Desain 5
Desain 5
Desain 5
Received: 2 April 2020 / Revised: 20 June 2020 / Accepted: 14 July 2020 / Published online: 24 August 2020
# Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
In this research, three aspects of modeling, analyzing, and optimizing spiral plate heat exchangers (SPHEs) are studied. The main
objective of this work is to pave the way for comparing manufacturers’ designed SPHEs with theoretical designed SPHEs
without involving designers in using computational methods. To begin, with assumption of constant overall heat transfer
coefficient and specific heat capacities, a mathematical modeling of SPHE based on energy balance equations is developed to
model the SPHE as a network of series-connected equivalent internal heat exchangers to determine the temperature distribution in
spiral turns. This modeling can facilitate the usage of temperature-enthalpy diagram in SPHEs’ analysis and design. Furthermore,
a new algorithm for thermal design optimization of SPHEs has been proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on maximizing
pressure drops at channels, considering geometric proportion of SPHE and minimizing the total cost simultaneously. To show the
proposed method applicability in analyzing thermal and hydraulic design parameters, a single-phase counter-current SPHE is
assessed and optimized for different design cases with temperature approach variations. Results of comparing manufacturers’/
standard designed SPHEs and research/theoretical designed SPHEs by defining appropriate geometric proportion ranges con-
firmed that temperature approach variations can improve SPHE performance to a higher extent, such as finding temperature
approach ranges for optimized SPHEs with higher compactness to reduce the manufacturing cost. This fact is revealed by
introducing compactness-temperature approach diagram which depicts the geometric optimization of SPHEs and the effects of
temperature differences in SPHE’s optimization.
Keywords Spiral plate heat exchanger . Thermal design optimization . Heat exchangers network . Compactness-temperature
approach diagram . Geometric proportion . Cost estimation
analytical methods, numerical methods, or combination of distribution and introduced a dimensionless criterion number
these methods. for performance calculating. Strelow (2000) presented a gen-
Some researchers tried to determine the governing heat eral calculation method for plate heat exchangers mathemati-
transfer and pressure drop equations in SPHEs. The first cally to determine exact temperature profiles and heat flux
comprehensive research on SPHEs was carried out by along the walls of plates without any iteration. In the last
Minton (1970) who reported a set of empirical correlations two decades, Burmeister (2006) and Nguyen and San
of heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop for SPHEs. (2016b) studied analytically the performance of SPHEs. In
Later, Martin (1992) numerically studied the heat transfer other words, most researchers have tended to carry out their
and pressure drop characteristics of a spiral plate heat ex- studies numerically or experimentally in recent years. The first
changer and reported empirical correlations. Rajavel and noticeable numerical research was published by Devois et al.
Saravanan (2008a, 2008b), Saravanan and Rajavel (2008a, (1995). They modeled a two-dimensional SPHE and studied
2008b), and Rajavel (2014) investigated the Martin’s its performance in both steady state and transient state with
Nusselt number expression and proposed a new Nusselt num- different materials. In the last decade, Garcia and Moreles
ber for SPHEs. Other researchers made an attempt to deter- (2012) proposed a numerical method for rating thermal
mine the size and dimensions of SPHEs based on suggested performance and approximated the temperature distribution
correlations. One of the pioneers was Jarzębski (1984) who and overall heat transfer coefficients in SPHEs. Nguyen and
presented simple expressions for calculating approximate di- San (2011) numerically investigated the effects of spiral turns
mensions of SPHEs to minimize the annual cost of heat numbers in the heat transfer performance of a SPHE. Also,
surface and required pumping energy. Later, Dongwu they (2015, 2016a) studied the effects of wall material in NTU
(2003) carried out a thorough research on the geometry of and heat transfer effectiveness of a SPHE. Some other re-
SPHEs and developed the expressions of calculating main searchers made experimental studies and validated the results
geometric factors such as spiral diameter, number of turns, with numerical methods and vice versa. The major policy
and length of plate rounds based on the semicircle model. hired is to study the performance and temperature distribution
Picon Nunez et al. (2006, 2007, 2009) proposed an alternative of SPHEs with different fluids by variations of flow rates or
method to size SPHEs founded on maximizing pressure drops changes in inlet and outlet temperatures. Some important stud-
in channels by varying geometric parameters to minimize di- ies in this realm are Sakariya et al. (2014), Shabiulla and
mensions. This concept was firstly put forth by Polley et al. Sivaprakasam (2014), Khorshidi and Heidari (2016), Manoj
(1990, 1991) who studied the pressure drop considerations in et al. (2016), Kathir Kaman et al. (2017), Kumar et al. (2018),
the retrofit of heat exchangers network and design of compact Tapre and Kaware (2018a, 2018b, 2018c), Metta et al. (2018),
heat exchangers. Later, Guha and Unde (2014) developed a Anil et al. (2018), Memon et al. (2019), to name a few.
mathematical model of SPHEs based on Shah-London empir- Finally, besides researchers worked on design of SPHEs,
ical equation for Nusselt number of flow through a duct and some others implemented optimization methods to find opti-
put forward a straight formula for optimum design of SPHEs mum SPHEs with higher performance, with higher pressure
regarding physical parameters such as channel plate width and drops, and/or with lower cost. Among recent research, follow-
thickness. Last year, Dávalos et al. (2019) worked on Picon ing studies are good samples to show the general idea behind
Nunez studies and presented a procedure, validated by CFD, their attempts. Bidabadi et al. (2013), Vasconcelos Segundo
to design cross-flow SPHEs as a function of the fluid arrange- et al. (2018) and Kumar et al. (2019) applied genetic algo-
ments and government flow by use of Minton’s thermal and rithms, wind-driven optimization method and gradient based
hydraulic performance correlations. search algorithm respectively to increase the overall heat
The second group of researchers worked on performance transfer coefficient and reduce the total cost of SPHEs. A
checking and temperature distribution along the walls of new research by Milovančević et al. (2019) was carried out
plates in SPHEs. A wide range of assumptions were utilized based on entropy generation to study the thermoeconomic
to simplify the mathematical model to derive correlations in analysis of SPHEs. They found that optimal design of
analytical or numerical studies. More or less, these simplify- SPHEs should be calculated based on inlet and outlet temper-
ing assumptions were fewer in experimental studies. The pio- atures and process fluid flow rate.
neer team in analytical and numerical studies on performance With respect to scrutinizing most previous research, it is
and distribution of temperature of SPHEs was Chowdhury worthwhile to mention that none of them does unify the
et al. (1985). Bes and Roetzel (1991, 1992, 1993) developed criteria for comparing a wide range of SPHEs designed based
an analytical solution based on effectiveness, NTU, and on geometric parameters. This study is an effort to show that
number of spiral turns with assumption of constant overall besides thermal, hydraulic, and economic parameters, adding
heat transfer coefficients and heat capacities to describe the a geometric proportion parameter is essential to make design
thermal behavior of SPHEs. Also, they studied the optimization more practical in comparison with available stan-
temperature changes founded on heat flux density dard designed SPHEs by manufacturers. It is crystal clear that
Process Integr Optim Sustain (2020) 4:391–408 393
Minton (1970) has proposed empirical equations in imperial where Di is the core or inside diameter of a SPHE.
system thermal and hydraulic performance of SPHEs to cap- Dongwu (2003) presented a theoretical formula to calculate
ture the flow regimes and flow phases based on average plate the SPHEs outside diameters based on number of spiral turns,
curvature. The major parameters to determine the flow re- N. Equations 23 and 24 calculate the number of spiral turns
gimes are the values of the Reynolds number, Re, and the and the SPHE outside diameter.
critical Reynolds number, Recr, given by Eqs. 12 and 13 re-
spectively. bh −bc 2 4L
− Di þ þ Di þ bh −b c
þ ðbh þ bc þ 2pÞ
2 2 π
Dh M N¼ ð23Þ
Re ¼ ð12Þ ðbh þ bc þ 2pÞ
0:32 Ds ¼ Di þ ðbh þ pÞ þ Nðbh þ bc þ 2pÞ ð24Þ
Recr ¼ 20000 ð13Þ In addition, Minton suggested following dimensional em-
pirical expressions for pressure drops in channels through Eqs.
where Dh is the hydraulic diameter, μ is the viscosity, Ac is 25 to 27.
the free flow area, and Ds is the SPHE outer diameter. 2 " 1=3 #
Equations 14 and 15 calculate the hydraulic diameter and L M 1:3μ1=3 H 16
ΔP ¼ þ 1:5 þ Re > Recr
the free flow area of the channels in a SPHE. 1000s Ac b þ 0:125 M L
Dh ¼ ð14Þ " #
bþH L M 1:035μ 0:5
μw 0:17 H 0:5 16
ΔP ¼ þ 1:5 þ 100 < Re < Recr
1000s Ac b þ 0:125 μb M L
Ac ¼ Hb ð15Þ
Process Integr Optim Sustain (2020) 4:391–408 395
Lsμ μw M analysis, some assumptions were made: (I) The overall heat
ΔP ¼ Re < 100 ð27Þ
3385b2:15 μb H transfer coefficient was constant along the flow passage. (II)
Both specific heat capacities were constant along the flow
where ΔP is the fluid pressure drop and s is the relative passage. (III) The central partition between the hot and cold
density (relative to water at 20 °C). flows was insulated. (IV) The outside surface of the SPHE
Moreover, for a Reynolds number in the range of 400 to was thermally insulated and there was no heat losses to the
30,000, Martin (1992) presented a Nusselt number for SPHEs environment. (V) Conduction in the direction of flow can be
shown in Eq. 28. neglected. (VI) Fluid temperature is uniform in the channel
hDh cross section perpendicular to the flow direction. (VII) Fluid
Nu ¼ ¼ 0:04Re0:74 Pr0:4 ð28Þ properties and plate thermal conductivity were constants
along the flow passage. In the light of mentioned assumptions,
This expression shows that the heat transfer coefficients of the mathematical modeling is carried out as follows in five
channels can be estimated without dependency upon the steps.
length of channel plate. In the first step, the SPHE is cutting and unrolling from
illustrated cutting line in Fig. 2 to find an unwound sketch of
the SPHE. Figure 3 shows the unwound sketch of the counter-
current flows SPHE. This figure depicts that the SPHE is
Mathematical Modeling of a SPHE
divided into numbers of streams (cold and hot) as many as
number of spiral turns.
A mathematical model was developed based on mass and
The second step is to determine the heat transferring
energy conservation to analyze temperature distributions of
streams and heat transfer areas. Based on mentioned assump-
the flows in the SPHE. Figure 2 depicts the flow arrangement
tions, there is no heat transfer in entrance and exit parts of this
and the structure of a single-phase counter-current flow
heat exchanger to other streams (from A0) or environment
SPHE. This SPHE is used to show the mathematical modeling
(from AN). The innermost and outermost streams transfer the
in this study.
heat to inner streams only, and the intermediate streams trans-
In mathematical model of the SPHE, the heat conduction
fer the heat to both side streams. According to heat transfer
and convection flows are in the direction normal to the plate.
interaction between streams, the heat transfer areas between
Heat is transferred only through one wall for innermost and
streams can be specified easily. In Fig. 3, A1, Aj, and AN-1
peripheral channel and for internal channels heat is exchanged
show the required heat transfer areas between inner, interme-
through the bilateral sides of the channels. To simplify the
diate, and outer streams respectively.
The third step is to determine the internal heat transfer rates, capacities, and overall heat transfer coefficient are the
Qj, between streams. Referring to Fig. 3, each stream may same as those of the SPHE. The overall heat transfer is
interact with one side or both side streams. Streams interacted calculated based on a new algorithm of thermal design
with both sides are divided into two sub-streams with two heat optimization of SPHEs by considering maximizing pres-
transfer rates. For instance, the stream between Aj and Aj+1 sure drops in channels and geometric proportion of SPHE
transfers the heat to both sides with heat transfer rates of Qj developed in this study.
and Qj+1. To find the heat transfer rates of streams and sub-
streams, it is important to determine the internal temperatures
at the boundaries (beginning and end) of each stream and sub- Temperature-Enthalpy Diagram of a SPHE
stream. These internal temperatures are also illustrated in Fig.
3 at the boundaries of streams and sub-streams.
Chen et al. (2012) introduced temperature-enthalpy (T-Q) di-
The next step is to derive the governing energy balance agram as a two-dimensional property diagram to obtain the
equation of each heat transfer rate. Thus, each heat transfer influences of heat exchanger area, heat capacity rate, and flow
rate between divided hot and cold streams is modeled as a heat
arrangement on the heat transfer performance during the anal-
transfer rate in an equivalent internal heat exchanger by con- ysis of heat exchangers and their networks. Temperature-
sidering inlet and outlet temperatures of divided streams as the enthalpy diagram formed based on the energy balance equa-
temperature boundaries. This modeling breaks the SPHE into
tion, Q = McpΔT, and it paved the way of analyzing a heat
series of equivalent internal heat exchangers. Figure 4 shows exchangers network more easily. In this study, the mathemat-
the modeling of heat transfer rates of Qj and Qj+1 by two ical modeling of the SPHE shows that the SPHE can be bro-
blocks of equivalent heat exchanger in series.
ken into a series of equivalent internal heat exchangers. That
Equations 29 and 30 and Eqs. 31 and 32 show the is, the SPHE is modeled as a heat exchangers network con-
governing energy balance equations for both equivalent heat nected in series. Moreover, analyzing the T-Q diagram in the
exchangers. All governing energy balance equations of all
SPHE can determine the internal temperature boundaries of
divided streams have to extract the same way to complete each equivalent internal heat exchanger, which in turn deter-
the mathematical modeling.
mines the temperature distribution along the flow passage of
Mh cp;h T2 j−2 −T2 j−1 þ Mc cp;c T2 j −T2 j−3 ¼ 0 ð29Þ
Figure 5 shows not only the temperature-enthalpy (T-Q)
T2 j−2 −T2 j−3 − T2 j−1 −T2 j diagram of a single-phase counter-current flow SPHE and its
Mh cp;h T2 j−2 −T2 j−1 þ UA j ¼ 0 ð30Þ
T2 j−2 −T2 j−3 equivalent internal heat exchangers, but also the heat transfer
T2 j−1 −T2 j rates of sub-streams and their temperature boundaries. In ad-
dition, Fig. 5 reveals the relations between all governing en-
Mh cp;h T2 j−1 −T2 jþ2 þ Mc cp;c T2 jþ1 −T2 j ¼ 0 ð31Þ ergy balance equations of all divided streams sequence of
solving these equations regarding temperature boundaries.
T2 j−1 −T2 j − T2 jþ2 −T2 j−1 It is worth mentioning that 1/(Mcp) is the slope of hot or
Mc cp;c T2 jþ1 −T2 j −UA jþ1 ¼0
T2 j−1 −T2 j cold flow in T-Q diagram according to rearrangement in heat
T2 jþ2 −T2 j−1
Fig. 4 Modeling of internal heat transfer rates of sub-streams in the Fig. 5 Temperature-enthalpy (T-Q) diagram of modeled single-phase
counter-current flow SPHE with series of equivalent heat exchangers counter-current flow SPHE
Process Integr Optim Sustain (2020) 4:391–408 397
Table 1 Case study operating conditions (Minton 1970) Results and Discussion
Conditions Hot side Cold side
In the first part of this section, the application of the suggested
Mass flow rate (kg/s) 0.7843 0.7465 algorithm to optimize SPHEs is demonstrated. As mentioned
Molecular weight 200.4 200.4 above, designed SPHE is compared with previous design
Specific heat capacity (J/kg K) 2972.628 2763.288 methods to reveal the importance of geometric proportion
Thermal conductivity of fluid (W/m K) 0.34789 0.32339 and maximizing pressure drops at both channels. Table 3
Inlet temperature (°C) 200 60 shows the results of various designs of case study by Minton
Outlet temperature (°C) 120 150.4 (1970), Picon Nunez et al. (2006, 2007, 2009), and the new
Allowable pressure drop (KPa) 6.8948 6.8948 algorithm.
Density (kg/m3) 843 843 Comparing the results from different methods of design in
Viscosity (kg/m s) 0.00335 0.008 Table 3 shows that considering geometric proportion and
Material of construction Stainless steel maximizing pressure drops not only has noticeable effects
Thermal conductivity of material of construction 17.3073 on increasing the Reynolds numbers in channels and overall
(W/m K) heat transfer coefficient, but also decreases the heat transfer
area remarkably. To analyze the results of new algorithm more
in detail, the increment in Reynolds numbers is a result of
SPHEs in both aspects: (I) hot side and cold side pressure decrements in channel plate spacing and channel plate width
drops, (II) hot side and cold side plates spacing, (III) channel (by combining Eqs. 12, 14, and 15). Higher Reynolds num-
plates width, (IV) SPHEs outside diameter, (V) hot side and bers in channels lead to higher heat transfer coefficients in
cold side Reynolds numbers, (VI) hot side and cold side hy- channels and higher overall heat transfer in the SPHE.
draulic diameters, (VII) heat transfer area, (VIII) overall heat Furthermore, the decreasing in channel plate spacing results
transfer coefficient, (IX) LMTD, (X) number of heat transfer in pressure drop escalating in channels to allowable pressure
units, (XI) effectiveness, (XII) total cost of SPHEs, (XIII) drop. Finally, higher overall heat transfer coefficient causes a
compactness and geometric proportion. reduction in required heat transfer area. In the light of men-
In this research, the standard designed SPHEs are designed tioned result analysis and comparison of designed SPHE com-
by developed Minton’s algorithm which is one of the contem- pactness, it is obvious that proposed algorithm of designing
porary methods in industries used by manufacturers to design SPHEs in this study has acceptable results.
SPHEs. In this method, after finalizing the channel plate In addition, based on proposed mathematical modeling of a
width, channel plate spacing is targeted to maximize pressure SPHE to a network of heat exchangers connected in series, the
drops by checking standard dimensions for channel plate results of equivalent internal heat exchangers including heat
spacing in Table 2. Figure 8 shows the simplified flow chart transfer rates, heat transfer areas, and temperature boundaries
of developed Minton’s algorithm. To uses mentioned flow are depicted in Table 4. To complete the study, temperature
charts, manufacturers tend to select dimensions from stan- distribution of hot and cold streams along the channels and
dardized tables such as Table 2.
101.6 812.8 203.2 4.8, 6.4 2.0, 2.4, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4.0, 4.4, 4.8, 5.2, 5.6, 6.0, 6.4 3.2, 4.8, 6.4, 7.9
152.4 812.8 203.2
304.8 812.8 203.2
304.8 1473.2 304.8
457.2 812.8 203.2 6.4, 7.9, 9.5, 12.7, 15.9, 19.1, 25.4
457.2 1473.2 304.8
609.6 812.8 203.2
609.6 1473.2 304.8
762.0 1473.2 304.8
914.4 1473.2 304.8
1219.2 1473.2 304.8
1524.0 1473.2 304.8 7.9, 9.5, 12.7, 15.9, 19.1, 25.4
1828.8 1473.2 304.8
400 Process Integr Optim Sustain (2020) 4:391–408
Parameter Minton (1970) Picon Nunez Picon Nunez Picon Nunez Picon Nunez New algorithm
et al. (2006) et al. (2007)a et al. (2009)b et al. (2009)c
Heat transfer area (m2) 15.044 14.772 11.24 14.48 18.50 12.325
Hot side Re 760 4390* 5208* 773 759 870
Cold side Re 303 1750* 2073* 307 301 346
Heat transfer rate (W) 186,486 186,500 186,500 186,300 186,174 186,486
Hot side heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) – 455.17 604.07 771.9 573.1 844.24
Cold side heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) – 467.15 619.93 390.1 304.6 450.49
Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) 226.9 230.53 305.7 247.4 192 276.91
Plate thickness (m) 0.003175 0.003175 0.003175 0.003175 0.003175 0.003175
Channel plate width (m) 0.61 0.5334 0.45 0.6 0.61 0.5334
Inside diameter of SPHE (m) 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.2032
Outer diameter of SPHE (m) 0.59 0.61468 0.57 0.56 0.6 0.5419
Hot side pressure drop (KPa) 4.08 4.895 6.89 6.89 3.651 6.399
Cold side pressure drop (KPa) 5.09 6.89 6.89 6.89 4.249 6.440
Hot side channel plate spacing (m) 0.00635 0.00635 0.00508 0.00477 0.00635 0.00476
Cold side channel plate spacing (m) 0.00635 0.00635 0.00635 0.00627 0.007938 0.00595
Number of spiral turns – – – – – 9.659
Operating cost (USD) – – – – – 141.86
Capital cost (USD) – – – – – 86,643.60
Total cost (USD) – – – – – 86,785.46
Geometric proportiond 1.034 0.868 0.789 1.071 1.017 0.984
2 3 e
Compactness (m /m ) 90.207 93.325 97.885 97.983 107.263 100.186
Design with maximizing both pressure drops
Design with full pressure utilization on both streams
Design with standard dimensions
This parameter is calculated for all methods based on Eq. 36
This parameter is calculated based on the ratio of heat transfer area to SPHE volume
*This Reynolds number is irrationally higher than calculation of Eq. 12 or in comparison with next researches by Picon Nunez et al. (2009)
standard design (H–ΔT–Std and H–Δcp–Std) is based on Hot b–Δcp–Std, Cold b–ΔT–Std, and Cold b–Δcp–Std) is
dimensions cited in Table 2, but those of in optimum design curbed by standard dimensions mentioned in Table 2.
(H–ΔT–Opt and H–Δcp–Opt) is a continuous change. However, in new optimization algorithm, standard limita-
Indeed, observing some fluctuations in the trend of developed tions are not considered (Hot b–ΔT–Opt, Hot b–Δcp–Opt,
Minton’s algorithm (standard design) is caused by the dimen- Cold b–ΔT–Opt, and Cold b–Δcp–Opt). Then again,
sion selections from Table 2. Moreover, results in Fig. 12 reaching the maximum pressure drop at each side can reduce
illustrate that outside diameters of SPHEs are smaller in new channel plate spacing as much as possible. Lastly, in case of
optimization algorithm (Ds–ΔT–Opt and Ds–Δcp–Opt) than having variable specific heat capacity (Hot b–Δcp–Opt and
developed Minton’s algorithm (Ds–ΔT–Std and Ds–Δcp– Cold b–Δcp–Opt), by increasing in temperature approach,
Std) because of keeping the geometric proportion in specified channel plate spacing is larger than constantan specific heat
ranges, maximizing the pressure drops and having no limita- capacity at both sides (Hot b–ΔT–Opt and Cold b–ΔT–Opt).
tions in channel plate spacing. This significant result is due to growing specific heat capacity
Figure 13 illustrates the channel plate spacing (hot side and by incremental rate of temperature approach. Figure 13b
cold side channels) and their relevant hydraulic diameters ver- shows the channel hydraulic diameter at both hot and cold
sus temperature approach. Both hot side and cold side channel side. The patterns of hydraulic diameters are the same as chan-
plate spacing, reduces with a rising rate of temperature ap- nel plate spacing at both sides because of the hydraulic diam-
proach (Fig. 13a). This reduction results in maximizing the eter definition, Eq. 14, in this case study.
pressure drop at each side and increasing the overall heat The presented data in Fig. 14 depicts that channel pressure
transfer coefficient. It is noticeable that in the developed drop and channel Reynolds number at both hot side and cold
Minton’s algorithm, channel plate spacing (Hot b–ΔT–Std, side versus temperature approach variations. The study of
402 Process Integr Optim Sustain (2020) 4:391–408
Table 4 Results of equivalent internal heat exchangers of optimized This occurs due to a decrease in the channel plate spacing
and an increase in fluid velocity in hot and cold side channel.
Spiral Qj: Heat Aj: Heat Lj: Heat Tj: Hot side Tj: Cold side Figure 15 illustrates two dimensionless parameters of NTU
turn transfer transfer transfer temperature temperature and total effectiveness of SPHE versus changes of temperature
rate (W) area (m2) length (m) (°C) (°C) approach. Results show that both NTU and total effectiveness
0 0 0 0 120.000 60.000
are equal in developed Minton’s algorithm and new optimiza-
1 12,843.098 0.777448 0.728766 125.524 66.226
tion algorithm, and they decrease when temperature approach
goes up. That is, the larger SPHEs, in terms of lower temper-
2 14,543.821 0.891837 0.835993 131.762 73.276
ature approach, had higher NTU and total effectiveness. The
3 16,170.181 1.006226 0.943219 138.698 81.115
trend of reduction in these two dimensionless parameters is
4 17,714.702 1.120615 1.050445 146.296 89.702
higher when temperature differences aspect is deemed
5 19,170.595 1.235004 1.157672 154.518 98.995
(NTU–ΔT–Std, NTU–ΔT–Opt, Effec.–ΔT–Std, and
6 20,531.809 1.349394 1.264898 163.324 108.948
Effec.–ΔT–Opt) because of constant value of C min .
7 21,793.072 1.463783 1.372125 172.671 119.512
However, with variation of the specific heat capacities in sec-
8 22,949.919 1.578172 1.479351 182.514 130.637
ond studying condition, the reduction trend in NTU and total
9 23,998.712 1.692561 1.586578 192.807 142.271
effectiveness is less sensitive to temperature approach incre-
9.659 16,770.066 1.209607 1.133865 200.000 150.400
ments (NTU–Δcp–Std, NTU–Δcp–Opt, Effec.–Δcp–Std,
and Effec.–Δcp–Opt). This trend is a result of changes in
specific heat capacities to calculate Cmin. That is, this graph
channel pressure drop, Fig. 14a, shows that in new optimiza- shows the importance of specific heat capacities in SPHE
tion algorithm, pressure drops at both sides (Hot ΔP–ΔT– design. It is worth mentioning that increasing in specific heat
Opt, Hot ΔP–Δcp–Opt, Cold ΔP–ΔT–Opt, and Cold capacities leads to decrease in NTU and total effectiveness.
ΔP–Δcp–Opt) can approach near allowable pressure drop Figure 16 shows the compactness and total cost of designed
(6.8948 KPa), because of having no limitation on minimum SPHEs versus temperature approach variations. According to
channel plate spacing, whereas in developed Minton’s algo- solid line graphs, compactness of SPHEs in new optimization
rithm, both sides pressure drops (Hot ΔP–ΔT–Std, Hot algorithm (Comp.–ΔT–Opt and Comp.–Δcp–Opt) is notice-
ΔP–Δcp–Std, Cold ΔP–ΔT–Std, and Cold ΔP–Δcp–Std) ably larger than that of in developed Minton’s algorithm
experience fluctuations and fall off by increasing in tempera- (Comp.–ΔT–Std and Comp.–Δcp–Std). This difference oc-
ture approach. This trend is caused by limitations on channel curred due to the limitations on geometry and channel plate
plate spacing selection from Table 2 and is normal. Therefore, spacing of SPHEs designed by developed Minton’s algorithm
increasing the actual pressure drops below the allowable pres- referring to Table 2. More details and applicability of
sure drops in such SPHEs is impossible. In addition, Fig. 13b compactness-temperature approach diagram will be discussed
presents the Reynolds numbers of both sides in both algo- in Fig. 17.
rithms. It is noticeable that although Reynolds numbers are According to graphs of TCost–ΔT–Std, TCost–Δcp–Std,
limited in developed Minton’s algorithm (Hot Re–ΔT–Std, TCost–ΔT–Std, and TCost–Δcp–Std in Fig. 16, estimated
Hot Re–Δcp–Std, Cold Re–ΔT–Std and Cold Re–Δcp– total cost of SPHEs decreases as temperature approach in-
Std), because of applying mentioned limited dimensions in creases. It is noticeable that total cost of designed SPHEs by
Table 2, Reynolds numbers are increasing and become larger new optimization algorithm is lower than that of by developed
in new optimization algorithm (Hot Re–ΔT–Opt, Hot Minton’s algorithm. Although energy cost is higher in new
Re–Δcp–Opt, Cold Re–ΔT–Opt, and Cold Re–Δcp–Opt). optimization algorithm, due to having higher pressure drops,
than developed Minton’s algorithm, the capital cost is notice- incremental rate of hot side specific heat coefficients. By in-
ably decreased by the reduction in heat transfer area. In fact, creasing the temperature approach, compactness grows and
the total cost estimation in optimum design is lower than that experiences peak ranges, and then falls off. Figure 17 not only
of standard design. shows appropriate ranges of temperature approach for de-
To complete the analysis of results in compactness- signing SPHEs with higher compactness, but also con-
temperature approach diagram of Fig. 16, Fig. 17 shows the firms the priority of selecting the new proposed optimiza-
results and fitting curves (polynomial-order: 4) for all de- tion algorithm for designers and manufacturer to reduce
signed cases by new optimization algorithm (Comp.–ΔT– end prices by designing more compact heat exchangers.
Opt and Comp.–Δcp–Opt) and developed Minton’s algorithm To summarize, this diagram, compactness-temperature ap-
(Comp.–ΔT–Std and Comp.–Δcp–Std). The trends of com- proach diagram, shows a new method of geometric opti-
pactness in both algorithms for all cases are the same when mization of SPHEs and the effects of temperature differ-
temperature approach rises due to having either constant or ence in optimization of SPHEs.
Fig. 13 a Relations of channel plate spacing versus temperature approach. b Relations of channel hydraulic diameter versus temperature approach
Process Integr Optim Sustain (2020) 4:391–408 405
Fig. 14 a Relations of channel pressure drop versus temperature approach. b Relations of channel Reynolds number versus temperature approach
linear temperature distribution of temperature-enthalpy dia- to reach the maximum pressure drops in channels and to keep
gram was valid, and they confirmed the applicability of T-Q appropriate geometric proportion in SPHEs considering eco-
diagram in SPHE analysis. Thirdly, a newly developed ther- nomic viewpoint. Comparing new algorithm results with pre-
mal design optimization algorithm of SPHEs was introduced vious methods showed an increase in overall heat transfer
coefficient and a decrease in heat transfer area. Moreover, the and changes of cp,h with constant outlet temperature and var-
new optimization algorithm was employed to study SPHEs iable inlet hot stream temperature.
design parameters thoroughly, and the results were compared With assumption of constant heat transfer rate and flow
with developed Minton’s algorithm used extensively in man- rates in a SPHE design, and setting approach temperature as
ufacturers’ design. The study was conducted for different de- a key parameter to analyze the SPHE, results depicted that (I)
sign cases with assumptions of constant cold side inlet and an increase in specific heat capacity led to a higher rate of
outlet temperature in two conditions of changes of inlet and rising in overall heat transfer coefficient and decreasing in heat
outlet temperatures of hot stream provided that cp,h is constant, transfer area and total cost in new optimization algorithm; (II)
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