WhitePaper Liquid Cooling
WhitePaper Liquid Cooling
WhitePaper Liquid Cooling
By The use of liquid cooling to mitigate heat Traditionally, data centers have relied on
David Vranish generated by electronics can be found in a air for cooling. However, forcing cold air
Applications Engineer wide variety of applications, including gaming through server racks is an inefficient and
Colder Products Company computers, supercomputers and medical costly method to remove heat. Sixty percent
equipment. But the widest acceptance of the of cooled air is lost as by-pass and through
technology is in today’s data center industry, air mixing, and cooling costs can exceed the
where server manufacturers are turning to liquid costs of running the servers. As computer
cooling for cost-efficient and effective thermal servers are pushed to run faster and data
management. Here, in particular, quick disconnect center rack densities increase, it is becoming
couplings are playing an integral role in cooling impractical to expect moving air to provide
system performance and reliability. sufficient cooling.
Implementing an efficient, effective and Water, on the other hand, is 3,500 times
safe cooling system to remove waste more effective than air2 on a volume basis
heat is an ever-growing concern for data at storing and transferring heat. In fact,
centers. Energy consumption by servers 41 percent of respondents in a recent
has risen dramatically within the last industry-wide survey expect a combination
decade as power densities of server racks of air and liquid to be the primary
have increased. While server racks of a method of data center cooling.3 Liquid
decade ago consumed 250 W to 1.5 kW cooling represents the best alternative to
each, current power racks consume around raising cooling efficiency and reducing air
10 kW. Projections for the next decade put conditioning costs.
power consumption at 50 kW. Further, it
is estimated that, by 2020, the data center Using liquid to cool computers goes back
industry will generate as much CO2 as the to the mid-’60s when IBM implemented
airline industry.1 liquid cooling for its 704 mainframe. Nearly
50 years later, IBM recently employed
processor-level liquid cooling for a
supercomputer located at a Swiss university,
where water is circulated to cool the
processors and then pumped to the under-
floor heating system where the waste heat
can be used for building heat. Compared
with air-cooled servers, IBM estimates that
the liquid-cooled system uses 40 percent
less energy, and the additional use of the
waste heat lowers carbon footprint by an
estimated 85 percent.4
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A CRITICAL COMPONENT FOR LIQUID COOLING entire server rack to fail. This puts a critical
RELIABILITY focus on the design, construction and
quality of the quick disconnect coupling.
One of the critical components in liquid
cooling systems is the quick disconnect
When selecting quick disconnect couplings
coupling. These couplings are used to link
for liquid cooling of servers and other high-
together flexible tubes that carry cooling
end computers, it is important to look for the
liquid to individual servers and central
following five attributes to ensure reliability.
manifolds on the server rack connected to
central heat exchangers (see Figure 2). The
critical contribution of quick disconnect 1. Robust design and construction
couplings becomes more evident when Liquid cooling system quick disconnect
considering that these couplings need to couplings need to be durable and robust.
stay reliably connected for long durations They also need to be designed for low-
but then disconnect easily without valve pressure applications and able to withstand
failure. Furthermore, when servers need to long periods of connection before being
be serviced or changed out, the couplings disconnected. Couplings should also be
must easily disconnect without dripping or designed for low pressure drop in order to
spilling coolant on sensitive electronics. minimize flow restriction and the burden on
cooling system pumps.
The chief concern of server designers and
data center operators is system reliability. Some liquid cooling systems employ
According to the Ponemon Institute, the couplings developed for the hydraulics
average cost for any type of data center industry because of their perceived higher Figure 2: Quick disconnects for server
outage is more than $690,000.5 One of the durability. However, the seals and internal cooling
basic methods of achieving high reliability valves of these couplings were not designed
is through redundant components that take for low-pressure applications and where
over if primary components fail. In liquid couplings are required to be connected
cooling systems, redundant pumps are often for months or years at a time. When
employed to prevent loss of circulation. selecting quick disconnect couplings for
However, individual quick disconnect liquid cooling systems, look for couplings
couplings in the cooling system represent a that are designed specifically for low-
single point of failure. A faulty connector pressure applications and feature robust
has no backup, so a leak might cause the construction.
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Liquid cooling of computers and servers is
the most efficient and cost-effective method
of dissipating heat generated by today’s
faster and higher-density electronics. By
providing cooling at the source of the heat, air
conditioning demands can be reduced along
with the attendant costs and carbon impact.