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Sets, Relations and Functions

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Sets, Relations
and Functions
Ans. (c) 97-7 + 16
Sets Let A = Patient suffering from heart 6
ailment and B —Set of patient suffering 16
[7 + 971
01 R: Ix-21>1), from lungs infection
Hence, sum =
x 2 —3>1) and Given,dA) = 89% and dB) = 98%
= 832
and Z is the set
ofall integers, then the number of 100289+98-n(AnB) 04 In a school, there are three types of
subsetsof the set (A nBnC)C n Z 87SdAnB) games to be played. Some of the
is [2021, 27 Aug. Shift-I) Also, dA n B) = min(NA),dB)) students play two types of games,
Ans. (256) 89 but none play all the three games.
Which Venn diagram can justify the
so. n(AnB) e (79, 81,83, 85). above statement?
[2021.17 March Shift-n
03 Let N sn+10,OOO),
B=ßk+llkeN) and N),
then the sum of all the elements of
C ( [6,00) the set A n (B—C)is equal to
An B nC = 00) (2021, 27 July Shift-Il] (P) (R)

(AAB nC) C Ans. (832) (a) Pand Q

LetA= sn+ 10000) (b) Pand R
of subsets of(A n B nC) C n Z 10000 (c) None of these
-256 n2 -ng 10000 (d) O and R
dn-1)S 100x 100 Ans. (c)
02 Outof all the patients in a hospital c c c
A-(123......, 100)
89%are found to be suffering from
heartailmentand 98% are
B 10,13...)
sufferingfrom lungs infection. If
K% of them are suffering from both
ailments,then K can not belong to The shaded region Of Theshadedregbn
so, B -C = (7, 13, 19, ......, 97, this Venn diagram of this Venn diagrarn
theset [2021, 26 Aug. Shift-I] represents , represent the students reoresentthe studa•qs
students who play all who play all three play all three
(a)(80, 83, 86.89) so, A -C) = (7, 13,19,......,97)
three types o! games. type of games type ot game
(b)(84.86, 88, 90) This form an AP with common difference
As now, play all three games, the
81, 83, 85) intersection of all three circles must be
87, 90, 93) zero.
Main Chapterwise Mathematiq
On comparing n and rn—
of the people
A qrvey shows that 63% whereas
Let A N : n is a 3-digit number) newspaper A so.
e-BA.2AeN) in a city read x%0f the
76% read news- 10 Let
and C. • t: N) for some the newspapers, 50).If
people read both be
value of x can AZ (neX: n is multiple Of
then a possible
t' the sum of ali the elements Of (c)6S (d) 37 {neX: n is a multiple 2)and
(a) 55 (b) 29 4 sep. Shift-O Of
the set x 400. (2020, the number of elements 7) then
is the
then I •sequal Ans. (a) smallest subset of X
to (2021.24 of people read
Cet NA) Number
newspaper [2020.7
4.63% Ans. (29) Shih
A N n/s 0 3-djgit number)
dB) Number of people read Given (neN : IS ns SO),
newspaper then
AZ (ne X: nis multiple
= (246,
number of the form 3k + 2 are
and HA n B) Number of people read 50)
'09. - 9821 both and B = (ne X: n: is multipleOf
100 x 1093 (7.14, 21,28.35, 42, 49) 14.28,
and Smallest subset of Xcontaining
elements of both A and B have
number of the form 76S63.76- 100
too x 1099
OS63-xS24 439SXS63
Hence, option (D)is correct.
=25+ 7-3=29
2 2
(•.•numbersare 104, 113. 99S) LetUX, =UYj whereeach X, Il If and
too x 1093 toox 1099
sum then
2 2 contains 10elements and each Y, [2020, 9
toox '096-400*274 contains S elements. If each
we can say the value of j element of the set T is an element
as the second senes ot numbers of exactly 20 of sets X, 's and
cota•neo by setC is Of the form9k exactly 6 of sets Y, 's, then n is
valueof S equal to [2020.4 sep. Shift-ID Ans. (a)
(a)50 (b) 15 (c) 45 (d)30
Consider the two sets A = (me R : Givensets A R 1<2),
both the roots of Ans. (d) B
and R :lx-2123)
—(rn•nx+ '"+4=0 are real) and According to the given information
S). Which ot the following is number of distinct elements in
to and
50 X 10
not true? 12020,3 S. Shift-O
(b)AnB and numberof distinct elements in
Hence, option (a) is correct.
Ans. (a) 12 Two newspapers A and Bare
G•vensets A — R : both the roots of published in a city. It is knownthat
6 25% of the city populationreadsÅ
and 20% reads B while 8% reads
09 Set A has m elements and Set B has
Rootsof t)X+ m.4=Oare real, both A and B. Further, 30% of
n elements. If the total number of
those who read A but notB look
subsets of A is 112more than the
020—1m. —qm+4)20 into advertisements and 40%of
total number of subsets of B, then
m: —2m—1520 those who read B but notA also
the value of m. nis ..„.
m' —Sm. 3m—1520 look into advertisements, while
[2020, 6 sep. Shift-n
3(m—S)20 50% of those who read bothA
Ans. (2&00)
and B look into advertisements.
It is given that = mand dB) Then, the percentage of the
and? + 112. population who look into
[•.•numberof subsets of set A and B are
advertisements is
2mand? respectively)
and (a) 13.5 (b) 13
AuB R (c) 12.8 (d) 13.9
Hence. option (a) is correct. [2019, 9 AprilShift41
and Functions
sets,Relations 3
Ane. (d)
Let the
population of city is 100. — -14
-25. dB) -20 and n B) = 8
Then, (numbers divisible by both 2 and S)
From the Venn diagram, it is
clear that
if A— BCC. then C. (numbers divisible by 2, 3 and 5)
8 12
17 Now. if (A —C)c B, for this
statement the
Venn diagram. -EdAnB)+ n(AnBnC)
Number of students who didhOt opt
Venn diagram any of the three courses
17and 12 = Total students— n(AuB wc)
so. = 140-102=38
Accordingto the question, Percentage c
who look into From the Venn diagram, it is clear that
of the population An B 15 Let The number
advertisement is C andA-C = B but
of non-empty subsets A of S such
x dAnä) + that the product of elements in A is
100 100 14 In a class of 140 students
even, is 2019.12 Jan. Shift-n
so numbered I to 140, all even
(b)2 E0-1
100 numbered students opted
Mathematicscourse, those whose
50 Ans. (a)
s —x 17 + — x 12 number is divisible by 3 opted
100 100 100 Physics course and those whose Given. set Total
number of non-empty subsets of
5.1+ 4.8+4 number is divisible by 5 opted s-2'00
132 Chemistrycourse. Then, the Now, numbers of non-empty subsets of
number of students who did not S in which only odd numbers (I, 3, 5, u. ,
13 Let AB and C be sets such that opt for any of the three courses is 99) occurs = 2
C. Then, which of the [2019,10 Jan Shift-I) So, the required number of non-empty
followingstatements is not true? (a) 42 (b) 102 (c) 38 (d) 1 subsets of S such that productof
Ans. (c) elements is even.
(b)lf C, then C
20 -2" -1).
(d)If(A B, then B 16 Let Z be the set of integers. If
[2019, 12 April, Shift-ID
c -1) and
Ans. (d) €Z : —3 —1<9),then the
Let A be the set of even numbered number of subsets of the set Ax B,
KeyIdea Use Venn diagram for operations students then
of sets.
is (2019, 12 Jan. Shift-IO
Y! = 70 (a) 2 0
Accordingto the question, we have the 2 (d) 2 0
followingVenn diagram. ) denotes greatest integer function)
Here,A n BCC and A n B Ans. (c)
Let B be the set of those students whose
Given, set A = (x eZ 1)
number is divisible by 3, then
c Consider,
dB)- -46
denotes greatest integer function) X= —2.23
Let C be the set of those students whose A = (-223)
number is divisible by 5 Also, we have set
then -28
5 Consider: —3<2x—Ik9, k e Z
denotesgreatest integer
Now,from the Venn diagram, it is clear function)
that 140
Now, run B) = — = 23 B = (0.123,4)
B is true 6
So, A has IS elements.
Also, (numbers divisible by both 2 and 3)
140 Numberof subsets of A XB
is true.
15 (•.•if m the number of possible
If(A - C. for this statement the Venn subsets —2m
is (numbers divisible by both 3 and 5)
wise Topicwise Mathematic:
4 JEE Main Chapter
After pre-multiply by P-' and
Ans. (b) post-multiply by P,
17 Let consider
According to the question, let's we get
option(b)(2. 3) and (3, 4)
(a) is an empty set. (JEE Main 2018) not satisfy it.
IS 1 but (2, 4)does So, (B, R for matrix
(b) contains exactly one element. numbers So, R is a symmetric relation.
(c) contains exactly two elements. 21 Let N be the set of natural
defined by For transitive relation,
(d) contains exactly four elements. and a relation R on N be
—3x2y—xy2 Let ARB and BRC
Ans. (c) and
We have, +3/ the relation R is so, pcm'
—31 —6) 6 [2021, 27 July Shift-Il] Now, A = R pcp-l)p-l
Let reflexive nor
(a) symmetric but neither
transitive. R for matrix P2.
(b) reflexive but neither symmetric :.R is transitive relation.
21yl+ -3=0 transitive.
Hence, R is an equivalence relation.
ly12 +21yl-3=o (c) reflexive and symmetric, but not
23 Let 3, 4, 5, .... , 30) and'•'be
(d) an equivalence relation.
Ans. (b) an equivalence relation onAXA
Given, relation R onN is defined by defined by (a,b) (c,d), if andontyf
R = (x, y)eN xN : —3x2—xyz + 3)' ad =bc. Then, the numberof
x3-3x 2y-M 2 + 3/ -O ordered pairs, which satisfythis
18 —3n—1:neN)and -9 —xyz —3x2Y+ equivalence relation with ordered
ne N), where N is the -s x(x 2 pair (4, 3) is equal to
set of natural numbers, then X u Y [2021, 16 March Shift.q
is equal to [JEE Main2014]
Now, x-x=o Ans. (d)
Ans. (d) x=x,
So, R is a reflexive relation. a = bc
54243...) [putn=123,...] But not symmetric and transitive
Y = (9(n— 1): neN) relation because,
30 = 4b
(3, 1)satisfies but (1, 3) does not. Also,
Y 1,18,27,...) 4
(3, l)and b
It is clear that X c Y. (1, —1)satisfies but (3, — 1) does not. 3
XuY=Y Hence, relation R is reflexive but neither b must be a multiple of 3, b can be
symmetric nor transitive. (3, 6, 9, ... 30).
19 If and Care three sets such that
Also, a must be less than or equalt03t
22 Define a relation R over a class of 12), (20, 15)
(0, b) 3), (8, 6), (12, 9), (16,

then [AIEEE 2009] nx n real matrices A and B as "ARB,

(24, 18),(28, 21)
if there exists a non-singular matrix
ordered pairs
(c)AnB=• P such that PAP -I —ff. Then which
Ans. (b) of the following is true ? 24 Let R = (P, Q)l, Pand Q areatthe
andAuB=AuC [2021, 18 March Shift-Il] same distance from the origin)bea
(a) R is symmetric, transitive but not relation, then the equivalenceclass
reflexive. of - 1)is the set
TOPIC 2 (b) R is reflexive, symmetric but not
[2021, 26 Feb.Shift41

Relations (c) Ris an equivalencerelation.

(d) Ris reflexive, transitive but not
20 Which of the following is not symmetric.
(c)S = (x, y) +
correct for relation R on the set of Ans. (c) (d)S = (x, y) +
real numbers? [2021, 31 Aug. Shift-I] Ans. (d)
For reflexive relation,
R lis neither Let P(a, b) and O(c, d) are any two

transitive nor symmetric. V(A, R for matrix P.

R —0<1 x —y lis symmetric -4 A—PAP-I is true for Given, 00
P= 1
and transitive. So, R is reflexive relation. 2 2 2 2

(c)(x, R y Is 1is reflexivebut For symmetric relation,

not symmetric. Squaring on both sides,
Let (A, R for matrix P.
(d)(x, Ix— y Is lis reflexive and 02 + b2 +d 2
Relationsand Functions
sets, 5
SO - 1).OR - OS (a)Bc
cnss) (b)AcB Now. if Y any 2 elementq then
and OS these 2 otomont%cannot be used in any
ms gives O (c)AnB +(an empty set)
(d) neither Ac B nor way to construct Z, bocauqo wo want
-2(Squarinq on both sides) Ans. (b)
And from the rorna.njnq 3 elements
We have, 10- 51<1
and lb- 51<1 which are not present in Y. 2' qubset%can
—1<0—5<1and be made each of whychcan be equal to Z
eZ, x2 +3y 2 s8) is a and still Y n
and •will bo true-
on the set of integers Z,
+ Hence. total number of ways to
domain of R-l is construct sets Y and Z such that
thenthe (2020, 2 sep. Shift-I) 9
(a)l-ID l)
Taking axes aso-axis and
Method 2
P Since, Y g X, Zg X, hence we can only
Ans. (a)
use the elements of X to construct sets
x2 +3)' 2 S8) Y and Z.
For y Every elements in X(say o) has four
: (6.3) options(as far as going to Y and Z is
For,y2—4 x2 e +
a (a) o e Y, i.e., o is present in Y anda eZ.
of R is possible values of y
The set A represents square PORS inside i.e., 'o' is present in Z.
11-10,l) (b) aeY, i.e., o is present in Y ando e Z.
of IR-I = Range of R = 1,0, 1) set B representing ellipse and hence
Domain i.e., •o'is not present in Z.
(c) o e Y, i.e.,o is not present in Y and
26LetR,andR2 be two relations defined 28 Let X oeZ,
5). The number of
asfollows i.e., o is present in Z.
eR 2 •.02 + b 2 €0)
different ordered pairs (Y, Z) that (d) o EY, i.e., o is not present in Y and
+ b 2 EQ),
can formed such that Yc X, Zc X
and Y AZ is empty, is [AIEEE2012] i.e.,o is not present in Z.
whereo is the set of all rational
(a) 5 2 (b) 3 5 Analysis of the above 4 cases
numbers. Then (2020, 3 sep. Shift-Il) 5 3
(c) 2 (d) 5 (a) Ifa is present in Y and also in Z, then
(a)RlandR2are both transitive. Ans. (b) it will be certainly present in Y n Z.
(b)Neither R, nor Rz is transitive.
Given 5) (b) Ifa is present in Y but not present in
but Rz is not transitive.
To find The number of different Z, then it will not be present in
(d)R:is transitive but R, is not transitive.
ordered pairs (Y, Z) such that Y g X,ZgX
Ans. (b) and Y n Z = (b.Since, Y c X, Zc X, hence (c) Ifo is not present in Y but present in
relation, we can only use the elements of X to Z, then also it will not be present in
+b 2 €0) construct sets Y and Z.
+b 2 eo and (b, c) e R, Method 1 (d) If a is not present in both of Y and
Number of ways Z, then it will not be present in
.12+2b2 + c 2 €0, but we can not say Number of ways to make Z such
2+ c2 €0, so (o, c) e RI to makeY thatY n Z = We wantY n Z = éto which onlycase (a)
.%RIis not transitive. 26 is not favourable and remaining cases,
wise Topicwige Motherro
6 JEE Main Chapter
31 Let P be the real line
Statement Il 30 Consider the fo'lowing numbers and following subsets Of the
B— Ry. R: x for some P Y, y are real
rational numbero) is an x wy for some rational T y): x —y is an intern
equivalence relation on R. m, n, p and q are Which one of the followfr,fi
(a) Statement I is true. Statement Il is
$0 and (a) T is an equivalence
true; Statement Il is not a correct integers such that n, q Sis not.
explanation of Statement I (AIEEE 2010)
pn). Then,
(b) Statement I is true. Statement Il relation but S is (b) Neither S nor T is an
(a) R is an equivalence relation on P.
is false relation.
not an equivalence
(c) Statement I is false. Statement Il equivalence (c) Both S and T are equivalerce
is true (b) Neither R nor S is an relations on p.
(d) Statement I is true, Statement Il is relationbut R is (d) Sis an equivalence
true: Statement Il is a correct (c) Sis an equivalence
not an equivalence relation.
T is not.
explanation of Statement I Ans. (o)
Condition for equivalence (d) Rand S both are equivalence
relation A relation which is
symmetric, reflexive and Ans. (c) So, S is not symmetric.
transitive is equivalence relation. Given, relation R is defined as Hence, S is not an equivalence
(AIEEE 2011) R = (x, y) I x, yare real numbers and
Ans. (b) x=wy for some rational number w)
x=wx Now, it is reflerrvereat%
Statement I (i) Reflexive xRx
w = le rational number Again now,
A= Rx R:y— x is an integer)
The relation R is reflexive. y —xe l, it is symmetric relation.
(a) Reflexive Let and
xRx :(x —x)is an integer. i.e., true (ii) Symmetric xRy * yRxas0R1
Reflexive But IRO So, T is also transitive.
(b)Symmetric which is not true for any rational Hence, T is an equivalence relatJcru
xRy :(x —y) is an integer.
(y —x) is an integer. The relation R is not symmetric. 32 Let W denotes the words in the
(y —x) is an integer. Thus, R is not equivalence relation. English dictionary define the
Now, for relation S which is defined as relation R by
Symmetric m, n, p and F integers R = (x, W x W : the words
(c) Transitive x and y have atleast one letterin
xRy and yRz such that n, q and qm= pn) common). Then, R is [AIEEE200€
—y) is an integer and(y —z) is an (i) Reflexive—R— mn [true] (a) reflexive, symmetric andnot
integer. transitive
—(x —y) + ( y —z) is an integer. The relationS is reflexive. (b) reflexive, symmetric andtransitié
—z) is an integer. (ii) Symmetric mq=np (c) reflexive, not symmetric and
XRZ transitive
np=mq _ R_ (d) not reflexive, symmetricandtranstre
Hence, A is an equivalence relation. The relation S is symmetric.
Ans. (a)
Statement Il (iii) Transitive Let W = (CAT,TOY,YOU...)
and -PRE
Rx R some Clearly, R is reflexive andsymmetricbvt
B = (x,
rationalnumber") mq = np
not transitive.
Jfa=—, then for reflexive, we have and ps = rq car rou
1 mq. np•rq 33 Let R = (3, 3), (6, 6), (9, 9), 121
x, which is not true, ms=nr
2 (6, 12), (3, 9), (3, 12),(3, 6)) be a
Vxe R— relation on the set
n s
Bis not reflexive on R A = {3, 6, 9, 12). The relationis
Hence, B is not an equivalence relation [AIEEE
n s
onR The relationS is transitive. (a) reflexive and symmetriconly.
Hence, statement I is true, statement Il
is false.
Hence, the relation S is
equivalence (b) an equivalence relation.
relation. (c) reflexive only.
(d) reflexive and transitive only.
Relationsand Functions
Ans. (d) =slogc ISIog (3—
sinx+ cosx) Also
every elements of A, there + f(l)
Since,for Slog 5
elements (3, 3), (6, 6), (9.9), (12, 12)
R is reflexive
but (12, 6) R, so it is not a
NOW,(6 12)eR
symmetric relation. 36 The domain of the function 1(2)= 1) f(l) +
(36),(6,12)€ R 12)e R Hence. (2) (3) = 54
relation. sin
• Ris transitive 38 The domain of the function
is [2021, 31 Aug. Shift-Il] cosec- is
on the set x
(3,1))be a relation
4). The relation R is 4 [2021, 26 Aug. Shift-I"
A-(1,2, 3,
[AIEEE 2004) — —— 00)
(a)a function.

(b)transitive. 2
—— 00)
(c) not symmetric. Ans. (c)

f(x) = sin-
Ans. (c)
Given,R = (l, 3), (4 2), (2, 4), (2, 3), (3, l)) is a
on the set A = (1, 2, 3, 4).
relation —-1<1-1
(a) Since,(2,4)e R and R. So, Ris
-2 Ans. (d)
nota function.
(b) Since, R and (3, l)eR but f(x) = cosec 21
x x
(1,1)e R. So, R is not transitive.
R but (3,2) CR. so, R is X< 00 Clearly
(c) Since,
notsymmetri(c) x [O, 00) 11+x1221x12

(d) l), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4) e R. so,

3x2 + x-l
R is not reflexive. 2X+120

TOPIC3 so,
Odd-even and3x2 + x—1Sx 2 —2x+ 1
andPeriodic Functions and2x2 + 3x-2<0 39 Let Then the
number of possible functions
35Therangeof the function, f: S such that f(m• n)=f(m)•f(n)
3+c0s — + x
37t for every m, ne S and rn•ne S is
equal to .....
[2021, 27 July Shift-n
+CO and xe —Z—
+COS —+X 2 Ans. (490)
11 ...(ii)
cos —— x is
4 f(m• n) f(m) f(n)
Domain of fin Eq. (i)nEq. (ii)
[2021, 01 sep. Shift-Il] 11
(b)[-22] -4'2 If mne S :smnS7
so, (l. 1,1-2,
37 Let f: N be a function such that (2-22-3)s7
f(m+ f(m) + f(n) for every m, Whenm= 1,f(n)= f(l). f(n)
Ans. (d) is
ne N. If then Whenm= n
(2021, 31 Aug. Shift-Il)
3+ co equal to
(b) 54
(d) 36 When,m=2,
(c) 18
When, f(2)= 1,
Ans. (b)
sinx+ cosx) f(rn+ + neN
u cosxS2
f(6) = 18 e: f(6)= 18] 1 or 2 or 3
—1S3—üsinx+ cosxS 5
wise Topicwise Motherto
JEE Main Chapter
i e, alt
And (7) can any (V 7)
(here, —land la
The pop.9ibIecombinat ion is case, because of -1 and

greatest integer If the functions are defineG

42 Let (x) denote the domain of f(x)— and
x, where xe R. If the the
the real valued function is the common domain of the
following functions?
is (—co,o) u (b, c)
f +9,f —g,f/g,g /f,g -f, where
then the value of
+ (Ixlx3x1x7x1x7) o +b+c is (2021,20 July Shift-n
(2021, 18
40 If (x) be the greatest integer less
too nn Ans. (c) Ans. (c)
than or equal to x , then E 10) 1-2 20 Given, f(x) = and g(x)
is equal to (25 July 2021, Shift-Il) .%Domainof f(x) = 0, isx20
(b)" Let i.e. D, : xe (0, m)
(c)-2 2 3 and domain of g(x) is 1-120
Ans. (b)
3 i.e. 1]
We have,
As, we know that, the domainof
is the greatest integer f + g, f— g, g —f will be D, nD2 asweQ
function) the domain for— is D, n Daexcepte
Substitute the values of n those value(s) of x, such that
Domain of x = (—00, Similarly, for g is D, n
+ ...+ 49.51+[50]
. -50+50 Hence, common domainfor

41 If the domain of the function 0+b+c

cos-l '(2 —X+l
f(x)= is the interval 43 The real valued function 45 A function f(x) is given by
2x-1 cosec-Ix ,
sin-I f(x)= where [x] denotes
2 f(x) = then the sum ofthe
(a, ß) , then (1+ß is equal to the greatest integer less than or
[2021, 22 July Shift-Il) equal to x, is defined for all x
3 (b)2 (c)! belonging to [2021,18MarchShift-n
2 2 (a) all reals except integers 21

Ans. (a) (b) all non-integers except the interval ( is equal to [2021, 25 Feb.
cos-l x2 —x+1 -1,11
29 49
(c) all integers except O,•1,1 (a)— (b)—
(d) all reals except the interval 2 2
1] 39 19
Ans. (b) (c)— (d)
x a —x+120andx 2 —x+ 2
Given, f(x) = cosec-Ix Ans. (c)
2X—1 It Given, f(x) = , then,
O< sin- 51+5
2 2
52 x
For f(x) to be defined, 52 x +5
3 xs— lor x? 1 5
2 x 1integers
Relations and Functions
Ans. (c)
49 For a Suitablo real constant
Civen, q(x)
a, lot a lunctin - (o)
Sin '(q(y)) delined by Further

2 38 fog(x) sin suppose that for any real number

land so on, 2x 9 —x —6
20 20 x $ —oand —o, y.
For the domain of fog(x),
2 38 39 Then,f — is equal to
20 20 20 2
(•:Domain of f(x) is (—11)
. +14 f (2020, 6 sep. Shift-10
2x 7 -x-6 3
1 39
Ans. (d)
For a qiven functionf : R — * R
defined by
46 1

+—, '(#0, then

x x
1 -Is—s
thevalue of expression 1 SI ai + 0x—0 + x

x o + x + ax2 + ax—x a
is • [2021, 24 Fob. Shift-ll)
3x2 + 8
Ans. (2)
Given,a 1 This implies, so,
48 Let f : R be a function which 50 Suppose that a function R
Replace x by —
x satisfies satisfies f(x + y) = for all
... (ii)
f(x + x,yeR. If f(1)=2 x,yeR andf(1)=3.If f(i)=363, then
x andg(n)= E f(k),neN, then the
AddingEqs. (i) and (ii), we get n is equal to [2020, 6 sep. Shift-11)
value of n, for which g(n)=20 is Ans. (5.00)
(0+(1) _ [2020, 2 sep. Shift-ll) R
x It is given that the functionf
(b)20 satisfies, + y) Vx, ye R
2 Ans. (a)
Given R, satisfies
Now, it is given that Ef(i) —363
47 So,
sin-l x and
3+3 2 +3 3+ ...+3"-363
2x2 -x-6 At x=2and y = 1 - l) -363* 3=243-35
Ifg(2)=lim g(x), then the domain of
Similarly, f(4)= 8 and so on.
thefunction fog is
[2021, 26 Fob. Shift-11J Now,as E f(k) 51 Let f : R be such that for all
xeR(2 1+ X +2 1
3 +3 -x )
2 = 2+4+6+ ....+2(n are in (a) P, then the minimum value
of f(x) is [2020, 8 Jan. Shift-l)
n2 —n=20
Ans. (b)
So, if g(n)
It is given that
2 +2 1 x, f(x) and3 X + 3-x are in (a)P.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
Topicwise Mathema
10 JEE Main Chapterwise
Ans. (c)
SO, +3' 43 Ans. (a) Given function f(x)
'x 1<1,then
Given, f(x) = loge For domain of f(x)
According to AM-GM,
2(oo ) From Wavy curve method,
14 x 7

Minimum value of f(x) = 2 +

2 (I-x)2
= log, 1+ = log,
+ 2x
Hence, option (b) is correct.
From Eqs. (i)and (ii), we get thedome
52 Let f I—x of f(x) as 0)
R be a function = log, =210ge m).
defined by f(x)=— where [x] IAP = mlogeIAl] 56 Let
[•.•loge —YRbe defined by
I—x xeR. Then, theranE
denotes the greatest integer sx. = log c
Then the range of f is
f is [2019, 11Jan
54 Let (a be writtenas 11
(x) + %(x), where fl (x) is an
even function and f2(x) is an odd
function. Then %(x + y) + fl (x —y)
[2020, 8 Jan. Shift-Il]
equals [2019, 8 April Shift-Il]
Ans. (d) Ans. (a)
(a) 2fl(X+
The given functionf :(1,3) R, defined by x
(b) 2fl(X+ We have, f(x) = 2 , XER
Method I f(x) is an odd functionand
f(x) = 2 maximum occur at x = 1
xe(23) Ans. (d)
(1, 1/2)
x Given,functionf(x) o is written
as sum of an even and odd functions fl(x)
f(x)= and f2(x) respectively. x
x€[23) 01
1+X2' Clearly, fl(x) = and f2(x) =
2 2
is a decreasing function, so So, + y) + — y) (-1, 1/2)
2(3) 3 ) + —lox - Y +0
lim — h)
1+9¯5 2 From graph it is clear that range

5 r x
2 a oY o
Similarly, tends ) Method Il f(x) =
tends to—. x
If x then by AM 2GM, we get
So range of the given function T is
x 12 2
2 2 x
Hence, option (d) is correct.
If x<o, then by AM 2GM, we get
I—x 55 The domain of the definition
53 If — then of the
function f(x)— x
—a—p +log,o (x3 —x)
is equal to is [2019, 9 2
1+X2 April Shift-Il]
(a) 2f(x) (b) 2f(x 2) If x = O,then f(x) —
(c) (f(x)) 2 (d) -2f(x) (c) u(2, 00) 1+0
[2019, 8 Apr. Shift-I]
2 2
Relationsand Functions
— 11

Heth0d Ill Again, put y

Now, consider x)
0 = oxa + bx + ox? —bx i
..xéR.so 20x2 x x

2 2
xa + 5x
— 11 Hence, S contains exactly two elements.
So,range is 2
Now, f(n) = 60 The domain of the function
Letfk —(sin k X+COS k x) for 2 2 2 f(x) = is
k tAIEEE 20111
k=123 .... Then, for all xeR, the 25in
valueoff, (x) —fe(x) is equal to (b) (—00, O)
[2019, 11Jan. Shift-I] 1 10x11x21 5
5 2 6 2 2
(b) (d) (—00, 00)
385 275 660
12 12 Ans. (b)
2 2 2
4 Ixl—x
59 For domain,
Ans. (a) x Ixl>X
We have, and (xeR x)); then S i.e.,onlypossible,if x<o.
—(sink x+ cosk x), 1, 23, . [JEE Main 2016]
k (a) is an empty set.
x + cos 4x) (b) contains exactly one element. 61 The largest interval lying in ——,—
4 22
(c) contains exactly two elements.
((sin2 x+ cos 2 x)2 —2sin 2 xcos 2 x) (d) contains more than two elements. for which the function
Ans. (c) +cos + log (cos x)
—sin22x 2
4 2 We have,f(x)+2f —
is defined, is [AIEEE 2007)
——(sinGx + cos 6 x)
and f6(x)—
6 On replacing x by —in the above (a) [Oat] (b)
equation, we get
(sin2 x + cos2 —3sin2 xcos 2 x 3
x x
(sin2x+ cos2 x))=— 1——(2sinxcosx)2
3 Ans. (d)
4 3
6 Given that,
—sin22x f(x)= + COS + log (cosx)
6 8 On multiplying Eq. (ii) by 2 and 2
1 3-2 1
Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii), we get Here, 4-x is definedfor —
4 6 12 12
4f(X)+ 2f(l) 6x
cos-l x is defined, if -ISE-ISI
58 If be 2 2
suchthat and x
xy,V x, ye R, 6
And log (cosx) is defincd, if cosx>O.
then equal to
[JEE Main 2017] 2
(a)330 (b) 165 + COS
3 Hence, f(x) =4 -x
(c) 190 (d) 255 2
Ans. (a) 2 + log (cos x)
Wehave,f(x)=ox2 + bx + c is defined,if xe
3 4 5 6 7 8 é 10 2
Chapterwise Topicwise Mathem
12 JEE Main
69 The period of the function
62 The graph of the functiony = f(x) is Ans. (d) sin' x +c0s4 xis
3 + log to (x' —X)
symmetrical about the line x —2, Given, f(x) =
then (AIEEE 2004]
For domain of f(x), (C) 27t (d) None
Ans. (b)
(c) f(x)= f(—x)
Giventhat, f(x) = sin' x+
(d) f(x)=—f(—x)
Ans. (b) 0
f(x) x + coe —2sin2
Given, graph is symmetrical about the
linex=2. -9 and 4—X2 = cosx) 2

63 The domain of function, 2

sin -I (x —3) So, common region is
f(x)= is 1 1—cos4x
(-1, 0) u(l, 2) u(2, 00).
[AIEEE 2004] 2 2
66 The x2 +1), is
_ _ + _ cos4x
(a) an even function. [AIEEE 2003]
Ans. (b) (b) an odd function. 21t_1t
:.The period of f(x)
Given function f(x) = sin-I (x —3)will be (c) a periodic function.
9-x2 (d) neither an even nor an odd function. cosxis periodic withperiod2
defined, if
Ans. (b) 70 The domain of definitionof the
2<XS4 Given that, f(x) = log (x +
and 9-x2>0 Now,
function f(x)= log10 is
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get [AIEEE20C

Hence, domain of the given function is —fog (1)

Hence, f(x) is an odd function.
Ans. (a)
If f R satisfies 67 The period of sin2 0 is [AIEEE
2002] Given that, f(x)= log 10 5x-x2
f(x + f(y), for all x,yeR and 4

f(l)= 7, then f(r) is (C) 27t For domain of f(x),

[AIEEE 2003]
Ans. (b) log 10
(b) We know that, 4
2 2
7n(n + 1) 1 21
(c) 7n(n + 1) (d) sin 2 1¯ cos29 4
2 = ———cos29
2 2 2
Ans. (d) x2 -5X+4so
. Period of sin2 2 It
Ef(r) = + f(2)+ f(3)+ + f(n) 2

...+ nf(l) 68 The domain of sin -I log x

3 3 is TOPIC 4
y) fly))
Inverse, Composition
_ 7dn+ 1)
and Different Types
7, given] [AIEEE 2002) of
2 Ans. (a) Functions
65 Domain of definition of the function Since, domain of sin-I x
is [-1, 1].
f(x)= 3 +10% (x3 —x),is 71 Let g : N be defined as
—IS log
4—x2 [2021, 25 July Shift-O
[AIEEE 2003] 3-'sES3
Hence, domain of sin-I g(3n+3)=3n+1, for all n20.
Then which of the following
statements is true ?
sets,Relations and Functions 13
ergs onto functeon Let (0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Then, 75 Let —(3) R —(O be defined by
f." such that fog
errsts a one-coe function the number of bijective functions
such that fog = f F •-9 A such that Let g : R + R be given as
is equal to ..„......
a functionf 9 N such (2021. 22 July Shift-m g(x)=2x—3. Then, the sum of all
thatgof f Ans. (720) the values of x for which
Ans. (a) f (x) + g is equal to
2.3, 4, 5.6.7) (2021.18 March Shift-IO

for all n20

0+ 1+ is the only possibility. Ans. (c)
So, f(O)can be either 0 or 1or 2.
Given, f(x) =
Similarly, f(l) and 1(2)can be O, 1and 2.
and (3/4567) (3.4567)
They have S! choices.
And {0, 12)

Dearly.it is not a one - one function. They have 3! choices.

Number of bijective functions
= 720

74 Letf:R- — be defined 3y-2

6 y-1
Sn2arty, = by

so on
Then, the value of a for which (fof)
Now,there can be a possibility such that
(x)=x, for all xeR— — is Similarly,
6 2
[2021, 20 July Shift-ID 13
Given, f-'(x) + g-l (x)
(a) No sucha exists (b) 5 2
Ans. (b) 2 2
f(x) = — -13(x - 1)
1123456 7 8 9 1011 12 6x —a
So,(x) can be onto function. Now,
6x —a X = 23
f(4)= f(S) = f(6)= 2 5X+3
andso on. 6x — 76 The inverse of y = 510gxis
—a (2021, 17 March Shift-Il
72 Considerfunction f B and 6x —a
GR)such that
(gof)-l exists, then
[2021,25 July Shift-ID Ans. (c)
Given,fof(x)= x
(a)fandg both are one-one
Y = 5bgx
(b)fand g both are onto
Taking log on both sides,
(c)fis one-one and g is onto
25X+ log y = log *log S
(d)fis ontoand g is one-one _ logx
2 +a 2x
=30x2 + 18x—6æx
Ans. (c) -25) 3C-15=0 log S logy
3rvenfunctions,f : A * B and Comparingcoefficients, = logy X
B,CcR) 30-6x=o log 5
exists gof is a bijective 6a=30
mustbe 'one-one' and must be
wise Topicwise Mathematict
JEE Main Chapter
functions from
Abe number of one-one
77 Let A xB. Then,
if x is odd the set A to the set Fob. Shift-I"
Now, draw the graph 011w
defined as (b)2y-273x
x, if xis even
Then, the number of possible
functions A, such that Ans. (a) 2
(f B, fis one -one)
gof=f is (2021, 26 Feb. Shift-Il)
g is one one)

y = (g : —3
A = 3 i.e. IAI
(c)5S Number of elements in
Similarly, 5
Ans. (a) 15 2
xis odd. Then,
f(x)= function from A
x xis even. Now, number of one-one
to B will be
Given, g: A such that, 5! = _5! = = 60
g(f(x)) = f(x) (5-3)! 2!
When x is even, then x=60
g(x) = x
from A
When x is odd, then Now, number of one-one function •.•Anyhorizontal line does not cut the
to Ax B will be = graph at more than one points, so it is
This implies, (15-3)! one-one and here, co-domain andrange
g(x) = x. x is even. are not equal, so it is into.
—If x is odd, then g(x) can take any value y -2730 Hence, the required function is
in set A. Thus, one-one into.
So, number of g(x) = IOS 2y=91x
81 Let A = and Then
78 Let f, g: N, such that 80 Let f R be defined as the number of elements in theset
ne N and g be and g : R be : B12e f(A) and f is not
any arbitrary function. Which of the 1 one-one) is [2020, 5 sep. Shift-IO
following statements is not true? x—
Ans. (19.00)
[2021, 25 Feb. Shift-I] defined as
The desired functions will containeither
(a) if fog is one-one, then g is one-one.
one element or two elements in its
(b) if fis onto, then f(n) —n,V n EN. Then, the composition function co-domain and '2' will be the elementof
(c) f is one-one. f(g(x)) is [2021, 24 Feb. Shift-I] the each co-domain.
(d) if g is onto, then fog is one-one. (a) one-one but not onto So, the possible co-domain are
Ans. (d) (b) onto but not one-one (l, (2, 3) or {2, 4)
Given.f(n+ 1) f(l), V neN (c) Neither one-one nor onto .•.Total number of functions
(d) Both one-one and onto
It is an AP with common difference — Ans. (a)
Also, general term Given, 1;f: R
x- 1/2 82 If +x—land (gof)
f(n) = nf(l) 5
Clearly, f(n) is one-one. (x)=4x2 then f — is
For fog to be one-one, g must be
one-one. equal to [2020, 7 Jan. Shift-o
For f to be onto, f(n) should take all the x— 3 1

2 (b)
values of natural numbers. 2 72 2 2
As, f(x) is increasing, f(l) = 1 Ans. (a)
Since the g(x) = + x— land gof(x)
If g is many-one, then fog is many one. =4x 2 — 5 both are quadratic
So, if g is onto, then fog is one-one. equations, therefore f(x) must be a linear
79 Let x denote the total number of x-l Now, let f(x) —ax + b,
one-one functions from a set A
So, gof(x)=4x2 —
with 3 elements to a set B with 5 5
elements and y denote the total g(0X+ — 5

= x 2 + x-ll
Relationsand Functions 15
o(2b+ I)X+ (b2 + b —1) 84 If the function f 11m
(a) tan— (b) tan—
the coefficients of terms, defined by x 12 12
oncomparing , is surjective,
(c) tan— (d) tan—
weget 12 12
07 then A is equal to (2019,12 April Shift-n
o(2b+ l) = -10
Ans. (b)
havea Given, for xe (0, 3/2), functions
FromEq. we (2019, 9 April Shift-I)
we haveb= 3 2
FromEq.(iii), Ans. (c) g(x) = tanx
is getting satisfied by
Given,functionf :R Adefined and
I-xi (iii)
0--2 andb=2 so f(x)=— 2X+2
2 Also given, é(x) = ((hof)og)(x) = (hof) (g(x))
=% = y(let) = g(x))) = tan x))
5 x2
2 2 1+ (v'Gh7) 2
2 1—tanx = tan
inverse function of [ provided y *
83 The 1+ tanx -x)
, x € (—1,1)is Now, = tan
(2020, 8 Jan. Shift-I)
00 ) = tan 3Tt—4Tt
e)loge Since, for surjective function, range of
= —tan
Set A should be O).
85 Let f(x)= x2, xe R. For any A c R,
e)loge define :f(x)e A). If
[0,4], then which one of the 87 For let
following statements is not true? 1
fl x and (x) = —
I—x x I—x
Ans. (c) be three given functions. If a
82'-8 [2019, 10 April Shift-I] function,J (x) satisfies
Givenfunction, f(x) = Ans. (c) (f2oJ0fl (x), then J(x) is equal
Given, functions f(x) = x2,xe R to [2019,9 Jan. Shift-n
= y(let) and (xe R (a) f2(x)
Now, for S = [0, 4]
Onapplyingcomponendo and dividendo (c) fl(x) (d) —f3(x)
law,we get x
= (xe R e [0,41)
Ans. (b)
I-y We have, fl(x) = f2(x) = 1—x
Onapplyinglogarithm havin base '8' so, = S 1

bothsides, we get 4x = loge Now, 16]
and = (xe R f(S) = [0, 16])
Also, we have (f2OJ of,) (x)
= (xe R [0, 16])
f2((Jofl) (x))
= {xe R:x 2 e [0, 161)
= -(logg e)loge
4 From above, it is clear that g(f(S)) = g(S).
(bybasechange property of logarithm 3 %(x) = 1—x and = —L]
log,b=loga e•loge b)
86 For xe 0,— let
Byinterchanging the variables x and y,
tanx and fl(x)=
weget the inverse function of f(x) and it
I-x x
h(x) = If
- -(loge e)loge
Hence,option(c) is correct. then — is equal to _ I-X-I —x
I—x I—x
wise Topicwise Mathemot.
16 JEE Main Chapter ill
Alqo. x) is not
Of iG (0, and but in
Now, put — X. then Ans. (b) if ms odd co-domain (0, Which
Given, •.1(x)is neither injoctive nor
n if nis even,
2 l,if nis odd 91 The number of functions' from
x 20) onto O, 2,
and n—1.if nis even 3,
such that f(k) is a multipleOf!
f(n+ 1).if nis odd whenever k is a multipleof4,
Now, it
or f(n— nis even (2019, 11

88 Let A = (xe R : x is not a positive , if nis odd 6

2 = f(x) (b) 5
integer). Define a function f : A * R
= —,ifnis even 5
as then f is 2 2 (d) 6
(2019,9 Jan. Shift-Il)
if nis odd, then(n+ 1)is
even and Ans. (a)
(a) injective but not surjective. if nis even, then (n—1)is According to given information,
(b) not injective. as
Clearly. function is not one-one we have if ke (4, 8, 12,16,20)
(c) surjective but not injective. (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18)
(d) neither injective nor surjective. But it is onto function. codomain (f) =
Ans. (a) (•.•ifme N (codomain) is odd, then
2me N
Now, we need to assign the valueoff(kl
We have a function f R defined as (domain)such that f(2m)= mand
if me N codomain is even, then for
f(x)= —
x-l 2m— N (domain) such that f(2m—1)= m] ke (4, 8, 12, 16,20) this can be donein
GC •5! ways
Let xz Asuch that .•.Functionis onto but not one-one. remainingiS
element can be associated by15!ways.
2x, 2X2 90 Let a function f be Total number of onto functions: IS!€!

defined by 1——. Then, f is 92 The functionf:R9 —11 defined

[2019, 11Jan. Shift-Il]
(a) injective only. as is
Thus, f(x,) = f(X2) has only one solution, [JEE Main2"
(b) both injective as well as surjective.
(c) not injective but it is surjective. (a) invertible.
• f(x)is one-one(injective) (b) injective but not surjective.
(d) neither injective nor surjective.
Onto Let x then f(2)— Ans. (d) (c) surjective but not injective.
2-1 (d) neither injective nor surjective.
We have,
But x is not in the domain, and f(x) is
ifO<xSl Ans. (c)
one-one function Ix-ll
f(x)= — x We have, f(x) =
f(x) can never be 4. x if 1
Similarly, f(x) can not take many values. x
Hence, f(x) is into (not surjective). if 1
f(x) is injective but not surjective.
89 Let N be the set of natural x
= f(3) and soon.
numbers and two functions f and g Now, let us draw the graph of y = f(x)
be defined as f,g : N —i N such Note that when 0, then 00, So, f(x) is many-one function.
that when x = 1,then f(x) and when x. 00,
then 1 Again,let y=f(x) x
if nisodd
f(n)= 2
if n iseven xeR
and n—(—l)n. Then, fog is
[2019,10 Jan. Shift-ID
(a) one-one but not onto O x
(b) onto but not one-one Clearly, f(x) is not injective because . Range=Codomain— Z,-
(c) both one-one and onto if
f(x)< 1,thenf is many one, as So, f(x) is surjective.
shown in
(d) neither one-onenor onto figure.
Hence, f(x) is surjective but not injective.
Relations and Functions 17

z Ifg is the inverse of a function f and ((x)is one-one.

then g' (x) is equal to Since, codomain of the given function is
14 X not given, hence it can be considered as
(JEE Main 2014] R, the set of real and consequently f is
not onto.
Neglecting 1 Hence, fis not bijective. Statement Il is
or Also, —12—1 for x 2—1

Clearly, f(x) at x and x 1

Ans. (d) So, both statements are correct and
inverse of f (x). Statement Il is correct explanation of :.Statement I is true.
Here,g is the
fog(x) = x 97 Let f: N •Y be a function defined
w.r.t. x, we get
Ondifferentiating 95 For real x, let + 5x+1, then as +3, where
= 1
f'(g (x)) xg'(x) [AIEEE 2009] Y eN +3 for some
(a) fis one-one but not onto R xeN). [AIEEE 20081
(b) fis onto R but not one-one Show that f is invertible and its
(c) fis one-oneand ontoR inverse is
(d) fis neither one-one nor onto R y-3
Ans. (c) 4
Given 3y + 4
f(x) + 5x+ 1 (b) f-l (y)
be a function defined by
94 Letf Now, +5>0, V 3
+1, (x 21).
Thus, f(x) is strictly increasing function. Y+ 3
StatementI The set So,.f(x) is one-one function.
-I(y) =4+

Clearly, f(x) is a continuous function and

StatementIl fis bijection and also increasing on R.
f-l (X) X 21 Ans. (a)
lim and lim
[AIEEE 2011] The given function isf:N •y defined as
(a)Statement I is false, Statement Il is Hence, f(x) takes every value between
— and T.
true. where y = (y eN =4x+3for some
(b)Statement I is true, Statement Il is Thus, f(x) is onto function. X eN)
true;Statement Il is a correct Now,f (x) +3
explanationof Statement l. 96 Let + —1,
x 2—1
(c)Statement I is true, Statement Il is Statement I The set (x (x)) —f is a strictly increasing function.
true;Statement Il is not a correct *f is one-one.
explanation of Statement l.
Statement Il fis a bijection. Also, here y = (7, 8,9, 00)
(d)StatementI is true, Statement Il is [AIEEE 2009]
and range off = (7, 8,
(a) Statement I is false, Statement Il is •.•Rangeoff = y = Codomain off
Ans. (b) true. —f is onto.
f(x)=(x— +1, as x 21 (b) Statement I is true, Statement Il is — f is invertible.
When f(x) = f-l (x)
true: Statement Il is a correct
explanation of Statement l. Now, let y € Y such that f (x) = Y
f(x) = x
(c) Statement I is true, Statement Il is
true; Statement Il is not a correct xeN
(x-1)2 =x-l explanation of Statement l. y=4x+3
(d) Statement I is true, Statement Il is
false. 4
Ans. (d) • Inverse off is f-l (y) = —Z .
Given, f(x)=(x+ —1,x 2—1 4
{x :f(x)-—r'(x))= (1.2) 1)20, forx2-1
Also,let f(x) = Y
Topicwise Mathernotv
18 JEE Main Chapterwise
Ans. (c)
98 Let f be a function 2tan-'xe — , Whennit'
Given that, f(n) — 2 %
defined by f(x)= tan , then tan- I-xi when nis
I—x2 Giventhat, even

f is both one-one and onto when B and f •l, where N is the set
= 2 tan- x of nat4
is in the interval (AIEEE2005) numbers and I is the set of integers.
so, Let x, y and both are even.
(a) Then, f(x)
Hence, function is one-one onto. x
2 2 99 A functionf from the set of natural 2 2
numbers to integers defined by Again, x, y CN and both are odd)
Then, f(x)
2 when n is odd
f(n) = 2 is
n 2 2
— when n is even
2 2' So, mapping is one-one.
Ans. (a) (a) one-one but not onto. Since, each negative integer is an image
(b) onto but not one-one. of even natural number and positive
integer is an image of odd natural
(c) one-one and onto both. number. So, mapping is onto.Hence,
tan-I x e
(d) neither one-one nor onto. mapping is one-one onto.
[AIEEE 2003]

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