454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 226543 tx_bad 2 rx_good
304760 tx_retry 74668
08-16 21:59:57.816 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 226948 tx_bad 2 rx_good
305454 tx_retry 74890
08-16 22:04:57.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 227173 tx_bad 2 rx_good
305984 tx_retry 75126
08-17 01:00:08.932 1306 1306 I AnyMotionDetector: Accumulated vector
timeMillisSinceBoot=72818454 | x=0.246, y=0.74700004, z=10.111051, runningSum =
timeMillisSinceBoot=72818454 | x=9.648749, y=28.34955, z=384.00488,
incrementalEnergy = 3.927183E-4, energy = 0.009146915
08-17 01:00:09.071 1306 1306 I AnyMotionDetector: Accumulated vector
timeMillisSinceBoot=72818593 | x=0.25800002, y=0.74505, z=10.0990505, runningSum =
timeMillisSinceBoot=72818593 | x=11.429701, y=33.5658, z=454.76184,
incrementalEnergy = 1.0701161E-4, energy = 0.009685204
08-17 03:37:42.454 1306 2242 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.17254902
08-17 05:28:07.698 1306 12554 E ActivityManager: 6.8%
454/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 4.9% user + 1.9% kernel / faults: 975
08-17 05:35:42.357 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
20454,uid: 10214
08-17 05:36:50.454 1306 2564 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 05:37:40.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 72922 tx_bad 0 rx_good
84861 tx_retry 76049
08-17 05:38:07.608 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 73451 tx_bad 0 rx_good
85454 tx_retry 76088
08-17 05:41:26.454 1306 4098 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 05:41:33.296 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 83463 tx_bad 0 rx_good
96454 tx_retry 76470
08-17 05:44:14.454 1306 2562 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 05:54:35.454 1306 4089 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 06:17:36.067 1306 28217 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
08-17 06:17:36.071 1306 28217 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
08-17 06:30:09.454 1306 1360 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
08-17 06:30:42.454 1306 1348 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 06:31:48.673 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 184547 tx_bad 1 rx_good
246021 tx_retry 76780
08-17 06:31:51.696 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 184548 tx_bad 1 rx_good
246024 tx_retry 76780
08-17 06:31:54.710 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 184549 tx_bad 1 rx_good
246027 tx_retry 76780
08-17 06:31:57.730 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 184549 tx_bad 1 rx_good
246028 tx_retry 76780
08-17 06:32:00.750 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 184549 tx_bad 1 rx_good
246030 tx_retry 76780
08-17 06:32:03.772 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 184549 tx_bad 1 rx_good
246032 tx_retry 76788
08-17 06:37:34.454 1306 2242 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
08-17 06:57:22.925 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 245413 tx_bad 1 rx_good
322560 tx_retry 78728
08-17 07:02:49.002 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 260869 tx_bad 1 rx_good
345438 tx_retry 79676
08-17 07:02:52.027 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 260869 tx_bad 1 rx_good
345443 tx_retry 79681
08-17 07:06:23.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 273498 tx_bad 1 rx_good
363042 tx_retry 80020
08-17 07:11:33.249 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
11454,uid: 10207
08-17 07:12:00.454 1306 4098 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 07:13:37.859 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 293034 tx_bad 1 rx_good
386608 tx_retry 80454
08-17 07:13:40.871 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 294092 tx_bad 1 rx_good
387885 tx_retry 80454
08-17 07:16:17.716 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 345418 tx_bad 1 rx_good
451209 tx_retry 80957
08-17 07:20:15.454 1306 1348 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 07:23:44.273 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 454755 tx_bad 2 rx_good
589730 tx_retry 82323
08-17 07:26:15.078 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 504547 tx_bad 2 rx_good
649754 tx_retry 82691
08-17 07:29:10.012 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 566061 tx_bad 2 rx_good
724549 tx_retry 83131
08-17 07:30:28.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 590933 tx_bad 2 rx_good
756738 tx_retry 83433
08-17 07:30:40.525 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 594980 tx_bad 2 rx_good
761841 tx_retry 83454
08-17 07:33:56.577 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 663707 tx_bad 2 rx_good
845436 tx_retry 83771
08-17 07:42:53.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 852626 tx_bad 2 rx_good
1073108 tx_retry 84871
08-17 07:47:17.390 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 945465 tx_bad 2 rx_good
1181847 tx_retry 85681
08-17 07:49:54.230 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1001454 tx_bad 2
rx_good 1245195 tx_retry 86276
08-17 07:57:47.722 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1184878 tx_bad 2
rx_good 1454362 tx_retry 87512
08-17 08:10:04.254 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1454070 tx_bad 2
rx_good 1775676 tx_retry 88877
08-17 08:13:01.454 1306 1461 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 08:13:50.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1535138 tx_bad 2
rx_good 1873015 tx_retry 89442
08-17 08:27:39.023 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1824546 tx_bad 2
rx_good 2217448 tx_retry 92019
08-17 08:34:13.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
16037,uid: 10214
08-17 08:36:31.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
18751,uid: 1001
08-17 08:36:52.051 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2023012 tx_bad 2
rx_good 2454376 tx_retry 93900
08-17 08:39:26.300 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2076859 tx_bad 2
rx_good 2516987 tx_retry 94540
08-17 08:39:29.312 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2078037 tx_bad 2
rx_good 2518281 tx_retry 94546
08-17 08:42:33.214 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2145444 tx_bad 2
rx_good 2596952 tx_retry 95026
08-17 08:42:59.454 1306 1348 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 08:43:53.454 1306 1320 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 08:56:59.461 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2454954 tx_bad 3
rx_good 2962256 tx_retry 97902
08-17 09:01:50.489 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
4549,uid: 10186
08-17 09:07:08.544 1306 1306 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
08-17 09:09:00.056 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2724543 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3279103 tx_retry 99157
08-17 09:15:07.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
11124,uid: 10115
08-17 09:15:08.594 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2849646 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3431454 tx_retry 100107
08-17 09:17:31.454 1306 1964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1306_9 identical
2 lines
08-17 09:18:29.454 1306 1306 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 09:18:44.556 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2924548 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3523509 tx_retry 100643
08-17 09:25:56.666 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2938312 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3541454 tx_retry 100984
08-17 09:36:32.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2951926 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3559409 tx_retry 101514
08-17 09:44:38.173 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2952740 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3560454 tx_retry 101725
08-17 09:53:49.285 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2955026 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3564542 tx_retry 102134
08-17 09:53:52.309 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2955030 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3564548 tx_retry 102134
08-17 09:55:56.481 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
22454,uid: 10214
08-17 09:57:48.007 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2963403 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3574549 tx_retry 102264
08-17 10:00:28.243 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2971346 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3584541 tx_retry 102381
08-17 10:02:50.005 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
24540,uid: 10208
08-17 10:41:47.487 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3001404 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3624199 tx_retry 104543
08-17 10:44:09.736 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3001666 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3624540 tx_retry 104888
08-17 10:44:12.770 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3001669 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3624544 tx_retry 104896
08-17 10:44:15.798 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3001669 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3624546 tx_retry 104906
08-17 10:44:18.824 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3001669 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3624548 tx_retry 104920
08-17 10:50:58.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3001923 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3625056 tx_retry 106310
08-17 10:53:38.917 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3002095 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3625454 tx_retry 106806
08-17 10:56:31.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3002162 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3625735 tx_retry 107353
08-17 11:05:44.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
30388,uid: 10115
08-17 11:06:38.983 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3045438 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3689259 tx_retry 108777
08-17 11:12:46.454 1306 1963 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
08-17 11:54:27.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3133394 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3801418 tx_retry 112034
08-17 12:02:31.813 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3134544 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3802808 tx_retry 112409
08-17 12:02:34.840 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3134548 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3802814 tx_retry 112409
08-17 12:02:37.871 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3134548 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3802816 tx_retry 112409
08-17 12:02:40.898 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3134548 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3802818 tx_retry 112409
08-17 12:14:50.459 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3135814 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3804542 tx_retry 112679
08-17 12:14:53.486 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3135817 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3804546 tx_retry 112679
08-17 12:19:19.454 1306 2479 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 12:23:39.130 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3145446 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3817079 tx_retry 113041
08-17 12:31:21.105 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3168993 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3869916 tx_retry 114540
08-17 12:34:47.454 1306 1736 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 12:37:12.942 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3192743 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3908825 tx_retry 115454
08-17 12:43:57.464 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3223454 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3948374 tx_retry 116646
08-17 12:44:00.487 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3223454 tx_bad 3
rx_good 3948377 tx_retry 116646
08-17 13:05:18.502 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3342454 tx_bad 3
rx_good 4087162 tx_retry 118070
08-17 13:12:20.454 1306 1461 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 13:24:00.052 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3401822 tx_bad 3
rx_good 4155468 tx_retry 120454
08-17 13:27:40.976 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 24543 tx_bad 0 rx_good
27077 tx_retry 120854
08-17 13:29:19.454 1306 1461 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 13:33:36.733 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
27454,uid: 10066
08-17 13:36:07.454 1306 2558 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 13:39:35.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
30556,uid: 10066
08-17 13:50:17.488 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 144541 tx_bad 1 rx_good
173321 tx_retry 124121
08-17 13:55:16.447 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 168780 tx_bad 2 rx_good
204544 tx_retry 124720
08-17 14:03:58.875 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 234547 tx_bad 2 rx_good
284224 tx_retry 126170
08-17 14:06:44.924 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 243073 tx_bad 2 rx_good
294540 tx_retry 126596
08-17 14:08:00.422 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 244560 tx_bad 2 rx_good
296454 tx_retry 126743
08-17 14:19:55.454 1306 4096 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 14:20:29.883 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 286759 tx_bad 3 rx_good
347534 tx_retry 128454
08-17 14:26:08.454 1306 4506 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 14:33:36.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 330686 tx_bad 30
rx_good 403118 tx_retry 129975
08-17 14:34:54.979 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 331454 tx_bad 30
rx_good 403966 tx_retry 130265
08-17 14:34:58.000 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 331454 tx_bad 30
rx_good 403972 tx_retry 130265
08-17 14:39:51.052 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 345423 tx_bad 30
rx_good 420647 tx_retry 130944
08-17 14:40:14.327 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
32454,uid: 10066
08-17 14:42:43.512 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 350454 tx_bad 30
rx_good 426437 tx_retry 131200
08-17 14:45:32.691 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 358454 tx_bad 30
rx_good 436830 tx_retry 131489
08-17 14:47:00.313 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 373346 tx_bad 30
rx_good 454073 tx_retry 131607
08-17 14:47:03.334 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 373457 tx_bad 30
rx_good 454182 tx_retry 131624
08-17 14:47:06.345 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 373775 tx_bad 30
rx_good 454618 tx_retry 131633
08-17 14:47:09.359 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 373809 tx_bad 30
rx_good 454670 tx_retry 131638
08-17 14:47:12.383 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 373818 tx_bad 30
rx_good 454679 tx_retry 131648
08-17 14:47:15.393 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 373946 tx_bad 30
rx_good 454827 tx_retry 131662
08-17 14:48:33.454 1306 1963 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 14:51:05.397 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 380454 tx_bad 30
rx_good 463377 tx_retry 131963
08-17 14:51:08.412 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 380454 tx_bad 30
rx_good 463382 tx_retry 131963
08-17 14:53:03.278 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 381649 tx_bad 30
rx_good 465454 tx_retry 132129
08-17 14:53:42.454 1306 1349 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 14:55:37.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 392637 tx_bad 30
rx_good 482603 tx_retry 132458
08-17 14:59:51.624 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 393875 tx_bad 30
rx_good 485454 tx_retry 133297
08-17 15:13:49.791 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396146 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488367 tx_retry 134541
08-17 15:13:52.808 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396146 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488370 tx_retry 134541
08-17 15:13:55.837 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396159 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488384 tx_retry 134541
08-17 15:13:58.866 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396159 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488385 tx_retry 134541
08-17 15:14:01.898 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396160 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488388 tx_retry 134541
08-17 15:14:04.926 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396160 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488391 tx_retry 134541
08-17 15:14:07.953 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396161 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488395 tx_retry 134547
08-17 15:14:10.985 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396162 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488397 tx_retry 134547
08-17 15:14:14.014 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 396165 tx_bad 30
rx_good 488401 tx_retry 134547
08-17 15:17:15.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 400566 tx_bad 30
rx_good 495262 tx_retry 134830
08-17 15:29:56.970 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 434541 tx_bad 30
rx_good 541070 tx_retry 135895
08-17 15:31:03.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 437725 tx_bad 30
rx_good 545143 tx_retry 135934
08-17 15:31:27.633 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 437963 tx_bad 30
rx_good 545436 tx_retry 135941
08-17 15:33:25.507 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 445481 tx_bad 30
rx_good 555216 tx_retry 136104
08-17 15:36:35.903 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 453943 tx_bad 30
rx_good 566454 tx_retry 136338
08-17 15:36:41.945 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 454462 tx_bad 30
rx_good 567150 tx_retry 136338
08-17 15:36:44.970 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 454878 tx_bad 30
rx_good 567723 tx_retry 136346
08-17 15:36:47.997 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 454887 tx_bad 30
rx_good 567732 tx_retry 136346
08-17 15:36:51.014 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 454889 tx_bad 30
rx_good 567737 tx_retry 136346
08-17 15:36:54.032 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 454908 tx_bad 30
rx_good 567755 tx_retry 136352
08-17 15:52:39.454 1306 2575 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 16:03:20.454 1306 1740 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
08-17 16:08:43.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 478494 tx_bad 31
rx_good 598731 tx_retry 137279
08-17 16:21:02.311 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 481454 tx_bad 31
rx_good 602107 tx_retry 138032
08-17 16:29:33.567 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 484545 tx_bad 31
rx_good 605990 tx_retry 138216
08-17 16:50:44.622 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 540563 tx_bad 32
rx_good 675454 tx_retry 139826
08-17 16:56:52.836 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 556768 tx_bad 32
rx_good 694543 tx_retry 140168
08-17 16:56:55.843 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 556770 tx_bad 32
rx_good 694548 tx_retry 140174
08-17 16:57:33.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
3489,uid: 10207
08-17 16:59:19.454 1306 1320 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 17:04:41.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 580772 tx_bad 32
rx_good 723611 tx_retry 140618
08-17 17:10:18.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
8043,uid: 10058
08-17 17:11:24.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 581348 tx_bad 32
rx_good 724351 tx_retry 140764
08-17 17:14:17.164 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 581428 tx_bad 32
rx_good 724540 tx_retry 140841
08-17 17:14:20.178 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 581428 tx_bad 32
rx_good 724542 tx_retry 140846
08-17 17:14:23.209 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 581428 tx_bad 32
rx_good 724543 tx_retry 140846
08-17 17:14:26.239 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 581429 tx_bad 32
rx_good 724547 tx_retry 140846
08-17 17:14:29.270 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 581430 tx_bad 32
rx_good 724549 tx_retry 140846
08-17 17:28:41.644 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 587089 tx_bad 33
rx_good 732454 tx_retry 141142
08-17 17:30:31.024 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 597583 tx_bad 33
rx_good 745476 tx_retry 141647
08-17 17:30:34.052 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 597592 tx_bad 33
rx_good 745490 tx_retry 141647
08-17 17:48:18.797 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 607454 tx_bad 33
rx_good 758243 tx_retry 142917
08-17 17:58:11.875 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 609536 tx_bad 33
rx_good 761454 tx_retry 143283
08-17 18:00:34.454 1306 4088 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1306_1A
identical 1 line
08-17 18:08:17.118 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 611907 tx_bad 34
rx_good 764454 tx_retry 143819
08-17 18:08:53.434 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 611964 tx_bad 34
rx_good 764541 tx_retry 143842
08-17 18:08:56.453 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 611964 tx_bad 34
rx_good 764542 tx_retry 143847
08-17 18:08:59.473 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 611966 tx_bad 34
rx_good 764546 tx_retry 143847
08-17 18:09:02.506 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 611966 tx_bad 34
rx_good 764548 tx_retry 143847
08-17 18:13:37.867 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 612454 tx_bad 34
rx_good 765194 tx_retry 144116
08-17 18:13:50.454 1306 1461 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 18:20:05.454 1306 2456 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
08-17 18:28:00.559 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 626905 tx_bad 34
rx_good 782454 tx_retry 145267
08-17 18:40:27.358 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629012 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784510 tx_retry 145407
08-17 18:40:30.378 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629012 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784516 tx_retry 145407
08-17 18:40:33.401 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629012 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784518 tx_retry 145417
08-17 18:40:36.415 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629075 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784546 tx_retry 145423
08-17 18:40:39.428 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629214 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784732 tx_retry 145438
08-17 18:40:42.451 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629257 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784782 tx_retry 145465
08-17 18:40:45.465 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 629296 tx_bad 34
rx_good 784831 tx_retry 145484
08-17 18:49:04.053 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 644543 tx_bad 35
rx_good 813662 tx_retry 146476
08-17 18:50:58.748 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 645404 tx_bad 35
rx_good 814585 tx_retry 146618
08-17 18:51:01.762 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 645430 tx_bad 35
rx_good 814617 tx_retry 146618
08-17 18:51:04.778 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 645473 tx_bad 35
rx_good 814665 tx_retry 146618
08-17 18:56:36.581 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 651454 tx_bad 35
rx_good 821149 tx_retry 146759
08-17 18:56:39.601 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 651454 tx_bad 35
rx_good 821152 tx_retry 146759
08-17 19:06:10.978 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 660454 tx_bad 36
rx_good 832586 tx_retry 147500
08-17 19:13:34.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 674573 tx_bad 36
rx_good 848263 tx_retry 148015
08-17 19:22:15.388 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 694546 tx_bad 36
rx_good 872275 tx_retry 148598
08-17 19:22:18.407 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 694547 tx_bad 36
rx_good 872278 tx_retry 148598
08-17 19:22:44.135 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 694672 tx_bad 36
rx_good 872454 tx_retry 148611
08-17 19:50:48.924 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 711454 tx_bad 36
rx_good 897364 tx_retry 149885
08-17 19:52:21.454 1306 2480 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
08-17 20:04:55.870 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 718454 tx_bad 36
rx_good 906911 tx_retry 150949
08-17 20:04:58.892 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 718454 tx_bad 36
rx_good 906913 tx_retry 150949
08-17 20:15:55.454 1306 4098 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 20:15:59.454 1306 4098 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1306_1F
identical 1 line
08-17 20:39:22.940 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 730232 tx_bad 36
rx_good 921711 tx_retry 154544
08-17 20:39:25.974 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 730235 tx_bad 36
rx_good 921713 tx_retry 154549
08-17 20:41:50.967 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 734543 tx_bad 36
rx_good 927588 tx_retry 154995
08-17 20:52:32.201 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 744951 tx_bad 36
rx_good 945444 tx_retry 155683
08-17 21:03:36.113 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 749454 tx_bad 37
rx_good 951377 tx_retry 155997
08-17 21:03:39.141 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 749454 tx_bad 37
rx_good 951380 tx_retry 156002
08-17 21:03:42.158 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 749454 tx_bad 37
rx_good 951383 tx_retry 156002
08-17 21:03:45.178 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 749454 tx_bad 37
rx_good 951386 tx_retry 156009
08-17 21:17:04.453 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 795454 tx_bad 39
rx_good 1027697 tx_retry 158033
08-17 21:21:12.811 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 802454 tx_bad 52
rx_good 1034416 tx_retry 158947
08-17 21:25:51.943 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 812443 tx_bad 55
rx_good 1045465 tx_retry 160106
08-17 22:11:50.454 1306 4098 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-17 22:21:01.151 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 906505 tx_bad 67
rx_good 1177373 tx_retry 160454
08-17 22:21:04.176 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 906536 tx_bad 67
rx_good 1177411 tx_retry 160454
08-17 22:21:07.197 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 906541 tx_bad 67
rx_good 1177422 tx_retry 160454
08-17 22:29:47.075 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 945474 tx_bad 79
rx_good 1223742 tx_retry 161140
08-17 23:09:38.540 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1033817 tx_bad 91
rx_good 1357621 tx_retry 164544
08-17 23:15:35.228 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1075086 tx_bad 106
rx_good 1404545 tx_retry 165288
08-17 23:24:18.008 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
14540,uid: 10230
08-17 23:25:52.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1105775 tx_bad 106
rx_good 1438323 tx_retry 165957
08-17 23:32:42.454 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
19046,uid: 10094
08-17 23:33:27.454 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 5435 tx_bad 0 rx_good
6067 tx_retry 166219
08-17 23:44:14.501 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 24549 tx_bad 0 rx_good
27839 tx_retry 167247
08-17 23:53:15.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:127067
hint:1159 pid:497 duration:350 => ret_hdl:127067
08-17 23:53:15.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:3 hdl:127067 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-17 23:53:43.018 1855 1977 E msgr.msys: E[S
sync]_createResponseError(195)=>Network Response 20454d95-f4f2-49ba-a2b2-
bacd1ca80ad2 contains sync error Error Domain=mqtt Code=2002 - Underlying error
(null): Error Domain=mqtt Code=2002
08-18 00:02:05.454 497 497 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:127180,
08-18 00:05:46.454 499 20207 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x2,@:}, activeDevices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
08-18 00:06:53.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:127271, idx:-1
08-18 00:07:16.189 454 1509 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:07:18.888 454 30561 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:07:27.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:127397
hint:1157 pid:497 duration:80 => ret_hdl:127397
08-18 00:07:27.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:127397 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:09:53.542 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 5454 tx_bad 0 rx_good
8625 tx_retry 168900
08-18 00:09:56.567 915 915 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 5454 tx_bad 0 rx_good
8627 tx_retry 168915
08-18 00:24:43.454 1306 1466 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.977) failed {.code =
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
08-18 00:30:59.577 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:127454
hint:1155 pid:497 duration:560 => ret_hdl:127454
08-18 00:30:59.577 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:127454 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:31:00.138 481 1597 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
08-18 00:31:00.138 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:127454, idx:0
08-18 00:31:00.138 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:127454 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:31:00.158 497 8343 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:127454,
08-18 00:31:00.159 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:127454, idx:-1
08-18 00:31:00.871 497 497 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:127454,
08-18 00:31:00.873 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:127454, idx:-1
08-18 00:34:15.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:127769, idx:2
08-18 00:34:15.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:127769 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:35:11.454 481 1597 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
08-18 00:35:11.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:127879, idx:0
08-18 00:35:11.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:127879 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:35:11.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: 1157: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
08-18 00:38:51.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:128307
hint:1159 pid:497 duration:250 => ret_hdl:128307
08-18 00:38:51.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:128307 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:39:26.633 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:128454
hint:25 pid:481 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:128454
08-18 00:39:26.634 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:128454 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:481
08-18 00:39:27.096 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:128454, idx:0
08-18 00:39:27.096 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:128454 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:481
08-18 00:40:25.612 1398 1652 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:26.253 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:26.707 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:26.825 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:27.469 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:27.898 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:30.110 1398 1716 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:30.147 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:40:49.936 10454 10454 E earchbox:searc: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : hket: FULL
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at vzm.b(PG:35)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at iiqa.b(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at vzn.tT(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.j(Unknown Source:2512)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.b(PG:75)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at iiqa.b(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wam.mq(PG:51)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.a(Unknown Source:1945)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.b(PG:75)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at iiqa.b(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.a(Unknown Source:1990)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.b(PG:75)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at iiqa.b(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at iipz.b(PG:2)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.h(Unknown Source:149)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at wal.b(PG:75)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at iiqa.b(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at bgyb.b(PG:2)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at bgwk.a(PG:10)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at bgxk.a(PG:17)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at gxjk.a(PG:3)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at hnqt.a(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at hnpq.run(PG:4)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at hnqv.run(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at hnqj.run(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at hnqk.run(PG:4)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at ewss.run(PG:1)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at ewsa.run(PG:2)
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at
08-18 00:40:52.592 10454 10488 E ghlp : at ewtb.run(PG:5)
08-18 00:41:04.454 499 992 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput new
bestOutput 13 criteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
08-18 00:41:04.454 499 992 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() stream 3
selected devices {type:0x2,@:}, output 13
08-18 00:41:22.182 27629 2321 E uun : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Future
was expected to be done: dcbi@b3ff7d3[status=PENDING,
info=[inputFuture=[dcev@744540e[status=PENDING]], exceptionType=[class abez],
fallback=[aabl@a883e2f]]]], function=[soh@64efc3c]]]
08-18 00:41:38.070 454 548 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:42:14.186 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:42:26.983 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:42:27.035 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:42:27.069 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:42:34.006 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:42:34.049 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:42:47.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:128811, idx:-1
08-18 00:43:08.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:128860
hint:25 pid:481 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:128860
08-18 00:43:08.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:128860 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:481
08-18 00:44:23.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:128982, idx:2
08-18 00:44:23.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:128982 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:44:57.454 1855 1977 E msgr.msys: E[S
sync]_createResponseError(195)=>Network Response d0b550a3-ffe6-4853-86b0-
17be01acc272 contains sync error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1
UserInfo=0xb400007017bcb780 {MCFErrorDirectUnderlyingErrorKey=0xb400006faebd3620
"Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0d9fb00
errorDomain=TigonLigerErrorDomain, domainErrorCode=3,
analyticsDetail="AsyncSocketException: handshake timeout expired, type = Timed
out")}", MCFErrorDirectLocalizedFailureReasonKey=network disconnected} - Underlying
error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0d9fb00
errorDomain=TigonLigerErrorDomain, domainErrorCode=3,
analyticsDetail="AsyncSocketException: handshake timeout expired, type = Timed
out")}: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400007017bcb780
{MCFErrorDirectUnderlyingErrorKey=0xb400006faebd3620 "Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain
Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0d9fb00
errorDomain=TigonLigerErrorDomain, domainErrorCode=3,
analyticsDetail="AsyncSocketException: handshake timeout expired, type = Timed
out")}", MCFErrorDirectLocalizedFailureReasonKey=network disconnected}
08-18 00:44:57.454 1855 2000 E msgr.T157805820: TigonWifiInfoLogger::init
08-18 00:44:57.454 1855 2000 E msgr.T157805820:
08-18 00:44:57.454 1855 2000 E msgr.T157805820:
08-18 00:45:06.339 1306 1331 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
10454,uid: 10186
08-18 00:45:19.043 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:45:30.324 497 11454 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:129087,
08-18 00:45:57.527 1855 1978 E msgr.msys: E[N data-
request]_HandleDataResponse(1758)=>Data request error for task 38b73dd8-76fe-4544-
a0ed-f1dd928b51fd (response type 1): network disconnected
08-18 00:45:57.530 1855 1977 E msgr.msys: E[S
sync]_createResponseError(195)=>Network Response 38b73dd8-76fe-4544-a0ed-
f1dd928b51fd contains sync error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1
UserInfo=0xb400006fc0d9b3c0 {MCFErrorDirectUnderlyingErrorKey=0xb400006faebb0570
"Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0e5b780
errorDomain=TigonLigerErrorDomain, domainErrorCode=3,
analyticsDetail="AsyncSocketException: handshake timeout expired, type = Timed
out")}", MCFErrorDirectLocalizedFailureReasonKey=network disconnected} - Underlying
error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0e5b780
errorDomain=TigonLigerErrorDomain, domainErrorCode=3,
analyticsDetail="AsyncSocketException: handshake timeout expired, type = Timed
out")}: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0d9b3c0
{MCFErrorDirectUnderlyingErrorKey=0xb400006faebb0570 "Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain
Code=1 UserInfo=0xb400006fc0e5b780
errorDomain=TigonLigerErrorDomain, domainErrorCode=3,
analyticsDetail="AsyncSocketException: handshake timeout expired, type = Timed
out")}", MCFErrorDirectLocalizedFailureReasonKey=network disconnected}
08-18 00:46:45.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:129238, idx:2
08-18 00:46:45.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:129238 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
08-18 00:47:19.454 497 11727 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:129308,
08-18 00:48:26.457 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:129454
hint:25 pid:481 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:129454
08-18 00:48:26.457 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:129454 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:481
08-18 00:48:26.859 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:129454, idx:0
08-18 00:48:26.859 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:129454 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:481
08-18 00:48:34.709 454 1509 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:48:44.454 497 11896 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:129481,
08-18 00:49:45.454 1306 4091 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-18 00:50:56.617 497 12454 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:129738,
08-18 00:51:23.387 454 1509 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:51:23.812 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 00:52:29.454 497 12672 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:129926,
08-18 00:52:50.454 497 497 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:4032, tid:497
08-18 00:54:56.609 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:54:56.853 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 00:55:02.454 497 497 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:4057, tid:497
08-18 00:55:17.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:130205, idx:-1
08-18 00:55:24.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:130245
hint:25 pid:481 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:130245
08-18 00:55:24.454 481 1597 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:130245 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:481
08-18 00:55:55.454 13151 13215 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
08-18 00:58:56.566 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:58:56.624 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 00:59:10.570 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 00:59:10.920 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 00:59:11.454 1715 1715 E _V_NotificationIconRedrawHelper: newExpandIcon ==
null, Can't create new Expand Icon!! Use small icon instead after!
08-18 01:02:16.454 896 1216 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10230, nid:0
08-18 01:03:29.113 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:03:29.377 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:07:08.405 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:07:08.646 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:11:28.120 454 1509 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:11:28.274 30220 14547 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-18 01:15:13.448 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:15:13.495 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:15:13.532 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:15:13.584 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:19:15.947 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:20:44.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
08-18 01:21:16.064 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:21:16.116 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:21:16.159 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:21:23.127 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:23:15.853 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:26:38.071 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:26:38.342 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:27:15.626 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:27:20.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26: Permission denied
08-18 01:27:22.637 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:27:22.679 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:31:01.399 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:31:01.614 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:34:23.809 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:34:24.056 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:34:48.613 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:34:55.608 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:34:55.643 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:34:55.719 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:34:55.769 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 01:37:52.074 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:37:52.262 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:38:35.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
08-18 01:41:38.651 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:41:38.891 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:46:16.803 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:46:17.040 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:51:11.778 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:51:12.002 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:51:20.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
08-18 01:56:08.405 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 01:56:08.608 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 01:57:45.454 2262 2803 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
sw360dp-xhdpi/clock_dial.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
08-18 02:00:55.154 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 02:00:55.359 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 02:04:48.593 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 02:04:48.806 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 02:08:26.429 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 02:08:26.684 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 02:11:27.565 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 02:11:27.740 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 02:13:47.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
08-18 02:14:49.670 1398 1652 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:14:57.102 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 02:14:57.313 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 02:15:10.311 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:17:10.398 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:17:10.445 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:17:10.486 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:17:17.413 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:17:17.450 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:23:15.617 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:23:22.597 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:23:22.644 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:29:45.454 2262 2803 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
sw360dp-xhdpi/clock_dial.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
08-18 02:30:24.281 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:30:31.302 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:30:31.343 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:30:31.383 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:30:31.438 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:48:59.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup30: Permission denied
08-18 02:51:36.884 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:53:37.026 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:53:37.080 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:53:37.118 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:53:44.017 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 02:53:44.063 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:06:29.677 454 16063 D _V_vafxssp_wrapper: speaker_boost_process(32bit)
CPU usage: 4096 loops take 2453 msecs, max 1.162000 msecs
08-18 03:06:29.677 454 16063 D _V_vafxssp_wrapper: mean: 0.599119 msec &
240 frames for each loop, flag: 0, state: 1
08-18 03:09:54.695 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:09:54.738 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:15:15.520 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:15:20.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
08-18 03:15:22.547 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:15:22.586 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:15:22.626 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:15:22.673 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 03:20:45.454 2262 2803 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
sw360dp-xhdpi/clock_dial_center.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
08-18 03:23:45.454 2262 2803 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
sw360dp-xhdpi/clock_dial.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
08-18 03:34:17.454 419 2726 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
08-18 03:38:01.491 454 548 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 03:42:37.519 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 03:47:16.111 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 03:47:16.400 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 03:51:07.458 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 03:51:07.625 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 03:55:25.885 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 03:55:26.108 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 03:55:26.454 874 1752 E VivoMPEG4Extractor: No width or height, assuming
worst case 1080p
08-18 03:59:13.009 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 03:59:13.205 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 03:59:49.454 896 1216 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10062, nid:0
08-18 04:00:10.111 1398 10176 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 04:02:10.239 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 04:02:10.287 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 04:02:10.326 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 04:02:17.254 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 04:02:17.295 1398 1701 E _V_PushEngine-CdmaFeatureOptionUtilsDelegate:
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
08-18 04:03:15.271 454 18439 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
08-18 04:03:15.464 454 16063 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-18 04:06:32.111 877 20060 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(196639338)
nowUs(165659454576) frames(8670664) framesAt(165659428934)