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4ch1 2c Rms 20230824

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2023

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Chemistry (4CH1) Paper 2C
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Summer 2023
Question Paper Log Number P71952A
Publications Code 4CH1_2C_2306_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment.

Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the
same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according
to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of
the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team
leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate
has replaced it with an alternative response.
Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) (i) silicon ALLOW Si 1

(ii) magnesium ALLOW Mg 1

(iii) bromine ALLOW mercury / Hg 1

ALLOW Br / Br2

REJECT bromide / Br−

(iv) 2,8,5 / 2.8.5 ACCEPT diagram 1

showing electron

(v) Na2S ALLOW Na+2S2− 1

(b) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 full outer shell / 8 electrons in outer shell /

(electron configuration) 2.8

M2 (so) does not need to lose or gain (or share)

electrons / e(-)

Total 7
Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) B (carbon dioxide) 1

A is incorrect as there is more argon in the

atmosphere than carbon dioxide
C is incorrect as there is more nitrogen in the
atmosphere than carbon dioxide
D is incorrect as there is more oxygen in the
atmosphere than carbon dioxide

(b) (i) B (decomposition) 1

A is incorrect as this is not an addition reaction

C is incorrect as this is not an oxidation reaction
D is incorrect as this is not a substitution reaction

(ii) C (green to black) 1

A is incorrect as copper(II) carbonate is not blue

B is incorrect as copper(II) carbonate is not blue and
copper(II) oxide is not orange
D is incorrect as copper(II) oxide is not orange

(iii) CuCO3 → CuO + CO2 ALLOW multiples 1

IGNORE state symbols

even if incorrect

(c) M1 (volume of oxygen =) 100 − 27 OR 73 (cm3) correct answer with or 4

without working scores 4

M2 (volume of air at start =) 280 + 100 OR 380 (cm3) ALLOW ECF throughout

M3 73 ÷ 380 × 100 OR 19.2 (%) Use of 280 gives an

answer of 26 scores 3
M4 19 (%)
Alternative method

M1 (volume of air left=)

280 + 27 OR 307 (cm3)

M2 307 ÷ 380 x 100 OR

80.8 (%)

M3 100 − 80.8 OR 19.2

M4 19 (%)
(d) An explanation that links two of the following three 2

M1 carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas ACCEPT description of

greenhouse effect
e.g. carbon dioxide traps
heat / infra-red rays in
AND the atmosphere

M2 (that causes) climate change / global warming /

global temperature rise


M3 melting of polar icecaps / flooding / wildfires / ALLOW oceans becoming

sea levels rising more acidic / less basic
/pH decreasing

REJECT reference to the

ozone layer for M2 or M3

IGNORE reference to acid


Total 10
Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 ACCEPT CH3CH2OH 2

M1 both formulae correct

M2 balancing of correct formulae M2 dep on M1 but if

C2H6O given no M1
but allow M2 for
correct balancing

IGNORE state
symbols even if

ALLOW multiples
and fractions

(b) (i) 3
Hydration Fermentation If formula alone
must be correct, but
Reagents ethene and steam aqueous glucose if name given and
formula incorrect
Catalyst phosphoric acid enzymes in yeast ignore formula
Temperature in
o 300 30 ALLOW sulphuric
Pressure in acid / H2SO4
60 − 70 1
between 20 and 40

pressure between 60
and 70 inclusive
(ii) An explanation that links one advantage and one 4


M1 uses low(er) pressure / atmospheric pressure / 1 atm

M2 so less energy needed / less costly equipment / safer IGNORE cheaper
/less costly alone

M1 uses low(er) temperature

M2 so less energy / heat needed IGNORE cheaper
/less costly

M1 glucose /sugar cane is a natural resource /is

M2 whereas ethene obtained from crude oil /ethene is
non-renewable / ethene is a finite resource

M1 yeast is a natural resource

M2 whereas phosphoric acid is a manufactured catalyst


M3 fermentation is slow(er) ALLOW

M4 fermentation is less efficient /so hydration is more M3 fermentation is a
efficient batch process
M4 whereas
hydration is a
continuous process
OR (so more efficient)

M3 ethanol is impure IGNORE reference to

M4 so ethanol needs to be purified ORA yield


M3 growing sugar cane takes up land

M4 that can be used to grow food crops
(c) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 oxygen would oxidise / react with ethanol / alcohol

M2 which would produce ethanoic acid / CH3COOH ALLOW acetic acid /


OR IGNORE carboxylic acid

M1 fermentation needs to be anaerobic

M2 so ethanol / alcohol will be formed / otherwise

only carbon dioxide and water would form

(d) (i) M1 60.0 13.3 26.7 0 marks for division by 3

12 1 16 atomic numbers or
upside-down calculation

M2 5.0 13.3 1.67 ALLOW any number of sig

figs except 1 apart from 5
M3 5.0 13.3 1.67 in M2 and M3
1.67 1.67 1.67

OR 2.99 7.96 1
ACCEPT alternative

(ii) H H H Bond between O and H 1

I I I must be shown
I I I ACCEPT structure of
H H H propan-2-ol

Total 15
Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) pipette 1

(b) M1 (colour in potassium hydroxide) yellow 2

M2 (colour in sulfuric acid) red ALLOW pink

(c) to see the colour (change more) clearly (at the end- 1
point) OWTTE

(d) to mix the solutions (more thoroughly) OWTTE ALLOW to speed up the 1
reaction between the acid
and alkali OWTTE

(e) titres/results within (+ or −) 0.2 (cm3 of each other) ALLOW within 0.1 1

REJECT > 0.2 or < 0.1

(f) correct answer with or 3

without working scores 3
M1 n(H2SO4) = 0.0150 × 0.180 or 0.0027(0) (mol)

M2 n(KOH) = 0.0027(0) × 2 or 0.0054(0) (mol) answer to M1 × 2

M3 concn = (0.0054(0) ÷ 0.0250) = 0.216 (mol/dm3) answer to M2 ÷ 0.0250

ALLOW any number of sig

figs except 1

common answers:
0.108 and 0.054 scores 2

(g) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 an H+ ion is a proton

M2 the OH− (ion) reacts / bonds with the H+ (ion) (to ALLOW donates a proton
form water) / H+ (ion) to the OH−

IGNORE accepts a proton

Total 11
Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) M1 add sodium hydroxide (to the copper(II) sulfate ALLOW potassium 2
solution) hydroxide or aqueous

No M1 if any incorrect
reagent added

M2 blue precipitate (forms) IGNORE qualifiers e.g.

pale / dark etc.

M2 dep on addition of a
OR correct alkali

M1 flame test ACCEPT description of

flame test

M2 blue-green (flame) ALLOW green

M2 dep on flame

(b) An description that refers to any three from 3

M1 copper ions are positively charged / cations ALLOW M1 and M3 for a

/ Cu2+ (ions) fully correct half
M2 and are attracted to / travel to the negative i.e. Cu2+ + 2e → Cu
electrode / cathode

M3 where they accept electrons

M4 and become (copper) atoms

(c) pink solid / deposit / coating / metal ACCEPT pink-brown / 1

orange-brown / brown /
orange / red-brown


REJECT precipitate

(d) (i) relights a glowing splint 1

(ii) 2H2O → 4H+ + O2 + 4e(−) 4OH− → 2H2O + O2 + 4e(−) 2

scores 1

IGNORE state symbols

even if incorrect

M1 O2 + e(−) IGNORE any numbers in

front of O2 + e(−) and any
M2 equation fully correct other species

(iii) electrons are lost ALLOW H2O / water 1

loses electrons

Total 10
Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) (i) sulfuric acid / H2SO4 ACCEPT hydrochloric acid 1
/ HCl and nitric acid /
HNO3 / phosphoric acid /

(ii) distinctive / sweet / fruity smell ACCEPT an oily layer 1

forms (on the surface)

(iii) methyl ethanoate spelling must be correct 1

(b) (i) C⎯O and O⎯H 1

(ii) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 the same (two) bonds / C⎯O and O⎯H are ALLOW ecf if wrong
broken and formed bonds in (i)

IGNORE the same number

of bonds are broken and
M2 energy needed to break bonds equals energy
released when bonds form (so overall enthalpy
change is 0)

Total 6
Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) reduces the capacity of blood to transport oxygen ALLOW carbon monoxide 1
round the body OWTTE /it binds with

(b) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 no effect

M2 as increases rate of forward reaction and rate

of backward reaction equally
M2 dep on M1 or missing

(c) (i) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 yield decreases

M2 as (forward) reaction is endothermic (so ALLOW backward

equilibrium shifts to the LHS / reactants side) /reverse reaction is

M2 dep on M1 or missing

IGNORE references to Le

(ii) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 yield increases

M2 as there are fewer moles / molecules (of gas)

on the left-hand side / there are 2 mol on LHS and
4 mol on RHS (so equilibrium shifts to the RHS /
products side) ORA M2 dep on M1 or missing

IGNORE references to Le

(d) correct answer with or 4

without working scores 4

M1 n(H2) = 6.6 × 106 ÷ 2 OR 3.3 × 106 (mol) ACCEPT 3 300 000

M2 n(CH4) = 3.3 × 106 ÷ 3 OR 1.1 × 106 (mol) ACCEPT 1 100 000

M3 vol(CH4) = 1.1 × 106 × 24 OR 26 400 000 (dm3) M2 × 24

M4 2.6 × 107 ACCEPT 2.64 × 107

ALLOW ECF throughout

common answers:
7.9(2) × 107 scores 3
5.28 × 107 scores 3
1.584 × 108 scores 2

Total 11
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