3. Some and any are used with countable and uncountable nouns.
Offering Responding
Would you like some Yes please I'd like some.
Use some in positive (affirmative) sentences. Some is used for both countable and
uncountable nouns.
Use any for countable and uncountable nouns in:
1. interrogative sentences.
The use of « much/ many/ few/ little /lots of/ a lot of:
Much, many, few, little, lots of and a lot of are all “quantifiers”. Quantifiers are used to give
information about quantity (the number of something). Both much and many suggest a large
quantity of something, while little and few mean: not as much, or not as many. However, if
you use a little or a few this means: a small amount!
Much and many are known as “quantifiers”. They are used to talk about quantities, amounts
or degrees (along with ‘a lot of’ and ‘lots of’) and suggest a large quantity of something.
Many is used with plural, countable nouns (e.g., dogs, dollars, tables, children). Much is used
with singular, uncountable nouns (e.g., happiness, music, water, time):
There aren’t many doctors in the hospital today. (doctors are countable) Many Brits choose
to retire in Spain. (Brits/British people are countable) There isn’t much light in this room so
let’s open the curtains. (light is uncountable) Too much money was spent on the Royal
Wedding. (money is uncountable)
We usually use much and many with questions and negative statements:
How much time does it take to get to your house from here?
There wasn’t much noise coming from the house, even though there was a party going on.
A. Fill in the gaps with either some or any:
1. There isn’t (_______) time to finish your lunch. We need to leave now!
10. Pick _______ birthday card you like. I think they’re all nice.
2. She has too much/many/ ideas and can’t focus on one thing at a time!
8. Too many/much/ people are driving in London and the traffic is a nightmare.
9. There isn’t many/much time before our flight so let’s go straight to the gate.