludge to accumulate in the bottom of the tank without interfering with part to be electropolished should be exposed.
production. Rack tips as well as splines should have sufficient cross-section to
Buss bars are usually copper. Because of higher current densities for carry the required amperage. Table 12 given below gives conductivity
electropolishing than plating, they generally have a heavier cross-section. values of vacious materiais used for racks. It must be remembered that
Work bars and cathode bars should be round to ensure the best electrical these values are measured in air. When contacts are in solution, a cooling
contact. effect takes place, thus increasing conductivity. Overheating and burning
Cathodes can be either lead, copper, stainless steel (302 or better) or of contacts are less likely to occur. Tips must make positive contact with the
carbon. Strips of these materiais are preferred over sheets and should be 2 part being electropolished. If the contact is not firm, the parts will not
to 4 in. wide and 1 /8 to 1/4 in. thick. For internai work, sheets or wire cloth receive the proper current density. This can cause burning at the contact
Electropolishing 71 72 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

point. Due to the density of the solution and gas action, which exerts a might develop on the finished part.
lifting effect, "J" hooks cannot be used for electropolishing unless the parts
have enough weight to make a firm contact.
Power Supply
Power requirements are determined by the surface area to be
Heating!Cooling electropolished at one time. As in plating, it is calculated in amps/in. 2,
Because of the high electrical resistance of most electropolishing amps/ft2 or amps/ decimeter2 • Voltage requirement for most popular metals
solutions a heating effect generally occurs depending on the operating is between 5 and 12 volts, although there have been cases where voltages
temperature of the tank. Solutions may need to be heated before starting have been under 5 volts and up to 18 volts for a specific application.
the operation but may need cooling during the day. Heating is accomplished This low-voltage direct current is generally supplied by rectifiers.
through coils of carbon, tantalum, titanium or type 316 stainless steel Voltage control is almost always required. Most electropolishing is dane at
plate-coils. current densities from 50 to 500 amps/ft2, depending on material being
electropolished and electrolyte used.
Low watt density electric immersion heaters can also be used as long
as the material of the heater is compatible with the solution. Automatic
temperature controls are desirable. There are times when, with the proper Many solutions require ventilation for various reasons such as
controls, a heat exchanger can be used for both heating and cooling. As a objectionable odour and misting from the tank. It has been noted that the
tank is being run and sludge develops, it also will build up on the surface higher the operating temperature, the more desirable ventilation becomes.
of heating and cooling equipment. These items will need to be cleaned to However, there are solutions that do not give off an objectionable odour
maintain efficiency more often than the periodic cleaning of the tank. If and do not throw up a mist. When ventilation equipment is required or
using a heat exchanger the tubes and hases will also have to be kept clean. recommended it can be a fume hood, or slot type draft boxes along one or
Stainless steel rinse tanks after electropolishing should be used more sides of the tank depending on tank size. Materiais of construction
whenever possible. As a second choice, coated tanks can be used. Plain can be plastic, stainless steel or a plastic coated steel. Exhaust capacity
steel tanks will have a very limited life. After the first rinse tank an would be between 200 and 300 ft 3 /min/ft2 of bath surface.
acidulated rinse tank may be beneficial to remove any cloud or stain which Procedures for Electropolishing
Table 12 : Metal Conductivity Chart in Amperes Electropolishing operating sequence is similar to that of plating. The
work is racked and processed through the following sequence:
Size Copper Aluminum Brass Steel Phosphor Stainless Titanium
Bronze Steel Rack parts Clean
lxl 1000 600 250 120 180 23 31 Rinse Electropolish
1hxl 500 300 125 60 90 12 16 Rinse Acid dip
3/8xl 375 225 94 45 68 9 12 Acid dip Rinse
;4xl 250 150 63 30 45 6 8 Hot rinse Dry.
;4x3.4 187 112 47 22 33 4.5 6
1hx1h 250 150 63 30 45 6 8 If the parts are to be plated, the acid dip is an acid activator dip, then
;4x1h 125 75 31 15 22 3 4 rinse and plate.
3/8x3/8 140 84 35 17 27 4 5 As seen earlier, there are many variables to obtain good
1h0 200 120 50 24 36 5 6 electropolishing results. One which the operator can control is good cleaning
;40 50 30 13.3 6 9 1 1.5 methods. These methods include soak cleaning, electrocleaning, vapour
3/160 28 16 7 3.5 5 .6 .8 degreasing, solvent cleaning or a combination of these. If oil films are not
5/320 20 12 5 2.5 3.7 .5 .6 removed, in all probability they will come off in the electropolishing tank.
1/80 12 7 3 1.5 2.2 .3 .4 However, this oil floats to the surface and forms a scum on the solution
3/320 7 4 1.7 .8 1.2 .2 .2
surface which will have to be skimmed off. If it is not skimmed off, this
1/160 3 1.8 .7 .4 .5 .1 .1
36 scum may be redeposited on the finished parts, which will give a poor
Electropolishing 73 74 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

appearance and will be difficult to remove in subsequent rinses. Deburring

Heat tint, such as that produced from spot welding, will not be During the electropolishing process, edges become high current
removed by cleaning but will generally be removed in the electropolishing density areas; therefore, metal is removed at a higher rate from sharp
cycle. However, if the oil on the metal surface was not removed before spot edges and protrusions than other areas. Thus electrolytic deburring occurs
welding, the heat generated from the spot weld on the adjacent area causes and sharp edges can be broken. This does not mean that all burrs can be
the oil to carbonize, making it extremely difficult to remove by normal removed. Two things that determine the size of the burr that can be
cleaning procedures. removed are the size of the burr and the tolerance of the piece. Obviously,
Drawing compounds, lead and heat treat scale must be completely if the burr is 0.005 and tolerances are held to 0.0005, it is unlikely that the
removed. If not, etching, pitting ora non-uniform polish will result. Heat burr can be removed and still hold tolerance. Many times burrs located on
treat scale and welding scale can be removed by pickling, salt bath descaling the l.D. of a part can be removed by use of strategically located internai
or various abrasive methods. Overpickling can cause etching of the part, cathodes. Sometimes it is necessary to mechanically remove a large chip,
which will have a deleterious effect on the final finish. Trying to remove leaving a small burr which can then be removed by electrodeburring.
scale by electropolishing will cause the scale to be removed-if at all-in Electrodeburring requires 500 to 2000 amperes/ft2 (ASF) rather than
an uneven manner and the part will have an etched or mottled appearance. 50 to 500 ASF for electropolishing.
Thorough rinsing after cleaning is mandatory so that no alkaline
materiais, wetting agents or noncompatible materiais will be dragged into Passivation
the electropolishing solution. Because a small amount of metal will be removed during
Time of electropolishing varies with the solution temperature, material electropolishing, any embedded contamination either on the surface or
being polished, distance of part from the cathode, voltage and amperage just under the surface will be removed. Electropolishing passivates stainless
used and degree of polishing desired. Times are usually in the range of 1 steel to a greater extent than does any other passivation treatment. Storage
to 20 min. life of carbon steel parts, from the standpoint of corrosion, is aided by
Dueto today's emphasis on pollution control, it is advisable to use electropolishing. For example, electropolished steel parts have been stored
double or triple counter flow rinses. This will enable thorough rinsing to at 60 to 70% relative humidity for over six months without visible rust.
be obtained with up to 85% less water being used. These tanks should be Brass electropolished in phosphoric-chromic acid solution tarnishes
designed to accommodate the largest part to be processed. Tanks which are only slightly, if at all, whereas buffed brass turns dark in the sarne
too large will waste water. This is very important if rinse waters must be atmospheric environment. Although electropolishing does not make brass
treated prior to discharging to the sewer. The less water treated, the less or steel tarnishproof or rustproof, the improvement in resistance to corrosion
cost for treatment. Water treatment can be a significant cost factor. and oxidation can be a practical advantage during manufacturing.
Parts are placed in the electropolishing bath on the anode rod between Electromachining
and parallel to the two rows of ca thodes. The parts are arranged so that the
At times parts have been made to improper tolerances or tolerances
greatest area is exposed parallel to the cathodes. The distance from the
need to be changed slightly. Electropolishing becomes a tool to change
cathode to anode bar can be from a very few inches to perhaps 2 ft. The
tolerances by closely controlling the removal of a small amount of metal.
closer the parts are to the cathode, the higher the current density and metal
The turbine blades were machined oversize. By controlling time and
will be removed rapidly on those edges facing the cathode. On irregularly
temperature, up to 0.008 material was removed on the spline, holding
shaped pieces, a greater distance from anode to cathode may give a more
tolerances to ±0.0005. There were three diameters on the l.D. ofthe connector
uniform finish. Higher voltage will be required to overcome resistance if
and all were 0.001 undersize. Electropolishing, with an internai cathode,
there is too great a distance between anode and cathode.
was used to enlarge the bore. An air gauge was used to check each part
Care must be taken so gas is not trapped in deep recesses or inside
before and after electropolishing so that metal removal would be accurate
corners. Racks are designed so that gas is either trapped in the least
to ±0.0001.
objectionable area, or internai conforming cathodes may be used to
overcome this phenomenon. Surface Roughness
37 Surface roughness is commonly classified as RMS, root mean square,
Electropolishing 75 76 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

which denotes smoothness of ground or machined surfaces. This still rinse with air agitation. When this rinse tank reaches a certain level of
measurement has no real relationship as to how easily an electropolished concentration it can be pumped into another tank, heated to drive off
part can be cleaned after use or on its anti-stick properties. water and then put back in the electropolishing tank. The next rinse can be
Surface roughness measurement is usually made with a profilometer either spray or counterflow rinsing using either two or three tanks,
which cannot measure peak to valley distance accurately. Such peaks may depending on part configuration and as little water as practical to obtain
be reduced by electropolishing from substantial points to insignificant a thoroughly clean part. Should there be a problem with cloudy work, an
mounds without changing peak to peak distance at the sarne ratio. However, acidified or alkaline tank followed by a clean rinse, preferably counterflow,
a microscopic examination will show up to a 90% reductionin surface area. and then a hot water rinse to facilita te drying. It cannot be stressed enough
Such surfaces will now exhibit superior smoothness and anti-stick to use as little water as possible. If city water is being used it has to be
properties. On some work the profilometer reading will show a 50% purchased. After the water is used it goes to a sewer where there is usually
improvement. Here again the cleanability and anti-stick properties will be a sewer charge by the gallon. Between the inflow and the outflow there
enhanced many times. To obtain the lowest microinch finish, the best will probably be pollution control equipment, and the more water used the
surface to begin with is a 2B finish. more chemicals are needed to neutralize and treat the effluent to acceptable
Friction Inasmuch as electropolishing removes metal, it is necessary to
Electropolishing reduces the coefficient of friction of metals beca use recapture these heavy metals, chrome, nickel, copper, etc., to a level
the small asperities on the surface have been either removed or rounded. acceptable to the EPA. To date, the most economical system is neutralization
The coefficient of friction of an electropolished surface is about one-fourth to a ph where these metals forma hydroxide and precipita te. Aflocculating
that of a mechanically polished surface. agent is then added, which speeds up the precipitation. This water is then
Hydrogen Embrittlement pumped into a clarifier, where settling takes place and a wet sludge is
formed. This sludge is pumped into a centrifuge or filter press, where the
As was discussed earlier, during the electropolishing cycle oxygen is
sludge emerges at about a 20 to 25% solids levels. This sludge is now
liberated at the part being electropolished. Hydrogen is discharged at the
neutral but it must be hauled away at substantial cost to a properly
cathode; hence, electropolishing cannot cause hydrogen embrittlement.
approved disposal area.
Castings This method is one way to control pollution discharge, particularly
Castings are generally not good candidates for electropolishing for the infinite solutions. Solutions which are of the finite variety require
beca use of the various alloying materiais used in the castings. An exception the tank to be decanted and replenished with new solution. The discarded
is stainless steel. These castings will brighten but will not become as solution is not only highly acid but it also has heavy metals in suspension.
smooth or obtain a mirrar finish in comparison to strip stock. This solution must also be disposed of in an approved manner. Pollution
Electropolishing will remove contamination from the surface and provide control is a major consideration in any present or future electropolishing
a good passivated surface. During electropolishing, the surface of the installation.
casting will be removed and may expose subsurface porosity.
An investment casting is a better candidate for electropolishing than
a sand casting, beca use of its inherently smoother surface. However, sand
castings will electropolish to a clean, bright surface.
Pollution Control
Due to EPA and RCRA regulations it is important that thorough
rinsing be accomplished with as little water as possible to provide a clean,
neutral part, free of staining and cloudy appearance. A good cycle after
electropolishing would include a drain-off tank. When enough solution is
saved it can be put back in the electropolishing tank. Next tank can be a 38
78 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

cleaning operations. Such operations require a minimum of equipment

capital, energy and space. Generations of cold cleaning have yielded
CHAPTER 5 much more complex cousins as well.
Cold cleaning is the usual choice for infrequent maintenance
SOL VENT CLEANING cleaning of locomotives, manufacturing machines, electric motors,
watches and thousands of other items large and small. Many of these are
Cleaning is the removal of undesirable material from a base material spray cleaning or wipe cleaning, while dip or immersion cleaning is used
for others.
and is normally limited to the surface. The unwanted material may be
rust or oxide films, metal fines, shop dirt such as dust or paper, rust The prime properties of a solvent for simple cold cleaning are good
preventatives, buffing or polishing compounds, wax, oil, fingerprints, solvency, minimum flammability, low toxicity and a moderately fast
grease, asphalt and even water in some cases. Earlier sections of this evaporation rate. Carbon tetrachloride was regarded as a nearly idea
chapter have described buffing, polishing, barrel finishing and cold cleaning solvent before its highly toxic properties were recognized.
electropolishing. These processes are valuable in removing rust or oxide Cold cleaning solvent properties are summarized in the following Table
films or metal surface imperfections. Salts and other water-soluble soils, 13. A relatively rapid evaporation rate is preferred for dip or wipe
soaps and some buffing and polish suspending agents can be cleaned cleaning operations, whereas much slower evaporation is more desirable
from parts by alkali cleaning as described in Section F. The presence of for spray or flush cleaning. ln the latter operations, the solvent must
organic compounds such as grease or oil can foul these cleaning processes reach the object to be cleaned and must have an opportunity to drain off
and add to their cost, maintenance and waste. These organic compounds the work past to remove the soil. Too rapid evaporation in the latter
are easily solubilized by solvent and removed from the work parts. operation redeposits the soil on the work part. Further, the risk of fire is
ln some cases, solvent cleaning before other surface preparations increased by spraying. The choice of a spray cleaning solvent should lean
can extend the life of those cleaning operations; reduce their costs. ln toward solvents which are non-flammable or low in flammability. Where
other cases, solvent cleaning provides work parts in a condition ready distillation is practiced, as an effective means to reduce solvents costs,
non-flammable and relatively low boiling solvents are preferred. Solvents
for the next operation such as assembly, painting, inspection, further
with good electrical insulating properties and low residues on evaporation
machining or packaging. Prior to plating, solvent cleaning is usually
are preferred for electrical and electronic cleaning.
followed by an alkaline wash or other similar process which provides an
hydrophilic surface. Further, solvent cleaning can be employed to remove Nearly all cold cleaning operations involve some exposure to people.
water from electroplated parts, as is common in the jewellry industry. Therefore, high priority should be given to selecting a solvent with minimal
toxic properties. For this reason, carbon tetrachloride and benzene should
Solvent Cleaning not be used for cleaning solvents.
Solvent cleaning can be accomplished in roam temperature baths
or by employing vapour degreasing techniques. Roam temperature Solvent Blends
solvent cleaning is commonly referred to as cold cleaning. Vapour Compromises in solvent properties can be obtained by blending
degreasing is the process of solvent cleaning parts by condensing solvent two or more of the appropriate solvents. For example, the cost of a cold
vapours of a non-flammable solvent on a work part(s). cleaning solvent can be reduced by a solvent blend which contains
quantities of a low-cost solvent. Such blends are all often referred to as
Cold Cleaning safety blends, which is misleading to many users. Without evidence to
Without a doubt, the first solvent cleaning was dane in a small pail the contrary, solvent blends must be considered to have the toxic properties
or bucket. It is still dane today and it is the simplest kind of cold cleaning. of the solvents in their composition. Estimates of their toxicity are made
These simple operations are mobile as opposed to fixed or stationary based on their relative volatility (vapour pressure) and percent
composition. However, these estimates assume that the toxicity of one
Solvent Cleaning 79 80 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

solvent in the composition does not aggravate the toxic reaction of other Table 13 : Common Metal Cleaning Solvents
portions of the blend.
Type of Solvency Toxicity Flash Evapo- Water Boiling Pounds
Solvent blends can serve useful purposes by offering special solvent Solvent for Metal (ppm) Point ration Solu- Point per
properties, decreasing the cost per gallon or reducing the flammability of Working Rate* bility (Range) Gal
Soils (% wt)
the final composition. For example, alcohols can be added to chlorinated
solvents to increase their cleaning effectiveness for water-soluble solder Alcohols
fluxes or fingerprints. Solvent blends based on methylene chloride are Ethanol (95%) poor 1000 60ºF 24.7 00 165-176ºF 6.76
popular as paint, varnish and lacquer stripping cannot be recaptured Isopropanol poor 400 55°F 19 00 179-181ºF 6.55
and distilled for reuse, a solvent blend containing 25% methylene chloride Methanol poor 200 58°F 45 00 147-149ºF 6.60
by volume, 5% perchlorethylene and 70% stoddard solvent or mineral Aliphatic hydrocarbons
spirits has been used to reduce cleaning costs. Heptane good 500 <20ºF 26 <0.1 201-207ºF 5.79
The design of cold cleaning solvent blends should be dane under the Kerosene good 500 149ºF 0.63 <0.1 354-525ºF 6.74
guidance of solvent experts to avoid problems in performance, toxicity, Stoddard good 200 105°F 2.2 <0.1 313-380ºF 6.38
stability and flammability. Although methylene chloride is nonflammable, Mineral spirits 66 good 200 107ºF 1.5 <0.1 318-382ºF 6.40
small quantities (less than 25% by volume) added to flammable solvents Aromatic hydrocarbons
will often increase the flammability by decreasing the flash or fire point Benzene*** good 10 lOºF 132 <0.1 176-177ºF 7.36
of the composition. Blends formulated to reduce costs nearly always se 150 good 200 151ºF 0.48 <0.1 370-410ºF 7.42
result in compositions where the less volatile and cheaper solvent is Toluene good 200 45°F 17 <0.1 230-232°F 7.26
flammable. When these formulas are evaporated, sometimes by as little Turpentine good 100 91ºF 2.9 <0.1 314-327ºF 7.17
as 10% by volume, they may become as flammable as the low-cost solvent. Xylene good 100 81ºF 4.7 <0.1 281-284ºF 7.23
The chlorinated solvents contain stabilizers or inhibitors to protect Chlorinated solvents
them from degradation from sunlight, oxidation or reactive metals such Carbon
as aluminum. Mixing other solvents or even two chlorinated solvents tetrachloride** excellent 10 none 111 <0.1 170-172ºF 13.22
together can result in diluting the stabilizers to the extent that they will Methylene chloride excellent 500 none 363 0.2 104-105.SºF 10.98
not protect the new solvent composition. Perchloroethylene excellent 100 none 16 <0.1 250-254ºF 13.47
Crude appliances such as pails are often used in cold cleaning; 1,1,1-tricltlohroethane excellent 350 none 103 <0.1 165-194ºF 10.97
however, they can result in unnecessary fire and vapour exposure risks. Trichloroethylene excellent 100 none 62.4 <0.1 188-190ºF 12.14
Examples of cold cleaning equipment for flammable solvents include Fluorinated solvents
safety transfer cans with flame arrestors (Fig. 3), dip or soak tanks with Trichlorotrifluoro-
of fusible link cover supports plunger type safety cans with drain screens ethane (FC-113) good 1000 none 439 <0.1 l18°F 13.16
covered sinks with a solvent inventory tank below. These devices can be
used by the nonflammable solvents as well as flammable solvents and
Acetone good 1000 <0º/F 122 00 132-134ºF 6.59
are effective in reducing evaporative lasses. Mild steel and galvanized or
Methylethylketone good 200 28°F 45 27 174-176°F 6.71
zinc metallized steel are common materiais of construction. Cast iron
pump housings with stainless or brass impellers and stainless shafts are * Evaporation rate determined byweight loss (in mg/m /min) of 50 ml in a 125-ml

breaker on an analytical balance.

suitable fore most solvents. Gasketing and sealing compounds should *** Not recommended or sold for metal cleaning.
be chosen according to the solvent used. Aluminum parts are
commonly cleaned by solvents in both maintenance and manufacturing

Solvent Cleaning 81 82 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Fig. 1:

Fig.2 : Spray cleaning equipment.

However, aluminum is a highly reactive metal, particularly when the

aluminum oxide film is removed and can react with a number of solvents,
including the alcohols and the chlorinated solvents. For this reason, Fig. 4
aluminum is not recommended as a material of construction for pumps, The ultraviolet light exposed portions of the film further poylmerizes
meters, spray nozzles, valves, storage tanks, mixing blades (impellers) or to form a solvent-insoluble plastic. The circuit board is developed by
piping for solvent cleaning operations. dissolving the unexposed portion of the film with 1,1,1- trichloroethane
exposing the copper circuit. Note that additives or inhibitors added to
1,1,1- trichlororthane can have a significant effect on the quality of the
developing operation. Some inhibitors have been known to attack the
polymerized film during development, causing quality defect. The exposed
copper circuit is plated or protected with solder. Then, the remaining
polymerized film is stripped, using methylene chloride or methylene
chloride base formulations. The newly exposed copper surface is removed
by etching with ferric chloride, for example. Both the solvent developing
operation and the stripping operation are in effect sophisticated cold
Fig. 3
cleaning techniques.
More sophisticated cold cleaning operations are commonly found More recently a water base system for printed circuit board
in the electronics industry. ln the manufactures of printed circuit boards, manufacture has been introduced but the solvent base system offers
the raw circuit board consists of a fiberglass epoxy sheet with a copper finer line quality, requires less energy and equipment capital and avoids
film laminate. A photosensitive plastic film is bonded to the copper. This concerns for water pollution. The solvent system, to date, requires less
photo resist film is exposed to ultraviolet light through a photographic process control and is faster also. Solvent developing and stripping
tool in the pattern of the desired circuitry. equipment are enclosed and well ventilated, posing minimal exposure to
vapour inhalation.
Obviously, the water base system avoids potential solvent vapour
exposure entirely. Both systems are competitive economically.
Solvent Cleaning 83 84 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Diphase Cold Cleaning approximate boiling temperature of the solvent. The soils removed from
Frequently, solvent cleaning is chosen to avoid exposing the the work parts boil at much higher temperatures than the solvent which
processed work to water. ln some instances, such as before plating, results in essentially pure solvent vapours being formed, even though the
aqueous cleaning after solvent cleaning is desirable. ln such situations, boiling solvent may be quite contaminated with soil from previous work
diphase cleaning can offer distinct advantages. ln this cleaning operation, parts. ln this regard vapour degreasing is an improvement over cold solvent
a water layer which may contain surfactants is placed on top of one of cleaning because the parts are always washed with pure solvent. By
the chlorinated solvents or fluororcarbon 113. The chlorinated and contrast, in cold cleaning the solvent bath becomes more and more
fluorocarbon solvents are heavier than water and remain below the contaminated as repeated workloads are processed and redeposition of
water surface. Generally, the petroleum solvents are not used in diphase soil increases. ln vapour degreasing, the parts are heated to the boiling
cleaning because they are lighter than water and float. Water soluble temperature of the degreasing solvent and they dry instantly as they are
solvents cannot be used in diphase cleaning; fortunately, the chlorinated withdrawn from the vapour zone. Cold cleaned parts dry more slowly.
and fluorocarbon solvents are essentially water-insoluble. Not only are The demands made on a vapour degreasing solvent are much more
the parts cleaned in both solvent and water in this process, but the severe than those imposed on cold cleaning solvents. Thus, relatively few
evaporation rate of the solvent is suppressed by the water blanket above solvents qualify for use in vapour degreasing. A discussion of the critica!
it, increasing the solvent economy in such operations. Corrosion of the vapour degreasing solvent properties follows.
tank at the water solvent interface and in the area contacted by the water
phase can be held to a minimum by maintaining a pH of approximately
10 with buffer salts (e.g., Na 2HP0 4) and by employing 304 or 316L The flammability of the solvent is determined by standard flash
stainless steel. Strong alkalies such as sodium hydroxide or potash should point test methods such as Tag Open Cup. All flammable solvents have
not be used in the water phase of a diphase cleaning operation. These a flash point below their boiling point. At temperatures above this flash
point, the vapours from the given flammable solvent can be readily
highly alkaline materials can react to degrade the chlorinated solvents.
Diphase cleaning of aluminum is not recommended for 1,1,1- ignited and will burn at least for a brief interval. A fire point is similar
trichloroethane because the aluminum inhibitor system in the solvent except that the vapours continue to burn. Vapour degreasing solvents do
may be extracted into the water phase, leaving the solvent inadequatly not have a flash or fire point by standard tests. The fire hazard associated
protected. Diphase cleaning is competitive with normal cold solvent with using a flammable solvent in vapour degreasing would be wholly
cleaning operations and both are frequently economically attractive unacceptable
cleaning processes when compared with alkaline washing operations.
Safety Thermostat
Diphase cleaning obviously suffers the handicap of leaving the cleaned
parts wet with water.
Condensing Coils

Vapour Degreasing
Vapour degreasing is the process of cleaning articles, usually metal
parts, by condensing pure solvent vapours on them. ln this process, a non-
flammable solvent is brought to a boil within a vapour degreaser. The Temperature
solvent vapours are three or more times heavier than air; so they displace lndicator

the air as they are generated and create apure solvent vapour zone. The
solvent vapours are prevented from escaping by condenser coils located Solvent Levei Sight Galss
Work Rest and Protective Grates
below the upper rim of the degreaser. Parts being cleaned are lowered into
this vapour zone and condense solvent vapour until they reach the
Fig. 7 : Open top degreaser

Solvent Cleaning 85 86 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

because this process demands the use of the solvent at its boiling point. Table 14: Vapour Degreasing Solvents
This would result in highly flammable air and solvent vapour mixtures
1't1ram?ter Ttid!lotmhylene Trid!lamhane Perdilorrethylene Trid!lorotrijluo Mttl1!fere
at the air-solvent vapour interface. Flummim113 011ai/e
Although all of the nonflammable solvents present essentially no fire
Flash point None None None None None
hazard in vapour degreasing, some of these solvents do have limited Toxicity-TLV 50 ppm 350 ppm 50 ppm 1000 ppm 100 ppm
flammable properties. These flammable properties can be measured by Solvency Strong Modera te Modera te Mild Strong
determining the ignitable or flammable limits in air. All flammable solvents Photochemical
have ignitable limits in air as well as flash and fire points. Perchloroethylene reactivity Yes No No No No
Vapour Density 4.5 4.6 5.7 6.5 2.9
and fluororcarbon 113 have no flammable limits in air. Although (Air=l.0)
nonflammable methylene chloride, trichloroethylene and 1,1,1- Volume of
trichloroethane also have flammable limits. The flammable limits of the condensate 1.00 0.86 1.57 0.54 0.19
latter three chlorinated solvents are at much higher vapour concentrations (gals)
Stabilization Yes Yes Yes No Yes
than those typical for truly flammable solvents. Also, the minimum ignition Boiling point 189 F 165 F 250 F 118 F 104 F
energy for these solvents are 1000 to 3000 times the minimum ignition Molecular weight 131 133 166 187 85
energy required for flammable solvents. These differences account for the
minimum fire risk experienced with methylene chloride, trichloroetyhylene (the average molecular weight of air).
and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Fires are virtually nonexistent with all of the
nonflammable halogenated solvents. Solvent Condensate Volume
The volume of solvent which condenses on the work parts controls
Toxicity how much washing action occurs from simple solvent vapor condensation.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration publishes the The solvent condensate volume is expressed in gallons of solvent which
legal worker exposure health standards. However, a more convenient and form on cleaning 100 lb of steel or 1 /100 kg. It is calculated by the following
up-to-date reference is published annually by the American Conference of formula:
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). Values from this reference
100 lbx0.11 BTU/Fº x (boiling point-room temp.) l/ lb
have been at least as conserva tive as those required by OSHA and represent ----------~~-----~-= ga 100 ·
Solvent latent heat of vaporization
recommended maximum time-weighted average (TWA) concentration
exposures acceptable for a normal 8-hr work day (40-hr work week) to Thus, a low heat of vaporization results in a greater quantity of
which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effect. solvent condensing, as does a higher boiling point.
Higher exposures are permissible for short periods if the average is not
exceeded. Generally, higher acceptable exposure values indicate less toxic Boiling Point
materiais. A low boiling vapour degreasing solvent permits easy handling of
cleaned parts due to their lower temperature and avoids possible damage
to heat sensitive parts; e.g., thermometers. However, these solvents may
Kauri butanol values and other systems intended to quantify solvent
require refrigeration for effective vapour condensation and control.
power tend to give misleading information for cleaning operations.
Conversely, a high boiling solvent like perchloroethylene provides the
Vapour Density maximum solvent condensate rinsing on parts which have a high surface
to weight ratio such as radiators but it requires high pressure steam (50 to
More dense solvent vapours are less easily disturbed by roam air
60 psig) for heating.
turbulence than lighter vapours. The density of each solvent's vapors
can be estimated by dividing the molecular weight of the solvent by 29

Solvent Cleaning 87 88 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 15 : Flammability of Solvents to prevent loss of solvent vapours and to control the upper level of the
Solvent Flash Point Flash Point Flammable Limits Minimum Ignition
vapour zone within the equipment.
Open Cup. Closed Cup. in Air Energy (Millijoules) Heating of the degreaser is usually accomplished by steam. However,
ºC ºC (20ºC). Vol% electrical resistance heaters, gas combustion tubes and hot water can be
Upper Lower 25°C 5D°C used. Gas combustion heaters with open flames located below the vapour
Methylene chloride NF NF 22.0 14.8 3.200 degreaser are not recommended and are prohibited by OSHA regulations.
1, 1, 1-trichloroethane NF NF 10.5 8.0 600 Specialized degreasers are designed to use a heat pump principie for both
Trichloroethylene NF NF 10.5 8.0 280
heating and vapour condensation. ln this instance, the compressed gases
Perchloroethylene NF NF NONE NONE NONE
Acetone -9 -17 13 2.15 1.15 from the heat pump are used for heating the vapour degreasing solvent
Cyclohexane 2.5 8.35 1.35 0.22 and the expanded refrigeration gases are used for vapour condensation.
Ethyl acetate 7 -5 11 2.25 1.42 Such a degreaser offers mobility that permits movement without connecting
Ethyl benzene 54 6.7 1.0
n-hexane -28 -22
to water, steam or gas for operation.
6.9 1.25 0.24
Methanol 15.6 6 36.5 6.72 0.14 Normal vapour control is achieved with plant water circulation
Methyl ethyl ketone -5.6 -7 11.5 1.81 0.53 through the condensing coils. Refrigeration-cooled water or direct
Toluene 4 7.0 1.3 expansion of the refrigeration gases in the condenser coils are effective
means of vapour control where a sufficient cool water supply is not
Stability available; a low-boiling vapour degreasing solvent is chosen (such as
The stresses which must be withstood by vapour degreasing solvents methylene chloride or fluorocarbon 113) or plant water is excessively warm.
include heat, water, metal fines, air oxidation, light and the accumulation A less common vapour control employing a vapour level control
of soluble soils. All of the vapour degreasing solvents except fluorocarbon thermostat(s) can be used with the higher boiling solvents. ln this vapour
113 require chemical additives to maintain their stability in this application. control method, the hea tis intermittently turned on and off by one or more
However, each of the stabilized degreasing solvents will tolera te all but the thermal sensors which detect the heat of the solvent vapours as they rise to
most abusive treatment with appropriate stabilization. a specific level.
ln addition to the primary vapour degreasing solvents, some co-solvent For safety, economy and, in some cases, to comply with regulations,
blends with the basic solvents are available to increase or enhance the degreasers are usually equipped with a number of auxiliary devices. These
solubility characteristics of the base solvent. To be effective, these co-solvent devices include:
systems must boil together with one of the primary degreasing solvents so 1. A Water Separator. This is a chamber designed to separate and
that they can be distilled and will have essentially the sarne composition remove water contamination from the degreaser. Solvent and
in the vapour zone as in the liquid. These special mixtures which boil water condensate collected by the condenser coils is carried by
together are called azeotropes. Again, to be useful and safe in vapour the condensate collection trough and exterior plumbing to the
degreasing operations, these azeotropic blends must meet all of the water separator. The water separator is designed to contain five
requirements of a vapour degreasing solvent. The preparation of azeotropic to six minutes of solvent and water condensate. This provides
vapour degreasing solvent blends should not be attempted without expert for nonturbulent flow and flotation of the insoluble water. This
advice and laboratory testing. Azeotropic mixtures may have unacceptable water is discharged from the equipment while the solvent
fire or toxic properties. condensate is returned to the degreasing equipment.
2. Safety Vapour Thermostat. This device, located just above the
Vapour Degreasing Equipment
condensing coils, detects the solvent vapours if they rise above
As in the case of cold cleaning, vapour degreasing equipment varies the designed level in the equipment. This could occur with
in complexity. All of the vapour degreaser designs provide for an inventory inadequately cool condensing water or condenser water flow
of solvent, a heating system to boil the solvent anda condenser system interruption. When solvent vapours are detected, the heat input

Solvent Cleaning 89 90 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

to the degreaser is turned off automatically. Manual resetting is <levices are known to be effective. Spraying above the vapour
preferred and commonly used. This demands attention and zone can exaggerate solvent losses by causing air and solvent
alerts the operator to a malfunction. vapour mixing.
3. Boiling Sump Thermostat. ln the cleaning operation, high- Modifications in this basic vapour degreaser are designed to permit
boiling oils and greases are removed and collect in the boiling various cleaning cycles including spraying of the work parts or immersing
them in boiling or cool solvent. Further vapour degreaser designs are
available to provide various conveyor and transport means through the
cleaning cycles. Common conveyor systems include the monorail vapour
degreaser, the crossrod vapour degreaser, the vibratory conveyorized
Solvent water inlet
degreaser and the elevator degreaser. Open top degreasers constitute over
_ Solvent Outlet
80% of the vapour degreasers used in industry. Their size ranges from
benchtop models with perhaps 2 ft2 (0.2 m 2) of open top area to tanks over
100 ft long (30 m). The most common sizes range between 4 and 8 ft (1 and
3 m) long and 2 and 4 ft (0.5 and 1.5 m) wide. The most frequently used
cleaning cycle is vapour-solvent spray-vapour. Among the conveyorized
vapour degreasers, the monorail is the most prevalent. Generally, open top
degreasers are much lower in cost, permit great flexibility in cleaning
different workloads, occupy much less floor space and are adaptable to
both maintenance and production cleaning. Due to their relative low cost
and minimum space requirements, they are preferred for intermittent
operations and for decentralized cleaning where transport of parts to be
cleaned to a centralized location would add substantially to the cleaning
Fig. 22: Water separator

chamber. These contaminants eleva te the boiling temperature of

the solvent and could cause solvent decomposition if left to
accumulate without control. This <levice is located in the boiling
Warm Solvent
chamber solvent and like the safety vapour thermostat, turns off Overflow Dam
the heat to the degreaser if it senses temperatures higher than
Solvent Boiling
those appropriate for the solvent being used. Chamber
4. Condenser Water Thermostat and/ or Flow Control Switch. Again,
these <levices tum off the degreaser heat if the water flow through
the condenser system is inadequate or the water temperature is
insufficiently cool to control the solvent vapours in the degreaser. lmmention Chamber

5. Solvent Spray Thermostat. This temperature sensing <levice is Fig. 23 : Two compartment degreaser
located just below the normal vapour air interface in the degreaser
Monorail conveyor degreasers lend themselves particularly well to
and is designed to prevent manual or automatic spraying if the
plants which use a monorail conveyor to transport parts from one operation
vapour zone is not ator above the thermostat level. This <levice
to another. ln such cases, the plant monorail system carries the parts down
has been required by some regulations, although no available
into the vapour zone for initial cleaning. The parts are moved through a

Solvent Cleaning 91 92 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

stationary spray zone in the vapour zone and held in the vapour zone
until they are heated to the vapour temperature. The monorail then
carries them out of the equipment to the next operation. Often, no manual
handling of the parts is needed. This system is often used prior to dip or
spray painting.

Fig. 25 : Cross-rod conveyorized degreaser.

The ferris wheel degreaser is similar in its parts handling features

to a crossrod. However, the parts are carried through the cleaning cycle
on a rotating wheel which again may cause the parts to be tumbled in the
Fig. 24 : Monorail conveyorized degreaser. solvent immersion stage. This equipment is smaller and less costly than
the crossrod but is able to process the work parts through only one
A crossrod degreaser depends on two chains which carry work
parts suspended from a rod between the chains through the process. immersion cycle. Parts loading and unloading is usually done manually
in a manner similar to that of a crossrod degreaser.
Unlike the monorail conveyor which can only transport parts at a
Although a vibratory degreaser can handle a large variety of small
descending angle of about 45º, the crossrod degreaser can lower the parts
parts, it is particularly well suited to cleaning parts coming form one or
vertically. This enables the crossrod degreaser to lower parts into
more high-volume manufacturing machines making the sarne part. Since
sequential chambers of solvent for immersion cleaning. The parts carrier
can be a simple pendant basket or can be a wire mesh cylinder. Where a
wire mesh cylinder is used, the parts container is often rotated by a gear
and pinion mechanism within the liquid baths to improve removal of
metal fines and chips from recesses in the parts. The conveyor
system can be designed to load on one end of the equipment and unload
at the opposite end or the load and unload station can be located at the
sarne end. When the parts workload is sufficiently high, an automatic
loading and unloading conveyor can be used to save the labour of loading
and unloading the parts. Since each basketload of parts is maintained
discretely separate from the other loads, varieties of small parts can be
cleaned in this equipment without intermixing one with another.
This equipment is particularly useful in cleaning a variety of small
parts with cavities or holes and removing metal fines and chips from the
Fig. 26 : Ferris wheel degreaser

Solvent Cleaning 93 94 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

conveyorized degreasers, an elevator degreaser can reduce the labour

costs of cleaning to a minimum. Although conveyorized degreasers are
usually larger than open top degreasers, their solvent consumption per
ton of parts cleaned is usually much less than in open top equipment.
··- ,, - · ""' '-9. -
Workload Discharger Chuts


Fig. 27 : Vibra degreaser.

this conveying means is essentially continuous, it does not keep different

small parts separate from one another. Parts are fed into a chute which
directs them to a circular pan flooded with solvent. The parts are moved
by a vibratory motion through the pan and up a spiral where they are
exposed first to solvent vapour condensation and then dried in air before
being discharged through the exit chute. Of the conveyorized degreasers,
this equipment occupies a minimum of floor space. However, the vibratory
action is quite noisy and often requires noise insulation. Further, this
vibratory action causes considerable wear and requires somewhat more WarrnSowent
Dam lmmersion Chamber
maintenance. This conveyor system is especially well suited to the cleaning
of rapidly manufactured cold headed parts such as nails or the cleaning of
Fig. 28 : Elevator degreaser.
high alloy metal chips and turnings prior to recycling.
The elevator degreaser (Fig. 14) is very much like an open top
degreaser. The parts can be transferred onto the elevator by belt conveyor Materiais of Construction
or roller conveyor. The elevator lowers the parts into the vapour zone and Most vapour degreasing equipment is constructed of 316L or 304
can be indexed to hold them there for a specific interval. They may be stainless steel. Phenolic resin coating such as Heresite over mild steel can
further lowered into a solvent liquid chamber or sprayed or both before be employed but is subject to cracking or chipping and subsequent
being held in the vapour zone again prior to removal. This kind of degreaser corrosion. Galvanized and zinc metallized equipment is no longer
can be designed so that the cover is maintained in place on the equipment recommended. Stainless steel or copper tubing are used for condenser coils.
for all operations except loading and unloading. As such, it would meet Centrifuga! pumps are used for most solvent transfer and spraying
the definition of "an enclosed degreaser design" as described in the section operations. Cast iron construction with a stainless steel shaft and stainless
on regulations. Loading and unloading can be manually controlled or or brass impeller and mechanical seals are recommended for this use.
automated and the elevator can be designed to maintain the cover on the Aluminum pumps and/or impellers should not be used.
equipment when no parts are available for cleaning. The cost of an Gasketing materials must be solvent resistant. Impregnated cellulose
elevator degreaser will normally be considerably less than other fiber base materials or compressed asbestos impregnated with graphite,
conveyorized vapour degreasing systems. As in the case of other or Viton or Teflon polytetrafluorethylene are suitable gasketing. Rubber

Solvent Cleaning 95 96 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

gasketing will swell and lose strength in contact with the chlorinated directly for electrical heat or steam calculations. Approximately twice
solvents. Glycerin or ethylene glycol can be used as gasket lubricants. this energy input is required for gas fired combustion tubes due to the
Graphite, molybdate and lithium stearate can be used as general solvent heat loss with the combustion gases.
resistant lubrication on vapour degreasing machinery when needed.
Stainless steel pipe and fittings are recommended for solvent plumbing. Condensing System
Standard black iron piping and storage tank construction is adequate for The condenser coils and freeboard jacket must contain the solvent
dry solvent storage and transfer. Teflon tape is preferred over standard vapours in the degreaser. Usually, the condensing system will be designed
pipe dope for plumbing joints. to maintain the upper level of the vapour zone ator below the mid-point of
the condenser coils. Therefore, the condensing coils should be calculated
Design Consideration to handle approximately twice the heat input needed for a steam or
electrically heated degreaser or roughly the sarne heat input for a gas fired
HeatSupply degreaser. Control of the condenser water effluent temperature is achieved
Steam is a preferred heating means for vapour degreasing and by locating a thermostat in the discharge pipe. The regulating valve and
distillation equipment because control of the steam pressure limits the the manual control valve for the condenser coils should be located on the
temperature to which the solvent will be exposed. Allowing the solvent inlet side of the equipment to prevent line pressure build-up within the
level to drop below a portion or all of the steam heating coil will usually condenser system when the equipment is shut down.
not cause solvent decomposition because of the limited temperature
exposure. By contrast, exposing electrical resistance heaters or gas fired Size
immersion tubes will often exceed the solvent thermal degradation Open top degreasers should be designed to have an open top area
temperature and result in the formation of hydrochloric acid in quantities 50% larger than the largest basket or single part to be processed through
which may be corrosive to the equipment and parts cleaned. Steam may the equipment. If immersion cleaning is intended, the immersion tank must
not be available at some sites and does not lend itself to mobility of the permit parts to be submerged within it.
vapour degreasing operation. Electrical heating is also common and
contributes to permitting the degreasing operation to be moved from one Conveyor or Hoist Speed
place to another. When combined with refrigeration condensation of the The vertical component of travel for an overhead hoist or conveyor
solvent vapours, a small degreaser may become completely mobile. Electrical system should not exceed 11 ft/min. Thus, a monorail conveyor which
resistance heaters should have a watt density of 20 watts/in. 2 or less to descends at an angle of 45º could have a conveyor line speed of
avoid excessively hot surface temperatures. approximately 151h ft (4.7 m) per min.
The final common heating means is by gas fired immersion
combustion tubes. The exhaust of the combustion gases must be constructed
of acid-proof insulating materiais such as asbestos cement. Without The freeboard on a vapour degreaser is the distance from the top of
insulation, this exhaust duct will be heated by the combustion gases and the vapour zone to the lip of an open top degreaser or to the lowest point
could cause solvent vapour decomposition on its surface. The required of a part's entrance or exit on conveyorized equipment. This portion of the
heat input per hour can be estimated by multiplying the maximum weight equipment is designed to prevent unnecessary disturbance of the vapour
load to be cleaned in three minutes, times the specific heat of the metal zone by air turbulence in the workroom. Current open top equipment is
involved, times the temperature rise from ambient to the boiling point of manufactured with a freeboard height equal to 75% of the width of the
the solvent chosen, times 20. An estimate of the radiation heat lasses equipment or greater. Exceptions are made for extraordinarily wide
from the degreaser plus the quantity of heat required to supply fresh equipment and the freeboard height may be increased if roam air
distillate solvent for spraying or diluting clean solvent rinse chambers disturbance is expected to be greater than normal or if the equipment is
must be added. This value converted to kilowatt hours can be used long and narrow.

Solvent Cleaning 97 98 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Ventilation degreasers tend to be labour-intensive, whereas conveyorized vapour

Normal roam ventilation is frequently adequate to avoid excessive degreasing equipment frequently requires little or no operator attention.
solvent vapour exposure to workers using or nearby the small degreasing The choice in vapour degreasing equipment should be made carefully.
operations. Where ventilationis needed to protect against vapour exposures Advice can be obtained from solvent and/or equipment manufacturers.
or comply with regulations, the solvent loss rate from the equipment can
Location of Vapour Degreaser
be expected to be increased by as much as 100% of the normal solvent loss
rate without ventilation. Open top degreasers are customarily vented by Space Needed
means of a lip exhaust on three sides of a degreaser. The design standard
Whenever possible, a degreaser should be located in a space that
is 50 cfm/ft2 of open top area. Degreasers equipped with a lip exhaust
allows a walkway on all sides of the equipment. Particular attention should
ventilation system should have covers which dose the degreaser below
be paid to providing the space necessary to open and remove clean-out
the lip exhaust during shut down intervals. Ventilation for conveyorized
doors or ports. Clean-out doors frequently house the heating coils. Space
degreasers usually provide for the removal of 50 to 100 cfm/ft2 (15 to 30
must be available to totally withdraw the heating coils from the vapour
m 3 /min/m 2) of open area. When a degreaser is located in a pit, ventilation
degreaser. Overhead roam must be available on open top equipment to
of the pit should be provided which will permit a minimum of two air
permit the workloads to be raised over the lip of the vapour degreaser.
changes per minute. Pit ventilation should be located ator near the bottom
Where inadequate headroom is available, the degreaser may require
of the pit.
installation in a pit. The top of an open top degreaser should extend at
Selecting Vapour Degreasing Equipment least 42 in. above floor level orbe provided with a railing at this height to
Some of the key considerations involved in choosing vapour avoid a risk of personnel falling into the equipment. As noted earlier, pits
degreasing equipment are as follows: should be equipped with ventilation to exhaust the air volume within the
pit at least twice per minute. Drainage and a sump pump should be
1. The size and quantity of parts to be cleaned. provided in the pit to remove any solvent or water spillage. If possible, this
2. The variety and need for segregation of parts cleaned from one pump should transfer the solvent or water to a separate vessel where the
another. water and solvent can be permitted to separateso that quantities of solvent
3. The degree of cleanlines is required. will not be pumped to a sewer in case of a spill. The pit should be provided
4. The space available. with adequate space to permit cleanout and maintenance and should be
5. The advantages of cost and efficiency in centralized cleaning covered with a protective grating or other removable flooring.
versus the handliness of multiple cleaning operations located
near their need. RoomSize
6. The type of soil to be removed. Experience has shown that degreasers located in a roam having at
7. The utilities available. least 2000 ft 3 of air /ft2 (610 m 3 /m 2) of open top degreaser area will usually
8. Capital cost considerations. provide sufficient ventilation to protect workers from excessive vapour
As discussed earlier, open top degreasers are less costly to purchase. exposure. Actual measurement of solvent vapour concentrations in the
This leads to their use where multiple cleaning stations are desirable or work area can determine the need for additional mechanical ventilation.
where the frequency of cleaning is less continuous. They also occupy a
Gas Heated Degreasers
minimum of floor space.
The combustion products from gas heated degreasers must be
Conversely, conveyorized equipment will often consume only half
ventilated from the work area. Where a negative pressure exists in the
as much solvent per unit of parts production. This may amount to as
operating roam, positive exhaust of the combustion products must be
little as 1h to 1 gal/ton of free draining work parts cleaned. Open top
provided by an exhaust fan.

Solvent Cleaning 99 100 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Heat, Open Flame or Welding spray pump.

Excessively hot surfaces such as ovens or open flames will decompose 10. Ensure solvent condensate flow through the water separator
vapour degreasing solvents. Further, both the heat and the ultraviolet light and return to the proper vapour degreaser compartment.
emitted from welding operations can also cause solvent vapour 11. Check safety vapour thermostat and water flow control detector
decomposition. Solvent decomposition will form hydrochloric acid fumes for proper operation.
and other corrosive and potentially toxic products. Usually, the corrosive 12. Adjust condensar water discharge temperature to approximately
products pose a greater risk of corrosion to exposed metal surfaces rather 100º to llOºF (a temperature of approximately 80ºF is preferred
than a threat to workers. Consequently, vapour degreasers should not be for flurocarbon 113 and methylene chloride).
located where the solvent vapours are likely to be exposed to these 13. Work processing can begin. The workload should not cause
conditions. Examples of operations which should not be located near excessive collapse of the solvent vapour zone.
vapour degreasing operations are heat treating ovens, flame annealing,
Shutdown Procedure
gas fired or radiant space heaters and infrared ovens, and welding.
Shutdown of a vapour degreasing operation follows essentially the
Drafts reverse arder of steps provided in the startup procedure. Care should be
Normal roam air circulation is favourable toward maintaining low maintained that the condenser system is not turned off until the equipment
solvent vapour concentrations in the work area. However, excessive roam has cooled sufficiently to collapse the vapour zone. The degreaser
drafts caused by air intakes, fans, doors or windows, etc. can dramatically ventilation can be turned off when the degreaser cover(s) is positioned in
increase the solvent loss rate from the equipment whether conveyorized or place.
open top. Location of the equipment in non-drafty areas is preferable. The
Solvent Conservation
use of baffles or partial enclosures can be used when the location would
otherwise cause unnecessary vapour disturbance. Economies in solvent consumption can be achieved by employing
improved operating techniques, by equipment design and by the use of
Startup Procedure supplementary equipment. Good operating techniques are discussed as
1. A check should be made that clean-out ports are in place and part of solvent regulations. Repetition of these techniques will be avoided
sealed and all drain valves closed. in this section, with one exception. The well-disciplined use of covers on
2. The ventilation should be turned on if available. open top equipment is recognized as an outstanding means for
3. The condenser water should be turned on. economically controlling solvent lasses. By placing a cover on the degreaser
4. Electric power to the safety devices should be turned on if during non-use periods, solvent consumption has been reduced by 24 to
separate from the ventilation power. 50% in actual using operations.
5. Solvent should be added to all chambers within the equipment
Equipment Design
to their operating levels. A solvent transfer pump is recommended
to avoid splashing. Prior to the mid-1970's, the industrial standard for freeboard height
6. Check and adjust all thermostat settings. on vapour degreasers was approximately 50% of the width of the degreaser.
7. Tum on heat. Since that time the freeboard design has been increased to 75% of the
8. Observe vapour generation until assured that the condenser width as the result of experimentation showing that between 27 and 46%
coils will maintain control of the vapour zone ator below the of the solvent loss could be reduced by this technique. Increasing the
midpoint of the coils. freeboard from 75% of the width to 100% of the width has been shown
9. Start conveyor and spray pump if continuous spraying is to reduce the solvent lasses experienced with a 75% freeboard by as
employed. If spraying is manually controlled, check operation of much as 39% where air turbulence in the roam was present.
Covers for open top degreasers can be modified so that the

Solvent Cleaning 101 102 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

equipment can be covered even while the cleaning operation is taking degreasing operation are reduced to a minimum and the degreasing
place. With this modification an open top degreaser can simulate the operation can be conducted on a more continuous basis without
advantages of an elevator conveyor degreaser. This design modification production interruptions.
is particularly useful when cleaning massive work-loads requiring a
prolonged cleaning cycle. Cover designs which slide horizontally across
the open surface disturb the vapour zone less than covers that are hinged
on one or both sides of the equipment. Covers can also be automated so
that they will dose without operator control after a workload has been
cleaned and removed from the equipment.
Although most degreaser operators are diligent, they are subject to
inattention, haste and distractions which can and do result in greater Separator
solvent consumption. Automated parts handling through open top
equipment has recently been introduced. Like the automated cover Colledioo Throt.gh
operation, these mechanisms can remove operator errar and substantially
reduce the manual costs associated with open top vapour degreasing.
These automated systems can be programmed to process parts through
spray, vapour and solvent immersion cycle where the dwell time in each
phase of the cleaning is controlled. Further, the parts baskets can be
designed so that they can be rotated within the liquid or vapour or
freeboard zones to prevent excess solvent dragout on the workparts.

Supplementary Conservation Equipment

Solvent stills are usually attached directly to large vapour
degreasing operations such as the conveyorized degreasers. When
Fig. 29 : Still.
connected directly to degreasing operations, the solvent stills can be
operated by a float control or a level detector which will automatically
Refrigerated freeboard chillers have been used to reduce solvent
transfer dirty solvent from the degreaser boiling chamber to the still. As
lasses. A second set of coils located above the condenser coils are
in the degreaser, the solvent is boiled, producing pure solvent vapours.
The solvent vapours are condensed on condensing coils, collected in a
trough, routed through a water separator and returned to the degreasing
operation or to clean solvent storage. Degreasing operations equipped
with a still are constantly replenished with clean solvent and require for
less frequent cleaning to remove accumulated soils. Alternatively, a
centrally located still can be used to recover dirty solvent from several
small degreasing operations. Distillation will recover the solvents or
azeotropic solvent systems unless the solvent has been exposed to abusive
conditions in the basic cleaning operation. The recovered solvent can
usually be used without further treatment in the original cleaning
operation. The value of the solvent recovered and reused will often
recover the capital investment in distillation equipment in a short period
of time. ln addition, the labour costs associated with cleaning the vapour Fig. 30 : Regrigerated freeboard chiller.

Solvent Cleaning 103 104 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

installed in the vapour degreaser. Expansion of refrigerant gases within Carbon adsorption (Fig. 17) is the only true solvent recovery process
these coils or the circulation of water glycol refrigerated solutions maintain widely used. Vapours as dilute as 200 ppm in air can be collected by this
these coils at a low temperature which chills the air above the vapour process. A vapour degreasing operation using this recovery process must
zone. This chilled air creates a secondary barrier to the loss of solvent be equiped with a ventilation system to collect the solvent vapours in air.
vapours. Some atmospheric moisture or frost can be expected to build up ln the adsorption phase, the solvent vapour-air mixture is filtered and
on the refrigerated freeboard chiller coils and these coils must be equipped blown down through a bed of carbon granules or pellets. The activated
with a suitable refrigeration system. Where the coils are operated at a carbon captures the solvent vapour from the air. The relatively pure air
temperature below the freezing point of water, frost accumulates. Adefrost is exhausted through the bottom of the carbon bed and usually outside
cycle is incorporated on a time-scheduled basis to remove the frost. A the plant. The carbon bed is said to be saturated when it begins to lose its
separate collection trough is the preferred method of removing the water effectiveness in collecting the solvent vapour.
collected on these coils. By this means, a minimum of water contamination
occurs within the equipment. Water contamination can result in equipment
corrosion and water spotting of the cleaned parts. Although some solvent
accumulates on the refrigerated coils, the primary means of reducing solvent
vapour losses is through increasing their confinement within the equipment.
ln some instances, the introduction of water makes the application of this
conservation <levice impractical for azeotropic co-solvents that are water
soluble, such as the alcohols. Reductions in solvent consumption up to
60% have been measured in industrial operations using this equipment.
A more conservative 40% reduction in solvent is recommended for
evaluating a potential application of this <levice.

Fig. 32 : Adsorption cycle.

The adsorption phase ends when bed saturation occurs or on a time

cycled basis established by experience. Dampers dose off the air inlet and
outlet, and the desorption cycle begins. Steam is injected through the bottom
of the bed, causing the solvent to vapourize from the bed. The uncondensed
steam and solvent vapours are condensed to liquid solvent and water in
a condenser. The solvent and water mixture is separated in a water
separator and the solvent is returned to the operating process or to
solvent storage. Most industrial carbon adsorption systems are time
sequence automated dual bed systems so that one carbon bed can be on
the adsorption phase of the cycle at all times.
Field studies of user carbon adsorption systems indicate that
approximately 7 gal of steam condensate are collected per gal of solvent
recovered in the desorption cycle. This results in a very large exposure of
the solvent to water. This water exposure causes any water-soluble
Fig. 31:

Solvent Cleaning 105 106 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

additives to be substantially removed from the solvent. Thus, the the exceptional applications recovering 1,1,1,-trichloroethane or methylene
recovered solvent is very often stripped is its stabilizer system. ln spite chloride.
of this, this recovery system has been applied to perchloroethylene and Of the methods to conserve solvent, carbon adsorption has the highest
trichloroethylene degreasing operations in reasonable numbers. capital and utility costs, demands more maintenance for efficient operation,
and severely depletes the solvent stabilizer systems. Large degreasing
systems operating on a multi-shift basis provide the most economic
application of this solvent recovery system, particularly where other solvent
loss controls are impractical. The outstanding advantage of carbon
adsorption is its ability to recover dilute solvent vapours from air.

Choosing a Vapour Degreasing Solvent

All of the vapour degreasing solvents or commercial azeotropic
solvent blends possess the required characteristics of low flammability,
low toxicity, good solvency, a relatively high vapour density, a low heat
of vapourization (which provides a relatively high volume of solvent
condensate), an intermediate boiling point and chemical stability.
However, they are not all equally suited to all vapour degreasing
operations and some possess special advantages to meet particular
cleaning needs. Although trichloroethylene was the dominant vapour
degreasing solvent prior to about 1970, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and
trichloroethylene now share this position. Perchloroethylene is the third
Figure : Desorption cycle. most popular vapour degreasing solvent followed by methylene chloride
and fluorocarbon 113.
Some of the special considerations which influence the choice of
Solvent usage can be reduced by 40 to 50% and even higher by this
vapour degreasing solvent are described below.
system. Laboratory and field studies have shown carbon bed systems to be
effective in capturing in excess of 95% of the vapours. However, ordinary Available Steam Pressure
ventilation systems are not nearly as effective in delivering the solvent-air Many manufacturing facilities have low pressure steam
mixture to the carbon bed system and increase solvent losses by disturbing (approximately 15 psig), suitable for trichloroethylene and 1,1,1-
the vapour zone. ln addition to steam, water and electrical power, carbon trichloroethane. Fewer plants have high-pressure steam in the range of 50
adsorption systems require compressed air to operate the various valves to 100 psig. Since steam is the preferred means of heating vapour degreasing
and dampers. Experience has shown that these systems require moderately equipment, perchloroehylene frequently cannot be used due to its
high maintenance to maintain good operating efficiency. The recovery to requirement of 50 to 60 psig steam. The control of steam heat for low-
1,1,1,-troechlothane by carbon adsorption is not generally recommended boiling solvents (methylene chloride and flurocarbon 113) is somewhat
due to severe stabilizer removal. Likewise, methylene chloride is not well more sensitive and discourages their application to some extent. However,
suited to carbon adsorption recovery due to its 2% solubility in water. steam regulation and equipment designs can overcome the sensitivity of
Again, azeotropic blends containing water-soluble solvents cannot be steam heating these solvents. All of the solvents can be heated with
recovered intact. The presence of large amounts of water creates serious
electrical resistance heaters or gas immersion combustion tubes.
corrosion potential. Phenolic resin coatings such as Here site over mild
steel have been adequate for perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene.
Hasteloy construction and titanium clad equipment has been offered for
Solvent Cleaning 107 108 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Available Water Cooling instances, these characteristics also yield better cleaning results on parts
When plant cooling water is not available year around at with a high surface to weight ratio such as radiators.
temperatures of SOºF or lower, refrigerated condenser systems are required
Heat Sensitive Parts
for methylene chloride and fluorocarbon 113. These refrigeration systems
add to the overall cost of the vapour degreasing equipment but this cost Where high-temperature exposure may cause parts damage,
may be offset at least partially by the improved portability of these methylene chloride or fluorocarbon 113 are preferred vapour degreasing
vapour degreasers. Normal plant cooling water is usually adequate for solvents. Some electronic components, thermometers and temperature
controlling the vapours of l,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene and switches fall in this category. Each of the vapour degreasing solvents can
perchloroethylene. be used for calibration of thermal devices, depending on the temperature
desired for calibration.
Special Solvency
Heat Pump Degreasers
Fluorocarbon 113 is recognized as being less aggressive on paints or
identification markings for parts or assemblies. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane can Degreasers of this design concept have been developed to operate
often be used in operations where damage to markings for identification for the lower boiling solvents including 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Heat pump
must be avoided. Conversely, methylene chloride and, to a lesser extent, application to trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene vapour degreasing
trichloroethylene, can be effective in stripping lacquer or some uncured is not available.
resin coatings prior to refinishing. The particular solvency and boiling Ultrasonic Agitation
temperature of trichloroethylene is used in electric motor rebuilding
Ultrasonic agitation of the degreasing solvents can assist in the
operations. Brief exposure to the trichloroethylene vapours performs simple
removal of insoluble soils, speeds the removal of soluble matter and
cleaning while prolonged exposure to the solvent vapours softens the
diminish the time necessary for cleaning both in cold cleaning operations
insulating varnish on the wire windings and permits easy removal for
and vapour degreasing operations. Ultrasonic agitation is achieved by
transmitting high-frequency sound waves through the solvent. This high-
Water Removal frequency energy causes small voids or cavities to be formed in the fluid
Each of the solvents used in vapour degreasing will displace water which collapse with great energy on the surface of the parts to be cleaned
from parts mechanically and will azeotrope with the water so that it may as well as in the general fluid. The formation of and collapse of these
be removed from the vapour degreaser. Perchloroethylene is the only solvent bubbles provides a strong scrubbing action which will remove insoluble
having a boiling point higher than that of water. This high-boiling solvent matter such as dust, metal powder, metal fines, etc. Normal 60-cycle
has been used in plating and jewellry operations as a rapid means of electrical current is transformed to current at 20 to 40 kilohertz (20,000 to
drying small parts. Special surfactant additives to fluorocarbon 113 have 40,000 cycles/sec). This energy activates a transducer which may be
also been employed effectively to remove water from parts. magnetostrictive or piezoelectric crystals such as barium titanate or lead
zirconate titanate. The transducer energized by this high-frequency
High Melting Soils electrical energy vibrates to transmit the ultrasonic energy through the
Heavy deposits of asphalt or creosote as encountered in cleaning fluid. Ultrasonic cleaning can be used in heated cold cleaning
maintenance cleaning of road equipment, the removal of cosmoline rust tanks or in clean solvent chambers of vapour degreasers. To operate
preventative and the removal of high melting waxes are improved by efficiently, the solvent must be degassed. That is, the air dissolved in the
the high boiling point of perchloroethylene. Both the higher temperature solvent must be removed from it. Degassing occurs when the solvent is
and the prolonged bathing action provided by the increased volume of heated and/or boiled.
solvent condensate on the parts improve its cleaning efficiency. ln some Each solvent has a temperature range in which ultrasonic cleaning
or cavitation provides maximum effectiveness. Generally, this maximum

Solvent Cleaning 109

effectiveness occurs in a range of 10º to 25ºF below the solvent boiling

temperature. If sonic energy is transmitting into a boiling solvent, the
cavities formed do not collapse and the energy results in increased boiling
but the aggressive cleaning action is reduced. Due to these conditions, CHAPTER 6
the application of ultrasonic agitation is well-suited to vapour degreasing
operations to enhance cleaning. Ultrasonics can be used in heated cold ALKALINE CLEANING
cleaning baths, however, the solvent loss rate from such systems can be
expected to be substantial. Although this supplementary cleaning action
is not inexpensive, it often permits the removal of insoluble soils which Although convenience of discussion requires that the subject of
can cause product rejects or hand cleaning which would ultimately be part preparation be separated into distinct areas, it is a mistake to think
more expensive. that these areas are not interrelated and interdependent. Rather than to
think in terms of any single step, the plater is encouraged to think in
Vapour Degreasing Process Quality Control terms of a preplating, or part preparation cycle, every step of which is
Most vapour degreasing solvents require stabilizers to provide affected by what went before, and in turn affects that which comes after.
assured cleaning quality and protect against solvent decomposition The object of this preplating cycle is to remove those surface films
resulting in corrosive acid formation (hydrochloric acid). These stabilizers
which can be characterized as soils, and replace them with films which
boil with the solvents and are present in quantities sufficient for normal
will be compatible with the solutions being used to apply the final finish.
use. When solvent conservation extends the solvent use period, soils or
parts are changed, distillation recovery or carbon adsorption recovery is When the sequence is properly selected and operated, the parts will enter
started, or when a different degreasing solvent is used, a solvent analysis the final processing solution with a surface in an activated or receptive
program is particularly advisable. Routine operations often can benefit state for the finish to be applied. To accomplish this preparation, four
by less frequent analysis. basic steps are required:
The most sophisticated and thorough analysis is accomplished by 1. Gross cleaning-the removal of heavy soil.
gas chromatography (GC). This method can measure all of the stabilizers.
2. Fine cleaning-the removal of residues from gross cleaning,
GC analysis requires expensive equipment usually not available at user
along with fine particulate matter.
locations. However, this analysis is often supplied by local consulting
3. Oxide removal-the removal of the thin layer of oxide which
laboratories and may be offered by the solvent producer.
Vapour degreasing stabilizer systems comprise multiple chemical covers every metallic surface.
additives designed for each particular solvent. ln each case, one of those 4. pH adjustment-to bring the residual surface film dose to the
additives has the ability to neutralize small amounts of acid. This type of sarne pH as the processing solution.
additive is referred to as an "acid acceptor." If the solvent is abused or These basic steps constitute the objectives of each stage of the
a deficiency occurs in the other stabilizers, small amounts of acid will preplating cycle. The actual processing sequence may be considerably
form and be neutralized by the acid acceptor. Thus, analysis of these acid
more elaborate. Any stage may require more than a single processing
acceptor chemicals generally indica te the condition of the entire stabilizer
solution; some soils may require that a previous stage be repeated; the
system. The acid acceptance value, expressed as equivalent sodium
hydroxide, is determined by adding a known amount of acid to a solvent rinsing steps must be considered as part of each stage, not merely
sample and titrating the residual acid after reaction with the stabilizer. incidental; if a multi-component plate is to be applied, intermediate
This procedure is described in detail in ASTM. D 2942. activating or preparatory steps may be required. The complete process,
Acid acceptor test kits are available from some solvent suppliers therefore, can become extensive.
also. These methods apply equally to cold cleaning operations, although ln addition to preplating cycles, there also may be less demanding
cold cleaning places less stress on the solvents. cycles for other manufacturing operations; cleaning prior to applying

Alkaline Cleaning 111 112 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

rust preventives; cleaning prior to conversion coating; and specialized remain.

cleaning operations.
Factors which affect all of these processes include: Rust-proofing Compounds
Rust-proofing compounds can roughly be placed in three categories:
1. The nature of the soil
2. The base metal 1. lnorganic, water-soluble compounds for protection between
3. The finish to be applied. operations, or short-term protected storage. These normally do
not present any cleaning problems.
SOILS 2. Emulsifiable organic mixtures cut back with water to form the
The definition of a soil may be compared to the definition of a weed. required emulsion. When the emulsion "breaks" dueto a change
A weed is a plant that is out of place. A rase bush in a wheat field is a of temperature or the evaporation of water, the organic portion
weed. A wheat stalk in a rase garden is a weed. Similarly, a soil is matter is left on the surface as a protective film. The formulation
out of place. A rust-proofing oil on a part in storage is not a soil. Only usually contains one or more volatile constituents which
when the part moves to the finishing roam does it become a soil. The sarne evaporate with the water during drying so the protective film
is true for cutting oils used in machining; drawing or stamping lubricants; is no longer emulsifiable. Protection is adequate for long-term
buffing compounds, etc. The air is filled with particulate matter, oil sprays protected storage, or interplant transfer. Cleaning problems are
and various fumes, all of which can settle out on parts in storage and similar to the next ca tegory.
which are lumped together as shop dirt. A part cannot be made without 3. Solvent cutback organic mixtures provide a wide degree of
contaminating it to some degree with some sort of soil. protection, depending on composition and degree of cutback.
Soils not only vary in their basic nature, but the sarne soil may present Protection may be adequate to permit outdoor storage for
varied cleaning problems, depending on the method of application and its reasonably extended periods. They may be formulated with water-
history. Some soils are particularly susceptible to these effects. displacing characteristics so parts to be protected may be
immersed wet. The organic protective materiais generally contain
Buffing Compounds an oil base, a highly protective material such as a fatty acid, a
Buffing compounds are mixtures of lubricating materiais (usually metallic soap, ora polar material with an affinity for the substrate.
fatty acids), abrasives (complex silicates, carbides or metal oxides) and If they are not fully dry to the touch they become magnets for
materiais to control the melting point (often high-melt parafinnic shop dirt. Dryness or lack of tack is usually imparted by
compounds or waxes ). Since the buffing process is a friction related process, incorporating a wax, a drying oil ora film forming resin. Since
very high temperatures may be generated at the point of contact, and all these materiais are designed to protect by preventing the
the ingredients can react with each other and the metal surface. These penetration of moisture to the metal surface, they are often difficult
temperatures can vary widely with buffing conditions; the reactions can to clean in aqueous systems. Solvent or vapour degreasing before
vary as well. It is not unusual, therefore, to find that the sarne parts buffed aqueous cleaning is often helpful. A solvent dip to penetra te the
with the sarne buffing compound by two different buffers clean somewhat film and reduce its viscosity also helps. If waxes are used for
differently. Since the buffing residues often react with the base metal to dryness, the temperature of the cleaning solution must be higher
form metal-organic compounds which then bind the residues to the than the melting point of the wax.
surface, storage or transfer time between buffing and cleaning operations
Age of the film can be an important factor. Some of the polar
will also affect the cleaning process. ln general, the shorter the delay
materiais may react with the metal surface. Unsaturated compounds
between operations, the easier will be the cleaning process. ln extreme
may polymerize to form varnish-like materiais. Evaporation of the solvent
cases of delay, it is possible for the buffing residues to react so extensively
used for cutback will alter the viscosity. Coiled stock is particularly
with the surface, that when they are removed, an etch pattern will
susceptible to these effects. Depending on the tightness of the coiling,

Alkaline Cleaning 113 114 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

these variations may occur at different rates in various areas of the coil. acid treatment is often the only effective procedure. It is not uncommon
Hence, differences in cleaning requirements from point to point on the for oil films to be trapped under these smuts so their removal results in
coil are not unusual. the reappearance of a "water break." Double cleaning cycles may be
Machining and Forming Oils Both types of smut can occasionally be held to the surface by either
Increasingly often, these oils are being fortified with additives electrostatic or magnetic attraction. Ultrasonic or spray cleaning may be
providing extreme pressure lubrication. Since these adhere strongly to required to overcome these forces.
the substrate, aggressive, high-alkalinity cleaners may be required.
Machining and forming conditions by generating locally high Base Metal Effects
temperatures can affect the cleaning process. Additionally, poorly The nature of the base metal has a criticai bearing on the type of
designed or poorly maintained tooling can introduce surface conditions cleaning system selected. Materiais must be selected to provide the required
that complicate the cleaning process. Double-cleaning cycles may be cleaning action without undue or selective attack on the base metal. Since
required to compensate for these defects. Post-plating defects, including metals vary greatly in reactivity, allowable limits of pH, temperature
roughness, plate porosity, and spotting out can result from these causes. and concentration and the type and concentration of inhibiting a gents
Certain chlorinated or sulfonated oils may be gelled by high alkalinity are dictated by the base metal. Cleaners for aluminum or zinc will
cleaners, and low alkalinity materiais may be more effective. Once gelled, generally by quite different from those of brass or steel.
they can be very difficult to remove. Where the presence of these materiais
Finish Effects
is suspected, a sequence of low alkalinity followed by high alkalinity is
the safest procedure. Some finishes are applied from solutions which either have cleaning
and deoxidizing action by virtue of their composition, or which are very
Smuts tolerant of marginal part preparation. Cyanide zinc plating solutions fall
A smut is defined as finely divided particulate matter strongly into this category, and it has been common pradice to use very condensed,
adherent to the metal surface. It may be conductive or non-conductive. The and often marginal preparatory cycles ahead of these solutions. The
non conductive smuts consist of inorganic residues including carbon from wisdom of the approach is highly questionable, but acceptable, if not high-
acid treatment of high-carbon steels, or from heat treating operations such quality, work can be produced in this way. Nickel plating, on the other
as oil quenching or controlled atmosphere heat treatment; pigments from hand, is highly susceptible to improper part preparation, so more extensive
the use of pigmented drawing compounds; insoluble constituents of an and effective cycles must be used. Numerous other instances can be found
to illustrate this point.
alloy brought to the surface by previous chemical treatment; e.g., silicon in
aluminum alloys, beryllium in beryllium copper, etc.; abrasive compounds Tests for Cleaning
from buffing or mass finishing operations; mold residues from casting
The literature on various tests for the effectiveness of cleaning
operations; and certain types of shop dirt. procedures is extensive. Unfortunately, with few exceptions, these remain
This type of smut usually responds well to reverse current treatment research tools rather than production control methods. Among the methods
in electrocleaners or alkaline descalers. suggested are analysis and control of numerous characteristics of the
The conductive smuts usually consist of metallic fines or finely cleaning solution; the waterbreak test, spray pattern test, atomizer test,
divided metallic oxides from a previous operation such as polishing, residual soil measurements, residue pattern evaluation, fluorescent dye
mechanical finishing, machining or forming. This type of smut does not evaluation, radioactive tracer tests and the copper sulfate test.
usually respond well to electrolytic treatment, since the gas is generated at ln production, the cleaning process is usually controlled by a
the surface of the smut rather than at the metal surface. Much of the combination of solution analysis and the waterbreak test.
lifting action of the gas is therefore lost. Relatively strong or specialized

Alkaline Cleaning 115 116 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Solution Analysis generally used as precleaners. Cleaning is by dissolving action of the

The increasing complexity of cleaning blends, and the widespread solvent on oily soils present on the surface, although the surfactants used
use of proprietaries, has reduced control by solution analysis to a simple to form the emulsion provide additional cleaning action. The prepared
test for solution concentration or total alkalinity, occasionally emulsions are frequently used in spray units. Increasingly stringent
supplemented by an analysis for total surfactant concentration. These restrictions on the levels of hexane solubles in effluents are having a
may be carried out by laboratory procedures, but most often are monitored negative influence on the use of these materiais since they contribute
with simple test kits provided by the suppliers. Dilute solutions, such as heavily to this type of effluent contamination.
used in spray washing equipment, may be monitored by concentration
measurements based on simple conductivity meters, or hand-held Buffing Compound Removers
refractometers. These are essentially highly specialized forms of soak cleaners,
More extensive breakdowns involving measurements of pH, designed for the effective removal of buffing compound residues. They
complete titration curves, emulsification characteristics, surface tension, fall into three basic categories:
colloidal suspension properties, etc. are generally reserved for use by the
suppliers laboratory in trouble shooting, cleaner selection or the 1. Neutral detergent-usually liquids; mixtures of surfactants;
development of new materiais. pH dose to neutral with buffering provided by the surfactants
used. Concentrations in the range of 1 to 10% by volume.
The Waterbreak Test 2. Enhanced detergent-similar to neutral detergent but fortified
This is based on the ability of a properly cleaned metal surface to with organic alkalies which can react with the fatty acid in the
retain an unbroken film of water. The test is subject to possible buffing compound to form organic soaps. Concentrations 2 to
misinterpretation dueto retained alkali from inadequate rinsing of cleaner 10% by volume.
residues, or the presence of hydrophilic smuts with oil trapped under the 3. Modified soak cleaners-similar to soak cleaners (q.v.) but
smut. These difficulties can be avoided by using a suitable acid treatment modified to be especially effective on buffing compounds.
before making the observation. ln production, parts are inspected at Concentrations of 45 to 120 g/l (6 to 16 ox/gal).
various stages of the preplating cycle for any evidence of "waterbreak"
Types 1 and 2 often show poor performance on oily soil other than
or failure to retain a continuous film of water.
buffing compounds. Temperature of operation should be above the melting
The other tests listed for determining the cleanliness of a surface point of the buffing compound, 60º to 80°C (140º to 180ºF). Use of
are used as research tools for evaluating cleaning mechanisms and ultrasound, or vigorous agitation will often permit operation at lower
developing new materiais . Occasionally one or more of these techniques temperatures.
may be used as a control procedure in very demanding applications; e.g.,
sophisticated electronic manufacture, or space applications. Alkaline Cleaners
Alkaline cleaners are blends of various inorganic alkaline salts with
Cleaner Operation deflocculants, inhibitors and surfactants as required to provide the various
cleaning mechanisms and functions discussed below.
Emulsifiable Solvents
These are mixtures of suitable solvents and sufficient concentrations The chemical action by which a fatty acid, a fatty oil or other
of surfactants to cause the solvent to emulsify when added to water. reactible soil is converted to a water-soluble compound such as a soap.
They may be used full strength followed by a water rinse; oras a prepared Elevated temperature, concentration and pH promote the speed and
emulsion, generally at a concentration of 5 to 10% by volume in water. completion of the reaction. The main advantage is that cleaning will
A residual film is always left on the metal surface. They therefore are

Alkaline Cleaning 117 118 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

proceed in the absence of surfactants, and that the reaction products When properly operated, hexane solubles in the effluent are reduced,
may function as additional cleaning agents to improve the performance since the oily soil is constantly separated from the cleaning solution.
of the cleaner. Disadvantages include the fact that at least initially only
reactible soils will be affected; the reaction products may build up to Spray Cleaners
levels that cause rinsing and drying-on problems; incomplete rinsing Cleaning solutions which are sprayed on the parts, sometimes under
may result in redeposition of the soils in a subsequent acid treatment; the considerable pressure. Any of the mechanisms previously discussed,
solubilized soils unless separated will contribute heavily to hexane solubles including emulsified solvents may be used. Careful attention must be
in the effluent, and such separation is not always easy to attain. given to choosing materiais with low-foaming characteristics. The
combination of chemical action and the mechanical action of the spray
produces effective cleaning. Spray patterns must be designed to provide
The chemical process by which surfactants penetrate oily soils and complete coverage of the parts, and the units given periodic maintenance
break them down into globules sufficiently small to allow dispersion and to insure that nozzles are not plugged. Except for the foaming
suspension in the solution. Advantages include the fact that the reaction requirement, alkaline spray cleaners are similar to soak cleaners.
is often independent of pH; temperatures and concentrations required Concentrations and temperatures, however, are generally much lower,
can be somewhat lower than with saponification; all types of oily soils in the range of 15 to 30 g/1 (2 to 4 oz/gal) and 35° to 60°C (100º to 140ºF).
will be removed; and rinsing will generally be somewhat better than for The newer low-temperature spray cleaners often opera te at 4 to 15 g/1 (1h
saponified soils. Disadvantages are similar to those for saponification to 2 oz/ gal) and 20º to 30ºC (70º to 90ºF). Liquid forms of the materiais
except as noted, and with the added possibility that the surfactant are sometimes available and operate at 1h to 2% by volume.
concentration may be depleted ata rate different from the alkali depletion.
The cleaner may therefore drift out of balance and fail to perform even Ultrasonic Cleaning
when concentrations appear to be within limits. The use in the cleaning process of ultrasonic energy provided by an
ultrasonic generator which produces the necessary signal, and transducers
Defiocculation which convert the signal to mechanical energy within the solution. The
The process by which special chemical compounds surround most commonly used frequency is probably 20 kHz, although higher
particles of solid soil, removing them from the surface and dispersing frequencies (40 to 100 kHz) are sometimes used. The ultrasonic energy
them in solution. The process is generally improved by mechanical action alternately compresses and expands the solution and produces several
and/or the development of gas by electrolysis. Elevated temperatures concurrent effects.
may also be helpful. Different deflocculants may be specific to certain
solids, so complex soils may require mixtures of several agents for effective
action. The alternate pressure effects can literally tear the solution apart to
produce "cavitation bubbles." When these "bubbles" are collapsed on
Displacement the compression portion of the cycle, high-pressure mechanical effects
The process by which surfactants lift oily soils from the surface of are created, blasting solid soil away from the surface. Pressures as high
the parts to be cleaned. A film of surfactant and solution is left on the as 180,000 psi may be generated. ln extreme cases, the substrate being
part surface. The oily soil floats to the surface of the cleaning bath. cleaned may be etched or otherwise damaged. Cavitation occurrence
Advantages include longer solution life and the possibility of operating will be increased, and cavitation pressures reduced by increasing
at lower concentrations and temperatures. The main disadvantage is the temperature. It disappears completely at the boiling point.
need to continually skim the solution surface to remove the displaced oil.
Electrical Effects
Failure to keep the solution surface properly cleared may result in the
redeposition of the oily soil as the parts are removed from the solution. Very high voltages may be developed across opposite faces of the

Alkaline Cleaning 119 120 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

cavitation bubble. These can neutralize electrostatic charges holding to 4 oz/gal) with a maximum of 45g/l (6 oz/gal) at temperatures of 20º
particles to the substrate being cleaned, or even produce oxidising effects to 40ºC (70º to lOOºF) in the displacement mode and 30 to 60 g/l (4 to 8
by generating ozone from oxygen dissolved in the solution. oz/gal) with a maximum of 75 g/l (10 ozgal) at temperatures of 25º to
40ºC (80º to llOºF) in the emulsification mode. Soak cleaners consist of
Transmission Effects blended alkalies to establish the desired pH range and reserve alkalinity,
Since any relatively rigid material will transmit and rediafe surfactants for detergency, and often deflocculatnts for the removal of
ultrasonic energy with only about 5% loss at each interface, ultrasonic solid soil. Inhibitors for specific base metals may be included. The pH
cleaning is highly effective for blind holes, and interna! threads or bares. range is usually established by the reactivity of the metal to be cleaned;
Soft, resilient materials such as rubber and plastic are energy absorbers strongly alkaline materials often being used for steel; magnesium and
and therefore do not respond well to ultrasonic cleaning. copper alloys, and mild materials for zinc, aluminum, brass and other
sensitive alloys. Generally only relatively mild materials can be considered
Cleaning Materiais for all-purpose use.
Any of the standard cleaning material may be used with proper
Soak Cleaning Equipment
adjustment for the ultrasonic effect. Since much of the ultrasonic energy
is converted to heat, solvents with low flash points or low boiling points Plain steel equipment is usually satisfactory. Tanks should be
may require cooling to avoid the possibility of fire or excessive equipped with a bottom drain, a dam type overflow for skimming action, a
evaporation. Alkaline cleaners will generally require better inhibition for grease trap anda circulating pump if displacement type cleaners are used,
sensitive metals, since the ultrasonic effects will increase the chemical and a heating coil.
action of the cleaner on the substrate. Cleaners can be specially formulated
for ultrasonic use and/or to control cavitation pressures. Skimmer Pipe

Equipment Considerations
The energy levels are generally calculated in terms of watt density /
in. 2 of surface to be cleaned. Common values are 5 to 10 W /in. 2 since at
higher levels a layer of heavy cavitation may form immediately adjacent
to the transducer and prevent proper transfer of the energy into the
solution. Only one side of the rack or part is used to calculate this
"cleaning window." Transducer area must be adequate to provide the Solution
necessary energy without exceeding the 10 W /in.2 limit mentioned above. Pump
Provision should be made to remove solid materials from the active area
by filtration, or by settling, or avoid attenuation of the ultrasonic energy,
or marking of the substrate by ultrasonically agitated abrasive particles. Bottom drain

Soak Cleaners Fig. 34 : Diagram of method of constructing a soak cleaning tank show in an
The work-horses of the industry, they remove the major portion of automatic skimmer and an outboard separator tank for
the heavy oily soils, and often some of the solid soils. They are generally removing grease and oil.
used at 60 at 120 g/l (8 to 16 oz/gal) with an average level of 75 to 90
g/l (10 to 12 oz/gal). Temperatures range from 50º to 95ºC (120º to Electrocleaners
200ºF); more commonly 60º to 70ºC (140º to 160ºF). The newer, low- Alkaline blends for use with current. Work can be either cathodic or
concentration, low-temperature materials will operate at 15 to 30 g/1 (2 anodic, although general practice now emphasizes anodic use. Cathodic

Alkaline Cleaning 121 122 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

electrocleaning has the advantage that twice as much gas is developed

to provide scrubbing action to remove solid soils. Since the gas developed
is hydrogen, sensitive metals may be subject to hydrogen embrittlement.
Additionally, permissible levels of chromate contamination are
considerably lower with cathodic cleaning, and metallic contaminants
may be plated out onto the work. Good practice, therefore, dictates that
when cathodic cleaning is used, special precautions are taken. These
include use of sufficient anodic cleaning to remove plated on
contaminants; prevention of hexavalent chromium contamination; and
special care in regard to hydrogen embrittlement possibilities.
Electrocleaners are commonly used at concentrations of 60 to
120 g/l (8 to 16 oz/gal) with an average of 75to 90 g/l (10 to 12 oz/gal);
temperatures from 50 to 95 C (120 to 200 F), more often 60 to 70 C (140
to 160 F), and current densities of 5 to 15Á/dm2 (50 to 150 ASF). The
Fig. 35 : Diagram of method of constructing an electrocleaner tank showing
voltage required to develop the desired current density is dependent on placement of anode and cathode bars.
the type of electrocleaner used, the tank configuration and the
temperature. The normal voltage range is 6 to 12 volts. The newer, low- Electrocleaners may be contained in plain steel equipment under
normal conditions. ln addition to the equipment listed for soak cleaning,
concentration, low-temperature materials will operate at 45 to 75 g/l (1
the tank should be equipped with bus-bars, ventilation and a power
to 10 oz/gal) with a maximum of 90g/1 (12oz/gal); temperatures of 45
to 75 c (80 to llOf); current densities of 3 to 8 A/don2 (30 to 80 ASF). F07
similar equipment configurafions, required voltages will be some what Alkaline Descalers
higher than for heated materials. These are highly alkaline, heavily chelated or complexed materials,
Electrocleaners consist of blended alkalies to establish the desired sometimes fortified with surfactants, used in a variety of different ways
pH range and reserve alkalinity (generally at least some free caustic or for the removal of rust, scale and smut.
other highly conductive salt is present to promote conductivity); inhibitors
For rust removal these descalers are used by simple immersion at
to prevent attack of the base metal (frequently silicates of one type or
concentrations of 90 to 360 g/l (12 to 48 oz/gal); temperatures from 60
another); deflocculants and/or complexes for solid soil and must removal.
to 90 C (140 to 190 F) for the removal of simple corrosion. When fortified
Since precleaing has usually been carried out, surfactants are frequently
with surfactants, they will also be effective in removing rust preventives,
limited to the amount needed to provide a mist suppressing foam blanket.
marking paints, etc.; e.g., pipe from outdoor or partially protected storage.
Compromise materials with sufficient surfactant to act as both soak and Simple immersion is not generally effective on scales.
electrocleaner are available. Foam levels must be watched carefully. The
For smut removal they are used with reverse current (generally) for
hydrogen and oxygen resulting from electrolysis will be trapped in the
the removal of difficult smuts. Conditions of use and restrictions are
foam, and if foam levels are excessive, any sparks from poor contacts,
similar to electrocleaners (q.v.). Since alkaline descalers do not contain
vibration of racks, etc., can produce ear-shattering, although seldom
inhibtors, excess current densities or dwell times may occasionally result
dangerous, explosions.
in mild etching of high-current density areas of susceptible steels. Not
generally recommended for non-ferrous metals. Not usually used
cathodically since dissolved metals will plate out at high-current densities.
For scale removal they are used at 90 to 240 g/l (8 to 32 oz/gal);

Alkaline Cleaning 123 124 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

temperatures 50 to 80 C (120 to 180 F), current densities 5 to 15 Á/ dm 2 rolling imperfections, orange peel, score marks and other defects
(50 to 150 ASF). Sodium cyanide is often added at concentrations of 15 produced during, or as a result of, processing procedures.
to 120 g/1(2to16 oz/gal) frequently in the ratio of two parts descaler to The non-etch cleaners fall into two general categories; inhibited
one part cyanide. Periodic reversai of current on a 7-sec direct, 7-sec and non-inhibited.
reverse, or 10-10, cycle is effective on most scales. When cyanide is used,
The inhibited cleaners use the principie that alkaline silicates will
operating temperature should be limited to 60 C (140F) to avoid
react with aluminum to form insoluble aluminum silicate. Silicates,
destruction of cyanide and build-up of carbonates.
therefore, are incorporated in the cleaner as inhibitors against etching.
When periodic reversai is used, parts should only be removed from The protective film has a finite time of formation, so some gassing may
the tank on the reverse cycle to insure that plated out metals are removed be evident on initial immersion. This rapidly diminishes and stops,
from the high-current density areas. Cycles are sometimes set at 7-10 or however, and the resulting etch is microscopic and essentially invisible.
10-15, as additional protection against plating out. When used with The slight gassing that does occur helps to dislodge solid particles and
periodic reversai, hydrogen embrittlement of susceptible steels can still speed cleaning.
occur, but severity appears to be less pronounced than with acidic scale
Inhibited alkaline cleaners of this type can be formulated over a
removal (heavy pickling). Cyanide-free materiais are available but their
wide range of composition but can be split into two subclasses based on
application and success appear to be limited to specific conditions.
pH: those with a pH of 9.5 to 11.0, and those with a pH over 11.0. The
Alkaline descalers generally consist of sodium hydroxide with high higher-pH materiais will develop heavier inhibiting films with
concentrations of complexers and/ or soft chelating agents. Hard chelating corresponding problems of removal later. They do offer the advantage,
agents are sometimes used at lower percentages. Rinses are usually however, that they are more effective on soils that can be removed by
tolerated by waste disposal systems, but heavy dumps are often saponification. The lower-pH materiais produce lighter inhibiting films
disruptive. Solutions fortunately have excellent life, so dumps are more easily removed and are particularly effective on sulfurized oils.
relatively infrequent. When a solution is discarded, it should be The time required for film formation is generally considerably shortened
transferred to a storage tank and bled into the waste disposal system with low-pH materiais and the microscopic etch during the induction
slowly to avoid disruption. period is correspondingly reduced.
Equipment required depends on use, similar to soak or Since the inhibiting action used in this type of cleaner is dependent
electrocleaning q. v. on the formation of aluminum silicate, it is generally necessary to remove
this film in a deoxidizing solution containing a controlled percentage of
Aluminum Cleaners fluoride ion. Typical would be:
Aluminum has high reactivity, an oxide film of variable thickness 42 Be' nitric acid 50 to 75% by volume
is always present, and many of the finishing processes for aluminum are
Fluoride salt 15 to 120 g/1 (2 to 16 oz/gal)
especially sensitive to surface residues. The cleaning formulations are,
therefore, restricted and beca use of this are grouped in a separa te category. Powdered mixtures are also available either for use alone, or with
Cleaning materiais developed for aluminum often will work quite well an addition of nitric acid. Nitrate-free mixtures are also available.
on other substrates; the reverse is not always true. Chemical polishing and certain conversion coatings are particularly
Aluminum cleaners are subdivided into non-etch and etch types. susceptible to the presence of these silicate films. For these operations,
The non-etch types are generally used for processing buffed parts, or consideration must be given to the use of the so-called non-silicated,
parts made from prefinished or bright rolled stock. The etch cleaners are non-etch cleaners.
used to produce matte finishes, and in particular are widely used to These compounds are not in the strictest sense non-etching. They
produce finishes which mask surface imperfections such as die marks, are actually carefully buffered mild etchants operated under controlled

Alkaline Cleaning 125 126 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

conditions to hold the etch to a microscopic level. These solutions are Cleaner Maintenance
usually operated in the range of 23 to 60 g/1 (3 to 8 oz/gal) 60 to 82 C Cleaner compositions have become sufficiently complicated that
(140 to 180 F). At the lower concentrations and temperatures, the etch they are most often supplied as proprietary materiais. ln most instances,
will be essentially unnoticeable. At the more severe conditions, a definite the formulations have been adjusted to compensate for lasses and changes
"frosting" will usually occur, although the etch will not be so severe that during use so that the only control needed is concentration and operating
it cannot be eliminated by chemical polishing ora bright plating operation. conditions (temperature, voltage, etc.). Concentration control is by
Careful attention to operational conditions is a must with these solutions. titration, or in the case of certain spray cleaner to buffing compound
While these cleaners, properly operated will leave the surface removers by condudivity meters or simple refradometers to measure
generally free of any film, it is common pradice to follow their use with the refradive índex. Simple test kits for operator use are often available
a simple nitric acid deoxidizing step-25 to 75% by volume of 42 Be' from the supplier. Cleaner life will be dependent on the amount of work
nitric acid-to insure the removal of any trace of alloying elements from processed, the soil load and good housekeeping pradice. Housekeeping
the surface. should include:
Etching cleaners for aluminum are based on the rapid readion of
1. Periodic settling and removal of solid soils and metallic particles,
aluminum with alkalies according to the readion:
including, in particular, parts which have fallen to the bottom
2Al + 20H- + 4Hp ~ 2H2Al03- + 3H2 • of the tank.
Unless these solutions are modified by the addition of weak 2. Periodic oil removal: for displacement types by frequent or
complexing and deflocculating agents, such as sodium gluconate, a hard continuous skimming; for emulsifying types by periodic cooling
scale of hydrated aluminum oxide quickly forms on tank walls, coils, etc. (to allow emulsified oil to discharge to the surface) followed by
It may also form on the aluminum surface and cause non-uniform etch skimming.
patterns. The presence of other alkalies such as carbonate or phosphate 3. Proper control of concentration with careful attention to proper
can also affed the appearance of the etch. Where a charaderistic etch techniques to insure complete solution of additions.
pattern must be maintained with unusual uniformity frequent analysis
4. For eledrocleaners, periodic cleaning ofbusbars, tank eledrodes,
and dose control of free alkalinity, carbonate concentration, complexer
exhaust duds, etc.
concentration and concentration of dissolved aluminum may be necessary.
5. Proper control of cleaner contaminants; e.g., reduction of
Etching solutions of this type are relatively poor cleaners. The
hexavalent chrome in all cleaners, control of dissolved copper
amount of gas evolved limits the amount and type of surfadant witch
in eledrocleaners, etc.
can be employed without developing excessive foaming. Variable etch
patterns delineating the soil distribution can occur easily. It is common Cleaner Life
pradice, therefore, to preclean criticai parts in a non-etch cleaner prior
Cleaner life is dependent upon a number of fadors, some of which
to etching. All of those etching solutions have relatively high rates of
are not controllable. These include 1) the formulation of the cleaner; 2)
attack and leave the surface covered with a "smut" consisting of
the nature and the amount of soil introduced; 3) the amount of dragout;
undissolved alloying elements. The degree of smut formation naturally
and 4) and maintenance procedures used.
varies with the alloy, and the degree of etch, from barely discernible, to
heavy black, but can be removed in one of the acid deoxidizers mentioned
Cleaner formulas can be varied to provide different degrees of
cleaning capability and tolerance for soils. Increasing either capability
generally increases cleaner cost more or less in dired proportion to the

Alkaline Cleaning 127

increased capability. As a rule of thumb, more expensive materiais either

do a better cleaning job, or last longer or both. Purchasing the best
material available, however, is not necessarily the best approach. Makeup
and dragout cost may be unnecessarily high. The ideal compromise is the
least expensive material which will do a satisfactory job with a slight CHAPTER 7
margin of safety.
Heavily soiled materiais contaminate a cleaner more quickly than Oxide-removal operations represent the greatest single use of
lightly soiled parts. A minar ingredient in a soil may selectively remove chemicals in metal working. During 1952, such operations consumed 5%
cleaner ingredients and reduce life. of all sulfuric acid produced, 25% of the hydrochloric acid and most of
the hydrofluroic acid. ln addition, large quantities of nitric acid,
Dragout phosphoric acid, and ferric sulfate are used. Oxide removal in the metal-
High dragout conditions may result in a complete replacement of finishing trade is far over-shadowed by the large-scale pickling operations
the cleaner solution in a relatively short time span. ln this case, a steady necessary during metal production. ln general, heavy oxide scales are
state may be established and a cleaner will have almost an indefinite life. produced and must be removed during metal-production operations.
Low dragout ratios conversely may result in rapid loading of the cleaner Oxide removal prior to plating is usually necessary because heat
with a correspondingly shorter life. treating, welding, or other similar operations have oxidized surfaces
which are to be plated. Occasionally, work is allowed to rust and corrode
Maintenance between fabrication steps, necessitating oxide-removal treatments.
The procedures listed above will often considerably lengthen the life Reclaiming old machinery and fabricated metal parts requires special
of a cleaner. Similarly, complete lack of maintenance may shorten life. oxide-removal operations. Bright dipping and removal of superficial
oxide films are an important part of metal-finishing procedures.
Because of all these factors, prediction of cleaner life in a production
situation is virtually impossible. A production test is the only reliable Character of Oxides and Scales on Metais
method of establishing the proper operating period. The character of oxides and scales on metals varies widely depending
Once the practical life of a cleaner has been established, periodic on how they are produced. An oxide produced on iron by simple rusting
rechecks are essential. Any change in production load, soil load, soil under atmospheric conditions is somewhat different from a scale
nature or end requirements can change the life expectancy. produced during heat treating. Most oxide layers vary in composition
form the outside to the inside, the outside being more fully oxidized. For
instance, heat-treated scales on steel consist largely ofFe20 3 on the outside,
Fe30 4 as an intermediate phase, and approximately FeO next to the
metal. The sarne general condition is sometimes noted for copper alloys
with CuO on the outside and more or less Cu 20 on the inside.
Oxide layers are sometimes cracked and permeable because of
volume changes which take place during their formation or on cooling
from elevated temperatures. Some of the most difficult metals to descale
are those forming tightly adhering, dense layers of acid-resistant oxide.
Some of the AISI 400 series steels (stainless alloys) are of this type.

Oxide Removal 129 130 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Reactions Between Oxides and Acids applications.

An inhibitor is usually added to the pickling bath to reduce the rate
Most pickling operations simply involve solution of oxide scale in
of attack on the metal. Inhibitors have little effect on the rate of descaling.
acid. For steel, the following reactions apply:
Their effectiveness in protecting the metal varies. If used in large amounts,
Fe20 3 + 2H 2S04 + H 2 ~ 2FeS0 4 + 3H20 some will almost completely stop the attack on low carbon steel but are
Fe30 4 + 3H 2S04 + H 2 ~ 3FeS04 + 4H 20 less effective for high carbon steel.
FeO + H 2S04 ~ FeS0 4 + Hp. Specially built racks are used for sheets or open coils. Much steel is
Hydrogen may be supplied by the reaction of acid with steel: pickled in continuous strips or wires reeled through long tanks or series
of tanks. The most awesome equipment arrangements of this sort are
Fe + H 2S04 ~ FeS04 + Hr
used in electrogalvanizing or electrotinning lines. The operation simply
The sarne general types of reactions can be written for hydrochloric, involves immersion of the steel in sulfuric acid solution. Only the
phosphoric, and other acids, as follows: equipment is complex.
M02 + 2HA ~ MA2 + Hp Small parts are usually placed in baskets of acid-resistant alloy for
(M represents the metal) pickling. Occasional shaking or turning may be necessary to obtain even
pickling on all surfaces.
These reactions are usually speeded up by an increase in acid
concentration, temperature, or agitation. They decrease in rate as the Effect of Acid Concentration and Temperature
solution becomes more concentrated in the metal being dissolved.
As the temperature or acid concentration of the pickling, bath is
Oxide Removal from Low and Medium Alloy Steels increased the pickling time is reduced for a hot-rolled
plain-carbon steel. Benefits from increasing the acid concentration above
Oxide removal, pickling, or descaling operations are practiced to a
15% (by weight) are not significant at temperatures in the range shown.
far greater extent on low and medium alloy steels than on all other classes
However, the higher boiling point of more concentrated acid allows its use
of metallic materials combined. This is true for total tonnages as well as for
the number of descaling installations. Most steel in fabricated articles has at even higher temperatures than lOOC (212F), with an increase in pickling
undergone at least one descaling operation and in many cases three or rate. A few continuous strip-pickling installations are operated under these
extreme conditions to attain desired strip speeds in the length of tanks
four at various stages of manufacture. Because of this commercial interest,
there is more detailed technical information available on oxide removal
from steels than for most other metals. !
12 \
Pickling with Sulfuric Acid li

' '\. 1
Pickling Process
Sulfuric acid is the most common pickling agent. This is largely

•~ "-.. :i
.......... X.
" .........
,5'1. H2 SQ,

because it is the lowest cost acid available for the job. The operation is •li '""'-... 1'-..._ /IZ'1. H2 SO.

simple. The steel is immersed in tanks of acid in such a fashion that the ......... ~ V-......,.._
4 '
acid can reach all surfaces. The acid first attacks the scale and exposes 5 1 --..,,~ ............
16'1. H.sa.:..-- --.. ~ .-.............
the clean metal surface. Attack on the metal then begins. When the scale t
1 -.....;;;;:
is uniform and all surfaces are equally exposed to the acid, the work can o 1
1-'0 ieo 170 .., 190 2lO tto
be removed as soon as it is scale free, thus avoiding any serious attack on l!DO

the metal. When the descaling action is spotty because of nonuniform

scale or other factors, over-pickling often occurs in localized areas. This
produces an extremely rough surface and spoils the work for many Fig. 36 : Time-temperature relationship for pickling hot-rolled plain-carbon
steel in 5, 12 and 16 per cent sulfuric acid solutions (b weight).

Oxide Removal 131 132 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The acid concentration and temperature to be selected are related higher pickling temperatures.
to economic factors. Where tank space is ample, and the steel need not
be rushed through to the next operation, a 5% (by weight) acid solution IZt----t----1'"--1----t----
operated at 65C (150F) is often considered most economical. The rate
attack is slow enough to minimize danger of overpickling. The acid
consumed during operation may be replenished from time to time. The
ferrous sulfate produced in the pickling operation gradually reduces the
pickling rate until the bath must be discarded.
Discarding the 5% acid bath represents less loss of unused acid than
is the case for more concentrated baths. Sometimes more concentrated
baths are used and are allowed to deteriorate to low acid contents just
before they are discarded. By good operation, less than 20% of the acid
is wasted. o 2 4
• IO

ln general, continuous strip-pickling lines are operated at 10% acid Fig. 2 : Effect of dissolved iron on the time of pickling hot-rolled
concentration or above. The extra investment in longer tanks to use boxing strap at 140 F.
lower acid concentration is not justified. These installations must operate
with the pickling rate reasonably constant. Therefore, the acid level •
cannot be allowed to go down appreciably before discarding the baths. •
•' '
ln such installations, over half of the acid is usually wasted in the spent ,Clllnutol podihl"IQ, acaJe ..,brollen

pickle liquor. 1
4 '-!....
One method for eliminating spent pickle-liquor waste involves
concentrating the acid and using the low solubility of ferrous sulfate at
1 ----
-- -----
high temperatures to precipitate the dissolved iron. Such practices are
usually uneconomical, but are becoming necessary to comply with stream
pollution regulations.
"º llO lllO 200 210

Temperature of Pickle Both, F

Effect of Dissolved Iron Fig. 3 : The effect of scale breaking on pickling time for a hot-rolled
plain-carbon steel. (16 per cent H 2SO,, by weight).
The following Fig. 2 shows the effect of dissolved iron on the pickling
rate. ln pradice, this effect is most serious where high-speed pickling is Scale breaking has several disadvantages. Both scale breaking
essential, and the operation cannot be slowed down to match the declining methods work-harden the steel. The flexing method has a greater hardening
activity of the acid. effect than the simple-role reduction method. The change in physical
properties may be great enough to make the steel unsuitable for subsequent
Effect of Scale Breaking forming operations. ln addition, the scale particles may be "rolled into"
Most high-speed continuous-strip pickling lines have a scale- the steel surface, thus roughening it. The importance of these factors
breaking operation immediately before pickling. Scale breaking may be depends on the condition of the steel and scale, and the intended use of
done either by bending the strip around relatively small diameter rolls or
by a light pass through a conventional rolling mill. ln some cases, a major The Effect of Inhibitors
portion of the scale can be removed by the scale breaker. The scale
lnhibitors are added to pickling baths to reduce the amount of
remaining on the work is cracked and fragmented so that the pickling
attack on the steel in areas where the scale is removed. This has been a
rate is greatly increased. The advantages of scale breaking are less at the fertile field for commercialization anda considerable number of different

Oxide Removal 133 134 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

materials are marketed under various trade names. These materials, an immersion deposit of tin to provide inhibition. ln many cases it is
liquid or soluble solid, are added to the pickling bath in amounts up to unnecessary to remove the deposit before further processing. Where
approximately 10 per cent. The inhibitor normally has no appreciable removal is desirable, however, it is readily accomplished by reverse
effect on the rate of scale removal. current treatment in high-alkalinity electrocleaners, or by short immersion
in an alkaline tin stripping solution.

Pickling with Hydrochloric or Phosphoric Acids

Hydrochloric Acid. Hydrochloric acid is a good pickling agent. It is
used less than sulfuric acid because it is more costly and the fumes are
a greater problem. However, many small establishments prefer
--' hydrochloric acid because it gives a good pickling rate at atmospheric
temperatures. Therefore, a crock or tank of hydrochloric acid can be used
intermittently as needed. Because of its quick action on cold work,
hydrochloric acid also is favoured for light acid dips immediately
preceding plating. Another advantage is the high solubility of the iron
chloride salts.
The pickling rate for hydrochloric acid mixtures can be increased
Time by raising the temperature. However, loss of HCl as vapour and corrosion
Fig. 39 : Effect of a pickling inhibitor in reducing the attack of acid on steel. of equipment present serious problems at temperatures above about
"d" indicates point where scale removal is complete. 130°F.
Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric acid is a good pickling agent,
The exact mechanism by which inhibitors function may not be intermediate in cost between sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. It leaves
conclusively established. It is agreed, however, that they form adsorbed the pickled steel in a somewhat passivated state having formed iron
films on the clean metal surface. If these adsorbed films remain during phosphates at the descaled surface. This is helpful in some cases where
later operations such as plating, they may affect the operation of the bath rust-resistance is required but unsatisfactory if the steel is to be
or the adherence of the plates. Therefore, inhibitors should be tested for electroplated after pickling. The pickling rate is slower than with
compatibility with operations subsequent to pickling. hydrochloric-or sulfuric-acid solutions. Heating is necessary for
Electrolytic Pickling satisfactory pickling rates.
The advent of the newer types of ion exchange resins makes it
Electrolytic action can be used to increase the speed of acid pickling. technically feasible to pickle with phosphoric acid, and then regenerate
The electric current may be alternate or direct, with the work anodic or the acid by passing the spent liquor through an ion exchange bed. The ion
cathodic. Fig. 40 cathodic pickling is the most rapid method. However, exchange bed would be reactivated with sulfuric acid. Such procedures
the advantage decreases greatly with a rise in bath temperature and acid are not yet in common use.
concentration. For most installations, acid and heat are less costly than
direct current, thus electrolytic pickling is not economical. Cathodic Gas-Phase Pickling
pickling is sometimes considered objectionable because it charges the Gas-phase pickling involves conversion of the iron oxides to ferrous
steel with hydrogen at a faster rate than chemical pickling. chloride and water and driving off these products as vapours. The work
The Bullard -Dunn process, a cathodic electropickling process in to be pickled is heated in a special furnace. Dry HCl diluted with
which lead or tin deposits are used to protect exposed descaled areas, is combustion gases is fed to the furnace. The FeC1 2 is collected in a condenser.
no longer used. This method has been tried in at least one commercial installation
It has been replaced by proprietary powdered acid salts, utilizing but has not been sufficiently successful to warrant continued use. One of

Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 135 136 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the most logical applications appears to be in hot-dip galvanizing where The Sodium Hydride Bath
continuous strip could be fed from the gas-pickling furnace directly to The sodium hydride bath consists of molten caustic (750 F)
the galvanizing pot. containing from 0.75 to 2.5% of sodium hydride. The sodium hydride is
Other Descaling Methods formed in a special compartment of the caustic pot by reaction of molten
sodium and cracked ammonia. The work to be descaled is immersed in
Alkaline Electrolytic Descaling the hydride bath for periods up to 15 min and then water-quenched. The
hydride bath reduces most of the metal oxides in the scale, and the steam
Alkaline electrolytic descaling methods have found wide acceptance.
formed during quenching blasts off most of the powdery residue. A final
The major drawback of these methods is the need for the use of sodium
dip in a sulfuric acid and/or a nitric-hydrofluoric acid solution may be
cyanide for certain types of scale removal.
required to produce a satisfactory surface.
Abrasive Descaling Methods
The Oxidizing Salt Baths
Abrasive descaling is usually somewhat more costly than chemical
Oxidizing salt baths are used in conjunction with acid baths. Their
descaling but may be used for special purposes. ln some cases, the abraded
function is to alter the scale to a form more readily attacked in the
finish is desirable. Blasting with sand, steel grit or shot, or with wet
sulfuric and nitric acid baths. The major constituent is usually caustic
abrasive may be employed for special effects. Wet abrasive blasting, in
with various other salts added to improve the effect on the scale. These
particular, is increasing in use as a preparation for plating. A slurry of
baths are held in steel tanks, usually gas-fired. They are operated in the
fine abrasive in water is pumped or aspirated to a blast nozzle and
range of 900 to 1000 F. The time of immersion may be up to 15 min. The
discharged against the work. A fine mat finish is produced. The smaller
work is then quench rinsed and successively pickled in baths containing
sizes of steel grit, used dry, also produce surfaces suitable for many types
10% sulfuric (sp gr 1.84) (by vol.) and 10% nitric (sp gr 1.42)-2%
of electroplating.
hydrofluoric (sp gr 1.24) (by vol.) acids. A mechanical brushing along
Oxide Removal from Stainless Steels and Corrosion-Resistant with a steam blast is often necessary to remove any last traces of smut.
Alloys Box-annealed type 430 stainless steel is one of the most difficult to
descale. It is often necessary to send work through the descaling procedure
Oxide removal from stainless steels and corrosion-resistant alloys
two or three times to achieve satisfactory descaling.
is greatly complicated by the differences in chemical behaviour of this
class of materiais. ln general, sulfuric-acid pickling alone is unsatisfactory, Electrolytic Pickling
beca use of the black smut left on the work and/or length of pickling time Electrolytic pickling in fused-salt baths and in nitric acid baths has
required. A 10% nitric acid (sp gr 1.42)-2% hydrofluroic acid (sp gr been practiced commercially. Neither method has become widely
1.24) (by vol.) pickle (at 150 F) following a 10% (by vol.) sulfuric acid (sp accepted, however.
gr 1.84) pickle (at 180 to 200 F) removes the smut and provides a fairly
Much more commonly used is cathodic electropickling in dilute
white surface. Scale breaking before pickling is often necessary for
hydrochloric (15 to 30% by vol.) or sulfuric (10 to 25% by vol.) acids.
satisfactory results.
Parts are made cathodic at 1 to 2 volts. Lead or carbon anodes are used.
The AISI 400" series steels, known as the straight chromium"
/1 /1

Baths are normally operated at roam temperature.

steels, are seldom successfully handled by acid treatments alone. Fused- Powdered acids (proprietary) at 60 to 120 g/1 (8 to 16 oz/gal) are
salt descaling baths are used to perform the descaling or to alter the scale often substituted for the dilute mineral acids. Operating temperatures
so that it is amenable to acid treatment. up to 50 C (120 F) are sometimes used. Voltage is 1 to 2 volts. Where these
New sulfuric acid baths for pickling stainless steels should be mixtures contain fluoride salts or other additives, lead anodes may not
activated" by dissolving some iron in them before use; otherwise, they be acceptable and carbon anodes must be used. The procedure is
may give very low pickling rates until a certain amount of iron is dissolved. particularly effective for the removal of light spot welding scales or for
Some operators save a small amount of the discarded bath to activate activating nickel prior to replating.
new one.

Oxide Removal 137 138 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Abrasive Descaling Table 16 : Appropriate Rates of Dissolving Copper and Copper Alloys in
Sulfuric-Nitric Acid Solutions
Abrasive descaling has become competitive with chemical methods
for descaling corrosion-resistant alloys. The type of equipment which Bath Compositions* Dissolution, inch per 30 sec
propels steel shot abrasive by means of a rotating wheel is favoured for Brass30 18 Per Cent Phosphor Bronze 10 Copper
this application. The surface finish obtained, however, is often less suitable Nickel Silver10 160F
for subsequent polishing operations than a chemically pickled surface. Sulfuric Nitric Water Cold 160F Cold 160F Cold 160F
o 100 o 0.002 0.001 0.012 0.003 0.007 0.007
Descaling Special Alloys o 25 75 0.002 0.002 0.009 0.001 0.004 <0.0001
ln recent years, a new group of alloys for high temperature or other 17 17 66 <0.001 <0.0001 0.0007
special applications has been under development. Some of these, such as 25 75 o 0.002 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
the more common alloys used in turbine buckets, can be descaled by one 50 38 12 <0.001 <0.001
or several of the methods already described, i.e., the oxidizing salt-bath 75 25 o <0.0001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 nil
treatment, or the sodium hydride method followed by acid clips. Titanium *Per cent by vol. of 1.84 sp gr sulfuric and 1.42 sp gr nitric acids.
alloys also appear to be amenable to these treatments. An acid dip in cold
10% nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) plus 0.25% hyrofluoric acid (50%) for about concentration vary widely. Dipping times range from 5 sec to 5 min or
15 sec, followed by light scrubbing, is recommended as a followup to more. Some bath compositions and dipping conditions give simply a
salt-bath treatments. It is important not to overheat the oxidizing baths bright, clean appearance; others give a smoothing action with a brilliant
(maximum temperature is 950 F) when descaling titanium because rapid appearance. Thus, the processes range in action from bright dipping to
oxidation of the titanium may occur. Zirconium may be pickled in a bath chemical polishing. Whenever nitric acid is used, special precautions are
containing 10% nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) and 40% hydrofluoric acid (sp gr necessary. The nitrogen oxide fumes are poisonous and must be removed
1.24) (by vol.). 27 For some applications of special alloys, electropolishing by proper ventilation.
is the most satisfactory descaling method. The procedures are discussed Bright dipping of many nonferrous metals and alloys has been
elsewhere. standard commercial pradice for many years. Solutions for ferrous alloys
are more recent. Solutions for ferrous alloys are more recent. Because of
Oxide Removal from Copper Alloys
the great benefit to anodizing (and subsequent dyeing, if used), bright
Pickling dipping of aluminum is most extensive with many millions of square feet
of aluminum surface treated annually.
The copper-rich alloys are usually resistant to attack by sulfuric The concentration and composition of bright clips must be adapted
acid while copper oxide is readily attacked. For this reason, sulfuric acid to the particular work being processed. Fast-acting bright clips can be
is most often used as pickling agent for heavy scales. A solution containing used for individual parts of simple shape which can be easily removed
5 to 10% H 2S04 by volume often gives a good pickling rate at atmospheric from the bath and quickly rinsed. For bulk lots and complicated shapes,
temperatures. If the scale is heavy, the bath may be heated to about 175 slower-acting and free-rinsing clips must be used. Because of these factors
F as necessary to obtain the desired pickling rate. Pickling time may and the wide variety of metal compositions to be treated, many bright-
range from 1 to 15 min. Dichromate may be added to increase the rate of dip formulas are in use. Aside from other factors, the results in bright
pickling by aiding in solution of cuprous oxide and some of the base dipping are largely dependent on the operator's skill in manipulating the
metal. work. No bright-dipping procedure is satisfactory if unskillfully used.
Bright Dipping Good results can be obtained with a wide variety of procedures.
The general types of baths are shown in the following sections.
Bright-dipping solutions are used for ferrous and nonferrous alloys Most of those producing smooth as well as brilliant surfaces are
and usually involve mixtures of two or more of the acids, sulfuric, proprietary.
phosphoric, chromic, nitric, and hydrochloric. The acid ratios and

Oxide Removal 139 140 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Bright Dipping and Tarnish Removal for Copper and Copper Alloys min.
An oxidizing agent must be added to sulfuric acid if a bright dip or The hydrochloric acid additions are particularly suitable for treating
removal of light tarnish films is desired beca use these operations require alloys containing nickel, monel and nickel silver.
some attack on the copper alloy. Chromic acid, dichromates, ferric sulfate, The metal removal rate ranges from 0.0002 to 0.0007 in./min.
and nitric acid are the most commonly used oxidizing agents. The rate of Dipping usually is long enough to remove 0.0005 to 0.0002 in. of metal.
attack on the metal is controlled by the relative amounts of sulfuric acid Thereafter, no further increase brilliance occurs. Longer dipping may
and oxidizing agent present in the bath. The rate of dissolving also varies give some additional smoothing and thus improve surfaces which were
with temperature. Table 16 shows the rates for various sulfuric nitricacid initially very rough. An important fact is that etching does not occur
solutions at 169 F. These solutions brighten, but do not appreciably regardless of the immersion time.
smoothen the surface. If immersion is too long, etching occurs. Dull copper plate (such as from acid sulfate bath) and dull brass
The action is rapid. It may by slowed down by adding small amounts plates cannot be made bright by a practical amount of chemical polishing.
of "inhibiting materiais" such as 10 g/1 of sodium nitrite plus 5 g/1 of Semibright and off-luster bright plates can be made uniformly bright by
sodium chloride to baths 50/50 or greater in nitric acid, or by adding short-time clips.
chromic acid to those of lower ratio. Additions of up to 50% phosphoric Table 17 illustrates the amount of smoothing obtained by chemical
acid (by vol.) improves the smoothing action and diminishes the tendency polishing.
to tarnish. A typical bright-dipping sequence for racked work is as follows:
Concentrated baths are most satisfactory for individually racked 1. Dip in a scaling bath containing three parts concentrated nitric
work. For bulk dipping, the baths are usually diluted with water to slow acid and one part concentrated sulfuric acid (by vol.).
down the action and minimize staining. Cold solutions with cooling coils 2. Cold water rinse.
to prevent any temperature rise are preferred by many. 3. Dip in a bath containing one part concentrated nitric acid and
For greater smoothing action so that a measurable amount of three parts concentrated sulfuric acid (by vol.).
polishing takes place, the dissolution process must be changed. 4. Double cold water rinse or spray rinse.
Phosphoric-nitric-acetic acid solutions provide brillance and smoothing. 5. Rinse in cold 5 per cent sodium cyanide solution.
Preferred compositions range from: 6. Final cold and hot water rinses.
The sodium cyanide dip helps eliminate stains resulting from the
10 to 80% by wt. phosphoric acid (1.70 sp gr)
acid clips. The scaling bath may be made from a spent bright-dip bath
10 to 50% by wt. nitric acid (1.42 sp gr)
(No. 3) by addition of sulfuric acid.
10 to 80% by wt. glacial acetic acid (1.05 sp gr).
For bulk work, the action of the bath should be slowed down by the
An example of a typical bath is: addition of sodium nitrite or sodium chloride, as mentioned previously,
20% nitric acid and by dilution with about 50 per cent (by vol.) of water. Changing the
25% acetic acid sulfuric acid/nitric acid ratio from 3/1 to 6/1 is helpful in addition to
55% phosphoric acid dilution with water.
0.5% hydrochloric acid. A fumeless bath is available for use where ventilation is not adequate
The bath is operated at 190 F, and the dipping time ranges up to 5 min. for the copiously fuming baths. It contains:
Another example is: 3 parts sulfuric acid
40% nitric acid 1 part nitric acid
30% phosphoric acid lho part hydrochloric acid
30% acetic acid 6 parts water
1.0% sodium chloride. 1h lb chromic acid per gallon of solution.
The bath is used cold and followed by cold and hot water rinses. It
This bath is operated at 150 F, and the dipping time ranges up to 4

Oxide Removal 141 142 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 17 : Surface Finish on Nickel, Brass and Aluminum by Chemical B1'ight f}ip
Chemical Sp Gr Scaling Dip
Polishing After Dry-Belt Polishing (cc) (cc)
Profilometer Measure-µ in, (RMS) H 2S04 1.84 380 435
Meta After Chemical Polishing for HN0 3 1.38 72 72
Dry-Belt As Belt 1 1.5 2 3 6 HCl 1.17 4 2
Grit Polished min min min min min
Hp 444 491
Dull-nickel 120 25 24 21
plate* 150 27 23 18 Two recent developments have greatly reduced the dependence of
180 17 14 14 bright dipping and chemical polishing solutions on nitric and/or chromic
Aluminum 180 40 28 23 22 acid and its salts. A highly stabilized hydrogen peroxide is now available
(25 l/2H) 240 80 60 50 50 and can be successfully used as the oxidizer in some of these solutions.
Brass (70-30) 180 30 30 24 16 Considerable progress has also been made in the use of iron salts as
180 30+ 27 20 16 oxidizing agents in bright clips. Both developments are usually supplied
240 26 21 17 15 as proprietary processes, and in many cases are used in combination to
240 26+ 21 18 16 provide not only brightening, but also smoothing or polishing action.
* Dull-nickel plate was over steel, belt polished as shown in second column. Third Dips for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
column shows nickel-plate smoothness. No mechanical polishing on the nickel Aluminum is very active in solutions with nonoxidizing conditions
plate. and inert in oxidizing solutions. Acid mixtures represent both of these
tHigher temperature than other brass specimens for chemical polishing.
conditions. The most widely used are mixtures of phosphoric and nitric
with or without acetic acid or with sulfuric acid.
Composition range from:
is not recommended for work to be plated, as a passive film is formed O to 95% phosphoric acid (1.70 sp gr) (by vol.)
which is difficult to remove uniformly. Electroplates over such films are 5 to 85% nitric acid (1.42 sp gr) (by vol.)
likely to be nonadherent. O to 95% glacial acetic acid (1.05 sp gr) (by vol.).
The rate of solution of zinc in a bright dip may be increased by
increasing the amount of hydrochloric acid. Solution of copper may be Typical bath compositions are in the range:
increased by increasing the amount of nitric acid. This provides a general 50 to 85% phosphoric acid
method for adjusting bright-dip compositions for optimum results with 5 to 15% nitric acid
brass. If the dipped brass is dull and pale yellow, there is an excess of zinc, O to 20% acetic acid
and hydrochloric acid should be added to the bath. Too much hydrochloric 140 to 170 F and up to 5 min dipping time.
acid causes the brass to stain and take on a brown colour indicating that Phosphoric-nitric acid and phosphoric-nitric-acetic acid chemical
too much zinc has been removed and that copper remains on the surface. polishing solutions have been discussed in some detail. Thickness removal
Low nitric acid concentrations yield similar results. An increased in versus time charts is shown for the following solutions:
temperature increases the rate of attack on the copper but has little effect
on the rate of attack on the zinc. A dip that is too hot (115 F) gives brass Percent by Volume
a white, smoky colour because of rapid solution of copper leaving an 1 2
excess of zinc. Phosphoric acid (1.70 sp gr) 89 76
The following formulas are suitable for bulk dipping brass. Nitric acid (1.42 sp gr) 3.5 3
Acetic acid (glacial) 15
Water 7.5 5

Oxide Removal 143 144 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Brightening with slight, if any, polishing is reported for dipping in aluminum for spot welding, and ahead of chromate conversion coating.
89 phosphoric acid-11 water (% by vol.) or in a solution containing 80 Peroxygen acid salt based deoxidizers present minimum waste
phosphoric acid-14.5 glacial acetic-5.5 water. Other compositions range disposal problems, but no residual protection. Some versions may
from: decompose if contaminated with copper or silver. These materiais are
30 to 92% phosphoric acid considered excellent ahead of chemical polishing, anodizing, or zincate
5 to 60% sulfuric acid preplating treatments.
3 to 10% nitric acid. Iron salt based deoxidizers increase the sludge content of waste
The metal-removal rate in aluminum-dipping solutions ranges from disposal systems, but may beneficially remove phosphates and acts as
0.00004 to 0.00002 in./min. The speed varies considerably with the type coagulants for some metal hydroxides that normally do not settle well.
of solution and temperature. Commercial treatments generally range Suitable for all uses, they do require more attention to rinsing. No residual
from 2 to 10 min and remove a total of about 0.0002 to 0.002 in. in film exists to prevent oxide regrowth.
producing the optimum finish. Bright Dips for Ferrous Metais
Hydrogen peroxide is used in aluminum bright clips. One such dip
consists of: Solutions that provide brightness on steel contain hydrogen
40% phosphoric acid (1.70 sp gr) by vol. peroxide. The luster obtainable will depend on the carbon content and
50% nitric acid (1.25 sp gr) by vol. alloying constituents. One solution giving brightness and smoothness is
10% hydrogen peroxide (100 vol.). composed of oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide. It contains:
The stability of such a solution is open to question and a violent 2.5% oxalic acid (by wt.)
reaction would be hazardous. 1.3% hydrogen peroxide (30%) (by vol.)
Another dip consists of: 0.007-0.010% sulfuric acid (1.84 sp gr) (by vol.).
75% phosphoric acid (1.70 sp gr) by wt. The operating temperature is 65 F. Metal dissolution rates are about
3.5% hydrogen peroxide (30%) by wt. 0.0004 in./hr on mild steel. This can be increased to 0.0008 by agitation
21.5% water by wt. and to about 0.001 by raising the temperature to 105 F. The bath removes
This bath is recommended for low silicon aluminum alloys. It is grinding scratches in about 30 min. It reduces the rms microinch finish
used at 195 F. The dipping time is from 15 sec to 4 min. The water content from 39 to 21 and 19 to 12 in 90 min.
should be controlled within several per cent, as it is criticai. To smoothen and to prevent pitting corrosion stainless steel is treated
Very extensive use is made of acid deoxidizing or desmutting baths in a solution consisting of:
to remove the residues present on aluminum after alkaline etching. 29.5% HCl (sp gr 1.16) (by vol.)
Nitric acid (25 to 75% by vol 42 Be') is common. Hydrofluoric acid, or a 40.0% H 2S04 (sp gr 1.84) (by vol.)
fluoride salt, may be added if the alloy contains silicon. Sulfuric acid may 0.5% HN0 3 (sp gr 1.42) (by vol.)
be included for alloys containing magnesium. A so-called "universal" 5.5% TiC14
acid dip for use on all alloys consists of: 24.5% Hp.
Nitric acid 42 Be' 50% by vol. The solution is operated at about 165 F for dipping times of 2 to 5
Sulfuric acid 98% 25 min. Metal removal is about 0.0004 in.
Water 25 Another solution for austenitic types of stainless steel consists of:
Fluoride salt 60 g/l (8 oz/gal)
2.5% nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) (by vol.)
There are also available a wide range of proprietary powdered 7.5% hydrochloric acid (sp gr 1.16) (by vol.)
and/or liquid deoxidizers. They are available both with and without 1.0% Rodine 45.
fluorides and utilize three different oxidizer systems.
Chromate based deoxidizers provide very low-surface resistance To the bath is added 10 lb of Toner No. 1per100 gal of bath. Dipping
plus a residual film that retards oxide regrowth. Excellent for preparing time is about 3 min at 205 to 210 F.

Oxide Removal 145 146 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Dips for Nickel and Monel

Phosphoric-nitric-acetic solutions for copper alloys containing small
additions of sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, brighten and smoothen
nickel and monel.
Sulfuric-phosphoric-nitric acid solutions brighten nickel. They
45 to 60% phosphoric acid (by wt.)
8 to 15% nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) (by wt.)
15 to 25% sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) (by wt.)
10 to 20% water (by wt.).
A typical example is:
60% phosphoric acid (sp gr 1.70) by vol.
20% sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) by vol.
20% nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) by vol.
Dipping times are 1 to 3 min. At about 180 F, the metal-removal rate
is about 0.0001 to 0.0003 in./min.
Dull nickel plate (such as Watts) cannot be made bright by chemical
polishing under practical conditions. Some semibright and off-luster
bright nickel plates can be made uniformly bright.
Dips for Cadmium and Zinc ~
....m ..e:m
Dilute nitric acid, chromate, and hydrogen peroxide solutions are ..e:QJ ><QJ
often used for these metals. The nitric acid solutions are 0.3 to 1% by
volume of 1.42 specific gravity acid. They are used at about 70 F.
Chromate solutions are more widely used. Protective films form on
the zinc and cadmium soa nonmetallic colour may result. Chromic acid-
sulfuric acid solutions are reported for micro-smoothing. Typical solutions
For zinc plate-
300 g/1 Cr02 (flake)
5 g/1 HS04 (sp gr 1.84)
For racked cadmium plate-
100 g/1 Cr03 (flake)
1.67 g/1 H 2S04 (sp gr 1.84)
For barrel-dipping cadmium plate-
;: ~

100 g/1 Cr02 (flake) g.

~ ~ u
1 g/1 H 2S04 (sp gr 1.84) -..:: g ....

These clips are used cold. Ordinarily coloured films do not form. .E°" o"' O m
.... ::::::= .... '""'
OU o"'
When they occur, they may be removed by dipping the work in weak ti
i:t :r:N
<Jl cnM
:r: o..
fjj '""'
:r: z
(UN u


Oxide Removal 147 148 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

:§ acids (pH>2.5) or in caustic solutions (> 4 normal).

"O Hydrogen peroxide dip solutions for cadmium contain:
~ ~
,..... ,..... '9 3 to 4.5% Hp2 (30%) (by wt.)
~ "'"' ..e:
.s 0.3 to 0.5% H 2S04 (sp gr 1.84) (by wt.)
'E- .... "'"'

~ !S !S :&~ QJ
~ ~
"":::: 6 ll ~ ~ ;:s
6 2
~ ..e: balance water.
~ ~ Qj
,..... ~
~ til ('tj ('tj til "'"'
~ .!!! The removal rate for cadmium is about 0.00005 in./min. For zinc,
~ ::2 '"O2
QJ til
..o -:; o u
~ .s.19 "'
~ ~8$$ ~ sz.SCll <Jl $ .21m the composition is changed slightly to about 4% hydrogen peroxide and
0.25% sulfuric acid. The zinc and cadmium are usually electrodeposited
QJ and, if from an alkaline bath, the bright dip is preceded by a dip in a weak

acid (about 1% sulfuric) and rinsed.
Progress in chromate coatings has been extensive and proprietary
ll"' ~

~ j "O

compounds and new available with a wide range of appearance and
corrosion resistance, including clear, clear-blue, iridescent, olive drab,
"":::: ~"'
,..... .e-
...;: ~ black, and clear with pastel dyes.
o.. "' QJ
~ Jl
o.. :;E Dip for Silver
s An aqueous sodium cyanide-hydrogen peroxide bath is described
..o for silver:
.... ~- 1.5% sodium cyanide (by wt.)
u .s
ll 8.5% hydrogen peroxide (30%) (by vol.).

sm ti!S"'
2 -~
This bath should be mixed at 80 F and used below 90 F. When
gassing commences, the silver is removed and dipped in a solution of
=m 37.5 g/l sodium cyanide. The procedure is repeated until the desired
Co 3lQJ brightness is obtained.
:I: ""~"'
\O til

;;:; ....
[{) QJ
~ Dip for Lead
o.. "O .s § § An aqueous solution of:
...:"'u 3.5% hydrogen peroxide (30%) (by vol.)
:t!m 3.5% glacial acetic acid (sp gr 1.05) (by vol.)
.& causes periodic brightening and darkening of lead. This may serve
as the basis for a bright dip with a somewhat lower acid content .
..o Dip for Beryllium
ô:; Beryllium is chemically smoothed and brightened in:

o"' 5% sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) (by vol.)

QJ z
]~ . . .fo * ~ 75% phosphoric acid (sp gr 1.70) (by vol.)
;: 1

e "O o·~
z ;:s "O
u .... ~~ 7% (by wt.) chromic acid (Cr02 flake)
~ ..e: •s ...."'<Jl
+ .... o ·i:: ~N
:9u "O ·~

m ..e:>- mu
s;:s :9.!:) 'õl"' :r:N.,0
+ u
.... Ô '""'N,.0
balance water.

=s z2o
1 QJ
-~ ·~

=à ~ E !S;:s
:e ~ ] ON i::;' 'ô: ~o UN o..
At about 120 F, beryllium dissolves 0.00005 in./min. The surface is
i:i:; z z -= <JJ
'"'N ·~
o o'"' ......;:s U~"O N:r: m
:r: + Z m
* u

Oxide Removal 149 150 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

semipassive and can be activated by dipping 0.5 to 1 min in 6% (by wt.) The life of nitric acid-containing baths can be extended by replacing
sulfuric acid. nitric acid.
Dips for Zirconium and Titanium Equipment for Pickling and Bright Dipping
A brightened and somewhat smoothed surface is obtained by Regardless of the size and nature of the pickling or bright-dipping
dipping zirconium in a solution containing: operation, the corrosiveness of the pickling solutions requires special
100 g/1 ammonium bifluoride (NHl. HF) tank materiais, special heating arrangements, and adequate ventilation.
400 ml/l nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) Table 18 shows some of the materiais which can be used satisfactorily.
200 ml/l fluosilicic acid (30-31 %) The table is incomplete, especially as regards some of the newer organic
balance water. materiais which have not been fully proven in service.
Where a tank surface may suffer mechanical damage, as in
At 70 to 80 F, this dip removes about 0.0006 in. of metal per minute.
continuous pickling where the strip may rub on the tank bottom, a brick
At 90 to 95 F, the rate is 0.0018 in./min.
lining backed with an organic membrane is favoured. The brick also
The surface of titanium can be similarly benefited by this solution.
serves to insulate the organic from high bath temperatures.
Some alloys are only smoothened and others are polished and brightened.
Heating may be accomplished by conventional heat exchanger coils
ln some cases the results are improved if the nitric acid concentration in
of lead tubing, "Karbate," or tantalum carrying steam. Another popular
increased to 500 ml/l.
method involves the discharge of live steam through nozzles submerged
Dip for Uranium in the bath. Still another innovation is the use of submerged combustion
burners which discharge hot gases directly into the pickling bath. These
Uranium can be bright pickled in a solution containing:
are normally gas fired, but oil has also been used.
HN03 (sp gr 1.42) 500 ml/l
Submerged combustion tubes are often used for heating the fused-
balance water.
salt descaling baths. These are gas-fired and the exhaust gases are drawn
The solution temperature should be 120 F or higher.
off where the tubes emerge from the tank. Small fused-salt baths may be
Dip for Thorium heated with gas or oil burners directly under the tanks, by electric
Thorium can be bright pickled in a solution containing: immersion heaters, or by electrical resistance heating.
HN03 (sp gr 1.42) 500 ml/l The fused-salt baths may be pumped with ordinary cast iron
H 2SiF6 (30%) 200 ml/l centrifugai pumps, provided the conventional bronze bearings are
balance water. replaced with steel or cast iron bushings. The bearing clearances should
The solution temperature should be 120 F or higher. be increased to 0.010 to 0.020 in. The fused salt serves as a lubricant.
Small-scale bright dipping is conveniently handled in large crocks
Bright-Dipping and Chemical-Polishing Costs
set in steel tanks. The space around the crocks is filled with water, which
(Costs for bright dipping or chemical polishing vary widely, serves to cool the bright dip and is also used as a rinse.
depending on the solution, the kind of metal, the temperature, and the Wood is one of the most readily available materiais which is resistant
original finish. Practical operations involve costs ranging from 0.1 to 10 to acids. Its use in tanks, floor grilles, and structures may be most practical
cents. ln general, the lower figures apply for bright dipping and the if it is inspected regularly and replaced periodically. A life of at least two
higher ones for chemical polishing. years can be expected of a properly constructed wood pickling tank.
All chemical solutions "wear out" because metal dissolves in them Acid-resistant brick and tile set in acid-resistant cement can provide a
and slows them up, and because constituents are decomposed or long-wearing floor area around pickling tanks where acid dripping is a
neutralized by reaction with the metals. An operator will need do establish problem.
empirically the quantity of work that can be processed while the bath
builds up to its finite limit of dissolved metal.


154 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

4. Does the basis metal require a special conditioning treatment

prior to plating? Examples are the activation of stainless steel,
immersion or anodic treatments for aluminum, and silver
striking before silver electroplating.
CHAPTER 8 ln the solution formulas given in this chapter, the concentrations
are expressed in metric units followed by English units in parenthesis,
METALS unless otherwise stated.
ln plating, as in many other manufacturing processes, "the chain is Percent by volumes, %, as for example, 5% is equivalent to 5 liters
no stronger than the weakest link." While the plating may usually be in a total of 100 liters; grams per liter, g/L; (avoirdupois ounces per
considered the most complicated stage in an electroplating sequence, it gallon, oz/ gal; or fluid ounces per gallon, fl oz/ gal).
may frequently be surpassed in importance by the "simple" step of
Grams per liter, g/L; (avoirdupois ounces per gallon, oz/gal).
Although many processing cycles are presented in this chapter,
seldom will a given cycle meet the requirements of a particular case. Unless otherwise stated, the acids used in the solution formulas are
Therefore, it is hoped that from the cycles given and the accompanying common technical or commercial grade concentrated acids that have
discussion, the reader will gain a sufficient understanding of the the following approximated compositions:
requirements in arder to be able to plan the electroplating sequence Sulfuric Acid
which will be most suitable for each particular situation. It is of utmost Commercial 66 Be' (93% by weight H 2SOJ Sometimes expressed as
importance for the reader to refer to other chapters to understand fully g/L (oz/gal) of the 66 Be' acid.
the various steps in a sequence. ln additional, the cited references will be Hydrochloric Acid
of great aid.
(Muriatic Acid): Commercial 20 Be'(31 % by weight HCl).
The most elementary cycle prior to the electroplating step is a
simple sequence of cleaning and rinsing. ln the majority of cases, one or Nitric Acid
more additional steps, such as acid dipping, striking, activating, Commercial 42 Be' (67% by weight HNO).
conditioning, etc., are required. Even in the above elementary sequence Phosphoric Acid, Orthophosphoric acid: (75% by weight H 3POJ
the cleaning may involve several steps. Fluoboric Acid
ln arder to understand and be able to project an electroplating (42% by weight HBFJ
sequence, the following fundamental factors and questions should be
Acetic Acid-As Glacial: (99.5% by weight CH3COOH).
Hydrofluoric Acid
1. The work should be free of foreign matter such as oil, grease,
(48% by weight HF).
dirt, and oxide before attempting to electroplate. Long transfer
times allowing contamination and oxidation should be avoided. Many of the chemicals referred to in this chapter are of a potentially
2. Rinsing should be adequate. ln many cases, it may be necessary hazardous nature. Before attempting to use them, the safe and proper
to use distilled, deionized or A.S.T.M. type reagent grade water. methods for storing, handling, and disposing them should be thoroughly
3. Acid clips, cleaning solutions, and water should be of a investigated.
composition so as not to leave films which cannot be rinsed off.
This means that the composition of the acid dip and cleaning Pretreatments
solution will usually depend on the composition of the basis Pretreatment is the preparation of the article for the actual
metal. 76
Metals 155 156 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

eledroplating step. For clarity in discussion, pretreatment is divided into thorough washing or preferably soak cleaning.
two stages-preliminary and final. The preliminary treatment removes 3. Soak cleaning. This is dane by immersion, preferably with
heavy surface soils, such as grease, buffing compound, drawing agitation, in alkali or emulsion cleaners, and the sarne
compound, scale, heavy rust, and burnt oil. Although it can be a part of precautions should be taken as with spray cleaning.
the plating-room cycle, it frequently precedes it. 4. Electrolytic alkali cleaning. This may be cathodic or anodic
The final treatment removes only the last traces of oil and grease, depending on the metal being cleaned and other conditions.
and conditions the surface for eledroplating. Acid clips in this final stage Generally, the sarne conditions for a given metal are used as are
should not be expeded to remove scale or heavy rust. They are only to given in the final cleaning cycle.
neutralize the last traces of alkaline cleaner remaining after rinsing, and 5. Cleaning of parts in bulk. Parts in bulk may be cleaned by:
to adivate the surface for eledroplating. a. Spray cleaning or solvent degreasing, holding the parts in
ln any preparatory cycle where the parts have both oil and oxide suitable baskets or trays.
contamination, it is better pradice to remove the oily material before b. Eledrolytic cleaning in a high-condudivity cleaner using
attempting to remove rust or scale unless the oxide scale is to be removed an insulated barrel cylinder will effed more complete
by mechanical means. This will facilitate uniform removal of the latter. removal of grease, etc., but may not be a necessary step in
the preliminary cleaning cycle.
Preliminary Treatment
c. The parts may be tumble-cleaned without current in a
This involves one or both of two basic steps: (1) Removal of heavy suitable cleaner.
amounts of oil, grease, buffing compound, drawing compound, etc., and
(2) removal of scale, heavy rust, burnt-in oil, etc.
6. Ultransonic cleaning
These steps are only followed when required, as determined by the Used in conjundion with cleaning solutions to produce or
kind and degree of contamination. The methods for accomplishing step increase agitation which in tum facilitates the cleaning process.
(1) may in most cases be used for all basis metals. The methods for Thorough rinsing should follow aqueous cleaning. Where there is a
accomplishing step (2) vary depending on the metal and type of article. time lapse or storage period after cleaning, an alkaline cleaner film
should remain on the part.
Removal of Grease, etc
Removal of Scale, etc
This may be accomplished by one or more of the following methods: Scale may be removed by the following methods:
1. Spray cleaning. Alkali or emulsion-type cleaners are used with 1. Mechanical treatment
a nozzle pressure of 0.2 to 0.4 MPa (30 to 60 psi.) The
This consists of polishing, tumbling, and sand, grit, or vapour
temperature, alkalinity, and time should be adjusted to suit the
blasting. Frequently this precedes or makes unnecessary any cleaning
material being cleaned.
in the preliminary treatment cycle. If not complete, the mechanical
2. Solvent degreasing. Trichoroethylene or perchloroethylene is
treatment at least reduces the alkaline treatment or acid pickling to
ordinarily used. The parts may be washed by agitation in a
a minimum. Where the scale is both heavy and tenacious, as with
heated or cold liquid, or by vapour degreasing by suspending
hot-formed, high-carbon steel parts, the pradice is first to remove
the cooled article in the vapour. Since the latter often leaves
most of the scale by pickling. The polishing then removes the
solid matter on the article, a multiphase operation is frequently
remainder of the scale and smooths the surface, which has been
used. This involves washing in a heated liquid, followed by
pitted and roughened by the pickling operation. On softer metals
dipping in a cool condensed liquid, and finally vapour
such as lead alloys, zinc and aluminum castings, and brasses, the
degreasing. Proper health precautions should be taken, and
thin surface oxide can be removed by fine mesh abrasive polishing
because of fire hazard, the use of mineral spirits is not
or buffing, followed by cleaning the surface by passing it over a
recommended. Solvent degreasing is usually followed by very 77
Metals 157 158 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

clean, dry buffing wheel. is usually hot-formed, producing heavy scale; low-alloy steels are
2. Alkaline treatment cold-formed, producing little scale. These steels are susceptible to
Alkaline descaling may be conducted on ferrous metal parts. A hydrogen embrittlement, and any pickling, except anodic, should
typical bath, which may be used as a soak or with current contains: be eliminated where possible or held to a minimum, especially for
Sodium hydroxide 180 g/L (24 oz/gal) spring-temper and case-hardened parts. Mechanical methods
Sodium cyanide 120 g/L (16 oz/gal) frequently eliminate the need for acid pickling.
Chelating agents 80 g/L (10.5 oz/gal) Solutions (1), (2), and (3) for pickling low-carbon steel are used for
Temperature 40 C (104 F) removing scale from high-carbon steel. Oxidizing acids, as in
solutions (4) and (5), are sometimes used for case-hardened or
This method minimizes the effect of acid attack on the ferrous
spring-temper parts.
metal and will not produce smut, both of which could be a problem with
e. Cast irons. As with high-carbon steel, acid pickling of cast irons
acid pickling.
should be kept to a minimum since cast irons are susceptible to a
For removal of heavy scale, periodic reverse current (Note 1) may
be utilized. low-hydrogen overvoltage surface condition that causes low
Note 1-During periodic reverse (PR), the partis made alternately electroplating efficiency, and acid treatment will frequently intensify
cathodic and anodic at intervals of a few seconds using DC current. this effect. Formation of smudge can also result from over-pickling;
Barreis or racks may be used. therefore, scale, rust, and sand should be removed wherever possible
3. Pickling (See Note 2): by mechanical means. If it is necessary to acid pickle, two solutions
have been recommended:
(1) Hydrochloric acid 20-85%
( 1) Sulfuric acid 125 ml (16 fl oz)
Temperature Roam
Hydrofluoric acid 125 ml (16 fl oz)
(2) Sulfuric acid 5-15%
Water 1 L (1 gal)
Inhibitor Consult supplier
Temperature 5-80 C (120-150 F) Temperature Roam or elevated
(3) Sulfuric acid 4-6% (2) Sulfuric acid 90 g/L (12 oz/gal)
Temperature 50-65 C (120-150 F) Nitric acid 37.5 g/L (5 oz/gal)
Parts as anode at 3.2-6.5 A/dm 2 (30-60 ASF) Zinc 7.5 g/L (1 oz/gal)
(4) Hydrochloric acid 20-85% d. Stainless steels. As with some other types of steel, mechanical
Nitric acid 1-5% methods such as blasting, shot penning, tumbling, and wheel
Temperature Roam abrading will prove economical prior to pickling. Iron-containing
(5) Sulfuric acid 22.5 g/L (3 oz/gal) abrasive should not be used. Frequently, pickling of stainless steels
Potassium nitrate 22.5 g/L (3 oz/gal) consists of two steps: scale softening and final scale removal.
Temperature 70C (160 F)
Scale Softening
(6) Sulfuric acid 45 g/L (6 oz/gal)
Ferrisul 37.5 g/L (5 oz/gal) ( 1) Sulfuric acid 8-11 %
Note 2-Proprietary acid salts, many which contain fluorides, may Temperature 65-70 C (150-160 F)
be used along with or in place of the acid pickles. Time 10-45 min
a. Low-carbon steel. Solution (1) is used where the rust or scale is not (2) Hydrochloric acid 10-15%
heavy or tenacious. Solutions (2) and (3) are used for heavy and Temperature 50-60 C (120-140 F)
tenacious scale. Solutions (4), (5), and (6) may be used for brown, Time 30-90 min
glazed or burnt-in oil surfaces. Inhibitors should be used and the parts rinsed thoroughly before
b. High-carbon, case-hardened, and low-alloy steels. High-carbon steel 78 going into the scale removal solution.
Metals 159 160 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Scale Removal be part of the preliminary or final pretreatment cycle, and it should be
(1) Nitric acid 6-10% followed by very thorough rinsing. Solution (5) may be used for lighter
Hydrofluoric acid 1.5% oxides, but the parts should be clean and dry when immersed.
Temperature Roam
Final Treatment
(2) Nitric acid 9-10%
It is assumed that the work going into the final cycle will be
Hydrofluoric acid 1.5%
Temperature 60-70 C (140-160 F) reasonably free ofheavy contamination. As previously discussed, however,
Solution (2) is used only for the austenitic stainless steels (except for there is not clear demarcation between the preliminary and final
type 303) to shorten the time required. The high-carbon grades (types treatments. Therefore, some of the cycles which follow will essentially be
420, 440A, 4408, and 440C) should be mechanically descaled, if possible. duplications of each other, the differences only being to allow for different
Pickling in the fully hardened condition should be avoided to prevent degrees of cleaning necessary.
pickling cracks. Other solutions for scale removal have been used: (1) Low-Carbon Steel
(3) Nitric acid 10%
Cycle I-1
Hydrofluoric acid 2.4%
(1) Anodic clean
Hydrochloric acid 1.2%
(2) Rinse
Temperature 55-60 C (130-140 F)
(3) Acid dip (Note 3)
(4) Hydrochloric acid 25%
(4) Rinse
Nitric acid 5%
(5) Plate
Temperature 50-70 C (120-160 F)
e. Copper and copper-base alloys. ln addition to copper, the following Cycle I-2
solutions may be used for brasses, bronzes, and nickel-silver, If (1) Preliminary treatment
buffed, descaling is seldom necessary. (2) Rinse
(1) Sulfuric acid 10-40% (3) Anodic clean
Temperature Roam to 80 C (176 F) (4) Rinse
(2) Sulfuric acid 60-70% (5) Acid dip (Note 3)
Temperature 50 C (120 F) (6) Rinse
(3) Sulfuric acid 0-30% (7) Plate
Nitric acid 10-60% Cycle I-3
Temperature Roam (1) Anodic clean
(4) Sulfuric acid 60-70% (2) Rinse
Nitric acid 20-35% (3) Acid dip (Note 3)
Water 5-10% (4) Rinse
Hydrochloric acid 0.1% (5) Anodic clean
Temperature Roam (6) Rinse
(5) Nitric acid 25% (7) Acid dip (Note 3)
Phosphoric acid 75% (8) Rinse
Temperature Roam (9) Plate
Solutions (2) and (5) and the so-called fire-off dip (3) can be used Cycle I-4
for removing heavy oxide, solution (3) sometimes being used after (1). (1) Preliminary pretreatment
For beryllium-copper, solution (2) is used. The bright dip solution (4) may 79
Metals 161 162 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(2) Rinse, tumble in cleaner, no current (3) Silver strike (Note 4)

(3) Warm rinse (4) Silver plate
(4) Cold rinse Cycle I-8
(5) Acid dip (Note 3) (1) Nickel strike or plate
(6) Rinse (2) Rinse
(7) Rinse (3) Silver strike
(8) Plate (4) Silver plate
Cycle 1-5 Note 4-A rinse may be desirable after the silver strike. Its use will
( 1) Anodic clean prevent a carry-over of impurities into the silver plating solution but will
(2) Rinse result in some loss of silver and cyanide.
(3) Acid dip (Note 3) For electroplating directly over steel, two silver strikes are necessary,
(4) Rinse as in Cycle 1-6. Cycle 1-8 is usually preferred over 1-7.
(5) Cyanide copper strike For gold electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in Cycles 1-1
(6) Rinse through 1-4 as follows:
(7) Acid dip-5% sulfuric acid Cycle I-9
(8) Rinse ( 1) Bright nickel strike
(9) Plate (2) Rinse
Note 3-The acid dip may depend on the plating solution but is (3) Rinse
usually 4 to 10% sulfuric acid or 5 to 25% hydrochloric acid. Alkaline (4) Active 37.5 g/L (5 oz/gal) KCN, cathodic at4.0 A/dm 2 (40
derusters are sometimes used in place of the acid clips. They are usually ASF)
operated at 40 C (104 F) and 2 to 5 A/dm2 ( 20 to 50 ASF), with (5) Rinse in distilled or pure water
and without periodic reverse current (see Note 2). They would be followed (6) Gold plate
by a rinse, acid dip, and rinse.
Cycle I-10
For nickel electroplating (1) Copper, brass, silver, or nickel strike
Cycles 1-1 through 1-5 may be used. (2) Warm rinse
For copper (see also Cycles II-8, II-9), zinc, cadmium, and tin 3) Rinse (distilled or pure water)
electroplating. The above cycles may be used, but very frequently a roam (4) Gold plate (frequently a potassium cyanide dip and another
temperature, 30 to 75 g/L (4 to 10 oz/gal) sodium cyanide dip or alkali rinse are used prior to gold plating in the above cycle)
dip for alkaline tinis used just prior to plating in the cyanide or alkaline For lead electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in Cycles 1-1
solution. through 1-4 as follows:
For silver electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in the above Cycle I-11
cycles as follows: (1) Lead Plate (Note 5)
Cycle I-6 Note 5 : Lead directly over steel usually lacks good covering power, and
( 1) First silver strike unless a heavy deposit is to be used, Cycles 1-12 and 1-13 are preferred.
(2) Second silver Strike (Note 4) Cycle I-12
(3) Silver ( 1) Copper strike
Cycle I-7 (2) Rinse
( 1) Copper strike (3) Acid dip (see Note 6) : 2-10% Fluoboric acid, 2-10% acetic
(2) Rinse 80 acid, or 2-10% hydrochloric acid
Metals 163 164 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(4) Rinse (5) Anodic etch (as in 11-1)

(5) Lead plate (6) Rinse
Cycle I-13 (7) Rinse
( 1) Nickel flash (8) Plate
(2) Rinse (5) Rinse
(3) Rinse (6) Smut Removal (Note 8)
(4) Lead plate (a) Dip in NaCN, 22 g/L (3 oz/ gal) or
(b) Anodic in NaCN, 22-45 g/L (3-6 oz/gal) at 1.5 to 2 A/dm 2
Note 6 : The acid dip may be omitted, sometimes advantageously, (15-20 ASF) for 1h-1 min
if extra rinsing is used. (7) Rinse
For chromium electroplating. Chromium directly on steel is usually (8) Anodic etch (Note 9, sulfuric acid, 250-1000 g/L (33-133 oz/
for functional purposes and is known as hard chromium plate. gal), 30 C (86 F), 10-40 A/ dm 2 (100-400 ASF)
Cycle I-14 (9) Rinse
Proceed after the last rinse in Cycle 1-1, 1-2, or 1-3 as follows: (10) Plate
(1) Anodic in chromic acid solution Note 8-Alkaline derusters with or without periodic reverse current
(2) Chromium plate or chelated alkaline cleaners can be used in place of the NaCN treatments.
Cycle I-15 Note 9-A high acid content, low temperature, and high current
(1) Stress relieve at 175 C (350 F) if necessary density will minimize smut formation. Carry-over of water into the
(2) Anodic clean anodic etch solution should be held to a minimum. Frequently this is
(3) Rinse accomplished by the use of a hot rinse. Long transfer times after the
(4) Anodic in chromic acid solution anodic etch should be avoided.
(5) Chromium plate Cycle II-3
(6) Rinse (1) Preliminary pretreatment
(7) Bake at 175 C (350 F) to remove occluded hydrogen (2) Rinse
(3) Anodic clean
(II) High-carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
(4) Rinse
As stated previously, these steels are susceptible to hydrogen (5) Nitric acid dip, 5%
embrittlement. Therefore, the acid treatments are either very mild, of (6) Rinse
short duration, used with anodic current, or contain oxidizing agents. (7) Anodic in NaCN (as in Cycle 11-1- 6b)
Cycle II-1 (8) Rinse
(1) Anodic clean, 90 C, 5 A/dm 2 (195 F, 50 ASF), less than 2 min. (9) Acid dip, 1% hydrochloric acid (optional depending on plating
(2) Rinse, 50 C (120 F) (note 7) solution)
(3) Rinse, roam temp. (10) Rinse
(4) Acid dip, hydrochloric acid, 1-10% (11) Plate
Note 7-This includes the use of immersion rinses followed always by Cycle II-4
spray rinses at the recommended temperature. (1) Preliminary pretreatment
Cycle II-2 (2) Rinse
(1) Preliminary pretreatment (3) Anodic clean
(2) Rinse (4) Rinse
(3) Anodic clean (5) Electropolish or anodic etch
(4) Rinse 81 (6) Rinse
Metals 165 166 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(7) Rinse (8) Cyanide copper strike

(8) Anodic clean (9) Rinse
(9) Rinse (10) Acid dip, 5% sulfuric (occasionally omitted)
(10) Acid dip, 20% hydrochloric (11) Rinse
(11) Rinse (12) Plate
(12) Plate While every consideration should be given to prevention of hydrogen
Cycle II-5 embrittlement, trial will determine to what extent this factors is important.
(1) Preliminary pretreatment Sometimes, a seemingly harsh treatment will give satisfactory results, an
(2) Rinse example being the use of a full strength hydrochloric acid dip for certain
(3) Anodic clean case-hardened parts.
(4) Rinse warm For nickel electroplating. Cycles 11-1 through 11.8.
(5) Spray rinse For copper electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in Cycles 11-1
(6) Alkaline deruster with PR current (See Note 1) through 11-7 as follows:
(7) Rinse-cold Cycle II-9
(8) Acid dip-10% H 2S04 (1) Cyanide copper plate (if bright copper, a cyanide copper flash
(9) Rinse-cold usually precedes the bright copper)
(10) Spray rinse Cycle II-10
(11) Plate ( 1) Cyanide copper strike
Cycle II-6
(For Spring Temper Parts) (2) Rinse
( 1)Anodic clean (3) Acid dip
(2) Rinse (4) Rinse
(3) Anodic in NaCN (as in Cycle ll-1-6b-optional) (5) Acid copper plate
(4) Rinse Cycle II-11
(5) Rinse ( 1) Nickel strike
(6) Plate (2) Rinse
Cycle II-7
(For Spring Temper Parts) (3) Acid copper plate
( 1)Anodic clean For zinc, cadmium, and tin electroplating
(2) Rinse
(3) Acid dip: sulfuric acid, 0-20%, plus nitric acid, 2-10% Although Cycles 11-1through11-7 may be used, frequently a cyanide
(4) Rinse dip or alkali dip is employed just prior to plating in the cyanide or
(5) Rinse stannate solution. Some high-carbon steels are difficult to plate in the
(6) Plate cyanide zinc solution.
For silver electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in Cycles 11-1
Cycle II-8
through 11-7 with Cycle 1-6, 1-7, or 1-8.
(1) Preliminary pretreatment
For gold electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in Cycles 11-1
(2) Rinse
through 11-7 with Cycle 1-9 or 1-10.
(3) Anodic clean
For lead electroplating. Proceed after the last rinse in Cycle 11-1
(4) Rinse-hot
through 11-7 with Cycle 1-11, 1-12 or 1-13.
(5) Anodic etch
For chromium electroplating. Proceed as in Cycle 1-15.
(6) Rinse
(7) Rinse (optional)
Metals 167 168 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(Ili) Stainless Steels (1) Nickel chloride 240 g/L (32 oz/gal)
Cycle III-1 Hydrochloric acid 85 ml/L (11 fl oz/gal)
(1) Preliminary treatment Temperature Roam
(2) Rinse Electrodes Nickel
(3) Electroclean (anodic cleaning is usually preferred, and when First, treat anodically at 2.2 A/dm (20 ASF) for 2 min, followed by

brightness is important the severity of cleaning should be kept cathodic treatment at 2.2 A/dm2 (20 ASF) for 6 min.
to a minimum). A short electropolishing treatment may be (2) Nickel chloride 240 g/L (32 oz/gal)
used in place of cleaning, providing the preliminary cleaning Hydrochloric acid 126 ml /L (16 fl oz/ gal)
is adequate. Temperature Roam
(4) Rinse Anodes Nickel
(5) Activate. This step is most important except in the case of First, treat cathodically at 5.4-21.5 A/dm2 (50-200 ASF) for 2-4 min,
chromium electroplating. The following activating treatments then reduce to 1.6-5.4 A/dm2 (15-50 ASF) for 15-30 min.
have been used, and the best treatments will depend on the (3) Nickel chloride 30-300 g/L (4-40 oz/gal)
type of steel and the particular circumstances: Hydrochloric acid 15-160 ml/L (2-20 fl oz/ gal)
(a) Immersion Treatments Temperature Roam
(1) Immerse in 20-50% sulfuric acid at 63-80 C (150-180 F) for at Anodes Nickel
least 1 min after grassing commences. It may be necessary to Current density- cathodic 0.55-10.75 A/dm 2 (5-100 ASF)
start the grassing by touching the stainless steel with a piece Time 1h-5 min
of carbon steel. (4) Hydrochloric acid, concentrated
(2) Immerse for 26 sec atroam temperature in: Copper sulfate 0.4 g/L (O.OS oz/gal)
Hydrochloric acid 0.1 % Temperature Roam
Sulfuric acid 1.0% Anodes Nickel
(b) Cathodic treatments Current density-cathodic 4.5-6.6 A/dm2 (40-60 ASF)
(1) Sulfuric acid 5-50% Time 1-5 min
Temperature Roam ln the above activation-plating treatments using nickel anodes, the
Current density 0.54 A/dm2 (5 ASF) nickel content of the solution gradually increases dueto the low cathode
Time 1-5 min efficiency. This can be compensated for by removing a portion of the
(2) Hydrochloric acid 5-50% solution and replenishing the hydrochloric acid. Nickel anode material
Temperature Roam containing greater than 0.01 % sulfur should not be used in a nickel strike
Current density 2.15 A/ dm 2 (20 ASF) bath operated at a pH of 0.5 or lower. Carbon anodes have been used but
Time 1-Smin the resultant chlorine fumes create a ventilation problem.
(3) Immerse in 10-30% hydrochloric acid at roam temperature (5) Nickel sulfate 240 g/L (32 oz/gal)
for 30-60 sec, treat cathodically in: Sulfuric acid 50 g/L (6.7 oz/gal)
Sulfuric acid 5-50% Temperature 30-40 C (86-104 F)
Temperature Roam Anodes Lead
Current density 0.54-2.7 A/dm2, (5-25 ASF) Current density-cathodic 16.2 A/dm2 (150 ASF)
(4) Acid salts containing fluorides: 120 g/L (16 oz/gal) Time 5-10 min
Temperature 45 C (110 F) After activation, the work is rinsed and transferred to the plating
Current density 0.54-1.6 A/dm2 (5-15 ASF) solution as quickly as possible. Where possible, the rinse water should be
Time 1-5 min slightly acid (pH 2.5-3.5). Frequently carry-over of acid from the
(e) Simultaneous activation-plating treatments 83 activation treatments will suffice. Depending on the type of stainless
Metals 169 170 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

steel and activating treatment, adherent deposits of the common metals (5) Rinse
can usually be deposited directly on the activated surface. If possible, the (6) Plate
current should be on as the parts are immersed into the plating solution. Cycle IV-2
Except in the case of chromium plating, the use of a simultaneous ( 1) Soak clean or degrease
activation-ploting treatment usually gives more consistent good adhesion. (2) Ca thodic clean or ca thodic followed by a short anodic cleaning
ln some cases, however, the thin intermediate layer of nickel reduces the (3) Rinse-hot
corrosion resistance of the finished article. (4) Rinse-cold
Gold electroplating on stainless steel (5) Treat anodically in sulfuric acid 25-30%, 10.8-21.6 A/dm 2 (100-
This may be accomplished by the above activation-plating 200 ASF) (black film should be absent at finish of anodic
treatments, but special treatments have been proposed and used treatment)
successfully to deposit gold directly on stainless steel. (6) Rinse
Chromium electroplating on stainless: steel (7) Plate
The immersion-activating treatment Cycle III-1, 5a(2), followed by Cycle IV-3
rinsing, has been used with success for chromium plating on stainless ( 1) Soak clean or degrease
steel automobile parts. The above activating treatments can frequently (2) Anodic clean
be eliminated and the following cycles used: (3) Rinse-hot
Cycle III-2 (4) Rinse-cold
( 1) Ca thodic clean (5) Treat anodically in sulfuric acid, 25-35%, 10.8-21.6 A/ dm 2
(2) Rinse (100-200 ASF)
(3) Treat as anode at 10.8 A/dm 2 (100 ASF) in chrominum plating (6) Rinse-cold
solution (7) Anodic clean
(4) Chromium plate (8) Acid dip 5-10% sulfuric acid
(9) Rinse-cold
Cycle III-3
(10) Plate
( 1) Soak clean
For nickel electroplating. As in Cycle IV-1, IV-2, or IV-3. For a bright
(2) Rinse
nickel finish the casting is sometimes given a preliminary 4-min strike in
(3) Anodic clean at 5.4 A/dm 2 (5ASF)
a dull Watts bath.
(4) Rinse
For copper electroplating. Proceed as in Cycle 11-9, 11-10, or 11-11 after
(5) Acid dip, 45 sec: sulfuric acid, 1%, hydrochloric acid, 0.1 %
the last rinse in Cycles IV-1, IV-2 and IV-3.
(6) Rinse
For cadmium and tin electroplating. As in Cycle IV-1, IV-2, or IV-3,
(7) Rinse
although it is advisable to use a preliminary cyanide or alkali dip prior
(8) Chromium plate
to alkaline electroplating.
(IV) Cast Irons For zincel ectroplating
Frequently, zinc electroplating of cast irons in a cyanide zinc solution
Cycle IV-I is avoided because of the difficulty in obtaining good coverage by the
( 1) Ca thodic clean zinc, but it has been dane successfully using Cycle IV-3. Castings can be
(2) Rinse-hot 60 C (140 F) plated in the acid baths using Cycle IV-1, IV-2, or IV-3 providing the
(3) Rinse-cold throwing power is adequa te. Intermediate deposits may be used as follows:
(4) Acid dip, hydrochloric acid, 20% or 5-10% sulfuric acid, 3-10
sec Cycle IV-4
( 1) Cyanide copper strike, cadmium strike or alkaline tin strike
Metals 171 172 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(2) Rinse (1) Preliminary pretreatment (Note 10)

(3) Cyanide zinc plate (2) Rinse
Cycle IV-5 (3) Electroclean (Nate 11)
( 1) Acid zinc strike (4) Rinse
(2) Rinse (5) Acid dip (Note 12)
(3) Cyanide zinc plate (6) Rinse
(7) Plate in acid solution
Methods have been proposed for zinc electroplating directly on
castings from a cyanide bath, but their application has been limited. Cycle V-2
Cycle IV-3 has been most successful. (1) Preliminary pretreatment
(2) Rinse
For silver electroplating
(3) Electroclean (Nate 11)
After the last rine in Cycle IV-1, IV-2, or IV-3, proceed as in Cycles
(4) Rinse
1-6 through 1-8.
(5) Sodium cyanide solution 15-45 g/L (2-6 oz/gal)
For chromium electroplating.
( 6) Rinse, or copper strike and rinse
Cycle IV-6 (7) Plate in alkaline solution
( 1) Anodic clean
Cycle V-3 (For Soldered Parts or Leaded Brass)
(2) Rinse
(1) Preliminary pretreatment
(3) Anodic ethic in chromic acid, 3-5 sec
(2) Rinse
(4) Flash in plating bath at 155 A/dm 2 (1440 ASF) for about 30 sec
(3) Ca thodic clean
( 5) Drop current to normal
(4) Rinse
Cycle IV-7 (5) Acid dip, 10-20% fluoboric acid
( 1) Buff well (6) Rinse
(2) Wash with solvent (7) Cyanide solution dip
(3) Dry (8) Rinse, optional
(4) Rub down the surface with slaked lime or alumina (9) Cyanide copper strike
(5) Flash and plate as in Cycle IV-6. (10) Rinse
Cycle IV-8 (11) Acid dip (see Note 12)
(1) Abrasive polish, light pressure, with 600 mesh emery paper or (12) Rinse
belt. (13) Plate
(2) Anodic clean, 40 min at 5.4 A/dm2 (50 ASF) in 12% sodium Cycle V-4
hydroxide at 43-46 C (110-115 F) (1) Preliminary pretreatment
(3) Cold rinse (2) Rinse
(4) Dip in 5% hydrochloric acid, 5 sec. (3) Electroclean
(5) Cold rinse (4) Rinse
(6) Reverse current at 10.8 A/dm2 (100 ASF) in chromium plating (5) Bright dip
solution, then plate starting at no less than 81 A/ dm 2 (750 (6) Rinse
ASF) for 5 min, then lower to normal current density (do not (7) Rinse
use steps 3 and 4 until ready to plate) (8) Plate
(V) Copper and Copper-Base Alloys
Note 11- See cleaning and picking in many cases, proprietary
Cycle V-I 85
Metals 173 174 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

cleaners are used in accordance with the supplier's recommendations. (2) Rinse (Note 13)
Anodic cleaning of copper and alloys has in recent years become preferred. (3) Electroclean (Nate 14)
Occasionally, cathodic followed by anodic cleaning in a separate tank is (4) Rinse
used. If the parts are tarnished and cathodic cleaning is to be used, it is (5) Acid dip, sulfuric acid, 0.25-1 %, or hydrochloric acid, 0.25-
advisable to remove the tarnish by an acid or cyanide dip prior to 1%, or hydrofluoric acid, 0.25-1 %, or acid salts with fluorides,
cathodic cleaning. 0.5 g/L (2 oz/gal)
Note 12-The acid dip for copper or brass may be 5 to 10% by (6) Rinse
volume sulfuric acid, 10 to 20% by volume hydrochloric acid or 10 to (7) Copper strike, optional (Note 15)
20% by volume fluoboric acid, the latter usually used when a fluoborate (8) Copper plate
plating solution follows. Because of the interaction of the various steps Note 13-A cycle including a warm water rinse, a cold water rinse,
in plating on leaded brass, it is difficult to prescribe a cycle which will followed by a spray rinse is recommended.
always give adherent electrodeposits. Cathodic cleaning is usually Note 14-The choice of cathodic or anodic cleaning depends on the
preferred, but very mild anodic cleaning is sometimes used. ln many cleaner composition. The temperature, current density and time should
cases, fluoboric acid functions no better than sulfuric acid. Occasionally be adjusted to minimize attack on the casting.
it has been found necessary to add carbonate to a new copper cyanide Note 15---Customary prior to high concentration copper cyanide
strike solution. baths.
For nickel electroplating. Use Cycle V-1, V-3, or V-4. Virtually all zinc die castings are first copper plated, as in Cycle Vi-
For copper electroplating. Use Cycle V-1, V-2, V-3, or V-4. l. Usually other metals such as nickel, chromium, silver, gold, and brass
For cadmium, zinc, and tin electroplating. Use Cycle V-1, V-2, V-3, or are deposited over the copper plate. ln the case of bright nickel over
V-4. bright copper it is sometimes necessary or advisable to follow the copper
For silver electroplating. After the last rinse in Cycle V-1, V-2, V-3 or plating with special activating or cleaning treatments prior to going into
V-4 proceed as in Cycle 1-6 through 1-8, except for duplication of the the bright nickel solution. ln this case, the suppliers should be consulted.
copper strike. The minimum thickness of copper is about 5 µm (0.2 mil) and it is
For gold electroplating. After the last rinse in Cycle V-1, V-2, V-3 or necessary to use a copper strike prior to most proprietary copper solutions.
V-4, proceed as in Cycles 1-9 and 1-10. For simple shapes not requiring high throwing power, nickel may be
For lead electroplating. Use Cycle V-1, V-2, V-3, or V-4. deposited directly on zinc die castings with good results from solutions
For chromium electroplating (directly on copper or alloy). Use Cycle V- formulated for that purpose.
1. For hard chromium the cycle is as follows: An improvement in appearance and corrosion protection may be
Cycle I-5 obtained on porous castings by the use of a leveling zinc deposit prior to
( 1) Ca thodic or soak clean the copper.
(2) Rinse
(VII) Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
(3) Acid dip, hydrochloric acid, 50%
(4) Rinse ln general, aluminum and aluminum alloys do not respond to the
(5) Plate surface conditioning treatments employed for the preparation of other
metals for electroplating. The alloys which can be plated with the use of
(VI) Zinc-Base Die Castings various cycles have been published.
Modifications of the cycles can be made to fit the circumstances if
Cycle VI-1
the composition of the alloy is considered, particularly regarding silicon,
(1) Preliminary pretreatment
copper, and magnesium. There are four major steps in the finishing of
(a) Solvent degreasing
aluminum and aluminum alloys:
(b) Emulsion cleaning
A. Preliminary cleaning
(c) Power spray wash 86 B. Conditioning
Metals 175 176 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

C. Immersion-strike treatment Alkaline Zincate Solutions

D. Final electrodeposits 1 2 3 4
Depending on the alloy, various cleaning and conditioning
treatments should provide a surface with uniform activity for the Zinc oxide 100 (13) 100 (13) 5 (0.67) 20 (2.7)
deposition of the initial immersion-strike layer. Sodium hydroxide 525 (70) 525 (70) 50 (6.7) 120 (16)
A. Preliminary cleaning. The surface must be free from grease, oil, or Ferric chloride 1 (0.13) 2 (0.27) 2 (0.27)
buffing compounds. This can be accomplished by vapour degreasing, Rochelle salts 10 (1.3) 50 (6.7) 50 (6.7)
solvent washing, or solvent emulsion cleaning. A 60-80 C (140-175 F) Sodium nitrate 1 (0.13) 1 (0.13)
mild etching type cleaner for 1-3 min may also be used. Temperature, C 15-27 15-27 20-27 20-25
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous 25 g/L (3.3 oz/gal) (F) (60-80) (60-80) (70-75) (70-75)
Trisodium phosphate, anhydrous 25 g/L (3.3 oz/gal) Time, sec 30-60 30-60 30 or less 30 or less
B. Conditioning. Following the preliminary cleaning, the surface
should be conditioned. Several methods have been successful for various
alloys. Acid Zincate Solutions
1. For most alloys: 5 6
Sodium hydroxide 50 g/L (6.7 oz/gal)
Zinc sulfate 7 Hp 720 (96)
Time 30 sec to 1 min
Zinc fluoborate 75 (10)
Temperature 50 C (125 F)
Followed by a water rinse and immersion for about 45 seconds in a Hydrofluoric acid 3.5%
desmutting solution of: pH (with fluoboric acid) 3.0
Nitric acid 75% Temperature C (F) 25 (77) 20-27 (70-80)
Ammonium bifluoride 120 g/L (16 oz/gal)
Temperature 20-25 C (65-75 F) Time, sec 30-60 30
2. Heat treated (T-Temper) alloys:
Sulfuric acid 10% and conditioning steps, it is necessary to further treat the surface to
Chromic acid 35 g/L (4.7 oz/gal) obtain adequate adhesion of the final electro-deposited metals.
Temperature 70-80 C (160-175 F) 1. The zinc immersion process
Time 2-5 min Depending upon the alloy involved, different acid clips and zinc
3. Wrought alloys of the 1100 and 3003 type: treat with the immersion processes are used in the following basic cycle:
carbonate-phosphate solution in A above. Follow by a dip in Cycle VII-1
a 50% nitric acid solution. ( 1) Preliminary cleaning
4. All wrought and cast aluminum-magnesium alloys: (2) Rinse
Sulfuric acid 15 % (3) Soak clean
Temperature 80 C (175 F) (4) Rinse
Time 2-5 min (5) Acid dip(s)
5. High-silicon casting alloys: (6) Rinse
Nitric acid 75% (7) Zinc immersion
Hydrofluoric acid 25% (8) Double rinse
Temperature Roam (9) Plate
Time 3-5 sec
a. Acid clips
C. Immersion-strike treatment. Following the preliminary cleaning
87 The following acid clips have been used in Cycle VIl-1, step 5 above.
Metals 177 178 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The choice depends upon the aluminum surface. pH at 140ºF 6.8-7.2

(1) Single acid: 50% nitric acid, roam temperature Agitation Mechanical
(2) Double acid: 15% sulfuric acid, 2 min at 82 C (180 F), rinse, After an initial strike at 9.5-13 A/dm 2 (95-130 ASF) for 30-45 sec,
50% nitric acid reduce the cathode current density to 4-5.5 A/dm 2 (40-55 ASF) and
(3) Double Zincate: zinc-immersion rinse, 50% nitric acid. electroplate for an additional 3-5 min.
(4) Mixed acid: 75% nitric acid with 25% hydrofluoric acid
3. Zinc immersion-nickel glycolate strike
b. Zinc immersion After the proper precleaning and conditioning, as in Cycle VIl-1,
Depending upon the nature of the aluminum surface, the following the parts are given either a single ora double zinc immersion treatment.
basic formulations in g/L (oz/gal) can be used in the zinc immersion This is followed by a rinse and a nickel strike in a solution of the following
step in Cycle VII-1 step 7 and in the double zincate process given above composition:
Nickel acetate 65 g/L (8.7 oz/gal)
Formulations 1 through 4 are alkaline zincate solutions.
Formulations 5 and 6 are acid zinc solutions. Formulations 2, 3 and 4 Boric acid 45 g/L (6.0 oz/gal)
give more uniform and satisfactory results on wrought and cast alloys. 70% glycolic acid 60 ml/L (7.7 fl oz/gal)
ln addition to iron being added to zincate solutions, nickel and copper Saccharin 1.5 g/L (0.2 oz/gal)
have also been used with repeatedly good results.
Sodium acetate 50 g/L (6.7 oz/gal)
Also available are proprietary zincates which are modified with
copper, copper /nickel, and copper /nickel/iron. These deposit alloy zinc Temperature Roam
films instead of pure zinc, and permit somewhat greater latitude in pH 5.5-6
subsequent plating conditions and applications. They also claim Current density 2.7 A/ dm 2 (25 ASF)
advantages in reduced porosity, and improved corrosion resistance. The Time 2-5 min
pretreatment procedure may be affected as well. The suppliers should be
consulted for details on the processes and procedures. Anodes Nickel or inert
Prior to depositing any subsequent metallic layers it is usually Agitation Mechanical
advisable to apply a copper strike over the zinc immersion layer. The 4. Tin immersion-bronze strike
parts are transferred to a low-pH, low-temperature tartrate-type cyanide After cleaning and conditioning the parts are subjected to a tin
copper solution. An initial high-current density strike of about 2.6 A/ dm 2 activation treatment. This can be accomplished either by simple
(24 ASF) is applied for the first 2 min followed by a reduced current immersion, or electrolytically, with cathodic current in a proprietary,
density of 1.3 A/dm2 (12 ASF) for 3 to 5 min aqueous stannate bath for 30 sec at 26-30 C (75-85 F). Following the
2. Zinc immersion-neutral nickel strike stannate treatment, without rinsing and with a minimum time delay, the
After the proper precleaning and conditioning, the parts are given parts are transferred into a proprietary, aqueous bronze bath, where they
a double zinc immersion treatment similar to Cycle VII-1 using acid dip, are given a strike of 3-4 min at 26-30 C (75-85 F), with a cathode current
a-3. After the final rinse the surface is given a nickel strike in a solution density of 3.2-5.4 A/ dm 2, (32-54 ASF).
with the following compositions:
5. Anodic process (anodizing)
Nickel sulfate 142 g/L 19 oz/gal) The anodic process forms an oxide film on the surface of the
Ammonium sulfate 34 g/L (4.5 oz/gal) aluminum over which other metals may be electrodeposited. Two typical
Nickel chloride 30 g/L (4.0 oz/gal) cycles are as follows:
Sodium citrate 142 g/L (19 oz/gal)
Cycle VII-2
Sodium gluconote 30g/L (4.0 02/gal) ( 1) Preliminary cleaning
Temperature 57-66 C (135-150 F)
(2) Rinse
Metals 179 180 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(3) Soak clean and etch Temperature Roam

(4) Rinse Current density 2.7 A/ dm 2 (25 ASF)
(5) Nitric acid dip Time 1 min
(6) Double rinse For silver electroplating. Silver may be deposited over the copper,
(7) Phosphoric acid anodize: phosphoric acid (20-60%), nickel, or bronze strikes as in Cycle 1-7 or 1-8, or on the anodized surface
temperature 27-35 C (80-95 F), voltage 5-30 volts, time 5-15 as in Cycle 1-6.
minutes For gold electroplating. Gold may be applied over a copper strike by
(8) Rinse use of Cycle 1-9 or 1-10.
(9) Plate For lead electroplating. Lead may be applied over a heavy copper,
Cycle VII-3 nickel, or bronze strike after rinsing.
( 1) Soak clean For chromium electroplating:
(2) Rinse Cycle VII-4
(3) Anodize ( 1) Soak clean
(4) Rinse (2) Rinse
(5) Nickel plate (3) Etch in: sodium hydroxide, 45 g/L (6 oz/gal); temperature,
D. Final electrodeposits. Following the immersion or strike deposits 40.5 C (150 F); time, 1-2 min
listed in Section C, other metals can be electroplated on the conditioned (4) Rinse
aluminum parts using conventional electroplating solutions. A copper (5) Nitric acid dip
strike, as stated in Section C-1, is usually preferred following either the (6) Rinse
zinc immersion strike or the phosphorus anodized strike described in (7) Chromium plate in standard bath
Section C-5. Two precautions should be taken when plating over the zinc Cycle VII-5
immersion or anodized surfaces: (1) Cycle VII-1
( 1) The current should be on as the work is immersed in the (2) Chromium plate at 15.5-21 C (60-70 F)
plating solution. (3) Transfer to higher-temperature bath and hold until part reaches
(2) The plating solution should not be too acid or too alkaline. bath temperature
For copper electroplating. After the copper strike, the work can be (4) Gradually increase current density from 16-33 A/dm2 (150-
transferred to any conventional copper plating bath. 300 ASF)
For nickel electroplating. After the copper strike, the work is rinsed Cycle VII-6
and transferred to a conventional nickel electroplating bath. When nickel (1) Cycle VII-1
electroplating directly on the zinc immersion coating, the pH of the (2) Chromium plate at 18-21 C (65-70 F) in standard or
nickel solution should be 4.0 to 5.0; whereas, for electroplating over the Bornehauser solution
anodized surface the pH may be 3.5 to 4.5. Nickel can be electroplated (3) Buff
directly on the nickel strike and bronze immersion strikes. Cycle VII-7
For zinc and tin electroplating. These metals can be applied over any (1) Cycle VII-1
of the immersion strike metals or copper strike films. (2) Copper strike, 3-5 min
For cadmium electroplating. Cadmium can be applied over copper, (3) Rinse
nickel, or bronze strike deposits or directly on the zinc immersion film. (4) Hard chromium plate
If applied directly on the zinc film, a cadmium strike prior to cadmium
electroplating of the following compositions should be used: (VIII) Magnesium and lts Alloys
Cadmium oxide 7.5 g/L (1 oz/gal) Magnesium requires a zinc immersion deposit prior to plating with
Sodium cyanide 60 g/L (8 oz/gal) 89
Metals 181 182 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

other metals, which is somewhat different from that used on aluminum. Free cyanide 4 g/L (0.5 oz/gal)
Solution for Zinc Immersion Both solutions are operated at 54 to 60 C (130 to 140 F) anda pH of
Zinc sulfate (ZnSo 4.Hp) 30 g/L (4 oz/gal) 9.6 to 10.4 (colorimetric). Cathode rod agitation is used. ln solution,
Tetrasodium pyrophosphate 120 g/L (16 oz/gal) make electrical contact quickly at 5 to 10 A/dm 2 (45 to 90 ASF) then
Sodium fluoride 5 g/L (0.67 oz/gal) lower current to 1 to 2.5 A/dm 2 (9 to 23 ASF). Use periodic reverse
or lithium fluoride 3 g/L (0.40 oz/gal) current (see Note 1) after 2.5 µm (0.1 mil) if deposits thicker than 25 µm
Sodium carbonate 5 g/L (0.67 oz/gal) (1 mil) are needed.
pH (measured colorimetrically) 10.2-10.4 Racks. Magnesium alloy racks may be used but are not advantageous
Temperature 79-85 (175-185 F) after the first plating cycle. Although the use of conventional racks is
Time operational, rack coatings should be used on the entire rack except for
Aluminum-containing alloys 5-7 min small contact areas. When used for other than copper, brass, zinc, or
Aluminum-free alloys 3-5 min cadmium electroplating, the rack should be given a copper strike before
Unalloyed magnesium 3-5 min recycling.
Agitation Mild For copper electroplating. Heavier copper deposits may be applied
Cycle VIII by additional time in the copper strike solution, transferring to another
( 1) Preclean and pickle if necessary alkaline bath, or electroplating over nickel.
(2) Rinse For nickel electroplating. Nickel may be applied after copper
(3) Cathodic clean 7.5-13 A/dm 2 (75-130 ASF) 85 C (185 F) electroplating to about 7.6 µm (0.3 mil) minimum thickness. Preferably,
(4) Rinse the bright nickel solution should have a pH of 4.0 or above. For recessed
(5) Pickle if necessary parts where the copper may be thin or for electroplating directly over the
(6) Rinse zinc, the following solution, which does not seriously attack magnesium,
(7) Activate by immersion in: phosphoric acid, 20%, and sodium, can be used:
potassium, or ammonium biflouride, 105 g/L (14 oz/ gal); Hydrofluoric acid (70%) 60%
temperature, 16-38 C (60-100 F); time 0.5-2 min Citric acid 30 g/L (4 oz/gal)
(8) Rinse Basic nickel carbonate 120 g/L (16 oz/gal)
(9) Zinc immersion treatment (Note 15) (2NiC0 3 .3Ni(OH) 2 .4H 20)
(10) Rinse Sodium lauryl sulfate 0.9 g/L (0.125 oz/gal)
( 11) Copper strike The chemicals should be added in the above arder to approximately
Note 15-For some alloys, a double zinc immersion treatment is one-tenth of the final volume of water; the nickel carbonate should be
required after step 10. Repeat steps 7 through 10. added slowly to prevent foaming. The pH should be held between 1.0
Copper strike. The following two baths have been found suitable for and 3.0, the temperature at 50 to 60 C (120 to 140 F), and the current
electroplating over zinc immersion coating: density at 3.0 to 10 A/ dm2 (30 to 100 ASF). Cathode rod agitation is used.
Both A A thin layer of electroless nickel applied directly to the magnesium
Copper cyanide 41 g/L (5.5 oz/gal) surface has been used as a base for further electroplating.
Potassium cyanide 68 g/L (9.0 oz/gal) For zinc and brass electroplating. These may be applied from cyanide
Potassium fluoride 30 g/L (4.0 oz/gal) solutions directly on the zinc immersion coating, but preferably after
Free cyanide 7.Sg/L (1.0 oz/gal) copper or nickel electroplating.
Bath B For cadmium electroplating. This is applied over the copper coating
Copper cyanide 41 g/L (5.5 oz/gal) of Cycle VIII.
Sodium cyanide 52.5 g/L (7 oz/gal) For silver electroplating. After copper electroplating the usual nickel
Rochelle salt 45 g/L (6 oz/gal) strike, silver strike, silver plate cycle is used as in Cycle 1-8.
Metals 183 184 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

For chromium electroplating. Chromium may be deposited directly (2) Hot rinse
over copper or nickel deposits. (3) Swirl in hot soap solution
(4) Soak clean
(IX) Nickel Silver (5) Ca thodic clean
Nickel silver is a copper-base alloy containing 17 to 32% zinc and (6) Rinse
10 to 30% nickel. (7) Cyanide dip
Cycle IX-1 (8) Rinse
( 1) Ca thodic clean (9) Hydrochloric acid dip
(2) Rinse (10) Rinse
(3) Hydrochloric acid dip, 30% ( 11) Nickel strike
(4) Rinse For silver electroplating. Most nickel-silver is silver electroplated,
(5) Plate and the usual nickel strike, silver strike, and silver plate are used as in
Cycle IX-2 Cycle 1-8. If the nickel strike is omitted, a cycle similar to 1-6or1-7 is used.
( 1) Ca thodic clean For gold and rhodium electroplating. A nickel strike is preferred.
(2) Anodic clean Proceed as in Cycle 1-9 to 1-10 after the last rinse in Cycles IX-1 through
(3) Rinse IX-4.
(4) Sodium cyanide dip, 45-60 g/L (6-8 oz/gal) For brass, nickel-chromium, tin electroplating. The usual copper or
(5) Rinse nickel undercoat is first applied.
(6) Sulfuric acid dip, 5%
(X) Lead and Lead Alloys
(7) Rinse
(8) Cyanide copper strike Electroplating on lead or lead alloys falls in two main categories:
(9) Rinse electroplating on soldered parts and electroplating on lead alloys such as
(10) Sulfuric acid dip, 2% in jewellry and hollow ware. Two complications arise: (1) usually the
(11) Rinse lead or lead alloy is only part of the surface being electroplated as in
(12) Nickel strike, gray or bright nickel up to 0.25 µm (0.01 mil) soldered brass parts or brass hollow ware with white metal spouts; (2)
certain fluxes and stains from hot flux can be troublesome from the
Cycle IX-3 (Hollow Ware)
cleaning standpoint. The cycles which follow are to be used only as a
( 1) Soak clean
guide in determining the best cycle for a given circumstance. ln many
(2) Rinse
cases, hand scrubbing and soak cleaning have been found more reliable
(3) Cyanide dip where tarnished
than electrocleaning. One of the most important steps in plating hollow
(4) Rinse
ware made up of soldered parts is to remove both the inside and outside
(5) Ca thodic clean
stain caused by the hot flux. Buffing will remove the outside stain, but
(6) Rinse
the outside surface will frequently become stained or etched by the time
(7) Brush, scour, or sponge
the inside stain is removed by cleaning. Therefore, immediately after
(8) Rinse
soldering, the inside should be thoroughly scratch brushed.
(9) Ca thodic clean
(10) Rinse Cycle X-1 (As for Jewellry)
(11) Hydrochloric acid dip, 4-30% ( 1) Degrease
(12) Rinse (2) Cathodic clean-low voltage, 70 C (160 F), 30 see
(13) Nickel strike (3) Rinse
(4) Sodium cyanide dip, 15-22 g/L (2-3 oz/gal)
Cycle IX-4 (Flatware)
( 1) Preclean 91
Metals 185 186 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(5) Rinse These may be deposited over a nickel or copper flash (preferably nickel)
(6) Fluoboric acid dip, 5-25% or 8% glacial acetic acid and 4.5% as in other previously described cycles.
hydrogen peroxide
(7) Water rinse (XI) Powder Metal Compacts
(8) Plate Customarily, articles are made by compacting a metal powder in a
Cycle X-2 (As for Percolators) die at slightly elevated temperature to produce a weak, "green" molding.
( 1) Preclean It is then sintered at a temperature below the melting point in an inert or
(2) Rinse reducing atmosphere.
( 3) Ca thodic clean There are no general cycles that can be given which apply to all
(4) Rinse powder compacts and for all deposits. Good rinsing may be the most
(5) Soak clean, swabbing may be used important step due to the porosity of the surface. This cannot be
(6) Rinse overemphasized in arder to prevent spotting out. The degree of spotting
(7) Anodic in 10% fluoboric acid at 1.6 A/dm2 (15 ASF) for 15-20 out varies also with the thickness of the deposits, which may be grouped
sec as follows: (1) thin deposits can be rinsed more easily and give little
(8) Rinse trouble, (2) medium weight deposits, 25 to 50 µm (1 to 2 mil), because of
(9) Plate the partial bridging of the voids, give considerable trouble, (3) heavy
deposits, 150 to 300 µm (5 to 12 mil), where the bridging is completed
Cycle X-3 (for Antimonial Lead Alloys)
give very little trouble. The typical cycles given here have been used with
(1) Cathodic clean in trisodium phosphate, 30-45 g/L (4-6 oz/
success on certain powder metal parts. Other parts will require
modification to fit the particular circumstance. Application of the
(2) Anodic clean in soda ash solution, 30 g/L (4 oz/gal), 15 sec
principies involved in these cycles, and the realization of the high degree
(3) Rinse
of porosity of such parts, will usually lead to a satisfactory cycle.
(4) Dip in caustic soda solution, 15 g/L (2 oz/gal), 65 C (150 F)
(5) Rinse Cycle XI-1 (Nickel on Iron Powder Compacts)
(6) Acid dip, hydrochloric acid, 20% (1) Unsintered green molding
(7) Rinse ( 2) Pickle in warm 10% hydrochloric acid
(8) Dip in 3% sodium cyanide solution (3) Rinse thoroughly in warm water
(9) Copper flash (4) Nickel plate to 25 µm (1 mil) in a solution containing:
Nickel sulfate (NiS04 .Hp) 120 g/L (16 oz/gal)
Cycle X-4 (For Lead and Lead Alloys)
Ammonium chloride 15 g/L (2 oz/gal)
( 1) Soak clean
Boric acid 15 g/L (2 oz/gal)
(2) Scour with pumice
pH 5.2-5.8
(3) Rinse
Current density 1.9 A/ dm 2 (18 ASF)
(4) Ca thodic in mild cleaner
(5) Rinse thoroughly
(5) Rinse
(6) Sinter in hydrogen at 1090 C (2000 F) for 1 hr taking 30 min
( 6) Dip in 20% fluoboric acid
each for heating and cooling.
(7) Rinse
(8) Plate Cycle XI-2 (Copper, Nickel, Chromium on Brass Compacts)
( 1) Coarse, followed by fine greaseless buffing
For nickel electroplating. The plating step in Cycle X-1, X-2, or X-4
(2) Emulsion or soak cleaning
may be used for nickel plating. ln cycle X-3, a copper flash may be used,
(3) Anodic clean in brass cleaner
followed by a rinse, mild acid dip, rinse, and nickel.
(4) Hot rinse
For zinc, cadmium, tin, brass, silver, gold, and rhodium electroplating.
92 (5) Cold rinse
Metals 187 188 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 ( 19) Degrease

(7) Dip in sodium cyanide solution, 7.5 g/L (1 oz/gal) (20) Lacquer
(8) Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6. Cycle XI-5 (Cadmium Plating)
(9) Dip in sulfuric acid, 3-5% ( 1) If the parts are filled with oil, degrease (If not oiled, they may
(10) Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 be degreased or electrocleaned)
(11) Copper electroplate to 25 µm (1 mil) in acid copper solution (2) Rinse thoroughly
(12) Repeat steps 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (3) Dip in 20% sulfuric acid solution for 15 to 30 sec
(13) Hot rinse and dry (4) Rinse thoroughly; for barrel plating soak in warm water for 15
(14) Copper buff (Use greaseless compound prior to colouring) min
(15) Clean as in steps 2 through 10. (5) Cadmium electroplate in cyanide solution atas high a current
(16) Nickel electroplate density as possible without burning
(17) Repeat steps 4 and 5 (6) Rinse in cold water
(18) Chromium electroplate (7) Rinse in hot water
( 19) Hot rinse and dry (8) Dry in hot air blast
The porosity and high surface area of powder metal parts may be
reduced by rolling or other type of cold working, or by impregnation (XIII) Less common Metais
with copper, lead, tin, waxes, or resins. The excess impregnating material Electroplating on the following metals is dane to a much less extent
is removed by cleaning, polishing, or tumbling. than the proceeding ones discussed in this chapter. They are generally
Cycle XI (Nickel-Chromium on Brass Compacts) more difficult to plate and therefore require very specific preplate
(1) Proceed as in steps 1 through 10 in Cycle XI-2. treatments which in themselves demand greater control and expertise.
(2) Proceed as in steps 16 through 19 in Cycle XI-2. The electroplating of these metals is more often dane for specific
Cycle XI-4 (Copper or Brass on Brass Compacts) engineering and industrial purposes rather than for purely decorative
( 1) Coarse, followed by fine greaseless buffing reasons.
(2) Colour with dry lime (if bright final finish is desired) A. Beryllium
(3) Emulsion or soak clean
Cycle 1
(4) Anodic clean
(1) Clean
(5) Hot then cold rinse
(2) Anodic pickle in solution containing 10% phosphoric acid and
(6) Repeat step 5
2% hydrochloric acid at 20-27 C (70-80 F) using 5.2-16 A/dm 2
(7) Dip in sulfuric acid, 3-5%
(50-150 ASF) for 2 min
(8) Repeat steps 5 and 6
(3) No rinse
(9) Dip in sodium cyanide solution, 7.5 g/L (1 oz/gal)
(4) Chemical pickle in concentrated nitric acid (70%) at 20-27 C
(10) Repeat steps 5 and 6
(70-80 F) for 2 min
(11) Copper or brass plate, cyanide solution
(5) Rinse
(12) Repeat steps 5 and 6
(6) Plate in baths suitable for electrodeposition on active metals
(13) Dip in citric acid solution, 1% by wt
such as zinc, aluminum and magnesium
(14) Treat cathodically at high voltage for 1 min in chromic acid
(7) Rinse and dry
solution, 1.1-2.3 g/L (0.15-0.3 oz/gal) (optional)
(8) Outgas: e.g., outgassing of iron-plated beryllium is necessary
(15) Repeat steps 5 and 6
before subsequent nickel plating to avoid blistering when the
(16) Agitate in dewatering liquid
composite is to be heated. Heating for about 1 hr at 500 C (932
(17) Vapour degrease
F) in an inert gas atmosphere is sufficient.
(18) Buff with fine greaseless compound, then with dry lime 93
Metals 189 190 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Cycle 2 (Zinc Immersion Method) (4) Under special nozzle which at its tip contacts germanium
(1) Clean with plating bath flowing continuously
(2) Immerse in solution containing Na 4Pp7, 120 g/L (16 oz/gal); (5) Plate generally in cyanide type bath. Exception: inidium sulfate;
ZnS0 4.7Hp, 40 g/L (5.3 oz/gal); NaF 7.5 g/L (1 oz/gal); chromic acid-sulfate; bismuth perchlorate; tellurium fluoride-
K2C03, 5.2 g/L (0.7 oz/gal); pH 7.5-8 (adjusted with sulfuric sulfate
or phosphoric acid) ast 82 C (180 F) for about 5 min (6) Rinse
(3) Rinse (7) Acid etch in suitable acid to remove the feather edge around
(4) Plate with copper, iron, zinc, or nickel in solutions suitable for the deposit to ensure good rectifying contact
electroplating on zinc (8) Rinse
(5) Rinse and dry
(5a) Or rinse and outgas; e.g., copper-plated beryllium is outgassed
by soaking for 30 min in boiling water prior to subsequent D. Molybdenum
electroplating so as to avoid blistering
Cycle 1 (Chromium plus Nickel)
(6) Dip in 10% sulfuric acid
(1) Clean-cathodic preferred
(7) Rinse
(2) Anodic etch in solution containing equal volumes of
B. Chromium concentrated sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid at 21-32 C
Cycle 1 (Chromium on Chromium) (70-90 F) using 1.9-9.7 A/dm2 (18-90 ASF) for 2-3 min
( 1) Preclean (3) Rinse
(2) Abrasive cleaning (if necessary) (4) Plate 25 µm (1 mil) of chromium in a low-contraction
(3) Alkaline cleaning (always cathodic) chromium bath containing 247 g/L (33 oz/gal) of Cr03 and
(4) Activating 2.47 g/L (0.33 oz/gal) sulfuric acid at 85 C (185 F) using 81-
Etch in 225 g/L (30 oz/gal) Cr03 108 A/dm 2 (750-1000 ASF)
Temperature roam (5) Rinse
Time 5-6.0 sec at 6 volts (6) Etch in 50% hydrochloric acid
(5) Electroplate in chromium solution containing 250-400 g/L (7) Nickel strike, all chloride baths using 19.5-58 A/dm2 (180-540
(33-54 oz/gal) Cr03 anda sulfate ratio of 100 to 1. Make part ASF) for 1-3 min
cathodic up to 3.0 volts, then slowly increase the current so (8) Nickel plate-watts or all-chloride type nickel
that electroplating and gassing start after 30-60 sec and full Cycle 2 (Alloy Coating of 20 Cr-80 Ni)
current is reached in 5 min ( 1) Carefully grind to remove any surface imperfections
(2) Heat 2 hr in hydrogen atmosphere at 980 C (1800 F) to outgas
C. Germanium
(3) Degrease in alkaline solution
Cycle 1 (for rectifying contacts) (4) Rinse
(1) Clean (5) Pickle in 50% nitric acid for 1 min at 21-27 C (70-80 F)
(2) Chemical polish in solution containing: (6) Rinse
Nitric acid 5 parts by vol (7) Anodic etch in solution containing 99 g/L (13.2 oz/gal) Cr03
Hydrofluoric acid 3 parts by vol plus 1.3 g/L (0.173 oz/gal) Na 2Crp7 at 21-27 C (70-80 F)
Acetic acid 3 parts by vol using 38 A/dm2 (350 ASF) for 2min
Liquid bromine 10 drops per 50 cc of the above (8) Plate with 37.5 µm (1.5 mil) of chromium in a solution of 247
mixture g/L (33 oz/gal)Cr03 and 2.47 g/L (0.33 oz/gal) H 2S04 at 85 C
(3) Thorough water rinse (185 F) using 81 A/dm2 (750 ASF)
Metals 191 192 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(9) Rinse Note 16-This is the name generally given to a solution containing
(10) Dip in concentrated hydrochloric acid nickel chloride and a high concentration of hydrochloric acid.
(11) Rinse Cycle 4 (Al-Ni-Cr Alloy)
(12) Dip in sulfuric acid solution of pH 1.0 t 82 C (180 F) for 1 min (1) Sarne as Cycle 1 through nickel electroplate step 8
(13) Rinse (2) Rinse and dry
(14) Nickel strike electroplate in solution containing 450 g/L (60 (3) Aluminum plate in molten cryolite bath at 1010 C (1850 F)
oz/gal) NiS04.6Hp and 50 g/L (6.7 oz/gal) H 2S04 at 38 e using 9-19 A/dm 2 (90-180 ASF) to deposit 63.5 µm (2.5 mil)
(100 F) using 10.8 A/ dm 2 (100 ASF) for 1 min aluminum; e.g., 2.5 hr at 19 A/dm2 (180 ASF). The aluminum
(15) Rinse
alloys with the nickel by diffusion during deposition.
(16) Nickel electroplate 19 µm (0.75 mil) in a sulfamate bath
(17) Rinse E. "lnconel" X and "Hastelloy" C
(18) Repeat step 12 Cycle 1 (Chromium Plate)
(19) Rinse ( 1) Degrease
(20) Plate with 6.35 µm (0.25 mil) of chromium in a low-contraction (2) Cold rinse
bath such as that given in step 8 (3) Dip in 20% hydrochloric acid at 21-27C (70-80 F) for 1 min
(21) Repeat steps 9 through 20 for as many alternate layers of Cr- (4) Cold rinse
Ni-Cr as desired (5) Anodic etch in Wood's nickel strike (see Note 18) at 43 C (110
(22) Rinse F) using 5.4 A/dm2 (50 ASF) for 20 sec
(23) Dry (6) Plate in Wood's bath at 43 C (110 F) using 5.4 A/dm 2 (50 ASF)
(24) Heat-treat 4 hr at 980 C (1800 F) in hydrogen. This forms a for 2 min
Ni-Cr alloy coating by diffusion (7) Cold rinse
Cycle 3 (Chromium plus Nickel) (8) Dip in chromium plating bath for 30 sec
(1) Degrease in 10% NaOH solution with 60-cycle alternating (9) Chromium plate in bath containing 247 g/L (33 oz/gal) Cr03
current at 25 volts for 20 sec and 2.5 g/L (0.33 oz/gal) H 2S04 at 54.5 C (130 F) using 31 A/
(2) Rinse dm 2 (288 ASF)
(3) Anodic treat in 70% sulfuric acid at 21-32 C(70-90 F) using
F. "Hastelloy" B, "Stellite" 21, and 19-9 DL Stainless Steel
10.8-32.3 A/ dm 2 (100-300 ASF), approximately 10 volts, for
30 sec Cycle 1 (Chromium Plate)
(4) Rinse in water which removes most of the blue oxide film ( 1) Degrease
formed in step 3 (2) Rinse
(5) Dip in alkaline solution such as a proprietary cleaner or (3) Dip in 20% hydrochloric acid at 21-32 C (70-80 F) for 1 min
trisodium phosphate-sodium hydroxide solution (4) Cold rinse
(6) Rinse (5) Dip in 67% nitric acid at 71 C (160 F) for 1h min
(7) Dip in 10% sulfuric acid (6) Cold rinse
(8) Rinse (7) Dip in chromium plating bath for 1h min
(9) Chromium strike electroplate ata temperature not lower than (8) Chromium plate in sarne bath at in preceding cycle
49 C (120 F) using 16.2 A/dm2 (150 ASF) for 60 sec G. Nimonic Alloys, "lncoloy T," "lnconel," and 18-8 Stainless Steels
(10) Rinse "Uniloys" 1 and 2
(11) Nickel strike electroplate in a Wood's strike using 5.4 A/dm 2
(50 ASF) ) (Note 16) Cycle 1 (Nickel Plate)
(12) Rinse and apply any plate that can be plated over nickel ( 1) Degrease
Metals 193 194 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(2) Rinse 80 F) using 5 volts to produce a yellow straw colour

(3) Anodic etch in Wood's-nickel strike bath at 21-27 C (70-80 F) (colourless-too thin; blue to purple-too thick)
using 2.3 A/dm 2 (30 ASF) for 2 min (see Note 17) (4) Rinse
(4) Cathodic strike in Wood's bath at 21-27C (70-80 F) using 3.2 (5) Plate with nickel in a Wood's-nickel strike bath at 29.5 C (85
A/dm2 (30 ASF) for 6 min F) using 3.2 A/dm2 (30 ASF) for a sufficient time to cover with
(5) Without rinsing, transfer to nickel electroplating bath and nickel (see Note 17)
plate (6) Rinse
(7) Nickel plate in Watts-type bath of pH 4 at 65.5 C (150 F) using
H. "Invar'' (Selenium-Free) and 40 to 50% Ni-Fe Alloys and "Monels"
5.4 A/ dm 2 (50 ASF)
Cycle 1 (Nickel Plate) (7a) Alternative-iron plate in solution containing 300 g/L (40
( 1) Degrease oz/gal) of FeS0 4 .7Hp, plus 39.7 g/L (5.3 oz/gal) of
(2) Rinse FeC12 .4Hp and 15 g/L (2 oz/gal) of (NH 4) 2S04 ata pH of 4 at
(3) Anodic treat in 34% sulfuric acid at 21-27 C (70-80 F) using 60 e (140 F) using 1.0-1.2 A/dm 2 (10-20 ASF)
21.6 A/dm2 (200ASF) for 3-5 min after onset of passivity (8) Rinse
(4) Rinse (9) Dry
(5) Nickel plate Cycle 2 (Iron Plate)
1. Incoloys W, 901, and X ( 1) Degrease
(2) Activate in hydrofluoric acid (48%) at 21-27 C (70-80 F) using
Cycle 1 (Nickel Plate)
alternating current at current density of about 21.6 A/ dm 2
( 1) Degrease
(200 ASF) for 1-3 min
(2) Rinse
(3) Remove smut in solution containing 1% hydrofluroic acid and
(3) Dip in 25% hydrofluoric acid at 21-27 C (70-80 F) for 10 sec
50% nitric acid at 21-27 C (70-80 F) by immersion for 1A-1h min
(4) Rinse
(4) Rinse
(5) Nickel plate
(5) Iron plate ata pH of 4 at 60C (140 F) and 3.2 A/dm2 (30 ASF)
J. "Duranickel", "Ni-Span-C", "Ni-Resist" II, III, IV, V in:
Cycle 1 (Nickel Plate) 300 g/L (40 oz/gal), FeS04 .7Hp
( 1) Degrease 42 g/L (5.6 oz/gal), FeC12 .4Hp
(2) Rinse 15 g/L (2 oz/gal) (NH/ 2504)
(3) Anodic treat in 34% sulfuric acid at 21-27 C (70-80 F) using 15 g/L (2 oz/gal), sodium formate, NaHC0 2
21.6 f/dm 2 (200 ASF) for 2-10 min 30 g/L (4 oz/gal), boric acid, H 3B03
(4) Cathodic treat in sarne bath as step (3) using 21.6 A/dm 2 (200 0.98 g/L (0.13 oz/gal) sodium lauryl sulfate (wetting agent)
ASF) for 2-3 sec (6) Bake for 4 hr or longer at 205 C (400 F) to prevent blistering
(5) Rinse of plate during subsequent heating
(6) Nickel plate (7) Heat for 1 hr at 705 C (1300 F) to improve as-plated adhesion
L. Silicon
K. Niobium
Cycle 1 (Nickel or Iron Plated) Cycle 1
(1) Soak in alkaline cleaning solution at 90 C (195 F) for 2 min ( 1) Degrease
(2) Rinse
(any strong ferrous cleaner)
(2) Rinse (3) Chemical etch in solution containing 44% nitric acid, 18%
(3) Anodic etch in 10% sodium hydroxide solution at 21-27 C (70- hydrofluoric acid, balance H 20
Metals 195 196 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(4) Rinse (5) Etch at 54-60 C (130-140 F) for 15-30 min and 5.8 A/dm2 (54
(5) Chemical etch in concentrated hydrofluoric acid for 10 sec ASF) in a solution containing 20% hydrofluoric acid and 80%
(6) Rinse ethylene glycol
(7) Nickel coat in alkaline electroless nickel bath (6) Rinse
Cycle 2 (Nickel Plate) (7) Copper strike under the following conditions:
(1) Clean Copper cyanide, 23 g/L (3.1 oz/gal)
(2) Soak 1 min in a nickel plating solution containing 7.8% Total sodium cyandie, 33.7 g/L (4.5 oz/gal)
hydrofluroic acid, 30 g/L (4 oz/gal) citric acid, 130 g/L (17.4 Sodium carbonate (Na2CO), 15 g/L (2.0 oz/gal)
oz/ gal) basic nickel carbonate, and 20 drops per liter (75 Roam temperature; no agitation; 5.4 A/dm2 (50 ASF) for a few
drops/gal) sodium lauryl sulfate seconds, then 1.5 A/ dm 2 (15 ASF) for 3-5 min
(3) Apply current to electrodeposit nickel (8) Rinse
(4) Rinse (9) Copper electroplate in fluoborate solution
(5) Plate additional nickel or other metal Cycle III (Pure Titanium, 3AL-5Cr, 5AL-2Cr-2Mo, 7AL-5Cr, 2.5AL-16V,
4AL-4Mn, 2Fe-Cr-2Mo, 28Cr-1.5Fe, 6AL-4V, 3AL-13V-11Cr)
M. Titanium and Titanium Alloys
( 1) Preliminary cleaning
Due to the many alloys of titanium it is impossible to list one cycle (2) Rinse
to accommodate all alloys. The ones listed below are for the specific (3) Blast all surfaces with a water-abrasive slurry. The grit may be
alloys stated. It is possible that all will work on pure titanium and all its as coarse as 100 mesh or as fine as 1250 mesh.
alloys; however, the suitability of any cycle for a given alloy should be (4) Rinse
experimentally determined first. (5) Plate with either electrolytic or electroless nickel
Cycle 1 (Pure Titanium and 6AL-4 V, 4AL-4Mn, 3AL-5Cr) (6) Hot-treat in an inert gas atmosphere for 1-4 hr at 540-800 C
( 1) Preliminary cleaning (1000-1472 F)
(2) Rinse
(3) Pickle in solution of 25% hydrofluoric acid and 75% nitric acid N. Thorium
until red fumes are evolved Cycle 1
(4) Rinse ( 1) Descale mechanically to remove oxide
(5) Etch at 82-100 C (180-212 F) in one of the following aqueous (2) Cathodic alkaline clean at 82 C (180 F) using 2.7A/dm2
solutions for 20 min (25 ASF) for 2 min
Standard 3AL-5Cr (3) Cold rinse
Na 2Crpr2Hp 250 g/L (33 oz/gal) 390 g/L (52 oz/gal) (4) Anodic pickle in 10% hydrochloric acid at 21-32 C (70-90 F)
HF 4.8% 2.5% using 5.4 A/dm2 (50 ASF) for 5 min without rinsing
(6) Rinse (5) Chemical pickle in 10% sulfuric acid at 21-32 C (70-90 F) for
(7) Electroplate with chromium, with copper from an acid bath 5 min
or with nickel from either a Watts or sulfamate bath (electroless (6) Cold water rinse
nickel can also be deposited; if metals other than the above are (7) Electroplate; immerse with current on (most plating solutions
desired, use a nickel strike first) are satisfactory except low-pH, chloride-containing solutions,
Cycle II (AL-Mn) and high-temperature chromium solutions)
( 1) Preliminary cleaning O. Tungsten
(2) Rinse
(3) Pickle (see Cycle 1-3) Cycle I
(4) Rinse ( 1) Preliminary cleaning
Metals 197 198 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(2) Anodic treatment in either 5-25% sodium hydroxide solution NiC12"6Hp 15 g/L (2 oz/gal)
at 71 C (160 F) and 16-25 A/dm 2 (160-250 ASF) or etch in 10% MgSOJHp 75 g/L (10 oz/gal)
hydrochloric acid solution at 24 C (85 F) and 5.4 A/dm 2 (54 NH 4Cl 15 g/L (2 oz/gal)
ASF) H 3 B03 15 g/L (2 oz/gal)
(3) Activate in 5-50% hydrofluoric acid solution using alternating Sodium lauryl sulfate
current (60 cycle) at 1-5 volts for 1-2min pH 5.5
(4) Rinse Temperature 38 C (100 F)
(5) Electroplate in acid electrolyte Current density 1.6 A/ dm 2 (15 ASF)
Cycle II Iron
( 1) Preliminary cleaning Sarne as for niobium Cycle 2, step 5
(2) Anodic etch in a 30% potassium hydroxide solution at 30 A/ ( 11) Rinse and dry
dm 2 (300 ASF) for 2-5 min and 48-60 C (120-140 F) (12) Heat-treat after 12.7-25.4 µm (0.5-1.0 mil) of nickel or iron
(3) Rinse plate in vacuum (<10 microns) at 650 C (1200 F) for 1 hr to
(4) Acid dip in 6% sulfuric acid atroam temperature for 1 min alloy partially the deposit with the uranium and improve the
(5) Rinse corrosion resistance of the coating.
(6) Chromium strike in bath containing 247 g/L (33 oz/gal) Q. Zirconium
chromic acid plus 2.5 g/L (0.33 oz/gal) sulfuric acid at 15-25
A/dm 2 (150-250 ASF) for 1-3 min at 60-72 C (140-160 F) Cycle 1 (Nickel or Iron Plate)
(7) Rinse (1) Descale
(8) Acid activate at 20% hydrochloric acid at roam temperature (2) Clean by immersion or treat cathodic in hot alkaline cleaner
for 2-5 sec (3) Rinse
(9) Rinse (4) Chemical etch by immersion in a solution containing 35g/L
(10) Electroplate with desired metal (4.7 oz/gal) NHl and 30 g/L (4 oz/gal) HF (as 100%) in
deionized or distilled water at 38 C (100 F) (mole ratio NHl /
P. Uranium HF=l.2 to 4.1) for 1-3 min
Cycle I (Nickel or Iron) (5) Rinse
( 1) Descale mechanically (6) Nickel or iron plate, 50 µm (2 mil) or less. Nickel plate in Watts-
(2) Clean by immersion in alkaline cleaner at 82 C (180 F) for 2 type bath at pH 2.5, 60 C (140 F), 4.3 A/dm 2 (40 ASF), and
min using 0.03% hydrogen peroxide (30%) antipit (no organics of
(3) Cold rinse any kind). Iron plate: sarne as for niobium, Cycle 2, step 5
(4) Pickle in 50% nitric acid at 21-32 C (70-90 F) for 5-10 min (7) Rinse and dry
(5) Warm rinse at 32-38 C (90-100 F) (8) Bake 2-4 hr at 204 C (400 F)
(6) Anodic pickle in 50% phosphoric acid and 2% hydrochloric (9) Vacuum heat-treat 1h hr at 705 C (1300 F) for nickel and 815
acid at 38C (100 F) using 2.7-8.0 A/dm 2 (25-75 ASF) for 2-10 C (1500 F) for iron plate
min Cycle 2 (Platinum Plate)
(7) Cold rinse (1) Clean by soaking in alkaline cleaner, 82-93 C (180-200 F), 3-5
(8) Pickle as in step 4 for 3-5 min (until anodic film is removed) min
(9) Cold rinse (2) Rinse
(10) Immerse in plating bath and apply current within 1h min (3) Chemical polish at 27 C (80 F) in solution containing 100 g/
Nickel L (13.2 oz/gal) NHl.HF; 79 g/L (10.5 oz/gal) H 2SiF6 (as 100%);
NiS04 .7Hp 150 g/L (20 oz/gal)
Metals 199 200 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

405 g/L (54 oz/gal) HN0 3 (as 100%); 3-4.5 g/L (0.4-0.6 oz/ (2) Cyanide or alkali dip
gal) Zr to remove worked metal surface layer (approximately (3) Rinse
50 µm (2 mil) [Note: Action is too violent in fresh bath without (4) Plate or strike as in Cycles V-1 and V-2
the dissolved zirconium] Cycle 3 (For Cyanide Copper Going into Acid Plating Solution)
(4) Rinse immediately (1) Rinse
(5) Activate, nickel plate, and heat-treat as detailed in steps 4 (2) Acid dip
through 9 of Cycle 1 (3) Rinse
(6) Clean and pickle in 50% hydrochloric acid at 27 C (80 F) for (4) Plate or strike as in Cycles V-1 and V-2
1 min
Cycle 4 (For Cyanide Copper Going into Cyanide Plating Solution)
(7) Rinse
( 1) Rinse thoroughly
(8) Platinum plate; diamminonitrate bath containing 4-9 g/L
(2) Plate or strike as in Cycles V-1 and V-2
(0.53-1.2 oz/gal) of platinum maintained slightly ammoniacal
by additions of ammonium hydroxide and operated at 93 C ln cycles such as 2 and 3 above, it is frequently possible, and in some
(200 F). Periodic reverse cycle of 5 sec cathodic plus 2 sec cases desirable, to omit the cyanide, alkaline, or acid dip and to rinse
anodic using a current density of 5.4-6.5 A/ dm 2 (50-60 ASF) thoroughly before going into the next plating solution. However, for
produces sound platinum coatings at a plating rate of 5-6.5 some proprietary bright copper deposits, it is necessary to treat the
µm/hr (0.2-0.3 mil/hr) surface more thoroughly, e.g., by a cleaning step or cathodic cyanide
(9) Rinse and dry treatment to remove surface films, especially if bright nickel is to follow.
The supplier's recommendations should be followed.
Intermediate Electrodeposited Coating as Basis Metal Surface
II. Nickel Deposits
For the most part, the procedures given previously will be applicable
Bright and Unbuffed. Other than plating with chromium, the cycles
when the basis metal is a previously deposited metal; i.e., Cycle V-1
for plating of nickel on fresh nickel surfaces have been sufficiently covered.
would apply to that case where a copper deposit has been buffed and is
ln plating bright nickel with chromium, it is only necessary to rinse after
to be plated with another metal such as nickel. An understanding of the
nickel plating prior to chromium plating.; however, very seldom is it this
reasons for each step in the cycles will enable one to establish a satisfactory
simple. ln some cases, better coverage by the chromium is obtained if the
cycle for most of the common metals and deposits. However, certain
nickel is "activated." Where the work is nickel and chromium plated on
intermediate deposits are so frequently used as basis surfaces for other
the sarne rack, it is necessary to free the rack of all chromium solution
deposits that these will be covered separately.
before it is returned to the cycle. The above cases are illustrated in the
1. Copper Deposits (Cyanide or Acid) following cycles:
Cycle 1
A. Buffed
(1) Bright nickel plate
Buffed copper deposits may be cleaned and plated with other metals (2) Rinse and dry
as in Cycles V-1 and V-2.
(3) Rerack
B. Unbuffed (4) Clean: soak or cathodic in mild cleaner, or "activate"
cathodically in 30-45 g/L (4-6 oz/gal) of sodium cyanide
Cycle 1 (For Acid Copper Going into Acid Plating Bath)
(5) Rinse
( 1) Rinse thoroughly
(6) Acid dip
(2) Plate or strike as in Cycle V-1 and V-2
(7) Rinse
Cycle 2 (For Acid Copper Going into Cyanide Plating Bath) (8) Chromium plate
(1) Rinse
Cycle 2 (Nickel and Chromium Plating on Sarne Racks)
99 (1) Bright nickel plate
Metals 201 202 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(2) Rinse (5) Chromium plate

(3) Chromium plate Cycle 6
(4) Water rinse Buffing of dull nickel may be eliminated by use of the following
(5) Neutralize in alkaline solution cycle:
(6) Rinse (1) Nickel plate, dull
(7) Hot rinse, dry, and unrack (2) Rinse
(8) If necessary, the racks are stripped of chromium by anodic (3) Electropolish
treatment in alkaline solution (4) Rinse
Cycle 3 (5) Dip in 20% hydrochloric acid
(1) Bright nickel plate (6) Rinse
(2) Rinse (7) Bright nickel strike
(3) Electropolish (8) Rinse
(4) Rinse (9) Chromium plate
(5) Dip in 5-10% sulfuric acid
B. Nickel on Aged or Passivated Nickel
(6) Rinse
(7) Chromium plate Nickel surfaces, which have been aged or treated anodically, as in
a chromium stripping solution, become passivated and are not easily
A. Buffed Nickel nickel plated. An anodic etch in sulfuric acid followed by rinsing will
Cycle 4 usually suffice to activate the surface prior to nickel plating. ln some
(1) Soak or spray clean causes, it may be necessary to use a low-pH and high-chloride nickel
(2) Rinse strike.
(3) Clean cathodically or activate cathodically in 30-45 g/L (4-6
oz/ gal) of sodium cyanide
(4) Rinse
(5) Acid dip (Note 18)
(6) Rinse
(7) Chromium plate
Steps 1 and 2 may be omitted if the parts are free of visible buffing
Note 18-The usual acid dip used is a 5% sulfuric acid solution. Due
to surface film, passivity, etc., frequent trouble has been encountered in
obtaining a desirable chromium deposit or maximum plating range.
Methods have been proposed for testing and controlling the chromium
and acid solutions to obtain optimum results.

Cycle 5
( 1) Ca thodic clean
(2) Rinse
(3) Dip in solution of 5-10% sulfuric acid and 0.75-1.5 g/L (0.01-
0.2 oz/ gal) of potassium iodide
(4) Rinse 100
204 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Alkaline Cleaning
PLASTICS Accelerating

The term plated plastics generally refers to plastic parts finished Electroless Nickel, Electroless Copper
with bright chrome electroplate. Plated plastic parts are used in a variety
of automotive, appliance, and hardware applications. This section will
review the general procedures for electroplating plastics. Electrolytic Strike
Selection and Molding of the Plastic Bright Acid Copper
At present, about 85% of plated plastic parts are injection molded
of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) terpolymer. Special plating grade Bright Nickel Duplex Nickel
ABS molding compounds are generally preferred for better-quality ,1. ,1.
plating. Also, for successful plating, basic design criteria should be Chromium Microcracked Chromium
observed avoiding blind holes, large flat surfaces, and sharp corners. Fig. : Typical electroplating process for ABS plastics. Rinses have been
During the molding special parameters recommended by the resin omitted.
manufacturer should be observed. Finally, silicone mold releases should
be avoided in all cases.
Cleaning of the plastics may require a separate treatment,
Plating particularly when molding and plating are being dane at different
Plastics, based on polyphenylene oxide, nylon, polysulfone, locations. Extra care should be taken in the handling, packaging, and
fluoropolymers, and alloys of ABS and polycarbonate have been transportation of molded parts to eliminate such dirts as airborne dust,
commercially plated. Special plating cycles are available for these oils, and fingerprints. Some of these materiais could absorb into the
materiais, either from the manufacturer of the resin or from the suppliers plastic and affect subsequent processing. The purpose of cleaning is to
of plating chemicals. These cycles differ mainly be requiring special remove materiais that might interfere with uniform chemical attack in
cleaning, solvent treatment, or etching procedures. the next steps. Alkaline detergent solutions are commonly used.
The steps indicated in the following Figure can be carried out as one Etching
single plating line or divided into two Unes, the first comprising all steps The etching solutions are specifically designed to render the plastic
needed to render the plastic conductive and the second containing the surface hydrophilic, and to produce a micro-etch of the surface by
electroplating operations. ln either approach, automatic plating machines, selectively attacking components in the plastic. It is this selective micro-
in general programmed hoist units, are used for better economy etch that supplies the required bond between the plastic and the
and consistent quality. Adequate water rinses should be included after conductive first coating. The etchants usually are strongly oxidizing
each step. solutions, often containing high concentrations of chromic acid and
The main characteristics of the step of the following Fig. are as sulfuric acid. These etching solutions are used for ABS at 60 to 70 C (140
follows: to 160 F), for 5 to 10 minutes.
Plastics 205 206 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Neutralizing bulk using barreis or baskets. Most of the electroplating is dane on racks,
Neutralizers normally are used following the chromium containing and only small parts plated in specially designed barreis, since plastic
etchants so as to eliminate as completely as possible the carry over of parts float in the plating bath. For the sarne reason, the racks should
hexavalent chromium compounds which are detrimental to operations make strong positive contact with the parts to avoid floating and give
of all other treatments in the cycle. The elimination of chromium salts adequate electric conductivity.
from the plastic surface also improves the absorption of the catalyst or Although the conductivity of the electroless deposit may be sufficient
activator in the next step. to carry the required electroplating current on small and medium sized
Catalyzing parts, it often is insufficient for large parts such as automotive grilles
ln this step a catalyst is adsorbed on the plastic to initiate the when electrical rack contacts may be quite far apart. ln general, it is
electroless deposition process. ln general, catalysts or activators are advisable to use a nickel or copper strike deposit from a high-efficiency
strongly acidic mixtures if tin and palladium salts designed to be adsorbed solution at low current density in arder to avoid burn-off of the thin
onto the plastic surface in limited and controllable amounts. The tin electroless layer. Thickness of the strike deposit usually is less than 2.5
compound is strongly attracted to the organic surface and bonds the µm (0.1 mil).
palladium to produce a catalytic surface. These catalysts are generally The next electrodeposit is bright, leveling ductile copper obtained
supplied as proprietary concentrates which are suitably diluted (1 to from acid copper sulfate baths. This layer of copper serves both to improve
10% by volume) at 15 to 50 C (60 to 120 F) for immersion times of 2 to surface appearance prior to other metal deposits and to act as a stress-
10 minutes. absorbing layer both for the stresses in the following nickel deposits and
the stresses which may be set up beca use of the differences in the thermal
expansion of plastic and the plated metals. Thickness of this deposit will
An accelerator or post-activator is used in the next step to remove
excestion compounds to expose the palladium. Dilute acid or alkaline
solutions are used at 20 to 50 C (70 to 120 F) for 1 to 2 minutes immersion Table 1 : Electrodeposit Thicknesses for Plasting of Plastics
times. Type of Service Minimum Thickness
Copper Semi-bright Bright Sepecial* Chrominum
Electroless Plating Nickel Nickel Nickel
µm Mils µm mils µm mils µm mils µm mils
Electroless nickel or electroless copper deposits without electric
current on the catalyzed surface to produce the conductive coating Mild indoor exposure;
warm dry, 15 0.6 o o 7.5 0.3 o o 0.125 0.005
required for electroplating. Most present operations utilize electroless minimum wear
copper because of specific outdoor performance requirements. Electroless Indoor exposure
with moderate 15 0.6 o o 1.5 0.6 o o 0.25 0.01
nickel baths are more stable and are acceptable for many less severe temperature and
applications. moisture changes,
medium wear
ln general, proprietary electroless solutions are used. These baths
Indoor or outdoor
will deposit sufficient metal at roam temperature in 5 to 10 minutes to exposure, 15 0.6 15 0.6 5 0.2 2.5 0.1 0.25 0.01
render the parts conductive. Present proprietary baths are highly periodic wetting, possible
major temperature changes;
stabilized. Bath lives of several months for electroless copper and over a some abrasive wear
year for nickel can be expected. Since the usual thickness of these Very severe outdoor
electroless deposits will only be 0.12 to 0.75 µm (0.005 to 0.030 mil), it is exposure such 15 0.6 19 0.75 12.5 0.5 2.5 0.1 0.25 o. o 1
as exterior & automotive
very important that the parts now be handled with extreme care.
*Special deposit of nonmetalic particles in nickel matrix. Used to produce
Electroplating microporous chromium structure. Special microcracked chrome may be an
The previous steps can be carried out having the parts racked or in acceptable substitute for some applications.
Plastics 207

vary with the size and design of the plastic part and with its intended
use. For example, 15 µm (0.6 mil) usually will be sufficient for decorative
knobs and frames on radias and television sets and decorative parts of
small appliances. A minimum 20 µm (0.8 mil) may be necessary on larger
appliance parts subject to some temperature variations and on most
interior automotive parts. Exterior automotive parts, which usually are
fairly large and which must withstand extreme temperature changes,
require thicker deposits with the average usually being 20 to 25 µm (0.8
to 1 mil). ln all cases, greater thickness may be applied in arder to
improve final surface finish (Table 1).
Over the bright copper, any of the other plated finishes may be
applied. However, the most common finish is bright nickel and chromium,
usually to meet a specific specification. Most appliance and interior
automotive specifications will call for only bright nickel and chromium
while exterior automotive specifications require a deposit of a sulfur-
free, semi-bright nickel, a full-birth nickel, anda special microcracked or
microporous chromium. Table shows the minimum plate thickness
normally considered advisable for various service conditions. Major
manufacturers will specify thicknesses and specific performance tests.
These may include thermocycling, adhesion tests, and corrosion tests.

Wastewater Control and Treatment 209

Discussion of the effects of impurity build-up in plating baths

discourages many from applying recovery technology to ideal situations.
Even a relatively good water supply is subject to evaporation. Daily
additions of makeup water can add substantial quantities of impurities
to the bath.
WASTEWATER CONTROLAND Demineralized water was primarily used in the past by the more
sophisticated plating shops. Equipment was costly and troublesome to
TREATMENT maintain and required frequent attention. Today's picture has improved
in both equipment and technology. Suppliers have formulated complete
There have been substantial changes in federal, state, and local "package systems," thereby eliminating confusion in the selection of
regulations since the previous edition of this book, while few dramatic components.
advances have been made in the chemistry of industrial wastewater Most electroplaters do not need the extremely high-purity water
treatment. New laws and regulations have forced suppliers and used in semiconductor manufacture. Water demineralization by ion
electroplaters to improve technology selection and application. exchange or reverse osmosis is adequate without further polishing. Acidic
The American Electroplaters, Society and other concerned and alkaline regeneration water from ion exchange columns, including
professional organizations have made serious efforts over the past ten approximately twenty bed-volumes of rinse water, will generally require
years to inform electroplaters of the many aspects of wastewater treatment by the plant pollution system. If the system has an averaging
treatment. Numerous publications, seminars and technical sessions have or equalizing tank capable of holding these flows, in addition to the
provided the opportunity to acquire essential information. The U.S. EPA normal rinse water flows, the acidic and alkaline regeneration waters
has published several booklets which also contribute to the electroplater's will nearly offset each other. The acidity will usually dominate and a
knowledge of the field. relatively small amount of excess caustic will be required to restore the
Despite these educational oppourtunities, most shops, both captive drained discharge pH.
and job, have not mastered various aspects of waste management ln the case of reverse osmosis plants, the permeate to concentrate
problems. Management desire is an element vital to the success of (or reject) ratio most likely will be around one to one. Therefore, for each
wastewater technology at the applied level. Educational services are but gallon of purified water produced, a gallon of reject water goes down the
tools of the motivated and concerned professional. sewer. This reject water may also require treatment in some localities.
The prospect of adding chemicals and/or a hydraulic burden to the
WaterSupply existing or planned wastewater system can be a source of dismay. A
An effective water pollution control program is initiated by careful analysis demonstrates that the benefits derived from the use of
examining all factors, beginning with the water supply itself. Tap water purified water frequently outweigh the disadvantages.
is often unsuitable for use in plating baths and has become a major Factors to be considered are:
source of impurities in closed loop water recovery systems. A chemical 1. Money saved by producing fewer rejects- including lower
analysis of the incoming water supply is a necessary investment. Iron, stripper consumption and waste disposal costs.
calcium, magnesium, manganese, and chloride are impurities responsible 2. Reduction in scrap parts from repeated stripping and plating.
for many plating problems; use of contaminated water shortens bath life, 3. Reduced labour in reject salvage.
reduces bath efficiency, precludes rinse water recovery, caused rejects 4. Extended plating bath life.
and contributes to the waste treatment load. Water composition will 5. Potential for reclaim of rinses.
vary with the seasons. Routine analysis monitors those fluctuations and The project to select demineralization equipment should not be
enables platers to assess and compensate for contamination levels. initiated until a comprehensive water conservation program has been
103 completed While this word of caution may be obvious, the priorities are
210 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 211

frequently reversed and the plant purchases excess capacity in the pure A large surface area is not necessary to allow return of substantial
water systems. Thousands of words have been written about water amounts of dragout solution. Dragout recovery is most satisfactorily
conservation, yet most plating shops have dane Uttle or nothing in this carried out by frequent or hourly return of dragout solution to the plating
area. Time, effort, and money spent on an intensive water conservation tanks (s) accompanied by an equivalent addition of purified water to the
program are the best investments a plating shop can make in terms of the reclaim tank. Two counterflow reclaim tanks may be used to capture
co st /benefit rela tionshi p. over 80% of the metal dragout. ln the case of nickel, the figure is dose to
the total of all metal added to the bath as salts. Some anode metal is also
Water and Chemical Conservation lost as dragout.
A water conservation program begins with careful determination For optimum efficiency, the entire dragout recovery process can be
of where the water goes. Water bills cannot always be reconciled with automated by level controllers in the plating and reclaim tanks. A low
actual sources and flows. Leaks can be discovered and excess flows can level in the plating tank calls in a transfer pump from the reclaim tank
be found everywhere. A tank-by-tank inventory of the entire plating and while a low level in the reclaim tank calls for fresh water. This type of
finishing area is the starting point. Determining flows for each rinse can packaged unit is available commercially.
be dane using a bucket and a stopwatch or by measuring the rate at The employment of drip trays between process and rinse tanks in
which an empty rinse tank fills. An assessment of the possibilities for advisable. Their utilization prevents potential pollutants from reaching
adding rinse tanks in series with existing tanks can then be made. the floor. A marked chemical savings can be achieved with a sUght tilt
Counterflow rinsing is the most desirable method of conserving toward the process tank. The thesis that dragout is the sole method of
water. The water required for effective rinsing will be reduced by a factor maintaining bath cleanliness cannot be stantiated. Meticulous
to ten for each added counterflow rinse tank. The factor is actually housekeeping manifests stronger results. Retrieving dropped parts
nearer to 20 to 1, though sceptics subscribe to a 10 to 1 ratio. frequently makes a significant difference. Maintaining racks and barreis
Platers are advised to find large, old rinse tanks that can be replaced will contribute as well.
by a two-compartment counterflow tank. The rinsing of small parts, ln cyanide plating on steel, when pickle tanks are consistently blue,
barreis, or racks does not necessitate large rinse tanks. Sizing rinse tanks post-plating rinsing is inadequate and/or the plating line is badly
to suit the work will improve tank turnover time and efficiency. designed. If the work must pass back across the pickle tank for post-plate
Counterflow water should ideally enter the top of the tank and exit at the rinsing, the pickle Ufe is shortened and the waste treatment picture
bottom or the reverse. If externai piping is used, the pipe diameter should needlessly, compUcated. Untreated cyanide-bearing pickles will show
be as large as practicable to ensure an unobstructed flow of water. Larger some cyanide in the effluent even in the best wastewater systems.
pipe sizes are particularly important in longer hookups, as well as in Work patterns and flows should be made as direct as possible in the
bypassing process tanks such as pickle rinses flowing to cleaner rinse early stages of the project, even taking some major tank relocations
tanks or plating rinses flowing to preplate tanks. Since the effectiveness under consideration. Although in the short term there are problems with
of counterflow rinsing depends on complete mixing, agitation of the production interruption and expense, the long-term values are marked.
rinse tank with air, or by mechanical means is important. Several additional adjustments may insure greater results:
Dragout or still rinse tanks belong in virtually every electroplating 1. Replace worn-out Unes.
Une. Not only do they provide water conservation but they are the 2. Automate hand Unes.
fulcrum of chemical recovery projects as well. ln some appUcations, 3. Avoid return type machines wherever possible. Although
these tanks may be termed "reclaim" tanks and their contents returned to loading and unloading at the sarne Une end is attractive from
the plating bath without concentration. A nickel bath operating at 140 F a labour position, the continuai bath cross-contamination by
will evaporate 0.1 gal water /hr /ft2 of surface area. With air agitation, dribbles from racks and barreis could overvalance the
this rate is considerably higher. convenience factor.
212 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 213

4. Install a carousel type designed operation with the advantage doses a solenoid valve in the fresh water line.
of a single load/unload area. Timer and conductive devices rarely find application in rinsing
5. Specify the number of counter-flow rinse tanks desired as well situations involving frequent tank use. High produdion hand Unes or
as any other water and chemical saving features deemed automatic machines produce so sustained a level of contamination that
suitable. rinse water flow, particularly if flows are restricted, can only cease when
If these features are not specified, the low bidder will provide single the operation is idle. These savings seldom justify the expense. A single
rinse tanks and only the bare essentials. Tank and barrel design call for master valve can suffice for all rinse tanks in the line.
in-depth examination. lmproper rack configuration and part orientation
increase dragout and associated waste. Platers are advised to become Chemical and Water Recovery
acquainted with the drainage charaderistic of their parts. They must Once all possible water and chemical conservation measures have
read literature reports as well as condud experiments with the parts to been implemented, a comprehensive review of all sources and flows will
determine in which of various orientations a part drains best. The result serve as basis for the design of a wastewater treatment system. Before
may lead to unexpeded savings in water, metals, chemicals, and waste embarking upon such a projed, recovery technology demands serious
treatment costs, both capital and operating. evaluation. Justification for investment in recovery is based upon three
There are a variety of water and chemical devices and pradices to fadors.
be considered for new or exiting installation. Perhaps the most effedive First the potential for mental value or plating solution recovery is
and least pradices is spray rinsing. Spray rinse tanks can be designed to the primary consideration in the application of recovery technology.
rinse almost any part, including cup configurations. Sprays can succeed Various metal and/or salt values lost can be readily checked by a review
where multiple immersions are only marginal. Ingenuity and persistence of purchasing and consumption records for a representative period of
are prerequisites in obtaining proper spray distribution. A novel spray adivity. Exceptionally slow or adive times should not be heavily weighed.
rinse employs a shallow sump in the bottom of the rinse tank created by A dollar loss value can be obtained using these figures and the ratio of
a 6 to 8 in.-high standpipe overflow. By conneding a recirculating pump metal applied to the parts versus the amount lost. For example, all nickel
between the sump and spray headers, a substantial amount of water can salts and approximately 10% of anodes used are lost to rinsing; therefore,
be saved while using the high rinse rate of the pump. By conneding the virtually the entire value of the nickel salt lost can be recovered. Similarly,
first standpipe to the bottom of a second spray tank in counterflow 10 to 20% of chromium purchased is plated out on the work; the balance
series, having a 1-in. shorter overflow standpipe, enormous water savings is lost to rinsing and the air scrubber. It is reasonable to exped recovering
can be realized. nearly all losses with a system capable of handling both the rinse water
Simple water conservation devices such as flow restrictors and and the scrub water.
aerators rate highly in cost saving. These inexpensive devices increase If loss fadors are unknown, they can be estimated by determining
agitation in rinse tanks while reducing flow. The net effed is improved the amount of plating bath dragged out by a single rack or barrel. Rinse
rinsing with less water in virtually every application. the rack or barrel thoroughly in a clean, still rinse tank after eledroplating.
Timer adivated solenoid valves are recommended for rinse tanks Analysis of rinse water for metal content will provide the basis of adual
with sporadic use patterns. A fixed duration timer holds a solenoid valve lasses experienced by multiplying the units produced per day, week, or
open for a present duration to restore the rinse quality of the rank before year. If plating a variety of parts, a few pieces representative of shape,
it shuts off. A water adivated timer, similar to those used to water lawns, configuration, and surface area should be subjeded to the aforementioned
can also serve the purpose. Condudivity controls can be installed in procedure. A profile of lasses can be developed with knowledge of
these tanks but are a more expensive method to accomplish the sarne produdion figures for each. When tabulated, the findings indicate the
task. These instruments' essential fundion is to monitor rinse water recovery potential of the process. A valid recovery technology can recover
quality by measuring the ionic content (condudivity) of the water until 90% of the value lost.
it reaches a predetermined purity set point. At set point, the control 105
214 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 215

Second, concerning recovery of water itself, since numerous recovery the expenditure.
systems reclaim water, a credit for water savings may be taken in those
cases. The derived credit may initially be small but could increase in Evaporative Recovery
significance with water rate increases. Recovery technologies may be classified according to their operating
Third, when assessing the merits of metal recovery, the cost of principies. The oldest, evaporative recovery, has been in use since the
treating rinsed involved as well as the removal of sludge generated must discovery of distilled beverages. When applied to electroplating rinses,
be taken into account. both distilled water and concentrated residue (plating solution) are
Table 1 indicates the value (make-up cost) of various plating bath valuable. The basic process involves two heat exchangers: one to heat the
lasses on the basis of 1 gal dragout/hr for an 8 -hr shift. With multiplication diluter rinses and the other to condense the water vapour, If the water
or division, the figures can be corrected to match actual dragout rates recovery values are small, there is little reason to have the second heat
and costs. exchanger.
These costs were calculated in 1982, using handbook formulations Numerous suppliers of packaged evaporative recovery systems
and generic chemicals. Use of proprietary formulations and inflation of have historically favoured the double heat exchanger concept; however,
the dollar will increase these costs. The value of bath lasses, the cost of the number of atmospheric evaporators in the market is growing.
treating the effluent for these bath lasses, and the cost of disposing of the Atmospheric evaporators have the added advantage of operating without
sludge created by the treatment are neverending. They must be perceived the complications and expense of a vacuum system. Thermally stable
as dollars lost from the bottom line. solutions do not require vacuum systems. The application of a vacuum
lowers boiling temperatures and aids in preventing the decomposition of
Table 1 : Treatment Costs for 8 hr at 1 G.P.H.D.O. (NaOH used for
reclaimed plating solutions such as zinc and cadmium cyanide.
N eutralization)
Evaporative recovery is often viewed as energy-intensive and vacuum
Plating Make-Up Treat Dispoal Cost Total capability increases the energy demand by an additional 10 to 20%. A
Bath Cost Cost at 30% Solids Cost more elaborate cooling system will also be required to condense water
vapours at temperatures below the atmospheric boiling point.
Cu $14.08 $1.12 $1.87 $17.07 Evaporative recovery is best suited to extremely low flow
CuCN 11.92 7.87 0.67 20.46 applications where corrosive solutions are involved. While vacuum
Ni 29.44 1.84 2.74 34.02 evapora tive recovery equipment is more costly on a dollar / gal recovered
Cr 18.80 3.61 4.27 26.68 per hour basis than other recovery methods, it has the advantage of
Zn 16.16 1.20 1.73 19.09 offering a variety of corrosion-resistant materiais. Commercially packaged
ZnCN 8.16 7.31 0.53 16.00 systems are constructed of glass, titanium, fiberglass, CPVC, and stainless
Cd 8.88 12.86 0.60 22.34 steel. ln the case of chromium rinse recovery, evaporation is one of the
most viable options.
On the other side of the ledger are capital costs which, if profits lnsuring the proper installation of evaporative equipment is vital.
permit the tax deduction, can be depreciated over five years. Operating Adequate cooling is essential; sufficient pump or aspirator capacity for
and maintenance costs cannot be ignored. These costs vary considerably proper performance of vacuum systems is a necessity. Without attention
with the technology selected but seldom outweigh the recovery benefits. to the engineering of these details, efficient operation is impossible.
The small plater will have the greatest difficulty in justifying an Application of atmospheric systems can circumvent the complexities
investment in recovery systems. The recovery technology prospects are or expense of vacuum systems. Atmospheric systems employ towers
further complicated by the fact that application seldom eliminate the filled with irregularly shaped plastic or ceramic packing. The heated
necessity for conventional wastewater treatment. While the double cost solution is sprayed at the top of the tower and air (or hot air) is introduced
may be initially discouraging, the anticipated benefits will often justify at the bottom. As the solution cascades over the surfaces of the packing,
216 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 217

water evaporates and concentrated solution returns to the heated sump possibly due to the spacer between the winding facilitating cleaning of
tank. When the sump concentration reaches plating strength, the solution the membrane surface. Some membranes are now guaranteed for two
is transferred to the process tank. Because of the possibility of years, but even these can be damaged by heat. High-pressure pumps can
contamination being concentrated as well as the desired chemical generate sufficient heat levels in closed loop systems to cause membrane
constituents, recovery systems of this type require special attention to compression. A heat exchanger (chiller) and a thermostat can prevent
contamination control. Rinsing prior to entering the plating tank should such problems.
receive special attention to hold drag-in of contaminants to a minimum. Cellulose acetate membranes are not durable in chromic acid and
It may still be desirable, or even necessary, to include a purification stage cyanide applications. Strong oxidizing agents and high and low pH
in the recovery system. The composition of the solution, the nature of the conditions cause membrane deterioration. Newer membrane materiais,
contaminant, and the flow rate of the dilute solution for recovery will including the polymides and the polysulfones, extend the range of pH
determine whether this purification step should be placed ahead of the and the chemical resistance in RO applications. The growth of RO
recovery unit to process the dilute solution; or after recovery before the technology should depend on the development of new membrane
concentrated solution is returned to the plating tank. materiais.

Reverse Osmosis Electrodialysis

Reverse osmosis (RO) ranks next to evaporative recovery in terms Electrodialysis, or ED, is taking its place in the ranks of proven
of recovery rate (gal/hr) versus investment dollars. It will process recovery technology. Early laboratory applications were hampered by a
approximately 180 gal/hr for almost the sarne investment as a 25 gal/ lack of practical membrane materiais. With the advent of suitable
hr vacuum evaporative unit. RO functions in the opposite manner from membranes in the market-place, ED is a valuable commercial option.
osmosis. Osmosis is a natural phenomenon involving the inclination of Electrodialysis functions according to Faraday's law by using an ion
water to pass through a semipermeable membrane from the weak solution exchange type membrane to permit ion migration from the dilute side of
side to the strong solution side. The pressure generated by this activity the membrane to the concentrated side.
can be measured; stronger solutions will produce greater pressure. If Flat, square cells are stacked on top of each other creating a module
pump pressures are applied to overcome natural osmotic pressure and with considerable membrane area in a compact configuration. The
water is forced through a membrane from the concentrated side to the membrane spacing is about 6 mm (1/4 in.), in arder to create a short
pure (permeate) side, reverse osmosis occurs. migration path through the solution, as well as improve removal
Reverse osmosis functions most efficiently on very dilute solutions. efficiency. Rinse waters can be pumped through the cell stack at relatively
The greater the ionic strength of a solution, the higher the pump pressure high flow rates, placing it next in the ranking of gal/min/investment
and horsepower required to produce reasonable permeate flows. RO is dollar.
therefore well suited to the concentration of dilute nickel plating rinse Solution conductance in proportional to concentration. ln contrast
waters. For this reason, nickel rinse recovery using cellulose acetate to RO, ED is better suited to more concentrated solutions. Electrical
membranes has been a frequently successful application of reverse power requirements and resistance (heating) increase as concentration
osmosis in the metal finishing industry. Even this advantageous decreases, leading to inefficiency and possible overheating of the stack.
application is not with out difficulties. It is impractical for extracting It would, therefore, not be commercially practical to attempt to extract
water from still rinsed and treated plant effluents where total desolved metal ians from dilute rinse water. ED units are sized in terms of pounds
solids often exceed 3000 ppm. of metals to be recovered per hour. The dragout rates and the
A major drawback is the plugging of fine tubular-type membranes concentrations determined earlier in the project are valuable in assessing
with an insoluble yellow powder, thought by some to be nickel boride. the merits of ED. Concentrated solution generated by electrodialysis may
The spiral wound sheet configuration has not manifested this problem, be suitable for return directly to the plating bath; the dilute stream is
218 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 219

usually returned to the dragout tank or rinse tanks. chromic acid solution can be produced in the anode compartment by
using an electrolytic or cells with these porous membranes. Trivalent
Ion Exchange chromium can also be oxidized to the hexavalent state under controlled
Ion exchange (IX) system generally demonstrate the highest conditions.
hydraulic capacity per dollar invested. Ion exchange units employ
cylindrical columns of short or tall design, filled with polymeric beads Electrowinning
with a chemical affinity for either cations (metallic) or anions. As the Electrowinning, an established technology, finds its roots in the
rinse is passed through the column packing (resin bed), the desired ians early 1900's use of carbon granules and charred wood shavings as
are extracted from the flow together with other ians of similar charge substrates for the electrowinning of gold. Modem processes employ mats
which may also be present in the stream. or cloth composed of carbon fibers to enhance efficiency. Nearly any
The flow must eventually be interrupted and the resin bed electroplatable metal can be extracted from rinse water by this method
regenerated. Duty and regeneration cycles are shortened considerably in under proper conditions. On an applied level, metal is electrodeposited
the short or reciprocating bed. The relatively small bed resin volume on carbon fiber mats which serve as cathodes until the resistance falls (or
allows quicker regeneration and shorter duty cycles. An advantage of amperage rises) to a preset value. The process is then interrupted while
the short bed is its decreased down-times for regeneration; it demands the metal is removed from the carbon by acid, cayanide, or reverse
smaller sumps and/or holding tanks for containment of flow during current. The entire cycle can be automated in a closed loop manner.
these periods. An additional short bed asset is that when automated, the Reclamation of the concentrated metal extract may require some
duty cycle can be shortened to prevent "breakthrough." Most resins allow imagination, but, undeniably, the values are not lost to the sewer or do
the escape of ians they are designed to retain ata time well before they not appear in the waste treatment sludge. Cyanide in the rinse is destroyed
are loaded to 100% capacity. Ion leakage in recovery situations is costly by oxidation at the anode.
and should be minimized. The more classical, tall column systems can Simple, familiar technology can also be a valuable source for the
also be operated on a shortened cycle to prevent leakage or break-through electroplater in his/her quest to recover metal and reduce pollution. One
of recoverable ians. Down-time is still greater than for "short bed" columns time-honored application calls for the employment of closely spaced
and thus requires correspondingly larger holding tanks for regeneration alternating rows of anodes and cathodes in ordinary plating tanks.
during shut-down periods. Numerous patents and papers describe the treatment of spent cyanide
When IX is applied to metal recovery, the metal values obtained plating baths using electrolysis in this way. As with any electroplating
from the regeneration process may not be suitable for return directly to application, metal concentration, temperature, agitation, and electroplate
the plating bath. Concentration and pH adjustment are frequently concentration are important factors. A large successful segment of the
required before reuse. Much of the regeneration rinse waters are too electroplating industry is subscribing to electrowinning as metal recovery
dilute or otherwise unsuitable for reclaim; they will often require process and/or waste treatment procedure. A variety of electrowinning
treatment in the wastewater system prior to discharge. The most recent devices are commercially available for those preferring the pre-engineered
chelating or ion specific resins are contributing to expansion of IX approach. The more readily deposited metals such as copper, silver, and
applications in metal finishing and printed circuit manufacture. gold do not require complicated equipment to function satisfactorily.
The metal is often of such purity that it can be used as anode material in
Ion Migration the plating bath rather than sold for scrap or sent to a refiner.
Traditional technologies can attribute improved recovery Upon completion of the recovery technology survey pertaining to
performance to the integration of innovative materiais. Thick polymeric prevailing conditions, the plater must then determine which process or
barriers, such as porous polypropylene, have made ionic migration a processes best meet his or her requirements. The final selection(s) may
practical methodology to concentrate chromic acid rinse waters. Strong depend upon cash flow and budgetary considerations, both calling for a
108 clear, comprehensive review of the complete wastewater program.
220 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 221

lnvesting in recovery equipment before acquiring a keen perception of as the combined flows from the eyanide and chromium treatment. ln
its actual impact on wastewater treatment costs in counter productive. other words, the A/ A basin should be sized as if it were receiving the
Recovery will often justify itself on the basis of chemical and water total wastewater flow directly. If space is not available inside the plant,
values saved. Review possible credits, such as reduced sludge disposal outside locations for in-ground designs could be considered. Properly
costs. The cost saving levels can be substantial, depending upon magnitude designed in ground concrete basins will not normally freeze during
and the nature of the complete wastewater treatment requirements. winter months in most states. Good sense and experience are needed for
It would be appropriate of review what has been discussed to this designs found in northernmost location. Plants shut-down periods, such
point before proceeding with wastewater treatment : as weekends and holidays must be taken into account when determining
1. A comprehensive survey of all waste sources. freezing potential.
2. A completed intensive conservation program, including changes When sizing collection basins, their role a holding tanks during
or modifications of existing equipment, processes and pradices. shut-down periods must be examined. If the plant intends to stock spare
3. lnvestigation of available recovery technology. parts, the plant's location with respect to spare part suppliers, proximity
4. Preliminary judgments made concerning specific applications. to service centers for pumps, instrumentation, etc., may all influence
holding capacity requirements.
Waste water Treatment-Segregation and Collection A nominal sized basin should have at least a 4-hr retention capacity.
The majority of industrial wastewater treatment systems in the Larger operations require a 24-hr capacity to avoid interrupting
metal finishing industry currently utilize technology predicated upon manufacturing when the waste treatment system is inoperative or not
removal of metal ians from the waste stream by formation and meeting discharge standards.
precipitation of relatively insoluble metal hydroxides. A smaller number The role of collecting tanks or basins can be greatly enhanced by the
use sulfide precipitation. The only essential chemical requirements of addition of a mixer. Mixing of the contents averages the composition of
hydroxide precipitation are that the metal ians in the waste stream are the flows as well as equalizing the surges with lower flow conditions.
free (uncomplexed) and that the pH is high enough to insure optimum Hence, these tanks and basins are more properly termed averaging tanks.
hydroxide precipitation. The requirement that metal ians be free creates Averaging tanks are well-suited to serve as sumps for the transfer pumps
additional problems for those shops doing cyanide-bath electroplating, that feed the treatment process. Level controls can be installed in the
chromium plating, chromating, chromic acid bright dripping, electroless tanks to automate the transfer.
plating, and printed circuit manufacture. It is vital at the outset to insure Twin alternating transfer pumps are preferred for reliability. The
that these rinses are segregated from all other acidic and alkaline (A/ A) pumps employed should be sized to match the specific design flow rating
rinses because they require special treatment. The hexavalent chromium of the waste treatment process with spare capacity to compensate for
rinses must be fastidiously segregated from the cyanide rinses. ln addition pump wear. Centrifugai pumps with either open or closed impellers are
to the piping of rinse tanks, attention must be given to floor areas where frequently selected for this application. Pumps should be securely
spills, splashes, and wash down waters can be mingled. Mixed waters mounted on the floor next to the tank or on a bridge platform over the
often pass through treatment and produce effluent violations. After tank. Vertical submerged suction pumps are preferred by some, but the
segregation of chromium and cyanide rinses at the source, they must cardinal rule is never mount pumps, horizontal or vertical, where the
flow to segregated holding tanks, sumps, pits, or what-ever collecting motor can be submerged during a power failure. This rule eliminates the
basins are envisioned. The collection basin is normally ator below floor cost and time lost in replacing ruined motors. The use of a foot valve is
level to allow gravity flow of rinses from their point of origin. recommended even when the pump is self-priming. The exception is
Collection basins should generally be as large as practicable with when the averaging tanks will be exposed to freezing weather. Wastewater
due regard for space and budget limitations. The collection basis for the should not be retained in the pump 's suction line.
acidic and alkaline rinses should be sized to receive these waters as well A low level shut-off point should be selected for the transfer pumps
222 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 223

Table 2 : Cyanide Oxidatin Equations at least partially in the total cyanide analytical procedure producing
1. NaCN + 2NaOH + Cl2~
detectable levels of cyanide. It is important, therefore, to avoid
NaCNO + NaCl + Hp combinations of cyanide with these metals, especially in those areas
where the total cyanide discharge limits are particularly low (0.1 ppm or
2. 2NaCNO + 4NaoH + 4Cl2~
2C02 t + N 2 t + 8NaCl + 3Hp less). A blue colour in a steel pickle tank indicates that iron and cyanide
are complexed and gives indication of potential trouble in meeting low
3. 2NaCN + lONaOH +5Cl2~
2NaHC03 + N 2 t + lONaCl + 4Hp
total cyanide limits.
The initial reaction or contact time required is actually rather short
4. 2NaCN + 5Na0Cl + 2NaOH~
2Na2C03 + N 2 t + 5NaCl + Hp
in the design of cyanide treatment process equipment. With good mixing,
the first stage reaction can be completed with 10 to 15 min residence time
on a flow-through basis. Dueto the intermediate formation, of cyanogen
to preserve some averaging capacity and to keep the mixer blades chloride, toxic gas, safe pradice dictates that a 20 to 30 min detention
submerged at all times. Out-of-water mixer operation may cause wobble tank follow this first stage. Some states require as much as 1-hr detention.
or whipping that could damage the drive, the shaft, or both, depending When metal contents are high, a mixer may be needed in this tank to
upon the mixer design, shaft speed, and blade type. ln large tanks, low- prevent sludge build-up. Although theoretically, mixing could defeat the
speed turbine blade mixers are preferred; smaller tanks call for faster purpose of this tank, on an applied level, high sludge levels will shorten
three-blade propeller types. "Props" are often used, with the bottom prop detention times.
having a stabilizing ring to dampen shaft whipping. Overflow from the detention tank is piped to the acid-alkali
collection/averaging area if an installation is but a single stage. If a two-
Cyanide Oxidation
stage oxidation is required by state or federal regulation, the sarne two-
With the completion of the wastewater collections and transfer tank format of the first stage is repeated using the sarne retention times.
system design, treatment of cyanide and chromium rinse waters are the The instrumentation required to control the alkaline chlorination
next arder of business. All treatment processes used in the United States (first stage) is identical for chlorine and sodium hypochlorite use. A
involve the oxidation of cyanide to cyanate or carbonate (C0 2) and reliable pH controller must be used to maintain a pH of 11.5 in the
nitrogen. Chlorine or sodium hypochlorite are commonly employed. reaction tank. Some designers omit pH control if hypochlorite is used.
Table 2 presents the chemical equations for these reactions. Chlorine gas When pH control of lost, a health hazard occurs due to the evolution. of
is preferred for larger systems because of operating cost, while cyanogen chloride gas. The pH is often maintained by relatively small
hypochlorite can be justified in smaller systems. chemical feed pumps activated by a signal from the pH controller. Using
The initial cost of a vacuum feed system for chlorine gas quickly a drum wand, a 50% solution of sodium hydroxide ("liquid caustic") can
pays for itself where flows and / of cyanide levels are high. Smaller systems be drawn directly from the drum, without dilution, and injected into the
with less than 20 gal/min flows are better suited to simple chemical feed reaction tank. Larger systems may employ bulk storage of liquid caustic
pumps supplying a 15% solution of sodium hypochlorite. Sodium with the sarne chemical feed pump concept. One system supplier use
hypochlorite decomposes in storage, and hot weather accelerates the bulk caustic storage in conjunction with an air pressurized feed system
process. It may be difficult, in warm climates, to justify the use of which relies upon solenoid valves to convey caustic to all demand points
hypochlorite even for small flows. in the treatment plant. This method of chemical feeding avoids the
Chemical equations are but the starting point for determining actual maintenance problems associated with feed pumps, but applied without
chlorine demand. Some cyanide complexes, such as copper and zinc. are engineering expertise it could be dangerous. Liquid caustic will almost
oxidized with relative ease; others require substantial (100%) excesses of instantly destroy the cornea of the eye. Wearing face and eye protection
oxidant. Cyanide complexes of iron, cobalt, and nickel are extremely when working with or around this chemical is mandatory. Other
stable and may never oxidize completely. Yet these complexes decompose, 110
224 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 225

protective clothing such as gloves, aprons, and boots is-recommended Hexavalent Chromium Reduction
here as well as elsewhere in the waste treatment area. The anionic hexavalent chromium (chromate, dichromate, etc.)
The addition of chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite to the reaction must be chemically reduced to the trivalent cationic state so that it can
tank is controlled by the oxidation-reduction (ORP) potential controller. be precipitated. This reduction in valence also reduces the associate
As the name implies, these instruments measure the actual voltage toxicity by a factor of 1000. Ferrous sulfate is seldom used because of its
generated by contact of the effluent with two electrodes in the probe inefficiency, expense, and high sludge generation rate. The most
assembly. Acting much like a battery, a millivolt signal is generated economical reagent for chromium reduction is sulfur dioxide gas. At a
between the reference cell filled with a saturated solution of potassium pH of 2 or lower, the reduction is almost instantaneous. A reaction tank
chloride and a platinum or gold measuring electrode. ln the first stage, having 10 to 15 min retention time is therefore quite adequate. However,
an oxidizing potential of about 350 millvolts (Au-KCl) should suffice. at pH values above 2, the reaction rate slows markedly; at pH 4, it is too
This setting may change to suit the actual character of the effluent with slow to be effective. This is unfortunate, since at pH 4 there is much less
fine tuning. A high organics loading may increase chlorine demand. The 502 released to the atmosphere than at pH 2. Proper ventilation is essential
chlorine addition may be effected through the use of chemical feed with this process.
pumps working from 55-gal drums of 15% sodium hypochlorite solution. lnstrumentation for the sulfur dioxide (502) reduction of chromium
Alternatively, the signal from the controller can be used to activate a is similar to that described for the chlorination of cyanide. A reliable pH
normally closed solenoid valve in a chlorine line. The chlorine gas is controller is needed to maintain the optimum pH by addition of sulfuric
pulled into the system by means of a vacuum located in a recirculating acid upon demand. Because 502 in water is naturally acidic (sulfurous
loop with the treatment tank. The recirculating pump in this loop must acid ), the acid demand is quite low. An ORP controller is employed to
be capable of producing apressure of at least 40 psi to assure adequate maintain a reducing potential with about 100 millivolts being a good
vacuum from the eductor. starting point. pH and potential should be adjusted to obtain the optimum
ln a two-stage chlorination system, the instrumentation required is conditions for the waste stream involved. Rinse waters from chrome
identical to the first stage. The ORP meter scale should read to 1000 plating will be more demanding than those from the chromating of zinc
millivolts to allow for an operating range of 500 to 800 millivolts. The pH or aluminum.
controller should be set up to add sulfuric acid from a carboy by means Reduction of chromium with sodium bisulfite or sodium
of a chemical feed pump. The pH must be maintained between 8.0 to 8.5 metabisulfite is widely used in place of 502 gas, particularly in smaller
to assure complete oxidation of the intermediate cyanate to nitrogen and systems. While more expensive by a factor of almost 4, it avoids the
carbon dioxide (carbonate). The pH must not be allowed to fall below 8.0 handling of gas cylinders. Bisulfite solution is applied from a solution
beca use of the potential release of cyanogen chloride gas, chlorine gas, or make-up tank by means of a chemical feed pump, activated by the ORP
even hydrogen cyanide gas in malfunctioning systems. It is a wise option controller. Acid demands will be higher with bisulfite than with 502
to provide for the automatic addition of sodium hydroxide to eliminate beca use of the slight alkalinity of the material. As with 502 , the optimum
low-pH excursions. Audible alarms and lights should also be used to pH for reducing hexavalent chromium is in the vicinity of 2.
signal the operator when either pH or ORP measurements are not correct. 5odium hydrosulfite may be used for chromium reduction in special
Alarms for mixer malfunction are desirable in any waste treatment circumstances. It offers the advantage of efficiently reducing chromium
process. lnadequate mixing allows improper treatment and substandard in the pH range of 8.0 to 9.0. Treating small batches and spills is, perhaps,
effluent quality. A plater must plan ventilation to cover contingencies of its best application. ln addition to its higher cost, hydrosulfite has the
the process. Exhaust fans or hoods near or over the installation are the disadvantage of being phyrophoric and can self-ignite when damp. Care
best means of preventing a hazardous accumulation of various toxic in storage and handling is required with all reducing agents such as
gases associated with the treatment process. sulfite, bisulfite, metabisulfite and hydrosulfite. They should be stored in
a dry area well away from oxidants such as dichromate and chromic
111 acid. 5erious explosions and fires have resulted from mixing such
226 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 227

incompatible materiais. For those situations where discharge limits of most metals are in
lron or steel scrap, in the form of punchings, is now being widely the ranges of3 ppm or less, it may be necessary to introduce a pretreatment
used for the redudion of hexavalent chromium. Early efforts to apply stage before neutralization. Some suppliers of complete systems have
this straightforward chemistry proved impradical beca use of high sludge adopted the pretreatment stage as routine pradice. ln the pretreatment
produd and the extremely large quantities of steel needed to treat even process, aluminum sulfate solution (27%) and/or calcium chloride
very low flows. solution (40%) are added to the flow in a separate mixing tank having a
ln 1970, a patented process using small multiple readors and careful residence capacity of about 20 min or less. The pH may or may not be
automatic pH control resulted in an economical and efficient way to controlled at this stage, depending upon the nature of the effluent. If
treat chromium bearing rinses. They process uses set points between pH heavy loadings of emulsified oils and greases or wide pH fluduations are
1.5 and 2.5 to obtain complete redudion. Because most rinse waters are anticipated, automatic pH control of this stage would be worthwhile. By
acidic to begin with, the addition of sulfuric acid is generally less than 1 using both calcium and aluminum at this stage at a pH of 5 or 6, the
gal/hr for a modular unit capable of treating 25 gal/min of chrome emulsified oils can be readily removed while dampening the pH swings.
rinses. This process ranks a dose second to 502 gas in operating cost ln addition to removing oils by absorption, the introdudion of calcium
while avoiding the health hazards of the gas. and aluminum ians antagonizes surfadants and complexing agents that
The electrolytic generation of ferrous sulfate is available in might hinder subsequent settling; insolubilizes phosphates, fluorides and
commercial form but is not widely used in the eledroplating industry silicates; and aids in the flocculation of suspended solids.
because its best application is to very low hexavalent chromium levels
such as might be found in cooling tower waters. N eutralization
Hydrazine solutions reduce hexavalent chromium but their use has Following pretreatment, the effluent will require pH adjustment to
declined with growing knowledge of the health hazards they present. a pH of between 8.5 to 9.5. A pH over 9 will usually be required to obtain
Not only are hydrazine inhalation and ingestion hazardous, but the optimum insolubilities of zinc, cadmium, nickel, lead, and possibly copper.
chemical's absorption through the skin is dangerous as well. Hydrazine's The adual operating pH seleded will depend upon the mix of metals
effects are cumulative; the liver and the kidneys are particularly present. Graphs presented in the literature are often misleading in showing
vulnerable to the theoretical insolubility curve for each individual metal. ln adual
exposure. If hydrazine is employed, avoid storage or use in basements or fad, there is a strong tendency for metal ians to co-precipitate as
other poorly ventilated enclosures. The old but unhealthy pradice of hydroxides or a mixed hydroxide-carbonate species. When calcium and
workers removing chrome stains from their hands with the chemical aluminum ians are present, this synergism is further enhanced and
should be forbidden as well as any other dired contad with hydrazine residual metal levels in the effluent will often fall below the theoretical
solutions. solubility limits.
The reagent chemicals generally used in the neutralization process
Pretreatment are 96% sulfuric acid for high-pH conditions and 50% sodium hydroxide
Following oxidation of cyanide and redudion of hexavalent solution ("liquid caustic") for pH elevation. Lime slurry has also been
chromium and a combination of these waters with other acidic and used as a source of alkalinity in the neutralization process. While it is less
alkaline flows, pH adjustment and metal ion removal still remain to be expensive than liquid caustic, it tends to be messy, clogs pumps and Unes,
accomplished. ln pradice, the processes involved are referred to as and significantly increases sludge accumulation rates.
neutralization and precipitation or sedimentation. Neutralization is not ln both cases, lime appears to be the reagent of choice; when sludge
an accurate description because the adual pH is almost never 7. For the solids contents and sludge disposal costs are considered, "liquid caustic"
sake of conformity, the word neutralization will be used here to describe becomes most attradive. Sodium carbonate solutions may be used on
the pH adjustment process. occasions where the solubility of a particular hydroxides is not low
228 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 229

enough to meet discharge standards. The mixed hydroxide-carbonates instability that is particularly exaggerated by fluctuations in the incoming
(also known as basic carbonates) are often less soluble. pH. Loca te the injection point for the reagents so that they can be blended
Table 3 : Theoretical Consumption (lb) of Alkalies for the
quickly with tank contents as they are driven down by the mixer (usually
meitralization of 100 lb of aicd about on-half the radius). Position the pH probe near the tank edge
where it will register the return or up-flow from the mixer.
Alkali Acid to be Neutralized Most mixer manufacturers will assist in selecting the proper mixer
H 2S0 4 HCL for given application, but a good rule-of thumb requires on horsepower
(Cone) 35% HN01 HF H 3B03 for each 750 gal of tank volume, if direct drive "prop"-type mixers are
Ca (OH) 2 76 36 59 185 180 employed. Gear drive mixers of less power can be used to turn larger
NaOH 82 39 64 200 194 blades at slower speeds; the turnover rate must be preserved.
The pH Control philosophy employed in neutralization, being more
Table 4 : Theoretical Consumption (lb) of Alkalies for the demanding than those described previously for cyanide and chromium
Precipitation of Heavy Metal per shift treatment, requires special attention. Simple on-off control of a single
caustic or acid pump will develop a saw-tooth graph of the tank discharge
Alkali Heavy Metal to be Precipitated
pH. With a large flocculation and settling tank, these swing may smooth
Cu Ni Cr Zn Cd out to where discharge quality will be acceptable in some locations for
Ca (OH) 2 7.60 11.91 25.22 6.96 3.16 sewer (POTW) discharge. Adjustment of acid and caustic pumping rates
NaOH 4.56 7.04 14.97 4.08 1.84 to better match demand will further help to dampen the tendency of
these pumps of fight each other and reduce the magnitude of the swings.
Metal Hydroxide Formation
Maximum pH control requires that responses to change in pH
M+2L-2 + Ca (OH) 2 ~ M (OH) 2 + CaL
follow quickly and precisely. Proportional control has the potential for
M+21-2 + NaOH ~ M (OH) 2 + Na2L achieving this objective. Electronic interfacing of the pH controller output
with valve positioning motors can regulate the flow of sulfuric acid or
Of primary importance in the neutralization stage is the careful liquid caustic to compensate for fluctuations in pH. There is some delay
control of pH. A difference of 0.5 pH units is equal to a tenfold difference in valve actuation that slows response speed in some cases.
in the theoretical solubility of a divalent metal hydroxide. There are Another proportional feed format involves converting the pH
several good pH controllers commercially available, but they all require controller output to a variable frequency signal that controls the stroke
the application of sound engineering pradices to obtain the desired of a chemical feed pump. The response is almost instantaneous and
result-pH stability. provides good stability, particularly in small feed applications.
Tank design is the starting point. Ten to fifteen minutes of retention An effective alternative to proportional control is known
time should be allowed for the flow. Three or four vertical baffles are mathematically as multilevel suboptimal control. This control has been
necessary in round tanks to obtain turbulent mixing. Adequate mixing is in use longer than the mathematical theory supporting it. On an applied
essential for homogeneous blending of the treatment reagents with the level, control by this method is simple. The pH controller must have two
effluent flow. If a mixer is viewed as a pump without a housing, then independent set points for controlling two independent set points for
pumping or turnover rates are easily understood. It is important that the controlling two independent chemical feed pumps or solenoid valves.
pH-sensing, in this tank is "seeing" the actual pH condition prevailing If The first or lead set point is the actual pH control point, while the second
the contents are not homogeneous, or nearly so, then the pH controller or back-up point is slightly lower, as in the case of caustic addition. It is
cannot be expected to perform its function. Flow-through pH sensors slightly higher for acid addition. The pumping rate for the lead pump is
also have the disadvantage of not "seeing" the true condition prevailing set to closely match the demand rate. The back-up pump is set at a higher
in the treatment tank at any given moment. This sensing delay leads to 113 rate.
230 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 231

If the pH fall below set point by the margin between the two set waste streams. The more highly charged materiais usually work best. A
points, the second pump quickly corrects the situation. By carefully series of parallel beaker or jar tests, with various polyelectrolytes and
adjusting the pumping rates to match the routine characteristics of the application rates will quickly reveal the most advantageous selection.
flow, a nearly straight line trace will be generated. This control format The plater should obtain a gallon or more of the plant's effluent and treat
will rapidly correct large-pH excursions caused by spills. If solenoid it through the neutralization stage. Using this stock solution and one or
valves are used instead of pumps, throttling valves in the feed line more beakers with slow mechanical or magnetic mixing, the plater should
permit the sarne control format. When both acid and caustic are employed, then apply the polyelectrolyte(s) to be evaluated.
a four set point controller will be required. He/she should then, after a minute or so, halt the mixing action in
the beakers and time the rate of settling. Note the sludge volume after an
Flocculation hour or two to ascertain the sludge accumulation rate. The observed
Flocculation is an essential process in every industrial wastewater sludge volumes will be higher in a beaker than in reality, but they will
treatment system. Following the establishment of the optimum reveal potential problems before the plant is built. The polyelectrolyte
precipitation pH, the waters should flow (preferably by gravity) to a that produced the best clarity in the upper layer in the shortest settling
separate tank or compartment specifically designed to achieve effective time should be selected.
flocculation of suspended metal hydroxides and other particles in the Most anionic polyelectrolytes are sold by the manufacturer as
flow. The flocculation process involves coating the small particles with granular solids. There are few 100% active liquid materiais on the market.
polyelectrolyte, followed by agglomeration of the small particles into Water solutions of polyelectrolytes tend to degrade and to lose their
larger groupings. These larger groupings will have greatly improved activity; it is recommended when using granular products to make up
settling characteristics, thus insuring proper settling anda clear discharge. working solutions on a daily or not more than weekly basis.
ln the flocculation process, an organic polyelectrolyte is added to Make-up of the working solution can be difficult without a disperser
the waste stream ata rate of from 1 to 20 ppm. The feed rate required will to prevent clumping and to wet each granule individually. A disperser is
depend, in part, upon the particle population of the flow. Higher particle a jet mixer actuated by a garden hose water supply.
densities and dispersing agents in the flow will call for the higher dose A "make-up" of 1 lb of polyelectrolyte in 50 gal of water should be
rates. suitable for a 50 to 100 gal/min flow when applied at the rate of 5 gal/
The flocculation tank should provide for between 3 and 10 and min hr or less. Adjustable stroke piston type chemical feed pumps are well-
of residue time. It should be fitted with a mixer having a speed of from suited for this application. The working solution should be allowed to
6- to 400 rpm. The mixing times and speeds are selected to obtain the age 12 to 24 hr to provide time for complete hydration of the
maximum particle collision probability without degrading the particles. polyelectrolyte. This ageing allows most efficient use of the polyelectrolyte
The agglomerated particles are extremely fragile and will break up under and avoids pump problems caused by partially hydrated granules (fish
shear or turbulent conditions. Once broken up, these "flocs" will not eyes). The most efficient method of solution preparation is to provide
reassociate without added polymer. For this reason, the transition from two make-up tanks and to alternate from one to the other on an every-
flocculation to settling should be made, if at all possible, by gravity flow. other-day basis.
If design elevations do not allow for such flow, then a pumping stage ln cases where particularly low-discharge limitations prevail,
should precede flocculation. supplementary filtration may be required. ln a well-designed and operated
An alternative flocculation format that may be used to avoid system, the discharge from settling will contain under 20 ppm suspended
elevating large tanks, involves providing about 30 sec of rapid mixing of solids and 1 ppm or less of each of the commonly electroplated metals.
polyelectrolyte with the flow, followed by approximately 3 min of very This performance may not be acceptable in some localities. It will then
slow mixing in a separate compartment or tank. be necessary to take such measures as needed to meet the discharge
While cationic polyelectrolytes are often used in sewerage treatment, standards. Supplementary sand filtrations will normally reduce the
the anionic species are far superior for the treatment of metal finishing 114
232 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 233

suspended solids content to the 3 to 5 ppm range and lower the metal peroxide (at pH 9) apparently reduced copper to cuprous while occupying
content to approximately 0.1 ppm for each metal. Zinc, cadmium, and the complex with either ferrous or ferric ians. Newer systems employ
lead may prove troublesome and laboratory treatability studies are insoluble starch xanthate, ferrous sulfide and an axial flow horizontal
recommended to confirm that the metals will be in a suspended form reactor packed with steel scrap.
that responds to filtration. While ferrous sulfate treatment of complexed effluents is widely
Commercially available sand filters are of two general designs. The used, its main disadvantage, apart form the cost of the relatively high
first, and perhaps the best known, is the mixed media type where sand, dose rate needed, is an extremely high sludge accumulation rate. The
as well as various other media, is employed in a packed column calcium chloride and lime at high-pH processes are also in use, but they
configuration. Flow may be either up or down the column, but the densities also suffer from the high sludge problem. The sludge problem carries
of the media must be such that the waters flow through the coarser over to ferrous sulfide applications since it involves the substitution of
materiais first and the finer material last. ln this mode of operation, the copper (or other metal) ians for ferrous ians in the sulfide molecule. The
filter cycle is extended. When particulates emerge from the filter or the ferrous ians must be subsequently precipitated as hydroxide along with
pressure drop through the bed reaches a predetermined limit, the filtration the metal sulfides.
must be halted and the bed backwashed to remove accumulated solids. Sodium polysulfide and sodium hydrosulfide have been used in
The backwash water must be dischargd to the A/ A tank for reprocessing similar applications, but, while avoiding the excess sludge problem, they
through the treatment system. This type of filtration has the disadvantage increase the potential for generating and releasing the very toxic hydrogen
of demanding system shutdown during backwashing or two filters for sulfide gas. The odor of rotten eggs is most deceptive and should not be
alternating duty. A holding tank could be used to store unprocessed taken lightly. Deaths occur each year from hydrogen sulfide poisoning.
water, but if the receiving sumps are large enough to accept the flow, Careful pH control and good ventilation are essential to any sulfide
system shutdown may be a better choice. application.
The other type of sand filter currently enjoying some popularity is a lnsoluble starch xanthate (ISX) functions essentially as a throw-
patented continuous upflow filter featuring a continuous sand washer. The away ion exchange resin, which releases magnesium ians and takes up
dirty sand from the bottom of the filter is lifted by air to a washing chamber heavy metals. The sulfide-based treatments, including ISX, can reduce
in the top. Wash water bearing dirt from the sand overflows the washer the heavy metal content of effluents to the very low levels consistent
section and is returned to the A/ A sump for reprocessing while the cleaned with the solubilities of metal sulfides. lnvariably the sulfide solubilities
sand falls back on the top of the sand column. The filtra te overflows at the are lower than the hydroxides. Sulfide-based treatment processes have
top of the filter, having passed through the cleanest sand last. also been applied to effluents other than those from PWB manufacture.
However, for reasons mentioned previously, they are best reserved for
Special Treatment Methods smaller flows or low-metal-content effluents. Polishing applications where
ln some instances, the wastewater treatment processes described discharge limits are particularly low have been reported to produce good
thus far may not remove metals to the desired levels. This problem results with ISX treatment followed by filtration.
occurs when large amounts of metal complexing agents are employed in The axial flow horizontal reactor functions to remove copper from
the manufacturing processes. The effluents from the manufacture of complexed effluents by cementing the copper as copper metal while
printed wiring (circuit) boards, (PWBs) are representative of this releasing ferrous ians. The ferrous ians serve to antagonize or form
situations special treatment methods must be employed to extract the complexes with the free complexing agents. While ferrous ion activity in
metal from the complex until recent times PWB effluents were treated this technology resembles the ferrous sulfate treatment described
either with calcium chloride, hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid in a previously, sludge generation is only 10 to 20% of that from ferrous
patented process that broke the complex and reduced copper to cuprous sulfate use. When the horizontal reactor is followed by calcium chloride,
form prior to conventional treatment or by the addition of ferrous sulfate aluminum sulfate pretreatment pH adjustment, flocculation and settling,
prior to conventional treatment. The ferrous sulfate and the hydrogen 115 the residual copper in the effluent will be less than 1 ppm.
234 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 235

New chelating ion exchange resins belong in the category of special The clarified waters overflow a circumferential vee-notched wier. It is
treatments because they do not function as conventional resins. The essential that the wier be perfectly horizontal to assure symmetrical
regeneration of these resins is accomplished in the conventional manner distribution of flow. lmproper distribution of flow will cause short
by sodium hydroxide to yield the sodium form or hydrohloric acid to circuiting and unsatisfactory solids removal.
produce the hydrogen form. These resins, how ever, have a selective Circular clarifiers are often fitted with rotating scrapers that more
affinity for heavy metals. When a wastewater flow is passed through the the sludge slowly down the slope of the bottom and toward the centre of
resin bed, the hydrogen ians are displaced by sodium ians, the sodium the tank for removal. Scrapers may be fitted with a rake resembling a
ians by calcium ians, calcium ians by copper ians, etc. This progressive short picket fence which aids in thickening the sludge. When the settled
displacement permits chelating resins to function in applications not sludge is disturbed, the interstitial water rises and the particles move
favoured by conventional resins. Final effluent polishing, for example, is dose together to produce thicker sludge.
now possible without most of the interference usually caused by sodium A more modern clarifier design employs a rectangular tank
and calcium ians. One particular resin has a preference for copper over configuration with an overflow wier at one end and an inlet baffle or
calcium of 2000 to 1. Recovery of copper from PWB waters by a chelating wier at the other. Studies show the design to be quite efficient with only
resin has been patented and described in a recent paper. about 150-min residence time required to produce less than 20 ppm of
suspended solids in the effluent One supplier of this type of clarifier has
Solids Management the added feature of a self-propelled thickener and collector mechanism
ln general, solids management can be divided into categories, that operates above the tank. The bridge of the device carries a sludge
beginning with suspended solids removal, followed by settled solids pump that draws the sludge from the bottom through a slotted pipe
handling, possibly thickening, and finally dewatering and disposal. extending the width of the tank. The sludge is discharged into a holding
Following flocculation of the particulates in the wastewater stream, they tank that runs the length of the settling tank. It is not uncommon to
can be removed by a variety of mechanisms. While filtration may appear obtain sludges with 3 to 5% solids with this design.
to be an ideal approach, it is often difficult to achieve. Most successful Tube or plate settling type clarifiers are predicated upon providing
applications employ diatomaceous earth coated filters. The downtimes an inclined plane upon which suspended particles can settle. An incline
required to clean and precoat such filters necessitate considerable holding of about 60º will cause the settled particles to slide downward against the
capacity for the interrupted flow or alternating filters. Consequently, the flow and fall into a collection chamber below the tubes or plates. When
most frequently employed technology uses gravity settling in either tubes or plates are stacked to form an inclined bundle, the particles have
clarifier tanks or with tube/plate settlers. only a few inches to fall before reaching a tube or plate floor. Square or
A number of clarifier designs are commercially available. The rectangular tubes provide a better floor surface for the particles to settle
circular clarifier is perhaps the oldest design, having its origins in sewerage upon than round tubes. Parallel plates can present even more effective
treatment and the mining industry. Many circular clarifiers have been settling in a given area without the sidewall drag effect which sometimes
used for suspended solids removal from metal finishing effluents. The causes sludge to adhere and clog the tubes.
results have been mixed largely because of the application of engineering Settling devices of the plate or tube types requires less floor space
criteria from sewerage treatment situations. When more conservative for any given flow than would a comparable circular clarifier or
design specifications are used to compensate for the lighter hydroxide rectangular clarifier. However, tube and plate settlers will require more
particles, circular clarifiers can produce acceptable effluent. head roam beca use of the configuration of the collection chamber beneath
The circular clarifier features a center-well injection of the effluent. the tube or plate array. If the settling unit can be installed in a pit in the
If the effluent must be pumped to the clarifier, the flocculation process floor, it can receive a gravity overflow from the flocculation stage; if not,
should be conducted in a tank above the center well. The flocculated then pumping must precede flocculation at the feed elevation of the
waters then flow down the well and emerge near the bottom. The upward settler.
and outward flow slows the particulate velocity and permits settling. 116
236 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 237

Tube or plate settlers must be operated in such a manner that the water itself. Hence, the high G-forces are necessary to separate the
accumulated sludge level is kept well away from the bottom of the tubes suspended particles from the water. The most efficient centrifuges
or the plates. If sludge builds up too much, it can be caught up in the flow generate G-forces in excess of 2100 and the best of these exceed 3000 G.
and appear in the discharge. Either a slow, steady sludge withdrawal or Even at high speeds, centrifugai dewatering is never complete. The
a frequent batch withdrawal will insure proper performance. The sludge centrate or dilute aqueous phase always retains suspended particles that
withdrawn will frequently be too low in solids (0.5% or less) for efficient must be considered in the design of flow -through centrifugai dewatering
dewatering. A thickening device or secondary settling tank may be needed. facilities. The centrate may be returned to the sludge holding tank for
To avoid this complaint, at least one supplier offers a thickening device reprocessing or discharge to acid-alkali averaging tank for recycling
in the base of the settler. through the treatment system. There is an element of awkwardness to
both options. ln no event, however, can the centrate from continuous
Sludge Dewatering centrifugai dewatering be discharged with the treated effluent. Batch
Enactment of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) centrifuges can produce a clear centrate but their size and cost are
at the federal levei and passage of many regulations at the state and local usually prohibitive for most metal finishing applications. The maintenance
levels have led to extremely serious problems for the metal finishing of high-speed centrifuges is another serious consideration, regardless of
industry. Sludges from wastewater treatment systems have traditionally whether they are of the continuous or batch type. If lime, sand, or tumble
been buried in landfills and dumps. Now many of these residues have finishing residues are in the sludge, wear of exposed surface will be
been categorically classified as hazardous because of their origin or fall accelerated. Even tungsten carbide clad sludge scoops will erode quickly
into that category by virtue of failure to pass extraction tests (federal or under abrasive conditions. Support bearings for the bowl and shaft
state). The stigma of this classification, together with the regulations assembly are also criticai and must be shrouded from exposure to
concerning the transportation, storage, and disposal of metal finishing abrasives.
wastewater treatment sludges have made it increasingly difficult to Spare parts should be stocked for all criticai components of any
obtain legitimate arrangements. Some states have no legal hazardous centrifugai dewatering operation. Even the best wastewater system can
waste landfill sites. Out-of-state transportation and disposal can be very be virtually brought to a halt by a breakdown of the dewatering facility.
expensive. The situation could become increasingly difficult as more and When settling tanks and clarifiers begin to back up with sludge, discharge
more landfills are closed and new ones become harder to find. quality will quickly deteriorate. Sludge continues to accumulate until
Recent studies of metal finishing sludges show that many sludges there is no place to store it.
can pass the U.S. EPA extraction procedure (EP) toxicity test. These Perhaps the most vital consideration of centrifugai dewatering
studies indicate that "good" sludges come from "good" systems: i.e., technology is the residual water content of the processed sludge. Very
systems that are well-designed, well-operated, and well-maintained. Such often sludges with 10% solids and 90% water will be produce, and 20%
results are consistent with the fact that there would be virtually no solids must be considered as outstanding performance. When the
hexavalent chromium, no free cyanides, and minimal metal ians in the centrifuge operates exclusively on a heavy metal sludge such as lead, the
interstitial water of such sludges. It also shows that the sludges with the percentage of solids could rise to 30, reflecting the higher atomic weight
least residual water content usually give better EP test results. These of the metal.
findings, together with the high cost and difficulty of sludge disposal, The second method of sludge dewatering employed in the metal
cause sludge dewatering to become a vital aspect ofwastewater treatment. finishing industry is vacuum filtration. This technology usually employs
Commercially available sludge dewatering devices fall into three a rotating vacuum drum upon which a filter media is applied. A vacuum
essential categories, the first being of the centrifugai type. When sludges is applied through a swivel assembly on the drum axel and is distributed
are spun at high speed, suspended particles are driven by gravitational to the perforated drum face through a series of radial tubes. The media
force to the outer perimeter of the bowl. Most metal hydroxides are most often used is either a string or cloth endless belt. The string belts
highly hydrated and have specific gravities only slightly greater than 117
238 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 239

have not been very successful in dewatering the finely divided, gelatinous removal methods. A body feed of additional DE will be needed to extend
metal finishing sludges. Nylon or polypropylene cloth belts are used with filter cycles to a reasonable duration (one shift, one day, etc.). The DE and
better results. The best results are achieved when the belt is coated with sludge residue may be captured in a suitable bin after dewatering or
diatomaceous earth (DE) or paper. DE is applied as a thick precoat to the directed as a slurry to the A/ A sump for return through the treatment
cloth covered drum while rotating in a vat configured to provide about system. The choice depends upon filter design, solids content, and
40% drum submergence. As the drum rotates, the portion (about 60%) quantities involved. The added capital and operating expense of this
exposed to the atmosphere provides drying time for the adherent coating. filter calls for careful examination of the benefits and professional design
When the drum has been suitably coated to a thickness of 2 to 4 in. or experience with the specific application.
more, depending upon filter size and design, the sludge suspension is A third category of solids dewatering employs pressure. Pressure
introduced to the vat. The sludge particles coat the DE precoat (heel) and filters have been improved considerably in the past decade and are now
are dewatered during the atmospheric exposure period. The drum the most widely used dewatering devices in the metal finishing industry.
submergence can usually be adjusted to obtain optimum dewatering. Newer materiais of construction and improved designs account for
Dewatered sludge is scraped or cut from the drum with an adjustable much of the pressure filter's success. Early filter designs consisted of a
knife mechanism called a doctor blade. Some diatomaceous earth is cut plate and frame configuration with cloth filters on two opposing plates
from the drum with each revolution. The blade must be set to cut deep separated by a spacer or frame. A series of plates and frames were held
enough to remove sludge that has penetrated the DE coating. If significant together by a high-pressure ram while the sludge slurry was fed under
sludge remains in the pores of the coating, dewatering will be poor. The pressure through a center core into the cavities created by the frames.
solids content of sludges dewatered by filters of this type will normally Grooves in the plates allowed the filtrate to escape through the cloth to
run from 20 to 35% solids. The solids content will also include the DE discharge ports. When the filter was filled with sludge, the ram pressure
used. Likewise, the volume of sludge generated will reflect the DE content. would be released and the sludge removed from each frame individually.
The paper precoat vacuum filter works much like the DE precoat While the concept of the pressure filter has not changed, the advent
filter except that rolls of newsprint paper are employed. The sludge is of rigid polypropylene recessed plates and woven polypropylene cloths
collected upon the paper as it rotates with the drum. The sludge coated has certainly simplified construction and operation of these filters. The
paper continuously separates from the drum and discharges into a hopper recessed plate design eliminates the frame component by having a
or bin for disposal. The solids content will be about the sarne as that recessed cavity on both sides of the plate. When a number of these plates
produced with a DE filter and will reflect the paper content. The normal are compressed together, they form a series of cavities into which the
operating cost for the paper filter will be less than for diatomaceous sludge slurry is forced as in the plate and frame instance. The sludge does
earth. Both types of filters have substantial energy demands when not adhere to the newer filter cloths, thus providing quick release of the
compared with other dewatering methods. sludge cake when the ram pressure is released and the plates shifted
Other types of filters belonging in the vacuum category are those apart. The sludge cakes simply fall, with little or no prodding, into a bin
employing cloth covered discs or plates. The filter cloths are generally under the filter or onto a conveyor belt or screw conveyor leading to a
precoated with diatomaceous earth to improve particle retention. The storage bin. The addition of an automatic plate shifting mechanism that
hollow discs or plates are arranged in series connecting to a vacuum pulls the plate stack apart one plate at a time permits automation of
manifold. The array of discs or plates may be submerged in an open or virtually the entire dewatering process. An operator may be needed to
closed vessel, depending upon the manufacturer and design preferences. make the transition from the filter cycle to the unload cycle and to prod
Filters of this type are essentially batch filters and must be shut down for a few cakes which may be reluctant to drop freely.
cleaning and recoating. ln pradice, there are essentially two operating pressures to choose
While these filters may be regarded as sludge dewatering devices, from in the recessed plate pressure filter design. There are the low-
their best application is most likely in effluent polishing. ln locations pressure designs that employ 80 to 100 psi sludge pumps to fill the filter
where stringent effluent limits are established, these filters can be used cavities; there are high-pressure types that use 150 to 225 psi for the
to capture finely divided particles that escape other suspended solids sarne purpose.
240 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book Wastewater Control and Treatment 241

The low-pressure filters employ an air actuated diaphragm type application of higher pressures.
pressure pump that serves to transport the sludge slurry from a sludge
holding tank to the filter, as well as supply the pressure for sludge Maintenance
dewatering. The simplicity of this design is ideal for small to medium ln closing this chapter, the single most important factor in
sized sludge generators. The solids content of the sludge produced will wastewater treatment-maintenance-must be addressed. Despite the
usually by in the 25 to 35% range when the filter is operated properly. professional integrity of the design, regardless of the materiais of
Low-pressure filters are generally used with plates in the 1- to 2-ft2 construction, and the quality of the components, no wastewater treatment
range. Because plates in this range are relatively light in weight, a single system can function indefinitely without a proper maintenance
operator can shift the plates with little exertion. Automated plate shifting programme. The first step toward such as programme is the preparation
seldom justifies the additional expense, unless the filter has a large number of a comprehensive operating manual. Every technical operating
of plates and quick dump cycles are desired. The small manual, low- parameter and detail should be fully described with explicit instructions
pressure filters have few moving parts, are easy to maintain, and are for troubleshooting malfunctions.
competitive in price with alternative dewatering methods as well as Each pump, mixer, motor, gear drive, etc. must be scheduled for
producing markedly drier sludge. Only high-pressure filtration will lubrication with the correct oil and grease specified for each component.
produce drier sludge cakes. A few manufacturers have recognized this lnstrumentation must be calibrated routinely and probe assemblies
fact and supply a low-pressure press that can be converted to high in clearned regularly. Although not every contingency can be anticipated,
those locations that legislated landfill ordinances banning sludge of less effort must be made to cover as much as possible. A wastewater system,
than x% solids. ln a case where the limit was 40% solids, numerous after all, is simply an organized assortment of mechanical,
plants in the area were caught with centrifuges, vacuum filters, and low- electromechanical, and electronic devices.
pressure filter presses that could not produce an acceptable sludge on a Management must assume the responsibility for encouraging
regular basis. A filter capable of upgrading to meet new demands would operator concern and interest in the system. Neglect will degrade a
have been ideal in this situation. system rapidly while conscientious operation and maintenance can
Apart from the sludge pumping and feeding arrangements, there is sustain specification performance year after year. Without thoughtless
not a great difference between low - and high-pressure filters. The side dumps and spills, there should be no "bad days". "Bad days" is a term
rails, end plate, and ram assembly are of more durable construction in excusing a multitude of sins. lnvariably, the sins relate to indifference,
high-pressure applications, but the plates are often identical. The major carelessness, neglect, and ignorance. When these conditions are corrected,
difference in high-pressure filters is the pressure pump itself. Progressive any wastewater system will function as it was designed to perform.
cavity and multiple piston pumps are commonly used in conjuction with
a pressure accumulator tank. Pressure regulating switches on the
accumulator tank control the operating pressure and the cycle of the
pressure pump. By introducing a timber to monitor the duration of "off"
time, the filtration cycle can be automated. Thus, for example, if it has
been determined that when the feed pump remains off for 1 min the
sludge has 35% solids, this time can be used to indicate that the filter
cycle is finished. If a drier sludge is desired, then a longer "off" time or
a higher pressure may be needed. Sludges with 40 to 50% solids are not
While high-pressure recessed plate filters are more expensive than
the lower pressure models, it is important to consider sludge hauling
costs when evaluating them. It may be that the cost of transporting and
disposing of the added water in the low-pressure sludge cake may justify


The purpose of this chapter is to present in brief table from infor-
mation on plating baths, for the most part commonly used in production,
essential for intelligent handling of the engineering problems that may
arise in connection with their installation and operation. It is not in-
tended to cover all the metals that can be electrodeposited, nor, for the
metals covered, to discuss any of the fundamental theory. Such informa-
tion is very adequately covered in other texts.
Names of proprietary process and information on their patent sta-
tus are omitted from the tables. Similarly, readers are referred to the
suppliers for information on addition agents and other details of propri-
etary processes.
The data given in the tables are confined to the chemical composi-
tion of typical plating baths, and to their engineering requirements, such
as operating temperature, current density, agitation, anodes, ratio of
anode-to-cathode area, voltage, filtration and materiais of construction.
ln a few instances purification is mentioned, but details information on
this subject should be obtained from the references. The uses and appli-
cations of the baths are also noted.
Following each set of formulas is a brief outline of the major prob-
lems that can be encountered with each bath-a troubleshooting chart to
serve as a guide when problems develop. These charts have been devel-
oped from published information on both proprietary and non-propri-
etary baths. They are not intended to be definitive and/or all-inclusive.
ln the case of proprietary solutions, they may be materially altered and/
or changed by the nature and quantity of addition agents. They are
offered as helps and guides for preparing more specific and all-inclusive
charts for the particular baths in use. As suggested in the chapter in
troubleshooting it is strongly recommended that specific, more extensive
charts be prepared when any new proprietary bath is placed in opera-
tion. The required should be available from the supplier of the additives
for the bath. Both ingredients are given by name rather than by chemical

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 243 244 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

formulas. The latter are only given where clarification is considered determine the size of a plating tank to give a specified number of processed
necessary. For example, copper sulfate, CuS04 .5H20, is the commercial parts per hour, other fadors must always be considered
salt corresponding to the weight or concentration given. Agitation may be of two kinds-cathode movement and solution
Concentrations are given in both metric and English equivalents. movement. The former is obtained by a cathode rod reciprocating
English equivalents are avoirdupois oz/gal except in the case of the mechanism, a rotating plating barrel, the use of semith or fully automatic
noble metals. Noble metal concentration English equivalents are troy plating equipment and sometimes by movement of the part being plated.
oz/gal. Solution movements is sometimes obtained by pumping, with continuous
The three variables of temperature, current density, and agitation filtration or heat exchangers; sometimes by a separate circulating pump,
are interrelated in their effed on a plating operation. It is customary to with motor-driven propeller agitators in the bath; and sometimes with
control all three closely by standardization and instrumentation. low-pressure air. Frequently both cathode and solution movement are
lncreasing temperature and agitation usually enables one to obtain higher employed. There is a degree of agitation which if exceeded produces no
current efficiencies and to use higher current densities. It is good pradice further advantages. Excessive agitation may be detrimental, and any
to operate at the highest values of temperature and current density agitation should be as uniformly distributed as possible to avoid
consistent with the limitation imposed by the quality of deposit required, nonuniformities in the structure, appearance and thickness of the
or by the equipment and materiais of construdion. One thus obtains the eledrodeposited coating. For this reason, propeller agitation is the least
maximum produdion from the available facilities. satisfadory and air requires both experience and care in its use for
The operating temperatures in the tables represent the best average, successful results.
if a single value is given, or the usual temperature range, if two values The values of cathode efficiency given in the tables are only
are given. The operating temperature is an important consideration in approximate, since the efficiency may vary widely with changes in the
the seledion of suitable linings and protedive coatings. It also determines bath composition and conditions. ln pradice, one has to determine the
what provision must be made for heating or cooling. metal distribution by trial runs and thickness measurements in arder to
ln continuous operation a bath will attain an equilibrium find the ampere minutes per square foot required to meet a plated thickness
temperature; this is determined by such fadors as resistivity, the anode- specification. While doing this, it is essential to control the operating
to-cathode spacing, the amperes per gallon employed, and the heat lasses. conditions and plating bath composition at specified values.
With these fadors fixed, facilities must be provided for (a) cooling if the The various types of anodes to be used with the different plating
bath is to be operated below the equilibrium temperature or (b) heating baths are mentioned in the tables. Most modem plating processes and
if the bath is to be operated above the equilibrium value. Since the specifications require the use of high purity soluble anodes. The ratio of
equilibrium temperature varies with the conditions employed, it can anode-to-cathode areais also important in determining the anode current
only be stated in general terms that a bath operated above 32 C (90 F) density. Too high an anode current density may cause objedionable
usually requires some provision for rapidly heating to the operating polarization when using soluble anodes with resultant loss in anode
temperature, and both heating and cooling may be necessary to control efficiency, formation of solid particles, or sludge, rough deposits and adverse
the temperature. Below 32 C (90 F) cooling only may be required, changes in the composition of the plating bath.
especially when using high current densities with agitation, as commonly The use of anode bags to prevent solid particles from getting into the
pradices with bright asid copper plating processes. plating bath and causing rough deposits is common pradice in the
Single values of current density in the tables are good average deposition of certain metals.
values for the conditions of temperature and agitation shown. A pradical The bath voltages given in the tables are only to indica te what voltage
operating range of current density is indicated by a high and low value. dired current source is required for the baths and operating conditions
It is well to allow for somewhat higher values when estimating current given. The adual voltage at the plating tank cannot be given since it depends
requirements. However, when using these current density values to on such fadors as the bath composition, area of anodes and cathodes,
calculate the plating time to give a deposit of required thickness, or to anode-to-cathode spacing, temperature, degree of agitation and amperes

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 245 246 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

per gallon of solution. which if operated at an average current density of about 0.5 A/
ln barrel plating the concentration of the plating bath is frequently dm2 (5 asf) will give actual current densities covering the desired
greater than for still or automatic plating. This applies chiefly to the cyanide range.
baths which are most commonly used in barrel plating because of their (b) Batch dummying in the plating tank is used to remove relatively
better throwing power. Higher voltages are usually necessary for such large amounts of metallic impurities; this can usually be
applications, i.e., 9, 12 and sometimes, 15 volts. accomplished by passing from 1h to 5 amp-hr / gal of solution.
Most plating baths require purification and filtration when first Dummy cathodes must be removed as soon as the current is shut
prepared. Some processes require continuous filtration and many require off to avoid resissolution of the impurities. The solution should
periodic purification. This is especially true of the bright plating processes. be agitated and filtered continuously during purification to remove
Filters are therefore essential in any modem plating installation, especially any loose metallic particles which may fall from the cathodes.
when plating to quality specifications. (c) Continuous electrolytic purification is used to maintain a low
The purification methods generally employed are outlines below: concentration of metallic impurities. A continuous current of from
(1) Filtration through filter aid. 0.01 to 0.1 amp / gal of solution is usually adequa te for this
purpose. At the specified average current density on the dummy
Purpose: To remove solid particles.
cathodes of 5 asf, there will thus be required 0.2 to 2.0 ft 2 of
Conditions cathode per 100 gal of solution. A separate tank is used for
(a) Precoat filter with about 2 oz filter aid per ft 2 of filter area. continuous purification. The solution is circulated through this
(b) Average rate for batch filtration recirculating back into the sarne tank and passed through a filter before returning to the plating
tank is not criticai, but filtration should continue until about ten tank to remove any loose metallic particles that may fall off the
times the solution volume has passed through the filter. Agitation dummy cathodes.
of the solution during filtration is necessary for best results. (d) Agitation is advantageous, not only because it brings all the
(c) Average rate for continuous filtration should be sufficient to tum solution in contact with the cathode, but it also assists in removal
over the solution volume once per hour. of most impurities by lowering their deposition potentials which
(2) Carbon treatment and filtration through filter aid. occurs with agitation.
Purpose: To remove solid particles and most organic contamination. (e) ln a few isolated cases, impurities are best removed by medium
to high current density dummying. Such cases will be readily
evident from consulting the troubleshooting charts. Where such
(a) Carbon dose for batch treatment is 1to4 lb activated carbon per
instances occur, continuous treatment results from the actual
100 gall of solution, depending on degree of contamination.
plating operation and normally keeps the problem under control.
(b) Carbon dose for continuous treatment is 1h to 3 lb activated carbon
ln some cases, however, a periodic supplemental treatment may
per 100 gal of solution, but is also limited by filter area available,
be required. Where this is required, follow the procedures outlines
as the carbon should be limited to about 3 oz/ft2 of filter area.
in (a) and (b) above, but increase the current densities
(c) Precoat filter with 2 oz/ft2 filter aid, then apply the carbon,
recommended in (a) and (b) by the necessary factor (required
together with half its weight of filter acid.
average current density from the troubleshooting chart divided
(3) Electrolytic purification. byS).
Purpose: To remove dissolved metallic contamination. (4) Chemical purification.
Conditions Purpose: To remove dissolved ians of specific impurities.
(a) Low current density is used, from O.OS to 0.8 A/dm 2 (0.5 to 8
asf) depending on the metal to be removed. The cathodes are
These methods are specific for each bath, but the most commonly
frequently in the form of corrugated sheet or louvres, either of
used are:

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 247 248 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(a) Displacement e.g., zinc dust is added to a zinc bath to precipita te (3) Add 0.1to1.0 gal of30% by weight (100 vol) hydrogen peroxide
the nobler metals, which are filtered off. per 100 gal of solution, depending on degree of contamination.
(b) Sodium sulfide is used to precipita te zinc and lead from cyanide Hold at temperature with agitation for 1 hr or more.
baths. (4) Add 1 to 4 lb activated carbon per 100 gal of solution, and
(c) High pH precipitation of heavy metals from a nickel bath. Since continue to agitate for 1 hr or more. Sometimes the carbon and
this method is widely used, it will be described in some detail. peroxide are added concurrently to save time, but since hydrogen
As the pH of a solution containing heavy metal ians is increased, peroxide is decomposed catalytically by carbon, this is not
the hydroxides of these metals start to precipita te, each at some considered the best pradice.
criticai pH value. Ata fairly high pH, say 5.2 electrometric, heavy (5) Add 1A to 1 lb filter aid per 100 gal of solution, continue to agita te
metal impurities may exist partly as the soluble salt and partly and transfer the solution to the clean plating tank through a
as flocculated or colloidally dispersed hydroxides. Because heat filter precoated with a filter aid. ln handling large volumes of
accelerates flocculation of the colloidal particles, purification is solution, where the total load of carbon, filter aid, and precipitates
preferably carried out at elevated temperatures. ln addition, at is such that the filter would have to be cleaned several times
this pH iron is more completely precipitated in the ferric condition during the transfer, some labour may be saved if the solution is
than the ferrous, thus it is advantageous to add hydrogen peroxide allowed to settle 6 hr or more after adding the filter aid. ln this
to oxidize the iron. Treatment with activated carbon to remove case, the suction hose intake should initially be placed in the
organic impurities is also desirable, although wetting agents and relatively clear upper layer of solution and slowly lowered as
many organic brightening agents will be removed at the sarne filtration progresses.
time. If the concentration of organic impurities or organic addition The plating bath composition and the conditions recommended for
agents is high, it is sometimes advantageous to carbon treat prior its operation are important factors in determining the materiais of
to the addition of hydrogen peroxide since the latter will react construction to be used. The choice is further limited by the necessity of
with most organic matter. ln any case, all traces of hydrogen considering the effect of impurities which may be dissolved or extracted by
peroxide must be removed by heating before replacing wetting the plating bath. As little as 5 to 50 ppm of certain "foreign" metals or
agents and brighteners, otherwise objectionable oxidation organic contamination from some rubber or plastic lining may cause serious
products may be formed. plating defects and adversely affect the properties of electrodeposited
Under no condition should the purification be carried out in the plating coatings. Lead, for example, may be used with many plating baths as a
tank itself; a suitably lined purification tank of the sarne volume must be corrosion-resistant material, but from a compatibility viewpoint, the small
provided, with means for heating and agitation. Because traces of activated amount of lead that will dissolve in a bath frequently restricts its use in
carbon in the plating solution will cause roughness, it is preferable to plating equipment. For similar reasons, it is not sufficient to specify just
locate this tank at some distance from the plating tank, or in a separate any rubber or plastic for a lining. Only "approved" formulations can safety
enclosure. Many deviations from the details of the procedure given below be used; this term implies that compatibility has been established by a
are possible, but the cycle described is preferred for best results: suitable test.
(1) Heat the solution to about 65 C (150 F). Materiais of construction commonly used for electroplating
(2) Add sufficient nickel carbonate to raise the pH to 5.0 to 5.3, equipment are listed with key numbers in the following Table. The key
measured after stirring for about 30 min. Use of nickel carbonate numbers have been used in the other tables do designate materiais which
at the rate of 250 to 500 g/100 litres (2 to 4 lb/100 gal) will are suitable for specific plating baths. If steel or cast iron is satisfactory,
usually suffice. Lime is sometimes used to attain higher pH more expensive and possibly less available materiais have not always
values, but this is not generally recommended because of the been indicated. A certain degree of judgment must always be exercised
introduction of the undesirable calcium ion. when deciding what materiais of those recommended should be
considered for specific items, such as pumps, pipe fittings and linings,

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 249 250 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

even though general information on uses is given in Table below Unless Under the heading "Applications," an attempt has been made to
experience has indicated the choice of materiais, it is best to check any indicate the type of basis metal to which the plated coating may be
uncertainties which might arise by consulting with suppliers. applied, the kind of manufactured item for which the plating bath is
Under the heading "Uses" in the tables, the purpose for which a commonly used, and how the coating is used, i.e., as an undercoat or
bath may be used is stated, such as for a decorative, protective or rust otherwise. Engineering applications of plated coatings have also been
preventative coating, for colouring or for dull, semi-bright or bright deposits. mentioned. The above distinction between uses and applications is
The usual coating thicknesses for these uses are also given. ln some unfortunately not without some inconsistencies.
instances, the thickness value corresponds to the upper practical value for The necessity for exhausting fumes in connection with the operation
satisfactory deposits from a given bath. of any of the plating baths mentioned in the tables is not indicated. Chromic
acid plating baths are the only acid-type plating processes requiring tank
Table 1 : Materiais of Construction
ventilation and most large chromium installations are equipped with water
(Limited to materials coming in direct contact with the electroplating bath,
but excluding anodes, electrical conductors, anode spray washers for exhaust gases. Of the alkaline-type plating processes,
bags and diaphragms) most all cyanide plating baths require an exhaust system. With the latter
baths, the temperature, current density, and efficiencies of the process are
Key Material Uses contributing factors. A low temperature, high efficiency silver cyanide bath
No. is commonly operated without such a system. Also, the high temperature,
1. Steel, low carbon Tanks, filters, pumps, pipe, fittings, heat- high efficiency, high concentration copper cyanide baths may be operated
ingcoils without ventilation, but such facilities are frequently provided to remove
2. Cast iron Pumps, filters, valves, fittings the water vapour from the working environment.
3. Stainless steelª Tanks, pumps, filters
4. High silicon cast Pumps, pipe, fittings, heat exchanges Effects of Hydrogen
iron ("Duriron") Embrittlement of metals by hydrogen has been recognized for many
5. Lead, usually 6% Linings, pipe years but, as pointed out, some other defects in electrodeposits, such as
antimony alloy blistering, cracking, gas pits, peeling and poor adhesion, may also be
6. Copper Heating coils
related to hydrogen in ways not yet identified. Their conclusions, quoted
7. Nickel Heating coils
8. Carbon ("Karbate") Heaters and heat exchangers primarily, below, have added greatly to our understanding of these matters.
pumps, air diffusers 1. Many electroplating processes favour the absorption of large
9. Glass ("Pyrex" or tempered) Heat exchangers, tanks, pumps quantities of hydrogen by metals. Embrittlement of the metals
10. Chemical stoneware Tanks, tower concentrators and tower may be dueto hydride formation, to strain imposed by occlusion
packing of molecular hydrogen in submicroscopic rifts and to deposition
11. "Haveg" Tanks,pipe of hydrated ions-phenomena that are already recognized by
12. Hard rubberb Pipe, fittings, pumps electroplaters.
13. Rubber (approved Linings, hose 2. Less recognized, perhaps, are the functions of hydrogen occluded
within the steel. The extremely low solubility of steel for hydrogen
14. Plastics (approved Linings, hose, pipe, fittings, barrels,
compositions)b heating coils and exchangers at ordinary temperature, combined with the extraordinary ability
15. Acid resisting brick Linings of this metal to absorb huge quantities of the gas when presented
16. Wood Tanks atomically at the surface during pickling and cathodic electrolysis,
causes important effusion of this gas from the steel when the
a Limited to special alloys.

b Compatability tests are necessary in the absence of data on bath contamination atomic layer is removed by the presence of an applied coating or
and effect on deposits. by cessation of the hydrogen-producing process.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 251 252 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

having a hardness of Rockwell C 47 to 49. For hardness of Rockwell C 50

3. When the effusion occurs beneath a coating of any material,
to 56, heating at a subcritical temperature prior to the hardening and
including metals, whose permeability is unsuited to the quantity
tempering heat treatment was beneficial, in addition to low temperature
of the effusion, the coating may be (1) lifted from the steel or
baking after plating. Ritzenthaler also reported difficulties when plating
ruptured; or both, by the pressure of the accumulating gas, or (2)
spring-type metals with hardness above Rockwell C 45. These difficulties
blistered, depending upon the qualities of the coating.
frequently can be eliminated by baking at 150 to 190 C (300 to 375 F).
4. If the p la ted ware is heated, the effusion of hydrogen is accelera ted
Baking should be dane again after plating.
and the coating is weakened, so that occurrence of the above
Other work has indicated that certain high tensile steels may require
defects is favoured.
temperatures as high as 260ºC (500 F) with times of up to 8 hr for proper
5. Effusion of the gas from the steel base during electroplating leads
elimination of absorbed hydrogen.
to the formation of gas pits in the coating.
Cadmium and zinc coatings which require chromate coatings, must
6. Cathodic cleaning in either acid or alkaline solutions provides
be baked before application of the chromate, since the high temperatures
large quantities of hydrogen for absorption."
would dehydrate the chromate and destroy its effectiveness. If parts are
The minimum amount of hydrogen that may harm the physical
handled carefully to avoid contamination during baking, only a light
properties of steel is dependent on the type, physical condition and past
activation is required before the application of the chromate.
history of the steel. Also, this minimum amount may be called a threshold
These and other examples could be cited to support the argument
quantity, which must be exceeded before objectionable effects appear. The
that not infrequently the plating operation does not provide the hydrogen
preplating cleaning and pickling must preferably be carried out soas to
which cause embrittlement. It is certain that in some cases plating only
reduce hydrogen absorption. Even then, further hydrogen may be absorbed
provides a barrier coating which prevents the removal, naturally or by
during plating and, if the threshold value of hydrogen is exceeded,
baking, of hydrogen introduced in some preceding operation. Where the
embrittlement of the steel basis metal and defects associated with hydrogen
hydrogen concentration of the as-received steel is high, slight additions in
absorptions such as blistering, pitting and poor adhesion may result.
cleaning, pickling or plating may bring the total concentration into the
With respect to the removal of hydrogen from metals, Zapffe and
criticai range for embrittlement. It is apparent, therefore, that an operation
Faust point out that the behaviour of hydrogen in steel is complex, and gas
which may be safe on some occasions may cause trouble on others beca use
cannot be successfully removed by any one broadly defined treatment. The
of differences in residual hydrogen concentration in the workpieces. Baking
future service largely determines the preliminary treatment necessary to
of suspicious material will usually be effective in bringing residual
prevent the occurrence of hydrogen-caused defects. For an item that is to
hydrogen to a safe level prior to plating.
be subjected to an elevated temperature in service, especial treatment must
Another manifestation of the effect of hydrogen may be the commonly
be applied prior to electroplating to remove the fraction of hydrogen that
observed fact that a plated steel sheet will frequently break in forming ata
would appear at the temperature in question, and care must again be taken
much lower degree of deformation than the unplated steel. This applies to
to prevent subsequent absorption. The solubility curves of hydrogen in
copper, nickel, zinc and chromium (and possibly other metals) even when
nonferrous metal may serve as a guide in heat treating electrodeposits
these metals are deposited from acid-plating baths. Plating with chromium
for relieving embrittlement as a result of absorbed hydrogen. The
has a great tendency to impart brittleness to certain alloy steels and even
references listed in the above reference will be of value of those interested
to nickel electrodeposits because of the large amount of hydrogen
in this subject.
associated with its electrodeposition.
Hydrogen embrittlement is frequently experienced when plating on
Although hydrogen embrittlement may be revealed by the behaviour
high-carbon, high-alloy or stainless steels from copper, zinc or cadmium
described above, in many instances failure of the plated part does not
cyanide baths. Baking the plated parts for 1to23 hr at 150 to 190 C (300 to
occur immediately upon bending or loading. lnstead, it may be delayed for
375 F) is commonly recommended as a means of eliminating embrittlement.
days or even weeks. Temperature is a factor also, and, in opposition to the
However, this after-treatment was only successfully for lockwashers
usual effect of temperature on brittle-ductile transitions in metals, the higher

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 253 254 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the temperature the shorter will be the time to failure. Because of these To justify stripping and replating, one or more of the following criteria
factors a bend test or any other quick-fracture test often does not reveal must be met:
serious damage for certain types of load applications, particularly when 1. The cost of stripping and replating is less than the cost of
workpieces are highly stressed. There is no satisfactory fast routine test for scrapping and replacing the defective parts;
damage of this kind; only a time-consuming, expensive stress-rupture test 2. The parts are from a limited run and would require extensive
of some sort will serve. setup costs to produce replacements;
The nuisance, cost, and uncertainties ofbaking as a means of avoiding 3. The parts are needed to satisfy a production requirement which
hydrogen embrittlement have led to many attempts to devise plating cannot be satisfied by 1 or 2 above.
processes which do not cause embrittlement. Cadmium plating processes Obviously, these alternatives are not as easily available to job shops
have been a favourite target, and success has been claimed by several as to captive shows. Job shops therefore are more likely to be involved in
investigators. There is not much on which to base a selection of one or stripping for salvage purposes.
another process either for cadmium or for other metals, but some of those Copper-nickel-chrome plated zinc-base die castings are frequently
which have been well described in the literature have been summarized so scrapped when defective, and remelted without stripping the deposit. The
far as claims and results are concerned. nickel and chromium are removed in the dross and the small amount of
copper has no significant effect on the zinc alloy composition. It is generally
Stripping and Salvaging of Defective Plated ltems conceded that repolishing and buffing a zinc-base die casting after stripping
Stripping of deposits is an effective method of determining the average the deposit may cut below the chilled skin surface of the casting, resulting
coating thickness by a measurement of the weight difference between the in a more porous and less satisfactory surface for plating.
plated and stripped part. However, the improvements in equipment and The development of both electrolytic and chemical strippers, based
precision for spot measurements have made the proced ure almost obsolete. on electrolytic and chemical polishing technology, has greatly alleviated
A great deal of stripping, however, is carried out either for maintenance this condition by reducing the amount of mechanical rework required after
purposes, or to salvage defective parts. stripping. These solutions are usually available as proprietary materiais,
Maintenance procedures usually involve stripping of racks and barrel although a few formulations may be found in the expired patent literature.
contacts and danglers. With the increased used of stainless steel or titanium When defects are minar, copper and/ or nickel chromium plated steel
for the contacts of plastisol coated racks and for barrel components, the items are frequently replated without stripping the nickel. Similarly, large
use of accelerated nitric acid strippers for this purpose has become common. items, such as automobile bumpers, are repolished as required and replated
These involve the use of 50 to 90% by volume of 42º Be nitric acid along without removing the remaining nickel. Special attention must be given to
with a suitable proprietary accelerator which sometimes incorporates fume be preplating cycle to insure that the unstripped nickel is sufficiently
control. Stripping rates can be accelerated to the point where it is sometimes activated to insure good adhesion of the new deposit. A wood's nickel
necessary to provide cooling or to limit the surface area per gallon processed strike consisting of 30 at 60 g/L (4 to 8 oz/gal) of nickel in 10 to 15% by
volume hydrochloric acid is quite effective for this purpose. The strike is
in arder to hold the temperature down.
operated atroam temperature with nickel anodes at 3 to 10 A/dm2 (30
More recently, the increased restrictions on air pollution, and the
to 100 ASF) for 15 sec to 1 min. Parts may be transferred directly to the
problems of disposing of the metal saturated nitric acid has led to the
nickel bath without rinsing. If a rinse is used, the time should be kept as
increased use of electrolytic strippers, many of which are proprietary.
short as possible to avoid passivation of the strike layer. Because of the
Where racks and contacts are of copper alloys, the usual strippers for
difference in the anode and cathode efficiency, nickel tens to build up in
these alloys are used for maintenance stripping.
the bath. Periodic withdrawal of solution must be made to maintain the
Salvaging of defective plated parts is generally expensive, and the
nickel content below 75 g/L (10 oz/gal) and hydrochloric acid added to
quality of the replated parts frequently is affected by the process of stripping
maintain the free acidity. If the defects are major, the parts may be sold
and replating. The decision to strip and replate is therefore affected by as scrap steel, or stripped in a proprietary nickel stripper, either by
whether it is a captive or job plating shop. immersion or electrolytically.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 255 256 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Barrel plated small parts are usually stripped in a proprietary beneficial, increasing the stripping rate. The baths may be regenerated by
immersion nickel stripper and reprocessed. the removal of carbonate and the addition of cyanide.
Chromium may be stripped easily in 10% by volume or stronger A true bronze consisting of a plated copper-tin alloy is similarly used
hydrochloric acid. It may also be stripped by making it the anode in an as a stopoff for nitriding. These coatings can be removed by one of
alkaline cleaning solution, ora solution of sodium hydroxide. Hydrochloric proprietary strippers listed above or by one of the following methods.
acid generally leaves the nickel sufficiently active so that replating of the 1. Treat anodically in a solution of 12.2 oz/gal sodium cyanide
chromium poses no problems. Reverse current stripping generally and 2.7 oz/gal sodium hydroxide atroam temperature using 6
passivates the nickel so that a good activation step is required before volts.
rechroming. Suitable methods include the use of a strong hydrochloric 2. Immerse in solution of 13.4 oz/ gal sodium hydroxide, 2.7 oz/ gal
acid dip, cathodic treatment in an electroclearner followed by a strong sodium cyandie, and 2.7 oz/ gal sodium chlorite ata temperature
acid dip, or cathodic treatment in sulfuric acid. There are also very effective of 80-90 C (175-195F). Note that sodium chlorite is a hazardous
proprietary activating compounds available, some of which can be used chemical and instructions should be followed implicitly.
with current, others by immersion. Lead and lead alloys have been successfully stripped from steel as
Heavy deposits of chromium are usually stripped in a reverse current follows:
alkali. Solutions of sodium hydroxide, well-buffered with sodium carbonate 1. Anodically treating at 20 to 40 asf and 82 C (180 F) in a solution
or metasilicate may be used. Proprietary high current density electrocleaners consisting of sodium hydroxide 13 oz/ gal, sodium metasilicate
or alkaline descalers are also effective. Agitation of parts and/or solution 10 oz/gal and Rochelle salts 6.7 6.7 oz/gal.
is recommended since depleted solution containing dissolved chromium 2. Anodically treating at 20 to 200 asf and 20-82 C (70-180 F) in a
may drop markedly in pH and if allowed to collect in pockets or blind sodium nitrate solution of 67 oz/ gal at a pH of 6 to 10.
holes can cause severe etching of the steel substrate. 3. Immersion in a solution of acetic acid 10 to 85% by volume and
Immersion coatings of copper are used extensively as an aid in the hydrogen peroxide (100 vol) at 5% by volume.
drawing of steel. This thin layer can be removed by tumbling in specially Proprietary strippers for lead are also available.
designed barrel finishing compounds which will also bring upa lustrous Silver-plated household items of powder, britannia metal, steel or
finish. For larger parts, special electrocleaners which also strip the copper copper alloys are successfully stripped, repaired if necessary, and
have been developed, so the stripping operation becomes part of the refinished, but this can only be justified on the basis of sentimental value
preplating cycle. Alternatively, one of the methods listed below may be rather than cost. The manufacturer of silver-plated ware, however, can
used. partly justify the cost of salvaging defective items on the basis of the value
Heavy layers of copper are used as stopoffs in selective carburizing of the silver recovered. Conditions for stripping silver deposits are as
for surface hardness. These layers can be removed by the sarne methods follows:
used for defectively pla ted parts. Many of the methods previously used for 1. Reverse current in a sodium cyanide solution (4 to 8 oz/gal) at
the removal of copper have been outmoded. These include the lime sulfur / roam temperature and an anode current density of 10 to 20 asf.
sodium cyanide method; stripping in chromic acid solutions; and some 2. Sarne as (1) but at high pH, i.e., with an addition of 4 to 8 oz/ gal
of the less effective electrolytic methods. The more common methods of sodium hydroxide to the stripping bath.
involve proprietary compounds and include both cyanide-containing 3. Immersion in an acid mixture consisting of 95 and 5% by volume
and cyanide-free immersion strippers, and electrolytic methods. A non- of concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids, respectively, and
proprietary electroplytic stripper consists of copper cyanide, 5.5 oz/ gal; operated at about 80 C (175 F). This bath should be covered when
sodium cyanide, 11.0 oz/gal; trisodium phosphate, 8 oz/gal; and sodium not in use to prevent dilution by moisture from the air; parts
hydroxide to give pH of 12.2. An anode current density of 20 asf and a should be dry when immersed, otherwise the basis metal attack
temperature of 180 F are satisfactory. Additions of 6.5 oz/ gal of sodium will be excessive.
sulfite and cyclohexyl-amine prolong the life of the bath. Agitation is

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 257 258 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Procedure 1 is used for lead alloys, such as pewter and britannia Table 2 : Rhodium Baths•
metal, and for steel items. These basis metals are attacked and buffing or
refinishing is necessary prior to replating. Procedure 2 is preferred for Composition 1 2 3
steel since the high pH eliminated the attack on the basis metal and the Rhodium metalh, g/L (dwt/ gal) 2 (5) 2 (5)
item can usually be replated without refinishing the surface. Procedure Rhodium metalh, g/L (oz/gal) 10-20 (1.3-2.7)
3 is used for basis metals of copper, brass and nickel brass, but in all cases Sulfuric acid, c.p., %/vol 2.0 2.5
the surface is etched and requires refinishing before replating. Phosphoric acid, 85%,%/vol 2.0
The cyanide-containing strippers are effective for removing silver from Phosphoric acid, 85,%/vol 2.0
steel, and are also available in inhibited forms for stripping silver from Conditions:
copper alloys and nickel. These are of particular use in the electronics Temperature, C (F) 40-45 (104-113) 40-45 (104-113) 50 (122)
industry since they generally will also strip gold. Gold may be stripped by Current density, A/ dm2 (asf) 1-10 (10-100) 1-10 (10-100) 1-2 (10-20)
most of the methods suitable for silver. ln addition, stainless steel or Agitation as required as required vigorous
titanium racks may be stripped with some of the accelerated nitric acid Cathode efficiency, (15 asf), % 80 80 85
strippers. The present high cost of gold has made stripping of racks an Ratio area platinum anode to cathode 1:1 1:1 1:1
economic necessity. ln fact, it has even become desirable to strip the copper Nickel undercoat recommended except for gold or platinum group metals
wires so widely used for stringing parts in the jewelry business. The cost Volts: 6 6 6
of recovering the gold from the stripping solution is far less than the Suitable materials of construction: 8.9, 12, 13, 14
Use: For thin bright decorative and tamish-resistant coatings (0.001-0.006 mil).
reduction in scrap value of the unstripped copper wires.
Heavier coatings for high reflectivity (78% incident light) and for scratch and
Zinc or cadmium plated steel parts can be stripped without injuring
corrosion resistance (0.06 to over 1.0 mil).
the surface finish by using a weak sulfuric or hydrochloric acid dip with
Applications: For jewellry, silverware, reflectors, electrical contact surfaces and
an inhibitor. Salvaging and replating of such parts are relatively quick and
electronic applications.
simple operations.
Zinc may also be stripped readily in a highly alkaline reverse current ª Patented proprietary additions for crack-free, stress-free deposits are available.
electrocleaner, particularly if its is "chelated". There are also available b Metal is added as required in form of concentrate.
e For heavy deposits.
combined zinc stripper / cleaners for stripping parts and racks in the
preplating line. Unless the cleaning cycle is relatively long, however, the
use of these materiais is generally limited to thin deposits.
Tin plate can often be stripped in the sarne type of solution used for
lead. For stripping stainless steel or titanium rack tips, or aluminum, 25%
nitric acid with a proprietary accelerator may be used. This sarne solution
is recommended for stripping solder plate (lead/tin alloy) from racks, and
rates as high as 0.5 mm (0.022 in)/hr are claimed.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 259 260 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 3 : Cadmium-Cyanide Bath Table 4 : Acid Copper Sulfate Bath

Composition g/L oz/gal Composition g/L oz/gal

Cadmium oxide 30.0 4.0 Copper sulfate, 195-248 26-33
Sodium cyanide 100.0 13.1 CuS04.5Hp
or or Sulfuric acid 30-75 4-10
(Cadmium cyanide) 40.0 (5.1) By analysis:
(Sodium cyanide) 75.0 (10.1) Copper 40-50 5.2-6.6
Sodium hydroxide 20.0 2.5 Sulfuric acid 30-75 4-10
By analysis: Conditions:
Cadmium, Cd 26.5 3.5 Temperature, C (F) 21-49 (70-120)
Total cyanide, NaCN 100.0 13.1 Current density,A/dm 2 (asf) 2-10 (20-100)
Agitation, cathode and/ Preferred
Total NaCN
Wt. ratio = 3.74 or air
Cd Cathode efficiency, % 95-100
Conditions: Ratio anode, to cathode area 1:1
Temperature C (F) 20-35 (70-95) Anodes Copper
Current density, 0.5-5 A/dm2 5.0-50 asf Filtration: Continuous preferred, especially for heavy deposits.
Agitation, cathode Preferred Voltage: Less than 6 volts generally. Higher for some applications.
Ca thode efficiency, % 90-95 Use: Heavy copper deposits to any required thickness. Also as a bright
Ratio anode to cathode area 2:1 easily buffed deposit using proprietary and patented processes (sometimes
Anodes Cadium and steel for printed circuits).
Filtration: As required Volts: 6 Applications: To all ferrous base metals over copper strike. Under
(Barrel plating) 16-12 nickel-chromium deposits for protective coatings. For electroforming-electro-
Suitable materiais of construction: 1, 2, 13, 14. types, printing rolls for textiles and rotogravure, other applications.
Use: Primarily for rust preventive coating. Bright deposits when using Problems:
brigheners and bright clips. Thicknesses 0.15-0.5 mil. Coarse or powdery deposit: Check for low acid content; excess current;
Applications: Over all ferrous basis metals as rust preventive coating. On low temperature; low chloride content.
moving parts where white corrosion products of zinc could be objection- Soft deposit: Check for low acid content; high temperature; low current
able, especially on communcations equipment and instruments. density.
Low cyanide and/or low caustic can cause poor plating rates anda ten- Hard or brittle deposit: check for excess acid; low temperature; organic
dency to blister. High cyanide will improve throwing power, but reduce contamination; high iron contamination.
efficiency. Low cyanide frequently causes anodes to polarize. Cadmium Poor throw: Check for low acid; low brightener.
metal tends to climb under normal circumstances. Balance the ratio of steel Low conductivity: Check for low temperature; low acid; low copper.
to cadmium anodes to control metal content. Contamination with copper, Polarizied anodes: Check for low acid; metallic contamination; high
zinc, tin, or hexavalent chromium will cause problems with brightness chloride.
and/or efficiency. Chrome can cause failure to plate or loss of adhesion. Bright acid copper solutions require very carefully controlled chloride
Copper can affecsalt spray resistance and cause problems in chromating concentrations, generally in the range of 60 to 100 ppm, athough some
before effect are noticeable in the plate. Excess brightener concentration brighter system operate to 180 ppm. Hexavalent chromium contamination
can cause britleness and sometimes laminated peeling plating when barrel can be especially troublesome, causing brightness, efficiency and adhesion
plating heavy parts. problems.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 261 262 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 5 : Copper-Fluoborate Bathsª Table 6 : Acid Zinc Bath•

Composition Low Copper High Copper Coposition Sulfate

g/L oz/gal oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L
Copper fluoborate, Cu (BF4) 2 225.0 30 60 450.0 Zinc sulfate, ZnSOJHp 32-48 240-360
Fluoboric acid, HBF4 topH topH Ammonium chloride, NH4Cl 2-4 15-30
Aluminum sulfate, Al2 (S04) 3.18Hp 4 30
By analysis:
or or
Copper 60.0 8 16 120.0
(Sodium acetate, NaC 2Hp23Hp) (2) 15
Sp gr, ºBe' at 80 F 21-22 37.5-39 Additions, Optional Glucose 16 120
Conditions: or or
pH, chlorimetric 0.8-1.7 <0.6 (Licorice) (0.13) 1.0
Temperature, C (F) 27-77 (80-170) (80-170) 27-77 By analysis:
Current density, A/dm2 (asf) 7.5-12.5 12.5-30.0 Zinc 7.3-11 55-83
(75-125) (125-300) pH, colourimetric 3.5-4.2
Ca thode efficiency, % 95-100 95-100 Conditions:
Temperature, C (F) (75-85) 24-30
Ratio anode 1:1 1:1
Current density, A/dm2 (asf) (10-30) 1.0-3.0
to cathode area
Volts: 6
Anodes Copper Copper Cathode efficiency, % 95-100
Filtration: As As Ratio anode to cathode area 1:1
required required Anodes, prime wester, intermediate and high purity zinc.
Volts: 6 6-12 Filtration: Preferred for continuous plating of steel-mill products.
Agitation, cathode preferred, also air Agitation, cathode and solution, optional but recommended, especially with high
Suitable materiais of construction: 3.8, 12, 13, 14. current density.
Use: Heavy copper deposits to any required thickness. Use: As a rust preventive coating (0.1-2.0 mill).
Applications: To ferrous basis metals as rust preventive coating for wire, strip,
Applications: To all base metals over prior copper strike. Coating steel wire
sheet conduit, wire cloth, also on cast iron and malleable iron parts as an under-
and electroforming generally (sometimes for printed circuits).
coat on steel prior to painting.
Fluoborate copper is generally free of problems if the free acidity is main-
tained, and organic contamination avoided. ª With good agitation higher current densities may be used.
* Two zinc baths have been developed by steel companies for plating strip and
ª Sold as aqueous concentrate (specific gravity of 1.54 at 68F) weighing wire at high current densities in the range of 100 to 600 asf and temperatures in
12.8 lb/gal and containing approximately 25 oz/gal of copper and 6 oz/ the range of 100 to 150 F which contain sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate or
galof fluoboric acid and boric acid respectively. ammonium sulfate, according to private communcations.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 263 264 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 7 : Copper-Pyrophosphate Bath Table 8 : Cadmium-Fluoborate Bathª

Composition g/L oz/gal Composition g/L oz/gal

Copper-pyrophosphate, proprietary 345.0 46 Cadimum fluoborate, Cd (BF4) 2 240.0 32.2
compound Fluoboric acid, HBF4 to pH
Potassium hydroxide 18.0 2.4 Boricacid 22.5 3.0
Ammonia (29%) 1 ml/L 1.2 fl oz/ gal Ammonium fluoborate 60.0 8.0
By analysis:
Licorice 1.0 0.134
Copper 22.5 3.0
Pyrophosphate 157.5 21.0 By analysis:
Ammonia 2.0 0.25 Cadmium 95.0 12.6
Ratio Pp/Cu 7.0 pH, colourimetric 3.0-3.5
Conditions: Conditions:
pH, electrometric 8.2-9.2 Temperature, C (f) 20-38 (70-100)
Temperature, C (F) 43-60 (110-140) Current density, 3-6 30-60
Current density, A/ dm2 (asf) 1-7.5 (10-75) A/dm2 asf
Voltage, volts 2-5 at tank
Agitation, cathode Preferred
Agitation, cathode and/or air
95-100 Cathode, efficiency, % 100
Cathode efficiency, %
Ratio anode to cathode area 1:1-2:1 Ratio anode to cathode area 2:1
Anodes: Copper, electrolytic or rolled electrolytic (not bagged). Anodes Cadmium
Filtration: Intermittent or continuous as required. Filter aid and carbon recom- Filtration: As required
mended. Volts: 4-6
Use: Undercoat for bight nickel and chromium, carbourizing and nitriding stopoff, (Barrel plating) 6-12
heavy plate for industrial use. Use: For rust preventive coating.
Applications: To any basis metal over copper strike. Usually as undercoat for Applications: Over all ferrous basis metals. Of particular value where freedom
bright nickel and chromium for bright nickel and chromium for protective coat-
from hydrogen embrittlement is required.
ings. Also, gears, printing, paper and textile rols (sometimes for printed circuits).
Except for printed circuit work, pyrophosphate solutions are usually operated Excess free acid can reduce efficiency and lead to hydrogen embrittlement. Con-
with additives to provide a bright deposit. Loss of brightness can be due to tamination with copper, lead or zinc can affect colour and/or corrosion resist-
brighteners imbalance, or low ammonia content. Dullness in the lowcurrent den- ance of deposit.
sity areas onlymay be dueto too high an operatiing temperature; excess ammo-
ªSoldas liquid concentrate, specific gravity 1.60, 13.3 lb/ gal, cadmium 42 oz/ gal
nia; or low pyrophosphate content. Burning in the high current density areas
and fluoboric acid 6.4 oz/ gal, to be diluted with water as required.
may be due to inadequate agitation; low temperature; low pyrophosphate cntent;
low copper content; or excessive current. Hexavalent chromium at low levels
may cause patchy dullness oreven bare spots. At higher levels, it may stop
plating completely. Dull, brittle, or stressed deposits may also be dueto organic
contamination. The pH of the solution will normally fall due to the loss of am-
monia by vaporization. It may be adjusted with potassium hydroxide, or ammo-
nium hydroxide as required to maintain the proper ammonia content. For those
unusual cases where the pH rises excessively, small amounts of sulfuric acid may
be used for adjustment.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 265 266 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

....bO Nlf)MOO ..-< 00 Table 10 : Copper-Cyanide Baths

. N
'"N' ~ c:i oô ~ \!) ll) ó
3High Concentration4
1 2
Copper Rochelle Salt (Sodium) (Potassium)
Composition g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal

..,, ~~
Copper Cyanide 22.5 3.0 26.0 3.5 120.0 16.0 60.0 8.0
llÍ ó ll)"'
Sodium cyanide 34.0 4.5 35.0 4.6 135.0 18.0 94.0 12.5
...o J,
00' o
R ...
Sodium carbonate 15.0 2.0 30.0 4.0 15.0 2.0 15.0 2.0
Sodium hydroxide to pH to pH 4.0 42.0 5.6
Rochelle salt 45.0 6.0
By analysis:
Copper 16.0 2.1 19.0 2.5 10.0 11.3 42.0 5.6
Free cyanide 7.5 1.0 6.0 0.8 4.0 0.5 7.5 1.0
có Conditions:
pH, 12-12.6 12-12.6 >13.0 >13.0
o Temperature, C (F) 32-43 (90-110) 54-71 (130-160) 77-82 (170-180) 77-82 (170-180)
..,,ó Current density asf 10-15 20-40 30-60 30-60
Agitation, cathode preferred, also air in No. 2 and No. 4
Cathode 30 50 100 100
tt).....; o\ N efficiency, %
o Ratio anode 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
to cathode area
Anodes Copper and steel Copper Copper Copper
Filtration: Continuous preferred for all baths
Tuh 6 6 6 6
Use: Strike or thin Strike or thin Bright or heavy Bright or heavy
o 00 q deposit, 0.05-0.1 deposit, 0.05-0.3 deposit, 0.3-2.0 deposit, 0.3-2.0
.N u) N """" mils mils mils mils
Applications: Baths No. 1 and No. 2 as strike over all basis metais. Baths No. 3 and No. 4
require prior copper strike and produce earily buffed or bright copper undercoat for nickel-
chromium protective coastings using proprietary addition agents and also "PR" cur-
rent in No. 4, No. 3 andNo. 4 also used to prevent case hardening of selected surfaces
of steel basis metal.
\O N
~ ~
. ..,,
ll) ll) Problems:
""ó Poor adhesion: Check cleaning; high or low cyanide concentration; contamination with
hexavalent chromium; failure to use strike when required by high-efficiency solution.
Soltuion turbid or blue: Check for low cyanide.
Poor efficiency; Check for high cyanide concentration; hexavalent chromium contamintion.
Anodes polarized: Check for low cyanide; low Rochelle salts; lead contamination.
Rough deposits: Check for solids in solution; excessive current; poor brightener balance.
Spotting out: See copper alloy section.
Specific brightener systems may require control of sodium hydroxide, temperature, etc.
within different limits than given above. Check supplier for specifics. Brightness can be
affected by solution imbalance, brightener imbalance, metallic contamination or improper
operating conditions. Consult with brightener supplier for specifics.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 267 268 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

o Table 12 : Chromium (Baths)"

1 1;::
o Composition 1 2 3d 4

o g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal

1 1;::
o Chromic acid, Cr03 248 33.0 398 53.0 338 45.0 180-225 24-30
Sulfuric acid, H,504 2.5 0.33 4.0 0.53 2.2 0.29 0.9-1.1 0.12-0.15
Ratiob CrO,/H,504 100:1 100:1 155:1 200:1
Catalyst 0.5-1 0.07-0.13
1 1 ~
o Conditions
Temperature, C (F) 43-49 (110-120) 43-49 (110-120) 55 (130) 38-49 (100-120)
Current density,
1 1;:: AI dm' (asf) (asi) 10-22 (0.7-1.5) 10-22 (0.7-1.5) 15-36 (1.0-2.5) 15-36 (1.0-2.5)
o Cathode efficiency
(approximate) 13-18 13-18 13-18 16-24
"'<o Volts 6-12 6-12 6-12 4-12

... N
1 1 ' '
..-< " . Agitation is not generally used. Filtration is uncommon. Anodes are usually lead or a lead alloy
ó '° used in the ratio of 1:1 to 2:1. Catalysts are usually fluoride compounds of one type or another. Self
regulating baths use a fluoride with limited solubility present in excess so baths must be stirred
o occasionally to ensure solution of the required catalyst. Silicofluoride catalysts give the highest
1 1 ~ efficiency. Trivalent chromium is usually required for proper operation of the bath and is usually
maintained at about 1% of the chromic acid concentration.
Use: Bright decorative deposits 0.01-0.03 mil in thickness. Hard deposits for wear resistance O.lmil
N and heavier.
1 1 ~ Applications: Decorative coating over copper and/or nickel protective coatings on all basis
metais. Industrial or hard coatings over ferrous basis metais for tools, dies and gauges. Also for
surface protection of electrotypes, engraving plates and other items. Porous coating for improved
o o
lubrication, wear and corrosion resistance of piston rings and cylinder liners.
1 1 ~ ",;.,
N Problems with chromium plating generally revolve around proper brightness and covering power
for decorative baths. These problems can usually be ascribed to one of three classes of causes:
Improper operating conditions: This includes deviations in current density, temperature, bath
~ composition, particularly bath ratio, trivalent chromium leveis or contamination with iron, copper
1 1 o or nickel. At the present time there is no generally simple way of removing metallic contamina-
tion. Specially constructed ion exchange units using carefully selected resins may be used in some
cases, but it is far better to avoid contamination.
1 1 N Improper current control: This includes inadequate or excessive current densities, excess ripple in
~ the current supply, interruption of the current during plating, and stray currents.
Improper preparation of substrate: This includes inadequate activation of nickel or nickel iron, inadequate
ô cleaning, etc. Nickel plated parts from solutions with excessive brightener leveis can cause "rainbow" in
1 1
'°~ the low current areas; stripped parts improperly activated before rechroming will not cover properly, etc.
Because of the high current densities involved, and the generally poor throwing power of the chromium
8, solutions, racking of partsis particularly important. Racks must be of adequate cross-section, and use of
auxiliary anodes, or thieves and/ or shields may be necessary for complete coverage. Proper maintenance of
racks is also important for the sarne reasons. Additionally, chromium is a serious contaminant for most plating
1 1
solutions, and improperly maintained racks can carry solution from tank to tank, causing severe problems.
• Proprietary baths are also available.
'Bath ratios of 80:1to120:1 are not uncommon.
'Temperatures from 70 to over 150 F with variations in cathode current densities from 1.5-8.0 asi and cathode
efficiencies between 10 and 20% are possible. For bright deposits the exactvalues must be carefully controlled
and related.
d Non-proprietary crack-free process.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 269 270 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 13 : Indium (Baths) Table 14 : Iron Baths

Composition 1 2 3d Composition 1 2 3d
Sulfate chloride Chio ride Fluoborate Sulfate chloride Chio ride Fluoborate
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
lndium sulfate Ferrous sulfate, Fe50"7H20 248.0 33
ln, (50.)3 45.0 6 Ferrous chloride, FeC~.4H,O 30.0 4 300.0 40
Sodium sulfate, Ferrous fluoborate, • Fe (BF4) 2 225.0 30
Na,so, 9.75 1.3 Calcium chloride, CaCl2 338.0 45
lndium chloride Ammonium chioride 22.5 3
lnCl3 58.0 7.7 Sodium chloride 10.10 1.3
Potassium cyanide 158.0 21 Boricacid 22.5 3.0
Potassium hydroxide 40.0 5.3 By analysis:
Dextrose, Iron 58.0 7.7 84.0 11.2 55.5 7.4
C4H 120 6 30.0 4 pH, colourimetric 4.5-6.0 1.0-1.5 3.0-3.7
lndium fluoborate, • Conditions,
ln (BF.)3 109 14.5 Temperature, C (F) 38 (100) 90 (195) 55-90 (130-190)
Ammonium fluoborate, Current density, A/ dm' (ast) 5.0-10.0 (50-100) 6.0 (60) 2.0-9.0 (20-90)
NH4BF4 50.0 6.7 Agitation2, cathode
Fluoboric acid, and/or solution Required Required Required
HBF4 15.0 2.0 Cathode efficiency, % 95-100 95-100 95-100
Boric acid 26.0 3.4 Ratio anode to
By analysis: cathode area 1:1 1:1 1:1
lndium 20.0 2.7 30.0 4.0 33.0 4.4 Anodes: Low carbon steel, bagged, (African blue asbestos best for baths 1 and 2, cotton duck or high
Total cyanide, KCN 140.0 18.7 temperature "Vinyon" for bath 3).
pH, colourimetric 2.0-2.7 >13.0 1.5-20 Filtration: Continuous, with activated carbon recommended.
Conditions: Volts: 6 6 6
Temperature, C (F) 21-60 (70-140) 21 (70) 21 (70) Use: For heavy deposits in building up worn parts, electroforming.
Current density, Applications: Printing plates, parts for electric irons and molds. Salvage of worn parts. Plating stereotypesas
A/dm' (ast) 0.5-5.0 (5-50) 1.5-3.0 15-30 0.5-2.5 5-25 substitute for nickel.
Agitation, cathode Preferred Preferred Preferred Presence of excess ferric iron (lII) causes brittleness, pitting and low efficiency. Excessive temperatures
Cathode efficiency, % 50-80 70-95 80-90 promote oxidation of Fe (II) to Fe (lII) and therefore should be avoided except in the chloride bath, where higher
Ratio anode to cathode temperature improve the appearance and the ductility of the deposit. Contrai of Fe (lll) may be by reduction with
are a 1:1 1:1 1:1 iron filings or steel wool, dummying at low current density or operating at the higher pH range where Fe(III)
Anodes lndium and insoluble Platinum, graphite, lndium and insoluble will precipitate. ln other respects, iron baths are similar to nickel baths. Organic contamination causes stress,
(platinum) steel or stainless (platinum or pitting and brittleness. Activated carbon can be used for remova!. Hydrogen peroxide or permanganate must
steel graphite) notbeused.
Filtration: Asrequired Asrequired Asrequired
Volts: 6 6 6 'Sold as concentrate, sp gr 1.52, 12.7 lb/ gal, iron 22.4 oz/ gal, fluoboric acid 1.4oz/ gal and boric acid 6.2
Use: Primarily used as thin coating (0.1 mil) to alloy by subsequent heat treatment wth various bearing metais. oz/gal.
Applications: Applied over electrodeposited bearing metais such as silver, cadmium, lead, tin, etc., and heat 'Cathode movement is primarily to jar gas bubbles loose and prevent pitting.
treated to produce alloy surface layer and impart superior corrosion resistance and other properties.
ln the acid baths, excessive free acidity will reduce plating efficiency. This may be corrected by removing
the insoluble anodes and using only indium anodes for a suitable period. Using only insoluble anodes will
increase the aciditv when needed.
Numerous indiu~ alloy plating baths have been reported in the literature, including alloys with anti-
mony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, copper, gallium, lead, tin and zinc. Alloy properties include wear
resistance, hardness and high corrosion resistance.

'Soldas concentrate specific gravity 1.60, 13.4 lb/gal, indium 32.8 oz/gal, fluoboric acid 4.9 oz/gal and
boric acid 5.1 oz/ gal.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 271 272 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 16 : Lead-Fluoborate Bathsª

Composition 1
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
Lead fluoborate,ª
""" PB(BF 4 ) 2 202 or 404 27 or 54 470 62.5
Fluoboric acid,
HBF4 20 or 40 2.6 or 5.2 45 6
Boric acid,
H 3B03 20 or 60 2.6 or 8.0 45 6
Gelatin or glue 0.15 or 0.38 0.02 or O.OS
Hydroquinone 10 1.3
By analysis:
ô Lead 113 or 218 15 or 29 255 34
pH, colourimetric <1.5 <1.5
t:. Conditions:
C (F) 25-45 (75-110) 30-70 (90-160)
\O~ N ct')
Current density,
A/dm2 (asf) 0.5-7 (5-70) 10-60 (100-600)

t:. efficiency, % 100 100

Ratio anode to
O O LO O ca thode area 2:1 1:1
O\ """'4 N ct')
Anodes, lead
Filtration: as required
Volts: 6
Use: For protective coatings (0.25-1.0 mil) including copper strike on
ferrous basis metals.
Applications: See Refs. 39 a & e for coating properties and performance.
Lead baths are relatively free of problems, provided the proper free acid is
maintained, and the bath is kept free of undesirable organics by carbon
treatment. Proper concentration of colloid is essential to avoid powdery,
crystalline or treed deposits.
ªSoldas a liquid concentrate to be diluted with water as required. Sp. gr.
1.85, 15.4 lb/gal,lead 67 oz/gal, boric acid 9.9 oz/gal, fluoboric acid 1.7 oz/
bfor plating strip steel mill products.
<High purity, 99.99% pb.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 273 274 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 17 : Black Nickel Baths

Composition 1 2b
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal qN
Nickel ammonium oº l1')

sulfate, 60 8 o
l1'l N

NiS04 (NH 4) 2S04.6Hp
Nickel sulfate,
NiS04.6Hp 75 10 ..
"'9 "''
Zinc sulfate,
:;:: '° "" "'cio "'
ZnS0 4.7Hp 7.5 1 30 4 i:>... q l1')
(1') .~ "',..... N
,..... "'0..
Ammonium sulfate 37.5 5 z ~o '1>]
Sodium thiocyanate, ....:i o l1') o <;l 00 ?f.
~"" <'! 00 l1')

NaCNS 15 2 15 2 bO
"' o "'i'
By analysis: "O
.e: ~
Nickel 9 1.2 16.5 2.2 1U ..
pH, colourimetric
5.5-6.0 5.0-6.2


.... N
.. o
ilJ ........

Temperature, 24 (75) 21 (70) z ;:!:;

Current density,
A/dm2 (asf) 0.2 (2) 0.08-0.2 (0.75-2.25)

Agitation, mild cathode fll

or nane QO
Ratio anode to cathode area
Anodes: Carbon and/or nickel
1:1 1:1

..s o

Filtration: Not ordinarily required

Volts: (at tank) 1-2 1-2
,..... ..
rJl ....:i 00
Use: To produce black, nonlight reflecting, gun metal finish. Thin coating. ........ ºo l1')
o ~
bO ~"' ,..... o
Always protected with organic coating.
Application: To typewriter parts, military hardware and novelties.
For additional corrosion resistance, black nickel is usually applied over a
nickel layer. This underlayer of nickel should not be bright, but rather dull
or lustrous, or the desired non-reflective characteristics in the black nickel
will be difficult to maintain. Proper activation of the nickel layer is essential.
Current density must be carefully controlled. High currents will produce
grey or even pure nickel deposits.
Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 275 276 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table : 19 : Nickel Baths

Composition 2 3 4
Watts type High Chloride Ali Chloride Fluoborattf
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal gil oz/gal
Nickel sulfate, Ni504 .6H,O 300 40 240 32
Nickel chloride, NiCl2.6H,O 45 6 90 12 240 32
Nickel fluoborate, Ni (BF4) 2 220 29.3
Boricacid 30-37.5 4-5 30-37 .5 4-5 30 4 30 4
By analysis:
Nickel 77.0 10.3 75 10 75 10 55 7.3
pH range (electrometric)
Low 2.0-2.5 2.0-2.5 0.9-1.1
Medium 3.5-4.0 3.0-4.5
High 4.8-5.2
Non-pitter: 1 or II
L Approved wetting 35-45 34-45 35-45 35-45
agent• to give dynes/
cm at 21 C (70 F)
II. Hydrogen peroxide• to 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10
give free oxygen, ppm
For engineering app li-
cations as required
Temperature, C (F) av. 55 (130) 55 (130) 55 (130) 5 (130)
(practical range) 32-71 (90-160) 38-71 (100-160) 38-63 (100-145) 32-71 (90-160)
Current density, A/ dm' (asf) 1-6 (10-60) 1-6 (10-60) 5-10 (50-100) 5-10 (50-100)
(possible range) <50 (500) <50 (500)
Agitation: Cathode and (mild) solution preferred. Air effective in absence of wetting agents.
Cathode efficiency, % 95-100 95-100 90-100 95-100
Ratioanode to cathode area 1:1 1:1 1:1-(3:1) 1:1-(3:1)
(for high current density)
Anodes: Nickel, bagged, cast or rolled, depolarized or carbon type.
Filtration: Continuous, turn over once every 1 to 4 hr. Filter aid and activated carbon commonly used.
Volts: 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12
Use: Baths 1 and 2 (dull nickel, 0.1-2.0 mil and higher. For semi- and full-bright nickel, 0.1-2.0 mil, using
proprietary addition agentsd). Bath 3 (hard dull nickel, any thickness). Bath 4 (dull nickel, any thickness).
Applications: For decorative and protective coating, copper and/ or nickel-chromium, on most basis
metais use baths 1 or 2. For corrosion resistant coating on steel for chemical equipment use baths 1 or 2.
For building up worn parts or electroforming use baths 1 or 4. For a nickel strike, especially over steel,
copper and copper alloys prior to silver plating, use baths 1 or 3 (less concentrated frequently).

'Sodium lauryl alcohol sulfate, one of few acceptable.

•cannot be used in bath containing organic addition agents or wetting agent.
'Sold as liquid concentrate to be diluted with water as required. Specific gravity 1.58, 13.2 lb/ gal, nickel,
23.6 oz/ gal, boric acid 6.3 oz/ gal, fluoboric acid nil.
dSee suppliers for patented proprietary processes.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 277 278 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 21 : Silver Baths

Composition 1 2 3
Low Metalª High Metal Cyanide Nitrate
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
Silver cyanide 36 4.8 105 14.0 22-45 3-6
Cyanide potassium 60 8.0 113 15.0
(sodium) 33-45 4.4-6
Carbonate, potassium 45 6.0 15-115 2-15
(sodium) 22-45 3-6
Potassium hydroxide 30 4.0
Potassium nitrate 45-120 6-20
Carbon disulfide 0.00075 0.0001 lb 0.00075 0.0001 b
By analysis:
Silver 28.7 3.5 (Troy) 84 10.2 (TR) 16-37 2-4.5 (Troy)
Free potassium cyanide 43 5.7 62 8.2 19-23 2.5-3.1
Temperature, C (F) 24-32 (75-90) 43-55 (110-130) 27-52 (809-125)
Current density,
A/dm2 (asf) 0.5-1.5 (5-15) 6-15 (60-150) 5-15 (5-150)
Agitation, cathode Preferred Plus solution Preferred
Cathode efficiency, % 100 100 100
Ratio anode to cathode area 1:1 2:1-4:1 1:1
Anodes Silver Silver Silver
Filtration: As required for 1 and 3, continuous through paper for 2.
Volts: <6 <6 <6
Use: Baths 1 and 3 for regular bright silver deposits following silver strike, 0.1-1.3 mil. Bath
2 for heavy silver deposit after prior silver strike,up to 60 mil.
Applications: Baths 1 and 3 for decorative and protective silver deposits on novelties,
jewellry, lighting fixtures, tableware and hollow ware. Baths 2 and 3 for engineering
applications including plated bearings.
Lack of adhesion: Check preplating cycle; check strikes for proper choice and use; check for
passivity of nickel layer if used.
Porous deposits: Check for solids in solution; check current.
Dull and/ or thin deposits: Check for low temperature; low current; low metal; polarized
Polarized anodes: Free cyanide too low; insufificient anode area.
Brown stains or spots: Poor rinsing; spotting out due to porosity.
Patchy brightness: Organic contamination; brightener imbalance.
Yellowish or pink deposits: High copper contamination and/ or low silver.
Since many solutions now use proprietary additive to control brightness and/ or other
properties, the troubleshooting information given above should be checked with the
supplier and modified and/ or supplemented per his instructions.
ª Proprietary full bright silver processes are available from suppliers.
hAmmonium thiosulfate as brightener added at regular intervals in amount equivalent to
1.5 mg/l/hr. Hydrogen peroxide is also recommended as an anti-pit agent, 0.2 ml/gal/30

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 279 280 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 22 : Tin-Copper Alloy Bathsª Table 23 : Tin-Nickel Alloy Baths

Composition 1 2 Composition 1 2
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
Copper cyanide, CuCN 28.5 3.8 13 1.7
Stannous chloride, SnC12 • 2Hp 50 6.7 50 6.7
Potassium stannate, K2Sn03· 35 4.7 100 13.3*
3H2Hb Nickel chloride, NiClr6Hp 300 40.0 250 33.3
Potassium cyanide, KCN 62 8.3 25 3.3* Ammonium fluoride 50 to 33 6.7 or 4.4
Potassium hydroxide, KOH 10 1.3 15 2.0* Ammonium bifluoride 35 4.7
Rochelle salt, KNaC 4Hp 6.4Hp 45 6.0 Sodium fluoride 28 3.7 O or 20 O or 2.7
By analysis:
Hydrochloric acid (36%) 1.0
Copper 20.25 2.7 9 1.2
Tin 14.25 1.9 45 6.0 By analysis:
Free potassium cyanide 21 2.8 11 1.4* Tin 27 3.6 27 3.6
Free potassium hydroxide 10 1.3 Nickel 75 10.0 63 8.4
Deposit, tin, % 10-12 45 Bath ratio, tin-nickel % 73.5:26.5 70-30
Deposit ratio, tin-nickel % 65:35 65-35
Temperature, C (F) 65-71 150-160 65 150
Cathode current density A/ dm2 (asf) 2.5-5.0 (25-50) 2.5 (25) Ammonium bifluoride 35 4.7
Agitation cathode mild Total fluorine 39 5.2
Cathode efficiency, % 50-60 60 Conditions:
Anode to cathode area 1.5:1 pH 2.5 2.5
Anode C.D.c, A/dm2 (asf)
Copper 0.5-1.0 (5-10)
Temperature, C (F) 65 (150) 65 (150)
Tin 1.5-2.0 (15-20) Current density, A/dm2 (asf) 2.5 (25) 2.5 (25)
Anode, volts Agitation, cathode preferred. Air cannot be used.
Copper 2-3 Cathode efficiency, % 100 100
Tin 3-5 Anodes: Bagged alloy anodes of 72% tin-28% nickel are preferred. Sepa-
Filtration: Continuous or at intervals as required.
Use: Bath 1 recommended for low tin-bronze coatings (0.1-0.5 mil). Bath 2 is
ra te anodes of tin and nickel with dual circuits can be used if tin anodes are
recommended for tamish-resistant high-tin white alloy such as speculum. Thick- bagged and not left in the bath with current off.
ness range, 0.5-1.0 mil. Filtration: Continuously through active carbon is preferred to control pit-
Applications: Primarily for protective coatings. Low tin alloy suggested use as ting. Wetting agents cannot be used to control pitting.
undercoat for bright nickel-chromium coatings on objects of brass, steel or zinc die Purification: Metallic impurities can best be removed by using a nickel
* Sodium salts. Voltage: 6-12.
ª Features of these baths are patented.
Precaution: A suitable exhaust system must be provided to take care of
b Hydrogen peroxide or sodium peroxide is added as required to oxidize stannous
tinto stannate. hydrofluoric acid vapoUr.
e Parallel circuits for copper and tin anodes have been recommended for bath 2. Use: Recommended as a substitute for bright nickel-chromium coatings
Bath 1 may be operated with soluble copper and some small area of insoluble for bright decorative and protective coating applications.
carbon anodes balanced to control the metal concentration, in which case tin may Applications: To all ferrous basis metals, preferably over a copper under-
be added as copper stannate. Soluble alloy anodes have also been operated with
coat or directly to nonferrous basis metals.
similar baths with difficulty. Also a pyrophosphate stannate bath containing
fluoride can be operated with soluble copper-tin anodes to produce most any
composition of copper-tin deposit.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 281 282 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 25 : Acid tin Baths

Table 24 : Tin-Zinc Alloy Baths
Composition 1 2 3
Composition 1 2 3* Fluoborate Sulfpnate Bright Proprietary
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
Tin fluoborate, Sn (BF4 ) 2 200 27
Potassium stannate, K 2sN0,.3H20 120 16 95 12.7 100 13.3
Fluoboric acid, HBF4 53 7
Zinc cyanide, Zn (CN), 10.5 1.4 13.5 1.8 27 3.6 Boric acid 30 4
Potassium cyanide, KCN 33 4.4 30 4.0 17 2.3 Stannous sulfate 55 7.3 60-120 4.0-16.0
Potassium hydroxide, KOH 7 0.9 10 1.3 60 8.0 Sulfuric acid 100 13.4 7% by vol.
By analysis: Cresol sulfonic acid, special
Tin 30 4.0 35 4.7 25 3.3 C 7H 60H.HS03 100 13.4 3% by vol. additive
Beta naphthol, C10 H,OH 1.0 0.13 1.0 0.13
Zinc 6 0.8 7.5 1.0 15 2.0
Gelatin 6.0 0.8 2.0 0.27
Total cyanide (as KCN) 45 6.0 45 6.0 47 6.3 By analysis:
Deposit: Tin 83.0 11 30 4 28-62 3.75-8.3
Tin,% 75-85 75-85 5-25 pH 0.2 chloride max.
Zinc, % 15-25 15-25 75-95 200 ppm
Conditions: Conditions:
Temperature, C (F) 24-38 (75-100) 25 (77) 15-30 (60-90)
Temperature, C (F) 65 (150) 65 (150) 71 (160)
Current density,
Current density: A/dm' (asf) 2.5-12.5 (25-125) 2.5>30 (25->300) 1.5-2.0 (15-20)
Cathode, A/ dm2 (asf) 3-5 (30-50) 3-5 (30-50) 0.5-4 (5-40) Agitation, cathode Optional Required Required
Anode, A/ dm2 (asf) 1.5-2.5 (15-25) 1.5-2.5 (15-25) 2-5 (20-48) and solution
Agitation mild mild good Cathode efficiency, % 100 100 100
Ratio anode to cathode area 2:1 2:1 1:1 Ratio anode to cathode 2:1 1:1 1:1
Anodesh area (at higher current
Tin,% 80 80 25
Anodes Tin Tin Tin
Zinc, % 20 20 75 Filtration: As required.
Cathode efficiency, % 80-100 80-100 >85 Volts: 6 6-12 6-12
Filtration: Continuous preferred: Uses: Tin plate (0.01 -0.06 mil), thicker coating as required.
Volts: 6 6 6 Applications: Piston cylinders and rings, electro-tin plate. Wire, soldering, electrotypes (backing
Use: Baths 1 and 2 for high tin alloy for still and barrei plating, respectively. Bath 3 for shells), protective coating for refrigerator parts and kitchen ware.
Proprietary acid solutions:
low tin alloy applications.
Dull low current density areas: Chloride content too high; lack of brightener; temperature too
Applications: Used as a coating for solderability. High tin alloy used for anti-friction prop- high.
erty or as a protective coating (0.5-1.0 mil). Dull high current density areas: Brightener leveis too low; suspended solids in solution; tempera-
ture too high.
ª Additions for bright-plate gelatin 0.25-0.5 oz/ gal and ammonium molybdate or thiourea
Pitting: Not enough agitation; not enough wetter; too much current; solution needs dummying.
1-2 oz/gal. Poor coverage and/ or throwing power: Metal content too high; acid content too low; inadequate
b Anodes must be polarized at high coated density after each interruption of current just current flow.
prior to plating to ensure tin dissolving as stannate. Dark streaks: Excess brightener leveis.
Rapid tarnishing of deposit: Inadequate rinsing; low brightener leveis; with alloys containing
zinc-may be due to migration of the zinc into the tin-use copper or nickel barrier layer.
Acid sulfate solution:
Shelf roughness: Suspended solids.
Slow deposition rate: Low temperature, low metal, low acid.
Coarse grained deposit: Addition agents too low. Normally this condition is accompanied by a
reduction of the voltage required to produce the normal operating current. This voltage drop will
signal the problem before it reaches serious proportions.
Alkaline tin solutions:
Rough, dark, or spongy deposits: Stannous tin in solution-anodes must be kept properly polar-
ized. Use hydrogen peroxide for quick correction.
Poor conductivity, anodes grey: Low caustic, low metal or both.
Poor conductivity, anodes black: Anode current density too high.
Anodes loose polarization, or will not polarize properly: Check caustic level; if caustic level is
right, anode area is too high. High caustic will cause similar problem when anode area is right.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 283 284 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 26 : Stannate Tin Baths Table 28 : Zinc-Cyanide Baths

Composition 1 2 3 Composition 1 2 3
Sodium Potassium Sodium g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
Zinc oxide, ZnO 45 5.8 66 8.8 10-22 1.3-3.0
Sodium stannate, Na2 Sn0 3 .3H2 0 90 12 80 10.6 140 19 Sodium cyanide, NaCn 100 13.6 120 16.0 2.2-19 0.3-2.5
Sodium hydroxide (potassium) 7.5 1 30 4.0 15 2 Sodium hydroxide, NaOH 50 7.0 50 6.7 7.5-112 10-15
Sodium acetate 15 2 or
Hydrogen peroxide, 100 vol. As required Zinc cyanide, Zn (CN), 40 5.5 97 12.9
(0.07) Sodium cyanide, NaCN 50 6.6 40 5.4
By analysis: Sodium hydroxide, NaOH 95 12.7 115 15.4
Tin 38 5.0 29 3.8 60 8 By analysis:
Conditions: Zinc 35 4.7 53 7.1 7.5-15 1-2
Temperature, C (F) 60 (140-180) 85 (185) 93-99 (200-210) Total cyanide 102 13.6 120 16.0 2.2-19 0.3-2.5
Current density, A/dm2 (asf) 1-2.5 (10-25) 4.0 (40) 4.5-6.5 (45-65) TotalNaOH 95 12.7 115 15.4 75-112 10-15
Agitation, cathode and solution: Optional Preferred Ratio, total NaCN:Zn 2.9 2.3
Cathode efficiency, % 60-90 80-100 90 Conditions:
Ratio anode to cathode area 1:1 1:1 1:1 pH, colourimetric >13.0 >13.0 >13.0
Anodesª Tin Tin Tin Temperature, C (F) 20-30 (70-85) 40-60 (104-140) 20-35 (70-95)
Filtration: as required Current density, A/ dm2 (asf) 1-6 (10-60) 9-17 (90-170) 1-3.5 (10-35)
Volts: 6 6 6 Agitation, cathode Yes Yes +bath
Use: Average tin coating thickness 0.03-0.3 mil. Greater thickness required for protective Cathode efficiency, % 65-85 75-95 65-80
coatings, 1.0-3.0 mil. Ratio, anode to cathode area 2:1 2:1 3:1
Applications: Baths 2 and 3 used for producing electro tin plate. Bath 1 is commonly used Anodes: Steel and zinc
for tin plating all basis metais in applications requiring ease of soldering, protective coatings Filtration: As required
or good throwing power. Also used to prevent nitriding of selected steel surfaces. Volts: 6-15 12-18 6-15
Use: Rack or Conduit Rack or
ª Anodes must be filmed with oxide for successful operation of the baths.
Barrei or strip Barrei
Applications: For bright finish and anti-rust. Special precautions for plating castor malleable
Table 27 : Alkaline Non-Cyanide Zinc Solutions Poor adhesion: Contamination with chromium or nitrates; solution out of balance.
Deposit dark: Metallic contamination (copper, cadmium, lead).
Barrel Rack Hazy deposits: Solution out of balance, organic contamination, lack of rinsing, lack of
g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal brightener.
Poor throwing power: Cyanide too high, caustic too high, metal too high.
Zinc metal 8-15 1-2 6-12 0.8-1.6 Anodes polarized: Low cyanide, low caustic, insufficient anode area.
Sodium hydroxide 80-150 10-20 60-120 8-16 Staining in storage: Poor rinsing; failure to use proper post-treatment.
Temperature, C (F) 18-35 (65-95)
Current density 0.5-1.2 A/ dm2 1-2.5 A/dm2
(5-12 asf) (10-25 asf)
Problems with these solutions are essentially the sarne as with the cyanide solu-
tions, but they are more susceptible to all effects. Cleaning, contamination, bright-
ener balance, are all more critical. Equipment is the sarne as for cyanide solutions.

Plating Bath Composition and Operating Conditions 285

Table 29 : Acid Chloride Zinc Solutions

Amoniated Solutions Rack Barrei

g/L oz/gal g/L oz/gal
Zinc chloride 74-95 10-12.5 34-64 4.5-8.5
Ammonium chloride 90-120 12-16 112-225 15-30
Sodium chloride 45-67.5 6-9
Boric acid or 19-26 2.5-3.5 19-26 2.5-3.5
ammonium acetate
operating conditions
Zinc metal 36-45 4.8-6 16.5-30 2.2-4.0
Chloride ion 126-170 16.8-22.6 93-183 12.4-24
Boric acid or
ammonium acetate 19-26 2.5-3.5 19-26 2.5-3.5
pH 4.4-5.6 4.4-5.6
Temperature, C (F) 15-45 (60-110) 15-45 (60-110)
Potassium Formulations

Zinc chloride 75-85 10.0-11.3 50-85 6.7-11.3

Potasium chloride 202-270 27-36 180-270 24-36
Boric acid or 22.5-34 2.0-4.5 22.5-34 3.0-4.5
potassium acetate 7.5-12.0 1.0-1.6 7.5-12.0 1.0-1.6
operating conditions
Zinc metal 36-40 4.8-5.4 24-40 32.-5.4
Chloride ion 135-175 18.0-23.0 112-175 15-23
Boric acid or 22.5-34 3.0-4.5 22.5-34 3.0-4.5
Potassium acetate 7.5-12 1.0-1.6 7.5-12 1.0-1.6
pH 4.4-5.6 4.4-5.6
Temperature, C (F) 15-45 (60-110) 15-45 (60-110)
Equipment: Linings of PVC or polypropylene. The sarne for all auxiliary
equipment. Continuous filtration is recommended.
Anodes: Zinc-high purity required. Anode current density: 0.5-3.0 A/dm2 (5-30
Cathode current density: 0.2-6.0 A/dm2 (2-60 asf).
Deposits dull: Lack of brightener.
Deposits brittle: Excess brightener or solution out of balance.
Pitting: Solution out of balance, or insufficient wetting agent.
Burning in high current denisty area: Excess current, or low metal.
Brownish deposit: Chloride too high; temperature too low; brighteners not
properly balanced.
Poor throwing power: pH too low; metal content too high.
Deposit darkens when chromated: Metallic contamination; iron content too high.
Shelf roughness: pH too high; suspended matter in solution.
Barrel work shows print of barrel holes: Current density too high; barrel speed
too slow; high iron concentration.
Spongy dark deposit: Acid content too low.
Low efficiency: Temperature too low; metal too low; solution out of balance.


288 - blank
287 141
290 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

this procedure is too slow to be useful for production testing. Perhaps more
important is the unfortunate fact that the producer of plated ware has no
control over the environment in which his product will be used. ln any
case, so many of these environments will be encountered that testing in
each of them is utterly impractical. ln a search for accelerated tests which
will simulate actual exposure conditions, investigators have attempted to
CHAPTER 12 correlate results obtained in reproducible synthetic environments with
those that are obtained under conditions of practical use. The results have
THICKNESS TESTS been for the most part confusing and unsatisfactory. Nonetheless, one such
test, the salt-spray test, has gained a certain popularity and has been
Tests for the determination of chemical, physical or mechanical worked into many specifications. Attempts are constantly being made to
properties of electrodeposits may be made in the course of fundamental make accelerated corrosion test results less confusing and more relevant.
research, or for control purposes in development or production. Although, The American Society for Testing Materiais (ASTM) has added not
to a certain extent, similar tests and testing techniques are used for all three less than four different modifications to the original salt-spray test
purposes, most routine testing work is dane in the fields of development specification so far.
or production. Tests which may be required in the gathering of fundamental The time required to conduct outdoor exposure tests is notas serious
data are often highly specialized, being designed particularly for the a matter in research work as it is in production activities. The expense and
problem at hand. Aside from the difficulty of adequately covering this trouble involved in such tests have made it desirable to obtain as much
subject in a reasonably brief treatment, such tests have little orno place in information as possible from work of this sort. As a result, a great deal of
a handbook devoted primarily to engineering matters. Therefore, attention work has been dane by scientific societies wherein many sponsors can
will be given in this chapter only to those matters which are likely to be participate in mutually interesting and valuable testing. The American
useful in plant development, in production, and for making calibrated Society for Testing Materiais has been particularly active in this respect,
thickness standards so necessary in arder to use the various methods that and the American Electroplaters' Society has cooperated in several of the
will be described. programs. It is essential in outdoor exposure testing to carry out replicate
Chemical testing methods have as their objective one or the other of work at several locations having a variety of environments, e.g., a rural
two major goals, namely, chemical analysis or determination of corrosion atmosphere, an industrial location, a seacoast atmosphere and various
resistance. With the exception of alloy coatings, deposits are rarely if every combinations of these. The sites must be chosen with care to avoid
analyzed chemically in production. ln the case of alloy coatings, it is almost misleading and atypical influences; they must be adequately protected so
always possible to use some simple adaptation of the analytical scheme that the specimens are not disturbed during the period of their exposure.
which is employed to analyze the solution from which the alloy was lnspection of the specimens must be carried out at appropriate intervals by
plated. The only problem involved may be that of obtaining a suitable qualified inspectors, and the specimens must be evaluated according to
sample from the basis metal in instances where the ians of the basis metal some rating scheme which will be comprehensible, or potentially so, for all
would interfere with the normal analytical procedure. ln these cause it is those who wish to use the data. Records must be adequately kept,
usually most convenient to plate a special specimen on a platinum cathode summarized and clearly presented in reports. Each of these operations
from which it may be dissolved chemically. presents manifold problems but perhaps nane of these is more difficult
The other aspect of chemical testing, i.e., the determination of corrosion than that of devising an adequate rating system. The great variety of
resistance, is one which is fraught with difficulty and uncertainty. The only defects which may develop makes it extremely hard to apply a single
absolutely reliable measure of corrosion resistance is exposure of the plated simple rating system to all sorts of specimens. ldeally, the rating system
work to the environment in which it is to be used. ln almost every instance should be totally objective and independent of the judgment of the inspector.

Thickness Tests 291 292 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

This stage has not been reached at the present time; hence, it is desirable porosity of gold over nickel, dimethyl glyoxine is the identifying agent for
to have one inspector or a group of inspectors evaluate all the specimens nickel in a conducting medium, whether in a salt solution or a gel.
of a given series which will be exposed in several environments. Periodically, Some of the physical and mechanical property tests which may atone
several rating systems have been proposed, and for these, reference should time or another be conducted on electrodeposited coatings are thickness,
be made to the publications of the American Society for Testing Materiais appearance, porosity, adhesion, stress, hardness, wear and abrasion
(ASTM). resistance, tensile strength and ductility. Of these, only one is commonly
The controversial salt-spray test is carried out in a closed cabinet used as a basis for production specifications, namely thickness. It is true
designed to expose the specimens to a fog or mist of an aqueous solution that the appearance of the deposit is often an extremely important property
of sodium chloride. About the only detail of testing which appears in many of the plated coating with respect to its acceptability, but it is equally true
specifications calling for this test is the concentration of the sodium chloride that only qualitative measures which are largely subjective can be applied
solution. The design of the nozzle which produces the mist and the to the evaluation of appearance. The remaining physical and mechanical
arrangement of the specimens in the cabinet are often not rigidly specified. tests are of interest primarily in research and development.
Furthermore, the temperature at which the test is conducted is of
considerable importance and must either be specified or agreed upon by Thickness Tests
the parties involved. ln as much as corrosion resistance has often been shown to be
The porosity of electrodeposited coatings is often intimately connected intimately related to the thickness of the deposit, the stipulation of minimum
with corrosion resistance, particularly when the coating is cathodic to the thickness in a product specification is obvious. However, corrosion resistance
basis metal. Although several methods have been used to measure porosity, is not the only criterion that makes thickness specification necessary; at
recent work has cast serious doubt on the absolute value of any of these least of equal importance is the functional requirements of the deposit
tests, but they can be employed for comparative quality tests. itself. Many products are plated to achieve definite physical and chemical
The salt-spray test, referred to above, is often considered to be a properties such as conductivity on printed wiring boards and other
porosity test and is used as such. The ferroxyl test involves a reagent electronic devices, wear resistance in industrial chrominum plating and, in
containing sodium chloride and potassium ferricyanide and is used as a some instances, electroless nickel plating, and silver plating on bearing
test for porosity of coatings on ferrous basis metals. Local attack of the steel retainers to impact lubricity at relatively high temperatures. Plating specific
by the reagent is revealed by spots of Prussian blue which will appear coatings greatly enhances the functions of a particular item, and there are
wherever the steel is attacked through the pores in the coating. Those who minimums and maximums in plating thickness specifications which must
object to the use of this test point out that the reagent itself attacks nickel be adhered to in arder for the item to perform as designed.
and produces pores by its own action. ln spite of the objections, the ferroxyl There are only a few instruments popularly used today that read
test has enjoyed considerable popularity. Another means of detecting thickness directly. Aside from the micrometer, microscopic cross-sectioning
pores, particularly in nickel coatings on steel, has been the simple immersion is the most commonly used direct reading method. Its much more accurate
of specimens in hot water. Here again the test many result in the production and sophisticated relative, the double-beam interference microscope, also
of pores as well as their detection. The hot water test appears to be less referred to as interferometry, is mainly used for calibration of thickness
sensitive than the salt spray test or the ferroxyl test and is not much used. standards and research. All of the other instruments, to varying degrees of
The basis for porosity tests is the extent of the reaction of the basis accuracy and sophistication, take ingenious advantage of the differences in
metal to specific, identifying reagents without unduly affecting the coating the physical and chemical properties of the coating and substrate.
to be tested. Porosity of gold plated items over nickel or copper are put in The methods commonly used take advantage of the electrical,
sulfur dioxide or nitric acid fumes. Gold over copper or silver is tested in magnetic and chemical properties of the coating-substrate combination,
a hydrogen sulfide atmosphere. ln electrographic testing to determine the which also includes the effect of irradiating the specimens with X-rays or

Thickness Tests 293 294 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

beta rays. A characteristic common to these various methods is that these Microscopic-Optical Methods
various properties must be calibrated against known thickness standards, A destructive test is one where the specimen must be destroyed in
and the accuracy of a measurement is dependent upon the reliability of the arder to obtain a reading; this is such a test. Many people are prone to use
calibration standards. The calibration standards should correspond to the the old cliche, "but 1 saw it with my own eyes!"-as if actually seeing a
coating-substrate combination that is being measured. If the specimen to plating thickness attests to its reliability. For many years, microscopic
be measured is Watts nickel over low carbon steel, the calibrated standard cross-sections were considered the referee method when thickness tests by
should also be Watts nickel over low carbon steel. Calibrated standards are other means were in dispute. However, as far back as 1947, Dr. A. Brenner
usually obtained from the instrument manufacturers and are referenced to commented that microscopic cross-sectioning was not the ultimate in
standards calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards. Standards may accuracy for measuring coating thickness. ln a report on the American
be purchased directly from the Bureau. Often, beca use of varying densities Electroplaters' Society Research, evaluating various methods for
of electrodeposited coatings, it is impossible to obtain calibrated standards determining electrodeposited coating thickness. Dr. H.J. Read wrote that
for every conceivable coating, and the platers may have to make up their while microscopic cross-sections were supposed to be a primary standard
own reference standards to achieve a greater degree of accuracy. Standards for thickness testing, there was very little material proof that indicated that
used for measuring the thickness ofvarious coating-substrate combinations the microscope had the reliability and reproducibility ascribed to it. It was
are the necessary points of reference for that particular coating combination important that the personnel using it be experienced and it was found that
when measuring with a particular device. the measured area was often not truly representative of the specimen. ln a
Standards, besides having to be of uniform thickness, should not be series of interlab comparison studies, using the sarne mounts, it was shown
measured by the sarne instruments being calibrated; otherwise, errors that the microscopical method of measuring thickness was found to be less
introduced by one method will go on being propagated. Calibrating reliable than was realized.
standards issued by the National Bureau of Standards are measured by X- All this is not to denigrate microscopic cross-sectioning, but rather to
ray fluorescence, profilometer, interfero-metircs, SEM (scanning electron put this method of thickness determination in its proper perspective. It's
microscope), microscope and coating weight. With the exception of X-ray good; it's more than adequate, but it's not the ultimate as far as reliability.
fluorescence, nane of the methods require calibration. Coating weight or For thickness determinations under 2µm (80 µin.), the microscope is quite
mass gain, which is considered extremely accurate, requires a good uniform unreliable. Wilson reported an errar of almost 50% in viewing deposits in
plate, and with care this can be accomplished; however, the density of the the arder of 1 µm (40 µin.) thick. The limiting number for any degree of
plate may be a problem. A simple plating cell for making uniformly coated acceptable accuracy is 2 µm (80 µin.), technician's skill notwithstanding.
standards whose thickness is determined by the mass gain method has With multiple plates and in instances where calibrated standards are
been described, and the manufacturers of proprietary processes should be difficult to obtain, the microscope may be the only practical means of
able to supply the density of the metal deposited from their baths. determining thickness.
Because of the variety of coatings and basis material combinations The accuracy and reliability of microscopical cross-sectioning is highly
used today, there is no single, universal thickness testing device. Each dependent upon the skill and technique of the operator, and even if this
method takes advantage of the unique characteristics of a particular coating- skill is there, sources of errar are built into the instrument that are beyond
substrate system. Many instruments are excellent only for a particular the capabilities of the operator. Possible sources of errar in the use of the
thickness range and fall far short of being accurate outside of their optimum microscope can be traced back to the calibration of the stage micrometer
ranges. Some instruments, while only having a limited range for certain and the alignment and focus of the mount. The stage micrometer used in
combinations, may be the ideal choice because the user is concerned only calibrating the filar eye-piece is the ultima te basis for microscopic thickness
for that range, and can forego using more elaborate equipment. determinations, so care must be taken that the objective used in making the
calibration is the sarne one used in measuring.

Thickness Tests 295 296 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

It is worth noting that calibrating a microscope has an entirely different The interferometer is not a complicated instrument. A filtered,
meaning from calibrating other thickness measuring <levices. With a monochromatic light such as that from a mercury vapour lamp, green in
microscope, the vernier divisions on the filar eyepiece are calibrated against colour, is fed into a beam splitter. One part of the beam goes to a reference
a stage micrometer which is a direct thickness measurement; with the mirror, and the other part to the specimen (Fig. 1). The split beams are
various other methods, physical data, such as reluctance, impedance or reflected back to the beam splitter, where they are recombined and observed
electron backscatter intensity, have to be compared and calibrated against in the microscope's eyepiece. Interference lines, or fringes, are observed
dueto a shift in phase of the recombined reflected light. The split beams,
known thickness standards in order to convert backscatter intensity or
having travelled two different paths, one longer than the other, are out of
impedance into meaningful thickness measurements.
synchronization, resulting in an interference pattern or fringe. The difference
ASTM's standard for measuring thickness using the microscope, between each fringe is equal to half the wavelength of the particular light
8487-75, cautions pointedly that microscopical sections shall not be used source. The fringe also functions as a topographic map of the specimen's
as a referee method for coatings thinner than 8 µm (300 µin.) with optimum surface.
specimen preparation. Albrecht, using sophisticated equipment, found an
To miçrotco.,. eyepiece
average deviation of 0.15 to 0.25 µm (6 to 10 µin.) whether reading samples t
of 1.25 µm (50 µin.) or 3.75 µm (150 µin.) thick. The interesting point about 1
that report is that no matter what the thickness, the average deviation 1
Tilt control
seemed to be the sarne. With that being the case, the more accurate
determinations were the thickener coatings, which confirms ASTM's
cautionary note not using microscopic cross-sectioning as a referee method
with thicknesses under 8µm (300 µin).
One cannot stress too much (and this applies to any thickness
determination, no matter what method or instrument used) that the rougher
the deposit is, the less accurate is the reading. Smooth deposits make for

much more accurate thickness measurements.
Fig. 1 Simplified diagram of an interference objective which can be
Double-Beam Interference Microscope, Interferometry substituted for a conventional microscope objective to
Like most optical methods for measuring coating thickness, it is a fonn an interference microscope
destructive test and is used mostly to measure calibration standards for When a flat, mirror-like specimen is illuminated with monochromatic
other measuring <levices. Interferometry is also used to make topographic light, numerous parallel fringes are observed. A fringe shift by an amount
measurements of surface imperfections like pits and scratches. A double- equal to the distance between adjacent fringes indicates a change in surface
beam interferometer can be incorporated as an attachment to an ordinary elevation which can be readily measured. Since the wavelength of a spectral
metallurgical microscope. monochromatic light source is invariant or constant, the fringes are self-
The interferometer utilizes the principle of optical interference to calibrated profile lines of the specimen's surface. Monochromatic fringes
measure the magnitude of irregularities on reflective surfaces. A double- are identical, so it is only necessary to trace a single fringe over a topographic
deviation to determine its height. White light is often used for better
beam interference microscope (interferometer) can determine a surface
observation because there is always one intense black line which can be
irregularity ata particular point, enabling the observer to measure a hill or
followed more easily in order to make a measurement.
a valley as well as the size and depth of a pit or a scratch. If an area is
A highly polished sample is prepared, and one can go about
stripped, or stopped off, the difference in elevation (thickness) between the conducting the thickness evaluation in two ways. One is by masking a
plated and unplated portion can be measured very accurately. small square area (squares ensure a sharper profile) with lacquer or masking

Thickness Tests 297 298 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

tape and then plating the sample. After plating, the stop-off material is The dropping test methods consists of applying a corrosive solution
removed and the step between the plated and unplated portions is observed ata constant dropping rate to an electroplated surface and with a stopwatch,
and measured. The other means of sample preparation is to mask after measuring the time it takes to penetrate the coating and expose the substrate.
finishing, and then strip part of the coating to be measured to the layer The time it takes for the coating to be penetrated is proportional to the
underneath, making sure that the basis material's surface is undisturbed coating thickness. This test is applicable for electrodeposited zinc, cadmium,
by the stripping operation. Since chromium and anodized aluminum can copper and tin coatings.
be readily stripped without disturbing the surface underneath, the second The test solution must be dropped on the part, held at 45º angle, ata
method is the preferred one for those metals. ln the case of gold and other
constant rate of 100 ± 5 drops per minute from a dropping funnel. (Fig.2)
precious metals, masking prior to plating is preferred beca use the stripping
Because this is a chemical reaction, and the composition of the dropping
operation is more difficult.
solution changes, the solutions, once applied, cannot be reused.
The test panel is then observed with the interferometer to measure
Temperature is a very important factor in any chemical test, because
the difference in height between the finished and unfinished areas.
the speed of a reaction is greatly affected by it. An example is the following.
Usually, when any light is reflected, it undergoes a slight phase shift,
The penetration time for a part 15 µm (600 µin.) thick, tested at 21 C (70 F)
the magnitude of which depends upon the material reflecting the light. For
is 45 seconds. At 32 C (90 F) the sarne thickness took only 37 seconds for
instance, there is a difference in optical properties between two different
the substrate to be exposed. Put another way, 37 seconds at 21 C (70 F) is
metals, anda slightly greater difference between metals and plastic. This
the time it takes to testa specimen 12.5 µm (500 µin.) thick, a 20% difference.
phase shift creates an uncertainty in the measurement. This uncertainty
Thus if one fails to take temperature into consideration, an errar
can be overcome by evaporating a thin, but uniform, reflecting layer of
metal, usually aluminum, over the whole surface so that the two reflecting
surfaces are the sarne, and the phase shift will be the sarne canceling out
the errar from, for instance, a gold and nickel surface. The presence of the 11-----A A-Glass tube to maintain constant
head of solution.
evaporated surface will not change the results because what is actually tlB"'---- 6
B-Rubber stopper.
being measured is the topographic difference of the surface and not whether C-Separatory funel.
it's aluminum oxide, gold, copper or any other metal. D-Wide-bore rubber tubing (3 to
The thickness range that is measurable by interferometry is from 0.12 5 in. in length) or sealed glass
to 10 µm (5 to 400 µin.). A highly polished surface increases the sensitivity joints.
of the measurement to within 0.05 µm (2 µin.). Measurements taken with E-Capillary tubing (S'h in. in
length, 0.025 in. bore).
interferometry can be within 5% of the coating thickness, one of the most
F-Rubber tubing or sealed glass
sensitive measuring methods in use today. joints.
G-Capillary glass tip (with 1h in.
Chemical Methods
-----E taper to outside diameter of
Many individual techniques fall under this heading, like gas evolution, 0.14 in.).
dropping and drop methods. This section will only cover those methods
that are currently used beca use they have, to a degree, withstood the tests

1-Collector of spent solution.
of time and technology and give reasonable approximate results when
only reasonable approximate results can be acceptable.
Dipping methods, like the once well-known Preece Test, where zinc 1-----1
coated steel specimens were dipped in a neutral copper sulfate solution,
are anachronistic to modem electroplating, as are the jet and gas evolution
tests, because far better and more reliable methods are readily available.
Fig. 2 Dropping funnel.

Thickness Tests 299 300 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

of 20% can be made, in addition to the intrinsic uncertainties associated time required from the beginning of gas evolution to the first appearance
with this test under the best of conditions. Beca use of the nature of this test, of the basis metal (nickel) is determined using a stopwatch. As with all
coatings below 2.5 µm (100 µin.) in thickness cannot be tested with any chemical tests, the temperature of the acid and the part must be the sarne,
degree of accuracy. at roam temperature. Table. 1 shows the effect of temperature on the test,
Typical solutions for this test can be found in ASTM Test Method giving data for covering the time of the test to the thickness of chromium
8555-75. Brighteners and alloying materiais may affect the accuracy of the over nickel.
test. The reproducibility of this test by an operator may be good; however, Table. 1 it can be seen that at 21.1 C (70 F), 0.25 µm (10 µin. = 0.00001
the overall accuracy of the test is not. For maximum accuracy, this test in.) of chromium is dissolved in 12 seconds; in 24 seconds at that
method should be standardized with specimens identical to those being temperature, the chromium coating would be 0.5 µm (0.00002 in.) thick.
tested and having known coating thicknesses determined by other means. This test has an average errar, or "uncertainty" of ± 20%, and if other
This should compensate for any variation in the coating composition testing facilities are available, like a colour metric instrument, it would be
because of addition agents. much preferred because of greater accuracy.
Considering the great uncertainty of this method, testing chromium
Table: 1 Time Required by Dissolve 0.00001 in of Chromium
thickness directly over copper did not even give results that are reproducible
in SpotTest
and this method should not be considered when testing chromium plated
Temperature directly on brass or copper.
F e Time (sec) Magnetic Method
64 17.8 13.5 Magnetic methods of measuring electrodeposit thicknesses are very
66 18.9 13.0 popular because the instruments used are relatively cheap, the test is
68 20.0 12.5 nondestructive, it can be used as a go/no go gage when 100% sampling is
70 21.1 12.0 required, and can be adapted to highly localized measurements. The
72 22.2 11.5 principie disavdantage, as this method implies, is the necessity of having
74 23.4 11.0 either a magnetic coating, a magnetic basis metal, or both, such as
76 24.5 10.5 electrodeposited nickel on steel.
78 25.5 10.0 Common measuring combinations are paint, plastic, copper, nickel,
80 26.7 9.5 chromium, electroless nickel which is nonmagnetic with more than 7 to 8%
82 27.8 8.5 phosphorous, zinc, cadmium, silver, tin, lead and solder on steel and
84 28.9 8.0 kovar. Nickel can be measured on most substrates with varying results due
86 30.0 7.5 to the permeability variations of the nickel coating. With multiple plates
such as copper and silver on steel, only the combined plates can be read.
A rather primitive, "quick and dirty" test for determining coating
The way to reada combination such as this, magnetically, is to read the
thickness is the drop test used for very thin coatings. This test is conducted
copper only, first, and then subtract the copper reading from the total to
by putting a single drop of a stripping solution on the deposit and then
determine the silver thickness.
determining the time required to expose the immediate substrate. This test
Because the various devices actually measure the magnetic attractions
is used almost exclusively for thin chromium deposits, no thicker than 1.2
between a magnet and the subject coating-substrate combination, or the
µm (50 µin.).
reluctance of a magnetic flux and path passing through the coating and
A wax ring surrounding an open area, about 1A in. in diameter, is
substrate, with reluctance being the magnetic resistance, the instruments
painted on the specimen, usually with a wax pencil. A single drop of
must be calibrated against standards of known thickness.
hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.18) is then placed in the wax ring. The

Thickness Tests 301 302 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Proper calibration cannot be stressed too strongly because there are small needle-like permanent magnet. Measurements are made by decreasing
many physical and structural factors of the coating and substrate which the tension in the torsion spring until the magnet drops down on the
may affect the magnetic properties of either one or both. It is for this reason specimen. The spring is then wound up until the force is sufficient to pull
that calibration standards should be identical to the specimens undergoing the magnet away from the specimen, with the required force being indicated
thickness examination such as having been plated in the sarne bath as the in arbitrary units on a dial. The instrument is furnished with calibration
specimen in the case of electrodeposited nickel, and with the unplated charts which relate the dial readings to the thickness of the coating being
zeroing specimen identical to the sample. measured. ln arder to encompass the normal ranges of thickness and
The test can be affected by variations in the ferromagnetic combinations usually encountered, four magnets and six calibrations are
characteristics of the base material. These variations are dueto mechanical required.
working, welding, heat treatment and steel composition. Low-carbon steels This instrument does have a limiting sensitivity, and cannot be used
are least affected magnetically by the various operations mentioned. High- for thin coatings because there is a constant uncertainty (errar) which is
carbon steels, however, are greatly affected, varying in degree depending independent of thickness; however, for coatings heavier than 25 µm (1
upon their composition. Reluctance measuring instruments, in addition, mil), this uncertainty becomes proportional to thickness. ln other words,
are affected by the electrical conductivity of the coating-substrate for thicker coatings, the magnetic measurements become less sensitive as
combination. they are further removed from their magnetic base, and where the coating
With nickel, the physical properties of the deposit will affect the is too thin, the magnet is insensitive to coatings of less than a certain
accuracy of the test. Plating conditions, plate composition and, particularly, thickness. Small parts, because of the lack of surface for the magnet to
stress in the deposit will affect the results. With suitable heat treatment, adhere to, can't be measured with any degree of accuracy. Vibrations on
stress can be relieved prior to making a thickness determination. A heat the measuring table will also give varying results. The effective measuring
treatment at 400 C (750 F) for 30 minutes will equalize the magnetic range for nickel on a magnetic substrate is much wider, going up to 50 µm
permeability of a dull Watts nickel. Multi-layered nickel deposits can give (2 mils) as against 25 µm (1 mil) for nickel on a nonmagnetic base.
erroneous results because each layer is of a different composition with The instruments measuring reluctance of a magnetic flux path passing
different magnetic properties. through the coating and substrate are simple to use and are made by a
The most widely used magnetic techniques are (1) measurement of variety of manufacturers. These instruments measure the sarne coating-
the force required to detach a small permanent magnet from the coated substrate combinations as the magne-gage, but have extended ranges to
surface of the specimen (2) measurement of the change in reluctance measure thicker coatings. The effective range for reluctance gages is quite
caused by interposing a nonmagnetic material between an energized high and measurements of up to 1 mm (40 mils) have been made. There is
solenoid and a ferromagnetic basis metal and (3) an instrument which a limiting thickness in the lower ranges for this instrument in the arder of
generates a magnetic field and senses magnetic flux changes from a set about 5 µm (200 µin).
reference value dueto the presence of the nickel to be measured. Reluctance measuring instruments are affected by a number of factors
The first method is adaptable to the thickness measurement of the unique to this type of a device. With thicker, highly conductive coatings,
following combinations: (a) a nonmagnetic coating on a magnetic base, (b) eddy current effects may interfere with the thickness tests and render
a magnetic coating on a non magnetic base, (c) a magnetic coating on a improbable readings. Uncertain probe pressure on the specimen can affect
magnetic base.
the consistency of the readings, but all manufacturers offer equipment
The best known instrument based on the principie of detaching a
with constant pressure devices to mitigate against this problem.
magnet from the specimen to be measured is the Magne-gage developed
Since the instruments sense no difference among the various
by A. Brenner of the NBS and manufactured by the American lnstrument
nonmagnetic coatings, whether they are metallic or nonmetallic, thickness
Company of Silver Spring, Maryland. This instrument is comprised of a
standards are usually calibrated plastic foils. Except with nickel, the foils
small torsion balance at the end of whose beam is located, dangling, a

Thickness Tests 303 304 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

are placed in intimate contact with a sample of the uncoated substrate for voltage output is translated into nickel thickness after calibration. Since no
calibration. These foils come into their own when calibrating a curved AC is used, this instrument is considered to be free of errors induced by
surface, beca use the radius of curvature is a possible source of errar. When possible eddy current effects due to the high conductivity of the coating-
testing a round specimen, it is recommended that the calibration be done substrate combination. With a multi-layered coating, if the top layer of
on a round specimen rather than on a flat test panel. The plastic foils may gold or rhodium is less than 2.5 µm (100 µin.), it is claimed that the
not be the ideal calibrating <levice when testing a heavy, conductive coating thickness of the intermediate nickel plate can be accurately determined.
beca use of the above-mentioned eddy current side effects on the specimen Properly calibrated, the magnetic method is capable of determining
that is being tested. thickness to an accuracy of ± 10%.
Problems common to all instruments employing the magnetic
Eddy Current
principle is that this method is sensitive to surface conditions (surface
roughness) and the geometry of the test specimen, which implies the Justas magnetic type instruments measure reluctance which must be
following; (a) curvature of the part, as this effect becomes more apparent calibrated against thickness standards, eddy current <levices measure
as the radius diminishes, and (b) edge effect. Edge effect is the sensitivity impedance, which, too, must be calibrated against thickness standards in
to abrupt changes in surface contour. To lessen against this, measurements arder to render meaningful thickness measurements, impedance being the
should not be made too near an edge or a comer. resistance met by an alternating current in passing through a conductor.
There are some instruments, such as the Nick-elderm, manufactured There is a great similarity between the magnetic and eddy current type
by UPA Technologies, and others that measure the thickness of a nickel instruments-so much so, that several companies now manufacture a dual
coating by passing a regulated DC current through a semiconductor known instrument, such as Twin City Testing' s Auto-test DM, to measure by either
as a Hall Detector. The "Hall Voltage" increases in a direct linear response method with justa flick of the switch. ln this way, the best features of either
to increases in magnetic flux due to increased nickel thickness. The probe method can best be exploited for a particular thickness determination.

r------::i------- Ferrite
Pot Cone

_ lnduction Unes


Coating Area oi induced eddy currents

Fig.4 Eddy current probe.

An eddy-current probe (fig.4) generates a high-frequency electric
Fig.3 A magnetic probe has a primary tield excitation winding (coil) which is field in a coil mounted in ano pen ferrite pot core. When the probe is paced
driven from a low-frequency AC source. This generates magnetic flux lines in
on a specimen with a metallic substrate, eddy currents are induced in the
a magnetic core. The magnetic core is rounded at the tip, rendering the probe,
for all practical purposes, insensitive to tilt. A secondary pick-up winning is metal. The magnitude of the eddy currents depends primarily upon the
used to induce a probe output voltage which is a function of the flux density in distance between the metal surface and the probe, the distance being
the magnetic core. The instrument records this output voltage. The flux density equivalent to the insulating coating thickness, or, if a metal, the plating
is a function of the distance between the probe tip and the substrate material,
that is, coating thickness. thickness. The strength of the induced current is indirectly measured

Thickness Tests 305 306 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

through the interaction of its magnetic field with the probe coil. The The eddy current principie is best applied to the following
changes in the probe coil are measured with a microammeter and are combinations: oxides, paint, lacquer, teflon, rubber and photo-resist on
related to the coating thickness through the use of calibrated reference conductive substrates such as aluminum, copper, brass, zinc, magnesium
coating thickness standards. and their alloys. ln some cases, this principie is also used to measure poor
Eddy currents are affected by the frequency applied to the coil, the conductors, such as chromium, on good conductors, such as aluminum or
electrical conductivity of the sample, its magnetic permeability and the copper. This method may also be used to measure conductive coatings,
heat treatment history of the basis metal. The higher the frequency of the such as copper, on circuit board laminates.
applied AC to the coil, the shallower will be the penetration of the eddy While the ASTM and some instrument manufacturers don't especially
currents in any given material. Thus, lower frequencies are used for thicker recommened the use of the eddy current principie for conductive coatings
coatings. For a given frequency of the inducing current, the depth of eddy on metal, other instrument manufacturers, notably UPA Technologies,
current penetration varies inversely with the electrical conductivity of the claim that with its Dermitron, so longas there's a significant difference in
specimen under examination. The difference in conductivty between coating electrical conductivity between the coating and the substrate, eddy current
and substrate is what actually makes this instrument a thickness gage, devices can be used, if properly calibrated.
beca use it measures the degree of difference in conductivity between the Eddy current instruments are essentially comparators, hence they
two. This difference is readas impedance on the microammeter. Knowing must undergo calibration. As with other instruments, they must be set at
this, we can readily see why the thickness range for copper coatings will be zero for the uncoated sample, and then be standarized using coated samples
much smaller than for the far less conductive metals like zinc and cadmium. of known thickness as reference values. When testing non-conductive
By far, the most widely used application for eddy current testing is when coatings, calibrated plastic foils supplied by the manufacturer are commonly
a conductor and nonconductor are involved. When the coating and substrate used.
As with magnetic testing devices, eddy current instruments are also
are both mettalic, the bigger the difference in their conductivities, the more
affected by curvature of the specimen, surface roughness, edge effects and
accurate the test, providing other mitigating factors are taken into account.
the amount of pressure put on the probe. The probe pressure problem is
The magnetic permeability of ferrous metals tend to concentrate the
easily overcome by using a constant pressure device. All eddy current
magnetic field produced by the eddy current probe toward the surface of
probes are "tilt-sensitive," which means that their position with respect to
the specimen. This limits the depth of penetration of the eddy currents and
the test specimen must remain fixed during the measurement.
limits the measurement by this method of nonmagentic coatings on
Eddy current instruments are fairly accurate to within ±10% at
ferromagnetic substrates, and also the reverse combination, such as nickel
thickness in excess of 5 µm (200 µin.).
on copper. It is recommended that these instruments not be used when
either or both components are ferromagnetic. ln a similar vein, ASTM's Mass per Unit Area
8529-70, note 2, suggests that coatings of nonconductors, less than 25 µm The measurement of mass per unit areais considered the most accurate
(1 mil) thick, on magnetic substrates not be determined by eddy current, means for determining thickness. There are a number of methods used to
but to use the magnetic method instead. determine mass per unit area, the most common being weight gain,
The conductivity of a plated metal can be influenced by solution coulometric, and actually counting the number of atoms in a specific area
composition, brighteners and addition agents, as well as the current density by bombarding it with either X-rays or beta rays.
at which it was plated. An example of this is the difference in conductivity However differently we 'weigh the coating in a designated area,
between zinc deposits from a noncyanide or low-cyanide bath and no the thickness is derived by dividing mass per unit area by density, which is
more conductive deposits from a high-cyanide bath. Unless the calibrated mass per unit volume,. The flaw with this method is that sometimes
samples carne from the sarne baths in which the specimens were processed, density isn't always what the tables say it is. Addition agents, added to a
errors in thickness readings can results. This is why the operator should be plating process to modify or give a deposit certain properties, often intrude
wary of calibrated samples that come with the instrument.

Thickness Tests 307 308 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

into the deposit and thereby change its density. ln the case of gold, the electrochemical fundamental, Faraday's Law. The law states that 96,500
difference in density may vary by as much as 10 to 15% from the standard coulombs (1 coulomb is equal to 1 amp/second) will, at 100% efficiency,
19.3 given in the tables, but, as we shall see, there are means to overcome deposit or strip lg equivalent weight of a metal. Silver, with a valence of
this difference. 1, has a molecular weight of 107.87, which also is its equivalent weight;
96,500 coulombs will deposit or strip 107.87 g silver, and any fraction of
Weight Gain Method
96,500 coulombs will deposit or strip an equivalent fractional weight.
Obtaining the weight of a coating is accomplished in several ways, Nickel, with a valence of 2 and an atomic weight of 58.70, has an equivalent
with related techniques. weight of 58.70/2 or 29.35; 96,500 coulombs will deposit or strip 29.35 g
A plated specimen of known areais weighed, and then the plating is nickel. Thus, 96,500 coulombs will deposit 107.87 g silver or 29.35 g nickel.
removed by a suitable stripper that doesn't attack the basis metal, which Combine this fact with another electrochemical phenomenon: If a
is then reweighed. From the difference in weight, the area and the density metal is made anodic in a certain solution, a definite potential will develop
of the plated coating, the thickness can be readily calculated. Another between that metal and the solution. Should there be a change in one of the
method, modified slightly and used when a suitable solvent cannot be metals exposed to that solution, as when a coating is completely dissolved
found, is to weigh a specimen of a known area before plating, and then and another metal exposed, in this case, the basis metal, a different potential
weigh again after plating. Again, from the difference in weight, area, and will develop between the new metal and the solution.
density, a calculation for thickness can be made. Sometimes, the basis These are the fundamental principies for coulometric or
metal, whose area is known, is completely dissolved and the undissolved electrochemical devices used to determine plating thicknesses. If a metal
coating is dried and weighed; this is sometimes dane with gold on copper can be dissolved anodically in a suitable solution at essentially 100%
or brass. Yet another method is to dissolve the coating of a specimen of current efficiency, the weight of the metal dissolved can easily be calculated
known area and then analyze quantitatively the stripping solution for the from the elapsed time, the current, the defined area and a known constant
coating. for the metal, which is its density.
All of these methods will only give an average thickness of the entire With commercial instruments, the area is usually defined by an
speciment. The weight gain method, however, by using proper plating orifice in a rubber gasket which fits on to a small metal cell or probe
technique, is capable of supplying standards for the calibration of many of containing the test solution. This metal cell also serves as the cathode
our most sophisticated thickness testing instruments. during the test. The specimen becomes the anode and the rubber gasket
Because of differences of deposit densities inherent in various plating with the orifice also serves as an insulator between the anode and the
processes, it has been recommended that quality control people make their cathode. When a constant current is passed through the system, the voltage
own calibration standards for use with their specific instrument. If the in the cell remains constant while the plate is dissolving electrochemically.
instrument is calibrated with standards plated in a particular solution, When the plating is all removed anda new metal, the substrate, is exposed,
then the instrument should be standardized for parts coming out of that a sharp voltage change takes place. This is the end point. The voltage
particular solution. change, properly amplified, is enough to stop the timer, thus ending the
Coulometric test automatically. By correlating the test current with the area, the time
readout is made numerically equal to the plating thickness, thereby giving
Just as one is often prone to say "Xerox this" when requesting a
us a direct reading instrument.
photocopy of a document, "Kocour this" is the common generic expression
All of the commercial instruments incorpora te a small air agitator to
used to request a test of the thickness of a part, culometrically-even
stir the solution in the cell to minimize against polarization effects, thereby
though several other companies have begun manufacturing coulometric
allowing higher current densities to be used and still maintain 100%
thickness measuring devices as well.
current efficiencies. The electrolytes or test solutions used are very important
This method is electrochemistry at its purest, being based upon an
inasmuch as they must not attack or dissolve the coating chemically, must

Thickness Tests 309 310 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

permit the plating to be stripped at 100% efficiency and, finally, must not selective thickness determinations of the component members of composite
attack the substrate. This is why not every metal can be determined electrodeposits. Just by changing the solution in the cell after an end point
electrochemically, because, literally, there isn't solution available. is reached, another suitable solution can be substituted and the other
The coulometric method is not affected by the electrical or magnetic component of the composite plate can be checked for thickness.
properties of the coating-substrate system and is generally classified as a The coulometric method of measuring can be further sensitized by
destructive test beca use the spots where the tests are made may impair the using a chart to record voltage changes. ln this manner, more sensitive
appearance of the specimen. If it isn't too objectionable, the spots may be differences in voltages between a Watts nickel deposit and a sulfamate
flashed over, or, at worst, the part stripped and easily replated because the nickel deposit have been observed, as well as differences between a
coulometric stripping solution left the basis metal finish unimpaired. pyrophosphate copper deposit on a rolled copper substrate. This is due to
A limitation to the use of a coulometric device is the size of the probe detectable voltage changes between materiais with different crystal
itself, beca use if the partis too irregular or too small, then a suitable test structures.
cell cannot be set up. A possible source of errar may be variations in the test Given the proper stripping solutions within the established parameters
current, but constant mini-power sources are becoming available, and for of this method, coulometric instruments are quite versatile.
added insurance against current variations, the instruments come equipped
X-Ray Methods
with a current-time integrator so that any variations in current during a
test will not result in an errar. To minimize any distortion of the rubber test X-ray spectrometry is quite similar to beta backscatter (BBS), but is
area by too much pressure of the gasket against the part, constant pressure unencumbered by the margin of difference between the atomic numbers of
devices are readily available. the coating-substrate system so criticai with BBS. X-ray spectrometry,
The coulometric device must be calibrated against standards of known however, is encumbered with an expensive price tag for the equipment
coating thickness. These standards, in arder to calibrate accurately, must and it does lack the thickness range of other methods, particularly BBS, for
have the sarne type of coating-substrate combination as the specimen. If instance.
the reading on the instrument during the calibration procedure is other Properly calibrated, X-ray fluorescene measurements are very accurate
than what the standard is supposed to be, then the following factor is used within their range of operation. This means of testing is rapid,
when conducting thickness tests. nondestructive and independent of chemical reactions, magnetic effects,
differences in atomic numbers and almost every other effect except the
Standard calibration reading thickness of the coating system itself.
Factor = - - - - - - - - - - - -
Machine reading Two techniques are generally used. One is a direct emission method
The machine reading for the unknown specimen is multiplied by the which involves the measurement of secondary X-ray fluorescence emanating
factor to obtain an accurate reading. from the coating and the other is the indirect, or absorption, technique
The operating range for this method is from 0.75 to 50 µm (30 to 2000 which measures the X-ray fluorescence of the basis material. The latter
µin.); the practical operating range is from 2 to 35 µm (80 to 1500 µin.). technique measures the attenuated (weakened) emissions of the substrate.
Chromium is a notable exception because it can be measured to as low a As the thickness of the coating increases, the intensity of the secondary X-
thickness as 0.075 µm (3 µin.). The accuracy of the coulometric instrument rays from the substrate decreases.
is ± 10%, and it is assumed that pure coatings are being tested because The absorption of the X-rays is a function of the mass of the material
there is no calibration for alloying impurities. However, where an alloy is traversed. Thickness, mass-absorption coefficient and density are factors
known, such as in the case with electroless nickel, a factor may be used to which determine the use of the emission technique over absorption, beca use
give good, acceptable results. these factors affect the practical operational thickness range for a particular
A unique advantage of this method is the possibility it offers for coating-substrate system.
The X-ray emission method for measuring plate thickness is

Thickness Tests 311 312 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

based upon irradiating a defined sample area with an intense primary is no longer sensitive to small changes in thickness. ln other words, when
beam from an X-ray tube placed dose to the specimen. This primary the coating thickness increases to a certain value, the characteristic radiation
beam stimulates from the plated material and the substrate an emission of from the substrate will disappear and the coating will assume infinite
a series of definite secondary wavelengths characteristic of the thickness. There must be a discernible beginning and end to a coating in
individual elements comprising the coating and the substrate. From arder for it to be measured.
these beams, a selected wavelength, usually the most intense, is separated To convert the intensity readings of the secondary X-rays to linear
and filtered by an X-ray monochromator to sort out the secondary thickness, the weight of coating per unit area of a specimen is compared to
emissions other than those from the coating. The measurement of the the weight per unit area of calibrated standards of the sarne coating-
intensity of the characteristic secondary X-rays is expressed in counts/ substrate combination. If the density of the specimen coating is not the
sarne as that for the calibration standard, then the comparison in linear
thicknesses will be in errar. If the calibration is for gold, then the X-rays
will "count" the gold atoms, only, and not the other extraneous atoms that
may be present in the deposit. This is why there is a difference in density.
The calibrated standard has more gold atoms per unit area than an alloyed
(a) or impure specimen.
Another basic difference between BBS and X-ray spectrometry is that
BBS can be "fooled" by the use of so-called synthetic standards whose
count-rates are equivalent to certain coating-substrate combinations. X-
rays, on the other hand, can't be "fooled" because each element reflects
back its own characteristics identifying wavelength.
Atomic number does have a bearing on X-ray spectrometry, but only
(b) so far as effective measuring thickness ranges are concerned. The higher
the atomic number, the thinner is the higher limit for measuring the

thickness for that material. Put another way, we can effectively measure
thicker deposits of silver, with an atomic number of 47, than we can of
gold, whose atomic number is 79, and thicker deposits of copper, atomic
number 29, than of silver. The heavier the nucleus of the atom, the more it
impedes the penetration of the primary beam and prevents it from reaching
11/Íll/ffifll/P/I (e) the substrate.
Fig. 5 : Scnemauc a1agram or .11.-ray mecnoas ror measurement of The lower limit for X-ray measurements is less than 0.1 µm (4 µin.);
metal coating thickness. this limit is used routinely for gold on nickel, copper or kovar, nickel on
a. Diffraction from basis metal. b. Fluorescence from basis metal. steel, or brass and tin on steel. The maximum measurable thicknesses are
e. Fluorescence from coating. in the arder of 1to100 µm (40 to 4,000 µin.), depending upon the coating
system. The accuracy of this method is well within ± 10% and is greatly
second by a suitable detector and associated circuitry. This intensity is a dependent upon calibration.
function of the coating mass per unit area. The precision of measurement is limited somewhat by the statistical
X-ray spectrometry is applicable for determining the thickness of any nature of X-ray emission, (or absorption), since not all of the X-rays can be
metallic coating, with the maximum measurable thickness for a given counted at the sarne time. There can be as many as 200,000 counts per
coating being that beyond which the intensity of the secondary radiation minute, so several readings have to be made to get a better statistical

Thickness Tests 313 314 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

average. The count rate factor makes for about a 1.3% error built into the specifically given. This instrument, unlike other thickness testers, does
system, aside from the errors that may be encountered from the calibrated have "perishable" parts. Radioactive sources do have a half-life, Geiger-
standards. Another source of error can be the impurities present in the Mueller tubes are subject to aging, and platens, which define the subject
deposit. For instance, if a nickel coating contains iron, and the substrate is area under examination, become worn or chipped depending upon the
steel, the X-rays cannot distinguish where the iron comes from. The sarne material used. All of the instrument manufacturers, however, remind their
may be true with gold alloyed with nickel on a nickel substrate. These customers about these matters with the sarne diligence that a magazine
problems, however, if known, are not insurmountable, as different reminds its readers of a lapsing subscription.
techniques may be employed. Backscattering is proportional to the number of atoms per unit area
ln measuring with X-ray fluorescence, the percentage of error increases encountered by the beta ray beam. This is, in effect, weight per unit area.
as the thickness increases because of the attenuation from the basis metal. The unit area is defined by the opening in the platen. With X-ray
This problem is not only unique with this method, but is present in every fluorescence, the secondary emissions are characteristic of the individual
other method as well. elements encountered by the primary beam. With BBS, on the other hand,
the intensity of the beta backscatter rate is a function of the atomic number
Beta Backscatter (BBS)
of the elements encountered. The higher the atomic number, the more
While beta backscatter is probably the most widely accepted method intense the backscatter. This intensity is the distinguishing characteristic
for determining coating thicknesses under 2.5 µm (100 µin.), this should between one atom and another. From this, it can be deduced that the
not preclude its ability to accurately measure thicknesses in excess of that reason there has to be a 20% difference in atomic number between coating
figure. With the exception of X-ray fluorescence, no other popularly used and substrate is that this is the minimum difference in backscatter radiation
method, if one can refer to X-ray fluorescence as popular, comes dose to it that can be distinguished with a high degree of certainty and precision.
for dependability and acceptability.
A drawback to BBS, when compared to X-ray fluorescence, is that the
difference in atomic numbers between substrate and coating must be at
least 20%. This, for all practical purposes, is no great impediment because
most of the common combinations under testing very often exceed that
figure. Rhodium on silver, with atomic numbers of 45 and 47, respectively,
is an illustration of a system that cannot be measured with BBS. The
accuracy of the thickness determinations by BBS increases as the difference
between the atomic numbers of the substrate and coating increase. BBS
instruments, with all of the extra paraphernalia offered, are still cheaper
than those used for X-ray spectrometry and are far more versatile, having
a much wider operating range.
While the sarne, Betascope, has achieved a generic connotation for Fig. Probe system with a beta ray source directs a collimated beam of beta
the BBS instrument, there are other manufacturers besides Twin City rays toward the coated surface of the specimen. Some of the beta rays are
Testing that make such a <levice, UPA Technology and Sigma Laboratories absorbed by the sample, while others are backscattered and detected by a
among them. Geiger-Mueller tube and transmitted as electrical impulses to the basic
unit. With appropriate electronic gear, these electrical impulses
Many of the problems commonly attributed to the use of BBS are self-
are converted to a thickness measurement after calibration.
inflicted by the user. Manufacturers' precautionary instructions are very
often overlooked, in part perhaps due to overzealous advertising blurbs The depth of penetration of the backscattered particles is dependent
which tend to minimize operational shortcomings. Users have a tendency upon the energy of the particles from the kadioactine sowice and the
to read into the operating manuals implied warranties which are never demity of the material to be tested. This is why different materials have

Thickness Tests 315 316 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

broader thickness ranges than others, and why different radioactive sources coated thickness standards, even if within tolerance, may vary slightly in
must be used for different coating-substrate systems. thickness over the area defined by the aperture.
Each radioactive source has an optimum range for determining the With BBS, the time of measurement is the only dimension which can
thickness of a given metal. The higher the atomic number of the material be manipulated to hold the measurement uncertainty within acceptable
under test, the lower the penetrating power of the source. The heavier limits, because everything else is fixed. While testing times of 10 seconds
metals with larger nuclei offer the most resistance to the penetrating power may be adequate in some instances, longer times of 30 seconds will ensure
of the beta rays just as with X-ray fluorescence. A weak energy source like greater consistency. Count times in excess of 30 seconds do little to improve
promethium 147 has an upper operating thickness limit of 2 µm (80 µin.) accuracy. The larger the aperture to expose more of the part to beta rays
for gold, but 2 µm (120 µin.) for copper or nickel. On the other hand, without running the risk of leaking beta rays, the more accurate the test,
thallium, a much "hotter" source, has a much higher upper thickness limit, again for the statistical reason of measuring a greater number of
as well as a much higher low limit, because it can "bum" through a thin backscattered particles. An opening which leaks beta-rays, however, will
coating as if it were hardly there, giving erroneous results. give a reduced count-rate and a concomitant under-estimation of the
The measurement of BBS is based on the principie that the intensity coating thickness.
ofbackscatter from a coated specimen is always between two limit values, ln the case of gold, particularly, much has been made of the varying
which are the intensities of backscatter from the bare substrate and from densities of gold deposits from sundry baths, and with good reason.
the coating material. A reading of the uncoated substrate is absolutely Density, as was pointed out, is an important part of the equation from
necessary beca use in arder to as certain the depth (thickness) of the coa ting, which thickness is derived. There are several ways to neutralize that
a piece of the substrate must be recorded by the instrument. Without a problem.
reading of the substrate intensity, the coating will appear to have infinite One way is to obtain from the supplier of the proprietary bath, the
thickness. Thus a gold coating of 3 µm (120 µin.) will appear to be infinitely density of the deposit and then use the following formula if you
thick to a promethium 147 source, because that source lacks the penetrating "standardized" with 19.3 gold.
power to reach and read the substrate; a thallium source must be used Actual thickness = BBS reading
instead to achieve good measurable results. By comparing the backscatter
Density of theoretical gold, 19.3
rate ofthe specimen with those from a set of appropriate reference standards,
Density of proprietary gold
one can very readily determine thickness.
"Calibration" and "standardization" are two terms that often used or use the following table, which is the sarne as the above equation:
when calibrating a BBS instrument. "Calibration" is the process of Density (g/cc) Multiplying Factor
mathematically calculating the curve which defines the specific
measurement application. With the late model instruments, many different 17.4 1.11
calibrations can be stored in a memory for specific jobs without having to 17.5 1.10
resort to recalibra tion. 18.0 1.07
18.3 1.05
"Standardization" is the process of updating the limit count-rate
values of the substrate and the coating. "Standardization" has to be dane 19.3 1.00
more frequently in arder to compensate for radioactive decay and drift
condition, which are natural ongoing phenomena. If the given density of a proprietary gold is 17.5 and the BBS reading
Some fractions of the beta rays, beca use of angle, can miss the Geiger- is 3 µm (120 µin.), then multiply 3 times 1.1, which equals 3.3 µm (132 µin),
Mueller tube, so for statistical reasons, a number of readings should be the actual thickness for the 17.5 density gold deposit if it were calibrated
taken in arder to ensure a higher degree of accuracy, increasing the statistical against a gold standard with a density of 19.3.
confidence level of the thickness determination. Thus, when calibrating or Another way to compensate for differences in density is with the use
standardizing, multiple readings on the standards are necessary because of calibrated standards that were plated from the particular bath whose

Thickness Tests 317 318 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

deposits are being tested. The calibration of the standards should be done cylinder under examination. The probe system is designed to distribute
by methods other than those where the instrument requires calibration. the current uniformly and also to detect any voltage drop.
Methods for calibration have been described elsewhere in this chapter. The microhm readings also serve as an important inspection feature
BBS measures gold, solder, copper, photoresist coatings, silver, beca use in this way plating defects such as insufficient plating, cracks and
rhodium, nickel and also the percentage of tin-lead compositions and discontinuities can be detected.
other alloys. There are countless other applications for BBS, provided the Electrically parallel holes cannot be tested with this technique beca use
proper difference for atomic number is respected. they give the probe current an alternative path to travel and it is for this
Measurements of thickness by transmission is another technique for reason that this method cannot be used on in-process boards. The holes to
obtaining thickness measurements with BBS. Transmission is used, for be measured must be electrically isolated as in the finished product.
example, to make the measurement of copper in the plated-through holes,
or to measure solid materials, such as silicon. ln transmission, the specimen
is interposed between the source and the Geiger-Mueller tube.
It is worth noting that the instrument's efficiency is limited if the line _ _ _ _ current - - - - - - - - - - - .
voltage falls below 100 volts AC. It is recommended that a constant voltage
transformer be used with each instrument.
Notwithstanding the potential problems users of BBS might encounter,
it is currently without peer as a thin film measurement method. It is rapid,
economically sound, and supported by knowledgeable vendors. With
sufficient understanding and attention to detail, thickness determinations
of ± 5% can be obtained.

Microresistance Technique
This technique is uniquely suited for microresistance measurements
of copper plated-through holes in printed wiring boards, (PWB). The
measured resistance reflects the current-carrying capacity of the copper
Lv. .,. pickup and

cylinder. (The copper plated through-hole is actually cylindrical in shape.)

The microhm readings can be converted to give the average copper thickness Fig. 7 : Advanced hand-held probes.
of the hole. But, as a matter of fact, the reason there is a concern about the
Miscellaneous Tests
hole plate thickness is to determine the current-carrying capacity of the
copper cylinder; with microresistance figures available, thickness readings If the thickness of the basic metal is accurately known, the geometry
become incidental. of it relatively simple and the surface smooth, measurements with a
The microresistance principle operates by delivering precisely micrometer are often used. A micrometer is most often used with heavy
plating thicknesses, such as hard chromium deposits on shafts. The
controlled pules of DC current to the four-point probe system which in
micrometer is reasonably accurate and a very convenient tool because the
turn applies these pulses to the copper plated hole. DC current is used to
final dimension is usually the critica! dimension for assembly.
eliminate electromagnetic interference. One of the probes senses the
If the plating specification is 25 µm (1 mil), the subject item is made
microvoltage developed across the copper in the hole and feeds this minute
undersize by that figure and plated to the final dimension. Quite often,
voltage back to the basic unit to be displayed in microhms, or in a thickness
with heavier plating requirements, the coating will not be uniform and the
which corresponds to the theoretically calculated resistance of the copper plater will have to apply a deposit in excess of the specification and then

Thickness Tests 319 320 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the item will have to be finish-ground to size. A micrometer is the usual

thickness testing <levice.
e~ Profilometry has sometimes been used to trace surface roughness
o -
z 6 "'"'
profiles by the use of a simple lever with the scanning tip terminating in a
u u sharp diamond point, just like the arm of a phonograph record player.
&-' &->
"'"' Plating thickness can be determined by tracing the surface steps from an
unplated portion to the plated section. This is strictly a laboratory method
"'"' and it is worth mentioning just in passing as yet another technique that is
~ uu
used. This method is considered very accurate and it's been applied to
"' "'"' verify the thickness of calibration standards.
o Justas cutting instruments may range from cleavers to microtomes,
u"' plating thickness measuring <levices and methods, as we have seen, are
"' "'
almost as wide-ranging. Each method has its own unique place that suits
"' its use best. Just as one wouldn't think of cutting a side of beef with a
micro tome, no one should consider measuring a 5-mil plate of hard chrome
"'"' "'"' on a printing role with a profilometer. Methods and instruments are dictated
by the degree of accuracy necessary to meet specifications and requirements.
õ Only the most economically expedient methods to obtain the sought-after
CJ "'"' "'"'
u answers need be used. On the other hand, a computerized BBS instrument
-ud 5 ~
u uu
with all the trappings may cost more than a good metallurgical microscope,
"' "'"'
but if a considerable amount of thickness determinations have to be made,
u uu the fancy BBS setup is by far the most economical way to go.
Having said all this, it is well to bear in mind, when thickness testing,
that consistency of results using a particular method is no criterion of its
uu accuracy. You may just be propagating the sarne errar inherent in the
q ~ uu
es u

~ ~~
u uu

w o
"- ~
o »
"- u
u -oe


322 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Ni ~ Ni++ + 2e anodic
2H+ + 1/2 0 2 + 2e ~ Hp cathodic
By controlling these reactions, the degradation of the coating can be
CHAPTER 13 minimized.
The considerable amount of research on corrosion processes and the
CORROSION TESTS application of the knowledge gained toward the development of accelerated
tests has aided the overall effort to improve performance of deposits.
Corrosion tests are used to evaluate how well plated coatings protect
Interpretation of Results
the basis material against corrosion, and how well decorative coatings
The interpretation of results of corrosion tests on plated coatings has
retain their appearance. Ideally, it would be desirable to have a universal
corrosion test that would show the type and extent of deterioration also been improved because of the better understanding of the corrosion
process. Parts or samples exposed outdoors or in the salt-spray type of
experienced in any environment to which the various coatings are exposed.
Such a test is not possible because climatic conditions and corrosion accelerated test are assessed as to performance by visual examination, and
processes for different metals are not alike. the judgment of quality is very subjective. The opinion of the inspector is
inherent in this procedure. As in the case of any subjective evaluation, the
Because of the differences in environmental conditions, considerable
research has been dane to get data on corrosion rates in many parts of the extremes-no failure or total failure-are readily recognized and are non-
world. The results of these programs are studied to obtain the cause and controversial; the range in between is where opinions can differ. It is
difficult to compare results of test programs that are run by different
effect of climatic conditions on corrosion and relate these to the properties
groups in different locations. Training and experience have helped to
of the materiais used in the exposure tests. ln most of these programs,
alleviate this difference. Also, ASTM Method B-537 is an aid to give ratings
corrosion rates were expressed as weight loss with time which assumes
which can be compared.
uniform corrosion over the entire surface; both weight loss and time can be
Information that is necessary for interpreting results is knowledge of
measured accurately. Thus, result of different programs or effects of different
the coating characteristics that cause certain types of behaviour. This is
exposure locations can be assessed and compared with each other. These
very important when test results are used for process control. An example
types of exposure tests are useful for assessing the performance of bulk
of this is when the sulfur content of the different layers of nickel, in a
metals. They can also provide guidance on rela tive corrosivity of various
environments, or locations, for planning exposure tests for plated coatings, multilayer system, have an improper ratio. The result is that protection of
the basis metal is decreased-the two layers act like a single layer, surface
which do not usually corrode uniformly as do most bulk metals.
pitting is enhanced and the bright layer becomes brittle as the result of
Corrosion Processes excessive sulfur from too much brightener. Again, training and experience
Generally, corrosion is an electrochemical process somewhat akin to help in recognizing these symptoms, and in recommending proper
a plating process. For corrosion to proceed, there must be an anode, a adjustments to the plating process.
cathode, and an electrolyte. This is the basic reason that the corrosion in
Reliability/Confidence of Test Results
hot, dry climates is not very noticeable; there is rarely an electrolyte
present to complete the electrical circiut under conditions where the Although there is a performance (corrosion test) requirement in all
specifications for plated coatings intended for outdoor exposure, it is
electrolyte is present most of the time-corrosion occurs more rapidly. The
nature of the metallic coating provides the anodic and cathodic areas, so noted that complete confidence in the results is apparently lacking. This is
the presence or absence of the electrolyte and its properties are very the probable reason that specifications also contain thickness requirements.
Thickness can be measured reliably, and, therefore, provides confidence in
important in determining corrosion rates and methods to control them.
An example of the reactions involved were described by Saurfor the describing overall results of tests on sample parts. There is some credence
to this attitude, because parts that fail the corrosion test generally fail in
copper-nickel-chromium system:

Corrosion Tests 323 324 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

service. On the other hand, parts that pass the test sometimes fail in following sections, where necessary, comments will be made with respect
service; often this can be attributed to inadequate thickness, which can be to precautions to be taken and the reasons for them. Some guidance for
remedied. As more knowledge is gained with regard to the influence of interpreting the results will also be made, as these differ for each test.
deposit properties on corrosion characteristics, better tests and confidence
Outdoor Exposure Tests
will result.
Test development can be hampered by variations in the samples used Racks for static-site exposure are constructed to hold test panels so
to determine effects ofvariables in test procedure. This can be alleviated by that the significant surfaces of the panels are a 45º angle and face south.
using a large number of samples and a statistical approach to determine These conditions have become standard and are mentioned in most
the optimum use of the samples. To illustrate this, the Research Project 15 references to outdoor test programs. The angle of the panel surface provides
Committee of the American Electroplaters' Society obtained 2000 steel and for exposure to fallout (e.g., rain, snow, particulates) from the atmosphere
2000 die cast parts plated consecutively in production. These parts were but also provides for adequate run-off to avoid immersion effects. This is,
randomized and numbered. The statisticians suggested that a corrosion therefore, a controlled exposure position which is adequately representa tive
test be run with the first 50 pieces and a second set of 50 pieces. From the of service conditions. The southward orientation, beca use of the relationship
results, it was determined that sets of 11 pieces would be representative of of the sun and the earth, eliminates long-term exposure in shadows; this
the entire 2000. For the development of the Cass and Corrodkote tests, could affect the time the surface remains wet and thus provide a path for
these groups of 11 pieces were invaluable in determining the effects of test corrosion currents. For contoured or shaped parts, some judgment is needed,
variables. as the 45º criterion cannot, obviously, be complied with.
Unfortunately, it is impractical to obtain a year's supply of each For mobile exposure of test panels or parts, some judgment is needed
plated part and determine the acceptability of the entire production run for exact location on the vehicle and what is being sought in the way of
and have confidence in the results. From a realistic point, samples from results. ln some cases, standard parts are replaced with test parts (e.g.,
various lots of parts are checked and the lot, from which the samples were doar handles, bumpers). Panels have been located beneath the front bumper
taken, is accepted or rejected. This has worked quite satisfactorily as the of cars, behind the wheels of trailers to get road splash from tires, on the
field performance has improved. The increased knowledge of deposit front of trailers to get mist, and on the sides and rear of trailers, trucks or
characteristics as related to corrosion processes has resulted in more reliable station wagons. This illustrates the difficulty of correlating results and the
interpretation of test results. This knowledge has also been beneficial for importance of a full description of the exposure location.
improving process control and, therefore, has enhanced product When static or mobile tests are performed, data regarding the exposure
performance. environments are desirable. To illustrate this, when the Cass and Corrodkote
Tests were being developed, under the auspices of the Research Board of
Test Methods the American Electroplaters' Society, the Committee members had plastic
The methods used for assessing the performance of coating systems collection bottles mounted on the front ends of their cars. The bottles had
can be classified as (1) outdoor tests, both at static sites for atmospheric windows cut in them near the top to catch the splash from the streets of
effects or on vehicles for "roadesphere" effects, (2) salt spray tests for Detroit. Collectors were also located near the roof exposure sites in various
accelerating the corrosion process, and (3) electrochemical tests which can locations. Analyses of the collected materiais provided valuable information
incorporate well-defined controls for inducing corrosion. As accelerated for test development. This information also helped to explain differences
tests have been developed, many exposure programs included these tests in results from the various roof locations and from the "roadesphere."
along with outdoor exposures. Correlating results from both exposures lmportant were such things as pH; composition and concentration of
helped the acceptance of the accelerated tests for predicting field anions and cations in the precipitation; and fallout of particles. A low pH,
performance. copper and iron ians and chlorides were found to be present in the severe
Because the procedural details for the various test methods are (corrosive) environments.
available from many sources, they do not need to be repeated here. ln the

Corrosion Tests 325 326 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Salts Spray (Fog) Test assembly plants. The test is used for corrosion testing of coatings subjected
This method is used for corrosion testing of metallic coatings (e.g., to 502-containing environments.
zinc and cadmium) and organic coatings (e.g., paints). It is not recommended The test is cyclic in that the cabinet is heated to 40 ± 3 C (104 ± 5.5 F)
for decorative copper-nickel-chromium systems. The solution is 5 w /o for 8 hr and cooled for 16 hr. The test atmosphere is the sarne as that in a
sodium chloride (NaCl). The pH of the collected solution is 6.5-7.2; the humidity cabinet, 100% relative humidity, to which 502 is added.
temperature of the test is 35 + 1.1 - 1.7 C (95 + 2.0 - 3.0 F). Fog collection Simultaneous Thickness and Electrochemical Potential (STEP)
rate, using an 80 cm2 horizontal area collector, is 1.0 to 2.0 ml/hr. Commercial Test
test cabinets are designed to meet these requirements.
Although this test is nota corrosion test, it is included here beca use
Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray (Fog) Test (Cass Test) of its dose relationship to methods for evaluating performance of multi-
This test was developed for corrosion testing of copper-nickel- layered nickel-chromium decorative coatings. The test consists of the
chromium coatings on steel-or zinc-based substrates. The basic differences electrochemical dissolution of the various metrallic layers and monitoring
between the Cass and Neutral Salt Spray Tests are: (1) the addition of 1 g the potential changes as each layer is removed. The magnitude of the
of cupric chloride (CuC1 2) to each 3.8 L salt solution, (2) the adjustment, potential differences can be interpreted in terms of performance of the
with acetic acid, of the pH to 3.2 ± 0.1 as measured on the collected spray coating and to monitor the plating operation for corrective action when
and (3) that the temperature is 49 ± 1 C (120 ± 2.0 F). Commercial cabinets necessary. Thickness of the nickel layers is also measured.
are designed for these test requirements. It is currently being used internally by some automotive companies
Cleaning the surface of the test piece with magnesium oxide, as and will be a required test, along with the usual corrosion tests, in the near
required, is criticai. Without this cleaning, the onset of corrosion is delayed future.
and parts perceived to be satisfactorily may actually be inferior in
performance. Electrolytic Corrosion (EC) Test
This test has become one of the specified tests, for decora tive chromium The EC Test is a ra pid method for assessing the performance of
finishes, in the automotive and other industries where the plated coatings copper-nickel-chromium coatings on steel or zinc substrates. It is a
are exposed to severe corrosive environments. It is also being used for potentiostatically controlled method that corrodes the various layers of
testing anodized aluminum. metal in a relationship found in outdoor exposure. Indicators can be used
in the electrolyte to show penetration of the coating (substrate attack).
Corrodkote Test Alternately, the test can be run for a specified time and corrosion assessed
The Corrodkote Test was developed simultaneously with the Cass by a measurement of the corrosion sites by an interference microscope.
Test. ln the Corrodkote Test, a paste containing cupric nitrate, ferric chloride, This test has not gained wide acceptance because of the labour
ammonium chloride and kaolin (clay) is painted on the metal surface. involved, but ingenuity can alleviate this problem. The features that are
After partial drying, the sample is exposed in a humidity cabinet maintained attractive are: (1) it is not subjective but gives numbers as to performance
at 100 + 2 - 3 C (221 + 3.5 - 5.0 F) anda relative humidity between 80 and of the coating; (2) it tells the nature of the chromium discontinuities
90%. After cleaning the corroded surface, the corrosion sites are redeveloped quickly; and (3) it gives results of one-year equivalent outdoor performance
in a salt spray or humidity cabinet. Commercial equipment is available. in minutes.
Sulfur Dioxide Test Other tests
This test finds its widest use in Germany and, to a lesser extent, in A few other tests have been developed but are not used, generally
other parts of Europe. It is included here because United States beca use other tests have replaced them. These are mentioned briefly beca use
manufacturers of parts and components for the automotive industry "World they are cited in the literature and there are ASTM Methods available.
Cars" are finding it specified for those parts shipped to some European FACT (Ford Anodized Aluminum Corrosion Test). This test is a rapid

Corrosion Tests 327

electrochemical method that is suggested for use in quality control-

acceptance test for decorative anodized coatings on aluminum.
Acetic Acid-Salt Spray (Fog) Testing. This method, similar to other salt
spray tests, was originally developed for testing plated zinc-base die CHAPTER 13
castings beca use it developed blistering similar to that on castings exposed
outdoors. It has a pH of 3.1to3.3 adjusted with acetic acid. The modification
of this test with cupric chloride evolved into the more rapid Cass Test.

Visual Inspection of Plated Parts

Of all the qualities of electroplated finishes, measurable and otherwise,
the one most widely recognized by the ultimate consumer is appearance.
The purchaser or user of a plated object, or of a product having plated
components, judges the quality of the plating primarily by its finished
appearances. A high degree of lustre, smooth mirror-like reflectivity, and
freedom from surface defects will have a strong effect on the prospective
buyer's opinion of the quality and value of the product.
One may be show the average consumer an article that has been
heavily plated using the best available techniques to obtain good adhesion
and ductility and excellent corrosion resistance, but unless the finish
appearance-wise is also satisfactory, the consumer will not recognize the
hidden values of the plating and will judge the product to be cheap and
This works the other way, too. Inferior plating jobs have gotten by on
good appearance alone.
Adequa te visual inspection methods are therefore necessary in arder
to maintain a saleable product and to satisfy the purchaser when plated
parts are purchased to go into an assembly.
Classes of Inspection
There are three classes of inspection with which we are usually
concerned. Although similar in technique, they differ in their purpose.
(1) In-process inspection. This ties in closely with manufacturing
quality control.
(2) Final inspection by the producer. (Often combined with packing
for shipment.)
(3) Receiving inspection by the customer.
This type is used when the customer is a jobber or large retailer and
also when the customer purchases parts which are to be assembled into a
final product.

lnspection 329 330 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The latter two should be closely correlated. The producer obviously they can be produced in a wide range of lusters and textures from etched
should not pass any parts that the customer will not accept. On the other to matte to pearly and bright.
hand it would be poor business for the supplier to reject material that the There is always considerable difficulty in defining appearance
customer 's receiving inspection department would accept without question. requirements. The inspector is often required to set his own standards of
It is most desirable that the producer and the consumer come to a acceptance because of an inadequate means of specifying what is desired
mutually satisfactory agreement regarding such things as significant to be expected. It may be difficult to maintain a constant acceptance level
surfaces, minimum lustre, and the degrees of various defects acceptable. beca use of the influence of manufacturing problems, schedules and price.
When possible, this should be dane prior to the acceptance of a contract, He may tighten or relax requirements, even unconsciously, depending on
since price is largely affected by the degree of finish required. Although the his state of mind and on conditions prevailing at the time. His standard of
responsibility for bringing about such an agreement lies with the producer 's acceptance may gradually change over a period of time. From constant
sales department and consumer's purchasing department, the estimating observation of certain defects he may become less criticai, then, suddenly
and / or engineering department of the producer company must be cognizant tighten up because of a specific complaint or criticism.
of the quality level required. Because standards for appearance are difficult to put into written or
It is to the interest of all concerned to establish criteria which are no quantitative terms, the criteria of acceptability of metal finishes are usually
more stringent than necessary. To demand near perfection will frequently resolved by the use of standard samples. The preparation, selection and
result in excessive rejections and restrict production which, in tum, will be maintenance of standard samples are complicated by the many ways in
reflected in higher prices. which a plated product can fall short of a required degree of lustre or
Factors in Visual Inspection
Visual inspection is employed primarily with decorative coatings or Arriving at a Standard of Acceptability
finishes. The most frequently specified decorative finishes are the bright The first consideration in the inspection of a plated product is to
reflective ones where deposits are either buffed to a bright finish or bright define the "significant surfaces." Very few decora tive parts must be highly
electroplating is used. These include electroplates of nickel, chromium, finished all over. Significant surfaces for visual inspection are those surfaces
brass, bronze, silver, gold, and rhodium. ln the case of anodic coatings on of the finished part that must have the specified appearance or quality of
aluminum, varied degrees of brightness may be produced by buffing the "finish," e.g., those surfaces of the part that are exposed to view in the final
basis metal and by bright dipping. product in normal use.
ln inspecting the above types of bright finishes the primary factors is Areas of the part other than significant surfaces will usually be plated
lustre or reflectivity. The degree and uniformity of luster is occasionally a without any regard for appearance and will generally have less than the
factor in the inspection of parts plated with cadmium, zinc or tin, primarily specified plate thickness. ln cases where certain surfaces are to receive no
for corrosion resistance. This usually is true when the parts are to be deposit, it is customary to indicate such areas on the drawing of the part
displayed or are visible components of an assembly sold to the general which serves as part of the specification. If no such areas are indicated on
public, and uniformity of lustre anda lustrous metallic appearance lend an the drawing, it may be assumed that plating is required, or at least allowed,
air of quality and good workmanship to the product. on all surfaces. If, however, drawings do not indica te the significant surfaces
The second factor is colour, which is extremely important in the for plating, it is necessary for the inspector to determine which surfaces
inspection of gold plating and of the alloys of brass and bronze, both of require the specified plating and finish. This may be dane in a number of
which can vary over a wide range of shades. Colour inspection is especially ways:
important in the control of dyed anodic coatings on aluminum. (1) Determine the use and application of the part or product and
Texture is a factor in the inspection of satin, matte, or frosty finishes. which surfaces are plainly visible.
It is also important in the inspection of anodized aluminum finishes, since (2) Request information from customer's engineering or design
department when product is sold on specification.

lnspection 331 332 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(3) Consult sales or design department of producing company when plumbing or the builders' hardware fields.
plated product is a finished consumer product. The requirements of a satisfactory bright metal finish never have
The answer to the question is not always obvious and some agreement been clearly defined. The important elements are:
must be reached between the parties concerned. For example, the lower (1) High reflectance of incident light, combined with the following:
one-fourth to one-eight of the face of an automobile bumper is usually (a) Clear image reflection. Perhaps the basic quality of a good
turned under and is not plainly visible to a person standing near the car. bright finish on a part is that it allows one to see his face in
As the observer moves away however he gradually sees more and more of it. Who can deny that vanity is one of the basic elements of
this lower section but the polishing wheel marks present are not noticeable human nature? This being so, the extent to which a person
at a distance. Furthermore this surface reflects only the roadway and does can see himself may be the secret of the degree of personal
not pick up any highlights. For these reasons most companies do not satisfaction derived from plated surfaces.
consider the lower or turned under part of a bumper to be a significant (b) Absence of diffuse reflection of any sort. Diffuse reflection
surface of prime importance; it might be termed a secondary surface, since may be caused by haze, surface irregularity, fine or coarse
the specifica tion is partially relaxed to the extent of permitting some wheel scratch Unes, pits, graininess, crazing or many other defects.
marks, although brightness and specified plate thickness may be required. (2) Colour of reflected light. Optical instruments are available for
By eliminating some unnecessary fine polishing a worthwhite saving is precise measurement of the above characteristics on perfectly
thus effected without sacrificing quality. flat samples. If all plating were dane on perfectly flat surfaces the
Whenever possible such distinctions should be made a part of the problem of inspection would be purely one of optical
original agreement between the purchaser and supplier, either by inclusion instrumentation. The flat surface, however, is the exception;
of proper notes on the drawings of the product or by incorporation into the practically all plating must, therefore, be rated visually.
wording of the purchase arder. One approach to the evaluation of brightness qualities has been
comparison with standard panels. U sually, however, a curved plated surface
Degree of Finish
will look better than a flat panel with equal brightness. The eye seems to
It can safely be said that an inspector who requires absolute perfection correct for defects in curved surfaces. ln general, the smaller the radius of
in finish will find no parts that he can accept. It follows that for a given run curvature of the surface the greater the defects that can be tolerated.
of a given product the quantity of pieces rejected will be directly related to Convex surfaces diminish the reflected image of any object and
the appearance quality level required. Since the cost of production increases increase the apparent distinctness of the image. Also, broad, plain, unbroken
with the percentage of rejections, the inspector can influence the cost of surfaces will show up defects much more than narrow, interrupted surfaces.
production by the level of quality he requires. It is important therefore that Attempts to use photographs as standards for inspection of decora tive
the inspector be fully aware both of the problems of production and of the finishes have been unsuccessful. The visual impression of a metallic surface
requirements dictated by the use of the product. is a binocular effect dueto the differences between the reflections reaching
The degree of finish required in any product is dependent on many the eyes of the observer. The difficulty of photographing any bright metallic
factors, including the following: object is well known to photographers. Colour photography helps to some
(1) Use-whether purely decorative or purely functional, or a extent, but the only photographs which depict the natural metallic
combination of both. appearance of an object are those made with stereoscopic cameras and
(2) Distance at which the object will be viewed under normal use. calor film. The photographs must be observed using a special viewer to
(3) Price class of the product in which the plating is used. obtain a realistic effect. Still lacking is the opportunity to view the object at
(4) Comparison with competitive products. several angles as would be dane if an actual sample were held in the
(5) Comparison with other plated parts in the sarne assembly. hands.
(6) Established standards of customary pradice in the past, including ln view of the above comments the most satisfactory standards for
accepted standards associated with a given field such as the

lnspection 333 334 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 3 : Defects Due to Basis Metal or Preparation probable that one could select a standard sample which exhibits the
permissible maximum of each defect. For example, if we decided to accept
Seams and laps Due to uneven filling of molds in casting. ln
a certain number of pits, a certain degree of rustiness, a certain amount of
wrought material, a void due to rolling or forg-
ing of an irregular surface. polishing wheel scratching, etc., all of these could not be present in one
sample without the over-all finish being far below the acceptability level.
Porosity ln castings, dueto presence of gas or shrinkage
cracks. It is the over-all impression, usually, that has to be considered. One then
Slag stringers Slag or oxide rolled into sheet metal or bars. has a problem of producing or selecting standard samples of plating.
Shows up as lines of pits. When possible at least two matching samples of the parts in question
Flash, risers, or gates Common defect of castings. should be retained, one by the producer's inspector, and one by the
invsmpletely removed customer's inspector. It is better to select and retain four samples, two of
the desired finish and two of the minimum acceptable finish. Very often,
Die marks Scoring of part that occurs sometimes in deep-
drawing or stamping operation. however, it is necessary to agree on a finish prior to the production of any
Trim marks Scoring and break-out of die castings d uring press actual parts. Then one must use other parts for samples, preferably selecting
operation to remove gates and flash. parts of similar size, design, basis metal, and method of fabrication.
Weld marks or spatter Usually the result of electric are or resistance When production commences it is customary to submit parts as
welding. samples for approval by the inspector or customer. At that time it is usually
Poor burnishing Rough or pebbly appearance as if work were possible to make the final decisions as to the minimum acceptable quality
rattled around in a tumbling barrel. of finish and the standard quality. If the samples submitted have been
Wheel marks Due to incomplete removal of coarse polishing made on production tools and finished in production equipment they can
scratches. be used in the selection of a "master sample."
Handling marks and dings Scratches and dents picked up during shop han-
Table 4 : Defects Due to Plating Process
dling and transporation.
"Orangepeel" Grainess of metal surface giving a pebbly ap- Burns Streaks Rough or dull plate due to localized high current
pearance. Often occurs in bending and drawing. density or arcing.
Stretcher strains Peculiar feathery relief pattern on surface of Striations Relief pattern of lines of varying plate thickness.
formed steel as a result of aging of steel in stor- Pits Gas pits and pits left by dislodged nodules.
age. Also known as Luder's Lines. Plateaus Areas of heavier plate surrounded by thinner areas.
Cross beaking Relief pattern of parallel lines occurring on press- Craters Large pits with flat area at the bottom.
formed material as a result of certain aging phe- Stardust Fine nodular roughness occurring in bright plate.
nomena and roller leveling. Roughness Coarse nodulation or surface inclusion of dirt.
Bleeding Evidence of foreign solution leaking out of cracks or
plating inspection are samples of the actual parts in question. porous areas during plating.
Cracks and crazing Assumes many forms.
Continuing our reasoning under the premise that a perfect bright
Flaking and peeling
finish would have perfect image reflectivity, a bright plated finish can fall
Milkiness Frostiness Lack of full brightness evidenced by a bluish haze on
short of perfection in many different ways. Most plated surfaces show a the surface.
number of different defects in various degrees. Those defects which affect Poor coverage lncomplete coverage, as with chromium.
appearance can be divided into two classes: (1) basis metal defects; (2) Off-colour
defects in plating. Buffing flare Directional haziness caused by very fine scratches
Some of the most familiar of these defects are listed in Tables 3 and from buff wheel.
4 as above and below. Since there are so many kinds of defects it is not Built-up edges Blisters Heavy plate or nodulation on sharp edges.

lnspection 335 336 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

ln the selection of a master sample, one acceptable procedure is to marks, glove marks, handUng marks, scuffing, and scratches on the final
pick, at random, a number of samples that cover the range of finish quaUty finish. The visual inspector is responsible also for picking up such other
that would be expected in normal production. These should then be defects as sharp edges and roughness, which are only observed by touching
arranged in arder of appearance and quaUty, from highest to lowest in the the object. Roughness can be detected very easily by an inspector wearing
opinion of the observer. The inspector should then examine these samples Ughtweight cotton gloves if he passes a gloved hand Ughtly over the
under uniform Ughting conditions and select the ones he considers to be surface in question.
representative of the finish demanded for the particular part. After doing
Inspection of Coloured and Other than Bright Finishes
this, he should view the parts under the conditions of actual use. If possible
when they are part of an assembly, they should be installed and viewed as Although present-day emphasis is predominantly on bright chromium
a part of the finished product. This is important, since under the bright but plating for decora tive finishing of appUances, motor cars, plumbing anda
diffused Ught of an inspection, bench parts may look bad and prove wide variety of hardware, certain industries favour the softer effects
entirely acceptable under conditions of use. Furthermore, when the part obtainable with plating by use of special buffing methods and other metals
goes into an assembly with other plated items the finish of all of them such as silver, brass, gold, copper, and oxidized varia tions of some of these.
should usually be as nearly aUke as possible. ln an assembly consisting of The visual inspection of such finishes is equally important, and possibly
a number of plated parts in dose proximity to each other, one that is more so because of the additional problems of matching colour, texture
particularly bright may make the others look dull by comparison and thus and directional characteristics of Ught reflection.
stick out Uke the well-known "sare thumb." An example of this is a bright Some finishes in this category are satin finish, butler finish, platinum
nickel and chromium plated part in an assembly of chromium plated finish, matte finish, frosty finish, Roman finish. Some of these terms are
stainless steel parts. Because it is usually not practical to obtain the high interchangeable, and nane is clearly defined either by description of the
brightness of bright nickel on stainless steel parts, it would be desirable in finish or by standardization of methods for obtaining them.
such a case to tone down the bright nickel parts in some way, such as by It is therefore necessary to provide the operator with a standard
buffing them prior to chromium plating. matching sample with which to compare his work. Here again some of the
After the inspector has selected the master samples that are actual parts in question should be used.
representative of the desired finish, he might also select a few parts which With finishes of the satin type, which are produced with a fine
have the permissible maximum ofvarious defects that may be encountered. abrasive or a scratch brush, there are two things in particular to watch
They should be chosen by viewing them in their proper positions on the for-direction of scratches and treatment of recesses. The best satin finishes
finished product. Such samples might include, for example, in the case of use dull (unbrightened) plating as a starting point. The wheel produces
a bum per guard, one with 1 /16 in. of chrome bum on the edges of a many fine scratch Unes which give a "satiny" effect to the surface. If the
secondary surface and one with a few minar projection weld dimples. operator is careless or inexperienced, the Unes may cross each other at
These master samples are compared with production parts in the various angles and presenta confused appearance which falls short of the
actual process of inspection. ln use, the parts should be viewed under the desired effect. The Unes in any finish of this sort should be predominantly
diffused but intense white Ught of an inspection lamp, which probably will parallel on any given surface. Recesses should be dull rather than bright.
not favour their appearance at all. Sometimes it is attempted to produce satin finishes using bright nickel as
It is best not to continue to use the masters in actual day-to-day a starting point because of convenience. The effect is not quite satisfactory
service. The chief inspector must carefully protect the master samples and and usually can be detected by the presence of bright recesses. The intensity
supply the production inspectors with matching samples selected for and depth of finish should be substantially uniform throughout.
current production. An ideal arrangement is to keep all master samples in Gold plating covers a variety of shades from rase to greenish. Even
cabinets or drawers specially reserved for that purpose. 24-karat gold varies sUghtly in colour with the conditions of plating.
Other defects controlled by visual inspection but not usually the Standard colour samples of plated gold are practically a necessity in
subject of standardization are chrome stains, rinse water stains, finger inspection control of the desired shade. The sarne is true in the case of

Inspection 337 338 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 5 : Defects in Anodizing of luster and image reflectivity are strongly influenced by the composition
and the metallographic structure of the basis metal. The colour of dyed
A. Defects caused by the basis metal coatings is, of course, influenced by the chemistry of the anodizing process.
Streaks (in wrought alloys) Frequently caused by smearing of magnesium
The colour plain, undyed, anodic coating is also influenced by a number
oxides into the surface of the metal in the rolling
operation. of factors in the processing. Texture, in the case of specially prepared basis
Streaks (in extrusions) Sometimes the result of improper heat treatment metal surfaces, is also strongly affected by the bright dipping process and
of the billets, or of oxidation of the surface of the by the anodizing stage itself.
ingot during storage. An inspector of anodized finishes, therefore, would do well to ca talog
Stringers Segregation of constituents in parell lines that etch the various types of visual defects encountered in his plant operation and
out duing bright dipping or anodizing.
to save a sample of each. These will prove to be of considerable assistance
Structure lines Segregated constituents that cause parallel bands
of translucent anodizing. in the training of personnel and in expediting corrections in processing.
Grayness (in anodizing on alloys Frequently the result of improper mill practice ln the comparison of colour anodizing with pre-selected masters it is
that normaly produce a bright producing grain growth or precipitation of con- recommended that two or more light sources be used. A unit is
finish) stituents. manufactured for this purpose that provides "daylight" atone setting and
A dull area with a brigh zone May be caused by local overheating in fabrication "twilight" at another. Incandescent lamps should also be used in these
around it by welding processes.
comparisons. It will be found that colours that match under one light
B. Defects resulting from improper processing source may appear different under another 14 type of light.
Over-all dull apperance Can result from a number of causes such as a
bright-dipping solution out of balance, too low a Inspection Equipment
temperature of bright-dipping solution, and ex- Since the whole philosophy of bright finish inspection is based on
cessive coating weight.
image reflectivity of the surface, an inspection station should provide the
Dull chalky surface Can result from contaminated sealing solutions or
a sealing solution at the wrong pH. best possible means of creating image reflection. Below Figure 8 shows a
Dull irregular spots with May be rack contact marks. suitable arrangement for accomplishing this.
bright center The basic requirements are a strong source of diffused white light,
Dull spots on surface opposite Result from overheating at rack contacts. and a black background screen. The light from four 40-watt fluorescent
rack contact points
tubes, mixed daylight and white, is sufficient for an ordinary inspection
Pale streaks in a dyed coaitng From bleeding chemicals, improper neutraliza-
tion after anodizing.
booth. The fluorescent tubes should have a white reflector over them and
Iridescence Usually results from a thin anodic coating. a diffusing screen of ground or opal glass beneath. If glass of this sortis not
Crazing Results from excessive coating weight, too low a readily available, a screen of tracing cloth or white vellum may be used,
temperature of the anodizing bath, and baking although it is a fire hazard. The black background can be black velvet,
after anodizing at too high a temperature. mohair, felt, or other black cloth without sheen. Flat black paint is not quite
as good.
brass, bronze, and other alloys as well as of "oxidized" finishes, black Also helpful is a black and white geometric pattern of some sort
nickel, molybdenum oxide, and the like. which can be placed high in the booth and next to the light source so that
The visual inspection of decorative anodizing on aluminum alloys it is brightly illuminated. Black and white charts commercially available
involves a wide range of factors including depth of luster, image reflectivity, for testing the hiding power of paints are good for this purpose.
colour, texture and basis metal defects not normally affecting plating. With lighting of this sort, the defects in plating are easily seen. The
Table 5 lists some of the defects that may be cause for rejection. Anodic diffused light shows lack of chromium coverage on nickel or stainless steel.
films are formed by electrochemical oxidation of the basis metal producing, The black screen makes any imperfection in the bright plating show up as
on aluminum alloys, a thin glass-like layer of aluminum oxide. The depth greyness or white Unes or spots. The geometric pattern shows gross defects

Inspection 339 340 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

such as wheel marks, waviness, or orange-peel and provides a standard based on accepted sampling methods as described in the books on quality
object for checking the image reflection quality. control.
Inspection Personnel
Different plants handle the problem of inspection in different ways.
ln small shops the responsibility sometimes rests with the plater or unracker.
With reliable people who have pride in good workmanship this can be
satisfactory. ln many large organizations the inspectors all report to a chief
inspector who in tum reports directly to management, not to the plating or
polishing foreman. ln other companies the inspector reports to the
production supervisor. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks.
When the inspector reports to management, theoretically no bad
work is shipped. The situation may however develop into a contest between
production supervisor and the inspector to see which one can "out-fox"
the other. When the inspectors are subordinate to production supervision
the supervisor is solely responsible for the quality of his department's
product. Since heis responsible also for meeting production schedules he
will occasionally sacrifice quality in arder to ship parts on schedule. An
effective solution may be to have as chief inspector, an experienced
production man who is also quality minded. With this background he is
unlikely to be the type that feels he has not done his job if he goes home at
night without having stopped a production line at least once that day. He
will also be able to make worthwhile suggestions of corrective measures.
Final inspection is frequently combined with the packing operation.
This is a logical and convenient method and can be conveniently kept
Fig. 8 : Typical inspection station under separate control from production.
ln-process inspection is frequently coordinated with repair or salvage
There are numerous other refinements which could be added to an operations. This is convenient beca use a trained inspector can be conversant
inspection booth, but the above are the basic requirements. A booth of the with the repair operations and route the parts back into process with the
type described will show defects so plainly that at first the inspector will least loss of time, thereby minimizing the number of rejects in inventory.
have to be restrained from throwing out nearly everything that comes The chief inspector or quality control supervisor may act as a roving
down the line. Frequent comparison with the established standards must inspector, and may assist in training inspectors, setting and maintaining
be the rule. standards, and maintaining liaison with the customers' inspection
The parts may be carried through the booth on a belt conveyor, or departments.
they may be inspected while on the plating racks as in nickel inspection
prior to chromium plating. ln the latter case the racks should be suspended Use of Inspection Results
on swivel hooks so that the inspector may tum the rack around. Provision The effectiveness of uniform inspection methods is lost unless some
for holding a pad of paper is helpful when quality records are to be kept. concrete action is taken on results. A number of possible courses of action
Producing plants usually require 100 per cent inspection of parts. Spot may be taken depending on whether the inspection is in the producing
checking or partial inspection of lots as used by consumers should be plant or in the customer's plant.

Inspection 341

ln the producer's planta system of regular inspection and corrective

action may be called "quality control." Since visual inspection results are
not of a quantitative nature "statistical quality control" is difficult to apply.
A systematic analysis of rejection may however be made and much valuable
information obtained. Such analysis is valuable only if made promptly and
almost continuously.
Forms used for recording inspection data vary greatly. Failures are
frequently grouped according to the rework procedure necessary. The
following types of information should be recorded:
Inspection station
Reasons for rejection, i.e., defects
Number of pieces rejected for each defect and each part number
Department responsible
Refinishing steps required
Number of pieces scrapped
The important thing is to obtain enough data on the report forms to
permit the foremen, operators, and chemists to see the condition at a
glance. Posting of the data in chart form may further the beneficial effect
of creating competition between departments or between shifts within the
sarne department. These data must also be made available for further
analysis by the cost accountant and may even be used as a basis for some
form of incentive plan to aid in keeping quality up and cost down.
Final inspection will further ensure that no defective work is shipped.
Any consistent defects may indica te the need for changes in the process, or
added operations, which may require a management decision.
When the inspection data are obtained by the customer, rejections
may be followed up by one or more of the following steps:
(1) Advise supplier immediately so that he may correct defects.
(2) Arrange to have the supplier's inspector receive or see typical
samples of the rejected parts.
(3) Sort out bad parts and return them to supplier or have supplier's
inspector sort them.
(4) Return entire shipment for sorting and repair by supplier.
(5) Repair parts and charge supplier.


343 344-BLANK
346 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Heavy zinc phosphate coatings on steel exhibit a more platelike

structure than manganese phosphate. Two varieties are normally
encountered. When maximum corrosion protection is desired, an iron
content is maintained in the phosphating solution and a crystal structure
is produced. The orientation is principally parallel to the metal surface
CHAPTER 15 and the layered structure offers an excellent surface for the retention of
PHOSPHATE COATING corrosion resistant oils and waxes.
When a heavy zinc phosphate is used to facilitate cold deformation
PROCESSES such as encountered in the drawing of wire and tubing, cold shaping,
cold extrusion, etc., the phosphating solution is operated under iron-free
conditions resulting in a crystal structure showing a high percentage of
Phosphate coatings are specified by the metal finishing engineer for
crystals oriented vertically to the metal surface. These thin plates may be
a variety of end uses and may be formed on the surfaces of iron, steel,
lubricated by one of several methods, including lime, borax, specialized
galvanized steel, aluminum and electrodeposited zinc and cadmium.
soaps and oils. ln some cases, the surfaces of the individual crystals may
Phosphate coatings are used to promote the adhesion of organic coatings
be converted to a zinc soap. These lubricated plates then provide a
to metal substrates and to retard the rate of interfacial corrosion.
multitude of slipping surfaces that promote the ease of cold deformation.
Phosphate coatings are used to retain and enhance the performance of
When a phosphate coating is used to promote paint bonding on
corrosion resistant oils and waxes on metallic surfaces. Phosphate
steel or zinc coated steel, a number of options are available to the finishing
coatings, with supplementary lubrication, are used to assist in cold
engineer. A zinc phosphate coating may be desired for superior
deformation processes such as wire drawing, cold heading and impact
performance in retarding the lateral creep of corrosion between the
organic coating and the metal originating ata scratch through the coating
Phosphate coatings are able to provide these valuable functions
to the metal. Typical crystal structures for a zinc phosphate formed from
because of their particular composition and structure. They are formed
the sarne solution on steel and galvanized steel. The coating on steel is
by the controlled corrosion of the metal surface being treated. The
tightly bonded to the surface and the effective surface area of the
resulting coating is tightly bonded to the surface and is mineral in nature.
phosphate coating is considerably greater than the underlying metal.
The coating has a definite chemical composition and crystal structure.
The phenomenon assists in increasing the adhesion of the organic coating
When fully developed, the coating will cover the surface completely and
which is further promoted by increasing the number of sites for mechanical
can be shown to exhibit electrical insulating properties.
locking of the coating to the phosphate crystals.
The selection of the best coating for a particular application can be
A zinc phosphate coating on a galvanized surface shows a different
facilitated by an understanding of the characteristics of various coatings
structure. ln this case, the individual crystals are well-defined and are
now being applied in commercial practice. Of particular importance is
distributed in a random orientation on the surface. Note that these
the physical structure. A series of scanning electron micrographs
photomicrographs are at a higher magnification than that used for the
illustrates the difference in structure. A typical manganese phosphate
corrosion resistant or drawing phosphates. A fine grained phosphate is
coating on steel is characterized by a dense block-like deposit of angular
desirable for a paint base in arder to provide acceptable gloss with
crystals densely packed in a random orientation. This heavy coating
minimum organic coating thickness.
provides a corrosion resistant or lubricating surface when the proper oil
A less expensive but still effective phosphate treatment to promote
is applied in a supplementary treatment. The composite system of
paint bonding utilizes a so-called iron phosphate treatment on steel or
manganese phosphate and oil is used to reduce wear and prevent galling
zinc rich surfaces. It consists of an extremely fine grained deposit of
of moving parts such as piston rings, shafts, gears, cylinders, and pistons.
mixed oxides and phosphates of iron. The crystal structure is so fine that
ln some cases, the etch pattern formed in the metal surface by the
the coating is often classified as amorphous. When the sarne solution
formation of the manganese phosphate coating is also of importance
used to produce this coating on steel is used to treat a galvanized surface.
since it promotes oil retention on the sliding surface after break-in. 167
Phosphate Coating Processes 347 348 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

This coating differs in structure and composition from that produced on article as a whole. The presence of stressed areas due to cold working, the
steel and has the characteristics of a fine grained zinc phosphate. presence of previously applied corrosion resisting films, the possibility of
Another popular prepaint treatment is calcium modified zinc decarburization, and the existence of pre-established etching patterns,
phosphate. The coating consists of densely packed granular crystals all have an influence on the proper development of the phosphate coating.
showing a high degree of uniformity that create a surface with greatly ln contrast to the stringent cleaning requirements for electroplating,
increased surface area and an intricate void pattern well-suited to provide the surface to be phosphated should be cleaned and conditioned by
a high degree of mechanical lock of the organic coating to the treated techniques designed to form a large number of active sites on the surface
surface. in arder to form a fine grained phosphate coating with even coverage. ln
Amorphous Phosphate Coatings on Aluminum Surfaces general, minimal chemical cleaning is indicated. Mechanical methods
for rust removal are preferred. Grit blasting and tumbling procedures
Coatings consisting mainly of aluminum and chromium (trivalent)
are effective and are preferred over acid types of pretreatment. Organic
phosphates with traces of other elements are formed on aluminum alloy
contamination may be removed by solvent degreasing procedures,
surfaces by treating them with acid aqueous solutions containing
phosphorus (pentavalent), chromium (hexavalent) and fluorine. Other emulsion cleaning or alkaline cleaning, providing that the cleaner will
elements may be present in the solutions including boron, silicon, not inhibit the surface and interfere with phosphate coating formation.
zirconium, titanium, etc. These coatings are characterized by a degree of ln the case of iron phosphates used as a pre-paint treatment, the cleaning
crystallinity too low to be readily detected by electron diffraction or X- and phosphating operations may be performed by the sarne solution.
ray techniques. They are accordingly designated as amorphous. When the maximum in grain refinement is required, a conditioning
The chemistry of formation of these coatings is not entirely process is included. The active materiais tend to be finely divided to
understood. Apparently direct oxidation of the aluminum surface by the colloidal in nature and their application increases the number of active
hexavalent chromium and hydrogen ion couple in the presence of the sites for the development of the phosphate coating. Sometimes this
phosphate radical leads to the formation of a trivalent chromium and procedure may be incorporated in the cleaning steps but, preferably, it is
aluminum phosphate layer. The role of either the fluoride or complex applied as separate treatment after cleaning. The effective life of these
fluoride seems to be one of depassivation. Suffice it to say that very little solutions is limited and they should be changed frequently for maximum
fluorine appears in the coating produced. effectiveness.
While the coatings described may be considered to be typical of ln the case of manganese and zinc phosphating solutions, the
several of the types available, their structure and performance may vary chemical composition is such that it provides a source of these elements
with the specific chemical composition and operating conditions of the in solution together with a source of phosphate. The function of these
phosphating solution as well as a variety of other factors, including the essential ingredients is often enhanced by the presence of oxidizing
composition of the metal being treated, its physical form and surface materiais such as nitrate, nitrite, or chlorate. These materiais accelerate
history, its degree of cleanliness and surface activation, the effectiveness the formation of the phosphate coating by increasing the aggressiveness
of rinsing between stages, and the nature of any seal or other post- of the acid solution. ln addition, the solution may also contain catalytic
treatment that may be applied. The chemical compositions used to clean, amounts of other metals, complexing agents, and depolarizing agents.
activate, phosphate, seal or post-treat are usually proprietary products Conventional chemical control of these solutions may include the
and the specific recommendations of the supplier should be followed.
determination of free acid, total acid and ferrous iron. The free acid is
However certain general comments may be beneficial.
expressed as the number of millilitres of tenth normal sodium hydroxide,
Because the metal surface being phosphated participates in the
often referred to as "points," necessary to titrate a known volume, usually
chemical reaction to form the coating, the ease and uniformity of its
ten milliliters, of phosphate solution to a pH of 4.0. Total acid is the
ability to corrode in the reaction plays an important part in proper
coating formation. The chemical and physical nature of the extreme number of milliliters of tenth normal sodium hydroxide required to
outer surface is much more important than the sarne properties for the titrate the sarne volume of sample to a pH of 8.2. Ferrous iron is usually
168 determined by titration with potassium permanganate.
Phosphate Coating Processes 349 350 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The free acid maintains the solubility of the zinc or manganese Wherever the type of coating to be applied offers a choice as to
phosphate and provides a measure of degree of aggressiveness of the method of application, the method selected must be governed by the
phosphating solution toward the metal to be coated. Usually maximum usual engineering principies. However, within the allowable process
coating rates will be obtained when the free acid is only slightly higher limitations (as given in the tables for particular types of coatings) emphasis
than that necessary to maintain solubility of the metal phosphates in the in making a choice of equipment will depend on the following factors:
working solution. (a) Size of product, including ease of transport.
The total acid may be considered to be a measure of the amount of (b) Uniformity of pieces or unit groups of pieces.
coating materiais in solution and its ratio to the free acid is more significant (c) Scale of production.
than either individual value. The ratio of total to free acid in a liquid (d) Material handling methods preferred for use in the particular
concentrate is usually lower than that of the operating bath and either plant.
partial neutralization or processing of scrap work may be necessary to Treatment of a specific type of process will include examples of the
establish the proper balance between the free and total acid. The latter products made by that process, some light may thus be shed on the
procedure also establishes an iron level in the solution which is generally choice of process type.
desirable when the phosphate coating is applied to assist in corrosion
Process Cycles
protection. When the phosphate is to be used in a cold deformation
process, soluble iron is excluded from the solution by the use of an Requirements. Starting with sheets, continuous strip, completed
oxidizing agent such as sodium nitrite. objects, or partial assemblies, the complete phosphate coating process
Whenever ferrous metals are phosphated, a stock loss is generated includes at least the following operations:
and iron is introduced into the phosphate solution. Ultimately this results (1) Preparation for application of the coating which may include:
in the formation of ferric phosphate, which has very limited solubility. (a) Cleaning in its usual sense
This material is the principal ingredient in the sludge which is generated (b) Removal of oxides or corrosion products
as an inevitable by-product of the phosphating process. It may be removed (c) Conditioning for the reception of coatings of finer grain
by filtration or settling and decantation. Both high-temperature and structure
low-temperature phosphating solutions will produce sludge. (2) Application of the coating proper
The production of another insoluble material, scale, is characteristic
of phosphate solutions operated at high temperature. A general Table 1 : Phosphate Coatings for Steel and Iron
characteristic of zinc and manganese phosphating solutions is that the Type of Surface Cold-rolled Cast, Forged, Cast lron, Cold-rolled
metal phosphates become less soluble as the temperature is raised. This stampings Hot-rolled Cast Steel stampings
leads to selective deposition of scale on those surfaces that have the General form and Automobile bod- Hardware, nuts, Small arms com- Stampings for
highest temperature; i.e., the heating surfaces used to maintain the examples of prod- ies, refrigerators bolts, guns, car- ponents, nuts, cabinets, metal
ucts tridgeclips, etc. bolts, etc. furniture
operating temperature. When possible, the development of this type of Supplementary Painting Protective oils, Protective oils, Painting
scale may be limited by the use of a tank within a tank type of construction treatment waxes, etc. waxes, etc.
Type of coating Zinc phosphate Zinc phosphate Manganese phos- Iron phosphate
wherein the annular space between the tanks contains a suitable heat phate
transfer fluid, or by the use of a properly designed externai heat exchanger. Available methods Power spray, Dipping, burrel- Dipping, barrei- Powers pray
of application washer, dipping, tumbling tumbling washer
Phosphating solutions are sensitive to metallic contamination and hand brush or
materiais such as lead and aluminum should be excluded in those cases spray
where the solution is not designed to compensate for their introduction. Coating weight 100 to 600 1000 to 4000 1000 to 4000 30 to 100
mg/sq ft
Obviously, the introduction of cleaner residues and organic contamination Usual coating time, Power spray 1 to 2; 20 to 30 15 to 30 2 to 3
will have a detrimental effect on the proper operation of a phosphating min dipping 2 to 5;
hand brush 2 to 5
solution. 169
Phosphate Coating Processes 351 352 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 2 : Phosphate Coatings for Zinc and Cadmium Table 3 : Phosphate Coatings for Aluminum and Its Alloys

Type of surface, Galvanized steel or Zinc or cadmium Type of Coating Zinc phosphate Aluminum-chro-
general form cadmium plated electroplate espe- crystalline mium phosphate,
and examples steel. Heavy cially when thin- amorphous
plated coatings, base die castings, Type of surface Aluminum alloys, Aluminum alloys,
erected struct- zinc surfaces of general form, wrought, sheet wrought or cast.
tures, signs, build- any form. Plated and examples of metal stampings, Any continuous
ings, truck bodies small parts, con- products truck bodies, strip, aircraft
tinuous strip aluminum tiles parts, automotive
Supplementary Painting Painting parts
treatments Supplementary Painting Painting or none
Type of coating Zinc phosphate Zinc phosphate treatment
Available meth- Hand brushing or Power spray washer, Method of appli- Power spray washer Power spray washer,
thods of appli- spraying, brief dipping cation dipping tanks dipping tanks
cation dipping, followed manual brush or
by delay before spray
rinsing Coating weight, 100 to 300 100 to 250
Coating weight, 200 to 600 75 to 500 mg/sqft
mg/sqft Usual coating 1 to 3 20 sec to 2 min
Usual coating 2 to 15 including 0.5to 2.0 time,min
time,min delay before rinsing
(e) Application of phosphoric acid-solvent-detergent cleaners, by
hand or otherwise.
(3) Rinsing of the coated surfaces:
(f) Special procedures such as steam jet cleaning, blasting with
(a) Water rinsing
shells, or oat hulls.
(b) Conditioning rinsing
B. Rinsing after cleaning.
(4) Drying
C. Oxide removal. This may require one of the following operations:
(5) Application of supplementary coatings.
(a) Pickling in phosphoric or other acids.
Each of these operations may require one or more steps. Occasionally
(b) Rust removal with phosphoric acid-solvent-detergent type
some combination of (1) and (2) above is possible.
Following is a classification of the steps that may be required in any
(c) Sand or grit blasting with air pressure or centrifugai application.
complete phosphate-coating cycle.
(d) Grinding of welding flash.
Classification of Process Steps (e) Sand or grit tumbling.
A. Cleaning. This term has the usual meaning in electroplating and D. Rinsing after oxide removal.
allied techniques. It may consist of one of the following: E. Grain refining pretreatment. This consists of treating the surface
(a) Hand wiping with or without organic solvent. with a special reagent which may be alkaline or acid.
(b) Vapour degreasing. F. Rinsing after oxide removal.
(c) Alkali cleaning, with or without completely or partially G. Phosphate coating proper.
emulsified solvent. H. Rinsing after phosphating. Use clean flowing water.
(d) Treatment with self-emulsifying solvent. I. Conditioning rinsing. This may involve either:
Phosphate Coating Processes 353 354 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(a) Dilute chromic and/or chromic phosphoric acid treatment for "paint-gun" spray, or flowing application.
use on surfaces which are to be protected against corrosion. (ii) As a "rust-spotting" operation to large subassemblies such
(b) Alkalining rust-inhibiting treatment for objects to be cold- as automobile and refrigerator parts before they enter the
deformed. Not used under paint, etc. phosphate-coating cycle proper.
J. Drying. Use any of the following methods: (iii) As a pickling cleaner, in which hot solutions are used as
(a) Air oven drying. described under pickling. This requires the use of large
(b) Air drying for heavier objects. acid-resistant tanks.
(c) Water displacing oil treatment. B. Rinsing after cleaning. Generally this is dane in overflowing water.
K. Supplementary coating. This may include applying the following Temperature is not criticai, but hot water rinsing assists cleaning and
and may also require subsequent drying: may make a cleaning procedure passable under certain conditions.
(a) An oily or waxy corrosion retardant. lmmersion rinses are preferably from 0.5 to 1.0 min long; spray rinses of
(b) A lubricant to retard wear or assist cold deformation. 0.5 min are generally sufficient.
L. Painting, lacquering, or the like. Although this, too, may be The overflow rate of rinses should be sufficient to ensure a degree
considered a "supplemental coating" it is usually a more elaborate of contamination so low that drag-in of rinse solution into the phosphate-
procedure than (K) and is considered separately. coa ting stage does not result in coating difficulties or wasteful
precipitation of phosphating chemicals.
Discussion of Process Steps in Practical Procedures
Until practical operating limits are established it is safe to maintain
A. Cleaning. While all the above methods are used under special overflow amounts or replacement schedules for rinse water adequate to
circumstances depending on the nature of the surface and its keep the contamination of the rinse water down to 1.0 per cent or less of
contaminants, a few details will be discussed for later reference. the preceding tank concentration. If two rinse stages are used in series
(a) Alkali cleaning is preferable wherever applicable for all mass the contamination in the second stage is, of course, the criticai one.
production beca use of its simplicity and economy. ln immersion Rinse tanks need to be acid resistant only when they immediately
processes alkali cleaning may require 3 to 10 min in solutions follow acid cleaning.
maintained at 80-98 C (180-210 F). ln recirculating spray C. Pickling. Pickling removes scale, heavy oxides, rust, or corrosion
applications, 1 to 2 min at 80 C (180 F) maximum temperature products if present.
are usual conditions. Whenever possible it is economical to separate mill scale removal
(b) Self-emulsifying solvent cleaning involves brief dipping into or analogous operations completely from the phosphate-coating
the cleaner, followed by a drainage period of 0.5 to 1.0 min. apparatus. Strong dilute mineral acids such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric
Subsequent rinsing usually requires forcible spraying, or at acid, etc., which may be hot, can be used for these operations in the
least two hot 80-90 C (180-200 F) immersion rinses of 0.5-1.0 ordinary "pickle house." Thus the corrosion stimulative fumes are kept
min each. Agitation in these rinses is very important. Cleaning out of the phosphate-coating area which is often in or adjacent to the
of this kind alone is adequate only when the phosphate coating paint shop.
operation employs high temperature solutions for long times. If the presence of rust or scale from brazing or welding operations
(c) Vapour degreasing is generally applicable for grease removal. requires it, the phosphating process must include a pickling state.
It requires no after-rinsing. However, it is quite expensive Phosphoric acid is generally used since fumes of this acid are not corrosion-
compared to alkali cleaning. ln certain cases objectionable finely stimulative to finished work as are those of other mineral acids.
divided solid dirt will not be removed by this process. For immersion processes with their large open tanks, pickling is in
(d) Acid cleaning is carried out in various ways. Such cleaners are phosphoric acid which may also contain a detergent to assist cleaning
used for example: and smut removal. ln immersion processes the pickling solution is usually
(i) To derust large structures in a hand operation by brush, 171 at 60-80 C (140-180 F); pickling time may range from 2 to 10 min, most
Phosphate Coating Processes 355 356 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

usually 3 to 5 min. Actual tests on the work to be treated are suggested uniform coating of galvanized steel or pickled steel surfaces.
before the cycle is decided upon. Tanks for phosphoric acid pickling may Two kinds of grain refining pretreatment are available, namely, one
be of stainless steel (Grade 301 or 316) or of other acid-resistant using an alkaline solution, another an acid solution. Both are used at
construction. Lead is not recommended for phosphoric acid pickling. roam temperature, and application time need not exceed 30 sec. The acid
ln continuous spray processes pickling with sulfuric acid has been type of pretreating solution requires equipment resistant to cold dilute
used. ln this case the pickling section must be flanked by "water curtains," oxalic acid. The alkaline type may be handled in mild steel.
and ventilation of the conveyor tunnel must be so arranged that all air F. Rinsing after grain refining treatment. Cold overflowing water
currents travel toward the pickling section. The following precautions rinsing is required 0.5 to 1.0 minis required in immersion processes-0.5
are absolutely essential in conveyorized continuous spray machines which min is sufficient in spray processes.
employ sulfuric acid pickling. G. Phosphate coating proper. For details see the following tables for
(i) Rubber-lined or other acid-resistant construction for pickling different kinds of coating.
stage, including tanks, pumps, piping, nozzles, and housing. H. Rinsing immediately after phosphate coating. A cold overflowing
(ii) Acid-resisting hangers or conveyor parts which enter the water rinse lasting. 0.5 to 1.0 mi is satisfactory for immersion processes.
pickling section. ln continuous spraying processes 0.5 min is sufficient.
(iii) Acid-resisting construction for the "water curtain" section at Note that by keeping this rinse low in contamination, the life of the
each end of the pickling section, as well as for at least one final conditioning rinse solution is prolonged.
following rinsing state. I. Conditioning rinse. Surfaces which are phosphated as part of a
(iv) Acid-resisting ventilating fan and duct operating from the top corrosion-retarding finish, whether they are to remain bare, or are to
of the tunnel in the pickling section. receive paint or other supplementary finish, invariably have a
(v) If an overhead chain conveyor is used, all hooks must pass conditioning rinse in very dilute solutions usually containing chromic
through a water-seal trough containing running water to acid or chromic acid and phosphoric acid to furnish an additional anti-
prevent acid corrosion of chain, rollers, and supporting beams. corrosive effect and to minimize the deleterious effect of residual soluble
(vi) ln sulfuric acid pickling concentrations are from 5 to 15 per matter, which can stimulate blistering of paint, rusting, etc.
cent by volume of 66 Be' sulfuric acid; temperatures are from 50 This treatment may be omitted on surfaces which have been
to 70 C (120 to 160 F), generally limited by the properties of phosphate coated to assist drawing or forming. Since such surfaces are
rubber, plastic piping, pump impeller alloy or other material of often dipped into soap or soap emulsions of grease as lubricants, the final
construction. conditioning rinse may consist of very dilute alkali plus a corrosion
D. Rinsing after pickling. If sulfuric acid or other than phosphoric retardant salt. ln this case, of course, the work enters the lubricating bath
acid is used in pickling, see section C. without previous drying, directly from the conditioning rinse.
ln immersion processes using phosphoric acid pickling, rinsing The conditioning rinse is maintained sufficiently warm to aid
requires one unheated, overflowing rinse in clean water. Rinsing time 1 subsequent drying of the metal usually in the range of 60 to 80 C (140 to
min. ln spray processes 30 sec may suffice. However, unless a grain 180 F). ln immersion processes the time of treatment is 0.5 to 1.0 min; in
refining pretreatment follows, rinsing must be very thorough. spray processes the time is usually about 0.5 min.
Contamination must be kept very low. After phosphoric acid pickling, J. Drying the coated and rinsed surfaces. ln mechanized processes this
low rinse contamination will usually make unnecessary the use of acid- operation is generally accomplished by means of a hot-air oven. A steam
resistant equipment in this rinsing stage. heated or indirect fired oven is best as it is safer not to allow coated work
E. Grain refining pretreatment. This treatment may be required if an to come into contact with products of combustion. Oven temperatures
especially fine grain structure is desired in the phosphate coating. It is may be as high as 175 C (350 F), but there is no advantage in temperatures
usually not required on steel surfaces unless pickling or acid cleaning has higher than needed to dry the surfaces completely within about 3 to 5
been employed. The treatment may result in slightly more rapid and 172
Phosphate Coating Processes 357 358 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

min. For amorphous phosphate coatings the metal temperature during (b) Hooks, racks, baskets, etc., gradually accumulate heavy paint
drying should not exceed 80 C (180 F). layers which must be removed from time to time. This is difficult
For objects having pockets or areas which do not drain freely, a and expensive.
blow-off with compressed air before or after drying may be required.
Immersion Processes
When "water-displacing" rust preventives are satisfactory as
supplementary coatings, the drying step may be omitted altogether. ln An immersion process is one in which the work to be coated is
this case, accumulated water must be withdrawn from beneath the water dipped successively for appropriate intervals into a series of processing
displacing material. tanks.
K. Supplementary coating. Oils, so-called "cut-back" petrolatum, Applications. lmmersion processes are applied:
soluble oils, and waxes are among the materiais often applied as (a) To produce heavy phosphate coatings
supplementary coatings for corrosion protection. For lubrication, oils, (b) To produce light to medium paint bonding phosphate coatings
drawing compounds, soap solutions, and emulsions are common. when:
Application is usually by dipping; roller coating may be used for flat (i) the scale of production is relatively small
sheets or continuous strips. Nonaqueous materiais are generally applied (ii) the shape of parts makes significant surfaces inaccessible
cold; soluble oils soap solutions and emulsions may be heated to accelerate to a spray
later drying. ln dipping processes immersion need rarely exceed 0.5 min. (iii) parts are too small to allow individual racking or handling
Depending on viscosity, drying rate, etc., draining time over the tank or (a) Heavy phosphate coatings are usually applied in solutions at
drip-pan varies between 30 sec and 2 min. 90 to 100 C (195 to 210 F), coating times range from 10 to 40 min
Soap and similar "dry film" lubricants are dried onto the surface by thus making spraying impractical.
means of a drying oven or by radiant heating lamps. (b) The lighter paint bonding coatings may be applied by immersion
L. Painting. Paint, lacquer, and the like may be applied to phosphate- or spraying. Application by immersion (rather than spraying)
coated surfaces by any of the usual painting methods. Dipping, flow is preferable under the above conditions. For the purpose of
coating, brushing, roller coating, and spraying have all been used on selection, the coating of less than approximately 2,000 ft2 /hr
phosphate-coated work. can be considered small production, although no definite limit
ln a mechanized phosphating system, whether immersion or spray can be established which will meet all conditions encountered
coating is practiced, it is generally undesirable to perform the painting in industry.
operation while the work is being transported on the sarne conveyor, Equipment. The equipment for immersion phosphate coating may
hooks, baskets, or racks as those on which it was carried through the be classified as follows:
phosphating system. (1) Conveying equipment
The apparent advantage of carrying work through painting without (2) Work-supporting equipment, such as
transferring to new carriers is that contamination of the surface after (a) Hooks
paint-bonding and conditioning treatment is less likely if the work is (b) Racks
painted immediately and without handling. This advantage is over- (c) Baskets
shadowed, however, by the following considerations: (d) Tumbling barreis
(a) An interruption in the painting operation will cause a stoppage (3) Tanks with associated services
of work in the phosphate-coating operation with consequent (a) Water supply
misprocessing of all the pieces in process. Such a stoppage will (b) Heating supply-steam, electricity, gas, or oil
occur not only in case of difficulties but also at lunch time, etc., (c) Drain and overflow lines to sewer
unless work schedules of painters and of phosphating machine (d) Ventilating equipment
staff are staggered. 173 (4) Drying equipment
Phosphate Coating Processes 359 360 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(a) Ovens (b) Transfer time is preferably held at below 30 sec from emergence
(b) Air heaters and fans to re-immersion for any surface of the object in process. If this
(c) Compressed air blow-off is difficult (as is sometimes the case with conveyors of the
(1) Conveying equipment. Conveying equipment for immersion rising and falling monorail type) discolouration of the work or
phosphate-coating may be of any type suitable for transporting the work unevenness of appearance may result from partial drying-up
from loading to unloading stage. It must also provide for lowering the of the surfaces between stages. Wherever this is possible, outlets
work into and raising it out of the various tanks in proper sequence and should be provided for misting nozzles to keep the work wet
rhythm. during the transfer. These nozzles are generally fed with fresh
Commonly used equipment includes: tap water.
(a) Overhead monorail conveyors with manual, air or electrically (c) Construction of the conveyor need not, in general, be acid-
operated hoists. For very small production, manual progression resistant. Due attention should be paid to possible condensation
of the work carrier is suitable. of moisture from heated solutions upon overhead conveyors.
(b) Continuously moving rising and falling chain driven conveyor This may result in dripping of grease, etc., upon the work with
in association with boat-shaped ("gondola") tanks. consequent imperfect cleaning or coating, or contamination of
(c) Specialized automatic equipment strictly analogous to the coated surface, unless suitable splash guards are provided.
automatic plating equipment. Usually, however, without (2) Work supporting equipment. The supporting equipment such as
equipment for supplying electric current to the tanks. hooks, racks, baskets, and tumbling barrels is similar to that
Machinery of this kind may use continuously or intermittently used in electroplating, with the exceptions noted below:
moving conveyor elements. Its distinguishing feature is usually that it (a) Hooks (and baskets) need not be electrically insulated.
permits rapid transfer from tank to tank. Because vertical ended tanks Construction materials resistant to alkali cleaners, acid
may be used, such equipment, though generally more expensive than (b ), phosphating solutions, etc., are desirable. Stainless steel is
occupies less floor space. the best; however, mild steel has been used, the life of the
Design features of conveying equipment are not peculiar to the carriers depending on the time and temperature in the
immersion phosphate-coating art. The following constants are phosphating stage. Of course, if the cycle includes pickling,
recommended: mild steel is precluded.

r Lifting Mechanism Support

Automatic Lifting Mechanism

Work in Transfer Position

Work in Dippin Position

Fig. 1 : Conveyor with boat-shaped gondola tanks

(a) Draining time during which solution running off the work, hooks, Fig. 2 : Automatic conveying equipment with vertical-ended tanks.
baskets, etc., falls into the tank from which it has just been
(b) Tight contact of significant surfaces of the work with hooks
raised (or into an interstage drain pan discharging thereto)
and racks is undesirable. Tight contact with more cathodic
should be 5 to 15 sec depending on the ease of draining of the
work. Hollow pieces, closed at one end, may require special metal such as stainless steel may cause lightly coated or
bare areas on aluminum treated to produce amorphous
handling. 174 coatings. For coating aluminum in this case, racks, hooks,
Phosphate Coating Processes 361 362 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

etc., covered with acid-resistant plastic may be necessary (i) Since phosphate coating processes normally are attended by
unless the pieces can be supported from nonsignificant the formation of precipitates known as "sludge," it is necessary
surfaces. to allow a tank depth such that the work need not pass through
Light contact or vibrating contact with baskets, hooks or other precipitated sludge. Good pradice dictates leaving 6 in. to 1 ft
parts is permissible in phosphate coating. The coating, being insulating, clearance between work and tank bottom.
tends to intrude itself between lightly or intermittently touching surfaces. (ii) Although in the ordinary immersion coating process no
However, for work to be piled loosely, baskets should be so designed that consideration need be given to electric current flow paths, bath
by tipping, turning over, etc., the points of contact between pieces or loading in terms of surface to be coated in square feet per hour
pieces and baskets are shifted several times during coating and cleaning per gallon of solution is important. Necessary frequency of
operations. control analysis of coating solution and frequency of required
(c) Tumbling barrels require no insulation and no chains, studs, sludge removal are reduced at low bath loading. While no
or other electrical contact points. Slowly turning barrels (2 absolute figures can be given, experience indicates the minimum
to 5 fpm) with low flights are desirable to avoid abrading working volumes.
Heating may be by steam coils or flat "plate coils," by electricity,
off the freshly formed coating. Work depth over 6 in. in the
gas, or oil. The heating of cleaning, pickling, or rinsing provides no
barrel is undesirable.
special problems. The sarne is true for the phosphate-coating tank when
Barrels may be constructed of stainless steel (Type 301 to 316) or, if
producing amorphous coatings on aluminum, except that all heating
shorter life is permissible, of ordinary steel, in the production of crystalline
surfaces should be kept at least 4 in. above the bottom of the tanks.
phosphate coatings. Amorphous coatings on aluminum require stainless
Heating elements in all tanks, and especially in phosphating tanks, must
steel or heavily plastic coated barrels. be mounted along the sides of the tanks. Bottom heating is not
Usually, drive mechanisms involving a pair of half bearings and recommended because it causes undue circulation of sludge which will
oscillating ratchet arm are installed on each tank. The barrel with probably result in a loose deposit on the coated work.
supporting trunnions and ratchet wheel is moved from tank to tank by ln tanks containing solutions for zinc or manganese phosphate
means of hooks passing through lugs on the barrel (Fig. 3). coating the heating surfaces become more or less rapidly coated with a
scale of insoluble phosphate. ln such tanks, especially when operating
above 80 C (180 F), it is desirable to provide a set of spare heating coils
TUMILING 8ARllEI. and to arrange the coil installation to facilitate ready removal and
TANK TOTAW replacement of scaled coils. The coils may be descaled mechanically or by
immersion in inhibited 5 per cent (by vol.) sulfuric acid in a tank especially
provided for this purpose. Manganese phosphate solutions are
particularly rapid scale-formers. It is not uncommon that coil replacement
for scale removal is required weekly.
Fig. 3 : Tumbling barrei arrangement. Accurate thermostatic controllers are highly desirable, especially
in phosphate-coating tanks, where fluctuations of solution temperature
(3) Tanks with associated services. Except for obvious features these are often deleterious to solutions and to work quality.
differ little from tanks used for other processes. It is usually economical to provide thermal insulation for heated
Cleaning and rinsing tank dimensions are frequently fixed by the tanks.
size and quantity of work which must be in process at one time. The size Calculation of necessary heating surface for tanks other than
of a phosphate coating tank proper, however, is affected by other phosphate coating tanks proper may be made as though the tanks
considerations. contained water only. For phosphate-coating tanks in immersion
175 processes, the heating surface provided should be from two to three
Table 4 : Immersion Coatings "d
(Type of Coatings and Process Details) o
Type of Coating Metal Purposeof Coating Range Rangeof Typical Operation Recommended Jl)
Treated Treatment Time of Operating Operating Sequence (see Material of (")
(min) Temp. Temp. (C) Classification of Construction for oJl)
(F) Process Steps) Phosphating Stage
(seenote 7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Heavy zinc phosphate Steel Rustproofing 15-40 190-205 90-95 A(c),B,G,H,l,J,K Tank: acid-

Corrosion SeeNote 1 resistant or 3 /8 "'

resistance in. mild steel
ele-ments: acid-
Heavy manganese Steel Wear-resistance 15-40 200-210 95-98 A(c),B,G,H,l,J,K Tank: acid-
phosphate See Notes 1 and 2 resistant: acid-
elements: acid-
Light to medium zinc Steel Paint bonding or 2-5 80-180 27-82 A(c),B,G,H,l,J,L Tank: acid-
phosphate assisting cold SeeNote 1 resistant or 3 /8
deformation in. mild steel.
Heating ele-
ments: acid-
Light iron phosphate Steel Paint bonding 2-5 140-180 60-82 A(c),B,G,H,l,J,L Tank: M.S. or
SeeNote3 acid-resistant.
Heating ele-
ments: mild or
acid-resistant w
steel. See Note 4 . °'w


Table 4 : Contd ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Light to medium zinc Zinc or Paint bonding 1-3 140-180 60-82 A(c),B,G,H,l,J,L Tank: acid-
phosphate cadmium See Notes 5 and 6 resistant or 3/8
in. mild steel.
Heating ele-
ments: acid-
resistant tT1
Light to medium amor- Aluminum Paint bonding or 1-3 110-120 43-49 A(c,)B,G,H,l,J,L Tank: acid- ,.,m
phous phosphate corrosion pre-
resistant. Heat-
ing elements:
unpainted acid-resistant g·
Light to medium zinc Aluminum Paint bonding 1-3 130-135 55-57 A(c),B,G,H,l,J,L Tank: acid- ~
phosphate resistant. Heat-
ing elements: [
10perations C and D can be inserted in sequence shown if rust or scale must be removed. lf necessary, Operations E and F can also be inserted. OG
2 0ften Operations I,J, and K of typical sequence shown are omitted anda soluble oil immersion step substituted.

3 0perations C and D can be inserted in sequence shown if rust or scale must be removed.
4 Proprietary processes available operate at various degrees of acidity; accordingly, process manufacturer should be consulted before employing

either mild steel or acid-resistnt equipment. [

5 Inhibited alkaline cleaners normally are used in Operation A when cleaning zinc or cadmium. ;;l
•occasionally Operations C and D are inserted in above operational sequence, but immersion time in Operation C is usually limited to 10 to 30 sec
and is used primarily as "activation" dip. Operations E and F are also often inserted in above typical cycle.
7In order of decreasing corrosion-resistance in acid phosphate solutions, the following materiais of tank construction are listed: Stainless Steels AISI ~
Types 316, 304, 302, 430, 410. All of these are considerably more resistant than mild steel or low-alloy steels. ::e
Phosphate Coating Processes 365 366 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 5 : Immersion Phosphate Coating, Recommended Minimum Therefore, when phosphating is carried out on a large scale in
Tank Volumes confined quarters, ventilation should be designed to take care of these air
Type of Coating Metal Treated Min Vol,* gal/sq. ft. contaminants. ln addition to providing a general air change in the working
space, however, it will usually by found desirable to prevent the fumes
surface coated per hr
from pickling tanks and amorphous phosphate-coating tanks from
Manganese phosphate, heavy Steel or cast iron 2.5 entering the working space. ln arder not to interfere with overhead
Zinc phosphate, heavy Steel 2.0
conveyors or structures this is best dane by providing these tanks with
Zinc phosphate, light Steel, Zn, Al, Cd 1.0
slotted suction boxes exhausting air across the solution surface at a high
Amorphous phosphate Al 0.1 enough velocity to prevent fumes from entering the working space.
Equipment similar to that used connection with chromium plating is
*To get minimum tank volume multiply square feet of surface coated per hour by recommended.
(4) Drying equipment. This may be of any type suitable for drying the
coatings within about 3 min. Oven temperatures may be as high as 175
times as large as would be required to heat water only under the sarne
C (350 F) for crystalline phosphate coatings. Amorphous coatings on
conditions to provide for accumulation of scale on the heating coils. aluminum, however, must not be heated above 80 C (180 F) during
Heating requirements for tanks should be calculated both on the
basis of (a) the heat necessary to maintain temperature and (b) on the
The designer will do well to make drying equipment controllable as
basis of heat necessary to raise the solution from roam or water supply
to temperature and air circulation so as to accommodate a variety of
temperature to operating temperature within the time available after
coated objects of different mass and cross section.
shutdown periods. Often it is wise to provide for sufficient heat input to
heat the solutions to operating temperature in 1 hr. Whichever figure is Spray Processes, with Solution Recirculation
the higher should be chosen as the basis of design. Probably the largest area of metal surface is phosphate-coated by
Ventilation of immersion phosphate-coating equipment is sometimes passing the work, supported on a suitable conveyor, through a succession
required to lower the concentration in building or working space of: of stages in each of which it is sprayed for an appropriate time with a
( 1) Steam or condensed va pour different solution. Each solution, contained in a tank, is pumped through
(2) Pickling bath spray, especially if acids other than phosphoric suitable piping to the nozzles which discharge it against the work surface.
are employed The solution which runs off of the work returns to the tank from which
(3) Spray or vapours from phosphate coating tanks. it carne.
ln most instances reasonable rates of air change in the working Applications. Spray processes (as defined above)-are applied:
space are adequate to eliminate discomfort to personnel and dripping of (a) To produce light to medium weight coatings for paint bonding
condensed moisture from pipes and structures. or to aid mechanical deformation.
However, many phosphate coating solutions emit small amounts of (b) On iron, steel, zinc, cadmium, or aluminum surfaces.
oxides of nitrogen as well as hydrogen. Solutions for producting (c) When the scale of production is relatively large (at least 2000 ft 2
amorphous coatings on aluminum give off small amounts of hydrofluoric of surface treated per hour)
acid and spray from slight gas evolution contains fluorides, chromic (d) When all significant surfaces can readily be reached by solution
acid, etc. Pickling baths always evolve acid spray. Phosphoric acid spray projected by the nozzles.
is not very irritating to personnel or damaging to structures; the contrary (e) When the work items lend themselves readily on individual
is true of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid spray which is irritating to hanging on appropriate racks or hooks.
personnel and both corrosive and rust stimulative to structures and to (f) When continuous strip of steel, aluminum, or zinc electroplate
work in process. is to be coated.
Phosphate Coating Processes 367 368 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Types of Metal Coated and Process Details

Data on the types of metal coated and related process details are
given in condensed form in the following Table.
ln addition to the above, the following observations concerning the
following Table are in arder for spray processes in general.
(1) Operations C and D may be inserted wherever rust and scale
must be removed.
(2) Any operating sequence resulting in coating requmng grain
refinement will need the interpolation of steps E and F before
step A.
(3) Pump impellers and shafts in the acid final rinse, step 1 (a)
should be made of stainless steel (301 or 316) if long life is
Equipment. The equipment for spray coating processes may be o

classified as follows: ~

(1) Conveying equipment

(2) Work supporting equipment
(a) Hooks
(b) Racks
(c) Baskets
(3) Tanks with associated services
(a) Water supply
(b) Drain and overflow Unes to sewer
(c) Heating supply-steam, electricity, gas, or oil
(d) Screens
-~ -~
bO bO
(4) Pumps, piping and nozzles .Ei § .Ei
"O -~ "O
(5) Tunnels and associated equipment §
,.o ] '1j

u o
e ] §
(a) Baffles, grating, access doors and lighting
-~p.., -~p.., ~ -~p.., -~p..,
(b) Drain areas
(c) Vestibules
(d) Ventilating equipment
(6) Drying equipment
(a) Ovens
(b) Air blow-off stations
(7) Auxiliary equipment for
(a) Sludge removal
(b) Chemical feeding and metering.
(1) Conveying Equipment. Conveying equipment for spray phosphate
coating may be of any kind suitable for transporting the work through
Phosphate Coating Processes 369 370 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the various processing and draining stages. The most commonly used
conveyors are:
(a) Overhead continuously moving chain-driven conveyors have
the advantage of being relatively easily shielded from water or
chemical solutions by suitable spray-guards. ln especially
corrosive areas water seal troughs are required (see process
step C Pickling). The machine may be designed to pass work
around turns as well as in a straight line.
:i::' :i::' (b) Bar conveyors, in which the work is supported on parallel bars
c5~ r.5~
~ ~ .. ~ .. ri carried by a pair of parallel chains. These have an advantage in
,-.:: ;:::r- ~l=í'
~ ~
that they permit lower, wider, and, therefore, shorter machines
< < to be constructed. They have the disadvantage that it is
practically impossible to prevent not only the cross bars but
even the chains and sprockets from being reached by the
chemical sprays. Accordingly these must be made chemically
resistant. Moreover, the work may not be made to turn in a
horizontal plane; thus the machine must be designed in a
straight line.
(c) Continuous strip is handled by means of a series of drive rollers,
supporting rollers, and "squeegee" rollers.
(d) Various special equipment has been designed for treating
partially fabricated articles. Some of these machines embody
intermittently moving conveyors with doors between the stages
and intermittently operating pumps. A large German automobile
manufacturer uses a number of machines of this type. It is true
bO bO that a machine of this kind, requiring as it does no draining
.s .s
§ "O sections, (drainage being effected over the tanks while the pumps
..o ..o are shut off), and requiring no spacing to prevent overspray
-~p.., -~p.., from stage to stage, can be made shorter in length than a design
embodying a continuously running conveyor and pumps. The
disadvantages, however, seem generally to outweigh the
advantages. The complications involved in the doar operating
mechanism and the timing controls increase the cost of the
machine and decrease its flexibility with respect to changes in
line speed, etc.
Design features for conveying equipment are not peculiar to this
art except in the special details mentioned. A few criticai features of
machine design with respect to speed, length of drain section, etc., are:
(a) Transfer time should be kept as short as possible. Drainage
Phosphate Coating Processes 371 372 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

requirements rarely exceed 20 sec. Excessive transfer time is

likely to cause great difficulty. Not only is partial drying of
. :

work likely to occur during transfer, with consequent [1J------

irregularity of work appearance, but the fact that there is an
1 i r
enclosed tunnel gives rise to a "humidity cabinet" effect which
:.:.:::·:-::-· ·-
: ·-- :.-:
is almost certain to lead to corrosion or "rust blushing" • :· 1 1

especially after the acid cleaning, pickling, or phosphate-coating

.1-L.t..• -- - - ··
(b) The length of the interstage drainage area is closely related to
conveyor speed. With the usual continuously moving conveyor,

. ::..-·-
even the best type of profile baffling to limit overspray, directly i
from nozzles or deflected from work-pieces, will still hardly ·-·==-
permit making the horizontal distance from the last spray
nozzle to the top of the slope of drain pan less than the heigt of
the funnel profile. This means that the horizontal distance from
_ _.

the last spray nozzle riser of one stage to the first spray riser of
the succeeding stage is usually from 1.5 to 2.0 times the height
of the tunnel profile. This distance is likewise limited by the
horizontal length of the workpieces. No surfaces or channels
along which solutions may travel should span the distance
from the highest point of the drain pan to a nozzle in preceding z
or succeeding stage. Otherwise solutions may pass from stage _J

to stage, resulting in unwanted mixing of different liquids. a._

ln general it will be found that conveyor speeds less than about

5 fpm will lead to operating complications in machines with
--- •
-==--= •
continuously running conveyors. ln any case, transfer times of
over 1 min indicate the desirability of installing interstage -·- .
freshwater misting nozzles, especially in the drain areas p
following stages in which heated solutions are applied.
(c) Other design features may be noted in Fig. 4.
(2) Work Supporting Equipment. Work supporting equipment for
spray processes needs no comment in addition to that made in connection
with immersion processes.
(3) Tanks and Associated Services. ln addition to the information r-·-
.: - • .- • 1 •• - - • •

given for the general features of immersion tanks in the section on

immersion processes, the major points of interest in connection with
tanks used in spray processes are the following:
Tanks are divided by suitable partitions into a main section separated
from the pump sump section. A baffle 12 to 15 in. high should be installed
Phosphate Coating Processes 373 374 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Reference Table for last page Fig. A small retention time may result in rapid fouUng or deterioration
Ref. No. Machine Feature Ref. No. Machine Feature of solutions or in over criticaUty of control.
1 Conveyor center line and direction 16. Transferpum~ludge laden solution Solution depth in tank should be at least 30 in. to permit locating
oftravel 17. Sludge drum the pump suction Une:
2 Vestibules, entrance and exit. 18. Conveyor guard (a) Well off the bottom to stay clear of trash falUng into the suction
3. Oeaning stage 19. Headerpipesfrom pumps section.
4. Water rinsing stage 20. Riser pipes bearing nozzles (b) Well below the surface to avoid sucking air, even when the
5. Phosphating stage 21. Outline of work in process solution level is accidentally allowed to fall a Uttle too low, or
6. Water rinsing stage 22. Grating forming floorof tunnel when partly plugged screens cause a fall of level in the pump
7. Conditioning rinsing stage 23. Heatingcoils suction section compared to the main section.
8. Drainareas 24. Water fill line Services indicated in following figure 4 are conventional except
9. Ventilating ducts with fans 25. Access lid to solution tank that the water supply should be adequate to fill any tank in 30 min.
10. Solution tanks 26. Pump center line Drains and overflow Unes need no special comment. Discharge of
11. Access doors 27. Skimming trough solutions from tanks must be considered from the point of view of waste
12 Slopping drain pans 28. Double removable screens disposal as affected by local conditions and regulations.
13. Baffles againstoverspray 29. Tank drain center line Accurate calculation of heating requirements to maintain the
14. Riser connected to fresh water line 31 Cmbing around tanks, with drains withi temperature of a solution in a tank while the solution is being sprayed in
15. Sludge filtering unit 31. Floor an enclosed space is very difficult. The heat input necessary to maintain
solution temperature depends on the following heat lasses:
between these sections to prevent sludge, accumulated in the main section, (a) Radiation and convection from tank wall and piping.
from entering the pump. Solution entering the pump sump section should (b) Radiation and convection from solution surface.
pass through a set of double screens of about 4 meshes per inch for (c) lncrement of heat content of the metal objects passing through
cleaning and rinsing stages and 6 meshes per inch for the phosphate the solution.
coating stage. (d) Physical loss of solution with its heat content above cold water
These are to protect the pumps and nozzles from circulating soUd (and replenishing chemical) supply temperature (1) by dragout
contaminants, etc. The screens should be ruggedly constructed of 16 gage due to incomplete drainage, and (2) by entrainment of drops in
or heavier wire, in substantial frames, and should be provided with the ventilating air.
handles. Accurately constructed slides should permit independent (e) Total heat content of water evaporated from tank and spray.
removal and replacement of each screen in a set. For high production (f) Heat gain of ventilating air.
Unes, an additional set of screens is often provided. Lasses under a, b, c and d (1) above are readily calculable by well-
Screens in the phosphate-coating section should be of 18:8 stainless known methods, making reasonable assumptions as to entering and
steel. ln a pickUng section using sulfuric acid, rubber-covered construction leaving temperature of the work, and as to rate of solution drag-out. It
is recommended. For each 100 gpm pumped, at least 2 ft2 of screen area should be noted, however, that radiation from the solution surface is to
should be provided. surfaces ata temperature near that of the solution. These lasses, however,
Spray process tanks should be designed to give a solution retention are usually small compared to these under d(2), e and f. The magnitude
time of from 2.5 to 5.0 min. ln general the tank size should be related to of these larger lasses is dependent in a compUcated manner on several
the pumping rate to give the following retention times: factors in the operation of the apparatus, particularly on the pumping
Process stage Recommended solution rate of the solution, the fineness of the spray, and the volume and direction
retention time (min) of flow of ventilating air.
Cleaning 2.5-3.0 Empirical data taken from the operation of successful machines
Rinse after cleaning 2.0-2.5 indicate that the entire heat requirement for a stage may be expressed in
Phosphate-coating 3.0-5.0 terms of a reasonable assumed temperature drop experienced by the
Conditioning rinses 2.5-3.0 solution in its circuit through pump and nozzles, over the work and back
Phosphate Coating Processes 375 376 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

to the tank. While this procedure is not entirely justified on a scientific sufficient to heat a cold solution to operating temperature within
basis, the results are usually quite accurate enough for design purposes about 2 hr.
(Table 7). (4) If any unusually high lasses are contemplated under items a, b,
Table 7: Heat Requirements for Spray Stages c and d(l) above, these factors must be considered separately.
Estimated Temp. Drop Selection (May Vary ± 25% Due to Conditions) (5) The heat transfer area required to supply the calculated Btu
input to the solution may be computed as though the tanks
Operating Temperature Drop (F)
contained water only, except in the case of the phosphate-
Temperature (F) First and Last Intermediate
coating stages. ln this latter case, the calculated heating areas
Stages and Any Stages
Following Cold Ones should be substantially increased to provide for possible
accumulation of scale.
70-100 4 2
(6) Pumps, Piping and Nozzles. Any suitable arrangement of pumps,
101-120 5 3
121-130 6 4
piping, and nozzles may be used which will give an adequate
131-140 7 5 density of solution evenly distributed over the work. A common
141-150 8 6 arrangement for coating partly fabricated objects is shown in
151-160 9 7 Fig.
161-170 10 8 Obviously not all possible arrangements can be discussed. However,
171-180 11 9 certain recommendations will be made with respect to the design of such
181-190 12 10
equipment for use in producing low to medium weight phosphate coatings
For tanks which are preceded by unheated rinse solutions or for on steel and zinc surfaces, together with some comments as to how these
first-system tanks, the following data apply. recommendations may be modified for other causes.
B.T.U. per hour = gallons per minute x 500 x temperature drop (F) Design Features
Metal treated Steel
Type of phosphate coating Medium weight zinc phosphate ln Table 8 are tabulated certain design constants compiled from
Purpose of coating Rustproofing, paint bonding many successfully operating power-spray washing machines.
Coating time, min 2 to 4 (5) Tunnels and Associated Equipment. The spray zones and drain
Temperature 150 to 170 F areas between spray zones are normally enclosed by a sheet-metal
Type of current 60 cycles/sec, AC housing, often referred to as the tunnel. The tunnel (a) confines the
Operating voltage 6 to 12 rms sprayed solutions and (b) provides a channel for exhausting vapours to
Current density on work 25 to 50 amp / sq ft exhaust stacks.
Recommended material of Tank, heating coils stainless steel Normally baffles are mounted to the tunnel at the entrance and exit
construction 18:8 ends of each spray zone to minimize over-spray from stage to stage.
Notes: A heavy grating is often placed at the bottom of the spray tunnel to
(1) Example: A cleaning stage receives cold work entering a provide a cat-walk through the machine and to prevent any work
machine. The pumping rate is 550 gpm and the solution dislodged from conveyor from dropping into tanks.
operating temperature is 160 F. What is the heat requirement It is desirable to have access doors in each drain area for entry to
for this stage? the tunnel, as well as for viewing treated work, carry-over of solution by
Answer: 550 x 500 x 9 = 2,475,000 Btu/hr the work, over-spray, etc.
(2) The above Btu requirements may be decreased by about 20 per It is also desirable (especially for large units) to have lights on
cent when the preceding stage operates at a temperature within hinges mounted outside the tunnel adjacent to the access doors. These
25º of the one under calculation. lights are adjustable and can be swung into the tunnel when needed.
(3) Heat requirements calculated in the above manner should be 182 These fixtures can be purchased from any supply house dealing in lighting
Phosphate Coating Processes 377 378 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 8 : Typical Design Constants for Spray Coating Machines (e) Nozzle type refers to the kind of spray pattern delivered. "Flat spray" means a nozzle
delivering a pattern which is elongated and not finely atomized. Angle subtended by
Purposeof Retention Spray Horizontal Average Typeof Nozzle
spray patten at nozzle is about 30 to 50°. Hollow-cone spray means a nozzle delivering
Stage Time Density Spray, Riser Vertical Nozzle Pressure
a hollow-cone pattern-automization is quite fine.
(min) (gpm/sqft) Spacing, Spray Nozzle (psi)
Center to Spacing (f) Nozzle pressures are to be interpreted literally as actual pressure at the nozzle, not at the
Center (in. )* (in.) pump.
Further notes for above Table :
Cleaning 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 12-20 10-14 Flat spray 15-25
(1) The data given above are for light to medium zinc phosphate coating of steel or zinc. For
Rinsing 2.0-2.5 2.0-2.5 12-20 10-14 Flat spray 15-25
Pickling 1.5-2.5 1.5-2.0 12-20 10-14 Flat spray 10-15 amorphous coating of aluminum, the use of flat spray nozzles is recommended through-
Rinsing 2.0-2.5 2.0-2.5 12-20 10-14 Flat spray 10-15 ou t all the sections.
Coating 3.0-5.0 1.6-3.0 12-20 10-14 Hollow-cone 8-12 (2) All piping should be of ample size to feed the nozzles at full indicated pressure and
spray volume, with a head drop from pump outlet to nozzle of not more than about 15 ft.
Rinsing 2.0-2.5 2.0-2.5 12-20 10-14 Hollaw-cone 10-15 Piping for phosphate-coating solution should be made one pipe size larger than the
computations indica te to allow for accumulation of interior scale, etc. The highest point
conditioning 2.0-3.0 1.5-2.5 12-20 10-14 Hollaw-cone
rinsing spray of pump section intakes should be located at least one foot below the solution levei to
eliminate the possibility of sucking air into the piping system-the lowest points of
Spray riser spacing may increase with increasing conveyor speed from 5 ft/min to 25 ft/ intakes should be at least 6 in. off the bottom of the pump section of the tank.
min within the limits shown.
Notes for above Table
(a) Retention time means volume of solution in tank at working levei in gallons, divided by
pumping rate in gallons per minute. equipment for use on truck loading docks or they can be fabricated by the
(b) Spray density refers to the rate of solution delivery into the working zone per unit of
equipment manufacturer.
maximum exterior work area which can be fitted into the clear working space. lf a spray
tunnel for partly fabricated work is in question, the "work area" is defined as the perim-
The area between two spray zones within the tunnel is the drain
eter of the tunnel cross section inside of the baffles defining the silhouette, multiplied by area, and the design of the length of these areas is fairly criticai. The
the length of the stage between centers of the extreme spray risers. length of drain areas is based on the two following functions which this
If continuous is being treated, the "work area" is defined as twice the width of the strip area must perform:
by the length of the stage between extreme nozzle centers. If multiple strips are being (a) Prevent, or maintain at an absolute minimum, over-spray of
treated, the total strip width is used in the formula.
solution from stage to adjacent state.
Example 1: The cross section of a phosphating stage for refrigerators has a periphery
within the baffles of 27 ft. It is 10 ft long between centers of first and last spray risers. The
(b) Prevent or minimize physical carry-over or channeling of the
pump delivers 550 gpm. What is the spray density? solution (by work being treated) from stage to adjacent stages.
Answer: 550/2+x10 =2.04 gpm/sqft Intermixing of chemicals or solutions between any two adjacent
Example 2: A phosphating machine stage for flat strip coats four bands each 3 in. wide in stages is costly and very possibly, deleterious to quality. ln general, drain
30 sec. The web speed is 100 ft/min, and the spray density required is 1.5 gpm/sq ft. area lengths should be only long enough to accomplish the functions
What must be the pumping rate of the solution?
listed in (a) and (b) above.
U sually the drain areas are sloped as shown in Fig. 4 with a 3-in.
rise for every 10 ft of lineal drain.
(e) Horizontal spray riser spacing recommended varies with conveyor speed over the indi- The tunnel is normally extended beyond the first and last stages, to
cated range between conveyor speeds of 5 to 25 ft/min. Higher conveyor (or continuous
provide space for vestibules and exhaust "stacks." Also, the floor of the
web) speeds permit even larger spacing.
If nozzles are mounted on pipes parallel to the converyor travei (a possible but unusual
vestibule is sloped so as to serve as a drain pan for over-spray. Normally,
arrangement), the tabulated values then mean nozzle spacing along the converyor. the lengths of the vestibules are equal to about the height of the tunnel
(d) "Vertical" spray nozzle spacing means nozzle spacing at right angles to the line of but usually not less than 3 ft.
conveyor travei. This distance is chosen so that the work is evenly covered by the nozzle Exhaust fans are normally provided at the top of the vestibules at
discharge. Stagger nozzles on successive risers. 183
Phosphate Coating Processes 379 380 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

entrance and exit end of washer. The fans are designed to prevent mists Simplified and Specialized Processes
and vapours from escaping from the ends of the tunnel. As a general rule, A simplified process is one in which one or more of the process
mists will not escape if the velocity of the air into the ends of the tunnel steps is accomplished manually instead of mechanically.
is at least 125 fpm. Excessive heat loss is encountered if exhausts are A specialized process is one in which unusual properties are
overdesigned. It is also desirable to have drip baffles below the exhaust imparted to the coating being applied.
stacks to prevent condensed vapours from dripping onto work in process. Simplified Processes. Quite often simplified processes are
(6) Drying Equipment. A circulating hot-air oven, preferably indirect employed when the items to be treated are too large for convenient
fired, is normally provided. Oven should be of such capacity as to dry the application of immersion or conventional spray technique, or when the
coated work in from 3 to 5 min with air at 120 to 177 C (250 to 350 F). production is too small to warrant the installation of fully mechanized
Vapour and spray mist from the final stage of the washer should not be equipment.
allowed to enter the oven. This is accomplished by removing the oven Purely manual cleaning and application of paint bonding phosphate
from the spray washer a distance of 3 ft. coatings is sometimes employed in the treatment of aluminum, steel,
If drain holes cannot be located in the work so as to remove all zinc, or cadmium surfaces. Examples of such applications are: large
"pocketed" or entrapped final rinse solution, suitable compressed air jets structures, such as buildings, bridges, gas holders, ships, etc., as well the
can be directed to these areas to disperse this solution before work enters refinishing of automobile bodies.
the drying oven. Other methods of solving this drainage problem may be An example of a semimechanized process is illustrated in Fig. 5.
employed such as tilting the racked work. Specialized Processes. Specialized processes involve additional
(7) Auxiliary Equipment. It will be necessary in most spray zinc steps or equipment to those which have been described above. Two kinds
phosphate-coating systems to remove sludge from the coating stage tank of specialized processes are of sufficient interest to require mention: (1)
from time to time. This removal can be accomplished by (a) settling and Production of coloured phosphate coatings, (2) Electrophosphating.
decantation, or (b) filtration.
For decantation a conical bottomed tank of capacity sufficient to
hold about 1 /3 to 1 /2 the volume of the coating solution is provided.
This tank has a bottom valve of large diameter for removal of settled
sludge, anda side opening with valve (about 1/2 of the volume up the
tank) for returning the clarified solution to the phosphating tank by
gravity. ln arder to transfer settled sludge from the phosphating tank to
the settling tank periodically, a pump of 75 to 150 gpm capacity equipped
with flexible hose on the suction side is normally employed.
Continuously or intermittently operated filtration equipment has
also been used advantageously. Such equipment is a little more expensive
initially, but is somewhat more efficient in the recovery of clear solution NOTE : DIMENSIONS 'A' & 'B' ARE OPTIONAL DEPENDING ON MAXIMUM SIZE OF
Phosphating processes normally operate more efficiently if BATH AND CONDITIONING RINSE BATH ON WORK TO BE COATED

replenishment of coating chemicals to the phosphating tank is continuous.

c::J- ir==:r- - ç:::::::J-+ c:::J
This is best accomplished by feeding the chemicals in solution by means METAL FLOW ~ CHROMIC DRY OFF
of metering pumps adjustable for deliveries in range of O to 5 gal/hr. Of RINSING IF ZINC RINSE CONDITIONING
course, pumps must be chemically resistant to the solutions being fed. NECESARY PHOSPHATE DECK RINSE

Translucent plastic tubing is recommended for use on suction and

discharge lines. 184 Fig. 5 : Typical layout of flow zinc phosphate process.
Phosphate Coating Processes 381

(1) Production of Coloured Phosphate Coatings. Such coatings are

produced by adding one or more steps to the usual coating process, by
which coloured compounds are formed in or on the phosphate coating.
These steps, however, consist merely in treating the coated surface with CHAPTER 16
one or more aqueous solutions, with or without intermediate rinsing. CHROMATE CONVERSION
From the engineering standpoint, the fitting of such additional steps in
a phosphate coating process involves no principies which have not been COATINGS
discussed. Cycle time, temperature, etc., as well as materiais of
construction for the colouring chemical stages of such proprietary process
will be specified by their proprietors. Usually short treatment times, low Chromate conversion coatings were developed to m1rurmze the
temperatures and dilute metal salt solutions are involved. formation of "white rust" on zinc electroplated coatings and to guarantee
The requirements of waste disposal and fuel economy have resulted paint adhesion. Success with zinc led to treating cadmium in the sarne
in the development of very low-temperature 20 to 30 C (70 to 90 F) iron manner. Later, a broad range of conversion coatings were developed for
phosphating systems, non chromated sealing solutions and solvent based silver, copper, beryllium, tin, copper alloys, aluminum, magnesium, zinc
systems. The basic principies of equipment design are, however similar. base die castings and electroplated chromium.
Cathodic electrodeposition systems for applying paint are becoming Chromate conversion coatings are formed beca use the metal surface
increasingly popular. These systems require special characteristics in the dissolves to a small extent, causing a pH rise at the surface-liquid interface.
phosphate coatings used in the pretreatments. It is important, therefore, This results in the precipitation of a thin complex chromium-metal gel
that these special factors be considered when selecting and designing a on the surface, composed of hexavalent and trivalent chromium and the
pretreatment system for such a coating. Equipment design, however, coated metal itself. This gel is normally soft when formed and therefore
will not usually be different from that described above. the coated work must be carefully handled. After drying, the coating
becomes hard and relatively abrasion-resistant. If heat treating for relief
of hydrogen embrittlement is required, this should be dane before
chromating because the chromate film will not withstand high
temperature > 65 C (150 F) treatment unless protected from dehydration
with a supplemental protective organic coating.
Good processing of electroplated zinc and cadmium is aided by
keeping in mind the following :
1. Smooth, fine grained deposits with uniform thickness respond
best to chromating.
2. The codeposition of other metallic impurities, especially copper
and lead, can result in defective conversion coatings.
3. Good plating practice dictates the removal and neutralizing of
plating solutions prior to chromating. An activating solution
consisting of dilute nitric acid (1h%) or a proprietary solution is
used to neutralize and remove the plating solution.
4. Maintenance of the chromate solution is controlled by vendar
methods and the experience of the operator.
5. Good water rinsing after chromate is essential. Bleaching (NaOH
or Na 2C03) may be required to provide a clear noniridescent
185 coating.
Chromate Conversion Coatings 383 384 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

6. The final rinse should be agitated and warm 50 to 60 C (120 to The decorative appearance of these coatings is improved by the
140 F) with sufficient flow to avoid the buildup of acid or alkali chromate coating. The solution polishes or smoothens the surface, which
to prevent the removal of the coating. improves the specular reflectivity or brightness. Surface film and
7. The drying temperature should not exceed 70 C (160 F) to nonuniform haze, which would interfere with specular reflection, are
prevent destroying the protective quality of the coating. removed.
8. If chromating is not dane immediately after plating, the zinc or Greater resistance to finger staining during handling is provided by
cadmium should be activated by suitable alkaline cleaning and the coatings. The conversion coating provides improvement in corrosion
acid dipping before conversion coating. resistance and the treated work retains its brilliance longer in mild
Mechanism of Corrosion Protection exposure conditions. Shelf life is significantly improved.
Chromate coatings are adherent to the metal and provide self- Generally, chromated zinc is more resistant in industrial
healing protection from atmospheric conditions in rural, industrial, inland, atmospheres. Cadmium corrodes less in rural and seacoast environments.
and seacoast locations. Protection is provided by the leaching of the Dyed finishes are produced in a supplemental processing step after
soluble chromate content in the film. The degree of protection is improved the chromate coating. Once the chromate coating has been dried, it
by increasing both the chromate content in the film and the thickness of cannot be dyed. Applications for dyed coatings are:
the metal deposit. 1. Colour coding; e.g., blue for metric and red for other than
The iridescent and olive drab coatings have a higher chromate metric. This is widely used in the fastener industry to provide
content than the clear coatings and provide the maximum corrosion identification for different sizes.
resistance. A typical analysis of a chromate conversion coating is: 2. Black for camera parts and where optical properties are
% required.
Cr+6 8.68 3. Simulated brass for lamps, wire goods and furniture. This type
Cr+3 20.22 of work is usually painted to provide added durability.
S (as 504) 3.27
zn+2 2.12 Metais Commonly Chromated
Na+ .32 Commonly chromated metals are:
Hp 19.3 1. Electroplated metals
Oxygen Balance a. Zinc-decorative, corrosion protection and paint base.
Type of Coatings b. Cadmium-decorative, corrosion protection and paint base.
e. Copper-decorative, tarnish resistance and paint base.
Coatings fall into one of two categories:
d. Tin-tarnish and corrosion resistance.
1. Clear
a. Single dip blue bright or white Table 9 : Electrical Resistivity of Chromate Coatings.
b. Bleached white or blue bright
2. Coloured Metal Type ofFilm Microhm-cm
a. Dyed Zinc None 20-50
b. Iridescent bronze Zinc Clear 50-100
e. Olive drab Zinc Yellow 100-1,000
d. Black Cadmium Clear 70-120
Aluminum None 200-500
Zinc and cadmium are widely used primarily beca use of their unique
Aluminum Clear 500-900
property of sacrificially protecting carbon steel from corroding. This is
Aluminum Yellow 800-2,000
dueto the electrochemical cathode protection provided by these metals.
Silver on steel Clear Increase of 27
Chromate Conversion Coatings 385 386 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

e. Chromium-corrosion resistance and paint base. Air

f. Brass-tarnish resistance and prior to painting. Mechanical
g. Silver-tarnish resistance due to sulfide. Solution flow
2. Zinc base die castings for deburring, decorative, corrosion 6. Transfer time
protection and paint base. Should be :s; 25 seconds
3. Copper and copper alloys, aluminum and magnesium-oxide
Type of Processing
removal, decorative, tarnish resistance and paint base.
4. 316 stainless steel-black decorative coating. 1. Spray, transfer roller coat or flooding
5. Hot dipped galvanized and mechanically plated zinc coatings. a. With subsequent water rinsing
b. Without water rinsing for some coatings on strip Unes
Table 9 shows the resistivity of chromate coating on zinc, cadmium,
2. Immersion
aluminum and silver. The resistivity of the chromate film is low and can
a. Barrel
be classified as an electrical conductor. This enables electrical connectors
b. Basket
to be protected without increasing the surface resistance. The major
e. Rack
advantage is to provide constant contact resistance in various
environmental exposures. Silver is an excellent conductor, but the contact Equipment
resistance of uncoated silver increases after aging due to the formation
of silver sulfide. A chromate coating solves this problem.
316 stainless steel with 316 ELC welds
Chromate coatings may be soldered with a suitable rosin flux. Spot
Polypropylene, polyethylene, PVC, Teflon
welding or fusion welding also works well.
Glass for F- (fluoride) free solutions
The Chromate Coating Solution Heaters
Chromate solutions are generally preferred with proprietary Uquid Type 316 stainless steel
or dry components and made up to the vendor's recommendations. Teflon
There are three basic types of solutions: Titanium or tantalum for F- free solutions
1. Hexavalent chromium-provides maximum corrosion protection Glass or quartz for F- free solutions
a. Immersion Pumps
b. Electrolytic CPVC
2. Trivalent chromium-provides less protection Polypropylene
3. Chromium-free coatings-provide very Uttle protection Stainless steel type 316
Control Factors for Hexavalent Chromate solution Air coils
1. Concentration-by titration PVC
Cr+6 Ventilation
Cr+3 PVC
2. pH-by pH meter or conductivity cell pH-0 to about 2.8 Baskets
3. Temperature, 24 to 32 C (75 to 90 F) PVC
4. Immersion time Stainless steel type 316
10 to 30 seconds (less for continuous strip Unes) Racks
5. Agita tion Plastisol with 302 stainless steel rack tips
Chromate Conversion Coatings 387 388 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Automatic Control HW maximum 60 C (140 F)

1. A control device is used to maintain the concentration by 7. Dry, maximum 70 C (160 F)
conductivity which feeds a signal to pump fresh concentrate. Control of Electroplating Solutions
2. Automatic temperature control.
1. Control of contaminatns:
3. Ion exchange to remove contaminants with or without
a. Zinc: cyanide, alkaline (CN-free) and chloride
evaporation for recovery and reuse.
It is good practice to maintain the chromate processing solution by
Cu Zinc dust
chemical analysis and to use automatic control. This provides maximum
Pb Sulfide e for cyanide) and zinc dust for alkaline
utilization of the chromate and reduces frequency of waste treatment.
and chloride
Ion exchange in a reciprocating (cation/anionic bed) system is in
Cr H 20 2-chloride Na 2S20 4-cyanide and alkaline
use to remove decomposition cations and anions. It is coupled with
Fe H 20 2 or KMn04-chloride
evaporation for recovery and reuse of chromate dragout, bailout and
b. Cadmium: cyanide and acid Remove:
spent solutions. This can be used in some chromate solutions to recover
Cu Zinc dust
and reuse solution which lowers operating cost and reduces the quantity
Cu Zinc dust
of spent solution that requires treatment.
Pb Zinc dust
Process Sequence Cr Na 2S20 4-cyanide H 20 2 acid
1. Electroplated metals 2. Chemistry:
2. CW (cold water rinse) Control factors within recommended range including
3. CW (indicates counterflow rinsing) brightener and other additions to produce smooth, fine grained
4. 1h% HN0 3 or proprietary activator deposits free of impurities and, when needed, uniform brightness
5. cw without bum and uniform thickness.
6. Chromate 3. Thickness of zinc and cadmium:
7. cw The thickness should be not less than 3.75 µm average.
8. cw Chromating generally removes 0.25 to 0.5 µm of the deposit.
9. HW, maximum 50 to 60 C (120 to 140 F) (hot water rinse) Troubleshooting
10. Air dry, maximum 70 C (160 F) Problem with Cause
Chromate Coating
Bulk plating procedure for iridescent bronze, olive drab or black:
No coating Chromate depleted or pH too
1. Do not rotate the barrel in the chromate or during subsequent
rinsing and drying to avoid rubbing off or scratching the coating.
Leaching in teardrop Transfer time too long ( > 25
2. Or transfer to a basket for chromating, rinsing or drying.
Processing copper, copper alloys, aluminum and magnesium:
Blue bright to white Immersion time too long or
1. Clean
chromate concentration too high
2. cw
Bronze rub-off Immersion time too long or pH
too low
3. Oxide removal
Iridescent blue bright Immersion time too long or lack
4. cw
of air agitation
5. Chromate
Stripped zinc or cadmium Thin electroplate; immersion in
6. cw
chromate too long; temperature
cw 188
Chromate Conversion Coatings 389 390 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand 8ook

too high Coating Hours to First White Corrosion

Cloudy blue bright Temperature too high Zinc plate, no chromate 1 or less
Dull blue bright Temperature too low Single dip clear 8 to 24
Loose bronze coating Temperature too high Bleached or leached clear 32 to 48
Dehydrated coating Drying temperature > 70 C Iridescent bronze or yellow 72 to 96
Dark bronze 96 to 144
Poor corrosion resistance Drying temperature > 70 C
Drab 144 to 250
Salvaging Rejects
Painted chromate coatings are checked in 100% relative humidity
Electroplated zinc, chromated and unchromated, can be stripped at 95 F (36 C) and in 5% neutral salt spray. The painted test panels are
in mineral acid (HCl or H 2SO4) and reprocessed. Cadmium can be stripped cross-hatched with an X. The X is cut through the paint. First failure
in other chemical solutions. Chromate coatings on zinc die castings, occurs by blistering or poor paint adhesion (peeling) in the X area.
copper, copper alloys, aluminum and magnesium can be stripped in Sodium sulfide test on chromated zinc plate is used to check the
alkaline and/or acid and reprocessed. quality of the conversion coating.
Coatings for Conversion Coatings Specifications
Wax, water base polymers, solvent based polymers and powder Military, Federal, SAE, ASTM, ASI and other specifications are used
coated polymer coatings are used on conversion coatings for the following as a standard agreement between the processar, buyer and user to
reasons: measure:
1. To improve the durability of the coated zinc: 1. Type of coating.
a. Water and solvent based polymer coatings 2. Thickness: where and how to check.
b. Powder polymer coatings 3. Corrosion resistance and specifically how to check.
2. To provide better abrasion resistance (e.g., for refrigerator 4. Weight, colour.
shelving): 5. Method of sampling for testing.
a. Water and solvent based polymer coatings 6. Qualified product lists, certification of processar by procurement
b. Powder polymer coatings and other requirements.
3. To provide lubricity and improved durability: Government Coating for
a. Water emulsified wax. Specifica tion
Accelerated Corrosion Tests USA 57-0-2C Zinc
MIL-F-14072 Zinc die castings
Accelerated corrosion tests are used to test durability of the
QQ-Z-325 A Zinc
chromated work after processing both by the plater and the buyer. It is
MIL-C-17711 Zinc die castings and hot dip galvanized
difficult to correlate the test to actual durability in service. Nevertheless,
these tests, coupled with field service experience, serve as a valuable tool
MIL-T-12879 Zinc die castings
in the quality control of chromate coatings.
QQ-P-416C Cadmium
The 5% lead acetate test of simple to run and interpret. A drop of
MIL-M-3171C Magnesium
solution (5 g Pb (C 2Hp 2) 2 per 100 ml water) is placed on the surface. The
QQ-S-3658 Silver
time required to obtain a black spot in the drop of liquid is recorded. A
clear blue bright single dip (no bleach) chromate on zinc plate should MIL-C-5541C Aluminum
MIL-C-81706 Aluminum, also QPL-81706-1
withstand the lead acetate for > 5 seconds.
The time for first white corrosion on chromated zinc in 5% neutral AMS Specification Coating for
salt spray is given below: 189 24008 Cadmium
Chromate Conversion Coatings 391

2400K Cadmium
2402D Zinc
2473C Aluminum CHAPTER 17
2474C Aluminum
B449 Aluminum
Anodizing is an electrolytic oxidation process in which an aluminum
Chromate dry and liquid chemicals are acid and strong oxidizing
component is made anodic in a cell containing an aqueous, acidic
agents. Storage should be segregated from any combustible (organic)
electrolyte anda metal cathode. When electric current is passed through
chemicals or materiais (rags, paper, etc.). Spills should be confined, picked
the cell, the aluminum surface is converted to an adherent aluminum
up with suitable safety equipment and the area flushed thoroughly with
oxide coating which is integral with the aluminum substrate. Anodizing
cold water. The spilled material should be treated prior to disposal by
may be regarded as the artificial thickening of the thin (1 to 5 nm) native
reducing any Cr+6 to Cr+3, neutralizing and precipitating.
oxide film that is always present on aluminum exposed to the atmosphere.
Personnel handling chromating chemicals should wear eye
During anodizing, oxide and hydroxyl ians from the electrolyte are driven
protecting (goggles ora face shield). Protective clothing and gloves should
to the aluminum surface where they penetrate the existing oxide film
be worn. Exposed skin or eyes should be flushed immediately with clear,
and combine with aluminum ians from the metal to build up aluminum
cold water. Eye exposure must be flushed continuously for more than 20
an oxide /hydroxide coating near the metal/ oxide interface. A nonporous
minutes with cold water. Contact a doctor immediately for the treatment
barrier oxide layer whose thickness is proportional to the applied voltage
of any injury caused by chemical contact.
(about 1 nm/volt) forms initially and persists as an advancing front into
Waste Treatment the metal during the anodizing process. Porous oxide coating soon
Chromate containing conversion coatings which require treatment develops above the barrier zone due to the dissolving action of the acidic
should be handled as follows: electrolyte. The porous structure permits continued growth in thickness
1. Reduce Cr+6 to Cr+3 with 502, NaHSO3 or Na 2S2O 5 in solution of the coating until equilibrium is established between formation and
below pH 6.0. Above pH 6.5, use sodium hydrosulfite. dissolution of coating. Anions from the electrolyte are incorporated in
2. Raise pH to 8.5 to 9.5 with lime or sodium hydroxide. the coating, typically about 15 weight % sulfate for sulfuric acid anodic
3. Remove Cr(OH) 3 by settling or filtration. coatings, but only trace amounts of chromate (< 0.1 weight %) for chromic
acid anodic coatings. The porous nature of anodic coatings is
advantageously used to incorporate dyes, pigments, corrosion inhibitors
or lubricants. Normally, the porosity of the coatings must be closed by a
sealing process for best performance in service.
Sulfuric acid is the most widely used anodizing process for
aluminum due too electrolyte and operatius costs and versatility in
coating thicknesses possible, up to 25 µm (1 mil) for conventional coatings
and to 100 µm (4 mils) for hard coatings. Chromic acid anodic coatings
are usually limited to thicknesses of from 0.5 to 3 µm (0.02 to 0.12 mil)
and owe their use to the fact that chromic acid does not appreciably
attack aluminum alloys. Thus, there is no danger of corrosion from
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 393 394 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

inadvertent, entrapment of chromic acid electrolyte in joints and crevices Table 10: Anodic Coating Types and Service Conditions (Adapted
of components. To avoid pollution hazards and waste treatment costs, from ASTM B580)
there has been a trend away from chromate-based processes. ln spite of
this, chromic acid anodizing continues to be used in aircraft and defense- Type Minimum Eledrolyte Service Condition Typical Applications
related applications. Thickness
µm (mils)
Classes of Coatings 5---Very severe. Pro- A, B-Unmaintained exte-
A-Engineering, 50 (2.0) H 2S04 or
Table 10 gives as under sulfuric and chromic acid anodic coating Hard Coat H,so, longed atmospheric rior architectural campo-
+ oxalic acid weathering, high nents, Machinery or
types by thickness, service conditions and typical applications. The wear conditions. marine parts.
classification and minimum requirements for anodic coatings, as used B---Architectural 18 (0.7) H,so,
by agencies of the Department of Defense. Weight of anodic coating and Class 1
C-Architectural 10 (0.4) H,so, C4-evere. Resist C-Maintained exterior
its principal ability in neutral salt spray are principal criteria for Types Class li scratching, abrasion, architectural parts.
1 and II coatings. Type III coatings have thickness and abrasion test weathering and
requirements. Coatings are further classified as dyed or not dyed. D-Automotive 8 (0.3) H,so, D-Exterior automotive
Exterior trim.
Coating Functions E-Interior, Mod- 5 (0.2) H,so, 3-Moderate abrasion, E-Appliances, furniture,
erate Abrasin occasional wetting. nameplates, reflectors.
The principal functions of anodic coatings are to provide hard, F-Interior, 3 (0.1) H,so, 2-Mild indoors, min- F-Automotive-interior,
wear- and scratch-resistant surfaces on aluminum parts, to protect the Limite d imum wear. housewares, enclosed
metal surface from corrosion and staining and to achieve and maintain Abrasion reflectors.
G-Chromic 1 Cr03 1-Crevice condition, G-Aircraft assemblies
specific onecorative texture, colour and appearance effects. Additional Acid (0.04) humid, little or no with lap joints. Base for
functions include maintaining high reflectivity, controlling thermal abrasion. paint.

properties (heat absorption and emittance), and providing electrical

insulation. Anodic coatings also find use as a basis for organic coatings, Shows the weights of anodic coatings produced on various wrought
adhesives, electroplated metallic coatings or lubricants. aluminum alloys by the conventional sulfuric acid process and by a hard
coating process.
Sulfuric Acid Anodizing
Sulfuric acid, the most widely used anodizing process for aluminum, Processing Steps
was patented in 1927 by Gower and O'Brien in England. Various The following is a general description of the processing steps for
concentrations of sulfuric acid in water have been used as the electrolyte, producing conventional and hard coatings.
ranging from 1 to 65 weight %,but 12 to 22% concentrations are most 1. Cleaning. Organic soils such as oils and greases are removed by
often employed. Two general types of coating are produced, conventional vapour degreasing, solvent washing, inhibited alkaline soak
and hardcoat. Conventional coatings are used for protective and cleaners, emulsion cleaners, ultrasonic cleaning or cathodic
decorative purposes in thicknesses from 2 to 25 µm (0.08 to 1.0 mil). cleaning.
Hard coatings are mainly specified for engineering purposes. They 2. Rinsing. Flowing cold water.
are produced with lower solvent action of the electrolyte on the oxide, 3. Deoxidizing. A deoxidizing type etch should be used on alloys
and hence are denser and can be made thicker than conventional anodic that have a heat treat oxide film; i.e., alloys in a "T" temper.
coatings. Thicknesses of 25 to 100 µm (1 to 4 mils) are employed. Hard Deoxidizing is unnecessary for nonheat-treated alloys ("H"
coatings are processed at higher voltages (25 to 100 V) and current tempers). Hot sulfuric-chromic acid solution is an excellent
densities (2.6 to 3.9 A/dm 2) (24 to 36 A/ft2) than conventional coatings deoxidizer. A solution containing 16 weight % H 2S04 + 3 weight
which require only 12 to 20 V and 1.3 A/dm 2 (12 A/ft2). % Cr03 is used for 2 to 5 min. at 70 to 80 C (158 to 176 F).
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 395 396 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

220 r----r----.---..--~--~-~-~341
a both comprising 81 weight % H 3P0 4 + 3 weight % HN0 3 + 16
weight % H 20 + 0.5 g/L copper nitrate crystals for from ~ to 5
min at 85 to 105 C (185 to 220 F). Another composition,
sometimes used in small installations, contains 70 weight %
H 3P04 + 2 weight % HN0 3 + 15 weight % acetic acid + 13
160 ---Coovention1l co11ing -+-i--..._--+-_ __. 248 weight % H 20. 5 Acetic acid reduces dragout loss by lowering
~ -Hard coatinQ 7075·T6 the viscosity of the bath. Electrolytic brightening in special
~ 140 217
electrolytes is sometimes used, but is more costly than chemical
.§ brightening .
120 7. Rinsing.
8. Desmutting. A room temperature 50 volume% solution of nitric
acid is used to dissolve the dark smut present on the surfaces of
items that have been etched or chemically brightened. The
deoxidizing etch (Step 3) may also be used for desmutting
etched surfaces. Treatment time is usually from 5 to 30 sec.
9. Rinsing.
62 10. Anodizing.
a. Conventional coatings are produced typically in a 15 to 18
weight % H 2S04 electrolyte with a current density of 1.3 A/
&...._.....__ __._ _......__ _,_~~-'---'----'º dm 2 (12 A/ft2) at a temperature of 21 C (70 F). Time of
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 anodizing is from 10 to 60 min, depending on the coating
Time of •nodic COlting, min thickness desired. Thickness development for common alloys
Fig. 6 Relation of coating weight to anodizing time for conventional process, is at a rate of 0.36 µm/min (0.014 mil/min). Aluminum-
15 wt. % H 2SO,, 21 C (70 F), 1.3 A/dm 2 (12 A/ft2), and for a hard copper alloys (2XXX series) have a lower rate. For coatings
coating process, 12 wt. % H 2SO• + 1 wt. % oxalic acid, that are to be coloured by dyeing, an electrolyte temperature
10 C (50 F) , 3.9 A/dm 2 (36 A/ft2)'. of 27 to 30 C (80 to 86 F) is employed.
b. Hard coatings are produced within a range of conditions
that include the use of electrolytes of 12 to 22 weight %
Suitable proprietary deoxidizing etches that contain no H 2S04 with current densities of from 2.6 to 3.9 A/dm 2 (24
chromates are available. ro 36 A/ft2) and temperatures of O to 10 C (32 to 50 F). With
4. Rinsing. a current density of 3.9 A/dm 2 (36 A/ft2), coating thickness
5. Etching. Etching is most commonly done in warm 5 weight % growth is at a rate of about 1.3 µm/min (O.OS mil/min).
caustic soda solution. Temperature are from 43 to 66 C (110 to Several proprietary hardcoat processes are used which include
150 F) and contact times vary from 0.5 to 10 min, depending minar additions of chemicals to the H 2S04 electrolyte, or the use of
upon the amount of metal to be removed or the textura! effect different wave forms of electric current such as pulsed de, or ac
desired. Acid etches are sometimes used in place of caustic superimposed on de.
etching. 11. Rinsing.
6. Brightening. ln bright anodizing, chemical or electrolytic 12. Colouring. When desired, colour is imparted to the anodic coating
brightening is used in place of etching. The more common by impregnating its pores with dyes or mineral pigments, or by
procedure is chemical brightening by immersion of the work in 192 electrodeposition of metallic pigments.
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 397 398 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

13. Rinsing. to produce stable colours. The only two that have had significant
14. Sealing. The porosity in anodic coatings is closed by sealing for commercial use are iron oxide for golden hues, and cobalt oxide for
15 to 25 min in boiling deionized water (pH 5.6 to 6.5), or for 5 bronze shades. Iron oxide is precipitated in the anodic coating by
min in 0.5 weight % nickel acetate solution (pH 5.5 to 5.8). contacting it with a warm, dilute solution of ferric ammonium oxalate.
Proprietary chemicals that minimize sealing smudge are often Cobalt oxide is formed in the coating by a two-step procedure-
added to sealing baths. These are polyhydroxyl or immersion of the work in a cobalt acetate solution followed by rinsing
polycarboxylate organic compounds having molecular weights and immersion in a potassium permanganate solution.
and geometries that prevent the formation of surface smut Integrally coloured anodic coatings are produced on aluminum alloys
without interfering with the sealing reaction in the pores. containing silicon, chromium or manganese. The colours are developed
For improved corrosion protection in salt environments, sealing during the anodizing process and do not require a separate colouring
is dane in 5 weight % sodium or potassium dichromate solution, step, though they may be overdyed to modify the colour. Aluminum-
for 15 min at 95 to 100 C (203 to 212 F) at a pH of 5 to 6.5. silicon alloys (4XXX series) and aluminum casting alloys containing
Hard coatings for engineering uses are not sealed beca use sealing silicon yield light to dark gray colours when anodized, due to occlusion
reduces the coatings' abrasion resistance. However, when of microparticles of silicon in the coating matrix. Aluminum alloys
intended for outdoor use without maintenance, hard coatings containing chromium in solid solution produce golden shades and those
are sealed for optimum resistance to weathering. containing manganese yield light beige hues when anodized by the
15. Rinsing. (Optional when boiling water seal is used.) conventional sulfuric acid process. Aluminum alloys anodized by a
16. Drying. The parts are permitted to dry in ambient air, or may be hardcoat process are inherently coloured bronze, or from gray to near-
force-dried in a stream of oil-free compressed air, or in heated black, depending on the alloy composition and anodizing conditions.
air at a maximum part temperature of 105 C (221 F). If higher The colours arise from light-absorbing microparticles entrapped in the
temperature are used, fine, hairline craze cracks may form in hard coating. Integral colours are light-and heat-fast and are used as
the anodic coating. architectural finishes on building facades.
Electrolytic colouring is the most recently developed method for
colouring anodized aluminum. It involves first applying a clear anodic
Colouring is useful for decoration or for coding of small components coating of the desired thickness to the aluminum parts, using conventional
such as rivets and other fasteners. Coloured anodic coatings are also sulfuric acid anodizing. The second step is electrodeposition of metallic
used to control the optical and thermal properties of aluminum pigment (tin, cobalt, or nickel) in the pores of the anodic coating, using
components. Colour is produced by different methods, the most common alternating current, from an aqueous, acidic electrolyte containing the
of which is dyeing. The porous surface of an unsealed anodic coating is dissolved metal salt. The colours produced can be controlled to give light
an excellent base for adsorbing and retaining dyes. Water-soluble dyes of to dark bronze shades, and black. Many proprietary processes have been
the acid (anionic) type are most commonly used, typically at developed. Electrolytically deposited colour finishes are both heat-and
concentrations of about 0.1 to 1 weight %, with contact times of 5 to 15 colourfast and are widely used in architectural applications.
min at min at temperatures of 49 to 66 C (120 to 150 F), in a pH range of
5 to 7. Dyeing conditions recommended by the dye manufacturer should Equipment
be used. Most dyed anodic coatings are not sufficiently colour fast for The equipment for sulfuric acid anodizing includes a series of tanks
prolonged outdoor use, but selected dyes are available that provide for holding the various processing solutions, refrigeration and heat
weather-resistant colour finishes for anodized architectural components. exchange system to remove heat from the anodizing bath, a de power
Exemplary of such dyes are the "Sanodal" series, Deep Black MLc, Black supply for anodizing, a heat source (steam, natural gas or electrical) for
GL Paste, Turquoise PLW, Blue G, Red B3LW and Yellow 3GL. heating the etching, dyeing and sealing solutions, a compressor to furnish
Inorganic pigments can be precipitated in the pores of anodic coatings 193 compressed air for agitation or stirring of processing baths and an exhaust
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 399 400 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

system for the removal of fumes from processing tanks. chapter on rectifiers). The amperage capacity of the power supply needed
for an installation can be calculated by multiplying the surface area of
Tanks the maximum size load of aluminum components envisaged by the
The tanks for holding alkaline cleaning and etching solutions are current density to be employed. Power supplies vary from a few hundred
usually mild steel of welded construction, equipped with heating coils. amperes for small anodizing tanks to as much as 10,000 amps for very
Proprietary deoxidizing etches usually require tanks of type 316 stainless large installations. Ammeters and voltmeters are essential for monitoring
steel; however, those containing fluoride may require plastic or plastic- the anodizing processes.
lined tanks. The hot sulfuric/ chromic acid deoxodizing etch requires a If an electrolytic colouring process is to be used, an alternating
lead-lined steel tank with lead heating coils. The nitric acid desmutting current power source of 25 volts capability is required. Colouring current
bath is held in a type 36 stainless steel tank. A stainless steel tank with densities used vary from 0.2 to 0.8 A/dm 2 (2 to 8 A/ft2). Some processes
S.S. heating coils is used to contain the phosphoric/nitric acid chemical employ more complex power sources to supply different wave forms of
brightening solution. current/voltage. The licensors of those processes should be consulted for
The tank for holding the sulfuric acid anodizing electrolyte is usually recommendations.
steel with a suitable plastic lining. Lead-lined, or rubber-lined steel tanks
may also be used. Lead cooling coils or plate-coils are mounted in the Racks
tank for controlling temperature of the electrolyte. ln large installations, Racks are used to support the articles to be anodized and to connect
the electrolyte is cooled by circulating it through externai heat exchangers. them to the anode bar of the anodizing tank. Racks should be of sturdy
The lead lining of an anodizing tank serves as the cathode. ln plastic or construction to ensure long life and must be designed to make good
rubber-lined tanks, the lead cooling coils or plates may be used as electrical contact with the articles and maintain this contact throughout
cathodes, or additional cathodes may be added in the form of lead strips the anodizing cycle. Beca use the labour involved in racking and unracking
or grids. the articles is the highest cost item in anodizing, it is important that the
Dye solutions are contained in stainless steel tanks with S.S. coils racks be designed so that the articles can be readily inserted and removed
for heating. When a proprietary electrolytic colouring process is used, form them.
the tank for holding the electrolyte should be of a construction Aluminum alloys are the most common rack materiais, but titanium
recommended by the purveyor of the process. For the boiling water seal is also used, especially for exposed contacts. Titanium, though more
or nickel acetate seal, tanks and heating coils of type 347 S.S. are used to expensive, has the advantage that it polarizes in the electrolyte but does
hold the solutions. The dichromate sealer can be held in a plain welded not form a thick, hard oxide coating, hence does not require stripping of
steel tank with heating coils. Water-rinse tanks are usually made of mild the contact points after each anodizing cycle. Aluminum rack contacts
steel. The flow of water through the rinse tanks should be sufficient to must be stripped of the insulating oxide coating after each processing
prevent buildup of chemicals corrosive to the tanks. load so that good electrical contact is assured for the next load of parts.
Stripping is usually dane by immersion in the caustic etch bath. This
Power Supply
results in gradual dissolving away of the aluminum racks until they
Silicon type rectifiers are most often used to supply direct current become too thin to support the parts. Titanium racks or contacts are little
for anodizing. The voltage should be continuously or stepwise variable affected by the processing solutions, hence last much longer than
from "off" to the desired level during anodizing. Conventional coating aluminum racks. To keep aluminum racks from dissolving away during
requires a power supply capable of supplying up to 24 volts. Hard processing, they are often coated with a plastisol or other suitable organic
coating requires up to 100 volts. Both anodizing processes are carried out resist material, except at the electrical contact areas. Contact between
at constant current which necessitates gradually increasing the voltage the racks and the parts being anodized can be maintained by spring
as necessary during the anodizing cycle. Programmable power supplies pressure or by means of bolted or clamped connections.
that provide automatic voltage and current control are available (see Aluminum articles having cavities should be racked in a manner so
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 401 402 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

that gas liberated from their surfaces can escape upwards and not be conditions, so the main loss of electrolyte, which must be made up by
held in pockets during processing. ln a given tank load, all items being periodic additions, is due to dragout. During use, dissolved aluminum
anodized should be of the sarne aluminum alloy and temper. This is slowly builds up in the electrolyte. The limiting concentration is about 20
because different alloys or tempers draw different amounts of current at g/L. Above this concentration, aluminum sulfate can precipitate out on
a given voltage and consequently would end up with unequal thicknesses tank walls at the solution level. For process consistency, it is common
of anodic coating. practice to maintain the electrolyte at constant levels of aluminum and
Bulk anodizing is employed for small aluminum parts such as sulfuric acid; e.g., 10 g/L aluminum and 175 ± 10 g/L sulfuric acid.
rivets, bolts and nuts. ln place or racks, a perforated cylindrical container Frequently, depending on the type of work load, dragout of electrolyte
or basket is tightly packed with the small parts so that they make electrical tends to keep the aluminum content from building up beyond a certain
contact with one another. Electrolyte is caused to flow through the level so that an equilibrium is reached. Decanting and disposal of a
container of small parts by strong air or mechanical agitation during portion of the electrolyte with additions of acid and water, based upon
anodizing. Bulk anodized parts will be bare of anodic coating wherever analytical determinations of total and free sulfuric acid, is the usual
they contacted one another during anodizing. maintenance practice. It was established that 20% of the combined acid
(total minus free acid) behaves as free acid; i.e., is available for anodizing.
Chlorides, when present as contaminants, can cause "burning" or
localized pitting during anodizing. It is good pradice to keep the chloride
level below 200 ppm. Generally, the higher the anodizing voltage, the
lower and tolerance for chloride contamination.
Because sulfuric acid is relatively inexpensive, it has been the
practice to dump the bath, or portions of it, periodically, as necessary.

... However, in view of waste disposal regulations it is sometimes economical
to reclaim and recycle the electrolyte. Proprietary ion-exchange methods
PERFORATED CYLINDER have been developed for regenerating the electrolyte to remove dissolved
aluminum and heavy metal contaminants. ln other processes, dissolved
aluminum is precipitated and recovered as an alum salt.

TWO POST· CastAlloys

The greatest volume of anodizing is performed on wrought
aluminum alloys; e.g., extrusions, sheet and forgings. Cast aluminum
alloy products are sometimes anodized to provide increased resistance
to corrosion and abrasion, or decorative appearance. Anodic finishes
SPRING PRESSURE may be applied to all three types of cast products: die, permanent mold
and sand castings. The best-appearing finishes are produced on Al-Mg
casting alloys-e.g., 511.0 and 514.0-which yield clear, colorless coatings
Ng. ·; 1 yp1ca1 racl< aes1gns ror anoaizmg having some metallic luster when anodized by the conventional sulfuric
acid process. The Al-Mg-Zn alloys (7XX.O series) also yield light-colored
conventional coatings. Casting alloys containing 1 weight % or more of
Electrolyte Maintenance copper give coatings that are less dense and less protective than coatings
The sulfuric acid electrolyte is relatively inexpensive and easy to on alloys having little or no copper. This is because the copper dissolves
other maintain compared to other electrolytes. It is stable under anodizing 195 out during anodizing. Aluminum alloys containing more than about 0.5
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 403 404 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

weight % silicon yield coatings having a gray colour. stretching or thermal expansion, because the linear coefficient of
It is usually more difficult to produce a uniform anodized appearance expansion is much lower than that of aluminum. The thicker the coating,
on cast alloys than on wrought alloys. Large grains, surface porosity, the greater the tendency for craze-cracking. These fine, hair-line cracks
segregation, dross inclusions, or flow Unes lead to nonuniform coating can act as stress risers and lower the fatigue strength of anodized
appearance. These factors can be minimized through foundry pradices structural parts, depending upon factors such as thickness and sealing of
when it is known in advance that the castings are to be anodized. the coating. ln many service environments, craze cracks do not reduce
Mechanical pretreatment by abrasive blasting, shot peening, satin the protective value of the coating (e.g., in most architectural
finishing or polishing the surface of the casting before anodizing can also applications). ln severe corrosive environments such as acidified salt
help in achieving a uniform appearance. spray, craze cracks can act as sites for corrosive attack of the basis metal.
Porosity in the surface of a casting can entrap acid electrolyte Anodic coatings alone are not reliable for the protection of susceptible
which is not completely removed in the water rinse. ln subsequent dyeing alloys against stress corrosion cracking.
or sealing treatments, the acid can leach out and prevent dye uptake in The resistance of anodic coatings to chemical attack by dilute aqueous
areas of porosity, and can also prevent sealing of those areas. This problem solutions is good in the pH range of 4 to 8.5. The anodic oxide is amphoteric
is avoided by immersing the anodized casting in dilute ammonia or and dissolves readily in strong acids and bases. Sealing the porosity of
bicarbonate solution, or in a 50 volume % nitric acid solution, at roam the coating lowers its rate of dissolution significantly. Conventional
temperature, followed by rinsing in water. These solutions remove the sulfuric acid anodic coatings show excellent resistance to erosion by
acid electrolyte before proceeding to the dyeing and sealing treatments. weathering in an industrial atmosphere. ln a series of tests of up to 18
years exposure, it was shown that the coatings thin down gradually and
Coating Properties
uniformly at an average rate of only 0.33 µm/year (0.013 mil/year). The
Sulfuric acid anodizing has good covering power; i.e., the ability to loss in coating thickness appears to be linear with exposure time. Thus,
develop coating over all surfaces of an aluminum part exposed to the theoretically, a 25 µm (1 mil) thick coating should last for 76 years before
electrolyte. This is due to the good conductance of the electrolyte (0.5 bare metal becomes exposed.
siemens/ cm) and to the nature of the anodizing process. As anodic The resistance to abrasive wear of anodic coatings is good and
coating forms on one area, it partially impedes the current flowing there, accounts for their use in many engineering applications. Sealing the
forcing it to flow to uncoated or more thinly coated surfaces where the coating reduces the abrasion resistance significantly. For applications
film electrical resistance is lower. Thus, recessed areas and the inside requiring optimum wear resistance, anodic coatings are used in the
surfaces of holes on aluminum parts exhibit coating coverage. When unsealed condition. Hard coatings have about twice the resistance to
necessary, auxiliary cathodes are used to carry current to extreme recessed abrasive wear as conventional sulfuric acid coatings.
areas; e.g., a cathode connected aluminum rod is inserted through the Anodic oxide is a good insulator and some use is made of anodic
length of a long pipe when it is desired to anodize the internai surface coatings as electrical insulation on aluminum electrical conductors such
uniformly. as wire or strip for coil windings. Anodized strip conductor has a space
The adhesion of the anodic coating is excellent since the oxide is saving advantage over insulated copper wire, and the anodic coating
integral with the metal substrate from which it was formed. The coating withstands higher temperatures than organic insulation. The average
will not spall off upon bending or impact, nor when subjected to thermal voltage breakdown value for anodic coatings is about 40 V /µm (1000 V/
shock by immersion in liquid nitrogen or oxygen, nor when exposed to mil). However, the minimum breakdown values are usually much lower
temperatures up to the melting point of the metal substrate. An exception than the average owing to microflaws in the anodic coating. Thus, a 25-
is that thick, hard coatings may exhibit spalling or flaking on the µm (1-mil) thick coating may show spot-to-spot values ranging from 250
compression side of a severely bent part. The anodic coating is as hard as to 1750 volts.
corundum, but is brittle, having an elongation value of only about 0.4%.
The coating will crack from deformation of the anodized part by bending, 196
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 405 406 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand 8ook

Testing of Coatings dissolving the coating in near-boiling 5 weight % H 3P04 + 2 weight %

Table 11 summarizes the principal ASTM test methods, with their Cr03 solution, known as "stripping solution". It does not appreciably
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) equivalents, used attack the basis metal, but is a good solvent for anodic oxide. The
for evaluating sulfuric acid anodic coatings. Many of these methods are difference in weighings is the coating weight, usually expressed in g/m2
called for in industry and government specifications. (mg/ft2).
A coating quality test used more in Europe than in the U.S. consists
Table : 11 Standard Tests for Anodic Coating Quality
of measuring the admittance (ac conductance) or its reciprocai, the
Standard Test impedance, of coated parts in contact with an electrolyte. The numerical
Property Principle ASTM ISO value obtained is influenced by both coating thickness and unsealed
Thickness Eddy Current 8244 2360
How well the anodic coating is expected to protecte the metal
Light Section Microscope 8681 2128
Interference Microscope 8588 substrate in a chloride environment is gaged in the neutral salt spray
Microscopic Measurement 8487 test, ASTM 8117, which can be called for in the Military Specification,
of a Cross-Section MIL-A-8625C. The copper-accelerated, acetic acid salt-spray (CASS) test,
Stain Resistance Dye Stain 8136 2143 ASTM 8368, is often required by the automobile industry for anodized
Weight Weigh/Strip /Reweigh 8137 2106 components such as trim and bumpers. The ASTM 8110 ac voltage
Seal Quali ty Acid 8680 3210 breakdown test provides a measure of the anodic coating's electrical
Dissolution 2932 insulation value in air.
Impedance/ Admittance 8457 2931
Protective Value Neutral Salt Spray 8117 Chromic Acid Anodizing
CASS Test 8386 Chromic acid was the first anodizing process to be developed
Insulation Voltage 8reakdown 8110 2376 industrially and was patented in 1923 by 8engough and Stuart. Their
Determination of coating thickness by the nondestructive eddy process, still used by some, involves a rather complex voltage control
current method, ASTM 8244, is the most frequently applied test and is procedure of slowly raising the voltage to 40 V over the first 10 to 15 min,
used in nearly all anodizing shops. Microscopical measurement of polished holding it constant for 20 to 40 min, then gradually raising it to 50 V and
cross-sections of the anodized part, ASTM 8487, is a useful though time- maintaining it for a final 5 min. The total time required varies from 40
consuming means to check coating thickness and its uniformity at specific to 60 min. A 3 weight % chromic acid electrolyte is used at 40 C (104 F).
locations. Less used coating thickness methods employ the light section A constant voltage procedure was later developed (see under Processing
and interference microscopes. Steps) and is more widely used than the 8engough-Stuart procedure.
The second most used test is the dye stain test, ASTM 8136, which Additional processes were developed to produce thicker (up to 8 µm, or
serves to check the resistance to staining of anodic coatings that have 0.3 mil) coatings having improved dye uptake properties for decorative
been given a sealing treatment. The quality of seal of sealed sulfuric acid purposes. These processes, applicable to the alloy series IXXX, 5XXX and
anodic coatings can be determined by the acid dissolution test, ASTM 6XXX, yield an opaque, enamel-like appearance. An electrolyte containing
8680. ln this test, the weight loss of the coating is determined after about 12 weight % chromic acid is employed at 50 to 57 C (122 to 135 F)
immersion in a solution containing 5 weight % H 3P04 + 2 weight % Cr03 for 25 min ata current density of about 1.3 A/dm 2 (12 A/ft2) and voltages
for 15 min at 38 C (100 F). The lower the weight loss, the better the of 20 to 25. The decorative chromic acid anodic coatings are little used
quality of seal. because they are softer and do not resist abrasion and scratching as well
Determination of anodic coating weight per unit area of substrate, as sulfuric acid coatings.
ASTM 8137, is required in some specifications. This is a destructive test Though not as widely used as sulfuric acid anodizing, chromic acid
in which a coated part of known area is weighed before and after 197 anodizing is highly desirable for protecting criticai items that have lap
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 407 408 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

joints, crevices, recesses or blind holes that can entrap electrolyte. Chromic an etching treatment is employed, it is usually dane with a
acid does not appreciably attack aluminum and its alloys. If acid is minimum amount of metal removal to maintain dose
entrapped, it does not cause corrosion of anodized components in service. dimensional tolerances on criticai parts, and in the case of
This accounts for the continuing use of chromic acid anodizing for alclad sheet products, to avoid dissolving off too much of the
protective coatings in the aircraft and defense-related industries. The cladding. When necessary, a light etch in a conventional caustic
coating is applied to spot-welded or riveted aircraft assemblies because etch bath may be used.
it is a good base for paint or adhesive bonding and provides good 6. Rinsing.
corrosion resistance despite its thinness. Additional advantages of 7. Desmutting. If an alkaline or inhibited alkaline etch has been
chromic acid anodizing are minimal dimensional changes in parts, and used, the etch smut, or any siliceous material from the inhibitor,
no harmful effect of the coatings on the fatigue life of components. should be removed by immersion in 50 volume % nitric acid
Another use for chromic acid anodizing is to detect cracks or other solution for 5 to 30 sec at roam temperature.
flaws in criticai, finished aluminum alloy parts. After anodizing , rinsing 8. Rinsing.
and drying, cracks are revealed when chromic acid bleeds out to produce 9. Anodizing. A constant voltage procedure typical of commercial
a brown stain. pradice is as follows: The electrolyte contains from 3 to 10
weight % chromic acid, expressed as Cr03, chromic acid
Processing Steps
anhydride. Electrolyte temperature is 35 C (95 F). A low starting
1. Cleaning. When organic soils such as oils and greases are present voltage of about 5 V minimizes a current surge and possible
on the parts, they should be cleaned in a non-etching, alkaline "burning" of parts. The voltage is then raised gradually during
soak cleaner. An emulsion cleaner, or vapour degreasing or the first 5 min to 40 V and is then held constant for 30 min.
solvent washing may also be used. It is important to remove Figure 8 shows the anodic coating weights produced by such a
organic contaminants before anodizing, otherwise they will procedure on four wrought aluminum alloys. Experience has
react with (be oxidized by) the hexavalent chromium in the indicated that coatings of less than 1.55 g/m 2 (144 mg/ft2)
anodizing electrolyte. Reduction of hexavalent to trivalent weight will not meet salt-spray test requirements.
chromium reduces the amount of chromic acid available for 10. Rinsing.
anodizing. For aluminium parts that have been machined, 11. Colouring. When colour is desired for identification or decorative
cleaning is the only surface preparation necessary before purposes, this is achieved by immersion of the rinsed, still-wet
anodizing. parts in a dye solution. Acid type, water-soluble dyes are
2. Rinsing. Cold flowing water. employed under conditions recommended by the dye
3. Deoxidizing Etch. Immersion of the parts in a solution containing manufacturer. To obtain improved dye uptake, chromic acid
16 weight % H 2S04 + 3 weight % Cr03 at 70 to 80 C (158 to 176 coatings are sometimes anodized at elevated temperatures of
F) for 2 to 5 min. Proprietary deoxidizing etches that do not 50 to 57 C (122 to 135 F).
contain chromates are available. A deoxidizing etch is useful 12. Rinsing.
for removing the heat treat oxide film present on alloys in a "T" 13. Sealing. Nondyed chromic acid coatings are sealed for 10 min in
temper. Removal of heat treat oxide film permits the anodizing boiling deionized water. lmproved resistance to salt water
process to start uniformly. corrosion is obtained when sufficient Cr03 is added to the sealing
4. Rinsing. water to lower the pH to 5. Sealing may also be performed in 5
5. Etching. Frequently, parts that are to be chromic acid anodized weight % sodium or potassium dichromate solution for 10 to 15
do not require an alkaline or acid etching treatment. This is the min at 95 to 100 C (203 to 212 F), at pH 5 to 6.5. Dyed chromic
case for machined parts that have been cleaned, or for parts acid coatings are usually sealed in 0.5 weight % nickel acetate
that have received a deoxidizing etch treatment (Step 3). When 198 solution, or as recommended by the dye manufacturer.
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 409 410 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

C (±4 F) is recommended. Circulation of the bath aids in maintaining a

1200 12.92
40 g per liter Cr0 3 uniform temperature and is accomplished by means of motor stirrers, or
~Cl 1000 40 V, 195º F) 0.5 pH 10.76 by compressed air bubbling upwards from a perforated pipe lying on the
E ::isº e
800 8.61 tank bottom. The steel tank and its heat exchanger coils are connected as
he the cathode in the electric circuit. Because large cathode area (low cathode
·~ 600 6.46
..... current density) favours the electrolytic reduction of hexavalent
.s 400 431
chromium to the trivalent form, the total cathode surface should be
200 2.15 limited to between one-fifth and one-tenth of the total anode area. This
o o is accomplished by shielding part of the cathode area by means of wire-
o 15 30 45 60 75 reinforced glass plates. Laying acid-proof bricks without mortar on the
Time, min
tank bottom is another shielding method. This has a further advantage
Fig. 8. Relation of coating weight to anodizing time, using a constant-voltage of avoiding accidental short circuiting of the work with the tank.
chromic acid anodizing procedure. Because human contact with chromic acid is hazardous, it is essential
14. Rinsing. (Unnecessary when boiling water seal is used.) to have adequate exhaust ventilation at the anodizing tank. ln small
15. Drying. The parts may be dried in ambient air, in a stream of oil- installations, the entire tank may have an exhaust hood over it. For
free compressed air, or in heated air. Because they are less dense larger tanks, where overhead cranes or hoists are used to manipulate the
and thinner than sulfuric acid anodic coatings, chromic acid work, the usual pradice is to employ slotted ducts mounted along the top
coatings are much less susceptible to heat crazing. edge of the tank sidewalls. The ventilating ducts should be designed to
remove 1 cubic meter of air per second per square meter of electrolyte
Equipment surface (200 ft 3 /min/ft2).
A chromic acid anodizing installation requires a series of tanks to
hold the different processing solutions, an anodizing power supply, a Electrical
heat source for heating processing solutions, sources of deionized water Silicon type rectifiers are usually employed to furnish direct current
and compressed air and an exhaust system for fume control. A cation for the anodizing process. They should be capable of supplying up to 40
exchanger for regeneration of spent chromic acid electrolyte is highly V and current sufficient for a current density of 0.54 A/dm 2 (5 A/ft2).
desirable. When thick, decora tive type coatings are to be produced, the voltage and
current density requirements are 25 V and 1.3 A/dm 2 (12 A/ft2). The
Tanks power supply must be regulatable from "zero" voltage up to the
Suitable tank materials for holding the deoxidizing etch, caustic maximum voltage, either continuously, or in steps of 5 V or less. Ammeters
etches, nitric acid desmutter, dye solutions and sealing baths are as and voltmeters are necessary for proper control of the process.
described in the section on sulfuric acid anodizing.
The chromic acid electrolyte is held in a mild steel tank of welded Racks
construction. An iron pipe coil installed in the tank can serve for both The racks for holding the work must insure firm mechanical contact
heating and cooling the electrolyte by passing steam or cold water through to prevent the build-up of insulating oxide from breaking the electrical
the coil intermittently. Steel or stainless steel "plate coils" can be used in circuit during anodizing. Mechanical contact may be by spring pressure,
place of a pipe coil. Optionally, heating may be accomplished by means bolted connections or adjustable clamps. Racks are usually constructed
of electric immersion heaters. Maintenance of a constant unit form of aluminum alloys 6061, 6063, 2024 or 3003. Plastic coatings may be
temperature throughout the electrolyte during anodizing is essential for applied to the racks, except at electrical contact areas, to give them a
consistently good results. Thermostatic control of the bath to about ± 2 199 longer life than bare aluminum racks. The plastic coating must be resistant
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 411 412 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

to the highly oxidizing, warm chromic acid electrolyte. Coated racks

have the further advantage of not consuming as much of the anodizing !

current as do bare racks. Small parts such as fasteners can be bulk- 1.4 ~
i ~""
anodized by packing them tightly in a perforated cylinder through which I 1.0 ' .....
a. -...........
electrolyte can flow. ""'---
0.6 ...........
Electrolyte Maintenance 0.2

Chromic acid is lost from the electrolyte as mist, by solution dragout 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100
on the parts, and by reduction of hexavalent chromium to the trivalent Cr0 3-g/L

state at the cathode during anodizing. A further reduction in the acid Fig. 9 V ariation of pH with free chromic acid concentration.
available for anodizing occurs because dissolved aluminum and trivalent
chromium combine with hexavalent chromium as aluminum dichromate Deisgnation System for Anodic Coatings
and chromium dichromate complexes which are ineffective for anodizing. The Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum

As these materials accumulate in the electrolyte, it is necessary to make Finishes" was established to assist users in designating the kind of finish
additions of chromic acid or, preferably, to remove the aluminum and desired so that suppliers would know what to furnish. Three major
trivalent chromium by ion exchange. Stable cation exchange resins are categories are covered; mechanical finishes, chemical finishes and
available for regenerating the electrolyte to purified chromic acid solution coatings. Anodic coatings are designated by the letter A," followed by /1

for waste reuse. Ionexchange regeneration has the further advantage of digits defining specific finishes of the various types. Brief description
elininating the need for treatment of spent bath. A convenient way to with examples of methods of finishing are given for each designation.
check the effective, or free, chromic acid in the electrolyte is by pH (Table 4)
measurement. The relationship between pH value and free chromic acid Table 12: Anodic Coatings (A)
is shown in Fig 9. The pH of the electrolyte, measured at room temperature,
Typeof Designation Description Examplesof
is usually maintained at a value below 0.6.
Finish Methods of Finishing**
The aluminum content of the electrolyte is usually kept below 0.3
General AIO Unspecified
weight %. The most harmful contaminant that is sometimes encountered
A11 Preparation for other 3 µm (0.1 mil) anodic coating pro
is chlorides, which should not be permitted to exceed 200 ppm. Excessive applied coatings duced in 15% H 2S04 at 21 C ± 1 C
chloride may cause burning or pitting of the parts. Sulfates are normally (70 F ± 2 F) at 129 A/m2 (12 A/ft2)
present as an impurity in technical grade chromic acid anhydride and it for 7 min. or equivalent.
A12 Chromic acid anodic To be specified.
is not unusual to operate the anodizing electrolyte at levels of up to 300 coatings
ppm sulfate. It is the presence of sulfate in the 100 to 300 ppm range that A13 Hard, wear and abrasion To be specified.
gives rise to the opaque appearance of chromic acid anodic coatings. The resistant coatings
AIX Other To be specified.
sulfate causes a fine micro-roughening of the aluminum surface, giving Protective and A21 Clear coating Coating thickness to be specified.
it a diffuse, whitish aspect. Excessive sulfate contamination will make Decorative 15% H 2S04 used at 21 C ± 1 C (70 F
the electrolyte corrosive to aluminum and to the steel tank. It is good Coatings ± 2 F) at 129 A/m2 (12 A/ft2).
less than 10 A211 Clear coating Coating thickness-3 µm (0.1 mil)
pradice to keep the sulfate level below 500 ppm. If it is necessary to
µm (0.4 mil) minimium. Coating weight-6.2 g/
reduce the sulfate content of the electrolyte, this can be accomplished by thick m 2 (4 mg/in2) minimum.
the addition of a calculated amount of barium carbonate or barium A212 Clear coating Coating thickess-5µm (0.2 mil)
hydroxide to form insoluble barium sulfate. minimum. Coating weight-12.4 g/
m 2 (8 mg/ in2) minimum.
Sulfuric and Chromic Acid Anodizing of Aluminium 413 414 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

A213 Clear coating Coating thickness-8 µm (0.3 mil) µm(0.7mil) min, or equivalent.
minimum.Coating weight-18.6 g/ and thickner A42 Coating with integral colour Colour dependent on alloy and
m 2 (12 mg/in2) minimum. coatings anodic process.
A22 Coating with integral Coating thickness to be specified. A43 Coating with impregnated 15% H 2504 used at 21C±1 C (70 F
colour Colour dependent on alloy and colour ± 2 F) at 129 A/m2 (12 A/ft20 for 60
process methods. min. followed by dyeing with
A221 Coating with integral Coating thickness-3µm (0.1 mil) organic or inorganic colours, or
colour minimum. Coating weight-6.2 g/ equivalent.
m 2 (4 mg/in2) minimum. A44 Coating with electrolyti- Application of the anodic coating
A222 Coating with integral Coating thickness-5 µm (0.2 mil) cally deposited color followed by electrolytic deposition of
colour minimum. Coatingweight-12.4 g/ inorganic pigment in the coating.
m 2 (8 mg/ in2) minimum. A4X Other To be specified.
A223 Coating with integral color Coating thickness-8 µm (0.3 mil)
minimum. Coatingweight-18.6 g/
m 2 (12 mg/in2) minimum.
A23 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness to be specified.
colour 15% H 2504 used at 27 C ± 1 C (80 F
± 2 F) at 129 A/m 2 (12 A/ft 2 )
followed by dyeing with organic or
inorganic colours.
A231 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness-3 µm (0.1 mil)
colour minimum. Coating weight-6.2 g/
m 2 (4 mg/in2) minimum.
A232 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness-5 µm (0.2 mil)
colour minimum. Coatingweight-12.4 g/
m 2 (8 mg/ in2) minimum.
A233 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness-8 µm (0.3 mil)
colour minimum. Coatingweight-18.6 g/
m 2 (12 mg/in2) minimum.
A24 Coating with electrolytically Coating thickness to be speficied.
deposited colour Application of the anodic coating,
followed by electrolytic deposition of
inorganic pigment in the coating.
A2X Other To be specified.
Architectural A31 Clear coating 15% H 2s04 used at 21C±1 C (70 F
Class llt ± 2 F) at 129 A/m2 (12 A/ft2) for 30
to 18µm min, or equivalent.
(0.4 to 0.7 mil) A32 Coating with integral colour Colour dependent on alloy and
coating anodic process.
A33 Coating with impregnated 15% H 2504 used at 21C±1 C (70 F
colour ± 2F) at 129 A/m2 (12 A/ft2) for 30
min, followed by dyeing with
organic or inorganic colours.
A34 Coating with electrolyti- Application of the anodic coating
callay deposited colour followed by electrolytic deposition of
inorganic pigrnnet in the coating.
A3X Other To be specified.
Architectural A41 Clear coating 15% H 2504 used at 21C±1 C (70 F
Class lt 18 ± 2 F) at 129 A/m2 (12 A/ft2) for 60
416 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

oil, grease, dirt, oxides, die-forming compounds, etc., must be removed.

This requires the establishment of a suitable cleaning cycle depending on
CHAPTER 18 the condition of the metal and the nature of the contaminant to be
removed. ln some cases it may also be necessary to remove previously
applied surface treatments to ensure proper coverage of the final
CONVERSION TREATMENTS Mechanical Cleaning. Methods of mechanically cleaning
magnesium are very similar in detail to those used on zinc and aluminum
FOR MAGNESIUM alloys. These include blasting, sanding and wire brushing. When blasting
methods of any type are employed there is danger of embedding surface
contamination which will greatly increase the basic surface corrosion
The increasing use of magnesium alloys in numerous industrial rate. ln such cases subsequent acid pickling must be used to etch up to
fields, especially the aircraft, automotive, materiais handling, and 0.002 in. from the surface prior to application of a protective coating
portable tool industries, has focused attention on this metal due to its where maximum corrosion resistance is a requisite.
inherent lightness, and good strength to weight ratio. The present Solvent Cleaning. Solvent cleaners are employed to remove
increased confidence can largely be traced to the development of more abnormal amounts of grease and oil and as a precleaning step prior to
corrosion-resistant alloys and improved methods of surface protection. painting when the treated work has been soiled in handing. lnitial removal
Unlike bare mild steel, inland and moderate marine atmospheric in this manner prevents a rapid build up of oil and grease in the alkaline
exposures have no serious corrosive effects other than to form a gray cleaner and reduces the time in this operation. Chlorinated solvent vapour
discoloration due to oxidation products after several years of exposure. degreasing, hydrocarbon solvents, paint thinners, and similar solvents
However, in contrast unprotected magnesium may be severely corroded may be used. Emulsion cleaners may also be used in the precleaning cycle
when immersed in sea water or subjected to sea spray or chloride-laden instead of straight solvents. These cleaners are essentially a mixture of
road splash. emulsifying agents and hydrocarbon solvents in which it is possible to
The oxide-carbonate film formed on magnesium in not entirely water-rise the solvent and contaminant from the surface after cleaning
self-healing, is alkaline in nature, and presents conditions analogous to by dip or spray methods.
those experienced on a zinc surface. Many methods have been Alkaline Cleaning. Magnesium, unlike aluminum, is not
investigated for treating magnesium by chemical immersion or anodizing appreciably attacked by caustic solutions. Therefore, heavy-duty cleaners
processes in arder to produce a more protective surface film or coating. high in caustic soda similar to those used on steel are quite satisfactory.
These surface films require supplementary protective organic coatings These types are particularly beneficial when old chromate type coatings
for the majority of applications. They are designed to replace the naturally as well as oil and grease are to be removed.
alkaline but less protective oxide-carbonate film with a more corrosion Most proprietary cleaning solutions with a pH preferably above 11
inhibiting and less alkaline or slightly acid coating. Such a surface is have been satisfactory. The following mixture is an example of a suitable
more compatible with organic coatings serving as a base for paints and cleaner for magnesium.
it provides better protection when used alone. A number of protective Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 8 oz/gal
treatments for magnesium are now being applied in the field, each of Trisodium phosphate (Na3P04.12Hp) 1 1/3 oz/gal
which is useful, depending on the application and severity of exposure The addition of O.OS t 0.1 oz/gal of soap or suitable commercial
for which the magnesium alloy is intended. wetting agent may be added if the bath is to be used as a soak cleaner. The
Cleaning sodium hydroxide can be varied from 2 to 12 oz/gal with the higher
As with all other metals being prepared for finishing treatments, a concentration being preferred for the removal of "burned on" die
chemically clean surface is necessary if magnesium parts are to be treated lubricants and the lower concentration for special alloys high in zinc and
by chemical or electrochemical processes to ensure adherent and zirconium that are less resistant to strongly alkaline solutions. The
continuous protective films. Therefore, all surface contaminants such as temperature of the soak cleaner is maintained at 180 to 210 F and the
Anodizing and Surface Conversion Treatments for Magnesium 417 418 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

time of immersion is 3 to 20 min. It is beneficial to agitate the work or Ferric Nitrate. This pickling process is gradually replacing the
solution in the interest of shortening the time requirement. chromic-nitrate listed above and the chromic-nitrate-hydrofluoric acid
Electrocleaning also shortens the cleaning time considerably. When pickle required for high aluminum content magnesium alloy castings. It
using this method the work should be made the cathode (anodic cleaning produces a chemical polishing effect and provides a smut-free surface on
usually produces an undesirable coating of magnesium hydroxide or can castings. It is, therefore, applicable to all the common alloys and forms.
result in local pitting depending on the bath composition, etc.). The Although developed primarily as a means of economically applying an
cleaner composition is basically the sarne as for soak cleaning except that attractive shelf-life finish, it also is being utilized effectively for a welding
the presence of soaps or wetting agents generally is undesirable. A current precleaner, for the removal of hot-forming lubricants, oxidation or
density of 20 to 40 asf is employed for 1 to 5 min and no agitation of the corrosion products, mill scale, etc.
work or solution is required. The cleaned parts are dipped in or sprayed with a solution of the
Rinsing after the alkaline cleaning must be very thorough to avoid following composition:
neutralizing or contaminating the pickling or treating baths which usually Chromic acid (CrO) 24 oz/gal
follow this operation. lron nitrate (Fe (N03) 3.9Hp) 5.3 oz/ gal
Potassium fluoride (KF) 0.5 oz/ gal
Pickling This bath is operated at a temperature of 60 to 100 F and the
Oxide layers, certain old chemical coatings, burned-on drawing treatment time is from 15 sec to 3 min or longer depending on the degree
and forming lubricants or other water-insoluble or unemulsifiable of brightness desired or the nature of the surface contamination to be
substances are not removed entirely by solvent or alkaline cleaning. To removed. ln this solution approximately 0.15 mil of surface is removed
remove these residual materiais acid cleaning by pickling is required. per minute. lncreasing the fluoride tends to increase the reactivity and
Numerous pickling solutions have been used in the past for magnesium to a degree the brightening effect. The operational range of the potassium
but only those that are now commonly used will be described. ln all cases fluoride is from 0.27 to 0.94 oz/gal. For castings the higher fluoride
these pickling solutions should be preceded by appropriate alkaline and/or concentration is preferred.
solvent plus alkaline cleaning and thorough water rinsing. Chromic-sulfuric Acid. The chromic-sulfuric acid pickle is used
Chromic Acid-Nitrate. Solutions containing chromic acid and a primarily as a chemical spotwelding surface precleaner. This solution
nitrate are commonly used for cleaning various forms of magnesium gives consistently low surface resistance for spot-welding. The work is
and, in particular, wrought magnesium alloys that are low in aluminum immersed for 2 to 3 min ata temperature of 70 to 90 Fina bath of the
content. Some of the more important uses for this solution are for the following composition:
removal of "burned on" graphite lubricants from hot-formed sheet parts, Chromic acid (CrO) 24 oz/gal
for cleaning prior to are or gas welding assemblies, and for removal of Cone. sulfuric acid (H 2S04) 0.065 fl oz/gal
mill scale from sheet. The parts are immersed ata temperature of 60 to ln high production operations it is advantageous to pickle for 10 to
100 F for 1 to 3 min or longer as required, in a solution of the following 30 sec in 0.5 to 1.0 per cent by volume of sulfuric acid prior to treatment
composition. in this bath. This assures neutralization of any alkali carried over from
Chromic acid (CrO) 24 oz/gal the alkaline cleaner and prolongs the life of spotweld cleaning bath.
Sodium nitrate (NaN0 3) 4 oz/gal Chromic Acid. Chromic acid pickling is used primarily for removing
The bath constituents can be varied to reduce the reaction rate. corrosion product and old chemical treatments from all forms of
lncreasing the chromic acid to 32 oz/gal and decreasing the sodium magnesium and flux from castings. It is also used on machined or dose
nitrate to 2 oz/gal is best for basket pickling of small parts. For removing tolerance parts to remove superficial oxide, etc., where no significant
contamination from sheet or stampings it is important to remove a dimensional change can be tolerated. The magnesium parts to be cleaned
minimum of 0.5 mil of surface in this pickle. Depletion is indicated by are immersed in a solution of the following composition:
lack of chemical action and a pH 1.7 or higher indicates a need for Chromic acid (CrO) 24 oz/gal
additions. The bath may be controlled by the addition of chromic acid to lmmersion time varies from 1 to 15 min depending on the condition
bring the solution back to the original pH range of 0.5 to 0.7. The solution of the parts and the bath temperature. The temperature of operation can
may be revivified about four times in this manner. 203 be varied from roam to that of boiling.
Anodizing and Surface Conversion Treatments for Magnesium 419 420 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Phosphoric Acid. This pickle bath is most commonly used for were lacking in other qualities. Most of these treatments are covered or
preparing castings for further surface finishing and for sheet products are allowed by Military 5pecification Mil-M-3171A (AER) under Types 1,
with deeply embedded mill scale. It removes surface alloy segregation II, III, IV and V treatments. ln some special cases these treatments provide
from as-cast surfaces and allows more uniform appearing surface adequate protection in themselves, e.g., interior parts and automotive
conversion coatings to be applied. The parts are pickled for 30 see to 1 engine parts that normally are covered with oil which adds to the
min or longer in a bath of the following composition: protection.
Phosphoric acid (85% H 3P04) 0.9 oz/gl Chrome Pickle. The chrome-pickle treatment is the most commonly
The bath is maintained ata temperature of 70 to 100 F. Metal loss used of all chemical treatments that have been developed for magnesium.
due to pickling is 0.5 mil per minute to immersion. It is used for many commercial applications but is limited to touch-up
Acetic-Nitrate. The acetic-nitrate pickle is primarily a producers repair work for most military applications. The coating is used to protect
in-process pickle for the removal of mill scale and oxide from sheet magnesium during shipment and storage as well as a final treatment.
products. The pickle can be used on other wrought forms and non- Good paint base properties are exhibited by this coating.
aluminum alloy content magnesium castings. The following solution The treatment is applied by dipping, spraying or brush methods.
operated at 70 to 100 F is used: The etching action of the Chrome Pickle removes up to 0.6 mil of surface
Glacial acetic acid (CH 3COOH) 25.5 fl oz thus limiting its use on dose tolerance machined parts unless allowances
5odium nitrate (NaN0 3) 6.7 oz are made or the amount of surface removal can be tolerated.
The usual pickling time is 30 sec to 1 min. A metal removal of ln applying the chrome-pickle treatment a solution of the following
approximately 1.0 mil/minis produced by this solution. composition is generally used for wrought products:
Other Acid Pickling Solutions. Other acid pickling solutions are 5odium dichromate (Na 2Crpr2Hp) 1.5 lb/gal
available but are used primarily on rough castings by the producer or for Concentrated nitric acid (70% HN0 3) 1.5 pt/ gal
special purposes. These are as follows: Magnesium sand, permanent mold, and die castings are preferably
(1) Concentrated sulfuric acid 2H 2504 ) 4 fl oz/gal treated in a modified chrome pickle of the following composition:
(2) Nitric acid (70% HN0 3) 8 fl oz/gal 5odium acid fluoride (NaHF2) 2 oz/gal
Concentrated sulfuric acid (H 2504) 2 fl oz/gal 5odium dichromate (Na 2Crpr2Hp) 1.5 lb/gal
(3) Nitric acid (70% HN0 3) 9 fl oz/gal Aluminum sulfate (Al2(504) 3 .14Hp) 1.3 oz/gal
Concentrated nitric acid (70% HN0 2) 1 pt/ gal
Tank Equipment for Cleaning Acid Pickling The above baths are operated ata temperature of 70 to 90 F and the
Chromic acid: lead, vinyl-lined steel, stainless steel or 1100 (25) treatment time is 20 sec to 2 min. A 1 min standard treatment time is
aluminum. used for all alloys and forms except die castings where the time is reduced
Chromic acid nitrate: vinyl-lined steel, stainless steel (Type 316), to 20 to 30 sec. The transfer time between pickling and initial cold-water
1100 (25) aluminum. rinsing should be kept to a minimum (5 to 30 sec) to avoid the formation
Ferric nitrate: vinyl-lined steel, stainless steel (Type 316). of loose powdery coatings.
Chromic acid-sulfuric: vinyl-lined steel, stainless steel (Type 316). Articles too large to immerse and repair of abraded areas of
Phosphoric acid: lead, ceramic, rubber, vinyl-lined steel. previously applied coatings are processed by brush application using a
Acetic-nitrate: 1100 (25) aluminum, ceramic, stainless steel, rubber- generous amount of fresh solution which must be allowed to remain on
lined steel. the surface for at least 1 min while brushing and then be washed off
Paint-Base Treatments immediately with cold running water. The coating thus produced is less
uniform in appearance than that produced by the dip or spray processes
Numerous chemical dip-type or surface-conversion treatments are
but is equally good as a paint base.
available for magnesium alloys. These are primarily used as a base for
The colour of the coating produced by this treatment is matte gray
improving the corrosion resistance and paint base properties. Only those
to yellow-red iridescent with a degree of fine surface etching for best
in current production use that are economical or perform satisfactorily
paint adhesion. 5mooth, bright brassy, coated surfaces are somewhat
will be considered. Others may be competitive in some specific quality
204 inferior for painting but are equally protective. The freshness of the
but are no longer used because they were not economically feasible or
Anodizing and Surface Conversion Treatments for Magnesium 421 422 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

solution, magnesium alloy being processed, and number of times the etc. This bath is an aqueous solution of sodium, potassium, or ammonium
bath has been revivified influence the colour of the coating. acid fluoride or mixtures of these salts. The acid does not rapidly attack
Sealed-Chrome Pickle. The sealed-chrome pickle is essentially a aluminum inserts, rivets, etc., and is more economical to use. The solution
two-step treatment of first applying the chrome pickle, and then sealing consists of the following:
this coating by a subsequent step of boiling in the dichromate-fluoride Sodium, potassium, or ammonium acid 6.7 oz/ gal
bath of the dichromate process mentioned below. The sealing treatment fluoride (NaHF2, KHF2, or NH 4HF2)
which improves the protection of the chrome-pickle coating is most The parts are immersed for 15 min at a temperature of 70 to 90 F
commonly applied to wrought products but also can be applied to castings and are then rinsed in cold-running water after the fluoride dip and then
if the amounts of metal removed by the chrome-pickle dip is not a the parts are immersed for 30 min in the following aqueous solution
limitation or is allowed for in machining. The sealed-chrome pickle operated at or near boiling (210 to 212 F):
provides corrosion resistance equal to the dichromate process. The coating Sodium dichromate (Na 2Crpr2Hp) 16-24 oz/gal
formed is matte gray to yellow iridescent through to brown depending Calcium or magnesium fluoride (CaF2 or MgF2) 0.33 oz/gal
on the particular magnesium alloy being processed. The presence of calcium or magnesium fluoride assists in chromate
The steps in this process include chrome pickling as described, then film formation in the dichromate bath. They are only slightly soluble and
cold-water rinsing. Immediately after chrome pickling the parts are thus control the proper concentration in solution. An excess of these
boiled for 30 min in the dichromate-fluoride solution shown below under fluorides is added above that which is not completely soluble in a fresh
"Dichromate" treatment. This operation is followed by cold-water rinsing unused solution. They can be conveniently suspended in the solution in
and a dip in hot water to facilitate drying. cloth bags or the excess can be added to the tank so that the bath remains
It is important to apply a fresh chrome pickle with this process for saturated with them. However, it should be noted that hydrofluoric acid
best results. Sealing an old chrome-pickle film as supplied by the metal or acid fluoride carried over into this bath can cause an excess of free
producer as a protective coating for shipping is not as effective since fluoride because of their high solubility, thus rendering the bath
ageing of the film prevents proper sealing. inoperable. When the free fluoride raises above about 0.2 per cent a
Dichromate. The dichromate process is the most common of the coating will not readily form.
dip-type chemical treatments in use today for magnesium applications After treating, the parts are rinsed thoroughly in cold water and
wherein maximum corrosion protection is desired. The treatment effects then dipped in hot water to facilitate drying.
no significant dimensional change and normally is applied after Galvanic Anodize. This treatment was designed specifically as an
machining and prior to painting. The coating varies from light to dark alternative process for those alloys which do not react to give a
brown in colour depending on the alloy to which it is applied. comparative higher performance protective film in the "Dichromate"
The following steps are taken in applying the dichromate treatment process. These magnesium alloys include EK30A, EK41A, HK31A, and
after proper degreasing and prepickling, if required, as previously MlA. However, treatment is not limited to these alloys but is applicable
described. to all forms and alloys. The process makes use of the relatively high
Immerse for 30 sec to 5 min at a temperature of 70 to 90 F in the potential difference existing between the magnesium and the steel tank
following solution: or steel cathodes hung in the tank. It causes no appreciable dimensional
Hydrofluoric acid (60% HF) 24 fl oz/gal change and is normally applied after machining operations. The coating
All magnesium alloys except AZ31B are immersed for 5 min, A 30 formed is dark brown to black in colour. Parts must be racked and
sec dip, or prolonged cold-water rinsing for 5 min, is used on AZ31B electrically connected to the dissimilar metal tank or steel cathode plates
alloy, otherwise the passive fluoride film that is produced will tend to for galvanic action to take place.
retard the formation of the subsequent chromate film on this particular The following steps are used in applying this treatment after cleaning
alloy. Careful rinsing is important to minimize the carry-over of excess as previously described. They are then treated in the hydrofluoric acid or
fluoride into the dichromate bath rendering it inoperative. acid fluoride dip exactly as shown for the "Dichromate" treatment.
An alternative fluoride treatment may be used on wrought products Next, the work is galvanically anodized for at least 10 min and for as
and on castings which have been acid pickled after basting or casting to longas 30 min (depending on the alloy and bath condition) at 120 to 140
remove surface contamination, surface alloy segregation, casting skin, F until uniformly covered with a dark brown to black coating. Prolonging
Anodizing and Surface Conversion Treatments for Magnesium 423 424 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the treatment beyond the time for complete coverage can result in the between faying surfaces, etc.
production of nonadherent powdery coatings. The following aqueous A solution of the following composition operated at roam
solution is employed: temperature is required:
Ammonium sulfate (NH 4 ) 2S04 4 oz/gal Chromic acid (CrO) 1.3 oz/gal
Sodium dichromate (Na 2Crpr2Hp) 4 oz/gal Calcium sulfate (CaS04 .2Hp) 1 oz/gal
Ammonium hydroxide (Sp gr 0.880. NHpH) 0.33 fl oz/ gal The chemicals are added to water in the arder shown, and stirred
The steel tank usually provides the cathode in this process. If the vigorously for about 15 minto ensure saturation of the solution with the
tank is lined using a non-metallic coating or lead, then steel cathode calcium sulfate.
plates should be used. After the treatment the work is rinsed in cold Proper application of the coating requires that the surface be kept
water, followed by a hot water dip to facilitate drying. wet with solution until a brassy iridescent film is formed. For brush or
Note: Where the object is to produce a black colour the solution can spray application this is for 1 to 3 min. Dip processing requires 30 to 60
be applied by dipping at or near boiling temperature (210 to 212 F) sec.
instead of galvanic anodizing. However, this method is limited in Unlike the "Chrome-Pickel," the time between pickling and cold-
application to those alloys that are receptive to the "Dichromate" water rinsing is not criticai. ln fact, where rinsing is not feasible, it can
treatment. No racking is required and the treating time is increased to 30 be eliminated without materially altering the effectiveness of the coating;
to 45 min in the sulfate-dichromate-ammonia bath. When used as a it is necessary only to sponge dry the drain-off liquid at the edges of the
boiling treatment the process is known as the "Alkaline-dichromate". work.
A more pronounced black coating is usually obtained by adding
one of the following organic dyes to the treating solution ata concentration Anodizing Processes
of 0.25 oz/gal. Maximum corrosion protection and paint-base properties for
lndulin Blue W.S. (Colour index # 861). magnesium alloys are provided by anodic treatments, particularly by
Nigrosine Black W.S. (Colour index # 865). certain processes that have been developed in recent years. Many of the
Other Treatments. Phosphate. This treatment has been used primarily older electrochemical treatments have not survived, having failed to
for brush or spray touch-up on small areas of previously chemically offer any major benefits over the chemical dip treatments as the latter
treated or anodized work surfaces that have been damaged by scratching were improved from time to time. Currently available anodic treatments
or bared for other causes prior to painting. It has replaced the chrome- produce relatively thick, dense, adherent, abrasion-resistant protective
pickle as a repair treatment to some extent primarily because of better coatings. The coatings in general are hard and possess a high degree of
reproducibility under production shop conditions and the fact that it is electrical resistance.
less corrosive if allowed to become entrapped between faying surfaces or Several anodic treatments have been used for the finishing of
in pocketed areas of an assembly. A solution of the following composition magnesium. Only those that provided greater protection, now currently
is used: in production use, will be discussed in detail. These are based on the use
Ammonium acid phosphate (NH 4 ) 2H 2P04 16 oz/gal of modified acid fluoride and caustic type electrolytes.
Ammonium sulfite (NH 4) 2S03.Hp 4 oz/ gal
Ethyl alcohol (denatured) 8-20 fl oz/gal
The solution is brushed or sprayed on for 1 min or until a continuous
gray coating is formed. The parts may also be dipped for 1.5 to 2 min or
until gassing stops. For best results a cold-water rinse is required after
this treatment. Hot-water rinsing is to be avoided.
Dilute Chromic Acid. Of the many suitable processes for magnesium
this treatment is the least expensive. It can be applied by brush, spray or
dip methods. Better corrosion protection is afforded than with the
"Phosphate" treatment although the paint base properties are similar. It
is less criticai to apply than the "Chrome-Pickle" for touch-up work or
repair work on previously coated surfaces and is not harmful if entrapped 206
426 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Alternating current for pickling can be taken from the mains through
CHAPTER 18 a step-down transformer which reduces the voltage to 25 volts. The
above solution is used for the anodic pickling of carbon steel. The anodic
ELECTROPLATING FORMULAE current density should by 100-150 amp. per sq. ft. Steel or lead plates can
be used for the cathode. This method of pickling is particularly suitable
OF VARIOUS for treatment of the polished surfaces. The maintenance of the solution
with water to specific gravity 1.62-1.65 leads to the destruction of the
If a direct current is passed through an electrolyte, metal will be passivating film which is formed in the more concentrated solutions.
deposited on the cathode and a corresponding amount of metal will be
removed away from the anode while the composition of the electrolyte Formulation 3
remains unchanged. This proceess is used not only as a means of adding Anodic Pickling Solution (Copper)
finish to goods but also for, adding a protective coating such as plating
or anodizing. Electroplating includes cold casting or building up of one Ingredients Composition (gm/lit)
metal on the surface of the sarne or another metal for renovating of worn Potassium cyanide 30.00-40.00
out or undersize machined parts besides giving new characteristics such Potassium carbonate 20.00-30.00
as water resistance, carrosion resistance etc. It is even used to deposit
metal coating on mould to reproduce complicated contours. Procedure
(1) ELECTROPLATING ANO ALLIED CHEMICALS Sarne as above for carbon steel. Current density should be 30-50
amps/sq. ft.
Formulation 1
Degreasing Solution Composition Formulation 4
Ingredients Composition (gm/lit) Anodic Pickling Solution for Zinc
Caustic soda 20.00-30.00 Ingredients Composition (gm/lit)
Trisodium phosphate (for degreasing copper & its alloys) 25.00-30.00
1 2 3
Sodium silicate (for degreasing steel) 5.00-10.00
Zinc sulphate 100.00
Procedure Zinc chloride 200.00 200.00
All parts that are to be pickled must first be degreased. Even slight Sodium sulphate 250.00-300.00
grease films of the metal insulate it from the action of the electrolyte and Sulphuric acid 5.00
this may result in non-uniform pickling and lead to attack on the surface Glycerine 50.00
Potassium dichromate 25.00
of the metal. So the vegetable oils and animal fats are degreased in hot
Chromic acid 15.00 15.00
alkaline solution of the above composition.
Formulation 2 Procedure
Anodic Pickling Solution for Carbon Steel The above solutions are used at an anode current density of 150 to
300 amps/sq. ft. Any thing present will forma film of lead chromate on
Ingredients Composition (gm/lit)
the zinc surface which is removed by a spot immersion in 3 to 5% nitric
Sulphuric acid 700.00-800.00 acid.
Potassium dichromate 20.00-30.00
Electroplating Formulae ofVarious 427 428 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Formulation 5 Procedure
Matt Dipping Composition The above solutions are used for titatium pickling at roam
Ingredients Qty. temperature to 40ºC. This solution does nt cause hydrogen embrittlemen.
Potassium dichromate 250.00 gm (II) ELECTROPLATING NOT ALLUMINIUM
Sulphuric acid (Cone.) 135.00 ml
Formulation 8
Sodium chloride 21.00 gm
Water 1000.00 ml Aluminium Oeaner Solution

Procedure Ingredients Qty.

Duller uniform matt finishes are required for decorative Sodium carbonate 25.00 gm/lit.
applications. For this purpose the above matt clips are employed. The Trisodium phosphate 25.00 gm/lit.
work is rinsed thoroughly. The composition is used at 30 to 50ºC for upto
1 minute. Procedure
Aluminium surface is immersed to remove the oil/ grease from the
Formulation 6 surface. The metal is subjected to milk ething process at 140-180ºF for 1-
Silver Pickling Solution
3 minutes.
Ingredients Qty.
Formulation 9
Formula A Aluminium Surface Conditioning Solution
Potassium cyanide 30.00 gm
Zinc cyanide 1.0 gm Ingredients Qty.
Water 1.00 lit Sodium hydroxide 500.00 gm/lit.
Formula B Zinc oxide 100.00 gm/lit.
Nitric acid 20.00 ml Ferric chloride 1.00 gm/lit.
Thiourea 90.00 gm
Rochelle salt 10.00 gm/lit.
Water 1.00 lit
The above solution gives satisfactory performance to the cleaned
The above solutions are used for silver pickling atroam temperature.
aluminium surface. The immersion at roam temperature for 30/60
Formulation 7 seconds gives improved corrosion resistance when plated with other
Titanium Pickling Solution deposits.
Ingredients Qty. Formulation 10
Formula A Copper Plating on Aluminium Surface
Hydrofluoric acid at 50°C 40%
Formula B
Ingredients Qty.
Sodium fluoride in 20% nitric acid 60ml/lit. Copper cyanide 30.00-40.00 gm/lit.
Formula C Total sodium cyanide 40.00-50.00 gm/lit.
Hydrofluoric acid (Cone.) 20% (vol.) Free sodium cyanide 3.00-4.00 gm/lit.
Nitric acid 30% Sodium carbonate 25.00-30.00 gm/lit.
Water 50% Rochelle salt 50.00-60.00 gm/lit.
Electroplating Formulae ofVarious 429 430 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Procedure Formulation 13
On Zincate aluminium surfaces copper is one of the easiest metals Copper Electroplating Solution
to electrodeposit. Hence copper is used extensively as an initial strike
over which other metals could be subsequently deposited. Parts of the Ingredients Qty. (gms/lit)
above solution are introduced into the bath with the current (25 amperes/ Copper sulphate 200.000
sq. ft.) for about two minutes, the current is reduced to 10 amperes/sq. Sulphuric acid 50.000
ft. and plated for 5 /10 minutes depending on the thickness required. The Thiourea 0.050
parts are subsequently rinsed and transferred to plating bath of the Naphthalene disulphoric acid 0.005
required finish.
Formulation 11 The process is conducted in cyanide bath which is the most suitable
for copper plating. The operation is carried out atroam temperature or
Cadmium Plating Solution upto 50ºC. The current density limit is very wide depending upon the
Ingredients Qty. limit on the solution concentration temperature and agitation. Normal
dark plating is carried out at between 30 and 50 amperes/sq. ft.
Cadmium oxide 33.00 gm
Sodium cyanide 75.00 gm (III) GOLO ELECTROPLATING
Water 1.00 lit.
Formulation 14
Procedure Cold Gold Gilding
All the cadmium solutions contain double cyanide of cadmium and Ingredients Qty.
sodium with addition of free cyanide and alkali and some addition
Fine gold as neutral chloride of gold 0.35 oz.
agent. The cyanide is dissolve in water less than the final quantity and
Potassium cyanide (98%) 0.70 oz.
after warming the cadmium oxide really dissolves, after which the volume
Water 1.00 quart
can be made up.
Formulation 12
0.35 oz. of fine gold or 0.7 oz. of neutral chloride of gold is dissolved
Cobalt Electroplating Solution in 1 /2 pint of water. Potassium cyanide is dissolved in other 1 /2 pint of
water. Both the solutions are mixed and boiled for half an hour. The high
Ingredients Qty.
content of gold in the bath readily causes a red brown gold deposit and
Cobalt sulphate (CoS0 4.7H2-0) 504.00 gm/lit. hence special attention has to be paid to the regulation of the current.
Sodium chloride (NaCl) 17.00 gm/lit.
Formulation 15
Boric acid (H 3B0 3) 45.00 gm/lit.
Hot Gold Gilding
Ingredients Qty.
Bath containing above solution is operated atroam temperature or
elevated temperature. The current density is maintained at 35-163 Chemically pure crystallized sodium phosphate 2.11 oz.
Neutral sodium sulphite 0.35 oz.
ampere/sq. ft.
Potassium cyanide 30.80 gms
Fine gold (as chloride) 15.43 gms
207 Distilled water 1.00 quart
Electroplating Formulae ofVarious 431 432 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Procedure Formulation 18
Sodium phosphate and sodium sulphite are dissolved in distilled Nickel Electroplating Solution
water with the aid of moderate heat. If the solution is cold, the neutral Ingredients Qty. (gm/lit)
choride of gold prepared from 15.43 grains of gold (equal of about 30.86
grains of commercial chloride of gold and potassium cyanide) are added. Nickel sulphate (NiSO 4.7Hp) 240.00-300.00
For use the bath is heated between 158 and 167ºF electromotive force at Nickel chloride (NiC12.6Hp) 40.00-60.00
Boric acid (H 3B03) 25.00-40.00
10 cm electrode distance is kept at 1.50 volts and current density of bath
at 0.12 amperes/sq. ft. Procedure
(IV) IRON ELECTROPLATING Nickel electroplating is carried out in solutions based on a mixture
of the above formula. The operating conditions of the solution are as
Formulation 16 follows:
Temperature 25-50°C
Iron Chloride Bath Agitation Usually air
pH 4.0-5.0
Ingredients Qty.
Cathode current density 3-7 amps/m 2
Ferrous chloride 300 gm/lit.
Manganese chloride 5 gm/lit. Formulation 19
Silver Electroplating Solution
Ingredients Qty.
A thick deposit can be obtained if care is exercised in the control of
the bath. A finer grained deposit could be obtained by the addition of Potassium cyanide (8%) 14.00 oz.
manganese chloride to the bath. The bath can be easily prepared from Fine silver as silver chloride 8.75 oz.
Distilled water 10 quart
rapidly soluble ferrous chloride. Temperature of the bath is maintained
at 160-220ºF and current density at 50-75 amps/sq.ft.
Formulation 17 Washed silver chloride is taken inito a porcelain mortar and rubbed
it with water to a thin paste. It is poured into the potassium cyanide
Lead Electroplating Bath Solution solution consisting of 14 ozs of 98% potassium cyanide in 5 quarts of
Ingredients Qty. water. The material is vigorously stirred. Silver chloride gradually
dissolves. Operating conditions:
Lead (as fluosilicate) 50.00 gm Electromotive force at 10 cm electrodes distance 0.75 volts.
Hydrofluosilic acid 100.00 gm Current density 0.3 amperes/m 2
Water 1 litre
Procedure Formulation 20
The lead as oxide (PbO) is dissolved in the acid, which then leaves Zinc Iron Alloy Bath
a proportion of the acid in the free form for conductance purpose. It is
Ingredients Qty. (gm/lit)
absorbed by the deposited lead. The current density is to be maintained
at 20 amperes/sq. ft. Ferrous ammonium sulphate 350.00
Zinc chloride 21.00-105.00
Glycerine 1000
Citric acid 2.00
Electroplating Formulae ofVarious 433

Zinc lron alloy coating is conducted to enhance the corrosion,
resistance. It has been found that a zinc alloy containing 15-25% iron has CHAPTER 1~
good weldability and corrosion resistance and is electroplated
commercially on steel strip. For electroplating the electrolyte, is prepared PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROPLATING
with rise in the zinc on concentration the brightness is decreased and
ceased after 20 gms/lit. of zinc. The proper oprating conditions are as
follows: Introduction
pH 2.0-2.5 ln electroplating current is passed through the solution called
Temperature 323-328ºK electrolyte between two conducting electrodes known as the anode and
Current density 0.5-1.5 KA/m2 cathode. The charges occurs principally at the electrodes. ln electrolysis
Ano de Equal area of zinc & iron of aqueous plating solutions, metal is dissolved from anodes or oxygen
is liberated upon them and metal or hydrogen is deposited upon the
Formulation 21
Palladium Electroplating Bath Solution The fundamental principie of electrolysis is known as Faraday's
lngredients Qty.
1. The quantity of any element liberated at eithere the anode or
Sodium palladium nitrite (equivalent to palladium) 1.00 gm cathode during electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of
Sodium chloride 30.00 gm electricity that passes through the solution.
Water 1 lit. 2. The quantities of different elements or radicais liberated by the
sarne quantity of electricity are proportional to equivalent
Solution is prepared and filtererd. The solution is ready for
Atomic Weight of Element
electroplating purposes. The current density should be in arder of 1 Equiva1ent weigh t = --------"------
ampere/sq. ft. The optimum temperature of the solution is about 40º to Valency
50ºC. Efficiency of the Current
Either at cathode or anode the total reaction i.e. the sum of all the
possible reaction corresponds to the quantity of electricity passed in
accordance with Faradays law. If however, as in copper plating we are
concerned primarily with dissolving copper from the anode and
depositing copper at the cathode, any current used in other reaction may
be considered as wasted.
Hence the efficiency of the current is defined as the proportion of
the current that is used in the specific reaction.
Example : If in the electrolysis of copper sulphate bath 90% of the
current were used to deposit copper and the balance to libera te hydrogen
then the efficiency is 90%.

Principles of Electroplating 435 436 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Polarisation E. C. E. of metal A Equivalent weight of metal A

Before electrolysis start in a solution such as copper sulphate between 2. E. C. E. of metal B Equivalent weight of metal B
a copper anode and copper cathode the single potentials of the two
copper electrodes are alike having a value that depends on the copper 3. Volume of metal deposit V= D
ion concetration of the electrolyte. As the electrolysis proceed it will be
observed that the potential of the anode becomes more positive and that where : D = density of metal.
of cathode more negative than the initial. The change in potential of an V
Thickness of deposit
electrode as a result of electrolysis is known as the polarisation. A
Effect of Polarisation where : A = area
4. Mass of metal deposited :
1. It increases the potential required for the passage of given
m = surface area x thickness of coating x density of metal.
5. Time required :
2. ln general, the polarisation affects the throwing power of the
bath. m
3. An increase in cathode polarisation tends to produce finer z. 1
grained deposit.
4. An increase in hydrogen over voltage retards evolution of
hydrogen and thus fosters metal deposition. Equivalent weight of metal A_ Electra deposited weight of metalA
Equivalent weight of metal B Electra deposited weight of metal B
Resistance of Solution
The resistivity of acqueous solution of strong acids and basic are Example : If the sarne electric current is flowing for equal time
relatively low but much higher than those of metals. The resistivity of periods deposits 0.70 gm. of silver, if the equivalent weights of silver and
salt solution used in plating is fairly high and hence feeble acids and copper are 108 and 31.8 respectivelys then calcula te the copper deposted.
alkalies are added to decrease the resistivity.
Resistivity of the solution usally expressed in ohm-centimeter. Solution
The solution to be used for electroplating should possess various Equivalent weight of copper Electra deposited weight of copper
properties, such as:
Equivalent weight of silver Electra deposited weight of silver
(i) The solution should have metal in sufficient quantity.
(ii) It should be a good conductor of electercity to reducue the :. Electra deposited weight of copper
consumption of power. Equivalent weight of copper
(iii) It should be durable and suit the climate. ----''-------=----=-=-- x Electra deposited weight of silver
Equivalent weight of silver
(iv The solution should have the capacity of to form good anode to
maintain equilibrium of metal in solution.
(v) It should have the capacity for smooth coating and stiff coating = -31.8
- x O.72O gms.
for the material to be plated.
(vi) It should have good throwing power. Example : How long will it take to form a current of 0.2 ampere to
deposit 0.02 gm of copper from an electrode of copper sulphate? If 96
IMPORTANTFORMULAS columbs of electricity liberates one gram equivalent of any substance
1. Electro-chemical equivalent: and chemical equivalent of copper is to be taken as 32.

Z=~ 210
1. t
Principles of Electroplating 437

Chemical equivalent of copper = 32.
Substance liberated per coloumb of electricity CHAPTER 20
= 96000
. 1ent
gm. eqlllva
Electrochemical equivalent of copper.
1 The solution to be used for electroplating should possess various
Z > 96000 oc32 properties for required plating. Certain properties are as under:
Copper deposited, m = 0.02 gm (1) The solution should have metal in sufficient quantity.
Current Intensity 1 = 0.2 amp. (2) It should be a good conductor of electricity to reduce the
Time required to deposit 0.02 gm of copper. consumption of power.
(3) It should be durable and suitable to every clima te, i.e. the coating
m 0.02 should not be affected by the climate.
Z.I ~x0.2 (4) The solution should have the capacity to form good anode to
96000 maintain equilibrium of metal in the solution.
= 300 Secs. (5) It should have the capacity for smooth and stiff coating for the
material to be plated.
(6) It should have good throwing power.
A solution gives much better results after some gap of its being used
than the fresh solution. This is known as ageing.
The excess quantity or sufficient quantity present in the solution
helps for smooth and proper plating. This also helps in proper coating of
slendered and deepended materiais. Here are given the quantity of few
metals, which may may give smooth functioning:
Zinc sulphate 22.8
Lead carbonate 79
Zinc cyanide 6
Chromium trioxide 52
Cobalt sulphate 21
Copper cyanide 71
Copper carbonate 55
Copper sulphate 25
Iron chloride 28
Nickel salt double 15
Silver chloride 75
Silver cyanide 80
Silver nitrate 64
211 Gold chloride 65
Properties of Electroplating 439 440 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Gold cyanide 90 is necessary to evaluate the quantity of electricity used in the process.
There may be slight differences in the quantities of metals in metal The distribution of current and plating rate must be known for a
salts. reasonable estimate of plate thickness.
Cathode efficiency is the percentage of current that deposits the
Conducting Salts
metal. If 60% of the current depostis the metal, then rate of plating is
Salts are added to the solution to increase its conductivity. For this 60%. Rate of plating may be calculated as under:
chloride and sulphate are used. ln cyanide solution quantity of free
cyanide is necessary. . amp.Hr
P1atmg rate= x % efficiency
Density of the Solution
To obtain proper metal distribution it should be guided by a
To know density of the metal present in the solution Hydrometer is
knowledge of qualitative rules for the behaviour of cathode. The rules
used. The density can be checked in case of such solution where one
are as under:
metal is present in the solution such as Chromium or Nickel. If other salts
Current concentrates on corners and edges,
are present in the solution, the consideration of density is not significant.
Current does not penetrate into deep recesses,
Filtration of the Solution Current does not flow around a non-conductor,
It is very necessary to filter the solution being used for electroplating. Current of one conductor is utilized by the other conductor.
The filtration is dane by filter presses available in various designs. The above rules are a necessity for the arrangement of plating
Acidity of the Solution
Excess of acid may cause stoppage or any type of difficulties may Electrode position
arise in the plating. Thus quanity or proportion of acid in the solution According to the first rule excess current may be lost at edges. It is
plays very significant role in the solution. also known that current follows shortest path between the conductors.
Acid in any solution acts partly, the ionised part only acts. Thus it This may be used for reducing current concentration on edges by placing
is necessary to check dissociation of the acid, because in electroplating the edges farthest from the anodes.
concentration of Hydrogen ians has a significant role to play. Acid has Secondly, the anode is placed in the recess, and the anode is so
two kinds, one, molecular which is non-conducting. The other is shaped that the anode system is the sarne at all points over the surface.
dissociated and forms Hydrogen ians. Shadowing
Concentration of Hydrogen ion-at length by which it is
It is not necessary that the arrangement may always lead to solving
measured is termed thermal conductivity pH.
the problems. Anodes are difficult to support in fixed position with
pH in an acid solution is decreased by rise in acidity in a solution.
respect to cathode and change in size.
This is very important to keep a check on pH value of a solution. It is
The edges of the sheet may be shadowed by use of non-conductor.
measured by indicators which indicate change in its value by
If a flat sheet cathode is placed between two non-conducting walls, the
differentiating the colours, e.g. Thimol-blue indicator when turns red to
distribution of current over the cathode will be perfect.
yellow shows pH 1.2-2.8. Similarly, other pH values can also be known
The use of walls is that they prevent the current from coming from
by dipping certain prescribed pieces of papers in the solution. The colour
other sides than in straight Unes, within the boundaries of insulating
received on the paper will indicate the pH value.
Laws and Characteristics
The unit of electricity passed through the electrolyte during
Flat sheets plated at the sarne time are used to rob edges of the next.
electrolysis gives the quantity of product formed at the cathode. Thus it 212 Fair uniformity is obtained by arrangements.
Properties of Electroplating 441

It is the result of dyanic condition at the cathode, due to change in
concentration brought about by the movement and discharge of ians. CHAPTER 21
Due to this dynamic condition, a force is set up that tends to resist the
flow of current. This force is a measure voltage and is termed as ELECTROPLATING OR COATINGS
Polariza tion.
Plating Quality
It varies with applications. The deposit is a quality deposit if it
completely covers the piece. The quality of thin deposit may be controlled Electroplating industry in India is playing a most important and
by testing thickness and corrosion resistance, e.g. a heavy deposit for an effective role in engineering industries.
aircraft bearing must be almost flawless, and to produce the desired ln India, although practically no separate indigenous industry exists
quantity, very dose control is required throughout the entire cycle for as such electroplating operations are extensively carried out by the largest
plating. Govenment and Industrial Workshops down to the numerous small
It may be obtained by operating a plating bath well above the replating shops throughut the country. Sarne is the case of electroplating
decomposition potential and well below the limiting current density. The salts manufacturers in India. Though there is a great demand of plating
bath is continuously agitated and heated, and temperature, and chemical salts in the country, yet the production figures of salts as well as chemicals
limits of the plating systems are closely controlled. used are below the demand figures. ln the last decade, though there has
been a remarkable development in the production of plating chemicals,
Plating range yet still large amounts of these salts are imported from countries like
It is the range of current density over which the deposit will be U .K., U .S.A., Germany etc.
satisfactory. It is usually a range of current density some what above the Now the Government of India has formulated several schemes for
decomposition potential and below the limiting current density. the manufacture of various ancillaries for the big units under which
ln alkaline solution, range of plating is quite wide, whereas in electroplating salts can be manufactured by Small Scale Industries.
chromic acid solution it is narrow. Electroplating salts play important role in different types of electroplating
Plating from a bar anode takes place on a sheet where the edge of industries. The electroplating salts can be manufactured in small scale in
the sheet faces the anode. On edge of the sheet facing anode, the deposit indigenous plant and machineries using indigenous technologies available
is rough. The current density on the edge is high and at larger distance, in India. The sarne machinery can be used for the manufacture of different
from the anode, it is reduced. salts depending upon the availability of raw materiais and demand of a
The plating range can be measured experimentally by calibrating particular electroplating salt.
an arrangement of the anode and cathode, and using a number of such ln the electroplating process, the object to be plated is made the
arrangements for plating test control. cathode and a solution containing a salt of the metal to be deposited is
Bent cathode test and Hull Cathode test are the common methods used as the electrolyte; the anode may be made of the metal to be deposited
for measuring plating range. or of other conductor. When a low voltage direct current is passed
through the solution, electrolysis takes place as a result of which the
metal is deposited on the article which forms the cathode. The thickness
of the deposit depends upon current density, current efficiency, and
duration of deposition. The physical character of the deposit depends
upon current density, temperature, bath composition, nature of surface
213 to be plated, and presence or absence of 'addition agents'.
Properties of Electroplating 443 444 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Coating of Silver are used for electrotyping, electroforming, and immersion copper coating;
Silver is extensively applied as decorative coating for table cyanide baths are used for ornamental finishes and undercoats for other
ornamental ware. It readily lends itself to scrath-brushing and polishing. metals. For obtaining thick deposits a preliminary coat from a cyanide
A typical bath for silver plating consists of: silver (as cyanide), bath is followed by a second coat from an acid sulphate bath.
13.7g; potassium cyanide, 2.7g; and potassium carbonate, 50g.; water to Composition for Silver Coating
1 litre. A dull white deposit, which can be finished by mopping and
Silver is extensively applied as decorative coating for table and
burnishing, is obtained. Sodium salts may be substituted for potassium
ornamental ware. It readily lends itself to scratch, brushing, burnishing
and polishing.
Steel and nickel-plated articles are coated first in a 'strike' solution
Steel and nickel plated articles are coated first in a strike solution
containing lüg sodium cyanide and O.Sg silver cyanide, and then in the
which has low silver and high cyanide content and products a thin film
main bath. Lead, tin, and their alloys are passed directly from the hot
of silver on the article which is afterwards thickened up in an ordinary
causitc boil (for grease removal) to a weak silver solution containing free
silver bath.
cyanide and then to the main bath. Brass, copper and nickel-silver articles,
which show a tendency to simple deposition of non-adherent silver, are Composition of strike solution of silver
'quicked' by dipping in a solution containing mercuiric cyanide in
Constituents Qty.
potassium or sodium cyanide (hg, 2-3 g/l). A small quanity of carbon
disulphide is added along with Turkey Red oil as stabilizer to the plating Silver cyanide (AgCN) 80% 0.5 gm.
solution for producing shining deposits. Sodium cyanide (NaCN) 10.0 gm.
Water 1 litre
Copper Coating
Copper deposition is employed in the electrotyping process, e.g. for Composition of ordinary silver bath
the production of matrices from which gramophone discs are stamped. Constituents Qty.
It is used for the reproduction of steel or copper etched plates, line and
half-tone blocks, and wood cuts. Copper deposition has been applied to Potassium cyanide (KCN) 13.7 gm.
the production of parabolic mirrors for light houses. For the refining of Silver cyanide (AgCN) 80% Ag 2.5 gm.
copper on a commercial scale, electro-deposition is the principal method Potassium carbonate (K2 Co 3) 50 gm
employed. Water 1 litre
Acid sulphate and alkaline cyanide solutions are used for the electro-
deposition of copper. The former consists of copper sulphate (CuS04 Composition for Copper Coating
.5H20) and sulphuric acid, the concentration of copper sulphate varying Acid sulphates and alkaline cyanide solutions are mainly used for the
from 150 to 240 g./litre. The deposit is coarse-grained in the absence of electrodeposition of copper.
addition agents. Proteins such as glue, are employed as addition agents Acidic Bath
in copper refining; sugars are also used. Phenol as sulphoric acid is added
to give smooth and hard deposits in electrotyping. For semi-bright deposits Composition of Acid Sulphate Solution
wetting agents, like Trita 70, are employed which also increase the range
Constituents Qty. (gm/lit.)
of current density for securing good deposits.
For the direct deposition of copper on metals which are less Copper sulphate (CuS04.5Hp) 200-240
electropositive than copper, such as iron, a cyanide copper bath containing Sulphuric Acid 50
sodium cuprocyanide is used. This is salt prepared from basic cupric Phenol 1
carbonate and sodium cyanide and carbonate. Generally sulphate baths 214 The deposit is coarse grained in the absence of addition agents. This
Properties of Electroplating 445 446 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

solution is used for building up heavy deposits of copper. It cannot Plant and Machineries Details for Electroplating Baths Salts
however be used directly on steel or zinc base diecastings due to high Plant and machinery used in the manufacture of electroplating
acid content of the solution. It is used for electroforming and for coating salts include reaction vessel, tank, filter press or centrifuge, dyer (may be
non-metaic objects such as plastic pressings. It can also be used for rotary vacuum or tray dryer) etc. As the process involved and the plant
thickening up deposits made on steel in the cyanide copper solution or on
and machinery used are not at all complicated, therefore, even a fresh
steel articles which have previously been nickel-plated.
engineer can go ahead with the manufacture of electroplating salts.
Alkaline Bath
Raw Materiais Details
For the direct deposition of copper on metals which are less electro
The future of electroplating and metal finishing industry depends
positive than copper, such as iron,a cyanide copper bath containing
sodium cuprocyanide is used. Generally these baths are used for not only upon the technical improvements in operation but also upon the
ornamental finishes and undercoats for other metals. availability of the necessary raw materiais at a reasonable cost. The main
materiais used for electroplating and metal finishing industry in India
A typical alkaline bath containts are Chromium, Nickel, Zinc, Cadmium and Copper Silver lead.
Constituents Qty. Requirements for electroplating with Chromium, Copper and Zinc etc.
Potassium cyanide (91 % KCN) 36.5 gm. are nearly met by indigenous resources. However, the demands of nickel
Copper cyanide (CuCN) 25.0 gm. and Cadmium etc. are mostly met by imports of these metals from
Sodium bisulphite (NaHSO) 3.0 gm. various countries.
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO) 6.0 gm.
Water 1 litre

Coating from Lead

Lead coatings are applied for protecting iron and steel. The
electrolytic process is employed on a large scale for the refining of lead.
Dense deposits of lead are produced from fluosilicate fluoborate,
and perchlorate baths. A typical fluoborate bath contains basic lead
carbonate (100 g.) dissolved in fluoboric acid (prepared from 50% HF,
225 g., H 3B03, lOOg., and water to 1 litre); glue (0.2 g.) is used as addition
Lead deposits are used to resist acid atmospheres and are very
suitable for the production of chemical plant, accumulator terminais etc.
Deposits can be made on to either brass copper or steel.
Dense deposits of lead are produced from fluosilicate, fluoborate
and perchlorate baths.
A typical fluborate bath contains
Constituents Qty.
Basic lead carbonate (2PbC03.Pb (OH) 2) 100 gm.
Fluoboric acid (prepared from 50% HF) 225 gm.
H 3Bo 3 100 gm.
Water 1 litre
Blue (as an addition agent) 0.2 gms. 215
448 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

conserved by Electroplating industries:

(a) For waste water treatment, regeneration and recovery
CHAPTER 21 techniques.

ln the over-all metal finishing industry. Electroplating constitutes
one of the major operations. The process is used when it is desired to
obtain certain surface properties, which the base metal does not possess.
Some of these properties are improved appearance, resistance to corrosion
resistance to wear increased electrical conductivity and low contact
resistance, improved frictional properties, specific metallic apperance
and improved solederability. Electroplating is also employed to increase
the dimensions in repair and maintenance work. The plating industry
makes ue of a great many chemical and electrochemical reactions to
achieve the above mentioned structural surface properties of metals and
other materials. Some of the familiar processes employed to produce the
surface characteristics are polishing and buffing, cleaning and pickling,
electroplating, immersion plating, convension coating, oxidising,
colouring, Anodizing, painting etc.
During the recent years because of the continued energy crisis and
fast depletion of fossil fuels and limited world mineral resources, r- .. , -ti.r. .. •
. - - J
techniques for conserving materials and energy have received attention. . ~~
-~ i ..... ... ., ......
Electroplating industries are highly energy intensive, they are no

1-. - . ........
•• ~

exception to the conservation measures to be followed in various ..__ ' --~"'J..'._., r.1
, .. 1
processing sequences. Although, mettalic coatings conserve large
quantities of steel and non-ferrous metals in a broad-sense, present day ,, ....... ""
C1. rM
. - •
--· -...... L....J

plating processes waste metals in prodigious amounts. Because of

increasing economic pressure the electroplaters should direct their l
attention to conservation measures.
Conservation Measures Fig. 1: Typical Flowsheet, Continuous Treabnent Platn, Based on
216 Three-stream Segregation of Wastes
By adopting the following techniques, materials and energy can be
Conseivation of Materialsand Energyin Electroplating Industries with Effluent Treatment 449 450 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(b) Methods to achieve pro per current distribution and thereby complete recovery is theoretically possible. When using counter current
uniform distribution of electro deposits. rinsing, often referred to as cascade rinsing, the total water flow needed
(c) Proper choice of finish and process. for rinsing will be one-tenth for each additional rinse tank in the counter
(d) Adoption of processes based on low concentrated solutions for current sequence. If the processing soluiton is operated at elevated
operation at room temperature. temperature where the evaporation lasses are sufficient to allow the
(e) Follow up of energy saving methods. return of the first rinse tank to the processing tank, chemical lasses by
(f) High standards of house keeping should be maintained. drag-out can be eliminated completely the addition of two or three rinses
to automatic processing equipment may be economically justifiable but
Regeneration and Recovery Techniques Applications for Waste
may not be the case with a hand operated processing operation. If the
Water Treatment processing tanks are operated at elevated temperature, the addition of a
Recent reports on recovering and recycling waste chemicals, describe fog spray ora short time solenoid valve operated water supply, directed
several tools that can be adopted for conserving metals in the form of at the work as it emerges from the processing solutions, will reduce the
salts. ln most of the electroplating processes, valuable metal salts chemicals remaining the liquid film on the work pieces. The use of
amounting to 2-20% of the total metal consumed are lost dueto drag out stagnant rinses following a processing operation is also based on the
and ultimately find their way into the effluent treatment plant. ln the need for maintaining original volume levels by returning to the processing
usual effluent treatmnet operations, these metals are precipitated as solution from the stagement rinses.
hydroxides and removed as valuesless sludge. The sludge which usually
contains 95% water is difficult to handle and costly to dispose off often ACIO ANO CHROMATE ALKAU ANO CYANIDE
expensive filtration equipment is tied up in dewatering the sludge or
large sums are paid for transporting and dumping it. This sludge contains
all the metal values wasted in the department in a form, in which it is
economically unrecoverable.
Control of toxic contaminants reaching the effluents either in a
concentrated or a dilute is of a primary consideration in the total overall
cost of waste treatment. Poor or inadequate processing practices can
lead to unnecessary high costs for waste treatment, that materially add
to the metal finishing costs. It is well appreciated that drug-out lasses EFFLUENT
will depend on the surface area processed, the shape of the articles, ~
thickness of the solution film and the speed of removal and train time li! SL1JOQE

allowed. Properly designed and racked parts will maintain drag-in and CLEAR EFFLUENT
drag-out or processing solutions to a minimum. The use of drag-in and
drag-out stations permit the drained processed solution to be returned to
the processing tank. These recovery stations are especially required for
those solutions operated or near the room temperature where evaporation Fig. 2 : Typical Flowsheet, Batch Treatment Plant, Based on Acid-alkali
lasses are insignificant. For instance, a drain station ahead and after an Segregation of
automatic barrel plating line for cyanide zinc plating will cut the waste
A properly designed effluent plant should not only remove metal
treatment chemical cost in half. Such savings in chemical waste treatment
values from the rinse water effluent but should also make a positive
cost can easily amortise in a short time the added cost of these additional
contribution to the economy of the department by recovering them in a
drain stations.
form n which they can be returend for use or sold for their inherent
Through the use of a sufficient number of counter flowing rinses, 217 values. At the sarne time, it should be possible to recover the water to the
Conseivation of Materialsand Energyin Electroplating Industries with Effluent Treatment 451 452 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

extent possible. The methods of regeneration of spent chemicals may procedures must and will be adopted increasingly for reducing waste. ln
take various forms and the ones that have been of most significant many cases, the cost saving from reduced purchases of maintaining and
commercial value are: operating the recovery equipment.
Techniques for U niform Metal Distribution Chemicals will exceed
the costs associated with purchasing
Electroplating is a putting on process, ultimately putting on by
transfer from the anode ontothe cathode. Current flow and thus largely
metal flow, proceds along lines of current roughly normal to the points
of emergence and impigement very similar to the lines of a magnetic
field between magenetic poles, as reflected in iron filings concentration
FLOW patterns on a sheet of paper inserted between poles and filings. Certainly
there is the sarne concentration (high current density) at projecting points
Fig. 4: Continuous Automatic Proportional Sampler 1. V-Notch Weir And A. and shadowing, shielding and starvation in recessed areas. This applies
Shaded Area A proportional To Nth Power of Head h On Weir both to anode and cathode, except that one is eaten awy and the other
built up. One consequence of the lines of current pattern is that cathodic
(1) Electrolytic, which is used to remove copper and regenerate the high points nearest to the anodes are likely to attract preferentialy
acid in an acid pickling solution for removing the copper oxide deposition at the expense of other cathode areas. When electroforming
scale on hot rolled copper rod. on a flat disc. or plates, even if keeping this parallel to the anodes, the
(2) Chemical regeneration of spent acid pickling solutions, making centre of the disc. will attract a fraction of the deposition thickness of
it possible to not only recover the metal but to maintain the that at the rims. If the plate is rectangular the corners will attract yet far
pickel at optimum concentration to obtain more uniform more deposition than the rims half way long a side.
pickling results. Screening can be used to diminish the uneveness of deposition due
(3) Ion-exchange, electrodialysis and similar techniques can be to the difference in current densiton high and recessed portions.
used as batch or continuous methdos for recovering spent Polystyrene or cellulose acetate sheet, 0.25-0.5 mm thick, makes good
processing solutions. It is possible to install an effluent treatment screens, there are practical advantages in comentability and strong
plant which, instead of being an unproductive addition to the inspection advantages in transparency for stopping off unwanted master
capital and running costs of the department, can make a portions. The use of screens inhibit the natural or assisted slow flow of
contribution equal to and sometimes better than much of the solution and therefore accentuate the tendecny towards chemical and
production plants. other (thermal, gas saturation) zonification in a vat. They should be
Adoption of direct recovery and recycling procedures such as used, but not in excess the use of thieves are promising for achieving
vacuum evaporation or revense osmosis requires increasing attention uniformity in electroforming and electroplating. Conducting wires and
purification practices for removing harmful metallic impurities and conducting supporting wires, acting like high points or minute masters,
inorganic by-products. Precipitation of carbonates must be more frequent steal a disproportionately vast amount of current and metal.
for some cyanide solutions. More use must be made of activated carbon The waste in metal associated with coating thickness non-uniformity
for removing organic by products and electrolytic purification is useful is considerable. Such waste is proportional to the complexity of shape of
for some solutions. A new fast rate electrolytic purfication process will the products that are electroplated. Even, so this waste reaches astounding
be helpful for removing metallic contaminants with improved cost proportions for typical high production parts fabricated for house hold
effectiveness, particularly for nickel electroplating solutions. appliances and motor cars. Insoluble auxilliary anodes are attractive to
These tools based on regeneration, recovery and recycling 218 improve thickness distribution on complex shapes and redcue waste for
ConservationofMaterialsandEnergyinElectroplating IndustrieswithEffluentTreabnent 453 454 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

nickel and chromium plating systems. Examples where insoluble anodes requires good venting to protect workers and equipment unlike the
are rquired in electroplating, include instances where the cathonic soluble nickel auxiliaries, the platinised titanium anodes do not require
efficiency of the the plating process is lower than that of the anodic regular replacement.
dissolution process taking place on soluble anodes, leading to the build Another technique for improving thickness distribution and
up of an excessive metal concentration in solution by appropriate choice reducing waste involes the use of current shields fabricated from
of the soluble to insoluble anode ratio, or employ insoluble anodes alone, electrically insulating plastics and plastisol coated steel. Box like structures
with the periodic addition of necessary metal salts. Insoluble anodes like the slot cells that have been used for many years for plating half shell
have the advantage of contributing fewer active impurities and bearings with silver are very effective for reducing the curent denisty at
undissolved particles into the electrolyte and hence lessening the peripheral of some complex shapes and distributing current to recessed,
requirements for continuous filtration, eliminating the use of anode bags centre aresas of the part. To facilitate racking box like shields are hinged
and so on. and opend for and unracking and closed for plating. Such shields are
Such anodes are also employed for developing more uniform current useful for many plating processes when they are designed appropriately.
densities around complicated shaped work pieces the prerequisite being Effective use of auxiliary anodes or shields have reduced metal
that they should be easily fabricated to conform to the curvature of the waste by as much as 30 to 40% according to data from typical case
work piece. For the electroplating of the inside of vessles, insoluble histories. Further more, plating time cycles are reduced appreciably,
'slave'or 'auxiliary' anodes are particualrly convenient. which increases the productivity or the plating equipment these
The auxiliary anodes are attached to but electrolytically insulated advantages are powerful incentive for even relatively small production
from the plating rack and are positioned to distribute current into recessed runs.
areas. They are activated by an auxiliary current supply by means of a
Choice of Finish and Process
flexible lead anchored to the rack. From 20 to 40% of the main current
supply to the regular anode, is distributed to the auxiliaries, as a rule. Metals can be conserved in some cases by selecting the most
Electrolytically de-skined nickell ros and bars containing about 0.25% appropriate process for electroplating in place of other processes that
silicon and 0.25% carbon have been used successfully as soluble auxiliary provide less protection against corrosion. This is more important beca use
anodes. The silicon and carbon phases promote an anode surface film in no other section of industry is there such a wealth of alternative
that retains small particles of undissolved nickel and inhibits shelf processes and frequently such a large number of methods that can be
roughness on cathode surfaces. used to obtain very similar results. To some degree the considerations
The presence of silicon appears to have another effect for its which lead to choice of a finish and method depends on factors like.
conversion to silicie acid is accompanies by a reduction in pH at the (a) the imposition of a specification,
anode by upto 1.5 units which also improves the anodic dissolution of (b) the required appearance,
nickel. The nickel auxiliaries are used for both nickel and chronium (c) the required service life of the article under the conditions of
plating and insoluble in chromium plating solutions. use,
Apart from the well known insoluble anodes of lead alloys in (d) the availability of materiais,
chromium plating and the now familar titanium baskets in nickel plating (e) the cost of installation and running the process and,
systems, the successful application of noble metal coated refractory or (f) case of pollution abatement.
value metals as anodes in electroplating systems is also used. Dueto light The nickel thickness in decorative, multilayered deposits of nickel
weight strong and exceptional corrosion resistance in varieties of and chromium for outdoor service can be reduced considerably if micro
electroplating systems, platinised titanium anodes have been found quite discontinuous chromium is used to replace conventional chromium plate.
suitable as insoluble anodes in special applications such as plating inside ISO standards indicate that a nickel thickness reduction of 25% is
banes, hollow waver, plating of noble metals etc. However the chlorine acceptable with no sacrifice in the durability of the system. Some recent
generated at the auxiliaries during nickel plating in watts type solutions 219 studies indicate that a reduction of as much as 45% is a comfortable
ConservationofMaterialsandEnergyinElectroplating IndustrieswithEffluentTreabnent 455 456 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

margin for outdoor service of parts plated with micro cracked chromium. saving in thickness of bright nickel chromium without sacrificing the
Although many companies are taking advantages of the beneficial effects corrosion properties of steel. Singly or as binary or ternary alloys, the
of micro discontinuous chromium not all are using if for conserving following elements were sudied as barrier layers under nickel-zinc,
nickel. cadmium, copper and tin. The use of barrier layer for extraordinary
Alloy electroplating is not new but one particular alloy-nickel/iron corrosion protection of carbon steel fasteners has proven to be both
is currently making a considerable impact in the metal finishing industry. practical and economical.
The full commercial acceptance of decorative nickel-iron alloys as a Bulk chromium plating can be dane in barreis of special design, but
practical, viable finish has been firmly established in the United States the production rate is too slow. The reject rate of most complex part is
for more than three years. During that period, processes to electroplate quite high. Because of these difficulties substitute finish has been
the bright, levelling alloy have reached a solution volume exceeding developed to replace chromium on small parts such as fasteners. This
1,500,000 litres in the U.S. alone. The alloy process is successfully in use finish could be deposited right in the plating barrel after nickel, look like
in small job shops and in large fully automated equipment which have chromium and have the tarnish and corrosion resistant characteristics
solutions as large as 70,000 litres. of chromium deposits.
It is apparent that much of the attraction of this process is directly Low carat gold deposits for electronics applications with special
related to the significant metal cost savings which can be achieved. reference to contact resistance and wear resistance has been reported
These savings are easily demonstrated since the cost of iron is about 8% recently to offset the rapid increaes in cost of gold. Gold alloy coatings
of the cost of nickel. The economic aspects are not only inducement, there not only produced a direct saving in the amount of gold plated per unit
are distinct process advantages as compared to conventional bright area but facilitated the use of substantially thinner coatings by providing
nickel processes. This is particularly true when plating on steel, since any harder and more wear resistant layers. Cu-Cu-Au alloys from a sulphate
iron which is accidentally introduced into the solution from the parts solution and Ag-Au alloys from a cyanide solution were specially
themselves is readily dissolved and codeposited. Also, the problems from considered both as single layers andas part of a duplex systems with a
roughness and filter stoppage are usually greatly reduced. A particularly top coat of 24 carat hard acid gold. The Cu-Cd-Au alloy gave results,
significnat fealy of these alloy processes is that the alloy content may which were slightly inferior to 24 carat deposits but would be acceptable
vary over a considerable range without detracting or influencing the for many applications. Ag-Au alloys are generally not satisfactory. Both
brightness or levelling to any practical degree. Usually, the iron contents alloys however, are satisfactory for use as part of a duplex system. The
can vary from 10% to 30% in the cathode deposit without causing search for cheaper method continues and the latest technique to be
difficulty. The variation in iron content over this range has no significant employed with some success on contacts is the replacement of gold
effect on chromium coverage which is generally found to be equivalent electro deposits by clay-inlays. The material which has been used for in-
to conventional bright nickel. These coatings are generally described as lays, so far, has been a gold 6% nickel alloy which has a hardness of 220
suitable for moderate or dry exposure conditions. KHN compared with between 140 and 180 KHN for most hard gold
Tin-Zinc alloy electroplate is a potential candidate for conserving deposits and has also been shown to have acceptably low porosity values.
metal consumed by coating. For some applications, a relatively thin layer Since, it is easy to provide the in-lay exactly where it is required, the cost
of the alloy (75% Tin, 25% Zinc) is equal to or better than a thicker zinc advantage is claimed to be high. Some coating processes are wasteful
to coating. White brass (Copper-Zinc) falloy electroplate is another because ot her techniques can be used to accomplish the sarne purpose.
candidate potentially useful for conservation of metal used in coating Copper electroplated on steel products and then buffed primarily for
processes. Ecological problems had replaced cadmium coating with zinc surface smoothing before nickel and chromium plating is an example. A
and cyanide zinc plating solutions by neutral zinc plating solutions. better grade of steel with the smooth finish produced on smooth finishing
Barrier layers underneath a relatively thin layer of nickel with the rolls can liminate or reduce the amount of copper and conserve both
usual final flash of chromium has been investigated to offer material metal and resources. Thick chromium electroplates for wear resistance
220 purposes, which must be ground after plating, can often be replaced with
ConservationofMaterialsandEnergyinElectroplating IndustrieswithEffluentTreabnent 457 458 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

a thinner deposit that supplied equivalent resistance to wear, if the increased slope of the polarisation curve. This realisation has also been
surface of the steel is approximately smoothened before plating. Some made use of by the copper plating methods, developed for the
chromium plating establishments are taking advantage of electroplating of printing circuits by the lower copper content and the
electropolishing for smoothening steel surface to reduce chromium higher acid content. A more even layer thickness could so be achieved. ln
thickness and eliminating post-plating grinding for producing parts with addition, the successful industrial application of this process involves a
improved resistance to wear. More use can be made of these techniques further benefit. Owing to the low metal content loss due to drag-out was
to conserves both materiais and energy. also lower. The structure and physical properties of the various layers
The chemicals and properties physical of electrolessly deposited also proved that both the structure and the properties of the deposits
nickel and its alloys can be made use of in the place of chromium for from electrolytes with a low metal contect are consistent with those of
certain applications. This system is more interesting as it deposits a deposits from the conventional electrolytes. Acoordingly, the cost of
uniform coating on intricate shapes without the use of applied current. waste water treatment also diminished. The decrease in the acquisition
Heat treated electroless nickel coatings are harder and can replace cost of electrolytes as well as the reduction in drag-out loss and the cost
chromium in certain applications. Modifications of the electroless nickel of waste treatment due to the lower metal content are shown in Table 1.
plating process are possible by:
Table 1 : Saving in Percentage by Decreased Metal lon
(a) alloy coatings by the addition of various metals salts to the
(b) non-mettalic composites by the addition of hard particles and, Copper Nickel Tin-Lead Alloy
(c) metallic dispersons by the addition of metal particles, which Chemicls 80 56 41
can be alloyed by heat treatment. A Variety of electrolessly Drag-out 56 62 42
plated nickel deposits, such as hard, bright, semi bright, dull Neutralization (Waste Water) 20 89 32
and dispersion are presently available.
The early days of the electronics industry used vat plating for the Bright and semi-bright nickel plating from low metal/low
plating of gold contacts. The development of selective plating equipment temperature solutions has been reported and also reported the
for contact plating in electronic industry reduced the amount of gold development of chromium plating from low concentration baths.
required most drastically. Progress in selective plating of contact uses a Although available technology can be adopted to reduce material
selective spray plating equipment, in which the lead frames are plated and energy consumed for applying metallic coatings. One must continue
with gold on center spots and circuit edges by spraying the electrolye to seek more effective techniques. Procedures for applying quality
from platinum spray nozzles which also serve as anodes. By these means, coatings in process tanks that require no heating would be advantageous.
rapid local plating is achieved over small controlled areas from relatively For example, a roam temperature anodizing and sealing procedure would
dilute plating solutions. At between 50-60ºC, the turbulent cathode significantly reduce the total energy requirement for Anodizing process.
conditions obtained by the high intensity spray, permits the use of current A high efficiency process is needed to reduce the electrical energy for
densities upto 40 A/dm2 • chromium plating, which presently requires about 50 KWH/m2 for each
25 mícron of the thick deposits applied for wear resistance. A trivalent
Plating From Low Concentrated Solutions at Room Temperatur chromium solution and a cathode efficiency of 100% would conserve
The modern elctroplating techniques aims at increasing current 95% of this amount if a suitable process was developed.
density and productivity. The majority of electroplating solutions contain
at least one mole of metal. Only the electrolytes of the nobel metals are Energy Saving Methods:
exceptions to the rule, owing to the high price their metals content has A typical energy allocations in some areas of Anodizing and plating
to be reduced. The reduction of the metal content improves the macro by installing meters for measuring electrical and full energy are
throwing power of the plating electrolytes as a consequence of the 221 summarised in Table 2 below.
ConservationofMaterialsandEnergyinElectroplating IndustrieswithEffluentTreabnent 459

Table 2
Operation Energy Consumption (KW-hr /m2)
(a) Aluminium Anodizing (5 µm) 32
(b) Nickel (12 µm) and chromium plating 25
(e) Barrel Zinc Plating (15 µm) 35 BLACK CHROME PLATING FOR
(d) Rack Zinc Plating (7.5 µm) 15
These energy figures compare with 5 to 10 KW hr /m2 for one to two
coat painting process, which include the energy for cleaning washing
and baking the work pieces and compressed air for spraying. Introduction
The electrical energy required for electrolysis accounts for only 25 The use of solar energy as a source of heat is probably as old as
and 30% of the total energy consumed for Anodizing and electroplating mankind itself. The procedure was to heat a black surface by the rays of
as a rule. The remainder is used for conveying work pieces, pumping the sun in arder to extract heat therefrom. Solar radiation reaches the
solutions, heating process tanks and rinse waters, space heating and surface of the earth is mainly concentrated in the visible spectrum and
drying or baking after plating and rinsing. Heating process tanks does not exceed a wavelength of about 2 microns. On the other hand, the
consumes prodigious amounts of energy in the typical Anodizing and long wave thermal radiation spectrum is greater than 3 microns so that
plating shop. As an example, a 35% reduction in total energy was achieved there is virtually no overlapping of the short wave solar spectrum and
in a hot dip galvanishing plant in USA simply by insulating the the long wave thermal spectrum. The concept of utilizing selective surfaces
galvanishing tank. Insulating all heated process tanks and installing for solar collectors has received added attention. A coating for solar
hollow plastics balls to reduce surface evaporation has reduced heating collector should absorb and retain as much solar energy as possible.
requirements by as much as 30% in a plating plant. ln some cases, energy Since by so doing, it will reach higher temperatures. The efficiency of the
has been conserved by using process heat initially for heating process collector is improved by the right coating and maintained these properties
tanks and second for make up to over flow rinse tanks. during long term exposure to solar radiation. Black chrome because of its
Energy consumption for electrolysis can be reduced significantly by selective properties and long term durability has emerged as a strong
employing auxiliary or conforming anodes which also conserve metal. candidate.
The current applied to auxiliaries is only 30 to 40% of that needed for Black Chrome Plating Baths
conventional anodes in a typical nickel or chromium plating operation.
Black chrome has been deposited from various electrolytes and the
Economical measures taken by a company engaged in Anodizing,
colour of the deposit varies from state grey to jet black, depending on the
electroplating painting and other metal finishing operations reduced its
operating conditions and the choice of the electrolyte. If sulphuric acid
total energy consumption by 35%, with an energy conservation program
is replaced by acetic acid from the ordinary chromium plating electrolyte,
that included the following changes:
black chrome deposit is obtained. The bath contains 250-400 g/l Chromic
(1) all heated process tanks were insulated on side walls and,
acid, 5 ml/l acetic acid, operated ata e.d. of 70-95 A/dm2 at 25ºC. High
(2) a five day, two shift production week was changed to a three
e.d. and low temperature for producing black chrome from the acetic
day, round the clock week and all space and process heat was
acid bath. A number of solutions is reported containing nickel and
shut-off during the four day weak end.
vanadium salts to the acetic acid bath. One such solution contains 200 g/
Solar energy can be used for heating processing solutions.
1 chromic acid, 80 g/l nickel chloride, 5 g/l vandium introduced as a
soluble compound and 5.6 g/l acetic acid, operated ata e.d. of 90 A/ dm2 •
Other additives such as formic acid, citric acid, phosphoric acid, sulphuric
222 acid, EDTA, chloro acetic acid, fluosilisic acid, sodium nitrate and boric
Black Chrome Planting for Solar Energy Conversion 461 462 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

acid are reeommended as addition agents. The optimum eoneentration .. ··-·· ·-·--------.....
of ehromic acid varies from 250-400 g/liqe and operated at a typical
eurrent density of 15 to 90 A/dm2 for 30-300 see. at 15-30°C. But these
baths involves high e.d., which in turn requires proper eooling
arrangements during operation to remove exeess of heat produeed.
Therefore, it is uneeonomical and involves practical diffieulties.
Experimental .. . ---·-
. . .J
The samples plated were square metal pieees of size 150 mm x 150
mm. Most often the substrates used are eopper and brass and they are
normally niekel plated before deposition of blaek ehrome. For depositing -····--···
... - .. ++- - -ot +
• 1 .. .. - • - 1 •
blaek ehrome a bath of the following eomposition was used: •• • 1 ....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(1) Chromic Acid 270 g/l

(2) Barium Carbonate
(for desulphating)
(3) Aeetic Acid
7 g/l

175 ml/l
~ 11111111111m
(4) CE CRI Additive 6 g/l
To judge the quality of electro deposit under a wide range of eurrent
densities. Hull eell experiments were earried out with a standard 267 ml
To evaluate the eoneentration of addition agent and to assess the 1. _ _ ::1 _ _ _____,
optimum eonditions of deposition or bath eomposition, this eell is used.
Solar absorptanee (a) was measure using the Alphameter and thermal
emittanee by Emissometer. ~ r;y~~êl..________.
Hull Cell Studies 1 • 1 .. • • 1 ... •
·--· --- •.. ..,-....
........ __ ... ---~...
1 1 1 •• 1 1 1
Figure 1. shows the Hull eell patterns obtained from the blaek
ehrome bath. Plat 1-3 show that with inerease in eoneentration of aeetic
acid from 70 ml/l to 175 ml/l, the lower eurrent density for blaek
eoating is deereased from 15 to 8 A/dm 2 • Further inerease in eoneentration
·---. ·--- .. ·--. ·l
r----- ~ --------------- ·------ •••••••••• 1
to 225 ml/l, raises the blaek eoating e.d. to 17 A/dm2 (Plate No. 4). When
the temperature of the electrolyte is raised to 29-30ºC (Plate No. 5), the
blaek eoating oeeurs between 14 to 17A/dm2 • The voltage required for 11 ·lir1~:~
the 5A Hull eell is 8-10 V, when aeetic acid alone is used for blaek ehrome 1. 5A, 8V, 15-20°C, ACOH, 70ml/I 7. 3A, 1V, 29-32°C,CECRI ADDIDITVE, 4 gm/la
plating. 2. 5A, 8V, 15-20°C, ACOH, 125 ml/I 8. 2A, 1V, 29-32°C,CECRI ADDIDITVE, 6 gm/la
3. 5A, 8V, 15-20°C, ACOH, 175ml/I 9. 5A, 3V, 29-32°C,CECRI ADDIDITVE, 8 gm/la
Plate No. 6 shows the pattern from the blaek ehrome plating bath 4. 5A, 10V, 15-20°C, ACOH, 225 ml/I 1O. 5A, 3V, 29-32°C,CECRI ADDI DITVE, 1Ogm/la
when 1 g/l CECRI additive alone is used. For a 5A Hull eell, the greyish 5. 5A, 9V, 29-32°C, ACOH, 175 ml/I 11. 5A, 4V, 29-32°C,CECRI ADDIDITVE, 6 gm/la
eoating oeeurs between 7.5-10 A/dm2 • When repeated with 2A Hull eell, 6. 5A, 3V, 29-32°C,CECRI ADDIDITVE, 1 gm/la
the sarne electrolye is shown in Plate No. 7, and the greyish eoating
oeeurs from 7 A/ dm 2 onwards. From Plate No. 8, it ean be seen that by Fig.1 Effect of Addition Agents on Black Chrome Deposition time 2 minutes
Black Chrome Planting for Solar Energy Conversion 463 464 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

increasing the concentration of CECRI additive to 6 g/l, the greyish plating electrolyte was varied between 15º to 30ºC ata e.d. of 4 A/dm 2 •
black coating occurs from 4.2 A/dm 2 • Further increase to 8 g/l narrows The emittance values remain constant at 0.07 for all the three temperature,
the e.d. range (i.e. 8-11 A/dm 2) for the 1; anetched non-uniform finish is while the absorptance values decrease as the temperature is increased.
produced (Plate No. 10). Hence, 6 g/l CECRI additive is taken as the The absorptance values falls from 0.97 at 15ºC to 0.92 at 30ºC. Hence, for
optimum concentration. When 175 ml/1 acetic acid and 6 g/l CECRI optimum results 30ºC must be regarded as the maximum operating
additive are combined the formation of light black coating starts from temperature for this solution.
2.8 A/dm 2 onwards and the range is extended to 20 am/dm 2 (Plate No.
11). When both acetic acid and CERI additive are combined, the voltage
required for 5A Hull cell is 4V. 1





•••.•. • i • ••••


() --~~~-r-~~~-t-~~~--..--~ ·----t
++ .. ++++++
+++++++++ ---------
+++++++++ --------- 15 30 46 60


Fig. 3 Effect of Plating Time on Optical Properties, 4 A/dm 2, 30°C
Fig. 2 Code for Recording Hull Cell Pattem

Effect of Plating Time on Optical Properties 1

Figure 3 shows the effect of varying the plate time with optical 0.9
properties, when the e.d. is kept constant at 4 A/dm 2 • Solar absorptance 0.8
(a) and thermal emittance are plotted against the time. After about 30 .s 0 .7
sec. plating time, there comes a sharp change in the nature of the deposit ~tl 0.6
which turns light black. Concurrently the absorptance value increases to
0.92. With a resultant increase in the thermal emittance, plating increases ~i
0 .5

the thickness of the deposit. The emittance value increases to 0.125 from
an initial value of 0.07. The absorptance value decreases with increase in
plating time due to the change in colour from light black to brownish
i i5
0 .2

black. Hence a deposition time of 40 to 50 sec. is optimum at a e.d. of 4
A/dm 2 •
15 30' 45 60 75 90 105 120 135
Effect of Temperature
Tllllt IN 8BC.
Figure 4. shows the optical properties when the temperature of 224 Fig. 4 Effect of Temperature on Optical Properties
466 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

(ii) Better solubility for certain re-product.

(iii) Superior surface condition of the pickled parts.
CHAPTER 24 (iv) Acid remains on the metal for very short duration, and is easily
rinsed off.
Main uses for nitric acid on pickling shop are for dipping of copper
Introduction and copper alloys. Nitric acid is used for ferrous metals only for the final
Pickling is a practice termed as pretreatment for subsequent dipping.
finishing operation such as electroplating, phosphating painting, Phosphoric Acid
polishing, enamelling, metal spraying etc. and correct operation of the Phosporic acid is a colourless to deliquestic while solid. It is marketed
pickling process is essential for the success of these treatments. A good as cone. phosphoric acid containing 80 to 90% acid.
pickling solution should have the capacity to remove all the It is mainly used for pickling of steel. Parts treated in this acid do
contaminations rapidly but the effect of solution the base metal is almost not tend to rust easily and form a good basis for paint coatings.
negligible. Each metal forms their own corrosion products and hence
needs individual methods for its removal. The type of surface Chromic Acid
contamination encounted in practice includes grease and oils which It is normally used as a substitute for dangerous nitric acid, as it
have been applied either in manufacturing operation as for the purpose does not form toxic and its use cannot be so easily used, it can lead to
of temporaily protecting the parts form corrosion. pickling.
Sulphuric acid Because of its ability to dissolve hydrosilicic acid hydrofluoric acid
Sulphuric acid is the acid which is used in the largest quantities in is particularly suitable for pickling sand casting.
pickling of metals. It is used dilute for pickling steel and copper and in Other Picking Acid
the concentrated form for dipping copper. Sulphuric acid in normally
Sulphuric acid is used at roam temp. Fluboric acid which is also
used in concentractins of 10-20% for pickling. Treatment of articles is by
used in electroplating, pyro-phosphoric acid and tartaric and citric acids
simple immersion from acid resisting hooks or baskets. The time ranges
may also be mentions.
from few minutes for the removal of a light oxide film to several hours
for heavily scales articles. Following the pickle, the work pieces should be The pradice of Electrolytic Picking
well swilled in fresh water and them rimed in light alkaline solution. The The pans which are to be pickled for the purpose of cleaning their
solution should be maintained at density of not less than 120Tw by the surface are subjected to the following treatments:
addition of acid. 1. Degreasing.
Hydrochloric Acid 2. Rinsing in running water.
3. Electrolytic Pickling.
It is normally used for pickling of iron. About 10-20% of HCl solution
4. Rinsing in running water.
is used for pickling purpose. It higher cone used, read to fumes which
5. Neutralisation.
effects the respiratory treat of human being.
6. Rinsing in running water.
The advantages of HCl over H 2SO4 in pickling of iron are :
(i) Faster pickling speed at roam temperature.
Pickling of Metals 467 468 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

7. Drying heating in a drying oven at 180-200ºC. A heat treatment of this kind will
8. Heating. assist the removal of hydrogen absorbed by the metal and the restoration
All parts that are to be pickled must first to be degreased. Even of the mechanical properties of the metal which may have been affected
slight grease films on the metal insula te it from the action of the electrolyte as a result of pickling treatments.
and this may result in non-uniform pickling and lead to attack on the The cathodic pickling of steel, with the simultaneous deposition on
surface of the metal. the work of a thin coating of lead, is carried out along the sarne Unes as
Parts contaminated with mineral oil are degreased with an organic those just described, with the addition of a treatment for the removal of
solvent (petrol or dichlorethane) after which they are dried at roam the lead creating. Before pickling it is advisable to subject the work to
temperature until all traus of the solvent have disappeared - Parts anodic degreasing. For this purpose use may be made of a solution
contaminated with vegetable oils or animal fats are degreased in hot having following composition (Table 2).
alkaline of the following composition:
Table 2 : Degreasing Formulation for Metais
Table 1 : Degreasing Solution Composition
lngredients Quantity
lngredients Quaentity Caustic soda 85 g/l
Caustic Soda 20-30 g/l Trisodium phosphate 30 g/l.
Trisodium phosphate 25-30 g/l
(for degreasing copper and its alloy) The solution is used at a temperature of 70-80ºC with an anodic
(for degreasing steel) 50-100 g/l current density of 50-100 amp/sq. ft. the treatment being continued for
Sodium Silicate 5-10 g/l 10-15 minutes.
Vats for pickling solutions are made of iron vats for acid solutions
After chemical degreasing, the parts are rinsed first in hot and then are lined with vinyl plastics, acid-resisting ceramics tiles or rubber. Such
in cold running water. They are then mounted on racks which are loaded lining will stand heating up to 60ºC. The solutions are heated with steam
into the electrolytic pickling vats. The racks are usually made of carbon in led pipes laid along the bottom of the vats. Electrical heating can also
steel. A particularly good contact between the work and the racks should be used, the immersion heating elements being protected by glass or
be provided in the case of anodic pickling. Unsatisfactory contacts may ceramic sheaths.
lead to local heating of the solution and attack on the metal in the region The direct current for pickling is obtained from motor generator
of the contact between the work and the rack. To improve the uniformity sets or rectifiers giving acrtified current at 6 volt. ln the case of anodic
of pickling over the surface) must be three to four times greater than the pickling in concentrated solutions of sulphuric acid prior to electroplating,
surface area of the work being treated. a direct current ata potential of 12 volts is required. Alternating current
After pickling in acid solutions, the parts are thoroughly rinsed in for pickling can be taken from the mains through a step-down transformer
running water. Any sludge left on the surface of the work is removed by which reduces the voltage to 25 volts. The following two solutions are
scrubbing with a brush under running water. To neutralise residue to used for the anodic pickling of carbon steel (Table 3) .
acid, the parts, after rinsing in water, are immersed for 5 to 10 minutes
in a 3-5% solution of sodium carbonate. Such a treatment is particularly Table 3 : Pickling Solution for Carbon Steel
necessary for castings and forging having surface imperfections. Any lngredients Quantity
acid remaining in these unperfections and pores may cause corrosion of
1. Sulphuric Acid 700-800 g/l
the metal during subsequent storage.
2. Sulphuric Acid 700-800 g/l
After the neutalizing treatment, the parts are rinsed in water and
3. Potassium bichromate 20-30 g/l.
dried. For all steel parts that have been cathodically pickled in acid
solutions, the final operation must be a two a three hours period of 226 ln both solutions the anodic current denisty should be 100-150
Pickling of Metals 469 470 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

amp./sq. ft. steel or lead plated can be used for the cathode. Table 5: Cleaner Formulations of Various Metais
ln the anodic pickling of steel in concentrated solutions of sulphuric Basic metal: Steel Copper Zinc Brass Alumini-
acid, cases of attack on the surface of the metal practically never occur. Ingredient Mehod of application: Electro Electro Electro Electro umSoak
This method of pickling is therefore particularly suitable for the treatment Sodiumhydroxide,NaOH, % 50 25 20 10
of the polished surfaces. Maintenance of the solution with water (to a Sodium metasilicate, Na2Si03, % 40 40 40 40 40
Sodium tripolyphosphate, Na5P 30 101 % 5 10 10 10 40
specific gravity of less than 1.62-1.65 leads to a desctruction of the
Sodium carbonate, Na2C0 3, % 4 23 28 38 10
passivating film which is formed in the more concentrated solutions, Sodium bicarbonate, NaHC03, % 5
which upsets the normal course of the pickling process. The presence in Surfactant: 40% sodium linear 1 2 2 2 5
Alkylate sulfonate, %
the solution of chlorine lans has the sarne effect. Cleaner concentration, g/L 60-120 30-60 30-45 25-45 30-60
For the anodic pickling of chrome-nickel stainless steel, use can be Current density,A/m2 500-1000 200-500 200-500 150-500
Temperature, ºC 80-boil 70-82 65-75 60-70 70-82
made of a 10-15 solutions of sulphuric acid. The anodic current density
in the process is 100-500 amp./sq. ft. and pickling is continued for 1-2
Chemical and Electrolytic Pickling Compared
minutes. The use of more dilute acid increases the risk of attack on the
Electrolytic Pickling has the following advantages over chemical
surface of the metal. Because for this, it is advisable to use a cathodic
treatment in pickling prior to electroplating. Good results were obtained
1. The time required for pickling is reduced;
with cathodic pickling of stainless steel and permalloy in a 15-20% 2. The rate of pickling is affected to a much lesser extent by the
solution of sulphuric acid with a cathode current density of 10-20 amp./ changes in concentration of the acid and of the iron salts in
sq.ft. the pickling being continued for 1-2 minutes. solution that occur during pickling;
Copper parts that are to be electroplated are subjected to anodic 3. Steel of different composition can be pickled, including alloy
pickling in a solution of the following composition (Table 4). steels which are not readily pickled by the chemical process.
Anodic Cathodic Pickling Compared
Table 4 : Copper Pickling Solution
ln choosing the anodic and cathodic pickling processes the special
lngredients Quantity features of the two processes must be considered.
Potassium Cyanide 30-40 g/l Anodic pickling is carried out in solutions of sulphuric acid or in
acidified solutions of iron salts. Heating of the electrolyte increases the
Potassium Carbonate 20-30 g/l.
pickling rate, this effect of temperature being more marked the higher
The anodic current density should be 30-50 amp./sq.ft. and the the acidity of the solution. The pickling rate also increases with increasing
treatment should be continued for 1 minute. current density. Passivation of the anode may, however, occur at high
current densities. This may also happen when using strong solutions of
ln the manufacture of printing plates, anodic pickling is used for sulphuric acid. The presence of a passive film on the surface which has
lead blocks prior to nickel plating. The solution consists of a 5-10% been freed from scale protects the metal against attack. However, the use
solution of lead nitrate and a current density of 50-100 amp./sq.ft. is of concentrated sulphuric acid enables the removal of only thin oxide
employed. films; a thick layer of scale is removed only with difficulty in such an
electrolyte. It is therefore, usual in the anodic pickling of steel to employ
5 to 20% solutions of sulphuric acid.
ln printing plate manufacture a solution of ferric chloride is used
227 for etching steel plates. The superiority of electrolytic etching over
Pickling of Metals 471 472 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

chemical etching in such a solution. Two solutions for cathodic pickling with simultaneous deposition
ln the first instance the depth of etching of the plate increases of lead on the cathode.
directly with etching time. ln the second instance, that of chemical
Table 6 : Cathodic pickling Solution for Lead
etching, the depth of etching remains practically unchanged after the
first 30-40 minutes. lngredients Quantity
For cathodic pickling, the sarne electrolytes as those for anodic 1. H 2S04 50 g/1
pickling can be used. There occurs no change in dimensions of parts HCl
subjected to cathodic pickling and attack on portions of the surface freed 2. H 2S04 150-250 g/1
from scale is almost completely prevented. On the other hand it is HCl 1.5-2.0 g/l.
necessary to reck on with hydrogen pick-up when pickling steel by the
cathodic process. The hydrogen affects certain properties of the steel a The operating conditions, irrespective of the composition of the
matter which will be considered later. solutions are:
ln the case of chemical etching inhibitions are added to the pickling Cathodic Current Density 70-120 amp./sq.ft.
solutions in arder to reduce the amount of iron going into solution and Temperature of electrolyte 70ºC
to diminish hydrogen absorption. According to information in the Time of Pickling 5-20 minutes
literature inhibitions suitable for use in cathodic pickling include organic
compounds e.g. formaldehyde. For a current denisty of 3-10 amp./sq.ft. The anodes are made of lead. The current efficiency of the lead
and with the addition of 0.0025-0.05% of such inhibitions to a 10% deposition process when the solution contains 0.5-1.0 g/1 of lead ians,
solution of sulphuric acid only 0.25 to 0.17% of iron is dissolved. amounts to 0.4-0.5%.
The concentration of lead in the solution is maintained by
Tin and Lead Additions introducing into the bath small lead anodes the area of which should
A reliable method of preventing the absorption of hydrogen by iron amount of 1-2% of the area of the cast iron anodes. ln arder to increase
during cathodic pickling is to use an electrolyte containing, in addition the solubility of the lead, solutions used in practice contain a higher
to sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid, salts of lead or tin. During the proportion of chloride than those recommended in table 6.
electrolytic treatment, the bubbles of hydrogen evolved loosen the scale
Regeneration of Pickling Solutions
and detach it from the surface of the iron. A thin film of tin or lead is then
deposited on the areas of the iron surface freed from scale, this film Electrolytic processes can be used for the regeneration of pickling
protecting the metal against further pickling. After removal of the scale, solutions. Some scholors have developed a method of regenerating spent
the film of tin or lead is removed from the surface of steel parts by anodic pickling solutions of ferric chloric. The process involves the deposition
treatment in an alkaline solution. on the cathode of metallic iron and at the sarne time oxidation of divalent
The rate of pickling increases with increasing cathodic current iron on an insoluble anode. This results in the formation of a dense
density. The maxium increases occurs between 100 and 150 amp./sq.ft. deposit of electrolytic iron on the cathode, while the solution becomes
Over pickling of the metal diminishes with increasing current density enriched in ferric chloride and can then be used again for chemical or
since as the cathodic polarisation increases its protective effect against electrolytic pickling.
chemical solution of the metal grows. Cost of materiais and of pickling; by providing a recirculation of
The pickling rate is also increased by a rise in temperature of the the solution a continuous pickling process and regeneration of the solution
solution which, in addition, also has the effect of raising the yield of lead can be arranged.
on the cathode; a denser deposit of lead is obtained which improves its Pickling Before Electroplating
protective properties. Pickling constitutes the final operation in the preparation of parts
228 in solutions of acids and alkalis. The time of pickling is between 1h and 1
Pickling of Metals 473 474 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

minute. After pickling, the parts should be quickly but thoroughly rinsed density or longer treatment causes a roughening of the surface of cast
in running water and then immediately transferred to the plating bath. iron and results in a reduction of the adhesion of the chromium deposit.
There must be no interial bet the pickling rinsing and plating operations. Copper parts that are to be electroplated are subjected to anodic
The following two solutions are used for the anodic pickling of carbon pickling in a solution of the following composition:
steel. Table 8 : Anodic Pickling Solution for Copper
Table 7: Anodic Pickling Solution for Carbon Steel lngredients Quantity
lngredients Quantity Potassium Cyanide 30-40 g/1
Potassium Carbonate 20-30 g/1
1. Sulphuric Acid 700-800 g/1
2. Sulphuric Acid 700-800 g/1 The anodic current density should be 3º-50 amp./sq.ft. and the
3. Potassium bichromate 20-30 g/l. treatment should be continued for 1 minute.
ln the manufacture of printing plates, anodic pickling is used for
ln both solutions the anodic current density should be 10º-150 lead blocks or sterous prior to nickel plating. The solution consists of a 5-
amp./sq.ft. steel or lead plates can be used for the cathodes. 10% solution of lead nitrate and a current density of 50-100 amp./sq.ft.
The following phenomena can be observed when anodically pickling is employed.
work in the above solutions. lnitially on switching on the current a very
heavy current flows through the vat. After a few seconds the current
strength begins to fall off rapidly. At the sarne time the bath potential
rises to 10-12 V and a vigorous evolution of bubbles of hydrogen sets in
at the anode. This setting in of the evolution of bubbles of hydrogen
serves as an indication that pickling has been completed.
Good results were obtained with the cathodic pickling of stainless
steel and permalloy in a 15-20% solution of sulphuric acid with a cathodic
current density of 10-20 amp./sq.ft. the pickling beign continued for 1-
2 minutes. Cathodic pickling of this type is accompanied by the reduction
of oxides on the surface of the work any possibility of attack on the
surface being excluded. The practical use of this process for preparing
work for copper plating in a use of this process for preparing work for
copper plating in a pyrophosphate bath showed that in this way a
considerable improvement in the adhesion of the deposit to stainless
steel and permalloy can be obtained.
The use of the cathodic pickling of carbon steel, prior to nickel
plating or copper plating in a pyrophosphate bath of a solution containing
240 g/1 nickel sulphate and 50-70 g/1 sulphuric acid. The cathodic current
density was 70-100 amp./sq.ft. and the time of pickling 15-20 seconds.
Prior to the gold plating of stainless steel, the metal can be pickled by
cathodic treatment in a solution containing 200-250 g/1 sodium chloride
and 0.2 g/1 gold.
Steel parts that are to be chromium plated are pickled by connecting
them as the anode in the chromium plating bath. The temperature of the
bath should be 50-55ºC, the anodic current density 150-200 amp./sq.ft.
and the time of treatment should not exceed 25-30 seconds with a current 229
476 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

impact loads. Parts that have been pickled in this solution should
subsequently by heated for 2-3 hours at 180-200ºC.
CHAPTER 24 Table 1: Formulatious for Anodic Pickling of Carbon Steel
PICKLING CONDITIONS AND Constituents Composition of Solution (g/1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SOLUTION COMPOSITIONS Sulphuric Acid 200-300 150-200 150 10-20 100
Ferrous Sulphate 5 200-300
Sodium Chloride 30-50 30-50 50
Pickling conditions and Solution composition pertaining to the
Ferrous Chloride 30-50 150
following heads have been discussed in this chapter: Hydrochloric Acid 10 350
( 1) Pickling of Carbon Steel Ferric Chloride 75
Calcium Chloride 50 0.2
(2) Pickling of Cast iron
Hydro Fluoric Acid
(3) Pickling of Stainless Steel
(4) Pickling of Zinc
Pickling Conditions
(5) Pickling of Copper and Copper Alloys
(6) Pickling of Aluminium Current Density (amp/sq.ft.) 50-100 20-50 50-100 1000-2000 50-
(7) Pickling of Magnesium 100 200- 200-300 50-100 1000 50-100
(8) Pickling of Silver Bath Temperature (ºC) 40-60 20-30 40-60 60-80
(9) Pickling of Titanium Roam Temperature 25-35 20-50 30 30-40
Duration of Pickling (Min.) 10-20 10-20 0.5 0.1 15-30 10-30 10-15 0.5
Table 1 gives the compositions of pickling solutions and the operating
Table 2 : Formulations for Cathodic Pickling of Carbon Steel
conditions for the anodic pickling of carbon steel. ln all the solution
given iron or lead sheet can be used as the cathodes. Constituents Composition of Solution (g/l)
Solutions 1 and 5 are used for pickling coarsely finished surface 1 2 3
having a heavy scale. Solution 2 is used for pickling parts with sand
Sulphuric Acid 10º-150 50
blasted surfaces. Solution 3 is recommended for the pickling of sheet.
Caustic Soda or Potassium Fused Caustic
Solution 4 and 8 are used for pickling wire. Solution 6 has been used for
etching printing plates made of electrolytic iron, commercial iron and
Hydrochloric Acid 30
carbon steel. Steel carrying surface oxide films of limited thickness are
Sodium Chloride 20
pickled in solution 7. lron-base alloys containing silicon are pickled in
solution 9.
Pickling Conditions
To remove oxide films from dimensionally accurate parts used is
Current Density (amp./sq.ft.) 30-100 100-120 80-120
made of cathodic pickling. The composition of the solution and the
Bath Temperature (ºC) 40-50 450-480 60-70
operating conditions for the cathodic pickling of carbon steel are listed
Duration of Pickling (min.) 10-15 0.5-2 10-15
in Table 2.
Solution 2 actually consists of fused caustic alkali. The anodes
ln solution 1 the anodes are made of sheet lead or of an alloy of lead
consist of nickel sheet pickling in fused caustic alkali is suitable for the
with 6-10% antimony. With a view to avoiding the deterioration in the
treatment of wire, strip and sheet. Hydrogen pick-up by metal does not
mechanical properties as a result of hydrogen pick-up, solution 1 should
not be used to pickles parts which will be subjected to alternating or 230
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 477 478 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Pickling in solution 3 is accompanied by the deposition on the differs from the pickling of low alloy or carbon steels in the following
surface of the metal freed from scale, of a thin layer of lead. The anodes points:
are made of silicon iron containing 20-40% silicon or of an alloy of lead 1. The basis metal is more resistant to chemical attack.
with 10-15% antimony. Alongside the cart iron anodes are suspended 2. Acid attacks the surface less uniformly but tends to produce
small strip of lead with an area equal abort 1-2% of the total area of the local corrosion and pitting.
anodes. After descaling the deposit oflead is removed by anodic treatment 3. The cost basis of the metal itself is of greater importance.
for 5-10 minutes in a solution containing 85 g/l. Sodium hydroxide and 4. The contamination which is to be removed is different. Apart
30 g/l trisodium phosphate. The anodic current density should be 50-70 from iron oxides, it contains oxides of the alloying elements,
amp./sq.ft. and temperature of the bath 50-60ºC. Sheet iron is used for such as chromium, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, aluminum,
the cathode such a method of pickling enables parts having complex titanium, tantalum or niobium, while other compounds of their
shapes to be treated. metals can be present.
5. The scale is formed at a higher temperature and is therefore
more strangly adherent and difficult to dissolve, convert or
ln pickling cast iron, more contamination usually remains on the remove mechanically.
surface than on other metals. Normally, however this can be removed by Dilute sulphuric a hydrochloric acid is rather uneffective and is
mechanical treatment or by a short second pickling operation. Sometimes, used only for prepickling or for the purpose of dissolving or loosening
however, the surface is required to be free from graphite, e.g. for hard scale which has already been converted by a previous pickling stage.
soldering hot lead coating or hot tinning. ln this case it is best to use an
oxiding salt bath which is preferably used with the aid of electric current. Pickling in Aqueous Solutions
Sand castings which have been sand blasted an increasingly pickled in Various mixtures of dilute acid, of different action, such as
solutions which contain hydrofluoric acid which facilitates rapid removal hydrochloric nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric or hydrofluoric acid are used
of most of the fine sand particles. in various proportions. Hydrofluoric acid in particular is used increasingly
at the present time. Ferric chloride and sulphate have also proved
Table 3: Formulations for Pickling of Solution for Cast Iron
surprisingly successful for a number of steels. Particularly in combination
lngredients Quantity with a mineral acid (hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acid).
Caustic Soda 60-40% It is not possible to described all the numerous processes used for
Sodium Nitrate 10-40% pickling stainless steels but the examples given below are typical.
Temperature 400-500°C Table 4 : Formulations for Pickling Solution of Stainless Steel
With sand casting it is necessary to remove the sand, rust and scale lngredients Quantity
completely particularly from the pores. Almost neutral alkali metal salts
1. Sulphuric acid (cone.) 15% (vol.)
i.e. those which have neither acid nor alkaline reaction on the surface
Hydrochloric acid (cone.) 5%
and which do not exert by oxidising or reducing action are used.
Water 80%
Current density of around 50 amp./sq.ft. are employed for which
60ºC, for pre-pickling
a voltage of approximately 2 to 6 volts is required. The temperature is
normally about 500ºC. lngredients Quantity
2. Hydrochloric Acid (cone.) 20% (vol.)
Nitric Acid (d.1.4) 10%
Stainless steel are rarely electroplated or painted. They are pickled Water 70%
mainly during fabrication in arder to remove heat treatment scale, in the 60ºC, for pre-pickling
repair of used parts and electrolytic polishing pickling of stainless steels 231
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 479 480 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

3. Hydrochloric Acid (cone.) 36% (vol.) As an alternative oxidising agent, ferric sulphate has been found
Nitric Acid (d.1.4) 5% not only to be as effective as nitric acid but also to offer the advantage
Hydrofluoric Acid 4% of forming with hydrofluoric acid a non-volatile complex fluoride which
Water 55% is comparatively innocuous. The resulting solution is colourless practically
20ºC, 30-90 min., for pre-pickling from fermes and sufficiently bland to cause no harm if accidently handled
heavily scaled work with bare hands. This is in marked contrast to hydrofluoric acid alone
4. Nitric Acid 10% (vol.) which is extremely corrosive and will produce shin burns which are very
Hydrofluoric acid 6% difficult to heat. Hydrofluoric acid is particularly dangerous because
Water 84% burns due to contact with the weak acid for example splashes which are
20-40ºC, 20 min, for thick scale and not completely rinsed off, may not become apparent for several hours. A
welding steams typical formulation is:
5. Hydrochloric Acid (cone.) 44% (vol.)
Another Formulation
Nitric Acid (cone.) 5%
Inhibitor 1% Ingredients Quantity
Water 50% Ferric Sulphate Liquor 20 gallons
45-60ºC 50% 60% Hydrofluoric Acid 5 gallons
This bath is fast acting and gives a Water 75%
bright surface but attacks the metal
vigorously and therefore requires During service, further additions of ferric sulphate liquor can be
accurate process control. made until the acid concentration falls below 10%.
6. Sulphuric Acid (con.) 6.25 pt (vol.) Such a bath provides action and efficient method for the complete
Hydroflouric Acid 6.25 pt removal of heat scale formed as austinitic stainless steel during annealing
Water 87.5 pt without any attack on the underlying base metal surface and is practically
Chromic Acid 6 kg/100 lit. free from objectionable fumes and spray. Used at 150 to 160ºF the normal
Roam Temperature (10 oz/gal) pickling time is 2 to 10 minutes.
7. Sulphuric Acid 5% ln Table 5 using No. 1, the temperature should not exceed 25ºC or
Ferric Sulphate 6-7% the surface may be etched No. 2 and No. 5 belong together, No. 5 being
Ferric Fluoride 15% used for pre-pickling No. 4 may be used for lightly scaled work and
Hydrofluoric Acid (45%) 1-2% should be followed by that treatment.
60ºC, for descaling
8. Approximately 65 g (10 1/2 oz) ferric Table 5 : Formulations for the Pickling of Alloy Steel
sulphate dissolved in 1 litre (1 gallon)
2% hydro fluoric acid at 20-60ºC, Constituents Composition of Solution (g/l)
for descaling 1 2 3 4 5
9. Phosphoric Acid (cone.) 15-25% (vol.) Sulphuric Acid 35-40 50 80-100
Nitric Acid (cone.) 2-4% Hydrochloric Acid 250-300
Hydrochloric Acid (cone.) 2-5% Nitric Acid 25-30
Water 81-66% Caustic Soda 500
75-lOOºC, for descaling and bright
pickling. 232
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 481 482 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Pickling Conditions parts a number of times for a brief space of time than to employ are
Type of Current A.C. Anodic Anodic Cathodic Anodic prolonged pickled operation.
Current Density 50-100 200-300 200-300 50-100 10 Castings can be pickled in 2 to 3% hydrofluoric acid under the usual
(amp./sq.ft) conditions.
Bath Temp. (ºC) 15-20 60-70 40-50 40-50 150
Table 6 : Another Formulation
Duration of Pickling (min.) 5-10 10-15 5-10 10-15 10
Ingredients Quantity
Pickling in Salt Baths
Sulphuric Acid (cone.) 1 pt (vol.)
Heavily scaled and contaminated stainless steels may be successfully
Nitric Acid (cone.) 1 pt
pickled in the salt bath. Hardly any of the metal is removed in these baths
Water 10 pt
and the scale is converted in a few minutes in such a manner it can be
and is employed at roam temperature for upto 1 minute.
removed rapidly by conventional pickling methods.
The operating sequence is as follows:
When dilute mineral acids are employed to pickled zinc which is
1. Treatment in the salt bath.
coated with heavy deposit of corrosion products, parts of the surface
2. Quenching in water.
may be attacked too strangely. This can be countered by adding a small
3. Brief after-treatment in an acid pickling bath.
amount of wetting agent to the pickling solution. For the sarne purpose,
4. Through rinsing.
concentrated mixtures of mineral acids may be used in which the metallic
Two other molten salt baths are:
zinc is significantly less soluble. These are formulated similarly to solutions
Caustic Soda 60-90%
for dipping copper.
Sodium Nitrate 10-40%
Temperature 450-500ºC Table 7 : A Typical Formulation
Caustic Soda 20-30% Ingredients Quantity
Sodium Nitrate 70-80% Sulphuric Acid (cone.) 1 pt (vol.)
Sodium Peroxide up to 1% Nitric Acid 1 pt
Temperature 270ºC Sodium Chloride upto 30 g/l
Time 2-7 minutes This bath is operated atroam temperature for upto 5 seconds and gives
an attractive bright finish.
Like aluminium, zinc is dissolved by acid and strong alkalies and When zinc alloys which contain copper and aluminium are pickled
the sarne applies to its oxide, hydroxide and carbonate. Dueto the nature in dilute acids an unattractive poorly adherent copper deposit may
of its corrosion products, zinc is fairly resistant to attack by air and remain on the surface. To avoid formulation of thin film, process in
water. which the first pickle contains:
Zinc can therefore be pickled in both and acid and alkaline solutions. Chromic Acid (70%) 1 litre
Apart from the usual applications processes designed to brighter electrode
Hydrochloric Acid (cone.) 300 ml
deposited zinc coatings must also be considered. Because zinc and its
corrosion products are easily attacked, mineral acids such as sulphuric and is used at roam temperature for 1h to 11h minutes. The work is then
and hydrochloric acid can be used in low concentrations (3 to 10%) at immersed in 60% to 70% chromic acid atroam temperature for about 30
roam temperature for short immersion times (less than 1 minute). Where seconds.
thicker coatings are to be removed it is frequently better to immense the 233
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 483 484 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Table 8 : Anodic Pickling Solution Developed for Zinc covered by a film of copper oxide or sulphide. ln the case of copper
alloys, selective corrosion in which individual alloys constituents are
lngredients Quantity
attacked preferentially must also be considered. After the normal heat
1 II III treatment are usually finds a considerable amount of scale.
Zinc Sulphate 100 g/l Copper is attacked and dissolved by nitric acid and other oxidising
Zinc Chloride 200 g/l 200 g/l agents by ammonia and by alkali metal cynides. The most suitable solvent
Sodium Sulphate 250-300 g/l for copper is nitric acid, which removes the metal rapidly and uniformly
Sulphuric Acid 5 ml/l accompanied by heat evolution and in particular in the case of
concentraed acid by evolution of highly toxic nitrogen oxide gases. While
Glycerine 50 ml/l
pickling of copper in dilute adids make it possible to remove most of the
Potassium dictrimate 25 g/l
corrosion products, the appearance of the surface is generaly unattractive
Chromic Acid 15 g/l. 15 g/l.
and the finish obtained is rarely adequate. ln arder to remove pickling
These solution are used at an anode current density of 150 to 300 residues and in particular to brighten the surface or obtained a certain
amp/sq.ft. Any lead that is present will forma film of lead chromatic on required appearance, other pickling process are used which are termed
the zinc surface which is removed by a short immersion in 3 to 5% nitric dipping in the case of copper. ln contrast to conventional pickling baths,
acid. copper dipping solutions frequently contain concentrated acid. Two type
Electra deposited zinc coating on pickled zinc parts may be bright of dip are usually employed, a first dip to give a clean metal surface and
dipped in such solutions are: a bright dip designed to give a bright attractive finish.
Nitric Acid 0.5-1.5% The surface which is to be pickled must also be free from grease, oil
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and similar impurities. Commercial acids, mainly sulphuric and nitric
at roam temperature for 1h to 2 minutes. ln both these solutions the water acids are predominantly employed for dipping solutions while
may be replaced wholly and partly by alcohols. hydrochloric, phosphoric and hydrofluoric acids are used to a lesser
The following solutions is particularly useful for brightening zinc extent. More recently chromic acid and ferric sulphate have been used
plated components: with considerable success as substitutes for the more toxic nitric acid.
Chromic Acid 200-275 g/l 2-2% lb/gal
Sodium Sulphate 15 g/l 21h oz/gal
or Sulphuric acid (cone.) 5ml/l % oz/gal Copper is most often pickled in dilute (approx. 10%) sulphuric acid.
Water remainder ln this were faster in action it would be ideal for pickling this metal as it
Zinc alloys which contain aluminium may be pickled in an alkaline dissolves oxide, carbonate and other copper compounds without attacking
solutions containing 10 to 40% caustic soda at roam temperature. This the metal itself.
attacks the basis metal only slightly during an immesion time 5 minutes Thin oxide films are dissolved within a few hours (normally 3 to 8
but is very effective in removing oxides. After pickling the work is rinsed hours) while thicker coatings particularly scale, remain adherents even
thoroughly dipped briefly in dilute nitric acid, rinsed once more and after prolonged immersion, although it may then frequently brush off or
dried. be removed by other mechanical methods fairly easy. ln arder to accelerate
the pickling process, the solution or the work may be agitated
V. PICKLING OF COPPER ANO COPPER ALLOYS mechanically or by compressed air. Alternatively the acid may be heated
Copper is are of the semi-noble metals. Although it is resistant to to about 50ºC although at this temperature these may be sarne slight
non-oxidizing acids such as dilute sulphuric and hydrochloric acid as attack on the metal.
well as to caustic soda it is attacked by oxygen oxidizing agents and Small amount of hydrochloric or nitric acid may also be added to
sulphur compounds. the sulphuric acid solution.
A bare copper surface which is exposed to the atmosphere is soon Pickles of this type are:
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 485 486 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Sulphuric Acid (cone.) 10 gal followed by bright dipping. As concentrated acids are employed for this
Nitric Acid (d 1.4) 2-4 gal purpose the diping solutions should not be warmed. ln the preparation
Hydrochloric Acid 1 gal of bright clips a small amount (about 10%) of an old dipping solution is
Water 100 gal sarne time added or the solution may be warmed for a short time and
OR then allowed to cool. Probably the nitric acid which is formed when the
Sulphuric Acid 10 gal solution is used or heated is necessary for the formation of a uniform
Nitric Acid 2.5 gal bright finish. Most pre and bright clips operate best at temperature
Water to 100 gal between 15 to 20ºC. At higher temperature they tend to produce a non-
This pickles attack copper and should not therefore be treated or uniform appearance and may etch the metal even during short immersion
used with prolonged period of immersion. times.
Copper is dissolved in nitric acid and highly toxic fumes are formed The pre-dip normally contains concentrated nitric acid with a small
in this reaction. ln arder to avoid the letter a dichromate pickle may be amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The composition of a few
employed. This consists of dilute sulphuric acid and either sodium or clips ofthis type is given below:
potassium dichromate. Sodium dichromate has a rather higher chromate
Table 10 : Predip Composition
content than the potassium salt. Typical compositions of pickles of this:
lngredients Quantity
Table 9 : Formulations for Copper Pickling Solution
lngredients Quantity Nitric Acid (d 1.4) 1 litre
(1) Sodium or potassium chromate 120 lb Hydrochloric Acid (cone.) lüml
Sulphuric acid (cone.) 6 gal Bright dip
Water 90 gal Sulphuric Acid (cone.) 1 litre
( 2) Chromic Acid 10 lb Nitric Acid (cone.) 0.75-1 litre
Sulphuric or hydrochloric acid 6 gal Sodium Chloride 10-20 g
Water 100 gal Goot 10-20 g
(3) Chromic Acid 100 lb
Sulphuric Acid (cone.) l1h pints Pickling of Copper Alloys
Water 95 gal ln pickling, three types of copper alloys may be distinguished,
ln recent times ferric sulphate solutions have also namely, the zinc containing brasses, the bronzes which do not contain
been used for pickling copper e.g.: zinc and special brases which contain zinc together with other metals. ln
Ferric Sulphate 90 lb pickling these alloys must be emphasised that every solution is not suitable
Sulphuric Acid 6 gal for every alloy and that unalloyed copper and copper alloys usually
Water 90 gal require separate pickling baths.
An attractive finish is obtained by treating pickled To understand the different action of a pickle or dip on the different
copper in a solution containing. types of alloy, the effect of the acids on the individual metals should be
Ferric Sulphate 9% briefly considered. Hydrochloric acid mainaly attacks zinc, aluminium,
Potassium Bitartrate 0.1% iron, manganese, tin and cadmium and does not attack copper or nickel
The tartrate can also be replaced by 3% acetic or on the other hand, nitric acid dissolves copper and nickel but has less
citric acid or by 5% glycollic acid effect on zinc, iron and tin. Sulphuric acid dissolves most alloy constituents
fairly uniformly with the exception of lead. Chromic acid has little effect
Dipping on most metals and exerts save passivating effect.
After pickling copper is usually immersed in a pre-dipping solution 235 The basic composition of the individuais pickling and dipping
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 487 488 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

solutions is broadly similar to those used for pure copper but the After Treatments
constituents must be chosen with alloy composition in mind. After pickling or dipeing the parts are rinsed immediately in cold
Matt Dipping water before being rinsed in hot water and dried to avoid water stains,
deminerled or distilled water may be employed or a little wetting agent
Dull or unfirom matt finishes are sometimes required for decorative
may be added to the final rinse.
applications and forthis purpose the so called matt clips as employed.
Naturally any coatings must be removed before electroplating or
Apart from the ingredients of the normal bright dip these may also
other finishing processes. Passivated or tarnished parts may be dipped in
contain zinc salts, ammonium chloride, sodium sulphide, graphite or
dilute (approx. 3%) sulphuric acid.
soot in concentrations up to about 5%. The pickling temperature is usually
about 40ºC and the method of operation is similar to that of bright clips. VI. PICKLING OF ALUMINIUM
Again good results are obtained by using two clips. The work is then
Aluminium and its alloys differ from steel and copper matals.
rinsed thoroughly dipped briefly in acidified water to avoid staining,
Aluminium dissolves in warm caustic soda solution with hydrogen
rinsied and dreid. Chromate clips can also be used to obtain an attractive
evolution and the formation of soluble aluminate. Caustic soda also
fine grained matt finish. The following composition is given for that :
dissolves the oxide and hydroxide of the metal.
Table 11 : Matt Finish Composition ln concentrated nitric and sulphuric acid aluminium is fairly
resistant at roam temperature. It is also attacked less rapidly by the
lngredients Quantity
dilute acids than iron or copper, while aluminium oxide and hydroxide
Potassium dichromate 250 g are dissolved in these acids only at elevated temperatures. While the
Sulphuric acid (cone.) 135 ml oxide and hydroxide dissolve easily in dilute hydro chlroic acid,
Sodium chloride 21gm aluminium is also attacked rapidly. Hydrofluoric acid dissolve aluminium
Water 1 litre oxide and aluminim itself uniformly while chromic acid dissolves only
and is used at 30 to 50ºC for upto 1 minute. the oxide and hydroxide without attacking aluminium under normal
Bright dipping and Chemical Polishing Hence pickling solutions for aluminium usually consist of 20%
Pure copper can be brightened in concentrated (d 1.52) or fuming causitc soda solution which is used the temperatures above 80ºC under
nitric acid for 1 to 5 seconds. The latter is particularly dangerous as it strong gas evolution. The hydrogen formed carries the solutions with it
consists of a solution of nitroigen dioxide in concentrated nitric acid. in the form of spray and it is necessary therefore to provide efficient
More usual or solutions based on nitric sulphuric acid mixtures fume extraction.
such as: After pickling the work is rinsed in cold water and is then dipped
briefly in dilute nitric acid (about 10%), rinsed again and dried rapidly.
Table 12 : Bright Dip Composition
The surface loses its bright appearance faily rapdily in the atmosphere
lngredients Quantity and is covered by an oxide film. These are also protective solutions for
aluminium in which the aluminium may be stored for several days
Sulphuric Acid 68 fl oz
without loosing its finish.
Nitric Acid 12 gl oz
Pickling tanks may be of steel and preferably of stainless steel. Mild
Hydrochloric Acid 1/3 fl oz
steel may also be lined with an alkali-resistant plastic or enamel. Tanks
Water to 1 gallon
for nitric acid are usually of ceramic materiais or of acid-resistant steel.
The small chloride addition serves to produce a more even attack. If the attack on metal is to be kept as low as possible the caustic soda
1.5 oz/ gal or sodium nitrite or 1 oz/ gal soot are useful inhibitors most solution is replaced by a milder sodium carbonate solution containing:
other brightening processes for copper and its alloys use a solution Sodium Carbonate 10%
composed of nitric, phosphoric and acetic acids. Sodium Chloride 3%
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 489 490 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

which is operated at 50 to 80ºC for 5 to 10 minutes. Water remainder

The finish obtained by this process is matt white and suitable for roam temperature time 3-4 minutes
sarne decorative applications. Another solutions which contains: 4. Sulphuric acid 5%
Sodium Carbonate 5-10% 80ºC, gives an attractive matt finish
Sodium Fluoride 2% 5. Sulphuric acid (60ºBe') 175 ml
Water remainder Chromic acid 60 g
and is used at 40 to 50ºC for 1h to 2 minutes gives a clean bright finish on 10-15 minutes, 45-60ºC
pure aluminium and on alloys with less than 1% copper and silicon. 6. Phosphoric acid 200 ml
When copper and silicon containing alloys are pickled in caustic Water 1 litre
soda solution a black or brown-black remains on the surface.The copper 45-90ºC, gives a silver mate finish
may be removed by treatment in dilute nitric acid and the silicon in
dilute hydro fluoric acid. Chemical Polishing
A number of chemical polishing solutions are available for
Acid or Cold Pickling
aluminium. Their compositions is usually broadly similar to those used
ln this process mixtures of acids are used in which the main for copper and copper alloys i.e. they frequently contain nitric, phosphoric
constituents is hydrofluoric acid. Particularly combination with nitric acid acetic acids.
acid it is possible by this method to obtain a clean metal surface in one An example of a solution given contains:
operation containing copper or silicon. Tanks for hydrofluoric acid pickels Acetic acid 10% (vol)
are of plastic lined sheet or wood, of acid resistant steel or of solid plastic. Phosphoric acid 65%
As hydrofluoric acid is strongly corrosive to the skin it is necessary to Nitric acid 25%
opera te these solutions with caution. Rubber gloves and protective goggles The main difference between this solution and those for copper is
should be worn. the higher operating temperature which is usually between 80 and llOºC.
ln hibitors are also available for acid pickling solutions for The immersion time 1h to 1 minute.
aluminium. Examples of solutions of this type contain: Acetic acid can also be wholly or partially replaced by sulphuric
Table 13 : Formulation for Pickling Solutions for Aluminium acid or other acids e.g.
Phosphoric acid (con) 43% (vol.)
lngredients Quantity Hydrochloric acid (cone.) 10%
1. Nitric acid (approx. 54%) 4 pt (vol) Nitric Acid (cone.) 22%
Hydro phoric acid (approx. 70%) 1 pt Water 25%
Roam temperature, 1 minute, Frequently the surface is bloomed after chemical polishing or a thin
to be handled with caution film is present. This may usually be removed by a short immersion in
2. For recessed parts a more dilute solution is recommended: dilute nitric acid solution.
Nitric acid (20%) 1 litre A different method of chemical polishing is typified in which
Hydrofluoric acid (cone.) 1 ml hydrofluoric acid or ammonium bifluoride is used in place of phosphric
Roam temperature, 1 minute acid. The hydrogen evolved in this process carriers over corrosive fluoride
thorough rinsing is required, after spray and mist be extracted. This bath contains:
treatment in 20% nitric acid. Ammonium bifluoride 11 kg
lngredients Quantity Nitric Acid 17 litre
Water 80 litre
3. Sulphuric acid 10% (vol.) Lead nitrate 20 g
Sodium fluoride 25-50 (g/l) The working temperature of this baths is covered between 40º and
or hydrofluoric acid 1-2% (vol.) 237
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 491 492 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

60ºC and the short immersion time of 10 to 30 seconds should not be Table 14: Formulation of Pickling Solution of Magnesium
exceeded as the rate of metal removal is very rapid.
lngredients Quantity
Apart from these acid baths, these are also a number of strongly
alkaline chemical polishing solutions e.g. Chromic acid 180 g/l
Caustic soda 300-600 g Ferric nitrate 40 g/l
Trisodiumphosphate 100-300 g Potassium fluoride 3-5-7 g/l.
Sodium nitrate 300-500 g
The protective pickles consist mainly of aqueous solutions of
Sodium nitrite 200-300 g
compounds which give a protective coating, such as chromates,
Copper nitrate 5g
phosphates and selenious arsenous and hydrofluoric acids or their salts.
Water 300-500 g
They also contain compounds which attack or active the metal surface
and used at 120 to 140ºC for 15 to 60 seconds.
salt as nitirc acid, nitrates, nitrites, sulphates phosphates, pyrophosphate
This bath is solid at roam temperature and removes metal very
antimonates, arsenates and ammonium salts. They also include small
concentrations of constituents which fulfil a special purpose or impart
Intermediate Dips particular properties to the costing such as silicates dyestuffs or oxidising
Finally the clips may be mentioned which are used for preparing agents.
aluminium for electroplaing. Bright clips for magnesium usually contain a dilute acid as their
Due to its high reactivity most metals will deposit on aluminium in principal constituent. This may either be an acid which attacks magnesium
a poorly adherent form from their solutions without the aid of current, such as sulphuric nitric or similar acid, or which reacts only slighly with
moreover, a clean aluminium surface is rapidly covered by oxide film the metal, such as hydrofluoric or chromic acid. Acids in the former
which prevents the deposition of an adherent metallic coating. group give a bright metallic surface within a few seconds but at the cost
The intermediate dip dissolves the oxide film and at the sarne time of some metal removal. ln arder to prevent reaction of the magnesium
deposits another metal coating. This deposit is usually zinc iron or nickel with water about 0.2% potassium or sodium chromate can be added to
obtained from a solution of the salt. An example of a zincate solution the rinse water. Some examples are as follows:
contains: 1. Nitric acid 10%
Sodium hydroxide 500 g It is used at roam temperature for upto 15 seconds. This is the best
Zinc oxide 100 g known pickle and is effective in almost all cases. If treatment is too
lron chloride 1g prolonged an indescent film is formed on the surface which is removed
*Rochelle salt 10 g by brief immersion in 3% nitric acid.
Water approx. 1 litre 2. Sulphuric acid 8% (vol.)
*Rochelle Salt: This salt is called potassium sodium tartrate Nitric acid 2%
(KNaC.Hp6 .4Hp) Water 90%
3. Sulphuric or phosphoric acid 50-250 g/l
VII. PICKLING OF MAGNESIUM Magnesium sulphate or phosphate 5-30 g/l
Potassium dichromate 5-30 g/l
ln the case of magnesium the term pickling is used not only for the
usual corrosion removal and bright dipping processes but also for
4. Chromic acid 180 g
treatments prior to finishing processes such as electroplating. The Water 1 litre
term is also sometimes applied to protective processes of the chemical 5 minutes at approx. 75ºC
5. Chromic acid 200 g
Sodium nitrate 0.30 g
The most generally suitable bright dip for magnesium is
Magnesium or calcium fluoride 1g
238 Water 800 ml
Pickling Conditions and Solution Compositions 493 494 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Operated at roam temperature. Very little metal removed. Agitation Pure silver is usually too soft for most purposes and it frequently
is desirable during pickling. alloyed with up to 20% copper, silver-copper alloys are coated with a
dark or black film during heat-treatment which consists mainly of copper
VIII. PICKLING OF SILVER oxide. ln minting works this film is frequently removed in 10% sulphuric
Silver is are of the noble metals and is almost inert in atmospheric acid containing potassium permanganate at temperature over 60ºC. After
oxygen, water, alkalies and non-oxidising acids. It dissolves rapidly in pickling and rinsing the parts are treated with dilute potassium bitartarate
nitric acid. Hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride stain silver and or tartaric aid solution, rinsed once again and dried.
activate its surface. Silver is also attacked by hyrogen sulphide and
similar sulphur compounds which convert is to dark brown or black IX. PICKLING OF TIT ANIUM
silver sulphide. While titanium is similar in its specific gravity to aluminium, if
Mineral acids can not be used for pickling silver as silver sulphide resembles stainless steel in its chemical properties. It may be used wherever
is soluble only in hot concentrated nitric or sulphuric acid both of which a light metal of good mechanical and thermal properties and chemical
attack the metal strongly. Silver is therefore pickled in solutions of salts resistance is required.
which form readly soluble complex compounds with the metal such as It is resistant to water and dilute mineral acids. With the exception
e.g. Potassium cyanide sodium thiosulphate, sodium thicocyante and of hydrofluoric acid. It is attacked by warm concentrated hydrochloric
thiourea. Small articles of silver which are not too heavily contaminated or sulphuric acid and by dilute hydrofluoric acid atroam temperature.
can be cleaned by prolonged immersion in borax solution only dipping in Alkalies attack titanium only in highly concentrated solution or when
dilute caustic soda solution in contact with zinc or aluminium. ln the molten forming tiba nates.
latter case, a galvanic cell is formed in which the silver is the more noble Titanium dioxide and titanium nitride are present in the scale on
metal and functions as the cathode. The electrolytic action is accompanied the metal and are usually removed by in hydrofluoric acid, concentrated
by liberation of hydrogen at the silver surface and silver sulphide is hydrochloric acid or in alkaline malts.
reduced to metal. Examples or Two Solutions are: Metallic titanium easily take of gases, including hydrogen and this
Table 15 : Formulations of Pickling Solution of Silver can lead to embrittlement of the material. To avoid this nitric acid may
be added to the pickle a higher temperature may be employed.
lngredients Quantity Titanium pickling solutions contain hydrofluoric acid and other
1. Potassium Cyanide 30 g mineral acids, particularly nitric acid, or consists or alkaline melts with
Zinc Cyanide lg oxidising or reducing agents. ln place of hydrofluoric acid, fluoboric or
Water 1 litre hydrofluoric acid have also been employed. Typical examples are:
operated at roam temperature For light scale:
2. Nitric Acid 20 ml Table 16: Formulations for Pickling Solutions for Titanium
Thiourea 90 g
Water 1 litre lngredients Quantity

A solution containing 48 oz/ gal sodium thiosulphate will remove A Hydrofluoric acid at SOºC 4%
tarnish from the silver but leaves a matt surface. Proprietary clips are on B Sodium fluoride in 20% nitric
the market which will remove the tarnish without impaining the polish acid at SOºC 60 ml/litre
of a silver surface. The essential ingredients are believed to be thiurea e Hydroflouric acid (cone.) 20% (vol.)
and dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid but detergents are added and Nitric acid 30%
Water 50%
also a water soluble perfume together with benzaldehyde to mask the
smell of the hydrogen sulphide which is formed in detarnishing process. Operated atroam temperature to 40ºC. This solution does not cause
Apart from the effect of sulphur on silver oxide films forms by alloy hydrogen embrittlement.
constituents may also need to be removed.
496 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

after that the plating is dane in main solution.

CHAPTER 26 Cadmium anodes are commonly used. Iron anodes are used to help
cadmium anodes, as cadmium anodes dissolve very quickly. Normally
CADMIUM PLATING four cadmium and one iron anode is used.
Baths Preparation
Cadmium is mainly used to save steel and copper base alloys from Cadmium plating is normally dane in steel or rubber lined baths.
corrosion Although zinc plating is cheaper but cadmium imparts good Rubber or plastic lined tanks are prepared as they prevent stray currents.
quality. Zinc has two advantages in comparison with cadmium plating- ln cyanide bath, sodium cyanide is added first, then cadmium
firstly, cadmium is a costly metal, secondly it develops black spot when metal compound is added to it. When the bath is initially made chemical
touched with fingers. ingredients upto high limit are tried to achieve, but sodium carbonate
Cadmium is an active metal and protects the basic metal, thus it is should be brought upto low limit.
restrictly used in wild corrosive conditions. It is resistant to alkaline
solutions used in washing machinery, it resists salts and oils better than Operation
zinc. Dueto this property, it is used in marine applications and in plating The bath is normally operated on cathode current density of 20
tools that are used in presence of oil. amperes per square foot which will result in deposit of about 0.3 miles in
Alkaline solution is required for cadmium plating. The following 11 minutes. While current density should be in between 10-45 amps./ sq.
are commonly used solutions. ft. and temperature should be below 90ºF (with the help of cooling coils).
Throwing power and covering power ofbath are high so that plating
Alkaline Solution for Cadmium Plating
on complicated parts is possible without special racking.
Constituents gm./liter
Preparation of Basic Metal
1. Cadmium Oxide 24-39
Steel is generally prepared for cadmium plating simply by cleaning,
Sodium Cyanide 86-130
pickling. Is is cleaned by electrolytic anodic alkaline cleaned and sulphuric
Cadmium Metal and some additional agent 20-34
acid respectively, but cadmium cyanide baths have self cleaning action.
2. Cadmium Cyanide 42
When a heavy deposit of cadmium or steel is required, then acid
Sodium Cyanide 50
cadmium prior to cyanide cadmium is provided.
Caustic Soda 25
Water 1 liter
3. Cadium Oxide 33
Sodium Cyanide 75
Water 1 lt.

These solutions have good throw, if the partis irregular, the solution
must be dilute. Normally solution is divided into two parts-one is
allowed to remain at it is, while the other is diluted. First part is treated
dilute in solution for a few minutes at high current density of the arder
of 30 to 50 amp./ sq. ft. This process is called striking. ln striking, a very
thin layer is developed on the surface, even deeper parts are well plated,
498 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

better than nickel, due to its colour and adequate corrosion protection
properties. So it has achieved some importance in the last few years in

CHAPTER 2" unchromed state, for example spectacle frames. ln the chromed condition
its behaviour is similar to that of nickel.
Cobalt plating has white shine, good lustre and hard surface, but it
is very costly metal, and its properties are very similar to those of nickel,
Owing to high cost factor it is very rarely used. So it is very less used in
specialised areas due to its special magnetic properties.
Electrolyte composition and operational conditions for
electorplating cobalt are described below:
The basic composition of current bright cobalt electrolyte
corresponds to the composition of nickel. A typical composition is as:
Electrolyte composition for Bright Cobalt Palating
Constituents Qty.
Cobalt Sulphate 300 gms / litre
Cobalt Chloride 50 li

Boric Chloride 30-40 "

The working conditions of cobalt electrolyte corresponds in the

main with those used for nickle deposition, greater current density can
be used and the operational temperature is kept at 50º C and pH value
should be 4.
Another solution for cobalt plating is given below.
Aliter Cobalt Plating Bath Composition
Constituents Qty.
Cobalt Sulphate 450 gms/ liter
Boric Acid 28 li

Sodium Chloride 10 li

Water 1 liter

Bath temperature is maintained at 35º C and current density is 150

amps./sq. ft.
Here it should be noted that corrosion behaviour of cobalt deposits
is generally regarded as good. Without chromium plating it is almost

500 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

must be added to correct depletion of the metal content of the bath.

After thorough cleaning, articles should be passed quickly through
a cyanide dip and swilled. They should then be placed in the copper
CHAPTER 26 solution, and the current switched on. Steel articles are sometimes given
10 to 20 minutes in the copper bath before nickeling. Articles which are
COPPER PLATING to be coppered and "oxidised" usually remain in the tank from 15 to 30
minutes, and should then be removed and swilled through cold water
Cyanide and acid are solutions employed for depositing copper. prior to the next process.
Cyanide solutions are mostly used where they being absolutely essential
Acid Copper Baths
for plating directly on iron or steel, while acid solutions are used for
heavy deposits as required in such operations as electrotyping, copper An acid copper solution is used for obtaining heavy deposits of
metal on electrodes, printing rollers, hydraulic rams, and this also gives
refining and recovery. Cyanide copper solutions are used either hot or
cold. Hot solutions are quicker, and yield brighter deposits. Acid solutions excellent results on brass, lead and carbon. The solution is made in the
are usually worked at roam temperature. concentration : Pure copper sulphate, 34 oz.; potash alum, 2 oz., pure
sulphuric acid, 5 fluid oz.; 1 gallon. This makes up to 1.1 gallons.
To Prepare Solution for Plating Copper sulphate and potash alum should be dissolved in warm
Previously copper carbonate was used for cyanide copper solution. water and poured into the plating vat. When the solution is cold, sulphuric
Copper carbonate when dissolved in potassium cyanide, always acid can be added little by little with constant stirring. The solutions is
required the addition of bisulphite of soda to keep the anodes clean with worked cold, but temperature should not be allowed to fall below 65ºF,
consequent destruction of cyanide and accumulation of test soda salts when the density should be 30º Twaddell.
which caused sluggishness of deposition. Special anodes are necessary with an acid copper solution.
New specially prepared salts are available which are scientifically A pressure of 1 to 2 volts must not be exceeded in a steel solution,
compounded to raise the copper content and to eliminate all ingredients and this should give a current density of 10 to 15 amps. per square foot
that will not be helpful to the plating process. They are sulphite and of cathode surface at an electrode distance of 13 cms.
potassium cyanide. Acid copper solutions work quicker when warn and agitated. Higher
For a hot cyanide copper bath the concentration would be 8 oz. of temperature and agitation permit the use of high current density.
salts to one gallon of water, while cold bath requires 12 oz to one gallon. By air agitation a solution of the nature given above will allow a
Hot solution works best at 120ºF, and should register density from current density of 144 amps. per square foot at a temperature of 90º-
7º to 8° Twaddell, while the cold solutions at 62ºF should be 10º to 12º lOOºF. This gives a thickness of copper of 0.2 mm in one hour and if
Twaddell (ºTw) density. carefully operated it gives uniform thickness and good texture.
Pure copper anodes must be used, and the anode surface should be
Rochelle Copper Solution
at least as great as the area of the articles to be plated. Oval anodes are
an advantage as they dissolve freely and evenly in the solution and form When it is desired to put a heavy deposit of copper upon ion articles
no sludge. Rochelle copper solution is used.
Rochelle copper solution can be operated at current densities far
ln all cyanide copper baths there is a destruction of potassium
cyanide, partially through its action on the anode and partially through greater than the average acid solution, and cathode efficiency is greater
its decomposition by heat. This fall in the cyanide content is indicated by than that average cyanide copper solution. A typical formual is as
a green blue shine on the anodes. Potassium cyanide, 98/100 percent,
should be added periodically to rectify this tendency, and copper salts
Copper Plating 501 502 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Rochelle copper solutions composition Copper cyanide baths are divided into three types.
1. Plain copper cyanide baths.
Constituents gms per gallon
2. Rochelle copper cyanide baths.
Copper Cyanide 114.00 3. High efficiency copper cyanide baths.
Sodium Cyanide 156.00
Rochelle Salt 170.00 Bath formulation
The plain cyanide bath may be controlled by adjusting free cyanide
A voltage from 3 to 4 volt can be applied to this solution which will to obtain desired plating rate.
give a current density range between 30 and 50 amps. per square foot. As free cyanide is increased, the plating rate drops, if copper cyanide
The temperature of this solution should be in the region of 130ºF and a is added to the bath, the metal content will be increased and at the sarne
large surface of anodes should be employed. Anodes should be removed time, free cyanide will be decreased. Both of these changes will result in
from the solution when the vat is not in use. an increase in the plating rate.
Coppering by Simple Immersion The plating rate may be increased by increasing current density, but
even though plating rate increases, cathode efficiency drops rapidly and
Iron is the only metal that is coated with copper by simple
at high current density, very little is gained.
immersion and only small articles of this body are usually so treated. An
Also, if high current density is necessity, a large anode area may be
acid solution of copper sulphate, made by dissolving about 56 gm of the
required to prevent polarization of anodes.
blue salt in a gallon of water and adding about 42 gm to 56 gms of
Plain copper cyanide bath composition is:-
sulphuric acid, may be employed with advantages.
The deposition of copper upon the surface of iron is almost Plain Copper Bath Composition
instantaneous and long exposure in the solution produces a slimy
Constituents gms/liter
precipitate. Before immersing any iron or steel article into the copper
solution, it must be thoroughly cleansed in an efficient metal cleaner and Copper cyanide 22.5
acid dip, followed by scouring. Sodium cyanide 34
Sodium carbonate 15
Stripping Copper
Operating Conditions:
Copper may be stripped from steel in a solution of 340 gm oz. of 114
Temperature 75-lOOºF
gm. high grade sodium cyanide per gallon of water to which 114 gm.
Current density 2.5-15
caustic soda per gallon have been added. The work should be made as
amps/sq. ft.
anode in the circuit at a pressure of 6 volts. Copper will be quickly
Anodes Rolled annealed copper
removed, leaving the steel surface bright and untouched. For the cathode
Free cyanide 34 gms/gai.
a sheet of iron or iron tank itself can be used.
The articles to be stripped should be slung on iron wires, and if Rochelle bath composition
greasy passed through a boiling solution of metal cleaner, then swilled as
Constituents gms/litre
for plating, after which they should be hung on the anode rod of the vat
and the current switched on. The stripping process must be carefully Copper cyanide 19-45
watched, and as soon as the article is stripped it must be removed from Sodium cyanide 26-33
the vat, swilled in cold water, then in hot water, and dried out. Sodium carbonate 15-60
Rochelle salt 30-60
Copper Cyanide Baths Free sodium cyanide 15-30
Copper is deposited from cyanide baths to prevent carburization of
selected areas of ferrous metals.
Copper Plating 503 504 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Operating conditions: amount of copper ians present for the sarne amount of total copper in the
Current density 20-70 electrolyte. As the copper-ion content is decreased, the crystal size of the
amps./ sq.ft. deposit is also decreased.
Temperature 130-160ºF
Bath Preparation
Ph 122.2-12.8
Anode current density 10-30 The bath is made up of rubber-lined or ceramic tanks.
Cathode efficiency 30-60% The control of the bath is simple. Gravity is measured, and a titration
The Rochelle salt in the bath acids causes anode corrosion and is made for the acid content. Gravity measurement determines the total
produces a finer grained structure than the plain copper cyanide bath. content of copper sulphate crystals and sulphuric acid, while the acid
content is calculated from the titration. Copper sulphate crystal content
Bath is then determined by subtraction of the acid content from the total.
The acid copper bath is most widely used for electroforming,
electrotyping and electrolytic refining. It is also used for production of
copper powder to be used in powder metallurgy. Rolled copper anodes are preferred for acid copper baths, but cast
By electroforming process, it is possible to make sheets, plates, copper anodes may be used in application where smooth deposits are not
tubes, pipe fittings, bells for musical instruments, tanks or any shape important.
where a master can be made and an appropriate electrode system can be The shape and size of the anodes is important. They should be
economically arranged. Thus, the electroforming, process should be used somewhat shorter than the depth to which the cathode is immersed in
for making the article from pure metal. An outstanding feature of the the tank and they will be more completely used if they are wedge-
process is that the reproduction of detail is extremely fine. shaped.
The surface of an electroformed copper article can be plated with
nickel or other metal or combination of metals, if so desired.
Bath Formula
The following limits in the bath formula have been suggested:
Bath Composition for Copper Plating
Constituents gms/litre
Copper sulphate 150-250
Sulphuric acid 45-100

The composition of both may be varied, depending on the plating

rate and the type of deposit desired.
The copper sulphate is the source of the metal ians anda high metal
content makes possible a high plating rate. Sulphuric acid is also essential
and the solubility of the copper sulphate is limited by the presence of the
acid. It is not advisable to operate too near the solubility limit since any
increase in salt content or a decrease in bath temperature will result in
formation of copper sulphate crystals.
Sulphuric acid provides good bath conductivity and prevents the
formation of basic copper compounds. Sulphuric acid also decreases the 244
506 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Iron Sulphate Bath Composition

Constituents Qty.
CHAPTER 2.- 350 gms/liter

lRON PLATING Operating Conditions:

Current Density 60-65 amp./sq. ft.
Temperature 140ºF
Iron plating is useful in printing industry, but it should be noted pH 6
that electro-plated iron gets more quickly rusted as compared to ordinary
iron. Moreover its uses are confined to heavy deposits and in recent years
there has been considerable interest in iron as ametal to be used for the The pH of 6 can be maintained by keeping a suspension of ferrous
build up of worn tools. This process is important in machine shops where carbonate and powder charcoal.
worn machine shop parts are desired to be renewed, When iron is in pure Another solution for iron plating common in use is as follows:
form, it can be soft and ductile on annealing and magnetic properties of Aliter Solution Composition for Iron Plating
iron can be used. Iron can be hardened by ordinary processes of
carburizing or cyaniding. Constituents Qty.
The following solution is very successful: Ferrous Chloride 350 gms
Solution Composition for Iron Plating Calcium Chloride 500 gms
Water 750 e.e.
Constituents Qty.
Operating Conditions:
Ferrous Chloride 300 gms/litre Temperature 60-70ºC
Manganese Chloride 5 gms/litre
Current Density 120 amps./sq. ft.
Operating Conditions: For a stable bath and ductile deposite a sulphate-chloride bath is
Current Density 60-75 amps./sq. ft used for electrotyping. It is given below:
Ano de ingot iron
Sulphate Chloride Bath Composition
Temperature 170-220ºF
pH 1.5-2.0 Constituents Qty.
The solution can be easily prepared from readily soluble ferrous FeS04 .7Hp 250 gms/liter
chloride. FeC12 .4Hp 40 liter
The Iron Sulphate Bath NH 4Cl 20 liter
Sulphate baths are preferred for iron plating because they can be Operating Conditions:
operated at lower temperature and are less corrosive than chloride baths. Current Density 60 to 100 amps./sq. ft.
The phenomena of lower temperature operation comprises the process Temperature lOOºF
of corrosion-resisting heaters, ventilation and evaporation, encountered pH 5-6
in a high temperature bath. This solution consists of the followings: During the operation filtering and carbon treatment, pH adjustment
is required of the bath. For continuous operation hot chloride bath is easy
to handle and one has to control pH properly, but low temperature bath
is simple in operation because there is no heating and ventilation problem.
508 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

and temperatures between 40 and 70ºC.

The all chloride solution
A chloride bath has the following composition:
Chloride bath composition for Nickel Plating
NICKEL PLATING Constituents gms/per litre
Nickel chloride (NiC12.6Hp) 300
Sulphate Solutions Boric acid (H 3BO) 30
Nickel is mainly electro-deposited from nickel sulphate solutions
which contain certain minimum amount of chlorides. A typical basic Nickel Sulphamate Bath
composition is as follows: This bath is based on the nickel salt of sulphumic acid, Ni(NH 2S0)2 •
Nickel Sulphate Solution for Nickel Plating The pH is adjusted either with sulphuric acid or with nickel oxide or
carbonate. When intensive agitation is employed in solutions of high
Constituents gms/litre nickel concentrations it is possible to achieve current densities upto
Nickel sulphate 310 500A/ft2 or higher; however, the bath is more usually worked at current
Nickel chloride 50 densities between 50 and 200 A/ft2.
Boric acid 40 Typical bath formulation is as follows:

This formulation is of the high efficiency type and when the bath is Nickel Sulphamate Bath Composition
maintained at a pH value of, e.g. 3 to 4 and a temperature of 40 to 70ºC, Constituents gms. per litre
it is possible to use current density between 30 and 100/ft2 depending on
the type of work being processed and on the degree of solution agitation Nickel sulphamate Ni(NH 2S03) 2 450 to 350
or work movement. The properties of the nickel coatings deposited from Nickel chloride NiC12.6Hp 10
this type of solution can be profoundly affected by the addition of either Boric acid 30-40
inorganic or organic compounds. Organic additives (as per
High Chloride Electrolytes
Sulphamate plating solutions operate at around pH 3 to 4 and at
There are two main types of high chloride nickel solutions:
temperature between 30 and 50ºC. At higher temperatures, the nickel
(1) Mixed sulphate chloride type.
sulphamate is decomposed fairly readily. For the sarne reason it is necessary
(2) Pure nickel chloride formulation.
to watch that the tempeature does not increase above about 60ºC in the
Mixed sulphate chloride electrolytes preparation of the nickel sulphamate and it is best to introduce the
Typical composition: sulphumic acid in a slurry of nickel carbonate. Nickel sulphamate plating
High Chloride Electrote for Nickel Plating baths are particularly sensitive to impurities. They are therefore prepared
from high purity materiais.
Constituents gms/litre
Nickel fluoborate bath
Nickel chloride 200
Nickel sulphate 100 The electrolyte is based on nickel fluoborate Ni(BF4 ) 2 and is acidified
Boric acid 30 to 50 to pH 2.0 to 3.5 with fluoboric acid. The metal content of the solution is
maintained at upto 120 gms per litre nickel.
High chloride baths are opeated at pH values between 2.5 and 4 246
Nickel Plating 509 510 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

A typical solution composition is: (2) Pyrophosphate solutions

Composition is as follows:
Nickel Fluoborate Bath Composition for Nickel Plating
Pyrophosphate Solution Composition for Nickel Plating
Consituents gms. per litre
Nickel fluoborate Ni(BF4) 2 300-450 Constituents gms. per litre
Free fluoboric acid (HBF4) 5-40 Nickel sulphate (NiSO 4.6Hp) 120
Free boric acid 30-40 Sodium pyrophosphate (Na 4PPrlO Hp) 65
Operating Conditions: Sodium bisulphate NaHS03 2
pH 2.0-3.5 Sodium citrate (.11 Hp) 60
Temperature 40-80ºC Citric acid 15
The main applications of the nickel fluoborate bath have been for Sodium chloride 30
heavy nickel plating and for electroforming. Ammonium hydroxide (28%) 30 to 60
Another composition is:- Operating Conditions:
Aliter Nickel Fluoborate Bath Composition for Nickel Plating pH 7.5 to 9.0
Temperature 20-35ºC
Consituents gms. per litre Current density 2-20 A/ft2
Nickel fluoborate 80 to 100 A bath of this type has been proposed for the direct nickel plating
Nickel chloride 15 of zinc base die castings, the pyrophosphate being claimed to possess a
Boric acid 10 dual function.
3. Complex nickel salt solutions
Which is used at pH value of 3 and a Temp. of 50ºC. The current
It has been studied that deposition of nickel from tartrate solution
density in this bath can be up to 200 A/ft2.
is feasible.
Alkaline, weak acid, complex salt and other nickel plating
1. Alkaline ammonia solutions Complex Tartrate Solution for Nickel Deposition
Nickel can be deposited without any difficulty from ammonical Constituents gms. per litre
solutions and a typical solution composition is:
Nickel chloride NiC12"6Hp 20 to 40
Alkaline Ammonia Solution Composition for Nickel Plating Tartaric acid 30 to 60
Constituents gms. per litre pH, adjusted with ammonia 5.3 to 6.2
Nickel sulphate (NiSO 4.7Hp) 210 Temperature 40ºC
Nickel chloride (NiC12"6Hp) 60 Current density approx. 10 to 100 A/ft 2
Ammonium sulphate (NH) 2 504 50 Precautions
pH, adjusted with ammonia 8.5 When apure nickel salt solutionis electrolysed the pH in the cathode
This solution is operated at temperatures between 25 and 80ºC layer rises rapidly forming basic salts or hydroxides. The latter are
current densities between 20 and 100 A/ft2 • The lower temperatures are precipitated at pH values a little over 6 and may be precipitated to some
preferable to avoid excessive evolution of ammonia during the extent even at lower pH values. The danger of forming these precipitates
process.The deposits tend to be hard, bright but somewhat brittle. is greatest when the solution is operated at high current densities since
Nickel Plating 511 512 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

the pH rises more quickly near the cathode. If alkali metals are present Stabilisers
in the bath the danger is also increased. Stabilisers such as formaldehyde or formic acid are also added with
The addition of buffers can counteract the rise of pH within the the purpose of suppressing the decomposition of the addition agent or
cathode layer. All nickel plating solutions are employed with additions of alternatively, to render the bath more tolerent to the decomposition
boric acid for this reason. Boric acid is dissociated according to the products. Some additives also have a 'softening' effect, i.e. they reduce
equation: the relatively high tensile stress to some extent. Others also improve the
H 3B03 ~ H 2B03- + H+ brightness of the finish, while still others may reduce brightness. A typical
Boric acid is effective at pH values of 4 and above. additive of this type is acetic acid.
Baths which are operated at especially hihg current densities must The properties of semi-bright nickel plating solutions are broadly
contain higher boric acid concentrations. A minimum concentration of similar to those of fully bright solutions.
40 gms. per litre should be employed with such high efficiency solutions.
Semi-Bright Nickel Plating Solutions - f----U
Various solution copositions employed for semi-bright nickel NICKELBATH
deposition are in practice. Following composition is used:
Semi-Bright Nickel Deposition Solution Composition
Constituents gms. per liter
Nickel Sulphate 310
Nickel Chloride 50
Boric Acid 40
Basically semi-bright nickel plating solutions produce deposits with
tensile stresses.
Addition Agents
The best known addition agent is coumarin which is proposed for ELECTROLIZING BATH -
use in semi-bright nickel plating solutions.
Coumarin gives excellent levelling in nickel plating solutions at
Fig. 1. Nickel Electrolyzing
concentrations of approxmiately 0.6 gms. per litre. Coumarin-based nickel
plating solutions also generally contain formaldehyde the purpose of Semi-bright nickel plating solutions are nromally operated within
which is to decrease the grain size and increase the brightness of the the pH range 3.5-4.0.
deposit and also to inhibit the decomposition of the coumarin. The operating temperature of semi-bright nickel plating baths is
Other substances which are suitable for producing semi-bright similar to that of bright nickel solutions. The normal range is 55 to 60ºC.
deposits are, e.g., acetylene derivatives.
Plating Solutions
Another type of compounds used for semi-bright nickel deposition
The main characteristics of a bright nickel plating solution is that
are unsaturated alcohols.
it contains special addition agents which affect the deposition of bright
nickel. Bright nickel plating solution bath contains cobalt sulphate, nickel
Nickel Plating 513 514 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

formate and formaldehyde as addition agents and is used with the 1. Primary Brighteners
following composition. The best known compounds which fall into this class are:
Bright Nickel Plating Solution Composition 1. Sulphonimides.
2. Sulphonamides.
Constituents gms. per liter 3. Benzene sulphonic acids. (mono-, di and tri-sulphonic acids.).
Nickel Sulphate 240 4. Naphthalene sulphonic acids mono-, di- and tri-sulphonic
Nickel Chloride 30 acids).
Boric Acid 30 5. Alkly sulphonic acids.
Nickel Formate 45 6. Sulphonic acid.
Cobalt Sulphate 2.6 7. Aryl suphone sulphonates.
Formaldehyde 25 As a rule the aryl sulphonic aids are more effective than the alkyl
Ammonium Sulphate 0.8 sulphonic acids. On the other hand the alkyl sulphonic acids are less
sensitive to temperature increase and give good brightness even at
The pH of this solution is maintained at 3.5 to 4.5 and the relatively high temperatures. Sulphonimides and sulphonamides are
temperature is 60ºC. particularly effective in increasing the bright plating range of secondary
Addition Agents for Bright Nickel Plating brighteners. The sulphinic acids (aryl sulphinic acids) increase the
Brighteners are generally distinguished according to the following tolerance of the nickel bath against such impurities to an even more
classifica tion: significant degree. They are particularly well adapted to prevent the
(1) Carrier brighteners or 'softeners' (primary brighteners). deposition of dark coatings at low current density areas.
(2) Brightness formers (brighteners) (secondary brightners).
The requirement for addition agents, i.e. brighteners which are 2. Secondary Brighteners
used in modem bright nickel plating baths, is that they possess a strong The main characteristic of these compounds, is that they are often
brightening power. ln other words, they should be capable of forming able to produce fully bright deposits, on their own. Secondary brighteners
fully bright deposits on a matt substrate even at low coating thicknesses. usually increase the cathode polarisation to a significant degree, increase
Addition agents can be classified according to their effect on the being proportional to their concentration in the bath.
cathode potential. The primary brightener i.e., the carrier brightener or The concentration of such brighteners in the nickel plating bath is
'softening agent' such as saccharin, sulphonamides, aryl sulphonates, very variable. ln some cases the compounds present in concentration of
etc. have only a slight effect on the cathode potential. At low concentration one to 3 gms. per litre and more are required.
there is an increase in cathode potential dueto these compounds in the Barrei Nickel Plating
region of 15 to 40 m V.
Barrel nickel plating is carried out with small parts which are
Brighteners of the second class, i.e. the compounds which are
plated in large numbers and which are difficult to jig.
generally termed "brighteners' and which include, e.g. hetrocyclic
Bright nickel plating solutions which deserve the name have been
nitrogen containing compounds, amines, etc., bring out a very significant
employed for barrel plating. Electrolytes are available which can be used
increase in the cathode potential. Another characteristic is that as the
with the sarne efficiency in open-ended and immersed barreis as the
concentration of the addition agent in the solution is increased, the
modem plating solutions employed in still baths.
cathode potential continues to increase. When mixtures of both types of
The composition of solutions used in barrel plating are similar to
brighteners are employed together, fully-bright nickel deposits are
those used for still plating, although earlier solutions used to have much
obtained and the cathode potential is usually about 20 to 30 mV higher
lower metal concentrations. Concentrations of 100 gms./litre nickel
in the sarne bath in the absence of addition agents.
249 sulphate used to be regarded as high and 150 gms./litre nickel sulphate
Nickel Plating 515 516 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

are very high. Apart from nickel sulphate, earlier solutions also contained Black Nickel Plating Solution Composition
ammonium chloride, sodium citrate, magnesium sulphate, magnesium
Constituents gms./per litre
chloride, sodium sulphate and sodium chloride etc.
1. Nickel sulphate 70
1. Addition Agents Nickel ammonium sulphate 40
The type of organic addition agents used in modem barrel plating Sodium thiocyanate 18
solutions are less well known than the addition agents used in still baths. Zinc sulphate 35
Normally a primary brightener, i.e. a so-called carrier brightener
Operating Conditions:
such as benzoic acid sulphonimides, sulphonamides or aryl sul;honic
pH = 6.00
acids are employed. Other addition agents, such as caramel sugar, have
also been used. Aliter Black Nickel Plating Solution Composition
ln addition a small amount of wetting magnet is normally added.
Constituents gms./per litre
ln consideration of the choice of wetting agent care must be taken to
ensure that it does not give rise to excessive foaming in the barrel. One 2. Nickel sulphate 140
of the advantages of the use of wetting agents is that they reduce the risk Ammonium molybdate 35
of staining on flat parts which tend to adhere to the barrel walls. Boric acid 20
Typical brighteners for barrel nickel plating solutions are: Operation Conditions:
1. Acetylene derivatives. pH 5.0
2. Derivatives of oxypyridine.
3. Quaternary ammonium compounds. Operating Conditions
4. Amines. Black nickel plating is carried out with negligible or at the most
5. Pyridine derivatives. very light, agitation of the solution. Addition of wetting agents to the
6. Dyestuffs, e.g. fuchsine and quinone dyes. bath is recommended.
The pH of barrel nickel plating solutions used to be maintained is The pH value of the black nickel plating bath is normally in the
below 4. range of 5 to 6. The temperature of the bath may vary between roam
Barrel nickel plating solutions operate at roam temperatures temperature and 60ºC, depending on the solution composition.
between 40 and 60ºC. The current density is normally kept not above 0.5 A/dm2 •
Current densities between 1 and 1.5 A/dm2 or more in some cases
Heavy Nickel Plating
may be considered.
ln heavy nickel plating, similar to hard chromium plating a thick
The deposition rate of nickel in a barrel plating bath is normally
nickel coating is deposited in a direction to the basic metal in an adherent
higher in an immersed barrel unit than in an open-ended barrel.
Black Nickel Plating There are numerous applications for hevy nickel plating and some
The composition of black nickel plating solutions varies within typical applications are as follows:
wide limits, but following two types of baths are used for the process: (a) Aircraft production.
1. Solutions containing nickel sulphate or other nickel salts (b) Marine engine production.
together with zinc sulphate and thiocyanates. (c) Building-up of worn tools and machine components.
2. Solutions based on nickel sulphate and ammonium molybdate. (d) Pit props.
Two Typical solution compositions are: (e) Rolls and cylinders for paper, textile and leather industries.

Nickel Plating 517 518 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Watts Bath Sulphamate Bath Composition for Heavy Nickel Plating

This solution is employed for heavy nickel plating with the addition Constituents gms./litre
of wetting agents (anti-pilling agents) and with or without the addition
Nickel sulphamate 600
of stress-reducing compounds. The normal operating conditions apply.
Nickel chloride 5
The average current density is approximately 5A/dm.
Bath Composition:
Boric acid 40
The bath is used at pH 4.0 and ata temperature of 60°C. The highest
Heavy Nickel Plating Bath Composition
cathode current denisty is claimed to be 43A/dm2 and at this high
Constituents gms./litre current density the solution requires vigorous agitation.
Nickel approx. 90 Fluoborate Bath
Chloride 25 Nickel fluoborate plating baths can also be used satisfactorily for
Boric acid 60
heavy nickel plating. Their advantage is that it is possible to work with
Operating Conditions: high nickel concentrations and therefore with high current densities,
pH 3.7 similar to the sulphamate nickel bath.
Temperature 60-65ºC
Addition Agent
At current densities between 15 and 25A/dm2 with vigorous
agitation, the concentration of nickel in the sulphate solution is limited To reduce internai stress benzoic acid sulphinamide, sulphonamides
and it is impossible to employ concentrations of nickel which are above or sodium salts of aryl sulphonic acids can be added to the solution.
approximately 100 gms/litre nickel. These addition agents reduce tensile stress in the coating, and under
suitable conditions it is possible to obtain zero stress values or even
Chloride Bath compressive stress. On the other hand they also tend to decrease the
Nickel chloride bath generally produces harder coatings than the ductility of the coatings.
sulphate solution. As against this the deposits are usually under higher The aryl sulphonic acids which can also be used to reduce stresses
stress than those plated from sulphate or sulphate chloride solutions. have the advantage that they also increase the hardness of the deposit.
The advantage of the chloride bath is that it permits higher nickel The following compounds are in use:
ion concentrations and that its conductivity is higher than the sulphate 1. For reducing internai stress.
solution. This also means that a better current distribution is obtained in Benzoic acid sulphamide.
the electrolyte and hence the metal distribution is superior. Napthalene tri-sulphonic acid.
Napthalene disulphonic acid.
Sulphamate Bath
2. For increasing hardness.
The advantage of the nickel sulphamate bath is that it is relatively Napthalene trisulphonic acid.
easy to operate with high nickel concentrations between e.g., 120 to 200 Napthalene di-sulphonic acid.
gms/litre nickel. The sulphamate bath usually also contains a little Ammonium salts.
chloride and always contains boric acid, with a suitable degree of agitation. Fluorides.
The current densities are higher than in the sulphate or chloride solutions. Chlorides.
The composition of the solution is: Nickel plating at higher pH values.
3. As antipitters
Wetting agents similar to those in use for bright nickel plating.
Nickel Plating 519 520 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

Due to the fact that many of the solutions used for this purpose are Addition agents should be added to the bath in small doses and on
operated at high pH values for increased deposit hardness it is also good a continuous basis. The solution should also be filtered continuously over
pradice to add small quantities of complexing agent to the bath. activated carbon, preferably in combination with low current density
electrolysis which further helps to maintain uniform mechanical
Nickel Electroforming & Electrotyping
properties of nickel.
Electroforming comprises the deposition of thick coatings. Its
purpose is the reproduction of parts by electrodepositin e.g. the
manufacture of sculptures and busts, printing plates and blocks and
works of arts.
The electroplating of non-conductors, e.g., mandrels, require special
surface preparation methods.
The methods used for electroplating on modem plastics, e.g. ABS,
are similar although the requirements are very different from those for
The deposition of the coating material required is carried out on the
conducting layer. The two most commonly applied metals are copper
and nickel.
The solutions used for electroforming are basically similar to those
used for other applications of nickel plating.
The watts nickel bath is the most widely used solution in this
branch of nickel plating.
The watts nickel bath can also be used in the form of an alloy
plating bath by adding cobalt sulphate or cobalt chloride. This bath is
stated to give deposits which are particularly hard and tough.
Sulphamate Bath
Sulphamate bath is used particularly for such applications as the
manufacture of gramophone record matrixes and other electroforms.
Addition Agents
lmportant addition agents are naphthalene derivatives which
increase the hardness of nickel considerably. Naphthalene and benzene
sulphonic acids are examples frequently used for this purpose. Such
addition agents have the disadvantage that they readily decompose and
the decomposition products may have a detrimental influence on the
properties of nickel coating, particularly in embritting the deposit.
522 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

to silver cyanide.
Silver Cyanide Bath Composition for Silver Plating
CHAPTER 2" Constituents gms./litre
SIL VER PLATING Silver cyanide 25-33
Potassium cyanide 30-45
Potassium carbonate 30-90
The usual solution for silvering is one made of silver potassium Silver cyanide is generally used to prepare fresh baths because it is
cyanide produced by dissolving single silver cyanide in a quantity of readily soluble in potassium cyanide and can be obtained as a high purity
potassium cyanide greater than that required to make the double salt, chemical.
usually a bath is made of 85 gm. Silver cyanide and 72 gm. Single salt Potassium carbonate and potassium cyanide increase bath
potassium cyanide per gallon. Such a solution should be used on wire conductivity. As potassium carbonate gradually builds up in the bath, a
articles. Prepared silver salts are made which contain 30 percent fine formula is selected which tolerates a wide range of carbonate
silver with added ingredients which are in solution artifically, so that concentration.
when it is dissolved in water it is ready for use and will throw evenly to Brighteners are often added to the bath to produce a finer-grained
any depth. deposit and to reduce the tendency of the bath to plate on sharp-cornered
For heavy deposits the bath should be made up of 280 gm of these articles. The brighteners commonly used are carbon disulfide and
salts to a gallon of water but light deposits take 255 to 198 gm only with ammonium thiosulfate.
10 gm of potassium cyanide added. The anodes should be of fine silver, For heavy deposits of silver at high current density, the following
of 99.99 percent purity and well annealed. bath has been used:
Bright silvering can be dane in a bath consisting of 280 gm. Silver Bath Composition for Heavy Deposits of Silver
salts per gallon of water, silver 'brights' being added in the proportion of
55 gm per 100 gallons of solution. Silver 'brights' should be made as Constituents gms/litre
follows: Silver cyanide 45-50
2 quarts silver solution. Potassium cyanide 45-50
4 oz. potassium cyanide. Potassium hydroxide 10-14
2 oz. carbon bisulphide. Potassium carbonate 45-80
and 1 oz. methylated ether. Potassium nitrate 40-60
After being silver plated, articles must be swilled. They should be
Operating Conditions
mopped with lime polish on a soft brown cloth mop.
Temperature 120 to 113ºF
Small brass and copper articles if perfectly clean and bright, or
This bath contains both potassium hydroxide and potassium nitrate
small iron articles can be coated with silver without current, by dipping
and is operated with ammonium thiosulfate as a brightener. The addition
them into a silver solution composed of 3 gm potassium cyanide 96/99
agent is added at 4 hour intervals with a total addition of 0.015 gram per
percent, 3 gm silver cyanide and one litre of water.
litre every 24 hours.
Application of silver Plating The above bath may be operated at current densities up to 75
Silver plating is used mostly for decorative purposes. It is used on amperes per square foot if very rapid movement of work or solution is
electronic equipment, for electrical contacts, and aircraft bearings. employed.
Silver cyanide baths contain free cyanide and carbonate in addition 253
Silver Plating 523

Preparation of the Bath

ln preparing a silver bath potassium cyanide is dissolved first.
Silver cyanide is then added to potassium cyanide solution and the bath
is agitated to promote solution. Other chemicals, which are all soluble,
may then be added. The bath must be filtered prior to use. GOLD ELECTROPLATING
Steel tanks may be used, but plastic lined tanks ae preferred in
arder to prevent troubles due to stray currents.
Gold (Au=197.2 atomic weight) is generally found in the metallic
state. It is one of the metals possessing a yellow colour. Precipitated from
its solution with green vitriol (ferrous sulphate) or oxalic acid, it appears
as a brown powder without luster, which on pressing with the burrnisher
acquires the colour and lustre of gused god. Pure gold is nearly as soft
as lead, but posses considerable tenacity. ln arder to increase the hardness
when used for articles of jewellery and for coinage, it is alloyed with
silver or copper. The "Fineness of Gold" or its proportion in the alloy, is
usually expressed by stating the number of carats present in 24 carats of
the mixture. Pure gold is stated to be 24 carats "fine" standard gold is 22
carats fine, 18 carat gold is a mixture of 18 parts of gold and 6 of alloy.
Gold is the most malleable and ductile of the metals. It may be beaten out
into leaves not exceeding 1/10,000 of a millimeter in thickness.
When beaten out into thin leaves and viewed by transmitted light,
gold appears green, when very finely divided it is dark red or black. The
specific gravity of fused gold is 19.35 and that of precipitated gold
powder, from 19.8 to 20.2. Pure gold melts at about 2016ºF and in fusing
exhibits a sea green colour, 23 carat gold melts at 2012ºF, 22 carat at
2009ºF, 20 carat at 2002ºF, 18 carat at 1995ºF, 15 carat at 1992ºF, 13 carat
at 1990ºF, 12 carat at 1987ºF, 10 carat at 1982ºF, 9 carat at 1979ºF, 8 carat
at 1973ºF, 7 carat at 1960ºF.
Gold salts contain 40 percent fine gold and have to be dissolved in
water. Anodes of pure gold are preferable, although platinum or carbon
anodes may be used. If gold anodes are not used, the gold is necessarily
taken from the solution more rapidly.
Brass or copper articles to be gold plated are immersed in the
gilding solution with the gold anode held in the right hand (used to
agitate the gilding solution slightly), the articles held in the left hand
being wired as negative or cathode: About half minute is suffice to obtain
a good deposit; If a thicker deposit is required the articles are swilled and
scratch brushed, and then given a further 10 seconds in the gilding bath
254 to get a bright finish. Articles made of base metals, or soft soldered, are
Gold Electroplating 525 526 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

first plated in a cyanide copper solution. cyanide 0.35 to 0.5 oz (according to the current strength used), water 1
Articles which require bright gilding inside are first burnished, quiant.
given a cleaning bath and then put through the potassium cyanide Electra-motive force at 10 cm electrode distance and with the use
solution. Large articles are filled with gold solution and connected to the of 0.35 oz. of potassium cyanide, 1.35 volts, with the use of 0.5 oz of
catode rod, a piece of gold wrapped in two or three pieces of swan's potassium cyanide, 1.2 volts.
down is connected by a wire to the anode rod; the anode is suspended in
Current-Density, 0.15 Ampere
the solution inside the article and moved about briskly for a time,
depending upon the thickness of deposit required. If the edges are to be To prepare this bath, dissolve 54 grains of fine gold in aqua regia in
gilded, the anode is rubbed on these parts. A frasted appearance is a porcelain dish heated over a gas or alcohol flame and evaporate the
obtained by sand blasting or using a brushing wheel, then gilding and solution to dryness. Continue the heating until the solution is thickly-
sera tch brushing again. fluid and dark brown and on cooling congeals to a dard brown mass.
Heating too strongly should be avoided, as this would cause decompositon
Stripping Gold and the auric chloride would be converted into aurous chloride and
The electrolytic process is used for stripped gold from plated articles. eventually into metallic gold and chlorine, which escapes. The neutral
The solution is made up of 500 grammes potassium cyanide, 250 gms. chloride of gold formed in this manner is dissolved in 1 pint of water and
caustic soda and one gallon water. The articles are used as anodes and ammonia added to the solution so long as a yellow-brown precipitate is
are hung on the centre rod. Sheet steel cathodes are suspended from the formed, avoiding, however a considerable excess of ammonia. The
outer rods, which are connected to the negative pole of the dynamo a precipitates of fulminating gold is filtered off, washed and dissolved in
resistance board being used to regulate the current. 1 quart of water containing 0.5 oz of potassium cyanide in solution. The
solution is boiled, replacing the water lost by evaporation, until the
Gold Baths
odour of ammonia which is liberated by dissolving the fulminating gold
Gold-plating may be effected in a hot or cold bath, large objects in potassium cyanide disappears, when it is filtered. Instead of dissolving
being generally plated in the latter and smaller objects in the former. The the gold and preparing neutral chloride of gold by evaporating, it is more
hot bath has the advantage of requiring less current-strength, besides convenient to use 108 grains of chemically pure neutral chloride of gold
yielding deposits of greater density and uniformity and of sadder richer as furnished by chemical works and precipitate the fulminating gold
tones. Hot baths work with a moderate oontent of gold - 111h to 121h from its solution.
grains per quiant of bath-while cold baths should contain not less than Too large and excess of potassium cyanide yields good deposits of
54 grains per quiant. an ugly, pale colour when working with a more powerful current the
Baths prepared with potassium ferrocyanide are preferred by some excess of potassium cyanide need only be slight, with a weaker current
authors, while others work with a solution of gold salt and potassium it may be larger.
bicarbonate and others recommend a solution of cyanide of gold in The fulminating gold must not be dried as in this condition it is
potassium cyanide. With proper treatment of the bath good results may highly explosive but should be immediately dissolved while in a moist
be obtained with either. Generally, the use of baths prepared with state.
potassium ferrocyanide can not be recommended on account of the If the cost of a bath for cold gilding with such as high content of
secondary decompositions which take place during the operation of gold as given in formula 1 should appear too great, only 27 grains of gold
plating and because the baths do not dissolve the gold anodes. Below per quart may be used. Within a suitable electro motive force deposits of
only approved formulas for the preparation of gold baths will be given. a beautiful shade-yellow colour are thus also obtained. Such a bath is
Bath for Cold Gilding yielded by the following formula:
Dissolve the gold salt from 0.35 oz. of fine gold or about 0.7 oz of
Fine gold in the form of fulminating gold 54 grains, 98% potassium
255 neutral chloride of gold in 1h pint of the water and the potassium cyanide
Gold Electroplating 527 528 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

in the other 1h pint of water and after mixing the solutions boil for half the gold-salt and boil 1A hour, or with use of freshly precipitaed fulminating
an hour. The preparation of this bath is more simple than that of formula gold, until the odour of ammonia disappears. After cooling, the solution
1, but the colour of the gold deposit obtained with the latter is warmer is mixed with a quantity of distilled water, corresponding to the water
and sadder. The high content of gold in the bath, prepared according to lost by evaporation and filtered. The bath gives a beautiful bright gilding
formula. (II) Readily cause a red-brown gold deposit and hence special upon all metals, even upon iron and steel.
attention has to be paid to the regulation of the current. The yellow prussiate of potash baths are deservedly popular for
decorative gilding, when gold deposits of different colours are to be
Table 1: Formulation for Cold Gold Gilding Bath
produced upon an object. Certain portions have then to be covered with
lngredients Quantity stopping off varnish, the latter being less attacked by this bath than by
(1) Fine gold in the form of neutral gold chloride 27 grains one containing an excess of potassium cyanide.
98 to 99% potassium cyanide 0.26 oz This bath is especially suitable for the so-called clock gilding. The
Water 1 quart articles are first provided with a heavy deposit of copper in the alkaline
Electromotive force at 10 cm electrode distance 2.0 volts copper bath next drawn through the bright-pickling bath, thoroughly
Current density 0.15 ampere rinsed, and finally gilded in the bath heated to about 122ºF.

Table 2: Formulation for Cold Gold Gilding Bath Gold Baths for Hot Gilding

lngredients Quantity Table 4 : Formulation for Hot Gold Gilding Bath

(II) Fine gold as neutral chloride of gold 0.35 oz lngredients Quantity
98% potassium cyanide 0.7 oz Fine gold (as fulminating gold) 15.4 grains
Water 1 quart 98% potassium cyanide 77 grains
Electra motive force at 10 cm electrode distance, Water 1 quart
about 1.5 volts, Electra-motive force at 10 cm electrode distance 1.0 volts
Current density 0.12 ampere Current-density 0.1 ampere
Table 3: Formulation for Cold Gold Gilding Bath This bath is prepared in the sarne manner as that according to
lngredients Quantity formula 1, from 15.4 grains of fine gold, which is converted into neutral
chloride of gold by dissolving in aqua regia and evaporating or dissolve
(III) Yellow prussiate of potash 0.5 oz.
directly 29.32 to 30.75 grains of chemically pure neutral chloride of gold
(potassium ferrocyanide)
in water, precipitate the gold as fulminating gold with aqua ammonia,
Carbonate of Soda 0.5 oz
wash the precipita te, dissolve it in water containing the potassium cyanide
Fine gold (as chloride of gold or fulminating gold) 30.75 grains
and heat until the odour of ammonia disappears, replacing the water lost
Water 1 quart
by evaporation. This bath yields a beautiful shade gilding of great warmth.
Electromotive force at 10 cm electrode distance 2 volts
All that has been said in regard to the content of potassium cyanide in
Current density 0.15 ampere
the bath prepared according to formula 1 also applies to this bath.The
For those who prefer gold baths prepared with yellow prussiate of temperature should be between 158º and 176ºF and the current strength
potash instead of potassium cyanide the following formula for cold- 2.0 to 2.5 volts following bath is recommended for hot gilding:
gilding is given. If this bath is to serve for directly plating steel, only half the quantity
To prepare the bath heat the solutions of the yellow prussiate of of potassium cyanide is to be used and the objects should be covered wth
potash and of the carbonate of soda in the water to the boiling-point, add 256 the use of a some what greater electro-motive force. lncreasing the
Gold Electroplating 529 530 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

content of neutral sodium sulphite to 0.5 or 0.7 oz also appears advisable. electric current can only be considered for smaller baths, since the
Dissolve in a porcelain dish, with the aid of moderate heat, the saturation of a larger volume of potassium cyanide solution requires
sodium phosphate and sodium sulphite and when the solution is cold considerable time and the potasssium cyanide is strongly decomposed by
add the neutral chloride of gold prepared from 15.43 grains of gold is long heating.
equal to about 30.86 grains of commercial chloride of gold, and the
Tanks for Gold Baths
potassium cyanide. For use, heat the bath to between 158ºF and 167ºF.
Gold baths for cold gilding are kept in tanks of stoneware or
Table 5 : Formulation for Hot Gold Gilding Bath enameled iron, or small baths in glass tanks, which to protect them
lngredients Quantity against breaking, are placed in a wooden box. Baths for hot gilding
require enameled iron tanks in which they can be heated by a direct fire,
Chemically pure cstallized sodium phosphate 2.11 oz
or better, by placing in hot water (water bath) or by steam. For small gold
Neutral Sodium Sulphite 0.35 oz
baths for hot gilding a porcelain dish resting upon a short-legged iron
Potassium Cyanide 30.86 grains
tripod may be used. Beneath the iron tripod is a gas burner supplied with
Fine Gold (as chloride) 15.43 grains
gas by means of a flexible lndia-rubber tube connected to an ordinary gas
Distilled Water 1 quart
burner. Across the porcelain dish are placed two glass rods, around
Electromotive force at 10 cm electrode distance 1.5 volts
which the poles wines are wrapped. ln heating larger baths in enameled
Current-density 0.12 ampere tanks over a direct fire it may happen that on the places most exposed to
For the preparation of gold baths for hot and cold gilding, double the heat the enamel may blister and peel off it is, however better to heat
gold salts and triple gold salts as well as gold solutions, as brought into the baths in a water or steam bath. For this purpose have made a box of
commerce by some manufacturers may also be used. stout iron or zinc sheet about % inch wider and longer, and about 4
Many gold-platers prepare their gold baths with the assistance of inches deeper than the enameled tank cotaining the gold bath.
the electric current. This is accomplished as follows: Execution of Gold-Plating
Dissolve 12 ozs of potassium or sodium cyanide (98 to 99%) in a
Most suitable current-density, 0.15 to 0.2 ampere. Like all other
gallon of distilled water and heat to a temperature of 130ºF. Place in this
electro-plating operations, it is advisable to effect gold-plating with an
cyanide solution a porous cup which is attached to the negative or
externai source of current, this is, to use a battery or other source of
cathode rod. A carbon cathode is suspended in the porous cut which
current separated from the bath.
must contain sufficient cyanide solution to bring it to the sarne level or
The apparatus required for a salt water gold solution is as follows.
a little higher, than the outside solution. Place an anode of fine gold
A copper kettle having a steam coil of copper pipe at the bottom, a red
weighing about 11h oz. Troy in the larger solution of cyanide, attaching
porous jar and a piece of sheet zinc 1h inch thick, which should be formed
it to the positive rod. Allow an electric current from two bunsen cells or
into the shape of a cylinder. To the latter is riveted a copper rod, so
a dynamo to pass at an electromotive force of from 3 to 4 volts until 1
shaped that it extends over and above the opposite side of the zinc
odwts of gold have been dissolved. The solution after removing the
cylinder. Place the porous jar and zinc on glass insulators in the bottom
porous cup is ready for use.
of the copper kettle. ln the water surrounding the porous jar dissolve
The only advantage of this mode of preparing the bath is that it
rock salt until the Baume hydrometer registers 15 degrees. The gold
excludes a possible loss of gold, which may occur in dissolving gold,
solution which should be made with yellow prussiate of potash is placed
evaporating the gold solution, etc. by breaking the vessel containing the
inside the porous jar. The copper kettle, zinc and rock salt generate a
solution. However, by using commercial chemically pure chloride of
feeble current of electricity, which deposits the gold upon articles
gold such loss is avoided and the bath prepared according to the formulae
suspended from the copper rod and immensed in the gold solution, the
given yields richer tones than a gold bath produced by electrolysis.
temperature of which should be maintained at 170ºF.
Besides, the preparation of the gold bath with the assistance of the 257
Gold Electroplating 531 532 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

The gold deposit seldom needs to be made extravagantly heavy and taken from the bath, rinsed in a pot filled with water and the latter, after
the rough surface formed would require more laborious polishing with having been used for some time, is added to the bath to replace the water
the burnishers and on the other, the gold deposits adhere quite well to lost by evaporation. The articles are finally brushed with a fine brass
highly polished surfaces, provided the current-strength is correctly scratch-brush and tartar solution, thoroughly rinsed, again freed from
regulated and the bath accurately composed according to one of the grease by brushing with lime paste and then returned to the bath, where
formulae given. they remain until they have acquired a deposit of sufficient thickness.
The current-strength must, under no circumstances be so great that When an article is to have a very heavy deposit, it is advisable to
a decompositon of water and consequent evolution of hydrogen on the scratch-brush it several times with the use of tartar or its solution, or
objects, takes place, since other wise the gold would not deposit in a and with a solution of size and water between the intermediate coats of gold.
coherent form, but as a brown powder. By regulating the current-strength By these means a very durable and lasting coating of gold will be secured.
so that it just suffices for the decomposition of the bath and avoiding a For gold plating with the hot bath, the operations are the sarne,
considerable surplus a very dense and uniform deposit is formed and by with the exception that a weaker current is introduced into the bath and
allowing the object to remain long enough in the bath, a beautiful, mat the time of the plating process shortered frequent scratch brushing also
gold deposit can be obtained in all the baths prepared according to the increases the solidity of the deposit and prevents its prematurely turning
formulae given. It may, however, be mentioned that this mode of mat to a dead brown-black. Since in hot plating more gold than intended is
gilding is the most expensive, since it requires a very heavy deposit, and readily deposited it is especially advisable to place a rheostat and
it will, therefore,, be better to matten the surface previous to gilding. voltmeter in the circuit, as otherwise the operator must remain standing
For gilding with cold baths, two freshly-filled Bursen cells coupled along side of the bath ad regulate the effect of the current by immersing
for electro-motive force suffice in almost all cases, while for hot baths the anodes more or less.
one cell is as a rule, sufficient, if the anode surface is not too small. The When taken from the bath, the finished gilded objects should show
more electropositive the metal to be gilded is, the weakens the current a deep yellow tone, which after polishing, yields a full gold colour. If the
can and must be. objects come from the bath with a pale gold tone, the deposit, after
Though gold solutions are good conductors and therefore, the polishing, shows a meager, pale gold colour, which is without effect.
portions of the articles which do not hang directly opposite the anodes Gold deposits of a dark or brown colour also do not yield a shade gold
gild well, for solid pla ting of larger objects it is recommended to frequently tone.
change their positions, except when they are entirely surrounded by With a some what considerable excess of potassium cyanide and if
anodes. the objects to be plated are not rapidly brought in contact with the
The inner surfaces of hollow-ware, such as drinking-cups, milk current-carrying object rod, hot gold baths cause the solution of some
pitchers, etc. are best plated after freeing them from grease and pickling, metal. Therefore when silver or silver plated objects are constantly plated
by filling the vessel with the gold bath and suspending a current-carrying in them they yield a somewhat greenish gilding in consequence of the
gold anode in the center of the vessel, while the outer surface of the latter absorption of copper, if copper or coppered articles are constantly plated
is brought in contact with the negative conducting wire the lips of in them. Hence, for the production of such green or reddish colour, gold-
vessels are plated by placing upon them a cloth rag saturated with the plating baths which have thus become argentiferous or cupriferous, may
gold bath and covering the rag with gold anode. be advantageously used.
For Gold-Plating in the Cold Bath the Process Is As Follows Re-Gilding
The objects, thoroughly freed from grease and picked (and if of iron, ln arder to obtain a red gold with the formulae given, a certain
zinc, tin, Britannia, etc. previously coppered) are suspended in the bath addition of copper cyanide dissolved in potassium cyanide has to be
by copper wires, where they remain with a weak current until in about made to them. The quantity of such addition can not be well expressed
8 or 10 minutes they appear uniformly plated. At this stage they are 258 by figures, since the current strength with which the articles are plated
Gold Electroplating 533 534 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

exerts considerable influence. It is best to triturate the copper cyanide in one side only. The silver was subsequently dissolved away by nitric acid
a mortar to a paste with water and add of this paste to a moderately leaving the thin gold film floating in the liquid, the deposit being
concentrated potassium cyanide solution as long as copper cyanide is subsequently dried, cut to the usual 31A inch sq. leaves and assembled
dissolved. Off this copper solution add gradually and is not too large in the form of the usual books. These leaves were of the arder of one
portions, to the gold solution until, with the current-strength used, the 1/250,000 of an inch thick so that 1 oz. of gold covered an area of 200 sq.
gold deposit shows the desired red tone and if fine gold anodes are used, ft.
the bath is kept constant with this content of copper by an occasional Still more recently, films of gold have been produced by
addition of the above-mentioned copper solution. electrodeposition which was of the arder of four ten-millionths of an
The absorption of copper in the bath may also be effected by inch in thickness, so thin and yet impermeable to gases-that print could
suspending, in place of gold anodes, anodes of copper or copper-gold readily be read through a succession of five of these deposits. These were
alloys, for instance, fourteen-carat gold and allowing the current to produced by Muller by the deposition of the required film of gold on a
circulate (suspension of a few gold anodes to the object-rod). The direct silver foil strip. The deposit was then covered by a further deposit of
addition of copper cyanide, however, deserves the preference. silver and in this sandwich form could then be cut and mounted into the
ln place of preparing the solution of copper cyanide in potassium position finally required. The silver was than dissolved by some suitable,
cyanide, commercial crystallized potassium-copper cyanide may be used. process leaving the extremely thin gold deposit suitable mounted.
It is dissolved in warm water and of the solution a sufficient quantity is Again a considerable quantity of the precious metal is obtained or,
gradually added to the gold bath. in the final stage of extraction refined, by electrolysis, yielding a product
For the determination of the content of copper required for the of the highest purity.
purpose of obtaining a beautiful red gold, bath for hot gilding which These are examples which possibly lie outside the recognized range
contained 10.8 grains of gold per qmart was compounded with a solution of ordinary gold plating, but they well illustrated the manipulative skill
of copper cyanide in potassium cyanide with 1.08 grains content of called for in some of these electro deposition processes and quantities
copper. The tone of the gilding, which previously was pure yellow, handled in others.
immediately passed into a pale red gold. By the further addition of 1.08
Gold Thread
grains of copper, a fiery red gold tone was obtained, while a third addition
of 1.08 grains of copper of the weight of gold contained in the bath seems Gold thread is manufactured by the electrolytic deposition of gold
to be the most suitable proportion for obtaining a beautiful red gold. on metallic wire. It must be silver wire (flattened), copper wire electro-
plated with silver, silk or cotton yarn coiled with silver or immitation
Applications of Gold-Deposition silver wire.
ln addition to the usual processes of electro-gilding a number of ln preparing the solution from the metal, for every ounce or gold,
special processes have been carried out in which films of deposited gold leaf or wire to be dissolved one ounce of potassium cyanide and 10
of extreme thinnesrs have been made and utilized. ln the manufacture of ounces distilled water are used.
the fine wires from which ornamental metallic braids are produced,
brass wire is, in some cases, drawn so that 1 oz. of metal produces 1,300
yds of wire. Before the last stages of drawing are effected, the wire is gilt Take a porcelain or enamelled gilding vessel and pour the distilled
so that only 2 penny-weights of gold cover 1 lb of the wire. A simple water into it; add the potassium cyanide, which must be 96/99 percent,
calculation will show that the thickness of the gold film is of the arder of as this quality is free from sodium; heat the solution to boiling point
11h million of an inch, or that one ounce of gold serves to satisfactorily 212ºF (lOOºC) and then allow to cool. Filter this solution by means of a
gild 120 miles of wire. glass funned and filter paper, into another enamelled vessel. Fill a porous
The production of gold leaf by electrolysis has been attempted. ln cell three-quarters full with distilled water. Put 100 gms. of potassium
the process silver was first rolled down to a thin foil which then gilt on cyanide in it and place a flat copper strip in the cell. To this strip connect
Gold Electroplating 535 536 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

a negative wire from the switch-board and place the porous cell in the that very thin coatings of gold directly over copper or brass do not give
vessel containing the potassium cyanide solution. satisfactory performance even under static conditions. Several alternate
Take the required quantity of pure gold leaf (or wire), place it in the techniques are in use either multiplex coatings (gold-nickel, gold-nickel/
vessel at least 15 cms. away from the porous cell. To the gold leaf (or tin alloy, gold-silver, gold-palladium-silver) or substatially thicker gold
wire) connect a positive lead from the switch-board. See that a portion coatings. Atmospheric pollutants attack all the common substrate and
of the gold leaf (or wire) and the copper wire of the circuit is kept slightly under plate metals and alloys at present. Most common corrodants in
above the level of the water in the vessel. Heat the water and switch on urban and industrial environments are 502 and H 2S. The tarnishing of
the current at a pressure of about 8 to 10 volts. bare copper and silver by H 2S occurs under both dry and moist conditions.
After two hours the gold leaf (or wire) will be completely dissolved. When such attack occurs through porous gold plate, creap of the resultant
Now remove the porous cell and throw away the solution contained in sulphides over the plated surface follows. Nickel and stainless steels on
it. the other hand are little affected by H 2S at moderate temperatures.
Pour the gold solution in a glass jar marked for grams and finally Stainless steels are now within the reach of the common man beca use
add sufficient distilled water to bring the solution to the required strength. of the improved techniques available for the fabrication of various
The latter depends upon the quality of gilding called for, bearing in mind domestic. Ornamental, decorative and are hitectural articles and
that success in gilding thread depends upon the use of the absolute appliances. Even though stainless steel is not plated for corrosion
minium quantity of gold for the colour and lustre desired. protection, electrode position of many metals on stainless steels has been
Apressure not exceeding 2 volts should be employed, with a fraction dane for functional applications copper has been deposited on stainless
of an ampere, as the deposition on silver thread must be dane slowly, but steels for use in the printing industries as bi-and trimetallic printing
the speed will vary with the size and number of silver threads passing plates. Copper is deposited as thick coating on stainless steel reaction
through the gilding machine and should be reduced as the solution vessels and heating utensils to improve thermal conductivity. Gold is
becomes weaker in arder to maintain evenness of colour. The temperature deposited on stainless steel bangles, ear rings, rings chains, watch cases
should be maintained at 50º to 60ºC. and straps, nips and other decoratives for aesthetic appeal.
If the quantity of potassium cyanide is in excess, the colour of the
Methods of Plating Stainless Steel
thread will be pale; if too little, a long time is taken to obtain the colour
required. If either the temperature or voltage is too high the deposition Stainless Steel may be plated directly in standard plating solution
is reddish brown; if too cold, deposition is retarded. only after its surface has been suitably activated, else the adhesion will
be very poor. This is dueto the thin impervious oxide films on its surface.
Gold Plating of Stainless Steel Omament This film is very quickly reformed when exposed to moist air and fortifies
Gold by reasons of its malleability and the fact that it is often found the surface against attack by chemicals in the common plating baths.
"native" in the metallic condition was one of the first metals to attract Thus the pre-treatment of S.S. for plating warrants activation as well as
the attention of ancient man. Art of gilding has been practised for centuries. keeping it active until it is completely covered with a thin layer of
Apart also from its intrinsic value as a precious metal, gold has been deposits.
sought after through out the ages for jewellery and for decoration beca use The activation has therefore to be dane in highly acidic electrolytes
of its rich and lasting colour. Because of its high cost, gold has been plated followed by a quick and efficient rinsing and rapid transfer to the
on various basis metals, like copper and its alloys silver nickel, steel, subsequent electroplating bath. These can be broadly classified under
stainless steel etc. in the form of a thin coating to provide good aesthetic two major headings viz.
appeal in decorative and ornamental applicatons. When the coating of (i) Activation in one electrolyte followed by plating in another
gold is broken, galvanic action between the gold and the less noble base and.
metal cause very rapid pitting of the base metal. (ii) Activation cum-plating in the sarne electrolyte.
Electroplated gold is often porous. Industrial experience has been 260 ln the former, the activation is carried out chemically or electro-
chemically in mineral acids, mostly HCl or H 2S04 •
Gold Electroplating 537 538 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Hand Book

For example: Current Density 15 A/dm2

(a) H 2S04 (Sp. gr. 1.84) 5-50% at 25-30ºC for 1-5 min.cathodically Time 2-5 minutes
at 2A/dm2 • (h) Washing and rinsing
(b) HCl (Sp. gr. 1.18, 5-50% at 25-30ºC for 1-5 min. cathodically at (i) Activation and simultaneous nickel strike plating from the
0.5-2.5 dm 2 • following:
(c) Immersion in 20-25% H 2SO4 at 60-80ºC for one min. after gassing Modified wood's nickel bath:
starts. Nickel Chloride 220 g /1
ln the latter method the activation of the surface is generally carried Hydrochloric Acid 70 ml/l
out in a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid containing salts of Sodium Fluoride as activator 20 g/1
heavy metals for example Ni or Cu. The activation of the surface is dane Current Density 14 A/dm2
at high current densities either anodically or cathodically for 1 or 2 min. Time 2-5 minutes
This is followed by strike plating at a lower current density for 6 mintues (j) Washing in running water and rinsing with distilled water and
so as to cover the surface completely by the deposit. It is then quickly immediately transferred to the acid gold plating bath of the
removed from the strike bath, thoroughly rinsed and plated in the following composition:
conventional electrolytes. Au as K[Au (CN) 2 ] 2-2 g/1
The most frequently used procedure is to activate and plate in a H 3P04 5 ml/l
wood's nickel strike bath. Copper sulphate-hydrochloric acid solutions Citric Acid 40 g/1
has also been adopted in some cases as an activation-cumstrike plating pH 3.5-4.0
steps before plating in the conventional baths. Current Density 1.5 A/dm2
After plating a thin deposit of gold from the acid gold bath, the
Plating Procedures panels were washed and taken to the conventional bath for further build
S.S. pannels (size 2.5 cm x 5 cm) were pretreated and plating was up.
carried out in the following way: Au as K[Au (CN) 2 ] 4 g/1
(a) Mechanical Polishing and Buffing. Free KCN 10 g/1
(b) Degreasing with a solvent such as trichloroethylene. Temperature 70°C
(c) Cathodic cleaning in a solution containing. Current Density 3 A/ dm 2
Na 3P0 4 25 g/1 After plating required thickness of gold, the panels were washed
Na 2C0 3 20 g/1 and dried.
NaOH 20 g/1 To evaluate the adhesion of gold on stainless steel the following
Temperature 50ºC tests were carried out:
Current Density 5 A/dm 2 (i) Bend Test: Gold plated pans were pans forward to 90º and
Time of Treatment 2-5 min. backwards to the original position in a special type of jig and the sample
(d) Washing in running water. did not exhibit any foliation of the coating.
(e) Acid dipping in 10% hydrochloric acid for 2 minutes. (ii) Heat Baking Test: The samples were heated to 360-400ºC for 5
(f) Washing in running water. min in a muffle furnace. There was no sign of blistering.
(g) Electropolishing in a solution containing. (ili) Corrosion Test: The gold plated sample was immersed in 10%
H 3P04 55% sodium chloride solution and pH adjusted to 3.0 with acetic acid. After
H 2S04 45% 48 hours of immersion no blistering of sign of corrosion product appeared.
Temperature 70-75ºC
540 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

of the copper has been shifted toward the electropositive end of the series
at least as far as iron (in the sarne solution) chiefly by its complexing with
Coatings by Displacement (Simple Immersion)
NONELECTROLYTIC METAL The formation of a coating by chemical displacement is not as
simple a process as may appear, and is in many respects related to
COATING PROCESSES electro-deposition. Several different mechanisms may be involved. First,
there may be only a simple inter-change of electrons between the atoms
A. NON-CATALYTIC CHEMICAL METHODS of the solid base metal and the ians of the nobler metal in solution;
however if this were all, deposition would cease when the noble metal
Methods for coating an object with metal without the use of an
layer were a few atoms thick. Second, due to some inhomogeneities in the
applied electric current may be classified broadly as chemical or physical.
base-metal surface, local galvanic couples may be set up, whereby the
The chemical processes may be further subdivided into chemical
nobler metal is deposited upon the cathodic areas, rendering these areas
displacement or immersion methods, contact plating, and chemical
even more electronegative. Thus the deposition continues until by sidewise
reduction methods. The chemical reduction methods include a few
growth of the deposit the anodic areas are either covered or reduced to
reactions characterized by the usual fact that the reduction reaction is
such a size that the current density becomes excessive, thereby polarizing
catalyzed by the very metal that is being deposited. Such reactions can
the "anode" and stopping the action. The nature of the deposit on the
therefore continue as long as the supply of metal ians and reductant is
cathodic areas will be determined by the usual factors that control the
maintained; in contradistinction to displacement reactions, this means
structure of an electrodeposit. Thus, if the emf of the local couples,
that the thickness of deposit which is obtainable is unlimited.
including the base-noble metal couple, is sufficiently high, the current
Aside from the catalytic reactions, all other chemical methods have,
density may exceed the limiting cathode current density of the bath,
for various reasons, a practical upper limit of deposit thickness that can
resulting in the formation of spongy deposits. Therefore, the greater the
be obtained. Generally, this upper limit is of the arder of 10 millionths of
distance between the two metals in the emf series, the more difficult will
an in., or less frequently 100 to 200 millionths. This thickness limits the
it be to obtain dense, coherent deposits. The usual measures, however,
practical usefulness of these processes to applications where the coating
will be effective in improving the character of the deposit: increase in
serves for other than corrosion protection, as for decoration or preparation
noble metal concentration, increase in temperature, agitation, and proper
for some other processing such as painting or further electroplating.
buffering of the solution. Also, complexing the noble metal ion in solution
To avoid confusion, it will be well to review a few fundamental
will raise its deposition potential, which may reduce the effective emf
facts and to define some terms that will be used. The electromotive force
and thus improve the quality of the deposit. If the complexing agent is
(emf) series of elements is as well-known as is the fact that metallic iron
for instance, will dissolve in and displace copper from a copper sulfat~
too strong, the deposition potential may be raised so high that the reaction
cannot proceed at all.
solution. This is said beca use iron is "above" copper in the emf series, but
Theoretically, at least, any of the metals of interest to electroplaters
every plater knows that iron will not displace copper from a cyanide
can be made to form immersion deposits on a less noble metal, but the
copper-plating bath. This illustrates that the usual emf series applies
thickness limitation restricts their utility so that commercial applications
only to the electrode potentials of the metals in solutions of their simple
of simple immersion coatings are not numerous.
salts at unit activity at 77 F (25 C). At other ion concentrations,
temperatures, and especially in the presence of complexing agents, the Alloys. Alloys may also be deposited by immersion, the oldest
electrode potentials will differ greatly; furthermore the arder of the example of which is the so called "liquor finish," "straw colour" or
metals may be changed. Thus, in the copper cyanide bath, the potential "brass" on steel wire. This is actually a bronze deposited from an acidified
Nonelectrolytic Metal Coating Processes 541 542 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

solution of the sulfates of copper and tin. A bath has been patentes for running-in of the piston.
depositing a true brass on aluminum or its alloys from a mixture of Numerous baths have been used for tinning steel and copper alloys,
zincate and copper cyanide containing also a small amount of lead. The typical of which are:
lead apparently raises the deposition potential of the other metals; (3) A saturated solution of potassium bitartrate (cream of tartar)
otherwise it operates to inhibit the speed of reaction so that the quality containing 0.5 to 4 oz/ gal SnC12"2Hp and operated boiling.
of the deposit and its adhesion are allegedly improved. (4) NH 4Al (S04) 2 .12Hp 2.7-4.2 oz/gal
Copper. Coppering of steel by immersion is used on steel wire SnC12"2Hp 0.1-0.33 oz/gal
prior to drawing, to minimize wear on the dies, and on sheet to facilitate Operated boiling.
deep-drawing operations. The familiar slightly acid copper sulfate (5) SnC12"2Hp 2.0 oz/gal
solution is used, or similar proprietary solutions containing appropriate Na OH 2.5 oz/gal
complexing compounds, to improve the properties of the deposit. NaCN 1.0 oz/gal
Gold. Since before the days of electroplating articles of inexpensive Operated boiling.
costume jewellry have been gilded by immersion, and the older literature A variation of bath (5) may be operated cold.
is replete with formulas, typical of which are: (6) SnC12"2Hp 0.66 oz/gal
NaOH 0.7 oz/gal
( 1) Gold, as chloride H4 oz Troy / gal
Potassium bicarbonate 4 lb/gal NaCN 6.7 oz/gal
The deposition of tin on copper is another example of an apparent
Boil for 2 hr. Dip brass or copper articles in warm solution.
contradiction to the emf series; in fact, in simple salt solutions tin will
(2) Potassium pyrophosphate 10.7 oz/gal
Potassium cyanide 0.033 oz/ gal dissolve, thus replacing copper which plates out. ln these solutions
containing complexing ians, the deposition potentials of both metals
Gold, as chloride 0.27 oz/ gal
must be raised, but copper more than tin, until tin becomes the nobler
Used hot, for copper and its alloys.
metal. Al the solutions contain radicais (NH 4 or CN) with which copper
This bath is attributed to Roseleur, who recommends a mercury
complexes strongly; however tin complexes weakly if at all.
"quicking" dip prior to gilding, especially for soldered articles. He further
The bath used for tinning aluminum pistons is a 6 oz/gal solution
states that repetitive cycles of quickling (in weak mercuric nitrate) and
of sodium stannate at 175 to 180 F for 3 to 5 min. ln this time, an
gilding can build up thick enough deposits "to resist the action of nitric
exceptionally thick deposit of 150 to 200 millionths of an in. is obtained.
acid for several hours." If true, this is interesting, for it is an example of
Although many other tinning baths have been operated in the past, they
the deposition of a baser metal, i.e., mercury upon one apparently more
are too numerous to detail.
noble, from a simple salt solution. The fact that mercury will instantly
amalgamate with gold probably alters its deposition potential favourably; Nickel. The only large-scale operation employing the immersion
also the thin gold layer is, very likely, quickly alloyed with mercury, nickel process is the well-known "nickel dip" for steel in the ceramic
copper, or both, from the substrate, and does not exhibit as noble a enamelling industry, which is a dilute (1 t 2 oz/gal) solution of nickel
potential as pure gold. sulfate, sometimes with 1A oz/gal of boric acid, maintained ata pH of 3
Tin. ln all probability more area of metal surface, and certainly to 4 and used ata temperature of 160 F. It has been shown that a more
concentrated chloride bath (60 oz/gal nickel chloride, 4 oz/gal boric
more articles, have been immersion-coated with tin than with any other
acid) ata pH of 3.5 to 4.5, and 160 F will produce a coating on steel about
metal. Literally countless pins, hooks, eyelets, screws, buttons, etc., of
20 millionths of an in. thick in 10 min., almost 30 millionths in 1 hr, and
brass, copper or steel have been "whitened" by immersion tinning.
approximately 90 millionths in a day. A parent describing a similar bath
Approximately all aluminum alloy pistons for internai combustion
claims advantages in its use in securing adhesion of silver to steel in
engines are coated with an immersion tin deposit to assist in proper
making aircraft engine bearings.
Nonelectrolytic Metal Coating Processes 543 544 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Contact Plating ZnSO 4 using a zinc wire. This is only of interest beca use in this case there
Contact plating was discovered by Henry Bessemer, subsequently is merely a transfer of zinc from the contact (now truly an anode)
famous in steelmaking, in 1831, who found that a casting of type metal through the solution to the work, but the action will cease when the work
could be coppered more quickly and completely if it were placed in a is coated.
zinc tray and the coppering solution poured over it. Maintainence of Immersion and Contact Baths
ln simple immersion processes, the basis metal dissolves and is
Most baths for immersion and contact plating are doomed to rather
stoichiometrically replaced by the depositing metal:
short lives because (a) the coating metal is quickly depleted, (b) the bath
Znº +Cu++~ Zn++ +Cuº (deposits on Zn)
becomes intolerably contaminated with the base metal whether from the
ln contact plating, the basis metal does not dissolve; instead, a piece
contact or basis metal, and (c) side reactions often occur, usually involving
of more electropositive metal is placed in contact with the basis metal.
pH changes, which usually cannot be corrected without upsetting the
The more electropositive metal dissolves, while both it and the basis
bath balance is some unavoidable way. A notable exception is the last-
metal are covered with depositing metal, as illustrated below:
cited process of Raoult, in which the bath should last indefinitely.
Cu++ ln most cases the operators of these processes are satisfied to take
~Zn++~ such steps as are relatively easy to extend the life of the bath and then
Cuº/ ""-cuª discard it or a portion of it when something is intolerably out of control.
ZINC Type Metal ln the "liquor finishing" of steel wire, for instance, additions of tin and
1 1 copper sulfate are made under analytical control, while the normal drag-
L -CONTACT _J out of solution is sufficient to keep the iron concentration from building
----- up above some tolerable, equilibrium concentration. If there is further
This is truly an electroplating process, evidenced by the fact that
buildup, a portion of the bath may be discarded and replaced with fresh
the areas of basis metal far removed from the point of contact, i.e, the
anode, receive less plate than those nearer. The contact process is generally
capable of producing heavier deposits at a faster rate than immersion Non-Catalytic Chemical Reduction
processes, but its chief advantage lies in the fact that deposition will The non-catalytic chemical reduction processes in general suffer
occur in systems that are incapable of producing any deposit by immersion. from several disadvantages, as compared with catalytic processes: (a)
Thus, if steel is placed in a hot standard sodium stannate plating bath, the deposition ceases about as soon as the object is covered, (b) the bath
nothing happens; however if the steel is touched with a piece of zinc or continues to complete decomposition after the object is coated, and (c)
aluminum, it will plate, as will be described. the coating is formed indiscriminately on all objects in the bath, including
The positioning and relative area of the sacrificial contact metal is the walls of the vessel. While the catalytic processes are not perfect in all
important in determining the distribution and thickness of the deposit; these respects, they are greatly superior.
furthermore care must be taken to avoid lack of deposit at the point of The form in which a metal appears when it is reduced in solution
contact. Since the action ceases if and when the contact metal becomes depends on the conditions of reduction. If the reaction is very fast, as
completely covered with depositing metal, the nature of the coating on when strong reducing agents are added to simple metal salt solutions,
the contact is important. If it is spongy and nonadherent, the plating the metal precipitates as an unattractive sponge, which is gray, brown or
action may be expected to last longer, but such loose particles detached black, depending on the metal and its particle size. When the reaction is
from the "anode," i.e., contact metal, may cause roughness of the deposit substantially slower, the metal may deposit in the form of a continuous
on the main article. film on any solid in contact with the solution. When the film has reached
Zinc. There are no practical examples of contact zinc plating, but a certain thickness (in the absence of any catalytic effect) film formation
Raoult showed that gold or copper could be zinc-coated in a solution of ceases, and any metal remaining in solution will precipitate as a sponge.
Nonelectrolytic Metal Coating Processes 545 546 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

The oldest and still most widely used chemical reduction process is and later collecting it for sale to a refiner.
the reduction of silver to form mirrors, ornamental films, or conducting Copper. Most of the early solutions proposed for copper reduction
films on nonconductors for further electrodeposition. Some copper has produced films that tended to be nonadherent and spongy owing to
been used for the sarne purposes. The ability to form metallic films on incomplete reduction and co-deposition of cuprous compounds in the
nonconductors is about the only justification for choosing the rather film. A process allegedly free of this difficulty utilizes a 4-per cent solution
ticklish reduction processes over the simpler immersion or contact of zinc sulfoxylate formaldehyde to reduce Fehling's solution, whereby
processes since the maximum film thickness that can be achieved is a copper film of 12 to 13 millionths of an in. can be deposited in 35 to 45
similar. min.
Silver. The old familiar reduction processes (Brashear or cane Saubestre made an extensive study of the formation of copper
sugar, rochelle salt and formaldehyde processes) are no longer widely films. While this work was concerned primarily with developing a
favoured, because of their inefficiency and associated hazard of forming catalytic process (which will not be considered in this section) in the
the dangerously explosive fulminating silver. All these processes used a course of his work, he developed non-catalytic formulas for tray-
solution of silver ammonio-nitrate in which an excess of ammonium coppering and for spray application:
hydroxide was deliberately avoided. ln modem processes, reducing agents (8) Solution A-23.7 oz/gal NaKC 4Hp4 .4Hp (rochelle salt)
are used which are capable of precipitating silver films from similar 6.7 oz/gal NaOH
solutions in the presence of excess ammonia, which eliminates the danger 4.7 oz/gal CuS0-4.SHp
of forming fulminating silver. Such solutions may be safely stored, B-2.7 oz/gal (NH)2"H 2S04 (hydrazine sulfate)
whereas the older, carefully balanced solution had to be used immediately Mix 10 vol A and 3 vol B at 176 F before use.
or destroyed. These solutions can be formulated so that the silver film is (9) Solution A-4.7 oz/gal CuS04.5Hp
formed in a matter of seconds, making possible the application of the 6.7 oz/gal cone. H 2S04 (66º Be)
film by means of two-solution spray gun. Spray-silvering methods offer B-67 oz/gal NaH 2P02 (sodium hypophosphite)
the advantages of a high production rate, simplicity of operation and Mix on work with two-gun spray 2 vol A and 1 Vol B at 176 F
much higher efficiency of silver utilization than tray-silvering methods. (10) Solution A-Sarne as 9A
One recommended formula uses two solutions which are mixed at the B-13.6 oz/gal Na 2Sp4 .2Hp sodium hydrosulfite)
gun in equal proportions: Operate sarne as 3
oz/gal Molarity Formula 8 has a tendency toward instability, which makes its value
(7) Solution A questionable; nevertheless its action is very fast. The last two formulas
AgN03 1.3 0.0566 are so fast that they cannot be used except in a two-gun spray.
NH 3 (added as 28% ammonium Other Metais. No commercial importance is attached to the
hydroxide) 0.59 0.258 production of films of other metals by non-catalytic chemical reduction,
Solution B but two observations in the author's experience may be of interest. The
Hydrazine sulfate (or nitrate 2.56 reduction of gold chloride by ferrous sulfate in one experiment gave a
or hydrate) massive coherent gold deposit on the sides of the beaker. The deposit,
NaOH, or equiv. KOh (optional) 0.4 which could be lifted out easily and handled was about 10 to 12 mil thick;
The speed of reaction may be reduced by omitting the alkali consequently this reaction must be catalytic.
hydroxide from solution B and still further reduced by a substantial A solution of iodoplatinic acid in lithium iodide precipitated its
increase in the ammonia concentration in solution A. Glyoxal may also platinum quantitatively on the sides of the beaker as a platinum mirrar.
be used as a reducing agent instead of the hydrazine compound. The introduction of a small quantity of iodide ians into a stable solution
From the spent solutions, any remaining silver may be recovered in of lithium bromoplatinate or of lithium ians into any iodoplatinate
the usual way, i.e., by precipitating it as chloride with hydrochloric acid 265
solution had the sarne effect.
Nonelectrolytic Metal Coating Processes 547

Sensitizing for Chemical Reduction

ln the production of metallic films by chemical reduction, the
cleanliness of the substrate is important; also it helpful, and in many CHAPTER 34
cases necessary, to "sensitize" the surface by special means. The sensitizing
procedure enhances the uniformity and adhesion of the deposit and may VAPOUR-PHASENlETHODS
influence the speed of deposition and the thickness obtainable. Usually,
sensitizing consists of wetting the cleaned surface of the substrate with
a solution containing ians of another metal, that is, tin or a precious Any coating process can be divided into three steps: (1) passage of
metal. coating material from the solid phase into a suitable transport phase; (2)
Of a great number of possible sensitizers for silver reduction, a tin transport of coating material from the source to the vicinity of the
salt has been shown to be the most satisfactory. This is usually stannous substrate; (3) passage of coating material from the transport phase back
chloride; the concentration and pH do not appear to be significant since into the solid phase on the substrate surface. This chapter treats those
an alkaline stannite solution will serve equally well. Saubestre's paper methods where the transport phase is a vapour. Six of the most prominent
included a study of sensitizers for coppering, in which it is shown that vapour phase methods are described: (1) vacuum evaporation, (2)
stannous chloride is ineffective as a senitizer for copper, but stannite has sputtering, (3) ion plating, (4) chemical vapour deposition, (5) plasma-
some value, although it is less effective than the precious metals. A weak assisted chemical vapour deposition and (6) plasma spraying. As a group
(>0.001 wt per cent) solution of gold as chloride or aurate was preferred. they permit virtually any inorganic coating material to be deposited and
The sensitized surface is always rinsed well before plating; distilled are therefore becoming increasingly important for a wide range of
or deionized water should be used for this purpose. When sensitizing applications.
intensely hydrophobic surfaces such as wax and certain plastics, it is The vapour phase coating methods differ from one another primarily
helpful if the solution be made up in alcoholic rather than aqueous in the mechanism by which the coating material is passed into the
medium. ln such cases also both the silver and reducing solution should vapour phase. This mechanism determines the range of coating materiais
contain a wetting agent, which may be of the anionic type such as an for which the methods are applicable, and to a large measure the
alkyl aryl sulfonate. deposition rates that can be achieved.
The transport step determines the size and shape of the substrates
that can be coated. The transport also influences the physical properties
of the coatings because of the influence of the coating flux arrival
directions on the growth morphologies of the deposits. ln contrast to
electroplating, vapour phase coating methods do not require that the
substrates be electrically conducting.
The coating growth step involves a vapour-phase to solid-phase
transition that will, in general, be far from equilibrium. Thus coatings
with unusual microstructures, and with physical properties that are
vastly different from those produced by conventional bulk-material
preparation methods, can be deposited. The fact that the substrates are
placed in a vapour rather than liquid ambient permits the substrate
temperature to be used to influence coating properties.

Vapour-Phase Methods 549 550 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Vacuum Evaporation in which a number of independently controlled sources are operated

simultaneously, with each source supplying one or more of the required
Basic Principies constituents, can also be used to control the stoichiometry. However,
The coating material is passed into the transport phase by multi-source methods are tedious to apply and are used only for very
sublimation or evaporation. The source material may be heated directly special applications. An example is the process of molecular beam epitaxy
or placed in contact with a heated surface. Heating is typically dane by (MBE), where coatings of materiais such as compound semiconductors
electrical resistance, eddy current, thermal radiation, electron beam are deposited in precisely controlled structures onto relatively small area
bombardment, laser beam or electric discharge methods. The vaporized substrates through the operation of multiple sources at low rates in an
material leaves the surface of the source as atoms or molecules travelling ultra high vacuum chamber.
in directions defined by a cosine distribution with thermal energies (0.02 ln some cases compounds will evaporate primarily as molecules
to O.OS eV). The process is conducted under vacuum (typically lQ--3 to 10- without dissociation. Examples are SiO, MgF2"B 20 3 and CaF2 • These
4 Pa). Consequently, the evaporated flux undergoes an essentially materiais can be effectively evaporated directly to yield deposits with
collisionless line-of-sight transport to the substrates, which are placed to the sarne composition as the starting material. Thus, for example,
intercept the flux. The only fundamental requirement on the substrates evaporated SiO and MgF2 coatings are widely used in the optics industry.
is that they be maintained at sufficiently low temperature so that the Compounds that dissocia te on evaporation will often yield deposits which
coating flux constitutes a super-saturated vapour over their surfaces. are deficient in the nonmetallic species. This difficulty can be overcome
The vacuum evaporation process itself is virtually non-polluting. by evaporating in an atmosphere of the deficient species. An extension of
Of course, the evaporation of materiais containing hazardous constituents this approach is the process of reactive evaporation, where metal atoms
will require special handling methods. are evaporated with a concurrent flow of reactive gas injected into the
chamber. Reactions between the metal atoms and the gas molecules
Range of Applicability occur at the substrate to forma compound. This reaction can be promoted
Any material can be passed into the vapour phase if sufficient by maintaining a plasma discharge in the atmosphere of reactive gas
energy is delivered to its surface. Thus vacuum evaporation is an adjacent to the substrate. This latter process is known as activated reactive
extremely versatile process. However, the method is easiest to apply to, evaporation (ARE). It has been effectively used, for example, to deposit
and is most generally used for, elemental materiais with low melting wear-resistant TiC coatings and transparent conducting Sn doped ln20 3
points and high vapour pressures. Thus aluminum constitutes 90% of all coatings.
the material evaporated for industrial applications. Deposition rates of When coatings are deposited by evaporation, the substrates are
as high as 1000 nm/sec (2 mils/min) can be achieved for such materiais. subjected to thermal radiation from the evaporation source. This radiation
Refractory material such as tungsten can be effectively evaporated by can be significant, particularly when refractory materiais are evaporated.
electron beam methods, but the rates are considerably lower (10 to 50 Therefore, caution should be exercised when one is coating substrates
nm/sec). that are subject to damage or outgassing when heated.
Alloys having constituents with similar vapour pressures can be
passed into the vapour phase with little change in composition, Apparatus Configuration
particularly when rod feed electron beam sources are used. Thus alloys An evaporation coating apparatus consists typically of (1) a vacuum
such as Ni-Cr, Ag-Cu, Ti-Al-V, and Ni-Cr-Al-Y have been effectively chamber, (2) a pumping system, (3) pressure measuring instrumentation,
deposited by evaporation. However, difficulty can be encountered in (4) evaporation source(s) and power supplies, (5) substrate fixturing and
evaporating alloys or compounds which contain constituents having (6) deposition rate detectors. Pumping systems combine high-vacuum
widely different vapour pressures (factor of 100 or more). pumps with mechanical backing and roughing pumps. The high-vacuum
Flash evaporation, where powder or chips of the material of interest pumps are generally of the oil diffusion type, although getter-ion,
are sprinkled onto a superheated surface, is sometimes used to produce 267 turbomolecular or cryogenic pumps are sometimes used.
complete evaporation of all the constituents. Multi-source evaporation,
Vapour-Phase Methods 551 552 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

number of water molecules as hydrated ions pass to lattice sites. Thus the
adatom mobility ata given T /TM is much lower in vacuum evaporation
VACUUM CHAMBER than in electroplating.
VAPOR FLUX At low T /T M the ada tom mobility is incapable of overcoming the
atomic scale shadowing effects that are caused by an oblique component
ELECTRON BEAM to the coating flux or by a rough substrate or coating surface. This
shadowing results in the Zone 1 structure (fig.2) which is characterized
by columnar voids. Care must be exercised when coating complex shaped
BEAM SOURCE substrates to avoid oblique deposition at low T /T M" When the flux is
normal to the surface of a smooth substrate, a fine-grained fibrous
TO VACUUM (MAY BE ROO WITH structure results (Zone T). At T /TM - 0.5 dense columnar grains similar
PUM PS AUTOMATIC FEED) to those in electroplated coatings are formed (Zone 2). At high T /T M
recrystallization can result in large columnar or equiaxed grains
Fig.1 Schematic illustration of evaporation system with electron beam source (Zone 3).
The coatings flux from an evaporation source is in general
nonuniform over most substrate surface shapes. The problem is eased for
many applications by arranging an array of low-cost resistant-heated
wire sources surrounding the objects to be coated. For example, tungsten
wire sources are commonly used to evaporate metals such as Al, Ni, Fe,
or Pt. Nevertheless, fixturing capable of imparting motion to the substrates
is needed if uniform coating thicknesses are required. Suitable fixturing
can provide thickness uniformities of about ± 10% on many substrate
The rate of evaporation is an exponential function of the source AAGON
temperature. Coating thicknesses deposited from simple resistive heated (mTorrl
sources are generally established by placing a fixed amount of coating
material in the sources and evaporating all of it. However, deposition
Fig. 2 Zone diagram showing microstructure of coatings deposited by
rate monitors must in general be used to control the rate of evaporation
evaporation and sputtering in the absence of ion bombardment.
and to determine accumulated coating thickness.
Electron beams are the most versatile of the vacuum evaporation Coatings deposited at high T /T Mtend to have the properties of fully
sources for depositing a wide range of materials at high rates. Beam annealed bulk materials. Metal coatings deposited at low T /T M have
powers are typically 3 to 50 KW with electron energies of 10 keV. high dislocation densities and properties typical of highly cold-worked
materials. Coatings of compounds deposited at low temperatures
Coating Properties
generally have properties that are inferior to their bulk counterparts.
The properties of evaporated coatings are strongly dependent on
Refractory ma terials
(1) the substrate temperature T relative to the melting point TM of the
deposited at low temperatures are typically in a state of high intrinsic
coating material, and (2) the arrival directions of the coating flux relative
stress, which is usually tensile for metals and may be tensile or
to the substrate surface. The coating atoms in vacuum evaporation tend
compressive for compounds. The stress state in coatings deposited at
to bond strongly with the substrate (or the surface of the growing coating)
almost immediately upon their arrival. This is in contrast to electroplating, high T /T Mis generally dominated by the thermal stresses.
where the condensation process involves a successive diminution in the
Vapour-Phase Methods 553 554 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Application are about unity and within an arder of magnitude of one another. The
Vacuum evaporation equipment is relatively expensive. Therefore, sputtering rates for all materials at a given target power input are
the process is most effective when large numbers of substrates are to be therefore similar. By contrast, in evaporation, the rates for different
coated. Under these conditions coating costs can be low, as is seen by the materials at a given power input to the source can differ by several
wide use of evaporated aluminum on everything from bottle caps and orders of magnitude.
trophies to polymer sheet for capacitors. Other applications include (1) Sputter coating chambers are typically evacuated to pressures in
aluminum corrosion-protective coatings on steel strip; (2) Al or AllSi the 10-3 to 10-5 Pa range before backing-filling with Ar to pressures in the
conductor coatings for microelectronic <levices; (3) M-Cr-Al-Y coatings, 0.1 to 10 Pa range. The intensity of the plasma discharge, and thus the ion
where M is Co, Ni or Fe, on nickel-base jet-engine blades used in the hot flux and sputtering rate that can be achieved, depend on the configuration
end of aircraft jet engine turbines; (4) MgF2 and SiO coatings for optical of the cathode electrode. The deposition rate depends on the working gas
filters; and (5) wear-resistant coatings such as TiC and TiN for high- pressure, as high pressures limit the passage of the sputtered flux to the
speed cutting tools. substrates. For many years most sputtering was done using simple planar
electrode systems of the type shown in the following figure. Even when
SPUTTERING operated under the most favourable conditions (pressures in the 1 to 10
Pa range), these <levices yield relatively weak discharges and deposition
(B) Basic Principies rates that are typically less than 2 nm/s. Consequently, sputtering
Sputtering is a vacuum coating method wherein coating material is developed a reputation for very low deposition rates.
passed into a vapour transport phase by the momentum exchange CATHODE
associated with particle bombardment of a source (target) composed of
the coating material in question. The bombarding species are generally
ions of a heavy inert gas. Argon is most commonly used. The source of -;t--filll••m.ü SHIELD
energetic ions may be an ion beam source or a plasma discharge within ION FLUX --M---
which the target is immersed. The most common method makes the SPUTTERED SUPPLY
target the cathode electrode of a low-pressure glow discharge which is +
sustained in the argon working gas. The current passing into the target
is composed largely of ions from the plasma which are accelerated to
energies of several hundred e V by the electric field which develops in the
'----.----...... '

cathode sheath region adjacent to the target.

The most striking characteristic of the sputtering process is its Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of sputtering process in
universality. Since the coating material is passed into the vapour phase simple planar diode apparatus
by a mechanical (momentum exchange) rather than a chemical or thermal The development during the past few years of a class of sputtering
process, virtually any material is a candidate coating. Direct current sources with magnetic plasma confinement, called magnetrons, has
discharges are generally used for sputtering metals. An rf potential must greatly enhanced the capabilities of the sputtering process. These <levices
be applied to the target to sputter a nonconducting material. can provide order-of-magnitude increases in sputtering rates. They can
The sputtered species are primarily neutral atoms. They are ejected be operated at such low pressures (0.1 to 0.5 Pa) that the sputtered atoms
from polycrystalline type targets in a near-cosine distribution with pass line-of-sight to the substrates. They can be scaled to large sizes that
relatively high energies (average of 10 to 40 eV). The sputtering process provide unifrom deposition over very large areas (many m 2). The advent
is quantified in terms of the sputtering yield, defined as the number of of the magnetron technology has greatly increased the range of
atoms ejected per incident ion. The sputtering yields of most materials applications for sputtering.
Vapour-Phase Methods 555 556 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

There are many variations of the basic sputtering process. The 10 nm/s range because of surface layers of modified composition which
substrates may be biased as electrodes prior to coating, so that tend to form on the target and effectively reduce the sputtering yields.
contamination is removed by sputtering, and coating nucleation sites are Substrate heating depends on the deposition rate and on whether
generated on the surface. This is known as sputter cleaning. They may the substrates are in contact with the plasma. Substrates in contact with
also be based to cause ion bombardment during deposition for the purpose the plasma can reach temperatures in the 300 to 500 C (572 to 932 F)
of removing loosely bonded contamination or modifying the structure of range, even at moderate deposition rates (-1 nm/s). The magnetic plasma
the resulting coating. This is known as bias sputtering. A gas may be used confinement permits the substrates in magnetron sources to be removed
to introduce one or more of the coating constituents into the chamber. from the plasma. Thus de magnetrons can be used to deposit metal
This process is known as reactive sputtering. coatings onto heat-sensitive substrates such as plastics.
Sputtering, like evaporation, is by its basic nature a nonpolluting
Apparatus Configuration
The vacuum chambers and pumping systems required for sputtering
Range of Applicability are identical in their essential elements to those used for evaporation. ln
One of the most important features of the sputtering process is that, addition, one has the sputtering sources and power supplies, and a feed
after a short equilibration period, the flux of sputtered material leaving and control system for the working gas. Chambers with vacuum interlocks
a target will be identical in composition to the target, provided that the which permit the substrates to be introduced without exposing the
target (1) is maintained sufficiently cool to avoid interdiffusion of the chamber walls and sputtering sources to the atmosphere are coming into
constituents, and (2) does not decompose. Thus, if the gas phase transport increased usage. The rate of sputtering from a given target and can be
and substrate sticking coefficients are the sarne for all the constituents, controlled relatively accurately. Thus deposit thicknesses are often
the coating composition will be identical to that of the target. Therefore, established simply by the time of deposition rather than by using a rate
coatings of alloys such as stainless steels, compounds such as Al20 3 and monitor.
even bane and a polymer (PTFE) have been successfully deposited by Electrode configurations of the type shown schematically in above
sputtering. Fig. are known as planar diodes. Although limited to moderate deposition
Often, application of the sputtering process is limited by target rates, as noted previously, they have been widely used in the electronics
considerations. Metal targets are in general relatively easy to fabricate industry to deposit a range of coating materiais onto flat wafer substrates
and to cool. However, magnetron sources can accommodate only using de or rf power. Rf sputtering is generally dane at the industrially
relatively thin targets of magnetic materiais because of the influence of allowed frequently of 13.56 MHz. Power levels are typically in the 500 W
the target in destorting the magnetic field used for plasma confinement. to 5 KW range. Voltages (de. or rf peak-to-peak) are typically 2 to 4 kV.
Targets of compounds such as oxides, carbides, nitrides, etc., can be ln the case of the magnetron sources, magnetic fields are used to confine
formed by hot-pressing powders. However, poor heat transfer, coupled intense plasma rings or sheets, containing circulating currents, over
with vulnerability to target cracking or the loss of volatile constituents, planar or cylindrical targets.
generally limits the power levels that can be delivered to nonmetallic The planar magnetrons are often configured with race-track shaped
targets. plasma rings confined on rectangular targets. Sputtered atoms are emitted
Metal deposition rates with de-driven magnetron sources are from beneath the plasma ring and deposited onto substrates which are
typically in the range from 5 to 30 nm/s. Target cracking and transported in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the target.
decomposition effects, along with the basic character of rf discharges, The cylindrical targets may be hollow cathodes, where the sputtered
typically limit the deposition rates for directly sputtered compounds to atoms pass inward to axially mounted substrates. They may also be in
the range 1 to 10 nm/s, even when magnetrons are used. Reactive the form of central posts from which the sputtered flux passes radially
sputtering with metal targets greatly simplifies the target fabrication outward to circumferentially mounted substrates. Cylindrical magnetrons
problem. However, deposition rates are still generally limited to the 1 to 270 are particularly effective for batch process applications. Magnetrons are
Vapour-Phase Methods 557 558 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

typically driven by constant current power supplies at current levels in

the 5 to SOA range with voltages of 0.5 to lkV.
Sputtering is an inefficient process from an energy point of view, CHAMBER
with most of the power input appearing as target heating. Accordingly, SHIELD
SPUTIERED _J1--~':=:===?""~
sputtering targets are generally water-cooled. Substrates may be heated
or cooled depending on the application. POWER
PLASMA - - - -
The ability to control coating composition has caused sputtering to FLUX
become used in the electronics industry for applications such as aluminum
alloy and refractory metal microcircuit metallization layers, oxide PUM PS EVAPORATION "':"
microcircuit insulation layers, transparent conducting electrodes, SOURCE
amorphous optical films for integrated optics <levices, piezoelectric Fig. 4 Schematic illustration of ion plating system with evaporation source
transducers, photoconductors and luminescent films for display <levices, of coating material.
optically addressed memory <levices, amorphous bubble memory <levices,
thin film resisters and capacitors, videodiscs, solid electrolytes, thin film chamber, which are at ground potential.
lasers and microcircuit photolithographic mask blanks. Other applications A functional difference between most ion plating and bias sputtering
include wear and corrosion-resistant coatings on substrates ranging from systems is that the substrates in ion plating are generally the cathodes
razor blades to machine tools. that sustain the plasma discharge and consequently operate at voltages
Magnetron sources have opened up new applications because of of 2 to 5 kV. ln bias sputtering the substrates are usually immersed in the
their large area capability and reduced substrate heating. Thus large in plasma discharge created by the target electrode, and the substrate
line systems with vacuum interlocks are used to coat 2 x 3.5 m voltages are typically in the 50 to 500 V range. Substrate current densities
architectural glass plates. Magnetrons are also used on a production are typically about 0.5 mA.cm 2 in both cases. The particle bombardment
basis to deposit chromium decorative coatings on plastic automobile is by ions and atoms of the working gas.
grilles and other exterior trim. The principal benefits obtained from the ion plating process are (1)
improved adhesion; (2) substrate heating which enhances diffusion and
ION PLATING chemical reactions; (3) particle bombardment modifications to the
morphology, crystallography, composition and physical properties of the
Basic Principies coating; and (4) improved coating coverage on substrates with complex
lon plating is a generic term applied to those deposition processes shapes because of a combination of coating flux gas scattering and
in which the substrates surface and/or the depositing film is subjected to resputtering of the deposited coating.
bombardment by a flux of high-energy particles sufficient to cause ln a somewhat similar process called cluster ion beam deposition,
changes in the properties of the interfacial region and the coating. When the evaporated flux is caused to pass through a restricting orifice which
the source of coating atoms is via sputtering, these bombardment raises the vapor flux density to the point where gas phase nucleation
processes are usually called sputter cleaning and bias sputtering, as occurs. The nucleated droplets typically contain 102 to 103 atoms. The
discussed previously. Thus the term ion plating is generally used to refer droplets are passed through an electron beam, which induces a surface
to the case where evaporation is the source of coating flux. The process charge, and a grid system which accelerates them through a several
is typically executed by maintaining an argon pressure of 1 to 7 Pa in an thousand volt potential prior to their impact on the subsrates. The method
evaporation chamber and striking a plasma discharge between the is reported to yield dense coatings with excellent physical properties. The
substrate(s), connected as a cathode, and the evaporation source and 271 substrate heating is sufficiently low so that polymeric materials can be
Vapour-Phase Methods 559 560 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Range of Applicability Applications

Since ion plating is generally practiced with evaporation as the The improved adhesion obtained with the ion plating process has
method of providing coating flux, its range of coating material been the basis for most of the applications. It has generally been used
applicability is the sarne as was discussed previously with respect to where no simpler technique was found to be adequate. An exception has
evaporation. The use of a reactive working gas allows the deposition of been in Japan, where ion plating has come into wide use to replace
compounds by reactive ion plating. electrodeposition because of concerns over pollution.
If the substrate is not electrically conducting, an rf potential, or a Ion plating is generally used to deposit metal coatings on metal
screen electrode in front of the substrate, must be used to induce the ion substrates. Some work with plastic substrates has been reported. Most
bombardment. Difficulties are generally encountered in producing ion plating applications fall into three categories: (1) wear and erosion-
uniform particle bombardment on substrates having irregular shapes. typical coatings are metals, carbides and nitrides of materiais such as Cr,
Blind holes and re-entrant corners are particularly troublesome. Care Ti and Zr; (2) corrosion inhibition-examples are Al, Cd, Cr, Ti and Alp3
must also be exercised when depositing alloys and compounds, because on steel; (3) joining-examples are Ag on U and Be, Cu on Ta, and Au on
the particle bombardment may change the coating composition by Mo. Because of the wide range of applicable coating substrate
preferential sputter-removal of one or more of the constituents. combinations, ion plated and sputtered coatings are also used as a "strike"
The use of particle bombardment to modify the structure of a for subsequent deposition by electroplating.
growing coating is limited by the requirement that the bombardment
flux be adequate to produce resputtering ata rate which is a significant CHEMICAL V APOUR DEPOSITION (CVD)
fraction of the deposition rate for the arriving coating flux. The high
deposition rates that can be achieved with evaporation therefore require Basic Principies
bombardment fluxes that are difficult to achieve for many substrate The CVD process is based on the fact that a large number of desirable
shapes. Net deposition rates in ion plating are typically those achieved coating material constituents can exist in a chemical form that is a
for evaporation, modified by the resputtering effects. suitable transport phase. Examples are fluorides, chlorides, bromides,
iodides, hydrides, organometallics and hydrocarbons. The solid-to-gas-
Coating Properties state reaction can be made to occur as part of the coating apparatus. This
Ion plated coatings have an excellent reputation for adhesion. This is called the closed tube process. However, the most common procedure
is because of the effect of the substrate sputter cleaning which is dane is to procure the coating constituents as gas or liquid phase starting
prior to and at least through the initial period of deposition. The materiais. The process then consists of passing these vapours (liquids
bombardment removes contamination, creates nucleation sites, causes must be boiled) fluid-mechanically, often with the assistance of a carrier
surfaces disruptions that enhance interface diffusion when the coatings such as Ar, He or N 2, to the vicinity of the substrates, where a chemical
are deposited, causes physical mixing of the near-surface material, and reaction is initiated which decomposes the reactant gases to give the
raises the substrate temperature. Particle bombardment during coating desired coating material as a reaction product on the substrate. This is
growth prod uces the sarne beneficial effects that were discussed previously called the open tube process.
with reference to sputtering. Thus dense structures of the Zone T and Most commonly, activation for the deposition reaction is provided
Zone 2 type are promoted and the porous Zone 1 structure is suppressed, by heating the substrates. It is this type of processes that is discussed
even though ion plating may be conducted in the presence of a working here. An alternate method uses a plasma discharge to assist the reaction.
gas pressure in the 1 to 7 Pa range. Coatings grown at modest T /TM under That process will be discussed in the next section. Other methods include
conditions of significant particle bombardment may contain several the use of rf fields, light or X-ray radiation, electron bombardment or
atomic percent of entrapped working gas. Ion plating coatings are often catalytic action of the substrate surface.
in a state of high compressive stress. Thermal reduction may be just simple pyrolysis. However, the more
272 common approach is to use a second reactive species, usually hydrogen,
Vapour-Phase Methods 561 562 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

to induce the reaction at lower temperatures. Typical required substrates substrate materials may be limited by the high temperature required to
temperatures are in the range of 500 to 2000 C (932 to 3632 F). Reactant induce many of the reactions and by the corrosive nature of product
flows can be combined to give various compounds in addition to elemental gases such as HCl and HF. Special attention must be given to thermal
metals and semiconductors. stresses.
Table Apparatus Configuration
Coating Starting Decomposition A CVD deposition apparatus for the open tube process consists
Constituents Temperature typically of (1) a reaction chamber with provisions for substrate mounting
Si SiH4 800-1300 C (1472-2372 F) and for controlling the fluid mechanics of the reactant gases, (2)
Ni Ni (C0)4 200-300 C (392-572 F) equipment for heating the substrates, (3) a reactant gas supply system
w wc1. + H 2 850-1400 e (1562-2552 F)
and (4) an exhaust gas disposal system. The achievement of uniform
TiC TiCl4 + CH4 800-1100 C (1472-2012 F)
GaAs GaCl3 + As4 + H 2 -700 C (-1292 F)
coatings with controlled properties depends on the uniformity of the
Al,03 AI,C/6 + CO, + H, 800-1400 C (1472-2552 F) substrate temperature and the flow of reactants over the surface.
Therefore, apparatus configurations are generally dictated by these
The advantages of the CVD process are that complex shapes can be
heating and fluid mechanics considerations and depend on the substrate
coated with refractory materials at relatively high deposition rates (10 to
shape. ln the case of the microelectronics applications the wafers have a
100 nm/sec) using relatively simple equipment. The process is generally
common shape, and highly automated commercial, coating systems have
carried out in the pressure range 100 Pa to 1 Atm, so that high vacuum
been developed in which, for example, a controlled reactant flow passes
equipment is not required. Compound stoichiometry can be controlled
over a heated table on which the wafers are placed. For mechanical parts
by controlling the constituent gas injection rates. Disadvantages are the
special apparatus configurations are often assembled for each
elevated substrate temperatures and the toxic and corrosive nature of
application. Such an apparatus is indicated schematcally in the following
many of the working gases. Sometimes the latter difficulty can be
figure where it is assumed that the substrate is of a material that can be
overcome by precoating the substrates with a protective layer, using an
inductively heated. Another example of a specialized apparatus is that
alternative process such as sputtering.
of carrying out the reaction in a fluidized bed to obtain uniform coatings
Range of Applicability of small particles in the 5 µm to 1000 µm range.
Basically any chemicaly reaction between reactive vapours that REACTAfilT
leads to a solid reaction product can be used for CVD. CVD is very
effective for depositing the group IV, V and VI refractory metals, Ti, V, Cr,
Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, W. Adding suitable reactive gases to the metallic
transport vapours permits refractory compounds such as metal carbides,
nitrides, silicides, borides and oxides to be formed. Other metals which o
are less commonly deposited by CVD are Al, Ni, Fe, Cu, Th, U, Rh, Ru, Os, SUl'PLY g-- INDUCTION
Ir, Pt and Re. Carbon deposition is important for several applications. o
CVD plays an important role in microelectronics technology. Elemental
semiconductors (SI and Ge), compound semiconductors (GaAs,GaP, ZnSe SU8STRATE EXHAUST
and SiC) and dielectric compounds (Si02, Si3N 4, BN, Alp 3 and Ti0 2) have
been deposited by CVD. SUPPORT
CVD is very effective in providing a coating over all surfaces of a
complex shaped substrate. However, it is often difficult to achieve Fig.5 Schematic illustration of CVD apparatus designed to coat a part
uniform coating thickness over complex shapes or large areas. Allowable 273 that can be heated inductively.
Vapour-Phase Methods 563 564 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

ln the closed tube process a thermal or chemical driving force are used for light-emitting diodes.
causes coating material to pass into the vapour transport phase at one Fluidized beds are used to deposit pyrolytic carbon onto nuclear
position in the reactor and out of the vapour phase onto the substrates fuel particles. The high deposition rates make CVD effective for forming
at another position. The pack cementation process is an example of free-standing shapes. Thus CVD-formed crucibles and tubing of W and
chemical transport in an isothermal chamber. For example, in the Si are commercially available. CVD is used to form boron fibers for use
chromizing process iron objects such as turbine blades are packed in a in composite materiais. CVD coatings of TiC are widely used on cemented
mixture of chromium powder, ammonium iodide (NH 41) as an activator, carbide tool inserts. Ta coatings on steel are being examined for use in the
and aluminum oxide powder as a porous mass. Chromium is deposited chemical process industry. A recently developed process which allows
onto the turbine blades and diffuses into the iron. The process is driven WC to be deposited at low temperatures [350 to 500 C (662 to 932 F)]
by the difference in activity between the chromium metal in its free state shows promise for applying wear-resistant coating onto heat-treated
and in solution with the iron as an alloy coating. steel or other substrates with thermal limitations.
Coating Properties
The CVD deposition rate is a function of the substrate temperature
and the partial pressures of the plating vapour and reducing gas. When
these parameters are optimized to give a maximum deposition rate, the
process becomes limited by the fluid transport. Under these conditions it
is difficult to obtain uniform coatings over large areas or in recesses.
Lowering the substrate temperature causes the substrate reactions to be
rate-limiting. This improves coating uniformity and permits transport
into crevices.
The coating structure is complicated by the fact that the substrate
temperature influences both the reaction and deposition rates as well as
the adatom mobility. Conditions which optimize the deposition rate tend
to give a Zone 1 structure. As a general rule, low temperatures and high
vapour concentrations promote amorphous or finely crystalline deposits
of the fibrous Zone T type, while high-substrate temperatures and low
vapour concentrations promote the more coarsely crystalline columnar
grains representative of the Zone 2 structure. Sometimes a co-deposited
grain growth inhibitor is used to promote a fine grain deposit. ln general,
if conditions and techniques can be adjusted to give dense, fine-grained
material, its mechanical properties approach those of its wrought
counterpart. CVD deposits have an excellent reputation for good adhesion.
CVD is widely used in the electronics industry to deposit
semiconductor, insulating and resistive coatings. All device grade silicon
used by that industry is made by H 2 reduction of SiHC13 or thermal
decomposition of SiH4• Films of compound semiconductors such as GaAs

566 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Zinc sulfate, g/L (oz/gal) 30 (4.0)

Arsenic trioxide, g/L (oz/gal) 30 (4.0)
Sodium citrate, g/L (oz/gal) 60 (8.0)
CHAPTER 35 Sodium cyanide, g/L (oz/gal) 60 (8.0)
Sodium hydroxide, g/L (oz/gal) 7.5 (1.0)
CATALYTIC METHODS Ammonium hydroxide, g/L (oz/gal) 60 (8.0)
Sodium hypophosphite, g/L (oz/gal) 60 (8.0)
The term electroless plating originated with the work of Brenner and pH (adjust to this value) 11.5
Riddell in the development of a method of covering metallic bodies with Temperature, C (F) 80-90 (115-195)
ultramicrocrystalline alloys of nickel or cobalt phosphorous. This process Ammonia must be added regularly to maintain pH. The initial
was unique in that it produced metal coatings by the controlled deposition rate is not likely to exceed 2.5 µm/hr, and immersion times of
autocatalytic reduction of metallic cations from aqueous solution, without more than 15 min are not recommended. Due to the relatively high
the use of an externally applied potential. A chemical reducing agent in ammonium hydroxide concentration and operational temperature this
the solution supplies the electrons for the reduction of the metallic salts bath could present a health hazard if used on a commercial scale.
to their elemental form:
Catalytic Chromium Plating
Mz, 2e }suppl~ed by the* .f~lrli'i mº
reducmg agent surface
Many articles and patents have been published on this subject. To
date these have not been true autocatalytic processes, but essentially rely
The reduction reaction can only occur at a catalytic surface. This on high-temperature diffusion of chromium into a suitable substrate.
demands that the metal being deposited is itself catalytic in arder that Since no solid evidence exists that a commercially viable bath is available,
deposition may be maintained. no formulation will be suggested for further investigation.
Electroless deposition is usually selected because it provides one or
more of the following advantages over electrodeposition: Catalytic Cobalt Plating
1. Uniform deposits are produced on plated components with no Electroless cobalt is used primarily in the production of magnetic
excessive build-up on projections or edges, even on complex memory surfaces. It is possible in the future that the process may have
shapes. applications for use in high-temperature bearing surfaces. To date no
2. Electroless deposits are usually less porous than their electrolytic commercial processes exist as most of the work in this field has been
counterparts. directed towards the development of solutions to produce proprietary
3. Externally applied current is not needed so that anodes or magnetic films.
sophisticated racking is not required. (Provision for electrical The reaction is similar (except for operating pH) to that which
contact may have to be made so that parts may be cleaned occurs in chemical nickel plating. To date all of the published work has
satisfactorily). indicated that the reaction will not occur in acid media. Essentially,
4. Deposits may be produced directly on non-conductors (with cobalt ians are catalytically reduced to the metal in alkaline solution by
suitable pretreatment). hypophosphite ians, which are thereby oxidized to orthophosphite ians:
5. Coatings produced by electroless means often have unique
chemical or physical properties.
Co++ + (H2P02) +OH catalytic
Catalytic Arsenic Plating Coº + 2H- + (HP03)
To data, no major commercial applications have appeared. The At the sarne time, elemental phosphorus, which immediately alloys
process is technically valid, and the following is a typical formulation. with the cobalt, is produced through reduction-hydrolysis of a fraction
Catalytic Methods 567 568 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

of the hypophosphite ians while, simultaneously, more hypophosphite deposition of electrolytic copper to develop the required thickness of
anions are oxidized to phosphite with evolution of hydrogen gas: track. The actual thickness of the electroless deposit is determined by the
(H 2P02) + OH ~ (HP03)- + H 2• number of electrical contact points for the electrolytic build-up stage,
To avoid random reduction of the cobalt ians, the concentration of and also by the current density to be used. If too thin an electroless
all reagents has to be maintained at a controlled, low level. The bath deposit is used for the contact spacing, or for the applied current density,
must contain a complexing (chelating) agent to prevent precipitation of the electroless deposit will "burn off." Contact "burn off" results in
cobalt hydroxide or basic salts. The presence of certain selected hydroxy- unsatisfactory deposits and the rejection of plated parts.
carboxylic anions, particularly citrates, also results in better physical The other major industrial application for electroless copper is the
appearance. Tartrates can be used, although their presence causes the decora tive plating of plastic moldings, and sometimes the selective plating
formation of grey, dull coatings; however, hydroxyacetate, gluconate or of other nonconductors. With all of these processes the techniques are
salicylate are not recommended because they substantially slow down the sarne.
the deposition rate. A nonmetallic substrate is cleaned and etched, providing a
Table 2 : Electroless Cobalt Bath Formulations mechanical key for the subsequent metallizing stages. The components
are then activated and sensitized in a mixed tin and palladium process
A B which provides a catalytic activator for the electroless bath. The exposed
Cobalt chloride (deca hydrate), g/L (oz/gal) 30 (4.0) 30 (4.0) palladium surface acts as a catalytic trigger for the initial deposition of
Sodium hypophosphite, g/L (oz/gal) 20 (2.7) 10 (1.3) copper. The deposition process becomes autocatalytic at this stage and
Sodium citrate, g/L (oz/gal) 35 (4.7) 100 (13.4) the small islands of deposit that develop around the adsorbed tin/
Ammonium chloride, g/L (oz/gal) 50 (6.7) 50 (6.7)
palladium sites spread laterally across the surface. After a short period
pH (adjust with NHpH) 9-10 9-10
Temperature, C (F) 95-100 (200-212) 95-100 (200-212)
of time the isolated islands join to form a continuous, conductive deposit.
Deposition rate µ/hr (mil/hr) 15 (0.6) 5 (0.6) Electroless nickel has been proposed as an alternative to electroless
Deposit appearance Dull Dull copper. The electroless copper systems do offer some advantages over
electroless nickel in the rate of lateral coverage and bridging. At the
Electroless cobalt plating is considerably improved by selecting present stage in the development of electroless copper technology the
chelating agents other than hydroxycarboxylic acids, and using some of processes may still be a little less stable than the electroless nickel
the additives ("exalting" compounds, stabilizers) developed for electroless alterna tives.
nickel deposition.
Of particular interest is the fact that the efficiency of the cobalt Plating Bath Formulation
reaction (hypophosphite utilization) has been found to be 66% under The first application for chemical copper reduction was in the
proper conditions, as compared to about 33% for nickel. qualitative analysis of aldehydes. A solution of copper sulfate in an
Cobalt alloys are also known and are covered in the nickel section. alkaline solution of a soluble salt of tartaric acid is known as Fehling
solution. copper is reduced and a red precipitate of cuprous oxide forms.
Electroless Copper Plating Alcohols or ketones do not produce the sarne reaction. This test for
Electroless copper deposition is a relatively new science as its aldehydes served as the basis for the development of a practical catalytic
feasibility as a technical process was only proved at the end of the 1950s. copper plating process.
The major application for the deposit has been the production of printed Cahill first showed that the reduction of cupric ians with
circuit boards, and in particular for through-hole interconnection of formaldehyde in alkaline solution could be autocatalytic. Okinaka
double-sided boards. established that the overall reaction of the catalytic copper plating process
ln the production of a printed circuit board the electroless copper could be represented as:
deposit provides a conductive surface coating, which allows subsequent
Catalytic Methods 569 570 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Cu++ + 2HCHO + 40H- tetracetate. The actual concentration of complexants will be controlled
-J, by the cupric ion concentration in the solution. Usually this is in the
Cu + H 2 + 2Hp + 2HCOO-· range of 20 to 50 g/L or three to four times the concentration required
to complex the cupric ion content of the bath.
Bath Constituents
Rochelle salt is probably the complexing agent used most frequently
The major additive groups for the successful deposition of electroless in catalytic copper plating solutions. EDTA can be substituted for the
copper are similar to those found in electroless nickel solutions. They Rochelle salt in equal molar quantities. The copper complex formed with
may be listed as: EDTA is considered to be more stable than that formed with tartrate.
a. Source of copper ians. Combinations of the two complexing agents have an interesting effect.
b. Complexing agent that will maintain the metal ians in solution The copper deposition rate increases when EDTA is added to a catalytic
at operating pH. copper plating solution containing Rochelle salt complexing agents. The
c. Compatible reducing agent for the copper ians. copper plating rate reaches a limiting value of about double the initial
d. A material to adjust the pH of the bath. rate with 15 g/L EDTA in 28 g/L Rochelle salt solution.
e. An additive to stabilize the solution.
f. Other groups such as wetters and stress relievers. Reducing Agents
Each of the additive groups deserve further examination and Formaldehyde is the most widely used reducing agent for electroless
explanation of their effects. copper plating. The reducing ability of this compound is related to the
Source of Copper Ions pH of the bath. As the solution pH rises, so does the rate at which the
formaldehyde will reduce the cupric ians to their metallic state. The
Electroless copper plating involves the reduction of cupric ians to
effect of increasing the deposition rate is a reduction in the bath stability,
their metallic state at a controlled rate. The source of the ians in the
as would be expected.
solution is not important as long as the associated anion does not have
Paraformaldehyde, a solid polymer of formaldehyde, is often used
an adverse effect on the process. The cupric ion source that is most
as the reducing agent. The chemical composition of paraformaldehyde is
usually used is cupric sulfate. The commercial alternatives may be to use
the cupric salt of one of the complexing agents in the bath formulation.
best expressed by theformula HO (CHp)NH. Staudinger and co-workers
have proposed that n is in the area of 8 to 100 and that paraformaldehyde
When using cupric sulfate the concentrations that may be used are
may be described as a mixture of polyoxymethylene glycols.
between 3 g/L to 15 g/L, with a preferred concentration range of 8 g/L
Paraformaldehyde is available commercially in higher purities than the
to 12 g/L.
40% aqueous solutions of formaldehyde known as Formaline. Commercial
Complexing Agents Formaline may also contain antipolymerization compounds that might
Electroless copper baths must be alkaline in arder for reduction (by have some poisoning effect on the catalytic surface.
the commercially viable reducing agents) to take place. This means that Examples of some other reducing agents include formaldehyde
a complexing system in the formulation must be capable of maintaining precursors or derivatives such as trioxane, dimethylhydantion, glyoxal,
the cupric ians in solution. ln general, the more stable the complex borohydrides such as alkali metal borohydrides (sodium and potassium
formed (i.e., the lower the free cupric ion concentration), the greater the borohydride), substituted borohydrides such as sodium
reducing ability of the reducing agent that is required to initiate deposition. trimethoxyborohydride and borane such as amine borane
Examples of some suitable complexing agents include Rochelle salts (isopropylamine borane and monophloine borane). Hypophosphite and
sodium potassium tartrate ethylenediaminetetracetic acid, the sodium hydrazine have been used as reducing agents for copper deposition, but
(mono-, di, tri-and tetra-sodium) salts of EDTA acid, nitrilotriacetic acid they do not appear to support fully autocatalytic reduction. The original
and its alkaline salts, gluconic acid, gluconates, triethanolamine, glucono- use for these compounds was in the reduction of copper for mirrar
lactone and modified EDTA salts such as N-hydroxyethylenediamine- 277 backing purposes.
Catalytic Methods 571 572 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

pH Adjustment However, it is believed to be associated with hydrogen co-deposited with

The majority of electroless copper baths operate in alkaline pH the copper and possibly included in the deposit. Without a suitable
ranges, since very few of the reducing agents are effective in acidic additive, which presumably eliminates incorporation of hydrogen into
solutions. As the bath is operated the pH will drop and adjustment is the deposits, the catalytically plated copper is brittle and can withstand
required to maintain the solution within the operational range. The most only limited bending or thermal stress without fracture. This is not a
commonly used materiais for this purpose are sodium or potassium problem when the deposit thickness is in the arder of a millionth of an
hydroxide. inch in thickness and is overplated with ductile electrolytic copper.
However, where the entire desired catalytically plated copper thickness
Bath Stabilization is in the arder of mils, it is necessary to provide an additive which will
As a general rule, catalytic copper plating conditions which favour eliminate or minimize the internai stress in the deposit. For example, the
rapid plating also reduce bath stability. A high plating rate bath, such as use of small amounts of cyanide in the plating solution is suggested to
the one developed by Saubestre, will last only a few hours. This is the relieve stress. Water soluble cyanide compounds of various metals have
result of catalytic particles forming in the bath, which soon deplete the been claimed as stress relievers for catalytic copper plating. Another
bath of copper. Periodic filtration will extend the bath life. recent patent claims polysiloxanes, such as G.E. Silicon fluid SF-96, as
The recent patent literature reveals that a concerted effort is effective stress relieving agents.
underway to find additives which will improve bath stability. Ideally, It is believed that the silicon in the compound is the important
one would like to improve bath stability without reducing plating rate. constituent. Polysiloxanes are the least soluble silicon compounds in
Some proprietary baths are stabilized with organic polymer materiais basic copper solutions, but are preferred since they provide the greatest
which adsorb on metallic surfaces. These additives can markedly reduce increase in ductility and also enhance appearance by yielding a finer
the copper deposition rate 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole is reported to be a grain deposit. Substituted sialane compounds such as
successful stabilizer, but too high a concentration increase stablity with methyldichlorosilane are also effective. The silanes must be handled
a subsequent lowering of the deposition rate. The useful concentration of with caution, as some are violently reactive with water. Silicon compound
2-mercaptobenzothiazole is approximately 0.003%. concentratious in the arder of 250 ppm are recommended.
Saubestre states that bath stability is obtained with increasing
carbonate content, but only at the expense of decreasing deposition rates. The Operation of Electroless Copper Baths
Divalent sulfur compounds, alkyl mercaptans and thiourea have also The majority of the solutions described in following Table 3. will
been used as stabilizers. operate atroam temperature. The rates of deposition will increase rapidly
Soluble alkaline alcohols or large amounts of methanol (10 to 70%) as the solution temperature is increased. As will be expected, the stability
are effective in stabilizing effect of methanol is unique in that plating of the bath decreases with increasing temperature.
rate is decreased only to a small extent with the increase in methanol Suitable stabilizing agents may be used to counteract the tendency
concentration and bath stability. Saito found that 0.1 mg/L thiourea of the bath to break down and plate in an uncontrolled manner. The
added to the bath distinctly improves bath stability, without a significant agitation rate will accentuate the effect of any stabilizing compounds
reduction in the plating rate. At 1 mg/L thiourea, bath stability was used in the solutions and excessive agitation may lead to misplating on
further improved, but the plating rate was reduced by one-half. At 10 exposed edges of parts.
mg/L thiourrea, the plating reaction stopped. A thiourea concentration One important factor about electroless copper plating solutions is
of between O.OS and 0.1 mg/L is recommended. Organic compounds the manner in which the solutions are made up and stored. It is usual to
similar to structure to thiourea have also been patented. make up the baths as a two-part solution which may be mixed when the
bath is needed. If the reducing agent used is formaldehyde and this is
Effects of Other Additives mixed and stored with the hyroxide, the compounds may react together
The origin of stress in catalytic copper deposits is not known. 278 on prolonged storage. This is known as the Cannizzaro reaction, in
Catalytic Methods 573 574 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

which form aldehyde breaks down into formic acid and methyle alcohol.
As a result of this it is usual to dissolve the copper sulfate and
formaldehyde in one solution and the complexing agent as well as the
alkali in the other additive. ln this form the solutions will be stable for
N !:-.. extended periods of storage. On occasions when the additives are mixed
for use, there may be some copper hydroxide formed; this precipitate will
o oC'i '°,..... redissolve as the water soluble copper complex forms fully.
.-< It has proved beneficial to add small amounts of cyanide ians to
electroless copper baths at the rate of 10 to 25 mg/L. One of the effects
this has to reduce the level of internai stress within the deposits. Wetting
agents may also be used to aid in the release of gas bubbles from the
depositing surface and to help with wetting of the substrate.

Electroless Copper Treatment Sequence

The majority of electroless copper deposited throughout the world
....J co O N o
bb N lL) ...... N is used in the plating of non-conductors. This field is divided between
plating of printed circuit boards and the decorative metallizing of plastic
parts. The early stages of the process are common to both fields. They
""'i.ri may be listed as:
1. Chromic/sulfuric etch with agitation for 3 to 10 minutes.
o NO 2. Drag-out.
""' 3. Rinse in cold water.
4. Rinse in cold water.
'°c--l,....;o 5. Neutralize in alkaline solution.
QJ 6. Rinse in cold water.
7. Rinse in cold water.
N "
lL) o
8. Activate in stannous chloride solution for 3 to 5 minutes .
9. Rinse in cold water.
10. Rinse in cold water.
co o
...... N 11. Accelerator solution (palladium based), 30 to 60 seconds.
12. Rinse in cold water.
lL) o 13. Electroless copper plate to required thickness.
...... ......
""' 14. Rinse in cold water.
15. Activate in copper sulfate/sulfuric acid solution.
16. Rinse.
17. Acid copper strike for 5 minutes.
18. Bright acid copper plate for 20 minutes at 30 A/ft 2 (3 A/dm 2).
19. Rinse in cold water.
From this stage, printed circuit boards may go on for subsequent
279 specialist treatment and decora tive finished plastic parts would be nickel
Catalytic Methods 575 576 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

plated for possible chromium or brass over plating. Sodium citrate 45 g/L (6 oz/gal)
The activation and acceleration steps are required to make the Sodium hypophosphite 30 g/L (4 oz/gal)
nonconducting polymer catalytic so that electroless deposition may be ph (adjusted with NaOH) Above 9.5
initiated. Temperature 75-90 C (140-195 F)
Another formulation that would be worth examination is listed in
Catalytic Gold Plating
U.S. Patent 2,532.283.
The following baths are subject to United States Patents: Ferrous sulfate 30 g/L (4 oz/gal)
No. 1 Sodium potassium tartrate 50 g/L (6.7 oz/gal)
Potassium gold cyanide, g/L (oz/gal) 2 (0.25) Sodium hypophosphite 10 g/L (1.3 oz/gal)
Ammonium chloride, g/L (oz/gal) 75 (10.0) pH (adusted with NaOH 8-10
Sodium citrate, g/L (oz/gal) 50 (6.7) Temperature 70-90 C (167-195 F)
Sodium hypophosphite, g/L (oz/gal) 10 (1.3)
pH (adjusted with NHpH) 7-7.5 Catalytic Nickel Deposition
Temperature C (F) 90 (195) ln terms of pure volume, acidic nickel/phosphorous solutions
This bath will deposit up to 7.5 µm/hr when freshly prepared, but occupy the greatest share of the commercial market today, mainly dueto
has a limited life. their combinations of wear and corrosion resistance.
No. 2 ln arder to study the electroless deposition of nickel, a Pourbaix
Potassium gold cyanide, g/L (oz/gal) 28 (3.75) diagram has been constructed for the system. This was achieved by
Citric acid, g/L (oz/gal) 60 (8.0) superimposing the equilibrium diagram for nickel/water onto the
Monopotassium acid phthallate, g/L (oz/gal) 25 (3.4) equilibrium diagram for phosphorous/water. It can be seen that in the
Tungstic acid, g/L (oz/gal) 45 (6.0) hatched areas it is possible that hypophosphites can be oxidized to
Sodium hydroxide, g/L (oz/gal) 16 (2.1) phosphites and phosphates, this oxidation giving rise to a reduction of
Sodium salt of N, N, diethylglycine, g/L (oz/gal) 3.75 (0.5) divalent nickel ions
pH (adjusted with citric acid) 5.6
Temperature C (F) 85-95 (185-200)
This bath will deposit gold over copper, nickel or Kovar substrates,
the deposition rate being approximately 0.04 µm/hr. 1.2
Both of these solutions exhibit difficulties, as there is some doubt if
they are truly autocatalytic; there may also be questions about the useful
solution life. ~
Catalytic Iron Plating o
The first in-depth investigation of the conditions of deposition of --0.4

iron using hypophosphite was carried out by Ruscior and Croila in 1971. ~-8
At temperatures of 80 C and at a pH of 10.5 the deposit contained 3%
phosphorous, but at a pH of 11.4 the phosphorus content was only 1%.
The rate of deposition was very low at only 2 µm/hr and the coating was -1.6

shown to be ferromagnetic. -2.0

Ruscior and Croila bath: -2 o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Ammonium ferrous sulfate 30 g/L (4 oz/gal) Fig. 6 Pourbaix diagram for nickel/phosphorus.
Catalytic Methods 577 578 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

(Ni++) to metallic nickel. Therefore, if a hypophosphite is added to a to the theory for the hydride mechanism, the reactions may be represented
solution of a nickel salt (in the presence of a stable catalyst) it is at least by the following equations:
theoretically possible for metallic nickel to be deposited from this solution. H 2P02- + H 20 ~ HPOt + 2H+ + H-
ln pradice, if a solution of a nickel salt and sodium hypophosphite (in acid solutions) (1)
is allowed to react, the nickel is precipitated as a fine sludge which is of H 2P02- + 2QH- ~ HPOt + Hp + H-
no commercial use. It is therefore necessary to add another salt (usually (in alkaline solutions) (2)
of an organic acid) which acts both as a buffer andas a mild complexing Ni2+ + 2H- ~ Niº + 2H
agent for nickel. This leads to a stable solution which deposits metal at H+ + M- ~ H 2
controlled rates and increases the pH range over which the bath may be
Solution Formulations
According to the concepts of Scholder and Heckel, the deposit As chemical nickel solutions started to become established as
consists of a mixture of pure metal and metallic phosphides. The reactions commercial processes during the mid-1950s, the advantages of the acid
they suggested were: formulations became apparent. The initial benefits that were noted were
NiO + H 3P02 ~ Ni + H 3P03 (a) the higher speeds of deposition, the greater stability of the baths and the
3H3P02 ~ H 3P03 + 2P + 3Hp (b) improved physical characteristics of the deposits. Earlier ammoniacal
2 Ni + P ~ Ni 2P6 (e) alkaline baths had shown problems in all of these areas.
The most interesting fact about this theory is that the authors did A modem electroless nickel solution may contain a wide range of
not connect the reduction of nickel with the evolution of hydrogen. They organic and inorganic acid salts, giving each formulation its individual
made the assumption that hydrogen is formed as a consequence of the deposit characteristics. The general mechanism of solution operation
presence of an active metallic surface which catalyzes the decomposition may be written as follows.
of hypophosphite. Ni 2+ + Sodium hypophosphite +
Brenner and Riddell proposed that the initial state of the deposition Buffers, complexors, accelerators,
process in an alkaline medium is the transfer of electrons from the metal Catalytic
catalyzing the reaction to the nickel ians, with the reduction of the latter surface
to the monovalent state: stabilizers, wetters, moderators,
Ni2+ + M ~ NI+ + M+. (Ni + P) deposit + H 2 + Sodium orthophosphite
A further reaction results in the reduction of nickel to the metallic The principies of the formulation of electroless nickel bath are best
state: demonstrated by examining each additive group individually.
2 Ni+ ~ Ni2+ + Ni.
Source of Nickel Ions
The transfer of electrons back to the catalyzing metal is accomplished
The most common forms of nickel salts used are nickel chloride and
by hydroxyl ians, which are first converted to the radical (a) and then
nickel sulfate. There have been other alternatives used in the form of
reduced by the hypophosphite (b ):
(a) OH- + M+ ~ OH + M nickel sulfamate and nickel hypophosphite (produced by the action of
hypophosphorous acid on nickel carbonate). The governing technical
(b) H2Po2- + 20H ~ H2Po3- + Hp.
criteria for the choice of metal salt must be high solubility and purity.
According to the theory, the interaction between the hypophosphite
ion and water leads to the formation of a hydride ion, H-, which then acts These requirements are necessitated by the need to produce bath addition
solutions at high concentration and with low levels of detrimental
to reduce the nickel ians in solution. The hydride ion does not remain as
a proton, but it is reduced to its atomic state. The atomic hydrogen forms contamination.
molecules which are subsequently liberated as hydrogen gas. According The concentration of nickel in operational baths, particularly in
281 acid baths, has effects on both the rate of deposition and the appearance
Catalytic Methods 579 580 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

of the deposit. The normal range of Ni2+ concentration in acid solutions 3. If solids contaminating the bath act as catalytic bodies. (Dueto
is 4 to 10 g/L (0.5 to 1.3 oz/gal). At lower concentrations, the reduction the high surface area to mass ratio of powdered contaminants
rate of the solutions is impaired. As the optimum concentration is reached, such as dust or other finely divided materiais, a small amount
the maximum deposition rate is achieved, usually combined with the of contaminant may prove a serious problem).
best deposit appearance. 4. If the introduction of trace elements into the solution leads to
unwanted reduction of metal. (This may be caused by drag in
Sodium Hypophosphite
of chemicals from pretreatment processes or by the use of a
This material reduces the nickel ians in solution to their elemental material such as palladium to initiate deposition on noncatalytic
form. During this reduction process, the hypophosphite anion copper alloys.)
decomposes to orthophosphite, with the production of gaseous hydrogen. There are two main answers to these problems, the first being the
A small percentage of the breakdown products are included in the deposit, circulation and filtration of the bath. This produces a homogeneous
resulting in phosphorous contents of up to 15% by weight. As the solution devoid of partícula te matter that may cause plate-out; the second
electroless baths are operated for extended periods of time, the is a chemical modification of the bath.
orthophosphite content of the solution increases to the stage where it During the 1950s ians such as Pb++, Cd++, Zn++, SCN- and CN- were
may precipitate as sodium phosphite. regarded as catalytic poisons, as at modera te concentrations they stopped
The reduction reaction is not 100% efficient in that it requires reduction totally. The work of Talmey and Gutzeit established that at
approximately three moles of hypophosphite to reduce one mole of nickel very low concentrations of 1 to 10 ppm these ians act as stabilizers.
on a practical scale, the additional reducer possibly being catalytically Gendrzynski followed this work by patenting the use of molybdic acid
oxidized on the surface of the active nickel or being lost by spontaneous anhydride, arsenious acid, hydroxyl amino sulfate and hydrazine.
thermal decomposition. Subsequently a number of patents were granted covering the use of
At the concentrations below optimum, the deposition rate of the selenium and tellurium compounds as well as a large number of sulfur-
solution is slow, and blistered deposits may result, as the bath does not containing organic compounds. Examples of these are mercaptanes,
initiate deposition immediately. As optimum concentration is achieved, thiourea, xanth-ogenates and sulfonates.
the deposition rate of nickel reaches its maximum. Curiously as this The exact mechanism of stabilization by these materiais has not
hypophopshite level is exceeded the deposition rate of the solution drops been explained fully. Rozenblyum proposed a theory for the effect of
until a concentration at which the bath spontaneously decomposes is "poisonous additives" by suggesting that two reactions are competing
attained. on a catalytic surface, the first being the deposition of nickel, and the
Stabilizers second being the diffusion-controlled adsorption of stabilizers. The first
reaction is kinetically controlled, and at normal deposition rates the
The disadvantage of any truly electroless process is that it must
renewal of active nickel surfaces with fresh deposits takes place at a
display some degree of limited instability to operate at all. Under the
faster rate than the adsorption of poisonous ians onto the surface.
most unfavourable conditions the solution may actually spontaneously
Poisoning begins when the rate of adsorption of catalytic poisons exceeds
decompose. This is a violent reaction in which, in a relatively short
the rate of nickel deposition.
period of time, the bath reduces all of the nickel salt content in solution
Some stabilizers have secondary brightening effects in that they are
to finely divided metallic nickel powder. Such reactions are exceptionally
capable of producing deposits with quite defini te improvements in surface
rare in commercial electroless nickel solutions, but more localized solution
plate-out may still be triggered by a number of circumstances:
1. If localized overheating of the bath occurs. Wetting Agents
2. When additions of reducer are made to a solution (high These materiais are used to reduce the surface tension of the plating
concentrations ofhypophosphite may develop in isolated areas). solutions in an attempt to control the formation of gas bubbles. As with
Catalytic Methods 581 582 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

electrolytic processes, if a gas bubble adheres to the depositing surface a operate within an 80 to 100 C (176 to 212 F) temperature range, with
pit may grow around it, leaving a void in the deposit.The most commonly specific baths normally having operational temperature bands of ±3 e
used materiais are alcohol sulfonates, fatty acid sulfonates and non-ionic (5.4 F) from their optimum.
products such as ethylene oxide derivatives. As temperature increases so will the rate of deposition of nickel,
and the rate at which initiation of the substrate occurs increases
During the operation of a bath a number of materiais build up in It has been demonstrated by Baldwin and Such that the major effect
the solution as by products of the reduction reaction, or from maintenance of temperature on deposit analysis is a decrease in phosphorus content
of the system. These compounds to not directly take part in the reduction with increasing temperatures.
of nickel but they influence the rate of deposition of metal.
There are two major groups in this field. The first is the neutral salt The Effects of pH
of the anion of the nickel compound used to regenerate the bath. ln the As a general statement the rate of deposition tends to increase with
case of nickel sulfate used in a bath that is adjusted with sodium pH. The minimum value for any deposition being 3.0, as the pH value
hydroxide, this would be sodium sulfate. The second group is the reaches 7.0 the hypophosphite spontaneously oxidizes by the reaction:
byproduct of the reducer oxidation, usually sodium orthophosphite. (H 2P02)- + OH--> (HP0) 2- + H 2 •
Moderators will eventually build up in significant concentrations, The optimum pH value for acidic baths will always be a compromise
and can stabilize the reduction process to a great extent. Eventually, between commercially acceptable plating rates and technically viable
these materiais result in the bath being dumped due to their effects of stability. ln pradice the preferable pH range is between 4.3 and 4.9. There
reduction in plating rate, and their eventual saturation and precipitation has, however, been some use made of alkaline solutions, but these baths
from solution. exhibit poor physical properties.
Many attempts have been made to extend the operational life of
chemical plating solutions. The removal of materiais such as sodium Analysis of Deposit
sulfate is relatively easy. If the bath temperature is allowed to fall to 5 to The analysis of the alloy deposit is dependent on the bath formulation
10 C (41 to 50 F) the majority of the sulfate salts will crystallize out, and used and the kinetics of each individual reaction in the reduction process.
may be removed by filtration. Each of these reactions may be effected by bath pH and temperature.
The reduction in the concentration of sodium phosphite can be Electroless nickel coatings are alloys primarily of nickel and 2 to 14%
achieved using ion exchange techniques. If a suitable exchange resin is phosphorus by weight. There may also be traces of other elements
activated with hypophosphorous acid, and the bath is passed through introduced into the deposit. These can result from additives in the bath
this, the orthophosphite may be replaced with hypophosphite. or contaminants that have been introduced being co-deposited.
These techniques, unfortunately, do not deal with other Some of these elements, such as antimony, bismuth, chromium,
contaminants such as materiais from pretreatment processes that build lead, mercury and selenium, may have detrimental effects on the corrosion
up during the life of a solution. These other contaminants have made resistance of the deposits. These phenomena are being investigated by a
solution reclaim on an industrial scale unworkable up to the present number of researchers at the moment, but conclusive evidence is yet to
time. be published.

Heat Treatment
The Effects of Temperature
The effect of thermal precipitation is to produce a coating with
The rate-controlling factor of most chemical nickel solutions is the
higher hardness values and greater wear resistance. This may also be
bath temperature. No reaction at all is to be expected from an acid bath
accompanied by a slight shrinkage of the deposit and a loss of ductility.
at temperatures below 50 C (122 F). The majority of acid type formulations
Catalytic Methods 583 584 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

As the temperature of treatment exceeds 425C (797 F) or is held at Physical Properties of Nickel Phosphorous Alloys
temperatures dose to this value for extended periods, the deposit will
The physical properties of each individual alloy produced from
soften again. With this reduction in hardness, the ductility of the deposit
different bath formulations will vary slightly. As a general guide they
reverts to its original levels.
should be dose to the range of attributes listed below.
Another effect of heat treatment is an improvement in the levels of
Phosphorus content 8-12%
substrate adhesion. This change is most marked in the case of nonferrous
Hardness: as plated 550-650 VPN (100 g load)
substrates. The mechanism for this reaction has been investigated by
heat treatable to 950-1050 VPN (100 g load)
several workers. Their results show a limited diffusion of nickel into the
Elongation before fracture 0.5-2%
substrate. ln the case of ferrous substrates an iron-rich layer may develop
Tensile strength over 700 MPa
in the nickel deposit as well.
Coefficient of thermal expansion 10-13 x lQ-6 a/k-1
The diffusion phenomenon may also be found when attempts are
Melting point 880-890 C
made to weld electroless nickel coated substrates. The phosphorus in the
Electrical resistivity (A) 520-680 p/m x 10-a
deposit diffuses into the weld area and is very likely to cause weld failure
Magnetic coercivity above 9%, nonmagnetic as
due to localized cracking.
Density 7850-8050 p /kg m-3
Corrosion Resistance of Deposits
Electroless nickel deposits are more electronegative than the Temary Alloys
majority of the ferrous and aluminum alloys that they are called on to Research into the production of ternary and quaternary alloys of
protect. This means that the deposits can only protect these substrates by nickel or cobalt with a variety of other alloying metals and reducers has
providing a mechanical barrier to corrosive media, and they cannot offer been carried out since 1950. The greater part of this work has been
any sacrificial electrochemical defense. The mechanism of this barrier concentrated on the ferromagnetic properties of the deposits, for audio
protection effect would appear to be the development of a passive surface and vídeo tape production.
oxide coating reducing the galvanic current between the grain boundaries The most successful commercial alloy process to data has been the
thereby restricting the total corrosion currents. If this film is disruped it "Niculoy 22" bath, which is a Ni-Cu-P containing approximately 1h to
may adversely effect the rate of corrosion of the deposit. 1% copper.
Due to the mechanism of protection any voids or pits in the deposit
will have very serious consequences for the overall protection of the Mechanical Wear
component. The abrasion resistance of electroless nickel deposits is very good in
The greatest care must be paid to pretreatment systems, in both the lubricated wear situations as long as the temperature is not too high. The
mechanical and chemical preparation of the substrate. Steps must also only comparative data available are the wear índex numbers from the
be taken to limit the drag-in of contaminants to the plating solution Taber Abrader. An example of the results to the expected are listed below:
itself. Electrolytic nickel plate (Watts bath) 14.7
The corrosion resistance of electroless deposits will vary from one Electroless nickel (as deposited) 9.6
bath formulation to another, and it may become necessary to test Electroless nickel, heat treated at 300 C (572 F) 4.4
individual solution types to ensure that they meet the end user's needs. Electroless nickel, heat treated at 500 C (932 f) 2.7
Porosity tests can provide a great deal of information about the overall Electroless nickel, heat treated at 650 C (1202 F) 1.3
corrosion resistance of a specific bath, and can also become a useful Hard chromium 2.0
examination for quality control on a day-do-day basis. These tests were performed with a CS-10 wheel at 1000-g loading,
for 5000 cydes. The Tabor Wear Index quoted is an empirical unit, and
Catalytic Methods 585 586 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

the higher the number the greater the wear rate. Low-Alloy Mild Steels
Electroless nickel may be used as a wear surface when difficulty has 1. Vapour degrease or emulsion soak cleaner.
been experienced, particularly with galling. An excellent example of this 2. Alkaline soak cleaner.
may be when two stainless steel surfaces bear on each other. ln the 3. Anodic electrolytic cleaner.
untreated state, immediate galling will occur. If one surface is chemically 4. Rinse, cold water.
nickel plated then an excellent bearing system develops. 5. Acid activate 10-15% sulfuric acid.
Examinations involving two metal systems under chlorinated 6. Rinse, cold water.
paraffin boundary lubrication gave the following coefficients of friction. 7. Electroless nickel plate.
Chromum vs. nickel 0.20
Chromium vs. electroless nickel 0.30 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
Nickel vs. steel 0.20 Aluminum may be electroless nickel plated very successfully, but it
Electroless nickel vs. steel 0.26 is essential to know which alloy is being treated. Different alloys will
Nickel vs. nickel Galling require variations in processing, specifically in acid etching techniques.
Electroless nickel vs. nickel 0.25
Chemical Pretreatment 1. Solvent clean, if required.
2. No-etch soak clean.
The systems for the preparation of substrates that are to be electroless
3. Cold water rinse.
nickel plated demand very careful control. Autocatalytic nickel deposits
4. Deoxidize surface to remove any heavy oxide films, using 50%
are very sensitive to the physical and chemical condition of the underlying
v /v nitric acid or proprietary deoxidizer.
metal. It is possible to cause substantial variation in properties such as
5. Cold water rinse.
corrosion resistance by cleaning using an incompatible system.
6. Alkaline etch if required by the condition of the substrate or if
The primary requirement in any pretreatment cycle must be the
requested by customer.
removal of insoluble soil, followed by the displacement of attached
7. Cold water rinse.
chemical debris. ln cleaning for plating it is not possible or practical to
8. Acid pickle (the formulation of the acid pickle is determined by
produce a physically and chemically clean surface. What is really required
the alloy to be plated).
is that all detrimental contamination of the metal substrate is detached
9. Cold water rinse.
and is replaced with a chemically compatible surface. Examinations
10. Zincate following supplier's recommendations.
such as water break tests indicate physical cleanliness. These tests do not
11. Cold water rinse.
give any guide to the chemical activity of the metal that will form the
12. Strip zincate in 50% v /v nitric acid.
bond at the deposit interface.
13. Cold water rinse.
It has been suggested that the use of any form of inhibitor in acid
14. Zincate.
activators may be prejudicial to the corrosion performance of articles
15. Cold water rinse.
and that the last electroclean stage before plating should be free of
16. Cold water rinse.
surfactants or cyanides. These measures are intended to limit the level of
17. Electroless nickel pla te to required thickness.
adsorbed materiais on the bonding surface and to leave the substrate as
active as possible. Copper, Brass, and Beryllium Copper Alloys
Some suggested pretreatment cycles have been listed below; these A valid treatment sequence would be:
are by no means hard and fast sequences. A wide range of special 1. Solvent decrease if required.
pretreatments which are specific to alloy type or geometry of component 2. Soak clean.
have been developed, and each one of these is valid in its own right. 285
3. Cold water rinse.
Catalytic Methods 587 588 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

4. Cathodic electroclean. particularly suited for recovery of worn components, or

5. Cold water rinse. mismachined parts. The limits of the deposit thickness is really
6. Acid dip in proprietary dry acid salt. in the arder of 150 µ (0.006 in.), because of the financial
7. Cold water rinse. constraints of very heavy build-up.
8. Optional-strike in electrolytic nickel bath. The limitations that apply to electroless nickel are the sarne as those
9. Cold water rinse. that apply to other nickel deposits. Specifically, almost all inorganic
10. Electroless nickel plate. acids and short chain carboxylic acids exhibit penetration rates that are
too large for the practical use of electroless nickel. This is also true of
Applications for Electroless Nickel materiais that form soluble nickel complexes such as cyanides, ammonia,
Electroless nickel should not be considered as a decorative surface short chain organic amines and many mono-and polyhydroxycarboxylic
finish, or as a direct replacement for any single electrolytic process. The anions.
electroless nickel coatings by comparison with alternative finishes are
relatively expensive but they display unique physical properties.
The Use of Ultrasonics with Chemical Nickel Solutions
It is worth considering the range of uses that nickel/ phosphorus There have been widely diverging reports on the effects of ultrasonic
alloy coatings display: radiation in electroless plating baths. The majority of beneficial claims
a. Electroless nickel plated low-alloy steel components can often have been for increases in deposition rate. Kosub and his fellow workers
be used to replace more expensive exotic alloy fabrications. The described rates of up to 60µ/hr. Conversely, other researchers have found
impervious alloy deposit will give the sarne component life as very little benefit from the use of ultrasonic transducers, and have even
the much more expensive metal alloys. Even in the case of reported increases in porosity in the deposit.
environments that are not particularly corrosive, electroless The reported work to date has mostly been carried out in very
nickel acts as a barrier, preventing contamination of small-scale units and no industrial experience with the process appears
manufactured commodities with small amounts of the substrate to have been gained. It may be likely that future research will lead to
metal. limited specialized applications.
b. Chemical nickel coatings exhibit excellent wear resistance which
Stripping of Deposits
is due to a combination of factors. The coatings may be heat
treated to produce very high hardness values while still retaining Unsatisfactory deposits may result from a wide variety of sources.
It is not good pradice to replate a component over faulty plating, as
the natural lubricity of the as plated finish. When nonpolar or
long-chain polar aliphatic compounds are used in conjunction lamination may result. The only action that may be taken is to totally
with the coatings, electroless nickel exhibits excellent wettability. strip the part. This is best carried out before heat treatment of the coating,
This further decreases mechanical friction. as the precipitation of phosphides in the deposit makes its removal much
e. ln many bearing applications electroless nickel may be used to more difficult.
prevent galling of aluminum and stainless steel wear surfaces. Nitric acid has been used as a stripping media, but it is possible that
the use of such a strongly oxidizing acid may result in porosity in the
d. Relatively thin coatings will allow the soldering of aluminum,
beryllium and magnesium, for electrical engineering uses. substrate on ferrous alloys. The safest method may be to use a proprietary
e. Chemical nickel deposits may be used as a bonding material. It nitroaromatic based stripper with an effective inhibitor system.
two metal surfaces are coated with electroless nickel and then Mechanical Pretreatment
furnace brased in a reducing atmosphere an extremely effective
Some components may be contaminated with soils that do not
braised joint is produced.
easily respond to chemical methods of removal. These may be heavy
f. Due to the uniformity of the electroless deposits they are
rusting heat treatment scale, or weld slag. Even machining methods such
Catalytic Methods 589 590 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

as lapping may leave abrasive materiais imbedded in criticai surfaces. of available heating method to raise the temperature of the outer jacket.
The best method of treating these problems is by mechanical means. The inner plating tank walls are used as a heat exchange surface to heat
The components may require further machining such as honing or the plating solution.
grinding. Blasting methods such as shot blasting or bead blasting with a The alternative for larger systems of over 500 gal is to use an
wide variety of media are very effective in both severity of cutting action externai heat exchanger. As polymer technology developed it became
and removal rate of metal. Vibratory finishing is also a method mechanical fashionable to use loose fitted plastic liners inside metal tanks. Although
finishing that should not be discounted. these diospable liners were effective for isolation of the solution from the
Whichever method is used, the final aims must be the sarne. The walls of the vessel, they made heat transfer from indirect heating more
parts must be free of pinholes, burrs or segregations of foreign materiais difficult as they insulated the plated solution from the heating media.
and must have the smoothest possible surface finish before plating. The latest development in electroless plating systems has been the
use of polypropylene. The only acceptable grades of the material are the
Operational Plating Systems unpigmented, natural, stress-relieved types. Polypropylene may be
ln electroless deposition the equipment used to contain the solution welded to form rigid freestanding units or as a heavy liner for larger,
plays a very important role. The tank system is an integral part of the steel-supporting tanks. This material has one great advantage over the
deposition process. A well-designed tank can make the difference between alternative metal tanks in that it is relatively passive, but it limits the
a successful, profitable operation or one with continued problems. types of heating that may be used.
An obvious difficulty with electroless deposition is that the solution
is inclined to deposit onto my surface with which it comes in contact. Heating
This includes the plating vessel and its auxiliary apparatus. Therefore, Increasing and maintaining the temperature of chemical plating
the equipment must be inherently inert or must be capable of being systems is a criticai point in their operation. It is obvious that any localized
rendered passive. overheating may give rise to a situation in which the bath may become
A minimum number of basic services are necessary for the operation locally unstable, and either plate onto the heater or initiate a total solution
of chemical plating baths on an industrial scale. These break down into breakdown.
four areas-the tank, a circulation pump, a filter unit and a heating The choice of heating method must be closely linked to the
system. construction material of the tank. With metal tank units of less than 500
gal, indirect heating through the vessel walls is quite effective. The
TheTank limitations of this method are that the wall thickness of the inner tank
As electroless nickels have developed in sophistication, the materiais must be kept to the minimum possible to allow effective, efficient heat
of construction and design of the plating tank have changed to keep transfer. There is also a limit to the size of this type of unit. If the tanks
pace. The earliest satisfactory industrial scale plating units were designed are too big, the area of available heating surface in relation to volume of
for Kanigen operations and were all stainless steel fabrications. The solution becomes too small and the maintenance of operational
tanks were treated with 30 to 50% nitric acid, to remove any build-up of temperature becomes difficult. Heating of the outer jacket may be by a
nickel and to repassivate the vulnerable metal surfaces. During the late wide range of methods. As long as localized overheating due to poor
1950s, titanium also became available for smaller tank units. With either circulation of the intermediate solution is avoided, few problems develop.
type of metal tank, the oxide film may be maintained by making the tank It may be worth noting that the inner tank should be electrically isolated
anodic. A small cathode rod is used at an anodic current density of 50 from the heater coils. This is required, as stray currents from other areas
mA/ft2 (5m A/dm 2). of the plating shop may be carried through to the walls of the plating
Tanks may also be built with a water jacket which may be filled tank and may initiate deposition. The easiest way to isolate the tank is to
with a glycol solution. The "indirect" system allows the use of any type paint its outer surfaces (which are immersed in the heat transfer solution)
287 with an epoxy based paint.
Catalytic Methods 591 592 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

With direct heating systems the heater is immersed in the plating Table 4 : Formulations for Boron Compound Reduced Baths
solution itself. The limitations on this type of system are that the surface
Components 1 2 3 4
temperature of the heater, particularly with electrical resistance heaters,
Nickel sulfate, g/L
must not be allowed to become too high. The solution must also be
(oz/gal) 50 (6.7)
circulated around the heaters. If these points are not treated with great Nickel chloride, g/L
care the bath will be pushed into an unstable state. Derating of electrical (oz/gal) 93 (12.4) 24-48 (3.2-6.4) 20 (2.7)
systems helps a great deal in reducing the energy output per unit area of DMAB, g/L (oz/ gal) 37 (5.0) 3-4.8 (0.4-0.64) 3 (0.4)
heater used. If steam heating is to be considered there are a range of Hydrazine borane, g/L
Teflon coils available that have been proven to be very effective. (oz/gal) (0.5-1.5 (0.06-0.18)
lrrespective of the type of direct immersion heater used, it is good pradice Ethylene diamine, 50%,
g/L(oz/gal) 18-37 (5-10) 20 (2.7)
to circulate the bath around the area of the heaters themselves. This is to
Potassium acetate, g/L
maintain an even bath temperature and therefore an even rate of (oz/gal) 18-37 (5-10) 40 (5.4)
deposition over the entire tank area. Sodium pyrophosphate,
Externai heat exchangers have been used for a number of large g/L(oz/gal) 100 (13.3)
plating systems where the tanks are too large for indirect heating, and Boric acid, g/L (oz/ gal) 25 (3.3)
where the cost of direct immersion heaters may be too high. The exchanger pH 4.3 5.5 10 8.5-10
Temperature, C (F) 27 (80) 70 (158) 25 (77) 68 (122)
may be stainless steel, titanium or glass lined. If the flow rate of the
solution is sufficiently high, few problems develop with this system. One of the few groups of brushable or sprayable paints that are
Circulation Pumps and Filter Units resistant to these service conditions is epoxy based. The drawbacks to
these materiais are the necessity to bake them to effect a good cure and
ln smaller plating systems, the pump and filter may be combined
the need to use paint strippers for their removal.
into a single unit, particularly in the case of cartridge filters. The most
The alternatives are a range of mechanical devices. For internally
satisfactory design of pump has proved to be the mechanically coupled
or externally threaded areas, tapped polypropylene plugs may be screwed
rotary design with water-cooled seals, constructed from polysulfone,
into place. Shrink fitted sleeves can be applied to the externai diameter
polypropylene or stainless steel. For tank volumes of under 100 gal,
of shafts. Plastic tapes may also be used to isolate some accessible faces
submersible sealless pumps are an acceptable substitute.
of parts.
The filter medium may be wound cartridge or bag type
The greatest difficulty with selective electroless nickel deposition is
polypropylene felt construction with a pare size of 2 to 5µ. It is more
that the process is very labour-intensive and time-consuming. It is usually
important to improve on the throughout of the filter than to try to reduce
less expensive to plate a component all over than to stop-off certain
the porosity of the filter media. The ideal filtration rate for units of under
500 gal is 10 turnovers of the tank volume per hour. For example, a 100-
gal tank should be filtered at 1000 gal/hr. As the size of the tank increases, Racking
this ratio may be reduced a little. As with any other electroless processes, the work racks must fulfill
Selective Plating two main needs, the first being to suspend the components and to locate
them positively,, and the second to make definite electrical contact with
ln some cases it may be desirable to plate only selected areas of jobs if electrolytic treatments are required.
certain parts. With chemical deposition of nickel, stop-off lacquers must ln the case of parts with complicated shapes or blind holes, attention
fulfill a wide range of requirements. The initial stages of pretreatment must be paid to the entrapment of gas evolved during plating. If a gas
expose the stop-off to highly alkaline cleaners; this is then followed by pocket is allowed to form, then a void in the deposit will result. Due to
acid activation and an electroless plating solution operating at 90 C. the nature of electroless deposition, agitation of the solution or the parts
Catalytic Methods 593 594 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

is very desirable. This may be achieved by mounting the rack on a ln using sodium borohydride the bath pH must be maintained above
reciprocating work bar moving in either the horizontal or vertical plane. 10.0, and preferably in the range of 12 to 14. This is to limit the hydrolysis
of the BH4 species.
Barrel-Plating More recent solution formulations have moved toward the use of
Chemical nickel plating of small mass-produced components is dimethylaminoborane (DMAB) as a reducer. These boron-nitrogen
often required. It may be possible to carry this out in polypropylene compounds have a number of distinct advantages. It is possible to opera te
baskets with intermittent agitation, to prevent contact marking, or by DMAB solutions over a wider pH range than the sodium borohydride
using barrel plating techniques. formulations. The nickel aminoborane baths have almost unlimited life,
When barrel plating with electroless solutions the rotational rate of as the breakdown products have very little effect on the operation of the
the barreis must be reduced greatly over that which would be used for solution. Deposition rates of 6 to 9 µm/hr are maintained, to a large
electrolytic techniques. Rotational speeds of one to five revolution as per extent independently of the nickel concentration in the tank, and are
minute are not unusual. Allowance must be made for flow of solution really only controlled by the reducer concentration.
through the barrel. If the perforations or the barrel configuration do not The reduction reactions of these formulations can be described by
allow free movement of plating solution through the barrel, and hence to the following equations:
the work load, reduced rates of deposition may result.
~NBH 3 + 3Ni2+ + 3Hp
Galvanic Initiation
-> 3Ni + (CH 3) H 2N+ + H 3B03 + 5H+
A wide range of ferrous alloys and zincated aluminum will activate
directly in electroless nickel solutions. For noncatalytic metals which are 2~NHBH 3 + 4Ni2+ + 3Hp -> Ni2B
more noble than nickel, such as copper, manganese and some high- + 2Ni + 2~H 2 N+ + H 3B03 + 1hH2 + 6H+
strength ferrous alloys, some form of initiation is required to start
deposition. The easiest method is to make electrical contact with a part where Ris a (CH 3)n species.
which is already plating, or to impose an externai current by making the
component cathodic for 10 to 15 seconds. The tank wall (if it is metal) or
a small nickel anode may be used as the positive electrode.
Boron Nickel Alloys
Nickel alloys reduced by the action ofboron salts have not achieved
the sarne level of industrial acceptance as their phosphorous alloy
counterparts. The nickel boron deposits exhibit high as-plated hardness
and have a melting point some 200 to 400 C (360 to 720 F) higher than
comparable phosphorous alloys. Applications for the boron based baths
are found mainly in the electronics field, and in areas where higher-
temperature wear resistance is required.
Interest in this field was first aroused when Schlesinger produced
pure sodium borohydride in 1942. He noted the formation of Ni2B and
Ni 3B borides, but it was not until 1954 that the first usable coatings were
deposited. By the end of the 1950s technically effective processes had
been developed. These solution consisted of an aqueous, highly alkaline
solution of nickel salts chelated with organic complexing agents, and
reduced by a borohydride salt. The bath required careful control of its
heavy metal stabilization system to prevent the solution decomposing.
596 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

direct current from chemical sources, by Alexander Volta in March 1800.

Before the end of that year, Carlisle and Nicholson described the first
copper deposits obtained by electrolysis of an aqueous solution using the
CHAPTER 36 voltaic cell as the current source. Before the middle of the century, the
metals---copper, lead, silver, tin, mercury, cobalt, arsenic, platinum, gold,
ELECTROFORMING nickel, iron and mixtures of iron and copper-had reportedly been
produced electrolytically in the form of powders and coarse crystals of
Electroforming Defined unknown purity.
Professor B.S. Jacobi of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg,
Electroforming is the fabrication of simple and complex shaped
Russia, is credited with discovering electroforming d uring his
articles by means of the electroplating process. The basic steps in
investigations on galvanic cells. One of these cells consisted of a copper
electroforming are the following: a suitable mandrel is obtained and
cylinder filled with copper sulfate, a semipermeable membrane and a
prepared for electroplating; the mandrel is placed in the appropriate
zinc electrode immersed in a sodium chloride solution. He observed that
electroplating solution and metal is deposited upon the mandrel by
the copper cylinder became covered with a dense, non-adherent deposit
electrolysis; when the required thickness of metal has been applied, the
of copper. When he removed the deposit, he saw that the scratches on the
metal-covered mandrel is removed from the solution; the mandrel is
cylinder were reproduced on the surface of the copper deposit. Early in
separated from the electrodeposited metal. The electroform is a separate,
1837, Jacobi used an engraved copper printing plate as the copper cathode
freestanding entity composed essentially of electrodeposited metal. These
in a copper sulfate solution and electrodeposited copper upon it. This
basic steps are implicit in the definition adopted by ASTM Committee B8,
experiment was only partially successful, because he had difficulty
namely "electroforming is the production or reproduction of articles by
separating the electrodeposit from the engraved printing plate. Where it
electrodeposition upon a mandrel or mold that is subsequently separated
could be separated, the deposit had accurately reproduced the details
from the deposit.
engraved on the original printing plate. Jacobi continued his work and
The definition stresses that the mandrel or mold is removed from
officially described his results to the Academy of Sciences, October 4,
the electroformed article, thus excluding decorative and engineering
1838, in the following way: "ln the experiment with an engraved plate
applications of electroplating. ln decorative applications, an adherent
covered by a very thin layer of vegetable oil, it was possible to produce
metallic coating is applied to an existing article and becomes a permanent
another copper plate on which even the slightest imprints on the original
part of it to improve its appearance and corrosion resistance. ln
electroplating for engineering purposes, adherent metallic coatings are plate were reproduced with the highest accuracy."
applied to an existing article to improve corrosion resistance, to reduce ln 1842, Professor R. Bottger of Germany reported that he had
surface wear, to render a surface solderable, to build up worn or successfully electroformed articles of nickel using the double-salt solution
undersized parts for salvage, to modify magnetic properties and for of nickel ammonium sulfate which he had formulated and which he
other purposes. Electroforming is concerned with the production of parts, believed was the most suitable one for electrodepositing nickel. During
the electrodeposited metal must be sufficiently non-adherent to permit the latter half of the 19th century electroforming with iron was also
separation from the mandrel, and, in the most successful examples, the investigated. ln 1869, iron replaced copper electroforming at the Russian
articles produced by electroforming are unique. Treasury Printing Press, where it was used for making engraved plates
for printing banknotes. The three metals most widely used today---copper,
Origins nickel and iron-were, thus, electrodeposited and applied to the
Electroforming originated amidst the excitement generated by the production of electroformed articles before 1870.
discovery of electricity in the early 19th century. The discovery led to Following its discovery, electroforming was immediately applied to
scientific studies of electrochemical phenomena throughout the world. the reproduction of art objects, such as bas-reliefs, sculptures and statues,
One criticai development was the construction of a cell for producting 289 and to the duplication of engraved plates for the printing of money. The
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 597 598 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

capability of the electroforming process to reproduce minute surface Whether or not a permanent or expendable mandrel should be used
detail with great fidelity was the main reason these particular applications is largely dependent on the particular article that is to be electroformed.
were the first to arise. Modem applications of electroforming are diverse If no re-entrant shapes or angles are involved, it is possible to use
and will be considered in detail later. permanent, rigid mandrels that can be separated from the finished
electroform mechanically and re-used. If re-entrant angles and shapes
Mandrel Types and Materiais are involved, it is necessary to use mandrel materiais that can be removed
The success of the electroforming process will depend on the type by melting or by chemical dissolution, or materiais that are collapsible,
of mandrel chosen and the material used in its fabrication. such as polyvinyl chloride and other plastics.
Mandrels may be classified as conductors or nonconductors of The various types of mandrel materiais each have their own
electricity, and each of these may be permanent, semi-permanent or advantages and disadvantages.
expendable. (Table 1) Whether or not a mandrel is a conductor will Austenitic stainless steel is an excellent material to use as a
determine the procedures required to prepare it for electroforming. permanent, conductive mandrel. Although machining may be relatively
Conductive mandrels are usually pure metals or alloys of metals and are difficult, it can be machined to dose tolerances and given a high finish.
prepared by the usual procedures, but may require application of a thin Resistance to damage in use is good and, as it is conductive, there is no
parting film to facilitate separation of the electroform from the mandrel need to metallize the surface before beginning the electroforming process.
(unless the mandrel is removed by melting or chemical dissolution). Austenitic grades of stainless steel are preferred because they readily
Nonconductors must be made conductive by spraying the surface with form stable, passive films that prevent adhesion between electroform
a thin metallic film, usually silver. The thin film of silver, also, serves to and mandrel.
facilitate separation of the electroform from the mandrel. Copper and brass are also used as permanent, conductive mandrels
Tablel : Types of Mandrel Materiais and are less costly than stainless steel. They are relatively easy to machine
and are ideal when intricately engraved or textured surfaces are required.
Types Typical Materiais Separating the electroform from a copper or brass mandrel is easy
Conductors provided the proper parting film is used. Alternatively, copper and brass
Expendable Low-melting alloys; e.g., bismuth-free 92% tin mandrels can be electroplated with thin deposits of nickel and/or
and 8% zinc chromium to facilitate parting and to prevent attack of the mandrel by
Aluminum alloys the processing solutions.
Zinc alloys Conventional steel can be used as a mandrel material; it is inexpensive
Permanent Nickel and easily machined. It is usually necessary to nickel plate the entire
Austenitic stainless mandrel and use a parting film.
Invar, Kovar "Invar" or "Kovar" are alloys that have low coefficients of thermal
Copper and brass expansion and are relatively expensive. They are used in criticai cases
Nickel plated steel where high dimensional accuracy is required. The electroform and
N oncond uctors mandrel are heated, and the greater thermal expansion of the electroform
Expendable Wax permits withdrawal of the mandrel. They are conductive and resistant to
Glass damage in handling.
Permanent Rigid and collapsible plastics; e.g., epoxy Pure nickel, although difficult to machine, is used as a permanent
(or semi-permanent) resins and polyvinyl chloride, respectively mandrel. It requires simple treatment to ensure release of the electroform
Wood from the mandrel.
Expendable conductive mandrel materiais include aluminum and
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 599 600 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

zinc alloys, and low-melting materiais, such as bismuth-free tin-zinc very high surface finish. Rigid plastic mandrels are often made from
alloys. epoxy resins in the case of electroforms without reentrant angels. For
Aluminum or one of its alloys is used because it is easy to machine to electroforms with reentrant angels or shapes, collapsible plastic materiais,
dose dimensional tolerances and can be given a high surface finish. It is such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), are used. Special care is required in
relatively high in cost, easily damaged and does not always require using these materiais if an acceptable mandrel is to result.
metallization prior to electroforming. When used as an expendable Glass is very difficult to machine, is easily damaged, is relatively
mandrel, aluminum or its alloys can be dissolved away from a nickel expensive and requires metallization, but surface finish can be excellent
electroform in a 10% solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide solution and dose tolerances can be maintained. It is, therefore, sometimes used
operating at roam temperature. as a mandrel material.
Zinc-based alloys have similar characteristics and are also used as Wood, leather and fabrics can be used as mandrel materiais when it
expendable materiais. The mandrel can be dissolved in a cold 10% is desired to reproduce their surface textures and patterns. These materiais
hydrochloric acid solution without attacking a nickel electroform. are porous and must be sealed and then made conductive. It is often
Superplastic zinc alloys (zinc-aluminum-magnesium and zinc-aluminum easier to duplicate the desired surface finish by casting with polyvinyl
alloys) can be blow-molded into complex shapes at relatively low chloride and then electroforming onto the plastic replica of the surface.
temperatures, 250 C (480 F) and have been used to produce thin-walled Any solid material can be used to fabricate a mandrel for
expendable mandrels. electroforming, but the following generalizations may help in selecting
Tin-zinc alloys, with and without bismuth, have low melting points a suitable material:
and thus can be used to make mandrels that can be removed from the 1. Permanent mandrels are preferred for accuracy and for large
electroform by melting the alloy. This can usually be accomplished without production runs.
damaging or distorting the electroform provided the temperature is less 2. Expendable mandrels must be used whenever the part is so
than 250 C (480 F). Bismuth can embrittle copper and nickel electroforms designed that a permanent mandrel cannot be withdrawn.
if it is not completely removed from the inside of the electroform in Expendable mandrels of low-melting point alloys may be used
which case the use of bismuth-free tin-zinc alloys are required. for low-cost items not requiring dose tolerances. Collapsible
Nonconductive mandrel materiais indude wax, glass and plastics plastic mandrels have been used to fabricate parts with
and these materiais are expendable or, at best, semi-permanent. reentrant shapes or angles.
Wax is useful beca use it can be readily cast and easily melted out of 3. It is important that the mandrel retain its dimensional stability
the finished electroform, but is has many disadvantages. It may be brittle, in warm plating baths. Wax and most plastics expand when
it may have a poor surface finish and it is easily damaged. It is inexpensive, exposed to electroplating solutions operated at elevated
requires metallization and cannot be used to maintain high tolerances. temperatures. ln such cases, it may be necessary to use acid
Cheap grades of wax melt or soften when exposed to electroplating copper, nickel sulfamate and other electroplating solutions that
solutions operated at normal temperatures. There are only a few grades function at roam temperature.
ofwax, such as beeswax, that can be successfully silver-sprayed. Graphite-
Mandrel Design and Fabrication
loaded wax which is conductive has been used successfully as an
expendable mandrel. The ability to produce an electroform will also depend on the design
Plastics materiais can be used to fabricate permanent or semi- of the mandrel. The electroforming operation can often be simplified by
permanent mandrels, but, being nonconductive, require the use of silver- a few design changes which do not impair the functioning of the piece.
spraying or other metallization techniques. ln general, plastics are ASTM Standard B450, "Engineering Design of Electroformed Artides,"
relatively cheaper and have inferior mechanical properties than metal contains useful information on this subject. Some of the design
mandrels, and cannot be made to dose dimensional tolerances and with considerations indude the following:
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 601 602 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

1. Exterior angles should be provided with as generous a radius as before the silver film can be applied. It may need to be cleaned with an
possible to avoid excessive buildup and treeing of the deposit organic solvent that does not attack the mandrel surface and/or the
during electroforming. Interior angles on the mandrel should surface may need to be scrubbed with a slurry of magnesium oxide using
be provided with a fillet radius of at least O.OS cm/5 cm of a cotton-wool pad and then thoroughly rinsed to remove all traces of the
length of a side of the angle. magnesium oxide.
2. Wherever possible, permanent mandrels should be tapered at The silver-spraying process consists of essentially two steps:
least 0.08 mm/m (0.001 in./ft) to facilitate removal from the sensitization and silver reduction. Sensitization is achieved by spraying
electroform. (Where this is not permissible, the mandrel may be the mandrel with a solution of the following composition:
made of a material with a high or low coefficient of thermal Stannous chloride 30 g/L
expansion so that separation can be effected by heating or Stannic chloride 3 g /L
cooling). Hydrochloric acid (35% w /w) 40 ml/L
3. A fine surface finish on the mandrel, achieved by lapping or Sodium chloride 175 g/L
electropolishing, will generally facilitate separation of mandrel The solution is prepared by heating 40 ml of concentrated
and electroform. A finish of 2 µin. RMS is frequently specified. hydrochloric acid and dissolving first the stannous chloride and then the
4. Flat bottom grooves, sharp angle indentations, blind holes, fins, stannic chloride in the hot acid. This solution is diluted, sodium chloride
v-shaped projections, v-bottom grooves, deep scoops, slots, is dissolved in it and water is added to adjust the volume to lL. The
concave recesses, rings and ribs can cause problems with metal sensitizing solution is sprayed on the mandrel by means of a single-
distribution during electroforming, unless inside and outside nozzle spray gun until the surface is uniformly and completely wet.
angles and corners are rounded. A double-nozzle spray gun is used to produce the silver film. The
The method of fabrication of the mandrel will depend on the type silver solution is sprayed from one nozzle, the reducing solution from the
selected, the material chosen and the object to be electroformed. Mandrels other, simultaneously.
may be manufactured by casting, machining, electroforming and other The silver solution is prepared as follows:
techniques. Permanent mandrels may be made by any of the conventional 1. Dissolve 20 g silver nitrate in 1 L deionized water.
pattern-making processes. 2. Add 30 mil 0.88 molar ammonium hydroxide.
3. When the solution clears, add 2 g sodium hydroxide.
Preparation of Mandrel Surfaces
4. Adjust the volume of the solution to 1.25 L with deionized
Nonconducting mandrels must be made impervious to water and to water.
the processing solutions, and then rendered conductive. Porous To avoid the formation of explosive silver compounds, this formula
materiais-for example, leather and plastic-may be impregnated with should never be mixed in the form of a concentrate. The instructions for
wax, shellac, lacquer or a synthetic resin formulation to make them mixing must be followed, exactly. Containers used for mixing and storing
impervious to water. A molten mixture of wax containing 4 parts beeswax, this solution should be washed carefully after use. The solution should
12 pars paraffin and 2 parts resin can be used for this purpose. The not be allowed to evaporate to a concentrated form or to form dry
nonconducting mandrel is immersed in the wax mixture for at least 30 crystals. Dry, the crystals are explosive.
minutes or until bubbling ceases, when it is removed and cooled. This The reducing solution is prepared as follows:
will result in a considerable loss of detail and it may be necessary to use 1. Add 22 ml of formaldehyde (40% solution) to 1 L of deionized
thin films of lacquer to seal porous, nonmetallic mandrels. water.
Nonconducting materiais may be rendered conductive in a number 2. Dissolve 0.5 sodium hydroxide in 5 ml deionized water and add
of ways, but perhaps the most common is to apply a chemically reduced 0.5 g lead acetate.
film of silver to the surface. The surface of the mandrel must be cleaned 3. Add the lead acetate solution to the formaldehyde solution.
292 4. Adjust the volume to 1.25 L with deionized water.
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 603 604 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

There are other ways of making nonconducting mandrels treatment of the aluminum alloy by degreasing, cathodic alkaline cleaning
conductive: 1) by use of finely divided metal powders dispersed in a and immersion in a 50% solution of nitric acid, by volume, may be
binder ("bronzing"); 2) by application of finely divided graphite to wax, sufficient.
natural and synthetic rubbers and similar materiais that have an affinity Zinc and its alloys may require no other preparation than
for graphite; and 3) application of graphite with a binder. The chemical conventional cleaning if they are used for expendable mandrels and are
precipitation of films, as exemplified by silver, however, is often preferred to be parted by chemical dissolution. But, depending on what metal is
because dimensional accuracy is not affected, the film has little adhesion being used for electroforming, it may be necessary to electroplate the
and parting is not difficult. If necessary, the silver film can be stripped zinc alloy metal with copper from a neutral or alkaline cyanide solution
from the electroform with either nitric acid, warm sulfuric acid or a to prevent attack of the mandrel.
cyanide solution. The fusible alloys used to make expendable conductive mandrels
It is also possible to metallize nonconducting mandrels using that can be melted out have a tendency to leave a residue of tin on the
electroless nickel and electroless copper processes available from most surface of the electroform. This can be prevented by electroplating the
plating supply houses. Specific preparation techniques may be required fusible mandrel with a layer of copper that is electropolished prior to
to use these processes for electroforming. beginning the electroforming process.
With most metallic mandrels, a parting film on the surface helps to The processing of mandrels for electroforming is discussed in an
assure that the electroform can be separated from the mandrel. After ASTM Standard where details of some of the above preparation
removing all traces of grease or oil by means of chlorinated hydrocarbon procedures are given.
solvents, various metallic mandrels are given different treatment for this
Electroforming Solutions and Deposit Properties
Stainless steel, nickel, nickel- or chromium-plated steel should be The electroplating solution and, hence, the metal to be
scrubbed with magnesium oxide, rinsed and passivated by immersion in electrodeposited onto the mandrel surface (the cathode) are chosen to
a 2% solution of sodium dichromate for 30 to 60 seconds at roam satisfy the functional requirements of a particular application. To the
temperature. After this, the mandrel must be rinsed several times to extent possible, the properties of the electroform are specified with
remove all traces of the dichromate solution. emphasis on end-use requirements. This approach provides a rational
Copper and brass mandrels that have been nickel and/or chromium- basis for selecting the electroplating solution and, if necessary, modifying
plated may be passivated in the dilute sodium dichromate solution, as it to control the properties of the electrodeposited metal within specified
described in the preceding paragraph. If not electroplated, the surface limits.
can be made passive by immersion in a solution containing 8 g/L of The electroplating solutions used for electroforming are basically
sodium sulfide. Trial and errar may be required to obtain the proper the sarne as those used for other applications. ln general, any practical
thickness of film to prevent excessive adhesion while avoiding premature plating solution can be applied to electroforming. ln practice, nickel,
separation of the electroform. copper and iron electroplating solutions are the ones most widely used.
Aluminum alloys may require special treatments even when they Electroforming of gold, silver, platinum metals, alloys, combinations of
are used as expendable mandrels to be separated from the electroform by these and composites of various kinds is possible, and this versatility has
chemical dissolution. The reason for this is the difficulty of obtaining extended the range of properties that can be obtained by electroforming.
sound electrodeposits directly on aluminum from most electroforming The composition and operating conditions of nickel, copper and
solutions, especially if the deposits are highly stressed. ln this case, it may iron electroforming solutions are given in following table, along with
be necessary to use proprietary zincate or stannate treatments to achieve typical values of tensile strength, percent elongation, hardness and
a degree of adhesion that will prevent lifting and curling of the deposit internai stress of deposits from these solutions. The properties given in
from the mandrel. These special treatments are described elsewhere in the table are those obtained from additive-free baths operated within the
this book. When low-stressed deposits (near zero) are being produced, 293
605 606 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

Table 2 : Nickel, Copper and Iron Electroforming Solutions And specified conditions.
Some Properties of the Deposits The properties of electrodeposits are interrelated and are influenced
Nickel Electroforming Solutions by operating conditions. For example, steps taken to increase the hardness
Etect10tytz: Cvmposition, g1t
hatts Niclret Nicket 3utjimmte of the deposit usually increase its strength and reduce its ductility.
NiS04.6H,0 225-300 Ni(S0 3NH2) 2 315-450 Operating variables that influence the properties of deposits include
NiCl,.6H,0 37.5-52.5 NiCl,.6H,0 0-22.5 temperature, pH and cathode current density. The constituents of the
H 3B03 30-45 H 3B03 30-45
Operating Conditions solution, if their concentrations are not kept within certain limits, can,
Temperature 44-66 e 32-60 e also, affect the properties of deposits. Deposits from these two nickel
Agitation Air or mechanical Air or mechanical
Cathode current density 3-11A/dm2 0.5-32A/dm2 solutions are affected differently by the sarne variables, in many cases.
Anodes Nickel Nickel Deposits from copper sulfate and copper fluoborate solutions also respond
pH 3.0-4.2 3.5-4.5 differently when changes are made in the operating variables.
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength, MPa 345-485 415-620
Elongation, %
Hardness (Vickers, 100 g load)
lnternal stress, MPa
Copper Electroforming Solutions
125-185 (tensile)
0-55 (tensile) TENSILE
r---.~--1 l-~] o r=:l·r.:J
1::-- ~-'fl C-:1 L.::j L::=J

CuS04 .5H2G
Electrolyte Composihon, g/L
Copper Sulfate
Copper Fluoborate
Cu (BF4 ) 2 225-450 HARDNESS EJ B B B EJ
H 2 S04 52-75 HBF4 maintain

[~JEJ ~
0.15-1.5 ELOGATION
Operating Conditions

INJm~~ C::I f"/l [=:..] [~J \4

Temperature 21-32 e 21-54 e
Agitation Air or mechanical Air or mechanical
Cathode current density 1-10A/dm2 8-44A/dm2
Anodes Soluble copper Soluble copper l._J L_ 1 ·-· .-
Mechanical Properties CURRENT
Tensile strength, MPa 205-380 140-345 DENSITY
Elongation, % 15-25 5-25
Hardness (Vickers, 100 g/l) 45-70 40-80 Fig.1 : Influence of variables on properties of nickel deposits.
lnternal stress, MPa 0-10 tensile 0-105 tensile
lron Electroforming Solutions Nickel can be electrodeposited over a wider controlled range of
Electrolyte Composition, g!L physical properties than any other metal, and more is known about the
Ferrous Chloride Fluoborate Bath
FeCl,.4H,0 300-450 Fe (BF4 ) 2 225
effects of bath composition, operating conditions and addition agents on
CaCl, 125-335 NaCl 10 the mechanical, physical and corrosion-resistant properties of the deposit.
(lron content 160 g/L) Copper is used for electroforming beca use it is relatively inexpensive
Operating Conditions
Temperature 90 e 55-60 e and strong enough for many applications. It can be deposited at high
Agitation Cathode and/ or solution Cathode and/ or solution rates from the acid sulfate bath and in a reasonably low state of stress.
Cathode current density 4-6A/dm2 2-10A/dm2 Information on the properties of electrodeposited copper is available.
Anodes Low-carbon steel Low-carbon steel (bagged)
(bagged) Iron is inexpensive and strong, and electrodeposits from the ferrous
pH 0.5-1.5 2.0-3.0 chloride solution are surprisingly ductile and stress-free when the solution
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength, MPa 345-450
is operated very hot (near boiling). The ferrous chloride solution is very
Elongation, % 20-40 corrosive and equipment for containing and handling the solution must
Hardness, Brinnel 215-270 be designed accordingly. Information on the properties of electrodeposited
lnternal stress, MPa 90-140 (tensile) 294
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 607 608 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

iron and its use for electroforming is available in the technical Metal distribution, that is, the variation of the thickness of metal
literature. deposited at various points on the surface of a mandrel, is related to
current distribution. Recessed areas will receive less current; areas that
Other Metais and Process
project from the surface will receive higher current. The current density
The electroforming of gold, silver, platinum metals and various and, consequently, the rate of metal deposition will be lower in recessed
alloys has been described in the literature. Gold and silver objects have areas than at areas which project from the surface. The result is that
been electroformed from cyanide solutions. Platinum, palladium and metal distribution will be non-uniform in most cases. The deposit will be
iridium have been electrodeposited from molten cyanides, and these relatively thin in recessed areas and relatively thick on projections.
processes have been to electroform platinum and iridium crucibles. The Some electroplating processes are less sensitive than others to the
electroforming of nickel,-cobalt molds and dies had been explored beca use variations in current density that are characteristics of the electroforming
of the process. The capability of a plating solution to deposit uniformly thick
improved high-temperature properties of the alloy deposits. Aluminum, coatings despite variations in current density on the article being
deposited from an organic, non-aqueous electrolyte, has been successfully electroformed is measured by its throwing power. Throwing power
electroformed. Refractory metals have been electroformed from fused describes the complex relationship between metal distribution and the
salt baths. variables-conductivity, polarization, current efficiency and geometry.
Electroplating processes that result in the incorporation of particles The throwing power of a plating solution can be measured directly in a
uniformly dispersed throughout an electrodeposited metal matrix have Haring cell or in an open Hull cell. Studies of the throwing power of
been investigated in connection with electroforming. By judiciously plating solutions suggest that throwing power can be improved by
selecting the particle or particles to be occluded, it should be possible to reducing the current density and increasing the pH, temperature and
obtain electroforms with unique physical and mechanical properties, metal content of the bath. All-chloride nickel plating solutions have
including high resistance to wear and to elevated temperatures, and better throwing power than Watts and nickel sulfamate baths. Copper
with unusual anti-friction and lubricious characteristics. Oxides, carbides, cyanide plating solutions have significantly better throwing power than
nitrides and borides have been incorporated in nickel, iron, cobalt and copper sulfate baths.
tungsten-cobalt electrodeposited matrices to produce high-temperature, Although throwing power is dependent on the composition of the
oxidation-resistant materiais. Mica has been codeposited with nickel plating bath and can be controlled to some extent by adjusting operating
and the deposit has interesting anti-friction properties. Although these variables, the electroformer will usually select a process based on the
processes have been investigated for electroforming, the possibilities for mechanical and physical properties of the deposit, rather than the
creating articles with new and novel properties have not been exhausted. throwing power of the solution. Metal distribution is then improved by
Control of Electroforming Processes proper racking, and by the use of thieves, shields and/or conforming or
auxiliary anodes. The use of these processing aids makes it possible to
Successful electroforming requires careful control of the electrolyte
improve metal distribution significantly. Although the application of
and of the operating variables-pH, temperature, agitation and current
these techniques can be optimized by trial and errar, simulation of the
density. ln this respect, control of electroforming is similar to that of
electroforming operation combined with the determination of cathode
decorative electroplating. Control is more difficult and, perhaps, more
potential profiles can facilitate the design and placement of shields and
criticai in the case of electroforming because processing may take hours
auxiliary anodes.
or days to complete. The most difficult problems encountered in
The control of internai stress of electrodeposited metals is especially
electroforming are usually associated with controlling metal distribution,
important in electroforming. Internai stress refers to forces created within
internai stress, and roughness of the deposits. Addition agents may
an electrodeposit as a result of the crystallization process itself and/or
overcome some of the difficulties, but additives must be controlled and
the code-position of impurities such as hydrogen, sulfur and other
applied judiciously.
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 609 610 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Table 3 : Typical Values of Internai Stress of composition of the electrolyte. Copper and silver are normally deposited
Electrodeposited Metais with quite low stress. Internai stress is greater for copper deposited from
a cyanide bath than from an acid copper sulfate bath.
Metal Bath Stress, MPa*
Nickel is a good example of how internai stress is influenced by the
Copper Cyanide 34-85 nature and composition of the electroplating solution. The all-chloride
Acid 0-14 solution produces deposits with the highest internai tensile stresses.
Fluoborate 0-20 Nickel sulfamate solutions, without chlorides and addition agents,
Nickel Watts 110-120 produce deposits with the lowest internai tensile stresses. Increasing the
Watts, with H 20 2 275 or higher chloride content of a nickel bath tends to increase the tensile stress of the
All chloride 205-310 deposits.
Fluoborate 100-175 Organic additives can be used to control the internai stress of
Fluoborate, with H 20 2 100-175 nickel, copper and other electrodeposited metals. ln the case of nickel,
Sulfamate, no chloride 0-55 sulfur-bearing materiais, such as saccharin or p-toluene sulfonamide,
Sulfamate, with chloride 55-110 can be used to modify internai tensile stress; that is, reduce it to zero or
Sulfate 110-138 cause it to become compressive. The additives generally increase the
hardness and strength of the nickel deposits, and affect other properties
Iron Chloride 90-138 and so must be used judiciously. Effective stress-controlling agents result
Chromium Chromic acid -115 to 345 in the codeposition of small amounts of sulfur with nickel. The presence
(depends on extent of sulfur affects the high-temperature properties adversely, and nickel
of cracking) deposits containing sulfur cannot be heated above 260 C (500 F) without
severe embrittlement. The codeposition of small amounts of manganese
Silver Cyanide 12 to 25 prevents embrittlement of sulfur-containing nickel deposits to some extent
Gold Cyanide Compressive and allows heating ator slightly above that temperature. The concentrated
nickel sulfamate bath can be operated at high current densities to produce
*Positive values are tensile. deposits with zero or very low internai stresses by using continuous
elements. The forces are either tensile (contractile) or compressive conditioning of the electrolyte in the auxiliary tank, the technique being
(expansive); rarely are electrodeposits free of some degree of internai shown to be effective with nickel as well as nickel-cobalt alloy plating.
stress. Excessive tensile or compressive stress can cause the following The internai stress of copper deposits can also be controlled by the
problems: 1) distortion of the electroform when it is separated from the use of organic addition agents; at low current densities the stress in
mandrel; 2) difficulty in separating the electroform from the mandrel; 3 copper from acid baths is reportedly compressive.
curling, peeling or separation of the electrodeposit from the mandrel Internai stress is thus controlled by selecting the metal, by specifying
prematurely and 4) buckling and blistering of the deposit (usually a specific electrolyte and by using organic addition agents. The control of
associated with high compressive stresses). Control of internai stress is, current density, as well as other operating variables, is also essential.
therefore, criticai for successful electroforming. Roughness can also be a source of difficulty in electroforming. Any
Typical values of internai stress are given in above table. Copper, condition which would tend to cause roughness in decorative plating
nickel, cobalt, iron, silver, rhodium, palladium and chromium are will have much more serious results in electroforming. Nodules, nuggets
generally deposited in a state of tensile stress. Zinc, cadmium and lead, and tress will form. These become high-current density areas, and the
although not widely used for electroforming, usually are deposited in the larger they get the faster they grow, and the more they "rob" surrounding
compressive state. areas. An unsound electroform results, which will usually be a reject. As
Internai stress can vary widely depending on the metal and the 296 a consequence, the filtration rates used in electroforming are very high
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 611 612 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

and may amount to passing the bath through the filter one-half to one or To be able to use higher current densities, baths such as sulfamate
more times per hour. or fluoborate may be chosen (other considerations permitting) that are
Airborne dirt is a serious source of roughness; it is good pradice to known to have high limiting current densities, especially when operated
keep the plating area clean (by vacuum cleaning, not sweeping) and to at high metal content, high temperature and with adequate agitation.
supply it with filtered air keeping the roam under an inch or so of Agitation of every kind, singly or in combination, should be
positive pressure. These precautions are particularly necessary when the employed whenever possible, to minimize burning and pitting at high-
plating tank has an exhaust system that draws air across the bath. current density sites. Solution agitation, either air or mechanical, may
Anode particles will also cause roughness and must be controlled induce roughness, unless the solution is kept clean by using a very high
by the usual means of anode bags or diaphragms; where even this is filtering rate. Cathode agitation is very effective, and rotation of the
inadequate; higher filteration rates and cathode agitation may serve to cathode is desirable when feasible, especially if it is a surface of revolution.
overcome the difficulty. ln this case, besides the advantages of agitation, rotation ensures the
A frequently overlooked source of roughness is the crystallization uniformity of deposit thickness from point to point around the
of bath chemicals on anode bags, tank walls and the super-structure. circumference. (lnequalities along the axis have to be overcome otherwise).
When these particles fall or are brushed into the solution, they are usually When rotation is used, brushes or other commutating devices must be
slow to dissolve and may become attached to the cathode. Such provided to carry the current to the cathode. Care must be taken that the
accumulated salts should be removed carefully, not allowing them to fall rotating and commutating mechanisms are so designed that no
into the bath, or they should be flushed off with a stream of water at a lubricating grease and metal particles resulting from wear of bearing
time when the tank is not working. Solutions in which all components surfaces are permitted to fall into the plating solution.
are highly soluble, such as sulfamate or fluoborate baths, do not have this
Machining and Final Finishing of the Electroform
tendency and for this reason may be preferred when other considerations
permit. To avoid deformation, any necessary machining or other mechanical
To avoid particles from precipitation of hard water constituents, finishing operations are usually performed before the electroform is
deionized water should be used to make up the plating bath and in the parted from the mandrel. There are no particular problems associated
rinse prior to it. with the finishing of copper electroforms, but nickel does not machine
Treeing at edges and corners is frequently troublesome and may be readily. Even grinding, which is preferable, may present some difficulty,
minimized by the use of shields or by the choice of bath. For instance, especially with soft deposits which quickly load up the grinding wheels
where the deposit from a high-chloride or all-chloride nickel bath can be and necessitate frequent dressing with a diamond tool.
accepted, these baths are much better than the Watts bath in this respect. Parting
Certain addition agents may also suppress the treeing tendency, but
Electroforms are removed from permanent mandrels mechanically,
should only be used after careful consideration of possible effect on the
by the use of one or a combination of several of the following techniques:
physical properties of the deposit. Another expedient, applicable to certain
Impact, by a sudden hammer blow or pull.
shapes of mandrels, is to extend the mandrel beyond the dimensions
Gradual, force, applied by a hydraulic ram to push, ora jack-screw
actually desired, so that the treeing will occur on a part of the electroform
or wheel-puller to pull the pieces apart.
that will be machined away.
Heating with a torch or hot oil bath, either to melt or soften a
Should it become necessary to interrupt processing of the
parting compound or to take advantage of a favourable differential in
electroform, to remove excessive nodular growths and tress by machining,
the coefficients of expansions of mandrel and deposit.
extreme care should be exercised to insure that the machined surface is
Cooling, as in a mixture of dry ice (solid C02) and acetone. ln this
properly treated to accept an adherent deposit. Preferred treatments to
case, the mandrel must have a considerably lower coefficient of thermal
accomplish this on nickel surfaces have been described.
expansion, and then on withdrawal from the cold bath, the electroform
will expand faster than the mandrel, permitting withdrawal.
Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning 613 614 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Prying with a sharp tool may be used with careto separa te relatively extremely fine scale is criticai include: phonograph record and
flat pieces, such as phonograph record stampers or engraving plates video-disc stampers; embossing plates; printing plates for stamps
from their mandrels. and currency.
Expendable molds are melted or dissolved out: 2.Press tools
Zinc alloys are dissolved out in a hydrochloric acid solution. 3.Foundry patterns
Aluminum alloys are readily soluble in a strong, hot, sodium 4.Diamond cutting bands
hydroxide solution. 5.Abrasive sheets.
Low-melting alloys are melted and shaken out. The alloy may be B. Mesh products
used over and over. If "tinning" occurs, the electroform may (if it is 1. Textile printing screens
nickel) be cleaned up with strong nitric acid, but it is preferable to avoid 2. Battery mesh and other porous structures
"tinning" by other means, already discussed. 3. Filters
Plastics of the thermoplastic type may be softened by heat so that 4. Razor screens.
the bulk of the mandrel may be withdrawn, after which the electroform
C. Other products
is cleaned with a suitable solvent. An expensive altemative is to dissolve
1. Foil for printed circuit and other purposes
the entire mandrel with a solvent. Plastics are more often suitable for
2. Space mirrors and metal optical parts
permanent than expendable molds.
3. Bellows
Wax may be melted out and any residues dissolved by a suitable
4. Radar wave guides
organic solvent.
5. Hea t exchangers
Backing up the Electroform 6. Seamless belts of various kinds
For certain applications, as in the electroforming of molds and 7. Venturi meters
printing plates, it is necessary that the electroform be backed with some 8. Pitot tubes
other material, which is then finished to specified dimensions to fit into 9. Rocket thrust chambers, nozzles and motor cases
a bolster or onto a printing press. The materiais used for backing will 10. Consumer products.
vary widely depending on the application. The most important backing These applications illustrate the scope and versatility of modem
methods involve the following 1) casting with low-melting temperature electroforming as a method of fabrication. The method is not universally
alloys; 2) spraying with various metals and alloys; 3) electroplating with applicable, but when it is used to best advantage, it results in unique
other metals; 4) use of thermosetting plastics and 5) spark-eroded steel products, components and tools.
back-ups. Advancements in backing techniques have been made in recent
years and are described in the technical literature.
Electroforming A pplications
Modem applications of electroforming are diverse and may be
placed in the following categories:
A. Tools
1. Molds and dies-for producing leather-grained textures and
lustrous finishes on the surfaces of plastics and other molded
materiais; for example, electroformed molds have been used in
making auto armrests; taillight reflectors; ballpoint pen bodies;
plastics caps; switch plates; chocolate and rubber products; ice
cream and ice pops; plastic dolls; plastic fresnel lenses.
Applications where the ability to reproduce detail on an 298
616 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

jigs. Chemically pure lead can be used as cathode and they are suspended
from the copper cathode bus bars on either side of anode bus bar. The
anodising process requires a device for suspending aluminium components
CHAPTER 37 in the bath. Aluminium wire can be used for this purpose in the form of
INDUSTRIAL ANODISING OF spring or hook. The aluminium wire does not contaminate the bath, but
gets anodised along with the components during anodising. For further
ALUMINIUM AND ITS ALLOYS use the oxide, coating on the wire has to be stripped in alkali solution.
This step consumes chemical, time and reduces the strength of the wire.
After a few operations, wire is discorded. Titanium strips attached to
Anodising of aluminium and its alloys has become a commercial plastisol coated aluminium frame can be used. Titanium is used for its
feasible and useful process in recent years and has allowed aluminum to superior strength and spring capabilities and it is not attached by the
penetrate into markets that were formerly alien to this metal. The anodic pretreatment processing step. During anodising only a thin barrier film is
coating produced by anodising imparts a variety of desirable properties to formed on titanium which conducts current when pressure is applied. The
the metal such as pleasing colour and textural appearance, corrosion jig can be used for a long time. The contacts between titanium and
resistance, hardness wear resistance etc. Apart from sulphuric acid, many aluminium frame should be firm.
organic acids and alkaline solutions and molten salt mixtures are suitable
for producing anodic oxide film on aluminium and its alloys. But only Influence of Acid Concentration, Current Density and
sulphuric acid is extensively used in industry for the production of both Temperature
decorative and functional anodising. The oxalic, chromic and phosphoic The voltage required to produce a given current density deceases
acids are also used for anodising to suit the specific purpose. with increase in electrolyte concentration and also with electrolyte
Sulphuric Acid Anodising temperature. But the coating produced at high temperature and
concentration is more porous, soft and thin. The abrasion resistance of the
Sulphuric acid anodising processed was introduced by Gower and
oxide film is also drastically reduced with increase in both acid
O' Berin in the year 1937. A good general purpose electrolyte contains 10
concentration and electrolyte temperature. For a given acid concentration,
to 30% v /v (3.75 to 7.51 N) or (165 to 365 gpl) of sulphuric acid. The bath
the decrease in electrolyte temperature and increase in anodising current
is operated at 18 to 25º C using a current density of 12 to 18 asf for a period
density increases the film thickness, hardness and abrasion resistance of
10 to 45 minutes. Direct current from three phase rectifier is generally used.
the oxide film. But at the sarne time porosity, ability to adsorb dye stuff as
For hard anodising CC/CV controlled stabilised power source can be
well as brightness of the anodised surface decreases. For decorative and
employed. Except hard anodising a rectifier with 30 V do out put is
protective anodising work, the minimum film thickness and dye adsorbing
sufficient. The current requirement is calculated by multiplying the
ability are required. So a compromise has to be made between acid
maximum surface area of the job in bath with current density. While
concentration, current density and bath temperature. For the given acid
calculating the size of the anodising tank a current concentration of 4
concentration, increase in anodising voltage increases the current density
litres of anodising solution per amp impressed to the bath is taken. Since
leading to greater thickness and hardness of the oxide film. Lower bath
heat is generated during anodising, the bath is provided with lead cooling
temperature and high current density increases the refrigeration capacity
coils. Brine solution at -10º C is circulated through the coils by means of
and current cost. The oxide film produced with 165 gpl sulphuric acid
suitable chemical pump to extract the heat from the anodising solution.
electrolyte at 20º C with 12 asf gives 20% more abrasion resistance than
Air from rotary pump is passed through perforated PVC pipes kept at the
the film produced at 30º C. 130 gpl acid at 25º C with 12 asf gives the sarne
bottom of the tank to achieve uniform temperature of the anodising solution
abrasion resistance of the oxide produced with 165 gpl acid operated at
and to rapidly remove the heat generated at the surface of the aluminium
20º C. The starting anodising voltage for a given acid concentration, current
components in the anodising bath. The aluminium components are
299 density and bath temperature are different for different alloys. The copper
suspended from copper anode bus bar using either aluminium or titanium
Industrial Anodising of Aluminium and its Alloys 617 618 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

alloys require higher anodising starting voltage compared to pure 4. Black coloured anodised aluminium in space applications.
aluminium series alloys under indentical conditions. 5. The chromic acid anodised films as good base for paints
and other organic finishes.
Impurities and Bath Control
6. The barrier film with high dialectic constant & field strength
The aluminium content in the bath increases with time and it should is used for making aluminium electrolyric capacitors.
not be allowed to increase to more than 18 gpl. The coating properties
differ appreciably with respect to appearance, hardness and dye adsorbing Chromic Acid Anodising
quality from a fresh bath containing 2 gpl aluminium to an old bath This process was introduced by Bengough and Stuart in the year
containing 16 gpl aluminium. ln arder to get consistent results the 1927. ln the original process 3 to 5 % of chromic acid was maintained at
aluminum content in the bath maintained at 8 to 12 gpl, probably around 40º C and different voltage of 40 to 50 V were maintained for different
12 gpl by daily removing calculated amount of acid from the bath and length of time. The total anodising time was one hour. The process has
adding required amount of fresh acid solution. The maximum chloride been slightly modified as follows. The temperature of bath is maintained
content permitted in the bath is 0.02% expressed as NaCI. at 40º + /-2º C. The voltage during is increased gradually from zero to 40 v
The following are the commercial sulphuric acid anodising processes. during 10 minutes, maintained for 20 minutes, then the voltage is increased
to 50 v during 5 minutes and maintained for 5 minutes. The total anodising
Bright Anodising
period is 40 minutes and the current density impressed is 3 to 4 asf. The
Sulphuric acid 130 gpl process gives only 2 to 5 mícron thick oxide film. The hardness and abrasion
Bath temperature 25º e resistance qualities are poor. But the corrosion resistance of the film is very
Current density 12 asf good. So the coating is used as a base for paints.
Anodising voltage 12 to 14 V de This process is suitable for anodising the work provided with rivets,
Duration 10 mixture max joints etc. Aluminium alloy containing more then 5% copper cannot be
Applications of Anodised Aluminium processed. Because of complex voltage cycle impressed to the work,
Since the anodic oxide film improve the appearance and corrosion automation is difficult and the power source with automatic control with
resistance the anodised aluminium are used in many fields. time switch is very costly.
1. Anodised plain or coloured aluminium To avoid the complex voltage cycle and rapid exhaustion of the
a. Extrusions for making doors, windows, partitions, ladder, electrolyte, constant voltage process was developed. ln this process, 5 to
antenna, furnitures like chairs etc. 10% chromic acid is operated at 40 v for a period of 30 minutes. The bath
b. Breedings, bumper & hand rails in transport industry. temperature is maintained at 30 + 2° C. The following tables give the
e. Light shades & light fitting & continuous anodised wires for influence of concentration of chromic acid on film thickness produced on
transformer windings. author aluminium. The anodising was carried out at 40 v for 40 minutes
d. Sheets in railways & aviation. maintaing the bath temperature at 50º C.
e. Electrograined & anodised sheets in litho printing. Chromic acid cone. gpl Film thickness
f. Sheets for making labels, name plates, photographic (gpl) (microns)
reproductions. 25 7.0
2. Hard anodised high strength aluminium alloys in many 40 7.5
engineering applications as piston, cylinder, gear, sliding 64 8.0
surface etc. The selective hard anodised components are used 100 8.0
in satellite and defence air-crafts. 150 7.5
3. Electra or chemical polished & anodised aluminium 200 7.0
components are used as optical reflectors. 300
Industrial Anodising of Aluminium and its Alloys 619 620 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

From the above table it ean be seen that maximum film thiekness was ehloride ion eoneentration is kept less then 0.2 gpl expressed as NaCI.
aehieved between 40 to 150 gpl of acid. The following table gives the The aluminium eontent in the bath should be kept less than 2 gpl. The
effect of bath temperature on the film thiekness. The bath was operated aluminium ion in the old bath ean be regenerated by means of special
with 100 gpl ehromie acid at 40 v for 40 minutes. type of eation exehange resins.
Temperature of bath Film thickness Oxalic acid Processes
("C) (mierons) Oxalie acid bath eontaining 3 to 5 % w /vare operated in Germany
30 1.2 using a eurrent density in the range of 10 to 24 asf at 15 to 35ºC El 0xal
35 2.0 GX and GXL are operated at 30 to 60 v de. The WGX is operated with 22
40 3.5 to 32 asf at 30 to 60 v de plus 10 to 22 asf ae to 40 to 60 v. The proportion
45 5.0 of ae to de is varied aeeording to eolour and hardness required. The Eloxal
50 8.0 WX is operated with 40 to 60 ae with 10 to 22 asf eurrent density. ln Japan
55 8.0 3% oxalie acid solution is used at 24 to 35º C. The anodising is earried out
60 7.0 with 10 to 22 asf eurrent for 30 to 80 minutes. The eathodes may be lead or
graphite or stainless steel. The anodising is followed by steam sealing at 7
From the above results it ean be seen that the thiekness of the oxide psi for 30 to 60 minutes.
film inereases with inerease in bath temperature. Chromie acid bath gave The influenee of eurrent density, temperature on the thiekness and
good film thiekness in the eoneentration range of 40 to 150 at bath other physical properties stated for sulphuric acid anodising will apply
temperature of 40 to 55º C. also to oxalie acid anodising .The best anodising eonditions for oxalie
The fresh bath eontaining 40 gpl ehromic acid is operated for acid anodising are 20 to 40ºC at the pH range of 0.5 to 1.0 with 30 to 80 gpl
anodising. The hexavalent ehromium eontent deeeases with time due to acid.
reaction with aluminium during anodising. While the eoneentration of
trivalent ehromium inereases with time, and drag out. The addition should Impurities and Bath Control
not exeeed 100% pereent or 200 gpl of total ehromic acid eontent. The bath Dissolved aluminium lowers the eonductivity of the solution linearly.
is operated in the pH range of 0.15 to 0.6. The hexavalent ehromium is Even through the eorrosion resistanee of the film is not affected, the abrasion
redueed at the eathode to trivalent form. The trivalent form is not taking resistanee deereases with inereases in eoneentration of aluminium. So the
any part in anodic oxidation of aluminium. The presense of oil, dust or aluminium eontent in the bath is maintained less than 2.5 gpl. The ehloride
grease also leads to transformation hexavalent to trivalent form. The ion eoneentration is kept below 0.2 gpl. About. 14 gram of oxalie acid is
reduction to trivalent form ean be minimised if high eurrent density is eonsumed while 0.09 gram of aluminium is dissolved in the bath per amp-
applied at the eathode during anodising. This is aehieved by using anode hour of anodising. The anodising solution is disearded when the
to eathode ratio in the arder of 10.1. aluminium eontent exeeed 3 gpl. About 5 parts by weight of oxalie acid is
added for eaeh part by weight of dissolved aluminium to maintain the
Impurities and Bath Control
bath at optimum level.
The ehromie acid bath should be provided with lead to prevent the
eontamination of dust, oil or grease. The anode to eathode ratio should be Phosphoric Acid process
properly maintained. The eoneentration of sulphate ion is not permitted to The phosphoric acid anodising was developed mainly for eletro
exeeed 0.4 gpl. Beyond this eoneentration of the protective film of ehromium deposition purpose. The proeess was developed in Germany under the
dichromate yellow film present on the lead eathode is destroyed. This yellow name of Elytal proeess whieh used 30% v /v acid. A 354 gpl solution at
prevents the reduction of hexavalent ehromium. The sulphate ion ean be 32º C using an anodising eurrent density of 14 asf for 10 minutes is
precipitated by addition of barium hydroxide or earbonate. Sufficient reeommended for Al-Mn alloys. Sponer and Serphim have reeommended
time must be allowed for the eonvention of ehromate to sulphate. The 301 anodising in 250 gpl acid using a eurrent density of 11 to 16 asf at 25º C
Industrial Anodising of Aluminium and its Alloys 621

for 10 minutes. Whittrack used 50% v /v acid at 27 asf current density,

18 to 30 v, 38° e and 5 minutes for 1100, 5005 5052, 5457 abd 5063. For
3003, 6061 and 380 alloys, the acid used was 30% v /v 27 to 43 asf, 38º
C. But super purity aluminium , 2024, 7075 and 5058 alloys can not be CHAPTER 38
plated by adopting the above conditions. The thickness of the oxide film
obtained is in the arder of 3 to 5 microns. Vigorous agitation of the ENVIRONMENTAL-REGULATORY
anodising solution is required. Since the oxide film is more soluble in the
acid, highly porous oxide film is produced. The limiting film thickness is RESTRICTIONS, RESPONSE OF
attained within 10 to 15 minutes of anodising if the concentration of the
acid exceed 25% v /v and temperature is above 25º C.
The primary function of organic coatings or paints is to protect the
substrate in natural or corrosive environment apart from giving it a
decorative and aesthetic appearance. Regardless of their chemistry or
application technology, they are designed to meet certain end use properties.
To achieve commerical viability, the coating is expected to maintain the
quality of its properties over a period of time, which may vary according to
circumstances from a few days to several decades.
Majority of paints formulations are composed of three main
components, viz, resin, pigments and solvent and the choice of the fourth
component i.e. additive depends on specific requirements. This wide range
of synthetic resins, pigments and additives available to the paint industry
is the result of systematic investigation. Synthetic resins, essentially
polymers serve as binders to keep the pigments and other ingredients bound
apart from providing mechanical and physical strength to the coating.
Organic solvents facilita te the dispersion of pigment in a resin in the course
of grinding as well as to thin the paint to the desired application viscosity.
Being nota permanent part of the coating, solvents are lost by evaporation
and pollute the environment at manufacturing plant as well as at the
application site.
ln the past, no restriction was imposed on coating industry to curtail
the use of solvents and volatile matters. Organic solvents used in the
manufacture ora large range of domestic and industrial product including
paints, printing ink, adhesive, sealants, dyes, speciality chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc., polluted the atmosphere without a
regulatory check on their use. ln the 1960s the awareness of health care
302 and safety issues in the industry became pursuant because the paint
Environmental-Regulat01yRestrictions,ResponseofPaintlnudstry&Eco-FriendlyCoating 623 624 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

manufacturers and professional painters were exposed to high VOC emission form organic coatings and paints. The paint industry began
concentration of organic solvents for extended period of time. to realise the impact and the some for measures to reduce the VOCs. Apart
Environmental issues were focused on the hazardous effect of organic from these regulations and standards set be EPA, the paint industry is also
solvents in air pollution but no concrete step was taken till mid 60s to to comply with other regulatory bodies like Occuptional Safety and Health
impose regulatory restrictions. Administration (OSHA), Superfund Amendments a and Reauthorisation
Act (SARA), NIOSH and TA-Luft.
Enactment of Rule 66 on the Use of Organic Solvents
The increasing social, environmental pollution and political Volatile Organic Component
awareness over the years led to protect the environment form polluting The components (other then methane) which produce significant
substances. Some rules were enacted prior to the summer of 1966 to control quantities of photochemical oxidants in reaction with nitrogen oxides in
Air Pollution in general. However, on July 28, 1966 Rule 66 was enacted the presence of sunlight fall under the purview of VOC. ln Europe is defined
into a Law to control organic solvent emission, in the U.S. with a special as any compound which gives off 50 mg or more of volatile carbon based
reference to Los Angles Country. The Rule primarily set out to centre the compounds in a cubic metre of air under ambient conditions. A proposed
level of air pollution by minimising the release of pollutant substances European Community (EC) directive defines VOC as any organic compound
with special reference to solvents. with a vapour pressure of 1 Pascal or more at 20º C
Safety, Health and Environment VOC, A Cause for Ozone Generation
There has been growing restrictions on the use of solvent with respect ln the atmosphere, solvent decompose or participate in chemical
to manufacture and consumption of paints since Rule 66 carne into reactions under the influence of sunlight or traces of other substances
existence. Attention was focused on the photochemical reactive, volatile present in the air. Photochemical decomposition of solvents inpresence of
organic compounds (VOCs) as well as other hazardous materiais used in nitrogen oxides leads to formation of intermediates (photooxidents) on
paint formulation. The coating industry was greatly affected by the account of their oxidising action. The individual reaction stages involved
restriction that some of the important and common constituents in paint are:
formulations no longer can be used indiscriminately because of their VOC + OH radical - - - > VOC radical+ Water ...(1)
hazardous nature. Some constituents that might be carcinogenic, irritant voe radical + oxygen - - - > peroxy radical ...(2)
in the course of manufacture or during use, were recognised and restriction Peroxy radical + NO - - > N0 2 + Oxidized VOC ...(3)
on their use was imposed. The awareness of Safety, Health and N0 2 + sunlight -->NO+ oxygen atam ... (4)
Environmental. SHE issues with associated legislative pressures were Oxygen atam + oxygen --->Ozone .... (5)
imposed on the paint industry to adopt compliant measures. Reaction (1) deals with the photochemical reactivity of the particular
VOC in the atmosphere. Reaction (2) provides the mechanism to disrupt
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
the photostationary state, represented by reactions (4) and (5). The following
ln November, 1960 the U .S. Congress created Environmental Protection chemical reaction shows that ground level ozone peaks can be influenced
Agency (EPA) and passed regulations to clean up and protect the by controlling either VOC or N02 emission
environment. The Congress either mandates itself or directs the EPA to VOC + Sunlight + N0 2 + Oxygen - - > Ozone + NO +C02 + Hp
adopt stringent regulations for protecting the environment. The EPA has Ozone, thus formed by photochemical reactions between N0 2 and
established controlled standards, designated Regional Control Centres and VOCs is regarded as a tracer for photooxidants. Even low concentration of
set time table for compliance. The clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Air Water ozone will have adverse health impacts.
Act (CWA), Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), Resource Consumption It is reported that the coatings industry contritutes 47.2% of total
Recreational Act (RCRA) also fall under the jurisdiction of EPA. VOC emission. Which has led to the current focus on eco-friendly
Organic solvents are recognised as the major contributors to the technologies.
Volatile Organic Components. The EPA proposed national rule to limit 303
Environmental-Regulatory Restrictions, Response of Paint Inudstry & Eco-FriendlyCoating 625 626 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Options of eontrol voe paint spray emissions. The cost of purchasing and operating a solvent
Acceptable solvent blends with low voe can be developed by taking recovery system is surprisingly affordable. ln arder to reduce the solvent
into account the factor related to the performance of the coating. eertain usage in the industry, attempts are being made to replace a part of organic
criteria (in. addition to cost), to be considered while selecting solvents for a solvents by super cooled liquid earbon dioxide.

Painting 47.2% Biofiltration

Airborne voe emissions van be successfully abated by the use of
natural biological processes. Biofiltration is an excellent technique for the
removal of solvents and similar compounds contained in a waste gas
t----~~!l@!!§S::::~-- Dry
Fat/Oil extraction 2.0%
Cleaning 2.3% stream. ln this technique the flow carrying low concentrations of solvents
~ Glue/Adhesives 4.8% is passed through biofilter Where solvents are tapped. It represents an
Metal Degressing 13.2%
economical way to satisfy statutory regulations. Depending on the nature
Solvent usage 11.4% Others 7 .0%
of the problem, activated carbon may be used ahead of the biofilter, within
the filter material or behind the biofilter.
Fig.1: VOC emission (%) of solvent consuming activities The United Nations VOe-Protocol
coating formulation, are: a) Fast evaporating solvent blends for sprayable The UN Economic eommission for Europe has prepared a protocol,
coatings, (b) Slow evaporating solvent blends for brushable coatings, (c) for the reduction ofVOe emissions. It was signed in November 1991by21
Good resin solubility in maximum amount of low cost diluent and minimum countries which agreed to reduce overall emissions to the extent of 30% by
amount of active solvent, (d) Higher solvent activity and balance, (e) High the end of the decade. ln achieving the target, the signatories committed to
flash point and (f) Low weight -to-volume ratio of solvent to confer economic give the highest priority to reduce the use of those substances which have
benefit. a high Photochemical Ozone ereation Potential (POeP) value. This protocol
provides the basic target for a range of legislations across Europe; either
eompliant or voe Exempt Solvents nationally, as in UK, France, Germany and Italy, or for the Ee as a whole
Non-reactive solvents like, 1,1,1,- trichloroethane, methyl chloroform, through directives.
methylsiloxanes or acetone, exempted from regulatory restrictions, can be
used as they do not participate in photochemical smog formation, which voe in Indian Paint Industry
has a strong impact on the environment. ln the Editorial of November 1996 issue of Paint lndia the editor
comments, "As on today, there are no restrictions on the emission of voe
Photochemical ozone ereation Potential (POeP) in lndia. However, we should not forget that the paint industry is still
The use of lower POeP solvents combined with solvent management classified as polluting industry". He further quotes, "This is particularly
and abatement techniques may provide effective reduction in voe impact. to beca use voe regulations will first affect the users of industrial paints.
The POeP concept helps in assessing the effect of a particular coating As a true service industry, the paint industry must care for its customers
formulation in creating tropospheric ozone. It also provides a common by foreseeing the problem and offering a viable solution". ln the end he
currency for comparison, allowing the voe package in a coating to be says, "It is about time that the paint industry began to advocate and
expressed as an equivalent mass of ethylene. propagate the use of Eco-friendly eoatings in the long term of its customers
Solvent Recovery and itself".
On site, solvent recovery presents a good solution. It promotes lower Paint Industry Response
solvent inventaries and saves company' money. ln the case of single solvent A number of industries have embarked on their own development
systems carbon bed adsorption solvent recovery is practised to control of 304 initiatives to produce innovative coatings bases on various technologies
Environmental-Regulatory Restrictions, Response of Paint Inudstry & Eco-FriendlyCoating 627 628 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

resulting in products that are safer to both the user and the environment or organic solvent emission by the use of water-brone metallic base coats
and at the sarne time complement industry's conceptual initiatives. and high solids clear coats.
Considerable investment in research and development has resulted in a
Water-Bome Coatings
new generation of coatings and system options that have been benchmark
performance. Water reducible coatings are unique in the way that they contain
ln an attempt to comply with the regulations the paint industry has resins which usually are not soluble in water. The resin is in its own
worked out various possibilities to reduce the use of organic solvents and
consequently the emission. The decade of the 80s saw numerous changes
in the coatings industry worldwide and environmental concern made
voe (lbs/gallon) Bes::cc.a:s D low solids so!vent bomo 15%
greater impact on the European and US markets. This has been undertaken
b4tJ Water-borne 10%
not only from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic 8 Clearccats - low solids
one. For almost all markets, and for many types of application of paints,
7 F >! modium solids SO'Yo
new generation products have been developed and introduced, with
6 Bll hign isolids 58%
varying levels of success.
Strategy of Paint Industry 4
ln the years taking us to the next century, the industry coating 3
application industry will have to take into consideration the following 2
• The harmful emissions and their effects on the environment o_._~-
should be drastically reduced.
• The raw materials which are environment friendly and do not
have adverse after effects should be used increasingly. Fig. 2: Restriction of organic solvent emission by use of waterbome metallic
• Recycling of wastes and by-products to tolerable limits. basecoats and higher solids clearcoats
• Development of technologies for Eco-friendly coatings. micellar phase. Water reducible systems are sometimes called water-soluble
Eco-Friendly Possibilities in Paint Formulation systems. When the coatings is reduced with water, the polymer separates
into relatively stable aggregates containing the pigment and crosslinking
As the air pollution regulation rules are becoming strict on the use of
agent and these are swollen by solvent and water. The term "water soluble"
solvent based coatings, the industries are exploring the types of coatings
should not be used for coatings formulation in water. The possible exception
that contain less orno solvents. Among the formulations being considered
is for products containing small micellar or those which are truly water
are water-borne, powder, radiation curing and high solids solvent-borne
coatings. Each of these low VOC technologies has is own set of strengths
and should eventually find a niche in the industry. Today water-brone Polymer Micelle in a Water-Reducible Coating
and high solids technologies have been developed to a greater degree than Figure 3. illustrates the resin micelle in a water reducible coating.
other types of low solvent alternatives. Experts expect that the coatings Since the polymer exists as its own organic phase, surrounded by "water"
industry will make significant use of every technology in its efforts to satisfy the solvent distributes between the organic phase and the aqueous phase.
regulatory emission controls as they are less polluting, economically Formulations based on emulsion, water-reducible and aqueouos
acceptable and offer high performance. colloidal dispersion collectively represent one of the most popular
The energy and environmental concerns of the coatings industries alternatives to conventional solvent-borne coatings. Since water is used as
have brought about significant changes in the types of coatings being the liquid medium or as a diluent, formulations based on water-borne
developed. Figure 2. presents the regulatory restrictions on the percentage
Environmental-Regulatory Restrictions, Response of Paint Inudstry & Eco-FriendlyCoating 629 630 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

resins invariably have much lower voe levels than their counterparts the paint is increased, the tolerance towards the fatty substrate is
supplied in organic solvents. decreased and there is an increased tendency towards cratering. lnterlayer
adhension is unsatisfactory due to presence of surfactants. ln addition,
most of the polymers currently used in coatings are insoluble in water. To
make them soluble they must be modified by physical or chemical means.
l l
~ }
The modification has a negative influence on the properties of the cured
H20 Solvent Omine coating. Water-borne coatings are particularly susceptible to microbial
coo- NH\ degradation. This does not discount water-borne coatings totally, but all
the above conditions should be considered thoroughly before making a
Polymer decision.
(H ,O)
ll Powder Coatings
Tg 5 Powder coatings have rapidly achieved success for a particular
combination of application parameters. They are especially suitable for
coo- NH+4 / coo- NH• one coat stoving finishes with little colour shade variations on metal. Unlike
1 4

coo- NH+, other type of finishes, powder coatings are supplied as solid powders.
Generally there is no voe to <leal with as the coating is applied ator near
1- ca.1200A max. -1 100% solids. Most powder coatings are applied on a single pass and there
is a little wastage of powder and voe is minimal. The combination of low
Fig.3: Schematic diagram of polymer micelle in a water reducible coating. waste and one coat application makes powder coatings competitive with
Neutralized carboxylic groups and surfacts stabilize the particle. other types of finishes.
Excess amine and solvent distribute between the phase Solventless or solvent-free coatings have been made inevitable on
economic and other grounds. Almost no cost of solvent, relatively low cost
Limitations of Water-Bome Coatings of applying a single coat of 200+micron, compliant to air pollution
ln spite of the boost to the further development of water-borne regulations and minimal hazards are the combined features to encourage
coatings, their use is not widespread in industrial processes. The low the use of powder coatings. The coatings systems contain no solvent except
voe water-borne coatings would appear to be ideal in providing solutions in some cases the use of 1-3% MEK, alcohol or such like solvents at the
to the demands of regulatory agencies. However, they do have some point of application. They are increasingly promising ones and are being
drawbacks, which can be traced back to the properties of water. The high promoted as the coatings of the future. However, for that claim to become a
dipole moment of water results in long evaporation times and high reality, manufacturers must overcome certain aspects, among them are the
surface tension. The evaporation rate of water depends on relative cost, coatings of lower thickness, application equipment and the gloss of
humidity, which lead to inconsistent flow behaviour during flash off. the finish. On account of these factors manufacturers find limited
Water-borne coatings applied outdoors in cold and damp conditions dry application of powder coatings. It is expected that competition in the field
slowly because of high relative humidity and cold temperature. As a will not have a negative effect on the cost/utility relationship.
consequence, of high heat of vaporisation, more energy is required to Over the years, powder coatings have gained a reasonable good
evaporate water that for typical organic solvents. position in the market especially in automotive and general appliance
Solids content at application viscosity is relatively low, 18-25 volume industries. A six-step pretreatment cycle which comprises of hot alkaline
pre cent. Popping is more difficult to control in water reducible baking cleaning, iron phosphating, application of nonchrome sealer and three
enamels than in solvent based counterparts, even when the relative stages of rinsing is recommended prior to powder coating application. The
humidity in the flash off zone is well controlled. If the amount of water in 306
Environmental-Regulat01yRestrictions,ResponseofPaintlnudstry&Eco-FriendlyCoating 631 632 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

widely used methods of application are electrostatical spraying and only a fraction of a second exposure to the UV or EB source. Radiation
fluidized bed coating. cured coatings are used for steel, coil coating primers, beverage can, etc.
Shortcomings/Limitations of Powder Coating Systems Limitations of Radiation Cured Coatings
Powder coatings appear to be successful in providing zero VOC. The advantages set out above are countered by a number of
However, they do have certain limitation. For example, a) The substrates disadvantages: (a) Flat surfaces that can be passed under the focused UV
which withstand the relatively high baking temperatures are coated, b) source or cylindrical surface that can be rotated under the source are used,
eolour changes in the application line are a serious problem, c) Extensive (b) Radical initiated UV-cured system are poor in exterior durability, beca use
cleaning of the spraying facility is necessary, ld) eolour matching is found the residual photoinitiator is also a photoinitiator for photodegradation
more difficult than in the case of conventional coatings. As the final coating reactions, (c) Solvent free pigment UV-cure coatings are limited by the depth
cannot be blended or shaded with tinting colours, the whole batch is to be of penetration of the UV-radiation.
reworked if the colour match is not satisfactory, and e) Mettalic colours
High Solids Coatings (HSC)
showing the colour change with angle of viewing, a special feature widely
used in automotive top coats is the limitation of powder coatings. Environment, economic and competitive pressure have created the
The range of suitable resin compositions is narrow in comparison to need for developing coating systems which are less polluting, more efficient
liquid coatings. As the resin components and pigments are passed through in application and performance as well as have high glamour. They are
a heated extruder the crosslinker reaction must proceed slowly so that defined as systems having a nonvol tiles level approaching to 75-80 wt%
little polymerisation occurs during the process. They are found more solids or having voes up to to 2.8 lb / gal of coating. High solids coatings
applicable to product Unes where long rungs of the sarne colour are comply well with the voe requirements yet their performance and
processed. durability are equal or superior to the corresponding low solid counter
Radiation Curable Coatings The main purpose in developing high solids coatings is the reduction
Radiation curing is relatively new technology which uses in the emission of voe to meet the environmental regulation. The most
electromagnetic (mainly UV) or ionising (mainly accelerated electrons) effective method of producing a high solids coatings is the use of low
radiation to initiate a chain reaction in which mixtures of polyfunctional molecular weight oligomers as the components of the resin. High solids
compounds are transformed into a crosslinked polymer network. ln coatings are frequently based on the sarne polymer types as used in
radiation curable coatings, the polymerisation of resin takes place in three conventional system, but molecular weight is reduced. The fact that the
steps: initiation, propagation and termination. The initiation step involves molecular weight reduction helps to achieve application viscosity at high
generation of a reactive species (free radical or acid). During irradiation solids is clarified by the physical description of flow associated with the
with UV light, the reactive species are formed by chemical decomposition free volume concept. The molecular weight reduction causes an increase
of a photoinitiator. ln electron beam (EB) curing, a photoinitiator is required in free volume because chain ends undergo segmentai motion relatively
in the formula, whereas in electron cured coatings the energy is directly readily.
absorbed by the reacting molecules. The widely used resin systems are The approach helps to clarify some important trade-offs in high solids
oligomers substituted with several acrylic ester groups mixed with low formulations i.e. a) Molecular weight reduction help to achieve application
molecular weight functional or trifunctional acrylates anda monofunctional viscosity, b) Selection of flexible oligomers facilitates application, c) Efficiency
acrylate. Many pigments absorb UV-radiation, thus commercial UV-cure for reduction of solution Tg should be considered during selection of solvent
coatings are unpigmented clear coatings. or reactive diluents and d) ln the analysis of hot application or oven sagging.
Radiation has significant advantage over heat as the source of energy ln the technology of low molecular weight binder, it is necessary to
for crosslinking reactions. The energy requirement for radiation curing is achieve high solids contents. To attain good mechanical and chemical
much lower than for thermal baking systems. Radiation curing requires properties, molecular weight is increased after application by crosslinking
Environmental-Regulatory Restrictions, Response of Paint Inudstry & Eco-FriendlyCoating 633 634 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

during curing. The usual requirements of mechanical, chemical resistance The higher solids content of these coatings lead to a number of
and corrosion protection as well as weathering resistance are fulfilled and advantages. For a specific film thickness, less volume of paint is required.
high solids materials are recommended as environment friendly candidates. This leads to solvent conservation, reduced transport cost, lower storage
From the theoretical and practical point, high solids solvent-borne cost (due to less space and minimal handling) and lower instance cost. As
coatings represent one of the simplest and logical approaches to achieve lower amount of solvent is to be removed during the drying process, less
low VOC. The dose similaritly between high solids and conventional low energy is required. ln the case of high solids coatings less number of coats
solid coatings formulation helps the manufacturers to switch over with are applied for obtaining thicker films. Many formulators have preference
ease. With the new high solids system they can continue to make use of for high solid solvent based coatings over water borne systems because of
knowledge and expertise they acquired over the years and they do not traditional performance advantages.
have to replace or remodel their formulating and application equipment.
Remediai Steps for Better Performance of High Solids Coatings
ln the recent time the share of high solids coatings in industrial
coatings field has been quite large especially in the United States. High solids coatings tend to have higher surface tension than the
The importance of a scientific approach to the subject is paramount conventional coatings. The high surface tension may cause poor
for the development of high solids coatings technologies. Figure 4 illustrates sprayability, poor wetting and such film deficiencies as fish eyes and edge
projects the growth pattern in the production of different types of pull. The low surface tension of alkyl proportionate solvent may help to
environmentally sustainable coatings. There has been substantial decline lower the surface tension of the coating and therefore permit more flexibility
in the production of conventional solvent based coating whereas high solids in formulation.
and water based coatings recorded a continuous growth. Almost no High solids have problems in multicoat applications due to solvent
increase is observed in the production of radiation curable coating while retention in thick films, causing poor film performance. For thin films,
powder coatings have a nominal increase in their production. heating is necessary. Even so, application of these systems to obtain an
even film build requires experienced personnel.

l..ow ~ • W81ef Baed
• High Solida ~ ~
High solids systems lead to more sludge deposition in water wash
spray booths. If dry filters are not used, some other means of sludge removal
is, for all practical purposes, mandatory.
IO - - _:~ - -><-Alld. c-.r.
1 ~'-....~~,~~~~,~~~~,~~--'

' -~ 1 1
50 _____ !_ _____ !..~.._, ___ !_ _ _ _ _ _ L ____ _
1 • ......... 1 1
..... , 1

40 _____ !_. _ _ _ _ _ !_. _ _ _ _ _

!.._':... . . . ,. __ t_ _ _ _ _ _
1 1 1 • .......
..........1 _
1 1 1 ..._·-~- ..

30 - - - - - :- - - - - : - - -~-~---~ ~- -= ::. ~ -- ;-- -- -

20 ~-:..·:.·· :.::.t:_ ·~~- --:_~---~---­
' ~---
10 ~--- - - - - - L - - ~ ...--:-=-:::-: - - - - - -
1 ~-- 1 1
--~- 1 1

197"> 1900 1965 1990 1995 2000

Fig. 4 The Production of different types of sustainable coatings

636 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

appear promising.
Palladium coatings have found use in electronics industry for
contacts on printed circuits and other contact applications such as in
CHAPTER 37 telephones. The coatings also serve as a diffusion barrier, for example,
between gold and copper.
PLATING OF PRECIOUS METALS Deposits of ruthenium have, only 2.5 µm thick, excellent resistance to
electric ares and also high hardness (800 DPH) and hence its uses are
expected to grow.
Introduction Aqueous baths for silver and gold give rise to excellent deposits. ln
Electrodeposited coatings finda number of decora tive and functional the case of platinum group metals, deposits from molten cyanide
applications. Because of their nobility they generally resist chemical or electrolytes are superiors to those from aqueous solutions in respect to
corrosive attack. Their low electrical contact resistance makes them soundness, thickness platable without cracking and freedom stress. The
eminently suitable for electrical contacts and various applications in the necessity of using high temperatures (600ºC), and an argon atmosphere, as
electronics industry. well as the precautions to be taken have severely restricted their use.
Silver is the cheapest of the precious metals. Its resistance of foods
(except those of high sulphur content) is exploited in decora tive plating of Silver Plating
table ware and hollow ware. ln bearings, a silver deposit provides a surface Bath Compositions
which is resistant to galling at low loads. Other uses include applications
It is significant that the cyanide baths now in use, are essentially the
for electronic circuit components, sliprings, waveguides, and hot gas seals.
sarne as proposed by Elkington brothers in the year 1840. Time and again
ln the electronics industry, gold deposits provide corrosion protection,
attempts have, however, been made to formulate solutions free from the
decorative finishes, electrical contact surfaces, bonding surfaces for
toxic cyanide. The thiosulphate bath appears to have found limited
soldering or thermal compression bonding and electroformed conductors
commercial use in view of the present legal regulations in regard to plating
for semiconductor devices. It is unlikely that, without gold plating, modem,
effluents. The superiority of the cyanide bath is to be ascribed to the high
semiconductor technology could have reached its present state of
stability constant of silver double cyanide complex which enables
advancement, particularly in the new generation of devices using large-
production of sound, well adherent deposits. On the other hand, other
scale integration.
baths as well as the strike solutions, have an undesirable tendency to give
Abroad, the rhodium electrodeposit is a standard white finish on
rise to loosely adherent immersion deposits of silver when a piece of copper
costume jewellery, solid gold jewellery and even platinum on which it
or any other metal to be plated upon is immersed in them.
provides a more reflective finish when used as a setting for diamonds.
Some cyanide compositions and the conditions of operating them are
Because of its uniform high reflectivity over long periods of time, it has
given in table. 1:
been used in mirrors and reflectors for search lights. Rhodium is being
The influence of complexation on potential can be appreciated from
plated to an increasing extent on electrical contacts particularly on circuit
the fact that in a cyanide solution with a silver content of 27 gpl and a free
boards, where its high conductivity and tarnish resistance are important
cyanide concentration of 16.0 gpl, the usually positive potential of silver is
considerations. Though it is the most expensive of the precious metals, it is
reduced to -0.369V.
widely applied as flash coatings for decorative and functional effects.
The complex ion Ag(CN) 2 in solution acts as the source of silver
Platinum is plated abroad to a small extent in jewellery making and
which gets deposited cathodically. While a higher silver concentration
to a somewhat larger extent for protection of chemical equipments. At
enables operation at higher current densities, a reduction in concentration
present its uses are limited but applications for electrical contact points
further improves the already good solution throwing power.
and coating of anodes to makes them insoluble in corrosive electrolytes
Potassium or sodium cyanide keeps silver in the form of a complex
Plating of Precious Metals 637 638 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Table 1: Compositions and Operating Conditions for Silver Plating Operating Conditions
KCN NaCN High Speed Generally the permissible plating current density depends upon the
solution solution Bright Nitrate For plating silver content of a bath. Sodium baths are operated generally ata current
based on density of 0.5 A/ dm 2, and potassium baths with the sarne silver content at
bearings 1.0 A/ dm 2, higher current densities being possible with solution agitation.
Silver cyanide, gpl Solutions with higher silver contents can be operated at a current density
30-40 30-40 40-55 45-150 75-110 of 10 A/dm 2 at 40ºC preferably with agitation.
Free potassim cyanide, gpl
Additives for Brightening and other Effects
30-45 85-115 70-235 85-143
Potassium carbonate, gpl A brightener based on carbon disulphide and obtainable by
30-90 20-90 15-90 15-75 periodically shaking the organic liquid with a concentrated potassium
Free sodium cyanide gpl, cyanide solution and decanting off the clear solution, has been widely
used for production of semibright deposits.
Sodium carbonate, gpl,
38-45 Bright deposits can be obtained with a combination of potassium
Nitrate gpl 100 40-60 selenate (7.5 gpl) and Turkey Red Oil (2.5 ml/l) as additives and at plating
(optional) current densities of 2.0-3.0 A/ dm 2 •
Potassium hydroxide, gpl
Some brightener compounds are: 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, 2-
4-30 4-30
Temperature, ºC Room Room +-Upto 40ºC~ mercaptothiazole, thioacetanilide and trimercaptocyanuric acid, used in
Current density, Temperature Temperature small quantities. Bright plating solutions are usually operated at higher
A/dm2 0.5-1.0 0.5 +-Upto 10 A/dm2 ~ than normal current densities.
with solution agitation
ln solutions for high current density operation, as in the case of
bearings as the workpieces, ammonium thiosulphate (0.1-0.3 gpl) is used
as grain refiner. Deposits of upto 75 µm thickness, which do not required
ion, provides for good anode corrosion and high conductivity. It also
any machining can be produced from such solutions.
increases cathode polarization. Potassium baths have, because of their
higher conductivity, a higher productivity, and also have a better Maintenance and Control
performance than sodium baths. Bright and high speed plating are carried The baths should be properly maintained by periodically analysing
out with potassium baths. for the major constituents and making replenishments accordingly. Organic
The presence of alkali metal carbonate contributes effectively to bath additives are controlled by making additions on the basis of H ull cell tests.
conductivity, and increase cathode polarization, apart from improving the With excessive build-up of break-down products of organic additives,
physical properties of the deposits. The maximum permissible carbonate activates, activated carbon treatment should be resorted to, and fresh
concentration is 60 gpl in the case of the sodium bath and 110 gpl in the additions made to the extent required.
potassium bath. Excessive amounts of carbonates in solution can be
removed by precipitation with calcium sulphate additions, though the best Anodes
method is to add barium cyanide, calcium cyanide or barium argen to Silver anodes used should be of high purity (not less than 99.97 per
cyanide. cent). They may be in the form ofballs, shots, plates or rods. The performance
Potassium nitrate addition is reported to extent the bright range and of anodes is sometimes badly affected due to inadequate free cyanide, too
operating characteristics of silver baths. Because anode corrosion is high an anodic current density and presence of sulphide or organic
improved, lower free cyanide concentrations can be permitted. impurities in solution. Traces of metallic impurities in anode may also
cause anode blackening.
Plating of Precious Metals 639 640 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

The anodes should be preferably bagged with woven synthetic anodic treatment in a solution containing sodium hydroxide (15 gpl) and
fabrics of polypropylene, polyethylene or other alkali-resistant material, sodium cyanide (80 gpl) with steel as cathode.
especially for heavy deposition. Deposits on brass, nickel, silver or copper, however, requite a mixture
of concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids in the volume ratio of 32:1 and
Materiais of Construction
at 80ºC.
Steel tanks should be lined with rubber, neoprene or plastics inert to
highly alkaline solutions. Rigid PVC, or polypropylene tanks are also used. Trouble Shootings
Anode hooks and rack contacts should be stainless steel. Stainless Symptom Cause Cure
steel or plastic lined filter systems are generally employed. Blistered deposit 1. Inadequate cleaning Check cleaning procedure
2. Improper striking Correct silver
Preparation of Basis Metal striking operation
Rough deposit 1. Too high a current density Use correct current density
As silver is a noble metal, substrates of copper, steel, etc. which easily
with burnt-
displace the former from its solutions giving rise to loosely adherent on-edges 2. Improper jigging or racking Rearrange jigging racking
immersion deposits, are to be properly treated before silver plating. 3. Insufficient free cyanide Raise free cyanide
Immersion deposition of silver is suppressed by striking a thin silver layer 4. Low silver content Raise silver content
Generally 1. Solid dirt present in bath Filter solution
(from a solution with a low silver and high free cyanide content) at a rough and
higher current density. Compositions and current densities for striking granular 2. Particles from anodes Check bagging procedure
silver on ferrous and nonferrous surfaces are given as under. deposit especially heavy deposition

Table 2 : Composition and Current Densities for Silver Strike Baths 3. Impurities present use high purity anodes. Filter
solution and dummy
Solution Solution overnight at 0.1-0.2 A/dm2
I II Yellowing of 1. Excessive brightener, Filter through activated
deposit or organic impurity carbon
Silver cyanide, gpl 1.5 3.2 2. High iron content Crystallize out potassium
Copper cyanide, gpl 12.5 ferrocyanide solution
Potassium or sodium cyanide, gpl 80.0 80.0
Discoloured 1. Impure anodes Use pure anodes
Current density, A/ dm 2 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 silver 2. Low free cyanide Correct the concentration
Duration's 15-3- 15-30 anodes or high carbonate content
3. Too high a current density Lower the current density
For ferrous materiais, it is preferable to give two strikes, firstly in Hard to buff Presence of Filter through activated
solution 1 and then in solution II. Solution II serves for treatment of deposit impurities in carbon and dummy overnight
solution at 0.1-0.2 A/dm2 •
nonferrous metals.
Dark or stained 1. Presence of Check on possible carry-
and streaked copper in over of copper into the
Post Treatment deposit solution bath. Avoid copper
Silver is prone to tarnish. Silver plated surfaces are therefore usually contamination
chromated by a cathodic treatment for 1-5 minutes ata current density of 2 2. Organic contamination Filter through activated carbon
A/dm 2 in a solution of potassium dichromate, potassium carbonate and
potassium hydroxide each at a concentration of 40 gpl making use of Gold Plating
stainless steel anodes. Bath compositions
Removal of Silver Deposits Gold plating baths have been divided into four types: (i) the
unbuffered alkaline, (ii) the acid buffered, (ili) the neutral buffered, and
Defective silver deposites on steel or nickel surfaces are removed by
311 (iv) those based on gold complexes other than cyanide. The first three are
Plating of Precious Metals 641 642 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

prepared with the good double cyanide complex. Typical compositions buffered baths are superior to cyanide baths.
belonging to these types are induded in table 3. Hard gold deposits with codeposited metals (ni or Co ), are laminar
in structure and may contain as much as 0.2% carbon, other indusions
Table 3: Typical Gold Plating Solutions and Operating Conditions
being nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. Hard gold plating is normally carried
Systems Alkaline cyanide Buffered citrate Buffered phosphate out atroam temperature from the citrate system.
Rack Barrei Rack Barrei Rack Barrei Acid baths containing alums of chromium, aluminum and gallium
KAu(CN) 2 (68%), gpl 12 6 12 20 20 20 and operated in the pH range of 3-6 have been reported to give smooth,
KN, gpl 20 30 hard and pure deposits of gold.
K2HP04 gpl 20 30 40 40
KH2P04 gpl 82 10 10
Citrate solutions containing 30-60 gpl of ethyl phosphate produce
K,co, gpl 20 30 deposits that are brighter and smoother than when the organic phosphate
K2H citrate, gpl 70 50 is not present.
Temperature, 0 C 50-60 50-65 60 60-70 60-70 60-70
Current density, A/ dm2 0.1-0.5 0.1-0.5 0.1-0.3 0.4-0.6 0.1-0.2 0.4-0.6 Non-cyanide Solutions
pH at room temperature 11-11.5 11-11.5 6.0-6.5 5.2-5.8 6.5-10.5+ 10-10.5
Baths based on the sulphite complex of gold are growing in
+With photoresist in rack plated parts, the recommended range is 6.5-7.0 importance. Deposits from these baths can be 99.99 per cent pure and soft,
made to exhibit a wide range of hardness in 99.9 per cent purity or can be
Alkaline Solutions alloyed at low (1 per cent) or high (50 per cent) levels. Consequently these
The solutions usually contain excess cyanide, normally operate ata exhibit a wide range of physical and chemical properties. Though normally
pH above 8.5 and have cathode current efficiencies dose to 100 per cent. operated in the alkaline pH range, the baths can under certain circumstance
The deposits from such solutions can be pure, or, with suitable alloying be used under neutral pH condition. Alloying elements are usually copper,
additives in solution, of alloys with nickel, copper or silver. Pure gold cadmium or arsenic. Operation of sulphite baths requires more careful
deposits are columnar in structure and contain measurable quantities of control than the buffered systems. The baths have good throwing power
carbon. At lower than recommended levels of pH, cyanide baths forma and normally operate with almost 100 per cent current efficiency.
dark polymeric deriva tive of cyanogen or partially hydrolysed hydrocyanic
acid, originating at the anode, and this material can become incorporated Sulphite Gold Solutions
in the deposit. Cyanide solutions give more porous coatings than the It is possible to deposit alloys from sulphite gold solutions and the
buffered or neutral systems. The deposits are useful for most of the deposit hardness may vary from 85 to 350 Knoop, depending upon
applications except for sliding electrical contacts, where they generally brightener and alloying additives. An alloy plating bath composition and
fail. the operating conditions are as follows:
Gold (as sulphite complex) 10.0 gpl
Buffered Solutions
Copper (as EDTAcomplex) 2.5 gpl
Deposits from these baths may be pure or depending upon other Ethylenediamine 4.0 gpl
bath ingredients, alloyed. Baths containing other metals are operated ata EDTA disodium salt 20.0 gpl
pH of 4.0, while pure gold deposits are obtained by operating within the Ammonium sulphite 30.0 gpl
pH range of 4.0-7.0. Diversity in operating pH allows plating of parts with pH 324~
photoresist materiais which is a distinct advantage over cyanide baths. Temperature 3040ºC
For baths with intentionally added codepositable transition metals Trials with gold deposits for sliding electrical contacts have shown
such as cobalt or nickel, a cathode current efficiency of about 40 per cent is that these will seize earlier than deposits from acid buffered baths.
common. Because of the variation of current efficiency with changes in
bath concentration, temperature, current density etc., these solutions Brightener Additives
require dose control during use. ln terms of deposit properties, the 312 Numerous inorganic and organic brightener additives are mentioned
Plating of Precious Metals 643 644 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

in published and patent literature. A few will be indicated here. Table 4: Compositions and Operating Conditions of Rhodium
Cyanide gold solutions with a small quantity of silver but a Plating Solutions
substantial quantity of nickel give rise to fully bright coatings having a
Phosphate Sulphate Sulphate
greenish tinge.
Nickel sulphate addition (2 gpl as metal) gives rise to bright deposits Rhodium content gpl 2.0 1.3-2.1 5.25
from a phosphoric type gold bath operated ata pH of 4.0, and ata current Phosphoric acid (85%) g/155-115
density of0.1-1.5 A/dm 2 • Sulphuric acid gpl 50-160 50-100
Temperature ºC 38-50 38-50 44-50
Hexamine (20 gpl) and cystine (1.0 gpl) together give rise to bright
Current density A/ dm2 2-15 2-10 10-30
gold from a disodium phosphate containing cyanide bath at 60-65ºC, and Anodes Platinum Platinum Platinum
a current density of 1.0-2.0 A/dm 2 • or Pt/TI or Pt/TI or Pt/TI
Anodes Sulphate baths are superior to all other baths in view of their easy
The best anodes are of platinized titanium for gold plating. Gold maintenance, and higher ca thode efficiency and the deposit having a lower
anodes in cyanide solutions are associated with excessive is solution. internai stress and higher hardness.
Stainless steel and carbon anodes contaminate the plating solutions; Small amounts of phenol or selenic acid improve the deposits but
especially those of the buffered type. contamination with inorganic or organic impurities spoils their appearance,
and other characteristics.
Strike Solutions
Usually a chemical or anodic etch of a workpiece is recommended
The nobility of gold makes the use of strike solutions necessary for for subsequent heavy deposition or rhodium. ln the case of light deposition,
improving deposit adhesion. The dragnet vessel may be used as the strike it is useful to apply a thing bright nickel layer as a pretreatment. Generally,
tank. Strike solutions generally have a low gold concentration (0.8 gpl or work-pieces to be plated are allowed to remain in a rhodium bath for
less) and are operated ata high current density (.05-1.0 A/dm 2). about 5 seconds without current being switched on.
Maintenance and Control of Solutions Increase ofbath temperature leads to high cathode current efficiencies,
As usual, chemical analysis is resorted to for correcting the but for the sake of convenience, most decorative plating is carried out at
composition of a bath. Any depletion of gold is, except in the case of sulphite roam temperature.
baths, made good with gold double cyanide concentrateor salt. An ampere Gradual oxidation of rhodium at the anode finally results in the
minute meter in the plating circuit will be of help in maintaining the gold solution becoming as indicated by the change in its colour to greenish
concentration. Any loss of solution should be avoided, and waste solutions black.
should be carefully stored so that the precious metal may be recovered by Platinum Baths
reduction with zinc or sodium borohydride. While good deposits of upto 25 µm thickness can be obtained from
Platinum Group Metais compositions given in Table 5, that containing sulphamic acid has been
Because of the difficulty of preparing the plating solutions, their found to give rise to smooth, 0.5 mm thick deposits.
concentrates are usually made available to consumers. Most of the solutions Palladium Baths
contain the metals concerned in the form of complexes. Platinum group Typical composition and operating conditions are included in
metals have a strong tendency to be deposited with a high stress. Table 6.
Rhodium Plating Solutions Ruthenium Baths
More important than other metals of its group, rhodium is generally Table 7. gives two typical compositions containing ruthenium as
plated from a sulphate or phosphate bath. the binuclear nitrogen-bridged complex.
A few plating compositions are indicated in table 4:
Plating of Precious Metals 645

Table 5: Platinum Plating Compositions and their Operating Conditions

P(NH),(N0)2 P(NH3 ),(N03) 2 H,Pt(N0,) 2504 K,Pt(OH) 6
bath bath bath bath CHAPTER 40
Platinum, gpl 10 40 5 12
Ammonium nitrite, gpl
Sodium nitrite, gpl
Ammonia, 28% ml/l 40
Potassium hydroxide, gpl 15 SOLUTIONS USING HULL CELL
Sulphamic acid, gpl 80
Sulphuric acid, gpl topH 2.0 STUDIES
Temperature, "C 90 75 40 75
Current density,A/ dm2 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.75
Anodes Pt or Pt plated Pt or Pt Pt or Pt Pt,nickel Introduction
titanium plated titanium plated orPtplated
titanium titanium This chapter deals about Hull Cell which is an indispensable tool for
electro platers to locate the cause of troubles in plating baths. Different
Table 6: Composition and Operating Conditions for Palladium Plating types of Hull Cell available at the disposal of plater is highlighted. This
Pd(NH),(N0,) 2 Pd(NH),(N0,) 2 Pd(NH) 4 Br2 lecture also covers determination and role of current efficiency of plating
bath bath bath baths, internai stress in electrodeposits and adhesion of the coatings.
Palladium, gpl 4 10-25 21-32 A plating bath can be controlled by holding all chemical ingredients
Ammonia, 28% to pH 9-10 within specified limits. It can also be controlled by plating range tests and,
Ammonium bromide, gpl 32 in a few cases, it can be controlled with a hydrometer and a simple test.
Ammonium nitrate, gpl 90
Temperature, ºC 43-55 38-60 55
The control method selected depends primarily on the type of deposit
Current density, desired. Baths that are used for flash deposits usually may be run for long
A/dm2 0.5-3.0 0.5-2.0 2.0-4.0 periods without the use of tests or analysis.
Anodes Platinum Platinised Platinum
The most frequently used and most reliable methods are those of
analytical chemistry. If chemical limits are set on a bath and are proved to
The tetraminodibromide solution produces coatings of high ductility. be adequate for a specific application, then the question of the bath control
is merely a matter of a few analysis. If the bath is analyzed and adjusted
Table 7 : Compositions and Operating Conditions for Ruthenium with in chemical limits.
Plating Attention can be paid to other plating variables such as temperature,
racking and the preparatory steps taken prior to plating.
KlRu,NCl/H,0)) (NH,)lRu,Ncl/H,0))
bath bath Methods that are rapid and of sufficient accuracy are not available to
determine the impurities that enter the bath. The impurities must be held
Ruthenium, gpl 10 12
Hydrochloric acid up to pH 1.3 up to pH 1.0 below specified limits justas the chemical ingredients must be held within
Ammonium sulphamate g/l 10 limits. If plating is being carried out on zinc base die casting, zinc will
Ammonium formate gpl 10 build up in the bath since it is an active metal. When zinc is present in
Temperature, "C 70 70
Current density A/ dm2 0.8 1.0
excessive quantity, it will cause trouble in most of the baths.
Metallic impurities regularly enter the baths by their reaction with
Bright, hard, and crack free deposits in thickness not exceeding 2.5 the plating racks and the metal to be plated. ln addition, metal may be
µm can be obtained from the solution containing the potassium salt of dragged in from the perpara tory tanks.
the complex. Small amounts of lead will ruin the deposit from almost all of the
Control of Electroplating Solutions using Hull Cell Studies 647 648 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

alkaline or cyanide baths. Lad, tin, zinc and chromium will cause trouble solution in arder to eliminate the possible effect of difference in the
in a cyanide copper bath. Copper, zinc, chromium and iron will contamina te anode material.
a nickel bath, and any of the noble metals may cause trouble in an acid
lead or acid tin bath.
Chemical control methods cannot be completely relied upon for the
determination of metal impurities. Also, it will often be found that a bath t
will not operate property even though it is within the given chemical limits.
This merely means that something is causing trouble which is not included
in the chemical analysis.
The cause may be the presence of an organic compound whose
detection by analytical methods may be extremly difficult or no method
may be available for its determination. Even the known organic dubstrances
that are added to the bath often cannot be controlled by analysis. Therefore,
a plating test is needed. The simplest plating test is carried out by means
of a Hull cell.
The plating range test foretells the cause of the trouble. This is true
-4----- 12S
because troubles often start at either high or low current densities and •
creep into the normal plating range. The plating range test such as the Fig. 1: Hull Cell (Actual Size)
Hull cell test or the bent cathode test, pick up trouble at the current densities The condition of the plating solution is judged from the appearance
out-side the normal plating range and corrective steps can be taken for of the cathode after test. Hence, the cathode material and surface condition
trouble occurs at the plating tank. should be the sarne as that of the work which is plated in practice. However,
Hull Cell polished brass or steel is quite suitable. It is unadvisable to use a cathode
more than once since stripping will materially alter the surface
The Hull cell is a small scale plating vat having a particular
characteristics of the test piece.
trapezoidal planas shown in figure 1. The shape and dimensions are very
important and are manufactured in various sizes 250, 267, 320, 534 and The thickness of the cathode should preferably be 0.5 ± 0.1 mm but it
can be upto 1 mm and is of size 100 x 65 mm. For operation of the Hull
1000 mil, mainly for operating convenience.
Cell direction current of 1-5 A from a rectifier or battery is required.
ln the Hull cell the cathode is fixed at an anlge to the anode. Both
anode and cathode occupy the full cross section of the cell. The cell is The hanging Hulll Cell (fig. 2) is of recent origin and this is also a
version of the Hull cell designed to hang directlyon the carrier bar or cathode
manufactured from a non-conducting material such as perspex, glass, PVC
rod of the plating tank. This will product on the test panel a deposit
or polythene. The moulded polypropylene cell is used for chromium plating
solutions which operates at high temperature. For temperature control showing the characteristics of the plating bath over the entire operating
current density range. This cell has the advantage of testing under
either a water bath or thermostatically controlled quartz immersion heaters
production conditions in the plating tank itself.
can be employed.
Another cell under this category is the 'Modified Hull Cell' which
The anode is flat and is on size 56 x 62 mm and occupies the full
was developed for use in high current denisty solutions such as chromium
cross section of the cell. The choice of anode material depends on the
plating baths. It consists of the standard Hull Cell (267 ml) in which 10
solution under test. Anodes are made of brass, cadmium, copper, lead,
mm diameter holes have been introduced on to the two parallel sides as
nickel, tin and zinc and for precious metal plating, stainless steel, platinum
shown inFig 3. Exact spacing and size of the holes is not necessary. The
and silver. The sarne anode should be used for all experiments on a given
modified cell is used inside another vessel such as a 200 mm diameter
Control of Electroplating Solutions using Hull Cell Studies 649 650 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

The Hull cell may be employed usefully for the control of most type
PROTECTIVE h of plating solutions. One of its great advantages is that it is possible for
1. CATHODE the skilled workers to assess the deposit characteristics at varying current
2. densities all on one test panel. It is also possible to carry out tests at
3. various temperatures and current densities, and so to get a good idea of
the bath characteristics and of the changes dueto the variables introduced.
lt is an corrosive IA 1
• • 1 1
fluid at holes,
valley, etc.
60 '° 40 '° 11i "16 o • 1 1

Fig 2: The Hanging Hull Cell

e-- P~-.....t i.aae

1• Ili~ '° ., ~ ~
n "'

- H012S IOll 7' W • • lfS a.t

Fig. 4 Current Density Scales for the 267cc and 530cc Hull Cells.
Fig. 3: Modified Hull Cell
Hull cell panels may be conveniently stored in the desicator, or in
crystallizing dish filled to the cell solutin mark, with the solution under
plastic envelopes as permanents records of solution characteristics. With
test or it can be placed directly in the plating tank. Operation of the cell
regular hull cell tests it is possible to anticipate plating solution faults
at currents of 10 to 15 and temperatures of 55º are possible with little
well in advance of their becoming production danger.
temperature fluctuation as natural solution movement by convection
The Hull cell test consists of placing a representative sample of the
currents produces a constant inter change of solution through the holes.
bath to be tested in the cell, positioning the anode and sheet cathode and
The primary current distribution on the Hull cell cathode follows a
passing a definite quantity of current through the solution. The anode
logarithmic curve and for the 267 cell.
occupies the square cross sectional end of the cell and polished cathode of
Current Density (CD) at any point-I (27.7 - 48.7 log L)
copper or thin cold rolled steel are placed along the inclined side.
where the current density is an A/ft 2 and L is in inches.
The plating time (usually 2 to 5 minutes) and the total current passed
Hull cells can be left or right handed so that the high current density
through the solution must be standarized to obtain reproducible results,
area can be at either end of the test panel. Metal distribution is again
and these conditions must be determined empirically for each plating
different from the current distribution since it also depends on the
system. A direct current of 2 to 3 A is usually satisfactory, exception in
throwing power of the solution.
the case of decorative chromium, which requires 5 A and hard chromium
Figure 4 shows the current denisty scales (actual size) (current denisty
requires 6 to 10 A.
in A/ft2) for different Hull Cell currents. For 1 A current the CD ranges 0-
The current density at any vertical plane on the cathode may be
40 A/ft2.
found by referring to the gaph shown in figure 4. A typical Hull Cell
316 deposit is shown figure 5 (a).
Control of Electroplating Solutions using Hull Cell Studies 651 652 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

6. Testing tank linings.

Case Studies using Hull Cell
Influence of Buffing Compounds
Buffing compounds can have a dramatic dulling effect upon the
appearance of the deposit. Adequate cleaning to removal the buffing
e D compounds and maintenance of plating racks assist in reducing
contamination. ln some cases, it is almost impossible to remove all of the
t. t
buffing compounds, particularly if the compounds are embedded in

No Deposit recesses. ln this case, removal of the contaminants from the plating bath by
use of activated carbon represents the only practical solution to the
1·: ·.. :_ : 1 problem.

Fig. 5 (a) Typical Hull Cell Test Plate of a Cold Nickel Bath With Brightener
Chromium in Cyanide Copper Bath
(b) Note book Entry of A Hull Test Plate Chromic acid produces dull, blotchy, non adherent deposits even
when present in very low concentrations in cyanide copper plating baths.
The high current denisty end of the plate is at the left. ln the panel
Since chromium is not detrimental when present in the lower + 3 valence
illustrated, the area A is dark and rough, area B is dull, while area C is
state, reducing and chelating agents are used to reduce chromium to the
bright and area D has either no depoist or a very thin deposit. An
innocuous + 3 valence state. It is important that stringent precautions
excellent procedure for recording results of such control tests is to sketch
should be taken to minimize drag in of Chromic acid.
the appearance of the section shown between the dotted lines.
The general code for recording these results is shown in fig. 6 A note Lead in Cyanide Zinc
book entry would then appear as in Fig. 5 (b ). Lead has strong effect on the apperance of the zinc deposits when
Each plating solution will exhibit different characteristics which present in low concentrations. Its dulling effect can be detected at
require operator experience in arder to interpret the results of optimum concentration as low as 5 ppm. Lead can be readily precipitated as the
solution control. Standard plates for the principal bath variabls should insoluble lead sulphide by adding sodium polysulphide in the bath. Lead
be prepared in arder to become familiar with the effect on the appearance acetate test paper can be used to detect the presence of excess Polysulphide
of the deposit. Standard plates prepared with ideal solution serve as in the bath.
control references. However, excess sulphide in most cyanide zinc baths has not adverse
The frequency of the control plating tests will vary with the type of effect on brightness and they should be maintained with excess sulphide.
bath and its operation. When defective plate is noted on the Hull Cell
panel, proper adjustment should be made to the test solution, and the test Detection of Excessive Brighteners
should be repeated to observe whether the treatment has been effective. If Most frequently operator adds excessive brightener when
so, the plating bath should receive the sarne corrective additions. contamination and other factors are responsible for dull deposits. There
The Hull Cell can be utilized to study the following parameters: are no convenient tests to determine concentrations of most brighteners,
1. Metal distribution and throwing power. other than Hull Cell. ln this test, a sample of the bathis merelyu diluted
2. Covering power. with a sample containing no additive. If the plated panel is bright, this
3. Testing the suitability of basis metals. provides a good indication that the bath contained excess brightener.
4. Anodizing.
Levelling Characteristics of Nickel Bath
5. Electra polishing.
317 ln this test the panel to be tested is burnished across the face of the
Control of Electroplating Solutions using Hull Cell Studies 653 654 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

panel before plating. The panel is then plated at 3 A for 15 minutes. If the production, precautions must be taken to insure that activated carbon
burnish marks disappears except at the low current density end where the does not pass through the filter in continuous carbon treatment of nickel
deposits is very thin, the bath is said to have good levelling. The nickel or other plating solutions.
plates faster in the valleys of the scratches and consequently the surface of
Estimation of Dummying
the deposit is smoother than the basis metal.
Low current density Lectrolysis or dummying is frequently carried
Zinc in Bright Nickel Bath out to remove metallic impurities. This is carried out in the Hull Cell by
Contamination ofbright nickel bath with zinc causes darkness in the electrolyzing the sample bath at low current density with the anode and
low current density areas. The deposit is also dull and non-uniform in the cathode parallel, i.e., the cathode plate adjacent to the longest side of the
intermediate current density range. Precautions must be taken to avoid the Hull Cell, with the anode apposite. Agitation may be used, if desired.
introduction of zinc when plating zinc base die castings. For the removal The amount of electrolysis required to give a good test play in the
of zinc, the bath must by electrolysed at low current densities using dummy regular manner can then be translated to the plating tank. 5 A/ft2 onHull
cathodes. Cell panel (97.5 x 50 mm immersion) is equivalent to 0.27 A on the panel.
If 20 minutes is required to remove the impurity, the total electrolysis
Impurities in Chromium Bath
is 20 x 0.27 or 5.4 ampere-minutes.
The Hull Cell method indicate the Cro3, H 2S04 ratio but does not 5.4 Amp. minimum for 267 ml. is equivalent to
give the sulphuric acid content in grams per litre. If the Cr03 : H 2CSO4 ratio
is optimum and the bath is normal with respect to trivalent chromium, the 1000
- -- X 5.4 .
- = 20 A mmutes ior 1 litre of electro lyete.

plate will be covered with chromium from the low current density and of 267
the plate and will show little orno iridescence on the plated area. If the
Determining Covering Power
deposit is spotty, the sulphte is very low. If rain bows of brown oxide are
present on the uncovered nickel the sulphate is some what low. The test Hull Cell may be used to determine 'covering power' or the lowest
may then be repeated after inceasing the sulphate content. If the plating current density at which a deposit is produced. ln this method, plating
range is narrow but no iridescence is noted, the sulphate content is too is carried out for one minute with a total current on the cathode of 0.2A.
high for the Chromic acid concentration. This gives a current density range from about 0.4 to 12 A/ft2, which
Poor rinsing from a bright nickel solution will result in nickel, boric conveys visibly on the plate an accurate indication of the minimum
acid, Sulphate and chloride entering the chromium bath. All these are covering current density.
trouble some impurities in lowering of covering power. The remarkable effect of certain addition agents in either improving
or decreasing covering power is determined by this test. The Hull Cell
Ductility Test offers the advantages of simplicity and numerical measurement of covering
The Hull Cell can also be used for testing the ductility of the deposit. power. Covering power is defined as the ability of the plating bath under a
For this test, the panel is bent along the lengthwise dimension and folded specified set of plating conditions to deposit metal on the surfaces of
to forma small radius bend. A ductile deposit will not show any cracks. If recesses or deep holes.
the deposit is brittle, crack will appear and it will separate from the basis
Current Efficiency
The plater is concerned with the quantity of electricity that is used in
Testing of Roughness of the Deposit this process, since the number of units iof electricity that pass through the
Roughness of the deposit can also be evaluated using Hull Cell. The electrolyte during electrolysis determines the quantity of product formed at
center of the panel is bent to forma V shape with the shelf area at 45º from the cathode.
the Vertical. If the solution contains rough particles such as activated carbon The unit quantity of electricity is the 'Coulomb' which is the quantity
or dusts, they will settle on the shelf areas and initiate plating of rough 318
deposits. The shelf areas resembled sand paper in appearance. ln
Control of Electroplating Solutions using Hull Cell Studies 655 656 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

of current passing in a circuit when lampere flows for 1 second. Ordinarily, The weight W in grams of the deposited metal can be expressed as
the ampere rather than the coulomb is considered in electroplating. follows:
The ampere, however, gives only the current strength and required a total amps. x time in seconds x atomic weight
time factor so that the quantity of metal obtained at the cathode is calculated w- x%,500
from the ampere-seconds or ampere-hours.
One gram equivalent weight of ians will be discharged at the cathode Current Efficiency Test
by 1 Faraday. One Faraday equals 96,500 coulombs or 96,500 ampere- The current efficiency test may be made in the plating bath by noting
seconds or 1608.4 ampere-minutes or 26.8 ampere-hours. the amount of current and time during which it flows, and weighing the
One gram equivalent weight of a mental equals one gram atomic article before and afterwards. This is not sufficient for investigations work.
weight divided by the valence. The valence is equal to the number of charges The use of an ampere hur metal simplifies the process and increases the
on the ion. From the Faraday, the grams deposited at the cathode can be accuracy, but if reliable figures are required it is advisable to withdraw
further calculated. some of the solution from the plating tank, and place it in a small
The quantity of electricity that passes through the electrolyte during experimental cell.
electrolysis is important because a minimum amount of metal is required This cell is connected in series with a coulometer (usually a copper
by every application; and also it may not be desired to deposit an excess of coloumeter) and the cathode is carefully weighed before being inserted
metal for economic or sepcification purposes. However, it is not enough to into the cell. The weight of deposit formed on the cathode is compared
know the total quanity of current that passes. with the weight of copper in the coulometer and from this a fairly exact
The distribution of the current and the plating rate must also be measurement of current efficiency can be obtained.
known for a reasonable estimate of the plate thickness. If the piece to be Initial weight of the specimen W1
plated is a large flat sheet, then 10 to 20% of the current may be lost at Final weight of the specimen W2
the edges. The current denisty over most of the area will then the 10 to Weight of the deposit W2 - W1
20% lower than the current density obtained by dividing the total current Theoretical weight of the deposit from standard tables
by the total area. W2 -W1 xlOO
From this approximate current density, the approximate plating Current efficiency
rate can be calculated. ln many cases, however, the cathode efficiency is Anode current efficiency may be obtained in exacly the sarne manner
not 100% so that some percentage of that total is consumed in evolving by assessing the amount of material dissolved from an anode. It is possible
hydrogen. for an anode efficiency to be more than 100% due to local chemical
The cathode efficiency is that percentage of the current that deposits action on the anode during the process.
metals. ln other words, if 80% of the current deposits metal, then the plating
rate is only 80% of that which would be obtained by calculation from Internai Stress in Electrodeposits
ampere hours. As it is more convenient to use current density than toal Most metals are stressed as plated state, some more, some less,
current, it is also convenient to use ampere-hours per square foot to calculate depending on intrinsic qualities and on the conditions of plating. Nickel,
plating thickness. If the cathode efficiency is less than 100%, then the plating cobalt, chromium normally have a high tensile stress. Iron deposits have a
rate is calculated from the following equation: moderate tensile stress. Lead on the other hand normally give compressivly
ampere hour stressed deposits. The stress is called tensile when the deposit tends to
Plating rate= x % efficiency, (1)
contract or pull away from the mandrel at the edges, and compressive
square foot
The plating rate calculated from equation (1) is in ampere-hours per when the deposit tends to expand or become larger than the mandrel.
square foot. ln arder to convent this to thickness, the chemical eqivalent Internai stresses strongly affect the mechanical technological
and specific gravity of the metal must be taken into consideration. behaviuor of the electroplated metals. Thus, tensile strescan lead to cracking
319 and peeling of the coating, and also considerably decreases the fatigue
Control of Electroplating Solutions using Hull Cell Studies 657

strength of parts. Owing to the distortion which arises internai stress is

undersiable in moulds produced by elctroforming. Porosity which is a
determining factor in the evaluation of corrosion protection offered to the CHAPTER 41
basis metal by the coating, has been reported to be closely related to the
internai stress. The number of pores per unit area has been found to increase CORROSION AND THEIR
with an increase in tensile stress. The incidence of cracking of
electrodeposits is generally the out-come of high tensile stress in them. PREVENTIVE MEASURES AND
Adhesion of the deposited metal depends to a certain extent on the
nature and magnitude of the internai stress. Highly stressed deposits of POLLUTION CONTROL
nickel shows tendency to lift up prematurely from the articles, particularly
in electroforming operations. Hardness and residual stress have been found CONSIDERATION
to be inter-dependent to some extent.
As is known, metals have shaped the development of modem world.
This is why metals are: (1) world's increasing wealth, (2) aspiration of the
nation and (3) demand of our civilization. But metals do deteriora te because
of their reaction with environment, namely (1) industrial atmosphere, (2)
marine atmosphere, (3) rural atmosphere, and (4) aqueous solutions (pH
0-14), etc. This results in huge metal loss incurring 1.5% of GNP.
Corrosion has been defined in many ways. A sub-committee of the
Inter Society Corrosion Committee recommends the definition:
"Corrosion is the deteriora tion of a substance (usually a metal) beca use
of a reaction with its environment. The corrosion is stated to be an
electrochemical phenomenon".

Corrosion Costs
U.K. f1300 million/year
Australia A$ 2000 million/year, 1.5% GNP
lndia Rs. 8000 crores/year

Corrosion Loss in System

Automobile flOO million/year
Auto radiators $52 million/year
Auto exhaust $500 million/year
House water heaters $3 million/year
Corrosion leads to Numerous Damages, which are as below:
• Appearance
• Plant shut down
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 659 660 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

• Contamination of products
• Loss of valuable products lodised Solution
Conventional Current Flow
• Effect of safety and reliability
• Maintenance and operating costs
Electr°..n Migration (e) '
• Loss of life
• Badly rusted items leave impression. Here, service life versus
e- Fe" e-
dollars is not the controlling factors.
• Frequent shut down are due to lack of knowledge, neglect and
ingorance about corrosion.
@ ,
Fe ...
Ni ..

Cath ode @ NO, An ode

• Market value of the products, pigments, foods, drugs, semi- , Fe ..
e- e-
conductor is related to its purity and quality. This demands Fe ..

expensive material of construction.

• Economizing on materials of construction is not desirable, if saftey
@f' -

Conventi ona l
C urrent Flow
Fe .. S.l. Steel
Fe ..
is risked. Nitrating I Spent Acid
• Substantial savings if dose co-operation between the corrosion
engineers and process and design personnel.
ln fact, our economy would be drastically changed if there is no Fig. 1: Diagranunatic representation of Corrosion
"Corrosion". While corrosion is inevitable, its cost can be reduced
considerably by judicious selection of preventive measures. Broadly, Types of Corrosion Experienced in Industries
1. Galvanic corrosin
The Mechanism of Basic Corrosion
2. Crevice corrosion
There are certain conditions that must be met before a corrosion cell
3. Intergranular corrosion (weld decay)
can function:
4. Fretting corrosion
a. There must be an anode and a cathode.
5. Stress corrosion cracking
b. There must be an electrical potential between the anode and
6. Corrosion fatigue
cathode. This potential can result from a variety of conditions on
7. Filliform corrosion
the iron.
8. Pitting corrosion
e. There must be a metallic path electrically connecting the anode
9. Erosion corrosion
and cathode.
10. General corrosion (Aqueous/acid corrosion)
d . The anode and cathode must be immersed in an electrically
11. De-alloying
conductive electroyte that is ionized.
12. Hydrogen damage.
Once these conditions are met, an electric current will flow and metal
Two metals when in direct contact and with wide potential difference
will be consumed at the anode (fig. 1) .
lead to Galvanic corrosion.
Anodic M---M++ + 2e-
Galvanic series shows the potential difference between most
Cathodic 2H+ + 2e- - - - H 2
engineering metals in different corrosive media(Table 1). This series predicts
0 2 + 4H+ + 4e- - - - 2Hp
more accurate the galvanic relation than the E.M.F. series (Table 1). Thue
0 2 + 2H 20 + 4e- - - 4 (OH)
dry battery is a good example of the Galvanic Corrosion. Other examples
M++ + e- - - - M++
of galvanic Corrsion are as below:
M++ + 2e- - - M (deposition)
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 661 662 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Table 1 : Galvanic Series of Some Commercial Metais and Aluminium 4/3Al+02-2/3 Al,03 247 Ali AJ+++ -1.70 3.9-8.6
Alloys in Sea Water Titanium Ti/Ti++ -1.63 2.0-12.0
Vanadium 2V+02-2VO 214 V/V•• -1.20 Slight
Noble Platinum Manganese 2Mn+02-2Mn0 180 Mn/Mn•• -1.10 10.5-13.0
Zinc 2Zn+O,-Zno, 140 Zn/ZN++ -0.76 8.4-10.5
Chromium 4/3 Cr+02-2/3 Cr'O' 179 Cr/Cr+++ -0.70 4.4-12.5
Graphite Ga/Ga+++ -0.52 3.0-11.3
Titanium lron 2Fe+02-2Fe0 114 Fe/Fe++ -0.44 9.8-13.5
Silver Cadmium 2Cd+02-Cd0 112 Cd/Cd++ -0.40 9.8-13.5
Chlorimet-4 (62 Ni, 18Cr, 18Mo) Cobalt 2Co+02 101 Co/Co•• -0.28 9.2-13.0
Hastelloy C(62Ni, 17Cr, 15Mo) Nickel 2Ni+0,-2Ni0 100 Ni/Ni++ -0.23 9.0-12.1
18-8Mo stainless steel (passive) Tin 2Sn+02-2Sn0 118 Sn/Sn•• -0.14 -0.5-12.5
Lead 2Pb+02-2Pb0 89 Pb/Pb++ -0.12 8.5-11.0
18-8 Stainless steel (passive)
Copper 4Cu+02-2Cu,O 70 Cu/Cu• +0.52 6.9-12.7
Chromium Stainless steel 11-30% Cr (passive)
Silver 4Ag+02-2Ag,O 5 AG/Ag• +0.80 Low reactivity
lnconel (passive) (80Ni, 13Cr, 7Fe) Rhodium 4Rh+0,-2Rh,O 38 Rh/Rh+++ +0.80 Passive/immune
Nickel (passive) Palladium 2Pd+02-2Pd0 40 Pd/Pd++ +0.83 Immune
Silver sodler Platinum Pt/Pt++ +1.2 Immune
Monel (70Ni, 30Cu) Gold 4/3Au+02-2/3Au20' -1.0 Au/Au• +1.4 Immune
Cupronickel (60-90Cu, 40-lONi)
Bronzes (Cu-Zn) 1. Domestic hot water tanks made of steel fail where copper tubing
Copper is connected to the tank.
Brasses (Cu-Zu)
Chlorimet-2 (66Ni, 32Mo, lFe) 2. A yacht with a monel hull and steel rivet-unworthy.
Hastelloy-B (60Ni, 30Mo, 6Fe, lMn) 3. Aluminum trubing connected to brass return bends-unworthly.
lnconel (active) 4. Pump shafts/valves stems made of steel with graphite-nicking
Nickel (active) unworthy.
Lead 5. Steel/alloys in contact with copper salts-unworthy.
Lead-Tin solders 6. Galvanized items used above 65ºC-unworthy.
18-8 Mo Stainless steel (active) 7. Ta-Pt couple used above llOºC-unworthy.
18-8 Stainless steel (active) 8. Tantalum in contact with anodic materials-unworthy.
Ni-Resist (high Ni cast iron)
Chromium stainless steel, 13% Cr (active)
The galvanic corrosion is greatest near the junction and less with
Cast iron increasing distance. If ra tio ofca thodic to anodic is >1, this is not fa voura ble
Steel or iron condition since corrosin current localizes at anode leading to pitting
2024 aluminum (4.SCu, O.SMg, 0.6Mn) corrosion. Example of this ratio is copper plate riveted with steel. Another
Active or anodic Cadimum
Commercially pure aluminum (1100) example is tin coating on steel. Tinis anodic to steel under vacuum but
Zinc cathodic to steel under normal temperature and pressure. Figure 4 explains
Magnesium and magnesium alloys the mechanism of galvanic corrosion.
B.S.I. has divided metals into four groups, namely
Table : 2 Free Energy and Electrochemical Potentials of Metais
1. Magnesium and its alloys.
Metal Chemical readion Free energy of Eledrochemical Eledrode Passivation 2. Cadmium, Zinc, Aluminum and their alloys.
formation (Kcal reaction potential reactive pH range
3. Iron, lead, Tin and their alloys.
pegmol of oxygen (25"C)V in aqueous solution
4. Copper, Chromium, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium, Cobalt,
Lithium Li/Li+ -3.0 Nil
Potassium K/K• -2.9 Nil Rhodium and their alloys, stainless steel and graphite.
Caleium 2Ca+02-2Ca0 290 Ca/Ca•• -2.87 Beyond 14.5 No galvanic effect between metals in the sarne group. Adjacent
Magnesium 2Mg+0,-2Mg0 275 Mg/Mg•• -2.38 Beyond 11.4
Beryllium 2Be+0,-2Be0 275 Be/Be++ -1.80 3.9-10.6
group infuences the galvanic corrosion.
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 663 664 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

Protection of galvanic corrosion

1. Inhibitor
2. Cathodic protection
3. Insertion of non-mettalic packing in between two different matals
4. Paints
5. Decrease of cathodic to anodic ratio

Crevice Corrosion
This is one of the intense localized types of corrosion occurring within Fig. 5 Initial Fig. 6 Later stage
crevice having stagnant liquid. This is generally found under bolt joints,
cap joints, gasket sufaces, solid deposits, steel coils, etc. This type of Intergranular Corrosion
corrosion occurs under the influence of concentration cells. It is also a localized attack at and adjacent to grain boundaries.
This happens when the stainless steel is sensitized at 550° to 850°C,
AIR co, resulting in the precipitation of chromium carbide Cr 23C6) at the grain
boundaries(fig 8-9).

loy trolyin
Corms10n product
o ...


\ . .,ro
..,.. so


Oes.s 2ctivc in o
ZIN C (3cti\'t: m elcctrochemical series) d ectroc hc-mic;11I
O'll'C'f")Xlle ntJal

Low ~rpotentUI

Fig. 4 Bimetallic Corrosion Accelerated Attack on Zinc

Chromium cnbidc pn:clpiatlon ccasea

Fig. 8: Integranuldar Carbide Precipitation

Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 665 666 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

1,SOO Maximum
lfo,Crl .• C 1ucc.ipllltt ..Temprarure


850 -------------

550 ----------

1 Ali catbide• dlsoveled;

1~- 1 subscquent hca1
Chromlmn rlepleltif trealment may give
'IDno < ll'r. 1:hrmnlum 1 precipiUte anel krUfc
l1etlvo 1nolltl 1 line a112clc
Fig. 9: Grains Boundary Attack of Depleted Zone
_Tempr.iture remairu - 1Area of 1., Heated above
below 500" - no I weld I 850" - carbides
Here, the grain boundaries act as cathodes, and adjacent areas as anodes. decay ln solution
arbide P"'cipla1es 1, /I
Also, percentage of chromium near the grain boundaries comes down to Sensltised zone
less than 12%, with the result of loss of passivity of stainless steel. Under preciptates
fintergranular corrosion
the circumstances, intergranular corrosion starts. It occurs in Copper alloys, possiblcl
Aluminium alloys, Iron alloys and Nickel alloys. ln Al-alloys, Al 3Mg is Fig. 10: Welding Induced Sensitivity to Weld Decay and Knife Line
precipitated at the grain boundaries, making the adjacent areas susceptible Attack of Stainless Steel
to corrosion. Similarly, in copper alloys, CuA1 2 is precipitated at the grain
boundaries, having lower over potential.
Welded steel is also the example of intergranular corrosion. Mild
steel cracks in nitrate solutions. Here, iron carbide is cathodic to steel (fig

Protection of Intergranular Corrosion

1. Metallurgical treatment.
2. Change the environment.
3. Change the metals suscepitable to intergranular corrosion. Fig. 11: Schematic Illustration of the Wear-oxidation Theory of Freetting

Fretting Corrosion Before

It results in when two surfaces in contact experince continuing slight
periodic movement with respect to one another. (fig. 11-12). The requirements . CJ-
for the fretting corrosion are (1) the interface must be under load, (2) periodic
movement between the two surfaces and (3) load and movement must be
sufficient to cause deformation.
Under the circumstances, the fretting corrosion essentially produces
laycrs ExposcdLJ
meu) • - Oxide

oxide of the constituents. Example of the fretting corrosion are:

324 Fig.12: Schematic Illustration of the Oxidation-Wear Theory of Fretting
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 667 668 Electroplating, Anodizing and Metal Treatment Technology

• Bolted tie plates on rail road rails Water vapour (H,SO,-HN05)

HCN solutions
• Press fitted ball bearing race on a shaft Gold alloys FeCl3 solution, Acetic Acidic H,S solutions
• Transportation of aluminum items acid salt solution Sea water
The black marks, called traffic marks on aluminium surface is due molten N-Pb alloys
Inconel Caustic soda solutions
to fretting corrosion, and it contains about 25% metallic aluminium and Stainless steels Acid chloride solutions
its oxide. Lead Lead acetate solutions MgCl2 and such as

Preventive Measures BaCl 2, NaCl-H 20 2

Magnesium alloys NaCl-K2Cr04 solutions solutions, Sea water, H 2S
1. Decrease the excess load.
Rural and coastal N aoH-H 2S solutions
2. Lubrication. atmosphere, Distilled Condensing steam from
3. Use harder materials. water chloride waters
Monel Fused caustic soda
Stress Corrosion Cracking Hydrofluoric acid Titanium alloys Red fuming nitric acid,
Hydrofluosilicic acid Sea water, N 20 4
It is experienced under the combined effect of stress and corrosion. methanol-HCI
It is mosly associated with specific combination of contaminant and Nickel Fused caustic soda
alloys(Table 3). Classic examples are (1) Season cracking observed in
brass, (2) Caustic embrittlement found in steels, and Stress corrosion Corrosion Fatigue
cracking of the head ofa 6Al-4V-Ti alloy tank exposed to analydrous The corrosion fatigue occurs under the joint action of cyclic stress
N204. and corrosion. The mechanism of corrosion fatigue involved is as below:
The factors most effecting are (1) Level of stresses, (2) Time, (3) 1. Fracture of the oxide film under the cyclic stress.
Environment and (4) metallurgy. Stages involved in the process of stress 2. Reaction of the exposed surface with environment.
corrosion cracking are as below: 3. Migration of dislocation/vacancies to the tip of the crack.
1. Incubation. 4. Process of absorption.
2. Crack initiation. 5. Tearing apart of the sides of growing crack.
3. Crack propagation. The corrosion fatigue is usually transgranular and seldom related
4. Failure. to a particular environment of alloy. The corrosion fatigue in service is
Protective Measures observed in the following cases:
1. Towing ropes, propeller shafts, rudders and dredger.
1. Inhibitors.
2. Steell sleepers, pump-shafts, rods and bodies.
2. Cathodic protection.
3. Boiler tubes and uperheaters, rod drills
3. Change the environment.
4. Automobile steering arms and axles, peddle cycles.
4. Change the materials.
5. Off-shore structures.
Table 3 : Environment that may cause Stress Corrosion Cracking of
Metais and Alloys
Stress range
Material Environment Material Environment

Aluminium alloys NaCl-H20 2 solutions Ordinarysteels NaOH

NaCI solution, Sea water NaOH-Na2Si0 2 solution
Air, water vapour Calcium, ammonium,
and sodium nitrate solution Log No. of cycle
Copper alloys Ammonium vapour and Fig. 13: Fatigue corrosion
solution, Amines, Water, Mixed acids 325
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 669 670 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

Protective Measures The filliform type of corrosion is the major problem in the canning
1. Inhibitors 2. Coatings industry, that spils the food stuff considerably.
3. Cathodic protection 4. Change of environment Preventive Measures
Filliform Corrosion 1. Use shrinkable type of coatings.
It develops its characteristics thread like pattern on metal surface 2. Keep the environment free from humidity.
under lacquer, paints or paper wraps (fig 14). It is typical of crevice Pitting Corrosion
corrosion. It is observed on steel, magnesium and aluminum surfaces It is also extremely localized corrosion. It is mostly observed in
covered by tin, silver, gold, phosphate, enamel, and lacquer coatings, paper active-passive metals, such as stainless steel, aluminum, nickel, etc. This
backed Al-foil. is associated with stagnant solution containing chloride. The presence of
de polarizes, like fe+++, Hg++, Cu++in chloride solutions makes the condition
more aggressive. It causes equipment to fail with only small percentage
of metal loss. It is an autocatalytic process.
Protective Measures
1. Inhibitors.
2. Cathodic protection.
3. Avoid the environment.
4. Avoid high cathodic to anodic ratio.
Erosion Corrosion
It is an accelerated attack on a metal because of relative movement
between a corrosive fluid and the metal surface. It is characterized by
grooves, gullies, waves, rounded holes, valley, etc. Solid in suspension
Fig. 14: Schematic Diagram Illustrating the Interaction of (Slurries) leads to Erosion corrosion.
Corrosion Filaments Elbows, bends, tees, valves, pumps, blowers, centrifuge, propellers,
impellers, agitators, agitated vessels, heat exchangers, tubing, turbines,
Hydrolysis (low pH) FO(OH),
blades, nozzles, ducts separators, wear plates are very much prone to
Erosion Corrosion. Galvanic or two metal corrosion and velocity of the
environment influence Erosion Corrosion.
Preventive Measures
1. Use of resistant material.
2. Design
3. Change of environment.
Oxygen reductions (high pH) 4. Cathodic protection.
Low 0 2 Concentration (low pH)
Fig. 15: Shows the Progress of the Fillifonn Corrosion
It is nothing but preferential dissolution of most electro-negative
ln the filliform type of corrosion, there is formation of head and tail. alloying elements from the matrix of an alloy in acid as well as in neutral
At the tail portion, formation of iron hydroxide takes place, and at the or alkaline media. There are two theories proposed for interpreting the
head portion, the ionization of iron (dissolution of iron). 326
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 671 672 Electroplating, Anodising and Metal Treatment Technology

de-alloying phenomenon. • Corrosion products on the surface.

1. Dissolution of the alloy and subsequently redeposition of the • Visible crack, if any.
most electro-positive alloying element. 3. Record of a case history.
2. Only the preferential dissolution of most electro-negative 4. Analysis of chemicals composition of the components and media.
element. 5. Metallographic studies.
ln acid medium, uniform dissolution takes place whereas in neutral 6. Reference to the specifications.
or alkaline medium, plug type of dissolution occurs. 7. Recommended operating conditions and/or preventive
measures being adopted.
Preventive Measures
8. N.D.T.
1. lnhibitor. 9. Cathodic protection.
2. Use of proper materiais. Criteria being followed
3. Cathodic protection. Soil survey
Impingement Attack Potential survey-potential between pipeline and
It occurs at sharp bends and in improper design of equipment/
Line current survey-current flowing in the pipelines.
components under the influence of corrosive fluids.
Soil resistivity-electrical resistance between pipeline and
Preventive Measures environment Anaerobic bacteria.
1. Design. 10. Anodic protection.
2. lnhibitor. Applicable to active-passive metais and alloys.
3. Cathodic protection. Conclusions
Hydrogen Attack Loss of metals and alloys to the tune of Rs. 8000 crores per annum
It occurs generally when high strength or highly stressed mild can be minimized by:
steels are subjected to acid or acid containing arsenic, antimony, • Awareness of the corrosion and their prevention.
phosphorus, selenium, tellurium, sulphur compounds. Iodide and cyanide • Avoidance of the negligence.
ians in the solution also influence the hydrogen attack. Hydrogen which • lmplementation of latest technologies.
is liberated during acid pickling or acid cleaning gets diffused into the • Frequent exchange of knowledge.
metal in atomic form, which la ter on is converted into hydrogen molecule • Frequent arrangement of seminar, workshop, symposium,
with the result of its volume expansion and thereby deform the metals conference, etc.
and alloys. Pollution Control Consideration
Preventive Measures Pollution of any type, namely gaseous, liquid and solid are not
1. lnhibitor. acceptable/or tolerable at all in the modem society that demands a clean
2. Change the materiais. atmosphere and surroundings. To maintain the aesthetic society, we need
industries of all types to produce consumable items as well as the
Approaches for Industrial survey industrial needs. Under the circumstances, pollution is bound to take
1. On the spot study. place. However, the sarne can be controlled effectively using latest
preventive measures. ln this direction, NML has dane elaborate R & D
Record of prevailing operating conditions
work, which is as follows:
2. Visual observation. 1. Tiles and diamond like material from fly ash,
• Types of corrosion damage. 2. Stainless steel powder from stainless steel scraps.
• Contamination of the surface with any foreign materiais. As is known, stainless steel suffers from lntergranular cracking.
Corrosion and Their Preventive Measures and Pollution Control Consideration 673

This effect is because of the sensitization of the steel in the temperature

range of 550-850ºC. ln this temperature range, chromium carbide
precipitates at the grain boundaries, which weakens the steel and allows
the steel to crack. The failed/cracked components that are generated in
huge quantity have no commercial value. Its proper disposal is also an
actute problem. At NML, this bad property of the steel has been utilized
in the preparation of stainless steel powder and also in the preparation
of paint grade flaky stainless steel powder. The yield is 96%. The chemical
composition of the powder is sarne as that of stock. Only, percentage of
carbon comes down to 0.03% from 0.08% C. Both the processes are under
commercial production. The process so designed does not create any
pollution problem.
Further, the paint based on flaky stainless steels powder does not
allow the steel practically to corrode, i.e., the corrosion rate to the arder
of xlQ-9 µA/cm 2 • So, no pollution dueto corrosion.
Other remarkable work on control of pollution due to hexavalent
chromium has been dane by NML.
ln tinning industries, chromate solution as passivator is used
abundantly. After certain period the effectiveness of chromate solution is
decreased, and it is then disposed off after proper treatment which
incurs cost substantially.
At NML, a process to make zinc tetroxy chromate, names Chrome-
T, out of chromate effluent has been developed. After the recovery of the
Chrome-T, the water generated is then free from chromate ians, which
may be disposed off without any fear or recycled in the existing process.
Through this process, both pollution and water conservation are
Also, the industry gets benefit on sale of chrome-T. Chrommate
effluent generated in tanning industries and electroplating units can also
be used in the preparation of chrome-T.


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