Effect of High-Fidelity Simulation On Clinical Judgment Among Nursing Students
Effect of High-Fidelity Simulation On Clinical Judgment Among Nursing Students
Effect of High-Fidelity Simulation On Clinical Judgment Among Nursing Students
Ahmad Ayed, RN, MSN, PhD1 , Inaam A. Khalaf, RN, MSN, PhD2,
Imad Fashafsheh, RN, MSN, PhD1, Ali Saleh, RN, MSN, PhD2,
Hala Bawadi, RN, MSN, PhD2, Jamila Abuidhail, RN, MSN, PhD3,
Imad Thultheen, RN, MSN, PhD4, and Hasan Joudallah, PhD5
Introduction: Nursing education needs to be improved in order to bridge the gap between education and clinical practice.
However, clinical placements for nursing students are limited and student nurses often take merely an observer role, especially
in critical situations. High-fidelity simulation (HFS) is a teaching method that can bridge the gap between education and clinical
practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of using HFS as a teaching method on clinical judgment among
pediatric nursing students at the Arab American University utilizing a bacterial meningitis case scenario.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study with a convenience sample of one hundred and fifty baccalaureate nursing students
enrolled in a pediatric health nursing course. Nursing students were randomly assigned to high-fidelity simulation experience or
traditional methods. The clinical judgment was assessed using Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric Tool.
Results: Results revealed that the high-fidelity simulation experience has improved pediatric nursing students’ clinical
judgment. The mean clinical judgment differed significantly at post-test in the intervention group after the simulation (t (148) =
7.20, P < .001).
Conclusion: The HFS can be an effective tool to provide a safe and effective learning environment for pediatric nursing
students, consequently improving their clinical judgment
clinical judgment, high-fidelity simulation, nursing, students
Faculty of Nursing, Arab American University, Palestine
School of Nursing, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Faculty of Nursing, The Hashemite University, Al-Zarqa, Jordan
Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Sport Science and Health, Physical Education and Sport, AN-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Corresponding Author:
Ahmad Ayed, RN, MSN, PhD, Faculty of Nursing, Arab American University, Palestine, Jenin 0097, Palestine.
Email: ahmad.juma@aaup.edu
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and
Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
The instruments used in this study composed of the
Figure 1. Sampling and flow of subjects through the study. following:
Demographic data question set: was designed by the re-
searcher. It covered participants’ demographical data such as
adopted from the Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators age and gender
developed by Campbell and Daley.15 This scenario included a Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric: The original tool was
four-year-old child complaining of a high fever, nuchal ri- developed by Lasater16 to evaluate students’ clinical judgment.
gidity, photophobia, and positive Krings and Budenski signs. The rubric has four subscales: noticing, interpreting, reflecting,
The researchers divided the students in the simulation training and responding. Each domain is rated using a Likert-type scale
into 5 groups of fifteen students in each group. The simulation from 1 to 4, with 1 being beginning, 2 is developing, 3 is
training was two hours for each group. From each group, five accomplished, and 4 being exemplary. Total scores identify
students were chosen randomly as a team to demonstrate the the level of development of overall clinical nursing
scenario, and the remaining members of the group were in the judgment and range from 11 to 44. Scores in the 34-44
debriefing room, observing the team demonstration. The team range indicate exemplary; those in the 23-33 range are
role was a primary nurse, secondary nurse, family, physician, accomplished, the 12-22 range indicates developing, and
and leader. The interventions required for the simulation 11 or below is beginning. The psychometric analysis
group included activities such as measuring the vital signs, supports the use of this rubric in HFS research. The LCJR
breath sounds assessment, connecting heart monitor leads, inter-rater reliability is (alpha = .87), and the internal
providing oxygen supplement if needed, monitoring oxygen consistency of the subscales is (Cronbach’s alphas, ranging
saturation and arterial blood gases (ABGs), tracking labo- from .87 to .93). Permission to use the LCJR was obtained
ratory results, diagnostic tests, and medication administra- from the author.
tion. Determining which of the skills was appropriate for the
care and management of the simulated patient required the
Data Collection Procedure
participants to exercise clinical judgment. The researcher
stopped the simulation and led the debriefing session for the After obtaining ethical approval and permission from the
participants when the scenario was completed. The debriefing university, the researchers first met the course coordinator at
session lasted up to 10 minutes where a discussion of the the nursing faculty and asked the coordinator to serve as a
positive aspects of the simulation performance, as well as the liaison to approach students in the pediatric health nursing
opportunities for improvement, was undertaken. The students course. The role of the coordinator was limited to ap-
of the group then repeated the scenario for expert role proaching and informing the learners about the study and its
modeling and deliberate practice with feedback until the purpose and inviting them to take part in the study. Addi-
students were proficient. Each team in the group needed 40 tionally, the study announcement was put on the student
minutes (scenario and debriefing) to accomplish their board and on electronic contact links in conjunction with
demonstration. the administrator of the Faculty of Nursing. The coordi-
The control group received a three-hour lecture about nator then invited the researchers to provide students who
bacterial meningitis and clinical training in the hospital. The displayed the desire to take part in the study with the
Table 2. Comparison of the sample characteristics between the two groups according to background characteristics (N = 150).
Chi Square
Variable Total, n (%) Intervention Group, n (%) Control Group, n (%) Test Statistic p-value
Table 3. Comparison between the experimental and control groups regarding clinical judgment (N = 150).
Statistical Test
Intervention Control
Variable M (SD) M (SD) t test P Value
Clinical judgment at post test 31.37 (11.18) 18.03 (11.51) 7.20 < .001*
Noticing 8.77 (3.06) 5.33 (3.02) 6.92 < .001*
Interpreting 5.96 (2.29) 3.28 (2.39) 7.00 < .001*
Responding 10.77 (3.90) 6.20 (4.15) 6.95 < .001*
Reflecting 5.87 (2.21) 3.21 (2.13) 7.49 < .001*
*P value significant at the .05 level.
Ayed et al. 5
group showed that the mean score ranged from 5.87 (SD = there is no chance of harm to patients and the high demand on
2.21) for the subscale reflecting to 10.77 (SD = 3.90) for the clinical site availability could be decreased. Using HFS was
subscale responding. The mean score of the subscales of the helpful in improving pediatric nursing students’ clinical
clinical judgment for the intervention group was higher than judgment and solidification of their capabilities to make
that for the control group at post-test (see Table 3). correct clinical decisions. Experiencing HFS can help pe-
diatric nursing students to progress from the beginner level to
Discussion exemplary level of clinical judgment to manage clinical
situations in real-life situations.
The results revealed that there is a significant difference There were several limitations acknowledged in the current
between students in the intervention and control groups on study. The first limitation was a convenience sample; this study
the clinical judgment after HFS, and the higher mean score of was limited to sample of bachelor-degree nursing students from
clinical judgment was regarding the intervention group who one private university. The second limitation was the short study
received clinical training using HFS. This study supports that duration period and study also may have been affected due to the
HFS increases clinical judgment among nursing students. fact that only one simulated scenario was used.
Furthermore, the results showed that using HFS enabled
achieving clinical judgment in subscales as noticing, inter-
preting, responding, and reflecting.
The findings in this study were consistent with findings The current study confirmed that HFS can be an effective tool
from previous studies such as Kaddoura et al and Fawaz and to provide a safe and effective learning environment for
Hamdan-Mansour17,18 who found that HFS as an educational pediatric nursing students, consequently improving their
tool is a potent teaching/learning method, as the students who clinical judgment.
participated in HFS were able to use clinical judgment. The
findings of both studies indicated that students in the treat- Acknowledgments
ment groups scored significantly higher in clinical judgment. The researcher extends their thanks and appreciation to all partic-
Similarly, Lindsey and Jenkins8 found the same results. Also, ipants who voluntarily took the time to participate in this study.
the finding of a higher student clinical judgment level after a
simulation was also found in a quasi-experimental study Declaration of Conflicting Interests
conducted by Salameh et al13 who compared clinical judg-
ment of Palestinian nursing students in emergency nursing The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
including the aspects of noticing, interpreting, responding, to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
and reflecting based on treatment and control groups.
Moreover, the findings of the current study are supported by Funding
Konieczny12 who compares the effect of low-fidelity and The author(s) received no financial support for the research, au-
high-fidelity simulation experience on clinical judgment. The thorship, and/or publication of this article.
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