Universe 2 Processes
Universe 2 Processes
Universe 2 Processes
Roland Diehl
Optical Light
Radio- Infrared
X-Rays Gamma-Rays
Waves Radiation
Absorption Bands due to O3, N, O
10km CO2,H2O,O3...
Fig. 2.1. The Earth’s atmospheric transparency to cosmic electromagnetic radia-
tion varies considerably over the range of frequencies. Transparency of the atmo-
sphere to radio waves makes radio astronomy a ground-based discipline. Atmo-
spheric dust, water vapor, and molecules block radiation and/or provide a bright
atmospheric source in the infrared regime, which means that astronomical obser-
vations have to be made from airplanes or spacecraft. There is a narrow window
again in the optical regime which allows classical optical astronomy with ground-
based telescopes. This window is closed by atomic absorption in the UV through
X-rays, making space-based telescopes a necessity. Also beyond, in γ-rays, con-
tinuum scattering and absorption processes with atmospheric electrons and nuclei
prevent ground-based astronomy up to very high energies. Only above ∼TeV en-
ergies (>1012 eV) can electromagnetic showers induced by cosmic γ-rays in the
atmosphere be observed from the ground; indirect information about the primary
γ-ray is retained, and thus ground-based astronomy becomes feasible again
in the infrared regime, atoms like oxygen and nitrogen absorbing strongly in
the ultraviolet regime. A ‘window’ remains in what we call ‘visible’ light. For
more energetic X-ray photons, the inner electrons of atoms have characteris-
tic binding energies similar to the photon energies, and photon interactions
with these may absorb X-ray radiation with characteristic spectral absorption
edges. Into the γ-ray regime, scattering off individual electrons is the prime
attenuation effect for a γ-ray beam, a process with intrinsically continuous
spectral characteristics, and reduced in strength as the γ-rays become more
energetic. This leads to an ‘optical depth’ in γ-rays determined by the scat-
4 Roland Diehl
Nuclear Transitions
The nuclear (or strong) force is responsible for the binding of protons and
neutrons in the atomic nucleus. It outweighs the Coulomb repulsion between
At high energies, energy transfer to the electron may become important. This
will imply treatment through the Compton scattering formalism, replacing the
Thompson cross section with the Klein–Nishina expression.
Photons from the cosmic 3 K background radiation are characterized by a typical
energy 2×10−4 eV and energy density of 0.26 eV cm−3 .
10 Roland Diehl
the protons closely packed in the nucleus. As a quantum system, the nucleus
has specific, quantized states of energy for this compact assembly of nucleons,
which can be thought of to be similar than states of electrons in atomic shells,
by analogy. 20 These nuclear states have typical energy spacings of ∼MeV;
hence any transition in states of atomic nuclei may involve absorption or
emission of MeV γ-rays,
X −→n−1 Y ∗ + e+ −→n−1 Y + γ. (2.13)
Therefore whenever some energetic interaction brings disorder into the state
of a nucleus, we expect γ-ray line emission from nuclear de-excitation. Ener-
getic collisions from cosmic rays with interstellar gas nuclei are one example,
radioactive decay of a freshly synthesized nucleus another. In radioactive de-
cay, one of the particles of the nucleus transforms into one of another kind as
a consequence of the ‘weak force’; neutrons decay into protons (‘β − -decay’),
or protons can transform into neutrons (‘β + -decay’). The so-caused disor-
der in the tight arrangement of nucleons is unstable under the influence of
the strong and electric forces, and new, stable arrangements are obtained,
through emission of the energy difference, often as a γ-ray in the MeV regime.
Some characteristic energy levels of first-excited states which are important
for γ-ray astronomy are 4.438 MeV (12 C∗ ), 6.129 MeV (16 O∗ ), and 1.809
MeV (26 Mg∗ ). The cross section for excitation of nuclei into these levels is
maximized in resonances, i.e. when the collision energy is in the vicinity of
the energy of the excited level. This implies that low-energy cosmic-ray in-
teractions become visible in the domain of γ-ray lines. Generally, observation
of characteristic γ-ray lines thus tell us about nuclear transitions in a region
of either nucleosynthesis or cosmic-ray interactions.
the high-energy collision adds a Doppler shift and broadening. For beamed
annihilation (e.g. in jets), the peak will be Doppler-shifted towards higher
Annihilation of pairs of particle and anti-particle also produces γ-rays.
From equivalence of mass and energy, field energy may be converted into pairs
of particles and anti-particles in sufficiently strong electromagnetic fields.
Even vacuum field fluctuations would produce virtual pairs of particles and
antiparticles; however in a strong field, the trajectories of both particles di-
verge sufficiently such that the inverse ‘annihilation process’ does not occur
immediately. The lightest particle–antiparticle pair that can be generated is
the electron and its antiparticle, the positron, each with 511 keV rest mass;
creation requires a minimum energy of 1.022 MeV. The inverse process occurs
when a particle encounters its antiparticle, and is called ‘annihilation’; the
mass of both particles is radiated as electromagnetic energy. Conservation
laws demand that electron–positron annihilation will produce two (or more)
photons. Distribution of the rest mass energy among these photons results
in 0.511 MeV photons for two-photon annihilation, in the rest frame of the
annihilation process. Positrons and electrons also may form a bound, atom-
like system, which exists in two different states distinguished by the relative
orientations of particle spins. The parallel-spin state forms a triplet in ex-
ternal fields and decays into three photons because of spin and momentum
conservation, so that three photons share the 1.022 MeV total annihilation
energy; this produces a γ-ray spectrum with a maximum energy of 511 keV
and a continuum distribution towards lower energies.
Radioactive decay processes involving ‘β-decays’ also produce posi-trons.
Through the weak interaction, a proton can decay into a positron and a
neutron (plus an electron-neutrino νe , but we ignore this highly penetrating
particle here).
Annihilation photons originate in the vicinity of radioactive decay regions,
or energetic environments capable of positron production by other processes.
The surface and vicinity of compact stars (neutron stars and black holes) may
have such high energy density both from gravity and from strong magnetic
fields compressed from the original star. Similarly, hadronic antiparticles (an-
tiprotons and antimatter nuclei) in the universe may annihilate upon collision
with normal matter and be responsible for spectral features at correspond-
ingly higher energies in the γ-ray spectrum.
Electron transitions from one allowed state to another will eject or absorb
photons of this characteristic energy difference, producing so-called cyclotron
line radiation. Note that only the motion perpendicular to the magnetic field
is quantized, the parallel velocity component is unaffected by the magnetic
field. The ‘Landau’ energy levels E = hνc may be obtained from the cyclotron
νc = ZeB/2πγm0 , (2.14)
for a particle
p with charge Ze and velocity v [hence with a Lorentz factor
γ = 1/ 1 − (v 2 /c2 )] in a magnetic field B. For field strength values around
1012 G as observed in strongly magnetized neutron stars, cyclotron lines fall
in the X-ray regime,21 from h̄ω ' 12 keV B/(1012 G).
We have seen that the processes which create γ-rays are different in general
from the more familiar thermal blackbody radiation. The relevant physical
processes involve rather special conditions. Generally speaking, violent pro-
cesses are at play. Observation of γ-rays enables us to study such exceptional
places in nature and thus explores a different aspect of the universe than
optical observation.
matter surrounding the fireball site. Fireball ‘temperatures’ may exceed sev-
eral 109 K and cause atomic nuclei to dissolve and rearrange upon cooling
down, with radioactive nuclei as by-products, whose decay may produce γ-
rays. Direct γ-ray observations of sufficiently hot fireballs may be possible
for events where the energy release is not covered by stellar envelopes, such
as neutron star collisions and similarly extreme and rare events, which have
been discussed as possible explanations of γ-ray bursts. Moreover, γ-rays
may provide unique insights to such processes, even though originating from
secondary, nonthermal processes, as in the case of radioactive decay.
Neutron stars are highly compact objects, with '1 solar mass compressed
into a 10 km-sized sphere. They are known to be common sources of X-rays,
mostly caused by release of gravitational energy when matter falls onto their
surface. The complex path of matter accreting onto the star in strong grav-
itational and magnetic fields is the subject of broad astrophysical studies,
involving radiation from radio frequencies to γ-rays. The extreme plasma
motions near neutron stars cause complicated accretion disk configurations
and beams of particles, and these in turn produce the fascinating diversity of
pulsing phenomena of these objects in the X-ray regime. Nuclear excitation
of infalling matter from close to the neutron star’s surface can be expected to
result in characteristic γ-ray line emission. Further out in the magnetosphere,
γ-rays within a broad frequency range are known to be produced in isolated
neutron stars whose magnetosphere is relatively undisturbed by accreting
matter. Their γ-ray emission is attributed to curvature radiation of parti-
cles accelerated by large electric fields. The observed pulsing behavior varies
strongly with frequency of the radiation and can be explored to diagnose the
plasma acceleration and magnetic field configurations in great detail.
Charged-particle accelerators and relativistic-plasma interactions on gi-
gantic dimensions are observed in the extremely luminous nuclei of a sub-
type of galaxies, the ‘active galactic nuclei’. Here particle energies apparently
achieve the highest values allowed from the principles of physics, γ-rays up
to 10 TeV have been seen from such objects. Spectacular jets of plasma are
ejected from these active galaxies, extending many thousand light years into
space. Intense γ-ray emission has been observed from such galaxies (called
therefore γ-ray blazars) when we view such jets directly (under viewing angles
of the jet axis of a few degrees at most). We still do not know what powers
the inner cores of these galaxies to make them far more luminous than the
entire population of the 1010 stars of normal galaxies. From detailed studies
of nearby accreting compact stars we may learn how gravitational energy can
be converted into such jet-like plasma beams. Extreme magnetospheres can
be studied in γ-ray pulsars. Combining these lessons, we may have a better
understanding of the extreme phenomena in active galactic nuclei and near
black holes.
We speculate that the combined γ radiation from active galactic nuclei
may comprise the bulk of the diffuse sky brightness in γ-rays, called the
2 Gamma-Ray Production and Absorption Processes 15
On their journey from the source region to our detectors, γ-rays may traverse
environments with substantial interaction probabilities, both in the vicinity
of the source region as well as close to our telescope platform. Absorption
and scattering will be parts of our measurement, and we must account for
them in our studies.
Low-energy γ-rays traverse long paths of interstellar space without scat-
tering or absorption. The interstellar gas and dust absorbs optical radiation
readily at equivalent column densities of 1023 hydrogen atoms cm−2 and
prevents useful measurements; this much material amounts to less than 0.1
g cm−2 , which is practically transparent to γ-rays. Such an effective material
thickness corresponds roughly to occultation by a sheet of paper: optically,
we cannot see through easily, but γ-rays hardly notice this material. We
note however that even in ‘empty’ intergalactic space, γ-ray source photons
may suffer energy losses over the large distances24 from cosmic sources to
Ultra-high-energy cosmic-rays (UHECR).
This explanation appears inadequate for energies above 1015 eV; thus plasma-
jet-related acceleration sites similar to active galactic nuclei may be needed for
higher energies.
The nearest galaxies are at distances of 100 kpc, while quasar distances are more
appropriately expressed in terms of Doppler redshift of spectral lines, expressed
as fractional redshift from z = 0 (= no shift, nearby, ∼Mpc) out to z ' 4, the
16 Roland Diehl
0 starlight
-1 Cen A
-2 Virgo
-4 cosmic 2.7K background
10 12 14 16 18
log10 (Eγ)[eV]
Fig. 2.3. The horizon of high-energy γ-rays. The shaded region marks the regime
of large optical depth, i.e., γ-rays at these energies from sources at these redshifts
will not reach us. The basis for this curve is an ambient photon distribution and
intensity composed of the cosmic microwave background and average starlight. The
contribution of each component to the absorption from γ − γ-pair production is
cuts the visibility distance to the few nearest galaxies only (Fig ??). Con-
versely, sources at distances above z ∼ 2 cannot be seen directly above this
energy. The γ-ray horizon is shown in Fig ?? for the upper regime of the γ-ray
domain in terms of redshift of the source. Note that photon–photon pair pro-
duction results in high-energy charged particles; these will inverse-Compton
scatter on the same photons, and redistribute the high-energy γ-ray energy
to lower γ-ray energies, according to
1+z Ee
Eγ,IC ∼ 10 · ( )( )(M eV ), (2.16)
4 30GeV
thus producing a diffuse-cosmic continuum spectrum in the form of a power-
law I ∝ E −α with index α ∼ 2.
In dense environments, interactions with charged particles are more im-
portant than photon–photon processes, and γ-rays will mostly scatter off
electrons, losing part of their energy to the plasma in this way. This Compton
scattering will therefore modify the shape of the spectrum of γ-rays, and we
must account for the plasma conditions in order to reveal the original source
γ-ray spectrum through proper calculation. Note that photons may also gain
energy in such plasma collisions, if the plasma is more energetic than the
photons; this results in observation of ‘Comptonized’ γ radiation (see Chap
2.2 and Fig 2.2 above). Line features in spectra can be significantly distorted
by these effects, and scattering too. We can use such distortions to diagnose
the plasma conditions, from the measured profile of γ-ray lines. Even if unaf-
fected by additional scattering, the line profile will tell us about the relative
motion of the γ-ray source and our observing telescope: Doppler shift of the
original frequency tells us about the kinetic energies within the source, such
as the expanding motion of radioactive matter after a supernova explosion,
translating velocities of '1000s of km s−1 into a line width of ∼0.1 MeV for
a 1 MeV line energy (normally, this line would be narrower than the best in-
strumental resolution of '1 keV). Note that the gravitational field of compact
sources such as neutron star surfaces can also result in substantial changes in
line energies: photons have a hard time leaving the star against this strong
gravitational force, and can lose '20% of their energy, with a corresponding
downward frequency shift.
Getting close to the detector, γ-rays again encounter material in the up-
per atmosphere of the Earth. Interactions in the upper atmosphere result
in electromagnetic showers with large numbers of secondaries. At very high
γ-ray energies, these are directly used for ground-level detection of the inci-
dent γ-ray. Telescopes for cosmic γ-ray measurements at lower energies have
to operate at least at altitudes above ∼40 km, i.e. with residual-atmosphere
thicknesses below ∼3 g cm−2 . For these measurements, secondaries produced
in the upper atmosphere and within the generally massive spacecraft plat-
form of the telescope provide undesired background. This, and even more so
the enormous bombardment of the spacecraft by charged particles from the
radiation belts and from cosmic radiation, results in a glow of γ-rays from
18 Roland Diehl
such spacecraft and instruments. The next chapter illustrates that γ-ray tele-
scopes have to be built with complex detector configurations and triggering
techniques; additionally, powerful analysis algorithms must be employed to
discriminate the primary cosmic γ-rays from the instrumental background.