Emergency Drugs - Cardiac Drugs
Emergency Drugs - Cardiac Drugs
Emergency Drugs - Cardiac Drugs
CARDIAC DRUGS With acute angle closure glaucoma, obstructive
uropathy, obstructive disease of GI tract,
ATROPINE SULFATE paralytic ileus, toxic megacolon, intestinal
atony, unstable CV status in acute hemorrhage,
Isopto Atropine asthma, or myasthenia gravis.
Pregnant women.
Anticholinergics Nursing Management
Monitor VS.
Dosage Report HR
Bradycardia: 0.5 mg IV every 3-5 mins, max of Monitor for constipation, oliguria.
0.04 mg/kg Instruct to take 30 mins before meals
Cardiac Arrest: 1 mg every 3-5 mins Eat foods high in fiber and drink plenty fluids.
Nerve and Organophosphate symptoms: may Can cause photophobia
repeat in 2 mg increments q 3 mins titrated to Instruct client not to drive a motor vehicle or
relief symptoms participate in activities requiring alertness.
Advise to use hard candy, ice chips, etc. for dry
Indication mouth.
Pre-op meds/pre-anesthetic meds
To restore cardiac rate and arterial pressure
during anesthesia when vagal NITROGLYCERINE
To lessen the degree of A-V heart block
To overcome severe carotid sinus reflex Nitrostat
Antidote for cholinergic toxicity
Side effects Antianginal
CNS: restlessness, ataxia, disorientation, Nitrate
hallucinations, delirium, coma, insomnia, Vasodilator,
agitation, confusion. Coronary
CV: tachycardia, angina, arrhythmias, flushing.
EENT: photophobia, blurred vision, mydriasis. Dosage
GI: dry mouth, constipation, vomiting. 0.3-0.4 mg SL q 5 min, max 3 doses.
GU: urine retention. Every 6 hrs except for midnight (cream)
Hematologic: leukocytosis Wear 12 hrs a day for skin patch
Other: anaphylaxis
Adverse effects Relaxes the vascular smooth system
CNS: headache, excitement.
CV: palpitations Reduces myocardial oxygen consumption
GI: thirst, nausea Reduces left ventricular workload
Reduces arterial BP
Reduces venous return May be repeated q 5 minutes to max. of 3
Indication If the client doesn’t experience relief, advise to
Angina pectoris seek medical assistance immediately.
CHF associated with AMI Keep in a dark colored container
Cardiac load reducing agent
Hypertensive Crisis
CV: orthostatic hypotension, flushing, fainting. Kadian, M-Eslon (CAN), MS Contin, Oramorph
Contraindications RMS
With early MI. (S.L. form), severe anemia, Preservative-free concentrate for
administration and periodically after dose. release system; MS Contin: 200 mg PO q 12 hr.
Have client sit or lie down if taking drug for the SC and IM:10 mg (5–20 mg)/70 kg q 4 hr or as
Cardioverter/ defibrillator must not be water for injection administered over 4–5 min,
Nitro-Bid ointment or the Transderm-Nitro Patch. infusion: 0.1–1 mg/mL in 5% dextrose in water
Action Classification
Inhibits calcium transport into myocardial Anti-anginals
smooth muscle cells Antiarrhythmics
Decreases SA and AV conduction and prolongs Antihypertensive
AV node refractory period in conduction tissue Ca channel blocker
Indication Dosage
Hypertension PO: 30-120 mg, 3-4x daily or 60-120 mg twice
Angina Pectoris daily as SR capsules
Supraventricular Arrhythmia IV: 0.25 mg/kg
Atrial flutter/fibrillation
Side Effects and Adverse Reactions Inhibits calcium transport into myocardial
smooth muscle cells
CNS:abnormal dreams, anxiety, confusion, Systemic and coronary vasodilation
dizziness and headache
EENT: blurred vision, epistaxis and tinnitus Indication
CV: arrhythmia, CHF, chest pain, bradycardia, Hypertension
hypotension and palpitations Angina Pectoris
GU: dysuria, nocturia and polyuria Supraventricular Arrhythmia
Atrial flutter/fibrillation Increases electrical stimulation of ventricle and
His-purkinje system by direct action on tissues,
Side Effects and Adverse and Reactions resulting to decrease depolarization,
CNS:abnormal dreams, anxiety, confusion, automaticity and excitability in ventricles
dizziness and headache during diastolic phase
EENT: blurred vision, epistaxis and tinnitus
CV: arrhythmia, CHF, chest pain, bradycardia, Indication
hypotension and palpitations Anesthesia
GU: dysuria, nocturia and polyuria Arrhythmias
GI: abnormal liver function, anorexia, Control of Status epilepticus refractory to
constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting other treatments
Cordarone 2nd or 3rd degree AV block
Nursing Management
Dosage Assess cardiovascular status before therapy
Recurrent ventricular arrhythmias: Assess pulmonary, hepatic and thyroid
PO800-1600 mg/day for 1-2 wks function before and during therapy
PSVT, symptomatic atrial Monitor fluid and electrolytes, I&O, K, Na and
flutter: PO 600-800 mg/day for 1 month Cl
Arrhythmias with CHF: 200 mg/day Monitor ECG, BP
Ventricular dysrrhythmias: 150 mg over Assess vision
the 1 10 mins then slow 360 mg over the next
6 hrs
Blocks Na channels, prolonging myocardial cell Pronestyl, Procan-SR, Procanbid
blockage Antiarrhythmics
Indication Dosage
Ventricular tachycardia
Side Effects and Adverse Reactions Blocks open Na channels and prolongs the
node dysfunction, heart block, sinus arrest; conduction and ultimately the decreased rate
flushing, fatigue, malaise, abnormal of rise of the action potential may result on the
Contraindications Asthma
Heart block Bronchitis
Heart failure
All cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis
Hypotension Used for symptomatic bradycardia.
Myesthenia gravis Relief of bronchospasm occurring during
Digoxin toxicity Exercised-induced bronchospasm
Side Effects/Adverse Reactions
Side Effects:
Nursing Management nervousness, tremor, vertigo, pain, widened
pulse pressure, hypertension nausea
Assess cardiovascular status before therapy
Adverse Effects:
Assess pulmonary, hepatic and thyroid headache
function before and during therapy
Monitor fluid and electrolytes, I&O, K, Na and With angle-closure glaucoma, shock (other than
Cl anaphylactic shock), organic brain damage,
cardiac dilation, arrhythmias, coronary
Monitor ECG, BP insufficiency, or cerebral arteriosclerosis. Also
Assess vision contraindicated in patient receiving general
anesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons or
cyclopropane and in patients in labor (may
delay second stage)
EPINEPHRINE In conjunction with local anesthesia, epinephrine
is contraindicated for use in finger, toes, ears,
nose, and genitalia.
Injection, OTC nasal solution:
In pregnant woman, drug is contraindicated.
Adrenalin Chloride
In breast feeding do not use the drug or stop
Ophthalmic solution:
breast feeding.
Epifrin, Glaucon
Insect sting emergencies:
Nursing Management
EpiPen Auto-Injector (delivers 0.3 mg IM adult
1. Monitor V/S. and check for cardiac
dose), EpiPen Jr. Auto-Injector (delivers 0.15 mg
IM for children)
2. Drug increases rigidity and tremor in patients
OTC solutions for
with Parkinson’s disease
3. Epinephrine therapy interferes with tests for
AsthmaNefrin, microNefrin, Nephron, S2
urinary catecholamine
4. Avoid IM use of parenteral suspension into
buttocks. Gas gangrene may occur
Beta2 Adrenergic Agonists
5. Massage site after IM injection to counteract
possible vasoconstriction.
6. Observe patient closely for adverse reactions.
Cardiac arrest: 1 mg IV of 1:10,000 solution q
Notify doctor if adverse reaction develop
3-5 min; double dose if administering via ET
7. If blood pressure increases sharply, rapid-
acting vasodilators such as nitrates or alpha
Anaphylaxis: 0.1- 1 mg SQ or IM of 1:1000
blockers can be given to counteract
Asthma: 0.1-0.3 mg SQ or IM of 1:10,000
Refractory bradycardia and hypotension: 2- VASOPRESSIN
Action Pitressin
Stimulates beta receptors in lung.
Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle.
Classification MAGNESIUM SO4
Pituitary Hormones
Dosage Anti-convulsant
Indication Indication
Diabetes Insipidus Mg replacement
GI bleeding
Esophageal varices Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
CNS: drowsiness, depressed reflexes, flaccid
Respi: bronchoconstriction
Skin: diaphoresis, gangrene and urticaria Contraindications
Heart block and myocardial damage
Dosage Action
Relaxes arteriolar and venous smooth muscle
Metabolic Acidosis: Usually 2-5 meq/kg IV
infuse over 4-8 hr period Indication
Hypertensive crisis
Cardiac Arrest: 1 meq/kg IV of 7.5 or 8.4%
To produce controlled hypotension during
sol, then 0.5 meq/kg IV q 10 mins depending anesthesia
on ABG To reduce preload and afterload in cardiogenic
Metabolic and respiratory alkalosis FUROSEMIDE
Pt losing Cl because of vomiting or continuous
GI suction or those receiving diuretics that
produces hypochloremic alkalosis Classification
Loop Diuretics
Contraindications 30-100 g with at least 8 oz of water
Use cautious with cardiac irritability or opiod Inhibits GI absorption of toxic substances or
addiction. irritants
Side Effects
Nausea, vomiting, palpitations, sweating, Side Effects
flushing, dry mouth, tremors, insomnia,
CNS: headache an anxiety
dyspnea, hyperventilation, blurred vision,
headache, pain at injection site CV: tachy, angina, palpitations and
Control of ICP or status epilepticus. GI: nausea and vomiting
Signs of serious cyclic antidepressant overdose
Classification Dosage
Adrenergic drugs 0.5-1 mg SQ, IV, IM, repeat in 20 mins PRN
Dosage Action
0.5-1 mcg/kg/min IV infusion, titrating to Binds with glucagon receptor
optimum dosage of 2-20 mcg/kg/min
2.5 to 10 mcg/kg/min-usual effective range to Indication
increase CO Hypoglycemia
Indication Contraindications
To increase CO Hypersensitivity
Treatment of cardiac decompensation Pheochromocytoma
Side Effects
CNS: headache Nursing Management
CV: HPN, tachycardia, palpitations and Monitor V/S and blood sugar level
vasoconstriction Response within 20 mins after injection
GI: nausea and vomiting
Contraindications ALBUTEROL
Use cautiously in pts with hx of HPN and AMI Ventolin
GLUCAGON Indication
Prevention of exercise induced spasms
Side effects 25-50 mg PO, IV or IM bid-tid
Tachycardia Action
GI upset Blocks the effects Hi receptor sites
Contraindications Allergic reactions
Hypersensitivity Motion sickness
Cough suppression
Nursing Management Sedation
Monitor therapeutic effectiveness
Monitor HR, BP, ABG, s/sx of bronchospasm and Side Effects
CNS stimulation Xerostomia
Instruct on how to use inhaler properly Urinary retention
Rinse mouth after use Sedation
DIPHENHYDRAMINE HCL Acute asthmatic attack