Sets, Relations and Functions
Sets, Relations and Functions
Sets, Relations and Functions
Sets, Relations
and Functions
Ans. (c) 97-7 + 16
Sets Let A = Patient suffering from heart 6
ailment and B —Set of patient suffering 16
[7 + 971
01 R: Ix-21>1), from lungs infection
Hence, sum =
x 2 —3>1) and Given,dA) = 89% and dB) = 98%
= 832
and Z is the set
ofall integers, then the number of 100289+98-n(AnB) 04 In a school, there are three types of
subsetsof the set (A nBnC)C n Z 87SdAnB) games to be played. Some of the
is [2021, 27 Aug. Shift-I) Also, dA n B) = min(NA),dB)) students play two types of games,
Ans. (256) 89 but none play all the three games.
Which Venn diagram can justify the
so. n(AnB) e (79, 81,83, 85). above statement?
[2021.17 March Shift-n
03 Let N sn+10,OOO),
B=ßk+llkeN) and N),
then the sum of all the elements of
C ( [6,00) the set A n (B—C)is equal to
An B nC = 00) (2021, 27 July Shift-Il] (P) (R)
(b)transitive. 2
—— 00)
(c) not symmetric. Ans. (c)
f(x) = sin-
Ans. (c)
Given,R = (l, 3), (4 2), (2, 4), (2, 3), (3, l)) is a
on the set A = (1, 2, 3, 4).
relation —-1<1-1
(a) Since,(2,4)e R and R. So, Ris
-2 Ans. (d)
nota function.
(b) Since, R and (3, l)eR but f(x) = cosec 21
x x
(1,1)e R. So, R is not transitive.
R but (3,2) CR. so, R is X< 00 Clearly
(c) Since,
notsymmetri(c) x [O, 00) 11+x1221x12
TOPIC3 so,
Odd-even and3x2 + x—1Sx 2 —2x+ 1
andPeriodic Functions and2x2 + 3x-2<0 39 Let Then the
number of possible functions
35Therangeof the function, f: S such that f(m• n)=f(m)•f(n)
3+c0s — + x
37t for every m, ne S and rn•ne S is
equal to .....
[2021, 27 July Shift-n
+CO and xe —Z—
+COS —+X 2 Ans. (490)
11 ...(ii)
cos —— x is
4 f(m• n) f(m) f(n)
Domain of fin Eq. (i)nEq. (ii)
[2021, 01 sep. Shift-Il] 11
(b)[-22] -4'2 If mne S :smnS7
so, (l. 1,1-2,
37 Let f: N be a function such that (2-22-3)s7
f(m+ f(m) + f(n) for every m, Whenm= 1,f(n)= f(l). f(n)
Ans. (d) is
ne N. If then Whenm= n
(2021, 31 Aug. Shift-Il)
3+ co equal to
(b) 54
(d) 36 When,m=2,
(c) 18
When, f(2)= 1,
Ans. (b)
sinx+ cosx) f(rn+ + neN
u cosxS2
f(6) = 18 e: f(6)= 18] 1 or 2 or 3
—1S3—üsinx+ cosxS 5
wise Topicwise Motherto
JEE Main Chapter
i e, alt
And (7) can any (V 7)
(here, —land la
The pop.9ibIecombinat ion is case, because of -1 and
Ans. (a) (b) all non-integers except the interval ( is equal to [2021, 25 Feb.
cos-l x2 —x+1 -1,11
29 49
(c) all integers except O,•1,1 (a)— (b)—
(d) all reals except the interval 2 2
1] 39 19
Ans. (b) (c)— (d)
x a —x+120andx 2 —x+ 2
Given, f(x) = cosec-Ix Ans. (c)
2X—1 It Given, f(x) = , then,
O< sin- 51+5
2 2
52 x
For f(x) to be defined, 52 x +5
3 xs— lor x? 1 5
2 x 1integers
Relations and Functions
Ans. (c)
49 For a Suitablo real constant
Civen, q(x)
a, lot a lunctin - (o)
Sin '(q(y)) delined by Further
x o + x + ax2 + ax—x a
is • [2021, 24 Fob. Shift-ll)
3x2 + 8
Ans. (2)
Given,a 1 This implies, so,
48 Let f : R be a function which 50 Suppose that a function R
Replace x by —
x satisfies satisfies f(x + y) = for all
... (ii)
f(x + x,yeR. If f(1)=2 x,yeR andf(1)=3.If f(i)=363, then
x andg(n)= E f(k),neN, then the
AddingEqs. (i) and (ii), we get n is equal to [2020, 6 sep. Shift-11)
value of n, for which g(n)=20 is Ans. (5.00)
(0+(1) _ [2020, 2 sep. Shift-ll) R
x It is given that the functionf
(b)20 satisfies, + y) Vx, ye R
2 Ans. (a)
Given R, satisfies
Now, it is given that Ef(i) —363
47 So,
sin-l x and
3+3 2 +3 3+ ...+3"-363
2x2 -x-6 At x=2and y = 1 - l) -363* 3=243-35
Ifg(2)=lim g(x), then the domain of
Similarly, f(4)= 8 and so on.
thefunction fog is
[2021, 26 Fob. Shift-11J Now,as E f(k) 51 Let f : R be such that for all
xeR(2 1+ X +2 1
3 +3 -x )
2 = 2+4+6+ ....+2(n are in (a) P, then the minimum value
of f(x) is [2020, 8 Jan. Shift-l)
n2 —n=20
Ans. (b)
So, if g(n)
It is given that
2 +2 1 x, f(x) and3 X + 3-x are in (a)P.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
Topicwise Mathema
10 JEE Main Chapterwise
Ans. (c)
SO, +3' 43 Ans. (a) Given function f(x)
'x 1<1,then
Given, f(x) = loge For domain of f(x)
According to AM-GM,
2(oo ) From Wavy curve method,
14 x 7
5 r x
2 a oY o
Similarly, tends ) Method Il f(x) =
tends to—. x
If x then by AM 2GM, we get
So range of the given function T is
x 12 2
2 2 x
Hence, option (d) is correct.
If x<o, then by AM 2GM, we get
I—x 55 The domain of the definition
53 If — then of the
function f(x)— x
—a—p +log,o (x3 —x)
is equal to is [2019, 9 2
1+X2 April Shift-Il]
(a) 2f(x) (b) 2f(x 2) If x = O,then f(x) —
(c) (f(x)) 2 (d) -2f(x) (c) u(2, 00) 1+0
[2019, 8 Apr. Shift-I]
2 2
Relationsand Functions
— 11
2 2
xa + 5x
— 11 Hence, S contains exactly two elements.
So,range is 2
Now, f(n) = 60 The domain of the function
Letfk —(sin k X+COS k x) for 2 2 2 f(x) = is
k tAIEEE 20111
k=123 .... Then, for all xeR, the 25in
valueoff, (x) —fe(x) is equal to (b) (—00, O)
[2019, 11Jan. Shift-I] 1 10x11x21 5
5 2 6 2 2
(b) (d) (—00, 00)
385 275 660
12 12 Ans. (b)
2 2 2
4 Ixl—x
59 For domain,
Ans. (a) x Ixl>X
We have, and (xeR x)); then S i.e.,onlypossible,if x<o.
—(sink x+ cosk x), 1, 23, . [JEE Main 2016]
k (a) is an empty set.
x + cos 4x) (b) contains exactly one element. 61 The largest interval lying in ——,—
4 22
(c) contains exactly two elements.
((sin2 x+ cos 2 x)2 —2sin 2 xcos 2 x) (d) contains more than two elements. for which the function
Ans. (c) +cos + log (cos x)
—sin22x 2
4 2 We have,f(x)+2f —
is defined, is [AIEEE 2007)
——(sinGx + cos 6 x)
and f6(x)—
6 On replacing x by —in the above (a) [Oat] (b)
equation, we get
(sin2 x + cos2 —3sin2 xcos 2 x 3
x x
(sin2x+ cos2 x))=— 1——(2sinxcosx)2
3 Ans. (d)
4 3
6 Given that,
—sin22x f(x)= + COS + log (cosx)
6 8 On multiplying Eq. (ii) by 2 and 2
1 3-2 1
Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii), we get Here, 4-x is definedfor —
4 6 12 12
4f(X)+ 2f(l) 6x
cos-l x is defined, if -ISE-ISI
58 If be 2 2
suchthat and x
xy,V x, ye R, 6
And log (cosx) is defincd, if cosx>O.
then equal to
[JEE Main 2017] 2
(a)330 (b) 165 + COS
3 Hence, f(x) =4 -x
(c) 190 (d) 255 2
Ans. (a) 2 + log (cos x)
Wehave,f(x)=ox2 + bx + c is defined,if xe
3 4 5 6 7 8 é 10 2
Chapterwise Topicwise Mathem
12 JEE Main
69 The period of the function
62 The graph of the functiony = f(x) is Ans. (d) sin' x +c0s4 xis
3 + log to (x' —X)
symmetrical about the line x —2, Given, f(x) =
then (AIEEE 2004]
For domain of f(x), (C) 27t (d) None
Ans. (b)
(c) f(x)= f(—x)
Giventhat, f(x) = sin' x+
(d) f(x)=—f(—x)
Ans. (b) 0
f(x) x + coe —2sin2
Given, graph is symmetrical about the
linex=2. -9 and 4—X2 = cosx) 2
so on
Then, the value of a for which (fof)
Now,there can be a possibility such that
(x)=x, for all xeR— — is Similarly,
6 2
[2021, 20 July Shift-ID 13
Given, f-'(x) + g-l (x)
(a) No sucha exists (b) 5 2
Ans. (b) 2 2
f(x) = — -13(x - 1)
1123456 7 8 9 1011 12 6x —a
So,(x) can be onto function. Now,
6x —a X = 23
f(4)= f(S) = f(6)= 2 5X+3
andso on. 6x — 76 The inverse of y = 510gxis
—a (2021, 17 March Shift-Il
72 Considerfunction f B and 6x —a
GR)such that
(gof)-l exists, then
[2021,25 July Shift-ID Ans. (c)
Given,fof(x)= x
(a)fandg both are one-one
Y = 5bgx
(b)fand g both are onto
Taking log on both sides,
(c)fis one-one and g is onto
25X+ log y = log *log S
(d)fis ontoand g is one-one _ logx
2 +a 2x
=30x2 + 18x—6æx
Ans. (c) -25) 3C-15=0 log S logy
3rvenfunctions,f : A * B and Comparingcoefficients, = logy X
B,CcR) 30-6x=o log 5
exists gof is a bijective 6a=30
mustbe 'one-one' and must be
wise Topicwise Mathematict
JEE Main Chapter
functions from
Abe number of one-one
77 Let A xB. Then,
if x is odd the set A to the set Fob. Shift-I"
Now, draw the graph 011w
defined as (b)2y-273x
x, if xis even
Then, the number of possible
functions A, such that Ans. (a) 2
(f B, fis one -one)
gof=f is (2021, 26 Feb. Shift-Il)
g is one one)
y = (g : —3
A = 3 i.e. IAI
(c)5S Number of elements in
Similarly, 5
Ans. (a) 15 2
xis odd. Then,
f(x)= function from A
x xis even. Now, number of one-one
to B will be
Given, g: A such that, 5! = _5! = = 60
g(f(x)) = f(x) (5-3)! 2!
When x is even, then x=60
g(x) = x
from A
When x is odd, then Now, number of one-one function •.•Anyhorizontal line does not cut the
to Ax B will be = graph at more than one points, so it is
This implies, (15-3)! one-one and here, co-domain andrange
g(x) = x. x is even. are not equal, so it is into.
—If x is odd, then g(x) can take any value y -2730 Hence, the required function is
in set A. Thus, one-one into.
So, number of g(x) = IOS 2y=91x
81 Let A = and Then
78 Let f, g: N, such that 80 Let f R be defined as the number of elements in theset
ne N and g be and g : R be : B12e f(A) and f is not
any arbitrary function. Which of the 1 one-one) is [2020, 5 sep. Shift-IO
following statements is not true? x—
Ans. (19.00)
[2021, 25 Feb. Shift-I] defined as
The desired functions will containeither
(a) if fog is one-one, then g is one-one.
one element or two elements in its
(b) if fis onto, then f(n) —n,V n EN. Then, the composition function co-domain and '2' will be the elementof
(c) f is one-one. f(g(x)) is [2021, 24 Feb. Shift-I] the each co-domain.
(d) if g is onto, then fog is one-one. (a) one-one but not onto So, the possible co-domain are
Ans. (d) (b) onto but not one-one (l, (2, 3) or {2, 4)
Given.f(n+ 1) f(l), V neN (c) Neither one-one nor onto .•.Total number of functions
(d) Both one-one and onto
It is an AP with common difference — Ans. (a)
Also, general term Given, 1;f: R
x- 1/2 82 If +x—land (gof)
f(n) = nf(l) 5
Clearly, f(n) is one-one. (x)=4x2 then f — is
For fog to be one-one, g must be
one-one. equal to [2020, 7 Jan. Shift-o
For f to be onto, f(n) should take all the x— 3 1
2 (b)
values of natural numbers. 2 72 2 2
As, f(x) is increasing, f(l) = 1 Ans. (a)
Since the g(x) = + x— land gof(x)
If g is many-one, then fog is many one. =4x 2 — 5 both are quadratic
So, if g is onto, then fog is one-one. equations, therefore f(x) must be a linear
79 Let x denote the total number of x-l Now, let f(x) —ax + b,
one-one functions from a set A
So, gof(x)=4x2 —
with 3 elements to a set B with 5 5
elements and y denote the total g(0X+ — 5
= x 2 + x-ll
Relationsand Functions 15
o(2b+ I)X+ (b2 + b —1) 84 If the function f 11m
(a) tan— (b) tan—
the coefficients of terms, defined by x 12 12
oncomparing , is surjective,
(c) tan— (d) tan—
weget 12 12
07 then A is equal to (2019,12 April Shift-n
o(2b+ l) = -10
Ans. (b)
havea Given, for xe (0, 3/2), functions
FromEq. we (2019, 9 April Shift-I)
we haveb= 3 2
FromEq.(iii), Ans. (c) g(x) = tanx
is getting satisfied by
Given,functionf :R Adefined and
I-xi (iii)
0--2 andb=2 so f(x)=— 2X+2
2 Also given, é(x) = ((hof)og)(x) = (hof) (g(x))
=% = y(let) = g(x))) = tan x))
5 x2
2 2 1+ (v'Gh7) 2
2 1—tanx = tan
inverse function of [ provided y *
83 The 1+ tanx -x)
, x € (—1,1)is Now, = tan
(2020, 8 Jan. Shift-I)
00 ) = tan 3Tt—4Tt
e)loge Since, for surjective function, range of
= —tan
Set A should be O).
85 Let f(x)= x2, xe R. For any A c R,
e)loge define :f(x)e A). If
[0,4], then which one of the 87 For let
following statements is not true? 1
fl x and (x) = —
I—x x I—x
Ans. (c) be three given functions. If a
82'-8 [2019, 10 April Shift-I] function,J (x) satisfies
Givenfunction, f(x) = Ans. (c) (f2oJ0fl (x), then J(x) is equal
Given, functions f(x) = x2,xe R to [2019,9 Jan. Shift-n
= y(let) and (xe R (a) f2(x)
Now, for S = [0, 4]
Onapplyingcomponendo and dividendo (c) fl(x) (d) —f3(x)
law,we get x
= (xe R e [0,41)
Ans. (b)
I-y We have, fl(x) = f2(x) = 1—x
Onapplyinglogarithm havin base '8' so, = S 1
bothsides, we get 4x = loge Now, 16]
and = (xe R f(S) = [0, 16])
Also, we have (f2OJ of,) (x)
= (xe R [0, 16])
f2((Jofl) (x))
= {xe R:x 2 e [0, 161)
= -(logg e)loge
4 From above, it is clear that g(f(S)) = g(S).
(bybasechange property of logarithm 3 %(x) = 1—x and = —L]
log,b=loga e•loge b)
86 For xe 0,— let
Byinterchanging the variables x and y,
tanx and fl(x)=
weget the inverse function of f(x) and it
I-x x
h(x) = If
- -(loge e)loge
Hence,option(c) is correct. then — is equal to _ I-X-I —x
I—x I—x
wise Topicwise Mathemot.
16 JEE Main Chapter ill
Alqo. x) is not
Of iG (0, and but in
Now, put — X. then Ans. (b) if ms odd co-domain (0, Which
Given, •.1(x)is neither injoctive nor
n if nis even,
2 l,if nis odd 91 The number of functions' from
x 20) onto O, 2,
and n—1.if nis even 3,
such that f(k) is a multipleOf!
f(n+ 1).if nis odd whenever k is a multipleof4,
Now, it
or f(n— nis even (2019, 11
f is both one-one and onto when B and f •l, where N is the set
= 2 tan- x of nat4
is in the interval (AIEEE2005) numbers and I is the set of integers.
so, Let x, y and both are even.
(a) Then, f(x)
Hence, function is one-one onto. x
2 2 99 A functionf from the set of natural 2 2
numbers to integers defined by Again, x, y CN and both are odd)
Then, f(x)
2 when n is odd
f(n) = 2 is
n 2 2
— when n is even
2 2' So, mapping is one-one.
Ans. (a) (a) one-one but not onto. Since, each negative integer is an image
(b) onto but not one-one. of even natural number and positive
integer is an image of odd natural
(c) one-one and onto both. number. So, mapping is onto.Hence,
tan-I x e
(d) neither one-one nor onto. mapping is one-one onto.
[AIEEE 2003]