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TEGHNIGAL LIBRARY an ABs 3/6 MIN fiw ‘er r Be mi Tn Soa \ I fo | : 5 Man — Sa) (2m. ano uNoeR) (over 2m) : nme THREADS FER 80H & | & SRR RIERA sewn EEE fa) lies Silas [eamemamr eT (se [ae [ee [oe salle 1b wien se Pee cole Ey PoStnds. AUDENYY ALLO PE GO-AT25/6._ BUSS FER Q-I2L OF GOAL. comma SLAC BREN STS STEEPED sccnautc vit rocnnast SUCIPECAION. sSODLEE TS accor ITH FeceRDENT SESE Say Ca GR TGs Sc sess scan sit ges, cs eee 2. ABESECPepesecLED Gcéoulon s:crISc STEEL SERENE SHALL AME A MMOHETEC PERAABTLNY 1 ACCOANGE WITH PhocARENT sm resto-s262 PenorED 5 AUS 60am Qos enw are 411, RANT SOMMER: THE YS FART NUMBER CONSISTS OF THE XE RUVGER PLUS THE DASH NUMBER AND CODE. SEE TABLE HT AND PAGE 2. fie a TES] «mame socrens nee owe ste perme ot sto Paton en rm, er rs te i a r—~—~—iri—Ss—s—ses—seseOSCSCSsizsSCOCsN ; © oworrs cusses : x Senew,uachne, FLAT counTeRsuoe HEAD, 100", MILITARY STANDARD) om CROSS RECESSED, ner 28 AND UN=P4 (nu) MS24693 SORT RE | SIGE at a oo _ ae TEGHNIGAL LIBRARY ——_—._ $e BAGH NMEERS ANE CONES =e Soa om i egos mane "SCREW, MACHINE, FLAT COUNTERSUNK HEAD, 100°, CROSS RECESSED, UNC~BA AND UNF-28 (N/MM) MILITARY STANDARD. ieee e meio E MS2469 ro DD.32 672-1 ame TEGHNIGAL LIBRARY THRE TY Dag TNTERCHANCEABILITY "(Heine Coded Dash Suters) Atver BL ApELL 1967, sores vee, of ANSE: are canceled, tut, their existine stock should fe used for sinconsce PURPOSES GHEIT eopletest TSLENTY GHC HEN HRSECEY StREGS ROR SEO ESTOS AGE RUSTESAT TF Fe Meaioe as22> SSELUSSED acres the Gttowine A cash eunters ape supersaéed by the fete (2) Hof plain trast setecss” AN sah numbersocih a prefia "Un" superseded Ey 8 dash numbers with a pre- CEE? BEER EP aRoadagaed Ube Tage hy webaoa gel - (3) BRE ace Suara oof Reuse senect AS Math, furters with a pretin LESS S'preria tame, "Bkanpiet sascha the viperaeded ty EESIER ay Fervedladas BIGGEE, "Elasa Serene at deeh-numbers’aithea presage 1) HERESIES "Rass Eor chatter selon Sst Ch nO ao ai alah numbers witha prefin eh Example! ANSOTESIGR superseded ty WSD46}0C3. a HE euperseded ty MS ash name Pecsedes by MS dash numbers (6) for anodised, atuninun alley scree: AN dash numbers vith a prefix "DD" superseded by KS dash mum ERAS GnE ant We gr eee a eter ie TEE ee : 28 SSSIEEED LAISSSTEINNSS Slperstded By aSLtBS.28E : £52 Justices [nati Mbes maids ns| asta su iste leat Eats | ea Saar est SAB Be ain OnaRaE Tse a i 445806 632k) 2 250 Azone 286 enone 260 ies Ea BH : Ly —t— .. | nh ieaanes a 8 i mE | i mE tit # E | a8 mle Le 3 o | F Sa mg | ie Tea ee |e ete | La : t me MILITARY STANDARI rae SCREW, MACHINE, FLAT COUNTERSUNK HEAD, 100°, “ UNC-24 AND UNF-2A (iN/MM) MS2469, Ea emer oe — Ae aD DD. 672-1 commen a ses 6 2 3 é i ? TEGHNIGAL BR S308 — a peeceso ung [fn rea ie \ at - ji + Alghe a! bard (50800 ua ano (OVER $0800 wm ti rare mee or nme ae 7 or cee ues a HE Ee a eae vores non aia (og |e as a uae | 33: Be | na) | 32 i )2 | 4 [ie #2 [2838 bY oe aa |e | ae | 236 260 Ss nas : ps +H a2 | o [BE sce |E Fae] oe For alsimun tensile strength valuezs fee “ann ginconions are in alllinerers 00) unless otherviag apecdsieg. far dash murder" code" (mitersal gnd protective egeting) see ‘SCREW, MACHINE, FLAT GOUNTERSUNK HEAD, 00% ‘GROSS RECESSED, UNC-28 AND UNF-28 NFM) arraoven 3 006 1360 Lwiuitany stanoaro | MS 24693 ODES 672-1 cme,

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